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By Fraser Hardwick
Client research:
Put your client research here.
What this screen shot shows is that irn-bru is going for multiple audience
members this shows a commitment to the public and assuring that all
audience members feel wanted. Having games on there website makes
younger members or consumers want to be more involved and
“participate” in their preferred drink.
The next add is an video advertisement of there new product that is irn
bru but with no sugar and “more taste” sounding like they want to
compete it with other drinks like coke zero and pepsi max. the add is very
forward in they way it doesn’t care how ridiculous it is. The advert is in a
method is talking heads, this means a lot of people say really good thing
about the product advertised. Although what they said wasn’t genuine
due to the fact it was mainly taking the mick with saying “allows me to talk
to animals” therefor showing they like to have fun with the advertising
making sure that they make a memorable add.
Client research:
Other adds for irn bru consists of posters. That they put up on bus
tops, billboards and he back of their trucks. Meaning a lot of the time
an irn bru advertisement in Scotland is much higher than in other
parts of the UK. This is because irn bru is a Scottish made drink and
take a lot of pride in the culture of where the drinks come from. This
relates a lot to the comedy also in the adverts with a lot more
Scottish slang and themes. Talk of themes all irn bru adds look the
same in colour scheme, meaning that once you've seen one add the
other ones stand out as much because you already know what the
product is.
The whole “feel phenomenal” was another advertisement and motto
that they wanted to get across in 2008/ 2009. this was to make
people consume the product mainly
for Scottish heritage and to be proud
of the little things. Try to make
Irn Bru a drink that everyone can be
proud to have and a feel good drink.
Client research:
This is a place for games on the website
showing to us the that company wants to
make sure there are multiple things to do in
their name. these games have a heavy
Scottish influence giving us insight in what
irn bru wans the game to be about as well as
supporting themes in many other subjects.
This cements the point into the viewers mind
that this drink is a Scottish drink and enjoyed
the most in Scottish culture.
anon . (). Bur-Land games . Available: http://www.irn- Last accessed 19/9/17.
Client research:
Put your client research here.
Things to consider:
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
Market research:
Anon . (21/11/16). Irn Bru sales increase in Westminster following 2015 election. Available: Last accessed 19/9/17.
This article talks about the rise in popularity due to the 2015 independents
of Scotland vote. This saw an increase in irn bru popularize in the south
with the report showing that in 2015 5,452 cans / bottles where sold in
Westminster cafes and bars. Show another competition of irn bru is the
Sothern public. Showing that other brands will be in popularity than irn bru
making it a high chance that they wont even come close to other
company’s. they way it must of grown in popularity is due to it being the
most popular Scottish made drink, therefor people obvilosily clicked and
started buying more Scottish made products.
What we know is that company's Coca-Cola has taken the world by storm
therefor it being irn bru goal. They way we know they’ve implemented this
in to there products with putting your “Clan Name” on a bottle. A lot like the
share a bottle campaign with Coca-Cola. Trying to be in Coke success by
using similar methods..
Market research:
The map show was a twitter post from the Sun newspaper explaining in every county except
Scotland Coca cola is the most popular drink. This show what there main compatition is but it
also shows that Scotland is beating it in the county it was made in. showing dedication of the
public of Scotland to a certain brand. Also with the rosponce they gave on social media it
implies that they wish to stay like this and are
Proud of the achievement they made.
Connor Boylan. (2017). IRN-BRU welcomed the news that
they are still Scotland’s favourite drink – with a sassy
Twitter response.. Available:
news/1433729/irn-bru-coca-cola-scotland/. Last accessed
Audience research:
What I wanted to do for Primary and quantitative research, this was done by survey monkey. A website
Where you can create a survey of your choice. This helps because you can ask certain questions to a
Certain topic. This is perfect for me so I can understand what my audience are looking for. This means I can
adapt my product to what my audience wants to see.
1st question was just
getting to know who
my audience was
made up of as seen
29% where female,
58% where male and
11% where other.
Looking at the “other”
category ¾ where not
real / genuine I don’t
think at least.
Therefor those results
for future reference
will not count or be
taken as a serious
This was a key
question in the
survey this helped
me find out what the
most popular drink
was out of the ones
mentioned or put
down in the other
category. This
means I an see the
populity of IRN BRU
unfrorchatly out of
the 34 asked 1 liked
irn bru and 10 liked
Coca-Cola more.
Audience research:
This question asked
the questioned why
they bought the
drinks they chose.
This meant that I
can see the real
reason why people
buy a certain brand.
And the highest
reason why was
because of taste.
This means the
product has to have
a good consumption
and is nice tasting to
me good.
This question
was to see the
consumption of
soft drinks each
week per
person. Xx
 What is the most memorable Irn Bru add you remember and why?
I don’t vividly remember one now as I haven’t seen and an advert on television for a
long time.
 Do you Like Irn Bru and why?
Yes, I like it because it has an alternative taste to the other major fizzy drinks and
vividly stands out rather than just blend in with the other major drinks. However I am
still more likely to buy a coke and would get Irn Bru occasionally.
 When you think of Irn Bru what's the 1st 3 things that come to mind about the
 Scotland
 Quirkiness
 Orange
 What is the most memorable Irn Bru add you remember and why?
The “New Fella” ad because it was funny, so I remembered it very clearly.
 Do you Like Irn Bru and why?
Yes, because I have been drinking it every so often since I was younger.
 When you think of Irn Bru what's the 1st 3 things that come to mind about the
1) Orange, 2) Family, 3) Scotland.
Audience research:
For secondary research I used You Gov witch is a website full of secondary research about
company's. it also tell me what the consumers of irn bru also like therefor I could relate my
product to the hobbies and views they like.
What this tells me is the related
products that Irn bru drinkers this
means I know what products I can try
sell with the product also or where to
advertise it.
What this tells me is that most people who
did the survey for irn bru really liked the
product. Showing a community really do like
this drink.
Audience research:
This is a graph to show what type of people buy Irn bru. This
chart show basic
Idea Generation:
All these are Irn Bru’s
recent posters/
advertisements and these
will be what I use in my
product. So a lot of the
colour schemes and styles.
Trying to get the humor
across also. As well as I
would like to make my
add a lot more Scottish
than these mainly to show
a sort of patriotism towards
the country.
My idea would be to create
a classic poster (ones
circled) but we get the
images ourselves and
make our on sentence to
go with it. Keeping it to a
classic Irn bru Idea but.
With our own twist on it
from the research we
already did.
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here.
Remember you are making three different but linked products.
The idea for my game is make a Scottish pixel art character and put him in a plat former fighting game. Where
grabbing a certain item for each character will upgrade them individually. (irn bru speed + damage boost Haggis
Health boost) for Scotland. But then we throw in other contreys in there so there is variation in gameplay (
England, Whales, Northern Ireland) every place having there own power up and own sprite to play with.
The idea for the game
takes a lot of inspiration
from a previous online
game I had played called
“super fighters” where
drops go into the game
to aid you in combat
acesnt other players or
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember
you are making three different but linked products.
The concept for my video is really whacky and odd but that’s okay because Irn Bru have never shyed away from
adds like that. The idea is : to have 2 people chilling watching Tv when one leveas the room to get a drink he
1: “You want an IRN BRU?”
Other reply's 2: “Yes please” (manners mean everything)
You hear a *opening of can* and a *sip* then you hear a crash.
2: “everything okay?” *still sitting in place*
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here.
Remember you are making three different but linked products.
This was a basic idea for my this was
taken from the previos irn bru poster
idias then putting in the reasearch
into effect with seeing the relations
between IRN-BRU and there like to
movies and comics. This means that
this should apple to that audience.
Looking at the poster it aims at teens
and comic book lovers. That instantly
grabs attention and the slogan is a
nod to the film itself.
Group Idea:
Put your groups idea here. Agree on what you are doing. You need to work to this concept from here on.
What we decided to do in our team is that the motto is “its Irn Bru… deal with it” that was one of
the desitions we all have to put into our work. As well as the video production is another idea that
we will do together and decide to work on together as a team. While our print and average will be
different our video should be the same only difference is that we’ll have is editing all the content
Group Idea
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
We made an slogan for Irn
Bru. This we had to do
ourselves and make it up.
This will be on each one of
our advertisements. So this
means every add will have to
have this slogan put into it.
What we had to do is make
the slogan from scratch
adding in every detail for the
text and picking what style we
Session Activity
Tuesday 09:00 Filming in the lecture theatre
Tuesday 10:50 Filming in the lecture theatre
Tuesday 13:10 Filming in the lecture theatre
Tuesday 15:00 Filming continued and then ensuring all film is put on to the Mac before the
end of the day.
Wednesday 13:10 Film editing for the advert
Wednesday 15:00 Film editing for the advert
Thursday 09:00 Film editing for the advert
Thursday 10:50 Film editing with the opportunity to having extra filming if needed
Friday 09:00 Film editing
Friday 10:50 Film editing with the aim to have it completed and uploaded by 12:30
A script for the actual filming.
The script is to fit the Irn Bru theme
Of advertising. With humor and quirky
Its to show as well as have enough.
As well as having enough shots and
Dialogue to make this advert worthy.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
This slide is all about the planning for type of shots and
the base story for the video. This will help us deside the
final story as well as how each shot will plan out as well
as know how many actors we’ll need. And what
recourses we need for each shot. We planned all these
scenes from the scripted that we had write before and
then used this story bored to have a better visual
representation of it.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
What we had to do is utilize everyone's
strengths in the group or what we knew
needed to be done. This was shown by this
chart giving out the 1st 3 roles in production.
With the “?” meaning a choice and any “+”
meaning that’s also what they're doing. As
seen I have multiple choices I could pick up
on although I will need to do at least 2 jobs in
that so I have an idea on the work load we all
can do and haw much there is in the certain
time frame we have.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
This slide was a must do to make sure we think
of possible faults in our work or faults in the
shooting. This cavers hazards and problems
with people to problems with equipment.
Having all these hazards listed out means
avoiding them is so much easier because we
know the risk.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
What this slide show is the resources and prop list that
we’ll be using on the day. We have to diside who will be
taking what on the day to make sure that everyone is
pulling their weight.
Another graph as shown below show who is taking
what on the day of shooting as well as prices for each
Item Person taking item
Irn Bru (£0.80p) Fraser
Mat (Free ) Fraser
Popcorn (£1.00) Fraser
Camera (college provided) Will
Mic (college provided) Will
Planning Docs (Advergame):
This is a screen shot of a map I made for the
video game. The idea is a side scroller beat
em up. This means maps will be CQC and
very hectic. Every player will have indavidual
power ups and drops per character to help
them in battle. The image shown had a black
box above the map. This will b where the
health bars are shown. All assets on the
map are separate objects linked together this
means that barrels and glass can be broken
and utilized in gameplay. The map will have
pick ups randomly spawn in when the 1st
punch is thrown.
Planning Docs (Advergame):
a big part of the game is the sprites used. What I
want to do is make a base for them and work from
that to make multiple characters. Making
animations for each each character. I will try make
my sprite look like the one from Super fighters
because then I know what animation I can do from
there. As well as making a base and working from
that is the best bet. The sprite next to the super
fighter is a default look at the health bar icons for
the characters how I add to this is adding in
individual fetchers and saving them as another
If you look at the bottom of the page some
experiments of pixel art I tried out with marvel
characters just to get an idea off how certain styles
will work on certain characters. These styles I
haven't tried animating before therefor not my pick
for the final product.
Planning Docs (Advergame):
Next part is getting the music for my game this means ill
have to go and look for some 8 bit music and sound effects
for my game.
Song Link
Doom “at dooms gate”
Around the world (8 bit cover)
New super Mario Bros. Tower Boss
Danger zone (8 Bit)
8 Bit superhero
Planning Docs (Advergame):
Making the sprites and the faces of each indavidlue
character was difficult due to the fact I wanted enough to
work with and it to look good enough to feel like it should be
in a real game.
I used this style of sprite because
it can be easily changed and
made into other characters that
the player will face in game. And
who they play as
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
What I want to do for the poster is utilize the
movie aspect of the research I did. This
means linking the drink into movies. What I
do in my spare time is Cosplay so I can utilize
this hobby and put it into my work. The suit is
all paid for therefor I wont have to pay for
anything else. The question is what I want to
do for the print. Unforchantly I'm not
Spiderman therefor I cant dangle on walls or
shoot webs but what I can do is use certain
shots and Photoshop to make myself look
like I am.
As seen on the right this is a crude idea of
what I have in mind with Spiderman looking
like he's actually climbing when I've just
edited it to look like that. Then adding a pun
or slogan in for comedic value that’ll make it
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
This is a perfect example of what NOT to do. The
poster yes. Is good just the style and the themes
aren't really deemed appropriate for the real world.
Although the amount of tequnques and layering is
very interesting. With over 26 layers you had to
make sure everything was filed. That’s why I used
the file tool to keep all the objects together. As well
as the use of the magic wand and lasso tool I
utilized to make sure everything fit well.
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required
This was an idea I had for my
experiments about using Spiderman
as an anchor to grabbing peoples
attention. Using him will draw many
peoples attention and maybe
promotions along side the drink will
as help leeway the products
purchasing rate.
I will be putting my own style on it
with my suit and so on keeping the
style but changing who's actually
wearing the suit.
This tequnique let me make a background
come though onto the character this meant
any background I chose I could convert onto
a person this looked good because it can
relate to the character or be completely
different to what it is meant to be about.
This tequnique I learnt online via youtube.
After the 1st one (iron man) it became eaiser
to make them more and more.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.
This is a basic finished piece of work what I
wanted to do is implement Spiderman into an Irn
Bru add therefor I used some own photography of
myself in the suit and a picture of a ledge that I
would be sitting on over a city. This gives context
to the image also showing a paid promotion for the
Spiderman game. With a sc code that now has
increased in popularity. In the past couple of
Finished Stuff:
This was another concept for the previous poster smaller
and easier to read also. Due to the white over the text.
Making sure to keep it simple and not to hectic on the
screen. Also added a link to the website in as well as
social media likes therefor it looks like a professional print
for advertising.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.
This was a brief idea concept that I quickly made
with the images on Google and collected. Then
made into the print. This was good because I
made it suit the Spiderman theme. With our group
motto “deal with it” put in. this meets all criteria
but. Isn't of best quality. If I had more time with
this I would most certainly make the text easier to
read. As well as maybe a border.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.
This was the final product that we
came up with to advertise IRN-
BRU we used lots of color
correction for this to make sure
every individual was shown
perfectly in each shot. As well as
brightening up the screen to make
sure that the audience is able to
see the actors in full. As well as
adding in custom text from Da-font
for the titles in the clip.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.
These two videos where to show off premiere skills with the one on the left being old Call Of Duty gameplay that I
put memes over to show off. While on the right was more story based and was an actual story and was given to us
as a thing we had to do for college both of these where high quality I thought.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.

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Irn Bru Pro Forma

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Irn bru pro forma

  • 1. IRN BRU By Fraser Hardwick
  • 2. Client research: Put your client research here. What this screen shot shows is that irn-bru is going for multiple audience members this shows a commitment to the public and assuring that all audience members feel wanted. Having games on there website makes younger members or consumers want to be more involved and “participate” in their preferred drink. The next add is an video advertisement of there new product that is irn bru but with no sugar and “more taste” sounding like they want to compete it with other drinks like coke zero and pepsi max. the add is very forward in they way it doesn’t care how ridiculous it is. The advert is in a method is talking heads, this means a lot of people say really good thing about the product advertised. Although what they said wasn’t genuine due to the fact it was mainly taking the mick with saying “allows me to talk to animals” therefor showing they like to have fun with the advertising making sure that they make a memorable add.
  • 3. Client research: Other adds for irn bru consists of posters. That they put up on bus tops, billboards and he back of their trucks. Meaning a lot of the time an irn bru advertisement in Scotland is much higher than in other parts of the UK. This is because irn bru is a Scottish made drink and take a lot of pride in the culture of where the drinks come from. This relates a lot to the comedy also in the adverts with a lot more Scottish slang and themes. Talk of themes all irn bru adds look the same in colour scheme, meaning that once you've seen one add the other ones stand out as much because you already know what the product is. The whole “feel phenomenal” was another advertisement and motto that they wanted to get across in 2008/ 2009. this was to make people consume the product mainly for Scottish heritage and to be proud of the little things. Try to make Irn Bru a drink that everyone can be proud to have and a feel good drink.
  • 4. Client research: This is a place for games on the website showing to us the that company wants to make sure there are multiple things to do in their name. these games have a heavy Scottish influence giving us insight in what irn bru wans the game to be about as well as supporting themes in many other subjects. This cements the point into the viewers mind that this drink is a Scottish drink and enjoyed the most in Scottish culture. anon . (). Bur-Land games . Available: http://www.irn- Last accessed 19/9/17.
  • 5. Client research: Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  • 6. Market research: Anon . (21/11/16). Irn Bru sales increase in Westminster following 2015 election. Available: Last accessed 19/9/17. This article talks about the rise in popularity due to the 2015 independents of Scotland vote. This saw an increase in irn bru popularize in the south with the report showing that in 2015 5,452 cans / bottles where sold in Westminster cafes and bars. Show another competition of irn bru is the Sothern public. Showing that other brands will be in popularity than irn bru making it a high chance that they wont even come close to other company’s. they way it must of grown in popularity is due to it being the most popular Scottish made drink, therefor people obvilosily clicked and started buying more Scottish made products. What we know is that company's Coca-Cola has taken the world by storm therefor it being irn bru goal. They way we know they’ve implemented this in to there products with putting your “Clan Name” on a bottle. A lot like the share a bottle campaign with Coca-Cola. Trying to be in Coke success by using similar methods..
  • 7. Market research: The map show was a twitter post from the Sun newspaper explaining in every county except Scotland Coca cola is the most popular drink. This show what there main compatition is but it also shows that Scotland is beating it in the county it was made in. showing dedication of the public of Scotland to a certain brand. Also with the rosponce they gave on social media it implies that they wish to stay like this and are Proud of the achievement they made. Connor Boylan. (2017). IRN-BRU welcomed the news that they are still Scotland’s favourite drink – with a sassy Twitter response.. Available: news/1433729/irn-bru-coca-cola-scotland/. Last accessed 20/9/17.
  • 8. Audience research: What I wanted to do for Primary and quantitative research, this was done by survey monkey. A website Where you can create a survey of your choice. This helps because you can ask certain questions to a Certain topic. This is perfect for me so I can understand what my audience are looking for. This means I can adapt my product to what my audience wants to see. 1st question was just getting to know who my audience was made up of as seen 29% where female, 58% where male and 11% where other. Looking at the “other” category ¾ where not real / genuine I don’t think at least. Therefor those results for future reference will not count or be taken as a serious answer. This was a key question in the survey this helped me find out what the most popular drink was out of the ones mentioned or put down in the other category. This means I an see the populity of IRN BRU unfrorchatly out of the 34 asked 1 liked irn bru and 10 liked Coca-Cola more.
  • 9. Audience research: This question asked the questioned why they bought the drinks they chose. This meant that I can see the real reason why people buy a certain brand. And the highest reason why was because of taste. This means the product has to have a good consumption and is nice tasting to me good. This question was to see the average consumption of soft drinks each week per person. Xx
  • 10. Interview  What is the most memorable Irn Bru add you remember and why? I don’t vividly remember one now as I haven’t seen and an advert on television for a long time.  Do you Like Irn Bru and why? Yes, I like it because it has an alternative taste to the other major fizzy drinks and vividly stands out rather than just blend in with the other major drinks. However I am still more likely to buy a coke and would get Irn Bru occasionally.  When you think of Irn Bru what's the 1st 3 things that come to mind about the product?  Scotland  Quirkiness  Orange
  • 11. Interview  What is the most memorable Irn Bru add you remember and why? The “New Fella” ad because it was funny, so I remembered it very clearly.  Do you Like Irn Bru and why? Yes, because I have been drinking it every so often since I was younger.  When you think of Irn Bru what's the 1st 3 things that come to mind about the product? 1) Orange, 2) Family, 3) Scotland.
  • 12. Audience research: For secondary research I used You Gov witch is a website full of secondary research about company's. it also tell me what the consumers of irn bru also like therefor I could relate my product to the hobbies and views they like. What this tells me is the related products that Irn bru drinkers this means I know what products I can try sell with the product also or where to advertise it. What this tells me is that most people who did the survey for irn bru really liked the product. Showing a community really do like this drink.
  • 13. Audience research: This is a graph to show what type of people buy Irn bru. This chart show basic
  • 14. Idea Generation: Poster: All these are Irn Bru’s recent posters/ advertisements and these will be what I use in my product. So a lot of the colour schemes and styles. Trying to get the humor across also. As well as I would like to make my add a lot more Scottish than these mainly to show a sort of patriotism towards the country. My idea would be to create a classic poster (ones circled) but we get the images ourselves and make our on sentence to go with it. Keeping it to a classic Irn bru Idea but. With our own twist on it from the research we already did.
  • 15. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products. Game: The idea for my game is make a Scottish pixel art character and put him in a plat former fighting game. Where grabbing a certain item for each character will upgrade them individually. (irn bru speed + damage boost Haggis Health boost) for Scotland. But then we throw in other contreys in there so there is variation in gameplay ( England, Whales, Northern Ireland) every place having there own power up and own sprite to play with. The idea for the game takes a lot of inspiration from a previous online game I had played called “super fighters” where drops go into the game to aid you in combat acesnt other players or Computers.
  • 16. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products. Video: The concept for my video is really whacky and odd but that’s okay because Irn Bru have never shyed away from adds like that. The idea is : to have 2 people chilling watching Tv when one leveas the room to get a drink he asks 1: “You want an IRN BRU?” Other reply's 2: “Yes please” (manners mean everything) You hear a *opening of can* and a *sip* then you hear a crash. 2: “everything okay?” *still sitting in place*
  • 17. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products. This was a basic idea for my this was taken from the previos irn bru poster idias then putting in the reasearch into effect with seeing the relations between IRN-BRU and there like to movies and comics. This means that this should apple to that audience. Looking at the poster it aims at teens and comic book lovers. That instantly grabs attention and the slogan is a nod to the film itself.
  • 18. Group Idea: Put your groups idea here. Agree on what you are doing. You need to work to this concept from here on. What we decided to do in our team is that the motto is “its Irn Bru… deal with it” that was one of the desitions we all have to put into our work. As well as the video production is another idea that we will do together and decide to work on together as a team. While our print and average will be different our video should be the same only difference is that we’ll have is editing all the content individually.
  • 19. Group Idea Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. We made an slogan for Irn Bru. This we had to do ourselves and make it up. This will be on each one of our advertisements. So this means every add will have to have this slogan put into it. What we had to do is make the slogan from scratch adding in every detail for the text and picking what style we wanted.
  • 21. Session Activity Tuesday 09:00 Filming in the lecture theatre Tuesday 10:50 Filming in the lecture theatre Tuesday 13:10 Filming in the lecture theatre Tuesday 15:00 Filming continued and then ensuring all film is put on to the Mac before the end of the day. Wednesday 13:10 Film editing for the advert Wednesday 15:00 Film editing for the advert Thursday 09:00 Film editing for the advert Thursday 10:50 Film editing with the opportunity to having extra filming if needed Friday 09:00 Film editing Friday 10:50 Film editing with the aim to have it completed and uploaded by 12:30
  • 22. A script for the actual filming. The script is to fit the Irn Bru theme Of advertising. With humor and quirky Its to show as well as have enough. As well as having enough shots and Dialogue to make this advert worthy.
  • 23. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. This slide is all about the planning for type of shots and the base story for the video. This will help us deside the final story as well as how each shot will plan out as well as know how many actors we’ll need. And what recourses we need for each shot. We planned all these scenes from the scripted that we had write before and then used this story bored to have a better visual representation of it.
  • 24. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. What we had to do is utilize everyone's strengths in the group or what we knew needed to be done. This was shown by this chart giving out the 1st 3 roles in production. With the “?” meaning a choice and any “+” meaning that’s also what they're doing. As seen I have multiple choices I could pick up on although I will need to do at least 2 jobs in that so I have an idea on the work load we all can do and haw much there is in the certain time frame we have.
  • 25. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. This slide was a must do to make sure we think of possible faults in our work or faults in the shooting. This cavers hazards and problems with people to problems with equipment. Having all these hazards listed out means avoiding them is so much easier because we know the risk.
  • 26. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. What this slide show is the resources and prop list that we’ll be using on the day. We have to diside who will be taking what on the day to make sure that everyone is pulling their weight. Another graph as shown below show who is taking what on the day of shooting as well as prices for each item. Item Person taking item Irn Bru (£0.80p) Fraser Mat (Free ) Fraser Popcorn (£1.00) Fraser Camera (college provided) Will Mic (college provided) Will
  • 28. Planning Docs (Advergame): This is a screen shot of a map I made for the video game. The idea is a side scroller beat em up. This means maps will be CQC and very hectic. Every player will have indavidual power ups and drops per character to help them in battle. The image shown had a black box above the map. This will b where the health bars are shown. All assets on the map are separate objects linked together this means that barrels and glass can be broken and utilized in gameplay. The map will have pick ups randomly spawn in when the 1st punch is thrown.
  • 29. Planning Docs (Advergame): a big part of the game is the sprites used. What I want to do is make a base for them and work from that to make multiple characters. Making animations for each each character. I will try make my sprite look like the one from Super fighters because then I know what animation I can do from there. As well as making a base and working from that is the best bet. The sprite next to the super fighter is a default look at the health bar icons for the characters how I add to this is adding in individual fetchers and saving them as another character. If you look at the bottom of the page some experiments of pixel art I tried out with marvel characters just to get an idea off how certain styles will work on certain characters. These styles I haven't tried animating before therefor not my pick for the final product.
  • 30. Planning Docs (Advergame): Next part is getting the music for my game this means ill have to go and look for some 8 bit music and sound effects for my game. Song Link Doom “at dooms gate” Qrgs0ZqZes Around the world (8 bit cover) xk6_ATBPI New super Mario Bros. Tower Boss Q9BevcYTE&index=67&list=PLzjkiYU jXuevVG0fTOX4GCTzbU0ooHQ-O Danger zone (8 Bit) s9Z7B1tk0 8 Bit superhero 2zi8sMCB0
  • 31. Planning Docs (Advergame): Making the sprites and the faces of each indavidlue character was difficult due to the fact I wanted enough to work with and it to look good enough to feel like it should be in a real game. I used this style of sprite because it can be easily changed and made into other characters that the player will face in game. And who they play as
  • 32. PRINT
  • 33. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
  • 34. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. What I want to do for the poster is utilize the movie aspect of the research I did. This means linking the drink into movies. What I do in my spare time is Cosplay so I can utilize this hobby and put it into my work. The suit is all paid for therefor I wont have to pay for anything else. The question is what I want to do for the print. Unforchantly I'm not Spiderman therefor I cant dangle on walls or shoot webs but what I can do is use certain shots and Photoshop to make myself look like I am. As seen on the right this is a crude idea of what I have in mind with Spiderman looking like he's actually climbing when I've just edited it to look like that. Then adding a pun or slogan in for comedic value that’ll make it memorable.
  • 35. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. This is a perfect example of what NOT to do. The poster yes. Is good just the style and the themes aren't really deemed appropriate for the real world. Although the amount of tequnques and layering is very interesting. With over 26 layers you had to make sure everything was filed. That’s why I used the file tool to keep all the objects together. As well as the use of the magic wand and lasso tool I utilized to make sure everything fit well.
  • 36. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. This was an idea I had for my experiments about using Spiderman as an anchor to grabbing peoples attention. Using him will draw many peoples attention and maybe promotions along side the drink will as help leeway the products purchasing rate. I will be putting my own style on it with my suit and so on keeping the style but changing who's actually wearing the suit.
  • 37. This tequnique let me make a background come though onto the character this meant any background I chose I could convert onto a person this looked good because it can relate to the character or be completely different to what it is meant to be about. This tequnique I learnt online via youtube. After the 1st one (iron man) it became eaiser to make them more and more.
  • 38. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog. This is a basic finished piece of work what I wanted to do is implement Spiderman into an Irn Bru add therefor I used some own photography of myself in the suit and a picture of a ledge that I would be sitting on over a city. This gives context to the image also showing a paid promotion for the Spiderman game. With a sc code that now has increased in popularity. In the past couple of years.
  • 39. Finished Stuff: This was another concept for the previous poster smaller and easier to read also. Due to the white over the text. Making sure to keep it simple and not to hectic on the screen. Also added a link to the website in as well as social media likes therefor it looks like a professional print for advertising.
  • 40. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog. This was a brief idea concept that I quickly made with the images on Google and collected. Then made into the print. This was good because I made it suit the Spiderman theme. With our group motto “deal with it” put in. this meets all criteria but. Isn't of best quality. If I had more time with this I would most certainly make the text easier to read. As well as maybe a border.
  • 41. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog. This was the final product that we came up with to advertise IRN- BRU we used lots of color correction for this to make sure every individual was shown perfectly in each shot. As well as brightening up the screen to make sure that the audience is able to see the actors in full. As well as adding in custom text from Da-font for the titles in the clip.
  • 42. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog. These two videos where to show off premiere skills with the one on the left being old Call Of Duty gameplay that I put memes over to show off. While on the right was more story based and was an actual story and was given to us as a thing we had to do for college both of these where high quality I thought.
  • 43. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.
  • 44. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.
  • 45. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.