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Introduction to Data Modeling with
Apache Cassandra
Luke Tillman (@LukeTillman)
Language Evangelist at DataStax
1 Relational Modeling vs. Cassandra
2 The Basics
3 CQL Collections
4 Relationships
5 Time Series Use Case
Relational Modeling vs. Cassandra
The Good ol’ Relational Database
• Been around a long time (first proposed in 1970)
• Data modeling is well understood (typically 3NF or higher)
• ACID guarantees are easy for developers to reason about
• SQL is ubiquitous and allows flexible querying
– JOINs, Sub SELECTs, etc.
Relational Data Modeling
• Five normal forms
• Foreign Keys
• Joins at read time
– Example SQL: Get employee
and department for user id 5
(Helena Edelson)
Id First Last DeptId
1 Luke Tillman 201
2 Jon Haddad 201
5 Helena Edelson 205
Id Dept
201 Evangelists
205 Engineering
SELECT e.First, e.Last, d.Dept
FROM Employees e
JOIN Departments d
ON e.DeptId = d.Id
WHERE e.Id = 5
Relational Data Modeling Thought Process
Cassandra Data Modeling Thought Process
• Similar syntax in many
cases, but...
• No Joins
• No Aggregations
Id First Last DeptId
1 Luke Tillman 201
2 Jon Haddad 201
5 Helena Edelson 205
Id Dept
201 Evangelists
205 Engineering
SELECT e.First, e.Last, d.Dept
FROM Employees e
JOIN Departments d
ON e.DeptId = d.Id
WHERE e.Id = 5
• Combine table columns into single view at write time
• No joins necessary
Id First Last Dept
1 Luke Tillman Evangelists
2 Jon Haddad Evangelists
5 Helena Edelson Engineering
SELECT First, Last, Dept
FROM Employees
WHERE Id = 5
Sequences and Auto-Incrementing Ids
• Great for letting the RDBMS handle auto-generating Ids
• Guaranteed to be unique
• Needs ACID to work (uh oh)
INSERT INTO Employees (Id, First, Last)
VALUES (seq.nextVal(), "Patrick", "McFadin")
No More Sequences
• Almost impossible in a distributed system like Cassandra
• Couple of great choices instead:
– Natural Keys: Unique values like Email
– Surrogate Key: UUID (or GUID for MS folks)
• UUID: Universally Unique Identifier
– 128-bit number represented in character form
– Can be generated easily on the client side
The Basics
Cassandra Data Modeling Thought Process
• Start with your
application and the
queries it needs to
• Then build models to
satisfy those queries
Entity Table
• Query: Find user by id
• Simple view of a single user
• UUID used for ID
• Simple primary key
userid uuid,
firstname text,
lastname text,
email text,
created_date timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (userid)
SELECT firstname, lastname
FROM users
WHERE userid = 99051fe9-6a9c-46c2-b949-38ef78858dd0
Entity Table – A reminder on Partition Keys
• First part of Primary Key is the
Partition Key
userid uuid,
firstname text,
lastname text,
email text,
created_date timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (userid)
firstname ...
Luke ...
Jon ...
Patrick ...
689d56e5- …
93357d73- …
d978b136- …
More Complicated Primary Keys
• Query: Find comments for a video (most recent first)
CREATE TABLE comments_by_video (
videoid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
userid uuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid)
SELECT commentid, userid, comment
FROM comments_by_video
WHERE videoid = 0fe6ab76-cf17-4664-abcc-4e363cee273f
Let's Break This Down
• TimeUUID: a UUID with a timestamp component
• Ordering by a TimeUUID is like ordering by its timestamp
CREATE TABLE comments_by_video (
videoid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
userid uuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid)
eeaca440-c745-11e4-8830-0800200c9a6603/10/2015 16:53:09 GMT
Let's Break This Down
• The Primary Key uniquely identifies a row, so a comment is
uniquely identified by its videoid and commentid
CREATE TABLE comments_by_video (
videoid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
userid uuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid)
Let's Break This Down
• The first part of the Primary Key is the Partition Key, so
comments for a given video will be stored together in a partition
• When we query for a given videoid, we only need to talk to
one partition (and thus one node), which is fast
CREATE TABLE comments_by_video (
videoid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
userid uuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid)
Let's Break This Down
• The second part of the Primary Key is the Clustering Column(s)
• Inside a partition, comments for a given video will be ordered
by commentid
• Remember ordering by TimeUUID is ordering by timestamp
CREATE TABLE comments_by_video (
videoid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
userid uuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid)
Let's Break This Down
• We can specify a default clustering order when creating the
table which will affect the ordering of the data stored on disk
• Since our query was to get the latest comments for a video, we
order by commentid descending
CREATE TABLE comments_by_video (
videoid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
userid uuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid)
Let's Break This Down
CREATE TABLE comments_by_video (
videoid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
userid uuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid)
(10/1/2014 9:36AM)
(9/17/2014 7:55AM)
This query will be fast
(10/1/2014 9:36AM)
(9/17/2014 7:55AM)
SELECT commentid, userid, comment
FROM comments_by_video
WHERE videoid = 0fe6ab76-cf17-4664-abcc-4e363cee273f
1. Locate
2. Single seek
on disk
3. Slice 10 latest rows and return
Getting the most from queries
• Queries on Partition Key are fast
– Querying inside a single partition should be the goal
– Always specify a value for partition key when querying
• Queries on Partition Key and one or more Clustering Column(s)
are fast
– Again, inside a single partition should be the goal
– Use default ordering when creating the table to optimize if applicable
• Cassandra will give you errors if you try to stray
More than one way to query the same data
• New Query: Find comments made by a user (most recent first)
CREATE TABLE comments_by_user (
userid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
videoid uuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, commentid)
SELECT commentid, videoid, comment
FROM comments_by_user
WHERE userid = 99051fe9-6a9c-46c2-b949-38ef78858dd0
More than one way to query the same data
• Two views of the same data
• Use a batch when inserting to both tables
• Denormalize at write time to do efficient queries at read time
CREATE TABLE comments_by_user (
userid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
videoid uuid,
comment text,
userid, commentid)
commentid DESC);
CREATE TABLE comments_by_video (
videoid uuid,
commentid timeuuid,
userid uuid,
comment text,
videoid, commentid)
commentid DESC);
CQL Collections
CQL Collection Basics
• Store a collection of related things in a column
• Meant to be dynamic part of a table
• Update syntax is very different from insert
• Reads require all of the collection to be read
• No duplicates, sorted by CQL type's comparator
INSERT INTO collections_example (id, set_example)
VALUES (1, {'Patrick', 'Jon', 'Luke'});
set_example set<text>
Collection name
(column name)
Collection type CQL type
• Adding an element to a set
• Removing an element from a set
UPDATE collections_example
SET set_example = set_example + {'Rebecca'}
WHERE id = 1
UPDATE collections_example
SET set_example = set_example - {'Luke'}
WHERE id = 1
CQL List
• Allows duplicates, sorted by insertion order
• Use with caution
INSERT INTO collections_example (id, list_example)
VALUES (1, ['Patrick', 'Jon', 'Luke']);
list_example list<text>
Collection name
(column name)
Collection type CQL type
CQL List
• Adding an element to the end of a list
• Adding an element to the beginning of a list
• Removing an element from a list
UPDATE collections_example
SET list_example = list_example + ['Rebecca']
WHERE id = 1
UPDATE collections_example
SET list_example = ['Rebecca'] + list_example
WHERE id = 1
UPDATE collections_example
SET list_example = list_example - ['Luke']
WHERE id = 1
• Key and value, sorted by key's CQL type comparator
INSERT INTO collections_example (id, map_example)
VALUES (1, { 'Patrick' : 72, 'Jon' : 33, 'Luke' : 34 });
map_example map<text, int>
Collection name
(column name)
Collection type Key CQL type Value CQL type
• Adding an element to a map
• Updating an existing element in a map
• Removing an element from a map
UPDATE collections_example
SET map_example['Rebecca'] = 29
WHERE id = 1
UPDATE collections_example
SET map_example['Jon'] = 34
WHERE id = 1
DELETE map_example['Luke']
FROM collections_example
WHERE id = 1
Revisiting our One-to-Many Relationship
Id First Last DeptId
7bc7a... Luke Tillman 5078c...
d7463... Jon Haddad 5078c...
8c26b... Helena Edelson 1d0f3...
Id Dept
5078c... Evangelists
1d0f3... Engineering
Department Employeehas
Revisiting our One-to-Many Relationship
• Query: Get an employee and
his/her department by
employee id
– Denormalize department data
First Last Dept
Luke Tillman Evangelists
Jon Haddad Evangelists
Helena Edelson Engineering
CREATE TABLE employees (
id uuid,
first text,
last text,
dept text,
SELECT first, last, dept
FROM employees
WHERE id = 7bc7a...
What about the other side of the relationship?
• Query: Get all the employees for a given department
CREATE TABLE employees_by_dept (
dept_id uuid,
emp_id uuid,
first text,
last text,
dept text,
PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id)
SELECT first, last, dept
FROM employees_by_dept
WHERE dept_id = 5078c...
What about the other side of the relationship?
CREATE TABLE employees_by_dept (
dept_id uuid,
emp_id uuid,
first text,
last text,
dept text,
PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id)
Static Columns
• Department name (dept)
will be the same across all
rows in the partition
• This is a good candidate
for a static column
CREATE TABLE employees_by_dept (
dept_id uuid,
emp_id uuid,
first text,
last text,
dept text,
PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id)
Static Columns
• For data that is shared across
all rows in a partition, use
static columns
• Updates to the value will
affect all rows in the partition
CREATE TABLE employees_by_dept (
dept_id uuid,
emp_id uuid,
first text,
last text,
dept text STATIC,
PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id)
Time Series Use Case
Weather Station
• Weather station collects data
• Cassandra stores in sequence
• Application reads in sequence
Weather Station
Needed Queries
• Get all data for one weather
• Get data for a single date
and time
• Get data for a range of dates
and times
Data Model for Queries
• Store data per weather
• Store time series in order:
first to last
Weather Station
• Weather station id and
time are unique
• Store as many as needed
CREATE TABLE temperatures (
weather_station text,
year int,
month int,
day int,
hour int,
temperature double,
weather_station, year, month, day, hour)
INSERT INTO temperatures (weather_station, year, month, day, hour, temperature)
VALUES ('10010:99999', 2005, 12, 1, 7, -5.6);
INSERT INTO temperatures (weather_station, year, month, day, hour, temperature)
VALUES ('10010:99999', 2005, 12, 1, 8, -5.1);
INSERT INTO temperatures (weather_station, year, month, day, hour, temperature)
VALUES ('10010:99999', 2005, 12, 1, 9, -4.9);
INSERT INTO temperatures (weather_station, year, month, day, hour, temperature)
VALUES ('10010:99999', 2005, 12, 1, 10, -5.3);
Storage Model: Logical View
SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature
FROM temperatures
WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999'
Storage Model: Disk Layout
SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature
FROM temperatures
WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999'
Storage Model: Disk Layout
SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature
FROM temperatures
WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999'
Merged, Sorted, and Stored Sequentially
Query Patterns
• Range queries
• "Slice" operation on disk
SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature
FROM temperatures
WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999'
AND year = 2005 AND month = 12 AND day = 1
AND hour >= 7 AND hour <= 10
Partition key for locality
Single seek on disk
Query Patterns
• Range queries
• "Slice" operation on disk
weather_station hour temperature
SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature
FROM temperatures
WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999'
AND year = 2005 AND month = 12 AND day = 1
AND hour >= 7 AND hour <= 10
Query Patterns
• Programmers like this
weather_station hour temperature
SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature
FROM temperatures
WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999'
AND year = 2005 AND month = 12 AND day = 1
AND hour >= 7 AND hour <= 10
Sorted in
time order
Takeaway: Goals of Cassandra Data Modeling
• Spread data evenly around the cluster
– Choose a good Primary Key (particularly, the Partition Key portion)
• Minimize the number of partitions read for a given query
– Remember: Partitions are spread out around the cluster
• Do not worry about:
– Minimizing the number of writes: Cassandra is really fast at writes
– Minimizing data duplication: this is not 3NF from RDBMS, disk is cheap
Follow me for updates or to ask questions later: @LukeTillman

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Introduction to Data Modeling with Apache Cassandra

  • 1. Introduction to Data Modeling with Apache Cassandra Luke Tillman (@LukeTillman) Language Evangelist at DataStax
  • 2. 1 Relational Modeling vs. Cassandra 2 The Basics 3 CQL Collections 4 Relationships 5 Time Series Use Case 2
  • 4. The Good ol’ Relational Database • Been around a long time (first proposed in 1970) • Data modeling is well understood (typically 3NF or higher) • ACID guarantees are easy for developers to reason about • SQL is ubiquitous and allows flexible querying – JOINs, Sub SELECTs, etc. 4
  • 5. Relational Data Modeling • Five normal forms • Foreign Keys • Joins at read time – Example SQL: Get employee and department for user id 5 (Helena Edelson) Id First Last DeptId 1 Luke Tillman 201 2 Jon Haddad 201 5 Helena Edelson 205 5 Id Dept 201 Evangelists 205 Engineering Employees Departments SELECT e.First, e.Last, d.Dept FROM Employees e JOIN Departments d ON e.DeptId = d.Id WHERE e.Id = 5
  • 6. Relational Data Modeling Thought Process 6 Data Models Application
  • 7. Cassandra Data Modeling Thought Process 7 Models Application Data
  • 8. CQL vs SQL • Similar syntax in many cases, but... • No Joins • No Aggregations Id First Last DeptId 1 Luke Tillman 201 2 Jon Haddad 201 5 Helena Edelson 205 8 Id Dept 201 Evangelists 205 Engineering Employees Departments SELECT e.First, e.Last, d.Dept FROM Employees e JOIN Departments d ON e.DeptId = d.Id WHERE e.Id = 5
  • 9. Denormalization • Combine table columns into single view at write time • No joins necessary 9 Id First Last Dept 1 Luke Tillman Evangelists 2 Jon Haddad Evangelists 5 Helena Edelson Engineering Employees SELECT First, Last, Dept FROM Employees WHERE Id = 5
  • 10. Sequences and Auto-Incrementing Ids • Great for letting the RDBMS handle auto-generating Ids • Guaranteed to be unique • Needs ACID to work (uh oh) 10 INSERT INTO Employees (Id, First, Last) VALUES (seq.nextVal(), "Patrick", "McFadin")
  • 11. No More Sequences • Almost impossible in a distributed system like Cassandra • Couple of great choices instead: – Natural Keys: Unique values like Email – Surrogate Key: UUID (or GUID for MS folks) • UUID: Universally Unique Identifier – 128-bit number represented in character form – Can be generated easily on the client side 11 99051fe9-6a9c-46c2-b949-38ef78858dd0
  • 13. Cassandra Data Modeling Thought Process • Start with your application and the queries it needs to run • Then build models to satisfy those queries 13 Models Application Data
  • 14. Entity Table • Query: Find user by id • Simple view of a single user • UUID used for ID • Simple primary key 14 CREATE TABLE users ( userid uuid, firstname text, lastname text, email text, created_date timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (userid) ); SELECT firstname, lastname FROM users WHERE userid = 99051fe9-6a9c-46c2-b949-38ef78858dd0
  • 15. Entity Table – A reminder on Partition Keys • First part of Primary Key is the Partition Key 15 CREATE TABLE users ( userid uuid, firstname text, lastname text, email text, created_date timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (userid) ); firstname ... Luke ... Jon ... Patrick ... userid 689d56e5- … 93357d73- … d978b136- …
  • 16. More Complicated Primary Keys • Query: Find comments for a video (most recent first) 16 CREATE TABLE comments_by_video ( videoid uuid, commentid timeuuid, userid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (commentid DESC); SELECT commentid, userid, comment FROM comments_by_video WHERE videoid = 0fe6ab76-cf17-4664-abcc-4e363cee273f LIMIT 10
  • 17. Let's Break This Down • TimeUUID: a UUID with a timestamp component • Ordering by a TimeUUID is like ordering by its timestamp 17 CREATE TABLE comments_by_video ( videoid uuid, commentid timeuuid, userid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (commentid DESC); eeaca440-c745-11e4-8830-0800200c9a6603/10/2015 16:53:09 GMT
  • 18. Let's Break This Down • The Primary Key uniquely identifies a row, so a comment is uniquely identified by its videoid and commentid 18 CREATE TABLE comments_by_video ( videoid uuid, commentid timeuuid, userid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (commentid DESC);
  • 19. Let's Break This Down • The first part of the Primary Key is the Partition Key, so comments for a given video will be stored together in a partition • When we query for a given videoid, we only need to talk to one partition (and thus one node), which is fast 19 CREATE TABLE comments_by_video ( videoid uuid, commentid timeuuid, userid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (commentid DESC);
  • 20. Let's Break This Down • The second part of the Primary Key is the Clustering Column(s) • Inside a partition, comments for a given video will be ordered by commentid • Remember ordering by TimeUUID is ordering by timestamp 20 CREATE TABLE comments_by_video ( videoid uuid, commentid timeuuid, userid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (commentid DESC);
  • 21. Let's Break This Down • We can specify a default clustering order when creating the table which will affect the ordering of the data stored on disk • Since our query was to get the latest comments for a video, we order by commentid descending 21 CREATE TABLE comments_by_video ( videoid uuid, commentid timeuuid, userid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (commentid DESC);
  • 22. Let's Break This Down 22 CREATE TABLE comments_by_video ( videoid uuid, commentid timeuuid, userid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY (videoid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (commentid DESC); videoid='0fe6a...' userid= 'ac346...' comment= 'Awesome!' commentid='82be1...' (10/1/2014 9:36AM) userid= 'f89d3...' comment= 'Garbage!' commentid='765ac...' (9/17/2014 7:55AM)
  • 23. This query will be fast 23 videoid='0fe6a...' userid= 'ac346...' comment= 'Awesome!' commentid='82be1...' (10/1/2014 9:36AM) userid= 'f89d3...' comment= 'Garbage!' commentid='765ac...' (9/17/2014 7:55AM) SELECT commentid, userid, comment FROM comments_by_video WHERE videoid = 0fe6ab76-cf17-4664-abcc-4e363cee273f LIMIT 10 1. Locate single partition 2. Single seek on disk 3. Slice 10 latest rows and return
  • 24. Getting the most from queries • Queries on Partition Key are fast – Querying inside a single partition should be the goal – Always specify a value for partition key when querying • Queries on Partition Key and one or more Clustering Column(s) are fast – Again, inside a single partition should be the goal – Use default ordering when creating the table to optimize if applicable • Cassandra will give you errors if you try to stray 24
  • 25. More than one way to query the same data • New Query: Find comments made by a user (most recent first) 25 CREATE TABLE comments_by_user ( userid uuid, commentid timeuuid, videoid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY (userid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (commentid DESC); SELECT commentid, videoid, comment FROM comments_by_user WHERE userid = 99051fe9-6a9c-46c2-b949-38ef78858dd0 LIMIT 10
  • 26. More than one way to query the same data • Two views of the same data • Use a batch when inserting to both tables • Denormalize at write time to do efficient queries at read time 26 CREATE TABLE comments_by_user ( userid uuid, commentid timeuuid, videoid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY ( userid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY ( commentid DESC); CREATE TABLE comments_by_video ( videoid uuid, commentid timeuuid, userid uuid, comment text, PRIMARY KEY ( videoid, commentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY ( commentid DESC);
  • 28. CQL Collection Basics • Store a collection of related things in a column • Meant to be dynamic part of a table • Update syntax is very different from insert • Reads require all of the collection to be read 28
  • 29. CQL Set • No duplicates, sorted by CQL type's comparator 29 INSERT INTO collections_example (id, set_example) VALUES (1, {'Patrick', 'Jon', 'Luke'}); set_example set<text> Collection name (column name) Collection type CQL type
  • 30. CQL Set • Adding an element to a set • Removing an element from a set 30 UPDATE collections_example SET set_example = set_example + {'Rebecca'} WHERE id = 1 UPDATE collections_example SET set_example = set_example - {'Luke'} WHERE id = 1
  • 31. CQL List • Allows duplicates, sorted by insertion order • Use with caution 31 INSERT INTO collections_example (id, list_example) VALUES (1, ['Patrick', 'Jon', 'Luke']); list_example list<text> Collection name (column name) Collection type CQL type
  • 32. CQL List • Adding an element to the end of a list • Adding an element to the beginning of a list • Removing an element from a list 32 UPDATE collections_example SET list_example = list_example + ['Rebecca'] WHERE id = 1 UPDATE collections_example SET list_example = ['Rebecca'] + list_example WHERE id = 1 UPDATE collections_example SET list_example = list_example - ['Luke'] WHERE id = 1
  • 33. CQL Map • Key and value, sorted by key's CQL type comparator 33 INSERT INTO collections_example (id, map_example) VALUES (1, { 'Patrick' : 72, 'Jon' : 33, 'Luke' : 34 }); map_example map<text, int> Collection name (column name) Collection type Key CQL type Value CQL type
  • 34. CQL Map • Adding an element to a map • Updating an existing element in a map • Removing an element from a map 34 UPDATE collections_example SET map_example['Rebecca'] = 29 WHERE id = 1 UPDATE collections_example SET map_example['Jon'] = 34 WHERE id = 1 DELETE map_example['Luke'] FROM collections_example WHERE id = 1
  • 36. Revisiting our One-to-Many Relationship 36 Id First Last DeptId 7bc7a... Luke Tillman 5078c... d7463... Jon Haddad 5078c... 8c26b... Helena Edelson 1d0f3... Id Dept 5078c... Evangelists 1d0f3... Engineering EmployeesDepartments Department Employeehas n1
  • 37. Revisiting our One-to-Many Relationship • Query: Get an employee and his/her department by employee id – Denormalize department data 37 First Last Dept Luke Tillman Evangelists Jon Haddad Evangelists Helena Edelson Engineering Id 7bc7a... d7463... 8c26b... Employees CREATE TABLE employees ( id uuid, first text, last text, dept text, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); SELECT first, last, dept FROM employees WHERE id = 7bc7a...
  • 38. What about the other side of the relationship? • Query: Get all the employees for a given department 38 CREATE TABLE employees_by_dept ( dept_id uuid, emp_id uuid, first text, last text, dept text, PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id) ); SELECT first, last, dept FROM employees_by_dept WHERE dept_id = 5078c...
  • 39. What about the other side of the relationship? 39 CREATE TABLE employees_by_dept ( dept_id uuid, emp_id uuid, first text, last text, dept text, PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id) ); dept_id= '5078c...' emp_id='7bc7a...' dept= 'Evangelists' first= 'Luke' last= 'Tillman' emp_id='d7463...' dept= 'Evangelists' first= 'Jon' last= 'Haddad'
  • 40. Static Columns • Department name (dept) will be the same across all rows in the partition • This is a good candidate for a static column 40 CREATE TABLE employees_by_dept ( dept_id uuid, emp_id uuid, first text, last text, dept text, PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id) ); dept_id= '5078c...' emp_id='7bc7a...' dept= 'Evangelists' first= 'Luke' last= 'Tillman' emp_id='d7463...' dept= 'Evangelists' first= 'Jon' last= 'Haddad'
  • 41. Static Columns • For data that is shared across all rows in a partition, use static columns • Updates to the value will affect all rows in the partition 41 CREATE TABLE employees_by_dept ( dept_id uuid, emp_id uuid, first text, last text, dept text STATIC, PRIMARY KEY (dept_id, emp_id) ); dept_id= '5078c...' dept= 'Evangelists' emp_id='7bc7a...' first= 'Luke' last= 'Tillman' emp_id='d7463...' first= 'Jon' last= 'Haddad'
  • 42. Time Series Use Case 42
  • 43. Weather Station • Weather station collects data • Cassandra stores in sequence • Application reads in sequence 43
  • 44. Weather Station Needed Queries • Get all data for one weather station • Get data for a single date and time • Get data for a range of dates and times Data Model for Queries • Store data per weather station • Store time series in order: first to last 44
  • 45. Weather Station • Weather station id and time are unique • Store as many as needed 45 CREATE TABLE temperatures ( weather_station text, year int, month int, day int, hour int, temperature double, PRIMARY KEY ( weather_station, year, month, day, hour) ); INSERT INTO temperatures (weather_station, year, month, day, hour, temperature) VALUES ('10010:99999', 2005, 12, 1, 7, -5.6); INSERT INTO temperatures (weather_station, year, month, day, hour, temperature) VALUES ('10010:99999', 2005, 12, 1, 8, -5.1); INSERT INTO temperatures (weather_station, year, month, day, hour, temperature) VALUES ('10010:99999', 2005, 12, 1, 9, -4.9); INSERT INTO temperatures (weather_station, year, month, day, hour, temperature) VALUES ('10010:99999', 2005, 12, 1, 10, -5.3);
  • 46. Storage Model: Logical View 46 SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature FROM temperatures WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999' 10010:99999 10010:99999 10010:99999 10010:99999 weather_station 7 8 9 10 hour -5.6 -5.1 -4.9 -5.3 temperature
  • 47. Storage Model: Disk Layout 47 SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature FROM temperatures WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999' 10010:99999 2005:12:1:7 -5.6 2005:12:1:8 -5.1 2005:12:1:9 -4.9 2005:12:1:10 -5.3
  • 48. Storage Model: Disk Layout 48 SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature FROM temperatures WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999' 10010:99999 2005:12:1:7 -5.6 2005:12:1:8 -5.1 2005:12:1:9 -4.9 2005:12:1:10 -5.3 2005:12:1:11 Merged, Sorted, and Stored Sequentially
  • 49. Query Patterns • Range queries • "Slice" operation on disk 49 SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature FROM temperatures WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999' AND year = 2005 AND month = 12 AND day = 1 AND hour >= 7 AND hour <= 10 10010:99999 2005:12:1:7 -5.6 2005:12:1:8 -5.1 2005:12:1:9 -4.9 2005:12:1:10 -5.3 2005:12:1:11 Partition key for locality Single seek on disk
  • 50. Query Patterns 50 • Range queries • "Slice" operation on disk 10010:99999 10010:99999 10010:99999 10010:99999 weather_station hour temperature 7 8 9 10 -5.6 -5.1 -4.9 -5.3 SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature FROM temperatures WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999' AND year = 2005 AND month = 12 AND day = 1 AND hour >= 7 AND hour <= 10
  • 51. Query Patterns 51 • Programmers like this 10010:99999 10010:99999 10010:99999 10010:99999 weather_station hour temperature 7 8 9 10 -5.6 -5.1 -4.9 -5.3 SELECT weather_station, hour, temperature FROM temperatures WHERE weather_station = '10010:99999' AND year = 2005 AND month = 12 AND day = 1 AND hour >= 7 AND hour <= 10 Sorted in time order
  • 52. Takeaway: Goals of Cassandra Data Modeling • Spread data evenly around the cluster – Choose a good Primary Key (particularly, the Partition Key portion) • Minimize the number of partitions read for a given query – Remember: Partitions are spread out around the cluster • Do not worry about: – Minimizing the number of writes: Cassandra is really fast at writes – Minimizing data duplication: this is not 3NF from RDBMS, disk is cheap 52
  • 53. Questions? Follow me for updates or to ask questions later: @LukeTillman 53