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Info-graphic Research: Training
The minimum requirement for Underwater DoPs, and for all other members of Marine Diving Crews, is the HSE
Commercial Diving Certificate Part 4.
progressed through the ranks of camera crews, as well as undertaking all the required training for professional diving.
They are employed on commercials, television drama and feature films, and usually work with the same Camera Crew
and Safety Divers. Although the work is physically demanding and potentially dangerous, and some foreign travel may be
required, involving long periods spent away from base
Only a small number of Underwater DoPs work on feature films in the UK, and most have invested in their own
underwater cameras; some have invented their own advanced communication systems and specialist equipment.
£9,900.00 - Nauticam Weapon LT Housing
£52,890.00 - RED Weapon 8K camera
Info-graphic Research:
To do this role, you will need to:
- have excellent knowledge of underwater safety procedures
- have a full working knowledge of all specialist camera equipment, lenses, and underwater lighting and diving
- Knowladge of underwater stunts and special effects
- work creatively without compromising safety
- have good colour and composition skills
- have team leadership skills
- be a good communicator
- have physical stamina and strength
- know about relevant Health and Safety legislation and procedures
Info-graphic Research, Lower-Level Roles:
- Planning and managing all underwater sequences in a film production
- Ensuring all safety procedures are followed to keep cast and crew safe in the water
- Storyboarding and directing underwater stunts
Most underwater photographers earned between $35,000 and $60,000 as of December 2011, according to Marine
In 2013, average annual salaries for these professionals were $40,000
Info-graphic Bibliography:
ANON. (2017). Marine and Diving Camera Crew. Available:
crew/. Last accessed 12th Sep 2017.
ANON. (2017). Marine and Diving Camera Crew. Available:
Last accessed 12th Sep 2017.
ANON. (2016). Marine Specialist. Available: Last
accessed 12th Sep 2017.
ANON. (2017). NAUTICAM RED WEAPON UNDERWATER HOUSING REVIEW. Available: Last accessed 13th Sep 2017.
Michael Maes. (2016). Underwater Documentary Cinematography With Wildlife Filmmaker Michael Maes. Available: Last accessed 13th Sep 2017.
accessed 13th Sep 2017.
ANON. (2013). Underwater Photographer Pay Scale. Available:
Last accessed 13th Sep 2017.
Describe how you located, retrieved and stored information:
To find the websites that I used when doing my secondary research I first went to a careers website to look up the exact
name of the job that I was looking for, this was aqua marine camera crew. This then allowed me to enter this into google
and I received a number of results regarding the specific job that I was looking at. When researching the IRN-BRU I useld
key words such as ‘target market’ and ‘sales’ to find key information as IRN-BRU alone will not show any results related to
the information I was looking for. When locating the information and facts its important to keep all of my sources in
separate tabs to make sure I can always go back to a different website to double check and keep a bibliography of all
When retrieving the information from the internet it is important to know who has written the source and who owns the
rights to it as it may not be a reliable source or may be in dispute with copyright, Furthermore when copying facts from a
website I took the main factors of a website and the main facts and bullet pointed them. Then I expanded on them In a
full paragraph to elaborate on the fact and add in context.
Each website I used I made a spate slide on my pro forma to keep the information divided and each source separated in
the case that one of them is not a reliable. I Kept a detailed bibliography of all the sites that I used when researching both
IRN-BRU and A media based job role. I used ”” to make note of the website the date and the wrighter/
source of the facts.
Client research:
IRN-BRU uses comedy to make its adverts stand out form other soft drink advertisements. They are known for their
unusual adverts. They focus on comedy over all else, they often use this to also reference and make fun of situations and
pop culture. Examples of this include the high school musical parody (
and the parody of (walking in the air) Snowman Advert. (
IRN-BRU uses their roots to appeal to the patriotic market of Scottish, this is shown to work as in scottland IRN-BRU is a
worthy rival to Coka Cola a brand that dominates most of the world. This patriotic imagery can be seen in their adverts
were all the actors are Scottish and the Scottish flag can be seen in most of them. It can also be seen in their colour
scheme as the blue is similar to the Scottish flag.
Client research:
One of Barr’s marketing campaigns was a series of adverts and posters with a often funny, black and white picture on the
left with the IRN-BRU logo on the Right in its bold orange colour.
Iron Brew was removed from sale as it was not a designated standard drink. Irn-Bru is around level with Coca-Cola in
terms of sales in Scotland, and the third best selling soft drink in the UK after Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and consistently
outsells global brands such as Fanta, Dr Pepper, Sprite and 7-Up.
IRN-BRU’s target market is all ages, this can be seen by the variety of adverts that have teenagers all the way up to elderly
people. This shows that their demographic is one of all ages and is inclusive to everyone.
Client research:
One of irn-bru’s more recent adverts shows a teenaged boy in his room with a hand crank, his mother enters with an irn-
bru and misunderstands the situation, causing for some funny reaction. This use of a edgy and taboo joke makes the
advert stand out above other humorous adverts. This advert was one of many in a marketing campaign starting in 2009.
The initial first 5 seconds of the advert set up the joke so that the audience knows what he is actually doing as apposed to
the mother who enters after and is unaware. This sets it up so a PG action can be mad awkward to watch. The hole
underline of the advert is an IRN-BRU makes any awkward situation better and so you should buy it to feel better.
Market research:
The main competitors for IRN-BRU are:
The COCA-COLA company is Barr’s main competitor in Scotland for their product Coca Cola. It dominates the soft drink
market everywhere excluding Scotland where Barr’s IRN-BRU is a worthy rival. PEPSICO, INC is responsible for Pepsi and is
the second most popular drink In the UK. BRITVIC PLC known for their Froot Shoot juice drinks.
Audience research: SECONDARY
The most common people to buy IRN-BRU are according to ( is a largely
people between the ages of 18 and 25. There is a slight leniency towards the male gender
however it is fairly balanced. Most people purchasing irn bru are left wing, and as SNP is the
most popular party in Scotland this makes sense as it is a left wing.
Audience research: SECONDARY
This source shows the most
common demographic to
purchase IRN-BRU. The Top
regions all being in Scotland
showing that the drink has a very
nationalist presence and is seen
as a ‘Scottish drink’.
Furthermore it shows that most
of the people who buy IRN-BRU
are working class.
Audience research summery : SECONDARY
The secondary Audience research mainly shows that IRN-BRUs target audience is of a primarily male group ranging form 25-
39 which means most of the audience is middle aged and in work. Most of which spend between £125 to £499. I used
multiple sources to make sure that the data was not incorrect and not an outlier or bias in any way. However most of the
research on the audience came from one source this is because of the lack of information on the subject of IRN-
BRU target market is scares. However the website used is a large and reputable site used by many other companies and
external research users.
The target market of IRN-BRU says that most of the people that IRN-BRU is selling their drink to is male and in a work
environment. This means they should focus on things that appeal to men and mature adults which can be seen in their logo
and their adverts which aim to stand out from the dull everyday life of a 9 to 5 workday.
IRN BRU Research Bibliography:
Audience research: PRIMARY
A small survey was conducted with 15 participants using an online resource (
The group consisted of 15 fourteen to twenty four year olds.
▲ "Male" ♦ "Female" ● "Other"
▲ "14-16" ♦ "17-19" ● "20-24"
Age from 14 to 24
▲ "Coca
♦ "Fanta" ● "Irn
■ "I don't
Favourite soft drink
The two most popular drinks in the
classroom was Coca-Cola and Fanta. This
is not surprising as they are the leading
brands in the UK. 2 people said that IRN-
BRU was their favorite drink which also
correlates with its market position on the
national soft drinks market.
In our small test the majority of
people are Within 17 to 19 years of
age. As the main target audience is
between 25 and 39 our
demographic does not perfectly
The class is of the majority male with
only half as many females. This may
have increased the amount of people
who chose Irn-Bru as more males like
Irn-Bru than females according to
Audience research: PRIMARY
▲ "Yes" ♦ "No"
Sugar free version
73.3% of the audience said that they do
not prefer the sugar free versions of soft
drinks and only 27.6% of the class would
have the sugar free version over the full
sugar original.
▲ "Yes" ♦ "No" ● "Maybe"
People who have drunk Irn-Bru
The vast majority of the class have
tried Irn-Bru at least once.
It is surprising that 5 people have
never tried Irn-Bru however as it is a
less known drink it may make scence.
▲ "Yes" ♦ "No"
Have you ever seen an Irn-Bru Advertisment
93% of the people who did the survey
said they had seen an advert of any kind
advertising Irn-Bru. This is not surprising
as they have an extensive and well
known advertising campaign.
Audience research: PRIMARY
▲ "On
♦ "On Social
● "At a bus
■ "On a
of a lorry"
Where did you see the advert?
9 out of 15 people saw the advert on television, this
makes sense as Irn-Bru has a focus on their adverts
on TV including some of their most famous ones.
The other 6 saw it on Social Media which correlates
with the average age of the group as younger people
are more active on these platforms.
▲ "Social Media" ♦ "Posters" ● "Television" ■ "Radio"
What sort of media do you use the most?
93% of the group say they use Social Media as their main source
of Media, However 9 people said that they had seen Irn-Bru
adverts on a television advert. This says to me that even though
Television is not the most used media source the Irn-Bru adverts
are popular enough to be seen by people who do not regularly
watch TV. One person said they mainly listen to radio, however
this is most likely an outlier.
Audience research summery: PRIMARY
The primary research I conducted consisted of 16 students and therefore is not as reliable as much of my secondary
research even though I conducted and oversaw the research it is not of a big enough scale to heavily sway my secondary
researches results. The primary research concluded that 9 out of 15 people saw the advert on television, this makes sense
as Irn-Bru has a focus on their adverts on TV including some of their most famous ones. The other 6 saw it on Social Media
which correlates with the average age of the group as younger people are more active on these platforms. These results
therefore would differ if the age range was higher than 16 to 19.
However the primary research showed that though the vast majority of the class have tried Irn-Bru at least once 5 people
have never tried Irn-Bru however as it is a less known drink but only 1 person said they have never seen an IRN-BRU advert
before. However due to the scale of the experiment it is not possible to tell if this would have been a recurring trend.
Idea Generation:
1: Irn-Bru space program, Irn-bru bottle is the rocket.
2: WW3 breaks out on news, drinks irn bru
3: Goes to shop to buy an Irn-Bru, there is none left as someone already bought them all
4: Playing a game of CSGO, someone yells rush b, takes a swig of irn bru “p90?”
5 :Waiting for the train and it starts raining, someone drinks an irn bru, it stops raining. Everyones happy, guy who drank the irn bru gets on his train, it starts
raining again.
6: Playing paintball, friend gets hit and is laying on the floor, guy drinks an irn bru and picks him up saving private Ryan style and runs off.
7: Guy is late for lesson, drinks irn bru, time goes backwards, he turns up early.
8: Guy hits a cyclist with his car, guy gets out and apologises, cyclist is in pain, guy takes a swig of irn bru and wont give cyclist the irn bru
9: Bus driver goes to set off, bus breaks down, pulls out a six pack of irn-bru, six people pushing the bus as it drives away.
10: David Attenborough irn bru edition.
11: dodgy hideout with loads of coca-cola, swat team drinks irn bru and storms in.
12: guy steals a kids irn bru, “omae wa mou shindeiru” NANI?????
Idea Generation:
Individual Idea:
Waiting for the train and it starts raining, someone drinks an irn bru, it stops raining. Everyones happy, guy who drank the
irn bru gets on his train, it starts raining again.
On the opposite side of the station to
where the man is stood with an Irn-
Bru it is raining. This is for comedy and
to show that the irn-bru gets you
Group Idea:
Dramatic news
(green screen)
Video ideas
- Beef between presenters then they drink irn bru and are 110% friendly
- passive aggressive comments from one news presenter to another.
2 male news presenters are sat at the desk discussing news. The say passive aggressive comments at each other until they are both angry,
then the drink Irn Bru and are very nice to each other. At least 5-7 seconds at the end for Irn Bru still plus Tagline.
Poster ideas
- one person has/is drinking Irn Bru and is happy and calm. The other person hasn’t drunk it yet and is angry.
- Bridget and Drew need some Irn Bru (poster line).
-Take poster images in studio while/after filming.
Game Ideas
- They fight each other, street fighter style.
- Irn Bru’s the News.
- Irn Bru; keeping friendships true.
- Irn Bru, for me and you.
- What a difference an Irn Bru makes.
- Irn bru, you can’t do that on television.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
6: 7: 8: 9: 10:
They are presenting the news,
camera is in the TV format.
Zoom on presenter 1 “Join us after
the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophy,
of a potato”
Cut to the camera crew and the
director, can see the hole set.
News presenters begin to talk to
each other *arguing*
Crews close up reaction to the
fighting *shocked and annoyed*
Arguing gets more violent and
more comedic news presenter 1
Crew gives both of the presenter
an IRN-BRU “-Lads, have an IRN-BRU.”
*Drink the IRN-BRU* zoom in on
their faces and the can.
Scene smash cuts to halfway
through next broadcast where
newscasters are cheerfully doing
the news
camera pans out to show
Television screen on table with a
can of IRN-BRU next to it. Slogan
reads IRN-BRU’s the news.
Planning Docs (TV Advert): SCRIPT DRAFT
Script Draft 1 –
(Scene opens as two newscasters are wrapping up.)
NEWSCASTER 1: “(Cheerfully)…And there were no survivors.”
NEWSCASTER 2: “Join us after the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophy, of a potato”
(Both newscasters smile brightly.)
DIRECTOR: “Aaaand cut to commercial.”
(The camera angle switches as the main camera is turned off for break. Camera focuses on the newscasters, who are no longer smiling.)
NEWSCASTER 1: “That was a great performance you gave today, for a second I almost believed you were a real Anchor.”
NEWSCASTER 2: “Thank you. And I really admire how you have the confidence to wear women’s clothes to work.”
NEWSCASTER 1: “(Laughs falsely) How’s your wife doing? Still married to a wrinkled old gremlin?”
NEWSCASTER 2: “(Laughs falsely) How are the kids? Still stuck with a half-baked weather man as a father?”
DIRECTOR: “-Lads, have an IRN-BRU.”
(Director hands them both a can of IRN-BRU.” Newscaster’s drink. Scene smash cuts to halfway through next broadcast where newscasters are cheerfully doing the news.)
NEWSCASTOR 1: “-And the firefighter was able to save the basket of puppies. What a stand-up guy huh? Like my partner here.”
(Newscaster motions to the other newscaster. Who smiles.)
NEWSCASTER 2: “Well I’m sure he was just following your example.”
(Newscasters laugh as camera pans out to show Television screen on table with a can of IRN-BRU next to it. Slogan reads IRN-BRU’s the news. Advert ends.)
Planning Docs (TV Advert): SHOTLIST PLAN
Shot list-
1st shot: Medium shot of news presenters wrapping up a news broadcast.
2nd shot: Close up of news presenter saying “Join us after the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophical meaning, of a
3rd shot: Establishing shot of set from behind the scenes to break the fourth wall (it is now advert brake) they start giving
each other passive aggressive comments and being mean/rude.
4th shot: Medium shot of the news presenters arguing
5th shot: Team’s reaction to verbal fight
6th shot: Director intervenes by giving each presenter an irn bru.
7th shot: Close up of each presenter taking a can.
8th shot: Presenters open their cans.
9th shot: They each take a swig.
10th shot: Shot from behind the set he news presenters are kind to each other while reporting the news.
11th shot: Medium shot of news presenters, in news style.
12th shot: Zooming out on a TV with presenters happily presenting the news, left of the TV is an Irn bru with Tagline below
it. 5-7 seconds.
Planning Docs (TV Advert): SHOTLIST
Shot No. Shot Type Estimated duration Description/notes (e.g. camera movement, specific directions for performers,
1 Medium 2-3 seconds The camera is static, center of the two presenters.
2 Medium
Close up
2-3 seconds The camera is static, in frame is only one of the presenters head and shoulders.
3 Wide 3-5 seconds Camera is static, you can see the news presenters and part of the film crew.
Whilst arguing.
4 Medium 2-4 seconds Camera is tracking the news presenter’s heads, so it is slightly moving. Whilst
5 Wide 2 seconds Camera is static looking at the crew who are in shock at the argument.
6 Medium 2-3 seconds Camera is static, director comes into frame and gives each news presenter an
7 Close up 1-2 seconds Camera tracks, each presenter taking the Irn-Bru.
8 Medium 1-2 seconds Camera pans up, Presenters open their cans and drink the Irn-Bru.
9 Medium 2-3 seconds Camera is static, center of the two presenters.
10 Zoom 3-5 seconds Camera zooms out on a TV displaying the news broadcast, Irn-Bru is next to the
TV with the tagline below it.
Group Info
Roles- Two News presenters, two male.
Script writer: Rhys
Camera operator: James
Actors: Rhys and Patrick and Sam
Lighting: Sam
Responsibilities- looking after equipment, Respecting the studio and other people around. Leave studio as you found it.
And personal responsibilities such as coming in on time, bringing props, hiring the equipment’s/rooms.
Patrick And Rhys to bring in the props and costume items.
Resources required- Mug, Irn Bru, Papers and pens to make it look news presenter like, Formal wear (such as ties and
Planning Docs (TV Advert): MOOD BOARD
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):Pot. Problem Effect on Production Solution/Control Person Responsible
One of the team is ill/ is not in college on the day of
the recording
We do not have enough people to do all the tasks
and properly record our scenes within the time we
To postpone the production of the recording to later
on In the week when the person is back in college.
We could potentially recruit someone from the class
in a different group to fill in for the absent person
depending on their role in production.
Whoever is absent will be responsible for the issue,
however both the rest of the team and the person
absent to work around the issue and to inform the
others of what is happening and when the issue can
be resolved.
The camera is not functional due to a technical
issue with the equipment
We are unable to record anything until another
camera becomes available which will most likely be a
different day.
We could borrow a camera from another group
provided that they have finished early and can lend
the equipment. Otherwise to have the camera fixed
by someone with technical expertise. If the SD card
is lost / broken with the recordings, then we will
need to re-record the footage if it is permanently
This would be the responsibility of the crew to keep
the equipment safe and accounted for so any
damage or loss of work will be the crew’s problem,
however help form other people may be needed to
fix the problem.
Correctly record using the camera The footage is not a good quality due to poor use of
the equipment or the equipment is not functioning
correctly resulting in blurry footage or the footage is
not the correct definition.
The person/people who are using the equipment
check before any of the shooting that the footage is
going to be as intended and in the format, that we
require to produce the work. Also, the
The person operating and recording the footage is
responsible for the camera and the footage recorded
on the SD cards safety and quality.
Poor audio/no audio when recording If the microphones on the cameras are used, they
will be poor quality and will not be able to be used
for the shoot. Furthermore, if we use a shotgun the
audio will be recorded separately form the video,
this will mean that the files must be compatible and
of good quality.
The Audio can be tested before the shoot to make
sure that the sound is clear and is good quality, also
checking the settings on the equipment to make sure
that they are correct.
James is responsible for the recording of audio and
video and should check the equipment before the
first shoot so that we do not have to re-record any
scene and can make most of the time in the studio
and on set.
Weather issues stop us from recording If there is a thunder storm It might disrupt the
lighting and audio.
Check the weather forecast for the day of the
recording to see if the weather will disrupt our
It is everyone’s responsibility to be ready to move
times and change plans should there be a reason to
not be able to record.
Loss of recording/ work If the SD card with the work is lost or broken it will
result in us re-recording the work which will take too
much time and be ineffective.
Make sure to back all of the work and footage form
each day to multiple storage devices so that if there
is any corruption or loss of work there are multiple
backups to be used, this also means that the work
can be accessed by everyone.
The SD card will be everyone’s responsibility to keep
safe as it will be put on everyone’s computers.
Rooms are in use/ not available If another group is using the Studio room when we
plan on recording it is unlikely we can share the
space. This means that we need to work around
Only use the studio for the minimum amount of time
so that everyone can use it including us.
It is everyone’s responsibility what is using the studio
and college to make sure that everyone is able to get
their time with the green-screen.
Planning Docs (TV Advert): CONTINGANCY PLAN
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
time in activity location
08.45-9.00 - -
09.00-09.05 Assembling in York College. York College 2F066.
09.05-09.30 Collection of Equipment. York College.
09.30-10.00 Shoot in the Studio. York College Studio.
10.00-10.30 Shoot in the Studio. York College Studio.
10.30-11.10 Break time till 10:50 then filming again. York College.
11.10-11.30 Shoot in the Studio. (2) York College Studio.
11.30-12.00 Shoot in the Studio. (2) York College Studio.
12.00-12.30 Shoot in the Studio. (2) [Until 12:20PM] York College Studio.
12.30-13.30 Lunch Until 13:10 then Filming again. York College.
13.30-14.00 Shoot in the Studio. (3) York College Studio.
14.00-14.30 Shoot in the Studio. (3) York College Studio.
14.30-15.00 Shoot in the Studio. (3) [Until 14:40PM] York College Studio.
15.00-16.00 Shoot in the Studio. (4) York College Studio.
16.00-16.30 Shoot in the Studio. (4) York College Studio.
16.30-17.00 - -
17.00-17.30 - -
17.30 - -
Planning Docs (TV Advert): COST LIST & RESOURCES
IRN-BRU 330 ml can: x4 0.80p per person
Pens and paper from the college 0.00p per person
Mugs (Rhys) 0.00p per person
COSTUME (shirts, ties and hat)
Planning Docs (TV Advert): CALL SHEET
Planning Docs (TV Advert): LOCATION
Planning Docs (Advergame): SKETCHES
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
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Planning Docs (Advergame): DIGITAL LAYOUT PLANS
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
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Planning Docs (Advergame): FONT SUGGESTIONS
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
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Planning Docs (Advergame): COLOURS SCHEMES
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
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Planning Docs (Advergame): RESOURCES
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
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Planning Docs (Advergame): PROPS WITH COST LIST
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
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Planning Docs (Advergame): TEST IMAGES
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
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Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
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Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.

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Irn bru pro forma

  • 2. Info-graphic Research: Training The minimum requirement for Underwater DoPs, and for all other members of Marine Diving Crews, is the HSE Commercial Diving Certificate Part 4. progressed through the ranks of camera crews, as well as undertaking all the required training for professional diving. They are employed on commercials, television drama and feature films, and usually work with the same Camera Crew and Safety Divers. Although the work is physically demanding and potentially dangerous, and some foreign travel may be required, involving long periods spent away from base Only a small number of Underwater DoPs work on feature films in the UK, and most have invested in their own underwater cameras; some have invented their own advanced communication systems and specialist equipment. COST OF THE CAMERA £9,900.00 - Nauticam Weapon LT Housing £52,890.00 - RED Weapon 8K camera
  • 3. Info-graphic Research: To do this role, you will need to: - have excellent knowledge of underwater safety procedures - have a full working knowledge of all specialist camera equipment, lenses, and underwater lighting and diving equipment - Knowladge of underwater stunts and special effects - work creatively without compromising safety - have good colour and composition skills - have team leadership skills - be a good communicator - have physical stamina and strength - know about relevant Health and Safety legislation and procedures
  • 4. Info-graphic Research, Lower-Level Roles: - Planning and managing all underwater sequences in a film production - Ensuring all safety procedures are followed to keep cast and crew safe in the water - Storyboarding and directing underwater stunts PAY: Most underwater photographers earned between $35,000 and $60,000 as of December 2011, according to Marine Insight. In 2013, average annual salaries for these professionals were $40,000
  • 5. Info-graphic Bibliography: ANON. (2017). Marine and Diving Camera Crew. Available: crew/. Last accessed 12th Sep 2017. ANON. (2017). Marine and Diving Camera Crew. Available: Last accessed 12th Sep 2017. ANON. (2016). Marine Specialist. Available: Last accessed 12th Sep 2017. ANON. (2017). NAUTICAM RED WEAPON UNDERWATER HOUSING REVIEW. Available: Last accessed 13th Sep 2017. Michael Maes. (2016). Underwater Documentary Cinematography With Wildlife Filmmaker Michael Maes. Available: Last accessed 13th Sep 2017. ANON. (2017). 8K DIGITAL CINEMA UNDERWATER IMAGING. Available: Last accessed 13th Sep 2017. ANON. (2013). Underwater Photographer Pay Scale. Available: Last accessed 13th Sep 2017.
  • 6. Research: Describe how you located, retrieved and stored information: To find the websites that I used when doing my secondary research I first went to a careers website to look up the exact name of the job that I was looking for, this was aqua marine camera crew. This then allowed me to enter this into google and I received a number of results regarding the specific job that I was looking at. When researching the IRN-BRU I useld key words such as ‘target market’ and ‘sales’ to find key information as IRN-BRU alone will not show any results related to the information I was looking for. When locating the information and facts its important to keep all of my sources in separate tabs to make sure I can always go back to a different website to double check and keep a bibliography of all sources. When retrieving the information from the internet it is important to know who has written the source and who owns the rights to it as it may not be a reliable source or may be in dispute with copyright, Furthermore when copying facts from a website I took the main factors of a website and the main facts and bullet pointed them. Then I expanded on them In a full paragraph to elaborate on the fact and add in context. Each website I used I made a spate slide on my pro forma to keep the information divided and each source separated in the case that one of them is not a reliable. I Kept a detailed bibliography of all the sites that I used when researching both IRN-BRU and A media based job role. I used ”” to make note of the website the date and the wrighter/ source of the facts.
  • 8. Client research: Comedy IRN-BRU uses comedy to make its adverts stand out form other soft drink advertisements. They are known for their unusual adverts. They focus on comedy over all else, they often use this to also reference and make fun of situations and pop culture. Examples of this include the high school musical parody ( and the parody of (walking in the air) Snowman Advert. ( Nationalism IRN-BRU uses their roots to appeal to the patriotic market of Scottish, this is shown to work as in scottland IRN-BRU is a worthy rival to Coka Cola a brand that dominates most of the world. This patriotic imagery can be seen in their adverts were all the actors are Scottish and the Scottish flag can be seen in most of them. It can also be seen in their colour scheme as the blue is similar to the Scottish flag.
  • 9. Client research: One of Barr’s marketing campaigns was a series of adverts and posters with a often funny, black and white picture on the left with the IRN-BRU logo on the Right in its bold orange colour. Iron Brew was removed from sale as it was not a designated standard drink. Irn-Bru is around level with Coca-Cola in terms of sales in Scotland, and the third best selling soft drink in the UK after Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and consistently outsells global brands such as Fanta, Dr Pepper, Sprite and 7-Up. IRN-BRU’s target market is all ages, this can be seen by the variety of adverts that have teenagers all the way up to elderly people. This shows that their demographic is one of all ages and is inclusive to everyone.
  • 10. Client research: One of irn-bru’s more recent adverts shows a teenaged boy in his room with a hand crank, his mother enters with an irn- bru and misunderstands the situation, causing for some funny reaction. This use of a edgy and taboo joke makes the advert stand out above other humorous adverts. This advert was one of many in a marketing campaign starting in 2009. The initial first 5 seconds of the advert set up the joke so that the audience knows what he is actually doing as apposed to the mother who enters after and is unaware. This sets it up so a PG action can be mad awkward to watch. The hole underline of the advert is an IRN-BRU makes any awkward situation better and so you should buy it to feel better.
  • 11. Market research: The main competitors for IRN-BRU are: THE COCA-COLA COMPANY PEPSICO, INC. BRITVIC PLC The COCA-COLA company is Barr’s main competitor in Scotland for their product Coca Cola. It dominates the soft drink market everywhere excluding Scotland where Barr’s IRN-BRU is a worthy rival. PEPSICO, INC is responsible for Pepsi and is the second most popular drink In the UK. BRITVIC PLC known for their Froot Shoot juice drinks.
  • 12. Audience research: SECONDARY The most common people to buy IRN-BRU are according to ( is a largely people between the ages of 18 and 25. There is a slight leniency towards the male gender however it is fairly balanced. Most people purchasing irn bru are left wing, and as SNP is the most popular party in Scotland this makes sense as it is a left wing.
  • 13. Audience research: SECONDARY This source shows the most common demographic to purchase IRN-BRU. The Top regions all being in Scotland showing that the drink has a very nationalist presence and is seen as a ‘Scottish drink’. Furthermore it shows that most of the people who buy IRN-BRU are working class.
  • 14. Audience research summery : SECONDARY The secondary Audience research mainly shows that IRN-BRUs target audience is of a primarily male group ranging form 25- 39 which means most of the audience is middle aged and in work. Most of which spend between £125 to £499. I used multiple sources to make sure that the data was not incorrect and not an outlier or bias in any way. However most of the research on the audience came from one source this is because of the lack of information on the subject of IRN- BRU target market is scares. However the website used is a large and reputable site used by many other companies and external research users. The target market of IRN-BRU says that most of the people that IRN-BRU is selling their drink to is male and in a work environment. This means they should focus on things that appeal to men and mature adults which can be seen in their logo and their adverts which aim to stand out from the dull everyday life of a 9 to 5 workday.
  • 15. IRN BRU Research Bibliography:
  • 16. Audience research: PRIMARY A small survey was conducted with 15 participants using an online resource ( The group consisted of 15 fourteen to twenty four year olds. 0 2 4 6 8 10 ▲ "Male" ♦ "Female" ● "Other" Sex 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ▲ "14-16" ♦ "17-19" ● "20-24" Age from 14 to 24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ▲ "Coca Cola" ♦ "Fanta" ● "Irn Bru" ■ "I don't like fizzy drinks." Favourite soft drink The two most popular drinks in the classroom was Coca-Cola and Fanta. This is not surprising as they are the leading brands in the UK. 2 people said that IRN- BRU was their favorite drink which also correlates with its market position on the national soft drinks market. In our small test the majority of people are Within 17 to 19 years of age. As the main target audience is between 25 and 39 our demographic does not perfectly align. The class is of the majority male with only half as many females. This may have increased the amount of people who chose Irn-Bru as more males like Irn-Bru than females according to
  • 17. Audience research: PRIMARY 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ▲ "Yes" ♦ "No" Sugar free version 73.3% of the audience said that they do not prefer the sugar free versions of soft drinks and only 27.6% of the class would have the sugar free version over the full sugar original. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ▲ "Yes" ♦ "No" ● "Maybe" People who have drunk Irn-Bru The vast majority of the class have tried Irn-Bru at least once. It is surprising that 5 people have never tried Irn-Bru however as it is a less known drink it may make scence. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ▲ "Yes" ♦ "No" Have you ever seen an Irn-Bru Advertisment 93% of the people who did the survey said they had seen an advert of any kind advertising Irn-Bru. This is not surprising as they have an extensive and well known advertising campaign.
  • 18. Audience research: PRIMARY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ▲ "On Television" ♦ "On Social Media" ● "At a bus stop" ■ "On a bus/side of a lorry" Where did you see the advert? 9 out of 15 people saw the advert on television, this makes sense as Irn-Bru has a focus on their adverts on TV including some of their most famous ones. The other 6 saw it on Social Media which correlates with the average age of the group as younger people are more active on these platforms. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ▲ "Social Media" ♦ "Posters" ● "Television" ■ "Radio" What sort of media do you use the most? 93% of the group say they use Social Media as their main source of Media, However 9 people said that they had seen Irn-Bru adverts on a television advert. This says to me that even though Television is not the most used media source the Irn-Bru adverts are popular enough to be seen by people who do not regularly watch TV. One person said they mainly listen to radio, however this is most likely an outlier.
  • 19. Audience research summery: PRIMARY The primary research I conducted consisted of 16 students and therefore is not as reliable as much of my secondary research even though I conducted and oversaw the research it is not of a big enough scale to heavily sway my secondary researches results. The primary research concluded that 9 out of 15 people saw the advert on television, this makes sense as Irn-Bru has a focus on their adverts on TV including some of their most famous ones. The other 6 saw it on Social Media which correlates with the average age of the group as younger people are more active on these platforms. These results therefore would differ if the age range was higher than 16 to 19. However the primary research showed that though the vast majority of the class have tried Irn-Bru at least once 5 people have never tried Irn-Bru however as it is a less known drink but only 1 person said they have never seen an IRN-BRU advert before. However due to the scale of the experiment it is not possible to tell if this would have been a recurring trend.
  • 20. Idea Generation: 1: Irn-Bru space program, Irn-bru bottle is the rocket. 2: WW3 breaks out on news, drinks irn bru 3: Goes to shop to buy an Irn-Bru, there is none left as someone already bought them all 4: Playing a game of CSGO, someone yells rush b, takes a swig of irn bru “p90?” 5 :Waiting for the train and it starts raining, someone drinks an irn bru, it stops raining. Everyones happy, guy who drank the irn bru gets on his train, it starts raining again. 6: Playing paintball, friend gets hit and is laying on the floor, guy drinks an irn bru and picks him up saving private Ryan style and runs off. 7: Guy is late for lesson, drinks irn bru, time goes backwards, he turns up early. 8: Guy hits a cyclist with his car, guy gets out and apologises, cyclist is in pain, guy takes a swig of irn bru and wont give cyclist the irn bru 9: Bus driver goes to set off, bus breaks down, pulls out a six pack of irn-bru, six people pushing the bus as it drives away. 10: David Attenborough irn bru edition. 11: dodgy hideout with loads of coca-cola, swat team drinks irn bru and storms in. 12: guy steals a kids irn bru, “omae wa mou shindeiru” NANI?????
  • 22. Individual Idea: Waiting for the train and it starts raining, someone drinks an irn bru, it stops raining. Everyones happy, guy who drank the irn bru gets on his train, it starts raining again. On the opposite side of the station to where the man is stood with an Irn- Bru it is raining. This is for comedy and to show that the irn-bru gets you through.
  • 23. Group Idea: Idea Dramatic news (green screen) Video ideas - Beef between presenters then they drink irn bru and are 110% friendly - passive aggressive comments from one news presenter to another. Plot 2 male news presenters are sat at the desk discussing news. The say passive aggressive comments at each other until they are both angry, then the drink Irn Bru and are very nice to each other. At least 5-7 seconds at the end for Irn Bru still plus Tagline. Poster ideas - one person has/is drinking Irn Bru and is happy and calm. The other person hasn’t drunk it yet and is angry. - Bridget and Drew need some Irn Bru (poster line). -Take poster images in studio while/after filming. Game Ideas - They fight each other, street fighter style. Tagline/Jingle - Irn Bru’s the News. - Irn Bru; keeping friendships true. - Irn Bru, for me and you. - What a difference an Irn Bru makes. - Irn bru, you can’t do that on television.
  • 24. Planning Docs (TV Advert): 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: They are presenting the news, camera is in the TV format. Zoom on presenter 1 “Join us after the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophy, of a potato” Cut to the camera crew and the director, can see the hole set. News presenters begin to talk to each other *arguing* Crews close up reaction to the fighting *shocked and annoyed* Arguing gets more violent and more comedic news presenter 1 moves. Crew gives both of the presenter an IRN-BRU “-Lads, have an IRN-BRU.” *Drink the IRN-BRU* zoom in on their faces and the can. Scene smash cuts to halfway through next broadcast where newscasters are cheerfully doing the news camera pans out to show Television screen on table with a can of IRN-BRU next to it. Slogan reads IRN-BRU’s the news.
  • 25. Planning Docs (TV Advert): SCRIPT DRAFT Script Draft 1 – (Scene opens as two newscasters are wrapping up.) NEWSCASTER 1: “(Cheerfully)…And there were no survivors.” NEWSCASTER 2: “Join us after the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophy, of a potato” (Both newscasters smile brightly.) DIRECTOR: “Aaaand cut to commercial.” (The camera angle switches as the main camera is turned off for break. Camera focuses on the newscasters, who are no longer smiling.) NEWSCASTER 1: “That was a great performance you gave today, for a second I almost believed you were a real Anchor.” NEWSCASTER 2: “Thank you. And I really admire how you have the confidence to wear women’s clothes to work.” NEWSCASTER 1: “(Laughs falsely) How’s your wife doing? Still married to a wrinkled old gremlin?” NEWSCASTER 2: “(Laughs falsely) How are the kids? Still stuck with a half-baked weather man as a father?” NEWSCASTER 1: “YOU-“ DIRECTOR: “-Lads, have an IRN-BRU.” (Director hands them both a can of IRN-BRU.” Newscaster’s drink. Scene smash cuts to halfway through next broadcast where newscasters are cheerfully doing the news.) NEWSCASTOR 1: “-And the firefighter was able to save the basket of puppies. What a stand-up guy huh? Like my partner here.” (Newscaster motions to the other newscaster. Who smiles.) NEWSCASTER 2: “Well I’m sure he was just following your example.” (Newscasters laugh as camera pans out to show Television screen on table with a can of IRN-BRU next to it. Slogan reads IRN-BRU’s the news. Advert ends.)
  • 26. Planning Docs (TV Advert): SHOTLIST PLAN Shot list- 1st shot: Medium shot of news presenters wrapping up a news broadcast. 2nd shot: Close up of news presenter saying “Join us after the break, where we’ll discuss the philosophical meaning, of a potato” 3rd shot: Establishing shot of set from behind the scenes to break the fourth wall (it is now advert brake) they start giving each other passive aggressive comments and being mean/rude. 4th shot: Medium shot of the news presenters arguing 5th shot: Team’s reaction to verbal fight 6th shot: Director intervenes by giving each presenter an irn bru. 7th shot: Close up of each presenter taking a can. 8th shot: Presenters open their cans. 9th shot: They each take a swig. 10th shot: Shot from behind the set he news presenters are kind to each other while reporting the news. 11th shot: Medium shot of news presenters, in news style. 12th shot: Zooming out on a TV with presenters happily presenting the news, left of the TV is an Irn bru with Tagline below it. 5-7 seconds.
  • 27. Planning Docs (TV Advert): SHOTLIST Shot No. Shot Type Estimated duration Description/notes (e.g. camera movement, specific directions for performers, etc) 1 Medium 2-3 seconds The camera is static, center of the two presenters. 2 Medium Close up 2-3 seconds The camera is static, in frame is only one of the presenters head and shoulders. 3 Wide 3-5 seconds Camera is static, you can see the news presenters and part of the film crew. Whilst arguing. 4 Medium 2-4 seconds Camera is tracking the news presenter’s heads, so it is slightly moving. Whilst arguing 5 Wide 2 seconds Camera is static looking at the crew who are in shock at the argument. 6 Medium 2-3 seconds Camera is static, director comes into frame and gives each news presenter an Irn-Bru. 7 Close up 1-2 seconds Camera tracks, each presenter taking the Irn-Bru. 8 Medium 1-2 seconds Camera pans up, Presenters open their cans and drink the Irn-Bru. 9 Medium 2-3 seconds Camera is static, center of the two presenters. 10 Zoom 3-5 seconds Camera zooms out on a TV displaying the news broadcast, Irn-Bru is next to the TV with the tagline below it.
  • 28. Planning Docs (TV Advert): ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Group Info Roles- Two News presenters, two male. Jobs: Script writer: Rhys Camera operator: James Actors: Rhys and Patrick and Sam Lighting: Sam Responsibilities- looking after equipment, Respecting the studio and other people around. Leave studio as you found it. And personal responsibilities such as coming in on time, bringing props, hiring the equipment’s/rooms. Patrick And Rhys to bring in the props and costume items. Resources required- Mug, Irn Bru, Papers and pens to make it look news presenter like, Formal wear (such as ties and shirts)
  • 29. Planning Docs (TV Advert): MOOD BOARD Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 30. Planning Docs (TV Advert):Pot. Problem Effect on Production Solution/Control Person Responsible One of the team is ill/ is not in college on the day of the recording We do not have enough people to do all the tasks and properly record our scenes within the time we have. To postpone the production of the recording to later on In the week when the person is back in college. We could potentially recruit someone from the class in a different group to fill in for the absent person depending on their role in production. Whoever is absent will be responsible for the issue, however both the rest of the team and the person absent to work around the issue and to inform the others of what is happening and when the issue can be resolved. The camera is not functional due to a technical issue with the equipment We are unable to record anything until another camera becomes available which will most likely be a different day. We could borrow a camera from another group provided that they have finished early and can lend the equipment. Otherwise to have the camera fixed by someone with technical expertise. If the SD card is lost / broken with the recordings, then we will need to re-record the footage if it is permanently lost. This would be the responsibility of the crew to keep the equipment safe and accounted for so any damage or loss of work will be the crew’s problem, however help form other people may be needed to fix the problem. Correctly record using the camera The footage is not a good quality due to poor use of the equipment or the equipment is not functioning correctly resulting in blurry footage or the footage is not the correct definition. The person/people who are using the equipment check before any of the shooting that the footage is going to be as intended and in the format, that we require to produce the work. Also, the The person operating and recording the footage is responsible for the camera and the footage recorded on the SD cards safety and quality. Poor audio/no audio when recording If the microphones on the cameras are used, they will be poor quality and will not be able to be used for the shoot. Furthermore, if we use a shotgun the audio will be recorded separately form the video, this will mean that the files must be compatible and of good quality. The Audio can be tested before the shoot to make sure that the sound is clear and is good quality, also checking the settings on the equipment to make sure that they are correct. James is responsible for the recording of audio and video and should check the equipment before the first shoot so that we do not have to re-record any scene and can make most of the time in the studio and on set. Weather issues stop us from recording If there is a thunder storm It might disrupt the lighting and audio. Check the weather forecast for the day of the recording to see if the weather will disrupt our recording. It is everyone’s responsibility to be ready to move times and change plans should there be a reason to not be able to record. Loss of recording/ work If the SD card with the work is lost or broken it will result in us re-recording the work which will take too much time and be ineffective. Make sure to back all of the work and footage form each day to multiple storage devices so that if there is any corruption or loss of work there are multiple backups to be used, this also means that the work can be accessed by everyone. The SD card will be everyone’s responsibility to keep safe as it will be put on everyone’s computers. Rooms are in use/ not available If another group is using the Studio room when we plan on recording it is unlikely we can share the space. This means that we need to work around Only use the studio for the minimum amount of time so that everyone can use it including us. It is everyone’s responsibility what is using the studio and college to make sure that everyone is able to get their time with the green-screen. Planning Docs (TV Advert): CONTINGANCY PLAN
  • 31. Planning Docs (TV Advert): SCEDULE time in activity location 08.45-9.00 - - 09.00-09.05 Assembling in York College. York College 2F066. 09.05-09.30 Collection of Equipment. York College. 09.30-10.00 Shoot in the Studio. York College Studio. 10.00-10.30 Shoot in the Studio. York College Studio. 10.30-11.10 Break time till 10:50 then filming again. York College. 11.10-11.30 Shoot in the Studio. (2) York College Studio. 11.30-12.00 Shoot in the Studio. (2) York College Studio. 12.00-12.30 Shoot in the Studio. (2) [Until 12:20PM] York College Studio. 12.30-13.30 Lunch Until 13:10 then Filming again. York College. 13.30-14.00 Shoot in the Studio. (3) York College Studio. 14.00-14.30 Shoot in the Studio. (3) York College Studio. 14.30-15.00 Shoot in the Studio. (3) [Until 14:40PM] York College Studio. 15.00-16.00 Shoot in the Studio. (4) York College Studio. 16.00-16.30 Shoot in the Studio. (4) York College Studio. 16.30-17.00 - - 17.00-17.30 - - 17.30 - -
  • 32. Planning Docs (TV Advert): COST LIST & RESOURCES COST LIST IRN-BRU 330 ml can: x4 0.80p per person Pens and paper from the college 0.00p per person Mugs (Rhys) 0.00p per person RESOURCES CAMERA MICROPHONE TRIPOD LIGHTS IRN-BRU CANS COSTUME (shirts, ties and hat) PENS & PAPER A DESK 2 CHARIS
  • 33. Planning Docs (TV Advert): CALL SHEET CALL SHEET
  • 34. Planning Docs (TV Advert): LOCATION
  • 35. Planning Docs (Advergame): SKETCHES Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 36. Planning Docs (Advergame): DIGITAL LAYOUT PLANS Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 37. Planning Docs (Advergame): FONT SUGGESTIONS Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 38. Planning Docs (Advergame): COLOURS SCHEMES Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 39. Planning Docs (Advergame): RESOURCES Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 40. Planning Docs (Advergame): PROPS WITH COST LIST Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 41. Planning Docs (Advergame): TEST IMAGES Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 42. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 43. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.