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Intuitionistic First-Order Logic
Categorical semantics via the Curry-Howard isomorphism

                                       Marco Benini


                              Department of Pure Mathematics
                                    University of Leeds

                                   14th November 2012

An observation: in part D of P. Johnstone’s Sketches of an Elephant, there
is a categorical semantics for the simply typed λ-calculus. In the very same
class of models, one can give a semantics to the corresponding fragment of
propositional logic.

The problem:
is it possible to do the same for full first-order intuitionistic logic?

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Johstone’s account comes from Lambek and Scott’s Introduction to
Higher-Order Categorical Logic. The considered propositional logic is
minimal logic limited to conjunction and implication.

In Taylor, Practical Foundation of Mathematics, one finds that the treatment
of disjunction requires distributive categories in order to follow the same
pattern as the previous works.

To my knowledge, no categorical semantics appears in literature which
models the full first-order intuitionistic logic AND the corresponding

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The λ-calculus

Definition 1 (Lambda signature)
A λ-signature Σ = 〈S , F , R , Ax〉 is a structure where
1. 〈S , F , R 〉 is a logical signature, i.e.,
  1.1 a set S of sort symbols;
  1.2 a set F of function symbols, each one decorated as f : s1 × · · · × sn → s0 ,
      with s0 , . . . , sn ∈ S;
  1.3 a set R of relation symbols, each one decorated as r : s1 × · · · × sn , with
      s1 , . . . , sn ∈ S;
2. Ax is the set of axiom symbols, each one decorated as a : A → B where
   A, B ∈ λTypes(Σ) and FV(A → B ) = .
We call LTerms(Σ) the collection of logical terms constructed from the
signature Σ, assuming to have a denumerable set of variables Vs for each
s ∈ S.

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The λ-calculus

Definition 2 (Lambda type)
Fixed a λ-signature Σ, the λ-types on Σ are inductively defined along with
their free variables as follows:
1. 0, 1 ∈ λTypes(Σ) and FV(0) = FV(1) = ;
2. if p : s1 × · · · × sn ∈ R and t1 : s1 , . . . , tn : sn ∈ LTerms(Σ), then
   p(t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ λTypes(Σ) and FV(p(t1 , . . . , tn )) = n=1 FV(ti : si );
3. if A, B ∈ λTypes(Σ) then A × B , A + B , A → B ∈ λTypes(Σ) and
   FV(A × B ) = FV(A + B ) = FV(A → B ) = FV(A) ∪ FV(B );
4. if x ∈ Vs and A ∈ λTypes(Σ) then ∀x : s. A, ∃x : s. A ∈ λTypes(Σ) and
   FV(∀x : s. A) = FV(∃x : s. A) = FV(A)  {x : s}.

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The λ-calculus

Definition 3 (Lambda term)
Fixed a λ-signature Σ = 〈S , F , R , Ax〉, for each type t ∈ λTypes(Σ), we
assume there is a denumerable set Wt of (typed) variables.
A λ-term is inductively defined together with its free variables as:
1. if x ∈ Wt then x : t ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(x : t ) = {x : t };
2. if f : A → B ∈ Ax and t : A ∈ λTerms(Σ) then f (t ): B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
   FV(f (t ): B ) = FV(t : A);
3. if s : A, t : B ∈ λTerms(Σ) then 〈s, t 〉 : A × B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
   FV(〈s, t 〉 : A × B ) = FV(s : A) ∪ FV(t : B );
4. if t : A × B ∈ λTypes(Σ) then fst(t ): A ∈ λTerms(Σ),
   snd(t ): B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
   FV(fst(t ): A) = FV(snd(t ): B ) = FV(t : A × B );                       →

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The λ-calculus
 → (Lambda term)
 5. if t : A ∈ λTerms(Σ) then inlB (t ): A + B ∈ λTerms(Σ),
    inrB (t ): B + A ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
    FV(inlB (t ): A + B ) = FV(inrB (t ): B + A) = FV(t : A);
 6. if s : A + B , t : A → C , r : B → C ∈ λTerms(Σ) then
    when(s, t , r ): C ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
    FV(when(s, t , r ): C ) = FV(s : A + B ) ∪ FV(t : A → C ) ∪ FV(r : B → C );
 7. if x ∈ WA and t : B ∈ λTerms(Σ) then (λx : A. t ): A → B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
    FV((λx : A. t ): A → B ) = FV(t : B )  {x : A};
 8. if s : A → B , t : A ∈ λTerms(Σ) then s · t : B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
    FV(s · t : B ) = FV(s : A → B ) ∪ FV(t : A);
 9. ∗ : 1 ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(∗ : 1) = ;
10. FA : 0 → A ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(FA : 0 → A) = ;                                 →

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The λ-calculus
 → (Lambda term)
11. if x ∈ Vs and t : A ∈ λTerms(Σ) where x : s ∈ FV∗ (t : A), then
    allI(λx : s. t ):(∀x : s. A) ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
    FV(allI(λx : s. t ):(∀x : s. A)) = FV(t : A);
12. if t :(∀x : s. A) ∈ λTerms(Σ) and r : s ∈ LTerms(Σ) then
    allE(t , r ):(A[r /x ]) ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
    FV(allE(t , r ):(A[r /x ])) = FV(t :(∀x : s. A));
13. if x ∈ Vs , r : s ∈ LTerms(Σ) and t :(A[r /x ]) ∈ λTerms(Σ) then
    exIx (t ):(∃x : s. A) ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
    FV(exIx (t ):(∃x : s. A)) = FV(t :(A[r /x ]));
14. if t :(∃x : s. A), ∈ λTerms(Σ) and r : A → B ∈ λTerms(Σ) where
    x : s ∈ FV∗ (r : A → B ), then exE(t , (λx : s. r )): B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and
    FV(exE(t , (λx : s. r )): B ) = FV(t :(∃x : s. A)) ∪ FV(r : A → B ).
 In the previous definition, x : s ∈ FV∗ (t : A) if and only if there is
 r ∈ λTypes(Σ) and y ∈ Wr such that x : s ∈ FV(r ) and y : r ∈ FV(t : A).
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The λ-calculus

    Definition 4 (Lambda calculus)
    A derivation is inductively defined by the following inference rules, whose
    antecedents and consequents are equalities-in-context within a fixed
    λ-signature Σ:
(eq0 ) x : A. s =C t    y : B . s[r1 /x1 , . . . , rn /xn ] =C t [r1 /x1 , . . . , rn /xn ] where, for
         any 1 ≤ i ≤ n, y : B . ri : Ai is a term-in-context;
            (x : A. s1 =B1 t1 ) 
(eq1 )                .                  x : A. r [s/y ] =C r [t /y ];
           (x : A. sm =Bm tm )

(eq2 )      x : A. x =A x;
(eq3 ) x : A, y : A. x =A y       x : A, y : A. y =A x;
           (x : A, y : A, z : A. x =A y )
(eq4 )                                           x : A, y : A, z : A. x =A z;
           (x : A, y : A, z : A. y =A z )
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The λ-calculus

    → (Lambda calculus)
(eq5 ) x : A. s =C t       x : A. (λy : B . s) =B →C (λy : B . t );
(eq6 ) x : A. r =C t      x : A. allI(λy : s. r ) =(∀y : s. C ) allI(λy : s. t );
(eq7 ) x : A. u =C v         x : A. exE(t , (λy : s. u )) =C exE(t , (λy : s. v ));
(×0 )       x : 1. x =1 ∗;
(×1 )       x : A, y : B . fst(〈x , y 〉) =A x;
(×2 )       x : A, y : B . snd(〈x , y 〉) =B y ;
(×3 )       z : A × B . 〈fst(z ), snd(z )〉 =A×B z;
(+0 )       x : A. when(inlB (a), t , s) =C t · a;
(+1 )       x : A. when(inrD (b), t , s) =C s · b;

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The λ-calculus
    → (Lambda calculus)
(+2 ) when y : A1 ∈ FV(x1 : A1 + A2 ) ∪ FV(x3 : B1 → C ) ∪ FV(x4 : B2 → C ) and
      y : A2 ∈ FV(x2 : A1 + A2 ) ∪ FV(x3 : B1 → C ) ∪ FV(x4 : B2 → C )
                        x0 : A1 + A2 , x1 : A1 → (B1 + B2 ), x2 : A2 → (B1 + B2 ),
                        x3 : B1 → C , x4 : B2 → C .
                         when(when(x0 , x1 , x2 ), x3 , x4 ) =C
                         =C when(x0 , (λy : A1 . when(x1 · y , x3 , x4 )),
                                         (λy : A2 . when(x2 · y , x3 , x4 ))) ;
 (+3 )      x : A, y : 0. FA ·y =A x;
(→0 )       x : A. (λy : C . s) · t =B s[t /y ];
(→1 )       x : A. (λy : C . t · y ) =C →B t where y : C ∈ FV(t : C → B );
 (∀0 )      x : A. allE(allI(λz : s. t ), r ) =B [r /z ] t [r /z ];
(∀1 )     x : A. allE(u , r ) =B allE(v , r ) r : s∈LTerms(Σ)   x : A. u =(∀z : s. B ) v ;
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The λ-calculus

   → (Lambda calculus)
(∃0 )      x : A. exE(exIz (t ), (λz : s. v )) =B (v [r /z ]) · t;
(∃1 ) x : A. exE(u , (λz : s. r )) =B exE(u , (λz : s. t ))          x : A. r =C →B t where
      FV(r : C → B ) = FV(t : C → B );
(∃2 )      v :(∃y : s. A). w =B exE(v , (λy : s. (λz : A. w [exIy (z )/v ]))) with
        z : A ∈ FV(w : B );
(∃3 )          x : A. exE(exE(a, (λy : s. (λz : D . b))), (λy : s. c )) =C
                      =C exE(a, (λy : s. (λz : D . exE(b, (λy : s. c )))));
(∃4 )      x : A. exE(a, (λy : s. (λz : C . b[exIy (z )/w ]))) =B b[a/w ] with
        z : C ∈ FV(b : B ).

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Definition 5 (Logically distributive category)
Fixed a λ-signature Σ = 〈S , F , R , Ax〉, a category C together with a map
M : λTypes(Σ) → Obj C is said to be logically distributive if it satisfies the
following seven conditions:
1. C has finite products;
2. C has finite co-products;
3. C has exponentiation;
4. C is distributive, i.e., for every A, B , C ∈ Obj C, the arrow
   ∆ = [1A × ι1 , 1A × ι2 ]: (A × B ) + (A × C ) → A × (B + C ) has an inverse,
   where [_, _] is the co-universal arrow of the (A × B ) + (A × C ) co-product,
   _ × _ is the product arrow, 1A is the identity arrow on A, and
   ι1 : B → B + C, ι2 : C → B + C are the canonical injections of the B + C
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→ (Logically distributive category)
For every s ∈ S, A ∈ λTypes(Σ), and x ∈ Vs , let
ΣA (x : s): LTerms(Σ)(s) → C be the functor from the discrete category
LTerms(Σ)(s) = t : s | t : s ∈ LTerms(Σ) to C defined by t : s → M (A[t /x ]).

Also, for every s ∈ S, A ∈ λTypes(Σ), and x ∈ Vs , let C(∀x : s. A) be the
subcategory of C whose objects are the vertices of the cones on ΣA (x : s)
such that they are of the form MB for some B ∈ λTypes(Σ) and
x : s ∈ FV(B ). Moreover, the arrows of C(∀x : s. A) , apart identities, are the
arrows in the category of cones over ΣA (x : s) having the objects of
C(∀x : s. A) as domain and M (∀x : s. A) as co-domain.                           →

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→ (Logically distributive category)
Finally, for every s ∈ S, A ∈ λTypes(Σ), and x ∈ Vs , let C(∃x : s. A) be the
subcategory of C whose objects are the vertices of the co-cones on
ΣA (x : s) such that they are of the form MB for some B ∈ λTypes(Σ) and
x : s ∈ FV(B ). Moreover, the arrows of C(∃x : s. A) , apart identities, are the
arrows in the category of co-cones over ΣA (x : s) having the objects of
C(∃x : s. A) as co-domain and M (∃x : s. A) as domain.

5. All the subcategories C(∀x : s. A) have terminal objects, and all the
   subcategories C(∃x : s. A) have initial objects;

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→ (Logically distributive category)
6. The M map is such that
  6.1 M (0) = 0, the initial object of C;
  6.2 M (1) = 1, the terminal object of C;
  6.3 M (A × B ) = MA × MB, the binary product in C;
  6.4 M (A + B ) = MA + MB, the binary co-prooduct in C;
  6.5 M (A → B ) = MB MA , the exponential object in C;
  6.6 M (∀x : s. A) is the terminal object in the subcategory C(∀x : s. A) ;
  6.7 M (∃x : s. A) is the initial object in the subcategory C(∃x : s. A) ;
7. For every x ∈ Vs , A, B ∈ λTypes(Σ) with x : s ∈ FV(A), MA × M (∃x : s. B )
   is an object of C(∃x : s. A×B ) since, if M (∃x : s. B ), {δt }t : s∈LTerms(Σ) is a
   co-cone over ΣB (x : s), and there is one by condition (5), then
    MA × M (∃x : s. B ), {1MA ×δt }t : s∈LTerms(Σ) is a co-cone over ΣA×B (x : s).
   Thus, there is a unique arrow !: M (∃x : s. A × B ) → MA × M (∃x : s. B ) in
   C(∃x : s. A×B ) . Our last condition requires that the arrow ! has an inverse.

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Definition 6 (Σ-structure)
Given a λ-signature Σ = 〈S , F , R , Ax〉, a Σ-structure is a triple 〈C, M , MAx 〉
such that C together with M forms a logically distributive category and MAx
is a map from Ax such that MAx (a : A → B ) ∈ HomC (MA, MB ).

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Definition 7 (λ-terms semantics)
Fixed a Σ-structure 〈C, M , MAx 〉, let A ≡ A1 × · · · An , and let
x ≡ x1 : A1 , . . . , xn : An be a context. The semantics of a term-in-context
x . t : B, notation x . t : B , is an arrow in HomC (MA, MB ) inductively defined
as follows:
1.    x . xi : Ai = πi , the i-th projector of the product MA = MA1 × · · · × MAn ;
2. if a : C → B ∈ Ax then x . a(t ): B = MAx a ◦ x . t : C ;
3.    x . 〈s, t 〉 : B × C = ( x . s : B , x . t : C ) where (_, _) is the universal arrow
     of the product MB × MC;
4.    x . fst(t ): B = π1 ◦ x . t : B × C where π1 is the first canonical projector
     of the product MA × MB;
5.    x . snd(t ): C = π2 ◦ x . t : B × C where π2 is the second canonical
     projector of the product MA × MB;
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→ (λ-terms semantics)
6.    x . (λz : C . t ): C → B is the exponential transpose of
      x , z : C . t : B : MA × MC → MB;
7.    x . s · t : B = ev ◦ ( x . s : C → B , x . t : C ) where ev is the exponential
     evaluation arrow;
8.    x . inlB (t ): C + B = ι1 ◦ x . t : C with ι1 the first canonical injection of the
     co-product MC + MB;
9.    x . inrC (t ): C + B = ι2 ◦ x . t : B with ι2 the second canonical injection of
     the co-product MC + MB;

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 → (λ-terms semantics)
10. calling [_, _] the co-universal arrow of (MA × MC1 ) + (MA × MC2 ), (_, _)
    the universal arrow of MA × (MC1 + MC2 ), and noticing that the arrow
    ∆ : (MA × MC1 ) + (MA × MC2 ) → MA × (MC1 + MC2 ) has an inverse
    because C with M is logically distributive

               x . when(t , u , v ): B = [ev ◦ ( x . u : C1 → B × 1MC1 ) ,
                                         ev ◦ ( x . v : C2 → B × 1MC2 )] ◦
                                        ◦ ∆−1 ◦ (1MA , x . t : C1 + C2 ) ;

11.    x . ∗ : 1 =!: MA → 1, the universal arrow of the terminal object;
12.    x . FB : 0 → B is the exponential transpose of
      (!: 0 → MB ) ◦ (πn+1 : MA × 0 → 0);

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 → (λ-terms semantics)
13.    x . allI(λz : s. t ):(∀z : s. B ) = β ◦ α where
      α ≡ 1MAi1 × · · · × 1MAik : MA → MA with A ≡ Ai1 × · · · × Aik , where
      x ≡ {xi1 : Ai1 , . . . , xik : Aik } = FV(t : B ), and β : MA → M (∀z : s. B ) is the
      universal arrow from MA to the terminal object in C∀z : s. B ;
14.     x . allE(t , r ): B [r /z ] = pr ◦ x . t :(∀z : s. B ) where
      pr : M (∀z : s. B ) → M (B [r /z ]) is the r -th projector of the unique cone on
      ΣB (z : s) whose vertex is M (∀z : s. B ).
      It is worth noticing that pr = w :(∀z : s. B ). allE(w , r ): B [r /z ] ;
15.     x . exIz (t ):(∃z : s. B ) = jr ◦ x . t : B [r /z ] where
      jr : M (B [r /z ]) → M (∃z : s. B ) is the r -th injection of the unique co-cone
      on ΣB (z : s) whose vertex is M (∃z : s. B ).
      It is worth noticing that jr = w : B [r /z ]. exIz (w ):(∃z : s. B ) ;

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 → (λ-terms semantics)
16.  x . exE(t , (λz : s. r )): B = γ ◦ β−1 ◦ (α, x . t :(∃z : s. C ) ) where
  16.1 α ≡ 1MAi1 × · · · × 1MAik : MA → MA with A ≡ Ai1 × · · · × Aik , where
        x ≡ {xi1 : Ai1 , . . . , xik : Aik } = FV(t :(∃z : s. C )) ∪ FV(r : C → B );
  16.2 β : M (∃z : s. A × C ) → MA × M (∃z : s. C ) is the co-universal arrow in the
        subcategory C∃z : s. A ×C ;
  16.3 γ : M (∃z : s. A × C ) → MB is the co-universal arrow in C∃z : s. A ×C .

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Definition 8 (Validity)
An equality-in-context x . s =A t is valid in the λ-theory T , a set of
equalities-in-context, when, in every logically distributive category C, each
model M of T is also a model of x . s =A t.
A Σ-structure M in C is a model of a theory T when it is a model of each φ
in T .
Finally, M is a model of an equality-in-context x . t =A s if x . t : A = x . s : A .

Theorem 9 (Soundness)
If an equation-in-context x . s =A t is derivable from a λ-theory T , then
x . s =A t is valid in each model of T in every logically distributive category.

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Definition 10 (Syntactical equivalence)
Given a λ-theory T , the syntactical equivalence of two terms-in-context is
defined by fixing the generated equivalence classes. Precisely, the
equivalence class [x : A. t : B ] is defined as the minimal set, composed by
terms-in-context, such that
1. x : A. t : B ∈ [x : A. t : B ]—reflexivity;
2. if T y : D . s =C r , where y : D . s =C r is an equality-in-context, and
   y : D . s : C ∈ [x : A. t : B ], then y : D . r : C ∈ [x : A. t : B ]—closure under
   provable equivalence;

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→ (Syntactical equivalence)
3. if y : D . s : C is a term-in-context and, for some 1 ≤ i < m and
   z : Di × Di +1 ∈ FV(s : C ) ∪ y1 : D1 , . . . , ym : Dm , it happens that

            y1 : D1 , . . . , yi −1 : Di −1 , z : Di × Di +1 , yi +1 : Di +2 ,
                      . . . , ym : Dm . s[fst(z )/yi ][snd(z )/yi +1 ]: C ∈ [x : A. t : B ] ,

    then y : D . s : C ∈ [x : A. t : B ]—closure under associativity in contexts;
4. if y : D . s : C is a term-in-context and, for some 1 ≤ i < m and
   z : Di +1 × Di ∈ FV(s : C ) ∪ y1 : D1 , . . . , ym : Dm , it happens that

            y1 : D1 , . . . , yi −1 : Di −1 , z : Di +1 × Di , yi +1 : Di +2 ,
                      . . . , ym : Dm . s[snd(z )/yi ][fst(z )/yi +1 ]: C ∈ [x : A. t : B ] ,

    then y : D . s : C ∈ [x : A. t : B ]—closure under commutativity in contexts;
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→ (Syntactical equivalence)
5. if y : D . s : C ∈ [x : A. y : B ] and z : Di ∈ FV(s : C ) ∪ y1 : D1 , . . . , ym : Dm for
   some 1 ≤ i ≤ m, then

               y1 : D1 , . . . , yi −1 : Di −1 , z : Di , yi +1 : Di +1 , . . . , ym : Dm . s[z /yi ]: C

    is in [x : A. t : B ]—closure under α-renaming in contexts.

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Definition 11 (Syntactical category)
Given a λ-theory T , the syntactical category CT has λTypes(Σ) as objects,
where Σ is the λ-signature of T , and the equivalence classes
[x : A. t : B ]: A → B as arrows.
Identities are given by the classes [x : A. x : A]: A → A for each λ-type A,
and composition is given by substitution:

                [y : B . s : C ] ◦ [x : A. t : B ] = [x : A. s[t /y ]: C ] .

Moreover, the map MT : λTypes(Σ) → Obj CT is defined as MT A = A.

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Proposition 12
The CT category is logically distributive.

Proposition 13
Given a λ-theory T on the Σ signature, the Σ-structure 〈CT , MT , MAx 〉 on
the corresponding syntactical category is defined by MAx which maps
f : A → B ∈ Ax to [x : A. f (x ): B ].
This Σ-structure is a model for T and, moreover, it satisfies exactly those
equalities-in-context which are provable in T .

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Proposition 14
For every logically distributive category C, there is a biijection between
equivalence classes, modulo natural equivalences, of structure-preserving
functors CT → C and equivalence classes, modulo isomorphisms, of
models of T in C, induced by the map F → F (MT ).

Theorem 15 (Completeness)
If x . s =A t is an equality-in-context valid in every model for T in each
logically distributive category, then T x . s =A t.

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Soundness and Completeness in Logic

Definition 16 (Valid type)
A λ-type A is valid in the model N = 〈N, N , NAx 〉 when there exists an
arrow 1 → NA in N.

A λ-type A is a logical consequence in the model N of the λ-types
B1 , . . . , Bn when there exists N (B1 × · · · × Bn ) → NA in N.

A λ-type A is a logical consequence of B1 , . . . , Bn when it is a logical
consequence of B1 , . . . , Bn in every model in every logically distributive

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Soundness and Completeness in Logic

Proposition 17
A λ-type A is a logical consequence of B1 , . . . , Bn if and only if there exists a
term-in-context x : B1 × · · · × Bn . t : A.

Corollary 18
A λ-type A is a logical consequence of B1 , . . . , Bn if and only if there is a
proof of A from the hypotheses B1 , . . . , Bn , when λ-types are interpreted as
logical formulae and λ-terms as logical proofs, according to the
Curry-Howard isomorphism.

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The end


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Intuitionistic First-Order Logic: Categorical semantics via the Curry-Howard isomorphism

  • 1. Intuitionistic First-Order Logic Categorical semantics via the Curry-Howard isomorphism Marco Benini Department of Pure Mathematics University of Leeds 14th November 2012
  • 2. Introduction An observation: in part D of P. Johnstone’s Sketches of an Elephant, there is a categorical semantics for the simply typed λ-calculus. In the very same class of models, one can give a semantics to the corresponding fragment of propositional logic. The problem: is it possible to do the same for full first-order intuitionistic logic? 2 of 32
  • 3. Introduction Johstone’s account comes from Lambek and Scott’s Introduction to Higher-Order Categorical Logic. The considered propositional logic is minimal logic limited to conjunction and implication. In Taylor, Practical Foundation of Mathematics, one finds that the treatment of disjunction requires distributive categories in order to follow the same pattern as the previous works. To my knowledge, no categorical semantics appears in literature which models the full first-order intuitionistic logic AND the corresponding λ-calculus. 3 of 32
  • 4. The λ-calculus Definition 1 (Lambda signature) A λ-signature Σ = 〈S , F , R , Ax〉 is a structure where 1. 〈S , F , R 〉 is a logical signature, i.e., 1.1 a set S of sort symbols; 1.2 a set F of function symbols, each one decorated as f : s1 × · · · × sn → s0 , with s0 , . . . , sn ∈ S; 1.3 a set R of relation symbols, each one decorated as r : s1 × · · · × sn , with s1 , . . . , sn ∈ S; 2. Ax is the set of axiom symbols, each one decorated as a : A → B where A, B ∈ λTypes(Σ) and FV(A → B ) = . We call LTerms(Σ) the collection of logical terms constructed from the signature Σ, assuming to have a denumerable set of variables Vs for each s ∈ S. 4 of 32
  • 5. The λ-calculus Definition 2 (Lambda type) Fixed a λ-signature Σ, the λ-types on Σ are inductively defined along with their free variables as follows: 1. 0, 1 ∈ λTypes(Σ) and FV(0) = FV(1) = ; 2. if p : s1 × · · · × sn ∈ R and t1 : s1 , . . . , tn : sn ∈ LTerms(Σ), then p(t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ λTypes(Σ) and FV(p(t1 , . . . , tn )) = n=1 FV(ti : si ); i 3. if A, B ∈ λTypes(Σ) then A × B , A + B , A → B ∈ λTypes(Σ) and FV(A × B ) = FV(A + B ) = FV(A → B ) = FV(A) ∪ FV(B ); 4. if x ∈ Vs and A ∈ λTypes(Σ) then ∀x : s. A, ∃x : s. A ∈ λTypes(Σ) and FV(∀x : s. A) = FV(∃x : s. A) = FV(A) {x : s}. 5 of 32
  • 6. The λ-calculus Definition 3 (Lambda term) Fixed a λ-signature Σ = 〈S , F , R , Ax〉, for each type t ∈ λTypes(Σ), we assume there is a denumerable set Wt of (typed) variables. A λ-term is inductively defined together with its free variables as: 1. if x ∈ Wt then x : t ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(x : t ) = {x : t }; 2. if f : A → B ∈ Ax and t : A ∈ λTerms(Σ) then f (t ): B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(f (t ): B ) = FV(t : A); 3. if s : A, t : B ∈ λTerms(Σ) then 〈s, t 〉 : A × B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(〈s, t 〉 : A × B ) = FV(s : A) ∪ FV(t : B ); 4. if t : A × B ∈ λTypes(Σ) then fst(t ): A ∈ λTerms(Σ), snd(t ): B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(fst(t ): A) = FV(snd(t ): B ) = FV(t : A × B ); → 6 of 32
  • 7. The λ-calculus → (Lambda term) 5. if t : A ∈ λTerms(Σ) then inlB (t ): A + B ∈ λTerms(Σ), inrB (t ): B + A ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(inlB (t ): A + B ) = FV(inrB (t ): B + A) = FV(t : A); 6. if s : A + B , t : A → C , r : B → C ∈ λTerms(Σ) then when(s, t , r ): C ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(when(s, t , r ): C ) = FV(s : A + B ) ∪ FV(t : A → C ) ∪ FV(r : B → C ); 7. if x ∈ WA and t : B ∈ λTerms(Σ) then (λx : A. t ): A → B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV((λx : A. t ): A → B ) = FV(t : B ) {x : A}; 8. if s : A → B , t : A ∈ λTerms(Σ) then s · t : B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(s · t : B ) = FV(s : A → B ) ∪ FV(t : A); 9. ∗ : 1 ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(∗ : 1) = ; 10. FA : 0 → A ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(FA : 0 → A) = ; → 7 of 32
  • 8. The λ-calculus → (Lambda term) 11. if x ∈ Vs and t : A ∈ λTerms(Σ) where x : s ∈ FV∗ (t : A), then allI(λx : s. t ):(∀x : s. A) ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(allI(λx : s. t ):(∀x : s. A)) = FV(t : A); 12. if t :(∀x : s. A) ∈ λTerms(Σ) and r : s ∈ LTerms(Σ) then allE(t , r ):(A[r /x ]) ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(allE(t , r ):(A[r /x ])) = FV(t :(∀x : s. A)); 13. if x ∈ Vs , r : s ∈ LTerms(Σ) and t :(A[r /x ]) ∈ λTerms(Σ) then exIx (t ):(∃x : s. A) ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(exIx (t ):(∃x : s. A)) = FV(t :(A[r /x ])); 14. if t :(∃x : s. A), ∈ λTerms(Σ) and r : A → B ∈ λTerms(Σ) where x : s ∈ FV∗ (r : A → B ), then exE(t , (λx : s. r )): B ∈ λTerms(Σ) and FV(exE(t , (λx : s. r )): B ) = FV(t :(∃x : s. A)) ∪ FV(r : A → B ). In the previous definition, x : s ∈ FV∗ (t : A) if and only if there is r ∈ λTypes(Σ) and y ∈ Wr such that x : s ∈ FV(r ) and y : r ∈ FV(t : A). 8 of 32
  • 9. The λ-calculus Definition 4 (Lambda calculus) A derivation is inductively defined by the following inference rules, whose antecedents and consequents are equalities-in-context within a fixed λ-signature Σ: (eq0 ) x : A. s =C t y : B . s[r1 /x1 , . . . , rn /xn ] =C t [r1 /x1 , . . . , rn /xn ] where, for any 1 ≤ i ≤ n, y : B . ri : Ai is a term-in-context;  (x : A. s1 =B1 t1 )   . . (eq1 ) . x : A. r [s/y ] =C r [t /y ];  (x : A. sm =Bm tm )  (eq2 ) x : A. x =A x; (eq3 ) x : A, y : A. x =A y x : A, y : A. y =A x; (x : A, y : A, z : A. x =A y ) (eq4 ) x : A, y : A, z : A. x =A z; (x : A, y : A, z : A. y =A z ) → 9 of 32
  • 10. The λ-calculus → (Lambda calculus) (eq5 ) x : A. s =C t x : A. (λy : B . s) =B →C (λy : B . t ); (eq6 ) x : A. r =C t x : A. allI(λy : s. r ) =(∀y : s. C ) allI(λy : s. t ); (eq7 ) x : A. u =C v x : A. exE(t , (λy : s. u )) =C exE(t , (λy : s. v )); (×0 ) x : 1. x =1 ∗; (×1 ) x : A, y : B . fst(〈x , y 〉) =A x; (×2 ) x : A, y : B . snd(〈x , y 〉) =B y ; (×3 ) z : A × B . 〈fst(z ), snd(z )〉 =A×B z; (+0 ) x : A. when(inlB (a), t , s) =C t · a; (+1 ) x : A. when(inrD (b), t , s) =C s · b; → 10 of 32
  • 11. The λ-calculus → (Lambda calculus) (+2 ) when y : A1 ∈ FV(x1 : A1 + A2 ) ∪ FV(x3 : B1 → C ) ∪ FV(x4 : B2 → C ) and y : A2 ∈ FV(x2 : A1 + A2 ) ∪ FV(x3 : B1 → C ) ∪ FV(x4 : B2 → C ) x0 : A1 + A2 , x1 : A1 → (B1 + B2 ), x2 : A2 → (B1 + B2 ), x3 : B1 → C , x4 : B2 → C . when(when(x0 , x1 , x2 ), x3 , x4 ) =C =C when(x0 , (λy : A1 . when(x1 · y , x3 , x4 )), (λy : A2 . when(x2 · y , x3 , x4 ))) ; (+3 ) x : A, y : 0. FA ·y =A x; (→0 ) x : A. (λy : C . s) · t =B s[t /y ]; (→1 ) x : A. (λy : C . t · y ) =C →B t where y : C ∈ FV(t : C → B ); (∀0 ) x : A. allE(allI(λz : s. t ), r ) =B [r /z ] t [r /z ]; (∀1 ) x : A. allE(u , r ) =B allE(v , r ) r : s∈LTerms(Σ) x : A. u =(∀z : s. B ) v ; → 11 of 32
  • 12. The λ-calculus → (Lambda calculus) (∃0 ) x : A. exE(exIz (t ), (λz : s. v )) =B (v [r /z ]) · t; (∃1 ) x : A. exE(u , (λz : s. r )) =B exE(u , (λz : s. t )) x : A. r =C →B t where FV(r : C → B ) = FV(t : C → B ); (∃2 ) v :(∃y : s. A). w =B exE(v , (λy : s. (λz : A. w [exIy (z )/v ]))) with z : A ∈ FV(w : B ); (∃3 ) x : A. exE(exE(a, (λy : s. (λz : D . b))), (λy : s. c )) =C =C exE(a, (λy : s. (λz : D . exE(b, (λy : s. c ))))); (∃4 ) x : A. exE(a, (λy : s. (λz : C . b[exIy (z )/w ]))) =B b[a/w ] with z : C ∈ FV(b : B ). 12 of 32
  • 13. Semantics Definition 5 (Logically distributive category) Fixed a λ-signature Σ = 〈S , F , R , Ax〉, a category C together with a map M : λTypes(Σ) → Obj C is said to be logically distributive if it satisfies the following seven conditions: 1. C has finite products; 2. C has finite co-products; 3. C has exponentiation; 4. C is distributive, i.e., for every A, B , C ∈ Obj C, the arrow ∆ = [1A × ι1 , 1A × ι2 ]: (A × B ) + (A × C ) → A × (B + C ) has an inverse, where [_, _] is the co-universal arrow of the (A × B ) + (A × C ) co-product, _ × _ is the product arrow, 1A is the identity arrow on A, and ι1 : B → B + C, ι2 : C → B + C are the canonical injections of the B + C co-product. → 13 of 32
  • 14. Semantics → (Logically distributive category) For every s ∈ S, A ∈ λTypes(Σ), and x ∈ Vs , let ΣA (x : s): LTerms(Σ)(s) → C be the functor from the discrete category LTerms(Σ)(s) = t : s | t : s ∈ LTerms(Σ) to C defined by t : s → M (A[t /x ]). Also, for every s ∈ S, A ∈ λTypes(Σ), and x ∈ Vs , let C(∀x : s. A) be the subcategory of C whose objects are the vertices of the cones on ΣA (x : s) such that they are of the form MB for some B ∈ λTypes(Σ) and x : s ∈ FV(B ). Moreover, the arrows of C(∀x : s. A) , apart identities, are the arrows in the category of cones over ΣA (x : s) having the objects of C(∀x : s. A) as domain and M (∀x : s. A) as co-domain. → 14 of 32
  • 15. Semantics → (Logically distributive category) Finally, for every s ∈ S, A ∈ λTypes(Σ), and x ∈ Vs , let C(∃x : s. A) be the subcategory of C whose objects are the vertices of the co-cones on ΣA (x : s) such that they are of the form MB for some B ∈ λTypes(Σ) and x : s ∈ FV(B ). Moreover, the arrows of C(∃x : s. A) , apart identities, are the arrows in the category of co-cones over ΣA (x : s) having the objects of C(∃x : s. A) as co-domain and M (∃x : s. A) as domain. 5. All the subcategories C(∀x : s. A) have terminal objects, and all the subcategories C(∃x : s. A) have initial objects; → 15 of 32
  • 16. Semantics → (Logically distributive category) 6. The M map is such that 6.1 M (0) = 0, the initial object of C; 6.2 M (1) = 1, the terminal object of C; 6.3 M (A × B ) = MA × MB, the binary product in C; 6.4 M (A + B ) = MA + MB, the binary co-prooduct in C; 6.5 M (A → B ) = MB MA , the exponential object in C; 6.6 M (∀x : s. A) is the terminal object in the subcategory C(∀x : s. A) ; 6.7 M (∃x : s. A) is the initial object in the subcategory C(∃x : s. A) ; 7. For every x ∈ Vs , A, B ∈ λTypes(Σ) with x : s ∈ FV(A), MA × M (∃x : s. B ) is an object of C(∃x : s. A×B ) since, if M (∃x : s. B ), {δt }t : s∈LTerms(Σ) is a co-cone over ΣB (x : s), and there is one by condition (5), then MA × M (∃x : s. B ), {1MA ×δt }t : s∈LTerms(Σ) is a co-cone over ΣA×B (x : s). Thus, there is a unique arrow !: M (∃x : s. A × B ) → MA × M (∃x : s. B ) in C(∃x : s. A×B ) . Our last condition requires that the arrow ! has an inverse. 16 of 32
  • 17. Semantics Definition 6 (Σ-structure) Given a λ-signature Σ = 〈S , F , R , Ax〉, a Σ-structure is a triple 〈C, M , MAx 〉 such that C together with M forms a logically distributive category and MAx is a map from Ax such that MAx (a : A → B ) ∈ HomC (MA, MB ). 17 of 32
  • 18. Semantics Definition 7 (λ-terms semantics) Fixed a Σ-structure 〈C, M , MAx 〉, let A ≡ A1 × · · · An , and let x ≡ x1 : A1 , . . . , xn : An be a context. The semantics of a term-in-context x . t : B, notation x . t : B , is an arrow in HomC (MA, MB ) inductively defined as follows: 1. x . xi : Ai = πi , the i-th projector of the product MA = MA1 × · · · × MAn ; 2. if a : C → B ∈ Ax then x . a(t ): B = MAx a ◦ x . t : C ; 3. x . 〈s, t 〉 : B × C = ( x . s : B , x . t : C ) where (_, _) is the universal arrow of the product MB × MC; 4. x . fst(t ): B = π1 ◦ x . t : B × C where π1 is the first canonical projector of the product MA × MB; 5. x . snd(t ): C = π2 ◦ x . t : B × C where π2 is the second canonical projector of the product MA × MB; → 18 of 32
  • 19. Semantics → (λ-terms semantics) 6. x . (λz : C . t ): C → B is the exponential transpose of x , z : C . t : B : MA × MC → MB; 7. x . s · t : B = ev ◦ ( x . s : C → B , x . t : C ) where ev is the exponential evaluation arrow; 8. x . inlB (t ): C + B = ι1 ◦ x . t : C with ι1 the first canonical injection of the co-product MC + MB; 9. x . inrC (t ): C + B = ι2 ◦ x . t : B with ι2 the second canonical injection of the co-product MC + MB; → 19 of 32
  • 20. Semantics → (λ-terms semantics) 10. calling [_, _] the co-universal arrow of (MA × MC1 ) + (MA × MC2 ), (_, _) the universal arrow of MA × (MC1 + MC2 ), and noticing that the arrow ∆ : (MA × MC1 ) + (MA × MC2 ) → MA × (MC1 + MC2 ) has an inverse because C with M is logically distributive x . when(t , u , v ): B = [ev ◦ ( x . u : C1 → B × 1MC1 ) , ev ◦ ( x . v : C2 → B × 1MC2 )] ◦ ◦ ∆−1 ◦ (1MA , x . t : C1 + C2 ) ; 11. x . ∗ : 1 =!: MA → 1, the universal arrow of the terminal object; 12. x . FB : 0 → B is the exponential transpose of (!: 0 → MB ) ◦ (πn+1 : MA × 0 → 0); → 20 of 32
  • 21. Semantics → (λ-terms semantics) 13. x . allI(λz : s. t ):(∀z : s. B ) = β ◦ α where α ≡ 1MAi1 × · · · × 1MAik : MA → MA with A ≡ Ai1 × · · · × Aik , where x ≡ {xi1 : Ai1 , . . . , xik : Aik } = FV(t : B ), and β : MA → M (∀z : s. B ) is the universal arrow from MA to the terminal object in C∀z : s. B ; 14. x . allE(t , r ): B [r /z ] = pr ◦ x . t :(∀z : s. B ) where pr : M (∀z : s. B ) → M (B [r /z ]) is the r -th projector of the unique cone on ΣB (z : s) whose vertex is M (∀z : s. B ). It is worth noticing that pr = w :(∀z : s. B ). allE(w , r ): B [r /z ] ; 15. x . exIz (t ):(∃z : s. B ) = jr ◦ x . t : B [r /z ] where jr : M (B [r /z ]) → M (∃z : s. B ) is the r -th injection of the unique co-cone on ΣB (z : s) whose vertex is M (∃z : s. B ). It is worth noticing that jr = w : B [r /z ]. exIz (w ):(∃z : s. B ) ; → 21 of 32
  • 22. Semantics → (λ-terms semantics) 16. x . exE(t , (λz : s. r )): B = γ ◦ β−1 ◦ (α, x . t :(∃z : s. C ) ) where 16.1 α ≡ 1MAi1 × · · · × 1MAik : MA → MA with A ≡ Ai1 × · · · × Aik , where x ≡ {xi1 : Ai1 , . . . , xik : Aik } = FV(t :(∃z : s. C )) ∪ FV(r : C → B ); 16.2 β : M (∃z : s. A × C ) → MA × M (∃z : s. C ) is the co-universal arrow in the subcategory C∃z : s. A ×C ; 16.3 γ : M (∃z : s. A × C ) → MB is the co-universal arrow in C∃z : s. A ×C . 22 of 32
  • 23. Soundness Definition 8 (Validity) An equality-in-context x . s =A t is valid in the λ-theory T , a set of equalities-in-context, when, in every logically distributive category C, each model M of T is also a model of x . s =A t. A Σ-structure M in C is a model of a theory T when it is a model of each φ in T . Finally, M is a model of an equality-in-context x . t =A s if x . t : A = x . s : A . Theorem 9 (Soundness) If an equation-in-context x . s =A t is derivable from a λ-theory T , then x . s =A t is valid in each model of T in every logically distributive category. 23 of 32
  • 24. Completeness Definition 10 (Syntactical equivalence) Given a λ-theory T , the syntactical equivalence of two terms-in-context is defined by fixing the generated equivalence classes. Precisely, the equivalence class [x : A. t : B ] is defined as the minimal set, composed by terms-in-context, such that 1. x : A. t : B ∈ [x : A. t : B ]—reflexivity; 2. if T y : D . s =C r , where y : D . s =C r is an equality-in-context, and y : D . s : C ∈ [x : A. t : B ], then y : D . r : C ∈ [x : A. t : B ]—closure under provable equivalence; → 24 of 32
  • 25. Completeness → (Syntactical equivalence) 3. if y : D . s : C is a term-in-context and, for some 1 ≤ i < m and z : Di × Di +1 ∈ FV(s : C ) ∪ y1 : D1 , . . . , ym : Dm , it happens that y1 : D1 , . . . , yi −1 : Di −1 , z : Di × Di +1 , yi +1 : Di +2 , . . . , ym : Dm . s[fst(z )/yi ][snd(z )/yi +1 ]: C ∈ [x : A. t : B ] , then y : D . s : C ∈ [x : A. t : B ]—closure under associativity in contexts; 4. if y : D . s : C is a term-in-context and, for some 1 ≤ i < m and z : Di +1 × Di ∈ FV(s : C ) ∪ y1 : D1 , . . . , ym : Dm , it happens that y1 : D1 , . . . , yi −1 : Di −1 , z : Di +1 × Di , yi +1 : Di +2 , . . . , ym : Dm . s[snd(z )/yi ][fst(z )/yi +1 ]: C ∈ [x : A. t : B ] , then y : D . s : C ∈ [x : A. t : B ]—closure under commutativity in contexts; → 25 of 32
  • 26. Completeness → (Syntactical equivalence) 5. if y : D . s : C ∈ [x : A. y : B ] and z : Di ∈ FV(s : C ) ∪ y1 : D1 , . . . , ym : Dm for some 1 ≤ i ≤ m, then y1 : D1 , . . . , yi −1 : Di −1 , z : Di , yi +1 : Di +1 , . . . , ym : Dm . s[z /yi ]: C is in [x : A. t : B ]—closure under α-renaming in contexts. 26 of 32
  • 27. Completeness Definition 11 (Syntactical category) Given a λ-theory T , the syntactical category CT has λTypes(Σ) as objects, where Σ is the λ-signature of T , and the equivalence classes [x : A. t : B ]: A → B as arrows. Identities are given by the classes [x : A. x : A]: A → A for each λ-type A, and composition is given by substitution: [y : B . s : C ] ◦ [x : A. t : B ] = [x : A. s[t /y ]: C ] . Moreover, the map MT : λTypes(Σ) → Obj CT is defined as MT A = A. 27 of 32
  • 28. Completeness Proposition 12 The CT category is logically distributive. Proposition 13 Given a λ-theory T on the Σ signature, the Σ-structure 〈CT , MT , MAx 〉 on the corresponding syntactical category is defined by MAx which maps f : A → B ∈ Ax to [x : A. f (x ): B ]. This Σ-structure is a model for T and, moreover, it satisfies exactly those equalities-in-context which are provable in T . 28 of 32
  • 29. Completeness Proposition 14 For every logically distributive category C, there is a biijection between equivalence classes, modulo natural equivalences, of structure-preserving functors CT → C and equivalence classes, modulo isomorphisms, of models of T in C, induced by the map F → F (MT ). Theorem 15 (Completeness) If x . s =A t is an equality-in-context valid in every model for T in each logically distributive category, then T x . s =A t. 29 of 32
  • 30. Soundness and Completeness in Logic Definition 16 (Valid type) A λ-type A is valid in the model N = 〈N, N , NAx 〉 when there exists an arrow 1 → NA in N. A λ-type A is a logical consequence in the model N of the λ-types B1 , . . . , Bn when there exists N (B1 × · · · × Bn ) → NA in N. A λ-type A is a logical consequence of B1 , . . . , Bn when it is a logical consequence of B1 , . . . , Bn in every model in every logically distributive category. 30 of 32
  • 31. Soundness and Completeness in Logic Proposition 17 A λ-type A is a logical consequence of B1 , . . . , Bn if and only if there exists a term-in-context x : B1 × · · · × Bn . t : A. Corollary 18 A λ-type A is a logical consequence of B1 , . . . , Bn if and only if there is a proof of A from the hypotheses B1 , . . . , Bn , when λ-types are interpreted as logical formulae and λ-terms as logical proofs, according to the Curry-Howard isomorphism. 31 of 32
  • 32. The end Questions? 32 of 32