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Oh, Brave New World
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
A New World. What is a modern world?
 Traditional world as a world in which the basic circumstances of life don't change much
from one generation to the next.
 The modern world is one in which the conditions of life are changing constantly
 In modern times (XIXth and XXth century) there is a Great Divide:
- Population
- Economy
- Energy
- Ideas
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Consequences of the Great Divide
What is the link between these two pictures?Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
 Traditional societies had traditional (and
 In the modern times, the societies face SIMILAR
ideas as LIBERTY, …
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Consequences of the Great Divide
 Energy / Resources
 Rural / Urban world
 Ideas
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Great events in the XIXth Century
 Apparition of modern ideologies (Nationalism, Socialism, Liberalism)
 Industrial Revolution (transports, energy, etc.)
 Main facts:
- Napoleonic Wars
- Many revolutions
- Colonial expansion
- Creation of Germany or Italy
- An incredible power was unleashed, the world can just go forward … (or maybe not)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
 “The century since the end of the Napoleonic Wars had been the most
peaceful era since the fall of the Roman Empire. In the first years of the
Twentieth Century Europe believed it was marching to a golden, happy,
and prosperous future. But instead, complex personalities and rivalries,
colonialism and ethnic nationalisms, and shifting alliances helped to
bring about the failure of the long peace and the outbreak of a war that
transformed Europe and the world.”
(dust cover flap – “The War that Ended Peace” - Margaret MacMillan)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
 “Imagine that you were alive in the Summer of 1900, living in London, then
the capital of the world, Europe ruled the Eastern Hemisphere. There was
hardly a place that, if not ruled directly, was not indirectly controlled from a
European capital. Europe was at peace and enjoying unprecedented
prosperity. Indeed, European interdependence due to trade and investment
was so great that serious people were claiming that war had become
impossible – and if not impossible, world end within weeks of beginning –
because global financial markets couldn’t withstand the strain. The future
seemed fixed: a peaceful, prosperous Europe would rule the world.” (p.1 –
“The next 100 years” - George Friedman)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
So… that is actually what it happened
 Franz Ferdinand (the heir of the Crown of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire) was assassinated in
 Countries declared war each other (alliance
system was activated) and the conflict started
 Everyone thought the war will end up before
Christmas, but it was the bloodiest war in that
time (4 years and 10 M. of deaths)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
 Socially:
 Human deaths:
- Germany and its allies: 3,5 M.
- France: 1,3 M.
- United Kingdom: 1 M.
- Russia: 1,7 M.
- On average, 5,500 people died each day of the war
- Nevertheless, “If only one man dies of hunger, that is a
tragedy. If millions die, that’s only statistics.”
- Worksheet
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
 Many women grew old with no hope or idea
of better life
 A whole generation of children was never born
 Many orphans, and people who had relatives
with serious mental and physical problems
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
An Age of Uncertinity
 After the war, the Humanity seemed
to lose the faith, the hope for a better
world 3:20
 It is a big contrast compared with the
last century
 In this difficult situation, there is a
need to build a new world after the
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
In this difficult situation, at the end there is
a need for peacemaking
 According your views…
 What would be the main aims of the victors in the IWW? (revenge OR lasting
The leaders of these three countries will be the main negotiators of a new peace for
the world (Worksheet --- European problems)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
A man of peace: W.Wilson
Wilson had a clear idea about what it should
be done:
- The 14 Points of Wilson (worksheet)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
A man hurt by the past: Clemenceau
 According this cartoon, what were
the positions of Clemenceau towards
the peace?
 Why do you think he was supporting
these views?
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
A man “in the middle”: Lloyd George
 Lloyd George was the PM of England
 What was the main dilemma of Lloyd
George? (Imagine the horses were
USA and France)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
2 main decisions
 What are they going to do with Germany?
- SCRAP. Why are these territories relevant?
-- Saarland (Industry)
-- Colonies (European powers wanted territories)
-- Rhinland (border with ….)
-- Alsace – Lorraine (Disputed with …)
-- Polish Corridor (Disputed with … )
-- One extra point: Anschluss (the union with Austria was forbidden)
-- Reparations (Money)
-- Armaments (planes, warships, etc.)
-- War Guilty (Blame)
-- League of Nations
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Main ideas of Wilson
 Don't punish Germany: Why? --- If Germany was
treated badly, Germany would try revenge in the future
 Democracy is the solution for the defeated countries --
- Why? If the people could elect the leaders, they would
not like another war (Democracies NEVER fight each
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Main ideas of Wilson
 Self-determination to the small countries
in Eastern Europe --- Self-determination is
the idea of deciding its future as an
independent State
Can you perceive the difference?
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Main ideas of Wilson
 International co-operation ----
Why? If the countries cooperated in
an international organization (League
of Nations), wars would be quite
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Lloyd George. Main ideas
 In theory, Lloyd George agree on Wilson´s ideas
 In practice, he believed Wilson was a little bit
idealist. He believed Wilson did not Europe very
 He was more concerned about British interests,
and at the same time he did not want a harsh
treaty to Germany (commercial partner)
 Also, he faced internal tensions (read sources)
Americans …. They
don,t know anything
about Europe
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Clemenceau. The Tiger
 Clemenceau experienced the German
invasion of France in 1871
 France wanted to weaken Germany
as much as it was possible:
- Divide Germany into small States
(Bavaria, Berlin, Frankfurt)
- No army and no industry
Germany must
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
The negotiation process
 As you may imagine, the three
leaders (The Big Three) disagreed on
many issues
 They had many advisors but finally
they decided
 They were negotiating in the Palace
of Versailles (the residence of the
French kings at the past)
 Nevertheless, they were able to reach
an agreement in 1919
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
The terms of the Treaty of Versailles
 You should know the terms:
 2 Key words:
 SCRAP (German territories): Sarre/Colonies/Ruhr/Alsace/Polish Corridor
 RAWL (General conditions): Reparations / Armament / War guilty / League of
 Textbook p. 12,13
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
German reaction
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
What was the reaction of Germany to the
Peace treaties?
 It was UNFAIR!
 Why?
- Self-determination
- Loss of territories
- War guilty
- Disarmament
- No League of the Nations
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Treaty of Versailles. German reaction
 Diktat: Germany had no option to negotiate the
conditions. They even did not participate in the
 How did Germans feel about this?
--- We are not obliged to follow these rules if we
have a chance
Can you argue something against this argument?
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Treaty of Versailles.
 Loss of territory:
- Germany lost 10% of the territory
- It,s important because many German
population was living in this territories.
They had two options:
- Stay as a minorities
- Move to Germany
- It,s not just a question of prestige, it,s
also a “personal” question.
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Treaty of Versailles
 Self-determination w(included in the
14 points of Wilson)as a little bit tricky
 It means one nation --- one culture --
- one country
 But… what about the Germans who
were living in Eastern Europe? The
right of self-determination was JUST
for the winners.
 In the Treaty, the Anschluss (union of
Germany and Austria was forbidden)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Treaty of Versailles.
 Disarmament
 Germany Army was reduced to 100,000
men. Why was this decision a problem
for Germany?
- G could not start a new war
- G had problems to maintain the order in
the country (extremely weak country)
- How would be the disarmament fair?
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Treaty of Versailles
 War guilt (Art. 234 Treaty of Versailles)
The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany
accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing
all loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated
Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a
consequence of the war imposed on them by the aggression of
Germany and her allies
Germans felt this was very unfair.
Also, blame meaned in real terms ….
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Germany after the war
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
What kind of problems?
Reparations Stab-in the back idea
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
What kind of problems?
Economic crisis Distribution of wealth
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Problems of Germany after the war
 Extremist parties were very popular
 The conflict in the Ruhr
 Hyperinflation
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
The rise of extremist parties
 Extremist parties became very popular at that moment in
 3 important attempts to overthrow the government:
- Spartacist Revolution (1919): Communist revolution
- Kapp Putsch (1920): Right-wing extremist (Freikorps)
under the direction of Kapp
- Munich Putsch (1923): Hitler tried to seize the power
- All the attempts failed, but the system was weak (murder
of politicians, political problems, etc.)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
The Ruhr crisis
 The reparations commission had
determined that Germany should pay
132 billion gold marks in 42 years
to the Allied powers
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
The Ruhr crisis
 The French were anxious to enforce
the reparations for two reasons:
- They hated Germans
- They needed the money to pay the
American loans
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Ruhr crisis
 Germans had problems to pay the demanded
amount of money, so the French decided to take a
hard line approach to Germany: the best way to
make Germany pay was …
 MAKING USE OF THE FORCE ---- French and
Belgium troops invaded the Ruhr (the industrial area
of Germany) to “receive” the payment
 What would you do if you were a German worker?
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Ruhr crisis
 As Germany had almost no army
(Treaty of Versailles) France took the
outputs of the factories and mines of
the Ruhr, and shipping them to its
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Ruhr crisis
 What was the German reaction?
 German workers refused to
 Sabotage (Flooding of mines,
burning factories, destruction of
railroads, etc.)
 French fought against that. They had
the complete control of this area!
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Ruhr crisis
 What was the German reaction?
 The Government supported the workers in their strike and sabotage actions. How?
 It printed money to pay them. PROBLEM --- The value of the money decreased because
it was an artificial measure ---- HYPERINFLATION
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Consequences of the Hyperinflation
 The middle class lost its economic
power (the money they saved) so
they became:
- Cynical to democracy
- More interested in extremist
ideologies (Nazis tried to seize the
power in 1923)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
Now… Emilia will be happy because we are
going to …
 Have an exam?
 Do a lot of exercises?
 Sing a song?
 Play … ?
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Were the Germans right?
 Partially YES
 It is true the conditions of the Treaty
were hard for Germany
 Partially NO
 It could be worse. France wanted to
divide Germany into small states, even
higher reparations and the complete
elimination of the German Army (It
could be worse)
 The conditions imposed by Germany to
Russia were even worse.
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
How was the Treaty seen
with hindsight?
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Treaty with hindsight
 Historians do not agree on the fairness of the Treaty
 It may be argue that the harsh conditions of the Treaty created the conditions for
the …. (People was so angry)
 Nevertheless, it may be argue the opposite (the territorial conditions were not so
hard for Germany if it is compared with the other Peace Treaties with Austria, at the
same time French and British had a strong public opinion against Germany, it was
not easy)
 Read the text, and summarize the points of the Source 14 and 15 (p.18)
 You have to know both sides.
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
The other Peace Treaties
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
The other peace Treaties
 Treaty of Versailles (1919) was the most important treaty after the war, but there were more treaties
with other countries you should know:
- Treaty of St.Germain (1919) with Austria
- Treaty of Neuilly (1919) with Bulgaria
- Treaty of Trianon (1919) with Hungary
- Treaty of Sevres (1920) with Turkey
- I know it is boring to remember all the treaties, but you should know:
- Name of the Treaty and country involved
- Territorial losses of the country + Reparations (no need exact numbers)
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU

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Introduction XXth Century + Treaty of Versailles (IGCSE)

  • 1. Oh, Brave New World Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 2. A New World. What is a modern world?  Traditional world as a world in which the basic circumstances of life don't change much from one generation to the next.  The modern world is one in which the conditions of life are changing constantly  In modern times (XIXth and XXth century) there is a Great Divide: - Population - Economy - Energy - Ideas Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 7. Consequences of the Great Divide What is the link between these two pictures?Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 8. Ideas  Traditional societies had traditional (and DIFFERENT) ideas.  In the modern times, the societies face SIMILAR ideas as LIBERTY, … Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 9. Consequences of the Great Divide  Energy / Resources  Rural / Urban world  Ideas Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 10. Great events in the XIXth Century  Apparition of modern ideologies (Nationalism, Socialism, Liberalism)  Industrial Revolution (transports, energy, etc.)  Main facts: - Napoleonic Wars - Many revolutions - Colonial expansion - Creation of Germany or Italy - An incredible power was unleashed, the world can just go forward … (or maybe not) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 11.  “The century since the end of the Napoleonic Wars had been the most peaceful era since the fall of the Roman Empire. In the first years of the Twentieth Century Europe believed it was marching to a golden, happy, and prosperous future. But instead, complex personalities and rivalries, colonialism and ethnic nationalisms, and shifting alliances helped to bring about the failure of the long peace and the outbreak of a war that transformed Europe and the world.” (dust cover flap – “The War that Ended Peace” - Margaret MacMillan) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 12.  “Imagine that you were alive in the Summer of 1900, living in London, then the capital of the world, Europe ruled the Eastern Hemisphere. There was hardly a place that, if not ruled directly, was not indirectly controlled from a European capital. Europe was at peace and enjoying unprecedented prosperity. Indeed, European interdependence due to trade and investment was so great that serious people were claiming that war had become impossible – and if not impossible, world end within weeks of beginning – because global financial markets couldn’t withstand the strain. The future seemed fixed: a peaceful, prosperous Europe would rule the world.” (p.1 – “The next 100 years” - George Friedman) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 14. So… that is actually what it happened  Franz Ferdinand (the heir of the Crown of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) was assassinated in Sarajevo  Countries declared war each other (alliance system was activated) and the conflict started  Everyone thought the war will end up before Christmas, but it was the bloodiest war in that time (4 years and 10 M. of deaths) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 17. Consequences  Socially:  Human deaths: - Germany and its allies: 3,5 M. - France: 1,3 M. - United Kingdom: 1 M. - Russia: 1,7 M. - On average, 5,500 people died each day of the war - Nevertheless, “If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy. If millions die, that’s only statistics.” - Worksheet Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 18. Consequences.  Many women grew old with no hope or idea of better life  A whole generation of children was never born  Many orphans, and people who had relatives with serious mental and physical problems Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 19. An Age of Uncertinity  After the war, the Humanity seemed to lose the faith, the hope for a better world 3:20  It is a big contrast compared with the last century  In this difficult situation, there is a need to build a new world after the War Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 20. In this difficult situation, at the end there is a need for peacemaking  According your views…  What would be the main aims of the victors in the IWW? (revenge OR lasting peace) - - - The leaders of these three countries will be the main negotiators of a new peace for the world (Worksheet --- European problems) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 21. A man of peace: W.Wilson Wilson had a clear idea about what it should be done: - The 14 Points of Wilson (worksheet) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 22. A man hurt by the past: Clemenceau  According this cartoon, what were the positions of Clemenceau towards the peace?  Why do you think he was supporting these views? Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 23. A man “in the middle”: Lloyd George  Lloyd George was the PM of England  What was the main dilemma of Lloyd George? (Imagine the horses were USA and France) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 24. 2 main decisions  What are they going to do with Germany? - SCRAP. Why are these territories relevant? -- Saarland (Industry) -- Colonies (European powers wanted territories) -- Rhinland (border with ….) -- Alsace – Lorraine (Disputed with …) -- Polish Corridor (Disputed with … ) -- One extra point: Anschluss (the union with Austria was forbidden) - RAWL -- Reparations (Money) -- Armaments (planes, warships, etc.) -- War Guilty (Blame) -- League of Nations Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 25. Main ideas of Wilson  Don't punish Germany: Why? --- If Germany was treated badly, Germany would try revenge in the future  Democracy is the solution for the defeated countries -- - Why? If the people could elect the leaders, they would not like another war (Democracies NEVER fight each other) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 26. Main ideas of Wilson  Self-determination to the small countries in Eastern Europe --- Self-determination is the idea of deciding its future as an independent State Can you perceive the difference? Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 27. Main ideas of Wilson  International co-operation ---- Why? If the countries cooperated in an international organization (League of Nations), wars would be quite unlikely. Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 28. Lloyd George. Main ideas  In theory, Lloyd George agree on Wilson´s ideas  In practice, he believed Wilson was a little bit idealist. He believed Wilson did not Europe very well  He was more concerned about British interests, and at the same time he did not want a harsh treaty to Germany (commercial partner)  Also, he faced internal tensions (read sources) Americans …. They don,t know anything about Europe Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 29. Clemenceau. The Tiger  Clemenceau experienced the German invasion of France in 1871  France wanted to weaken Germany as much as it was possible: - Divide Germany into small States (Bavaria, Berlin, Frankfurt) - No army and no industry Germany must pay Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 30. The negotiation process  As you may imagine, the three leaders (The Big Three) disagreed on many issues  They had many advisors but finally they decided  They were negotiating in the Palace of Versailles (the residence of the French kings at the past)  Nevertheless, they were able to reach an agreement in 1919 Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 31. The terms of the Treaty of Versailles  You should know the terms:  2 Key words:  SCRAP (German territories): Sarre/Colonies/Ruhr/Alsace/Polish Corridor  RAWL (General conditions): Reparations / Armament / War guilty / League of Nations  Textbook p. 12,13 Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 33. What was the reaction of Germany to the Peace treaties?  It was UNFAIR!  Why? - Self-determination - Loss of territories - War guilty - Disarmament - No League of the Nations Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 34. Treaty of Versailles. German reaction  Diktat: Germany had no option to negotiate the conditions. They even did not participate in the discussions.  How did Germans feel about this? --- We are not obliged to follow these rules if we have a chance Can you argue something against this argument? Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 36. Treaty of Versailles.  Loss of territory: - Germany lost 10% of the territory - It,s important because many German population was living in this territories. They had two options: - Stay as a minorities - Move to Germany - It,s not just a question of prestige, it,s also a “personal” question. Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 37. Treaty of Versailles  Self-determination w(included in the 14 points of Wilson)as a little bit tricky  It means one nation --- one culture -- - one country  But… what about the Germans who were living in Eastern Europe? The right of self-determination was JUST for the winners.  In the Treaty, the Anschluss (union of Germany and Austria was forbidden) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 38. Treaty of Versailles.  Disarmament  Germany Army was reduced to 100,000 men. Why was this decision a problem for Germany? - G could not start a new war - G had problems to maintain the order in the country (extremely weak country) - How would be the disarmament fair? Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 39. Treaty of Versailles  War guilt (Art. 234 Treaty of Versailles) The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed on them by the aggression of Germany and her allies Germans felt this was very unfair. Also, blame meaned in real terms …. MONEY Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 41. Germany after the war Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 42. What kind of problems? Reparations Stab-in the back idea Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 43. What kind of problems? Economic crisis Distribution of wealth Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 44. Problems of Germany after the war  Extremist parties were very popular  The conflict in the Ruhr  Hyperinflation Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 45. The rise of extremist parties  Extremist parties became very popular at that moment in Germany  3 important attempts to overthrow the government: - Spartacist Revolution (1919): Communist revolution - Kapp Putsch (1920): Right-wing extremist (Freikorps) under the direction of Kapp - Munich Putsch (1923): Hitler tried to seize the power - All the attempts failed, but the system was weak (murder of politicians, political problems, etc.) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 46. The Ruhr crisis  The reparations commission had determined that Germany should pay 132 billion gold marks in 42 years to the Allied powers Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 47. The Ruhr crisis  The French were anxious to enforce the reparations for two reasons: - They hated Germans - They needed the money to pay the American loans Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 48. Ruhr crisis  Germans had problems to pay the demanded amount of money, so the French decided to take a hard line approach to Germany: the best way to make Germany pay was …  MAKING USE OF THE FORCE ---- French and Belgium troops invaded the Ruhr (the industrial area of Germany) to “receive” the payment  What would you do if you were a German worker? Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 49. Ruhr crisis  As Germany had almost no army (Treaty of Versailles) France took the outputs of the factories and mines of the Ruhr, and shipping them to its territory. Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 50. Ruhr crisis  What was the German reaction?  German workers refused to cooperate  Sabotage (Flooding of mines, burning factories, destruction of railroads, etc.)  French fought against that. They had the complete control of this area! Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 51. Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 52. Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 53. Ruhr crisis  What was the German reaction?  The Government supported the workers in their strike and sabotage actions. How?  It printed money to pay them. PROBLEM --- The value of the money decreased because it was an artificial measure ---- HYPERINFLATION Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 55. Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 56. Consequences of the Hyperinflation  The middle class lost its economic power (the money they saved) so they became: - Cynical to democracy - More interested in extremist ideologies (Nazis tried to seize the power in 1923) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU. Republic of Weimar (1919 - 1929)
  • 57. Now… Emilia will be happy because we are going to …  Have an exam?  Do a lot of exercises?  Sing a song?  Play … ? Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 58. Were the Germans right?  Partially YES  It is true the conditions of the Treaty were hard for Germany  Partially NO  It could be worse. France wanted to divide Germany into small states, even higher reparations and the complete elimination of the German Army (It could be worse)  The conditions imposed by Germany to Russia were even worse. Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 59. How was the Treaty seen with hindsight? Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 60. Treaty with hindsight  Historians do not agree on the fairness of the Treaty  It may be argue that the harsh conditions of the Treaty created the conditions for the …. (People was so angry)  Nevertheless, it may be argue the opposite (the territorial conditions were not so hard for Germany if it is compared with the other Peace Treaties with Austria, at the same time French and British had a strong public opinion against Germany, it was not easy)  Read the text, and summarize the points of the Source 14 and 15 (p.18)  You have to know both sides. Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 61. The other Peace Treaties Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU
  • 62. The other peace Treaties  Treaty of Versailles (1919) was the most important treaty after the war, but there were more treaties with other countries you should know: - Treaty of St.Germain (1919) with Austria - Treaty of Neuilly (1919) with Bulgaria - Treaty of Trianon (1919) with Hungary - Treaty of Sevres (1920) with Turkey - I know it is boring to remember all the treaties, but you should know: - Name of the Treaty and country involved - Territorial losses of the country + Reparations (no need exact numbers) Samuel Perrino Martínez. ISU