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Introduction to
Lateral Violence
  Infonex Workshop
9 -10:30 am Aug 23rd

   Chris Hylton, MA

    403 264 5288
         CG Hylton     1

       Chris Hylton, MA
         HR & Benefits Background
          Keep being drawn to mental health
          Grace Hospital experience
          Holy Cross Hospital experience
          Workshops, including anti-bullying ones
          EAP

                                CG Hylton
Learning Outcomes

    What we hope to achieve today:
       Define the issues- bullying as violence and an
        OHS issue
       Identify examples of LV
       Understand the effect that this type of
        behaviour has on your workplace
       Understand the organization‘s expectations
        regarding appropriate workplace behaviour
       Identify resolution pathways to deal with LV
        problems effectively

                                    CG Hylton

       Definition
       Stats
       Causes / Effects
       Laws
       Solutions
       Solution Myths
       Case Study

                           CG Hylton
This is your show

       Are there any issues you would like me to
        specifically address in the talk today?

                                CG Hylton
― Before we can change things, we
    must call them by their real name.‖
      Violence is a pervasive part of our lives –
      on television, in songs, books, on the
      streets, in our workplaces,
     Our workplaces? Some 60% of workplace
      assaults are concentrated in health
      services, social assistance, and personal
      care occupations ( NCCI, 2006).

                             CG Hylton
Confucius would be proud

       synonyms interpersonal abuse, lateral
        violence, horizontal violence, workplace
        violence, interpersonal conflict, bullying, anger

                                  CG Hylton

    lateral violence is ―defined as any
      inappropriate behavior, confrontation, or
      conflict – ranging from verbal abuse to
      physical and sexual harassment.

                             CG Hylton

    The International Council of Nurses (ICN)
    defines LV abuse as ―behavior that
    humiliates, degrades, or otherwise indicates
    a lack of respect for the dignity and worth of
    an individual‖ (ICN, 2004).

                              CG Hylton

      about 35% of employees are bullied
      Women bullies target women 84% of
       the time
      Men bullies target women 69% of the
      Vast majority of bullies are bosses
        In 70% of cases, the bullying only
         stopped when the victim quit, was let
                              CG Hylton

         go or transferred
More stats………………..

      Women are more likely to report bullying
      About 1 victim in 100 either attempts or
       succeeds in suicide
      Most people who are bullied report
       damage to their health
      Overwhelming majority of bullies are

       repeat offenders
      Bullying responsible for 1 resignation in
                            CG Hylton
Bullying starts early

      A study of student nurses reported that 53%
       had been put down by a staff nurse (Longo,
      52% reported having been threatened or

       experienced verbal violence at work (ANA,

                              CG Hylton
Healthcare Stats

     2005 Stats Can data

        34 per cent of the 12,200 respondents reported
         physical violence;

        47 per cent experienced emotional abuse;

        According to Work Safe BC, in BC in 2007,
         violence in the workplace, accounted for 12 % of
         all WCC claims in health care!
                                    CG Hylton
Healthcare Stats

        While patients continue to represent the
         largest proportion of perpetrators overall, co-
         workers are responsible for up to 55 percent
         of all emotional abuse and 53 percent of all
         sexual harassment

                                   CG Hylton
Psychological risk in Cdn workplace
           % employees reporting

     Sector         Serious   Significant %
                    Concern   Concerns Reporting
                    s                     Risk
     Manufacturing     5%        33%         38%
     Public            3%        29%         32%
     Health Care &     4%        28%       32%
     Retail Trade      4%        24%       28%
     Finance &         2%        22%
                               CG Hylton   24%
Causes of LV

        Research finds a clear link between abuse for
         patients/residents and the workplace
         environment. There are higher rates of
         violence in work areas with short staffing,
         under-staffing, lack of support from
         management, and poor teamwork among
         health care disciplines.

                                 CG Hylton
What are Bullying Behaviors?

                         CG Hylton
Types of Bullies

     The Screaming Mimi      Two Headed Snake
                          CG Hylton
Types of Bullies

     The Constant Critic      The Gatekeeper
                           CG Hylton
Workplace Bullying Behaviours

           Verbal abuse
              Put downs, humiliating jokes and comments,
               constant teasing
              Yelling, name calling, swearing, snide remarks,
              Unfair criticism

              Negative comments about someone‘s sexual
              Unwelcome comments about someone‘s race,
               religion or background
              Threats and intimidation

                                           CG Hylton
© Human Factor Australia
Workplace Bullying Behaviours
                   Non-verbal Abuse
                      Rude gestures and disrespectful facial
                      Unfair workloads
                      Withholding of resources or information needed to
                       undertake work
                      Unnecessary changes in work patterns or
                      Denying access to rights or promotions
                      Isolation and exclusion
                      Stalking
                      Displaying offensive material
                      Leering                 CG Hylton
© Human Factor Australia
Workplace Bullying Behaviours
           Physical Abuse
              Unwelcome   pranks, horse-play and practical
              Invading personal space and stand over tactics

              Uninvited touching or brushing against someone

              Pushing, shoving, hitting, tripping, spitting

              Damage to personal property

                                        CG Hylton
© Human Factor Australia

        Reduced efficiency, productivity & profitability
        Adverse Publicity/Erosion of Company image
        Increased absenteeism
        Staff turnover
        Costs associated with counselling, recruitment,
         compensation claims
        Legal costs associated with defending civil or criminal
        Loss of sleep, loss of appetite & low morale
        Feelings of anger, humiliation, frustration, depression,
         stress, powerlessness
                                        CG Hylton
Profile of the victim

        Not all weak and incompetent
        Better than average performers
        Conscientious and diligent
        Popular, source of help and advice
        Tolerant, do not fight back or retaliate
        Strong morals, integrity
        Isolated, not part of a clique

                                    CG Hylton
What are Disrespectful/Bullying

                        Too many to list!!!!

    Separates target from         Silent treatment
     co-workers                    Labels target as a
    Excludes from                   troublemaker
     participation                 Undermining authority
    Breaking confidentiality      Over-monitoring of work
    Ridiculing, criticizing       Shaming/ insulting
    Intimidating                  Spreading rumors/ gossip
    Threats                       Overloaded with
    Sabotaging work                deadlines, impossible
    Minimizing concerns            tasks…..
                                           CG Hylton
What employees want

 Surveys of Best Practices tell us what employees
  want in the workplace:
  1. Respect
  2. Healthy and Safe work environment
  3. Trustworthy Leadership
  4. Work / Life Balance
  5. Sense of Pride and Accomplishment

                              CG Hylton
What is a Respectful
     It is one where

        Employees are valued and have opportunity for
         input and feedback
        Communication is polite and courteous
        People are treated as they wish to be treated
        Conflict is addressed in a positive and respectful
        Disrespectful behaviour and harassment are
        Anyone work in a place like this?
                                      CG Hylton
What is a Toxic Workplace?

                         CG Hylton
Toxic Workplace

        Employees are devalued and little
         opportunity for input and feedback
        Communication is non existent, gossipy
        People are treated as they wish to be
        Conflict is not addressed
        Disrespectful behaviour and harassment
         are ignored
        Anyone work in a placeCG Hylton this?

                 CG Hylton
If you are an employer where LV is
     occurring, what do you do, any

                        CG Hylton
Policies and Training

      Policies should have strong opening
       statements regarding the company‘s
       attitude to harassment in the
      Awareness training among staff is a
       key strategy in addressing
      Zero tolerance approach
                         CG Hylton
Whistleblower protection

        There must also be a policy that
         protects nurse from retribution if
         they report violent or aggressive

                            CG Hylton
What else can companies do?

         Managers and supervisors need to play
          mediators in order to help resolve issues
         Offer workshops that build team cooperation

         Offer an EAP (Employee Assistance Program)

             This program allows your employees to speak to a
              counsellor about any issues

             Can be used as requirement to keep positions if
              attitudes or issues affect their work and the people
              around them
                                     CG Hylton
Solution Myths

                      CG Hylton
It‘s a personal issue

    Myth 1: We don't need to train our staff about
     domestic violence. That is a personal issue that has
     nothing to do with the workplace.
    Fact: Ignoring effects of domestic violence has a
     clear impact on org bottom line. Each year,
     business owners pay out almost $728 million in lost
     productivity and 8 million paid workdays -- the
     equivalent of more than 32,000 full-time jobs.
    Six-figure jury awards to victims or co-workers and
     their estates are not uncommon for employers who
     fail to properly and adequately address domestic
     violence at work.
                                  CG Hylton
HR can deal with it

        Myth 2: If a victim of domestic violence wants
         help, we have Human Resource staff available.
         All the battered worker has to do, is ask!
        Fact: Battered workers usually will not approach
         their employer for help. Research on battered
         women demonstrates the primary reason the
         victim does not disclose abuse at home, is fear
         of job loss or retribution. Remember, her job
         may represent her only independence from the
                                   CG Hylton
Just fire someone

        Myth 3: It would be easier to just fire a battered
        Fact: Trained employees are an asset to your
         company. The Society for Human Resources
         estimates that each employee you fire costs you
         30% of their annual salary to replace them
         & train someone else to do
         their job. It is far less expensive
         to help your employee obtain
         the resources s/he needs.

                                    CG Hylton
There is no cost to us

        Myth 4: Domestic violence doesn‘t cost my
         business anything…why should I care?
        Fact: Besides the employee absenteeism and
         lost productivity costs, the costs of intimate
         partner violence exceed $5.8 billion each year,
         $4.1 billion of which is for direct medical and
         mental health care services, much of which is
         paid for by the employer.

                                  CG Hylton
Your policies

      Are you aware of your workplace
       policies on Harassment & Workplace
      How many have a zero tolerance

      How     many still have workplace
      Hope springs eternal
                          CG Hylton
If you are the Ee being
        Any ideas please what you
         should do?

                         CG Hylton
If you are the Ee being
     Tell the person to stop!
     Report it to your:
      Supervisor/Manager

      HR Manager

      Field Officer/Trainer

         Keep a record of the harassment
            When, Where, Who Saw It
                          CG Hylton
So you have a Bully - what to
        Bully‘s are smart they won‘t bully you when
         others are write everything down
         that is said or done.

        Do not keep this paper at work, it will be found
         by the bully.

        Watch for the pattern that will appear once you
         start journaling all incidents
                                   CG Hylton
What to do

        It's not each incident that counts, it's the
         number, regularity and especially the
         patterns that reveal bullying

        A bully can explain and/or charm away an
         incident but it‘s harder to explain a pattern or
         series of events

                                    CG Hylton
What to do

        Keep copies of all letters, memos, emails,
         etc. Get and keep everything in writing
         otherwise the bully will deny everything

        Carry a notepad and pen with you to
         record everything that the bully says and

                             CG Hylton
What to do

        Make a note of every interaction with
         personnel, management, and anyone else
         connected with the bullying

        Expect to be accused of "misconduct" and
         "unprofessional behaviour" and a few other
         things when you do this

        The bully will be angry and try to discredit you
                                   CG Hylton
What to do

        The bully will be angry and try to discredit

        Ask the bully to substantiate their
         criticisms and allegations in writing by
         providing substantive and quantifiable

                              CG Hylton
The Bully

        Do not underestimate
     the bully's capacity to

                    CG Hylton
The Action Plan

        Talk to your supervisor

        Share your notes

        Arrange a meeting with victim, bully and
         management or 3rd party mediator


                                   CG Hylton
Break the cycle

        The goal is for the individual, having
         been educated about anger, self-
         insight, lateral violence, etc., to help
         break the cycle of violence by
         recognizing the abuse aimed at them
         and choosing to react differently,
         especially non-aggressively.

                              CG Hylton
Stay calm

        For example if a colleague lashes out at you
         regarding your opinion on a unit issue, you
         should hear the person out, think about what
         and why it was said,
        then respond to your colleague in a non-
         judgemental and non-argumentative tone.
        If your colleague‘s anger stays the same, leave
         the site.

                                   CG Hylton
What do you do?

      One of the first steps that must occur
       is to interrupt the violence.
      Although difficult, it is imperative to
       address workplace violence early and
       to learn how to confront the person
       exhibiting the behavior that affects
      It helps to objectively describe the
       behavior to the one exhibiting it.
                           CG Hylton
Cognitive rehearsal

    Cognitive rehearsal asks the individual to hold in
     their mind information that they have just received,
     rather than react
    During this time, the individual has the opportunity
     to process the information, and ponder it, rather
     than responding immediately.
    For instance, if a colleague lashes out at you
     regarding your opinion on a unit issue, you should
     hear the person out, think about what and why it
     was said, then respond to your colleague in a non-
     judgemental and non-argumentative tone. If your
     colleague‘s anger stays the same, leave the site.
                                 CG Hylton

            CG Hylton
Laws - Duty of Care

  Employers have a responsibility to
   ensure the health & welfare of their
   workers under Workplace Health &
   Safety Rules
  In  the area of employment,
   employers can be held liable for the
   wrongs     committed     by    their
   employees in the course of work
  Aka Vicarious Liability
                      CG Hylton
Vicarious Liability

     Means that if an employee
     harasses a co-worker, client,
     customer, employer can be
     held legally responsible for the
     actions of that employee and
     may be liable for damages
                       CG Hylton
Canadian Anti-Bullying Laws

     2004: Quebec Labour Standards 81.18
     The first statutory law against "psychological harassment"

     2007: Saskatchewan Occupational Health and
     Safety Act (Bill 66)
     The OHS regulatory approach defining bullying as an
     occupational health risk

     2008: Canada Labour Code (Federal)

     2010: Bill 168, OHS legislation Ontario
                                        CG Hylton
Manitoba newest province to add

        Workplace Safety and Health
         Regulations came into effect Feb
         1, 2011

        Obligation to protect workers from
         psychological harassment

                                  CG Hylton
Alberta Response:

        Workplace Safety and Health Regulations came
         into effect 2006
        Part 27 of the Occupational Health and Safety
         (OHS) Code.
        Section 390 of the OHS Code requires
         employers to develop a policy and procedures
         respecting potential workplace violence.

                                 CG Hylton
Alberta Response

     Section 391 of the OHS Code requires employers
      instruct workers how to recognize workplace

      communicate the organization‘s policy and
        procedures related to workplace violence,
      develop appropriate responses to workplace

        violence, and
      develop procedures for reporting, investigating

        and documenting incidentsCG Hylton
                                   of workplace
Alberta Rights of Workers

      Under the Occupational Health and Safety
       Act, workers have the duty to refuse to
       engage in work that they perceive to threaten
       their safety and health beyond what is
       reasonable for the job. Section 35
      Eg, a home care worker entering the home
       of a potentially abusive client might endanger
       the worker‘s own health and safety, could
       refuse work.

                               CG Hylton
Alberta Suggested Er
        apology
        training
        referral to an EAP
        reassignment or relocation
        limiting access to certain areas of the
        report to professional body
        discipline
        discharge
        filing a complaint or criminal charges
                                  CG Hylton
Alberta - Forms of Legal Action

        Workplace discipline
        Professional disciplinary action
        Human Rights complaint
        Occupational Health and Safety complaint
        Civil suit
        Criminal or quasi-criminal charge

                                CG Hylton
Workplace Discipline

        This may range from a verbal or written
         warning in relatively minor cases to
         suspension, or finally termination for the
         most serious offences
        Progressive discipline normally imposed for
         offenses not considered serious enough to
         warrant immediate dismissal
        For example, a worker engaged in verbal
         abuse, a first offense might result in a written
         warning, a second in suspension and further
         repetition in termination
                                   CG Hylton
Professional Disciplinary Action

  Where alleged abuser is member of a
   regulated profession, charges of professional
   misconduct may be brought before the
   relevant College / Assoc
  The College / Assoc must then investigate
   and, if sufficient evidence is found, a
   disciplinary hearing would be held
  A professional found guilty of misconduct
   could face one or more penalties, ranging from
   reprimand to financial penalties or loss of a
   license to practice        CG Hylton
Alberta Human Rights
      complainant must prove that the abuse
       was a form of discrimination on one of the
       prohibited grounds — race, religious
       beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability,
       mental disability, age, ancestry, place of
       origin, marital status, source of income or
       family status
      Sexual orientation also included as result
       of 1998 Supreme Court of Canada
                               CG Hylton
Alberta Suggestions for Policies

     Right to assistance statement
      anyone who believes they have been subjected to
       violence and harassment has the right to access
       assistance in communicating their objections and, if
       warranted, in pursuing the complaint more formally.
      At a minimum, assistance may be provided by a
       Human Resources representative and may also
       include support by a co-worker, a trained contact
       person, a union representative or a professional
       association representative.
      The procedure should also include a statement
       indicating that individuals have the right to address
       their concerns to the Alberta Human Rights
                                     CG Hylton
Alberta Policy Suggestion

     Management of the offender
      The employer must address an incident of abuse
       in an objective and consistent manner. In
       substantiated complaints, the following factors
       should be considered when determining corrective
      (a) impact of the abuse on the victim

      (b) nature of the abuse

      (c) degree of aggressiveness and physical contact
       in the abuse
      (d) period of time over which the abuse took place

      (e) frequency of the abuse

      (f) vulnerability of the victim Hylton
The Typical Organizational

        Research demonstrates responses by
         supervisors/managers to be helpful in less than
         20% of cases

        The bully suffers consequences in only 13% of

        Often failure to intervene at all; minimizing
         problem as ‗personality conflict‘ or reinforcing the
         behavior by actually promoting the bully

                                      CG Hylton
Case Study

        3000 healthcare workers, 2500 female
        Central Health developed a VP program over a
         year in 2009 involved staff and unions

                                CG Hylton
Why Do We Need a Respectful
         Workplace Program (RWP?

    Negative effects on Employee
      absenteeism/ presenteeism
      damage to work performance
      depression, anxiety, PTSD
      impact on victims, witnesses, bystanders

    Negative effects on Employer
      Recruitment, retention
      employee dissatisfaction
      loss of productivity
      costs including litigation
      damage to teams performance
      toxic workplaces           CG Hylton
Central Health Effect Stats

        Severe anxiety 76%
        Poor/disrupted sleep 71%
        PTSD 39%
        Clinical depression 39%
        Panic attacks 32%

                                CG Hylton
Regulatory and Legal

        The increased need for policies and
         procedures in organizations
        governments (Fed. and Prov.)
        Healthcare Industry
        Post-secondary Institutions
        Private Businesses

        Legal challenges
        In less than 4 years, we have seen
         damages in Canada go from

                            $15,000 to $950,000.00
                                              CG Hylton
Central Health’s Program
     Program Development began in Jan./09

     Advisory Committee formed as subcommittee of
     the Violence Prevention Committee.

          unions (NAPE, CUPE, AAHP, NLNU)
          non-union, non-management
          labour relations
          EFAP
          management

     Allocation of resources for 6 month Respectful
     Workplace Coordinator position

                                      CG Hylton
Central Health’s Program


          Information sessions held for all staff
          Policy reviewed though VP Committee and
                OH&S Committees.
          Policy implemented in Aug/09
          RWP advisors trained Feb/10
          Investigation training March/10
          Revised policy summer/10

                                  CG Hylton
Respectful Workplace Program

     Based on prevention and early

     Provides options for intervention and

     Provides formal and Informal complaints

     Outlines other options available

     Outlines roles and responsibilities

     Clear definitions            CG Hylton
Respectful Workplace Policy

        “Central Health will promote a safe and
       respectful workplace for all its employees
      where disrespectful behavior, harassment
      and bullying are unacceptable anywhere in
          our workplace, at any level”.

     This policy applies to all executive staff,
     managers, supervisors, physicians, staff,
     volunteers, students, contractors and all
     others working or carrying out duties on
     behalf of Central Health. CG Hylton
Complaints Process

           Informal complaint

           Formal complaint

                                 CG Hylton
INFORMAL                 Document discussions, keep
                                copies of correspondence
        Deal directly with
                                Advise options available under
                                RWP program
        Seek services of RWP
        advisor                 Supportive services can be
          Seek EFAP             Counselling services
                               RWP program services may be
                                 Facts will be gathered.
        Discuss concerns
        with program            Options for resolution explored.
        manager, or next        Recommendations made.
        level of
        management              Monitor and follow-up.
79   CG Hylton
                                            Complaint is forwarded to the VP
     Complaint is made in writing                        of HR.
     Detail events, dates, times,
         names, witnesses
      Decision to be made within ten days          VP reviews, consults,
      whether to proceed under the RWP                 and gathers
                    policy .
                                                          If not proceeding,
             If proceeding, both the                    complainant is notified.
               complainant and the                      Other options provided
             respondent are notified.

                 Investigator is assigned    Investigator will submit a written
                                                  report to the VP of HR.

                  Both parties may                  VP of HR to make a
                      respond                          decision for

80   CG Hylton
Role of RWP Advisors

        To attend training re org‘s RWP policy and participate in
         Advisors meetings to address skills and discuss issues re
        Listen to employees who believe that they have been
         subjected to disrespectful/ bullying behaviors
        To explain options for addressing behavior under the
        To provide support throughout the process (i.e. helping
         them prepare what to say or accompanying them to see
         supervisors / EFAP Coordinator)

                                         CG Hylton
Respectful Workplace Advisors

        To deal with cases in the most confidential
        To support the monitoring of the program though
         recording the number of cases in which advisors
         have been involved
        To refer individuals for support where necessary
        To model respectful behavior at all times

                                     CG Hylton
Employee Family Assistance
     Program (EFAP) Coordinator‘s
83   Role
        Consultation with HR, management

        Arrange conflict resolution/ mediation

        Policy monitoring and development

        Training and awareness sessions (conflict
         resolution, team building)

        Counselling – victims and colleagues
                                   CG Hylton
Are we there yet?

        Most organizations are hierarchical
         organizations, Central Health is no exception
        Cultural ―drift‖
        Accepting the way things have been
        Excusing behaviour
        Culture eats policy for breakfast

                                   CG Hylton

        Addressing and preventing bullying is
         everyone‘s responsibility.
        Supervisors and managers should address
         disrespectful behavior IMMEDIATELY
        Ultimately, it is the employer‘s responsibility to
         provide a respectful and harassment free

                                      CG Hylton
Leadership is key

        Tone is set at the top

                                  CG Hylton
You have been a wonderful
        If I may assist you in any way please let me

                                  CG Hylton
Our offer to you

        Please call if you have any HR, or workplace
         issue that you are overwhelmed with
        We can help you

        We also are pleased to do Free Workshops for
         your organization (some limits apply) Let us
         know what your needs are and we will make it
CG Hylton - Services
   HR Consulting             Benefits, Pensions,
   Job Descriptions           EAP
                              Strategic Planning
   Salary Grids
                              Drug and Alcohol
   Wellness at Work
   Staff Morale
                              Dept re-orgs
   Training and
                              Leadership
                Tel 403 264 5288
Thank you for the opportunity to meet today!

  HR
  Training

  Benefits,

  EAP

 tel 403 264 5288         CG Hylton

        United Nurses of Alberta Workshops:
        United Nurses of Alberta Report Form:
        WBI, US Workplace Bullying Survey:
        American Nurses Association Resolution Workplace Abuse and
         Harassment of Nurses
        ANA‘s Workplace Violence web page:
        OSHA‘s Workplace Violence web page:

        References please see notes below please

                                                            CG Hylton

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Introduction to lateral violence

  • 1. Introduction to Lateral Violence Infonex Workshop Calgary 9 -10:30 am Aug 23rd Chris Hylton, MA 403 264 5288 CG Hylton 1
  • 2. Introduction 2  Chris Hylton, MA  HR & Benefits Background  Keep being drawn to mental health  Grace Hospital experience  Holy Cross Hospital experience  Workshops, including anti-bullying ones  EAP CG Hylton
  • 3. Learning Outcomes 3 What we hope to achieve today:  Define the issues- bullying as violence and an OHS issue  Identify examples of LV  Understand the effect that this type of behaviour has on your workplace  Understand the organization‘s expectations regarding appropriate workplace behaviour  Identify resolution pathways to deal with LV problems effectively CG Hylton
  • 4. Agenda 4  Definition  Stats  Causes / Effects  Laws  Solutions  Solution Myths  Case Study CG Hylton
  • 5. This is your show 5  Are there any issues you would like me to specifically address in the talk today? CG Hylton
  • 6. ― Before we can change things, we must call them by their real name.‖ 6 (Confucius)  Violence is a pervasive part of our lives – on television, in songs, books, on the streets, in our workplaces,  Our workplaces? Some 60% of workplace assaults are concentrated in health services, social assistance, and personal care occupations ( NCCI, 2006). CG Hylton
  • 7. Confucius would be proud 7  synonyms interpersonal abuse, lateral violence, horizontal violence, workplace violence, interpersonal conflict, bullying, anger management CG Hylton
  • 8. Definition 8 lateral violence is ―defined as any inappropriate behavior, confrontation, or conflict – ranging from verbal abuse to physical and sexual harassment. CG Hylton
  • 9. Definition 9 The International Council of Nurses (ICN) defines LV abuse as ―behavior that humiliates, degrades, or otherwise indicates a lack of respect for the dignity and worth of an individual‖ (ICN, 2004). CG Hylton
  • 10. Stats 10  about 35% of employees are bullied  Women bullies target women 84% of the time  Men bullies target women 69% of the time  Vast majority of bullies are bosses (81%)  In 70% of cases, the bullying only stopped when the victim quit, was let CG Hylton go or transferred
  • 11. More stats……………….. 11  Women are more likely to report bullying  About 1 victim in 100 either attempts or succeeds in suicide  Most people who are bullied report damage to their health  Overwhelming majority of bullies are repeat offenders  Bullying responsible for 1 resignation in CG Hylton 4
  • 12. Bullying starts early 12  A study of student nurses reported that 53% had been put down by a staff nurse (Longo, 2007);  52% reported having been threatened or experienced verbal violence at work (ANA, 2011). CG Hylton
  • 13. Healthcare Stats 13 2005 Stats Can data  34 per cent of the 12,200 respondents reported physical violence;  47 per cent experienced emotional abuse;  According to Work Safe BC, in BC in 2007, violence in the workplace, accounted for 12 % of all WCC claims in health care! CG Hylton
  • 14. Healthcare Stats 14  While patients continue to represent the largest proportion of perpetrators overall, co- workers are responsible for up to 55 percent of all emotional abuse and 53 percent of all sexual harassment CG Hylton
  • 15. Psychological risk in Cdn workplace % employees reporting 15 Sector Serious Significant % Concern Concerns Reporting s Risk Manufacturing 5% 33% 38% Public 3% 29% 32% Administration Health Care & 4% 28% 32% Social Assistance Retail Trade 4% 24% 28% Finance & 2% 22% CG Hylton 24%
  • 16. Causes of LV 16  Research finds a clear link between abuse for patients/residents and the workplace environment. There are higher rates of violence in work areas with short staffing, under-staffing, lack of support from management, and poor teamwork among health care disciplines. CG Hylton
  • 17. What are Bullying Behaviors? 17 CG Hylton
  • 18. Types of Bullies 18 The Screaming Mimi Two Headed Snake CG Hylton
  • 19. Types of Bullies 19 The Constant Critic The Gatekeeper CG Hylton
  • 20. Workplace Bullying Behaviours 20  Verbal abuse  Put downs, humiliating jokes and comments, constant teasing  Yelling, name calling, swearing, snide remarks, sarcasm  Unfair criticism  Negative comments about someone‘s sexual orientation  Unwelcome comments about someone‘s race, religion or background  Threats and intimidation CG Hylton © Human Factor Australia
  • 21. Workplace Bullying Behaviours 21 (cont..)  Non-verbal Abuse  Rude gestures and disrespectful facial expressions  Unfair workloads  Withholding of resources or information needed to undertake work  Unnecessary changes in work patterns or conditions  Denying access to rights or promotions  Isolation and exclusion  Stalking  Displaying offensive material  Leering CG Hylton © Human Factor Australia
  • 22. Workplace Bullying Behaviours 22 (cont..)  Physical Abuse  Unwelcome pranks, horse-play and practical jokes  Invading personal space and stand over tactics  Uninvited touching or brushing against someone  Pushing, shoving, hitting, tripping, spitting  Damage to personal property CG Hylton © Human Factor Australia
  • 23. EFFECTS of LV 23  Reduced efficiency, productivity & profitability  Adverse Publicity/Erosion of Company image  Increased absenteeism  Staff turnover  Costs associated with counselling, recruitment, compensation claims  Legal costs associated with defending civil or criminal charges  Loss of sleep, loss of appetite & low morale  Feelings of anger, humiliation, frustration, depression, stress, powerlessness CG Hylton
  • 24. Profile of the victim 24  Not all weak and incompetent  Better than average performers  Conscientious and diligent  Popular, source of help and advice  Tolerant, do not fight back or retaliate  Strong morals, integrity  Isolated, not part of a clique CG Hylton
  • 25. What are Disrespectful/Bullying Behaviours? 25 Too many to list!!!!  Separates target from  Silent treatment co-workers  Labels target as a  Excludes from troublemaker participation  Undermining authority  Breaking confidentiality  Over-monitoring of work  Ridiculing, criticizing  Shaming/ insulting  Intimidating  Spreading rumors/ gossip  Threats  Overloaded with  Sabotaging work deadlines, impossible  Minimizing concerns tasks….. CG Hylton
  • 26. What employees want 26 Surveys of Best Practices tell us what employees want in the workplace: 1. Respect 2. Healthy and Safe work environment 3. Trustworthy Leadership 4. Work / Life Balance 5. Sense of Pride and Accomplishment CG Hylton
  • 27. What is a Respectful 27 Workplace It is one where  Employees are valued and have opportunity for input and feedback  Communication is polite and courteous  People are treated as they wish to be treated  Conflict is addressed in a positive and respectful manner  Disrespectful behaviour and harassment are addressed  Anyone work in a place like this? CG Hylton
  • 28. What is a Toxic Workplace? 28 CG Hylton
  • 29. Toxic Workplace 29  Employees are devalued and little opportunity for input and feedback  Communication is non existent, gossipy  People are treated as they wish to be treated  Conflict is not addressed  Disrespectful behaviour and harassment are ignored  Anyone work in a placeCG Hylton this? like
  • 30. SOLUTIONS 30 CG Hylton
  • 31. If you are an employer where LV is occurring, what do you do, any 31 ideas? CG Hylton
  • 32. Policies and Training 32  Policies should have strong opening statements regarding the company‘s attitude to harassment in the workplace  Awareness training among staff is a key strategy in addressing harassment  Zero tolerance approach CG Hylton
  • 33. Whistleblower protection 33  There must also be a policy that protects nurse from retribution if they report violent or aggressive behavior CG Hylton
  • 34. What else can companies do? 34  Managers and supervisors need to play mediators in order to help resolve issues  Offer workshops that build team cooperation  Offer an EAP (Employee Assistance Program)  This program allows your employees to speak to a counsellor about any issues  Can be used as requirement to keep positions if attitudes or issues affect their work and the people around them CG Hylton
  • 35. Solution Myths 35 CG Hylton
  • 36. It‘s a personal issue 36  Myth 1: We don't need to train our staff about domestic violence. That is a personal issue that has nothing to do with the workplace.  Fact: Ignoring effects of domestic violence has a clear impact on org bottom line. Each year, business owners pay out almost $728 million in lost productivity and 8 million paid workdays -- the equivalent of more than 32,000 full-time jobs.  Six-figure jury awards to victims or co-workers and their estates are not uncommon for employers who fail to properly and adequately address domestic violence at work. CG Hylton
  • 37. HR can deal with it 37  Myth 2: If a victim of domestic violence wants help, we have Human Resource staff available. All the battered worker has to do, is ask!  Fact: Battered workers usually will not approach their employer for help. Research on battered women demonstrates the primary reason the victim does not disclose abuse at home, is fear of job loss or retribution. Remember, her job may represent her only independence from the batterer. CG Hylton
  • 38. Just fire someone 38  Myth 3: It would be easier to just fire a battered worker.  Fact: Trained employees are an asset to your company. The Society for Human Resources estimates that each employee you fire costs you 30% of their annual salary to replace them & train someone else to do their job. It is far less expensive to help your employee obtain the resources s/he needs. CG Hylton
  • 39. There is no cost to us 39  Myth 4: Domestic violence doesn‘t cost my business anything…why should I care?  Fact: Besides the employee absenteeism and lost productivity costs, the costs of intimate partner violence exceed $5.8 billion each year, $4.1 billion of which is for direct medical and mental health care services, much of which is paid for by the employer. CG Hylton
  • 40. Your policies 40  Are you aware of your workplace policies on Harassment & Workplace Bullying?  How many have a zero tolerance policy  How many still have workplace bullying?  Hope springs eternal CG Hylton
  • 41. If you are the Ee being 41 harassed…  Any ideas please what you should do? CG Hylton
  • 42. If you are the Ee being 42 harassed… Tell the person to stop! Report it to your:  Supervisor/Manager  HR Manager  Field Officer/Trainer Keep a record of the harassment When, Where, Who Saw It CG Hylton
  • 43. So you have a Bully - what to 43 do  Bully‘s are smart they won‘t bully you when others are write everything down that is said or done.  Do not keep this paper at work, it will be found by the bully.  Watch for the pattern that will appear once you start journaling all incidents CG Hylton
  • 44. What to do 44  It's not each incident that counts, it's the number, regularity and especially the patterns that reveal bullying  A bully can explain and/or charm away an incident but it‘s harder to explain a pattern or series of events CG Hylton
  • 45. What to do 45  Keep copies of all letters, memos, emails, etc. Get and keep everything in writing otherwise the bully will deny everything later  Carry a notepad and pen with you to record everything that the bully says and does. CG Hylton
  • 46. What to do 46  Make a note of every interaction with personnel, management, and anyone else connected with the bullying  Expect to be accused of "misconduct" and "unprofessional behaviour" and a few other things when you do this  The bully will be angry and try to discredit you CG Hylton
  • 47. What to do 47  The bully will be angry and try to discredit you  Ask the bully to substantiate their criticisms and allegations in writing by providing substantive and quantifiable evidence CG Hylton
  • 48. The Bully 48  Do not underestimate the bully's capacity to deceive!! CG Hylton
  • 49. The Action Plan 49  Talk to your supervisor  Share your notes  Arrange a meeting with victim, bully and management or 3rd party mediator  SOLVE THE PROBLEM CG Hylton
  • 50. Break the cycle 50  The goal is for the individual, having been educated about anger, self- insight, lateral violence, etc., to help break the cycle of violence by recognizing the abuse aimed at them and choosing to react differently, especially non-aggressively. CG Hylton
  • 51. Stay calm 51  For example if a colleague lashes out at you regarding your opinion on a unit issue, you should hear the person out, think about what and why it was said,  then respond to your colleague in a non- judgemental and non-argumentative tone.  If your colleague‘s anger stays the same, leave the site. CG Hylton
  • 52. What do you do? 52  One of the first steps that must occur is to interrupt the violence.  Although difficult, it is imperative to address workplace violence early and to learn how to confront the person exhibiting the behavior that affects you.  It helps to objectively describe the behavior to the one exhibiting it. CG Hylton
  • 53. Cognitive rehearsal 53  Cognitive rehearsal asks the individual to hold in their mind information that they have just received, rather than react  During this time, the individual has the opportunity to process the information, and ponder it, rather than responding immediately.  For instance, if a colleague lashes out at you regarding your opinion on a unit issue, you should hear the person out, think about what and why it was said, then respond to your colleague in a non- judgemental and non-argumentative tone. If your colleague‘s anger stays the same, leave the site. CG Hylton
  • 54. LAWS 54 CG Hylton
  • 55. Laws - Duty of Care 55  Employers have a responsibility to ensure the health & welfare of their workers under Workplace Health & Safety Rules  In the area of employment, employers can be held liable for the wrongs committed by their employees in the course of work  Aka Vicarious Liability CG Hylton
  • 56. Vicarious Liability 56 Means that if an employee harasses a co-worker, client, customer, employer can be held legally responsible for the actions of that employee and may be liable for damages CG Hylton
  • 57. Canadian Anti-Bullying Laws 57 2004: Quebec Labour Standards 81.18 The first statutory law against "psychological harassment" 2007: Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Act (Bill 66) The OHS regulatory approach defining bullying as an occupational health risk 2008: Canada Labour Code (Federal) 2010: Bill 168, OHS legislation Ontario CG Hylton
  • 58. Manitoba newest province to add legislation: 58  Workplace Safety and Health Regulations came into effect Feb 1, 2011  Obligation to protect workers from psychological harassment CG Hylton
  • 59. Alberta Response: 59  Workplace Safety and Health Regulations came into effect 2006  Part 27 of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code.  Section 390 of the OHS Code requires employers to develop a policy and procedures respecting potential workplace violence. CG Hylton
  • 60. Alberta Response 60 Section 391 of the OHS Code requires employers to  instruct workers how to recognize workplace violence  communicate the organization‘s policy and procedures related to workplace violence,  develop appropriate responses to workplace violence, and  develop procedures for reporting, investigating and documenting incidentsCG Hylton of workplace violence.
  • 61. Alberta Rights of Workers 61  Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, workers have the duty to refuse to engage in work that they perceive to threaten their safety and health beyond what is reasonable for the job. Section 35  Eg, a home care worker entering the home of a potentially abusive client might endanger the worker‘s own health and safety, could refuse work. CG Hylton
  • 62. Alberta Suggested Er 62 Responses  apology  training  referral to an EAP  reassignment or relocation  limiting access to certain areas of the organization  report to professional body  discipline  discharge  filing a complaint or criminal charges CG Hylton
  • 63. Alberta - Forms of Legal Action 63  Workplace discipline  Professional disciplinary action  Human Rights complaint  Occupational Health and Safety complaint  Civil suit  Criminal or quasi-criminal charge CG Hylton
  • 64. Workplace Discipline 64  This may range from a verbal or written warning in relatively minor cases to suspension, or finally termination for the most serious offences  Progressive discipline normally imposed for offenses not considered serious enough to warrant immediate dismissal  For example, a worker engaged in verbal abuse, a first offense might result in a written warning, a second in suspension and further repetition in termination CG Hylton
  • 65. Professional Disciplinary Action 65  Where alleged abuser is member of a regulated profession, charges of professional misconduct may be brought before the relevant College / Assoc  The College / Assoc must then investigate and, if sufficient evidence is found, a disciplinary hearing would be held  A professional found guilty of misconduct could face one or more penalties, ranging from reprimand to financial penalties or loss of a license to practice CG Hylton
  • 66. Alberta Human Rights 66 Complaint  complainant must prove that the abuse was a form of discrimination on one of the prohibited grounds — race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income or family status  Sexual orientation also included as result of 1998 Supreme Court of Canada CG Hylton
  • 67. Alberta Suggestions for Policies 67 Right to assistance statement  anyone who believes they have been subjected to violence and harassment has the right to access assistance in communicating their objections and, if warranted, in pursuing the complaint more formally.  At a minimum, assistance may be provided by a Human Resources representative and may also include support by a co-worker, a trained contact person, a union representative or a professional association representative.  The procedure should also include a statement indicating that individuals have the right to address their concerns to the Alberta Human Rights Commission. CG Hylton
  • 68. Alberta Policy Suggestion 68 Management of the offender  The employer must address an incident of abuse in an objective and consistent manner. In substantiated complaints, the following factors should be considered when determining corrective action:  (a) impact of the abuse on the victim  (b) nature of the abuse  (c) degree of aggressiveness and physical contact in the abuse  (d) period of time over which the abuse took place  (e) frequency of the abuse  (f) vulnerability of the victim Hylton CG
  • 69. The Typical Organizational Response 69  Research demonstrates responses by supervisors/managers to be helpful in less than 20% of cases  The bully suffers consequences in only 13% of cases  Often failure to intervene at all; minimizing problem as ‗personality conflict‘ or reinforcing the behavior by actually promoting the bully CG Hylton
  • 70. Case Study 70  3000 healthcare workers, 2500 female  Central Health developed a VP program over a year in 2009 involved staff and unions CG Hylton
  • 71. Why Do We Need a Respectful Workplace Program (RWP? 71  Negative effects on Employee  absenteeism/ presenteeism  damage to work performance  depression, anxiety, PTSD  impact on victims, witnesses, bystanders  Negative effects on Employer  Recruitment, retention  employee dissatisfaction  loss of productivity  costs including litigation  damage to teams performance  toxic workplaces CG Hylton
  • 72. Central Health Effect Stats 72  Severe anxiety 76%  Poor/disrupted sleep 71%  PTSD 39%  Clinical depression 39%  Panic attacks 32% CG Hylton
  • 73. Regulatory and Legal Environment 73  The increased need for policies and procedures in organizations  governments (Fed. and Prov.)  Healthcare Industry  Post-secondary Institutions  Private Businesses  Legal challenges  In less than 4 years, we have seen damages in Canada go from $15,000 to $950,000.00 CG Hylton
  • 74. Central Health’s Program Program Development began in Jan./09 74 Advisory Committee formed as subcommittee of the Violence Prevention Committee.  unions (NAPE, CUPE, AAHP, NLNU)  non-union, non-management  labour relations  EFAP  management Allocation of resources for 6 month Respectful Workplace Coordinator position CG Hylton
  • 75. Central Health’s Program 75  Information sessions held for all staff  Policy reviewed though VP Committee and OH&S Committees.  Policy implemented in Aug/09  RWP advisors trained Feb/10  Investigation training March/10  Revised policy summer/10 CG Hylton
  • 76. Respectful Workplace Program 76 Based on prevention and early intervention Provides options for intervention and resolution Provides formal and Informal complaints processes Outlines other options available Outlines roles and responsibilities Clear definitions CG Hylton
  • 77. Respectful Workplace Policy 77 “Central Health will promote a safe and respectful workplace for all its employees where disrespectful behavior, harassment and bullying are unacceptable anywhere in our workplace, at any level”. This policy applies to all executive staff, managers, supervisors, physicians, staff, volunteers, students, contractors and all others working or carrying out duties on behalf of Central Health. CG Hylton
  • 78. Complaints Process 78  Informal complaint  Formal complaint CG Hylton
  • 79. INFORMAL Document discussions, keep copies of correspondence Deal directly with situation Advise options available under RWP program Seek services of RWP advisor Supportive services can be provided Seek EFAP Counselling services assistance RWP program services may be recommended Facts will be gathered. Discuss concerns with program Options for resolution explored. manager, or next Recommendations made. level of management Monitor and follow-up. 79 CG Hylton
  • 80. FORMAL Complaint is forwarded to the VP Complaint is made in writing of HR. Detail events, dates, times, names, witnesses Decision to be made within ten days VP reviews, consults, whether to proceed under the RWP and gathers policy . information. If not proceeding, If proceeding, both the complainant is notified. complainant and the Other options provided respondent are notified. Investigator is assigned Investigator will submit a written report to the VP of HR. Both parties may VP of HR to make a respond decision for intervention 80 CG Hylton
  • 81. Role of RWP Advisors 81  To attend training re org‘s RWP policy and participate in Advisors meetings to address skills and discuss issues re role.  Listen to employees who believe that they have been subjected to disrespectful/ bullying behaviors  To explain options for addressing behavior under the policy  To provide support throughout the process (i.e. helping them prepare what to say or accompanying them to see supervisors / EFAP Coordinator) CG Hylton
  • 82. Respectful Workplace Advisors Role 82  To deal with cases in the most confidential matter  To support the monitoring of the program though recording the number of cases in which advisors have been involved  To refer individuals for support where necessary  To model respectful behavior at all times CG Hylton
  • 83. Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP) Coordinator‘s 83 Role  Consultation with HR, management  Arrange conflict resolution/ mediation services  Policy monitoring and development  Training and awareness sessions (conflict resolution, team building)  Counselling – victims and colleagues CG Hylton
  • 84. Are we there yet? 84  Most organizations are hierarchical organizations, Central Health is no exception  Cultural ―drift‖  Accepting the way things have been  Excusing behaviour  Culture eats policy for breakfast CG Hylton
  • 85. Remember…. 85  Addressing and preventing bullying is everyone‘s responsibility.  Supervisors and managers should address disrespectful behavior IMMEDIATELY  Ultimately, it is the employer‘s responsibility to provide a respectful and harassment free workplace CG Hylton
  • 86. Leadership is key 86  Tone is set at the top CG Hylton
  • 87. You have been a wonderful 87 audience  If I may assist you in any way please let me know. CG Hylton
  • 88. Our offer to you 88  Please call if you have any HR, or workplace issue that you are overwhelmed with  We can help you  We also are pleased to do Free Workshops for your organization (some limits apply) Let us know what your needs are and we will make it happen!
  • 89. CG Hylton - Services  HR Consulting  Benefits, Pensions,  Job Descriptions EAP  Strategic Planning  Salary Grids  Drug and Alcohol  Wellness at Work programs  Staff Morale  Dept re-orgs  Training and  Leadership Workshops compensation Tel 403 264 5288 89
  • 90. Thank you for the opportunity to meet today!  HR Consulting  Training  Benefits, Pensions  EAP tel 403 264 5288 CG Hylton 90
  • 91. Resources 91  United Nurses of Alberta Workshops:  United Nurses of Alberta Report Form:  WBI, US Workplace Bullying Survey:  American Nurses Association Resolution Workplace Abuse and Harassment of Nurses Nurse/WorkplaceAbuseandHarassmentofNurses-1.pdf  ANA‘s Workplace Violence web page:  OSHA‘s Workplace Violence web page:  References please see notes below please CG Hylton

Editor's Notes

  1. Source: Lateral Violence: Nurse Against Nurse, Patricia A. Rowell, PhD, RN, CNP
  2. Source: Lateral Violence: Nurse Against Nurse, Patricia A. Rowell, PhD, RN, CNP
  3. Source: Lateral Violence: Nurse Against Nurse, Patricia A. Rowell, PhD, RN, CNP
  4. Source: Lateral Violence: Nurse Against Nurse, Patricia A. Rowell, PhD, RN, CNP
  5. Source: Campaign against workplace bullying 2000 (USA)
  6. Source: Adapted from Central Health presentation: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference, April 13, 2011
  7. Source: Adapted from Central Health presentation: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference, April 13, 2011
  8. Source: Adapted from Central Health presentation: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference, April 13, 2011
  9. Screaming mimi, person chooses to shame and humiliate in the workplace to try and control the emotional environment, in front of everyone.Two headed snake variety, is the passive aggressive type who will lie about a whole bunch of things they will deny what they said, and then they will destroy the person’s reputation, they will make nice with them, love them and then knife them in the back lull them into safety then crush careers
  10. Constant critic type of bully is behind closed doors and what this person does is get that individual who is usually technically competent, usually a veteran worker, very accomplished and well known as the go to person in that organization, they erode the confidence in this person, they call this person incompetent, and this is the first time that this person has ever heard that. They have only heard praise before and perhaps they are 20 25 years into their career But they have this young new supervisor who wants to push them around. Who lacks the talent and calls them incompetent and this can destroy the person. You can take a thoroughly competent person and render them useless The fourth category is the Gatekeeper. This person tries to control the person by withholding resources people need to succeed. Deny people training, ask them to do work outside of their skill level. You can deny people a budget, for something that needs to be funded, Some of the worst tactics we have heard of are people are told to deny relationships with other people. You may not work with her, you may not talk with her. You may not collaborate with her.
  11. Source: Adapted from Central Health presentation: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference, April 13, 2011
  12. Source: American Institute on Domestic Violence
  13. Source: American Institute on Domestic Violence
  14. Source: American Institute on Domestic Violence
  15. Source: American Institute on Domestic Violence
  16. Source: American Institute on Domestic Violence
  17. (Griffin, 2004, 259) 
  18. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010
  19. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010Section 35 states” “No worker shall carry out any work if, on reasonable and probable grounds, the worker believes that there exists an imminent danger to the health and safety of that worker.” There is potential for this clause to be used as justification if, for example, a home care worker felt that entering the home of a potentially abusive client might endanger the worker’s own health and safety. Two recent Ontario court cases highlight this potential. In each, the worker won a wrongful dismissal suit after being fired for refusing to engage in work that the worker thought would threaten safety. In one case, involving a female bartender who refused to serve an abusive customer, the Ontario Labour Relations Board ruled that an abusive customer may constitute a sufficient health risk to a worker that there are grounds for work refusal. (Sharon Moore v. Barmaid’s Arms, Ontario Relations Board, March 23, 1995 citied in Lancaster Labour Law Reports, April 1995, p. 1-2.)
  20. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010
  21. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010
  22. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010
  23. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010
  24. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010Human Rights complaintsIn Alberta, Human Rights complaints are covered by the Human Rights, Citizenship and Municipalities Act. To succeed in a claim under this legislation, the complainant must prove that the abuse was a form of discrimination on one of the prohibited grounds — race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income or family status. It is important to note that the listed grounds are not fully inclusive. For example, sexual orientation is not listed but is, as a result of a 1998 Supreme Court of Canada decision, now a prohibited ground of discrimination.
  25. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010The Alberta Education Safety Bulletin provides help for employers developing policies, for example the Policy should include the employee’s: Right to assistanceA statement that any person who believes they have been subjected to violence and harassment has the right to access assistance in communicating their objections and, if warranted, in pursuing the complaint more formally. This is particularly important in cases where the alleged offender is in a position of authority, or where there are communication barriers. As a minimum, assistance may be provided by a trained Human Resources representative and may also includesupport by a co-worker, a trained contact person, a union representative or a professional association representative. The procedure should also include a statement indicating that individuals have the right to address their concerns to the Alberta Human Rights Commission. Management of the offenderThe employer must address an incident of abuse in an objective and consistent manner. In substantiated complaints, the following factors should be considered when determining corrective action:(a) impact of the abuse on the victim;(b) nature of the abuse;(c) degree of aggressiveness and physical contact in the abuse;(d) period of time over which the abuse took place;(e) frequency of the abuse; and(f) vulnerability of the victim.
  26. Source: Alberta Employment Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010
  27. Source: Adapted from Central Health presentation: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference, April 13, 2011
  28. Source: Adapted from Central Health presentation: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference, April 13, 2011
  29. Source: Adapted from Central Health presentation: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference, April 13, 2011
  30. Source: Adapted from Central Health presentation: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference, April 13, 2011
  31. References Alberta Employment, Safety Bulletin developed 2006, updated 2010 Occupational Health and Safety Act: Occupational Health and Safety Regulations: Nurses Association. 2006. Background Report: Workplace Abuse and Harassment of Nurses. Silver Spring, MD: ANA.Central Health Authority. Respect in the Workplace: Defining bullying, harassment and disrespectful behaviour, Healthcare Workplace Safety Conference,April 13, 2011 CONFLICT ENGAGEMENT TRAINING FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, Recommendations for Creating Conflict Competent Organizations, A White Paper for Healthcare and Dispute Resolution Professional, EHCCO ‐ Half Moon Bay , CA 94019 telephone: (877) 712‐1240 DHHS/HRSA/BHP/DON. 2006. The Registered Nurse Population: Findings from the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses. Dunn, H. 2003. Horizontal violence among nurses in the operating room. AORN Journal 78(6): 977-988. Farrell, GA. 2001. From tall poppies to squashed weeds: Why don’t nurses pull together more? Journal of Advanced Nursing 35(1): 26-33. Fogarty, James. Overindulged Children and the Adults They Become, Cross County Seminar, Fairfax, VA, July 14, 2010, per Rowell, PA. Gerberich, SG; Church, TR, McGovern, PM, Hansen, H, Nachreiner, NM, et al. (2005). Risk Factors for Work-Related Assaults on Nurses. Epidemiology 16(5), 704-709. Griffin, Martha. 2004. Teaching cognitive rehearsal as a shield for lateral violence: An intervention for newly licensed nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 35(6):257-263. International Council of Nurses. 2004. Guidelines on coping with violence in the workplace. Geneva, Switzerland: ICN. Leiper, J. 2005. Nurse against nurse: how to stop horizontal violence. Nursing 2005 35(3):44-45. McKenna, BG, Smith, NA, Poole, SJ, and Coverdale, JH. 2003. Horizontal violence: Experiences of registered nurses in their first year of practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing 42(1): 90-96.McMillan, I. 1995. Losing control. Nursing Times 91, 40-43.Meyers, L. 2006. Worry for a living? Monitor on Psychology 37(7):74-75.  NCCI, Inc. 2006. Violence in the workplace – An updated analysis. Randle, J. 2003. Bullying in the nursing profession. Journal of Advanced Nursing 43(4): 395-401. Rowell, Patricia A., PhD, RN, CNP, Lateral Violence: Nurse Against Nurse. Ratner, T. 2006. Communication in the OR. Nursing Spectrum October 23: 10-11. Shogren, E. 2004. Be aggressive toward violence. American Journal of Nursing 104(5): 112. Rizzuto, Anthony. Domestic Violence in the Workplace, presentation to LAP conference Las Vegas July 2012, adapted with permissionThomas, SP. 2003. Anger: the mismanaged emotion. MedSurg Nursing 12(2): 103-110. Victims of Bullies Often Quit, Impacting Production. Occupational Hazards 2004: 14.