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Interview, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources And...
This research will explain five researches terminology that includes the case study, interview,
primary sources, secondary sources and questionnaires. To analyze and interpret their relationship
with the designer, and providing the relationship of how important between these five objects and
communication design. Thereby enabling the designer to know they are facing the real needs of
customers, and how they connect and related to each other.Introduction
This research will explain five researches terminology that includes the case study, interview,
primary sources, secondary sources and questionnaires. To analyze and interpret their relationship
with the designer, and providing the relationship of how important between these five objects and
communication design. Thereby enabling the designer to know they are facing the real needs of
customers, and how they connect and related to each other.
Case study
The case study is an in–depth study of a special case rather than a comprehensive study. This is an
extensive one for the narrow arena of research methods and the discipline of a readily available
research. On the case study method is really broad, especially for social science, psychology,
anthropology and ecology. At the same time can also be applied to the design industry. Case studies
include research design, choosing a case, collect data, analyze data and writing reports. Designers
need to research customer psychology in the design industry, develop a plan, collect
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A Research Study On Primary Source And Primary Sources For...
1.6. Literature Sources
1.6.1. Primary source:
A primary source is defined as a document or a source of research data built up at the same time as
the research subject and directly connected to the events or people being research (Concordia
Library, 2010). Primary sources can be in form of diaries, speeches, letters (Concordia Library,
The first primary source that will be used is a webpage called "Positive parenting tips" by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the USA in 2015. The webpage is about how children
develop in different periods of their lives and tips for parents of children in different age groups. The
information was written by a governmental organization with many experts in the US which makes
it very reliable to the readers. However, most of the data is about parenting and child development,
which is not relative to this research. The researcher has decided to use the age groups divided and
named by this organization to answer Research Question 1 about the general background of colour
as a marketing technique for child–oriented food products.
The second primary source will be used is "Set of Recommendations on the Marketing of Food and
Non–alcoholic beverage to Children" published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010.
This is a PDF file about the current condition of child–oriented food marketing in the view of health
activists. The document is very up–to–date, valid and reliable as it is built up by WHO, one of the
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Primary Source Analysis
This particular journal article is centered on the idea of integrating primary sources into middle
grades social studies classes, in particular digital primary sources. The authors begins with
explaining how many students find history to be boring, and how it has been surveyed as one of the
least liked subjects being taught. The article explains that one way to add meaning to social studies
classes is to incorporate studying famous historical figures. Studying historical people helps students
understand that history lessons that are implemented are actually relevant and pertinent to their real
lives. The author makes the case that text books are not working, and are actually harming to social
studies classrooms. The author states his main ... Show more content on ...
The author really presents a strong case for why social studies teachers in middle grades must begin
incorporating primary sources into their classrooms and lessons. The author provides references
from multiple different experts and studies to support his claim. The article also makes a really
strong argument for why digital historical resources are much more efficient and easy to use in the
classroom, and also why these digital sources are more appealing to students. I really liked how the
article presented the basics on the SOURCE technique, and then went into a very in depth analysis
on each step. The article makes implementing a primary source into a social studies class much
more accessible for teachers, and even provides examples of where to access these digital resources
and sources the author refers to in the article. This article presents a extremely convincing case on
the benefits of incorporating these digital primary sources into middle grades social studies
classrooms as much as
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Aztec Primary Sources
In my lesson plan, I intend to use both primary and secondary sources. For my primary sources, I
plan on using Spanish and Aztec diary letters and codices. I plan on using Hernan Cortes' "Second
Letter to Emperor Charles V," which describes his exploits and capture of Montezuma II and the
Aztec capital. This source also contains the first published detailed map of the Aztec capital
Tenochtitlan drawn by the Spanish. My students will be able to analyze the reasons why the Spanish
captured the Aztec capital. By using the map, I also want to show my students how substantial the
Aztec capital was, to illustrate how advanced this civilization was, as well as how the Spanish
created a detailed map to use for strategic military purposes when they
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Jacques Cartier: A Primary Source Analysis
Within the realm of history, a source of evidence is essential in order to differentiate the fact from
fiction. This is why a primary source is so vital! Because, a primary source provides the reader with
direct evidence of an event or a speech; giving them a better understanding of the material. The only
problem is: these sources do not provide the full facts, leaving the readers with a plethora of
questions. Don't get me wrong though, the readers should be asking a lot of questions! Because,
with all of those questions, the reader can be engaged with the content in order to find some
concrete evidence.
An adequate example of a primary source is within page 18 of J.M. Bumsteds textbook A History of
the Canadian Peoples called, Jacques Cartier
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Anzaac Primary Sources
A plethora of reasons exist to which why the accounts are both different and similar. ANZAC troops
were outnumbered in all instances because they were fighting the same opponent, similar weaponry
was employed as all ANZAC troops were issued an identical set of weapons, the nature of the
conflict reflected all of the battles as the same strategies were used, terrain similarities occurred
because they were all situated in the same vicinity, all accounts entered via ship as no other route
existed, courage, fearlessness and audacity were all common behaviours for the ANZACs as they all
came from more or less the same background in Australia and those characteristics were frequent
and finally, heavy casualties, for the same reason as nature of the operation, occurred due to the
recklessness of the whole operation. The ... Show more content on ...
They are primary sources in the form of letters by soldiers who have a firsthand account of WWI.
Primary articles include; "I threw off my pack and took cover behind a heap of pebbles. There was
no cover from bullets as the Turks were entrenched on the top of a cliff..." and "The shrapnel was
worse than hell, was getting nearer to us every minute...". Although the letters are firsthand
accounts, some information mentioned is secondary or mentioned to them by another source. These
secondary sources include; "Craig went on to recount reports he had heard: that the 2nd Brigade had
been sent to reinforce the French and British after two days resand with barely 1000 men left." and
"The Turks were estimated to be 50 to 1". These sources were written directly after the experience
so error concerning memory is ruled out. Considering these sources are human made, they could be,
and most likely are influenced by one, if not a variety of variables, including; propaganda, officers,
soldiers, family or the government concerning condition of war, organisation or even
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Use Of Factual Primary Sources For Bullying And What I...
For many years bullying has seemed to become a norm for people from all backgrounds and
lifestyles within society. The unique thing about bullying is that at times it may occur amongst
people that are closest to the victims. Such as, family members, friends, co–workers, or from other
known and sometimes unknown assailants. There is no definitive way to pinpoint what makes
bullying occur or how it will affect an individual. Because everyone has different tolerance levels
and may find alternate ways to cope with bullying whether negative or positive. The purpose of this
expository paper is to use factual primary sources to identify how real life bullying experiences can
affect a persons life, this is based on real life experiences. I will clarify how these sources are
relevant to bullying and what I learned from it. In addition I will explain what valuable information I
learned from my primary sources that I didn 't from my secondary sources. There many people who
have given there account on bullying experiences. Some of their accounts are pretty disturbing and
will make you wonder what makes an individual or group of people harass and bullying someone
else. Is there really anything someone can say to justify these actions? no there isn 't. What can be
said is that bullying has become a social problem that public–figures now are resorting to using their
social status and influence to bring attention to this controversial topic. Many of these public–
figures tell tales
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Primary Source Analysis
Primary sources are original source created or compiled during an observation or event. These
documents are raw materials which provide first–hand accounts or direct evidence about a topic
under the examination. Primary sources, according to William Kelleher Storey in Writing History: A
Guide for Students, "originate in the time period that historian are studying and vary a great deal."
Primary source documents can help reconstruct a particular event that happened in the past. For
example, if someone is interested on landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases, he or she would analyze
the records these cases. Primary sources may include but not limited to, memoirs, government
documents, autobiographies, government documents, transcripts, traditions, courtroom testimonies,
witness interviews, evidence gathered during investigation, visual, artifacts and archaeological and
biological evidence. "Primary ... Show more content on ...
Secondary sources are based on interpretation of events and primary source documents being
researched. These types of information are created by people who did not have first–hand
knowledge, participate, or experience the events being studied. For the most part, secondary sources
are books, newspapers, magazine and journal articles, and encyclopedias. For example, the book,
The Day Wall Street Exploded: A Story of America in Its First Age of Terror, by Beverly Gage,
could be used as a secondary source to learn about the September 1920 vicious explosion of a
cluster bombs planted on a horse–drawn wagon on Wall Street that scythed 38 people. In addition,
one of the most interesting aspects of secondary source is that it provides a researcher an
opportunity to broaden his or her research by looking and analyzing works by other scholars on a
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Book Of Exodus: Primary Source Analysis
My primary source reading was the "Book of Exodus: Moses Leads the Hebrews from Egypt" found
in the primary source reader in Launchpad. This primary source is known as a historian's raw
material. This source is written from the time of the event being studied which happens to be from
950–450 B.C.E. timeline. In summary, the Book of Exodus (2nd book of the Hebrew Torah and the
Christian Old Testament) "recounts the escape of the Hebrew people from captivity in Egypt and
their forty year journey through the desert to the promised land" (Launchpad). Specifically, this
primary source looks at a passage that recounts the "climatic events of the Exodus, when the
Hebrew people fled Egypt and later when Moses received the Covenant from God" (Launchpad).
Moses channels God's power and relays his messages to the Israelites, which establishes and
strengthens the idea of monotheism, which is the backbone of the Hebrew religion. The following
paragraphs will look deeper into the primary source and demonstrate how Moses forms a
relationship with not only the slaves but also serve as an ... Show more content on ...
It was near Mount Sinai that the Lord had delivered rules, commonly known as the Ten
Commandments. Due to the constraints on the length of the paper, I will not be discussing or
analyzing them in great detail. But, there is one commandment that should be noted and that is "You
shall have no other Gods before me." This is the rock of the monotheistic religion. It was said after
God stated he brought the Hebrews out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Soon
after, God continued to make ordinances that would protect slaves from maltreatment and form a
basis of respect and dignity towards humans and animals. I can only infer from there, that God had
won their support and that this belief and religion will continue to spread worldwide and is
commonly practiced
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Primary Source Analysis
Primary sources refer to accounts of events that are written by an eye witness who witness that
particular event. These documents are more often letters, memoirs, diaries, speeches, interviews,
journals and other unpublished works of people who witness events. Primary sources may also
include pieces such as magazine articles; newspapers and other published pieces as long as they
were written as soon as the event took place. The secondary sources on the other hand play the role
of interpreting the primary sources. It is for this reason that they can be described as having at least
one step eliminated from the event in question. Secondary sources will assign value to, interpret and
conjecture upon the events reported in the primary sources.
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Jfk Primary Sources
Primary Sources–
Baskin, Robert E. "10 Years after Shuttle Columbia Tragedy, Crew's Kids, Spouses Still Struggle ..."
Dallas Morning News. N.p., 13 Jan. 2013. Web. 5 Feb. 2013
This is a newspaper article that was published the day after John F. Kennedy was assassinated,
November 23, 1963. It describes how Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president, he takes the
presidential oath only an hour and a half after John F. Kennedy has been shot. Another article on the
front page of this paper is written about the impacting shattering to the world's capital. There are
many short articles written on this front page. This is a reliable primary source because it was
written the day after the assassination happened and they were living during the time it happened.
(MO) ... Show more content on ...
"Why JFK Died, and Why it Matters 48 Years Later." The Huffington Post. Huffington, Nov
22. 2012. Web. Sept. 9 2012. . This website was an article from The Huffinton Post, a Canadian
newspaper. This article was very helpful and one of our first sources. This article explains what
happened on the day of the assassination and a few different theories, and hidden confessions. This
website really sparks your curiosity, huh?
"JFK Legacy". John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. JOHN F. KENNEDY
PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. Columbia Point, Boston MA, n.d. Web 21 Oct. 2012.
. This Website is from the JFK Presidential Museum and Library in Boston, Massachusetts. This is
one of the many sections of this large, impressive website that says about things that John F.
Kennedy inspired or created. This is a very good source.
"35th President: John Fitzgerald Kennedy." Presidential Museums. Presidential, n.d.
Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . This website was very informative, giving things like, "famous quotes", or
animals at the white house. This website is one of my favorites because it had so many abstract,
unusual facts that made it stand out more than others. We couldn't find facts like these anywhere
else. This is a very unique
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Primary Sources: Real Life Experiences
Primary sources, in other words "firsthand" accounts. These accounts are based on original data and
knowledge (i.e. the Fifteenth Amendment.) Primary sources are real life experiences; however, these
experiences were documented when the event happened. When a reader is looking for sources,
primary sources are unlike secondary sources, they are the real deal, not someone's interpretation,
commentary or what they think may have happened. states "Some types of primary
sources include: ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (excerpts or translations acceptable): Diaries,
speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, official records
CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art RELICS OR ARTIFACTS: Pottery,
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Primary Source Analysis: Front Lines In Education
The primary source I located titled, "Front Lines in Education". This primary source provides
information on different programs that were established to improve teacher preparation programs
throughout the United States. The information provided allows the reader to gain a better
understanding of how programs were changed to support pre–service teachers to ensure they are
successful. Gutek (2013) discusses how clinical experiences and practice teaching, orginated in
normal schools and they are crucial components in teacher preparation programs today (p. 219). He
describes William C. Bagley's contributions to normal school programs and provides the four
components in the teacher education program he designed (Gutek, 2013, p. 218). Gutek
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Cincinnatus Primary Sources
Primary sources are typically original documents that offer an inside view of that particular event.
This primary source is a picture of a statute which allows us to assume that it's to represent a hero of
some sort, so he was an important figure in his time. We can also assume the time period based on
his clothing; the clothes he has on can be associated with a time way before any of us were born.
Upon other research, I have concluded that this statue is of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, who was a
historical figure in Rome. In this essay, I will explain the importance of this primary source. Based
on this picture, or primary source, we can assume that the figure shown is a hero or a respected
person in society. This person obviously was part of a higher level of society, judging by the fact
that he has a statue made of him to allow his legacy to live. Statues usually signal some form of
legacy or something that should be recognized. Based on my extra research, I have found out that
Cincinnatus is said to have won a war against an entire army in one day, and triumphed over Rome.
He then proceeded to resign and go back to his small farm. He was a hard–working civilian who
took over as dictator for a short time to help out and ... Show more content on ...
I think this statue is meant to show Cincinnatus' victory and short dictatorship over Rome as well as
his first attachment to his farm. The statue is trying to convey a message of being a hard–working
leader and citizen. The ax in one hand symbolizes his power he has as the dictator, and he may be
holding it out as a symbol of handing down his powers, while his other hand holds a plow, which
attaches him to his farm. Cincinnatus' legacy is meant to show that a true, loyal citizen won't let
anything stop him from helping his city when needed. I believe the intended audience of this statue
is whoever needs a reminder and an example to live by to be an upright, loyal
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Why is The Jungleby Upton Sinclair Considered a Primary...
Primary sources are used by people who have experienced specific events in their lives. They allow
a reader to connect to them on a more relatable basis. Primary sources are also very reliable because
the author of a book or newspaper article, for example, was actually there. So they have all the
evidence they need for what is being documented. The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, is a primary
source because Jurgis actually went through the hard labor conditions that occurred in the
Progressive Era (1900–1916). The Jungle puts a face to the issues of grueling work hours, poor
working conditions, unbearable living arrangements, exploitation of the poor, and uneducated
working class. Issues of Industrial Democracy, child labor, and the minimum wage became so
important to Americans during this period. This Era saw a change in some of the main reasons that
controlled American individualism after the unrestrained years of the late 19th century; arguments
over labor, social conflict, and unstable economy.
With the growth of industry in the United States, the population of cities began to grow substantially
(Tovanche Lecture). They started providing job opportunities in factories, offices, and other places
as well. The cities became the main center of wealth and also poverty. A huge class of the
impoverished lived in slums. Some even lived underground in the sewers, and a huge percentage of
the poor came from newly arrived immigrants who were coming to America in large numbers from
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Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary...
Treyci Krenzer
HST 102
Sep. 3, 2016
From the Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary Sources by James Harvey
Robinson, I've learned that the difference between primary and secondary sources is the different
information that we gain.This meaning that sometimes what we learn from a secondary source may
not necessarily cover all of what primary sources may hold. Primary sources are often more helpful
if there is truly a want to learn and to get a full rounded education of what really happened in the
past. Primary sources are reports of information from a direct witness that saw an important event
occur that changed a part of history. Primary sources can usually be found in various documents,
manuscripts, ... Show more content on ...
In Why Study History? By Peter N. Stearns there are many reasons on why the past has made an
impact on today's time. History offers us answers on how people of other times operated and
handled situations within their environments. We can learn from past ideas, strategies, and failures
to help further us into the future to become better and even more skilled with our own situations. We
can look back to the basics of trends and problems and realize what we must to do differently or
learn from to improve today's' society. History is also who we are as a nation, and as people, it
brings understand who we are, why we are the way we are, and even answers question we may not
have asked. It brings identity and gives us a purpose for being part of something bigger that we may
not necessary not even know we are a part of. Along with understanding people and defining who
we are, history as gives us a moral understanding. It lets us learn about people, not in their societies,
but who they were as people and makes us think about ourselves. There are stories about people
who stood up for what they believed in, who fought for their way of life and worked hard to get to
where they ended up being when everyone else said they couldn't. It makes people of the present
stop and thinks about how they can give to their own time and make a difference. It's different than
finding their own identity because it's working for something greater than just one person, it impacts
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Primary Source Vs Secondary Source Analysis
The major differences that exist between primary source and secondary source authors are its
reliability and credibility. Secondary source authors hold certain disadvantages in that the authors
did not directly experience the actual event, meaning that they do not have a first–hand account of
the experience that occurred. Because these secondary source authors were not affected, their
information could contain inaccurate data, or their opinions askew due to their lack of a direct
experience. Although secondary sources may have their disadvantages, secondary source authors
have the ability to analyze, interpret, evaluate, and synthesize the original events and data that could
not be done initially due to time constraints. With the ability to analyze statistics and documents,
authors can construct explanations and justifications as to why these events arose. ... Show more
content on ...
Secondary sources may include a collection of multiple reliable sources, but secondary source
authors have a high possibility of distorting historical accuracy due to their perspective. However,
primary source authors may not be completely reliable, may be one–sided, and cannot be consulted
for verification since they are deceased. Take for example, Bartolome de las Casas who took the side
of the Indians after he witnessed a full–scale massacre. Bartolome stated, "The reason the Christians
have murdered on such a vast scale and killed anyone and everyone in their way is purely and
simply greed." His opinions are one–sided due to his past observance of only a part of what took
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Primary Sources
Primary sources are useful because they are the reports and interpretations of the historians that are
closer to the event. Therefore, some of the primary sources that will be most helpful when
researching to what extent did the military play a role in the decision to drop the atomic bomb on
August 6, 1945. First, I would use the interviews and memos that lead up to the event; I will read
some of the interviews that were conducted from sources like Robert Oppenheimer, Stanislaus
Ulam, and Kathleen Maxwell, these people are important, because they are the individuals who
actually worked on the bomb. I will pull the interviews from the Voices of the Manhattan Project.
Then I would like to get into the actual decision and meetings in Potsdam, which will be pulled from
a few memos, ... Show more content on ...
Take for instance, in Groves (1993) article on "The Story of the Manhattan Project" it is related to
the interviews conducted by scholars on the "Voices of the Manhattan projects," because some of
Groves' direct quotes were pulled from the interviews about how the Manhattan project began. Even
Samuel Walker, who wrote about a fierce debate among many scholars, his evidences and facts were
taken from the information from Truman's Library documents, memorandums, and meeting notes.
Also, some of the data was even taken from the National Security Archives to come up with a clear
conclusion to why Truman's administration came to decide whether or not to use the bomb on Japan
on August 6, 1945. However, most of the secondary sources do support the primary sources that I
will investigate, but there is at least one that does show a little bias or contradicts the facts. Thus,
Bernstein does present a little bit of bias, because he does not write about all the points, but he
stands by his beliefs and maintains his own opinions to why the bomb was
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Primary Source Analysis
The primary source I located in the Journal of Social Forces was titled, "The Kindergarten and Other
School Social Work". This primary source provides information on the social side of kindergarten.
The information provided allows the reader to gain a better understanding of how the foundations of
social skills are formed in kindergarten.
Gutek (2013) discusses kindergarten and how it has evolved over the years in chapter 7. He writes
about Friedrich Froebel who "developed an enlightened concept of childhood and designed a
method of early childhood education that led to the establishment of the kindergarten" (Gutek, 2013,
p. 252). Froebel emphasized play as a healthy means by which children could express their inner
insights and feelings with one another (Gutek, 2013, p. 253). After reading the section about
Froebel, I wanted to know more about the establishment of kindergarten and how this structure
aided in the development of a child's social skills. ... Show more content on ...
Leeper (1923) explains that "the informal character of kindergarten work makes it possible for
children to find themselves in situations like, or very similar to, those they find in society outside of
school" (p. 2). He goes on to explain that working in cooperative groups helps to give them the
moral and social training that is effective (p. 2). Later on in the article Leeper (1923) discusses a
study that was conducted and found that over fifty percent of the activities of children between the
ages of four and seven are social in character and require cooperation of the group (p. 2). Leeper
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Is Upton Sinclair's The Jungle a Primary Source?
The Jungle written by Upton Sinclair shows a vivid description of life and the living condition in the
meat and other industry around Chicago. The Jungle is full of examples of historical content about
profit, corruption, and condition making it a good primary source. To determine whether a book is a
primary source or a secondary source, a person needs to know what a primary and secondary source
is. First, a primary source, define by Princeton, "is a document or physical object which was written
or created during the time under study." Also, "these sources were present during an experience or
time period and offer an inside view of a particular event. While a secondary source interprets and
analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event." (Primary
vs Secondary) Next thing to consider is the background about the author and how he is involved
with the story. Upton Sinclair was writing about a meat packing company and had a firsthand
account of the terrible things that company did to the animals and the workers. Since Sinclair was
there during that time and documented the experience of workers and their condition, his book
would be declared a primary source. What Sinclair saw was his inspiration to write about his most
famous and moving book, The Jungle. Upton Sinclair was not a famous writer until his release of
the book and his book caused major reform in the food industry around the country.
During the late 1800s and early 1900s
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Primary Sources In The United States
Primary sources, in other words, are "firsthand" accounts. These accounts are based on original data
and knowledge (i.e. the Fifteenth Amendment.) Primary sources impersonate real life experiences;
however, these experiences were documented when the event happened. When a reader is looking
for sources, primary sources are unlike secondary sources, they are the real deal, not someone's
interpretation, commentary or what they think may have happened. states "Some
types of primary sources include: ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (excerpts or translations acceptable):
Diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, official
records CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art RELICS OR ARTIFACTS: Pottery,
furniture, clothing, buildings." ... Show more content on ...
For example, if there wasn't a Constitution of the United States or even a Declaration of
Independence, America today would evidently be like 1777 America. There would still be no rights
for women and minorities, presidents would still thrive thirteen or more years like FDR and et
cetera. In addition to the stated above, if primary sources were nonexistent, we'd be clueless to any
truths. Compared to all the similar tall tales around the world; no one knows which one is true and
the original. An example of this would be children in a circle, their teacher tells them to pass "I like
spaghetti for dinner" around ear to ear. By the fifth child the phrase changes to something not far
from "I like confetti for dinner." One cannot write or study a topic without the right sources.
Furthermore, if primary sources were insubstantial, secondary sources would possibly not be around
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Primary Source Analysis Of The Rise Of Western Power
A primary source analysis is used to represent one of the most important jobs of an historian. By the
analyses of the primary source one is able to examine firsthand information from all the possible
areas of an event person or object. There are a couple of primary sources in "The Rise of Western
Power: A Comparative History of Western Civilization by Jonathan Daly. In this case we are going
to explain how these sources relate to the western civilization and their importance to the
understanding of the European history and the world history in general. First and foremost, we take
a look at the letter to Heliodors from St Jerome in (347–420 ad). Saint Jerome an extraordinarily
learned priest is vastly known for a large amount of extensive writings
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Primary Source Analysis of Queen Elizabeth I Essay
This essay aims to analyse two historical primary sources in relation to Queen Elizabeth I, also
known as the 'Virgin Queen'; the essay will attempt to use the source in order to understand what it
is able to reveal about the past and her influence during her reign. The first source to be analysed
consists of a portrait of the Queen in her late sixties produced, apparently, by the French born artist
Isaac Oliver in the sixteen hundreds. In his portrait of the queen the artists, despite her age, presents
Elizabeth I as a healthy young woman who is still fit to rule her country; he maintains the idea of the
Queen being an iconic figure to look up to. The second source that will be analysed in order to
understand the past is a written ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, Queen Elizabeth I during her speech in Tilbury assigns herself the role of being the
'general, judge, and the rewarder of every one of' the virtues carried out by her troops on the field,
the term 'judge' further endorses the notion of Elizabeth having the characteristics of a God as he is
the true judge who decides those to be rewarded with acceptance to Heaven or punished in hell. On
the other hand it can be argued that the sources are suggesting that the Queen is not being portrayed
as a God, instead highlighting her devotion and reliance on religion. For example, in both sources it
is clear that the Queen was concerned about the religious aspects of her rule and therefore attempts
to incorporate it in everything she does. In the Rainbow Portrait the eyes and ears decorating her
dress may simply be showing that Elizabeth puts all her trust in God to lead her to victory. This is
similar in her speech when she states that she will 'live or die amongst you all– to lay down for my
God'. It is clear that the Queen is willing to risk her life for her creator, also highlighting that the
battle would be fought was for the sake of God, not for her. Despite the two arguments it is clear that
while she would have been viewed, by her
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Explain The Three Categories Of Primary Source Material
List and describe the three categories of primary source material. In law research, according to Yell
(2016), "Primary sources are actual statements of the law" (p.14). Yell also mentions the three
categories of primary sources; "laws or statues created by either federal or state legislatures and
signed in to the law, regulations promulgated by administrative agencies to implement the statues,
and judicial decisions the interpret that statutes and regulations" (p. 14). Why are the annotated code
versions of the United State Code so useful? According to Yell (2016), "federal statutes are
organized by topic and published in a series of volumes called the United Stated Code (U.S.C)"
(p.14). He also says that the two annotated versions of the
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Primary Sources Of Byzantine Sources
Primary Sources Research Paper After the fall of Rome, the Eastern Roman Empire survived and
eventually became known as the Byzantine Empire. As a center of trade, it lasted for over 1,000
years. The Byzantines' government made laws to keep its citizens safe and in order. Furthermore,
several documents revealed that the imperial government of the Byzantine Empire was involved
financially in the private and religious lives of its citizens. There were several ways that this
financial involvement could be seen. For instance, in the Translations from Byzantine Sources by
Paul Stephenson there is a list of some of Emperor Leo VI's laws. We see that grocers were
permitted to sell things such as: "meat, salt, fish," and "meal." Additionally, silk
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Fdr's Speech Primary Sources
With our history, perspective is key. When reading about a certain speech or event it is important to
make sure you have a reliable source. Sometimes primary sources are scarce, so secondary sources
will be needed. Sometimes the sources can clash with each other, making it hard to tell what is true
and not. Different perspectives of historic events can dampen understanding of the true message
given when personal bias and dim perspectives are applied. Our history is being influenced by
secondary sources rather than the real message of the primary source.
The speech I chose was FDR's State of Union Address from January 6th, 1941. President Franklin
D. Roosevelt gave this speech to Congress, was recorded and shown the the american people later ...
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One editorial of FDR's speech on the internet is titled "FDR and the Four Freedoms Speech." It is on
the FDR library website, and states that January 6th, 2016 marks the 75th anniversary of his speech.
The page basically aides anyone who wants to know about the speech but doesn't want to read it, it
is like a cheater page. The perspective seems like a person who analyzed the speech but also is
saying things that they believe FDR says which relates to personal bias. FDR never said that we
shall aid Great Britain in the speech, he only said for American's to be offering peacement
involvement. If you want to know more about FDR and making the speech the page is good, but it
also has fluff that you don't really need to know about his decisions. I believed the bias here is too
much knowledge in this person's part, it does seem like there is too much information to believe.
The author is not interpreting the event so the reader is in the dark, and I feel like it could have been
explained better than the american people need freedom and peace which was basically said. This
editorial is worse in the sense of all the fluff the person added to the editorial, the reader has only a
tad bit of knowledge about the speech, probably forcing them to look at a primary source to truly
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Use Of Primary And Secondary Sources
At first glance this book may seemed like just a collection of letters, songs, and inventory lists, but
shortly after entering the first chapter it was abundantly clear that the title is very misleading.
Laundry list's and love songs are but a minuscule, compared to the ample supply of translations that
the author Andrea McDowell has implemented into this collection. Village Life in Ancient Egypt
was published in 1999 by Oxford University Press, A well–known source of educational
publications. McDowell uses a small variety, but by no means lacking in quantity, of primary and
secondary sources, the majority of which consisted of translations from either unearthed ostraca, or
the less common papyrus. This Review will discuss the structure of the book, McDowell's use of
primary and secondary sources, and how she gets her argument across. This text contains an
abundance of information regarding, roughly every aspect of village life during the New Kingdom
(1570–1070 B.C) in ancient Egypt. The book is arranged into six chapters including an introduction
and an Epilogue. The chapters are: family and friends; daily life; religion; education, learning, and
literature; law and work on the royal tomb. Each Chapter is introduced with a brief description of its
contents and how the aged texts were implemented. Within each chapter are sub–headers that
describe itself along with its relation to the chapter. Within each sub–header are the translated
Egyptian texts. Each translated piece
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Gladiator Primary Sources Essay
Primary sources are essential to understanding historical time periods because they give a give a
glimpse into what life or an event was like in the time that the source was created. They can help to
contextualize what was going on and clarify initial understandings of the time period. This primary
source, is a poem written by Martial about Gladiator fights in Ancient Rome in 103 CE. It describes
Carpophorus who specialized in fighting against animals, and Priscus and Verus, two equally
matches Gladiators. The document helps understand the circumstances in Rome at that time.
Historical documents were always written for a specific intent. The purpose of this document was to
highlight the main events in a recent gladiator fight. Back then gladiator fights were the main source
of entertainment. Wealthy patricians, aristocrats and even Senators often watched for a celebration
or just for fun. Clearly, the fights were the main source of entertainment, and any person that was
not there to watch will want to know the outcome. This document was intended for anyone who was
not able to see a few of the recent gladiator. Evidently, the manuscript described every move in
detail in order to paint the best picture in people's head. ... Show more content on ...
For example, although the gladiator fights were entertainment for some, the document completely
ignores the perspective of the gladiator. Gladiators were often criminals or Prisoners of War, that
fought as punishment. Others were poor plebeians that had no other source of income. While it was
entertainment for most people, fighting was torchure for the gladiators because they had to kill or be
killed. The recounts of the gladiator fights, were very biased towards the patricians because the
author, Martial, came from a wealthy family and became well known for his writing. Evidently, the
passage is a very subjective account of gladiator
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Primary Sources Essay
When studying for history, or trying to learn more facts, we may wonder what sources we should
use. However, the main one that we should use are primary sources. These primary sources can be
diaries, journals, pictures, newspapers, and other articles along that line. However, in school we are
being taught with books that are not exactly primary sources. Meaning, the textbooks that we are
supposed to use in the classrooms can be biased. Such as the online textbooks Digital History and
The Outline of United States history. These just sweeten the facts that are not so sweet in reality,
such as the things that we did to people, but our government doesn't want us to be taught about it.
For example, the textbook Zinn's A People History is not supposed ... Show more content on ...
For example, when learning about the Native Americans and what they went through, and how they
lived, all of these books are good to get a basic background. However, some overpower the others.
In the Outline of United States History there are only a very few paragraphs that explain the
"Cultures of the Native Americans". However, it does not even get into detail. It mostly only states
the fact of them having a very different culture and ways than the Europeans meaning that they were
not seen as civilized. In Digital History it talked about how "Naïve" and "Ignorant" the Indians
where because they did not have that much knowledge on the advancement of the weapons that the
Europeans had. For example, Columbus stated "I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and
cut themselves out of ignorance." (Digital History). This is what our government wants us to know,
they do not want us learning about the bad we done. When looking at Zinn's A People's History
textbook we actually learn a lot more than just the negative things on the Native Americans. In this
textbook we learn about the torture and the hatred that they had to deal with from the Europeans and
other groups. Such as
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Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary...
Treyci Krenzer
HST 102
Sep. 3, 2016
From the Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary Sources by James Harvey
Robinson, I've learned that the difference between primary and secondary sources is the different
information that we gain.This meaning that sometimes what we learn from a secondary source may
not necessarily cover all of what primary sources may hold. Primary sources are often more helpful
if there is truly a want to learn and to get a full rounded education of what really happened in the
past. Primary sources are reports of information from a direct witness that saw an important event
occur that changed a part of history. Primary sources can usually be found in various documents,
manuscripts, ... Show more content on ...
In Why Study History? By Peter N. Stearns there are many reasons on why the past has made an
impact on today's time. History offers us answers on how people of other times operated and
handled situations within their environments. We can learn from past ideas, strategies, and failures
to help further us into the future to become better and even more skilled with our own situations. We
can look back to the basics of trends and problems and realize what we must to do differently or
learn from to improve today's' society. History is also who we are as a nation, and as people, it
brings understand who we are, why we are the way we are, and even answers question we may not
have asked. It brings identity and gives us a purpose for being part of something bigger that we may
not necessary not even know we are a part of. Along with understanding people and defining who
we are, history as gives us a moral understanding. It lets us learn about people, not in their societies,
but who they were as people and makes us think about ourselves. There are stories about people
who stood up for what they believed in, who fought for their way of life and worked hard to get to
where they ended up being when everyone else said they couldn't. It makes people of the present
stop and thinks about how they can give to their own time and make a difference. It's different than
finding their own identity because it's working for something greater than just one person, it impacts
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The, An Iroquois, Primary Source
Steven Hermosillo
Professor Perry
History 143
13 March 2016
Canassatego, an Iroquois, Primary Source According to Canassatego, "We know our lands are now
become more valuable: the white people think we do not know their value; but we are sensible that
the land is everlasting, and the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone."
Canassatego is talking about the land surveyors trying to purchase the Native American land for
cheap. Canassatego also notes that "Your people daily settle on these lands, and spoil our hunting."
He is talking about the land scalpers trying to take the Native American land while there gone
hunting and the people are scaring off the game they hunt. Canassatego writes that "If you have not
done anything, we now renew our request, and desire you will inform the person whose people are
seated on our lands, that that country belongs to us, in right of conquest; we having bought it with
our blood, and taken it from our enemies in fair war..." He is trying to let the English know that they
do not appreciate the land surveyors coming onto their land and trying to take the land that they
fought and worked so hard for away from them. Canassatego is desperately informing the English
that the settlements spoil Native American hunting, as well as that colonial horses eat grass that is
meant for deer. At the time that the primary source was written, the Iroquois Indians were actively
trading with the English. During the 1680–1770, the Iroquois traded
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The Primary Source: The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin
The primary source being discussed is an excerpt from the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. It
was written by Benjamin Franklin discussing the philosophical developments of the Enlightenment,
and its implication into his life. Being an autobiography, this selection was published in a book, and
was written by its subject. Franklin was a very influential part of the Enlightenment in the colonies,
which makes this selection very relevant. This article was written with the intent to further educate
the colonists on the Enlightenment and Franklin's belief. This selection gives interesting insight into
the world of Franklin, relating both to his everyday habits, and his reactions to the Enlightenment.
There was one very interesting, but small segment, towards the end of the selection. It read, 'It was
about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection; I wished to
live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination,
custom, or company might lead me into .. . . But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more
difficulty than I had imagined.' This particular section of the source was very revealing of Franklin's
character. Throughout the entire paper, Franklin had discussed different aspects of his upbringing,
and current lifestyle, however this quote reveals more about the man behind the paper than anything
else. Yet, he spent most of the text comparing his life to religious teachings, and the paths that the
Enlightenment opened. ... Show more content on ...
Just this small page revealed more to the reader than many other articles about Franklin can. A
perfectionistic attitude within the usually glorified hero of America. He was very hard on himself,
and clearly tried to live a frugal lifestyle. As a historic character who is often glorified, this human
perspective was
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Primary Source Analysis Of The Six Cs
Name: Olivier Péloquin
Primary Source Analysis
"The Six Cs"
At the top of this sheet, write your name and the name of the source that you are analyzing. Respond
to each of the following questions. A complete response should take no more than one to two
paragraphs. Each questions is worth a total of five points.
1. Citation. What type of source is it? Who created it and when did they create it?
–It is a primary sources consisting of two letters written to the President of the United States at
different moments in time. The first one dated from November 17th 1908 is by L.R Farmer from
Morganton in North Carolina and the gender of the writer is not clearly specified. The second letter
dated from October 20th 1942 is by Viola Cosley from Birmingham in Alabama. It must be stated
that the level of language contained in the first letter presuppose a person of lesser education, the use
of a lot of slang and numerous mistake are present.
2. Content. What is the main idea of the source?
–The letters are focusing on the fear of two parents regarding their children, which have been kept
from returning home against their will by the authority in Florida and Georgia. They ought to
denounce this intolerable situation to the President, in order for him to assist the safe return of the
loved one. In both cases, the parents are worried that if the letter is sent back to them it will
endanger the life of their childs, who could be subjected to severe punishment. It must be explained
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Native American Primary Source Analysis
Due to the lack of transcribed history by the indigenous California Native American Indians on their
own behalf, one must take into account the possibility for inaccuracy and unreliability of primary
sources from immediately before and after the arrival of the European Settlers. There are several
factors which contribute to the low value of primary sources. First, prior to first contact, the
Indigenous People of America did not typically document their cultural heritage. Second, existing
primary sources are written through translators which can lead to the value of the primary source to
be only as reliable as the person performing the translating. Lastly, primary sources of indigenous
people typically date to after European settlers began colonization, and the views of the primary
source could have been influence by colonialization. ... Show more content on ...
As Friar Geronimo Boscana documented in his first hand account of mission–era Natives, " is
impossible to find any account of where they originated; as those of this mission, and indeed those
of all the missions in the province have no tradition, and are entirely ignorant of their descent"
(Boscana). Upon arrival of the Settlers, the value of primary sources is only as impactful as the level
of interaction historians are able to have with multiple indigenous groups. For example, the more
tribes and tribletes Bosana is able to interact with, the more valuable his accounts are. However,
there may have been native groups which share additional history that are not included in his
account. Although there was little to no documentation of the history of native groups prior to
arrival of the Europeans, settlers were able to document firsthand
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Primary Source
When it comes to writing a research paper, whether it be for an English course or for a Biology
course, it is always important to use primary source. By using a primary source, the writer is
exposing themselves to a multitude of perspectives depending on what the topic is; however, what is
a primary source? To put it simply, a primary source provides the reader with direct evidence
pertaining to an event, a person, or even a piece of art. Primary sources range from historical
documents to scientific studies, including interviews, eyewitness accounts, and even a creative
writing paper. It is important to utilize these documents because it allows the researcher and writer
to procure knowledge and enhance their ability to analyze the source. Following a primary source, it
is important to use a secondary source as well as it comments on the content of the primary sources
used. A secondary source is an analysis of the document used that happens on a later date. Some
secondary sources would be newspaper articles, book reviews, and articles published in a scholarly
journal that critics someone's research. When using a secondary source in a science paper, look for
articles that summarize ... Show more content on ...
Once that hypothesis is formed, design an experiment in which the hypothesis can be tested and go
through the steps of the scientific method. At the end of the experiment, not limiting the amount of
trials, it is time to write. It is important to let the potential readers know what the hypothesis was and
how to go about testing it, so writing down the process of the experiment in full is a must. When the
conclusion is done, and the proof reading has been completed, it is time to publish the experiment.
In order to publish it, send it in to a scientific journal for peer review and criticism by those in the
scientific community and
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Gallipoli Primary Sources
Discuss the reliability of source to a historian studying the experiences of Australians at World War I
during the Gallipoli campaign
Source A is highly reliable for a historian studying the experiences of Australians at Gallipoli as it is
a first person account of many aspects of the experience and highly corroborates with our own
knowledge of the first days at Gallipoli. Source A is a diary entry by Ellis Silas, dated 11th of May
1915, therefore it is highly reliable as it is a primary and first person account of the sixteenth day at
Gallipoli. In addition, the author has most likely written the content, recalling the events still vivid
in the his head which allows the chance for the author to write in immense detail. For example,
"noise of the incessant crackling of rifles and screaming of shrapnel" allows the audience to
visualise and understand the conditions of the day due to the author's use of descriptive language.
Furthermore, the diary entry is published on a website organised by the government, therefore it is a
source that the government have examined and approved of, increasing its reliability. The majority
of the diary entry is reflective of what the audience know about the first few weeks of the war such
as the immense number of losses, which ... Show more content on ...
For example, "Turks, infinitely numbers and equipment; their machine guns are a much
better class than ours."
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Magazines Are to be Read and Studies as Primary Source...
It is a well–noted fact, among periodical experts and students of print culture alike, that the word
magazine, in English as well as French, bears the original meaning of "storehouse" (Scholes and
Wulfman 29). Here, etymology provides valuable insight into the interdisciplinary nature of this
field of study and the essential characteristics of the study itself which merit such an approach as is
hereunder delineated. In viewing the early twentieth–century magazine as a repository of distinct yet
reticular pieces of information, it is evident that special care must be given to the investigation of its
contents. Among the most prominent concerns of modernist periodical research in that regard,
according to the writers surveyed, is the ... Show more content on ...
In order to construct an effective means for studying periodicals, therefore, it would seem that
deliberate effort must be given not only to the assembly and dissemination of unexpurgated copies
of these texts but also to material categorization and searchability. One cogent statement by Latham
and Scholes reiterates this simple truth: "the usefulness of a digital archive depends heavily on our
ability to find things in it" (521). In order to further mitigate the debilitating effect that library
cataloguing and anthologization have had on modernist periodical researching techniques, it is
necessary to employ a system whereby works can be sorted according to their linguistic as well as
bibliographic, or physical, features. Scholes and Wulfman propose a method for bringing about such
an arrangement in their chapter entitled "Rethinking Modernist Magazines" (54–55).
In closing, it is important to note that the conceptual approach described above–albeit promising–
does not come without certain implicit restraints, perhaps the most notable of which is the pressing
need for quality research through interdisciplinary cooperation. One writer proposes "the creation of
humanities labs" in addition to the implementation of "tools and institutional structures necessary to
engage the diversity, complexity, and coherence of modern periodical culture" (Latham and Scholes
530). Above all, research that is truly
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Primary Sources Of Primary Research
Primary research, or research using primary sources, is first hand data and / or resources. In other
words researchers are collecting data themselves. Primary sources are also examples of primary
research; for example, when writing an essay on the Roman Empire, a diary or painting of that time
is a primary source (also called "the original source" or "original evidence") it has not been altered
and is the closest real source information to the topic.
Secondary research on the other hand involves the comments written about a primary source;
including interpretations, discussions or other studies by other researchers. The researcher does not
have access to the primary source used in secondary research and relies solely on information
interpreted or analyzed by another person. For example, if an interview is being conducted and the
researcher records informant comments, the researcher is using primary research. But if someone
else tells the researcher what the interviewer has said, secondary research is being used. Examples
of secondary research or secondary sources include; articles, scientific journals, essays or academic
Primary research is the closest form of information to the topic or idea being studied. The
information is not changed by other researchers, and is a true account that can be easily interpreted
by the researcher. Unchanged data is also more reliable and accurate, especially for history subjects,
but primary research takes a longer time to carry
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What Is The Primary Source In Joseph Galloway Speech To...
Before talking about Joseph Galloway's Speech to the Continental Congress, it is necessary for me
to explain in a simpler way what a primary source is. A primary source is a document, an image or
an artifact that provides a direct or firsthand evidence about an event, a person, an object or a work
of art. Hence, historical documents, speeches, published works, autobiographies and so on, are
primary sources.
The Speech to the Continental Congress of 1744 is a discourse made by Joseph Galloway during the
Continental Congress on the 28th September 1744. It is possible to read it on the Journals of the
Continental Congress, 1774–1789: 1774.
After the end of the French and Indian War (1754–1763), Britain saw itself with enormous debts to
pay and ... Show more content on ...
If historians were to only use primary sources from one perspective, they would lose the chance to
know different point of views. Take into consideration Joseph Galloway's Speech to the Continental
Congress. It is clear that he is trying to persuade the colonists not to go against Britain. Now, this
speech is a primary source because is a document that provides explicit information about an event.
But, a couple of years later, Thomas Paine writes the pamphlet "Common Sense", where he
advocates the country to be independent from Britain. If historians were only to use Joseph
Galloway's primary source, they would never be able to know that not everyone was thinking the
same way of him. In order to fully understand what is the cause or the causes that lead to different
events in history, it is important to be familiar to every kind of document regarding that period. Read
and analyze every prime source of that period to have a complete and neat vision of the
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Interview, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources And...

  • 1. Interview, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources And... This research will explain five researches terminology that includes the case study, interview, primary sources, secondary sources and questionnaires. To analyze and interpret their relationship with the designer, and providing the relationship of how important between these five objects and communication design. Thereby enabling the designer to know they are facing the real needs of customers, and how they connect and related to each other.Introduction This research will explain five researches terminology that includes the case study, interview, primary sources, secondary sources and questionnaires. To analyze and interpret their relationship with the designer, and providing the relationship of how important between these five objects and communication design. Thereby enabling the designer to know they are facing the real needs of customers, and how they connect and related to each other. Case study The case study is an in–depth study of a special case rather than a comprehensive study. This is an extensive one for the narrow arena of research methods and the discipline of a readily available research. On the case study method is really broad, especially for social science, psychology, anthropology and ecology. At the same time can also be applied to the design industry. Case studies include research design, choosing a case, collect data, analyze data and writing reports. Designers need to research customer psychology in the design industry, develop a plan, collect ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. A Research Study On Primary Source And Primary Sources For... 1.6. Literature Sources 1.6.1. Primary source: A primary source is defined as a document or a source of research data built up at the same time as the research subject and directly connected to the events or people being research (Concordia Library, 2010). Primary sources can be in form of diaries, speeches, letters (Concordia Library, 2010). The first primary source that will be used is a webpage called "Positive parenting tips" by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the USA in 2015. The webpage is about how children develop in different periods of their lives and tips for parents of children in different age groups. The information was written by a governmental organization with many experts in the US which makes it very reliable to the readers. However, most of the data is about parenting and child development, which is not relative to this research. The researcher has decided to use the age groups divided and named by this organization to answer Research Question 1 about the general background of colour as a marketing technique for child–oriented food products. The second primary source will be used is "Set of Recommendations on the Marketing of Food and Non–alcoholic beverage to Children" published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2010. This is a PDF file about the current condition of child–oriented food marketing in the view of health activists. The document is very up–to–date, valid and reliable as it is built up by WHO, one of the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Primary Source Analysis This particular journal article is centered on the idea of integrating primary sources into middle grades social studies classes, in particular digital primary sources. The authors begins with explaining how many students find history to be boring, and how it has been surveyed as one of the least liked subjects being taught. The article explains that one way to add meaning to social studies classes is to incorporate studying famous historical figures. Studying historical people helps students understand that history lessons that are implemented are actually relevant and pertinent to their real lives. The author makes the case that text books are not working, and are actually harming to social studies classrooms. The author states his main ... Show more content on ... The author really presents a strong case for why social studies teachers in middle grades must begin incorporating primary sources into their classrooms and lessons. The author provides references from multiple different experts and studies to support his claim. The article also makes a really strong argument for why digital historical resources are much more efficient and easy to use in the classroom, and also why these digital sources are more appealing to students. I really liked how the article presented the basics on the SOURCE technique, and then went into a very in depth analysis on each step. The article makes implementing a primary source into a social studies class much more accessible for teachers, and even provides examples of where to access these digital resources and sources the author refers to in the article. This article presents a extremely convincing case on the benefits of incorporating these digital primary sources into middle grades social studies classrooms as much as ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Aztec Primary Sources In my lesson plan, I intend to use both primary and secondary sources. For my primary sources, I plan on using Spanish and Aztec diary letters and codices. I plan on using Hernan Cortes' "Second Letter to Emperor Charles V," which describes his exploits and capture of Montezuma II and the Aztec capital. This source also contains the first published detailed map of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan drawn by the Spanish. My students will be able to analyze the reasons why the Spanish captured the Aztec capital. By using the map, I also want to show my students how substantial the Aztec capital was, to illustrate how advanced this civilization was, as well as how the Spanish created a detailed map to use for strategic military purposes when they ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Jacques Cartier: A Primary Source Analysis Within the realm of history, a source of evidence is essential in order to differentiate the fact from fiction. This is why a primary source is so vital! Because, a primary source provides the reader with direct evidence of an event or a speech; giving them a better understanding of the material. The only problem is: these sources do not provide the full facts, leaving the readers with a plethora of questions. Don't get me wrong though, the readers should be asking a lot of questions! Because, with all of those questions, the reader can be engaged with the content in order to find some concrete evidence. An adequate example of a primary source is within page 18 of J.M. Bumsteds textbook A History of the Canadian Peoples called, Jacques Cartier ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Anzaac Primary Sources A plethora of reasons exist to which why the accounts are both different and similar. ANZAC troops were outnumbered in all instances because they were fighting the same opponent, similar weaponry was employed as all ANZAC troops were issued an identical set of weapons, the nature of the conflict reflected all of the battles as the same strategies were used, terrain similarities occurred because they were all situated in the same vicinity, all accounts entered via ship as no other route existed, courage, fearlessness and audacity were all common behaviours for the ANZACs as they all came from more or less the same background in Australia and those characteristics were frequent and finally, heavy casualties, for the same reason as nature of the operation, occurred due to the recklessness of the whole operation. The ... Show more content on ... They are primary sources in the form of letters by soldiers who have a firsthand account of WWI. Primary articles include; "I threw off my pack and took cover behind a heap of pebbles. There was no cover from bullets as the Turks were entrenched on the top of a cliff..." and "The shrapnel was worse than hell, was getting nearer to us every minute...". Although the letters are firsthand accounts, some information mentioned is secondary or mentioned to them by another source. These secondary sources include; "Craig went on to recount reports he had heard: that the 2nd Brigade had been sent to reinforce the French and British after two days resand with barely 1000 men left." and "The Turks were estimated to be 50 to 1". These sources were written directly after the experience so error concerning memory is ruled out. Considering these sources are human made, they could be, and most likely are influenced by one, if not a variety of variables, including; propaganda, officers, soldiers, family or the government concerning condition of war, organisation or even ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Use Of Factual Primary Sources For Bullying And What I... For many years bullying has seemed to become a norm for people from all backgrounds and lifestyles within society. The unique thing about bullying is that at times it may occur amongst people that are closest to the victims. Such as, family members, friends, co–workers, or from other known and sometimes unknown assailants. There is no definitive way to pinpoint what makes bullying occur or how it will affect an individual. Because everyone has different tolerance levels and may find alternate ways to cope with bullying whether negative or positive. The purpose of this expository paper is to use factual primary sources to identify how real life bullying experiences can affect a persons life, this is based on real life experiences. I will clarify how these sources are relevant to bullying and what I learned from it. In addition I will explain what valuable information I learned from my primary sources that I didn 't from my secondary sources. There many people who have given there account on bullying experiences. Some of their accounts are pretty disturbing and will make you wonder what makes an individual or group of people harass and bullying someone else. Is there really anything someone can say to justify these actions? no there isn 't. What can be said is that bullying has become a social problem that public–figures now are resorting to using their social status and influence to bring attention to this controversial topic. Many of these public– figures tell tales ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Primary Source Analysis Primary sources are original source created or compiled during an observation or event. These documents are raw materials which provide first–hand accounts or direct evidence about a topic under the examination. Primary sources, according to William Kelleher Storey in Writing History: A Guide for Students, "originate in the time period that historian are studying and vary a great deal." Primary source documents can help reconstruct a particular event that happened in the past. For example, if someone is interested on landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases, he or she would analyze the records these cases. Primary sources may include but not limited to, memoirs, government documents, autobiographies, government documents, transcripts, traditions, courtroom testimonies, witness interviews, evidence gathered during investigation, visual, artifacts and archaeological and biological evidence. "Primary ... Show more content on ... Secondary sources are based on interpretation of events and primary source documents being researched. These types of information are created by people who did not have first–hand knowledge, participate, or experience the events being studied. For the most part, secondary sources are books, newspapers, magazine and journal articles, and encyclopedias. For example, the book, The Day Wall Street Exploded: A Story of America in Its First Age of Terror, by Beverly Gage, could be used as a secondary source to learn about the September 1920 vicious explosion of a cluster bombs planted on a horse–drawn wagon on Wall Street that scythed 38 people. In addition, one of the most interesting aspects of secondary source is that it provides a researcher an opportunity to broaden his or her research by looking and analyzing works by other scholars on a ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Book Of Exodus: Primary Source Analysis My primary source reading was the "Book of Exodus: Moses Leads the Hebrews from Egypt" found in the primary source reader in Launchpad. This primary source is known as a historian's raw material. This source is written from the time of the event being studied which happens to be from 950–450 B.C.E. timeline. In summary, the Book of Exodus (2nd book of the Hebrew Torah and the Christian Old Testament) "recounts the escape of the Hebrew people from captivity in Egypt and their forty year journey through the desert to the promised land" (Launchpad). Specifically, this primary source looks at a passage that recounts the "climatic events of the Exodus, when the Hebrew people fled Egypt and later when Moses received the Covenant from God" (Launchpad). Moses channels God's power and relays his messages to the Israelites, which establishes and strengthens the idea of monotheism, which is the backbone of the Hebrew religion. The following paragraphs will look deeper into the primary source and demonstrate how Moses forms a relationship with not only the slaves but also serve as an ... Show more content on ... It was near Mount Sinai that the Lord had delivered rules, commonly known as the Ten Commandments. Due to the constraints on the length of the paper, I will not be discussing or analyzing them in great detail. But, there is one commandment that should be noted and that is "You shall have no other Gods before me." This is the rock of the monotheistic religion. It was said after God stated he brought the Hebrews out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Soon after, God continued to make ordinances that would protect slaves from maltreatment and form a basis of respect and dignity towards humans and animals. I can only infer from there, that God had won their support and that this belief and religion will continue to spread worldwide and is commonly practiced ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Primary Source Analysis Primary sources refer to accounts of events that are written by an eye witness who witness that particular event. These documents are more often letters, memoirs, diaries, speeches, interviews, journals and other unpublished works of people who witness events. Primary sources may also include pieces such as magazine articles; newspapers and other published pieces as long as they were written as soon as the event took place. The secondary sources on the other hand play the role of interpreting the primary sources. It is for this reason that they can be described as having at least one step eliminated from the event in question. Secondary sources will assign value to, interpret and conjecture upon the events reported in the primary sources. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Jfk Primary Sources Primary Sources– Baskin, Robert E. "10 Years after Shuttle Columbia Tragedy, Crew's Kids, Spouses Still Struggle ..." Dallas Morning News. N.p., 13 Jan. 2013. Web. 5 Feb. 2013 This is a newspaper article that was published the day after John F. Kennedy was assassinated, November 23, 1963. It describes how Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president, he takes the presidential oath only an hour and a half after John F. Kennedy has been shot. Another article on the front page of this paper is written about the impacting shattering to the world's capital. There are many short articles written on this front page. This is a reliable primary source because it was written the day after the assassination happened and they were living during the time it happened. (MO) ... Show more content on ... "Why JFK Died, and Why it Matters 48 Years Later." The Huffington Post. Huffington, Nov 22. 2012. Web. Sept. 9 2012. . This website was an article from The Huffinton Post, a Canadian newspaper. This article was very helpful and one of our first sources. This article explains what happened on the day of the assassination and a few different theories, and hidden confessions. This website really sparks your curiosity, huh? "JFK Legacy". John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. JOHN F. KENNEDY PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. Columbia Point, Boston MA, n.d. Web 21 Oct. 2012. . This Website is from the JFK Presidential Museum and Library in Boston, Massachusetts. This is one of the many sections of this large, impressive website that says about things that John F. Kennedy inspired or created. This is a very good source. "35th President: John Fitzgerald Kennedy." Presidential Museums. Presidential, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . This website was very informative, giving things like, "famous quotes", or animals at the white house. This website is one of my favorites because it had so many abstract, unusual facts that made it stand out more than others. We couldn't find facts like these anywhere else. This is a very unique ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Primary Sources: Real Life Experiences Primary sources, in other words "firsthand" accounts. These accounts are based on original data and knowledge (i.e. the Fifteenth Amendment.) Primary sources are real life experiences; however, these experiences were documented when the event happened. When a reader is looking for sources, primary sources are unlike secondary sources, they are the real deal, not someone's interpretation, commentary or what they think may have happened. states "Some types of primary sources include: ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (excerpts or translations acceptable): Diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, official records CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art RELICS OR ARTIFACTS: Pottery, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Primary Source Analysis: Front Lines In Education The primary source I located titled, "Front Lines in Education". This primary source provides information on different programs that were established to improve teacher preparation programs throughout the United States. The information provided allows the reader to gain a better understanding of how programs were changed to support pre–service teachers to ensure they are successful. Gutek (2013) discusses how clinical experiences and practice teaching, orginated in normal schools and they are crucial components in teacher preparation programs today (p. 219). He describes William C. Bagley's contributions to normal school programs and provides the four components in the teacher education program he designed (Gutek, 2013, p. 218). Gutek ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Cincinnatus Primary Sources Primary sources are typically original documents that offer an inside view of that particular event. This primary source is a picture of a statute which allows us to assume that it's to represent a hero of some sort, so he was an important figure in his time. We can also assume the time period based on his clothing; the clothes he has on can be associated with a time way before any of us were born. Upon other research, I have concluded that this statue is of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, who was a historical figure in Rome. In this essay, I will explain the importance of this primary source. Based on this picture, or primary source, we can assume that the figure shown is a hero or a respected person in society. This person obviously was part of a higher level of society, judging by the fact that he has a statue made of him to allow his legacy to live. Statues usually signal some form of legacy or something that should be recognized. Based on my extra research, I have found out that Cincinnatus is said to have won a war against an entire army in one day, and triumphed over Rome. He then proceeded to resign and go back to his small farm. He was a hard–working civilian who took over as dictator for a short time to help out and ... Show more content on ... I think this statue is meant to show Cincinnatus' victory and short dictatorship over Rome as well as his first attachment to his farm. The statue is trying to convey a message of being a hard–working leader and citizen. The ax in one hand symbolizes his power he has as the dictator, and he may be holding it out as a symbol of handing down his powers, while his other hand holds a plow, which attaches him to his farm. Cincinnatus' legacy is meant to show that a true, loyal citizen won't let anything stop him from helping his city when needed. I believe the intended audience of this statue is whoever needs a reminder and an example to live by to be an upright, loyal ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Why is The Jungleby Upton Sinclair Considered a Primary... Primary sources are used by people who have experienced specific events in their lives. They allow a reader to connect to them on a more relatable basis. Primary sources are also very reliable because the author of a book or newspaper article, for example, was actually there. So they have all the evidence they need for what is being documented. The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, is a primary source because Jurgis actually went through the hard labor conditions that occurred in the Progressive Era (1900–1916). The Jungle puts a face to the issues of grueling work hours, poor working conditions, unbearable living arrangements, exploitation of the poor, and uneducated working class. Issues of Industrial Democracy, child labor, and the minimum wage became so important to Americans during this period. This Era saw a change in some of the main reasons that controlled American individualism after the unrestrained years of the late 19th century; arguments over labor, social conflict, and unstable economy. With the growth of industry in the United States, the population of cities began to grow substantially (Tovanche Lecture). They started providing job opportunities in factories, offices, and other places as well. The cities became the main center of wealth and also poverty. A huge class of the impoverished lived in slums. Some even lived underground in the sewers, and a huge percentage of the poor came from newly arrived immigrants who were coming to America in large numbers from poor ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary... Treyci Krenzer HST 102 Sep. 3, 2016 From the Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary Sources by James Harvey Robinson, I've learned that the difference between primary and secondary sources is the different information that we gain.This meaning that sometimes what we learn from a secondary source may not necessarily cover all of what primary sources may hold. Primary sources are often more helpful if there is truly a want to learn and to get a full rounded education of what really happened in the past. Primary sources are reports of information from a direct witness that saw an important event occur that changed a part of history. Primary sources can usually be found in various documents, manuscripts, ... Show more content on ... In Why Study History? By Peter N. Stearns there are many reasons on why the past has made an impact on today's time. History offers us answers on how people of other times operated and handled situations within their environments. We can learn from past ideas, strategies, and failures to help further us into the future to become better and even more skilled with our own situations. We can look back to the basics of trends and problems and realize what we must to do differently or learn from to improve today's' society. History is also who we are as a nation, and as people, it brings understand who we are, why we are the way we are, and even answers question we may not have asked. It brings identity and gives us a purpose for being part of something bigger that we may not necessary not even know we are a part of. Along with understanding people and defining who we are, history as gives us a moral understanding. It lets us learn about people, not in their societies, but who they were as people and makes us think about ourselves. There are stories about people who stood up for what they believed in, who fought for their way of life and worked hard to get to where they ended up being when everyone else said they couldn't. It makes people of the present stop and thinks about how they can give to their own time and make a difference. It's different than finding their own identity because it's working for something greater than just one person, it impacts ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Primary Source Vs Secondary Source Analysis The major differences that exist between primary source and secondary source authors are its reliability and credibility. Secondary source authors hold certain disadvantages in that the authors did not directly experience the actual event, meaning that they do not have a first–hand account of the experience that occurred. Because these secondary source authors were not affected, their information could contain inaccurate data, or their opinions askew due to their lack of a direct experience. Although secondary sources may have their disadvantages, secondary source authors have the ability to analyze, interpret, evaluate, and synthesize the original events and data that could not be done initially due to time constraints. With the ability to analyze statistics and documents, authors can construct explanations and justifications as to why these events arose. ... Show more content on ... Secondary sources may include a collection of multiple reliable sources, but secondary source authors have a high possibility of distorting historical accuracy due to their perspective. However, primary source authors may not be completely reliable, may be one–sided, and cannot be consulted for verification since they are deceased. Take for example, Bartolome de las Casas who took the side of the Indians after he witnessed a full–scale massacre. Bartolome stated, "The reason the Christians have murdered on such a vast scale and killed anyone and everyone in their way is purely and simply greed." His opinions are one–sided due to his past observance of only a part of what took ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Primary Sources Primary sources are useful because they are the reports and interpretations of the historians that are closer to the event. Therefore, some of the primary sources that will be most helpful when researching to what extent did the military play a role in the decision to drop the atomic bomb on August 6, 1945. First, I would use the interviews and memos that lead up to the event; I will read some of the interviews that were conducted from sources like Robert Oppenheimer, Stanislaus Ulam, and Kathleen Maxwell, these people are important, because they are the individuals who actually worked on the bomb. I will pull the interviews from the Voices of the Manhattan Project. Then I would like to get into the actual decision and meetings in Potsdam, which will be pulled from a few memos, ... Show more content on ... Take for instance, in Groves (1993) article on "The Story of the Manhattan Project" it is related to the interviews conducted by scholars on the "Voices of the Manhattan projects," because some of Groves' direct quotes were pulled from the interviews about how the Manhattan project began. Even Samuel Walker, who wrote about a fierce debate among many scholars, his evidences and facts were taken from the information from Truman's Library documents, memorandums, and meeting notes. Also, some of the data was even taken from the National Security Archives to come up with a clear conclusion to why Truman's administration came to decide whether or not to use the bomb on Japan on August 6, 1945. However, most of the secondary sources do support the primary sources that I will investigate, but there is at least one that does show a little bias or contradicts the facts. Thus, Bernstein does present a little bit of bias, because he does not write about all the points, but he stands by his beliefs and maintains his own opinions to why the bomb was ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Primary Source Analysis The primary source I located in the Journal of Social Forces was titled, "The Kindergarten and Other School Social Work". This primary source provides information on the social side of kindergarten. The information provided allows the reader to gain a better understanding of how the foundations of social skills are formed in kindergarten. Gutek (2013) discusses kindergarten and how it has evolved over the years in chapter 7. He writes about Friedrich Froebel who "developed an enlightened concept of childhood and designed a method of early childhood education that led to the establishment of the kindergarten" (Gutek, 2013, p. 252). Froebel emphasized play as a healthy means by which children could express their inner insights and feelings with one another (Gutek, 2013, p. 253). After reading the section about Froebel, I wanted to know more about the establishment of kindergarten and how this structure aided in the development of a child's social skills. ... Show more content on ... Leeper (1923) explains that "the informal character of kindergarten work makes it possible for children to find themselves in situations like, or very similar to, those they find in society outside of school" (p. 2). He goes on to explain that working in cooperative groups helps to give them the moral and social training that is effective (p. 2). Later on in the article Leeper (1923) discusses a study that was conducted and found that over fifty percent of the activities of children between the ages of four and seven are social in character and require cooperation of the group (p. 2). Leeper (1923) ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Is Upton Sinclair's The Jungle a Primary Source? The Jungle written by Upton Sinclair shows a vivid description of life and the living condition in the meat and other industry around Chicago. The Jungle is full of examples of historical content about profit, corruption, and condition making it a good primary source. To determine whether a book is a primary source or a secondary source, a person needs to know what a primary and secondary source is. First, a primary source, define by Princeton, "is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study." Also, "these sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event. While a secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event." (Primary vs Secondary) Next thing to consider is the background about the author and how he is involved with the story. Upton Sinclair was writing about a meat packing company and had a firsthand account of the terrible things that company did to the animals and the workers. Since Sinclair was there during that time and documented the experience of workers and their condition, his book would be declared a primary source. What Sinclair saw was his inspiration to write about his most famous and moving book, The Jungle. Upton Sinclair was not a famous writer until his release of the book and his book caused major reform in the food industry around the country. During the late 1800s and early 1900s ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Primary Sources In The United States Primary sources, in other words, are "firsthand" accounts. These accounts are based on original data and knowledge (i.e. the Fifteenth Amendment.) Primary sources impersonate real life experiences; however, these experiences were documented when the event happened. When a reader is looking for sources, primary sources are unlike secondary sources, they are the real deal, not someone's interpretation, commentary or what they think may have happened. states "Some types of primary sources include: ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (excerpts or translations acceptable): Diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, official records CREATIVE WORKS: Poetry, drama, novels, music, art RELICS OR ARTIFACTS: Pottery, furniture, clothing, buildings." ... Show more content on ... For example, if there wasn't a Constitution of the United States or even a Declaration of Independence, America today would evidently be like 1777 America. There would still be no rights for women and minorities, presidents would still thrive thirteen or more years like FDR and et cetera. In addition to the stated above, if primary sources were nonexistent, we'd be clueless to any truths. Compared to all the similar tall tales around the world; no one knows which one is true and the original. An example of this would be children in a circle, their teacher tells them to pass "I like spaghetti for dinner" around ear to ear. By the fifth child the phrase changes to something not far from "I like confetti for dinner." One cannot write or study a topic without the right sources. Furthermore, if primary sources were insubstantial, secondary sources would possibly not be around as ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Primary Source Analysis Of The Rise Of Western Power A primary source analysis is used to represent one of the most important jobs of an historian. By the analyses of the primary source one is able to examine firsthand information from all the possible areas of an event person or object. There are a couple of primary sources in "The Rise of Western Power: A Comparative History of Western Civilization by Jonathan Daly. In this case we are going to explain how these sources relate to the western civilization and their importance to the understanding of the European history and the world history in general. First and foremost, we take a look at the letter to Heliodors from St Jerome in (347–420 ad). Saint Jerome an extraordinarily learned priest is vastly known for a large amount of extensive writings ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Primary Source Analysis of Queen Elizabeth I Essay This essay aims to analyse two historical primary sources in relation to Queen Elizabeth I, also known as the 'Virgin Queen'; the essay will attempt to use the source in order to understand what it is able to reveal about the past and her influence during her reign. The first source to be analysed consists of a portrait of the Queen in her late sixties produced, apparently, by the French born artist Isaac Oliver in the sixteen hundreds. In his portrait of the queen the artists, despite her age, presents Elizabeth I as a healthy young woman who is still fit to rule her country; he maintains the idea of the Queen being an iconic figure to look up to. The second source that will be analysed in order to understand the past is a written ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Queen Elizabeth I during her speech in Tilbury assigns herself the role of being the 'general, judge, and the rewarder of every one of' the virtues carried out by her troops on the field, the term 'judge' further endorses the notion of Elizabeth having the characteristics of a God as he is the true judge who decides those to be rewarded with acceptance to Heaven or punished in hell. On the other hand it can be argued that the sources are suggesting that the Queen is not being portrayed as a God, instead highlighting her devotion and reliance on religion. For example, in both sources it is clear that the Queen was concerned about the religious aspects of her rule and therefore attempts to incorporate it in everything she does. In the Rainbow Portrait the eyes and ears decorating her dress may simply be showing that Elizabeth puts all her trust in God to lead her to victory. This is similar in her speech when she states that she will 'live or die amongst you all– to lay down for my God'. It is clear that the Queen is willing to risk her life for her creator, also highlighting that the battle would be fought was for the sake of God, not for her. Despite the two arguments it is clear that while she would have been viewed, by her ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Explain The Three Categories Of Primary Source Material List and describe the three categories of primary source material. In law research, according to Yell (2016), "Primary sources are actual statements of the law" (p.14). Yell also mentions the three categories of primary sources; "laws or statues created by either federal or state legislatures and signed in to the law, regulations promulgated by administrative agencies to implement the statues, and judicial decisions the interpret that statutes and regulations" (p. 14). Why are the annotated code versions of the United State Code so useful? According to Yell (2016), "federal statutes are organized by topic and published in a series of volumes called the United Stated Code (U.S.C)" (p.14). He also says that the two annotated versions of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Primary Sources Of Byzantine Sources Primary Sources Research Paper After the fall of Rome, the Eastern Roman Empire survived and eventually became known as the Byzantine Empire. As a center of trade, it lasted for over 1,000 years. The Byzantines' government made laws to keep its citizens safe and in order. Furthermore, several documents revealed that the imperial government of the Byzantine Empire was involved financially in the private and religious lives of its citizens. There were several ways that this financial involvement could be seen. For instance, in the Translations from Byzantine Sources by Paul Stephenson there is a list of some of Emperor Leo VI's laws. We see that grocers were permitted to sell things such as: "meat, salt, fish," and "meal." Additionally, silk ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Fdr's Speech Primary Sources With our history, perspective is key. When reading about a certain speech or event it is important to make sure you have a reliable source. Sometimes primary sources are scarce, so secondary sources will be needed. Sometimes the sources can clash with each other, making it hard to tell what is true and not. Different perspectives of historic events can dampen understanding of the true message given when personal bias and dim perspectives are applied. Our history is being influenced by secondary sources rather than the real message of the primary source. The speech I chose was FDR's State of Union Address from January 6th, 1941. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave this speech to Congress, was recorded and shown the the american people later ... Show more content on ... One editorial of FDR's speech on the internet is titled "FDR and the Four Freedoms Speech." It is on the FDR library website, and states that January 6th, 2016 marks the 75th anniversary of his speech. The page basically aides anyone who wants to know about the speech but doesn't want to read it, it is like a cheater page. The perspective seems like a person who analyzed the speech but also is saying things that they believe FDR says which relates to personal bias. FDR never said that we shall aid Great Britain in the speech, he only said for American's to be offering peacement involvement. If you want to know more about FDR and making the speech the page is good, but it also has fluff that you don't really need to know about his decisions. I believed the bias here is too much knowledge in this person's part, it does seem like there is too much information to believe. The author is not interpreting the event so the reader is in the dark, and I feel like it could have been explained better than the american people need freedom and peace which was basically said. This editorial is worse in the sense of all the fluff the person added to the editorial, the reader has only a tad bit of knowledge about the speech, probably forcing them to look at a primary source to truly ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Use Of Primary And Secondary Sources At first glance this book may seemed like just a collection of letters, songs, and inventory lists, but shortly after entering the first chapter it was abundantly clear that the title is very misleading. Laundry list's and love songs are but a minuscule, compared to the ample supply of translations that the author Andrea McDowell has implemented into this collection. Village Life in Ancient Egypt was published in 1999 by Oxford University Press, A well–known source of educational publications. McDowell uses a small variety, but by no means lacking in quantity, of primary and secondary sources, the majority of which consisted of translations from either unearthed ostraca, or the less common papyrus. This Review will discuss the structure of the book, McDowell's use of primary and secondary sources, and how she gets her argument across. This text contains an abundance of information regarding, roughly every aspect of village life during the New Kingdom (1570–1070 B.C) in ancient Egypt. The book is arranged into six chapters including an introduction and an Epilogue. The chapters are: family and friends; daily life; religion; education, learning, and literature; law and work on the royal tomb. Each Chapter is introduced with a brief description of its contents and how the aged texts were implemented. Within each chapter are sub–headers that describe itself along with its relation to the chapter. Within each sub–header are the translated Egyptian texts. Each translated piece ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Gladiator Primary Sources Essay Primary sources are essential to understanding historical time periods because they give a give a glimpse into what life or an event was like in the time that the source was created. They can help to contextualize what was going on and clarify initial understandings of the time period. This primary source, is a poem written by Martial about Gladiator fights in Ancient Rome in 103 CE. It describes Carpophorus who specialized in fighting against animals, and Priscus and Verus, two equally matches Gladiators. The document helps understand the circumstances in Rome at that time. Historical documents were always written for a specific intent. The purpose of this document was to highlight the main events in a recent gladiator fight. Back then gladiator fights were the main source of entertainment. Wealthy patricians, aristocrats and even Senators often watched for a celebration or just for fun. Clearly, the fights were the main source of entertainment, and any person that was not there to watch will want to know the outcome. This document was intended for anyone who was not able to see a few of the recent gladiator. Evidently, the manuscript described every move in detail in order to paint the best picture in people's head. ... Show more content on ... For example, although the gladiator fights were entertainment for some, the document completely ignores the perspective of the gladiator. Gladiators were often criminals or Prisoners of War, that fought as punishment. Others were poor plebeians that had no other source of income. While it was entertainment for most people, fighting was torchure for the gladiators because they had to kill or be killed. The recounts of the gladiator fights, were very biased towards the patricians because the author, Martial, came from a wealthy family and became well known for his writing. Evidently, the passage is a very subjective account of gladiator ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Primary Sources Essay When studying for history, or trying to learn more facts, we may wonder what sources we should use. However, the main one that we should use are primary sources. These primary sources can be diaries, journals, pictures, newspapers, and other articles along that line. However, in school we are being taught with books that are not exactly primary sources. Meaning, the textbooks that we are supposed to use in the classrooms can be biased. Such as the online textbooks Digital History and The Outline of United States history. These just sweeten the facts that are not so sweet in reality, such as the things that we did to people, but our government doesn't want us to be taught about it. For example, the textbook Zinn's A People History is not supposed ... Show more content on ... For example, when learning about the Native Americans and what they went through, and how they lived, all of these books are good to get a basic background. However, some overpower the others. In the Outline of United States History there are only a very few paragraphs that explain the "Cultures of the Native Americans". However, it does not even get into detail. It mostly only states the fact of them having a very different culture and ways than the Europeans meaning that they were not seen as civilized. In Digital History it talked about how "Naïve" and "Ignorant" the Indians where because they did not have that much knowledge on the advancement of the weapons that the Europeans had. For example, Columbus stated "I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance." (Digital History). This is what our government wants us to know, they do not want us learning about the bad we done. When looking at Zinn's A People's History textbook we actually learn a lot more than just the negative things on the Native Americans. In this textbook we learn about the torture and the hatred that they had to deal with from the Europeans and other groups. Such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary... Treyci Krenzer HST 102 Sep. 3, 2016 From the Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary Sources by James Harvey Robinson, I've learned that the difference between primary and secondary sources is the different information that we gain.This meaning that sometimes what we learn from a secondary source may not necessarily cover all of what primary sources may hold. Primary sources are often more helpful if there is truly a want to learn and to get a full rounded education of what really happened in the past. Primary sources are reports of information from a direct witness that saw an important event occur that changed a part of history. Primary sources can usually be found in various documents, manuscripts, ... Show more content on ... In Why Study History? By Peter N. Stearns there are many reasons on why the past has made an impact on today's time. History offers us answers on how people of other times operated and handled situations within their environments. We can learn from past ideas, strategies, and failures to help further us into the future to become better and even more skilled with our own situations. We can look back to the basics of trends and problems and realize what we must to do differently or learn from to improve today's' society. History is also who we are as a nation, and as people, it brings understand who we are, why we are the way we are, and even answers question we may not have asked. It brings identity and gives us a purpose for being part of something bigger that we may not necessary not even know we are a part of. Along with understanding people and defining who we are, history as gives us a moral understanding. It lets us learn about people, not in their societies, but who they were as people and makes us think about ourselves. There are stories about people who stood up for what they believed in, who fought for their way of life and worked hard to get to where they ended up being when everyone else said they couldn't. It makes people of the present stop and thinks about how they can give to their own time and make a difference. It's different than finding their own identity because it's working for something greater than just one person, it impacts ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The, An Iroquois, Primary Source Steven Hermosillo Professor Perry History 143 13 March 2016 Canassatego, an Iroquois, Primary Source According to Canassatego, "We know our lands are now become more valuable: the white people think we do not know their value; but we are sensible that the land is everlasting, and the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone." Canassatego is talking about the land surveyors trying to purchase the Native American land for cheap. Canassatego also notes that "Your people daily settle on these lands, and spoil our hunting." He is talking about the land scalpers trying to take the Native American land while there gone hunting and the people are scaring off the game they hunt. Canassatego writes that "If you have not done anything, we now renew our request, and desire you will inform the person whose people are seated on our lands, that that country belongs to us, in right of conquest; we having bought it with our blood, and taken it from our enemies in fair war..." He is trying to let the English know that they do not appreciate the land surveyors coming onto their land and trying to take the land that they fought and worked so hard for away from them. Canassatego is desperately informing the English that the settlements spoil Native American hunting, as well as that colonial horses eat grass that is meant for deer. At the time that the primary source was written, the Iroquois Indians were actively trading with the English. During the 1680–1770, the Iroquois traded ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Primary Source: The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin The primary source being discussed is an excerpt from the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. It was written by Benjamin Franklin discussing the philosophical developments of the Enlightenment, and its implication into his life. Being an autobiography, this selection was published in a book, and was written by its subject. Franklin was a very influential part of the Enlightenment in the colonies, which makes this selection very relevant. This article was written with the intent to further educate the colonists on the Enlightenment and Franklin's belief. This selection gives interesting insight into the world of Franklin, relating both to his everyday habits, and his reactions to the Enlightenment. There was one very interesting, but small segment, towards the end of the selection. It read, 'It was about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection; I wished to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into .. . . But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined.' This particular section of the source was very revealing of Franklin's character. Throughout the entire paper, Franklin had discussed different aspects of his upbringing, and current lifestyle, however this quote reveals more about the man behind the paper than anything else. Yet, he spent most of the text comparing his life to religious teachings, and the paths that the Enlightenment opened. ... Show more content on ... Just this small page revealed more to the reader than many other articles about Franklin can. A perfectionistic attitude within the usually glorified hero of America. He was very hard on himself, and clearly tried to live a frugal lifestyle. As a historic character who is often glorified, this human perspective was ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Primary Source Analysis Of The Six Cs Name: Olivier Péloquin Primary Source Analysis "The Six Cs" At the top of this sheet, write your name and the name of the source that you are analyzing. Respond to each of the following questions. A complete response should take no more than one to two paragraphs. Each questions is worth a total of five points. 1. Citation. What type of source is it? Who created it and when did they create it? –It is a primary sources consisting of two letters written to the President of the United States at different moments in time. The first one dated from November 17th 1908 is by L.R Farmer from Morganton in North Carolina and the gender of the writer is not clearly specified. The second letter dated from October 20th 1942 is by Viola Cosley from Birmingham in Alabama. It must be stated that the level of language contained in the first letter presuppose a person of lesser education, the use of a lot of slang and numerous mistake are present. 2. Content. What is the main idea of the source? –The letters are focusing on the fear of two parents regarding their children, which have been kept from returning home against their will by the authority in Florida and Georgia. They ought to denounce this intolerable situation to the President, in order for him to assist the safe return of the loved one. In both cases, the parents are worried that if the letter is sent back to them it will endanger the life of their childs, who could be subjected to severe punishment. It must be explained ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Native American Primary Source Analysis Due to the lack of transcribed history by the indigenous California Native American Indians on their own behalf, one must take into account the possibility for inaccuracy and unreliability of primary sources from immediately before and after the arrival of the European Settlers. There are several factors which contribute to the low value of primary sources. First, prior to first contact, the Indigenous People of America did not typically document their cultural heritage. Second, existing primary sources are written through translators which can lead to the value of the primary source to be only as reliable as the person performing the translating. Lastly, primary sources of indigenous people typically date to after European settlers began colonization, and the views of the primary source could have been influence by colonialization. ... Show more content on ... As Friar Geronimo Boscana documented in his first hand account of mission–era Natives, " is impossible to find any account of where they originated; as those of this mission, and indeed those of all the missions in the province have no tradition, and are entirely ignorant of their descent" (Boscana). Upon arrival of the Settlers, the value of primary sources is only as impactful as the level of interaction historians are able to have with multiple indigenous groups. For example, the more tribes and tribletes Bosana is able to interact with, the more valuable his accounts are. However, there may have been native groups which share additional history that are not included in his account. Although there was little to no documentation of the history of native groups prior to arrival of the Europeans, settlers were able to document firsthand ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Primary Source When it comes to writing a research paper, whether it be for an English course or for a Biology course, it is always important to use primary source. By using a primary source, the writer is exposing themselves to a multitude of perspectives depending on what the topic is; however, what is a primary source? To put it simply, a primary source provides the reader with direct evidence pertaining to an event, a person, or even a piece of art. Primary sources range from historical documents to scientific studies, including interviews, eyewitness accounts, and even a creative writing paper. It is important to utilize these documents because it allows the researcher and writer to procure knowledge and enhance their ability to analyze the source. Following a primary source, it is important to use a secondary source as well as it comments on the content of the primary sources used. A secondary source is an analysis of the document used that happens on a later date. Some secondary sources would be newspaper articles, book reviews, and articles published in a scholarly journal that critics someone's research. When using a secondary source in a science paper, look for articles that summarize ... Show more content on ... Once that hypothesis is formed, design an experiment in which the hypothesis can be tested and go through the steps of the scientific method. At the end of the experiment, not limiting the amount of trials, it is time to write. It is important to let the potential readers know what the hypothesis was and how to go about testing it, so writing down the process of the experiment in full is a must. When the conclusion is done, and the proof reading has been completed, it is time to publish the experiment. In order to publish it, send it in to a scientific journal for peer review and criticism by those in the scientific community and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Gallipoli Primary Sources Discuss the reliability of source to a historian studying the experiences of Australians at World War I during the Gallipoli campaign Source A is highly reliable for a historian studying the experiences of Australians at Gallipoli as it is a first person account of many aspects of the experience and highly corroborates with our own knowledge of the first days at Gallipoli. Source A is a diary entry by Ellis Silas, dated 11th of May 1915, therefore it is highly reliable as it is a primary and first person account of the sixteenth day at Gallipoli. In addition, the author has most likely written the content, recalling the events still vivid in the his head which allows the chance for the author to write in immense detail. For example, "noise of the incessant crackling of rifles and screaming of shrapnel" allows the audience to visualise and understand the conditions of the day due to the author's use of descriptive language. Furthermore, the diary entry is published on a website organised by the government, therefore it is a source that the government have examined and approved of, increasing its reliability. The majority of the diary entry is reflective of what the audience know about the first few weeks of the war such as the immense number of losses, which ... Show more content on ... For example, "Turks, infinitely numbers and equipment; their machine guns are a much better class than ours." ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Magazines Are to be Read and Studies as Primary Source... It is a well–noted fact, among periodical experts and students of print culture alike, that the word magazine, in English as well as French, bears the original meaning of "storehouse" (Scholes and Wulfman 29). Here, etymology provides valuable insight into the interdisciplinary nature of this field of study and the essential characteristics of the study itself which merit such an approach as is hereunder delineated. In viewing the early twentieth–century magazine as a repository of distinct yet reticular pieces of information, it is evident that special care must be given to the investigation of its contents. Among the most prominent concerns of modernist periodical research in that regard, according to the writers surveyed, is the ... Show more content on ... In order to construct an effective means for studying periodicals, therefore, it would seem that deliberate effort must be given not only to the assembly and dissemination of unexpurgated copies of these texts but also to material categorization and searchability. One cogent statement by Latham and Scholes reiterates this simple truth: "the usefulness of a digital archive depends heavily on our ability to find things in it" (521). In order to further mitigate the debilitating effect that library cataloguing and anthologization have had on modernist periodical researching techniques, it is necessary to employ a system whereby works can be sorted according to their linguistic as well as bibliographic, or physical, features. Scholes and Wulfman propose a method for bringing about such an arrangement in their chapter entitled "Rethinking Modernist Magazines" (54–55). In closing, it is important to note that the conceptual approach described above–albeit promising– does not come without certain implicit restraints, perhaps the most notable of which is the pressing need for quality research through interdisciplinary cooperation. One writer proposes "the creation of humanities labs" in addition to the implementation of "tools and institutional structures necessary to engage the diversity, complexity, and coherence of modern periodical culture" (Latham and Scholes 530). Above all, research that is truly ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Primary Sources Of Primary Research 1. Primary research, or research using primary sources, is first hand data and / or resources. In other words researchers are collecting data themselves. Primary sources are also examples of primary research; for example, when writing an essay on the Roman Empire, a diary or painting of that time is a primary source (also called "the original source" or "original evidence") it has not been altered and is the closest real source information to the topic. Secondary research on the other hand involves the comments written about a primary source; including interpretations, discussions or other studies by other researchers. The researcher does not have access to the primary source used in secondary research and relies solely on information interpreted or analyzed by another person. For example, if an interview is being conducted and the researcher records informant comments, the researcher is using primary research. But if someone else tells the researcher what the interviewer has said, secondary research is being used. Examples of secondary research or secondary sources include; articles, scientific journals, essays or academic books. Primary research is the closest form of information to the topic or idea being studied. The information is not changed by other researchers, and is a true account that can be easily interpreted by the researcher. Unchanged data is also more reliable and accurate, especially for history subjects, but primary research takes a longer time to carry ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. What Is The Primary Source In Joseph Galloway Speech To... Before talking about Joseph Galloway's Speech to the Continental Congress, it is necessary for me to explain in a simpler way what a primary source is. A primary source is a document, an image or an artifact that provides a direct or firsthand evidence about an event, a person, an object or a work of art. Hence, historical documents, speeches, published works, autobiographies and so on, are primary sources. The Speech to the Continental Congress of 1744 is a discourse made by Joseph Galloway during the Continental Congress on the 28th September 1744. It is possible to read it on the Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789: 1774. After the end of the French and Indian War (1754–1763), Britain saw itself with enormous debts to pay and ... Show more content on ... If historians were to only use primary sources from one perspective, they would lose the chance to know different point of views. Take into consideration Joseph Galloway's Speech to the Continental Congress. It is clear that he is trying to persuade the colonists not to go against Britain. Now, this speech is a primary source because is a document that provides explicit information about an event. But, a couple of years later, Thomas Paine writes the pamphlet "Common Sense", where he advocates the country to be independent from Britain. If historians were only to use Joseph Galloway's primary source, they would never be able to know that not everyone was thinking the same way of him. In order to fully understand what is the cause or the causes that lead to different events in history, it is important to be familiar to every kind of document regarding that period. Read and analyze every prime source of that period to have a complete and neat vision of the ... Get more on ...