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Patrick Colman
The theme of my project is a police crime
drama, therefore I needed a font that was
modern and professional looking to suit the
theme of the series. All the fonts I looked at
were san-serif fonts, this is because it looks
cleaner and more urban in design. This fits
perfectly with my mood board and colour
schemes, to make the box set and other
graphics look consistent. All of the fonts that
I have decided to use are from the website This is because it has a large
selection of fonts in many different categories
and it is very easy to search for fonts
specifically in a san-serif style.
The first five are particularly bold and block
fonts, the advantages of this are it is easier to
read and is eye catching which makes it
perfect to use for the masthead and title of
my work.
The last three fonts are in a comic book style,
this means that they are not as block as the
first five fonts but are still san-serif. These
fonts are good because they are more
stylised and will help to link the comic book
style of the images to the text.
FONTSThe Urban Jungle font has a city silhouette at the bottom of the text. This appealed to me because the theme of the series
is set in an urban setting and the name of the series is “seconds to London.” This means that the font compliments the
actual title and would work really well as the main title for all of the graphics. However, the font also features a worn effect
that adds detail to the font but does not work well with dark backgrounds and makes the text look too busy. Furthermore I
have the idea to make the title similar to the marvel studios logo where it has different comic book scenes that make up
their logo text. For this reason I will not be using this text as the main masthead of my work and I most likely will not use it
for other text as the silhouette of the skyline gets repeated in larger volumes of text and the grain effect means it is harder
to read in smaller font sizes.
The main title of my project needs to be consistent across all of the products that I make. This means that the title needs to
be interesting and not be repetitive and act as somewhat of a distinguishable logo so that when people see the title they
can recognise the series even without reading the text. To do this I have the idea to use images that I will take in a photo
shoot put them in a comic book style and make a comic book strip to overlay a block of text to be the main title. Although I
need the text to be bold enough to feature enough of the graphic so that it looks good in smaller font sizes and is easy to
The Aliens and Crows font is not as block and rectangular as most of the other san-serif fonts, however, when
experimenting by putting a copywrited preexisting comic book page and overlaying it over all of the fonts I found that it
works extremely well with the style and matches the comic book themes whilst still looking serious. On the other hand the
font is thinner and not as bold as the other fonts that I collected, this means that it is more challenging to make the comic
book strip that will overlay the text feature distinguishable images. This will not be an issue however, as by moving images
around and cropping some to be smaller it still works and is quite visually pleasing.
I do not want the whole title to be in this font. This is because it will make the title less interesting and eye catching. To
combat this I decided to use two fonts “seconds to” will be in a separate font without the comic book graphic overlay and
will be in the same colour as “London”, so that the title remains consistent. I plan to use a different font depending on the
product and content the title is in for this second font.
1) This mood board has a dark urban feel, mainly featuring city scenes with cars and buildings visible
from a distance. All the images are also at night time making it darker and harder to make out details in
the images. Most of the images are out of focus or have a blur effect present, this makes it even harder
to distinguish detail in the wide shots and further makes the viewer assume the setting and content of
the image. This makes it very cinematic and would work very well to a background to a poster and
other graphic in my production. Despite this I most likely will not use out of focus images and designs
in my piece as it removes content where I plan to include more detail. I think I will use the city setting
in my project, in the form of a skyline, as I feel that it works just as well as in this mood board but adds
more detail while it still probably won’t distract from the main image. This is because I plan for this to
be the background to my product. The final thing that I like about all of these images is the contrast
between the darkness and light sources in the images, often in a orange / yellow and blue form. This
works well as these colours will most likely feature in my colour scheme for my project.
I plan on using dark images in my work as it will contrast with the bright vibrant colours of any comic
book themes that I use such as the title. This will make the most important parts of the work stand out
much like it is done in much of my research, where the title of the show is a directly contrasting colour
or is much brighter than the background. This means that the title is bold and is the most important
thing when looking at a DVD cover or box set. The blue, orange and red in the images works well
because they are bright, highly saturated colours making them stand out from the black and they also
will work well because the series is a crime drama featuring police officers and these colours are often
associated with law enforcement and will hopefully help set the themes of the series and make it more
2) The second mood board contrasts directly with the first as it is much lighter and set in the day time.
This makes the images clearer to see and in turn more detailed. Furthermore, the images look a lot
more positive which might work well with the comic book style that I plan to include in my project,
where the darker images might conflict. By having the images more in focus and with more detail, it
may take away from the focus of the foreground in my product and in much of my research and
experiments the background of DVD covers and posters is rather blurry, has little detail or has no
background at all. This leads me to think that if I do use a bright background I will have to make sure it
does not overpower any text or foreground images.
The colours in these images are less saturated and are less prominent, however, I tried to find images
that still featured an orange and blue colour scheme as it still fits with the police themes but much
more subtly. I feel like this colour scheme will be less powerful and impactful to the overall graphics.
This could be combated by making the colours more saturated and bold but this might make the image
look unnatural and as it is in the day may not allude to the crime / police themes. When you think of
crime and police enforcement the stereotype that most people imagine is at night time and features
bright flashing lights and dark alleyways. An example would be the series Sherlock. In the marketing
for this series most of the background is dark or set at night time, and much of the actual series takes
place during the night. This is not depicted in these images.
The images are of modern police stations or hospitals that have a close resemblance to the York College
building. This is because this is the easiest location for me to get primary images and the college
building is quite similar to many modern public service buildings.
The models in this mood board are primary images that I took. They are from 2 photo shoots with the same
camera. Half of the images was shot in the studio with a white background and white lights. This made the
image neutral and the lighting clean making the image fit better when photoshopping it onto another or
adding a background. However the others are taken in college grounds under natural sunlight and lights in the
corridors. This means that the image has a very yellow gradient and all the colors are shifted. I fixed this in
photoshop however it is an unnecessary step that makes the quality worse.
This was a test photoshoot to experiment with framing and posing the models and to have content to use in
my experiments before my production to photoshop and test different styles. The main model that I used was
my classmate Tahmed Ahmed and will be the person that I use for my FMP production.
I had the model pose in various positions typically seen in superhero or drama series that have exaggerated
emotions or particularly dramatic stances. I found this works very well with portraying the theme of the series
and makes the photoshop work much more powerful as appose to a minimalist or more realistic pose.
The clothes that the model is wearing work well with the police themes that I talked about in my proposal as it
is very reminiscing of a cliché undercover police officer with the sunglasses and dark jacket. This will work well
with my FMP and when I do a photoshoot in the future I will attempt to replicate these clothes. However the
clothing worn has no colours in it. This takes it away from any lighthearted themes and makes it look very
serious. Furthermore if I want to incorporate comic book style into the theme there will be a large amount of
bright colours that might take the attention away form the main character.
The main colours that I will use
though the hole project will be
primarily red and blue. This is in sync
with the police themes that I will be
using in the graphics. The red and
blue are not as vibrant as I will most
likely end up using, however this is
because I found it important to find
colours that are not as bold and that
compliment each other well than get
the most vivid colours I could. It is
easy to increase the saturation of the
entire photoshop file and make the
colours brighter.
I may try to incorporate another
colour in the project, on the other
hand I plan on not using it with this
pallet of colours and have it as an
individual poster or item added on to
the project. It will still fit into the
themes but it will make the colours
more exiting and not the same two
colours all the time.
When making the posters for my project, I plan on making them more like teaser posters used in many
popular films such as saw or the shining where there is not a lot of detail and its more eye catching by
asking questions about the series rather than answering them. A lot of the examples I have found of this
have used very dark backgrounds and colours, this led me to find a large amount of darker shades of the
two main colours that I will be using in my overall project (red and blue). To contrast the duller and
darker colours I found some slightly lighter shades of the original colours that I used in my main colour
When I make the poster I will most likely experiment with different colours and I have the idea to use
the three primary colours and incorporate some green into one of the posters as there are going to be 3
main characters. When designing the box for the DvDs I will also most likely use this pallet as the base to
start my colours and then edit the saturation and brightness after.
This poster design is based of a experiment that
I did at the very beginning of the year that
worked quite well. This would be easy to
replicate and this design is defiantly the
quickest to make. On the other hand it pays for
this by not including any of the characters from
the story and therefore is diverting form the
focus on the drama and the characters and less
of the setting of the series that most dramas
and popular series do. This poster would also
work as a DVD cover as I put an area to have a
bar code on the front. If I was to make this a
poster the bar code would defiantly diminish
the look of the poster and I would need to
more or remove it.
The image that I would include in the
background would need to be a primary image
that I take and It will be very difficult to show
the police and supernatural themes of the
show in a landscape with no people.
This is also a very simple design for a poster. It
would feature the main character and model of
the story and show. He would be faded out at
the arms and just below the shoulders with a
Smokey effect or he would be cut off by the
title of the show. This would require the shows
title to be very bold and square as to properly
block out the person and make the cut
seamless. The font I would best use for this is
the Urban Jungle as it is a bold font that is also
quite eye drawing and would help as the title is
in the middle of the page and center of
attention. The character would be pulling a
simple dramatic poste that I looked at in my
test photoshoot. The bottom would feature a
credits block common to most films however
this may not be the most appropriate as it is a
series and they are not usually used in that
way. The colour scheme for this poster would
most likely be the same as most of the other
products with a prominent focus on red and
This poster would use the idea to make the
main focus of the poster the title by making it
in a very interesting way having it stand out
from a boring title. The shape and positioning
in this poster could have a deeper meaning
shown or a curtail plot device that helps the
poster be more complex and have more detail.
A logo might be a good idea to use in all of the
posters that I make as it would give them
consistency over the project and help the
posters link together into one product and one
series. The logo might be a simple shape or a
detailed graphic depending on how much time I
have and if it looks good on the posters and
other products.
The colours would be the same in this poster
design and would need to be the red and blue
to stay in line with the other posters.
This poster is the most minimalistic of the 5
designs and would be a teaser poster that
doesn’t show that much detail of what is in
the series. This would be good to draw
attention and many of these could be made to
give the marketing more variation and make
more unique posters. The logo could be used
in this design, however if the logo is
complicated or square with a border the logo
might not work well in the center of the
poster. The name would be right above the
billing block, this was most common in old
posters and is often done in superhero
posters. This might help parallel the themes.
The colors used in this poster could be slightly
different and incorporate a secondary colour
to make it more unique and to not use the red
and blue too much so to make the content
boring. The yellow might be too bright but it
will contrast well with the blue and the dark
This final poster is the most complicated and has
the most images and content. This would mean
that the production time needed to make this
would be much higher than all of the other
posters, Although this would be worth it as it
would show all of the main characters of the
series and would have them all in different poses.
The main antagonist of the series would be
behind the main characters, this would be shown
by his emotions and I would make him look evil
by his body language and add a unique element
to him in photoshop that would mean that he
would look different to all of the other characters.
The billing block is above the characters and I
might replace this with just the date of the
release of the series or an episode as It would fit
better than a billing block. The colours would also
be different as the police themes could be
represented by the props and characters making
it less reliant on the red and blue colours to
solidify the police setting. One concern with this
poster is that it is very different to all of the other
poster designs and might not fit in with some of
the other designs.
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed
Locations needed
Fold out box set. Studio (indoors)
A3 Printer and paper Ripon valley gardens (outdoor)
Card Paper College Grounds (outdoors)
Adobe Photoshop CS6 College Grounds (indoors)
Computer/ Mac Wooded Area (outdoors)
Lighting and White Screen
Camera (photo)
Fake Gun
Costume (Coat, Hat, *Fake Moustache)
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
Sim card is corrupted. Make sure to back up all photos on a HDD at
every point possible and keep the sim card safe.
If the footage is corrupt re book the camera and
try and get similar shots as before.
Do not complete all the shots required Try to be as efficient as possible and make sure
that the required shots are completed. If I do
not obtain all the images try to reuse assets and
potentially use uncopywrited images.
A required model for a photo shoot is not
If one of my class mates that I am planning to
use for a photo shoot is ill or not in college I will
need to rebook the studio for another day
when they are present. If I am unable to get
the studio for that day as it is full, I will use an
alternative student as the model.
Shooting location unavailable. To prevent having booked out equipment and
then find that the location is inaccessible, make
sure that I have contacted the location or that
all transport needed to get there is available. If
it still is not accessible either find another
location or plan for another day.
Contingency Planning
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Incorrectly using photography equipment. When deploying the tripod, camera or any other
filming equipment make sure that there is no trip
hazard and that all equipment is secure. If you
cannot get rid of a potential hazard try to mark out
the area or let everyone involved aware . Make
sure to have access to first aid or transport
available if an injury occurs.
Incorrectly using the studio. Make sure that everyone in the studio knows how
to use all of the equipment, such as lights, camera
and screen. If people are unaware of how to use
the equipment well, make sure there is someone
who is knowledgeable or ask for help.
Working for extended hours. Regulate workflow so that you get enough breaks
from working and do not hurt yourself by being
seated or using a screen for too long. If this cannot
be prevented make sure to be correctly seated and
adjust the brightness of the screen to a
comfortable level.

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5. pre production

  • 3. STYLE SHEET FONTS 1/2 The theme of my project is a police crime drama, therefore I needed a font that was modern and professional looking to suit the theme of the series. All the fonts I looked at were san-serif fonts, this is because it looks cleaner and more urban in design. This fits perfectly with my mood board and colour schemes, to make the box set and other graphics look consistent. All of the fonts that I have decided to use are from the website This is because it has a large selection of fonts in many different categories and it is very easy to search for fonts specifically in a san-serif style. The first five are particularly bold and block fonts, the advantages of this are it is easier to read and is eye catching which makes it perfect to use for the masthead and title of my work. The last three fonts are in a comic book style, this means that they are not as block as the first five fonts but are still san-serif. These fonts are good because they are more stylised and will help to link the comic book style of the images to the text.
  • 4. STYLE SHEET FONTSThe Urban Jungle font has a city silhouette at the bottom of the text. This appealed to me because the theme of the series is set in an urban setting and the name of the series is “seconds to London.” This means that the font compliments the actual title and would work really well as the main title for all of the graphics. However, the font also features a worn effect that adds detail to the font but does not work well with dark backgrounds and makes the text look too busy. Furthermore I have the idea to make the title similar to the marvel studios logo where it has different comic book scenes that make up their logo text. For this reason I will not be using this text as the main masthead of my work and I most likely will not use it for other text as the silhouette of the skyline gets repeated in larger volumes of text and the grain effect means it is harder to read in smaller font sizes. The main title of my project needs to be consistent across all of the products that I make. This means that the title needs to be interesting and not be repetitive and act as somewhat of a distinguishable logo so that when people see the title they can recognise the series even without reading the text. To do this I have the idea to use images that I will take in a photo shoot put them in a comic book style and make a comic book strip to overlay a block of text to be the main title. Although I need the text to be bold enough to feature enough of the graphic so that it looks good in smaller font sizes and is easy to see. The Aliens and Crows font is not as block and rectangular as most of the other san-serif fonts, however, when experimenting by putting a copywrited preexisting comic book page and overlaying it over all of the fonts I found that it works extremely well with the style and matches the comic book themes whilst still looking serious. On the other hand the font is thinner and not as bold as the other fonts that I collected, this means that it is more challenging to make the comic book strip that will overlay the text feature distinguishable images. This will not be an issue however, as by moving images around and cropping some to be smaller it still works and is quite visually pleasing. I do not want the whole title to be in this font. This is because it will make the title less interesting and eye catching. To combat this I decided to use two fonts “seconds to” will be in a separate font without the comic book graphic overlay and will be in the same colour as “London”, so that the title remains consistent. I plan to use a different font depending on the product and content the title is in for this second font. 2/2
  • 7. STYLE SHEET IMAGESBACKGROUND 1) This mood board has a dark urban feel, mainly featuring city scenes with cars and buildings visible from a distance. All the images are also at night time making it darker and harder to make out details in the images. Most of the images are out of focus or have a blur effect present, this makes it even harder to distinguish detail in the wide shots and further makes the viewer assume the setting and content of the image. This makes it very cinematic and would work very well to a background to a poster and other graphic in my production. Despite this I most likely will not use out of focus images and designs in my piece as it removes content where I plan to include more detail. I think I will use the city setting in my project, in the form of a skyline, as I feel that it works just as well as in this mood board but adds more detail while it still probably won’t distract from the main image. This is because I plan for this to be the background to my product. The final thing that I like about all of these images is the contrast between the darkness and light sources in the images, often in a orange / yellow and blue form. This works well as these colours will most likely feature in my colour scheme for my project. I plan on using dark images in my work as it will contrast with the bright vibrant colours of any comic book themes that I use such as the title. This will make the most important parts of the work stand out much like it is done in much of my research, where the title of the show is a directly contrasting colour or is much brighter than the background. This means that the title is bold and is the most important thing when looking at a DVD cover or box set. The blue, orange and red in the images works well because they are bright, highly saturated colours making them stand out from the black and they also will work well because the series is a crime drama featuring police officers and these colours are often associated with law enforcement and will hopefully help set the themes of the series and make it more consistent.
  • 8. STYLE SHEET IMAGESBACKGROUND 2) The second mood board contrasts directly with the first as it is much lighter and set in the day time. This makes the images clearer to see and in turn more detailed. Furthermore, the images look a lot more positive which might work well with the comic book style that I plan to include in my project, where the darker images might conflict. By having the images more in focus and with more detail, it may take away from the focus of the foreground in my product and in much of my research and experiments the background of DVD covers and posters is rather blurry, has little detail or has no background at all. This leads me to think that if I do use a bright background I will have to make sure it does not overpower any text or foreground images. The colours in these images are less saturated and are less prominent, however, I tried to find images that still featured an orange and blue colour scheme as it still fits with the police themes but much more subtly. I feel like this colour scheme will be less powerful and impactful to the overall graphics. This could be combated by making the colours more saturated and bold but this might make the image look unnatural and as it is in the day may not allude to the crime / police themes. When you think of crime and police enforcement the stereotype that most people imagine is at night time and features bright flashing lights and dark alleyways. An example would be the series Sherlock. In the marketing for this series most of the background is dark or set at night time, and much of the actual series takes place during the night. This is not depicted in these images. The images are of modern police stations or hospitals that have a close resemblance to the York College building. This is because this is the easiest location for me to get primary images and the college building is quite similar to many modern public service buildings.
  • 10. STYLE SHEET IMAGESMODELS - FORGROUND The models in this mood board are primary images that I took. They are from 2 photo shoots with the same camera. Half of the images was shot in the studio with a white background and white lights. This made the image neutral and the lighting clean making the image fit better when photoshopping it onto another or adding a background. However the others are taken in college grounds under natural sunlight and lights in the corridors. This means that the image has a very yellow gradient and all the colors are shifted. I fixed this in photoshop however it is an unnecessary step that makes the quality worse. This was a test photoshoot to experiment with framing and posing the models and to have content to use in my experiments before my production to photoshop and test different styles. The main model that I used was my classmate Tahmed Ahmed and will be the person that I use for my FMP production. I had the model pose in various positions typically seen in superhero or drama series that have exaggerated emotions or particularly dramatic stances. I found this works very well with portraying the theme of the series and makes the photoshop work much more powerful as appose to a minimalist or more realistic pose. The clothes that the model is wearing work well with the police themes that I talked about in my proposal as it is very reminiscing of a cliché undercover police officer with the sunglasses and dark jacket. This will work well with my FMP and when I do a photoshoot in the future I will attempt to replicate these clothes. However the clothing worn has no colours in it. This takes it away from any lighthearted themes and makes it look very serious. Furthermore if I want to incorporate comic book style into the theme there will be a large amount of bright colours that might take the attention away form the main character.
  • 12. STYLE SHEET COLOURS MAIN The main colours that I will use though the hole project will be primarily red and blue. This is in sync with the police themes that I will be using in the graphics. The red and blue are not as vibrant as I will most likely end up using, however this is because I found it important to find colours that are not as bold and that compliment each other well than get the most vivid colours I could. It is easy to increase the saturation of the entire photoshop file and make the colours brighter. I may try to incorporate another colour in the project, on the other hand I plan on not using it with this pallet of colours and have it as an individual poster or item added on to the project. It will still fit into the themes but it will make the colours more exiting and not the same two colours all the time.
  • 13. STYLE SHEET COLOURS POSTER When making the posters for my project, I plan on making them more like teaser posters used in many popular films such as saw or the shining where there is not a lot of detail and its more eye catching by asking questions about the series rather than answering them. A lot of the examples I have found of this have used very dark backgrounds and colours, this led me to find a large amount of darker shades of the two main colours that I will be using in my overall project (red and blue). To contrast the duller and darker colours I found some slightly lighter shades of the original colours that I used in my main colour pallet. When I make the poster I will most likely experiment with different colours and I have the idea to use the three primary colours and incorporate some green into one of the posters as there are going to be 3 main characters. When designing the box for the DvDs I will also most likely use this pallet as the base to start my colours and then edit the saturation and brightness after.
  • 14. POSTER LAYOUT 1 This poster design is based of a experiment that I did at the very beginning of the year that worked quite well. This would be easy to replicate and this design is defiantly the quickest to make. On the other hand it pays for this by not including any of the characters from the story and therefore is diverting form the focus on the drama and the characters and less of the setting of the series that most dramas and popular series do. This poster would also work as a DVD cover as I put an area to have a bar code on the front. If I was to make this a poster the bar code would defiantly diminish the look of the poster and I would need to more or remove it. The image that I would include in the background would need to be a primary image that I take and It will be very difficult to show the police and supernatural themes of the show in a landscape with no people.
  • 15. POSTER LAYOUT 2 This is also a very simple design for a poster. It would feature the main character and model of the story and show. He would be faded out at the arms and just below the shoulders with a Smokey effect or he would be cut off by the title of the show. This would require the shows title to be very bold and square as to properly block out the person and make the cut seamless. The font I would best use for this is the Urban Jungle as it is a bold font that is also quite eye drawing and would help as the title is in the middle of the page and center of attention. The character would be pulling a simple dramatic poste that I looked at in my test photoshoot. The bottom would feature a credits block common to most films however this may not be the most appropriate as it is a series and they are not usually used in that way. The colour scheme for this poster would most likely be the same as most of the other products with a prominent focus on red and blue.
  • 16. POSTER LAYOUT 3 This poster would use the idea to make the main focus of the poster the title by making it in a very interesting way having it stand out from a boring title. The shape and positioning in this poster could have a deeper meaning shown or a curtail plot device that helps the poster be more complex and have more detail. A logo might be a good idea to use in all of the posters that I make as it would give them consistency over the project and help the posters link together into one product and one series. The logo might be a simple shape or a detailed graphic depending on how much time I have and if it looks good on the posters and other products. The colours would be the same in this poster design and would need to be the red and blue to stay in line with the other posters.
  • 17. POSTER LAYOUT 4 This poster is the most minimalistic of the 5 designs and would be a teaser poster that doesn’t show that much detail of what is in the series. This would be good to draw attention and many of these could be made to give the marketing more variation and make more unique posters. The logo could be used in this design, however if the logo is complicated or square with a border the logo might not work well in the center of the poster. The name would be right above the billing block, this was most common in old posters and is often done in superhero posters. This might help parallel the themes. The colors used in this poster could be slightly different and incorporate a secondary colour to make it more unique and to not use the red and blue too much so to make the content boring. The yellow might be too bright but it will contrast well with the blue and the dark colours.
  • 18. POSTER LAYOUT 5 This final poster is the most complicated and has the most images and content. This would mean that the production time needed to make this would be much higher than all of the other posters, Although this would be worth it as it would show all of the main characters of the series and would have them all in different poses. The main antagonist of the series would be behind the main characters, this would be shown by his emotions and I would make him look evil by his body language and add a unique element to him in photoshop that would mean that he would look different to all of the other characters. The billing block is above the characters and I might replace this with just the date of the release of the series or an episode as It would fit better than a billing block. The colours would also be different as the police themes could be represented by the props and characters making it less reliant on the red and blue colours to solidify the police setting. One concern with this poster is that it is very different to all of the other poster designs and might not fit in with some of the other designs.
  • 19. Resources Equipment/ Props/ Costume needed Locations needed Fold out box set. Studio (indoors) A3 Printer and paper Ripon valley gardens (outdoor) Card Paper College Grounds (outdoors) Adobe Photoshop CS6 College Grounds (indoors) Computer/ Mac Wooded Area (outdoors) Lighting and White Screen Camera (photo) Fake Gun Sunglasses Costume (Coat, Hat, *Fake Moustache)
  • 20. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution Sim card is corrupted. Make sure to back up all photos on a HDD at every point possible and keep the sim card safe. If the footage is corrupt re book the camera and try and get similar shots as before. Do not complete all the shots required Try to be as efficient as possible and make sure that the required shots are completed. If I do not obtain all the images try to reuse assets and potentially use uncopywrited images. A required model for a photo shoot is not present. If one of my class mates that I am planning to use for a photo shoot is ill or not in college I will need to rebook the studio for another day when they are present. If I am unable to get the studio for that day as it is full, I will use an alternative student as the model. Shooting location unavailable. To prevent having booked out equipment and then find that the location is inaccessible, make sure that I have contacted the location or that all transport needed to get there is available. If it still is not accessible either find another location or plan for another day.
  • 23. Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Incorrectly using photography equipment. When deploying the tripod, camera or any other filming equipment make sure that there is no trip hazard and that all equipment is secure. If you cannot get rid of a potential hazard try to mark out the area or let everyone involved aware . Make sure to have access to first aid or transport available if an injury occurs. Incorrectly using the studio. Make sure that everyone in the studio knows how to use all of the equipment, such as lights, camera and screen. If people are unaware of how to use the equipment well, make sure there is someone who is knowledgeable or ask for help. Working for extended hours. Regulate workflow so that you get enough breaks from working and do not hurt yourself by being seated or using a screen for too long. If this cannot be prevented make sure to be correctly seated and adjust the brightness of the screen to a comfortable level.

Editor's Notes

  1. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  2. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  3. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  4. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  5. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  6. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  7. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  8. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  9. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  10. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  11. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  12. Explore colours, fonts and image styles similar to what you want to produce. Discuss all three elements in relation to why you chose them and where you may use them in your project. Go over as many pages as you need to
  13. Mock up of a potential design using the colours and fonts established in your style sheet and sourced images. Alter this slide to make it appropriate for your planned product types. Add further layout slides to create at least one for each product you plan to make.
  14. Mock up of a potential design using the colours and fonts established in your style sheet and sourced images. Alter this slide to make it appropriate for your planned product types. Add further layout slides to create at least one for each product you plan to make.
  15. Mock up of a potential design using the colours and fonts established in your style sheet and sourced images. Alter this slide to make it appropriate for your planned product types. Add further layout slides to create at least one for each product you plan to make.
  16. Mock up of a potential design using the colours and fonts established in your style sheet and sourced images. Alter this slide to make it appropriate for your planned product types. Add further layout slides to create at least one for each product you plan to make.
  17. Mock up of a potential design using the colours and fonts established in your style sheet and sourced images. Alter this slide to make it appropriate for your planned product types. Add further layout slides to create at least one for each product you plan to make.