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Hello there,
I am doing a college project creating short fanzines on a subject of my choice, I chose Star Wars: the old republic.
I would like to have interviews form some of the community featured in the project.
If you have the time answering some short questions would help me greatly. I have allocated 3 pages of the
fanzine to advertisements to any podcast, stream or star wars related content.
College email:
Hello there,
I am doing a college project creating short fanzines on Star Wars: the old republic. I would like to include interviews form
some of the community.
If you have the time answering some short questions would help me greatly. I have allocated pages of the fanzine to
advertisements to any podcast, stream or star wars related content.
College email:
Hello there,
I am doing a college project creating short fanzines on Star Wars: the old republic. I would like to include interviews form
some of the community.
If you have the time answering some short questions would help me greatly. I have allocated pages of the fanzine to
advertisements to any podcast, stream or star wars related content.
College email:
Interview: final tweet
Interview: twitter links
@SWTOR @SWTOR_Central @PC_Podcast @Chillsroomtweet @TheCouncilSwtor @nerdteevee
@General_Selkath @sotorpodcast @FtWorthJim @BoomyNation @AbilityDrain @ValterSkarsgar @vasmigaming
@Aviriia @Rach_Games
@CaseyDHudson @FtWorthJim @CipherMandy @DiscoBabaloo @TcThief @MenoTwitch
@Bio_Warner @JT_HoloNet @IllevaGaming @Charles_Boyd @BBN_Gaming @snave1208 @Danotage
@LorArtOnline @DarthPops @musco @CorellianRun @OotiniCast @MaxTheGrey @iamsechari @kidleeasf
@badfeelingpdcst @TheStardust77 @Vulkk @swtorista @StarWarsGames @starwars
What would you say to a new player starting in 2018?
What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community?
How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs?
What one thing would you change about SWTOR?
What does SWTORs future look like?
What is the best companion in SWTOR?
What would you say to a new player starting in 2018?
Enjoy, take your time, learn your class and don't be scared to ask for help.
What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community?
I guess it depends on if it's in-game or the broader community.
In-game it would be by chatting if you're doing group content and be friendly.
In the broader spectrum it would be on guild websites, twitter, various discords (especially those made for the server you're on) and maybe even on content creators chats
(Twitch/Youtube) and again just be friendly.
How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs?
It's Star Wars! There's many discussions whether it's the best mmo or not, but it doesn't really matter. We all like different things, and this mmo is Star Wars based with a complete
story-based playthrough.
What one thing would you change about SWTOR?
Well, one thing the game has been suffering under, is unfortunately not enough group content, especially for the hardcore player base.
What does SWTORs future look like?
It's tough to say, especially because EA has a say. They are working on expansion, according to the forums, so hopefully the fute brings more story, more Flashpoints, new
Operations and even new PvP maps.
What is the best companion in SWTOR?
I hate this question ;) It's like asking a parent who their favourite child is. I do really adore Theron Shan, because of the name and the VA. ZO-0M, because she's funny. Vector
Hyllus, because he's different and interesting. Ashara Zavros, because she's basically the female version of Anakin. Lord Scourge, because the major rich lore. Bowdaar, because a
Smuggler needs a wookiee as a best friend. T7, because you need a quirky droid companion. (spoiler) Arcann, because it's the redemption story. I could keep going on...
In short, I don't know :) I can tell easily who I hate: Skadge!
I hope this is helpful and if I can help more, please say :)
I'm currently building up from scratch of being a streamer to now doing YT videos, so I'm kinda green there, but if you and anyone else wanna check it out
then is me, and you're all welcome.
- Illeva / Winnie
What would you say to a new player starting in 2018?
My advice to any new player of the game is to simply enjoy the ride of the game. There is so much storytelling to be done in the game. 8 different character storylines, planet quests, side quests
and of course the expansions.
So pick a class that really does interest you a lot (I self picked the Inquisitor storyline) and play it! However be carefull not to accidentally skip the storyline and jump straight into the expansions.
As you'd miss out quite a lot of the good storytelling.
And of course play with friends. Join a guild that will meet your needs and expectations. So if you're in to PvE, join a PvE guild. PvP for the PvP'rs of course, and if you're in between join a social
guild just to have a lauch with friends in the game. As in the end that's what SWTOR is all about, having fun online with friends in a Star Wars envoirment!
What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community?
When you ask me, the best way to interact with the SWTOR community is really through the guilds in game, discords and even Twitter.
I'm also a livestreamer. so i also get to connect with the community through the Twitch Chat as well. but when I'm ''offline'' most of the community communications are done through Discord and
How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs?
The thing that I really like a lot about SWTOR is the PvP aspect of the game, and the storytelling of the game. There is no other game out there which brings the story mixed with the amazing
storytelling that Bioware does in their games. And not to mention: It's freaking Star Wars!
What one thing would you change about SWTOR?
The one thing I'd love to change about SWTOR is mostly the community aspect. It's a shame that a game like this is slowly losing its members due to lack of content and communications about
the game. So having more people playing the game would be the thing I'd love to change.
What does SWTORs future look like?
I honnestly don't know how the future will look like for SWTOR. The dev's of SWTOR have announced a Expansion which involves more of Sith vs Jedi storyline. So when people tell me: The
game is dead or will die. I 100% disagree. The game is very much alive, however It's not that active as other major MMO's out there like World of Warcraft. So what i expect from the game is the
following: Expansions once per 1 a 2 years, a new warzone once per year. a new ops per year (and fp's) together with of course their Cartel Market items. No way that the game will be taken
down within the first couple of years!
What is the best companion in SWTOR?
Mmh.. That's a tricky question. The best as in best stats or the one I love the most?
If I have to pick a companion in SWTOR regarding it's dps, I'd go for Shae Vizla. But the one that I really like the most is Arcann.
I hope that this will do for the interview! If you have any more questions, feel free to poke me on Twitch, Twitter or on my Discord!
Discord: Aviriia#1688
Hi Patrick!
Sorry for the late reply; here are my responses to your questions:
What would you say to a new player starting in 2018?
Take your time and enjoy every second of the eight original Class Stories; seven years later and it is still the best content SWTOR has to offer.
What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community?
Twitter - it is a great place to interact with the Devs, content creators, and other players.
How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs?
For me, what I love most about SWTOR compared to MMOs is the combat play style. Maybe it’s the lightsabers, maybe it’s because it’s Star Wars.
Either way, it is one reason why I can’t go back or move on to another MMO.
What one thing would you change about SWTOR?
The game’s engine choice, HeroEngine.
It has severely limited the quality and potential of endgame content.
What does SWTORs future look like?
To me the driving force of SWTOR has and will always be it’s single-player story content, which will continue to bring in new and old players as long as
it’s being released. Currently the future for endgame content feels grim since SWTOR is struggling to retain long-term players, both PvE and PvP, to
keep that community going strong.
What is the best companion in SWTOR?
Hands down, Blizz. That Jawa is the reason why I decided to make my very first character a Bounty Hunter.
I recently started posting more on my site,
Thanks again for including me in your research!
Figure out the way you feel most comfortable playing, and then find people you know or a guild that can help make that the best experience possible. Some of the best
content in SWTOR requires a group, and it can be fun to jump in with other people and figure things out. If solo play is your thing, that is great also. SWTOR has a strong
story and lot's to do while going it alone.
What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community?
Even though it can seem like a rough place to exit (especially on the fleet), I have found that most players appreciate being polite and honest about what you bring to the
table. If you are new or don't know something, just let the group know and most groups in the Group Finder will carry and teach you through it. Saying congrats when
someone levels, and thanking healers for saving you and tanks for nailing the boss mechanics are great ways to become part of the group.
Most podcasts and streamers open up a way to communicate with them. For example, Ootinicast does tip of the week and has started doing a weekly poll to explore the
psychology of gaming with the audience. If you want to become part of that side of the community, chat with the content creators on Twitter or other social media, and
become "part of the show." These are great ways to become part of the swtor community and feel higher levels of ownership towards the life of the game.
How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs?
I think SWTOR is different than other MMO's in a lot of ways. I am excited by how this game is still here and fun to play for me, even though I have been subscribed for most
of the whole time the game has been around. The key to a game staying alive is being able to generate new content and reinvent aspects of itself over time. Keeping up
with the player base so-to-speak is a key goal I am sure the developers are always working on. I wouldn't say SWTOR does the best at EVERYTHING, but I also don't believe
the other games do either. I love the feel of this MMO because it is the MMO + Star Wars "coat of paint." That makes everything better, right? I enjoy the story and group
content, and the story with full voice over is not common in this style of game, so this is a great thing for Bioware to come back to whenever a new mission gets introduced
into the course of the game.
What one thing would you change about SWTOR?
I wish the gear that drops in the operations helped get you into the next level instead of helping you accomplish the current level more easily. Anything that would help get
Story Mode teams into Hard Mode operations would be wonderful. I think most players stay away from content that challenges them, and I think this could be solved with a
few tweaks to the manner in which gear progression works.
What does SWTORs future look like?
I am excited to see each section of the game expand. I am always excited for new content, even if it is content for something i am not an enthusiast for. I also wonder about
the most recent story coming to an end, and what that ultimately means for the timeless Jedi vs. Sith / Empire vs. Republic war we have been fighting for 7 years. A change
in that aspect of the game could be mind-blowing.
What is the best companion in SWTOR?
Lana Beniko - I think she is an amazing character for connecting the base game into the story as it is now. Some people might go with others, and they wouldn't be wrong
because there are so many great companions (Definitely NOT Quinn).
Took me a while but I got there! Let me know if you need anything else. - Swtorista
What would you say to a new player starting in 2018?
Welcome to the game! If this is your first massive multiplayer online game, things might be a little overwhelming. If you're an old hand at online gaming, you're going to enjoy
the fully-voiced cutscenes. Follow the purple quests and you'll see all the best story quests in the game, and once you start feeling more comfortable with the basics of the
game join a guild - it's the best way to meet other players and get into the group content in the game.
What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community?
Apart from grouping up with other players ingame and joining a guild, there's a lot of ways to meet other fans.
SWTOR Reddit - great place to ask questions, especially ones that can't be easily searched for online:
SWTOR Discord Chat - live chat open to all fans or players of SWTOR:
SWTOR Facebook Clubs - friendly groups of players who enjoy the game, I recommend this one:
SWTOR Twitter #SWTORfamily - perfect for those who enjoy tweeting, especially screenshots
SWTOR Content Creators: There's some great podcasts, streamers, video creators, guide writers and bloggers out there that focus on SWTOR.
I've actually created a site to showcase some of the most well known communities for Star Wars Celebration 2019, you can learn more about each of the above groups
How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs?
SWTOR has hands down the best cutscenes in any online game - being able to see your character speak and move as if they're in a movie made just for you is incredible
compared to reading about quests from a text box. It also has the great perk of being set in a Sci-Fi-Fantasy setting - who doesn't love lightsabers, cybernetics and starships.
Although SWTOR seems to have less updates compared to say World of Warcraft, we're looking forward to 2019, when it sounds like a new expansion will be coming out. Price-
wise, SWTOR is the only subscription-based games where you can play a huge amount of story before you subscribe - you can play up to level 50 and all 8 class stories for free,
though there are some convenience restrictions. Compared to GW2 which let's you play the base game for free with no restrictions, SWTOR's free version can feel a bit
restricting, but compared to World of Warcraft's where you can only play until level 20 for free, it's incredibly expansive. SWTOR also has one of the least expensive expansion
models - unlike other games where you must purchase expansions, SWTOR's current model unlocks all expansions permanently for free once you subscribe for at least one
month - so you can get all the expansions for about $15.
What one thing would you change about SWTOR?
For the good of the game, I would remove a lot of the smaller free-to-play restrictions to allow new players to have more fun with less restrictions. I don't think the smaller
restrictions encourage players to subscribe, I believe they just annoy and frustrate new players. If possible, I would also improve the launcher/download/login process - it
many new players get stuck trying to set up the game and never even get a chance to try the gameplay.
For my personal wishlist, I would like to see all armor be part of a collections system so you can retrieve a set even if you've deleted the original, track which armors you've
collected, and showcase your armor sets in your player housing stronghold.
What does SWTORs future look like?
It's looking surprisingly good. There's going to be a big story update coming in the end of 2018, and a new expansion is in the works and players are guessing it will be
in 2019. I think SWTOR's future will be tied heavily to the public's perception and knowledge of the next expansion, which will be focused around the war between the
and the Sith. If LucasFilm ever decides to create an Old Republic movie, we'll be in for a wild ride!
What is the best companion in SWTOR?
My favorite gameplay is group content - so my favorite companions are my guildmates and friends :)
Advertisement (Droid ad, events, flying lessons, ship advert, weapons)
Market / premium content
DLC based pages
Characters reviews and information
Planets and locations in the game
Map / guide of planets for your level
In game items and weapon reviews and statistics
Best companions and their story
Player homes
Different ships
Quests (best and worst)
Ccommunity spotlight / guilds

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  • 1. COPYPAT R I C K C O L M A N
  • 2. Interview: ORIGINAL DRAFT Hello there, I am doing a college project creating short fanzines on a subject of my choice, I chose Star Wars: the old republic. I would like to have interviews form some of the community featured in the project. If you have the time answering some short questions would help me greatly. I have allocated 3 pages of the fanzine to advertisements to any podcast, stream or star wars related content. College email:
  • 3. Interview: DRAFT 1 Hello there, I am doing a college project creating short fanzines on Star Wars: the old republic. I would like to include interviews form some of the community. If you have the time answering some short questions would help me greatly. I have allocated pages of the fanzine to advertisements to any podcast, stream or star wars related content. College email: DRAFT 2 Hello there, I am doing a college project creating short fanzines on Star Wars: the old republic. I would like to include interviews form some of the community. If you have the time answering some short questions would help me greatly. I have allocated pages of the fanzine to advertisements to any podcast, stream or star wars related content. College email:
  • 5. Interview: twitter links @SWTOR @SWTOR_Central @PC_Podcast @Chillsroomtweet @TheCouncilSwtor @nerdteevee @General_Selkath @sotorpodcast @FtWorthJim @BoomyNation @AbilityDrain @ValterSkarsgar @vasmigaming @Aviriia @Rach_Games @CaseyDHudson @FtWorthJim @CipherMandy @DiscoBabaloo @TcThief @MenoTwitch @Bio_Warner @JT_HoloNet @IllevaGaming @Charles_Boyd @BBN_Gaming @snave1208 @Danotage @LorArtOnline @DarthPops @musco @CorellianRun @OotiniCast @MaxTheGrey @iamsechari @kidleeasf @badfeelingpdcst @TheStardust77 @Vulkk @swtorista @StarWarsGames @starwars
  • 6. Interview: Questions: What would you say to a new player starting in 2018? What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community? How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs? What one thing would you change about SWTOR? What does SWTORs future look like? What is the best companion in SWTOR?
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  • 9. Coolio! What would you say to a new player starting in 2018? Enjoy, take your time, learn your class and don't be scared to ask for help. What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community? I guess it depends on if it's in-game or the broader community. In-game it would be by chatting if you're doing group content and be friendly. In the broader spectrum it would be on guild websites, twitter, various discords (especially those made for the server you're on) and maybe even on content creators chats (Twitch/Youtube) and again just be friendly. How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs? It's Star Wars! There's many discussions whether it's the best mmo or not, but it doesn't really matter. We all like different things, and this mmo is Star Wars based with a complete story-based playthrough. What one thing would you change about SWTOR? Well, one thing the game has been suffering under, is unfortunately not enough group content, especially for the hardcore player base. What does SWTORs future look like? It's tough to say, especially because EA has a say. They are working on expansion, according to the forums, so hopefully the fute brings more story, more Flashpoints, new Operations and even new PvP maps. What is the best companion in SWTOR? I hate this question ;) It's like asking a parent who their favourite child is. I do really adore Theron Shan, because of the name and the VA. ZO-0M, because she's funny. Vector Hyllus, because he's different and interesting. Ashara Zavros, because she's basically the female version of Anakin. Lord Scourge, because the major rich lore. Bowdaar, because a Smuggler needs a wookiee as a best friend. T7, because you need a quirky droid companion. (spoiler) Arcann, because it's the redemption story. I could keep going on... In short, I don't know :) I can tell easily who I hate: Skadge! I hope this is helpful and if I can help more, please say :) I'm currently building up from scratch of being a streamer to now doing YT videos, so I'm kinda green there, but if you and anyone else wanna check it out then is me, and you're all welcome. - Illeva / Winnie
  • 10. What would you say to a new player starting in 2018? My advice to any new player of the game is to simply enjoy the ride of the game. There is so much storytelling to be done in the game. 8 different character storylines, planet quests, side quests and of course the expansions. So pick a class that really does interest you a lot (I self picked the Inquisitor storyline) and play it! However be carefull not to accidentally skip the storyline and jump straight into the expansions. As you'd miss out quite a lot of the good storytelling. And of course play with friends. Join a guild that will meet your needs and expectations. So if you're in to PvE, join a PvE guild. PvP for the PvP'rs of course, and if you're in between join a social guild just to have a lauch with friends in the game. As in the end that's what SWTOR is all about, having fun online with friends in a Star Wars envoirment! What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community? When you ask me, the best way to interact with the SWTOR community is really through the guilds in game, discords and even Twitter. I'm also a livestreamer. so i also get to connect with the community through the Twitch Chat as well. but when I'm ''offline'' most of the community communications are done through Discord and Twitter. How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs? The thing that I really like a lot about SWTOR is the PvP aspect of the game, and the storytelling of the game. There is no other game out there which brings the story mixed with the amazing storytelling that Bioware does in their games. And not to mention: It's freaking Star Wars! What one thing would you change about SWTOR? The one thing I'd love to change about SWTOR is mostly the community aspect. It's a shame that a game like this is slowly losing its members due to lack of content and communications about the game. So having more people playing the game would be the thing I'd love to change. What does SWTORs future look like? I honnestly don't know how the future will look like for SWTOR. The dev's of SWTOR have announced a Expansion which involves more of Sith vs Jedi storyline. So when people tell me: The game is dead or will die. I 100% disagree. The game is very much alive, however It's not that active as other major MMO's out there like World of Warcraft. So what i expect from the game is the following: Expansions once per 1 a 2 years, a new warzone once per year. a new ops per year (and fp's) together with of course their Cartel Market items. No way that the game will be taken down within the first couple of years! What is the best companion in SWTOR? Mmh.. That's a tricky question. The best as in best stats or the one I love the most? If I have to pick a companion in SWTOR regarding it's dps, I'd go for Shae Vizla. But the one that I really like the most is Arcann. I hope that this will do for the interview! If you have any more questions, feel free to poke me on Twitch, Twitter or on my Discord! Discord: Aviriia#1688
  • 11.
  • 12. Hi Patrick! Sorry for the late reply; here are my responses to your questions: What would you say to a new player starting in 2018? Take your time and enjoy every second of the eight original Class Stories; seven years later and it is still the best content SWTOR has to offer. What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community? Twitter - it is a great place to interact with the Devs, content creators, and other players. How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs? For me, what I love most about SWTOR compared to MMOs is the combat play style. Maybe it’s the lightsabers, maybe it’s because it’s Star Wars. Either way, it is one reason why I can’t go back or move on to another MMO. What one thing would you change about SWTOR? The game’s engine choice, HeroEngine. It has severely limited the quality and potential of endgame content. What does SWTORs future look like? To me the driving force of SWTOR has and will always be it’s single-player story content, which will continue to bring in new and old players as long as it’s being released. Currently the future for endgame content feels grim since SWTOR is struggling to retain long-term players, both PvE and PvP, to keep that community going strong. What is the best companion in SWTOR? Hands down, Blizz. That Jawa is the reason why I decided to make my very first character a Bounty Hunter. I recently started posting more on my site, Thanks again for including me in your research! Cheers
  • 13. Figure out the way you feel most comfortable playing, and then find people you know or a guild that can help make that the best experience possible. Some of the best content in SWTOR requires a group, and it can be fun to jump in with other people and figure things out. If solo play is your thing, that is great also. SWTOR has a strong story and lot's to do while going it alone. What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community? Even though it can seem like a rough place to exit (especially on the fleet), I have found that most players appreciate being polite and honest about what you bring to the table. If you are new or don't know something, just let the group know and most groups in the Group Finder will carry and teach you through it. Saying congrats when someone levels, and thanking healers for saving you and tanks for nailing the boss mechanics are great ways to become part of the group. Most podcasts and streamers open up a way to communicate with them. For example, Ootinicast does tip of the week and has started doing a weekly poll to explore the psychology of gaming with the audience. If you want to become part of that side of the community, chat with the content creators on Twitter or other social media, and become "part of the show." These are great ways to become part of the swtor community and feel higher levels of ownership towards the life of the game. How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs? I think SWTOR is different than other MMO's in a lot of ways. I am excited by how this game is still here and fun to play for me, even though I have been subscribed for most of the whole time the game has been around. The key to a game staying alive is being able to generate new content and reinvent aspects of itself over time. Keeping up with the player base so-to-speak is a key goal I am sure the developers are always working on. I wouldn't say SWTOR does the best at EVERYTHING, but I also don't believe the other games do either. I love the feel of this MMO because it is the MMO + Star Wars "coat of paint." That makes everything better, right? I enjoy the story and group content, and the story with full voice over is not common in this style of game, so this is a great thing for Bioware to come back to whenever a new mission gets introduced into the course of the game. What one thing would you change about SWTOR? I wish the gear that drops in the operations helped get you into the next level instead of helping you accomplish the current level more easily. Anything that would help get Story Mode teams into Hard Mode operations would be wonderful. I think most players stay away from content that challenges them, and I think this could be solved with a few tweaks to the manner in which gear progression works. What does SWTORs future look like? I am excited to see each section of the game expand. I am always excited for new content, even if it is content for something i am not an enthusiast for. I also wonder about the most recent story coming to an end, and what that ultimately means for the timeless Jedi vs. Sith / Empire vs. Republic war we have been fighting for 7 years. A change in that aspect of the game could be mind-blowing. What is the best companion in SWTOR? Lana Beniko - I think she is an amazing character for connecting the base game into the story as it is now. Some people might go with others, and they wouldn't be wrong because there are so many great companions (Definitely NOT Quinn).
  • 14. Took me a while but I got there! Let me know if you need anything else. - Swtorista What would you say to a new player starting in 2018? Welcome to the game! If this is your first massive multiplayer online game, things might be a little overwhelming. If you're an old hand at online gaming, you're going to enjoy the fully-voiced cutscenes. Follow the purple quests and you'll see all the best story quests in the game, and once you start feeling more comfortable with the basics of the game join a guild - it's the best way to meet other players and get into the group content in the game. What is the best way to interact with the SWTOR community? Apart from grouping up with other players ingame and joining a guild, there's a lot of ways to meet other fans. SWTOR Reddit - great place to ask questions, especially ones that can't be easily searched for online: SWTOR Discord Chat - live chat open to all fans or players of SWTOR: SWTOR Facebook Clubs - friendly groups of players who enjoy the game, I recommend this one: SWTOR Twitter #SWTORfamily - perfect for those who enjoy tweeting, especially screenshots SWTOR Content Creators: There's some great podcasts, streamers, video creators, guide writers and bloggers out there that focus on SWTOR. I've actually created a site to showcase some of the most well known communities for Star Wars Celebration 2019, you can learn more about each of the above groups How does SWTOR compare to other MMOs? SWTOR has hands down the best cutscenes in any online game - being able to see your character speak and move as if they're in a movie made just for you is incredible compared to reading about quests from a text box. It also has the great perk of being set in a Sci-Fi-Fantasy setting - who doesn't love lightsabers, cybernetics and starships. Although SWTOR seems to have less updates compared to say World of Warcraft, we're looking forward to 2019, when it sounds like a new expansion will be coming out. Price- wise, SWTOR is the only subscription-based games where you can play a huge amount of story before you subscribe - you can play up to level 50 and all 8 class stories for free, though there are some convenience restrictions. Compared to GW2 which let's you play the base game for free with no restrictions, SWTOR's free version can feel a bit restricting, but compared to World of Warcraft's where you can only play until level 20 for free, it's incredibly expansive. SWTOR also has one of the least expensive expansion models - unlike other games where you must purchase expansions, SWTOR's current model unlocks all expansions permanently for free once you subscribe for at least one month - so you can get all the expansions for about $15.
  • 15. What one thing would you change about SWTOR? For the good of the game, I would remove a lot of the smaller free-to-play restrictions to allow new players to have more fun with less restrictions. I don't think the smaller restrictions encourage players to subscribe, I believe they just annoy and frustrate new players. If possible, I would also improve the launcher/download/login process - it many new players get stuck trying to set up the game and never even get a chance to try the gameplay. For my personal wishlist, I would like to see all armor be part of a collections system so you can retrieve a set even if you've deleted the original, track which armors you've collected, and showcase your armor sets in your player housing stronghold. What does SWTORs future look like? It's looking surprisingly good. There's going to be a big story update coming in the end of 2018, and a new expansion is in the works and players are guessing it will be in 2019. I think SWTOR's future will be tied heavily to the public's perception and knowledge of the next expansion, which will be focused around the war between the and the Sith. If LucasFilm ever decides to create an Old Republic movie, we'll be in for a wild ride! What is the best companion in SWTOR? My favorite gameplay is group content - so my favorite companions are my guildmates and friends :)
  • 16. Advertisement (Droid ad, events, flying lessons, ship advert, weapons) Market / premium content DLC based pages Characters reviews and information Planets and locations in the game Map / guide of planets for your level Classes Dungeons In game items and weapon reviews and statistics Best companions and their story Mounts Player homes Factions Different ships Quests (best and worst) Ccommunity spotlight / guilds