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Victor de Boer
Linked Data and Sparql and Dutch Ships and Sailors
The ‘problem’
(Maritime-historical) (archival) data is not integrated
Data is “lost” or published without
In different physical locations
In different file formats
In different semantic structures
We do not want to force one
monolithic data model
Flexible integration
Re-use existing data sources
Linked Data
Machine readable format
Flexibility to connect heterogeneous data
Link what can be linked
re-use and re-usability
Open Data
is about licenses to allow reuse
Linked Data
is about technology for interoperability
What is Linked Open Data?
Web of Documents (WWW)
Linked Documents
Web of Data
Linked Data
How does all this work?
Data, not documents
Structured data
Graph (networked) data!
W3C Web standards stack
Four rules of Linked Data
1. Use URIs as names for things
2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up
those names.
3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful
information, using the standards (RDF)
4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can
discover more things.
Use HTTP URIs for Things
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is
a string of characters used to identify a name
of a resource
I can go there (dereference) and then I get
information about it
HTML page for humans
RDF data for machines
Semantic Web standard for writing down data, information
(Subject, Relation, Object)
<Painting001, has_location, Amsterdam>
Resource Description Framework
Painting001 Amsterdam
Resource Description Format (RDF)
Triples form Graphs
52.38084, 4.63683
RDFS adds some reasoning
(Classes and Properties)
Dutch Ships and Sailors
Dutch-Asiatic Shipping“VOC Opvarenden”
Jur Leinenga
Matthias van Rossum
Elbing voyagesArchangel voyages
gzmvoc: schip-1046-De_Berkel
“De Berkel”
gzmvoc: type-Ship
gzmvoc:heeft DAS heenreis
Integrate datasets
No monolithic datamodel needed
No normalisation / dumbing down of data needed
Retain original model and intent
Reuse: Links to other web resources
Historical Newspapers
[HARLINGEN, 24 October.]
…gestrand. Tevens is het berigt
ontvan°e > dat het hier
behoorende schoonerschip
Transit, kapitein Schaap, in de
Noordzee is gezonken, nadat het
achterschip was weggeslagen ;
een ligtmatroos verloor daarbij
het leven. Mede zijn hier drie
vreemde schepen met meer en
minder zware averij
mdb:Schip1 mdb:Kof
das:ShipX das:Kofship
skos: broader
Reuse: background knowledge
AAT = Art & Architecture Thesaurus
OWL = Web ontology language
Linking to other
Data analysis and visualisation
SPARQL: The query language for RDF data
?record dss:hasOriginalScan ?scan.
?record dss:has_kb_link ?kblink.
?record mdb:schip ?schip.
?schip mdb:scheepstype ?shiptype.
?shiptype skos:exactMatch ?em.
?em skos:broader* aat:kustvaarders.
QUERYING Linked Data
Three main ways of accessing
remote Linked Data
1. Through HTTP request on the resource
2. Through SPARQL queries
3. Get a copy of a dataset
1. Through HTTP request on the
resource URI
HTTP GET on resource, parse, follow links
Simple HTTP requests and RDF parsing
Requires dereferencable URIs
One request per resource: may require many
Local caching can be done
Crawling GET /resource/Amsterdam HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html;q=0.5, application/rdf+xml
I’m ok with HTML… …but I really prefer RDF
curl -L -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml"
curl -L -H "Accept: text/turtle"
curl -L -H "Accept: text/turtle"
With Sindice inspector (or other tool)
2. Get a local copy of a dataset
crawling or
direct file download
Save in triple store
or convert to something else
RDF Libraries
Redland: Perl, Python,
PHP, Ruby, C#, Objective-C
Jena: Java
RDFLib: Python
ActiveRDF: Ruby
3. Through SPARQL queries
Full-blown query language
Needs SPARQL endpoint
$query =
"SELECT distinct ?title ?description WHERE {
?x <>
?x <> ?title.
?x <> ?description }
$requestURL = ''.urlencode($query);
$response = request($requestURL);
SPARQL in PHP example
Handson with SPARQL
With slides from
Knud Hinnerk Moeller
A Query-language for the Web of
SPARQL – Querying the Web of
query language for RDF graphs (i.e., linked
extract specific information out of a
dataset (or several datasets)
"The SQL for the Web of Data"
SPARQL Endpoint
PREFIX mo: <>
PREFIX dce: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?album ?title ?release_date
?album a mo:Record ;
dce:date ?release_date ;
dce:title ?title .
FILTER (year(?release_date) = 2007 &&
month(?release_date) = 7)
ORDER BY ?release_date
SPARQL in a Nutshell
PREFIX mo: <>
PREFIX dce: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?album ?title ?release_date
?album a mo:Record ;
dce:date ?release_date ;
dce:title ?title .
FILTER (year(?release_date) = 2007 &&
month(?release_date) = 7)
ORDER BY ?release_date
graph pattern
<artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> .
<artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string .
<artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> .
<artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime .
<record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy .
<record/8836> a mo:Record .
<record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
Triple and Graph Patterns
?album a mo:Record ;
dce:date ?release_date ;
dce:title ?title .
FILTER (year(?release_date) =
2007 &&
month(?release_date) = 7)
One Variable
<artist/3732> foaf:made ?record .
<artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> .
<artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string .
<artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> .
<artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime .
<record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy .
<record/8836> a mo:Record .
<record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
Two Variables
?artist foaf:made ?record .
<artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> .
<artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string .
<artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> .
<artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime .
<record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy .
<record/8836> a mo:Record .
<record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
Three Variables
?subject ?predicate ?object .
<artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> .
<artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string .
<artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> .
<artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime .
<record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy .
<record/8836> a mo:Record .
<record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
A full Graph Pattern
?artist a mo:MusicArtist ;
foaf:name ?artist_name ;
foaf:homepage ?homepage .
<artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> .
<artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> .
<artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string .
<artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist .
<artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:img <> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> .
<artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> .
<artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime .
<record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> .
<record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise .
<record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy .
<record/8836> a mo:Record .
<record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
Dutch Ships and Sailors
?record dss:hasOriginalScan ?scan.
?record dss:has_kb_link ?kblink.
?record mdb:schip ?schip.
?schip mdb:scheepstype ?shiptype.
?shiptype skos:exactMatch ?em.
?em skos:broader* aat:kustvaarders.

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Intro to Linked, Dutch Ships and Sailors and SPARQL handson

  • 1. Victor de Boer Linked Data and Sparql and Dutch Ships and Sailors
  • 2. The ‘problem’ (Maritime-historical) (archival) data is not integrated Data is “lost” or published without reusability In different physical locations In different file formats In different semantic structures We do not want to force one monolithic data model Flexible integration Re-use existing data sources
  • 3. Linked Data Machine readable format Standardized Flexibility to connect heterogeneous data Link what can be linked re-use and re-usability OBJECT EVENT PLACE TIME PERSON CONCEPT PROVENANCE
  • 4. Open Data is about licenses to allow reuse Linked Data is about technology for interoperability What is Linked Open Data?
  • 5. Web of Documents (WWW) Linked Documents
  • 7. How does all this work? Data, not documents Structured data Graph (networked) data! W3C Web standards stack URIs, HTTP, RDF, RDFa, RDFS, OWL, SPARQL, etc.
  • 8. Four rules of Linked Data 1. Use URIs as names for things 2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names. 3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF) 4. Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.
  • 9. Use HTTP URIs for Things Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a resource I can go there (dereference) and then I get information about it HTML page for humans RDF data for machines
  • 10. Semantic Web standard for writing down data, information (Subject, Relation, Object) <Painting001, has_location, Amsterdam> Resource Description Framework (RDF) Painting001 Amsterdam has_location
  • 11. Resource Description Format (RDF) Triples form Graphs rijks:Painting001 geo:Haarlem rijks:Frans_Hals 147590 52.38084, 4.63683 geo:Noord-Holland geo:Netherlands rijks:Painting002
  • 12. RDFS adds some reasoning (Classes and Properties)
  • 14. Dutch Ships and Sailors KB NEWSPAPERS Dutch-Asiatic Shipping“VOC Opvarenden” Jur Leinenga Matthias van Rossum Elbing voyagesArchangel voyages
  • 15. HETEROGENEOUS but LINKED DATAMODELS dss:Record gzmvoc:Telling gzmvoc:telling-1046-De_Berkel __bnode_1 gzmvoc:aziatischeBemanning dss:Ship gzmvoc:Schip gzmvoc: schip-1046-De_Berkel dss:has_ship gzmvoc:schip "1046" “Schip” “De Berkel” rdfs:label dss:scheepsnaam gzmvoc:scheepsnaam dss:ShipType gzmvoc:Scheepstype gzmvoc: type-Ship dss:has_shiptype gzmvoc:has_shiptype gzmvoc:scheepstype “21” “Moorse mattroosen” dss:azRegistratieKop gzmvoc:azAantalMatrozen gzmvoc:telling gzmvoc:heeft DAS heenreis dss:Record das:Voyage das:voyage-1918_61 Integrate datasets No monolithic datamodel needed No normalisation / dumbing down of data needed Retain original model and intent
  • 16. Reuse: Links to other web resources Historical Newspapers isReferencedBy [HARLINGEN, 24 October.] …gestrand. Tevens is het berigt ontvan°e > dat het hier behoorende schoonerschip Transit, kapitein Schaap, in de Noordzee is gezonken, nadat het achterschip was weggeslagen ; een ligtmatroos verloor daarbij het leven. Mede zijn hier drie vreemde schepen met meer en minder zware averij binnengeloopen.
  • 17. mdb:Schip1 mdb:Kof mdb:scheepsType das:ShipX das:Kofship das:typeOfShip Aat:Kof Aat:Platbodems skos: broader Reuse: background knowledge AAT = Art & Architecture Thesaurus OWL = Web ontology language
  • 20. Data analysis and visualisation
  • 21. SPARQL: The query language for RDF data SELECT * WHERE { ?record dss:hasOriginalScan ?scan. ?record dss:has_kb_link ?kblink. ?record mdb:schip ?schip. ?schip mdb:scheepstype ?shiptype. ?shiptype skos:exactMatch ?em. ?em skos:broader* aat:kustvaarders. }
  • 23. Three main ways of accessing remote Linked Data 1. Through HTTP request on the resource URI 2. Through SPARQL queries 3. Get a copy of a dataset
  • 24. 1. Through HTTP request on the resource URI HTTP GET on resource, parse, follow links Simple HTTP requests and RDF parsing Requires dereferencable URIs One request per resource: may require many requests Local caching can be done Crawling GET /resource/Amsterdam HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: text/html;q=0.5, application/rdf+xml I’m ok with HTML… …but I really prefer RDF
  • 25. With CURL curl -L -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" curl -L -H "Accept: text/turtle" curl -L -H "Accept: text/turtle" With Sindice inspector (or other tool)
  • 26. 2. Get a local copy of a dataset through SPARQL CONSTRUCT, crawling or direct file download Save in triple store or convert to something else
  • 27. RDF Libraries Redland: Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, C#, Objective-C Jena: Java RDFLib: Python ARC2: PHP ActiveRDF: Ruby
  • 28. 3. Through SPARQL queries Full-blown query language Needs SPARQL endpoint $query = "SELECT distinct ?title ?description WHERE { ?x <> <>. ?x <> ?title. ?x <> ?description } LIMIT 10 "; $requestURL = ''.urlencode($query); $response = request($requestURL); SPARQL in PHP example
  • 29. Handson with SPARQL With slides from Knud Hinnerk Moeller
  • 30. SPARQL A Query-language for the Web of Data
  • 31. SPARQL – Querying the Web of Data query language for RDF graphs (i.e., linked data) extract specific information out of a dataset (or several datasets) "The SQL for the Web of Data"
  • 33. PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX dce: <> PREFIX xsd: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?album ?title ?release_date WHERE { ?album a mo:Record ; dce:date ?release_date ; dce:title ?title . FILTER (year(?release_date) = 2007 && month(?release_date) = 7) } ORDER BY ?release_date
  • 34. SPARQL in a Nutshell
  • 35. PREFIX mo: <> PREFIX dce: <> PREFIX xsd: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?album ?title ?release_date WHERE { ?album a mo:Record ; dce:date ?release_date ; dce:title ?title . FILTER (year(?release_date) = 2007 && month(?release_date) = 7) } ORDER BY ?release_date graph pattern
  • 36. <artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3908> foaf:img <> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> . <artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string . <artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3732> foaf:img <> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> . <artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime . <record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy . <record/8836> a mo:Record . <record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
  • 37. Triple and Graph Patterns WHERE { ?album a mo:Record ; dce:date ?release_date ; dce:title ?title . FILTER (year(?release_date) = 2007 && month(?release_date) = 7) }
  • 39. <artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3908> foaf:img <> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> . <artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string . <artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3732> foaf:img <> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> . <artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime . <record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy . <record/8836> a mo:Record . <record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
  • 41. <artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3908> foaf:img <> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> . <artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string . <artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3732> foaf:img <> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> . <artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime . <record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy . <record/8836> a mo:Record . <record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
  • 43. <artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3908> foaf:img <> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> . <artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string . <artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3732> foaf:img <> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> . <artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime . <record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy . <record/8836> a mo:Record . <record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
  • 44. A full Graph Pattern ?artist a mo:MusicArtist ; foaf:name ?artist_name ; foaf:homepage ?homepage .
  • 45. <artist/3908> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3908> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3908> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3908> foaf:img <> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/3604> . <artist/3908> foaf:made <record/4295> . <artist/3908> foaf:name "Petit Homme"^^xsd:string . <artist/3732> a mo:MusicArtist . <artist/3732> foaf:based_near <> . <artist/3732> foaf:homepage <> . <artist/3732> foaf:img <> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/3738> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/4092> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/6361> . <artist/3732> foaf:made <record/8836> . <artist/3732> foaf:name "Whiteshoulders"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> dce:date "2007-10-09T15:58:17"^^xsd:dateTime . <record/8836> dce:title "W (EP)"^^xsd:string . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90496> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90504> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90508> . <record/8836> mo:track <track/90510> . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:electro . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:experimental . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noise . <record/8836> hg:taggedWithTag tags:noisy . <record/8836> a mo:Record . <record/8836> foaf:maker <artist/3732> .
  • 46. Dutch Ships and Sailors
  • 47. ACCESS IT AT HTTP://DUTCHSHIPSANDSAILORS.NL/DATA OR HTTP://SEMANTICWEB.CS.VU.NL/DSS SELECT * WHERE { ?record dss:hasOriginalScan ?scan. ?record dss:has_kb_link ?kblink. ?record mdb:schip ?schip. ?schip mdb:scheepstype ?shiptype. ?shiptype skos:exactMatch ?em. ?em skos:broader* aat:kustvaarders. }