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Introduce Yourself Essay Sample
Crafting an essay about oneself might seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into
the task reveals the intricate challenge it poses. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of
information but rather in the abundance of it. How does one condense the myriad facets of their
identity into a coherent narrative, striking a balance between humility and self-assurance?
The challenge intensifies when considering the delicate task of presenting oneself in a way that is
engaging, authentic, and memorable. It's not just about listing achievements and experiences but
about weaving them into a compelling story that captures the essence of who you are. The fear of
appearing boastful or, conversely, downplaying one's achievements can be paralyzing. Striking
the right tone becomes a tightrope walk, where oversharing and undersharing lurk as pitfalls on
either side.
Moreover, introspection can be a double-edged sword. It demands a level of self-awareness that,
while crucial, can also be uncomfortable. It requires confronting not just the triumphs but also
the setbacks, the strengths as well as the vulnerabilities. Choosing which aspects to highlight
becomes a critical decision, with the perpetual concern of how the reader – often an
admissions officer or potential employer – will perceive the presented self.
The challenge is not just in the self-reflection and expression but also in the audience awareness.
Anticipating the expectations of the reader adds another layer of complexity. Is the essay for a
college application, a job interview, or a personal blog? Tailoring the content to align with the
specific context while maintaining authenticity demands a nuanced approach.
In essence, writing an essay introducing oneself is akin to sculpting a multifaceted self-portrait
with words. It requires the delicate art of self-disclosure, self-promotion, and self-reflection –
a trinity that, when harmonized, creates a narrative that resonates. The difficulty lies not merely
in the technicalities of writing but in the navigation of one's own identity to present a cohesive
and compelling story.
And if navigating this intricacy proves overwhelming, there's a solution. Assistance in crafting
similar essays, or even more complex ones, is readily available. Services like
offer professional support in articulating your narrative, ensuring that your unique story is
presented with the finesse it deserves.
Introduce Yourself Essay SampleIntroduce Yourself Essay Sample
Disadvantages Of American Imperialism
European imperialism has evidently modernized many countries across the world,
such as Africa, but not without the cost of many innocent lives in the process. In
1807, the trans Atlantic slave trade had been outlawed by Britain, and by 1833,
slavery itself. With slavery coming to an end, Europe s interests adjusted to
imperialism. Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and Spain
expanded their territory considerably during this time period, gaining political and
economic power in the process. While the advantages and disadvantages of European
imperialism are apparent, what motivated the Europeans to take this course of action?
European expansion across Africacommenced due to economic, technological, and
political motives,... Show more content on ...
The abundance of raw materials found in Africa helped with technological
progression in Europe, aiding in economic gain. Expansion of territory gave
European nations a gain in power and prestige, as well as a sense of superior
responsibility to civilize colonists. While European imperialism did have its own
benefits, such as modernizing colonies with roads, schools, railroads, and hospitals,
it also had a number of negative effects. While many lives were lost in the process,
they also diminished colonies of their cultural identity, enforcing European values on
natives. In spite of that, European imperialism holds a prominent significance in our
society today all over the
Classical Conditioning Lab Report
Conditioning Experiment Lab Report: The Keys to a Child s Laughter
The statement that all human reflexes are because of interactions with the
environment encapsulates the whole idea of behavioristic psychology. Some of these
interactions come from conditioning, more specifically operant conditioning and
classical conditioning. The focus of this report will be classical conditioning. Russian
psychologist Ivan Pavlov was the researcher who defined classical conditioning with
his famous experiment that involved dogs associating salivation with a bell.
The focus of the investigation will be how classical conditioning affects children still
in Freud s anal psychosexual stage. This investigation will better show how children
in this stage comprehend and react to a stimulus. The expectation is that the child
will react and comprehend normal to the stimulus; though, the stimulus will go
extinct in the child quickly.
The taken design of this experiment was a classical conditioning one with its
components being: a Unconditioned Stimulus (US) a stimulus that occurs naturally, a
Neutral Stimulus (NS) stimulus that elicits no response, a Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
when a NS and a US are paired together to elicit the desired response, an
Unconditioned Response (UR) an unlearned response that occurs naturally to an
unconditioned stimulus, and a Conditioned Response (CR) a learned response to a
CS. PARTICIPANTS There was only one participant in this experiment. This
Analysis Of The Movie Boyz N The Hood
Boyz N the Hood draws on many topics we talk about in class. Most of the kids in
the movie were from broken homes (only one biological parent present) and lived in
poor living conditions. Even though that was the case some of the kids prospered
more than the others and were able to not get involved in gangs, drugs, or violence
despite being in a poor environment where they were forced to live. In addition, some
was able to continue their education and eventually get out of the environment, but
some could not make it out and died in the poor environment. This movie is a great
illustration of juvenile delinquencybecause it shows how living in a broken home, in
a poor environment shapes young boys. In the paragraphs below, I will be showing...
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Delinquent behavior is more likely to happen if it is frequently reinforced and
infrequently punished, results in large amounts of reinforcement and little
punishment or is more likely to be reinforced than alternative behaviors.
Tre in the beginning of the movie was influenced by violence right outside of his
house, the people beat up someone while they were gambling. Things like this he
learned and he solved his problems by fighting. Since his dad was the disciplinary
parent, Tre could learn how to become discipline and be different than the other
people in his neighborhood. Tre s dad was the positive reinforcement, which
shaped Tre to become successful and get out of the poor neighborhood. Tre s dad
had him do chores in the house and rake the leaves, before going out with his
friends teaching him to do his responsibilities before anything else. Making him
have a curfew and a bed time decreases the likelihood of being delinquent because
he cannot stay out past a certain time. His dad believed that if he discipline Tre,
then he would not end up dead or on the streets like some of his friends. Even
though he was influenced mostly by his dad, he did have negative influences. When
he is around his friends, he tries to act tough. At Doughboy s welcome home party,
his girlfriend was asking why he hasn t called her and he
How Medicare Is Financed By The Social Security...
How Medicare is financed
Medicare is funded by the Social Security Administration, which means it s
generally financed by taxpayers. Payroll taxes paid by most employers,
employees, and people who are self employed help finance Medicare. There are 4
parts of Medicare, each part is funded differently. Part A, the Hospital Insurance
(HI) Trust fund is paid by taxpayers. Employees pay 1.45% of their earning into the
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), which goes into the trust fund.
Employers pay an additional 1.45% into FICA. Those who are self employed pay
2.9% towards FICA. Individuals making $200,000 or more and couples making
250,000 or more pay a higher percentage of 2.35% into the Health Insurance Trust
Fund. The ... Show more content on ...
The remaining balance of 74.5 percent for the cost is funded by Medicare. Once more,
higher income beneficiaries will pay a larger share of the cost of regular drug
Eligibility for Medicare
Medicare coverage is available for most people who are 65 years old or older.
Individuals may find that Medicare offers better coverage at a lower cost than the
coverage they had previously (CPA Client Bulletin, 2012). However, a person is
automatically permitted to Part A, if the participant or their spouse are eligible for
Social Security payments and have made payroll tax contributions for more than 10
years. To be eligible, the person must also be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal
resident. There are no income or asset tests, and the participant qualifies without
concern of their medical history or preexisting conditions. Participants do not pay
premiums for covered services under Medicare Part A. However, if an individual is
65 years old or older, and has not paid enough Medicare taxes for more than 10 years,
they pay a monthly premium to receive Part A coverage.
Specific groups of people who are not 65 are also eligible for Medicare. Adults under
the age of 65 with permanent disabilities are eligible for Medicare after receiving
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) for 2 years. Adults with End Stage Renal
Disease (ESRD) or Lou Gehrig s (ALS) disease are likewise eligible for Medicare
benefits. Coverage
What Oprah Winfrey Learned From Childhood Abuse And
Black Boy
Spokesperson and leader of the Civil rights, Marther Luther King Jr., once said, the
ultimate tradegy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence
over that by the good people. Oppression has, is, and always will be part of a
society and there will always be oppressors; however, it is up to the individuals
being oppressed to speak up and end the oppression that occurs in a community, it is
there job to identify the rights and wrongs and not let the cycle of oppression
continue, it is their obligation to speak up and act, it is under their accountability to
terminate oppression and not let it snare them. In the book Black Boy by Richard
Wright and Overcoming Obstacles: What Oprah WinfreyLearned From Her
Childhood... Show more content on ...
Through many of these traumatizing struggles she faced, she was persistent, and did
not let anything that was done to her get in the way of herself, she kept pursuing and
used the negative actions of others as a motive to keep pushing forward, developing
in the first African Americanbillionaire. The fact that the writer uses poverty and
billionaire in the same sentence when talking about an individual, speculates how
Oprah s determination made her whom she is today. Furthermore, in Black boy,
Wright speculates Richard s determination by saying, And no word that I had ever
heard fall from the lips of southern white men had ever made me really doubt the
worth of my own humanity (283).Richard here reveals how he is a determined
individual. He employs the idea of how he neglects every other s criticism and
thoughts. He reveals how he knows his worth when expressing how the words of
others never made him doubt himself. Richard blocks negativity out of his life and
is tenacious about following what is best for his future, he obviously does not let
anyone influence him and knows what is best for his own humanity .The fact that he
has several white racist men criticizing him, telling him what to do, scorning at him,
really critiques how much of a persistent individual he is, and how driven he is to get
to the North and get out of his
There s Someone From Our Own Backyard
There s Someone in Your Backyard Many people are afraid of house burglaries,
because there is an unidentified person breaking into their home and taking their
precious items. But most people do not even think about the fact that the friends and
family they invite into their home can steal from them too. The media and politics in
America has made the American people believe that our number one terrorist threats
come from the Middle Eastand are Muslims, but in all reality, most terrorists have
come from our own backyard. Within the last six years there have been twenty
major terrorist attacks. Only three of the attacks came from people who identify as
Middle Eastern. Fifteen attacks were done by people who identify as American. So
my question is why is our country so afraid of Middle Easterners, and why are we
blaming them for our mistakes? The idea of Middle Easterners being our number one
terrorist threats stems from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. On September 11, 2001 Islamist
extremist hijacked planes there were flying over the United States. Two of them flew
into the Twin Towers and another flew into the Pentagon. This attack was one of the
biggest attacks ever. After it happened much of the media and politics did not have
many positive thoughts towards Middle Easterners. A lot of Americas Security got
stricter especially Transportation Security Administration (TSA). TSA made it harder
for just anybody to get into an airport by only allowing a person with a ticket passed
Ant The Grasshopper, An Analysis
In my opinion, i don t think maturity is dependent on a person s age because some
adults are still ignorant on important things in society. I believe it has to do with
what you know is right and having common sense no matter what age. Knowing
what s right plays a major part in maturity, whether you re young or old because it
shows your education level from the good and the bad.For example, in the book, The
Ant The Grasshopper , the ant was gathering up food for the winter rather than
playing around,acting immaturely and not being responsible like the grasshopper
was. In result, the ant and his family had enough food to go around with each other.
Consequently,when the grasshopper asked for food, the ant denied his request
leaving him to
Angela Carter s Puss-In-Boots
In Angela Carter s short story Puss in Boots, an arrogant cat, Puss, becomes a valet
for his master and they work together for survival until Master falls in love with
Signora Panteleone. After this, Puss teams up with Tabby and they plot together so
that Master and the Signora can be together sexually and then more permanently. In
the story, Carter s employment of Puss as narrator accentuates the violence related to
sexual acts and, through this, encourages the audience to read like women, as
specified by feminist critic Jonathan Culler.
In the section Reading as a Womanin Culler s novel On Deconstruction, he confronts
the traditional methods of analyzing literature through his pronouncement of women
being conditioned to view written ... Show more content on ...
Though the presence of death occurs during both of the times that Signora Panteleone
and Master have sex and this hints at sinister intentions, Puss candor about her
enjoyment enables readers to comprehend that Signora Panteleone desperately desires
to strain against the rigid standards set by her husband. In lieu of focusing merely on
Master, as many are apt to do after years of reading like men, the excessive
confinement that Signora Panteleone faces allows the audience to more easily notice
the conflicts she encounters rather than neglecting the treatment she receives. Puss,
being a blatantly stereotypical character, forces readers to examine the literary
assumptions that they base reading on and analyze the content of the story in a novel
Joe Malfoy
It was monday 2:00 at United States Penitentiary Tucson, Arizona One harsh
prison. There was one man named Joe Malfoy. Joe was an ordinary man one of his
kind he was locked away for life after robbing 16 banks with a crew called the
president s. These guys are One of the most wanted guys in history. Joe was caught
when they were robbing a bank in colorado springs around 12:00 they got into the
bank robbing the 2 vaults in the back of the bank after the money was grabbed they
all ran out. The 4 members drove off with two lamborghinis split up in pairs.
Around 10 minutes later the car the Joe was in the tire was hit by bullet and flipped
over. Joe was stuck from a piece of metal that hit his shoulder. The other crew
members drove off as the cops drove around the corner. Joe could not do anything the
cops were just behind them.
Chris, a hard looking guy, said Sorry. He grabbed the big bag of money and ran off
into a little alley way. He was left to die and soon enough the cops got him,pulling
him out of the flipped car.He was badly injured he would have to have surgery to get
the extra pieces of metal that stabbed him.
Back to the prison it was a month later after the bank robbery Joe still has a hurt
shoulder. And had gotten a new roommate, named Jash . A harsh fierce... Show more
content on ...
Joe tried to figure out the timing they could escape. Josh yelled 8 Pm that is when
some of the guards go on break .Jash started ВЁok let s do itВЁ, After days jash
found little pieces of metal to put together and make a knife they both have very
dull knifes that where made out of a forks. Joe was making a bomb out of vinegar
and baking soda that he took from the kitchen. The bomb was for a distraction to the
guard. Joe also had a plan to break through the gates. Every day a janitor comes to fix
the light that is always broken. Joe says ВЁhe always keeps wire cutters in his back
pocket, if we can take them we will be
Family Guy by Seth Mcfarlene
Family guy is an American adult sitcom created by Seth Mcfarlene for the Fox
Broadcasting company. The series centers on the Griffins, a family consisting of
parents, Peter and Lois, their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie, and their
anthropomorphic dog, Brian. The show is set in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode
Island and exhibits much of its humor in the form of cutaway gags that often lampoon
the American culture. Contrary to its title, this isn t a family show
The most intelligent members of the family are the dog, Brian, and the infant, Stewie
which might set off an alarm in terms of inappropriate role modeling.
There is frequent sexual innuendo and salty language (Ex: Bitch , damn )
Drinking and violence played for humor
The Parents Television Council, a conservative non profit group has attempted to
have the show cancelled through campaigns due to reasons of profanity, animated
nudity and violence.
Sociological Perspective on Race Ethnicity
Race may be defined as a group of people who have been identified as having real or
alleged physical characteristics.
Ethnicity refers to people who share common cultural characteristics and ethnic
identity; they share a sense of oneness, and a shared fate.
These biological traits are endowed with social meaning, which brings them into the
realm of the social sciences.
Family Guy: Racism and Stereotyping
Family Guy is famous for crossing the line in the realm of racial slurring and
Many jokes are based on
Tobacco And Its Effect On America
With such an expansive history in Connecticut, the subject of tobacco is just as
encompassing. With roots in Windsor colonial history through its height in the
1950s, sources try to capture it all at a surface level. Scholars have studied tobacco
over time evaluating its role in the community at that moment in time. Over a variety
of sources, overall the response to tobaccoin Windsor has been positive as it serves as
both an economic influence and a cultural one as well. Starting at one of the most
recent sources, Brianna Dunlap looks at the entire ConnecticutRiver valley as the
backdrop as Connecticuts tobacco industry in Connecticut Valley Tobacco. Published
in 2016, Dunlap captures tobacco s history starting at its roots in the 1600s through
Cuba s reopening trade ports in 2015. This book serves to establish Windsor s
connection with tobacco and how it changed over time to match the changing
landscape around the tobacco sheds.
Dunlap explains how location was the initial reason that tobacco came and conquered
the fields with access to both the Connecticut and Farmington rivers. She states, for
the settlers, this meant access to trade routes and economic staying power, making
the region a modern hub for development. With immediate access, settlers began
quickly to establish Windsor using tobacco as a main export back to England and
throughout the colonies. This platform provides Windsor a booming industry that
allows for development of other industries thus affecting
Marketing Strategies Of The New Northern Beaches
3Marketing strategies
The construction of the new Northern Beaches Hospital in Frenchs Forest has opened
the opportunity for the construction of a new Starlight Express Room. Thus requiring
a new marketing strategy to increase donations.
To increase donations a multiple segmentation strategy will be used within a main
campaign and the marketing mix will be adjusted to target each household life cycle.
This ensures that the same quality message in conveyed but relayed differently to
reach each segment based on their needs. This strategy creates a niche segment based
on geographic locations.
According to 2011 Census data the Young Couple Without Children Household
accounted for 42% and the Delayed Full Nest Household accounted for 37% of ...
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3.4Campaign Product
As a non for profit organisation the product is a service. For this campaign the service
remains the same for both households. The intangible nature and people involvement
can affect the quality of service. To avoid service dissatisfaction branding will ensure
consistent communication to the households so that emotional connections are made
to initiate information searches that lead to donations. For example, the purple and
yellow colours will be used in all communication, as well as the logo. These stimuli
should trigger emotions or feelings, beliefs and behavioural intentions towards the
charity (Quester et al., 2014, p. 338). Thus, conditioning the target to think of the
charity when it sees similar colours and influence purchasing/donating behaviours.
Clear brand guidelines will also guide staff training, tone of voice and personality of
the campaign.
3.5Young Couple Without Children Household Marketing Mix
3.5.1Product positioning
To be perceived as a superior children s charity with social benefits and the number
one children s charity in the Sydney Northern Beaches. The charity will differentiate
from competitors by reinforcing its desire to build a new Starlight Express Room in
the area and consistently delivering excellent Starlight service.
The rapid growth in smartphone adoption in Australia is creating a new wave of
consumer behaviour that is changing the mobile landscape. The average mobile
Stanislavski s Techniques And Techniques Essay
Even though I have mentioned some of Stanislavski s techniques there is one
thing about the system everyone must understand, nothing was ever set in stone,
the system should be used as a process in actor training, a learning tool for the
actor, and not as a rigid system to be followed by the letter. Stanislavski himself
was for ever altering the system, evolving it into new techniques as he learnt more
from the previous ones. Roughly five years before his own death, Stanislavski s
dissatisfaction with his earlier experiments in Emotional Memory, led him to
develop a technique that would change the way emotions were triggered. This
methodology supposed that emotions could be stimulated through simple physical
actions, instead of memories. This was the basis of his new system. This move
from Emotional Memory to his Method of Physical Actions was an important shift
in actor training at that time. Again, this shift was met with much resistance in
Russia at the MAT, and was resisted even more by acting students in the United
States. Stanislavski constantly shifted his views, always trying to find more
efficient ways for the actor to perform. Therefore, he was hesitant to publish his
work for a long time. If he were alive today, it is most likely that he would have
continued to change his views. THE METHOD OF PHYSICAL ACTIONS
proposed that a series of physical actions arranged in sequential order would trigger
the necessary emotions in an actor s performance. These emotions
Informative Essay On Nike Shoes
Nike has made itself very popular with its name and logo. Its name comes from the
Greek god of victory, Nike. Its logo is the infamous ВЁswooshВЁ. Although those
things have made they well known but is not the reason all these kids are buying
their shoes. The reason all kids across America want the Nike brand shoes is very
simple, Nike sponsors Legendary NBA players. After they make the deals they
market that line of shoes to kids saying ВЁKids, you could wear the same shoes as
Lebron James or Kyrie IrvingВЁ. That is what persuades kids to go out and buy
Nike produced shoes. All so they can think now I can play like and Lebron James,
but that s just my opinion.
There are two things I think about Nike. First, all the statements I listed above.
Second, although they may sell their shoes for, some might say, unfair prices they
do give you a quality product which they have put time into making. One way that
you are getting quality from Nike shoes is that they use raw materials for their shoes.
Six of those main raw materials that they use are: Polyester, Rubber, Eva Foam,...
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However, to maintain that position they need to come out with new lines of shoes
almost every week. Which means they are spending large amounts of money every
day and that leaves little room for profit. When they are putting a great deal of
money towards their shoes it does mean they will be a little more on the expensive
side. But, they do make great Birthday/Christmas gifts and kids get them at the
start of every school year so, they don t exactly need to worry about a deficit of
sales. One more thing you might want to take into consideration before purchasing
stock from them, in the 6 months and in their year to date, on their stock chart on
yahoo finance, they have gotten into a sizable decline of profits. This intel has
proven to have a big effect on my decision for picking a
Dennis Lynn Rar Research Paper
Bind them, Torture them, Kill them or BTK for short. That was the moniker that
convicted Serial Killer Dennis Rader went by in Wichita Kansas. Most neighbors
described him as Just a Regular Person. He worked as a city law supervisor, Boy
Scout leader, Church Elder. He had loving parents and siblings. But behind that mask
was a sexually driven Monster.
Dennis Lynn Rader was born March 9th, 1945 the oldest of four sons, born to
Dorothea Rader and William Rader. Friends remember him as friendly but somewhat
straitlaced. After a stint as a sergeant in the United States Air Force, He started
working at ADT Security Services, Which installs residential and commercial security
systems. By All Accounts Rader was a devoted familyman. ... Show more content on ...
In January 2005, 25 years later he sent a postcard to a Wichita TV station
describing a package he claimed to have left on the side of the road. In the message
he also asked about the status of another package he left at a Home Depot store a
few weeks earlier which gave the police their first big break in the case as he was
spotted on the surveillance tapes. The letters became frequent again containing
driver s license and three Polaroid photographs of a dead woman Vicki Wegerle,
who he strangled in her own home in 1986. He also sent letter containing dolls with
bags over their heads and hands tied behind their backs, cryptic word and number
puzzles, copies of serial killer novels and victims personal
Essay on Machiavelli s Advice to Republics
Machiavelli s Advice to Republics
In secular democracies, power is necessarily derived from the will of the governed.
That power is then entrusted to a leader, who Machiavelli would understand to be a
prince . Inherently, his book, The Prince, has been close at hand for most politicians
for centuries, as it provides general, historically proven advice for principalities and
republics on how to govern and maintain relations with their most important resource
and the very core of their power, which would be the people themselves.
Machiavelli s realization of the penultimate import of the people is probably most
significant reason his book holds so much influence on realpolitik. He writes, it is
essential for a prince to possess ... Show more content on ...
This is not to say, however, that Machiavelli intended the princeto be indulgent and
benevolent to the people, he says quite clearly in Chapter 17, #8230;it is much
more safe to be feared than loved, when you have to choose between the two
#8230; Machiavelli s reasoning was that an excess of clemency towards the
subjects when they do something wrong would lead to widespread crime, hurting
the whole community. Therefore, being cruel and severe to those who deserve it
would allow for the greatest utility (Chapter 17). This view on how to maintain
relations with the populace is both logical and realistic. However, Machiavelli
draws a clear distinction between being feared and hated. He writes, A prince must
make himself feared in such a manner that #8230; he shall at least not incur their
hatred, for being the feared, and not hated, can go very well together, (Chapter 17).
The way that a ruler can earn his subjects hatred, says Machiavelli, is if he steals or
harms their property. Therefore, by being severe and cruel in his punishments he
inspires fear. In being feared, the prince further secures his empowerment, for none
of his subjects dare to attempt to take it from him. More advice given to the prince
by Machiavelli was on general good governance, meaning how to rule, all supported
by historical examples. He writes, #8230;the prince will avail himself of the occasion
#8230; to secure himself, with less consideration for
Metaachromatic Leukodystrophy Research Paper
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) is a disorder which results in the inability
to break down sulfatides in the lysosome of oligodendrocytes. The name is of
greek origin, Leuko meaning white, dys meaning lack, and troph meaning growth.
As a Leukodystrophy, the name implies that the disease is lacking growth in the
white matter of the brain. The inability to break down sulfatides in the lysosomal
complexes of the cell lead to the degeneration of the myelin sheath which are
produced by oligodendrocytes. This disease is most commonly associated with the
inability to produce Arylsulfatase A (ASA), a protein that works to catalyze the
breakdown of sulfatides by hydrolyzing the 3 O ester bond [1]. MLD is commonly
associated with infants as most cases occur while the patient is young, typically
from 12 20 months post birth. However, Juvenile and late onset MLD also exists in
which symptoms arise later on in life. The time of onset depends on the type of
mutation the individual has. Individuals with MLD suffer from demyelination in the
central as well as peripheral nervous system, the degradation of myelin cause nerve...
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Although no treatment is known to completely halt the progress of MLT, there are
ways to slow the progression of the disease. Since the disease pathogenesis of MLD
is still yet to be understood, treatment can be tricky. Researchers are unsure when
the ideal time of treatment is and are concerned with safety issues when certain
therapies are applied. These therapies will target a specific part of the pathogenic
aspect of the disease and some work better than others at different stages [12].
Though treatment options are available to individuals afflicted with MLD, there is
currently no treatment that is able to completely stop the progression of the disease.
There are currently three ways to slow the progression of MLD, they are the Enzyme
replacement therapy, the stem cell based therapy, and gene
Top 10 Major Record Labels Nowadays Essay
Top 10 Major Record Labels Nowadays. Music and Business Music has several
functions in the society, such as the expression of emotions; creation of joy;
communication; entertainment; integration of a society; and the continuity of
culture. These functions of music make music a human need, which results in
humans demanding for music. The human need or demand for music makes music
a valuable item (good). Therefore, humans (artists) create music as a good that can
be sold for revenues and profits. This is how music relates to business. Music is a
good that many people (artists) and business (record labels) are involved in its
production, distribution, and sale for profits. In fact, musicians have to acquire
business skills that will help them manage their public image, organize for tours
and shows, design their merchandise, and build a loyal fan base. This is how music
and business are related. Main Problems Faced by Musicians Music is an industry
that has a number of aspiring artists wishing to be mainstream musicians. The road
from aspirations to the establishment as a mainstream artist is often marred with a
lot of problems. These problems are failure to attract record labels with demos;
failure to have one s songs reviewed in local and national newspapers and
magazines; failure to attract people to one s show; meeting con promoters, who are
not serious about developing one and one s work, and running out of money in the
course one s struggles. Successful aspiring artists
Compressive Strength and Griffith Criterion
The University of Hong Kong
Department of Civil Engineering
CIVL2002 M Geology amp; Rock
Laboratory Report
Brazilian Test
A. Introduction As shown by the Griffith criterion, tensile strength of brittle materials
is theoretical 1/8 of the compressive strength. Typically, tensile strengthof rock
materials is about 1/10 to 1/8 of the compressive strength. Hence, rock fails easily
under tension. In design, rock should be subjected to minimum tensile stress. Several
methods are commonly used to test the tensile strength of rocks: 1. Direct tensile
test: Metal caps are cemented to the end surfaces of the samples so that tensile load
can be applied to the samples until failure. 2. Brazilian ... Show more content on ...
According to the Griffith theory of failure, the critical point ought to be the centre
where the ratio of compression to tension (in terms of magnitude) is 3. With a
principal stress ratio of 3, failure ought to result from the application of the tensile
stress alone, without any complication from the simultaneous compression parallel to
the eventual rupture plane.
There are 2 possible modes of failure of the splitting tension specimen: 1. Axial
splitting along vertical diameter 2. Shear and crushing failure at loading (occurs
when the width of the contact area between the jaws and the disc is large)
Theoretically, the rock specimen should fail at the centre of specimen (largest
induced tensile stress), yet the experimental results shown that the failure occurs
along the vertical diameter as the induced tensile stresses are more or less the same
except for points next to the loading jaws. In other words, the rupture of the
specimen in the Brazil test usually occurs along a single tensile type fracture across
the diameter aligned with the axis of loading.
Reflection About Living With God
The book is about living with God, instead of living over, under, for, or from him.
It talks about how important it is to be aware of how we think about God and our
relationship with him. I appreciate this book a lot because the day I accepted Christ
was when I finally understood that everything he did wasn t to get me a get out of
hell free card, it was to be able to spend the rest of this life drawing me closer to
him and to spend eternity with him. In that regard, the first part of the book was
about what I expected, but as I was surprised, encouraged, and challenged as I got
further into the book.
The first point that stood out to me was the way we assign the way we value
effectiveness to God; we assume that he gauges success the same way we do. I love
the way the author presented the story of Moses striking the rock in the light of him
doing only what he knew had worked in the past. He followed a formula; and yes,
he was effective, but he was not faithful or obedient. It is possible to succeed
without being in relationship with God. Along the same lines, one of the most
helpful ways I ve heard this concept presented is from Moses initial reaction with
God; God finding Moses and arguing back and forth with him while Moses makes
excuse after excuse about everything he can t do. God is not a God of efficiency.
What would have been efficient is snapping his fingers and freeing all the Israelite
slaves from their captors in Egypt. But he chose to work through Moses;
How Does The Brain Drain Be Hot Potatoes Throughout
For years, brain drain issues have been hot potatoes throughout the world. Brain
drain is also academically known as the human capital flight, refers to the large
scale migration of highly educated, skilled and talented people of developing
countries to highly developed countries of the world (Wikipedia, 2016). The brain
drain originated in 1960, when most of human resources like scientists, engineers,
and technologists emigrated from United Kingdom to America (Wikipedia, 2016).
This phenomenon has become a global issue, and it is happening all over the world
in particular for developing countries. China, which is the largest population country
with a remarkable economic growth, is also suffering from severe brain drain
issues. In recent years, China is one of countries facing the highest loss of top
talented people. An official from mainland China s Office of Central Talent Work
Coordination Group noted that estimated 87 percent of talented individuals choose to
stay overseas, particularly in the fields of science and engineering (Zhang, 2013).
China is also considered as the biggest worldwide contributor of emigrants
(Wikipedia, 2016). In the United States, Chinese immigrants make up the largest
group of arrivals a year and Chinese immigrants are growing in number. The Census
Bureau says China replaced Mexico as the top country of origin for immigrants to
the U.S. in 2013 (Lee, 2015).
The historical turning point of Chinese students studying abroad could start
Financial Analysis Of Nike
This report is part of Introduction to Business subject (MGT1101). The topic is Nike
Inc. This report was written to give the reader an insight into Nike Inc. This report
was written to show the reader different aspects of the company, how it was
established, what it has to offer and some general knowledge of the company that
may be interesting and useful. In this report we will take you through Nike s journey
in becoming such a successful and well known brand and how it maintains its
standards and keep the company alive also the struggle of competing with other
heavy weight companies in the same industry.
Table of contents page
1 Company History 1.1
2 Company s form of ownership
3 Company products
4 Company s form of competition ... Show more content on ...
Nike is now the most popular brand. It s not only in America, but also throughout the
whole world. Nike has all the athletic shoes, clothes, and other accessories one would
need to wear in their certain sport.
Nike s target market for their shoes, clothes and other accessories are males and
females between 18 and 35 years old. Nike s Competitive market has expanded and
dominated in the international market. Nike disburses TV ads during professional
and college sports events, prime time programs, and late night TV programs. A
financial analysis helps us compare a company s current performance with its past
performance Gives us an idea of how the entire industry is performing as well as
liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and leverage ratios will give us a good
understanding of how Nike, Adidas Group, and Under Armour are performing.
The strengths
Nike gets top athletes to wear and sponsor their products rather than events or
competitions as much. Nike explains that people tend to remember what the player
wore and not the brand that sponsors the event that the players perform at.
Examples Of Conformity In Fahrenheit 451
In Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451, there are concepts present around the dystopian,
book burning society. In the era where the book takes place, firefighters start fires to
burn book that are outlawed by the government. The story revolves around Guy
Montague, a firefighter, and his dramatic realization that books are not sinister. In the
novel, there are three main concepts, conformity, depersonalization and the
pasteurization and condensation of knowledge to make the plot and situations more
relatable to readers. Ray gives a lot of examples of conformity in his writing. One
strong point is when all the firemen in Guy s fraction are sitting around playing cards,
the chief fireman, Captain Beatty, tries to weasel out that Guy is reading... Show more
content on ...
In the first couple pages of the story, Mildred took too many sleeping pills and
needed to get her stomach pumped and her blood cleaned. Guy calls the ER and
then he questions the two workers about their qualifications. They responded by
saying You don t need an M.D., case like this; all you need is two handymen (13).
This would be the pasteurization and condensation of knowledge because The
government has condensed learning and knowledge into such small portions, that
almost anyone can be anything without really trying. This really relates to a very
recent event. There was an election in a world superpower country and a reality TV
person, not even star, was elected the leader of the country. Secondly, Clarisse is
explaining a normal kid s school day and what it contains, she starts off with saying
that they have An hour of TV class, an hour of basketball or baseball or running,
another hour of transcription history or painting pictures, and more sports, but do
you know, we never ask questions (27). People are not even learning anymore. All
they are doing is playing sports or drawing or watching TV. They never ask
questions. A recent study by The Right Question Institute showed that children stop
asking so many questions after the age of 4 and society seems to get dumber every
year, the second most searched topic
Thomas Jefferson s All Men Are Created Equal
Thomas Jefferson support the equal right for all families. He stated, All men are
created equal . He supports all people equally no one is above the income. Jefferson
s point of view of equality include the law. He did not agree with the concept in 18th
century. However, he might agree most of concepts we are in nowadays. 20th
Century is big different compare in the past. Poverty that Jefferson attempt to make
things easier for the poverty has continuing into this 20th century. I believe he would
agree what our newest president Trump stated about providing jobs for people
equality. In the today s politics, they mention about increasing taxes, and increase the
funds for education. Jefferson has stood the ground to help the Universal Education
7 Deadly Sins In Macbeth
The seven deadly sins are the considered the serious, cardinal sins of the Catholic
Church. The seven deadly sins are, pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and
sloth. Considered critical sins in the eyes of Catholic Church, as these sins can be
seen very commonly within people all the time. These sins can be easily represented
in the character Macbeth in Shakespeare s Macbeth, more specifically the sins of
wrath, lust, greed, and pride.
Within the first act, many of the seven deadly sins begin to manifest themselves
through Macbeth. In scene 3 of the first act Macbeth begins to show great pride
when told that he would be king; however, it is the news that Banquo s descendants
would be king after worried Macbeth a great deal, which began ... Show more content
on ...
By this point in the play, it is obvious that Macbeth s lustful obsession with power
has now taken him over since he now is trying to do anything possible to try to
ensure that he can remain, king, ordering more murderers to take out the family of
Macduff. Finally, the events that Macbeth has taken part of in his mad dash for the
throne because now in the play Malcolm and Macduff now plot to assemble an
army to defeat Macbeth. This transitions to the fifth act, which mainly involves the
large war between Macbeth and the other Thanes. Macbeth saw the oncoming army
and his pride took the best of him, laughing at the face of his enemy; however, his
prideful act is quickly quelled, as he informed that his wife had died and that the
enemy had the wood the witched prophesied would bring about his downfall. After
seeing all of these events transpire, Macbeth finally feels an emotion that counteracts
his nature through the entirety of the play, he feels fear. Though quickly Macbeth is
filled with pride yet again insulting his opponent saying, Thou wast born of woman.
/ But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn,/ Brandished by man that s of a
woman born (Shakespeare.) He remains boastful until the sobering understanding of
the fact that Macduff, who Macbeth is told to fear, was essentially C sectioned
meaning Macduff was not born of a
A Brief Note On Self Management And Customer Service
I have been a Patient Access Specialist for the past eight years, in that time I have
learned much about self management and customer service. I have held several
jobs prior to the current positon I hold; I was a cashier at Burger King, new
employee trainer, waitress, and team lead waitress at Applebee s. I was a medical
biller, medical coder, and office manager at Freeman Chiropractic. The last two
position I held were at Michigan Heart and vascular and currently Otsego Memorial
Hospitalas a patient access specialist (Otsego Memorial Hospital). In all of my
positions I grew as a person and learned how to work with others and communicate
effectively. As a patient access specialist working midnights in an emergency
room, I have learned how to work in a small efficient group to get big tasks
completed quickly. I have to listen, assist when needed, talk clearly and effectively,
and be ready in an instant for something to happen. I truly enjoy my job as a patient
access specialist in the emergency room however, it has left me wanting to do more
with my career and wanting to make a bigger impact in the professional world. After
thinking a few years about what I wanted to do with my life, I knew that nursing was
not something I wanted to do; even though I enjoy the hospital setting. I know there
are several different career options in the hospital that do not involve nursing and one
of those is management.
I duel enrolled at North Central Michigan College while I was in high
J. C. Penny Organizational Culture
The culture at J. C. Penny before Johnson can be described as inclusive and
employee centered. The organizational culture can perhaps be described as a
hierarch culture. A hierarchy culture has an internal focus and produces more
formalized and structured work environment (Kreitner, p. 70). The founder, James
Cash Penny, managed his stores under the philosophy of providing the best
customer service at the best price. He truly believed in giving his customers the best
deal possible. The company continued to thrive under this basic tenant, but started to
lose its market share and overall appeal in the early 2000s as the internet and small
specialty stores like H M and the GAP started to attract more of their customers.
Ron Johnson was brought ... Show more content on ...
C. Penny s over 100 year presence in the retail industry, any organizational change
would require careful and thoughtful planning. Edgar Schein, former professor at MIT
Sloan School of Management and Organizational Behavior scholar notes that
changing organizational culture involves a teaching process (Kreitner, p. 74). This
process is beneficial for both the existing employees and new leadership. One of the
processes that I would have recommended to Johnson at the beginning of his term
with J.C. Penny would be the organizational activities, processes or outcomes that
leaders pay attention to, measure, and control. The behavior of Johnson and his new
management team suggested that they rejected learning about the existing culture at
J.C. Penny and how and why things are done the way they were. To meet the
objectives of the board of directors, the immediate focus was to focus on what he
thought the customer wanted...a method that was proven to be successful at Apple,
but failed at J.C. Penny. Had he spent time getting to know his employees and
explained his vision for J.C. Penny, he would have received valuable information on
not just the how, but what why things are done in the manner they are done. Why it
was important to keep the coupons that customers loved to use. Johnson knew the
history of James Cash Penny and thought that his Fair and Square pricing strategy
was all that was needed to transform the company. But he failed to truly understand
Mr. Penny s philosophy the Golden Rule where you find good employees, train
them well, as well as sell quality goods at a fair price (J.C. Penney Company, Inc.
The Aspects Of Contact Sports In Soccer
Contact sports are sports that you make contact with the ball or the player. In this
report, it classifies what are contact sports and what the rules equipment and players
Soccer is a game where two teams of 11 play against each other to score and win
the game. The aim of the game is to get the ball into the soccer goals and at the end
of the game the team with the most goals wins.
In soccer there are 45 minutes in each half and there are two halfs. In soccer a
player cannot touch the ball with their hands or else their opposition is awarded a
foul. Red cards are worse than yellow cards. When someone gets a red card they
are sent off for them game and the next one. This also happens when you get two
yellow cards in the same game. Offside is one of the hardest rules to explain out of
them all. An offside is when you pass the ball to a teammate while they are offside.
One of the most famous players in soccer history was Edson Arantes do Nascimento,
also known as Pele. Pele scored 1281 goals out of 1363 games. Pele was known as
the most successful player in the world to score this much goals in soccer. Neymar
da Silva Santos JГєnior also known as neymar was told by the PSG manager this
year to come and join PSG for a record 220 million euros. Before Neymar moved to
PSG he played for one of the best clubs Barcelona. Soccer is a game of strategy and
good team thinking.
Basketball is a game where two teams of five play against each other for a victory. To
win a game the
Negative Aspects Of Globalization In Developing Countries
Globalisation is a worldwide movement which integrates economic, financial, trade
and commerce from different countries. It has influenced communication between
countries and brought them together. It made countries more interdependent and
interconnected with free transfer of goods and services across national frontiers.
Globalisation can have lots of benefits on western societies such as implies the
opening of the local to a broader outlook ( Globalisation
also involves culture spread, and the process of globalisation happens through the
media, consumer goods and western consumer lifestyle (ThoughtCo.2017). These
lead to a fashion sold for western societies by giant retailers who can update
inventory and make transnational trade deals ( The
opening market and culture diffusion also make people who consuming is actually
more focus on the corporate brand or logo such as Nike, Victoria s Secret and Adidas
than the clothing itself.
Globalisation has been one of the most hotly debated topics in international
economics (, 2017). Rapid growth and poverty reduction has been a
positive aspect of globalisation on developing countries like China and Africa.
Increasing globalisation has helped the expansion of opportunities for nations and
benefits workers inrich. Globalisation is a process of opening up economics so that
trade between countries could take place freely (Digit Pro.2017). The negative aspect
of globalisation
The Security For The Networked Environment
The overall security for the networked environment is weak, and the team was able to
move quickly through the information system and gain system level access on most
of the attached hosts, within the scope of the penetration test. Had the organization
been equipped with a firewall, the ability to conduct the following test would have
become a more difficult task. However, because packets can move freely, the systems
provide more data than they should. Secondly the team identified the requirement to
segment the network. In its current configuration, Appendix B, the organization is
easily exploitable. Coupled with a firewall, a segmented Local Area Network, and
firewall to filter the local area traffic, the organization becomes a more... Show more
content on ...
However, we noticed telnet services is currently open, opening the possibility for an
adversarial agent to conduct replay attacks,using captured users names and
passwords. Lastly, the team rummaged through the exploited system, but found
nothing of value. The .40 System Utilizing the same exploits found on .60, the team
managed to exploit .40. No different than the previous system, the team managed to
achieve system level access utilizing the getsystem command. On its second exploit,
the team again used the MS03_026 exploit, and again the system was compromised.
Nothing of value was recovered from the machine, and the passwords were not
cracked during the allotted amount of time. With most of its services closed, the .40
system only presented these two potential avenues of approach. Unlike, the .60
machine, the team FTP service was closed on the machine minimizing the client s
overall footprint. System maintenance, and patch management will reduce the issues
found with these two systems. Unpatched systems remain open potentially allowing
attackers to exploit unnecessarily. Regarding the FTP service, the service is always
a potential threat. If possible the organization adopts SSH as the organization s
transfer protocol, due to its encryption capabilities. The team will later present an
attack via SSH, but such a vulnerability itself is easily mitigated. .20 Exploit Moving
to the .20 host, the team was able
Openness And Foreign Direct Investment
Openness to foreign direct investment. According to The World Bank (n.d.),
Foreign direct investment is a category of cross border investment associated with
a resident in one economy having control or a significant degree of influence on
the management of an enterprise that is resident in another economy. In 2014, the
flows of FDI into Qatar reached more than USD 1,040 million See Fig. 1 ( Qatar
Foreign Investment, 2016). Qatar is exceptionally open to FDI, as its objective is to
become a world class leader in terms of its business environment for foreign direct
investment. Over the past several years, this has become a reality by way of
improvements made to the country s infrastructure and the creation of favorable
foreign investment... Show more content on ...
Therefore, we firmly believe that Qatar s winning bid to host the 2022 World Cup,
was a strategic decision designed to attract a large number of foreign investors in
future years to come.
FDI laws and regulations. Qatar s investment stimulating policies are proceeding on a
steady basis, in an effort to protect Qatari owned companies from significant
competition. The chief legislation governing foreign investment in Qatar is
Investment Law No. 13/2000. This law permits foreign investors to hold 49% of the
capital while a Qatari partner holds at least 51%. However, Investment Law No. 13
/2000 provides leeway for 100% ownership with special government approval. This
leeway is limited to investments in certain sectors, including: agriculture, industry,
health, education, tourism, development and exploitation of natural resources,
energy, mining, sports and entertainment services; and banking and finance (
Investment Climate, 2015). Significantly, the investment must contribute to the long
term development of Qatar s human resources and technology.
In addition to the previously stated Investment Law No. 13/2000, another law
which governs FDI is Law No. 23/2006. This piece of legislature provides
foreigners the right of land use over real estate, in designated investment areas, for
the duration of 99 years and is renewable following government approval (
Investment Climate, 2015). The law also
Medical Marijuana And Medical Therapy
Medical marijuana refers to the use of cannabis as medical therapy in the palliative
sense to treat diseases or alleviate symptoms. This treatment modality has proven to
be a highly debatable issue within the medical field due to the use of this substance as
an illicit drug. The National Youth Risk Behavior Survey monitors priority health risk
behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability, and social
problems among youth and adults in the United States (Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2012). The most recent survey conducted on ninth through twelfth
grade students in public and private schools throughout the United States indicated
that in 2011, a mean of 39.9% of participants reported ever using marijuana one or
more times during their lives (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012).
Although this substance has been most often used for recreational purposes, recent
studies have shown that an increasing number of people are fighting to have
legislation passed in order for the use medicinal marijuana to be made legal. The
populations most affected by such legislation include those positively affected by the
use of medical marijuana, patients suffering from chronic and debilitating illnesses,
and those who utilize the drug for other reasons associated with recreation and
personal pleasure. The issue highlights the beneficial aspect of marijuana use
detailing symptom management and improving overall quality of life; and conversely,
Health Promotion and Preventions
Health promotion and disease prevention are processes that enable individuals to
improve their health. Health promotion seeks to increase an individual s control over
their health by addressing behavior under the control of the individual. Disease
prevention is associated with medical and public health activities to prevent diseases.
Health promotion and disease prevention have been utilized in the U.S. health care
system for many of years and extensive research has been done on which preventive
measures are most likely to protect individual health. Studies have also been done on
what degree can preventions contribute to controlling costsof health care. Research
supports the effectiveness of the preventative measures such as... Show more content
on ...
The Nurses Health Study found similar results regarding the effects of diet and
lifestyle on heart disease. The study concluded that among women, adherence to
preventative practices involving diet, exercise, and abstinence from smoking is
associated with a very low risk of coronary heart disease.2 The health risks of certain
diets have also been the subject of many studies. Trials have shown that consumption
of trans fatty acids produces factors that are predictive of heart disease.1
Alternatively, studies have concluded that a preventative practice of a diet rich in non
trans fats, whole grains, abundant fruits and vegetable, and adequate in omega 3 fatty
acids offered significant reduction in heart diease.1
Health promotion and disease prevention has also been thought as a means to control
health care costs in the US. It is seems logical to assume that health care cost would
be reduced by individuals avoiding illness and that illness detected early are less
expensive to treat. Research has shown that some preventative measures may reduce
health cost, but many actually increase health care cost.
The work of the economist Louise B. Russell offers very informative cost
effectiveness analysis of the preventative practices of vaccination.1 Russell studied a
campaign during the 1960s to inoculate children against
Analysis Of William Shakespeare s Sonnet 1
Unit 4 Journal C.S. Lewis, Sonnet 1 (from Five Sonnets), pages 476 477 Shadow
and Light This sonnet brings to mind the feelings one has when faced with fear or
loss. Lewis puts it beautifully that we all grieve in different manners, but that our
pain is the same. I feel that he makes a call for people to be more understanding of
others. That just because someone does not show the same emotion as you, does
not mean they do not feel. It means they feel in a different manner. Lewis also says,
we do not shout and shake our fists at God (p 476), to me this shows a deeper
understanding of life. We all can find someone or something to blame for problems
or injustices in life, but until we learn to put the blame where it lies we are
doomed to feelings of pain and loss. Samuel Johnson, excerpt from Prayers and
Meditations, pages 25 27 Shadow and Light This selection is a bittersweet plea
from Johnson to God. His wife, 20 years his senior, has passed and he is obviously
stricken with grief. Johnson states, Oh Lord, release me from my sorrow, fill me
with just jopes, true faith, and holy consolations, and enable me to do my duty in
that state of life to which Thou hast been pleased to call me, without disturbance
from fruitless grief, or tumultuous imaginations; . This speaks to his sorrow over the
loss of his wife and his determination to continue on as is God s plan for him.
Johnson clearly was very much in love with his wife and even later states that he
wishes to
The Searchers Conflict
John Ford s The Searchers plays with the western genre primarily through its
straddling of the line between the classical and contemporary western through John
Wayne s duality of the hero and anti hero among additional more complex plot
elements. The film opens with the typical opening of the frontier hero mode common
in classic westernwith John Waynes character appearing out of nature to join the other
charters in the story shortly before the conflict of the filmis introduced. The conflict
of The Searchers is a another common element of classical classical westerns being
a confl;ict of white culture vs native culture as the natives come to attack those who
are living on their land followed by the retaliation of said settlers in a search
Brothers Are The Same By Temas Character Analysis
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that required so much determination and
strength? So has Temas, a young Masai boy who has trouble believing in himself in
the story entitled Brothers Are the Same by Beryl Markham. In Brothers Are the
Same, Temas must prove his manhood by killing a lion, which can be seen through
his thoughts, actions and appearance.
Throughout the story, Temas conflicts with himself and believes he does not have the
strength to kill the lion. Temas, in his mind, wasn t afraid of death. He was afraid of
failure. He knew and he constantly thought that if the other youths saw even a breath
of fear, they would call him a coward. It s stated in text: There were ten youths
hidden about the ravine, and they would witness
A Career In Special Education
Special education teachers remain in high demand. Although there are numerous
special education teaching jobs, there aren t enough individuals in the field to fill
these positions. Children suffering from mental or physical disabilities often need
special learning method and require more time and energy from their instructors.
Currently, approximately ten percent of individuals working in this field lack the
necessary credentials, and states are authorizing temporary licenses. Teachers with a
temporary license are then given a predetermined period of time to complete their
license. As the need for teachers in this field is expected to grow by approximately
35 percent over the coming decade, those wishing to become a special education
teacher will find they have numerous job opportunities.
Growth In Special Education
Dr. K. Lynn Boyer, is the Council of Exceptional Chldren s National Clearinghouse
for Professions in Special Education director. Dr. Boyer states there are roughly
380,000 teachers currently employed in the field. An estimated 13 ... Show more
content on ...
At this time, universities train approximately 22,000 teachers to work in special
education teaching jobs every year. This is only 50 percent of the number needed to
fill these positions. Further exacerbating the problem is the departure rate of
educators currently working in the field. Studies show that a special education
teacher is significantly more likely to leave his or her profession than mainstream
educators. This is due in part to a lack of support on the part of school administrators,
mounting paperwork, minimal resources and more.
Analysis Of The Sum Of Our Follies
The Sum of Our Follies (2014) is a recent Malaysian fictional work written by Shih
Li Kow. It is a regional piece a addressing the most conspicuous thrillers of place s
meaning and literary imagination. The story hinges upon several episodes in a small
town called Lubok Sayong and other replaces. Furthermore, the plot includes a
number of perennial actions which perpetuate the token of proximity shared by the
lives of Lubok Sayong s inhabitants who reciprocate their visions in an agnate
perspective on life. It is an inherent call for the common sense of human individuality
in a collective place uniting different ways of life. These people are the authentic
human phenomenon in a fictional setting. In fact, the story depicts real life images,
such as contemporary Malaysian peripheries; and challenged once again by socio
cultural apathy, the specter of the story s fictional pluralism and the affectionate
buoyancy of Shih Li Kow who seems particularly instructive (Cross, 2006: 49).
The novel tells the story of a middle aged man called Auyong, or the narrator, and an
orphan girl Mary Anne. Auyong leaves his city and job as a supermarket manger in
order to work in the town s lychee canning factory. This circulates his destitution as a
human being seeking perfection ... Show more content on ...
The traditional confines among regional places fade away and the human boundary
demarcation substitutes each other in successive waves. This demarcation is brought
about the memento of departure of the enormous technological advancement
sweeping through any civilization. More specifically, this essay examines the
ambulatory, or mobile, populations, cyber culture and technological advancement.
This is because The Sum of Our Follies is a riveting story which pulls the reader
into a world which is at once particular and universal (Leon, 2014:
Insight In Pangloss s Candide
Alejandro Munoz
ENG 20200
The question for this essay is do I think Candide gained insight and why is that
relevant? To answer that question we must understand two things that are mentioned
throughout the whole story in a rather indirect way. The first thing we must define is
insight. People always talk about gaining insight but how many of them actually use
it the right way or even thinks about the fact that insight might mean something
different to other people? Well to me, insight is not the ability to gain knowledge
about something or someone, to me it is THE PROCESS of learning through
experiences of your own and other s. Insight is not just something you are told; the
way that Pangloss tells Candide throughout entire the story ...everything is for the
best in this world ... Show more content on ...
The fact that Pangloss made Candide believe this throughout the whole story
affected Candide s judgment and ability to gain actual insight. But we ll talk about
that later on. On the other hand, the second term that I believe must be clarified is
my definition or rather my view of Satire. What is that word and what does it
mean? Classmate NAME described insight in a manner that I would actually agree
to. He said that Satire is QUOTE. I believe that definition to be entirely true, the
only thing that I would add to it is that Satire doesn t just make fun of politics and
society, I would make it more specific and would argue that satire makes fun of
every controversial topic there is, from religion, to politics, to abortion, and even
death, in a cruel but kind of true way. This means in my mind that even though satire
is meant to be entertaining and comical, it is also intended to touch a soft spot on
our heads and realize that some of the things said are actually true. Anyways, now
that those to important terms are defined from my point of view, an answer can be
given. So did Candide gain insight? In
Spike Lee s Film Do The Right Thing
Spike Lee s movie Do the Right Thing discusses an issue that is as old as time
itself: racism. This issue has been prevalent in our own society for a long time. Lee
attempts to address this issue in his movie through multiple characters and
scenarios that show both sides of the issue and cause the viewer to question what
the right thing to do really is. It also leaves the viewer with several other questions
that are worth more exploration. The movie follows Sal, who is an Italian man who
owns a pizza parlor in a predominantly African American neighborhood. A young
African American man named Mookie works for Sal, and plays an important role in
the story. There are also others characters such as Buggin Out, Radio Raheem, and
Smiley. The... Show more content on ...
What may be the right thing to do to a certain person may not be the right thing for
someone else. That makes looking at the characters in the movie and their actions
a little harder. Though some people may think that there were people that did the
right thing in the movie, others may believe that everyone did wrong things. I
would argue that no one in the movie does the right thing. People on both sides of
the issue seem to be doing things that try to increase tensions and cause the
situations to be worse. Sal refuses to put any African Americans on his wall, and
while it may be because he is proud of his heritage, the racially charged phrases he
uses such as these people with the jungle music , makes it appear as though his
heritage was not the only motivation he had. On the other end of the issue, Buggin
Out does a lot of things to retaliate that make the situation worse such as charging
into the pizza place demanding Sal change his wall while Radio Raheem blares his
radio to cause a scene. During the fight, Sal says some racist things, and Raheem
attacks him. This leads to the tragic ending of the movie. It seems as though Buggin
Out and Radio Raheem neither one handled the situation in the best interest of doing
the right thing, since they decided to react to the things that were said. Neither side
handled the situation in a peaceful way. I personally think it was ironic that Spike
Lee called this move Do the Right
How Did Henry David Thoreau Influence Society
The Infamous Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau s Influence on History Henry David Thoreau s ideas on Civil
Disobedience were very strong. Civil Disobedience has also been known to be
called nonviolent resistance. Thoreau s essay, Civil Disobedience, has been a great
influence to our country and the world. Famous examples of civil disobedience
include Martin Luther King, Jr s fight for black rights, as well as Rosa Parks, or
even the Boston Tea Party. Another situation where Thoreau s influence is seen is
when Susan B. Anthony was arrested for illegally voting for the U.S. Representatives
elections, in order to protect female rights. To this day, the works of Henry David
Thoreau have shown great influence in society and in the ways that people go about
fighting for their rights, as well as in general just being more ... Show more content on ...
Because he was so driven in his ideas of overcoming the bigger picture and getting
what you want by civil disobedience, it has influenced others to believe in
themselves more thoroughly. Thoreau talks about how if you are willing to put
your mind to what you believe in, then you will be able to overcome with without
violence, or struggle. Even if it takes you a very, very long time, as long as you
stick to your guns and make sure you never give up your views, you can get through
it. Thoreau proved this point with his Civil Disobedience. When you re taking a
nonviolent approach, sometimes you may not be taken seriously. He showed that as
long as you persevere through the struggles, you ll make it. This has obviously
influenced people such as Martin Luther King, Jr., and that is shown through his
perseverance in his issues. Thoreau s ideas were very empowering, and they have
continued to empower people throughout history and up until this day, showing
nonviolent opposition is a great
Happiest Refuge
The idea of fear can be frightening! but the idea of prospering is another. Welcome
Mrs Mackay and students today is the discussion of risks and rewards. I will
discover wether a risks can be beneficial, or dangerous to us and if it is worth it.
Well with the help of Wonder and The Happiest Refuge we can see from the
examples provided if it is worth the pain. Mark Zuckerberg said The only strategy
that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks this statement from the millionaire of the
company Facebook invites us into a discussion taking us into the true meaning of
taking a risk and what us as humans can gain. I agree with this statement because as
humans if you do not take a risk you re not gaining anything for yourself while
missing out on... Show more content on ...
This book teaches us the true meaning to take all risks and hope that you will gain
something from it. You always have to make decisions in your life, Anh. And don
t kid yourself; when you don t decide, that s a decision This quote teaches us that
you hold, the key to your future and that deciding whether or not to go and grab
that opportunity or to just be complacency it s completely your choose. The
example when Anh goes onto the stage and convince his school why he should
become school captain is a great example of going out of your comfort zone or
personal bubble. Even though Anh doesn t become school captain he gains
something that means a lot more, self confidence and courage these are things that
change who you are! Anh now realises that if you lose and fail, but you still
celebrate coming second because you ve given it a red hot go. There is no need to
fear failure. this is a message to celebrate taking a risk to gain a reward and that
actions speak louder then
Risk And Politics Of Disaster Coverage
Analysis of Risk and Politics of Disaster Coverage in Haiti and Katrina
Introduction and Purpose of the Study The article, Risk and Politics of Disaster
Coverage in Haiti and Katrina, by Jennifer Petersen of the University of Virginia,
which appeared in the journal Communication, Culture Critique in 2014, provides a
comparison and contrast of the media coverage of Hurricane Katrina (2005), which
devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast and was the costliest natural disaster in the nation s
history, and the Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which devastated one of the poorest
nations in the Western Hemisphere. The purpose of the article is to discuss the
reasons why the news media framed Hurricane Katrina as an unmitigated and
unimaginable catastrophe that violated expected norms, while the 2010 Haiti
earthquake was framed as an almost routine and manageable crisis, despite the fact
that the Haiti earthquake caused much more loss of life and human suffering than
Katrina. This purpose is discussed in both the short, nine line abstract, and the
Literature Review and Research Questions Petersen cites more than 50 sources as
references for her study. Many of these sources are the news programs on NBC and
CNN, which she compared when reviewing the coverage of each disaster. However,
the reference list also includes a fair number of other scholarly journal articles and
publications by reputable academic publishers. The author provides the
Scavenger Hunt Case Study
A scavenger hunt can be a great team building activity, but could also tear a team
apart. Teams should use their strengths and weaknesses to reach the final goal of
finishing in first place. In order to be successful, a group should be aware of the
amount of time they are given to complete the task; doing so will depend on how
well a teamcommunicates and uses their resources. In our case, our success was fully
contributed to our time management, use of technology, leadership, and
communication skills; if given the opportunity to conduct the scavenger hunt again,
there are a few changes we would make. Our team excelled in many different areas
in order to make sure we used our time efficiently. We made sure that we all showed
up to class promptly.... Show more content on ...
This would include keeping an upperclassman as a part of our team. We feel that
the upperclassmen was able to guide our team in the right direction as we went
around campus, as well as be a knowledgeable tool to our team concerning where
specific buildings were. We would still use technology to ask other students,
through call or text message, for answers because this proved to be beneficial to
our team. Lastly, we would be sure that each member of our team showed up five
minutes early to class. Leaving early allowed us to get a head start on the tasks. We
would urge teams who are completing this scavenger hunt next semester to map out
all of the objectives first, be aware of the time allotted, and make sure everyone s
voice is
Regression Between Male Height, Age And Weight Essay
Rebecca Parada MATH 110 02 Professor Mink Regression between Male Height,
Age and Weight Biostatistics is important to study as undergraduates delve deeper
into their studies of Biology and learn how the study of life is integrated into more
than just their college level science courses. Looking into the use of statistics at a
scientific level at this stage of our education is preparing determined and
enthusiastic students for the world of medicine as one day we will have to read
and analyze sets of data and more than likely give the statistics of our patients
issues. Biostatistics is allowing students to explore the world of medicine using a
different approach, mathematically and critically. The purpose of this experiment
was to determine if a significant multiple regression exists between my 3
quantitative variables, Weight, Height and Age and to determine the best
regression model to use when making predictions. In Part 1, I conducted a
statistical experiment to determine if a linear relationship exists between each of
my independent variables and my dependent variable, which were biological in
nature. My independent variables were height (inches) and age (years). My
dependent variable was weight (pounds). The goal of my experiment was to
observe a linear correlation between an 18 22 year old male s height and weight. I
collected my data by randomly selecting a sample size of 25 male individuals who
attend Montclair State University. The best method of prediction would
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Composites
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Composite materials are the engineering materials
made from two or more constituent materials they remain separate and distinct on a
macroscopic level but forming a single component or Composites can defined as
materials that consist of two more chemically and physically different phases
separated by a distinct interface(matrix phase and dispersed phase). The different
systems are combined judiciously to achieve a component with more and more
useful structural or functional properties non attainable by any of the constituent
alone. In the composites usually Matrix phase is the primary or base phase having a
continuous character or continuous molecular chain. But these Matrixes are usually
less hard and more ductile phase. In composites it holds the dispersed (reinforcing)
phase, shares a load with it. The Dispersed phase is encapsulated in the matrix in a
discontinuous form called a secondary phase. This Secondary phase... Show more
content on ...
Determine inter laminar shear strength. Determine damage tolerance of composites.
Determine in plane shear strength. Determine the processibility of composites.
Determine heat resistance of composites. The needs or desired properties of the
matrix which are important for a composite structure are as follows: Reduced
moisture absorption and Low shrinkage. Low coefficient of thermal expansion. Good
flow characteristics so that it penetrates the fibre bundles completely and eliminates
voids during the compacting/curing process. Must be elastic to transfer load to fibres.
Reasonable strength, modulus and elongation (elongation should be greater than
fibre). Strength at elevated temperature (depending on application). High temperature
capability (depending on application). Excellent chemical resistance (depending on
application). Should be easily processable into the final composite shape. Good
dimensional stability (maintains its
National Junior Honor Society Essay Examples
My name is Tanishq Virwani. I am currently in 7th grade. I do well in school, I
achieve good grades and I show great interest in all of my classes. I think that I am
more than qualified for entrance into the National Junior Honor Society. I believe I
have all four qualities of leadership, character, service and citizenship that are
needed to enter the National Junior Honor Society. I demonstrate these qualities
both inside and outside of school. I feel honored to be considered for admission
into this great organization and I hope I get in to the National Junior Honor Society.
I have always done well in my studies and I will continue to do so. I... Show more
content on ...
So far we have funded education for a kid in India,helped the animal shelter here in
Curacao, helped the zoo organize the The Zoo Walk which was a fundraiser to
raise money to save the animals and get them a better home, and so much more.
We are currently working on our biggest project of the year. I have received the
Outstanding Award in the subjects Spanish, Computer, and Math in 6th grade, and
want to do so in 7th grade. I challenge myself by taking two languages, Spanish and
Dutch. I came in 1st place in the annual science fair twice, in 5th grade and 7th
grade and came in 3rd place in 6th grade. My devotion and orderly work ethics
have allowed me to achieve this. I have participated in some academically
challenging activities like The Spelling Bee, in which I came in 2nd place. I am
usually in charge in group school projects. In my opinion, leadership is not only
showing people what to do and how to do it, it is for me to be independent and not
to rely on anyone to do everything for me. Leadership makes me make my own
decisions and helps me be more independent than I already am. Leadership is not only
important in
Women s Role In The Market Revolution Essay
During the 1800s in the United States of America, women were nothing more than
the inferior gender whose sole job was to raise children and to take care of the
house, however the occurrence of the Market Revolution within 1800 1850 was able
to widen the range of duties women were allowed to perform. This idea of the growth
of the female role is strongly demonstrated by three main events and causes of the
Market Revolution. The first being the creation of the Lowell Waltham system, where
teenage girls were influenced to work in factories in return for a place to live, food
and money. The Lowell Waltham system had a monumental impact in contributing to
the duties of women. The second event was the Second Great Awakening, the
spiritual enlightenment helped heed some of the preconceive notions about the
weakness of women. The third reason behind the development of genderequality was
a cause of the market revolution the Western Expansion. These occurrences each
played a hand in creating feelings of opportunity and the possibility of an equal future
for female citizens of the United Statesof America. During this time period, 1800
1850, the... Show more content on ...
Only certain women were able to take steps toward equality and these steps were
very minimal. While female voices began to carry, they weren t in an official manor.
For example, in the south, which was lightly effected by the Market Revolution, roles
for women remained at status quo through this period. The loosening of voting
requirements were a key focus point around this time, there were less restrictions for
white men. This may seem like a step in the right direction but it does nothing more
than burying the female voice once again. Another detail regarding female suffrage is
that women were not granted the right to vote until 1920s and this doesn t include
female minorities right to
Essay about U.K. Public Transport Living Up to
U.K. Public Transport Living Up to Expectations
In this literature review I will be looking at the key areas that are based on whether
UK public transport live up to expectations. I will be looking at journals, magazines,
newspapers and books to help me come to the conclusion. The main topics that I will
be focusing on are how disabled people cannot use public transport, accidents on the
road and rail works. Contents page
Introduction................................................................ pg 4
Literature Review......................................................... pg 5
Conclusion.................................................................. pg 8
List of reference........................................................... pg 9
Bibliography............................................................... pg 10 ... Show more content on ...
redundancies to cover costs.
The Department of Transport has dismissed suggestions that more traffic means roads
are more congested. In London there have been many ways to decrease traffic but it
is not happening, the report by Transport for London said by 2010 congestion will
increase by 8% and carbon dioxide emissions are also set to increase.
Literature Review
Does UK public transport live up to expectations?
Only half of passengers are satisfied with the punctuality of buses and trains,
according to a report published by the General Consumer Council, Translink and the
Department of Regional Development. A late buscan make or break a passenger s
day and the government want to see higher and more consistent standards on all
buses and trains. Many passengers are disappointed about the late arrival of the
buses and trains. This can lead to traffic and congestion because many people
would take taxis or their own vehicles and less people would use the public
transport. This would also effect the costs of keeping up the public transport because
they government would have wages to pay etc. this is a disadvantage for the
government because they are spending a lot of money on UK public transport and
for them to have a fall in members of the community using the transport would be a
Why We Should Be Allowed To Chew Gum In School
Should gum be allowed to be consumed in schools? Do you want your school to be
a sticky mess? UNHEALTHY SENTENCE. If students were given the coveted
privilege to chew gum in class, do you expect trust them to not abuse it? Do you think
students should be allowed to chew gum?
Imagine reaching under a desk and feeling a squishy, wet substance. You then feel
confused and you then decide to look underneath the desk, and find an atrocity, a
chewed, wet, and greasy piece of gum! You then sprint to the nearest sink, bleach
your hands with soap, walk away traumatized, and watch as another innocent human
being gags at their new, unpleasant discovery. You feel angry and you feel shaken up,
and you consider throwing the ban hammer on gum. Should gum be
Difference Between America s Best And Worst Claims
America s Best and Worst Claims
Between the years of 1845 and 1848 America was on a mission to expand farther
west. This was mission was not something that was completed over night, but
instead too many years to reach the goal. There were multiple disagreements and
even some wars erected from this operation. In this paper I am going to discuss the
how the Oregon Territory was one of the best claims we have owned and how the
California and Texas Territory was one of the worst claims we have owned.
The Oregon territory was originally occupied for many years by the Native
Americans. During the 19th century the British and American citizens started moving
into the territory and settling on the land. American citizen predominantly settled in
the fertile valleys because most of them were farmers. As years passed by many
people started migrating to the Oregon territory and the territory started to become
crowed. With the territory being crowed this would soon lead to conflict. James Polk
the master mind behind the manifest destiny campaign believed that the American
people had the right to expand to the entire continent North America.
James Polk was able to get a lot of people on his side to the point where rally s would
begin. Polk s original proposal for the border was at ... Show more content on ...
This situation was completely different from obtaining the Oregon territory. Mexico
mainly refused to accept and recognize Texas as independent was the root of the
conflict. After being declared as independent the United States declined to add it to
the union. Texas did not agree with the idea that it would be a slave state and
refused to corporate. This was soon brought to an end with the Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo that established the Rio Grande as the United States Mexican border. This
agreement also caused Mexico to the sell California and any land above the Rio
Moral Evil vs. Natural Evil Essay
Evil can be categorized into two forms, moral evil and natural evil. Moral evil is
brought about by bad choices that stem from our free will. Natural evil is bad things
that happen to people, whether they deserve them or not. The problem with evil is,
Either we must say that God is not wholly good, and that he permits or is even the
author of evil. Or we must say that God is not omnipotent, and although he is wholly
good and would prevent evil if he could, he is powerless to stop it. (Fitzgerald 340).
This is a significant problem to the revealed religions because they believe in a
wholly good and omnipotent God. Why then, would this God allow evil? In this
paper, I will provide, explain, and evaluate St. Augustine of Hippos ... Show more
content on ...
This would be similar to taking pieces out of a wooden wheel. The more slices that
are removed, the worse the wheel becomes, but it is still a wheel. Likewise a good
person can become less good by being corrupted, but he still exists as a person as long
as there is some form of good left. This small incorruptible good inside of us is like a
piece of God in every living thing. Man can be corrupted like this because we can
make morally wrong choices that deprive us of good. This is due to our free will.
God created mankind with the ability to make choices based on our own wants;
this is known as free will. If free will did not exist, the world would be a very
boring place. Imagine never being able to make your own decisions. God did not
want this so he gave us the power to think on our own. We are rational beings and
mostly make good decisions, but the bad decisions are what lead to evil.
Consciences act like a moral compass in our heads, trying to steer us away from the
evil choices and towards the good. Our consciences could be part of that small
incorruptible good that is inside of us. Sometimes a conscience is not enough to
guide us, though, and evil choices stem from our free will. Free
Essay On Sufism
Sufism or taб№Јawwuf is defined as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. Sufism is
a tradition rooted in the Quran and Prophet Muhammad. It includes the study of
religious Islamic learning, which then takes on a mystical quality from the
interpretation of traditional subjects in terms of internal experiences of the soul.
Sufismseems to have originated first in Iraq and then became established in iran,
especially Khurasan. By the 10th century Sufism was a well established movement
with a large literature. Everything has an external (zahir) and an internal (batim)
aspect. If religious Islamic law is the external form, then Sufism is its inner meaning.
It emphasized on devotion to god and universal brotherhood. Earliest Sufi saint in
India was Datta Ganj Baksh.
They are divided into
Be Shara deviated from Shariat
... Show more content on ...
Later secondary branches were taken to Hejaz and Indonesia. The word Shattar,
which means lightning quick , speed , rapidity , or fast goer indicates a system of
spiritual practices that lead quickly to a state of completion , however the name
derives from its founder, Sheikh Sirajuddin Abdullah Shattar. He used to judge
disciples even with their eating habits and would extend his teachings only to those
who did proper justice to the food. Shah Ghawth developed the Shattariyya more
fully into a distinctive order and also taught the Mughal Emperor Humayun,[6][9]
He wrote the book Jawahir i khams, (The Five Jewels).[10] The influence of the
Shattari Order grew strong during Ghawth s leadership and spread through South
Asia. Royals like Babur, Humayun, and Akbar held him in very high esteem. He was
a pioneer in adapting ancient Indian yogic practices and meditative techniques in
folds of Sufism and was instrumental in promoting secular values in lives of royals
and commoners around

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Introduce Yourself Essay Sample.pdf

  • 1. Introduce Yourself Essay Sample Crafting an essay about oneself might seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the task reveals the intricate challenge it poses. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but rather in the abundance of it. How does one condense the myriad facets of their identity into a coherent narrative, striking a balance between humility and self-assurance? The challenge intensifies when considering the delicate task of presenting oneself in a way that is engaging, authentic, and memorable. It's not just about listing achievements and experiences but about weaving them into a compelling story that captures the essence of who you are. The fear of appearing boastful or, conversely, downplaying one's achievements can be paralyzing. Striking the right tone becomes a tightrope walk, where oversharing and undersharing lurk as pitfalls on either side. Moreover, introspection can be a double-edged sword. It demands a level of self-awareness that, while crucial, can also be uncomfortable. It requires confronting not just the triumphs but also the setbacks, the strengths as well as the vulnerabilities. Choosing which aspects to highlight becomes a critical decision, with the perpetual concern of how the reader – often an admissions officer or potential employer – will perceive the presented self. The challenge is not just in the self-reflection and expression but also in the audience awareness. Anticipating the expectations of the reader adds another layer of complexity. Is the essay for a college application, a job interview, or a personal blog? Tailoring the content to align with the specific context while maintaining authenticity demands a nuanced approach. In essence, writing an essay introducing oneself is akin to sculpting a multifaceted self-portrait with words. It requires the delicate art of self-disclosure, self-promotion, and self-reflection – a trinity that, when harmonized, creates a narrative that resonates. The difficulty lies not merely in the technicalities of writing but in the navigation of one's own identity to present a cohesive and compelling story. And if navigating this intricacy proves overwhelming, there's a solution. Assistance in crafting similar essays, or even more complex ones, is readily available. Services like offer professional support in articulating your narrative, ensuring that your unique story is presented with the finesse it deserves. Introduce Yourself Essay SampleIntroduce Yourself Essay Sample
  • 2. Disadvantages Of American Imperialism European imperialism has evidently modernized many countries across the world, such as Africa, but not without the cost of many innocent lives in the process. In 1807, the trans Atlantic slave trade had been outlawed by Britain, and by 1833, slavery itself. With slavery coming to an end, Europe s interests adjusted to imperialism. Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and Spain expanded their territory considerably during this time period, gaining political and economic power in the process. While the advantages and disadvantages of European imperialism are apparent, what motivated the Europeans to take this course of action? European expansion across Africacommenced due to economic, technological, and political motives,... Show more content on ... The abundance of raw materials found in Africa helped with technological progression in Europe, aiding in economic gain. Expansion of territory gave European nations a gain in power and prestige, as well as a sense of superior responsibility to civilize colonists. While European imperialism did have its own benefits, such as modernizing colonies with roads, schools, railroads, and hospitals, it also had a number of negative effects. While many lives were lost in the process, they also diminished colonies of their cultural identity, enforcing European values on natives. In spite of that, European imperialism holds a prominent significance in our society today all over the
  • 3. Classical Conditioning Lab Report Conditioning Experiment Lab Report: The Keys to a Child s Laughter The statement that all human reflexes are because of interactions with the environment encapsulates the whole idea of behavioristic psychology. Some of these interactions come from conditioning, more specifically operant conditioning and classical conditioning. The focus of this report will be classical conditioning. Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov was the researcher who defined classical conditioning with his famous experiment that involved dogs associating salivation with a bell. The focus of the investigation will be how classical conditioning affects children still in Freud s anal psychosexual stage. This investigation will better show how children in this stage comprehend and react to a stimulus. The expectation is that the child will react and comprehend normal to the stimulus; though, the stimulus will go extinct in the child quickly. DESIGN The taken design of this experiment was a classical conditioning one with its components being: a Unconditioned Stimulus (US) a stimulus that occurs naturally, a Neutral Stimulus (NS) stimulus that elicits no response, a Conditioned Stimulus (CS) when a NS and a US are paired together to elicit the desired response, an Unconditioned Response (UR) an unlearned response that occurs naturally to an unconditioned stimulus, and a Conditioned Response (CR) a learned response to a CS. PARTICIPANTS There was only one participant in this experiment. This
  • 4. Analysis Of The Movie Boyz N The Hood Boyz N the Hood draws on many topics we talk about in class. Most of the kids in the movie were from broken homes (only one biological parent present) and lived in poor living conditions. Even though that was the case some of the kids prospered more than the others and were able to not get involved in gangs, drugs, or violence despite being in a poor environment where they were forced to live. In addition, some was able to continue their education and eventually get out of the environment, but some could not make it out and died in the poor environment. This movie is a great illustration of juvenile delinquencybecause it shows how living in a broken home, in a poor environment shapes young boys. In the paragraphs below, I will be showing... Show more content on ... Delinquent behavior is more likely to happen if it is frequently reinforced and infrequently punished, results in large amounts of reinforcement and little punishment or is more likely to be reinforced than alternative behaviors. Tre in the beginning of the movie was influenced by violence right outside of his house, the people beat up someone while they were gambling. Things like this he learned and he solved his problems by fighting. Since his dad was the disciplinary parent, Tre could learn how to become discipline and be different than the other people in his neighborhood. Tre s dad was the positive reinforcement, which shaped Tre to become successful and get out of the poor neighborhood. Tre s dad had him do chores in the house and rake the leaves, before going out with his friends teaching him to do his responsibilities before anything else. Making him have a curfew and a bed time decreases the likelihood of being delinquent because he cannot stay out past a certain time. His dad believed that if he discipline Tre, then he would not end up dead or on the streets like some of his friends. Even though he was influenced mostly by his dad, he did have negative influences. When he is around his friends, he tries to act tough. At Doughboy s welcome home party, his girlfriend was asking why he hasn t called her and he
  • 5. How Medicare Is Financed By The Social Security... How Medicare is financed Medicare is funded by the Social Security Administration, which means it s generally financed by taxpayers. Payroll taxes paid by most employers, employees, and people who are self employed help finance Medicare. There are 4 parts of Medicare, each part is funded differently. Part A, the Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust fund is paid by taxpayers. Employees pay 1.45% of their earning into the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), which goes into the trust fund. Employers pay an additional 1.45% into FICA. Those who are self employed pay 2.9% towards FICA. Individuals making $200,000 or more and couples making 250,000 or more pay a higher percentage of 2.35% into the Health Insurance Trust Fund. The ... Show more content on ... The remaining balance of 74.5 percent for the cost is funded by Medicare. Once more, higher income beneficiaries will pay a larger share of the cost of regular drug coverage. Eligibility for Medicare Medicare coverage is available for most people who are 65 years old or older. Individuals may find that Medicare offers better coverage at a lower cost than the coverage they had previously (CPA Client Bulletin, 2012). However, a person is automatically permitted to Part A, if the participant or their spouse are eligible for Social Security payments and have made payroll tax contributions for more than 10 years. To be eligible, the person must also be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident. There are no income or asset tests, and the participant qualifies without concern of their medical history or preexisting conditions. Participants do not pay premiums for covered services under Medicare Part A. However, if an individual is 65 years old or older, and has not paid enough Medicare taxes for more than 10 years, they pay a monthly premium to receive Part A coverage. Specific groups of people who are not 65 are also eligible for Medicare. Adults under the age of 65 with permanent disabilities are eligible for Medicare after receiving Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) for 2 years. Adults with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or Lou Gehrig s (ALS) disease are likewise eligible for Medicare benefits. Coverage
  • 6. What Oprah Winfrey Learned From Childhood Abuse And Black Boy Spokesperson and leader of the Civil rights, Marther Luther King Jr., once said, the ultimate tradegy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people. Oppression has, is, and always will be part of a society and there will always be oppressors; however, it is up to the individuals being oppressed to speak up and end the oppression that occurs in a community, it is there job to identify the rights and wrongs and not let the cycle of oppression continue, it is their obligation to speak up and act, it is under their accountability to terminate oppression and not let it snare them. In the book Black Boy by Richard Wright and Overcoming Obstacles: What Oprah WinfreyLearned From Her Childhood... Show more content on ... Through many of these traumatizing struggles she faced, she was persistent, and did not let anything that was done to her get in the way of herself, she kept pursuing and used the negative actions of others as a motive to keep pushing forward, developing in the first African Americanbillionaire. The fact that the writer uses poverty and billionaire in the same sentence when talking about an individual, speculates how Oprah s determination made her whom she is today. Furthermore, in Black boy, Wright speculates Richard s determination by saying, And no word that I had ever heard fall from the lips of southern white men had ever made me really doubt the worth of my own humanity (283).Richard here reveals how he is a determined individual. He employs the idea of how he neglects every other s criticism and thoughts. He reveals how he knows his worth when expressing how the words of others never made him doubt himself. Richard blocks negativity out of his life and is tenacious about following what is best for his future, he obviously does not let anyone influence him and knows what is best for his own humanity .The fact that he has several white racist men criticizing him, telling him what to do, scorning at him, really critiques how much of a persistent individual he is, and how driven he is to get to the North and get out of his
  • 7. There s Someone From Our Own Backyard There s Someone in Your Backyard Many people are afraid of house burglaries, because there is an unidentified person breaking into their home and taking their precious items. But most people do not even think about the fact that the friends and family they invite into their home can steal from them too. The media and politics in America has made the American people believe that our number one terrorist threats come from the Middle Eastand are Muslims, but in all reality, most terrorists have come from our own backyard. Within the last six years there have been twenty major terrorist attacks. Only three of the attacks came from people who identify as Middle Eastern. Fifteen attacks were done by people who identify as American. So my question is why is our country so afraid of Middle Easterners, and why are we blaming them for our mistakes? The idea of Middle Easterners being our number one terrorist threats stems from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. On September 11, 2001 Islamist extremist hijacked planes there were flying over the United States. Two of them flew into the Twin Towers and another flew into the Pentagon. This attack was one of the biggest attacks ever. After it happened much of the media and politics did not have many positive thoughts towards Middle Easterners. A lot of Americas Security got stricter especially Transportation Security Administration (TSA). TSA made it harder for just anybody to get into an airport by only allowing a person with a ticket passed
  • 8. Ant The Grasshopper, An Analysis In my opinion, i don t think maturity is dependent on a person s age because some adults are still ignorant on important things in society. I believe it has to do with what you know is right and having common sense no matter what age. Knowing what s right plays a major part in maturity, whether you re young or old because it shows your education level from the good and the bad.For example, in the book, The Ant The Grasshopper , the ant was gathering up food for the winter rather than playing around,acting immaturely and not being responsible like the grasshopper was. In result, the ant and his family had enough food to go around with each other. Consequently,when the grasshopper asked for food, the ant denied his request leaving him to
  • 9. Angela Carter s Puss-In-Boots In Angela Carter s short story Puss in Boots, an arrogant cat, Puss, becomes a valet for his master and they work together for survival until Master falls in love with Signora Panteleone. After this, Puss teams up with Tabby and they plot together so that Master and the Signora can be together sexually and then more permanently. In the story, Carter s employment of Puss as narrator accentuates the violence related to sexual acts and, through this, encourages the audience to read like women, as specified by feminist critic Jonathan Culler. In the section Reading as a Womanin Culler s novel On Deconstruction, he confronts the traditional methods of analyzing literature through his pronouncement of women being conditioned to view written ... Show more content on ... Though the presence of death occurs during both of the times that Signora Panteleone and Master have sex and this hints at sinister intentions, Puss candor about her enjoyment enables readers to comprehend that Signora Panteleone desperately desires to strain against the rigid standards set by her husband. In lieu of focusing merely on Master, as many are apt to do after years of reading like men, the excessive confinement that Signora Panteleone faces allows the audience to more easily notice the conflicts she encounters rather than neglecting the treatment she receives. Puss, being a blatantly stereotypical character, forces readers to examine the literary assumptions that they base reading on and analyze the content of the story in a novel
  • 10. Joe Malfoy It was monday 2:00 at United States Penitentiary Tucson, Arizona One harsh prison. There was one man named Joe Malfoy. Joe was an ordinary man one of his kind he was locked away for life after robbing 16 banks with a crew called the president s. These guys are One of the most wanted guys in history. Joe was caught when they were robbing a bank in colorado springs around 12:00 they got into the bank robbing the 2 vaults in the back of the bank after the money was grabbed they all ran out. The 4 members drove off with two lamborghinis split up in pairs. Around 10 minutes later the car the Joe was in the tire was hit by bullet and flipped over. Joe was stuck from a piece of metal that hit his shoulder. The other crew members drove off as the cops drove around the corner. Joe could not do anything the cops were just behind them. Chris, a hard looking guy, said Sorry. He grabbed the big bag of money and ran off into a little alley way. He was left to die and soon enough the cops got him,pulling him out of the flipped car.He was badly injured he would have to have surgery to get the extra pieces of metal that stabbed him. Back to the prison it was a month later after the bank robbery Joe still has a hurt shoulder. And had gotten a new roommate, named Jash . A harsh fierce... Show more content on ... Joe tried to figure out the timing they could escape. Josh yelled 8 Pm that is when some of the guards go on break .Jash started ВЁok let s do itВЁ, After days jash found little pieces of metal to put together and make a knife they both have very dull knifes that where made out of a forks. Joe was making a bomb out of vinegar and baking soda that he took from the kitchen. The bomb was for a distraction to the guard. Joe also had a plan to break through the gates. Every day a janitor comes to fix the light that is always broken. Joe says ВЁhe always keeps wire cutters in his back pocket, if we can take them we will be
  • 11. Family Guy by Seth Mcfarlene Family guy is an American adult sitcom created by Seth Mcfarlene for the Fox Broadcasting company. The series centers on the Griffins, a family consisting of parents, Peter and Lois, their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie, and their anthropomorphic dog, Brian. The show is set in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island and exhibits much of its humor in the form of cutaway gags that often lampoon the American culture. Contrary to its title, this isn t a family show The most intelligent members of the family are the dog, Brian, and the infant, Stewie which might set off an alarm in terms of inappropriate role modeling. There is frequent sexual innuendo and salty language (Ex: Bitch , damn ) Drinking and violence played for humor The Parents Television Council, a conservative non profit group has attempted to have the show cancelled through campaigns due to reasons of profanity, animated nudity and violence. Sociological Perspective on Race Ethnicity Race may be defined as a group of people who have been identified as having real or alleged physical characteristics. Ethnicity refers to people who share common cultural characteristics and ethnic identity; they share a sense of oneness, and a shared fate. These biological traits are endowed with social meaning, which brings them into the realm of the social sciences. Family Guy: Racism and Stereotyping Family Guy is famous for crossing the line in the realm of racial slurring and comments. Many jokes are based on
  • 12. Tobacco And Its Effect On America With such an expansive history in Connecticut, the subject of tobacco is just as encompassing. With roots in Windsor colonial history through its height in the 1950s, sources try to capture it all at a surface level. Scholars have studied tobacco over time evaluating its role in the community at that moment in time. Over a variety of sources, overall the response to tobaccoin Windsor has been positive as it serves as both an economic influence and a cultural one as well. Starting at one of the most recent sources, Brianna Dunlap looks at the entire ConnecticutRiver valley as the backdrop as Connecticuts tobacco industry in Connecticut Valley Tobacco. Published in 2016, Dunlap captures tobacco s history starting at its roots in the 1600s through Cuba s reopening trade ports in 2015. This book serves to establish Windsor s connection with tobacco and how it changed over time to match the changing landscape around the tobacco sheds. Dunlap explains how location was the initial reason that tobacco came and conquered the fields with access to both the Connecticut and Farmington rivers. She states, for the settlers, this meant access to trade routes and economic staying power, making the region a modern hub for development. With immediate access, settlers began quickly to establish Windsor using tobacco as a main export back to England and throughout the colonies. This platform provides Windsor a booming industry that allows for development of other industries thus affecting
  • 13. Marketing Strategies Of The New Northern Beaches Hospital 3Marketing strategies The construction of the new Northern Beaches Hospital in Frenchs Forest has opened the opportunity for the construction of a new Starlight Express Room. Thus requiring a new marketing strategy to increase donations. To increase donations a multiple segmentation strategy will be used within a main campaign and the marketing mix will be adjusted to target each household life cycle. This ensures that the same quality message in conveyed but relayed differently to reach each segment based on their needs. This strategy creates a niche segment based on geographic locations. According to 2011 Census data the Young Couple Without Children Household accounted for 42% and the Delayed Full Nest Household accounted for 37% of ... Show more content on ... 3.4Campaign Product As a non for profit organisation the product is a service. For this campaign the service remains the same for both households. The intangible nature and people involvement can affect the quality of service. To avoid service dissatisfaction branding will ensure consistent communication to the households so that emotional connections are made to initiate information searches that lead to donations. For example, the purple and yellow colours will be used in all communication, as well as the logo. These stimuli should trigger emotions or feelings, beliefs and behavioural intentions towards the charity (Quester et al., 2014, p. 338). Thus, conditioning the target to think of the charity when it sees similar colours and influence purchasing/donating behaviours. Clear brand guidelines will also guide staff training, tone of voice and personality of the campaign. 3.5Young Couple Without Children Household Marketing Mix 3.5.1Product positioning To be perceived as a superior children s charity with social benefits and the number one children s charity in the Sydney Northern Beaches. The charity will differentiate from competitors by reinforcing its desire to build a new Starlight Express Room in the area and consistently delivering excellent Starlight service. 3.5.2Promotion The rapid growth in smartphone adoption in Australia is creating a new wave of consumer behaviour that is changing the mobile landscape. The average mobile
  • 14. Stanislavski s Techniques And Techniques Essay Even though I have mentioned some of Stanislavski s techniques there is one thing about the system everyone must understand, nothing was ever set in stone, the system should be used as a process in actor training, a learning tool for the actor, and not as a rigid system to be followed by the letter. Stanislavski himself was for ever altering the system, evolving it into new techniques as he learnt more from the previous ones. Roughly five years before his own death, Stanislavski s dissatisfaction with his earlier experiments in Emotional Memory, led him to develop a technique that would change the way emotions were triggered. This methodology supposed that emotions could be stimulated through simple physical actions, instead of memories. This was the basis of his new system. This move from Emotional Memory to his Method of Physical Actions was an important shift in actor training at that time. Again, this shift was met with much resistance in Russia at the MAT, and was resisted even more by acting students in the United States. Stanislavski constantly shifted his views, always trying to find more efficient ways for the actor to perform. Therefore, he was hesitant to publish his work for a long time. If he were alive today, it is most likely that he would have continued to change his views. THE METHOD OF PHYSICAL ACTIONS proposed that a series of physical actions arranged in sequential order would trigger the necessary emotions in an actor s performance. These emotions
  • 15. Informative Essay On Nike Shoes Nike Nike has made itself very popular with its name and logo. Its name comes from the Greek god of victory, Nike. Its logo is the infamous ВЁswooshВЁ. Although those things have made they well known but is not the reason all these kids are buying their shoes. The reason all kids across America want the Nike brand shoes is very simple, Nike sponsors Legendary NBA players. After they make the deals they market that line of shoes to kids saying ВЁKids, you could wear the same shoes as Lebron James or Kyrie IrvingВЁ. That is what persuades kids to go out and buy Nike produced shoes. All so they can think now I can play like and Lebron James, but that s just my opinion. There are two things I think about Nike. First, all the statements I listed above. Second, although they may sell their shoes for, some might say, unfair prices they do give you a quality product which they have put time into making. One way that you are getting quality from Nike shoes is that they use raw materials for their shoes. Six of those main raw materials that they use are: Polyester, Rubber, Eva Foam,... Show more content on ... However, to maintain that position they need to come out with new lines of shoes almost every week. Which means they are spending large amounts of money every day and that leaves little room for profit. When they are putting a great deal of money towards their shoes it does mean they will be a little more on the expensive side. But, they do make great Birthday/Christmas gifts and kids get them at the start of every school year so, they don t exactly need to worry about a deficit of sales. One more thing you might want to take into consideration before purchasing stock from them, in the 6 months and in their year to date, on their stock chart on yahoo finance, they have gotten into a sizable decline of profits. This intel has proven to have a big effect on my decision for picking a
  • 16. Dennis Lynn Rar Research Paper Bind them, Torture them, Kill them or BTK for short. That was the moniker that convicted Serial Killer Dennis Rader went by in Wichita Kansas. Most neighbors described him as Just a Regular Person. He worked as a city law supervisor, Boy Scout leader, Church Elder. He had loving parents and siblings. But behind that mask was a sexually driven Monster. Dennis Lynn Rader was born March 9th, 1945 the oldest of four sons, born to Dorothea Rader and William Rader. Friends remember him as friendly but somewhat straitlaced. After a stint as a sergeant in the United States Air Force, He started working at ADT Security Services, Which installs residential and commercial security systems. By All Accounts Rader was a devoted familyman. ... Show more content on ... In January 2005, 25 years later he sent a postcard to a Wichita TV station describing a package he claimed to have left on the side of the road. In the message he also asked about the status of another package he left at a Home Depot store a few weeks earlier which gave the police their first big break in the case as he was spotted on the surveillance tapes. The letters became frequent again containing driver s license and three Polaroid photographs of a dead woman Vicki Wegerle, who he strangled in her own home in 1986. He also sent letter containing dolls with bags over their heads and hands tied behind their backs, cryptic word and number puzzles, copies of serial killer novels and victims personal
  • 17. Essay on Machiavelli s Advice to Republics Machiavelli s Advice to Republics In secular democracies, power is necessarily derived from the will of the governed. That power is then entrusted to a leader, who Machiavelli would understand to be a prince . Inherently, his book, The Prince, has been close at hand for most politicians for centuries, as it provides general, historically proven advice for principalities and republics on how to govern and maintain relations with their most important resource and the very core of their power, which would be the people themselves. Machiavelli s realization of the penultimate import of the people is probably most significant reason his book holds so much influence on realpolitik. He writes, it is essential for a prince to possess ... Show more content on ... This is not to say, however, that Machiavelli intended the princeto be indulgent and benevolent to the people, he says quite clearly in Chapter 17, #8230;it is much more safe to be feared than loved, when you have to choose between the two #8230; Machiavelli s reasoning was that an excess of clemency towards the subjects when they do something wrong would lead to widespread crime, hurting the whole community. Therefore, being cruel and severe to those who deserve it would allow for the greatest utility (Chapter 17). This view on how to maintain relations with the populace is both logical and realistic. However, Machiavelli draws a clear distinction between being feared and hated. He writes, A prince must make himself feared in such a manner that #8230; he shall at least not incur their hatred, for being the feared, and not hated, can go very well together, (Chapter 17). The way that a ruler can earn his subjects hatred, says Machiavelli, is if he steals or harms their property. Therefore, by being severe and cruel in his punishments he inspires fear. In being feared, the prince further secures his empowerment, for none of his subjects dare to attempt to take it from him. More advice given to the prince by Machiavelli was on general good governance, meaning how to rule, all supported by historical examples. He writes, #8230;the prince will avail himself of the occasion #8230; to secure himself, with less consideration for
  • 18. Metaachromatic Leukodystrophy Research Paper Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) is a disorder which results in the inability to break down sulfatides in the lysosome of oligodendrocytes. The name is of greek origin, Leuko meaning white, dys meaning lack, and troph meaning growth. As a Leukodystrophy, the name implies that the disease is lacking growth in the white matter of the brain. The inability to break down sulfatides in the lysosomal complexes of the cell lead to the degeneration of the myelin sheath which are produced by oligodendrocytes. This disease is most commonly associated with the inability to produce Arylsulfatase A (ASA), a protein that works to catalyze the breakdown of sulfatides by hydrolyzing the 3 O ester bond [1]. MLD is commonly associated with infants as most cases occur while the patient is young, typically from 12 20 months post birth. However, Juvenile and late onset MLD also exists in which symptoms arise later on in life. The time of onset depends on the type of mutation the individual has. Individuals with MLD suffer from demyelination in the central as well as peripheral nervous system, the degradation of myelin cause nerve... Show more content on ... Although no treatment is known to completely halt the progress of MLT, there are ways to slow the progression of the disease. Since the disease pathogenesis of MLD is still yet to be understood, treatment can be tricky. Researchers are unsure when the ideal time of treatment is and are concerned with safety issues when certain therapies are applied. These therapies will target a specific part of the pathogenic aspect of the disease and some work better than others at different stages [12]. Though treatment options are available to individuals afflicted with MLD, there is currently no treatment that is able to completely stop the progression of the disease. There are currently three ways to slow the progression of MLD, they are the Enzyme replacement therapy, the stem cell based therapy, and gene
  • 19. Top 10 Major Record Labels Nowadays Essay Top 10 Major Record Labels Nowadays. Music and Business Music has several functions in the society, such as the expression of emotions; creation of joy; communication; entertainment; integration of a society; and the continuity of culture. These functions of music make music a human need, which results in humans demanding for music. The human need or demand for music makes music a valuable item (good). Therefore, humans (artists) create music as a good that can be sold for revenues and profits. This is how music relates to business. Music is a good that many people (artists) and business (record labels) are involved in its production, distribution, and sale for profits. In fact, musicians have to acquire business skills that will help them manage their public image, organize for tours and shows, design their merchandise, and build a loyal fan base. This is how music and business are related. Main Problems Faced by Musicians Music is an industry that has a number of aspiring artists wishing to be mainstream musicians. The road from aspirations to the establishment as a mainstream artist is often marred with a lot of problems. These problems are failure to attract record labels with demos; failure to have one s songs reviewed in local and national newspapers and magazines; failure to attract people to one s show; meeting con promoters, who are not serious about developing one and one s work, and running out of money in the course one s struggles. Successful aspiring artists
  • 20. Compressive Strength and Griffith Criterion The University of Hong Kong Department of Civil Engineering CIVL2002 M Geology amp; Rock Laboratory Report Brazilian Test A. Introduction As shown by the Griffith criterion, tensile strength of brittle materials is theoretical 1/8 of the compressive strength. Typically, tensile strengthof rock materials is about 1/10 to 1/8 of the compressive strength. Hence, rock fails easily under tension. In design, rock should be subjected to minimum tensile stress. Several methods are commonly used to test the tensile strength of rocks: 1. Direct tensile test: Metal caps are cemented to the end surfaces of the samples so that tensile load can be applied to the samples until failure. 2. Brazilian ... Show more content on ... According to the Griffith theory of failure, the critical point ought to be the centre where the ratio of compression to tension (in terms of magnitude) is 3. With a principal stress ratio of 3, failure ought to result from the application of the tensile stress alone, without any complication from the simultaneous compression parallel to the eventual rupture plane. There are 2 possible modes of failure of the splitting tension specimen: 1. Axial splitting along vertical diameter 2. Shear and crushing failure at loading (occurs when the width of the contact area between the jaws and the disc is large) Theoretically, the rock specimen should fail at the centre of specimen (largest induced tensile stress), yet the experimental results shown that the failure occurs along the vertical diameter as the induced tensile stresses are more or less the same except for points next to the loading jaws. In other words, the rupture of the specimen in the Brazil test usually occurs along a single tensile type fracture across the diameter aligned with the axis of loading.
  • 21. Reflection About Living With God The book is about living with God, instead of living over, under, for, or from him. It talks about how important it is to be aware of how we think about God and our relationship with him. I appreciate this book a lot because the day I accepted Christ was when I finally understood that everything he did wasn t to get me a get out of hell free card, it was to be able to spend the rest of this life drawing me closer to him and to spend eternity with him. In that regard, the first part of the book was about what I expected, but as I was surprised, encouraged, and challenged as I got further into the book. The first point that stood out to me was the way we assign the way we value effectiveness to God; we assume that he gauges success the same way we do. I love the way the author presented the story of Moses striking the rock in the light of him doing only what he knew had worked in the past. He followed a formula; and yes, he was effective, but he was not faithful or obedient. It is possible to succeed without being in relationship with God. Along the same lines, one of the most helpful ways I ve heard this concept presented is from Moses initial reaction with God; God finding Moses and arguing back and forth with him while Moses makes excuse after excuse about everything he can t do. God is not a God of efficiency. What would have been efficient is snapping his fingers and freeing all the Israelite slaves from their captors in Egypt. But he chose to work through Moses;
  • 22. How Does The Brain Drain Be Hot Potatoes Throughout The... For years, brain drain issues have been hot potatoes throughout the world. Brain drain is also academically known as the human capital flight, refers to the large scale migration of highly educated, skilled and talented people of developing countries to highly developed countries of the world (Wikipedia, 2016). The brain drain originated in 1960, when most of human resources like scientists, engineers, and technologists emigrated from United Kingdom to America (Wikipedia, 2016). This phenomenon has become a global issue, and it is happening all over the world in particular for developing countries. China, which is the largest population country with a remarkable economic growth, is also suffering from severe brain drain issues. In recent years, China is one of countries facing the highest loss of top talented people. An official from mainland China s Office of Central Talent Work Coordination Group noted that estimated 87 percent of talented individuals choose to stay overseas, particularly in the fields of science and engineering (Zhang, 2013). China is also considered as the biggest worldwide contributor of emigrants (Wikipedia, 2016). In the United States, Chinese immigrants make up the largest group of arrivals a year and Chinese immigrants are growing in number. The Census Bureau says China replaced Mexico as the top country of origin for immigrants to the U.S. in 2013 (Lee, 2015). The historical turning point of Chinese students studying abroad could start
  • 23. Financial Analysis Of Nike Preface This report is part of Introduction to Business subject (MGT1101). The topic is Nike Inc. This report was written to give the reader an insight into Nike Inc. This report was written to show the reader different aspects of the company, how it was established, what it has to offer and some general knowledge of the company that may be interesting and useful. In this report we will take you through Nike s journey in becoming such a successful and well known brand and how it maintains its standards and keep the company alive also the struggle of competing with other heavy weight companies in the same industry. Table of contents page Chapter1 1 Company History 1.1 Chapter2 2 Company s form of ownership Chapter3 3 Company products Chapter4 4 Company s form of competition ... Show more content on ... Nike is now the most popular brand. It s not only in America, but also throughout the whole world. Nike has all the athletic shoes, clothes, and other accessories one would need to wear in their certain sport. Nike s target market for their shoes, clothes and other accessories are males and females between 18 and 35 years old. Nike s Competitive market has expanded and dominated in the international market. Nike disburses TV ads during professional and college sports events, prime time programs, and late night TV programs. A financial analysis helps us compare a company s current performance with its past performance Gives us an idea of how the entire industry is performing as well as liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and leverage ratios will give us a good understanding of how Nike, Adidas Group, and Under Armour are performing. The strengths Nike gets top athletes to wear and sponsor their products rather than events or competitions as much. Nike explains that people tend to remember what the player wore and not the brand that sponsors the event that the players perform at. The
  • 24. Examples Of Conformity In Fahrenheit 451 In Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451, there are concepts present around the dystopian, book burning society. In the era where the book takes place, firefighters start fires to burn book that are outlawed by the government. The story revolves around Guy Montague, a firefighter, and his dramatic realization that books are not sinister. In the novel, there are three main concepts, conformity, depersonalization and the pasteurization and condensation of knowledge to make the plot and situations more relatable to readers. Ray gives a lot of examples of conformity in his writing. One strong point is when all the firemen in Guy s fraction are sitting around playing cards, the chief fireman, Captain Beatty, tries to weasel out that Guy is reading... Show more content on ... In the first couple pages of the story, Mildred took too many sleeping pills and needed to get her stomach pumped and her blood cleaned. Guy calls the ER and then he questions the two workers about their qualifications. They responded by saying You don t need an M.D., case like this; all you need is two handymen (13). This would be the pasteurization and condensation of knowledge because The government has condensed learning and knowledge into such small portions, that almost anyone can be anything without really trying. This really relates to a very recent event. There was an election in a world superpower country and a reality TV person, not even star, was elected the leader of the country. Secondly, Clarisse is explaining a normal kid s school day and what it contains, she starts off with saying that they have An hour of TV class, an hour of basketball or baseball or running, another hour of transcription history or painting pictures, and more sports, but do you know, we never ask questions (27). People are not even learning anymore. All they are doing is playing sports or drawing or watching TV. They never ask questions. A recent study by The Right Question Institute showed that children stop asking so many questions after the age of 4 and society seems to get dumber every year, the second most searched topic
  • 25. Thomas Jefferson s All Men Are Created Equal Thomas Jefferson support the equal right for all families. He stated, All men are created equal . He supports all people equally no one is above the income. Jefferson s point of view of equality include the law. He did not agree with the concept in 18th century. However, he might agree most of concepts we are in nowadays. 20th Century is big different compare in the past. Poverty that Jefferson attempt to make things easier for the poverty has continuing into this 20th century. I believe he would agree what our newest president Trump stated about providing jobs for people equality. In the today s politics, they mention about increasing taxes, and increase the funds for education. Jefferson has stood the ground to help the Universal Education
  • 26. 7 Deadly Sins In Macbeth The seven deadly sins are the considered the serious, cardinal sins of the Catholic Church. The seven deadly sins are, pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Considered critical sins in the eyes of Catholic Church, as these sins can be seen very commonly within people all the time. These sins can be easily represented in the character Macbeth in Shakespeare s Macbeth, more specifically the sins of wrath, lust, greed, and pride. Within the first act, many of the seven deadly sins begin to manifest themselves through Macbeth. In scene 3 of the first act Macbeth begins to show great pride when told that he would be king; however, it is the news that Banquo s descendants would be king after worried Macbeth a great deal, which began ... Show more content on ... By this point in the play, it is obvious that Macbeth s lustful obsession with power has now taken him over since he now is trying to do anything possible to try to ensure that he can remain, king, ordering more murderers to take out the family of Macduff. Finally, the events that Macbeth has taken part of in his mad dash for the throne because now in the play Malcolm and Macduff now plot to assemble an army to defeat Macbeth. This transitions to the fifth act, which mainly involves the large war between Macbeth and the other Thanes. Macbeth saw the oncoming army and his pride took the best of him, laughing at the face of his enemy; however, his prideful act is quickly quelled, as he informed that his wife had died and that the enemy had the wood the witched prophesied would bring about his downfall. After seeing all of these events transpire, Macbeth finally feels an emotion that counteracts his nature through the entirety of the play, he feels fear. Though quickly Macbeth is filled with pride yet again insulting his opponent saying, Thou wast born of woman. / But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn,/ Brandished by man that s of a woman born (Shakespeare.) He remains boastful until the sobering understanding of the fact that Macduff, who Macbeth is told to fear, was essentially C sectioned meaning Macduff was not born of a
  • 27. A Brief Note On Self Management And Customer Service I have been a Patient Access Specialist for the past eight years, in that time I have learned much about self management and customer service. I have held several jobs prior to the current positon I hold; I was a cashier at Burger King, new employee trainer, waitress, and team lead waitress at Applebee s. I was a medical biller, medical coder, and office manager at Freeman Chiropractic. The last two position I held were at Michigan Heart and vascular and currently Otsego Memorial Hospitalas a patient access specialist (Otsego Memorial Hospital). In all of my positions I grew as a person and learned how to work with others and communicate effectively. As a patient access specialist working midnights in an emergency room, I have learned how to work in a small efficient group to get big tasks completed quickly. I have to listen, assist when needed, talk clearly and effectively, and be ready in an instant for something to happen. I truly enjoy my job as a patient access specialist in the emergency room however, it has left me wanting to do more with my career and wanting to make a bigger impact in the professional world. After thinking a few years about what I wanted to do with my life, I knew that nursing was not something I wanted to do; even though I enjoy the hospital setting. I know there are several different career options in the hospital that do not involve nursing and one of those is management. I duel enrolled at North Central Michigan College while I was in high
  • 28. J. C. Penny Organizational Culture The culture at J. C. Penny before Johnson can be described as inclusive and employee centered. The organizational culture can perhaps be described as a hierarch culture. A hierarchy culture has an internal focus and produces more formalized and structured work environment (Kreitner, p. 70). The founder, James Cash Penny, managed his stores under the philosophy of providing the best customer service at the best price. He truly believed in giving his customers the best deal possible. The company continued to thrive under this basic tenant, but started to lose its market share and overall appeal in the early 2000s as the internet and small specialty stores like H M and the GAP started to attract more of their customers. Ron Johnson was brought ... Show more content on ... C. Penny s over 100 year presence in the retail industry, any organizational change would require careful and thoughtful planning. Edgar Schein, former professor at MIT Sloan School of Management and Organizational Behavior scholar notes that changing organizational culture involves a teaching process (Kreitner, p. 74). This process is beneficial for both the existing employees and new leadership. One of the processes that I would have recommended to Johnson at the beginning of his term with J.C. Penny would be the organizational activities, processes or outcomes that leaders pay attention to, measure, and control. The behavior of Johnson and his new management team suggested that they rejected learning about the existing culture at J.C. Penny and how and why things are done the way they were. To meet the objectives of the board of directors, the immediate focus was to focus on what he thought the customer wanted...a method that was proven to be successful at Apple, but failed at J.C. Penny. Had he spent time getting to know his employees and explained his vision for J.C. Penny, he would have received valuable information on not just the how, but what why things are done in the manner they are done. Why it was important to keep the coupons that customers loved to use. Johnson knew the history of James Cash Penny and thought that his Fair and Square pricing strategy was all that was needed to transform the company. But he failed to truly understand Mr. Penny s philosophy the Golden Rule where you find good employees, train them well, as well as sell quality goods at a fair price (J.C. Penney Company, Inc. History,
  • 29. The Aspects Of Contact Sports In Soccer Contact sports are sports that you make contact with the ball or the player. In this report, it classifies what are contact sports and what the rules equipment and players are. Soccer is a game where two teams of 11 play against each other to score and win the game. The aim of the game is to get the ball into the soccer goals and at the end of the game the team with the most goals wins. In soccer there are 45 minutes in each half and there are two halfs. In soccer a player cannot touch the ball with their hands or else their opposition is awarded a foul. Red cards are worse than yellow cards. When someone gets a red card they are sent off for them game and the next one. This also happens when you get two yellow cards in the same game. Offside is one of the hardest rules to explain out of them all. An offside is when you pass the ball to a teammate while they are offside. One of the most famous players in soccer history was Edson Arantes do Nascimento, also known as Pele. Pele scored 1281 goals out of 1363 games. Pele was known as the most successful player in the world to score this much goals in soccer. Neymar da Silva Santos JГєnior also known as neymar was told by the PSG manager this year to come and join PSG for a record 220 million euros. Before Neymar moved to PSG he played for one of the best clubs Barcelona. Soccer is a game of strategy and good team thinking. Basketball is a game where two teams of five play against each other for a victory. To win a game the
  • 30. Negative Aspects Of Globalization In Developing Countries Globalisation is a worldwide movement which integrates economic, financial, trade and commerce from different countries. It has influenced communication between countries and brought them together. It made countries more interdependent and interconnected with free transfer of goods and services across national frontiers. Globalisation can have lots of benefits on western societies such as implies the opening of the local to a broader outlook ( Globalisation also involves culture spread, and the process of globalisation happens through the media, consumer goods and western consumer lifestyle (ThoughtCo.2017). These lead to a fashion sold for western societies by giant retailers who can update inventory and make transnational trade deals ( The opening market and culture diffusion also make people who consuming is actually more focus on the corporate brand or logo such as Nike, Victoria s Secret and Adidas than the clothing itself. Globalisation has been one of the most hotly debated topics in international economics (, 2017). Rapid growth and poverty reduction has been a positive aspect of globalisation on developing countries like China and Africa. Increasing globalisation has helped the expansion of opportunities for nations and benefits workers inrich. Globalisation is a process of opening up economics so that trade between countries could take place freely (Digit Pro.2017). The negative aspect of globalisation
  • 31. The Security For The Networked Environment The overall security for the networked environment is weak, and the team was able to move quickly through the information system and gain system level access on most of the attached hosts, within the scope of the penetration test. Had the organization been equipped with a firewall, the ability to conduct the following test would have become a more difficult task. However, because packets can move freely, the systems provide more data than they should. Secondly the team identified the requirement to segment the network. In its current configuration, Appendix B, the organization is easily exploitable. Coupled with a firewall, a segmented Local Area Network, and firewall to filter the local area traffic, the organization becomes a more... Show more content on ... However, we noticed telnet services is currently open, opening the possibility for an adversarial agent to conduct replay attacks,using captured users names and passwords. Lastly, the team rummaged through the exploited system, but found nothing of value. The .40 System Utilizing the same exploits found on .60, the team managed to exploit .40. No different than the previous system, the team managed to achieve system level access utilizing the getsystem command. On its second exploit, the team again used the MS03_026 exploit, and again the system was compromised. Nothing of value was recovered from the machine, and the passwords were not cracked during the allotted amount of time. With most of its services closed, the .40 system only presented these two potential avenues of approach. Unlike, the .60 machine, the team FTP service was closed on the machine minimizing the client s overall footprint. System maintenance, and patch management will reduce the issues found with these two systems. Unpatched systems remain open potentially allowing attackers to exploit unnecessarily. Regarding the FTP service, the service is always a potential threat. If possible the organization adopts SSH as the organization s transfer protocol, due to its encryption capabilities. The team will later present an attack via SSH, but such a vulnerability itself is easily mitigated. .20 Exploit Moving to the .20 host, the team was able
  • 32. Openness And Foreign Direct Investment Openness to foreign direct investment. According to The World Bank (n.d.), Foreign direct investment is a category of cross border investment associated with a resident in one economy having control or a significant degree of influence on the management of an enterprise that is resident in another economy. In 2014, the flows of FDI into Qatar reached more than USD 1,040 million See Fig. 1 ( Qatar Foreign Investment, 2016). Qatar is exceptionally open to FDI, as its objective is to become a world class leader in terms of its business environment for foreign direct investment. Over the past several years, this has become a reality by way of improvements made to the country s infrastructure and the creation of favorable foreign investment... Show more content on ... Therefore, we firmly believe that Qatar s winning bid to host the 2022 World Cup, was a strategic decision designed to attract a large number of foreign investors in future years to come. FDI laws and regulations. Qatar s investment stimulating policies are proceeding on a steady basis, in an effort to protect Qatari owned companies from significant competition. The chief legislation governing foreign investment in Qatar is Investment Law No. 13/2000. This law permits foreign investors to hold 49% of the capital while a Qatari partner holds at least 51%. However, Investment Law No. 13 /2000 provides leeway for 100% ownership with special government approval. This leeway is limited to investments in certain sectors, including: agriculture, industry, health, education, tourism, development and exploitation of natural resources, energy, mining, sports and entertainment services; and banking and finance ( Investment Climate, 2015). Significantly, the investment must contribute to the long term development of Qatar s human resources and technology. In addition to the previously stated Investment Law No. 13/2000, another law which governs FDI is Law No. 23/2006. This piece of legislature provides foreigners the right of land use over real estate, in designated investment areas, for the duration of 99 years and is renewable following government approval ( Investment Climate, 2015). The law also
  • 33. Medical Marijuana And Medical Therapy Medical marijuana refers to the use of cannabis as medical therapy in the palliative sense to treat diseases or alleviate symptoms. This treatment modality has proven to be a highly debatable issue within the medical field due to the use of this substance as an illicit drug. The National Youth Risk Behavior Survey monitors priority health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth and adults in the United States (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The most recent survey conducted on ninth through twelfth grade students in public and private schools throughout the United States indicated that in 2011, a mean of 39.9% of participants reported ever using marijuana one or more times during their lives (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Although this substance has been most often used for recreational purposes, recent studies have shown that an increasing number of people are fighting to have legislation passed in order for the use medicinal marijuana to be made legal. The populations most affected by such legislation include those positively affected by the use of medical marijuana, patients suffering from chronic and debilitating illnesses, and those who utilize the drug for other reasons associated with recreation and personal pleasure. The issue highlights the beneficial aspect of marijuana use detailing symptom management and improving overall quality of life; and conversely,
  • 34. Health Promotion and Preventions Health promotion and disease prevention are processes that enable individuals to improve their health. Health promotion seeks to increase an individual s control over their health by addressing behavior under the control of the individual. Disease prevention is associated with medical and public health activities to prevent diseases. Health promotion and disease prevention have been utilized in the U.S. health care system for many of years and extensive research has been done on which preventive measures are most likely to protect individual health. Studies have also been done on what degree can preventions contribute to controlling costsof health care. Research supports the effectiveness of the preventative measures such as... Show more content on ... The Nurses Health Study found similar results regarding the effects of diet and lifestyle on heart disease. The study concluded that among women, adherence to preventative practices involving diet, exercise, and abstinence from smoking is associated with a very low risk of coronary heart disease.2 The health risks of certain diets have also been the subject of many studies. Trials have shown that consumption of trans fatty acids produces factors that are predictive of heart disease.1 Alternatively, studies have concluded that a preventative practice of a diet rich in non trans fats, whole grains, abundant fruits and vegetable, and adequate in omega 3 fatty acids offered significant reduction in heart diease.1 Health promotion and disease prevention has also been thought as a means to control health care costs in the US. It is seems logical to assume that health care cost would be reduced by individuals avoiding illness and that illness detected early are less expensive to treat. Research has shown that some preventative measures may reduce health cost, but many actually increase health care cost. The work of the economist Louise B. Russell offers very informative cost effectiveness analysis of the preventative practices of vaccination.1 Russell studied a campaign during the 1960s to inoculate children against
  • 35. Analysis Of William Shakespeare s Sonnet 1 Unit 4 Journal C.S. Lewis, Sonnet 1 (from Five Sonnets), pages 476 477 Shadow and Light This sonnet brings to mind the feelings one has when faced with fear or loss. Lewis puts it beautifully that we all grieve in different manners, but that our pain is the same. I feel that he makes a call for people to be more understanding of others. That just because someone does not show the same emotion as you, does not mean they do not feel. It means they feel in a different manner. Lewis also says, we do not shout and shake our fists at God (p 476), to me this shows a deeper understanding of life. We all can find someone or something to blame for problems or injustices in life, but until we learn to put the blame where it lies we are doomed to feelings of pain and loss. Samuel Johnson, excerpt from Prayers and Meditations, pages 25 27 Shadow and Light This selection is a bittersweet plea from Johnson to God. His wife, 20 years his senior, has passed and he is obviously stricken with grief. Johnson states, Oh Lord, release me from my sorrow, fill me with just jopes, true faith, and holy consolations, and enable me to do my duty in that state of life to which Thou hast been pleased to call me, without disturbance from fruitless grief, or tumultuous imaginations; . This speaks to his sorrow over the loss of his wife and his determination to continue on as is God s plan for him. Johnson clearly was very much in love with his wife and even later states that he wishes to
  • 36. The Searchers Conflict John Ford s The Searchers plays with the western genre primarily through its straddling of the line between the classical and contemporary western through John Wayne s duality of the hero and anti hero among additional more complex plot elements. The film opens with the typical opening of the frontier hero mode common in classic westernwith John Waynes character appearing out of nature to join the other charters in the story shortly before the conflict of the filmis introduced. The conflict of The Searchers is a another common element of classical classical westerns being a confl;ict of white culture vs native culture as the natives come to attack those who are living on their land followed by the retaliation of said settlers in a search
  • 37. Brothers Are The Same By Temas Character Analysis Have you ever found yourself in a situation that required so much determination and strength? So has Temas, a young Masai boy who has trouble believing in himself in the story entitled Brothers Are the Same by Beryl Markham. In Brothers Are the Same, Temas must prove his manhood by killing a lion, which can be seen through his thoughts, actions and appearance. Throughout the story, Temas conflicts with himself and believes he does not have the strength to kill the lion. Temas, in his mind, wasn t afraid of death. He was afraid of failure. He knew and he constantly thought that if the other youths saw even a breath of fear, they would call him a coward. It s stated in text: There were ten youths hidden about the ravine, and they would witness
  • 38. A Career In Special Education Special education teachers remain in high demand. Although there are numerous special education teaching jobs, there aren t enough individuals in the field to fill these positions. Children suffering from mental or physical disabilities often need special learning method and require more time and energy from their instructors. Currently, approximately ten percent of individuals working in this field lack the necessary credentials, and states are authorizing temporary licenses. Teachers with a temporary license are then given a predetermined period of time to complete their license. As the need for teachers in this field is expected to grow by approximately 35 percent over the coming decade, those wishing to become a special education teacher will find they have numerous job opportunities. Growth In Special Education Dr. K. Lynn Boyer, is the Council of Exceptional Chldren s National Clearinghouse for Professions in Special Education director. Dr. Boyer states there are roughly 380,000 teachers currently employed in the field. An estimated 13 ... Show more content on ... At this time, universities train approximately 22,000 teachers to work in special education teaching jobs every year. This is only 50 percent of the number needed to fill these positions. Further exacerbating the problem is the departure rate of educators currently working in the field. Studies show that a special education teacher is significantly more likely to leave his or her profession than mainstream educators. This is due in part to a lack of support on the part of school administrators, mounting paperwork, minimal resources and more.
  • 39. Analysis Of The Sum Of Our Follies The Sum of Our Follies (2014) is a recent Malaysian fictional work written by Shih Li Kow. It is a regional piece a addressing the most conspicuous thrillers of place s meaning and literary imagination. The story hinges upon several episodes in a small town called Lubok Sayong and other replaces. Furthermore, the plot includes a number of perennial actions which perpetuate the token of proximity shared by the lives of Lubok Sayong s inhabitants who reciprocate their visions in an agnate perspective on life. It is an inherent call for the common sense of human individuality in a collective place uniting different ways of life. These people are the authentic human phenomenon in a fictional setting. In fact, the story depicts real life images, such as contemporary Malaysian peripheries; and challenged once again by socio cultural apathy, the specter of the story s fictional pluralism and the affectionate buoyancy of Shih Li Kow who seems particularly instructive (Cross, 2006: 49). The novel tells the story of a middle aged man called Auyong, or the narrator, and an orphan girl Mary Anne. Auyong leaves his city and job as a supermarket manger in order to work in the town s lychee canning factory. This circulates his destitution as a human being seeking perfection ... Show more content on ... The traditional confines among regional places fade away and the human boundary demarcation substitutes each other in successive waves. This demarcation is brought about the memento of departure of the enormous technological advancement sweeping through any civilization. More specifically, this essay examines the ambulatory, or mobile, populations, cyber culture and technological advancement. This is because The Sum of Our Follies is a riveting story which pulls the reader into a world which is at once particular and universal (Leon, 2014:
  • 40. Insight In Pangloss s Candide Alejandro Munoz ENG 20200 10/10/2014 Candide The question for this essay is do I think Candide gained insight and why is that relevant? To answer that question we must understand two things that are mentioned throughout the whole story in a rather indirect way. The first thing we must define is insight. People always talk about gaining insight but how many of them actually use it the right way or even thinks about the fact that insight might mean something different to other people? Well to me, insight is not the ability to gain knowledge about something or someone, to me it is THE PROCESS of learning through experiences of your own and other s. Insight is not just something you are told; the way that Pangloss tells Candide throughout entire the story ...everything is for the best in this world ... Show more content on ... The fact that Pangloss made Candide believe this throughout the whole story affected Candide s judgment and ability to gain actual insight. But we ll talk about that later on. On the other hand, the second term that I believe must be clarified is my definition or rather my view of Satire. What is that word and what does it mean? Classmate NAME described insight in a manner that I would actually agree to. He said that Satire is QUOTE. I believe that definition to be entirely true, the only thing that I would add to it is that Satire doesn t just make fun of politics and society, I would make it more specific and would argue that satire makes fun of every controversial topic there is, from religion, to politics, to abortion, and even death, in a cruel but kind of true way. This means in my mind that even though satire is meant to be entertaining and comical, it is also intended to touch a soft spot on our heads and realize that some of the things said are actually true. Anyways, now that those to important terms are defined from my point of view, an answer can be given. So did Candide gain insight? In
  • 41. Spike Lee s Film Do The Right Thing Spike Lee s movie Do the Right Thing discusses an issue that is as old as time itself: racism. This issue has been prevalent in our own society for a long time. Lee attempts to address this issue in his movie through multiple characters and scenarios that show both sides of the issue and cause the viewer to question what the right thing to do really is. It also leaves the viewer with several other questions that are worth more exploration. The movie follows Sal, who is an Italian man who owns a pizza parlor in a predominantly African American neighborhood. A young African American man named Mookie works for Sal, and plays an important role in the story. There are also others characters such as Buggin Out, Radio Raheem, and Smiley. The... Show more content on ... What may be the right thing to do to a certain person may not be the right thing for someone else. That makes looking at the characters in the movie and their actions a little harder. Though some people may think that there were people that did the right thing in the movie, others may believe that everyone did wrong things. I would argue that no one in the movie does the right thing. People on both sides of the issue seem to be doing things that try to increase tensions and cause the situations to be worse. Sal refuses to put any African Americans on his wall, and while it may be because he is proud of his heritage, the racially charged phrases he uses such as these people with the jungle music , makes it appear as though his heritage was not the only motivation he had. On the other end of the issue, Buggin Out does a lot of things to retaliate that make the situation worse such as charging into the pizza place demanding Sal change his wall while Radio Raheem blares his radio to cause a scene. During the fight, Sal says some racist things, and Raheem attacks him. This leads to the tragic ending of the movie. It seems as though Buggin Out and Radio Raheem neither one handled the situation in the best interest of doing the right thing, since they decided to react to the things that were said. Neither side handled the situation in a peaceful way. I personally think it was ironic that Spike Lee called this move Do the Right
  • 42. How Did Henry David Thoreau Influence Society The Infamous Henry David Thoreau Thoreau s Influence on History Henry David Thoreau s ideas on Civil Disobedience were very strong. Civil Disobedience has also been known to be called nonviolent resistance. Thoreau s essay, Civil Disobedience, has been a great influence to our country and the world. Famous examples of civil disobedience include Martin Luther King, Jr s fight for black rights, as well as Rosa Parks, or even the Boston Tea Party. Another situation where Thoreau s influence is seen is when Susan B. Anthony was arrested for illegally voting for the U.S. Representatives elections, in order to protect female rights. To this day, the works of Henry David Thoreau have shown great influence in society and in the ways that people go about fighting for their rights, as well as in general just being more ... Show more content on ... Because he was so driven in his ideas of overcoming the bigger picture and getting what you want by civil disobedience, it has influenced others to believe in themselves more thoroughly. Thoreau talks about how if you are willing to put your mind to what you believe in, then you will be able to overcome with without violence, or struggle. Even if it takes you a very, very long time, as long as you stick to your guns and make sure you never give up your views, you can get through it. Thoreau proved this point with his Civil Disobedience. When you re taking a nonviolent approach, sometimes you may not be taken seriously. He showed that as long as you persevere through the struggles, you ll make it. This has obviously influenced people such as Martin Luther King, Jr., and that is shown through his perseverance in his issues. Thoreau s ideas were very empowering, and they have continued to empower people throughout history and up until this day, showing nonviolent opposition is a great
  • 43. Happiest Refuge The idea of fear can be frightening! but the idea of prospering is another. Welcome Mrs Mackay and students today is the discussion of risks and rewards. I will discover wether a risks can be beneficial, or dangerous to us and if it is worth it. Well with the help of Wonder and The Happiest Refuge we can see from the examples provided if it is worth the pain. Mark Zuckerberg said The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks this statement from the millionaire of the company Facebook invites us into a discussion taking us into the true meaning of taking a risk and what us as humans can gain. I agree with this statement because as humans if you do not take a risk you re not gaining anything for yourself while missing out on... Show more content on ... This book teaches us the true meaning to take all risks and hope that you will gain something from it. You always have to make decisions in your life, Anh. And don t kid yourself; when you don t decide, that s a decision This quote teaches us that you hold, the key to your future and that deciding whether or not to go and grab that opportunity or to just be complacency it s completely your choose. The example when Anh goes onto the stage and convince his school why he should become school captain is a great example of going out of your comfort zone or personal bubble. Even though Anh doesn t become school captain he gains something that means a lot more, self confidence and courage these are things that change who you are! Anh now realises that if you lose and fail, but you still celebrate coming second because you ve given it a red hot go. There is no need to fear failure. this is a message to celebrate taking a risk to gain a reward and that actions speak louder then
  • 44. Risk And Politics Of Disaster Coverage Analysis of Risk and Politics of Disaster Coverage in Haiti and Katrina Introduction and Purpose of the Study The article, Risk and Politics of Disaster Coverage in Haiti and Katrina, by Jennifer Petersen of the University of Virginia, which appeared in the journal Communication, Culture Critique in 2014, provides a comparison and contrast of the media coverage of Hurricane Katrina (2005), which devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast and was the costliest natural disaster in the nation s history, and the Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which devastated one of the poorest nations in the Western Hemisphere. The purpose of the article is to discuss the reasons why the news media framed Hurricane Katrina as an unmitigated and unimaginable catastrophe that violated expected norms, while the 2010 Haiti earthquake was framed as an almost routine and manageable crisis, despite the fact that the Haiti earthquake caused much more loss of life and human suffering than Katrina. This purpose is discussed in both the short, nine line abstract, and the introduction. Literature Review and Research Questions Petersen cites more than 50 sources as references for her study. Many of these sources are the news programs on NBC and CNN, which she compared when reviewing the coverage of each disaster. However, the reference list also includes a fair number of other scholarly journal articles and publications by reputable academic publishers. The author provides the
  • 45. Scavenger Hunt Case Study A scavenger hunt can be a great team building activity, but could also tear a team apart. Teams should use their strengths and weaknesses to reach the final goal of finishing in first place. In order to be successful, a group should be aware of the amount of time they are given to complete the task; doing so will depend on how well a teamcommunicates and uses their resources. In our case, our success was fully contributed to our time management, use of technology, leadership, and communication skills; if given the opportunity to conduct the scavenger hunt again, there are a few changes we would make. Our team excelled in many different areas in order to make sure we used our time efficiently. We made sure that we all showed up to class promptly.... Show more content on ... This would include keeping an upperclassman as a part of our team. We feel that the upperclassmen was able to guide our team in the right direction as we went around campus, as well as be a knowledgeable tool to our team concerning where specific buildings were. We would still use technology to ask other students, through call or text message, for answers because this proved to be beneficial to our team. Lastly, we would be sure that each member of our team showed up five minutes early to class. Leaving early allowed us to get a head start on the tasks. We would urge teams who are completing this scavenger hunt next semester to map out all of the objectives first, be aware of the time allotted, and make sure everyone s voice is
  • 46. Regression Between Male Height, Age And Weight Essay Rebecca Parada MATH 110 02 Professor Mink Regression between Male Height, Age and Weight Biostatistics is important to study as undergraduates delve deeper into their studies of Biology and learn how the study of life is integrated into more than just their college level science courses. Looking into the use of statistics at a scientific level at this stage of our education is preparing determined and enthusiastic students for the world of medicine as one day we will have to read and analyze sets of data and more than likely give the statistics of our patients issues. Biostatistics is allowing students to explore the world of medicine using a different approach, mathematically and critically. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if a significant multiple regression exists between my 3 quantitative variables, Weight, Height and Age and to determine the best regression model to use when making predictions. In Part 1, I conducted a statistical experiment to determine if a linear relationship exists between each of my independent variables and my dependent variable, which were biological in nature. My independent variables were height (inches) and age (years). My dependent variable was weight (pounds). The goal of my experiment was to observe a linear correlation between an 18 22 year old male s height and weight. I collected my data by randomly selecting a sample size of 25 male individuals who attend Montclair State University. The best method of prediction would
  • 47. Advantage And Disadvantage Of Composites CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Composite materials are the engineering materials made from two or more constituent materials they remain separate and distinct on a macroscopic level but forming a single component or Composites can defined as materials that consist of two more chemically and physically different phases separated by a distinct interface(matrix phase and dispersed phase). The different systems are combined judiciously to achieve a component with more and more useful structural or functional properties non attainable by any of the constituent alone. In the composites usually Matrix phase is the primary or base phase having a continuous character or continuous molecular chain. But these Matrixes are usually less hard and more ductile phase. In composites it holds the dispersed (reinforcing) phase, shares a load with it. The Dispersed phase is encapsulated in the matrix in a discontinuous form called a secondary phase. This Secondary phase... Show more content on ... Determine inter laminar shear strength. Determine damage tolerance of composites. Determine in plane shear strength. Determine the processibility of composites. Determine heat resistance of composites. The needs or desired properties of the matrix which are important for a composite structure are as follows: Reduced moisture absorption and Low shrinkage. Low coefficient of thermal expansion. Good flow characteristics so that it penetrates the fibre bundles completely and eliminates voids during the compacting/curing process. Must be elastic to transfer load to fibres. Reasonable strength, modulus and elongation (elongation should be greater than fibre). Strength at elevated temperature (depending on application). High temperature capability (depending on application). Excellent chemical resistance (depending on application). Should be easily processable into the final composite shape. Good dimensional stability (maintains its
  • 48. National Junior Honor Society Essay Examples My name is Tanishq Virwani. I am currently in 7th grade. I do well in school, I achieve good grades and I show great interest in all of my classes. I think that I am more than qualified for entrance into the National Junior Honor Society. I believe I have all four qualities of leadership, character, service and citizenship that are needed to enter the National Junior Honor Society. I demonstrate these qualities both inside and outside of school. I feel honored to be considered for admission into this great organization and I hope I get in to the National Junior Honor Society. I have always done well in my studies and I will continue to do so. I... Show more content on ... So far we have funded education for a kid in India,helped the animal shelter here in Curacao, helped the zoo organize the The Zoo Walk which was a fundraiser to raise money to save the animals and get them a better home, and so much more. We are currently working on our biggest project of the year. I have received the Outstanding Award in the subjects Spanish, Computer, and Math in 6th grade, and want to do so in 7th grade. I challenge myself by taking two languages, Spanish and Dutch. I came in 1st place in the annual science fair twice, in 5th grade and 7th grade and came in 3rd place in 6th grade. My devotion and orderly work ethics have allowed me to achieve this. I have participated in some academically challenging activities like The Spelling Bee, in which I came in 2nd place. I am usually in charge in group school projects. In my opinion, leadership is not only showing people what to do and how to do it, it is for me to be independent and not to rely on anyone to do everything for me. Leadership makes me make my own decisions and helps me be more independent than I already am. Leadership is not only important in
  • 49. Women s Role In The Market Revolution Essay During the 1800s in the United States of America, women were nothing more than the inferior gender whose sole job was to raise children and to take care of the house, however the occurrence of the Market Revolution within 1800 1850 was able to widen the range of duties women were allowed to perform. This idea of the growth of the female role is strongly demonstrated by three main events and causes of the Market Revolution. The first being the creation of the Lowell Waltham system, where teenage girls were influenced to work in factories in return for a place to live, food and money. The Lowell Waltham system had a monumental impact in contributing to the duties of women. The second event was the Second Great Awakening, the spiritual enlightenment helped heed some of the preconceive notions about the weakness of women. The third reason behind the development of genderequality was a cause of the market revolution the Western Expansion. These occurrences each played a hand in creating feelings of opportunity and the possibility of an equal future for female citizens of the United Statesof America. During this time period, 1800 1850, the... Show more content on ... Only certain women were able to take steps toward equality and these steps were very minimal. While female voices began to carry, they weren t in an official manor. For example, in the south, which was lightly effected by the Market Revolution, roles for women remained at status quo through this period. The loosening of voting requirements were a key focus point around this time, there were less restrictions for white men. This may seem like a step in the right direction but it does nothing more than burying the female voice once again. Another detail regarding female suffrage is that women were not granted the right to vote until 1920s and this doesn t include female minorities right to
  • 50. Essay about U.K. Public Transport Living Up to Expectations U.K. Public Transport Living Up to Expectations In this literature review I will be looking at the key areas that are based on whether UK public transport live up to expectations. I will be looking at journals, magazines, newspapers and books to help me come to the conclusion. The main topics that I will be focusing on are how disabled people cannot use public transport, accidents on the road and rail works. Contents page Introduction................................................................ pg 4 Literature Review......................................................... pg 5 Conclusion.................................................................. pg 8 List of reference........................................................... pg 9 Bibliography............................................................... pg 10 ... Show more content on ... redundancies to cover costs. The Department of Transport has dismissed suggestions that more traffic means roads are more congested. In London there have been many ways to decrease traffic but it is not happening, the report by Transport for London said by 2010 congestion will increase by 8% and carbon dioxide emissions are also set to increase. Literature Review Does UK public transport live up to expectations? Only half of passengers are satisfied with the punctuality of buses and trains, according to a report published by the General Consumer Council, Translink and the Department of Regional Development. A late buscan make or break a passenger s day and the government want to see higher and more consistent standards on all buses and trains. Many passengers are disappointed about the late arrival of the buses and trains. This can lead to traffic and congestion because many people would take taxis or their own vehicles and less people would use the public transport. This would also effect the costs of keeping up the public transport because they government would have wages to pay etc. this is a disadvantage for the government because they are spending a lot of money on UK public transport and for them to have a fall in members of the community using the transport would be a great
  • 51. Why We Should Be Allowed To Chew Gum In School Should gum be allowed to be consumed in schools? Do you want your school to be a sticky mess? UNHEALTHY SENTENCE. If students were given the coveted privilege to chew gum in class, do you expect trust them to not abuse it? Do you think students should be allowed to chew gum? Imagine reaching under a desk and feeling a squishy, wet substance. You then feel confused and you then decide to look underneath the desk, and find an atrocity, a chewed, wet, and greasy piece of gum! You then sprint to the nearest sink, bleach your hands with soap, walk away traumatized, and watch as another innocent human being gags at their new, unpleasant discovery. You feel angry and you feel shaken up, and you consider throwing the ban hammer on gum. Should gum be
  • 52. Difference Between America s Best And Worst Claims America s Best and Worst Claims Between the years of 1845 and 1848 America was on a mission to expand farther west. This was mission was not something that was completed over night, but instead too many years to reach the goal. There were multiple disagreements and even some wars erected from this operation. In this paper I am going to discuss the how the Oregon Territory was one of the best claims we have owned and how the California and Texas Territory was one of the worst claims we have owned. The Oregon territory was originally occupied for many years by the Native Americans. During the 19th century the British and American citizens started moving into the territory and settling on the land. American citizen predominantly settled in the fertile valleys because most of them were farmers. As years passed by many people started migrating to the Oregon territory and the territory started to become crowed. With the territory being crowed this would soon lead to conflict. James Polk the master mind behind the manifest destiny campaign believed that the American people had the right to expand to the entire continent North America. James Polk was able to get a lot of people on his side to the point where rally s would begin. Polk s original proposal for the border was at ... Show more content on ... This situation was completely different from obtaining the Oregon territory. Mexico mainly refused to accept and recognize Texas as independent was the root of the conflict. After being declared as independent the United States declined to add it to the union. Texas did not agree with the idea that it would be a slave state and refused to corporate. This was soon brought to an end with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that established the Rio Grande as the United States Mexican border. This agreement also caused Mexico to the sell California and any land above the Rio
  • 53. Moral Evil vs. Natural Evil Essay Evil can be categorized into two forms, moral evil and natural evil. Moral evil is brought about by bad choices that stem from our free will. Natural evil is bad things that happen to people, whether they deserve them or not. The problem with evil is, Either we must say that God is not wholly good, and that he permits or is even the author of evil. Or we must say that God is not omnipotent, and although he is wholly good and would prevent evil if he could, he is powerless to stop it. (Fitzgerald 340). This is a significant problem to the revealed religions because they believe in a wholly good and omnipotent God. Why then, would this God allow evil? In this paper, I will provide, explain, and evaluate St. Augustine of Hippos ... Show more content on ... This would be similar to taking pieces out of a wooden wheel. The more slices that are removed, the worse the wheel becomes, but it is still a wheel. Likewise a good person can become less good by being corrupted, but he still exists as a person as long as there is some form of good left. This small incorruptible good inside of us is like a piece of God in every living thing. Man can be corrupted like this because we can make morally wrong choices that deprive us of good. This is due to our free will. God created mankind with the ability to make choices based on our own wants; this is known as free will. If free will did not exist, the world would be a very boring place. Imagine never being able to make your own decisions. God did not want this so he gave us the power to think on our own. We are rational beings and mostly make good decisions, but the bad decisions are what lead to evil. Consciences act like a moral compass in our heads, trying to steer us away from the evil choices and towards the good. Our consciences could be part of that small incorruptible good that is inside of us. Sometimes a conscience is not enough to guide us, though, and evil choices stem from our free will. Free
  • 54. Essay On Sufism Sufism or taб№Јawwuf is defined as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. Sufism is a tradition rooted in the Quran and Prophet Muhammad. It includes the study of religious Islamic learning, which then takes on a mystical quality from the interpretation of traditional subjects in terms of internal experiences of the soul. Sufismseems to have originated first in Iraq and then became established in iran, especially Khurasan. By the 10th century Sufism was a well established movement with a large literature. Everything has an external (zahir) and an internal (batim) aspect. If religious Islamic law is the external form, then Sufism is its inner meaning. It emphasized on devotion to god and universal brotherhood. Earliest Sufi saint in India was Datta Ganj Baksh. They are divided into Be Shara deviated from Shariat ... Show more content on ... Later secondary branches were taken to Hejaz and Indonesia. The word Shattar, which means lightning quick , speed , rapidity , or fast goer indicates a system of spiritual practices that lead quickly to a state of completion , however the name derives from its founder, Sheikh Sirajuddin Abdullah Shattar. He used to judge disciples even with their eating habits and would extend his teachings only to those who did proper justice to the food. Shah Ghawth developed the Shattariyya more fully into a distinctive order and also taught the Mughal Emperor Humayun,[6][9] He wrote the book Jawahir i khams, (The Five Jewels).[10] The influence of the Shattari Order grew strong during Ghawth s leadership and spread through South Asia. Royals like Babur, Humayun, and Akbar held him in very high esteem. He was a pioneer in adapting ancient Indian yogic practices and meditative techniques in folds of Sufism and was instrumental in promoting secular values in lives of royals and commoners around