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Disorders of Sexual Differentiation
‫الرحيم‬ ‫الرحمن‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫بسم‬
‫ذ‬َ‫ي‬َ‫ف‬ ُ‫د‬َ‫ب‬َّ‫الز‬ ‫ا‬َّ‫م‬َ‫أ‬َ‫ف‬َّ‫م‬َ‫أ‬ َ‫و‬ ً‫ء‬‫ا‬َ‫ف‬ُ‫ج‬ ُ‫ب‬َ‫ه‬‫ا‬َ‫م‬ ‫ا‬
‫م‬َ‫ي‬َ‫ف‬ َ‫اس‬َّ‫ن‬‫ال‬ ُ‫ع‬َ‫ف‬‫ن‬َ‫ي‬ِ‫ض‬‫ر‬َ‫أل‬‫ا‬ ‫ي‬ِ‫ف‬ ُ‫ث‬ُ‫ك‬
ُ َّ‫اّلل‬ ُ‫ب‬ ِ‫ر‬‫ض‬َ‫ي‬ َ‫ك‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ذ‬َ‫ك‬َ‫ل‬‫ا‬َ‫ث‬‫م‬َ‫أل‬‫ا‬
Wednesday, February 14, 2018 DR. ASHRAF HAMED 2
Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD).
• This was coined by International Consensus Conference on
Intersex organized by the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric
Endocrine Society and the European Society for Pediatric
Endocrinology in 2006.
• The medical term disorders of sex development (DSDs) is
used to describe individuals with an atypical composition of
chromosomal, gonadal and phenotypic sex, which leads to
differences in the development of the urogenital tract and
reproductive system.
Chromosomal gender determines gonadal gender,
with XX resulting in ovarian development and XY
resulting in testicular formation.
 Finally, the gonadal function determines the
phenotypic gender.
The simple Y = male, no Y = female equations are not
always valid.
The testis determining factor (TDF) is located on the
short arm of the Y chromosome near the centromere.
SRY appears to be expressed by the somatic
cells from the urogenital ridge and not from
germ cells.
 Absence of the SOX9 gene results in a female phenotype in
the majority of chromosomal males.
 The Wilms tumor gene (WT1) appears to play a key role
not only in renal development, but also in testicular
 The SF1 gene is involved with steroid hormone production
and the production of Müllerian-inhibiting substance (MIS).
 The DAX1 gene appears to be essential for the development
of the ovary.
 Until about 7 weeks of gestation, the fetus is
sexually indifferent with two different
bipotential gonads and two internally
developing wolffian and mullerian ducts.
 Embryologically, there are two undifferentiated
bipotential gonads in every embryo.
These bipotential gonads develops from the
urogenital ridge and ultimately develop into
either a testis or an ovary.
In the absence of functioning testicular tissue,
the female internal Müllerian duct structures
External genital development
• External genital development
follows a similar path .
• In the absence of the
testosterone metabolite
dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
the external genitalia develop
into the female phenotype.
• In the absence of 5α-
reductase, the internal
Wolffian ducts are preserved,
but the external structures are
In the Americas and Western Europe, congenital
adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is the most common cause
of neonatal ambiguous genitalia, accounting for
approximately 70% of cases.
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is the next most common
intersex disorder, with ovotesticular DSD (true
hermaphroditism) being the third most common.
It is estimated that the overall incidence of DSDs is 1
in 4,500–5,500 live births.
Currently, many countries screen newborn for CAH by
using a spot serum sample for 17-
hydroxyprogesterone measurements.
Until recently, the most commonly used classification
system was the one proposed by Allen in 1976 and was
based primarily on gonadal histology.
A newer classification released by the International
Consensus Conference on Intersex has largely
replaced Allen’s system.
The five categories are based primarily on gonadal histology:
1. Female pseudohermaphrodite (ovarian tissue only)
2. Male pseudohermaphrodite (testicular tissue only)
3. True hermaphrodite (both ovarian and testicular tissues)
4. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
(testicular tissue and a streak gonad)
5. Pure gonadal dysgenesis (two streak gonads)
In 2006, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric
Endocrine Society (LWPES) and the European
Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE)
published proposed changes to the previously
used nomenclature and definitions of disorders
in which the development of chromosomal,
gonadal, or phenotypic sex is atypical.
The LWPES-ESPE terminology mainly reflects
the chromosomal sex and the gonadal
tissue associated with the disorder.
• The previous terminology and the revised
LWPES-ESPE nomenclature are compared
Female pseudohermaphrodite46,XX DSD
Male pseudohermaphrodite46,XY DSD
True hermaphroditeOvotesticular DSD
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis45,X0/46,XY Mixed gonadal
dysgenesis (MGD)
Pure gonadal dysgenesis
(common form)
46,XX Complete gonadal
Findings in a newborn suggesting the possibility of DSD
(the American Academy of Pediatrics)
 A male appearance with associated abnormalities
of genitalia including:
– Severe hypospadias with bifid scrotum
– Undescended testis/testes with hypospadias
– Bilateral non-palpable testes
– Micropenis with chordee.
 A female appearance with associated
abnormalities of genitalia including:
– Enlarged clitoris
– Posterior labial fusion
– An inguinal/labial mass.
The term hermaphroditism, was used after the Greek god of
sexuality Hermes and the goddess of love and sexuality,
The correct technical definition of a hermaphrodite is a single
organism that has complete sets of both male and female sexual
The nomenclatures such as ‘intersex’, ‘hermaphrodite’,
and ‘pseudohermaphrodite’ are no longer used.
(Female Pseudohermaphrodite)
More than 95% are due to CAH.
All patients have a 46,XX genotype and
exclusively ovarian tissue in nonpalpable
These patients have a normal female
Müllerian ductal system with an upper
vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes
They also have normal regression of the
Wolffian ducts.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
virilization of external genitalia
The level of virilization is largely
dependent on the timing and magnitude of
androgen exposure to the external
Female pseudohermaphroditism
Causes of female pseudohemaphroditism
1- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.
2- Aromatase Deficiency .
3- Administration Of Androgenic Drugs To Women
During Pregnancy.
This Occurs Primarily With The Use Of
Progesterone, Commonly Used As An Adjunct To
Assist With Fertility And In-vitro Fertilization.
4- Masculinizing Maternal Tumours .
• Virilizing Tumors Include Arrhenoblastoma, Hilar
Cell Tumor, Lipoid Cell Tumor, Ovarian Stromal
Cell Tumor, Luteoma Of Pregnancy, And
Krukenberg‘s Tumor.
Failure Of The Ovary To Synthesize Estrogen
 Mild Virilization At Birth Which Increase At Puberty
And Failed To Go Into Puberty .
 Aromatase Activity Is Expressed Mainly In :-
Ovary :- In Productive Women
Skin :- Post Menopausal Women & MALE .
Virilization in CAH is due to the
inability of the adrenal gland to
form cortisol.
The precursors above the enzymatic
defect are shunted into the sex-
steroid pathways.
The lack of cortisol for negative
feedback inhibition of
adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH) production by the pituitary
leaves this pathway unchecked.
Excess androgen is produced and is
responsible for the virilization.
Pathways of steroid biosynthesis
(female pseudohermaphroditism)
(a) A newborn with
bilateral nonpalpable
gonads, hypospadias, and
hyperpigmentation of
labioscrotal folds.
(b) An older patient with a
non salt losing CAH male
sex assigned when newborn.
She had a normal looking
phallus but bilateral
nonpalpable gonads and
should have been studied
before sex assignment
CAH when it occurs in
males (XY chromosomes),
the result is over-
masculinization and
premature puberty.
CAH In A Female
 The most common form of CAH is 21-hydroxylase deficiency
(21-OHD), which accounts for more than 90% of CAH.
 21-OHD has been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 6.
 The variable location of the adrenal defect and relative function
of the gene results in salt-wasting and non salt-wasting forms.
 Type 1 results in virilization but no salt wasting. The gene
defect affects only the fasciculata zone of the adrenal, resulting
in blocking cortisol production. However, the gene is normally
expressed in the glomerulosa zone with preservation of
mineralocorticoid production.
 In type 2, also called the classic type, the gene abnormality
affects both adrenal zones. Salt wasting results in
dehydration or vascular collapse, and hyperkalemia develops
because of the block in mineralocorticoid production.
CAH In A Female
11β-Hydroxylase deficiency (type 3) is a less
common cause of CAH. This gene has been mapped
to the long arm of chromosome 8.
This abnormality results in virilization associated
with hypertension due to the synthetic block being
below deoxycorticosterone (DOC).
 DOC has potent mineralocorticoid function
resulting in sodium resorption, fluid overload,
hypertension, and hypokalemic acidosis.
Finally, 3β-hydroxylase deficiency (type 4) is
a rare form of CAH. It results in severe salt wasting,
and survival is unusual.
 It is the only type of CAH to occur in both genders.
 Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser syndrome is
characterized by a 46,XX karyotype with normal female
external genitalia but a short, blind-ending vagina.
 Normal ovaries and fallopian tubes are present, but the
uterus is generally rudimentary.
 Treatment is geared toward vaginal reconstruction to allow
menses or intercourse, or both
Evaluation of a Newborn with DSD
The evaluation, diagnostic approach and
management of a newborn with DSD involves a
multidisciplinary team approach.
This team include:
– Neonatologists
– Geneticists/genetic counselor
– Pediatric endocrinologists
– Pediatric surgeons
– Social worker
– Pediatric urologist
– Psychologist
Diagnostic work-up of neonates with
ambiguous genitalia
History (family, maternal, neonatal)
• consanguinity
• Previous DSD
• Previous neonatal deaths
• Primary amenorrhoea or infertility in other family members
• Maternal exposure to androgens
• history of maternal virilization may suggest an androgen-
producing maternal tumor (arrhenoblastoma)
• Failure to thrive, vomiting, diarrhoea of the neonate
Physical examination
• Pigmentation of genital and areolar area
• Hypospadias or urogenital sinus
• Size of phallus
• Palpable and/or symmetrical gonads
• Blood pressure
 MIS Is Undetectable And A Spot Serum Analysis Reveals
Elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone.
 DOC and deoxycortisol levels also aid in determining which
enzymatic defect is present.
 The physical examination is notable for the absence of
palpable gonads and the presence of a cervix on rectal
 Also, bronzing of the skin may be noted from excess ACTH
cross-reactivity with melanocyte-stimulating hormone
 Palpation of a gonad virtually excludes the diagnosis of
46,XX DSD.
Clinical Examination
 Assessment for palpable gonads is important, because a
palpable gonad represents a testis or ovotestis and rules out
46,XX DSD.
 If both gonads are palpable, this generally indicates 46,XY
 One palpable gonad is generally associated with MGD or
ovotesticular DSD.
 The physical examination should include assessment for the
stigmata of Turner syndrome associated with MGD and
 Bronzing of the areola or scrotum can suggest elevated ACTH
production in CAH.
Federman’s rule
• Federman’s rule:– a gonad felt
below the inguinal ligament is a
testicle until proven otherwise
Rapid Diagnostic Algorithm
These two diagnostic criteria—presence or absence of Y
chromosome and gonadal symmetry or asymmetry—
allow the rapid, accurate assignment of a patient into
one of the four diagnostic categories with
approximately 90% accuracy.
Y Chromosome PresentY Chromosome Absent or
The Prader Scale
Degrees of genital ambiguity can be described using the
Prader scale, which was originally devised to describe
the degree of virilization of female genitalia in CAH
Rink RC, Adams MC, Misseri R (2005) A new classification for genital ambiguity and
urogenital sinus anomalies. BJU Int 95:638–642
The Prader Scale Of Genitalia
Stage 0 Normal female genitalia.
Stage 1 Mildly enlarged clitoris, slightly reduced vaginal opening.
Stage 2 phallus being intermediate in size, small vaginal opening with
separate urethral opening. Posterior labial fusion present.
Stage 3 Further enlarged phallus than Stage 2, with single urogenital sinus
and nearly complete fusion of the labia.
Stage 4 looks more male than female, with an empty scrotum and a normal-
sized penis-like phallus. A smallurethral/vaginal opening at the base of the
shaft/phallus (hypospadias in a male).
Stage 5 This is complete male virilisation – a normally-formed penis is
present, with the urethral opening at or near the tip, and the scrotum
formed, but empty.
Stage 6 Normal male presentation of the penis with normal testes.
Clinical Evaluation Of External Genitalia
 Note the phallus length:
 A normal-term male penis is 3.5 ± 0.7 cm.
A normal-term female clitoris is less than 1.0 cm.
 Micropenis is thus defined as a stretch penile length
of less than 2.0 cm in a term male infant, and
clitoromegaly as a clitoris greater than 1.0 cm in a
term female.
 Note the position of the urethral meatus:
 Hypospadias associated with bifid scrotum or
undescended testis suggests a DSD .
If the urethral opening is at the base of the phallus, it
could be a urogenital sinus in a virilized female.
Labioscrotal folds may be separated or be fused at the
midline, giving an appearance of a scrotum.
 The initial evaluation should include a karyotype or
fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH) and (PCR) to
identify X and Y chromosomes.
 17-OH progesterone levels should be obtained after 3 or 4
days of life, by which time elevations resulting from the
stress related to birth have subsided.
 Electrolyte levels should be monitored to identify salt
wasting with CAH.
 Testosterone and DHT levels are important for evaluating
5α-reductase deficiency (the relation T/DHT with a value larger
than 10 is suspicious of deficit 5- alpha eductase enzyme).
 An elevated LH level and a low MIS level suggest testis
dysgenesis or absence.
 CORTISOL ,ACTH or hCG stimulation tests .
Preoperative Evaluation
A retrograde genitogram is performed by occluding
the opening of the urogenital sinus with the balloon of
an 8-Fr Foley catheter placed outside the meatus and
secured in place with tape. Lateral and oblique images
are then obtained. The study should be performed by
the surgeon and an experienced radiologist.
Next, the catheter should be advanced into the bladder
for a vesicoureterogram (VCUG).
Ultrasonography gives valuable information about
the urinary tract, and in most cases the uterus, vagina,
and gonads can be visualized .
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis could
clearly outline the anatomy of the pelvic organs
Genitography showing vaginal morphology, dimension
and relation to the urethra. The white arrows show the
onset of the vaginal outlet in the UGS in a low variant
(a) and in an intermediate, high one (b)
Genitography is performed by occluding the perineal orifice with a balloon catheter. Contrast material is injected in a
retrograde fashion, with lateral and oblique views obtained.
Disorders of Sex Development Diagnosis and
tive stress
one or
in utero
from 6 wk
UG sinus
Karyotype 46,XX
Electrolytes: K
high, Na low
one high MIS 0
Sequence CYP21
Medical Management
Prenatal diagnosis and treatment are now available.
Dexamethasone treatment, if used to suppress
masculinization in utero, is initiated by the fifth or
sixth week of gestation before the start of sexual
differentiation. Dexamethasone crosses the placenta
to suppress the fetal adrenal gland and decrease fetal
androgen production, thereby minimizing in utero
Postnatally, cortisol replacement with hydrocortisone
is the mainstay of therapy, with the addition of
fluorohydrocortisone if salt wasting is present.
Supportive management of fluid and electrolyte
abnormalities is best provided in a neonatal intensive
care unit.
Medical Management 46,XX DSD (CAH)
Glucocorticoid replacement as oral
hydrocortisone 8 to 10 mg/m2 per day in two or
three doses or cortisone acetate 25 mg/m2
injected every 3 days will prevent serious
metabolic abnormalities associated with acute
adrenal insufficiency.
Fludrocortisone (9a-fluorocortisol) 0.05 to 0.2
mg/day is started in severely virilized infants
and in those less virilized with a family history of
salt wasting as part of 46,XX DSD (CAH).
 In adrenal crisis are treated with 25 mg
hydrocortisone sodium succinate (2 mg/kg),
whereas older children receive 50 to 100mg.
Reconstruction for Female
Gender Assignment
All 46,XX DSD newborns should be
assigned to the female Gender.
Similar repairs can be used for
selected patients who are not severely
masculinized because of 46,XY DSD,
MGD, or ovotesticular DSD.
Laparoscopy provides excellent visualization
of the pelvic structures and may play an
important role in those cases that need a
gonadal biopsy or gonadectomy.
It can also be helpful for identification or
removal of mullerian structures.
Also, laparoscopy can be used to perform
other procedures such as a laparoscopic-
assisted sigmoid vaginoplasty.
Planning and Timing the Surgical
The newer techniques result in an improved cosmetic
appearance, achieve a reduced complication rate, and
are more likely to preserve sensation; however, long-
term studies are required to evaluate the outcomes of
these procedures.
Patients with a low-confluence urogenital sinus
can be operated once their metabolic management
is well controlled; in most cases we undertake an
elective reconstruction at 3 to 6 months of age.
 Patients with a midlevel or high confluence can
be electively repaired at 9 to 12 months of age.
Feminizing Genitoplasty
Planning of the surgical reconstruction should
incorporate the three components of a
feminizing genitoplasty, in which the
prepuce is used to create labia minora, the
clitoris is reduced with preservation of
sensation, and the labioscrotal swellings
are used to fashion female-appearing labia
majora and to enhance the vaginoplasty.
Preoperative Preparation
 It is important to prepare the bowel adequately before
repair. For low repairs, magnesium citrate should be given
2 days before repair.
 For high repairs, (MOVIPREP)a polyethylene glycol
isotonic solution, is administered by mouth beginning 3
days before surgery for 2 consecutive days, followed by
magnesium citrate 1 day before surgery.
 Oral administration of neomycin plus erythromycin can be
used to reduce bacterial concentration.
 Preoperatively, it is important to ensure that the patient is
metabolically stable, particularly a child with CAH.
 Children with CAH should receive “stress dose” steroid
replacement at the time of surgery.
Surgical Reconstruction
 Each reconstructive procedure is
preceded by a panendoscopy using a
pediatric cystoscope with 0- and 30-
degree optics.
 After passing a Fogarty catheter into the
vagina, the balloon is inflated and the
catheter is clamped and left indwelling.
 A Foley catheter is then anchored in the
A Fogarty catheter is
placed into the vagina
and a Foley catheter into
the bladder ( a ) high
UGS, ( b ) low UGS
It must be remembered that the clitoris is a
sexual organ so every effort is made to preserve
clitoral sensation and function.
The operation begins with placement of a
traction suture in the glans clitoris.
Proposed incisions are outlined with a skin
scribe and injected with 0.5 % lidocaine with
1:200,000 epinephrine subcutaneously .
 The entire clitoris is degloved along the plane
between the Buck fascia and the Dartos
circumferentially. Ventrally, the incision is
carried around the UGS
Classic approach
Circumferential nerves
branches coming from the
dorsal neurovascular
encircling the clitoral shaft
toward the ventrum. Vertical
incisions outlined on each
side of the urethral plate for
the excision of the erectile
Kogan described a subtunical
excision of the erectile tissue, which led
to newer nerve-sparing techniques.
 Baskin and colleagues (1999)
found that distribution of the sensory
nerves of the clitoris is similar to the
sensory nerves of the penis;
circumferential branches from the
dorsal neurovascular bundle encircle
the clitoral shaft toward the ventrum,
thus making a ventral approach to the
corpora most likely to avoid nerve
injury (Fig.).
Studies of Baskin et al
(1999) would suggest
that any glans excision
should be performed
ventrally near the
midline (similar glans
The glans is innervated
by perforating
branches entering at
the dorsal junction
of the glans and
corpora (Baskin et
al, 1999).
In Baskin’s Technique Corporal Tissue Proximal To The
Bifurcation Is Left Intact.
Excision of glanular
epithelium to conceal the glans
is to be avoided because the
sensory neuropeptides are
located just beneath this layer.
Furthermore, no data suggest
that a large glans is detrimental
to sexual function.
The glans is then sewn to the
bifurcation of the corporal
A glans sewn to the pubis
results in an abnormally high
prominent position (Rink and
Yerkes, 2001).
Clitoroplasty The dorsal mucosal collar
should cover the glans
partially, giving it a hooded
The tunics are left
undisturbed, except for the
ventral incision.
 No tunical tissue is
The dorsal neurovascular
bundle should not be
mobilized or disturbed in
any way.
The redundant dorsal tunica
albuginea and neurovascular
bundle are placed in a
subcutaneous pocket above
the pubic bone, folded
without impairing the
neurovascular supply, and its
lateral edges are sutured to
the adjacent periosteum of
the pubis.
The reduced clitoral shaft is
covered with surrounding fat
tissue, thus fashioning a
normal-looking mons
pubis. Vertical ventral midline incision
made along the entire lenght of
each corporal body ( a , b
Vaginal reconstruction techniques
I. The cut-back vaginoplasty is rarely used and is
appropriate for only simple labial fusion.
II. The flap vaginoplasty is applicable to a low (distal)
vaginal confluence. In this procedure, the posterior walls of
the sinus and vagina are opened, but the anterior wall of the
vagina is left intact.
III. The pullthrough vaginoplasty is used for a very high
IV. Total and partial urogenital mobilization (TUM and
V. Complete vaginal replacement can be achieved by
several techniques, but it is used only for a rudimentary or
absent vagina.
 Almost every vaginal repair
today uses a posteriorly based
perineal flap originally
described by Fortunoff and
coworkers in 1964.
 This wide-based Fortunoff
flap has recently been
modified to a more omega-
shaped flap that has resulted
in improved cosmesis (Jenak
et al, 2001; Freitas-Filho et al,
The vaginal walls to reach the perineum may
be constructed using a combination of inverted
U cutaneous flap (Fortunoff), prepucial flap
(Gonzalez), redundant tissue from the UGS
(Passerini flap).
Low Vaginal Confluence
The vast majority of children who undergo surgery
for intersex a low vaginal confluence amenable to
flap vaginoplasty.
 The previously outlined omega flap is incised, and the
underlying fat is mobilized with the flap to expose the
urogenital sinus.
 It is critical to divide the bulbospongiosus muscle
and sweep the rectum posteriorly in order to expose
the entire posterior wall of the vagina.
 the posterior wall of the sinus is opened in the midline and
extended proximally into the posterior wall of the vagina.
 The posterior wall incision must be carried
proximally until normal-caliber vagina is
 Sutures are placed individually through the perineal flap
and then through the split posterior wall of the vagina .
Flap vaginoplasty
The dissection of the anterior wall of the vagina from the
urethra and bladder neck is the most difficult part of the
procedure. With the vagina separated from the urethra and
sinus, the opened UGS is closed in layers over a Foley catheter
to create a urethra.
The phallic skin is unfurled and divided longitudinally
in the midline while stopping short of the base to
allow a clitoral hood.
 Labia minora are now
created with this split
preputial skin, which is
moved inferiorly and
anastomosed to the
preserved ventral plate and
the lateral vaginal wall.
 The labia are mobilized and
secured inferiorly alongside
the vagina as a Y-V–plasty.
High Vaginal Confluence
Rink and colleagues proposed a posterior prone
approach, which provides excellent exposure.
Preparation, endoscopy, and catheter placement are
the same as for flap vaginoplasty.
The perineal omega-shaped flap incision is made
and then the flap is retracted posteriorly, with
dissection now carried out in the midline between
the posterior wall of the sinus/vagina and rectum.
The child with a pure UGS and no ambiguity is
initially placed prone.
High Vaginal Confluence
Pull-through” vaginoplasty
As dissection proceeds proximally, the rectum
is easily retracted with a small Deaver
retractor to expose the entire urogenital sinus.
The entire length of the sinus may be divided
in the midline posteriorly to the normal
caliber of the vagina. The Deaver retractor
is now placed in the vagina and with upward
retraction easily exposes the anterior wall of
the vagina at its confluence with the sinus.
This allows dissection of the vagina from the
urethra under direct vision .
A, Posterior flap developed with the sinus
exposed. B, Sinus opened in the posterior
midline. C, Retractor in the vagina
A, Vagina mobilized and the sinu tubularized
to create a urethra.
B, Posterior vagina spatulated.
High Vaginal Confluence
Excellent vision is also provided for
tubularization of the sinus to create a urethra,
which is closed in two or three layers over a
Foley catheter.
“Pull-through” vaginoplasty is often a
misnomer because frequently the separated
vagina will not reach the perineum.
In this situation, skin flaps have been used to
reach up to the vagina (rather than the vagina
“pulled through” to the perineum).
• Preputial skin may be sewn to the spatulated
anterior vagina, as described by Gonzales and
Fernandes (1990).
Modified Gonzalez preputial flap to create an
anterior vaginal wall; the posterior flap has
been anastomosed to the spatulated vagina
Passerini-Glazel (1989)
Passerini-Glazel (1989) used the mobilized
sinus by dividing it dorsally; with the
phallic skin and folded back toward the
vagina, it would create a more normal
cosmetic result and provide excellent
coverage in the area of the vaginal
He later used this as a flap to form the anterior
vaginal wall rather than completely
tubularizing it (Passerini-Glazel, 1994).
A buttocks- or labial-based flap may be used to create the
anterior vaginal wall in a patient with a pure urogenital sinus
When preputial skin is not available, a buttock flap or a
laterally based skin flap can be used (Parrott and
Woodard, 1991; Dumanian and Donahoe, 1992)
A, Phallic skin unfurled.
B, Preputial skin split and used to create the labia minora;
proposed labia majora Y-V–plasty
. (From Rink RC, Adams MC: Feminizing genitoplasty: State of the art. World J Urol 1998;16:212).
Split prepuce used to create labia
minora; labia majora Y-V-plasty;
and flap vaginoplasty.
labioscrotal fold.
Bilateral Y-V advancement of the labia
majora. The flaps are moved
posteriorly, beside the introitus to
enhance the vaginoplasty. The medial
aspects of the skin flaps are sutured to
the lateral edges of the preputial skin
mobilized during clitoroplasty
UGS anomalies occur most commonly in association
with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), but pure
UGS anomalies without clitoromegaly or
endocrinologic abnormalities also occur
Diagrammatic representation
of urogenital sinus showing
high insertion of the vaginal
opening into the urogenital
sinus. Note the point of entry
above the sphincter
Diagrammatic representation
of urogenital sinus showing
low insertion of the vaginal
opening into the urogenital
sinus. Note the point of entry
below the sphincter
Total and Partial Urogenital Mobilization
 In 1997, Alberto Pena proposed a maneuver
called total urogenital mobilization (TUM)
as a means to repair the urogenital sinus
component of a cloacal repair.
 In this procedure, the entire sinus is
dissected circumferentially and mobilized
toward the perineum.
 Rink and Adams (1999) reported using the
mobilized sinus to provide a mucosa-lined
vestibule or a Passerini flap to cover the
anterior vaginal wall when a pull-through
procedure is performed.
 Jenak et al (2001) have since reported similar
use of the mobilized sinus to create a mucosal
vestibule, and Hamza et al (2001) stated that
the sinus may be used as a Passerini-like flap.
Total urogenital
Partial urogenital
Partial urogenital mobilization circumferentially mobilizes the sinus to the level
of the pubourethral ligament but does not extend above this level.
Total urogenital mobilization. A, The sinus is split
ventrally to create a mucosa-lined vestibule in the flap
vaginoplasty. B, The sinus is split dorsally to create an
anterior vaginal wall for pull-through vaginoplasty.
(From Rink RC: Journal of Pediatric Urology 2006.
Total urogenital mobilization with the sinus
A ventral incision on the mobilized sinus allows the
creation of a mucosa-lined vestibule
The sinus is split dorsally to create an anterior vaginal
wall for pull-through vaginoplasty.
Total and Partial Urogenital Mobilization
 The posterior wall of the vagina is opened near the confluence
If the vagina reaches the perineum, the UGS is opened
ventrally and the redundant tissue is used to create a mucosa-
lined vestibule .
 If the vagina is still too high, the patient is turned prone and
the anterior wall of the vagina is separated from the urinary
 The opening in the sinus is closed to create the urethra. The
excess mobilized sinus in this situation is divided dorsally to
create a Passerini flap for the anterior vaginal wall .
 If the sinus is opened laterally, the tissue can be rotated
inferiorly to form the posterior wall of the vagina, minimizing
the need for the perineal flap .
Total and Partial Urogenital
Use of excess sinus after TUM o
Sinus may be split ventrally to create
a mucosa-lined vestibule (A and B),
dorsally to create a Passerini flap for
the vaginoplasty (C), or laterally to
complete the vaginoplasty (D).
Total and Partial Urogenital Mobilization
 There have been two recent
descriptions of use of the mobilized
sinus to replace the posterior
perineal-based skin flap with a
sinus flap.
 In one, the sinus is split laterally
and rotated posteriorly (Rink and
Cain, 2002).
 In the other, the sinus is split in
half longitudinally and the two
halves are rotated inferiorly
(Gosalbez et al, 2005).
Vaginoplasty in case of insufficient vaginal length to reach the
perineum. A lateral incision helps completing the vaginoplasty
( a ). The incised sinus is then rotated in a spiral fashion to
extend the vagina ( b )
The incised sinus is rotated in a spiral
fashion to extend the vagina (E and F).
The opened sinus now becomes the
anterior vaginal wall.

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Dsd update

  • 2. ‫الرحيم‬ ‫الرحمن‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫بسم‬ ‫ذ‬َ‫ي‬َ‫ف‬ ُ‫د‬َ‫ب‬َّ‫الز‬ ‫ا‬َّ‫م‬َ‫أ‬َ‫ف‬َّ‫م‬َ‫أ‬ َ‫و‬ ً‫ء‬‫ا‬َ‫ف‬ُ‫ج‬ ُ‫ب‬َ‫ه‬‫ا‬َ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬َ‫ي‬َ‫ف‬ َ‫اس‬َّ‫ن‬‫ال‬ ُ‫ع‬َ‫ف‬‫ن‬َ‫ي‬ِ‫ض‬‫ر‬َ‫أل‬‫ا‬ ‫ي‬ِ‫ف‬ ُ‫ث‬ُ‫ك‬ ُ َّ‫اّلل‬ ُ‫ب‬ ِ‫ر‬‫ض‬َ‫ي‬ َ‫ك‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ذ‬َ‫ك‬َ‫ل‬‫ا‬َ‫ث‬‫م‬َ‫أل‬‫ا‬ (17﴾[‫الرعد‬] Wednesday, February 14, 2018 DR. ASHRAF HAMED 2
  • 3. DEFINITION OF DSD Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD). • This was coined by International Consensus Conference on Intersex organized by the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society and the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology in 2006. • The medical term disorders of sex development (DSDs) is used to describe individuals with an atypical composition of chromosomal, gonadal and phenotypic sex, which leads to differences in the development of the urogenital tract and reproductive system.
  • 4. NORMAL GENDER AND SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION Chromosomal gender determines gonadal gender, with XX resulting in ovarian development and XY resulting in testicular formation.  Finally, the gonadal function determines the phenotypic gender. The simple Y = male, no Y = female equations are not always valid. The testis determining factor (TDF) is located on the short arm of the Y chromosome near the centromere. SRY appears to be expressed by the somatic cells from the urogenital ridge and not from germ cells.
  • 5. NORMAL GENDER AND SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION  Absence of the SOX9 gene results in a female phenotype in the majority of chromosomal males.  The Wilms tumor gene (WT1) appears to play a key role not only in renal development, but also in testicular development.  The SF1 gene is involved with steroid hormone production and the production of Müllerian-inhibiting substance (MIS).  The DAX1 gene appears to be essential for the development of the ovary.
  • 6. Embryology  Until about 7 weeks of gestation, the fetus is sexually indifferent with two different bipotential gonads and two internally developing wolffian and mullerian ducts.  Embryologically, there are two undifferentiated bipotential gonads in every embryo. These bipotential gonads develops from the urogenital ridge and ultimately develop into either a testis or an ovary. In the absence of functioning testicular tissue, the female internal Müllerian duct structures develop.
  • 7. External genital development • External genital development follows a similar path . • In the absence of the testosterone metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the external genitalia develop into the female phenotype. • In the absence of 5α- reductase, the internal Wolffian ducts are preserved, but the external structures are feminized.
  • 8. ABERRANT GENDER DEVELOPMENT Incidence In the Americas and Western Europe, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is the most common cause of neonatal ambiguous genitalia, accounting for approximately 70% of cases. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is the next most common intersex disorder, with ovotesticular DSD (true hermaphroditism) being the third most common. It is estimated that the overall incidence of DSDs is 1 in 4,500–5,500 live births. Currently, many countries screen newborn for CAH by using a spot serum sample for 17- hydroxyprogesterone measurements.
  • 9. Classification Until recently, the most commonly used classification system was the one proposed by Allen in 1976 and was based primarily on gonadal histology. A newer classification released by the International Consensus Conference on Intersex has largely replaced Allen’s system. The five categories are based primarily on gonadal histology: 1. Female pseudohermaphrodite (ovarian tissue only) 2. Male pseudohermaphrodite (testicular tissue only) 3. True hermaphrodite (both ovarian and testicular tissues) 4. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis (testicular tissue and a streak gonad) 5. Pure gonadal dysgenesis (two streak gonads)
  • 10. Classification In 2006, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society (LWPES) and the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) published proposed changes to the previously used nomenclature and definitions of disorders in which the development of chromosomal, gonadal, or phenotypic sex is atypical. The LWPES-ESPE terminology mainly reflects the chromosomal sex and the gonadal tissue associated with the disorder.
  • 11. Classification • The previous terminology and the revised LWPES-ESPE nomenclature are compared below. ClassicCurrent Female pseudohermaphrodite46,XX DSD Male pseudohermaphrodite46,XY DSD True hermaphroditeOvotesticular DSD Mixed gonadal dysgenesis45,X0/46,XY Mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD) Pure gonadal dysgenesis (common form) 46,XX Complete gonadal dysgenesis
  • 12. Findings in a newborn suggesting the possibility of DSD (the American Academy of Pediatrics)  A male appearance with associated abnormalities of genitalia including: – Severe hypospadias with bifid scrotum – Undescended testis/testes with hypospadias – Bilateral non-palpable testes – Micropenis with chordee.  A female appearance with associated abnormalities of genitalia including: – Enlarged clitoris – Posterior labial fusion – An inguinal/labial mass.
  • 13. The term hermaphroditism, was used after the Greek god of sexuality Hermes and the goddess of love and sexuality, Aphrodite. The correct technical definition of a hermaphrodite is a single organism that has complete sets of both male and female sexual organs. The nomenclatures such as ‘intersex’, ‘hermaphrodite’, and ‘pseudohermaphrodite’ are no longer used.
  • 14. 46,XX DSD (Female Pseudohermaphrodite) More than 95% are due to CAH. All patients have a 46,XX genotype and exclusively ovarian tissue in nonpalpable gonads. These patients have a normal female Müllerian ductal system with an upper vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes They also have normal regression of the Wolffian ducts.
  • 15. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) virilization of external genitalia The level of virilization is largely dependent on the timing and magnitude of androgen exposure to the external genitalia.
  • 16. Female pseudohermaphroditism 46,XX DSD Causes of female pseudohemaphroditism 1- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. 2- Aromatase Deficiency . 3- Administration Of Androgenic Drugs To Women During Pregnancy. This Occurs Primarily With The Use Of Progesterone, Commonly Used As An Adjunct To Assist With Fertility And In-vitro Fertilization. 4- Masculinizing Maternal Tumours . • Virilizing Tumors Include Arrhenoblastoma, Hilar Cell Tumor, Lipoid Cell Tumor, Ovarian Stromal Cell Tumor, Luteoma Of Pregnancy, And Krukenberg‘s Tumor.
  • 17. Aromatase Deficiency Failure Of The Ovary To Synthesize Estrogen  Mild Virilization At Birth Which Increase At Puberty And Failed To Go Into Puberty .  Aromatase Activity Is Expressed Mainly In :- Ovary :- In Productive Women Skin :- Post Menopausal Women & MALE .
  • 18. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Virilization in CAH is due to the inability of the adrenal gland to form cortisol. The precursors above the enzymatic defect are shunted into the sex- steroid pathways. The lack of cortisol for negative feedback inhibition of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) production by the pituitary leaves this pathway unchecked. Excess androgen is produced and is responsible for the virilization.
  • 19. Pathways of steroid biosynthesis 46XX DSD (female pseudohermaphroditism)
  • 20. CAH (a) A newborn with bilateral nonpalpable gonads, hypospadias, and hyperpigmentation of labioscrotal folds. (b) An older patient with a non salt losing CAH male sex assigned when newborn. She had a normal looking phallus but bilateral nonpalpable gonads and should have been studied before sex assignment CAH when it occurs in males (XY chromosomes), the result is over- masculinization and premature puberty.
  • 21. CAH In A Female  The most common form of CAH is 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD), which accounts for more than 90% of CAH.  21-OHD has been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 6.  The variable location of the adrenal defect and relative function of the gene results in salt-wasting and non salt-wasting forms.  Type 1 results in virilization but no salt wasting. The gene defect affects only the fasciculata zone of the adrenal, resulting in blocking cortisol production. However, the gene is normally expressed in the glomerulosa zone with preservation of mineralocorticoid production.  In type 2, also called the classic type, the gene abnormality affects both adrenal zones. Salt wasting results in dehydration or vascular collapse, and hyperkalemia develops because of the block in mineralocorticoid production.
  • 22. CAH In A Female 11β-Hydroxylase deficiency (type 3) is a less common cause of CAH. This gene has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 8. This abnormality results in virilization associated with hypertension due to the synthetic block being below deoxycorticosterone (DOC).  DOC has potent mineralocorticoid function resulting in sodium resorption, fluid overload, hypertension, and hypokalemic acidosis. Finally, 3β-hydroxylase deficiency (type 4) is a rare form of CAH. It results in severe salt wasting, and survival is unusual.  It is the only type of CAH to occur in both genders.
  • 23.  Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser syndrome is characterized by a 46,XX karyotype with normal female external genitalia but a short, blind-ending vagina.  Normal ovaries and fallopian tubes are present, but the uterus is generally rudimentary.  Treatment is geared toward vaginal reconstruction to allow menses or intercourse, or both
  • 24. Evaluation of a Newborn with DSD The evaluation, diagnostic approach and management of a newborn with DSD involves a multidisciplinary team approach. This team include: – Neonatologists – Geneticists/genetic counselor – Pediatric endocrinologists – Pediatric surgeons – Social worker – Pediatric urologist – Psychologist
  • 25. Diagnostic work-up of neonates with ambiguous genitalia History (family, maternal, neonatal) • consanguinity • Previous DSD • Previous neonatal deaths • Primary amenorrhoea or infertility in other family members • Maternal exposure to androgens • history of maternal virilization may suggest an androgen- producing maternal tumor (arrhenoblastoma) • Failure to thrive, vomiting, diarrhoea of the neonate Physical examination • Pigmentation of genital and areolar area • Hypospadias or urogenital sinus • Size of phallus • Palpable and/or symmetrical gonads • Blood pressure
  • 26. Diagnosis  MIS Is Undetectable And A Spot Serum Analysis Reveals Elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone.  DOC and deoxycortisol levels also aid in determining which enzymatic defect is present.  The physical examination is notable for the absence of palpable gonads and the presence of a cervix on rectal examination.  Also, bronzing of the skin may be noted from excess ACTH cross-reactivity with melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptors.  Palpation of a gonad virtually excludes the diagnosis of 46,XX DSD.
  • 27. Clinical Examination  Assessment for palpable gonads is important, because a palpable gonad represents a testis or ovotestis and rules out 46,XX DSD.  If both gonads are palpable, this generally indicates 46,XY DSD.  One palpable gonad is generally associated with MGD or ovotesticular DSD.  The physical examination should include assessment for the stigmata of Turner syndrome associated with MGD and PGD.  Bronzing of the areola or scrotum can suggest elevated ACTH production in CAH.
  • 28. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Federman’s rule • Federman’s rule:– a gonad felt below the inguinal ligament is a testicle until proven otherwise
  • 29. Rapid Diagnostic Algorithm These two diagnostic criteria—presence or absence of Y chromosome and gonadal symmetry or asymmetry— allow the rapid, accurate assignment of a patient into one of the four diagnostic categories with approximately 90% accuracy. Y Chromosome PresentY Chromosome Absent or Abnormal AsymmetrySymmetryAsymmetrySymmetry 46,XX/46,XY MGD [Mixed gonadal dysgenesis] 46,XY DSD Ovotesticular DSD 46,XX DSD [congenital adrenal hyperplasia]
  • 30. The Prader Scale Degrees of genital ambiguity can be described using the Prader scale, which was originally devised to describe the degree of virilization of female genitalia in CAH Rink RC, Adams MC, Misseri R (2005) A new classification for genital ambiguity and urogenital sinus anomalies. BJU Int 95:638–642
  • 31. The Prader Scale Of Genitalia Stage 0 Normal female genitalia. Stage 1 Mildly enlarged clitoris, slightly reduced vaginal opening. Stage 2 phallus being intermediate in size, small vaginal opening with separate urethral opening. Posterior labial fusion present. Stage 3 Further enlarged phallus than Stage 2, with single urogenital sinus and nearly complete fusion of the labia. Stage 4 looks more male than female, with an empty scrotum and a normal- sized penis-like phallus. A smallurethral/vaginal opening at the base of the shaft/phallus (hypospadias in a male). Stage 5 This is complete male virilisation – a normally-formed penis is present, with the urethral opening at or near the tip, and the scrotum formed, but empty. Stage 6 Normal male presentation of the penis with normal testes.
  • 32. Clinical Evaluation Of External Genitalia  Note the phallus length:  A normal-term male penis is 3.5 ± 0.7 cm. A normal-term female clitoris is less than 1.0 cm.  Micropenis is thus defined as a stretch penile length of less than 2.0 cm in a term male infant, and clitoromegaly as a clitoris greater than 1.0 cm in a term female.  Note the position of the urethral meatus:  Hypospadias associated with bifid scrotum or undescended testis suggests a DSD . If the urethral opening is at the base of the phallus, it could be a urogenital sinus in a virilized female. Labioscrotal folds may be separated or be fused at the midline, giving an appearance of a scrotum.
  • 33. INVESTIGATIONS  The initial evaluation should include a karyotype or fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH) and (PCR) to identify X and Y chromosomes.  17-OH progesterone levels should be obtained after 3 or 4 days of life, by which time elevations resulting from the stress related to birth have subsided.  Electrolyte levels should be monitored to identify salt wasting with CAH.  Testosterone and DHT levels are important for evaluating 5α-reductase deficiency (the relation T/DHT with a value larger than 10 is suspicious of deficit 5- alpha eductase enzyme).  An elevated LH level and a low MIS level suggest testis dysgenesis or absence.  CORTISOL ,ACTH or hCG stimulation tests .
  • 34. Preoperative Evaluation IMAGING EVALUATION A retrograde genitogram is performed by occluding the opening of the urogenital sinus with the balloon of an 8-Fr Foley catheter placed outside the meatus and secured in place with tape. Lateral and oblique images are then obtained. The study should be performed by the surgeon and an experienced radiologist. Next, the catheter should be advanced into the bladder for a vesicoureterogram (VCUG). Ultrasonography gives valuable information about the urinary tract, and in most cases the uterus, vagina, and gonads can be visualized . magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis could clearly outline the anatomy of the pelvic organs
  • 35. Genitography showing vaginal morphology, dimension and relation to the urethra. The white arrows show the onset of the vaginal outlet in the UGS in a low variant (a) and in an intermediate, high one (b) Genitography is performed by occluding the perineal orifice with a balloon catheter. Contrast material is injected in a retrograde fashion, with lateral and oblique views obtained.
  • 36. Disorders of Sex Development Diagnosis and Treatment Surgical Therapy Medical Therapy Gende r Assign ment Physical Examinati on Phenotype Diagnostic Features Disease Periopera tive stress steroids Clitoral reduction Vaginal exterioriz ation Labioscro tal reduction Hydrocortis one or cortisone acetate Florinef Embryo selection from the blastocyst Steroid replacement in utero from 6 wk gestation FSymmetric gonads Clitoral hypertrophy Sinogram: UG sinus defect Enlarged labioscrotu m Karyotype 46,XX Electrolytes: K high, Na low Androgen high 17- hydroxyprogester one high MIS 0 Sequence CYP21 Chromosomal FISH 46,XX DSD (Overandro genized Female) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (adrenogen ital syndrome)
  • 37. Medical Management 46,XX DSD (CAH) Prenatal diagnosis and treatment are now available. Dexamethasone treatment, if used to suppress masculinization in utero, is initiated by the fifth or sixth week of gestation before the start of sexual differentiation. Dexamethasone crosses the placenta to suppress the fetal adrenal gland and decrease fetal androgen production, thereby minimizing in utero virilization. Postnatally, cortisol replacement with hydrocortisone is the mainstay of therapy, with the addition of fluorohydrocortisone if salt wasting is present. Supportive management of fluid and electrolyte abnormalities is best provided in a neonatal intensive care unit.
  • 38. Medical Management 46,XX DSD (CAH) Glucocorticoid replacement as oral hydrocortisone 8 to 10 mg/m2 per day in two or three doses or cortisone acetate 25 mg/m2 injected every 3 days will prevent serious metabolic abnormalities associated with acute adrenal insufficiency. Fludrocortisone (9a-fluorocortisol) 0.05 to 0.2 mg/day is started in severely virilized infants and in those less virilized with a family history of salt wasting as part of 46,XX DSD (CAH).  In adrenal crisis are treated with 25 mg hydrocortisone sodium succinate (2 mg/kg), whereas older children receive 50 to 100mg.
  • 39. Reconstruction for Female Gender Assignment All 46,XX DSD newborns should be assigned to the female Gender. Similar repairs can be used for selected patients who are not severely masculinized because of 46,XY DSD, MGD, or ovotesticular DSD.
  • 40. Laparoscopy Laparoscopy provides excellent visualization of the pelvic structures and may play an important role in those cases that need a gonadal biopsy or gonadectomy. It can also be helpful for identification or removal of mullerian structures. Also, laparoscopy can be used to perform other procedures such as a laparoscopic- assisted sigmoid vaginoplasty.
  • 41. Planning and Timing the Surgical Reconstruction The newer techniques result in an improved cosmetic appearance, achieve a reduced complication rate, and are more likely to preserve sensation; however, long- term studies are required to evaluate the outcomes of these procedures. Patients with a low-confluence urogenital sinus can be operated once their metabolic management is well controlled; in most cases we undertake an elective reconstruction at 3 to 6 months of age.  Patients with a midlevel or high confluence can be electively repaired at 9 to 12 months of age.
  • 42. Feminizing Genitoplasty Planning of the surgical reconstruction should incorporate the three components of a feminizing genitoplasty, in which the prepuce is used to create labia minora, the clitoris is reduced with preservation of sensation, and the labioscrotal swellings are used to fashion female-appearing labia majora and to enhance the vaginoplasty.
  • 43. Preoperative Preparation  It is important to prepare the bowel adequately before repair. For low repairs, magnesium citrate should be given 2 days before repair.  For high repairs, (MOVIPREP)a polyethylene glycol isotonic solution, is administered by mouth beginning 3 days before surgery for 2 consecutive days, followed by magnesium citrate 1 day before surgery.  Oral administration of neomycin plus erythromycin can be used to reduce bacterial concentration.  Preoperatively, it is important to ensure that the patient is metabolically stable, particularly a child with CAH.  Children with CAH should receive “stress dose” steroid replacement at the time of surgery.
  • 44. Surgical Reconstruction PANENDOSCOPY  Each reconstructive procedure is preceded by a panendoscopy using a pediatric cystoscope with 0- and 30- degree optics.  After passing a Fogarty catheter into the vagina, the balloon is inflated and the catheter is clamped and left indwelling.  A Foley catheter is then anchored in the bladder. A Fogarty catheter is placed into the vagina and a Foley catheter into the bladder ( a ) high UGS, ( b ) low UGS
  • 46.
  • 47. Clitoroplasty It must be remembered that the clitoris is a sexual organ so every effort is made to preserve clitoral sensation and function. The operation begins with placement of a traction suture in the glans clitoris. Proposed incisions are outlined with a skin scribe and injected with 0.5 % lidocaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine subcutaneously .  The entire clitoris is degloved along the plane between the Buck fascia and the Dartos circumferentially. Ventrally, the incision is carried around the UGS
  • 49. Clitoroplasty Circumferential nerves branches coming from the dorsal neurovascular encircling the clitoral shaft toward the ventrum. Vertical incisions outlined on each side of the urethral plate for the excision of the erectile tissue. Kogan described a subtunical excision of the erectile tissue, which led to newer nerve-sparing techniques.  Baskin and colleagues (1999) found that distribution of the sensory nerves of the clitoris is similar to the sensory nerves of the penis; circumferential branches from the dorsal neurovascular bundle encircle the clitoral shaft toward the ventrum, thus making a ventral approach to the corpora most likely to avoid nerve injury (Fig.).
  • 50. Studies of Baskin et al (1999) would suggest that any glans excision should be performed ventrally near the midline (similar glans wings). The glans is innervated by perforating branches entering at the dorsal junction of the glans and corpora (Baskin et al, 1999).
  • 52. In Baskin’s Technique Corporal Tissue Proximal To The Bifurcation Is Left Intact. Excision of glanular epithelium to conceal the glans is to be avoided because the sensory neuropeptides are located just beneath this layer. Furthermore, no data suggest that a large glans is detrimental to sexual function. The glans is then sewn to the bifurcation of the corporal bodies. A glans sewn to the pubis results in an abnormally high prominent position (Rink and Yerkes, 2001).
  • 53. Clitoroplasty The dorsal mucosal collar should cover the glans partially, giving it a hooded appearance The tunics are left undisturbed, except for the ventral incision.  No tunical tissue is excised. The dorsal neurovascular bundle should not be mobilized or disturbed in any way.
  • 54. Clitoroplasty The redundant dorsal tunica albuginea and neurovascular bundle are placed in a subcutaneous pocket above the pubic bone, folded without impairing the neurovascular supply, and its lateral edges are sutured to the adjacent periosteum of the pubis. The reduced clitoral shaft is covered with surrounding fat tissue, thus fashioning a normal-looking mons pubis. Vertical ventral midline incision made along the entire lenght of each corporal body ( a , b
  • 55.
  • 56. Vaginal reconstruction techniques I. The cut-back vaginoplasty is rarely used and is appropriate for only simple labial fusion. II. The flap vaginoplasty is applicable to a low (distal) vaginal confluence. In this procedure, the posterior walls of the sinus and vagina are opened, but the anterior wall of the vagina is left intact. III. The pullthrough vaginoplasty is used for a very high confluence IV. Total and partial urogenital mobilization (TUM and PUM) V. Complete vaginal replacement can be achieved by several techniques, but it is used only for a rudimentary or absent vagina.
  • 57. Vaginoplasty  Almost every vaginal repair today uses a posteriorly based perineal flap originally described by Fortunoff and coworkers in 1964.  This wide-based Fortunoff flap has recently been modified to a more omega- shaped flap that has resulted in improved cosmesis (Jenak et al, 2001; Freitas-Filho et al, 2003).
  • 59. The vaginal walls to reach the perineum may be constructed using a combination of inverted U cutaneous flap (Fortunoff), prepucial flap (Gonzalez), redundant tissue from the UGS (Passerini flap).
  • 60. Low Vaginal Confluence FLAP VAGINOPLASTY The vast majority of children who undergo surgery for intersex a low vaginal confluence amenable to flap vaginoplasty.
  • 61. FLAP VAGINOPLASTY  The previously outlined omega flap is incised, and the underlying fat is mobilized with the flap to expose the urogenital sinus.  It is critical to divide the bulbospongiosus muscle and sweep the rectum posteriorly in order to expose the entire posterior wall of the vagina.  the posterior wall of the sinus is opened in the midline and extended proximally into the posterior wall of the vagina.  The posterior wall incision must be carried proximally until normal-caliber vagina is encountered.  Sutures are placed individually through the perineal flap and then through the split posterior wall of the vagina .
  • 62. Flap vaginoplasty The dissection of the anterior wall of the vagina from the urethra and bladder neck is the most difficult part of the procedure. With the vagina separated from the urethra and sinus, the opened UGS is closed in layers over a Foley catheter to create a urethra.
  • 63. Vaginoplasty The phallic skin is unfurled and divided longitudinally in the midline while stopping short of the base to allow a clitoral hood.
  • 64. FLAP VAGINOPLASTY  Labia minora are now created with this split preputial skin, which is moved inferiorly and anastomosed to the preserved ventral plate and the lateral vaginal wall.  The labia are mobilized and secured inferiorly alongside the vagina as a Y-V–plasty.
  • 65. High Vaginal Confluence Rink and colleagues proposed a posterior prone approach, which provides excellent exposure. Preparation, endoscopy, and catheter placement are the same as for flap vaginoplasty. The perineal omega-shaped flap incision is made and then the flap is retracted posteriorly, with dissection now carried out in the midline between the posterior wall of the sinus/vagina and rectum. The child with a pure UGS and no ambiguity is initially placed prone.
  • 66. High Vaginal Confluence Pull-through” vaginoplasty As dissection proceeds proximally, the rectum is easily retracted with a small Deaver retractor to expose the entire urogenital sinus. The entire length of the sinus may be divided in the midline posteriorly to the normal caliber of the vagina. The Deaver retractor is now placed in the vagina and with upward retraction easily exposes the anterior wall of the vagina at its confluence with the sinus. This allows dissection of the vagina from the urethra under direct vision .
  • 67. A, Posterior flap developed with the sinus exposed. B, Sinus opened in the posterior midline. C, Retractor in the vagina
  • 68. A, Vagina mobilized and the sinu tubularized to create a urethra. B, Posterior vagina spatulated.
  • 69. High Vaginal Confluence Excellent vision is also provided for tubularization of the sinus to create a urethra, which is closed in two or three layers over a Foley catheter. “Pull-through” vaginoplasty is often a misnomer because frequently the separated vagina will not reach the perineum. In this situation, skin flaps have been used to reach up to the vagina (rather than the vagina “pulled through” to the perineum). • Preputial skin may be sewn to the spatulated anterior vagina, as described by Gonzales and Fernandes (1990).
  • 70. Modified Gonzalez preputial flap to create an anterior vaginal wall; the posterior flap has been anastomosed to the spatulated vagina
  • 71. Passerini-Glazel (1989) Passerini-Glazel (1989) used the mobilized sinus by dividing it dorsally; with the phallic skin and folded back toward the vagina, it would create a more normal cosmetic result and provide excellent coverage in the area of the vaginal separation. He later used this as a flap to form the anterior vaginal wall rather than completely tubularizing it (Passerini-Glazel, 1994).
  • 72. A buttocks- or labial-based flap may be used to create the anterior vaginal wall in a patient with a pure urogenital sinus When preputial skin is not available, a buttock flap or a laterally based skin flap can be used (Parrott and Woodard, 1991; Dumanian and Donahoe, 1992)
  • 73. Labioplasty. A, Phallic skin unfurled. B, Preputial skin split and used to create the labia minora; proposed labia majora Y-V–plasty . (From Rink RC, Adams MC: Feminizing genitoplasty: State of the art. World J Urol 1998;16:212).
  • 74. Labioplasty Split prepuce used to create labia minora; labia majora Y-V-plasty; and flap vaginoplasty. labioscrotal fold. Bilateral Y-V advancement of the labia majora. The flaps are moved posteriorly, beside the introitus to enhance the vaginoplasty. The medial aspects of the skin flaps are sutured to the lateral edges of the preputial skin mobilized during clitoroplasty
  • 75. UROGENITAL SINUS ANOMALIES UGS anomalies occur most commonly in association with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), but pure UGS anomalies without clitoromegaly or endocrinologic abnormalities also occur
  • 76. Diagrammatic representation of urogenital sinus showing high insertion of the vaginal opening into the urogenital sinus. Note the point of entry above the sphincter Diagrammatic representation of urogenital sinus showing low insertion of the vaginal opening into the urogenital sinus. Note the point of entry below the sphincter UROGENITAL SINUS ANOMALIES
  • 77. Total and Partial Urogenital Mobilization  In 1997, Alberto Pena proposed a maneuver called total urogenital mobilization (TUM) as a means to repair the urogenital sinus component of a cloacal repair.  In this procedure, the entire sinus is dissected circumferentially and mobilized toward the perineum.  Rink and Adams (1999) reported using the mobilized sinus to provide a mucosa-lined vestibule or a Passerini flap to cover the anterior vaginal wall when a pull-through procedure is performed.  Jenak et al (2001) have since reported similar use of the mobilized sinus to create a mucosal vestibule, and Hamza et al (2001) stated that the sinus may be used as a Passerini-like flap.
  • 78. Total urogenital mobilization. Partial urogenital mobilization. Partial urogenital mobilization circumferentially mobilizes the sinus to the level of the pubourethral ligament but does not extend above this level.
  • 79. Total urogenital mobilization. A, The sinus is split ventrally to create a mucosa-lined vestibule in the flap vaginoplasty. B, The sinus is split dorsally to create an anterior vaginal wall for pull-through vaginoplasty. (From Rink RC: Journal of Pediatric Urology 2006.
  • 80. Total urogenital mobilization with the sinus mobilized. A ventral incision on the mobilized sinus allows the creation of a mucosa-lined vestibule
  • 81. The sinus is split dorsally to create an anterior vaginal wall for pull-through vaginoplasty.
  • 82. Total and Partial Urogenital Mobilization  The posterior wall of the vagina is opened near the confluence If the vagina reaches the perineum, the UGS is opened ventrally and the redundant tissue is used to create a mucosa- lined vestibule .  If the vagina is still too high, the patient is turned prone and the anterior wall of the vagina is separated from the urinary tract.  The opening in the sinus is closed to create the urethra. The excess mobilized sinus in this situation is divided dorsally to create a Passerini flap for the anterior vaginal wall .  If the sinus is opened laterally, the tissue can be rotated inferiorly to form the posterior wall of the vagina, minimizing the need for the perineal flap .
  • 83. Total and Partial Urogenital Mobilization
  • 84. Use of excess sinus after TUM o PUM. Sinus may be split ventrally to create a mucosa-lined vestibule (A and B), dorsally to create a Passerini flap for the vaginoplasty (C), or laterally to complete the vaginoplasty (D).
  • 85. Total and Partial Urogenital Mobilization  There have been two recent descriptions of use of the mobilized sinus to replace the posterior perineal-based skin flap with a sinus flap.  In one, the sinus is split laterally and rotated posteriorly (Rink and Cain, 2002).  In the other, the sinus is split in half longitudinally and the two halves are rotated inferiorly (Gosalbez et al, 2005).
  • 86. Vaginoplasty in case of insufficient vaginal length to reach the perineum. A lateral incision helps completing the vaginoplasty ( a ). The incised sinus is then rotated in a spiral fashion to extend the vagina ( b )
  • 87. The incised sinus is rotated in a spiral fashion to extend the vagina (E and F).
  • 88. The opened sinus now becomes the anterior vaginal wall.

Editor's Notes

  1. Rarely, virilization of the female fetus can be caused by exogenous androgen exposure from the mother. This occurs primarily with the use of progesterone, commonly used as an adjunct to assist with fertility and with in-vitro fertilization. Previously, androgenic compounds also were administered to expectant mothers with a history of repeated spontaneous abortion as a preventive measure.
  2. Aromatase deficiency This oestrogen synthetase enzyme is present in particularly high concentrations in the placenta and is involved in the synthesis of oestrogens from androgenic precursors. Deficiency of this enzyme results in an accumulation of androgens and consequent fetal virilisation.