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  Who Are They?
              Presented By
          Veronica Drantz, PhD
And Intersex Spokespersons Alex & Chrixs

              Prepared for
           Argosy University
             March 23, 2013
Famous Intersex People

 Carolyn Cossey XXXY (Klinefelter’s)
 Julia Child XY (CAIS)
 Caster Semenya (CAIS?)
Intersex People Are Natural
   "There is a spectrum of sexual
     identity and intersex people
     bridge this spectrum. We have a
     unique vision to offer the world
     and we have existed since the
     dawn of humanity."
   Hida Viloria – intersex activist
   XX (CAH)
The Myth: “The Gender Binary”

 Gametes are binary (eggs or sperm)
 Organisms that make the gametes are not binary!
23 Pairs Human Chromosomes
         XX (Female), XY (Male)

Figure 25-2 Karyotype of chromosomes from a normal male. The chromosomes have
been stained with Giemsa's stain, which produces a characteristic banding pattern.
Genetic Sex Determination
                                                                                        • Typical male
                                                                                          has Y
                                                                                        • Typical
                                                                                          female has
                                                                                          no Y

Figure 25-1 Basis of genetic sex determination. In the two-stage meiotic division in the female, only one cell survives as the
mature ovum. In the male, the meiotic division results in the formation of four sperms, two containing the X and two the Y
chromosome. Fertilization thus produces a male zygote with 22 pairs of autosomes plus an X and a Y or a female zygote with
22 pairs of autosomes and two X chromosomes. Note that for clarity, this figure and Figures 25–6 and 25–7 differ from the
current international nomenclature for karyotypes, which lists the total number of chromosomes followed by the sex
chromosome pattern. Thus, XO is 45, X; XY is 46, XY; XXY is 47, XXY, and so on.
Y Chromosome Has Testis-
  determining Region (Gene)
 Is a sex-determining gene on the Y chromosome
  in placental mammals and marsupials
  (Y chromosome evolved from X chromosome)
 Initiates male sex determination
 Located near tip of short arm of Y chromosome
 Codes for SRY protein
  – SRY = Sex-determining region Y
  – aka testis determining factor = TDF
  – Causes gonad to differentiate into testis
          SRY protein is DNA-binding regulatory protein
          Acts as transcription factor
          Initiates transcription of cascade of genes necessary for
           testicular differentiation
Multiple Genes Determine
                       Gonad Differentiation

            MALES: SRY upregulates SOX9 activating expression of steroid genesis factor 1 (SF1) and
               other genes responsible for testes differentiation and INHIBITING expression of WNT4
            FEMALES: WNT upregulates DAX1 (when inhibited); DAX inhibits SOX9 expression and
               upregulates downstream target genes that induce ovarian differentiation
Genes on Sex Chromosomes Are
 Expressed in Brain of Embryo
  XX      and XY embryonic rodent brains
       develop differently before gonads
       develop (so hormone influence is not a
 Laura L. Carruth, Ingrid Reisert & Arthur P. Arnold. Sex chromosome genes directly affect brain sexual differentiation NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 5, 933
       - 934 (2002)
 Phoebe Dewing, Tao Shi, Steve Horvath, Eric Vilain Sexually dimorphic gene expression in mouse brain precedes gonadal Differentiation MOLECULAR
       BRAIN RESEARCH 118 (2003)
“Organization – Activation”

 “Prenatal   hormone theory”
  – Organization before birth
  – Activation at puberty
Figure 25-4 Embryonic
differentiation of male and
female internal genitalia
(genital ducts) from
wolffian (male) and
müllerian (female)
Differentiation of
External Genitalia

Figure 25-5 Differentiation of male
and female external genitalia from
indifferent primordial structures in the
Sexual Development in Mammals

Figure 25-6 Diagrammatic summary of normal sex determination, differentiation, and
development in humans. MIS, müllerian inhibiting substance; T, testosterone; DHT,
Androgen Hormones Are Made
in Adrenal Glands and Gonads 17β-HSD=17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Male Testosterone Levels

Figure 25-8 Plasma testosterone levels at various ages in
human males.
Mechanism of Steroid
                      Hormone Action                                                                    Brain

Figure 25-18 Schematic diagram of the actions of testosterone (solid arrows) and dihydrotestosterone (dashed arrows).
T versus DHT effects
        Sexual differentiation due to Testosterone

                                        Seminal vesicles
                                         Vasa deferentia
   Wolffian Duct
                                        Ejaculatory ducts

     Sexual differentiation due to 5α reductase type 2

  Urogenital sinus                       Prostate gland
 Urogenital tubercle                         Penis
Labioscrotal swellings                      Scrotum
  Urogenital folds                          Urethra
Puberty = “Activation”
                         Female Secondary Sex Characteristic        Cause

         Genitalia      Enlargement of breasts, uterus, vagina    Estrogen

         Voice          larynx retains prepubertal proportions;   Lack of
                        high-pitched voice                        testicular

         Hair           less body hair, more scalp hair, flat-    Lack of
                        topped pubic hair pattern                 testicular

                           Pubic and axillary hair                  Androgen

         Mental         Interest in sex                           Androgen

         Body           Narrow shoulders, broad hips, thighs      Lack of
         Conformation   that converge, arms that diverge (wide    testicular
                        carrying angle), female distribution of   androgens
                        fat in breasts & buttocks
         Skin           Sebaceous glands more fluid (inhibit      Estrogen

                          Alteration in typical women
Activation at Puberty

 Tanner                            scales
Male Is Altered Female !!!
 Mammalian    body plan is inherently female
 Every individual’s body plan is a variation on the
  female theme
   – Default (female)
   – Fully altered (male)
   – Partly altered (intersex)
 Everyone  falls on some point of the continuum from
  female (gynemorphic) to male (andromorphic)
 This sexual body plan is organized by presence or
  absence of steroid hormones during the critical
  period of development
 Sexual systems are activated later by steroid
  hormones during puberty
What Is a Female? A Male?
 Primary    sex characteristic
  – Type of gonads
        Female gonad is ovary – produces eggs
        Male gonad is testis – produces sperm
  – Develop in fetus
  – Testosterone & its derivatives are “directional”
 Secondary      sex characteristics
  – Produced by gonadal hormones
        Androgens
        Estrogens
  – Develop during puberty
  – Hormones are “activational”
Sexual Identity & Orientation –
      Nature or Nurture?
 The  genitalia are obviously organized before birth,
  and we obviously do not learn or choose our genetic
  sex, gonadal sex, hormonal sex, or somatic sex
 But what about sexual behavior? Sexual identity?
  Sexual orientation? Innate or learned/chosen?
 Is the brain, like the body, organized by the
  presence or absence of sex hormones before birth?
 Evidence for Organization-Activation Mechanism
  – David Reimer story
  – Intersex people (AIS, CAH, cloacal exstrophy)
  – Brain work (nonhuman mammals, humans)
John Money
 “Sexual      behavior and orientation as                                                                                                        Psychologist

      male or female does not have an
      innate, instinctive basis”
Money, J. Hermaphroditism, gender and precocity in hyperadrenocorticism: Psychologic findings. BULLETIN OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL
     96:253-264 (1955)

        – Postulate 1: Individuals are psychosexually neutral
          at birth
        – Postulate 2: Healthy psychosexual development is
          intimately related to the appearance of the genitals
 No      evidence to support this theory (serious
      flaws in Money’s statistical and research methods)
*Cappon D, Ezrin C, Lynes P. Psychosexual identification (psychogender) in the intersexed THE CANADIAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 4:90-106 (1959)
Milton Diamond
 Prenatal genetic and hormonal            Biologist

  influences predispose at birth to a male or
  female sexual identity
 Inherent sexuality provides built-in "bias“ with
  which the individual interacts with environment;
  sexual behavior and thus gender role, are not
  neutral and without initial direction at birth
 Organization – Activation Mechanism
 Evolutionary view
1959 – Breakthrough at
        University of Kansas
 Phoenix  CH, Goy RW, Gerall AA, Young WC.
  Organizing action of prenatally administered
  testosterone propionate on the tissues
  mediating mating behavior in the female guinea
  pig. ENDOCRINOLOGY 65:369-382 (1959)
 Milton Diamond
  – Felt that fellow scientists were too cautious failing to
    link their animal findings to human situation
  – Decided to write essay challenging psychosexual
    neutrality theory
Diamond Versus Money
•   Diamond challenges Money - 1965
    • Diamond, Milton. A critical evaluation of the ontogeny
      of human sexual behavior. QUARTERLY REVIEW OF
      BIOLOGY 40:147 – 175 (1965)
    • Over the years, animal work accumulated showing
      “determining influence” of prenatal hormones
•   Money responds to challenge - December 28,
    • Symposium of American Association for the
      Advancement of Science “Sex Role Learning in
      Childhood and Adolescence”
    • Man & Woman, Boy & Girl: the differentiation and
      dimorphism of gender identity from conception to
      maturity. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University
      Press, 1972. 311 p. (Depts Psychiatry and Pediatrics, John Hopkins Univ. Sch. Med., Baltimore, MD)
The David Reimer Story
  “John/Joan Case”
   “Nature-Nurture Experiment” involving
    an identical twin
    – Circumcision accident destroyed John’s penis
    – Dr. Money consulted: John was “assigned” as Joan
       (castration, feminizing genitoplasty, raised as girl)
   John Money reported (falsely) that “Joan”
    was growing up as a happy girl
   John-Joan case became the foundation of standard care
    – Certain intersex conditions
    – Micropenis
    – Accidental penile amputation in infancy
   Deception of patient about their medical history is necessary
    for “Optimal Gender of Rearing” process
   Medical records were often falsified or destroyed
   Many intersex people still do not know their medical history or
    their intersex status
David Reimer

                                                        “Joan’s turning point occurred at
                                                           the age of 14, when she, on her
                                                           own initiative, began living as a
                                                           boy, John. John recalls how
                                                           soon thereafter he finally
                                                           learned the truth, “In a tearful
                                                           episode following John’s
                                                           prodding, his father told him of
                                                           the history of what had
                                                           transpired as an infant and why.
                                                           John recalls: ‘All of a sudden
                                                           everything clicked. For the first
                                                           time things made sense and I
Colapinto, John. As Nature Made Him - The Boy Who Was
Raised As A Girl HarperCollins (2000)
                                                           understood who and what I

                                                        Beh HG, Diamond M. An Emerging Ethical and
                                                             Medical Dilemma: Should Physicians Perform
                                                             Sex Assignment on Infants with Ambiguous
                                                             Genitalia? MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF GENDER
                                                             & LAW 7: 1-63 (2000)
David Reimer (1965-2004)

 John Money continued to tell medical community that Joan/Brenda
  was a happy girl/woman and then claims to lose track of her
 Milton Diamond finds “Joan” living as David!
 When David discovered his case was medically famous and that
  thousands of intersex babies had suffered his plight, he cooperated
  with Milton Diamond and “went public”
Milton Diamond, Ph.D. & H. Keith Sigmundson, M.D. Sex Reassignment at Birth: A Long Term Review and Clinical Implications. ARCHIVES OF
      PEDIATRIC & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE 151:298-304 (1997)

Money’s                            view is now discredited!
Intersex People

                       Curtis Hinkle - Founder
                  Organization Intersex International
   Incidence:   1.7%*- 2.5% ???
   Intersexual people are as natural as the rest of us
   They are nature’s experiments providing
    information about sexual development
   Only in recent years have we been able to track
    intersexual people over their lifetime and find out
    about their sexual identity and orientation
   They illustrate how no definition of female or male
    is always “satisfying”

Sex Has Many Levels
Primary sex
     GeneticSex – Chromosomes   (X & Y in mammals only)

     Gonadal Sex – Ovaries/Testis
     Hormonal Sex – Estrogen/Testosterone
     Somatic Sex – Body anatomy/physiology
     Psychological Sex - Sexual identity

      and then there is
     Sexual orientation
 Translocation   of SRY
    Unequal        gene from Y to X
  Crossing-over    chromosome
                   – XY Female
Between X and Y        Swyer syndrome

 During Paternal       Absence or mutation of

                        SRY on Y produces
     Meiosis            females with gonadal
                   – XX Male
                       XX male syndrome

                       SRY gene in one or

                        both X chromosomes,
                        produces infertile males
Variations of
                                                   Genetic Sexes
                                                  Nondisjunction of
                                                   chromosomes during
                                                   meiosis in parent’s gonad

                                                   – XO Female (Turner
                                                   –   XXX Female
                                                   –   XXY, XXXY etc. Male
                                                       (Klinefelter Male)
                                                   –   XYY Male (Jacob’s
                                                   –   48XYXY
Turner’s Syndrome
                                Karyotype is 44
                                 autosomes plus XO
                                Ovarian agenesis or
                                 gonadal dysgenesis
                                 – Gonads rudimentary or
                                 – Female external genitalia
                                 – Short stature, other
                                   congenital abnormalities
Luria, Z., Friedman, S., and
New York: John Wiley & Sons
                                 – No maturation at puberty
Klinefelter Syndrome
                          Karyotype  47XXY
                          Most common sex chromosome
                           disorder (1 or 2 cases/1000)
                          Male phenotype
                          Hypogonadism
http://www.aurorahealt    Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis
51770.jpg                      – Reduced or absent spermatogenesis
                               – Variability in presentation is related
                                    mainly to the timing and amount of
                                    androgen deficiency
                               –    Increased FSH levels (indicates low inhibin B from Sertoli cells)
                               –    The more supernumerary sex chromosomes that exist, the more likely are detrimental physical and
                                    mental findings
                               –    Cryptorchidism 3X more frequent
                               –    Taller, greater leg growth (5 and 8 years)
                               –    Tendency for central obesity
                               –    Minority born with small penises; testosterone cream caused penis growth; however, normal size
                                    penis in only 77% by end of puberty; in contrast, testes normal size at birth but fail to grow normally
                               –    Gynecomastia 30% to 90% of cases
                               –    May have diminished body and facial hair, female pubic hair pattern, small phallus, poor muscular
                                    development, and progressive disproportion in leg and body length, feminine fat distribution
                               –    Fertility becomes increasingly doubtful as age advances; however, before infertility is predicted,
                                    sperm analysis is required because paternity has been documented
                         Forbes, C.D. and Jackson, W.F. A COLOUR ATLAS AND TEXT OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. England: Mosby-Wolfe
Klinefelter Syndrome
                               & Gender Expression
      Infrequently discussed in medical descriptions of KS are
       individuals’ concerns with gender expressions and feelings
      An unknown percentage of persons who have KS experience
       androgynous or feminine feelings that can develop at an
       early age
      Some people who have KS consider themselves to be
       transgendered, others intersexed, and others transsexual; in
       one study, investigators concluded that all of their KS
       patients viewed their personalities as dual male and female
         – A host of investigators similarly reported cases of men who had KS
           who transitioned to live as women or who harbored aspects of gender
         – Carolyn Cossey, a “James Bond girl,” was raised as boy, but changed
           to live as a girl at young age, and became a famous model; her
           karyotype was found to be XXXY
Shirley Ratcliffe Arch Dis Child 1999;80:192–195
Sex Chromosome Mosaics
   A genetic mosaic is a
    creature whose body is built
    of a mixture of cells of two or
    more different genotypes
    – Fusion of different embryos to
      form chimera
    – Nondisjunction or mutation in
      stem cell undergoing mitosis in
      early embryo creating two
      genetic kinds of cells
   Mosaic intersex types
    – 46XY/47XXY
    – 46X/46XY

   Caused by mutations in the gene for the androgen receptor
   Recessive X-linked single gene syndrome (mother is carrier)
   Genetic males - 46 XY
   Testes (abdominal or inguinal) secrete testosterone
   No uterus or other internal female genitalia (MIS worked)
   Male internal genitalia undeveloped (Testosterone did not
   Female secondary sex characteristics develop (eg, breasts)
    –  At puberty testosterone from testes is turned into estrogen by enzyme (aromatase)
       in peripheral tissues
    – Often discover their condition when they fail to menstruate (No uterus)
    (Julia Child – CAIS)
Forbes, C.D. and Jackson, W.F. A COLOUR ATLAS AND TEXT OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. England: Mosby-Wolfe (1993)
CAIS People Feel Like Women!
                                      Luria, Z., Friedman, S., and Rose, M.D. HUMAN SEXUALITY. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
Partial AIS (2-5):                                                                        Grade 1:
                                                                                                     normal masculinization in utero

          Cannot Predict                                                                            Grade 2:
                                                                                                     male phenotype with mild defect
                                                                                                     in masculinization (eg, isolated
           Sexual Identity                                                                       
                                                                                                     Grade 3:
                                                                                                     male phenotype with severe
                                                                                                     defect in masculinization—small
                                                                                                     penis, perineoscrotal
                                                                                                     hypospadias, bifid scrotum or
                                                                                                    Grade 4:
                                                                                                     severe genital ambiguity—
                                                                                                     clitoral-like phallus, labioscrotal
                                                                                                     folds, single perineal orifice
                                                                                                    Grade 5: female phenotype with
                                                                                                     posterior labial fusion and
                                                                                                    Grade 6/7
         Numbered I through 7 in order of increasing severity                                        female phenotype (grade 6 if
                    (more defective masculinization)                                                 pubic hair present in adulthood,
Adapted from Quigley CA, DeBellis A, Marschke KB, El-Awady MK, Wilson EM, French FS. Androgen
       Receptor Defects: Historical, Clinical, And Molecular Perspectives. ENDOCRINE REV, 1
       6:282; (1995) with permission.
                                                                                                     grade 7 if no pubic hair in
  In: Diamond, Milton and Watson, Linda Ann. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome And Klinefelter’s       adulthood)
  Syndrome: Sex And Gender Considerations. CHILD ADOLESC PSYCHIATRIC CLIN N AM 13: 623
  —640 (2004)
Complete AIS & Gender Identity
     39 subjects:
     •    100% lived as women and believed that it was the best decision for them; however, this was not a
          simple solution for all
     •    “Acceptance of assignment does not mean that assignment has been correct. It just means that
          most are able to adapt and live with the handicap; however, they might have preferred other
published statements from ALIAS,                              Agree                                       Disagree
       an AIS newsletter.

“I don’t think I am any different in                         82%*                                           18%
feeling than if I were born XX, feel
           very female.”

 “All my efforts over the years in                            10%                                           90%
presenting a female persona have
  left me completely exhausted. I
    might just as well have had a
mastectomy, cut my hair short and
 lived as a celibate man. It would
actually have been easier I think.”

I have to “work at being a woman”             56% (dressing in a feminine way                               44%
                                              or using cosmetics or hair styles in
                                                   a way to signal “female”
                                              unambiguously, altering selection
                                                          of clothes;
                                              30% did above much of the time)
         Considered suicide                                   62%                                           38%

         Attempted suicide                                    23%                                           77%

*Indicates to me that androgen receptor is required for “alteration” of human gender identity brain region(s).
Diamond, Milton and Watson, Linda Ann. “Androgen insensitivity syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome: sex and gender considerations”
Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am 13 (2004) 623—640
Partial AIS & Gender Identity
18 subjects:
•Often ambivalent about assigned gender
•67% believed that the gender in which they were raised was best for them, whereas the
others voiced reservations
• “Gender switch” occurred at mean age of 33, range 18-46)

                                           PARTIAL AIS

                 8 raised as boys                             4 live as women

                10 raised as girls                              2 live as men*

              Considered suicide                                           61%

               Attempted suicide                                           17%

*Now angry about castration, vaginal reconstructions surgery, and somatic feminization by estrogen treatment since
**Attempted before switching
Diamond, Milton and Watson, Linda Ann. “Androgen insensitivity syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome: sex
and gender considerations” Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am 13 (2004) 623—640
      21β-hydroxylase
         enzyme deficiency                                                     Congenital Adrenal
         (vast majority)                                                       Hyperplasia (CAH)
        Other enzyme
         deficiencies (rare)
        Continuum of CAH
           – Classical
               Salt-wasting

               Simple virilizing

           – Nonclassical
        Phenotype
         correlates with
         genotype and
         reflects residual
         activity of milder
3 β-HSD = 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 17β-HSD = 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Five Degrees of Virilization Affecting
        the Urogenital Sinus and
     External Genitalia in Females

Hines M, Brook C., Conway, G.S. Androgen And Psychosexual Development Core Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation And
Recalled Childhood Gender Role Behavior In Women And Men With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). J SEX RES, 41: 75-81
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia



Luria, Z., Friedman, S., and Rose, M.D. HUMAN SEXUALITY. New York: John Wiley &   Forbes, C.D. and Jackson, W.F. A COLOUR ATLAS AND TEXT OF CLINICAL
Sons (1987)                                                                       MEDICINE. England: Mosby-Wolfe (1993)
Frequency of CAH

Figure 4. Frequency of nonclassical and classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency in comparison with other
    autosomal recessive disease incidences

Hines M, Brook C., Conway, G.S. Androgen And Psychosexual Development Core Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation And Recalled
      Childhood Gender Role Behavior In Women And Men With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasiz (CAH). J SEX RES, 41: 75-81 (2004)
CAH (Adrenogenital Syndrome)

         Luria, Z., Friedman, S., and Rose, M.D. HUMAN
         SEXUALITY. New York: John Wiley & Sons (1987)
Sexuality of CAH Women
 More male-typical play behavior as children*
 Less satisfaction with the female sex of assignment and less
  heterosexual interest*
 CAH girls who show the greatest alterations in childhood play
  behavior may be the most likely to develop a bisexual or
  homosexual orientation as adults and to be dissatisfied with
  the female sex of assignment*
 “The finding of greater same-sex fantasy … is consistent with
  the prenatal hormonal hypothesis”**
 “…excess prenatal androgens predispose some women to the
  development of same-gender sexual orientation”***
 “Dose-response relationship of androgens with sexual
  orientation” - a study of women with various forms of CAH****
*Hines M, Brook C., Conway, G.S. Androgen And Psychosexual Development Core Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation And Recalled Childhood Gender Role Behavior In Women And Men With
        Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). J SEX RES, 41: 75-81 (2004)
**Veniegas, Rosemary C. Biological Research on Women's Sexual Orientations: Evaluating the Scientific Evidence. J SOCIAL ISSUES, (2000)
***Pattatucci, A. M. L., & Hamer, D. H. Development And Familiality Of Sexual Orientation In Females. BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 25: 407-420 (1995)
****Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Dolezal C, Baker SE, New MI. “Sexual Orientation in Women with Classical or Non-Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia as a Function of
      Degree of Prenatal Androgen Excess” ARCHIVES OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR 1: 85-99 (2008),
 These  common
  conditions are
  often not regarded
  as intersex
 But they are!
Figure 4.
Metabolism of Testosterone to 5_-Dihydrotestosterone
by the enzyme 5alpha-Reductase type 2 (SDR5A2).

 Figure 11. Mutations in the
 human 5_-reductase type 2
 gene (SDR5A2) reported in
 patients with the syndrome
 of 5_-reductase deficiency.
 The 5_-reductase type 2
 enzyme is encoded by 5
 different exons and
 mutations have been
 reported in all 5 exons, as
 well as a complete gene
 deletion, small deletions of
 nucleotides and splice site

 Brinkmann A. O., Androgen Physiology: Receptor and MetabolicDisorders. Nov 2009.
Cloacal Exstrophy
                                  Rare,  complex defect
                                   of the entire pelvis
                                   and its contents
                                  Associated with
                                   severe phallic
                                   inadequacy or phallic
                                   absence in genetic
                                  For about 25 years,
Bladder Extrophy and absence
of the penis                       neonatal assignment
green arrows: everted bladder;     to female sex has
blue arrows: the scrotum;          been advocated for
yellow arrows: umbilcal cord       affected males
Prenatal Androgen - Major Factor
   in Development of Sexual Identity
      Genetically and
       children may
       identify as
       males despite
       being raised as
       females and
       genitoplasty at
      Kayla’s story
Reiner, William G. and Gearhart, John P. Discordant
        Sexual Identity in Some Genetic Males with
        Cloacal Exstrophy Assigned to Female Sex at
        MEDICINE, 350:333-341 (2004)
The Sexual
   Amygdala
          – Part of Limbic System
          – Genesis of emotions
               & emotional
   Hypothalamus
          – Homeostasis
          – Neuroendocrine Control
          – Instinctive Drives &
                     Hunger
                     Thirst
                     Sleep
                     Body Rhythms
                     Sex
ILLUSTRATIONS. Vol I. Nervous System. Part I. Anatomy &
Physiology. New York: CIBA (1983)
Sexual Behavior and Gonadal
Function Controlled by Different
  Regions of Hypothalamus in

              Figure 25-28 Loci where implantations of estrogen in the hypothalamus
                   affect ovarian weight and sexual behavior in rats, projected on a
                   sagittal section of the hypothalamus. The implants that stimulate
                   sex behavior are located in the suprachiasmatic area above the
                   optic chiasm (blue area), whereas ovarian atrophy is produced by
                   implants in the arcuate nucleus and surrounding ventral
                   hypothalamus (red). MB, mamillary body
Biology of Sexual Identity

A broadly accepted social class in Samoa
Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis

Figure 2: Representative sections of the BSTc innervated by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). A:
    heterosexual man; B: heterosexual woman; C: homosexual man; D: male-to-female transsexual. Bar=0.5
    mm. LV: lateral ventricle. Note there are two parts of the BST in A and B: small sized medial subdivision
    (BSTm), and large oval-sized central subdivision (BSTc)
Zhou, J.N. Hofman, M.A. Gooren, L.J. and Swaab, D.F.. A Sex Difference in the Human Brain and its
    Relation to Transsexuality. NATURE, 378: 68-70 (1995)
   BSTc is sexually dimorphic and necessary for sexual behavior in animals
   Note the sex difference regardless of sexual orientation
   MtF Transsexual has same BSTc volume as typical female
   Size of BSTc is not influenced by sex hormones in adulthood
   End point: VIP-secreting presynaptic nerve endings carrying “emotional
    info” from amygdala to this nucleus of anterior hypothalamus
2nd Study on BSTc

       The male-to-female transsexual has a
        BSTc in the female range
           –      S7: male, lifelong female identity, never “treated”-
                  within female range
       FMT: number of neurons is fully within the
        male range
       End point: somatostatin-secreting postsynaptic
        neurons in nucleus receiving VIP input from amygdala
(a) a reference man
(b) reference woman
(c) homosexual man
(d) male-to-female transsexual

Kruijver, Frank P. M., Zhou, Jiang-Ning, Pool, Chris W. Hofman, Michel A.,. Gooren, Louis
       J. G And Swaab, Dick F. Male-To-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron
       Numbers In A Limbic Nucleus. J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB, 85: 2034-2041 (2000)
Genetics of Transsexuality
 MtF              transsexualism
       – Significant link with a longer version of the
            androgen receptor gene associated with
            weaker signaling
Hare L, Bernard P, Sanchez FJ, Baird PN, Vilain E, Kennedy T, Harley VR. Androgen Receptor Repeat Length Polymorphism
     Associated with Male-to-Female Transsexualism BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 65 (1): 93-96 (2009)

 FtM              transsexualism
       – Gene variant for 17 α-Hydroxylase* causes
            higher concentrations of androgens and
            estrogen hormones in developing brain
*Also called cytochrome P17

Bentz, Eva-Katrin; Hefler, Lukas A.; Kaufmann, Ulrike; Huber, Johannes C.; Kolbus, Andrea; Tempfer, Clemens B. A Polymorphism of
      the CYP17 Gene Related to Sex Steroid Metabolism is Associated With Female-to-Male But Not Male-to-Female Transsexualism
      OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL SURVEY 63 (12) 775-777 (2008)
Biology of Sexual Orientation
   Anthropological evidence - gay
    people everywhere
   “Gay people have a different
    Sandra Witelson, PhD

   Same-sex behavior in nearly all
      – Homosexuality & other sexually
             variant behaviors in animals is
    Martin's Press (1999)
      – Examples of same-sex behavior can
             be found in almost all species in the
             animal kingdom — from worms to
             frogs to birds — making the practice
             nearly universal among animals
Bailey N, Zuk M. Same-sex sexual behavior and evolution TRENDS IN
     ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 24:439-446 (2009)
Sexual Orientation & INAH3

•   Volume of INAH3 in homosexual male did
    not differ significantly from that of females
    and was significantly smaller than in
    typical males
•   Other hypothalamic nuclei same in gay
    and typical males
LeVay, S. A Difference In Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual And Homosexual Men.
   SCIENCE, 253: 1034–1037 (1991)
More Evidence For “Gay Brain”
 Follow  up study in humans confirms LeVay’s
  finding that INAH3 volume (presynaptic nerve
  endings) is related to sexual orientation
 New finding: no difference in the INAH3
  neuron number (postsynaptic neurons) based
  on sexual orientation
Byne, William, Tobel, Stuart, Mattiace, Linda A., Lasco, Mitchell S., Kemether, Eileen, Edgar, Mark A., Morgello, Susan, Buchsbaum, Monte S., and Jones,
      Liesl B. The Interstitial Nuclei of the Human Anterior Hypothalamus: An Investigation of Variation with Sex, Sexual Orientation, and HIV Status.
      HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR, 40: 86-92 (2001)

 INAH3       neuron number correlates with gender
      identity while INAH3 volume correlates with
      sexual orientation
Garcia-Falgueras & Swaab, D.F. A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity. BRAIN 131:(12) 3115-7 (2008)

 Gay                sheep brains
        –    About 8% of rams are exclusively homosexual
        –    “Duplicated” LeVay’s work on INAH3 of humans
Roselli CE, Larkin K, Resko JA, Stellflug JN, Stormshak F. The volume of a sexually dimorphic nucleus in the ovine medial preoptic area/anterior
      hypothalamus varies with sexual partner preference. ENDOCRINOLOGY 145:489-483 (2004)
Brain Has Neuronal Network For
Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation
  “The    sex reversals in INAH3 and the
     BSTc, that are at least partly independent
     of adult sex hormone changes, may be
     part of a complex neuronal network that is
     structurally and functionally related to
     gender identity and sexual orientation.”
 Garcia-Falgueras & Swaab, D.F. A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender
     identity. BRAIN 131:(12) 3115-7 (2008)
Anterior Hypothalamus Is
      Activated by Sex Pheromones
                                                                                                     Activation of
     Positron emission tomography                                                     Subject         anterior
      (PET scans) of anterior                                                                       hypothalamus
      hypothalamus while subjects
      smell sex pheromones                                                           Heterosexual
     Heterosexual – activated by sex
      pheromones of other sex
     Homosexual – activated by sex                                                    males

      pheromones of same sex
AND = progesterone derivative 4,16-androstadien-3-one                                  females
EST = estrogen-like steroid estra-1,3,5(10),16-tetraen-3-ol

Berglund H, Lindström P, Savic I. Brain response to putative pheromones in lesbian   Homosexual
      women. PNAS 103:8269-8274 (2006)                                                 females
Genetics of Gayness/Lesbianism
 Evidence       for genetic markers* for gay men and
      their gay brothers in the Xq28 region on the X
*Markers are regions or sections of DNA that are the same among family members, suggesting the presence of a gene
Hamer, D. H., Hu, S., Magnuson, V. L., Hu, N., & Pattatucci, A. M. A. Linkage Between DNA Markers On The X Chromosome And Male Sexual
      Orientation. SCIENCE, 261: 321-327 (1993)
Hu, S., Pattatucci, A. M., Patterson, C., Li, L., Fulker, D. W., Cherny, S. S., Kruglyak, L., & Hamer, D. H. Linkage Between Sexual Orientation
      And Chromosome Xq28 In Males But Not In Females. NATURE GENETICS, 11: 248-256 (1995)

 Findings    are consistent with a genetic
      hypothesis for lesbianism
        – Lesbians had significantly higher rates of lesbian sisters,
             daughters, and cousins through a paternal uncle than did
             heterosexual women
Pattatucci, A. M. L., & Hamer, D. H. Development And Familiality Of Sexual Orientation In Females. BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 25: 407-420

        – Increasing rates of concordance of lesbianism from nonidentical
             twins to identical twin pairs
Bailey, J. M., & Benishay, D. S. Familial aggregation of female sexual orientation. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 150: 272-277
Bailey, J. M., Dunne. M. P., & Martin, N. G. Genetic And Environmental Influences On Sexual Orientation And Its Correlates In An Australian
      Twin Sample. JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 78: 524-536 (2000)

        – But lesbianism is not associated with the locus at Xq28
Hu, S., Pattatucci, A. M., Patterson, C., Li, L., Fulker, D. W., Cherny, S. S., Kruglyak, L., & Hamer, D. H. Linkage Between Sexual Orientation
      And Chromosome Xq28 In Males But Not In Females. NATURE GENETICS, 11: 248-256 (1995)
Summary -
 The scientific story explains everyone!
 “The preponderance of evidence seems to
  indicate that the theory of organization-
  activation for the development of sexual
  behavior is certain for non-human mammals
  and almost certain for humans"
Milton Diamond. Clinical implications of the organizational and activational effects of hormones. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 55:621–632 (2009)
Pivotal work on human anterior hypothalamus:
LeVay, S. A Difference In Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual And Homosexual Men. SCIENCE, 253: 1034–1037 (1991)
Zhou, J.N. Hofman, M.A. Gooren, L.J. and Swaab, D.F.. A Sex Difference in the Human Brain and its Relation to Transsexuality. NATURE, 378: 68-70
Kruijver, Frank P. M., Zhou, Jiang-Ning, Pool, Chris W. Hofman, Michel A.,. Gooren, Louis J. G And Swaab, Dick F. Male-To-Female Transsexuals Have
      Female Neuron Numbers In A Limbic Nucleus. J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB, 85: 2034-2041 (2000)
Garcia-Falgueras, Alicia, Swaab, Dick F. A Sex Difference In The Hypothalamic Uncinate Nucleus: Relationship To Gender Identity. BRAIN, (Nov 2,
Organization-Activation Theory
      “The fetal brain develops during the
        intrauterine period in the male direction
        through a direct action of testosterone on
        the developing nerve cells, or in the
        female direction through the absence of
        this hormone surge. In this way, our
        gender identity (the conviction of
        belonging to the male or female gender)
        and sexual orientation are programmed or
        organized into our brain structures when
        we are still in the womb”
Garcia-Falgueras A, Swaab DF. Sexual hormones and the brain: an essential alliance for sexual identity and sexual orientation PEDIATRIC
Critical Periods of Genitalia
         and Brain Are Different
 “However,   since sexual differentiation of the
  genitals takes place in the first two months of
  pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain
  starts in the second half of pregnancy, these
  two processes can be influenced independently,
  which may result in extreme cases in
 “This also means that in the event of ambiguous
  sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the
  genitals may not reflect the degree of
  masculinization of the brain.”
Garcia-Falgueras A, Swaab DF. Sexual hormones and the brain: an essential alliance for sexual identity and sexual orientation PEDIATRIC
      NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 17: 22-35 (2010)
Core Sexuality:
                  Nature - Not Nurture!
 “There      is no indication that social
      environment after birth has an effect
      on gender identity or sexual

Garcia-Falgueras A, Swaab DF. Sexual hormones and the brain: an essential alliance for sexual identity and sexual orientation PEDIATRIC
      NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 17: 22-35 (2010)
Ancient Brain Regions

The Journal of Comparative Neurology. Vol 519, Issue 18, pages 3599-3639,
17 OCT 2011 DOI: 10.1002/cne.22735
Three       Somatic Morphology (X axis)
Dimensions of  Sexual Identity (Y axis)
Core Sexuality  Sexual Orientation (Z axis)



      Gynemorphic                                               Andromorphic

                                                Everyone occupies a
                    Gynephilic                  point in this three-
                                                dimensional space!
Every cell
   has a sex!
 Four
     sexes” in PBMC
       –    XX/no T
       –    XY/T
       –    XX/T
       –    XY/no T
*PBMC = peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Holterhus P-M, Bebermeier J-H, Werner R, Demeter J,
      Richter-Unruh A, Cario G, Appari M, Siebert R,
      Riepe F, Brooks JD, Hiort O. Disorders of sex
      development expose transcriptional autonomy of
      genetic sex and androgen-programmed hormonal
      sex in human blood leukocytes BMC GENOMICS
      10:292 (2009)
4 Sexes!
 157         genes
         differently in
         males vs.
            – Sex chromosome
              programming of 11
            – Androgen-
              programming of
              146 genes (not
              affected by
Holterhus P-M, Bebermeier J-H, Werner R, Demeter J, Richter-Unruh A, Cario G, Appari
          M, Siebert R, Riepe F, Brooks JD, Hiort O. Disorders of sex development
          expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed
          hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes BMC GENOMICS 10:292 (2009)
Cellular Sex!
 Intersex
  people are
  intersex in
  every cell of
  their bodies
 No two people
Holterhus P-M, Bebermeier J-H, Werner R, Demeter J, Richter-Unruh A, Cario G, Appari
          M, Siebert R, Riepe F, Brooks JD, Hiort O. Disorders of sex development
          expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed
          hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes BMC GENOMICS 10:292 (2009)
Sex ≠ Gender
 Sex is biological
 Gender is cultural
 Gender “traits” differ
  from culture to culture
  and from time to time            Castor Semenya
                            Controversy over whether this
                            South African eighteen-year old
                            should be allowed to compete as
                            a woman continues
The “Gender Binary”
 Welive in a “binary gendered” culture with two
 genders only
  – Woman
  – Man

 Many   cultures recognize more than two genders
      Two-spirits    – Native American
            Berdache – Illiniwek (Illinois)
            Muxes – Zapotec People, Oaxaca, Mexico



Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
 Travestís                                 – Brazil
     Guevedoche – Dominican Republic
     Quariwarmi – Incan


Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
 The Sworn Virgin – Balkans                                                                         Sworn Virgin

 Catamites – Ancient Greece
 Mollies – Modern England
 Tertium genus hominum (a
 third human gender)
 “eunuchs” – Ancient Eastern

                                                                               Catamites            Sworn Virgin

 Thanks to Lorelei Erisis

  Ashtime        – Maale culture of Southern Ethiopia
         Mashoga – Swahili-speaking areas of the
         Kenyan coast, particularly Mombasa
         Mangaiko – The Mbo people, Democratic
         Republic of the Congo
         Sḫt (”sekhet”) – Middle Kingdom of Egypt
         (2000-1800 BCE)
Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
           The       Kurgarûs – Sumer
                 Zenanas – Arab
                 Xanith or Khanith – Oman

Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
            lyha        – Mohave
                   Hijras – India, Pakistan & Bangladesh
                   also known as: Aravani/Aruvani or Jogappa
                   Hijira (alt. sp.) – India
                   Sadhin – The Gaddhi in the foothills of the

Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
ASIA continued
 Basivi – Madras (area of India)
 Tritiya-prakrti (third-nature) – Indic Kathoey
 culture of premodern India
 Ubhatobyanjanakas – Buddhist Vinaya
 Kathoey – Thailand
 Pandaka – Ancient Buddhist Societies

                      Thanks to Lorelei Erisis

 Fa’afafine   – Samoa Polynesia
    Fakaleiti – Tonga
    Mahu Wahine – Hawaii
    Mahu Vahine – Tahiti
    Whakawahine – Māori
    Akava’ine – Cook Islands

Thanks to Lorelei Erisis

 Waria                                 Waria
 Kwolu-aatmwol – “Sambia” community in the
 eastern highlands of Papua New Guinea
 bakla – Tagalog
 Bayot – Cebuano
 Agi – Ilonggo
 Bantut – Tausug
  Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
Disordered or Just Different?
 Gender   binary has permeated medicine
 The medical profession has
  pathologized and stigmatized gender-
  variant peoples
  – Lesbian, gay, bisexual people
  – Transsexual people
  – Intersex people
Medical Profession’s Treatment of LGBT People
1952 (DSM-I)                                              Sociopathic Personality Disorders

1968 (DSM-II)                                             Sexual Deviation

1970                                                      Gay rights activists storm APA annual convention

1972                                                      APA annual meeting –first-ever panel of non-
                                                          patient homosexuals” and Dr. Anonymous

1973 (DSM-II Revision)                                    Deletion of Homosexuality
                                                          Substitution of Sexual Orientation Disturbance
                                                          (Homosexuality is not illness but supposedly discomfort with being persecuted as a homosexual is
                                                          an illness)

1980 (DSM-III)                                            Gender Identity Disorder (GID)
                                                          Ego-dystonic Homosexuality (formerly SOD)

1987 (DSM-III Revision)                                   Homosexuality omitted entirely
                                                          (Ego-dystonic homosexuality/SOD removed. It’s normal to not want to be persecuted & empirical
                                                          data to support diagnosis is lacking))→

2000 (APA Position Statement)                             Ethical psychiatrists should stop conversion or
                                                          “reparative therapies”
 Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders by the World Health Organisation in 1990
Intersex Problems: Socio-cultural
 “The   basic problems faced by the
  intersexed are socio-cultural in nature
  and not medical and are a result of the
  dogmatic fundamentalism inherent in
  the current binary construct of sex and
 “Some intersexed individuals are
  subjected to genital mutilation in
  childhood as a result of this                                                                                          Curtis Hinkle - Founder

  totalitarian, sexist oppression”
                                                                                                                    Organization Intersex International

 Whatever    happened to
  “informed consent?”
 Whatever happened to
  “first, do no harm?”

                                                         Sharon E. Preves. INTERSEX and IDENTITY The Contested Self Rutgers University Press (2003)
Genital “Normalization” Surgery - Dismal Outcomes

Migeon; CJ, Wisniewski, AB, Gearhart JP, Meyer-Bahlburg, HFL, Rock, JA, Brown, TR, Casella, SJ, Maret A, Ngai KM, Money J, Berkovitz GD. Ambiguous
     Genitalia With Perineoscrotal Hypospadias in 46,XY Individuals: Long-Term Medical, Surgical, and Psychosexual Outcome PEDIATRICS 110:10p

Kohler B, Kleinemeier E, Lux A, Hiort O, Gruters A, Thyen U, DSD Network Working Group. Satisfaction with genital surgery and sexual life of adults with
      XY disorders of sex development: results from the German clinical evaluation study. CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB 97(2):577-88 (2012)

     Researchers never asked: What if we did nothing?
NEW STANDARDS OF CARE                                                  American Academy                   British Association Pediatric
             FOR                                                             Pediatricians                              Surgeons
      INTERSEX PATIENTS                                                       year 2000                                 year 2001
Diamond, M. Sex, gender, and identity over the years: a changing
OF NORTH AMERICA 13:591-607 (2004)                                 No surgical moratorium
  #1. General moratorium on sex                                    (In1999, AAP decided that surgical
                                                                   moratorium was “unrealistic” because it   No surgical moratorium
  assignment cosmetic surgery                                      was hypothesized that parents would not
                                                                   accept it)

  #2. Moratorium should not be                                     Recognized need for more                  Recognized need for more
  lifted unless and until studies                                  research and greater candor               research and greater candor
  show outcomes are positive                                       and honesty                               and honesty

  #3. Efforts should be made to                                    No call back to families or               No call back to families or
  undo effects of past physician                                   individuals that had previous             individuals that had previous
  deception and secrecy                                            treatment                                 treatment
                                                                                                             Informed consent includes
  Response to intersex birth                                       “Social emergency”                        “possibility of non-operative
                                                                   All virilized females (CAH or
                                                                                                             Gender assignment on
                                                                   maternal androgen) should be
  Gender assignment                                                                                          individual basis; may include
                                                                   girls (because of retained
                                                                                                             cultural considerations
                                                                   Infants raised as girls “will             “There is a strong case for no
  Clitoral surgery                                                 usually require clitoral                  clitoral surgery in lesser
                                                                   reduction”                                degrees of clitoromegaly”
                                                                   PAIS infants “in whom a very
                                                                   small phallus mandates a                  The risk of malignant testicular
  Penile surgery
                                                                   female sex of rearing” should             changes in AIS is small
                                                                   have testes removed
2006 Pediatric Consensus Statement
  “Disorders of Sexual Development” – new term
    – Rather than “Differences” or “Variations”
  “Sexual identity issue” is dismissed
    – “Structure of the brain is not currently useful for gender
  Parental   distress & prejudice used to justify
   damaging surgery
  Gender assignment decisions are still made using
   “scientifically inappropriate” factors
        –    Diagnosis
        –    Genital appearance
        –    Surgical options
        –    Need for lifelong replacement therapy
        –    Potential for fertility
        –    Views of family
        –    Circumstances relating to cultural practices
 Collaboration with participants in International Consensus Conference on Intersex organized by Lawson Pediatric Endocrine Society and European
       Society for Paediatric Endocrinology
 Lee PA, Houk CP, Ahmed SF, Hughes IA. Consensus statement on management of intersex disorders PEDIATRICS 118:488-500 (2006)
Malpractice Continues
 Clitoral   reduction – still “standard clinical
        Dr. Dix P. Poppas, Panel at Weill Cornell Medical College

 Attempts     to prevent same-sex attraction and
      tom-boy behavior in CAH girls
      (Treat pregnant women with dexamethasone)

 Over                   50% are misdiagnosed!
        Minto CL, Crouch NS, Conway GS, Creighton SM. XY females: revisiting the diagnosis BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 112:1407–1410

 Current     DSM-5 proposal: Gender Dysphoria
      with a DSD!

 LGBTI       people have their own health concerns
      that are not being addressed
Holterhus P-M, Bebermeier J-H, Werner R, Demeter J, Richter-Unruh A, Cario G, Appari M, Siebert R, Riepe F, Brooks JD, Hiort O. Disorders of sex
      development expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes BMC GENOMICS
      10:292 (2009)
Basic Human Right:
To Be Who We Are!

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  • 1. INTERSEX PEOPLE: Who Are They? Presented By Veronica Drantz, PhD And Intersex Spokespersons Alex & Chrixs Prepared for Argosy University A2Z March 23, 2013
  • 2. Famous Intersex People  Carolyn Cossey XXXY (Klinefelter’s)  Julia Child XY (CAIS)  Caster Semenya (CAIS?)
  • 3. Intersex People Are Natural "There is a spectrum of sexual identity and intersex people bridge this spectrum. We have a unique vision to offer the world and we have existed since the dawn of humanity." Hida Viloria – intersex activist XX (CAH)
  • 4. The Myth: “The Gender Binary”  Gametes are binary (eggs or sperm)  Organisms that make the gametes are not binary!
  • 5. 23 Pairs Human Chromosomes XX (Female), XY (Male) Figure 25-2 Karyotype of chromosomes from a normal male. The chromosomes have been stained with Giemsa's stain, which produces a characteristic banding pattern.
  • 6.
  • 7. Genetic Sex Determination • Typical male has Y chromosome • Typical female has no Y chromosome Figure 25-1 Basis of genetic sex determination. In the two-stage meiotic division in the female, only one cell survives as the mature ovum. In the male, the meiotic division results in the formation of four sperms, two containing the X and two the Y chromosome. Fertilization thus produces a male zygote with 22 pairs of autosomes plus an X and a Y or a female zygote with 22 pairs of autosomes and two X chromosomes. Note that for clarity, this figure and Figures 25–6 and 25–7 differ from the current international nomenclature for karyotypes, which lists the total number of chromosomes followed by the sex chromosome pattern. Thus, XO is 45, X; XY is 46, XY; XXY is 47, XXY, and so on.
  • 8. Y Chromosome Has Testis- determining Region (Gene)  Is a sex-determining gene on the Y chromosome in placental mammals and marsupials (Y chromosome evolved from X chromosome)  Initiates male sex determination  Located near tip of short arm of Y chromosome  Codes for SRY protein – SRY = Sex-determining region Y – aka testis determining factor = TDF – Causes gonad to differentiate into testis  SRY protein is DNA-binding regulatory protein  Acts as transcription factor  Initiates transcription of cascade of genes necessary for testicular differentiation
  • 9. Multiple Genes Determine Gonad Differentiation MALES: SRY upregulates SOX9 activating expression of steroid genesis factor 1 (SF1) and other genes responsible for testes differentiation and INHIBITING expression of WNT4 FEMALES: WNT upregulates DAX1 (when inhibited); DAX inhibits SOX9 expression and upregulates downstream target genes that induce ovarian differentiation
  • 10. Genes on Sex Chromosomes Are Expressed in Brain of Embryo  XX and XY embryonic rodent brains develop differently before gonads develop (so hormone influence is not a factor) Laura L. Carruth, Ingrid Reisert & Arthur P. Arnold. Sex chromosome genes directly affect brain sexual differentiation NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 5, 933 - 934 (2002) Phoebe Dewing, Tao Shi, Steve Horvath, Eric Vilain Sexually dimorphic gene expression in mouse brain precedes gonadal Differentiation MOLECULAR BRAIN RESEARCH 118 (2003)
  • 11. “Organization – Activation” Mechanism  “Prenatal hormone theory” – Organization before birth – Activation at puberty
  • 12. Sexual Differentiation of Internal Genitalia Figure 25-4 Embryonic differentiation of male and female internal genitalia (genital ducts) from wolffian (male) and müllerian (female) primordia.
  • 13. Sexual Differentiation of External Genitalia Figure 25-5 Differentiation of male and female external genitalia from indifferent primordial structures in the embryo.
  • 14. Sexual Development in Mammals Figure 25-6 Diagrammatic summary of normal sex determination, differentiation, and development in humans. MIS, müllerian inhibiting substance; T, testosterone; DHT, Dihydrotestosterone
  • 15. Androgen Hormones Are Made in Adrenal Glands and Gonads 17β-HSD=17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
  • 16. Male Testosterone Levels Figure 25-8 Plasma testosterone levels at various ages in human males.
  • 17. Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action Brain Figure 25-18 Schematic diagram of the actions of testosterone (solid arrows) and dihydrotestosterone (dashed arrows).
  • 18. T versus DHT effects Sexual differentiation due to Testosterone Seminal vesicles Vasa deferentia Wolffian Duct Epidymides Ejaculatory ducts Sexual differentiation due to 5α reductase type 2 Urogenital sinus Prostate gland Urogenital tubercle Penis Labioscrotal swellings Scrotum Urogenital folds Urethra
  • 19. Puberty = “Activation” Female Secondary Sex Characteristic Cause Genitalia Enlargement of breasts, uterus, vagina Estrogen Voice larynx retains prepubertal proportions; Lack of high-pitched voice testicular androgens Hair less body hair, more scalp hair, flat- Lack of topped pubic hair pattern testicular androgens Pubic and axillary hair Androgen Mental Interest in sex Androgen Body Narrow shoulders, broad hips, thighs Lack of Conformation that converge, arms that diverge (wide testicular carrying angle), female distribution of androgens fat in breasts & buttocks Skin Sebaceous glands more fluid (inhibit Estrogen acne) Alteration in typical women
  • 20. Activation at Puberty  Tanner scales
  • 21. Male Is Altered Female !!!  Mammalian body plan is inherently female  Every individual’s body plan is a variation on the female theme – Default (female) – Fully altered (male) – Partly altered (intersex)  Everyone falls on some point of the continuum from female (gynemorphic) to male (andromorphic)  This sexual body plan is organized by presence or absence of steroid hormones during the critical period of development  Sexual systems are activated later by steroid hormones during puberty
  • 22. What Is a Female? A Male?  Primary sex characteristic – Type of gonads  Female gonad is ovary – produces eggs  Male gonad is testis – produces sperm – Develop in fetus – Testosterone & its derivatives are “directional”  Secondary sex characteristics – Produced by gonadal hormones  Androgens  Estrogens – Develop during puberty – Hormones are “activational”
  • 23. Sexual Identity & Orientation – Nature or Nurture?  The genitalia are obviously organized before birth, and we obviously do not learn or choose our genetic sex, gonadal sex, hormonal sex, or somatic sex  But what about sexual behavior? Sexual identity? Sexual orientation? Innate or learned/chosen?  Is the brain, like the body, organized by the presence or absence of sex hormones before birth?  Evidence for Organization-Activation Mechanism – David Reimer story – Intersex people (AIS, CAH, cloacal exstrophy) – Brain work (nonhuman mammals, humans)
  • 24. John Money "Neutrality-at-Birth“ Theory  “Sexual behavior and orientation as Psychologist male or female does not have an innate, instinctive basis” Money, J. Hermaphroditism, gender and precocity in hyperadrenocorticism: Psychologic findings. BULLETIN OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL 96:253-264 (1955) – Postulate 1: Individuals are psychosexually neutral at birth – Postulate 2: Healthy psychosexual development is intimately related to the appearance of the genitals  No evidence to support this theory (serious flaws in Money’s statistical and research methods) *Cappon D, Ezrin C, Lynes P. Psychosexual identification (psychogender) in the intersexed THE CANADIAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 4:90-106 (1959)
  • 25. Milton Diamond “Sexuality-at-Birth" Theory  Prenatal genetic and hormonal Biologist influences predispose at birth to a male or female sexual identity  Inherent sexuality provides built-in "bias“ with which the individual interacts with environment; sexual behavior and thus gender role, are not neutral and without initial direction at birth  Organization – Activation Mechanism  Evolutionary view
  • 26. 1959 – Breakthrough at University of Kansas  Phoenix CH, Goy RW, Gerall AA, Young WC. Organizing action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the female guinea pig. ENDOCRINOLOGY 65:369-382 (1959)  Milton Diamond – Felt that fellow scientists were too cautious failing to link their animal findings to human situation – Decided to write essay challenging psychosexual neutrality theory
  • 27. Diamond Versus Money • Diamond challenges Money - 1965 • Diamond, Milton. A critical evaluation of the ontogeny of human sexual behavior. QUARTERLY REVIEW OF BIOLOGY 40:147 – 175 (1965) • Over the years, animal work accumulated showing “determining influence” of prenatal hormones • Money responds to challenge - December 28, 1972 • Symposium of American Association for the Advancement of Science “Sex Role Learning in Childhood and Adolescence” • Man & Woman, Boy & Girl: the differentiation and dimorphism of gender identity from conception to maturity. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 1972. 311 p. (Depts Psychiatry and Pediatrics, John Hopkins Univ. Sch. Med., Baltimore, MD)
  • 28. The David Reimer Story “John/Joan Case”  “Nature-Nurture Experiment” involving an identical twin – Circumcision accident destroyed John’s penis – Dr. Money consulted: John was “assigned” as Joan (castration, feminizing genitoplasty, raised as girl)  John Money reported (falsely) that “Joan” was growing up as a happy girl  John-Joan case became the foundation of standard care – Certain intersex conditions – Micropenis – Accidental penile amputation in infancy  Deception of patient about their medical history is necessary for “Optimal Gender of Rearing” process  Medical records were often falsified or destroyed  Many intersex people still do not know their medical history or their intersex status
  • 29. David Reimer Story “Joan’s turning point occurred at the age of 14, when she, on her own initiative, began living as a boy, John. John recalls how soon thereafter he finally learned the truth, “In a tearful episode following John’s prodding, his father told him of the history of what had transpired as an infant and why. John recalls: ‘All of a sudden everything clicked. For the first time things made sense and I Colapinto, John. As Nature Made Him - The Boy Who Was Raised As A Girl HarperCollins (2000) understood who and what I was.’” Beh HG, Diamond M. An Emerging Ethical and Medical Dilemma: Should Physicians Perform Sex Assignment on Infants with Ambiguous Genitalia? MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF GENDER & LAW 7: 1-63 (2000)
  • 30. David Reimer (1965-2004)  John Money continued to tell medical community that Joan/Brenda was a happy girl/woman and then claims to lose track of her  Milton Diamond finds “Joan” living as David!  When David discovered his case was medically famous and that thousands of intersex babies had suffered his plight, he cooperated with Milton Diamond and “went public” Milton Diamond, Ph.D. & H. Keith Sigmundson, M.D. Sex Reassignment at Birth: A Long Term Review and Clinical Implications. ARCHIVES OF PEDIATRIC & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE 151:298-304 (1997) Money’s view is now discredited!
  • 31. Intersex People Curtis Hinkle - Founder Organization Intersex International
  • 32. Intersexuality  Incidence: 1.7%*- 2.5% ???  Intersexual people are as natural as the rest of us  They are nature’s experiments providing information about sexual development  Only in recent years have we been able to track intersexual people over their lifetime and find out about their sexual identity and orientation  They illustrate how no definition of female or male is always “satisfying” *Fausto-Sterling, Anne. SEXING THE BODY: GENDER POLITICS AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEXUALITY. Basic Books (2000)
  • 33.
  • 34. Sex Has Many Levels Primary sex characteristic  GeneticSex – Chromosomes (X & Y in mammals only)  Gonadal Sex – Ovaries/Testis  Hormonal Sex – Estrogen/Testosterone  Somatic Sex – Body anatomy/physiology  Psychological Sex - Sexual identity and then there is  Sexual orientation
  • 35.  Translocation of SRY Unequal gene from Y to X Crossing-over chromosome – XY Female Between X and Y  Swyer syndrome During Paternal  Absence or mutation of SRY on Y produces Meiosis females with gonadal dysgenesis – XX Male  XX male syndrome  SRY gene in one or both X chromosomes, produces infertile males
  • 36. Variations of Genetic Sexes  Nondisjunction of chromosomes during meiosis in parent’s gonad – XO Female (Turner Female) – XXX Female (Superfemale) – XXY, XXXY etc. Male (Klinefelter Male) – XYY Male (Jacob’s Syndrome) – 48XYXY
  • 37. Turner’s Syndrome  Karyotype is 44 autosomes plus XO  Ovarian agenesis or gonadal dysgenesis – Gonads rudimentary or absent – Female external genitalia – Short stature, other congenital abnormalities Luria, Z., Friedman, S., and Rose, M.D. HUMAN SEXUALITY. New York: John Wiley & Sons – No maturation at puberty (1987)
  • 38. Klinefelter Syndrome  Karyotype 47XXY  Most common sex chromosome disorder (1 or 2 cases/1000)  Male phenotype  Hypogonadism http://www.aurorahealt  Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis ealthgate/images/si555 51770.jpg – Reduced or absent spermatogenesis – Variability in presentation is related mainly to the timing and amount of androgen deficiency – Increased FSH levels (indicates low inhibin B from Sertoli cells) – The more supernumerary sex chromosomes that exist, the more likely are detrimental physical and mental findings – Cryptorchidism 3X more frequent – Taller, greater leg growth (5 and 8 years) – Tendency for central obesity – Minority born with small penises; testosterone cream caused penis growth; however, normal size penis in only 77% by end of puberty; in contrast, testes normal size at birth but fail to grow normally – Gynecomastia 30% to 90% of cases – May have diminished body and facial hair, female pubic hair pattern, small phallus, poor muscular development, and progressive disproportion in leg and body length, feminine fat distribution – Fertility becomes increasingly doubtful as age advances; however, before infertility is predicted, sperm analysis is required because paternity has been documented Forbes, C.D. and Jackson, W.F. A COLOUR ATLAS AND TEXT OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. England: Mosby-Wolfe (1993)
  • 39. Klinefelter Syndrome & Gender Expression  Infrequently discussed in medical descriptions of KS are individuals’ concerns with gender expressions and feelings  An unknown percentage of persons who have KS experience androgynous or feminine feelings that can develop at an early age  Some people who have KS consider themselves to be transgendered, others intersexed, and others transsexual; in one study, investigators concluded that all of their KS patients viewed their personalities as dual male and female – A host of investigators similarly reported cases of men who had KS who transitioned to live as women or who harbored aspects of gender dysphoria – Carolyn Cossey, a “James Bond girl,” was raised as boy, but changed to live as a girl at young age, and became a famous model; her karyotype was found to be XXXY Shirley Ratcliffe Arch Dis Child 1999;80:192–195
  • 40. Sex Chromosome Mosaics  A genetic mosaic is a creature whose body is built of a mixture of cells of two or more different genotypes – Fusion of different embryos to form chimera – Nondisjunction or mutation in stem cell undergoing mitosis in early embryo creating two genetic kinds of cells  Mosaic intersex types – 46XY/47XXY – 46X/46XY
  • 41. Brain Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome  Caused by mutations in the gene for the androgen receptor  Recessive X-linked single gene syndrome (mother is carrier)  Genetic males - 46 XY  Testes (abdominal or inguinal) secrete testosterone  No uterus or other internal female genitalia (MIS worked)  Male internal genitalia undeveloped (Testosterone did not work)  Female secondary sex characteristics develop (eg, breasts) – At puberty testosterone from testes is turned into estrogen by enzyme (aromatase) in peripheral tissues – Often discover their condition when they fail to menstruate (No uterus) (Julia Child – CAIS)
  • 42.
  • 43. Forbes, C.D. and Jackson, W.F. A COLOUR ATLAS AND TEXT OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. England: Mosby-Wolfe (1993) CAIS People Feel Like Women! Luria, Z., Friedman, S., and Rose, M.D. HUMAN SEXUALITY. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
  • 44. Partial AIS (2-5):  Grade 1: normal masculinization in utero Cannot Predict  Grade 2: male phenotype with mild defect in masculinization (eg, isolated Sexual Identity  hypospadias) Grade 3: male phenotype with severe defect in masculinization—small penis, perineoscrotal hypospadias, bifid scrotum or cryptorchidism  Grade 4: severe genital ambiguity— clitoral-like phallus, labioscrotal folds, single perineal orifice  Grade 5: female phenotype with posterior labial fusion and clitoromegaly  Grade 6/7 Numbered I through 7 in order of increasing severity female phenotype (grade 6 if (more defective masculinization) pubic hair present in adulthood, Adapted from Quigley CA, DeBellis A, Marschke KB, El-Awady MK, Wilson EM, French FS. Androgen Receptor Defects: Historical, Clinical, And Molecular Perspectives. ENDOCRINE REV, 1 6:282; (1995) with permission. grade 7 if no pubic hair in In: Diamond, Milton and Watson, Linda Ann. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome And Klinefelter’s adulthood) Syndrome: Sex And Gender Considerations. CHILD ADOLESC PSYCHIATRIC CLIN N AM 13: 623 —640 (2004)
  • 45. Complete AIS & Gender Identity 39 subjects: • 100% lived as women and believed that it was the best decision for them; however, this was not a simple solution for all • “Acceptance of assignment does not mean that assignment has been correct. It just means that most are able to adapt and live with the handicap; however, they might have preferred other options” published statements from ALIAS, Agree Disagree an AIS newsletter. “I don’t think I am any different in 82%* 18% feeling than if I were born XX, feel very female.” “All my efforts over the years in 10% 90% presenting a female persona have left me completely exhausted. I might just as well have had a mastectomy, cut my hair short and lived as a celibate man. It would actually have been easier I think.” I have to “work at being a woman” 56% (dressing in a feminine way 44% or using cosmetics or hair styles in a way to signal “female” unambiguously, altering selection of clothes; 30% did above much of the time) Considered suicide 62% 38% Attempted suicide 23% 77% *Indicates to me that androgen receptor is required for “alteration” of human gender identity brain region(s). Diamond, Milton and Watson, Linda Ann. “Androgen insensitivity syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome: sex and gender considerations” Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am 13 (2004) 623—640
  • 46. Partial AIS & Gender Identity 18 subjects: •Often ambivalent about assigned gender •67% believed that the gender in which they were raised was best for them, whereas the others voiced reservations • “Gender switch” occurred at mean age of 33, range 18-46) PARTIAL AIS 8 raised as boys 4 live as women 10 raised as girls 2 live as men* Considered suicide 61% Attempted suicide 17% *Now angry about castration, vaginal reconstructions surgery, and somatic feminization by estrogen treatment since puberty **Attempted before switching Diamond, Milton and Watson, Linda Ann. “Androgen insensitivity syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome: sex and gender considerations” Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am 13 (2004) 623—640
  • 47. 21β-hydroxylase enzyme deficiency Congenital Adrenal (vast majority) Hyperplasia (CAH)  Other enzyme deficiencies (rare)  Continuum of CAH conditions – Classical  Salt-wasting  Simple virilizing – Nonclassical  Phenotype correlates with genotype and reflects residual activity of milder mutation 3 β-HSD = 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; 17β-HSD = 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
  • 48. Five Degrees of Virilization Affecting the Urogenital Sinus and External Genitalia in Females Hines M, Brook C., Conway, G.S. Androgen And Psychosexual Development Core Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation And Recalled Childhood Gender Role Behavior In Women And Men With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). J SEX RES, 41: 75-81 (2004)
  • 49. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)     Luria, Z., Friedman, S., and Rose, M.D. HUMAN SEXUALITY. New York: John Wiley & Forbes, C.D. and Jackson, W.F. A COLOUR ATLAS AND TEXT OF CLINICAL Sons (1987) MEDICINE. England: Mosby-Wolfe (1993)
  • 50. Frequency of CAH Figure 4. Frequency of nonclassical and classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency in comparison with other autosomal recessive disease incidences Hines M, Brook C., Conway, G.S. Androgen And Psychosexual Development Core Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation And Recalled Childhood Gender Role Behavior In Women And Men With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasiz (CAH). J SEX RES, 41: 75-81 (2004)
  • 51. CAH (Adrenogenital Syndrome) Luria, Z., Friedman, S., and Rose, M.D. HUMAN SEXUALITY. New York: John Wiley & Sons (1987)
  • 52. Sexuality of CAH Women  More male-typical play behavior as children*  Less satisfaction with the female sex of assignment and less heterosexual interest*  CAH girls who show the greatest alterations in childhood play behavior may be the most likely to develop a bisexual or homosexual orientation as adults and to be dissatisfied with the female sex of assignment*  “The finding of greater same-sex fantasy … is consistent with the prenatal hormonal hypothesis”**  “…excess prenatal androgens predispose some women to the development of same-gender sexual orientation”***  “Dose-response relationship of androgens with sexual orientation” - a study of women with various forms of CAH**** *Hines M, Brook C., Conway, G.S. Androgen And Psychosexual Development Core Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation And Recalled Childhood Gender Role Behavior In Women And Men With Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). J SEX RES, 41: 75-81 (2004) **Veniegas, Rosemary C. Biological Research on Women's Sexual Orientations: Evaluating the Scientific Evidence. J SOCIAL ISSUES, (2000) ***Pattatucci, A. M. L., & Hamer, D. H. Development And Familiality Of Sexual Orientation In Females. BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 25: 407-420 (1995) ****Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Dolezal C, Baker SE, New MI. “Sexual Orientation in Women with Classical or Non-Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia as a Function of Degree of Prenatal Androgen Excess” ARCHIVES OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR 1: 85-99 (2008),
  • 53. Hypospadias  These common conditions are often not regarded as intersex condition.  But they are!
  • 54. Figure 4. Metabolism of Testosterone to 5_-Dihydrotestosterone by the enzyme 5alpha-Reductase type 2 (SDR5A2). Figure 11. Mutations in the human 5_-reductase type 2 5_ gene (SDR5A2) reported in patients with the syndrome of 5_-reductase deficiency. 5_ The 5_-reductase type 2 5_ enzyme is encoded by 5 different exons and mutations have been reported in all 5 exons, as well as a complete gene deletion, small deletions of nucleotides and splice site mutations. Brinkmann A. O., Androgen Physiology: Receptor and MetabolicDisorders. Nov 2009.
  • 55. Cloacal Exstrophy  Rare, complex defect of the entire pelvis and its contents  Associated with severe phallic inadequacy or phallic absence in genetic males  For about 25 years, Bladder Extrophy and absence of the penis neonatal assignment green arrows: everted bladder; to female sex has blue arrows: the scrotum; been advocated for yellow arrows: umbilcal cord affected males
  • 56. Prenatal Androgen - Major Factor in Development of Sexual Identity  Genetically and hormonally male-born children may identify as males despite being raised as females and undergoing feminizing genitoplasty at birth  Kayla’s story Reiner, William G. and Gearhart, John P. Discordant Sexual Identity in Some Genetic Males with Cloacal Exstrophy Assigned to Female Sex at Birth. THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 350:333-341 (2004)
  • 57. The Sexual Brain  Amygdala – Part of Limbic System – Genesis of emotions & emotional expression  Hypothalamus – Homeostasis – Neuroendocrine Control – Instinctive Drives & Behavior  Hunger  Thirst  Sleep  Body Rhythms  Sex Netter, Frank H. The CIBA COLLECTION OF MEDICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. Vol I. Nervous System. Part I. Anatomy & Physiology. New York: CIBA (1983)
  • 58. Sexual Behavior and Gonadal Function Controlled by Different Regions of Hypothalamus in Mammals Figure 25-28 Loci where implantations of estrogen in the hypothalamus affect ovarian weight and sexual behavior in rats, projected on a sagittal section of the hypothalamus. The implants that stimulate sex behavior are located in the suprachiasmatic area above the optic chiasm (blue area), whereas ovarian atrophy is produced by implants in the arcuate nucleus and surrounding ventral hypothalamus (red). MB, mamillary body
  • 59. Biology of Sexual Identity Fa'afafine A broadly accepted social class in Samoa
  • 60. Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Figure 2: Representative sections of the BSTc innervated by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). A: heterosexual man; B: heterosexual woman; C: homosexual man; D: male-to-female transsexual. Bar=0.5 mm. LV: lateral ventricle. Note there are two parts of the BST in A and B: small sized medial subdivision (BSTm), and large oval-sized central subdivision (BSTc) Zhou, J.N. Hofman, M.A. Gooren, L.J. and Swaab, D.F.. A Sex Difference in the Human Brain and its Relation to Transsexuality. NATURE, 378: 68-70 (1995)  BSTc is sexually dimorphic and necessary for sexual behavior in animals  Note the sex difference regardless of sexual orientation  MtF Transsexual has same BSTc volume as typical female  Size of BSTc is not influenced by sex hormones in adulthood  End point: VIP-secreting presynaptic nerve endings carrying “emotional info” from amygdala to this nucleus of anterior hypothalamus
  • 61. 2nd Study on BSTc  The male-to-female transsexual has a BSTc in the female range – S7: male, lifelong female identity, never “treated”- within female range  FMT: number of neurons is fully within the male range  End point: somatostatin-secreting postsynaptic neurons in nucleus receiving VIP input from amygdala (a) a reference man (b) reference woman (c) homosexual man (d) male-to-female transsexual Kruijver, Frank P. M., Zhou, Jiang-Ning, Pool, Chris W. Hofman, Michel A.,. Gooren, Louis J. G And Swaab, Dick F. Male-To-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron Numbers In A Limbic Nucleus. J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB, 85: 2034-2041 (2000)
  • 62. Genetics of Transsexuality  MtF transsexualism – Significant link with a longer version of the androgen receptor gene associated with weaker signaling Hare L, Bernard P, Sanchez FJ, Baird PN, Vilain E, Kennedy T, Harley VR. Androgen Receptor Repeat Length Polymorphism Associated with Male-to-Female Transsexualism BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 65 (1): 93-96 (2009)  FtM transsexualism – Gene variant for 17 α-Hydroxylase* causes higher concentrations of androgens and estrogen hormones in developing brain *Also called cytochrome P17 Bentz, Eva-Katrin; Hefler, Lukas A.; Kaufmann, Ulrike; Huber, Johannes C.; Kolbus, Andrea; Tempfer, Clemens B. A Polymorphism of the CYP17 Gene Related to Sex Steroid Metabolism is Associated With Female-to-Male But Not Male-to-Female Transsexualism OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL SURVEY 63 (12) 775-777 (2008)
  • 63. Biology of Sexual Orientation  Anthropological evidence - gay people everywhere  “Gay people have a different sensibility” Sandra Witelson, PhD  Same-sex behavior in nearly all animals – Homosexuality & other sexually variant behaviors in animals is widespread Bruce Bagemihl, BIOLOGICAL EXUBERANCE: ANIMAL HOMOSEXUALITY AND NATURAL DIVERSITY, New York: St. Martin's Press (1999) – Examples of same-sex behavior can be found in almost all species in the animal kingdom — from worms to frogs to birds — making the practice nearly universal among animals Bailey N, Zuk M. Same-sex sexual behavior and evolution TRENDS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 24:439-446 (2009)
  • 64. Sexual Orientation & INAH3 • Volume of INAH3 in homosexual male did not differ significantly from that of females and was significantly smaller than in typical males • Other hypothalamic nuclei same in gay and typical males LeVay, S. A Difference In Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual And Homosexual Men. SCIENCE, 253: 1034–1037 (1991)
  • 65. More Evidence For “Gay Brain”  Follow up study in humans confirms LeVay’s finding that INAH3 volume (presynaptic nerve endings) is related to sexual orientation  New finding: no difference in the INAH3 neuron number (postsynaptic neurons) based on sexual orientation Byne, William, Tobel, Stuart, Mattiace, Linda A., Lasco, Mitchell S., Kemether, Eileen, Edgar, Mark A., Morgello, Susan, Buchsbaum, Monte S., and Jones, Liesl B. The Interstitial Nuclei of the Human Anterior Hypothalamus: An Investigation of Variation with Sex, Sexual Orientation, and HIV Status. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR, 40: 86-92 (2001)  INAH3 neuron number correlates with gender identity while INAH3 volume correlates with sexual orientation Garcia-Falgueras & Swaab, D.F. A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity. BRAIN 131:(12) 3115-7 (2008)  Gay sheep brains – About 8% of rams are exclusively homosexual – “Duplicated” LeVay’s work on INAH3 of humans Roselli CE, Larkin K, Resko JA, Stellflug JN, Stormshak F. The volume of a sexually dimorphic nucleus in the ovine medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus varies with sexual partner preference. ENDOCRINOLOGY 145:489-483 (2004)
  • 66. Brain Has Neuronal Network For Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation  “The sex reversals in INAH3 and the BSTc, that are at least partly independent of adult sex hormone changes, may be part of a complex neuronal network that is structurally and functionally related to gender identity and sexual orientation.” Garcia-Falgueras & Swaab, D.F. A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity. BRAIN 131:(12) 3115-7 (2008)
  • 67. Anterior Hypothalamus Is Activated by Sex Pheromones Activation of  Positron emission tomography Subject anterior (PET scans) of anterior hypothalamus hypothalamus while subjects smell sex pheromones Heterosexual EST males  Heterosexual – activated by sex pheromones of other sex Homosexual  Homosexual – activated by sex males AND pheromones of same sex Heterosexual AND AND = progesterone derivative 4,16-androstadien-3-one females EST = estrogen-like steroid estra-1,3,5(10),16-tetraen-3-ol Berglund H, Lindström P, Savic I. Brain response to putative pheromones in lesbian Homosexual EST women. PNAS 103:8269-8274 (2006) females
  • 68. Genetics of Gayness/Lesbianism  Evidence for genetic markers* for gay men and their gay brothers in the Xq28 region on the X chromosome *Markers are regions or sections of DNA that are the same among family members, suggesting the presence of a gene Hamer, D. H., Hu, S., Magnuson, V. L., Hu, N., & Pattatucci, A. M. A. Linkage Between DNA Markers On The X Chromosome And Male Sexual Orientation. SCIENCE, 261: 321-327 (1993) Hu, S., Pattatucci, A. M., Patterson, C., Li, L., Fulker, D. W., Cherny, S. S., Kruglyak, L., & Hamer, D. H. Linkage Between Sexual Orientation And Chromosome Xq28 In Males But Not In Females. NATURE GENETICS, 11: 248-256 (1995)  Findings are consistent with a genetic hypothesis for lesbianism – Lesbians had significantly higher rates of lesbian sisters, daughters, and cousins through a paternal uncle than did heterosexual women Pattatucci, A. M. L., & Hamer, D. H. Development And Familiality Of Sexual Orientation In Females. BEHAVIOR GENETICS, 25: 407-420 (1995) – Increasing rates of concordance of lesbianism from nonidentical twins to identical twin pairs Bailey, J. M., & Benishay, D. S. Familial aggregation of female sexual orientation. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 150: 272-277 (1993) Bailey, J. M., Dunne. M. P., & Martin, N. G. Genetic And Environmental Influences On Sexual Orientation And Its Correlates In An Australian Twin Sample. JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 78: 524-536 (2000) – But lesbianism is not associated with the locus at Xq28 Hu, S., Pattatucci, A. M., Patterson, C., Li, L., Fulker, D. W., Cherny, S. S., Kruglyak, L., & Hamer, D. H. Linkage Between Sexual Orientation And Chromosome Xq28 In Males But Not In Females. NATURE GENETICS, 11: 248-256 (1995)
  • 69. Summary - Core Sexuality  The scientific story explains everyone!  “The preponderance of evidence seems to indicate that the theory of organization- activation for the development of sexual behavior is certain for non-human mammals and almost certain for humans" Milton Diamond. Clinical implications of the organizational and activational effects of hormones. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 55:621–632 (2009) Pivotal work on human anterior hypothalamus: LeVay, S. A Difference In Hypothalamic Structure Between Heterosexual And Homosexual Men. SCIENCE, 253: 1034–1037 (1991) Zhou, J.N. Hofman, M.A. Gooren, L.J. and Swaab, D.F.. A Sex Difference in the Human Brain and its Relation to Transsexuality. NATURE, 378: 68-70 (1995) Kruijver, Frank P. M., Zhou, Jiang-Ning, Pool, Chris W. Hofman, Michel A.,. Gooren, Louis J. G And Swaab, Dick F. Male-To-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron Numbers In A Limbic Nucleus. J CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB, 85: 2034-2041 (2000) Garcia-Falgueras, Alicia, Swaab, Dick F. A Sex Difference In The Hypothalamic Uncinate Nucleus: Relationship To Gender Identity. BRAIN, (Nov 2, 2008)
  • 70. Organization-Activation Theory “The fetal brain develops during the intrauterine period in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. In this way, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation are programmed or organized into our brain structures when we are still in the womb” Garcia-Falgueras A, Swaab DF. Sexual hormones and the brain: an essential alliance for sexual identity and sexual orientation PEDIATRIC NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 17: 22-35 (2010)
  • 71. Critical Periods of Genitalia and Brain Are Different  “However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in extreme cases in transsexuality.”  “This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain.” Garcia-Falgueras A, Swaab DF. Sexual hormones and the brain: an essential alliance for sexual identity and sexual orientation PEDIATRIC NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 17: 22-35 (2010)
  • 72. Core Sexuality: Nature - Not Nurture!  “There is no indication that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation” Garcia-Falgueras A, Swaab DF. Sexual hormones and the brain: an essential alliance for sexual identity and sexual orientation PEDIATRIC NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 17: 22-35 (2010)
  • 73. Ancient Brain Regions The Journal of Comparative Neurology. Vol 519, Issue 18, pages 3599-3639, 17 OCT 2011 DOI: 10.1002/cne.22735
  • 74. Three  Somatic Morphology (X axis) Dimensions of  Sexual Identity (Y axis) Core Sexuality  Sexual Orientation (Z axis) Gynecentric Androphilic Gynemorphic Andromorphic Everyone occupies a Gynephilic point in this three- dimensional space! Androcentric
  • 75. Every cell has a sex!  Four “transcriptional sexes” in PBMC – XX/no T – XY/T – XX/T – XY/no T *PBMC = peripheral blood mononuclear cells Holterhus P-M, Bebermeier J-H, Werner R, Demeter J, Richter-Unruh A, Cario G, Appari M, Siebert R, Riepe F, Brooks JD, Hiort O. Disorders of sex development expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes BMC GENOMICS 10:292 (2009)
  • 76. 4 Sexes!  157 genes expressed differently in males vs. females – Sex chromosome programming of 11 genes – Androgen- dependent programming of 146 genes (not affected by circulating hormones) Holterhus P-M, Bebermeier J-H, Werner R, Demeter J, Richter-Unruh A, Cario G, Appari M, Siebert R, Riepe F, Brooks JD, Hiort O. Disorders of sex development expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes BMC GENOMICS 10:292 (2009)
  • 77. Cellular Sex!  Intersex people are intersex in every cell of their bodies  No two people alike Holterhus P-M, Bebermeier J-H, Werner R, Demeter J, Richter-Unruh A, Cario G, Appari M, Siebert R, Riepe F, Brooks JD, Hiort O. Disorders of sex development expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes BMC GENOMICS 10:292 (2009)
  • 78. Sex ≠ Gender  Sex is biological  Gender is cultural  Gender “traits” differ from culture to culture and from time to time Castor Semenya Controversy over whether this South African eighteen-year old should be allowed to compete as a woman continues
  • 79. The “Gender Binary”  Welive in a “binary gendered” culture with two genders only – Woman – Man  Many cultures recognize more than two genders
  • 80. NORTH AMERICA  Two-spirits – Native American Berdache – Illiniwek (Illinois) Muxes – Zapotec People, Oaxaca, Mexico Muxes Two-spirits Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
  • 81. SOUTH AMERICA  Travestís – Brazil Bichas Viados Guevedoche – Dominican Republic Quariwarmi – Incan Viados Travestís Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
  • 82. EUROPE  The Sworn Virgin – Balkans Sworn Virgin Catamites – Ancient Greece Mollies – Modern England Tertium genus hominum (a third human gender) “eunuchs” – Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Catamites Sworn Virgin Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
  • 83. AFRICA Mashoga  Ashtime – Maale culture of Southern Ethiopia Mashoga – Swahili-speaking areas of the Kenyan coast, particularly Mombasa Mangaiko – The Mbo people, Democratic Republic of the Congo Sḫt (”sekhet”) – Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2000-1800 BCE) Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
  • 84. MIDDLE EAST  The Kurgarûs – Sumer kur.gar.ra ur.sal Zenanas – Arab Xanith or Khanith – Oman Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
  • 85. ASIA Hijras  lyha – Mohave Hijras – India, Pakistan & Bangladesh also known as: Aravani/Aruvani or Jogappa Hijira (alt. sp.) – India Sādhi Kotis Sadhin – The Gaddhi in the foothills of the Himalayas Thanks to Lorelei Erisis
  • 86. ASIA continued  Basivi – Madras (area of India) Tritiya-prakrti (third-nature) – Indic Kathoey culture of premodern India Ubhatobyanjanakas – Buddhist Vinaya Pandakas Kathoey – Thailand Pandaka – Ancient Buddhist Societies Thanks to Lorelei Erisis Kathoey
  • 87. ASIA-PACIFIC POLYNESIA  Fa’afafine – Samoa Polynesia Fakaleiti – Tonga Mahu Wahine – Hawaii Mahu Vahine – Tahiti Whakawahine – Māori Akava’ine – Cook Islands Thanks to Lorelei Erisis Fa’afafine
  • 88. INDONESIA  Waria Waria Kwolu-aatmwol – “Sambia” community in the eastern highlands of Papua New Guinea PHILIPPINES bakla – Tagalog Bayot – Cebuano Agi – Ilonggo Bantut – Tausug Binabae Bading Lakin-on Thanks to Lorelei Erisis bakla
  • 89. Disordered or Just Different?  Gender binary has permeated medicine  The medical profession has pathologized and stigmatized gender- variant peoples – Lesbian, gay, bisexual people – Transsexual people – Intersex people
  • 90. Medical Profession’s Treatment of LGBT People 1952 (DSM-I) Sociopathic Personality Disorders 1968 (DSM-II) Sexual Deviation 1970 Gay rights activists storm APA annual convention 1972 APA annual meeting –first-ever panel of non- patient homosexuals” and Dr. Anonymous 1973 (DSM-II Revision) Deletion of Homosexuality Substitution of Sexual Orientation Disturbance (Homosexuality is not illness but supposedly discomfort with being persecuted as a homosexual is an illness) 1980 (DSM-III) Gender Identity Disorder (GID) Ego-dystonic Homosexuality (formerly SOD) 1987 (DSM-III Revision) Homosexuality omitted entirely (Ego-dystonic homosexuality/SOD removed. It’s normal to not want to be persecuted & empirical data to support diagnosis is lacking))→ 2000 (APA Position Statement) Ethical psychiatrists should stop conversion or “reparative therapies” Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorders by the World Health Organisation in 1990
  • 91. Intersex Problems: Socio-cultural  “The basic problems faced by the intersexed are socio-cultural in nature and not medical and are a result of the dogmatic fundamentalism inherent in the current binary construct of sex and gender”  “Some intersexed individuals are subjected to genital mutilation in childhood as a result of this Curtis Hinkle - Founder totalitarian, sexist oppression” Organization Intersex International  Whatever happened to “informed consent?”  Whatever happened to “first, do no harm?” Sharon E. Preves. INTERSEX and IDENTITY The Contested Self Rutgers University Press (2003)
  • 92. Genital “Normalization” Surgery - Dismal Outcomes Migeon; CJ, Wisniewski, AB, Gearhart JP, Meyer-Bahlburg, HFL, Rock, JA, Brown, TR, Casella, SJ, Maret A, Ngai KM, Money J, Berkovitz GD. Ambiguous Genitalia With Perineoscrotal Hypospadias in 46,XY Individuals: Long-Term Medical, Surgical, and Psychosexual Outcome PEDIATRICS 110:10p (2002) Kohler B, Kleinemeier E, Lux A, Hiort O, Gruters A, Thyen U, DSD Network Working Group. Satisfaction with genital surgery and sexual life of adults with XY disorders of sex development: results from the German clinical evaluation study. CLIN ENDOCRINOL METAB 97(2):577-88 (2012)  Researchers never asked: What if we did nothing?
  • 93. NEW STANDARDS OF CARE American Academy British Association Pediatric FOR Pediatricians Surgeons INTERSEX PATIENTS year 2000 year 2001 Diamond, M. Sex, gender, and identity over the years: a changing perspective CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA 13:591-607 (2004) No surgical moratorium #1. General moratorium on sex (In1999, AAP decided that surgical moratorium was “unrealistic” because it No surgical moratorium assignment cosmetic surgery was hypothesized that parents would not accept it) #2. Moratorium should not be Recognized need for more Recognized need for more lifted unless and until studies research and greater candor research and greater candor show outcomes are positive and honesty and honesty #3. Efforts should be made to No call back to families or No call back to families or undo effects of past physician individuals that had previous individuals that had previous deception and secrecy treatment treatment Informed consent includes Response to intersex birth “Social emergency” “possibility of non-operative management” All virilized females (CAH or Gender assignment on maternal androgen) should be Gender assignment individual basis; may include girls (because of retained cultural considerations fertility) Infants raised as girls “will “There is a strong case for no Clitoral surgery usually require clitoral clitoral surgery in lesser reduction” degrees of clitoromegaly” PAIS infants “in whom a very small phallus mandates a The risk of malignant testicular Penile surgery female sex of rearing” should changes in AIS is small have testes removed
  • 94. 2006 Pediatric Consensus Statement  “Disorders of Sexual Development” – new term – Rather than “Differences” or “Variations”  “Sexual identity issue” is dismissed – “Structure of the brain is not currently useful for gender assignment”  Parental distress & prejudice used to justify damaging surgery  Gender assignment decisions are still made using “scientifically inappropriate” factors – Diagnosis – Genital appearance – Surgical options – Need for lifelong replacement therapy – Potential for fertility – Views of family – Circumstances relating to cultural practices Collaboration with participants in International Consensus Conference on Intersex organized by Lawson Pediatric Endocrine Society and European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology Lee PA, Houk CP, Ahmed SF, Hughes IA. Consensus statement on management of intersex disorders PEDIATRICS 118:488-500 (2006)
  • 95. Malpractice Continues  Clitoral reduction – still “standard clinical procedure” Dr. Dix P. Poppas, Panel at Weill Cornell Medical College says-poppas%E2%80%99-surgical-procedure-standard  Attempts to prevent same-sex attraction and tom-boy behavior in CAH girls (Treat pregnant women with dexamethasone)  Over 50% are misdiagnosed! Minto CL, Crouch NS, Conway GS, Creighton SM. XY females: revisiting the diagnosis BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 112:1407–1410 (2005)  Current DSM-5 proposal: Gender Dysphoria with a DSD!  LGBTI people have their own health concerns that are not being addressed Holterhus P-M, Bebermeier J-H, Werner R, Demeter J, Richter-Unruh A, Cario G, Appari M, Siebert R, Riepe F, Brooks JD, Hiort O. Disorders of sex development expose transcriptional autonomy of genetic sex and androgen-programmed hormonal sex in human blood leukocytes BMC GENOMICS 10:292 (2009)
  • 96. Basic Human Right: To Be Who We Are!