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Internet of Things
Ravindra Dastikop
Session 1
Web Architecture for an Internet of Things
Session 2
Will IoT be Secure Enough?
Session 3
Applications of IoT
Session 4
Research Directions in IoT
Basics of IoT
IoT Described
The main concept of IoT is the ability to
connect loosely defined smart objects and
enable them to interact with
• Other objects,
• the environment, or
• more complex and legacy computing
Basics of IoT
IoT: Building Blocks
Sensors will be integrated in buildings,
vehicles, and common environments, carried
by people and attached to animals and will
communicate among them locally and
remotely in order to provide integrated
An IOT enabled world
• Smart objects will densely populate human life and
human environment, interacting both by providing ,
processing and delivering any sort of information or
• Objects in the environment will be able to tell us about
themselves, their state, or their surroundings and
can be used remotely
Value proposition: Why Go for IoT?
• Productivity and cost savings-
• IoT can save CAPEX, Labor and Energy.
• Verizon is saving more that 55 million kWh annually
across 24 data centers by deploying hundreds of
sensors and control points throughout the data
center, connected wirelessly
• The result is a reduction of 66 million pounds of
greenhouse gases per year
Basics of IoT
IoT in Action
The wave of data on the network can be used
● to make lives easier ( think: turn on your heater
before u can get home)
● drive efficiency ( think: turn on your washing machine
when electricity usage and prices fall in the middle of
the night)
● help us anticipate things without a trip to a
specialist ( full-body health monitor or car engine
IoT : Examples
• Mobile devices can adopt silent mode when entering a
meeting room if this is the request of the meeting
• Alert user and turn-off the radio before entering sensitive
medical areas or
• detect when user enters the car and connect to its sound
• Wireless sensors could let people check where their pet is
real-time as well as control the temperature of each room
of their home while they are out
IoT : Examples
• Emergency services could be remotely
and automatically altered
•if fire is detected in a building or
•if a patient’s medical parameters drop
beyond a critical threshold
Basics of IoT
The Consequence
The emergence of a network of
interconnected uniquely identifiable
objects and their virtual representation in
an Internet alike structure that is positioned
over a network of interconnected
computers allowing for the creation of a new
platform for economic growth.
IoT Paradigm
● The IoT brings about a paradigm
○ where everything is connected and will
■ the way humans and machines interface
■ the way they interact with the world
around them
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Applications of IoT
Session 3
● Internet of Things is a widely
useful concept.
● It finds use in industry, society,
institution and individual lives.
Applications of IoT
The Objectives
IoT : Objectives
The Major objectives for IoT are the
creation of
● Smart environment/spaces and
● self-aware things
Smart environments/spaces
● smart transport,
● smart products,
● smart cities,
● Smart buildings,
● Smart rural areas,
● Smart energy,
● Smart health,
● smart living etc
Self-aware things
Self-aware things for
● climate,
● food,
● energy,
● mobility,
● digital society and
● health applications
Smart City: key Focus
● The Key Focus is make city smarter by
○ optimizing resources
○ feeding its inhabitants by urban farming
○ reducing traffic congestion
● providing more services to allow
○ for faster travel between home and various
destinations and
○ increasing accessibility for essential services
Smart City: key Focus
● Intelligent security systems will be implemented at
key junctions in the city
● various types of sensors will have to be used to make
this a reality
● sensors are moving from “ smart” to “intelligent”
● Biometric already integrated in the smart mobile
phones and is expected to be used together with CCTV
at highly sensitive locations around city
IoT: key Focus
● National identification cards ( Aadhaar) will
also become an essential tool for the
identification of an individual
● Smart cities in 2020 will require real time auto
identification security systems
Applications of IoT
Smart is New Green
Smart is the New Green
● Smart is the new Green and Green products and
services will be replaced by smart products and services
● Smart products will have a real business case, can
typically provide energy and efficiency savings of up to
30% , and generally deliver a two-to-three year return on
● This trend will help deployment of Internet of Things
applications and the creation of smart environments
and spaces
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Three Categories of IoT Users
IoT Application Space
IoT Application Space
● The IoT application space is very diverse and IoT
applications serve different users.
● Different users categories have different driving needs
● From IoT perspective there are three important user
● The individual citizens
● Community of citizens ( citizens of a city, region,
country or society as a whole)
● the enterprise
The individual citizens- examples
● To increase their safety of safety of their family members- for
example - remotely controlled alarm systems or activity detection
for elderly people
● To make it possible to execute certain activities in a more
convenient manner- for example personal inventory reminder
● To generally improve lifestyle- for example monitoring health
parameters during a workout and obtaining expert’s advice
based on the findings or getting support during shopping
● To decrease the cost of living - building automation that will
reduce energy consumption and thus the overall cost
IoT- Enterprise as a user has different drivers
Enterprise users of IoT have different needs and different
drives that can potentially push the introduction of IoT-
based solutions
● Increased productivity
● Market differentiation
● Cost efficiency
IoT- Society as a user has different drivers
Society as a user is concerned with issues of importance
for the whole community, often related to medium to
longer term challenges
● To ensure public safety
● To protect the environment
● To create new jobs and ensure existing are
Applications of IoT
IoT Levels
IoT at City Level
At the City level, the integration of technology
and quicker data analysis will lead to a more
coordinated and effective civil response to
security and safety ( law enforcement and blue
light services) ;
higher demand for outsourcing security
IoT at the Building Level
At the Building level, security technology will
be integrated into systems and deliver a
return on investment to the end-user through
leveraging the technology in multiple
applications (HR and time and attendance,
customer behavior in retail application etc
IoT at the Smart vehicle Level
● There will be increase in the development of
“Smart” vehicles that have low (and
possibly zero) emissions.
● They will also be connected to
● Auto manufacturers will adopt more use of
“ Smart” materials
Fleet Management
● Fleet Management is used track vehicle
location, hard stops, rapid acceleration, and
sudden turns using sophisticated analysis of the
data in order to implement new policies that will
result in cost saving for business
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IoT Application Areas
Potential applications of the IoT are
numerous and diverse, permeating into
practically all levels of every-day life of
individuals, enterprises, and society as a whole
Specific Applications
Better energy efficiency
Things like smart thermostats (
could adjust our energy usage based on load factors and
environment conditions.
● For instance, if your thermostat knows that the
temperature is going to drop in the next 3 hours (by
connecting to, it might bring down the
AC output.
● If your water sprinkler knows that it is going to rain
today, it might avoid sprinkling.
Better disaster management:
1. A group of intelligent robots autonomously
working to clear a disaster site.
2. Imagine a range of autonomous entities -
land robots, drones, sensors and satellites
all collaboratively working to save people as
soon as an Earthquake or a hurricane is
about to land.
Better understanding of the nature:
Animals could be tagged in the wild and we
would have an even better understanding of
how various natural ecosystems work.
Aerospace and Aviation Industry
● IoT can help to improve safety and security of
products and services by reliably identifying
counterfeit products and elements
● The aviation industry is vulnerable to the problem of
suspected unapproved parts ( SUP)
● Using RFID attached to these parts, this problem can
be solved
Automotive Industry
● Advanced cars , trains, buses as well as bicycles
are becoming equipped with advanced
sensors, actuators with increased processing
● Applications include smart things to monitor
and reports various parameters from
pressure in tyre to proximity of other
Telecommunication industry
IoT will create the possibility of merging of diverse
telecommunication technologies and create new services. An
illustrative example is the use of GSM, NFC (Near Field
Communication), low power Bluetooth, WLAN, multi-hop networks,
GPS and sensor networks together with SIM-card technology.
In these types of applications the reader (i.e. tag) is a part of the
mobile phone, and different applications share the SIM-card. NFC
enables communications among objects in a simple and secure way
just by having them close to each other. The mobile phone can
therefore be used as a NFC-reader and transmit the read data to a
central server
Medical and Health care
● IoT will have many applications in the healthcare sector, with the
possibility of using the cell phone with RFID-sensor capabilities
as a platform for monitoring of medical parameters and drug
● The advantage gained is in prevention and easy monitoring of
diseases, ad hoc diagnosis and providing prompt medical
attention in cases of accidents.
● Implantable and addressable wireless devices can be used to
store health records that can save a patient’s life in emergency
situations, especially for people with diabetes, cancer, coronary
Independent Living
IoT applications and services will have an important impact on
independent living by providing support for an aging population by
detecting the activities of daily living using wearable and ambient
● monitoring social interactions using wearable and ambient sensors,
● monitoring chronic disease using wearable vital signs sensors, and in body
● With emergence of pattern detection and machine learning algorithms, the
things in a patient’s environment would be able to watch out and care for the
● Things can learn regular routines and raise alerts or send out notifications in
anomaly situations.
Pharmaceutical industry
● For pharmaceutical products, security and safety is of utmost
importance. In IoT paradigm, attaching smart labels to drugs,
tracking them through the supply chain and monitoring their
status with sensors has many potential benefits.
● For example, items requiring specific storage conditions, e.g.
maintenance of a cool chain, can be continuously monitored and
discarded if conditions were violated during transport.
● Drug tracking and e-pedigrees allow for the detection of
counterfeit products and keep the supply chain free of
Retail, logistics and Supply chain
● IoT can provide several advantages in retail and supply chain
management (SCM) operations.
● For example, with RFID-equipped items and smart shelves that
track the present items in real time, a retailer can optimize
many applications .
● For example, he can make automatic checking of goods receipt,
real time monitoring of stocks, tracking out-of-stocks or the
detection of shoplifting. IoT can provide a large savings potential
in a retail store, since it has been found that 3.9% of sales loss
happens worldwide when shelves go empty and customers return
without getting the desired products
Manufacturing industry
● By linking items with information technology, either through embedded
smart devices or through the use of unique identifiers and data
carriers that can interact with an intelligent supporting network
infrastructure and information systems, production processes can be
optimized and the entire lifecycle of objects, from production to
disposal can be monitored.
● By tagging items and containers, greater transparency can be gained
about the status of the shop floor, the location and disposition of
lots, and the status of production machines. The fine grained
information serves as input data for refined production schedules and
improved logistics. Self-organizing and intelligent manufacturing
solutions can be designed around identifiable items.
Process industry
● In many plants of the oil and gas industry, scalable
architectures are being used that consider possibilities
for plug-and-play new ID methods combined with
sensing/actuating integrated with the IoT
infrastructure and integrate the wireless monitoring
of petroleum personnel in critical onshore and
offshore operations, container tracking, tracking of
drill string components pipes, monitoring and
managing of fixed equipment etc.
Process industry
● A review of high-impact accidents in the chemical and
petrochemical sectors in the UK has observed some
common features in these disasters, such as lack of
understanding as well as poor management of
storage, process, and chemical segregation.
● IoT can help in reducing the number of accidents in
the oil and gas industry by equipping the containers of
hazardous chemicals with intelligent wireless sensor
Environment monitoring
● Utilization of wireless identifiable devices and
other IoT technologies in green applications
and environmental conservation are one of the
most promising market segments in the future.
● There will be an increased usage of wireless
identifiable devices in environmentally
friendly programs worldwide
Transportation Industry
● IoT offers solutions for fare collection and
toll systems, screening of passengers and
bags boarding commercial carriers and the
goods moved by the international cargo system
that support the security policies of the
governments and the transportation industry,
to meet the increasing demand for security in
the globe.
Transportation Industry
● Monitoring traffic jams through cell phones of the users and
deployment of intelligent transport systems (ITS) will make the
transportation of goods and people more efficient.
● Transportation companies would become more efficient in packing
containers since the containers can self- scan and weigh
● Use of IoT technologies for managing passenger luggage in airports
and airline operations will enable automated tracking and sorting,
increased per-bag read rates, and increased security.
Agricultural and Breeding
● The regulations for traceability of agricultural animals and their
movements require the use of technologies like IoT, making possible the
real time detection of animals, for example during outbreaks of
contagious disease.
● Moreover, in many cases, countries give subsidies depending on the
number of animals in a herd and other requirements, to farms with
cattle, sheep, and goats.
● As the determination of the number is difficult, there is always the
possibility of frauds.
● Good identification systems can help minimize this fraud.
● Therefore, with the application of identification systems, animal
diseases can be controlled, surveyed, and prevented.
Agricultural and Breeding
● Official identification of animals in national, intra community, and international
commerce is already in place, while at the same time, identification of livestock
that are vaccinated or tested under official disease control or eradication
is also possible.
● Blood and tissue specimens can be accurately identified, and the health status
of herds, regions, and countries can be certified by using IoT.
● With the Internet of Things, single farmers may be able to deliver the crops
directly to the consumers not only in a small region like in direct marketing or
shops but in a wider area.
● This will change the whole supply chain which is mainly in the hand of large
companies, now, but can change to a more direct, shorter chain between
producers and consumers
Media , entertainment industry
● Deployment of IoT technologies will enable ad hoc news
gathering based on locations of the users.
● The news gathering could happen by querying IoT, to see which
multi-media-capable devices are present at a certain location,
and sending them a (financial) offer to collect multimedia
footage about a certain event.
● Near field communication tags can be attached to posters
for providing more information by connecting the reader to an
URI address that contains detailed information related to the
Insurance Industry
● Often the introduction of IoT technology is perceived as a
grave invasion on privacy of individuals.
● However, sometimes people are willing to trade privacy for
a better service or a monetary benefit.
● One example is car insurance. If insurance clients are willing
to accept electronic recorders in their car, which are able
to record acceleration, speed, and other parameters, and
communicate this information to their insurer, they are
likely to get a cheaper rate or premium
Insurance Industry
● The insurer can save money by being involved in a very early
stage of an impending accident and can trigger the most
economic actions.
● A part of the savings can be given to the customers through
discounts on insurance premiums.
● The same applies for other assets such as buildings,
machinery, etc., that are equipped with IoT technology.
● In these cases the technology mostly helps in preventing large-
scale maintenance operations or allows for much cheaper
predictive maintenance before an incident occurs.
● IoT and wireless technologies can be used to advance the
efficiency and effectiveness of numerous important city and
national environmental programs, including the monitoring
of vehicle emissions to help supervise air quality, the
collection of recyclable materials, the reuse of packaging
resources and electronic parts, and the disposal of
electronic waste (RFID used to identify electronic
subcomponents of PCs, mobile phones, and other
consumer electronics products to increase the reuse of
these parts and reduce e-waste).
● RFID continues to provide greater visibility
into the supply chain by helping companies
more efficiently track and manage
inventories, thereby reducing unnecessary
transportation requirements and fuel
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IoT Application Areas
Experts have identified and described the main Internet of
Things applications, that span numerous application
● smart energy
● smart health
● smart building
● smart transport,
● smart industry
● smart city
Smart Food/Water
Smart Food/Water Monitoring
● Water Quality
● Water Leakage
● River floods
● Water management
● Supply Chain Management
● Wine Quality Enhancement
● Green House
● Golf Courses
● In-field Monitoring
Smart Health
Smart Health
● Fall detection
● Physical activity monitoring for Aging People
● Medical Fridges
● Sportsmen Care
● Patients surveillance
● Chronic Disease Management
● Ultraviolet Radiation
● Hygienic hand control
● sleep control
● Dental Health
Smart Living
Smart Living
● Intelligent Shopping Applications
● Energy and water Use
● Remote Control Applications
● Weather station
● smart Home Appliances
● Gas Monitoring
● Safety monitoring
● Smart Jewellery
Smart Environmental Monitoring
Smart Environmental Monitoring
● Forest Fire Detection
● Air Pollution
● Landslide and Avalanche Prevention
● Earthquake early Detection
● Protecting wildlife
● meteorological station network
● marine and coastal surveillance
Smart Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing
● Smart product management
● Compost
● offspring care
● Animal Tracking
● Toxic gas Leaking
● production Line
● Telework
5. Smart Energy
Smart Energy
● Smart Grid
● photovoltaic installations
● wind turbines
● water flow
● radiation Levels
● Power supply controllers
Smart Building
Smart Building
● Perimeter access Control
● Liquid presence
● Indoor climate control
● Intelligent Thermostat
● Intelligent Fire Alarm
● Intrusion detection systems
● Motion detection
● Arts and Goods Preservation
● Residential Irrigation
Smart Transport and
Smart Transport and Mobility
● NFC payment
● Quality of shipment conditions
● Item Location
● Storage Incompatibility Detection
● Fleet Tracking
● Electric Vehicle Charging stations Reservations
● Vehicle Auto-diagnosis
● Management of cars
● Road Pricing
● Connected Militarized Defence
Smart Industry
Smart Industry
● Tank Level
● Silos stock calculation
● explosive and hazardous gases
● M2M Applications
● maintenance and repair
● Indoor Air Quality
● Temperature monitoring
● Ozone presence
● Indoor location
● Aquaculture industry monitoring
Smart City
Smart City
● Smart Parking: Real-time
● Structural Health
● Noise Urban Maps
● Traffic Congestion
● Smart Lighting
● Waste management
● Intelligent Transportation Systems
● Safe City
● Connected Learning
● Smart Irrigation of public spaces
Smart Tourism
Smart Tourism
● Smartphone Apps supported by QR codes and NFC tags
providing interesting and useful tourist information
throughout the city
● This information include museums, art galleries,
libraries, touristic attractions, tourism offices.
monuments, shops, buses, taxis, garden , etc
10. Smart -X Applications
● Smart Cities
● Smart Energy and the Smart Grid
● IoT is a new tool that has potential to be
applied in many ways in many fields
● This opens a new opportunity for innovators
and researchers
Research Directions
Session 4
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Internet of Things- Applications

  • 2. IoT SESSIONS Session 1 Web Architecture for an Internet of Things Session 2 Will IoT be Secure Enough? Session 3 Applications of IoT Session 4 Research Directions in IoT
  • 4. IoT Described The main concept of IoT is the ability to connect loosely defined smart objects and enable them to interact with • Other objects, • the environment, or • more complex and legacy computing devices
  • 6. IoT: Building Blocks Sensors will be integrated in buildings, vehicles, and common environments, carried by people and attached to animals and will communicate among them locally and remotely in order to provide integrated services.
  • 7. An IOT enabled world • Smart objects will densely populate human life and human environment, interacting both by providing , processing and delivering any sort of information or command • Objects in the environment will be able to tell us about themselves, their state, or their surroundings and can be used remotely
  • 8. Value proposition: Why Go for IoT? • Productivity and cost savings- • IoT can save CAPEX, Labor and Energy. • Verizon is saving more that 55 million kWh annually across 24 data centers by deploying hundreds of sensors and control points throughout the data center, connected wirelessly • The result is a reduction of 66 million pounds of greenhouse gases per year
  • 10. IoT in Action The wave of data on the network can be used ● to make lives easier ( think: turn on your heater before u can get home) ● drive efficiency ( think: turn on your washing machine when electricity usage and prices fall in the middle of the night) ● help us anticipate things without a trip to a specialist ( full-body health monitor or car engine diagnosis)
  • 11. IoT : Examples • Mobile devices can adopt silent mode when entering a meeting room if this is the request of the meeting moderator • Alert user and turn-off the radio before entering sensitive medical areas or • detect when user enters the car and connect to its sound systems • Wireless sensors could let people check where their pet is real-time as well as control the temperature of each room of their home while they are out
  • 12. IoT : Examples • Emergency services could be remotely and automatically altered •if fire is detected in a building or •if a patient’s medical parameters drop beyond a critical threshold
  • 14. The Consequence The emergence of a network of interconnected uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representation in an Internet alike structure that is positioned over a network of interconnected computers allowing for the creation of a new platform for economic growth.
  • 15. IoT Paradigm ● The IoT brings about a paradigm ○ where everything is connected and will redefine ■ the way humans and machines interface and ■ the way they interact with the world around them
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  • 18. AGENDA ● Internet of Things is a widely useful concept. ● It finds use in industry, society, institution and individual lives.
  • 20. IoT : Objectives The Major objectives for IoT are the creation of ● Smart environment/spaces and ● self-aware things
  • 21. Smart environments/spaces ● smart transport, ● smart products, ● smart cities, ● Smart buildings, ● Smart rural areas, ● Smart energy, ● Smart health, ● smart living etc
  • 22. Self-aware things Self-aware things for ● climate, ● food, ● energy, ● mobility, ● digital society and ● health applications
  • 23. Smart City: key Focus ● The Key Focus is make city smarter by ○ optimizing resources ○ feeding its inhabitants by urban farming ○ reducing traffic congestion ● providing more services to allow ○ for faster travel between home and various destinations and ○ increasing accessibility for essential services
  • 24. Smart City: key Focus ● Intelligent security systems will be implemented at key junctions in the city ● various types of sensors will have to be used to make this a reality ● sensors are moving from “ smart” to “intelligent” ● Biometric already integrated in the smart mobile phones and is expected to be used together with CCTV at highly sensitive locations around city
  • 25. IoT: key Focus ● National identification cards ( Aadhaar) will also become an essential tool for the identification of an individual ● Smart cities in 2020 will require real time auto identification security systems
  • 27. Smart is the New Green ● Smart is the new Green and Green products and services will be replaced by smart products and services ● Smart products will have a real business case, can typically provide energy and efficiency savings of up to 30% , and generally deliver a two-to-three year return on investments ● This trend will help deployment of Internet of Things applications and the creation of smart environments and spaces
  • 28. You May Ask Question Now Interaction Time
  • 29. Three Categories of IoT Users IoT Application Space
  • 30. IoT Application Space ● The IoT application space is very diverse and IoT applications serve different users. ● Different users categories have different driving needs ● From IoT perspective there are three important user categories ● The individual citizens ● Community of citizens ( citizens of a city, region, country or society as a whole) ● the enterprise
  • 31. The individual citizens- examples ● To increase their safety of safety of their family members- for example - remotely controlled alarm systems or activity detection for elderly people ● To make it possible to execute certain activities in a more convenient manner- for example personal inventory reminder ● To generally improve lifestyle- for example monitoring health parameters during a workout and obtaining expert’s advice based on the findings or getting support during shopping ● To decrease the cost of living - building automation that will reduce energy consumption and thus the overall cost
  • 32. IoT- Enterprise as a user has different drivers Enterprise users of IoT have different needs and different drives that can potentially push the introduction of IoT- based solutions ● Increased productivity ● Market differentiation ● Cost efficiency
  • 33. IoT- Society as a user has different drivers Society as a user is concerned with issues of importance for the whole community, often related to medium to longer term challenges ● To ensure public safety ● To protect the environment ● To create new jobs and ensure existing are sustainable
  • 35. IoT at City Level At the City level, the integration of technology and quicker data analysis will lead to a more coordinated and effective civil response to security and safety ( law enforcement and blue light services) ; higher demand for outsourcing security capabilities
  • 36. IoT at the Building Level At the Building level, security technology will be integrated into systems and deliver a return on investment to the end-user through leveraging the technology in multiple applications (HR and time and attendance, customer behavior in retail application etc
  • 37. IoT at the Smart vehicle Level ● There will be increase in the development of “Smart” vehicles that have low (and possibly zero) emissions. ● They will also be connected to infrastructure ● Auto manufacturers will adopt more use of “ Smart” materials
  • 38. Fleet Management ● Fleet Management is used track vehicle location, hard stops, rapid acceleration, and sudden turns using sophisticated analysis of the data in order to implement new policies that will result in cost saving for business
  • 39. You May Ask Question Now Interaction Time
  • 40. IoT Application Areas Potential applications of the IoT are numerous and diverse, permeating into practically all levels of every-day life of individuals, enterprises, and society as a whole
  • 42. Better energy efficiency Things like smart thermostats ( could adjust our energy usage based on load factors and environment conditions. ● For instance, if your thermostat knows that the temperature is going to drop in the next 3 hours (by connecting to, it might bring down the AC output. ● If your water sprinkler knows that it is going to rain today, it might avoid sprinkling.
  • 43. Better disaster management: 1. A group of intelligent robots autonomously working to clear a disaster site. 2. Imagine a range of autonomous entities - land robots, drones, sensors and satellites all collaboratively working to save people as soon as an Earthquake or a hurricane is about to land.
  • 44. Better understanding of the nature: Animals could be tagged in the wild and we would have an even better understanding of how various natural ecosystems work.
  • 45. Aerospace and Aviation Industry ● IoT can help to improve safety and security of products and services by reliably identifying counterfeit products and elements ● The aviation industry is vulnerable to the problem of suspected unapproved parts ( SUP) ● Using RFID attached to these parts, this problem can be solved
  • 46. Automotive Industry ● Advanced cars , trains, buses as well as bicycles are becoming equipped with advanced sensors, actuators with increased processing powers ● Applications include smart things to monitor and reports various parameters from pressure in tyre to proximity of other vehicles
  • 47. Telecommunication industry IoT will create the possibility of merging of diverse telecommunication technologies and create new services. An illustrative example is the use of GSM, NFC (Near Field Communication), low power Bluetooth, WLAN, multi-hop networks, GPS and sensor networks together with SIM-card technology. In these types of applications the reader (i.e. tag) is a part of the mobile phone, and different applications share the SIM-card. NFC enables communications among objects in a simple and secure way just by having them close to each other. The mobile phone can therefore be used as a NFC-reader and transmit the read data to a central server
  • 48. Medical and Health care ● IoT will have many applications in the healthcare sector, with the possibility of using the cell phone with RFID-sensor capabilities as a platform for monitoring of medical parameters and drug delivery. ● The advantage gained is in prevention and easy monitoring of diseases, ad hoc diagnosis and providing prompt medical attention in cases of accidents. ● Implantable and addressable wireless devices can be used to store health records that can save a patient’s life in emergency situations, especially for people with diabetes, cancer, coronary
  • 49. Independent Living IoT applications and services will have an important impact on independent living by providing support for an aging population by detecting the activities of daily living using wearable and ambient sensors, ● monitoring social interactions using wearable and ambient sensors, ● monitoring chronic disease using wearable vital signs sensors, and in body sensors. ● With emergence of pattern detection and machine learning algorithms, the things in a patient’s environment would be able to watch out and care for the patient. ● Things can learn regular routines and raise alerts or send out notifications in anomaly situations.
  • 50. Pharmaceutical industry ● For pharmaceutical products, security and safety is of utmost importance. In IoT paradigm, attaching smart labels to drugs, tracking them through the supply chain and monitoring their status with sensors has many potential benefits. ● For example, items requiring specific storage conditions, e.g. maintenance of a cool chain, can be continuously monitored and discarded if conditions were violated during transport. ● Drug tracking and e-pedigrees allow for the detection of counterfeit products and keep the supply chain free of fraudsters.
  • 51. Retail, logistics and Supply chain management ● IoT can provide several advantages in retail and supply chain management (SCM) operations. ● For example, with RFID-equipped items and smart shelves that track the present items in real time, a retailer can optimize many applications . ● For example, he can make automatic checking of goods receipt, real time monitoring of stocks, tracking out-of-stocks or the detection of shoplifting. IoT can provide a large savings potential in a retail store, since it has been found that 3.9% of sales loss happens worldwide when shelves go empty and customers return without getting the desired products
  • 52. Manufacturing industry ● By linking items with information technology, either through embedded smart devices or through the use of unique identifiers and data carriers that can interact with an intelligent supporting network infrastructure and information systems, production processes can be optimized and the entire lifecycle of objects, from production to disposal can be monitored. ● By tagging items and containers, greater transparency can be gained about the status of the shop floor, the location and disposition of lots, and the status of production machines. The fine grained information serves as input data for refined production schedules and improved logistics. Self-organizing and intelligent manufacturing solutions can be designed around identifiable items.
  • 53. Process industry ● In many plants of the oil and gas industry, scalable architectures are being used that consider possibilities for plug-and-play new ID methods combined with sensing/actuating integrated with the IoT infrastructure and integrate the wireless monitoring of petroleum personnel in critical onshore and offshore operations, container tracking, tracking of drill string components pipes, monitoring and managing of fixed equipment etc.
  • 54. Process industry ● A review of high-impact accidents in the chemical and petrochemical sectors in the UK has observed some common features in these disasters, such as lack of understanding as well as poor management of storage, process, and chemical segregation. ● IoT can help in reducing the number of accidents in the oil and gas industry by equipping the containers of hazardous chemicals with intelligent wireless sensor nodes.
  • 55. Environment monitoring ● Utilization of wireless identifiable devices and other IoT technologies in green applications and environmental conservation are one of the most promising market segments in the future. ● There will be an increased usage of wireless identifiable devices in environmentally friendly programs worldwide
  • 56. Transportation Industry ● IoT offers solutions for fare collection and toll systems, screening of passengers and bags boarding commercial carriers and the goods moved by the international cargo system that support the security policies of the governments and the transportation industry, to meet the increasing demand for security in the globe.
  • 57. Transportation Industry ● Monitoring traffic jams through cell phones of the users and deployment of intelligent transport systems (ITS) will make the transportation of goods and people more efficient. ● Transportation companies would become more efficient in packing containers since the containers can self- scan and weigh themselves. ● Use of IoT technologies for managing passenger luggage in airports and airline operations will enable automated tracking and sorting, increased per-bag read rates, and increased security.
  • 58. Agricultural and Breeding ● The regulations for traceability of agricultural animals and their movements require the use of technologies like IoT, making possible the real time detection of animals, for example during outbreaks of contagious disease. ● Moreover, in many cases, countries give subsidies depending on the number of animals in a herd and other requirements, to farms with cattle, sheep, and goats. ● As the determination of the number is difficult, there is always the possibility of frauds. ● Good identification systems can help minimize this fraud. ● Therefore, with the application of identification systems, animal diseases can be controlled, surveyed, and prevented.
  • 59. Agricultural and Breeding ● Official identification of animals in national, intra community, and international commerce is already in place, while at the same time, identification of livestock that are vaccinated or tested under official disease control or eradication is also possible. ● Blood and tissue specimens can be accurately identified, and the health status of herds, regions, and countries can be certified by using IoT. ● With the Internet of Things, single farmers may be able to deliver the crops directly to the consumers not only in a small region like in direct marketing or shops but in a wider area. ● This will change the whole supply chain which is mainly in the hand of large companies, now, but can change to a more direct, shorter chain between producers and consumers
  • 60. Media , entertainment industry ● Deployment of IoT technologies will enable ad hoc news gathering based on locations of the users. ● The news gathering could happen by querying IoT, to see which multi-media-capable devices are present at a certain location, and sending them a (financial) offer to collect multimedia footage about a certain event. ● Near field communication tags can be attached to posters for providing more information by connecting the reader to an URI address that contains detailed information related to the poster.
  • 61. Insurance Industry ● Often the introduction of IoT technology is perceived as a grave invasion on privacy of individuals. ● However, sometimes people are willing to trade privacy for a better service or a monetary benefit. ● One example is car insurance. If insurance clients are willing to accept electronic recorders in their car, which are able to record acceleration, speed, and other parameters, and communicate this information to their insurer, they are likely to get a cheaper rate or premium
  • 62. Insurance Industry ● The insurer can save money by being involved in a very early stage of an impending accident and can trigger the most economic actions. ● A part of the savings can be given to the customers through discounts on insurance premiums. ● The same applies for other assets such as buildings, machinery, etc., that are equipped with IoT technology. ● In these cases the technology mostly helps in preventing large- scale maintenance operations or allows for much cheaper predictive maintenance before an incident occurs.
  • 63. Recycling ● IoT and wireless technologies can be used to advance the efficiency and effectiveness of numerous important city and national environmental programs, including the monitoring of vehicle emissions to help supervise air quality, the collection of recyclable materials, the reuse of packaging resources and electronic parts, and the disposal of electronic waste (RFID used to identify electronic subcomponents of PCs, mobile phones, and other consumer electronics products to increase the reuse of these parts and reduce e-waste).
  • 64. Recycling ● RFID continues to provide greater visibility into the supply chain by helping companies more efficiently track and manage inventories, thereby reducing unnecessary transportation requirements and fuel usage.
  • 65. You May Ask Question Now Interaction Time
  • 66. IoT Application Areas Experts have identified and described the main Internet of Things applications, that span numerous application domains: ● smart energy ● smart health ● smart building ● smart transport, ● smart industry ● smart city
  • 68. Smart Food/Water Monitoring ● Water Quality ● Water Leakage ● River floods ● Water management ● Supply Chain Management ● Wine Quality Enhancement ● Green House ● Golf Courses ● In-field Monitoring
  • 70. Smart Health ● Fall detection ● Physical activity monitoring for Aging People ● Medical Fridges ● Sportsmen Care ● Patients surveillance ● Chronic Disease Management ● Ultraviolet Radiation ● Hygienic hand control ● sleep control ● Dental Health
  • 72. Smart Living ● Intelligent Shopping Applications ● Energy and water Use ● Remote Control Applications ● Weather station ● smart Home Appliances ● Gas Monitoring ● Safety monitoring ● Smart Jewellery
  • 74. Smart Environmental Monitoring ● Forest Fire Detection ● Air Pollution ● Landslide and Avalanche Prevention ● Earthquake early Detection ● Protecting wildlife ● meteorological station network ● marine and coastal surveillance
  • 76. Smart Manufacturing ● Smart product management ● Compost ● offspring care ● Animal Tracking ● Toxic gas Leaking ● production Line ● Telework
  • 78. Smart Energy ● Smart Grid ● photovoltaic installations ● wind turbines ● water flow ● radiation Levels ● Power supply controllers
  • 80. Smart Building ● Perimeter access Control ● Liquid presence ● Indoor climate control ● Intelligent Thermostat ● Intelligent Fire Alarm ● Intrusion detection systems ● Motion detection ● Arts and Goods Preservation ● Residential Irrigation
  • 82. Smart Transport and Mobility ● NFC payment ● Quality of shipment conditions ● Item Location ● Storage Incompatibility Detection ● Fleet Tracking ● Electric Vehicle Charging stations Reservations ● Vehicle Auto-diagnosis ● Management of cars ● Road Pricing ● Connected Militarized Defence
  • 84. Smart Industry ● Tank Level ● Silos stock calculation ● explosive and hazardous gases ● M2M Applications ● maintenance and repair ● Indoor Air Quality ● Temperature monitoring ● Ozone presence ● Indoor location ● Aquaculture industry monitoring
  • 86. Smart City ● Smart Parking: Real-time ● Structural Health ● Noise Urban Maps ● Traffic Congestion ● Smart Lighting ● Waste management ● Intelligent Transportation Systems ● Safe City ● Connected Learning ● Smart Irrigation of public spaces
  • 88. Smart Tourism ● Smartphone Apps supported by QR codes and NFC tags providing interesting and useful tourist information throughout the city ● This information include museums, art galleries, libraries, touristic attractions, tourism offices. monuments, shops, buses, taxis, garden , etc
  • 89. 10. Smart -X Applications ● Smart Cities ● Smart Energy and the Smart Grid
  • 90. Conclusions ● IoT is a new tool that has potential to be applied in many ways in many fields ● This opens a new opportunity for innovators and researchers