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Facts, Customs
and Traditions
Some facts about Italy
 Italy was unified in 1861 and became
a Republic in 1946
 The population is about 60 million
 The surface is 301,338 km2
 It is divided in 20 regions
 Italy hosts 2 foreign countries, the
Republic of S.Marino and Vatican
 The capital and largest city is Rome
 More than 75% of Italy is hilly or
 Italy is the fourth most visited
country in the world, with about 5
million visitors annually.
 About 85% of Italians are Roman
 The average Italian eats about 30 kg
of pasta per year and drinks 98 liters of
 The climate is Mediterranean with
hot, dry summers and mild, rainy
Rome: the capital
 With nearly 3,000 years of rich
history, Rome is often called the
Eternal City.
 It was founded on the 21st of April
753 B.C. by Romulus, after killing
his brother Remus.
 According to the legend Romolus
and Remus were raised by a female
wolf. This image is the symbol of
the city.
For almost five hundred
years, Rome was the largest,
wealthiest, and most politically
important city in Europe.
 It has a surface of 1.285 km² and
about 3 million people.
 It once was the capital of the
powerful Roman Empire and then
of the Papal State.
 In 1871 it became the capital of
Italy and Vatican City became an
independent state within the city
The North
Northern Italy, with the Alps
mountains, connects our country to
the rest of Europe.
Turin is the home of FIAT motors.
Milan is famous for fashion and
design. Venice is built on 117
islands and has its gondola boats. 5
Terre has beautiful little villages
on the sea. Bologna has the oldest
University of the western world.
Lake Garda is a famous destination
for VIPs.
The Center
Central Italy is mostly made of
smaller mountains and beautiful
countryside . Florence is a
wonderful artistic city. Pisa has its
unique leaning tower. Tuscan
wine is exported all over the
world. The Marsican Bear is the
symbol of Abruzzo’s National
park in the Appennini Mountains.
Rome is right in the middle with
all its history. Many coastal
villages are great holiday
The South
Naples was the capital of Southern
Kingdom and is the birthplace of
Pizza and Spaghetti. Pompeii was a
roman city destroyed by the
eruption of Vesuvius in 79 DC.
Etna in Sicily is the bigget
European volcano and one of the
most active of the world. Sardinia
has one of the most beautiful
seasides of Italy.
History: The Roman Empire
Rome grew to control nearly all the land
around the Mediterranean Sea.
At its height, conquered and controlled all
of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle
Some important Roman contributions:
•Invention of concrete
•Advanced Engineering (Roads, aqueducts,
bridges, war and work machineries)
•Strict and well organized Military
•Latin alphabet and Roman Law
Emperor Constantine
The first Christian Emperor.
He left most of the Western
Roman Empire to the papacy.
Emperor Hadrian
Loved the arts and literature.
Hadrian was an humanist and a
promoter of peace and culture.
Octavianus Augustus
Caesars’s adopted son and
first Roman Emperor. Under
his rule the Empire grew.
Julius Caesar
Great military leader. After
conquering many territories he
proclaimed himself Dictator.
Christianity and Middle-Age
Rome was almost abandoned after the
falling of the Empire, but arts and sciences
slowly started to develop again.
In Europe the Christian “Holy Roman
Empire” substitutes the Roman one, in a
picture that has the Pope and the Emperor
competing for power and supremacy.
On the other side in Italy many cities
evolved and became independent, growing
into “Communes”. Economic science, law,
rights, trades and explorations flourish all
over Europe.
St. Francis of Assisi
Saint Patron of Italy. He started
the order of Franciscan monks,
promoting poverty and a simpler
Pope Gregorius VII
transformed the church from
a simple religion to a huge
institution ruled by popes.
Frederick the II of Hoenstaufen
Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Lover of the arts and sciences. He spoke
Arabic and obtained Jerusalem
peacefully using diplomacy.
St. Peter and St. Paul
St. Peter was the first Pope of the
Christian church. St. Paul
improved the rising of
Christianism. Both died in Rome.
The Renaissance was a time of great social
and cultural change in Europe.
The term 'renaissance‘ means 'rebirth'. It is
used because many of the changes
experienced between the 14th and 16th
centuries were inspired by a revival of the
classical art and intellect of Ancient Greece
and Rome. It was a period characterized by
innovation, imagination and creativity with
a huge improvement in art, architecture,
literature, science and philosophy.
Leon Battista Alberti
Together with Leonardo da Vinci he
was talented in many fields. He was
the inventor of the perspective.
Cristoforo Colombo
Columbus is the first European to
have discovered the Americas when
he landed in the Caribbean in 1492.
Pio II Piccolomini
Great humanist and promoter of
the arts. He renewed his birth
city that took the name Pienza
after him.
Lorenzo the Magnificent
Lover and patron of every art,
under his rule, the Tuscan city of
Florence started the Renaissance
Italian unification
Risorgimento is the Italian movement for
independence and unification.
In 1859 through the efforts of Count
Cavour, the Piedmont prime minister, as
well as Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian national
Garibaldi united the South thanks to the
help of 1000 brave soldiers, thus allowing
King Victor Emmanuel to become the
first King of Italy.
The last city to join to the new Italian
Kingdom was Rome.
Giuseppe Mazzini
The soul of Italy: patriot,
philosopher and politician. His
efforts helped bring about the
modern Italian state.
Camillo Benso Count of Cavour
He was the Prime Minister of
the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia
and Italy's first Prime Minister.
VictorEmmanuel II
King of Piedmont, Savoy,
and Sardinia. On 18th February 1861
he become the first king of a
united Italy
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Italy’s father of the fatherland, leader
of the Unification Movement. He led a
group called the Red Shirts through
the Kingdom of Two Sicilies to bring
together Italy in 1860.
Arts: Painting
In Rome he was known as the
"Prince of Painters". He spent
the last 12 years of his life in
Rome creating many of his
most famous works.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Painter, scientist,
mathematician, engineer,
inventor, anatomist,
sculptor, architect,
botanist, musician and
writer. Leonardo is the
biggest genius of
Lorenzo de' Medici was quick
to discover him and employ
his wonderful talent. He was a
pioneer of Renaissance
Birth of Venus
Magnificat Madonna
The Mona Lisa
Vatican rooms
The Last Supper
Mary’s WeddingPope Julius II
Arts: Painting
He painted things how they
actually looked, using very
dark shadows and bright
lights (chiaroscuro).
One of the most famous
painters of Venice. His
special use of color
influenced many other
Some of his works are among
the most famous that have
ever been made by mankind.
His masterpiece is the Sistine
Chapel for Pope Julius II.
Sistine Chapel
Creation of Adam
Sacred and Profane Love
The Burial of Christ
Boy with fruit Supper at Emmaus
Arts: Sculpture
One of the best sculptors
of his times. He used a
special technique, which
made his work look very
He lived an
extremely busy
life, creating a
great number of
Sculpting was his
favourite art.
Bronze David
The Piety David
Isaac’s sacrifice
St. Rossore’s Reliquary
Arts: Sculpture
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
One of the greatest artists of
the Baroque period. He was a
famous sculptor and architect.
He sculpted many classical
Antonio Canova
Neoclassical master.
He became famous for
his marble sculptures
that perfectly rendered
nude bodies.
The three Graces
Love and Psyche Theseus and the
Kidnapping of Proserpina
Arts: Architecture
Florence Cathedral Dome St. Lawrence Basilica
Cloister of S.Maria della
The Tempietto
St. Peter’s Dome
Rome: The Capitol
Filippo Brunelleschi
Great architect and engineer
of the Italian Renaissance in
Florence. His masterpiece is
the dome of Florence
Donato Bramante
One of the greatest artists of
the Baroque period. Famous
sculptor and architect. He
was worked for many Popes
In 1547 he took on the job of
completing St Peter's
Basilica. His masterpiece is
the dome of St.Peter’s
Basilica for Pope Julius II.
Arts: Architecture
Francesco Borromini
One of the most important
architects of the Roman
Baroque period. He was
Bernini’s lifelong rival.
Villa "La Rotonda" Basilica Palladiana
S. Carlino’s Dome
St. Peter’s square
Saint Andrew's at the Quirinal
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
The square he built for St.
Peter’s Basilica is the greatest
entrance to the greatest
Christian church in the whole
Andrea Palladio
He was deeply influenced by
Greek and Roman architecture.
His works inspired architects
for centuries all over the world
St. Agnes
Arts: Literature
Giacomo Leopardi
poet, essayist,
philosopher, he created
many remarkable and
important poetic works,
symbol of the
Dante Alighieri
Is considered the father of the Italian
language. His “Divine Comedy” is widely
considered the greatest literary Italian
work and a masterpiece of world literature.
Alessandro Manzoni
He is mainly famous
for the novel ”The
Betrothed” ranked
among the masterpieces
of world literature.
The book is important
for the development of
modern Italian.
One of ancient Rome's greatest poets.
His ”Aeneid” is considered the national
epic of ancient Rome.
Arts: Literature
Elsa Morante
Southern Italy is the backdrop
for much of her work.
Her controversial book "The
Story“ is about Rome during
World War II
Umberto Eco
Semiotician, essayist, philosopher,
literary critic, and novelist. He is
best known for his groundbreaking
1980 historical mystery novel ”The
Name of the Rose”.
Luigi Pirandello
Novelist and prolific dramatist. “The Late
Mattia Pascal” is one of his most famous
novels. He received the Nobel Prize for
literature in 1934.
Writer, poet, journalist, playwright and war
hero during World War I.
His “The Child of Pleasure” is the
masterpiece of Italian decadent movement.
Alessandro Volta
Volta wrote the “Law of
capacitance”. The unit of electrical
potential has been named the ”volt”
after him. The battery he made is the
first electrochemical cell.
Leonardo da Vinci
He was extremely fascinated by
anatomy, bird flight, animals,
engineering and nature. His projects
include flying, warfare and agriculture
Galileo Galilei
Thanks to his discoveries he can
be considered the Father of
modern observational astronomy,
modern physics and of modern
mystic and
Scientist from
Sicily. His most
famous work is
the Pythagorean
Rita Levi Montalcini
Important neurologist, she
received the 1986 Nobel
Prize in Physiology and
Enrico Fermi
Worked on the
first Nuclear
reactor and
contributed to the
development of
Quantum theory,
nuclear and
particle physics and
He won Nobel Prize
in Physics in 1938.
Margherita Hack
Astrophysicist and science writer.
The asteroid 8558 Hack, discovered
in 1995, was named in her honour.
Antonio Meucci
Best known for
developing the first
electric telephone.
Guglielmo Marconi
Known for his work
on radio transmission
and for the radio
telegraph system.
Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1909.
Italian innovation in scales,
harmony, notation, and theatre
enabled the development of opera
in the late 16th century, and much
of modern European classical
music. Antonio Vivaldi and his
“Four Season” was the greatest
Baroque composer. Puccini and
Verdi wrote the best and most
famous Operas of the world, like
the “Tosca” and the “Aida”.
Pavarotti was the most successful
Tenors singer of the world.
Nowadays Italy has many famous
pop, rock and melodic singers that
sell their music even abroad.
Italian Cinema experienced many
domestic and international
success, and have influenced film
movements throughout the world.
Italian films have won
13 Academy Awards for Best
Foreign Language Film, the most
of any country.
From comedies with the funny
Totò, to “Spaghetti Westerns”
made by Sergio Leone, from
romantic or dramatic films
starring De Sica, Mastroianni or
Sophia Loren, to the absolute
triumphs of world famous
director Fellini and actor Benigni.
Artisanal handicraft
Every region of Italy has its
traditions and its peculiar artisanal
The artisans take great pride in
their works and there are many
fairs and festivals all over Italy
that display their products.
Some of these works can be really
expensive because the artists
spends many hours or days to
complete the final piece.
Some cities even have museums
dedicated to their most famous
handicrafts products, like the
Violin Museum of Cremona or the
Murano one in Venice.
Fashion Design
Italians believe it’s better to look
good and feel great every day than
only on special occasions. That’s
why in Italy there are so many top
fashion design brands known all
over the world.
Every Italian city has its shopping
streets: Via Condotti in Rome and
Via Montenapoleone or Via della
Spiga in Milan are the top
destination for fashion lovers.
Every year in Milan there’s a
special event called Fashion Week
where stylists can show their best
Cars and Motors
Italy is well renowned all over
the world for its cars and
Vespa, Alfa Romeo and FIAT
are probably the most
common and popular brands.
Top Luxury Cars like Ferrari
Lamborghini and Maserati are
great for speed lovers.
For bikes Aprilia and Ducati
are great for their
performances and design.
Everybody knows spaghetti and
pizza, but there are a million more
tasty dishes in Italy.
Every region and every city has
its typical foods and every Italian
is proud of them all. We are all
good food lovers and love to eat
with our family and friends!CHICKEN CACCIATORA
Italian desserts are all amazing.
Some are eaten for special occasions
like Panettone at Christmas or
chocolate Eggs for Easter. Others,
like cornetti, are eaten for breakfast.
Cakes an Tiramisu are usually eaten
after a meal and gelato? It’s always
good, expecially in summer!
Drinks and Wines
Italians love their coffee short and
strong and drink many coffees
during the day. Cappuccino is for
Breakfast. Chinotto is the Italian
answer to CocaCola. Limoncello
and Grappa and Amaro are tasty
digestive licors, good after a big
lunch or dinner. Spumante is
usually drunk for special occasions.
Italian wines are among the best
and most famous wines of the
Italians love football, and our team
is one of the best! We won 4 world
cups, the last one in 2006.
In Roma the best football team is
AS ROMA, and Totti, its Captain is
considered the King of Rome. But
there’s also the great Ferrari and
many other sports that Italians love!
Festivals and Events
Every city in Italy has its festivals
and traditions, it was very hard to
just pick up some! Venice Carnival
is probably the most famous,
togheter with the historical horse
race of the “Palio” that is held in
Siena twice a year. In Rome there’s
the Befana, a good witch that brings
sweets to well behaved kids on the
6° of January. Other famous
historical events are the Saracin
Jous in Arezzo and the historical
football matches in Florence.
Religious Festivities
MARCH/APRIL - HOLY EASTER - Resurrection of Jesus
Italians are Roman Catholic and Rome is the main city of
Christianity. In Italy there are many National religious events,
Easter and Christmas are the most important, but every city and
village has its own celebrations and festivals for its Saints
Patrons (holy figures that protect the city).
Houses are decorated with a tree and a Presepe
(model of the Nativity). We celebrate with our
families having a big dinner, then we go to
church to thank God for the birth of the Jesus.
On this celebration there are special Masses to
pray for the souls of our beloved dead relatives
and friends. We visit cemeteries to decorate the
tombs with flowers and candles.
Easter is preceded by Lent, a period of fasting, prayer
and penitence. The typical Easter breakfast is Eggs,
Salame and a Cheese bread. Easter is the culmination
of the Passion of Christ. On this holy day the Pope
does big blessing in Rome to cherish for the rebirth of
National Festivities

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Italy facts, customs and traditions

  • 2. Some facts about Italy  Italy was unified in 1861 and became a Republic in 1946  The population is about 60 million  The surface is 301,338 km2  It is divided in 20 regions  Italy hosts 2 foreign countries, the Republic of S.Marino and Vatican City.  The capital and largest city is Rome  More than 75% of Italy is hilly or mountainous.  Italy is the fourth most visited country in the world, with about 5 million visitors annually.  About 85% of Italians are Roman Catholic.  The average Italian eats about 30 kg of pasta per year and drinks 98 liters of wine.  The climate is Mediterranean with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy
  • 3. Rome: the capital  With nearly 3,000 years of rich history, Rome is often called the Eternal City.  It was founded on the 21st of April 753 B.C. by Romulus, after killing his brother Remus.  According to the legend Romolus and Remus were raised by a female wolf. This image is the symbol of the city. For almost five hundred years, Rome was the largest, wealthiest, and most politically important city in Europe.  It has a surface of 1.285 km² and about 3 million people.  It once was the capital of the powerful Roman Empire and then of the Papal State.  In 1871 it became the capital of Italy and Vatican City became an independent state within the city borders.
  • 4. The North Northern Italy, with the Alps mountains, connects our country to the rest of Europe. Turin is the home of FIAT motors. Milan is famous for fashion and design. Venice is built on 117 islands and has its gondola boats. 5 Terre has beautiful little villages on the sea. Bologna has the oldest University of the western world. Lake Garda is a famous destination for VIPs. THE ALPS TURIN MILAN VENICE 5 TERRE BOLOGNA LAKE GARDA
  • 5. The Center SPERLONGA FLORENCE PISA COUNTRYSIDE CIVITA DI BAGNOREGIO ABRUZZO NATIONAL PARK ROME Central Italy is mostly made of smaller mountains and beautiful countryside . Florence is a wonderful artistic city. Pisa has its unique leaning tower. Tuscan wine is exported all over the world. The Marsican Bear is the symbol of Abruzzo’s National park in the Appennini Mountains. Rome is right in the middle with all its history. Many coastal villages are great holiday destinations.
  • 6. The South NAPLES AMALFI POMPEII THE TRULLI SARDINIAN SEASIDE SIRACUSA VOLCANO ETNA Naples was the capital of Southern Kingdom and is the birthplace of Pizza and Spaghetti. Pompeii was a roman city destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 DC. Etna in Sicily is the bigget European volcano and one of the most active of the world. Sardinia has one of the most beautiful seasides of Italy.
  • 7. History: The Roman Empire Rome grew to control nearly all the land around the Mediterranean Sea. At its height, conquered and controlled all of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Some important Roman contributions: •Invention of concrete •Advanced Engineering (Roads, aqueducts, bridges, war and work machineries) •Strict and well organized Military •Latin alphabet and Roman Law Emperor Constantine The first Christian Emperor. He left most of the Western Roman Empire to the papacy. Emperor Hadrian Loved the arts and literature. Hadrian was an humanist and a promoter of peace and culture. Octavianus Augustus Caesars’s adopted son and first Roman Emperor. Under his rule the Empire grew. Julius Caesar Great military leader. After conquering many territories he proclaimed himself Dictator.
  • 8. Christianity and Middle-Age Rome was almost abandoned after the falling of the Empire, but arts and sciences slowly started to develop again. In Europe the Christian “Holy Roman Empire” substitutes the Roman one, in a picture that has the Pope and the Emperor competing for power and supremacy. On the other side in Italy many cities evolved and became independent, growing into “Communes”. Economic science, law, rights, trades and explorations flourish all over Europe. St. Francis of Assisi Saint Patron of Italy. He started the order of Franciscan monks, promoting poverty and a simpler church. Pope Gregorius VII transformed the church from a simple religion to a huge institution ruled by popes. Frederick the II of Hoenstaufen Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Lover of the arts and sciences. He spoke Arabic and obtained Jerusalem peacefully using diplomacy. St. Peter and St. Paul St. Peter was the first Pope of the Christian church. St. Paul improved the rising of Christianism. Both died in Rome.
  • 9. Renaissance The Renaissance was a time of great social and cultural change in Europe. The term 'renaissance‘ means 'rebirth'. It is used because many of the changes experienced between the 14th and 16th centuries were inspired by a revival of the classical art and intellect of Ancient Greece and Rome. It was a period characterized by innovation, imagination and creativity with a huge improvement in art, architecture, literature, science and philosophy. Leon Battista Alberti Together with Leonardo da Vinci he was talented in many fields. He was the inventor of the perspective. Cristoforo Colombo Columbus is the first European to have discovered the Americas when he landed in the Caribbean in 1492. Pio II Piccolomini Great humanist and promoter of the arts. He renewed his birth city that took the name Pienza after him. Lorenzo the Magnificent Lover and patron of every art, under his rule, the Tuscan city of Florence started the Renaissance movement.
  • 10. Italian unification Risorgimento is the Italian movement for independence and unification. In 1859 through the efforts of Count Cavour, the Piedmont prime minister, as well as Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian national hero. Garibaldi united the South thanks to the help of 1000 brave soldiers, thus allowing King Victor Emmanuel to become the first King of Italy. The last city to join to the new Italian Kingdom was Rome. Giuseppe Mazzini The soul of Italy: patriot, philosopher and politician. His efforts helped bring about the modern Italian state. Camillo Benso Count of Cavour He was the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia and Italy's first Prime Minister. VictorEmmanuel II King of Piedmont, Savoy, and Sardinia. On 18th February 1861 he become the first king of a united Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi Italy’s father of the fatherland, leader of the Unification Movement. He led a group called the Red Shirts through the Kingdom of Two Sicilies to bring together Italy in 1860.
  • 11. Arts: Painting Raffaello In Rome he was known as the "Prince of Painters". He spent the last 12 years of his life in Rome creating many of his most famous works. Leonardo Da Vinci Painter, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. Leonardo is the biggest genius of humanity. Botticelli Lorenzo de' Medici was quick to discover him and employ his wonderful talent. He was a pioneer of Renaissance Birth of Venus Magnificat Madonna The Mona Lisa Vatican rooms The Last Supper Madonna Mary’s WeddingPope Julius II
  • 12. Arts: Painting Caravaggio He painted things how they actually looked, using very dark shadows and bright lights (chiaroscuro). Tiziano One of the most famous painters of Venice. His special use of color influenced many other artists. Michelangelo Some of his works are among the most famous that have ever been made by mankind. His masterpiece is the Sistine Chapel for Pope Julius II. Sistine Chapel Creation of Adam Sacred and Profane Love The Burial of Christ Boy with fruit Supper at Emmaus
  • 13. Arts: Sculpture Donatello One of the best sculptors of his times. He used a special technique, which made his work look very real. Michelangelo He lived an extremely busy life, creating a great number of different artworks. Sculpting was his favourite art. Bronze David The Piety David Isaac’s sacrifice St. Rossore’s Reliquary Moses
  • 14. Arts: Sculpture Gian Lorenzo Bernini One of the greatest artists of the Baroque period. He was a famous sculptor and architect. He sculpted many classical myths. Antonio Canova Neoclassical master. He became famous for his marble sculptures that perfectly rendered nude bodies. The three Graces Love and Psyche Theseus and the Minotaur Kidnapping of Proserpina David
  • 15. Arts: Architecture Florence Cathedral Dome St. Lawrence Basilica Cloister of S.Maria della pace The Tempietto St. Peter’s Dome Rome: The Capitol Filippo Brunelleschi Great architect and engineer of the Italian Renaissance in Florence. His masterpiece is the dome of Florence Cathedral. Donato Bramante One of the greatest artists of the Baroque period. Famous sculptor and architect. He was worked for many Popes Michelangelo In 1547 he took on the job of completing St Peter's Basilica. His masterpiece is the dome of St.Peter’s Basilica for Pope Julius II.
  • 16. Arts: Architecture Francesco Borromini One of the most important architects of the Roman Baroque period. He was Bernini’s lifelong rival. Villa "La Rotonda" Basilica Palladiana S. Carlino’s Dome St. Peter’s square Saint Andrew's at the Quirinal Gian Lorenzo Bernini The square he built for St. Peter’s Basilica is the greatest entrance to the greatest Christian church in the whole world. Andrea Palladio He was deeply influenced by Greek and Roman architecture. His works inspired architects for centuries all over the world St. Agnes
  • 17. Arts: Literature Giacomo Leopardi poet, essayist, philosopher, he created many remarkable and important poetic works, symbol of the Dante Alighieri Is considered the father of the Italian language. His “Divine Comedy” is widely considered the greatest literary Italian work and a masterpiece of world literature. Alessandro Manzoni He is mainly famous for the novel ”The Betrothed” ranked among the masterpieces of world literature. The book is important for the development of modern Italian. Virgil One of ancient Rome's greatest poets. His ”Aeneid” is considered the national epic of ancient Rome.
  • 18. Arts: Literature Elsa Morante Southern Italy is the backdrop for much of her work. Her controversial book "The Story“ is about Rome during World War II Umberto Eco Semiotician, essayist, philosopher, literary critic, and novelist. He is best known for his groundbreaking 1980 historical mystery novel ”The Name of the Rose”. Luigi Pirandello Novelist and prolific dramatist. “The Late Mattia Pascal” is one of his most famous novels. He received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1934. GabrieleD’Annunzio Writer, poet, journalist, playwright and war hero during World War I. His “The Child of Pleasure” is the masterpiece of Italian decadent movement.
  • 19. Sciences Alessandro Volta Volta wrote the “Law of capacitance”. The unit of electrical potential has been named the ”volt” after him. The battery he made is the first electrochemical cell. Leonardo da Vinci He was extremely fascinated by anatomy, bird flight, animals, engineering and nature. His projects include flying, warfare and agriculture machineries. Galileo Galilei Thanks to his discoveries he can be considered the Father of modern observational astronomy, modern physics and of modern science“. Pythagoras Mathematician, mystic and Scientist from Sicily. His most famous work is the Pythagorean theorem.
  • 20. Sciences Rita Levi Montalcini Important neurologist, she received the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Enrico Fermi Worked on the first Nuclear reactor and contributed to the development of Quantum theory, nuclear and particle physics and statistical mechanics. He won Nobel Prize in Physics in 1938. Margherita Hack Astrophysicist and science writer. The asteroid 8558 Hack, discovered in 1995, was named in her honour. Antonio Meucci Best known for developing the first electric telephone. Guglielmo Marconi Known for his work on radio transmission and for the radio telegraph system. Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909.
  • 21. Music TIZIANO FERRO ANTONIO VIVALDI GIACOMO PUCCINI GIUSEPPE VERDI LAURA PAUSINI Italian innovation in scales, harmony, notation, and theatre enabled the development of opera in the late 16th century, and much of modern European classical music. Antonio Vivaldi and his “Four Season” was the greatest Baroque composer. Puccini and Verdi wrote the best and most famous Operas of the world, like the “Tosca” and the “Aida”. Pavarotti was the most successful Tenors singer of the world. Nowadays Italy has many famous pop, rock and melodic singers that sell their music even abroad. LUCIANO PAVAROTTI LUCIANO LIGABUE
  • 22. Cinema SOFIA LOREN FEDERICO FELLINI SERGIO LEONE VITTORIO DE SICA MARCELLO MASTROIANNI Italian Cinema experienced many domestic and international success, and have influenced film movements throughout the world. Italian films have won 13 Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, the most of any country. From comedies with the funny Totò, to “Spaghetti Westerns” made by Sergio Leone, from romantic or dramatic films starring De Sica, Mastroianni or Sophia Loren, to the absolute triumphs of world famous director Fellini and actor Benigni. TOTO’ ROBERTO BENIGNI
  • 23. Artisanal handicraft Every region of Italy has its traditions and its peculiar artisanal products. The artisans take great pride in their works and there are many fairs and festivals all over Italy that display their products. Some of these works can be really expensive because the artists spends many hours or days to complete the final piece. Some cities even have museums dedicated to their most famous handicrafts products, like the Violin Museum of Cremona or the Murano one in Venice. MURANO GLASSWORK CAPODIMONTE PORCELAIN CREMONA VIOLINS NAPLES NATIVITY SETSLEATHER WORKS DERUTA PORCELAIN JEWELLERY
  • 24. Fashion Design Italians believe it’s better to look good and feel great every day than only on special occasions. That’s why in Italy there are so many top fashion design brands known all over the world. Every Italian city has its shopping streets: Via Condotti in Rome and Via Montenapoleone or Via della Spiga in Milan are the top destination for fashion lovers. Every year in Milan there’s a special event called Fashion Week where stylists can show their best works. MILAN FASHION WEEK
  • 25. Cars and Motors Italy is well renowned all over the world for its cars and bikes. Vespa, Alfa Romeo and FIAT are probably the most common and popular brands. Top Luxury Cars like Ferrari Lamborghini and Maserati are great for speed lovers. For bikes Aprilia and Ducati are great for their performances and design.
  • 26. Food PIZZA SPAGHETTI MEATBALLS LASAGNA CHEESES - HAMS TORTELLINI Everybody knows spaghetti and pizza, but there are a million more tasty dishes in Italy. Every region and every city has its typical foods and every Italian is proud of them all. We are all good food lovers and love to eat with our family and friends!CHICKEN CACCIATORA CAPRESE SALAD
  • 27. Desserts CORNETTI E BOMBE GELATO TIRAMISU CROSTATA PANETTONE PASTE, CANNOLI, CASSATE GRANDMOTHER’S CAKE Italian desserts are all amazing. Some are eaten for special occasions like Panettone at Christmas or chocolate Eggs for Easter. Others, like cornetti, are eaten for breakfast. Cakes an Tiramisu are usually eaten after a meal and gelato? It’s always good, expecially in summer! EASTER EGGS
  • 28. Drinks and Wines ITALIAN WINES ESPRESSO COFFEE CAPPUCCINO LIMONCELLO LICOR GRAPPA, AMARI, SAMBUCA SPUMANTE CHINOTTO Italians love their coffee short and strong and drink many coffees during the day. Cappuccino is for Breakfast. Chinotto is the Italian answer to CocaCola. Limoncello and Grappa and Amaro are tasty digestive licors, good after a big lunch or dinner. Spumante is usually drunk for special occasions. Italian wines are among the best and most famous wines of the world.
  • 29. Sports FRANCESCO TOTTI - KING OF ROME FORMULA 1 VOLEYBALL GIRO D’ITALIA Italians love football, and our team is one of the best! We won 4 world cups, the last one in 2006. In Roma the best football team is AS ROMA, and Totti, its Captain is considered the King of Rome. But there’s also the great Ferrari and many other sports that Italians love! RUGBY VALENTINO ROSSI 4 TIMES FOOTBALL WORLD CHAMPIONS
  • 30. Festivals and Events HISTORICAL FLORENCE FOOTBALL VENICE CARNIVAL PALIO OF SIENA ROMAN BEFANA UMBRIA JAZZVENICE FILM FESTIVAL AREZZO JOUST Every city in Italy has its festivals and traditions, it was very hard to just pick up some! Venice Carnival is probably the most famous, togheter with the historical horse race of the “Palio” that is held in Siena twice a year. In Rome there’s the Befana, a good witch that brings sweets to well behaved kids on the 6° of January. Other famous historical events are the Saracin Jous in Arezzo and the historical football matches in Florence.
  • 31. Religious Festivities MARCH/APRIL - HOLY EASTER - Resurrection of Jesus Italians are Roman Catholic and Rome is the main city of Christianity. In Italy there are many National religious events, Easter and Christmas are the most important, but every city and village has its own celebrations and festivals for its Saints Patrons (holy figures that protect the city). Houses are decorated with a tree and a Presepe (model of the Nativity). We celebrate with our families having a big dinner, then we go to church to thank God for the birth of the Jesus. 2nd NOV. – COMMEMORATION OF THE DECEASED On this celebration there are special Masses to pray for the souls of our beloved dead relatives and friends. We visit cemeteries to decorate the tombs with flowers and candles. Easter is preceded by Lent, a period of fasting, prayer and penitence. The typical Easter breakfast is Eggs, Salame and a Cheese bread. Easter is the culmination of the Passion of Christ. On this holy day the Pope does big blessing in Rome to cherish for the rebirth of Jesus. VITERBO: S.ROSA NAPLES: S.GENNARO 25° DEC. – HOLY CHRISTMAS