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Surma Tower, Sylhet
An Assignment on
Importance of information system in raising public
awareness about domestic violence
Course title: Management Information Systems
Course code: BUS-534
Submitted to:
Md. Mahbubur Rahaman
Assistant Professor (MIS)
Department of Business Administration
Leading University, Sylhet
Prepared by:
Head Hunters
ID Name
1611017014 Mahmudul Hasan
1611017047 Romana Begum
1611017049 Farhana Jahan Liza
1611017051 Tahfim Ahmed Chowdhury
1611017008 Md.Yeasir Arafath
1611017021 Masum Hussain
Section: C
Semester: 3rd
Program: MBA
Department of Business Administration
Leading University, Sylhet
Date of Submission: 28 April, 2016
Executive summary
Across the globe, information system tools have helped fuel social movements. Information
system has been shown to strengthen social actors’ ability to challenge and change power
relations in society, providing platforms for debate, reflection, influencing and mobilizing
people. To better understand the potential of information system to engage especially young
people in efforts to prevent domestic violence the Partners for Prevention regional project,
‘Engaging Young Men Through Information system for the Prevention of Domestic violence’
which supported information system awareness campaigns designed to raise awareness and
motivate young people to take action to prevent domestic violence has revealed practical
lessons from three awareness campaigns on the effective use of information system tools for
violence protection.
It can change opinions because they have access to people and this gives it a lot of
strength. This strength can either be used constructively by educating the people or it can be
used destructively by misleading the innocent people. Power of the media can transform the
whole society especially in the developing countries it can be used as a 'weapon of mass
destruction'. This is the difference between a nation and a crowd. Media men have access to
people and they have an audience. Their programs have an impact and people listen to them.
That's why they are more responsible for the betterment of the society. They should work to
educate the people, to help the people and to liberate the people and to empower the people.
The media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city news,
national news, international news, business, education, entertainment, literature and medical
news. The news should satisfy all men, women and children of various age-group and status.
To increase circulation of newspapers, the media people should not publish bogus news. The
children get immense pleasure in playing video games and they spend hours together before
computer, surfing through internet. They see both the good and the bad things through media.
The parents should make the children to play outdoor games and do physical exercise,
diverting their attention from the media.
Putting the safety and support of women/men who have experienced violence first
Women/ men who have experienced violence remain the first priority of any work in the field
of domestic violence. Before efforts to prevent violence can begin, develop an understanding
of the existing and functional response system available to women in your area and how your
work can include collaboration and coordination with the response sector. Asking them to
consider what might happen if they use violence to solve problems, and Talking about what
might happen if they solve problems without violence. There is a new technology that can
help parents censor shows on television. "The v- chip, technology that allows parents to block
objectionable programs, is now available in at least half of all new television sets. V-chip
work with an electronically coded rating system that already is in place to identify programs
that contains violence or crude language.
At first, we are grateful to Almighty Allah for creating us in
such a beautiful country like Bangladesh and also for
controlling our life. For the mercy of Him, we have got such
courage to start this assignment on Importance of
information system in raising public awareness about
domestic violence
After that we would like to give thanks to our honorable
Head of the Department Prof.Prof.Prof.Prof. Dr. Tofayel AhmedDr. Tofayel AhmedDr. Tofayel AhmedDr. Tofayel Ahmed for giving
us the opportunity to study in this subject. We would like to
express our thanks to the librarian of Leading University for all
his help that we have received.
Our respected parents who gave us mental support and
inspiration for our assignment, there is a special thanks for
them. We also would like to give a lot of thanks to our
honorable course teacher, Md. Mahbubur Rahaman for
giving us a wonderful opportunity to make such an interesting
and valuable assignment and giving us a clear concept about
the assignment.
At last but not the least, without the help of our friends
and classmates it was quite impossible to prepare such kind of
assignment. They gave us some necessary information about
this topic which was unknown to us. So, we would like to give
thanks to all of them.
Subjects pages
1. Introduction 5
2. Objectives of the Assignment 5
3. What is Domestic violence? 5
4. Types of domestic violence 7
(a) Physical abuse 7
(b) Psychological abuse 7
(c) Sexual abuse 7
(d) Economic abuse 7
5. What is information system? 7
6. Who will find this Assignment useful? 8
7. Principles on Work for Violence Prevention 8
8. Working with the media 9
9. Using information system for the prevention of domestic violence 10
10. Introduction to the primary prevention of domestic violence 10
11. Other practices that also emerged from the three awareness campaigns 11
12. Developing Strategy 12
13. Duties and Responsibilities of concern authorities 14
a) Duties and responsibilities of Police Officer 14
b) Appointment of Enforcement Officer 14
c) Duties and responsibilities of Enforcement Officer 14
d) Service provider and their duties and responsibilities 15
e) Duties of shelter homes 15
14. Duties of medical service provider 15
15. Influence of media in society 16
16. Importance of media 16
17. Positive effects of media 16
18. Negative effects of Media 17
19. Solutions to reduce the negative effects of media 18
20. Findings 20
21. Conclusion 20
22. References 21
In general sense information system means the process of collecting, processing, storing &
disseminating relative data to create purposeful actions. It is said this age is the age of
information. Information system is a dominating factor used in large array of things, & like
others the information system can be a great tool of preventing domestic violence through
people awareness, & creating unity thereby. Internet is a great tool of dissemination of news
& create awareness & unity of people. The use of information system tools such as Facebook,
You Tube and blogging sites, telecommunication media like tv, radio etc. have become part
of the daily lives of millions of people in Asia. As of June 2012, Asia has more than
1,076,000,000 internet users - more than any other region of the world - and accounts for 45
percent of internet users worldwide. While internet penetration rates are only 28 percent, Asia
- particularly amongst youth - is the world’s fastest growing and largest segment of social
network users in the world.
Around the globe, information system tools have helped fuel social movements. Information
system has been shown to strengthen social actors’ ability to challenge and change power
relations in society, providing platforms for debate, reflection, influencing and mobilizing
people. To better understand the potential of information system to engage especially young
people in efforts to prevent domestic violence the Partners for Prevention regional project,
‘Engaging Young Men Through Information system for the Prevention of Domestic violence’
which supported information system awareness campaigns designed to raise awareness and
motivate young people to take action to prevent domestic violence has revealed practical
lessons from three awareness campaigns on the effective use of information system tools for
violence prevention.
Objectives of the Assignment:
This assignment seeks to offer an understanding of how to use information system as a tool
that is part of an overall communication strategy for the prevention of domestic violence, and
how these tools fit into the spectrum of work that addresses the prevention of domestic
violence. This assignment reviews the key elements of related awareness campaign,
consolidates technical lessons on how to apply information system tools and summarizes how
information system tools can support effective violence prevention interventions.
It answers questions such as ‘can information system help to bring about changes in
awareness, attitudes and behaviours?’ and ‘what kinds of domestic violence prevention
objectives can information system help influence?’ It explores whether exposing people to
messages through information system is enough to bring about domestic violence prevention
objectives, how information system tools can be used to bring about change, and how we
know such changes have come about these years.
What is Domestic violence?
Family and domestic violence Domestic violence is a widespread though often hidden
problem across Australia. It occurs in all parts of society, regardless of geographic location,
socio-economic status, age, cultural and ethnic background, or religious belief, and it’s often
devastating effects psychological, social and economic, short-term and long-term rebound on
families, children, and the community as a whole. What is domestic violence? The term
‘domestic violence’ refers to interpersonal violence which takes place in domestic settings,
family relationships, and intimate relationships, and is most commonly applied to violence by
a man to his wife, female sexual partner or ex-partner. However, ‘domestic violence’ is used
also to refer to violence between same sex sexual partners, among family members (including
siblings and parent-child violence either way), and by women against male partners. Three
other terms commonly applied to some or all of these forms of violence are family violence,
men’s violence against women, and intimate violence, while newer terms include relationship
violence, intimate partner violence, and gender-based violence.
1. Domestic violence (sometimes called ‘family violence’) can take many different forms
including intimidation, coercion or isolation, emotional, physical, sexual, financial and
spiritual abuse.
2. Australian police and court crime data indicate that women constitute a significant
proportion of reported victims of intimate partner violence, while men make up a significant
proportion of reported abusers. These data tend to focus on physical and domestic violence.
Australian population survey data similarly show that women were more likely than men to
be victims of physical, sexual and other forms of violence by a partner.
3. Domestic violence is generally understood as gendered violence, and is an abuse of power
within a relationship (heterosexual or homosexual) or after separation. In the large majority
of cases the offender is male and the victim is female.
4. More than two decades of international research definitively shows that infants, children
and adolescents experience serious negative psychological, emotional, social and
developmental impacts to their well-being from the traumatic ongoing experiences of
domestic violence.
5. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities prefer the term ‘family violence’.
‘Family’ covers a diverse range of ties of mutual obligation and support, and perpetrators and
victims of family violence can include, for example, aunts, uncles, cousins and children of
previous relationships. Domestic or family violence may involve a wide range of behaviours,
including: Physical abuse - including direct assaults on the body, use of weapons, driving
dangerously, destruction of property, abuse of pets in front of family members, assault of
children, locking the victim out of the house, and sleep deprivation. Sexual abuse - any form
of forced sex or sexual degradation, such as sexual activity without consent, causing pain
during sex, assaulting the genitals, coercive sex without protection against pregnancy or
sexually transmitted disease, making the victim perform sexual acts unwillingly, criticizing,
or using sexually degrading insults. Verbal abuse - continual ‘put downs’ and humiliation,
either privately or publicly, with attacks following clear themes that focus on intelligence,
sexuality, body image and capacity as a parent and spouse. Emotional abuse - blaming the
victim for all problems in the relationship, constantly comparing the victim with others to
undermine self-esteem and self-worth, sporadic sulking, withdrawing all interest and
engagement (eg weeks of silence). Social abuse - systematic isolation from family and friends
through techniques such as ongoing rudeness to family and friends, moving to locations
where the victim knows nobody, and forbidding or physically preventing the victim from
going out and meeting people — in effect, imprisonment. Spiritual abuse - denying access to
ceremonies, land or family, preventing religious observance, forcing victims to do things
against their beliefs, denigration of cultural background, or using religious teachings or
cultural tradition as a reason for violence. Economic abuse - complete control of all monies,
no access to bank accounts, providing only an inadequate ‘allowance’, using any wages
earned by the victim for household expenses.
Types of domestic violence:
(a) "Physical abuse"- that is, any act or conduct which is of such a nature as to cause bodily
pain, harm, or danger to life, limb, or health or impair the health or development of the victim
and includes assault, criminal intimidation and criminal force;
(b) "Psychological abuse"- that includes but is not limited to:-
(i) Verbal abuse including insults, ridicule, humiliation, insults or threats of any nature;
(ii) Harassment; or
(iii) Controlling behaviour, such as restrictions on mobility, communication or self-
(c) "Sexual abuse"- that is, any conduct of a sexual nature that abuses, humiliates, degrades
or otherwise violates the dignity of the victim;
(d) "Economic abuse" that includes but is not limited to:-
(i) Deprivation of all or any economic or financial resources or property to which the victim
is entitled under any law or custom whether payable under any law or custom or an order of a
court or any other competent authority;
(ii) Not allow to use the articles of daily necessities to the victim;
(iii) Deprivation or prohibiting the victim from applying legal rights to her stridhan or dower
or alimony or any consideration for marriage or any property owned by the victim;
(iv) Transferring without consent of the victim or prohibiting the victim from applying legal
rights to any assets whether movable or immovable owned by her;
(v) Deprivation or prohibiting the victim from applying legal rights to continued access to
resources or facilities which the victim is entitled to use or enjoy by virtue of the family
What is information system?
Simply put, information system is the process means of connecting people that allows for
peer-to-peer interaction, and gets people talking with each other on a mass scale. Information
system tools or services use the internet to facilitate conversations, and includes web-based
and mobile technologies used to turn communication into interactive dialogue, where people
can voice their opinion in many ways. Information system empowers people to engage with
other people.
Information system has certain characteristics that other media do not:
Participation – Information system encourages input and feedback from everyone (who has
access to information system) and is interested in a cause/issue/awareness campaign/ online
activity. Unlike Openness –traditional media, the audience can also be the content provider.
Most information system platforms are open to feedback and participation. They encourage
comment, the sharing of information, and recognition through activities such as voting.
Community Information system platforms allow communities to form quickly and
communicate effectively. Communities share common interests such as in an awareness
campaign to end domestic Conversation Traditional print and broadcast media distribute or
violence. Broadcast content to their readers/listeners, whereas information system is
Connectedness – Most information system seen as a two-way conversation. Platforms thrive
on their ‘connectedness’ and make use of links to other websites and online resources.
Primary Publishing, via blog engines (WordPress, uses of information system include:
Blogger, Typepad, LiveJournal), wiki platforms (Wikipedia, Wikia…), lifeblog Sharing, via
dedicated services (Tumblr, Posterous) and social QandA (Quora); online services for videos
(YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo), pictures (Flickr, Instagram), links (Delicious, Digg),
products (Pinterest), music (Spotify) and documents Playing, via major editors (Zynga,
Playdom, Playfish, (Slideshare, Scribd) ; SGN, Popcap), dedicated platforms (Hi5…) and
smaller but innovative editors Networking, whether it is professional (Digital Chocolate,
Kobojo); (LinkedIn, Viadeo), personal (Netlog, Tagged, MySpace, Badoo) or for former
acquaintances (MyYearBook, Classmates) ; Buying, with customer intelligence platforms
(Bazaarvoice, PowerReviews), purchase sharing (Polyvore, Blippy), recommendation
(Hunch) or Localization, with mobile social commerce offerings like Boosket; applications
(Foursquare, Path, Scvngr), socialized city guides (Yelp, DisMoisOu) or upcoming events or
venues (Plancast).
Who will find this Assignment useful?
This assignment topic is describes show information system is contributing in social
awareness raise regarding the domestic violence problem, describes how civil society groups
to help in developing, implementing and monitoring communication awareness campaigns
specifically those aimed at domestic violence prevention that use information system tools.
Through this work, we hope to help awareness campaign coordinators harness the power of
information system to develop effective awareness campaigns aimed at empowering
participants to take action to prevent domestic violence.
Principles on Work for Violence Prevention:
When developing and conducting an information system awareness campaign, what ethical
principles need to be considered? The following offers an overview of guiding principles for
all work on domestic violence prevention:
1. Putting the safety and support of women/men who have experienced violence first
Women/ men who have experienced violence remain the first priority of any work in
the field of domestic violence. Before efforts to prevent violence can begin, develop
an understanding of the existing and functional response system available to women
in your area and how your work can include collaboration and coordination with the
response sector.
2. Commitment to gender justice, human rights and freedom from violence for all
Prevention of domestic violence – working both with women and with men – must
remain firmly grounded in feminist and human rights principles that aim to achieve
gender equality and human rights (including freedom from violence) for all.
3. Evidence and innovation While the field of domestic violence prevention is relatively
new, there is more evidence as to what works to stop violence before it starts. This
evidence can help to drive and scale-up more effective programmes, policies,
communications strategies and research methodologies, and must be balanced with
innovating new approaches.
4. Ethics and safety Research, programming and communications around a sensitive
issue such as domestic violence must be approached with the highest commitment to
ethical and safety standards. These standards – and clear articulation with team
members, partners, donors, and other involved actors – are integral to achieving the
overall aims of domestic violence prevention work in a rigorous, effective way.
5. Long-term vision should enlist preventing domestic violence and building just and
peaceful society is a long-term project. Sustainable impact cannot be achieved over
typical project cycles, or by the findings of one research study. Rather, deepening
capacity to do rigorous violence prevention work, collaborating and coordinating
across sectors and diverse stakeholders, and ensuring long-term commitment among
actors will help to build a sustainable foundation and drive violence prevention efforts
Working with the media:
When working with media, whether it be engaging with traditional and or using information
system in your awareness campaign, there are a number of ethical considerations that need to
be factored in:
Any presentation of stories, research, or quotes from people who have experienced or
committed acts of violence, must protect their confidentiality and be based on the
principle of ‘do no harm’.
You should not use real names unless people specifically agree to be identified.
Take care when presenting research findings, to ensure that the information presented
is sufficiently aggregated to ensure that no one community or individual can be
identified. Where case study findings are presented, sufficient detail should be
changed to ensure that the source of the information cannot be identified.
When research findings are used, they must be disseminated in a scientifically
rigorous manner. Care should be taken to highlight the extent to which domestic
violence is cross-cutting, existing in all communities and socio-economic groups.
Particular attention must be paid, to ensure that findings are not used as a means to
describe one setting or ethnic group as being ‘worse’ than another.
You should change names and omit other identifying descriptions of visuals, unless
an individual has given informed consent.
In certain cases, using an interviewer or interviewee’s name and/or recognizable
image is acceptable. However, if their identity is used, they must still be protected
against harm and supported through any stigmatization or reprisals.
Avoid using images of, or identifying women’s shelters, psychosocial
support/counseling centers, etc. Work with photographers to formulate images that do
not victimize or stigmatize people who have experienced violence or former
perpetrators of violence; and that do not identify interviewees who wish to maintain
Using information system for the prevention of domestic violence:
When working on information system awareness campaigns:
Provide Non-judgmental Respect diverse identities.
Respect privacy.
Never use real names.
Ensuring safe, inclusive spaces.
Moderation:. sure peoples’ identities are not disclosed in photos (Eg. blurred, or taken
Be sensitive about what words you choose to use.
Be careful from behind how you use words/watch for nuances in language.
Volunteers, awareness campaigners, everyone involved must be on the same page. Do
groundwork with these groups.
Introduction to the primary prevention of domestic violence:
Primary prevention is all efforts to stop violence before it starts. Along with response,
primary prevention is part of a holistic approach to ending violence and promoting non-
violence and peace. Generally speaking, response refers to efforts to support and protect
those that experience violence, whereas primary prevention focuses on identifying and
addressing underlying causes of violence to minimize the chance that it happens in the first
place. How information system can fit into the spectrum of initiatives/responses to prevent
domestic violence: What information system can and can’t do:
Three famous information system awareness campaigns from India, China and Viet
Nam explored showed that there are many ways that information system can be used in
communications awareness campaigns aimed at preventing domestic violence– information
system can serve both as a key tool at the forefront of the awareness campaign to support a
more traditional awareness campaign pinned to traditional media and on-the-ground events or
a awareness campaign that uses information system on both these levels.
Underlying the successes of each awareness campaign, however, is the idea that
information system can only be one part of the spectrum of interventions that are needed to
prevent domestic violence. The three awareness campaigns generally found that information
system can be an effective way of mobilizing youth and promoting discussion and reflection
around key topics, modeling positive behaviours and guiding target audiences to positive
solutions. Each of the three awareness campaigns resulted in varying levels of awareness,
attitudinal, behaviour and/or social norm change. However, there was little evidence that
information system alone could be effective in changing a lifetime of gender socialization,
rather, it could serve as the starting point for such changes. Attitudinal or behavioural
changes are more effectively brought about through interpersonal activities.
Thus, when information system work is connected to other interventions, it can be a very
powerful tool to foster change. It is in this way that information system can support the
overarching goal of preventing DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. In terms of good practices, it is
said that for a violence free state to be, several considerations must be taken into account in
the planning and implementation of the social awareness. These includes the engagement of
people by different medium of social communication. It can be facebook, twitter, myspace, or
tv, or radio etc.The initiative includes the concepts of: People need a reason to do something;
Output(s) that require virality: Successful information system awareness campaigns require
virality. Virality means that people have to engage others as part of the awareness campaign -
going ‘viral’ refers to the way content spreads from person-to-person through information
system channels; Reward, recognition, influence: What do people gain?
A ‘classic information system awareness campaign’ that includes the above three
elements have the best chance of getting results. Also, successful information system
awareness campaigns are organised around an event and usually include an element of fun.
Other good practices that also emerged from the three awareness campaigns:
Creating an on-the-ground community that feels ownership of the awareness campaign first –
and then working with this community to mobilize more members both online and offline
was found to be one key to success. Developing online activities that are not only fun and
easy to take part in, but make personal connections/appeal to the audiences’ emotions. One
effective approach was holding online discussions around current attitudes and behaviours on
gender norms, gender equality, respect and healthy relationships, and promoting and
modeling positive gender-equitable behaviours. Incentives to successfully engage audiences
ranged from capacity development opportunities and recognition to material rewards.
Lessons learned from the awareness campaigns highlight the limitations of
information system for the prevention of domestic violence. This includes that information
system awareness campaigns are less effective when conducted as standalone activities,
compared to when integrated with face-to face and on-the-ground activities. Understanding
and measuring the kind of impact information system interactions have on the target audience
is difficult, though possible with the right monitoring plan. Overall, information system can
expose large audiences to messages, but only engages much smaller numbers of people in
learning and activities, and an even a smaller number of people to take concrete actions to
prevent domestic violence.
It describe lessons learned from the three awareness campaigns in terms of what
changes for domestic violence prevention a information system awareness campaign can
contribute to. The awareness campaigns found that information system is useful in terms of
mobilizing people and providing a space where people can come together to influence
changes aimed at preventing domestic violence. The awareness campaigns also found that
information system can be used to strengthen networks, foster feelings of being part of a
community and help create an enabling environment. Information system can provide a space
for dialogue that would not otherwise be available. Effective information system awareness
campaigns use information Reputation, reward and influence system platforms and combine
them with: Offline components for gathering and engaging based contests or challenges;
Rewarding people, both those who contribute and youth around the awareness campaign;
Clearly Partnering on the ground in target areas; those who benefit; Do not communicating
the awareness campaign’s tangible results to all parties involved; merely disseminate
information: Be clear on the results - people want to make a Require and build in difference
and be rewarded and recognized for it; virality. Overall, information system can play a role
in affecting critical changes for domestic violence prevention: Information system can play a
role in mobilizing communities and individuals; exposing, engaging and promoting action.
Awareness, attitudinal and contributing toward: Social norm change behaviour change the
fundamental changes that are needed for long-term violence prevention are challenging and
varied - they are rooted in a complex series of actions that range from community
mobilization, legislation and institutional capacity change through to attitudinal and
behaviour change in relationships, discourse and social norms. It is only when information
system work is connected to other interventions that it can become a powerful tool to foster
change for domestic violence prevention.
Change people’s perceptions; we need to change stereotypical perceptions around
gender inequality in intimate relationships – for example, that the man is the head of the
household and the wife should always obey her husband. We can help change
perceptions/awareness through sharing knowledge. Information system is not likely to bring
about any change when used as a standalone activity. However, when information system
work is connected to other interventions, it can be a very powerful tool to foster change.
Change behaviour within families in terms of how women are treated, valued and respected.
Generally it is difficult to bring about change using information system alone. Laws and
policies that promote gender equality; political will. Engage/put pressure on government
violence protectors responsible for addressing gender/ domestic violence and lawmakers to
increase political will.
Change social acceptance of violence; harmful ideas of masculinity and femininity
can challenge harmful norms through images that counter the objectification of women,
alternative forms of non-violent, gender equitable masculinities that are based on peace,
caring and positive communication. Change perception that violence is private, not a social
issues Information system can bring stories to the public that challenge notions that violence
is private. Group education – among individuals and communities. Address child abuse
(research shows people who were abused as children are more likely to perpetrate violence or
end up in violent relationships). Address substance/alcohol abuse (research shows
associations between alcohol abuse and use of violence). Poverty/socio-economic status
(research shows some associations between lower socio-economic status and an increased
likelihood for perpetration of violence; though in some contexts it is the opposite). Religious
interpretations that are not gender inequitable
Developing Strategy: Planning an effective information system awareness campaign for
the prevention of domestic violence:
This section focuses on how to apply information system tools to a communication strategy
to prevent domestic violence. For more details on development of evidence-based behaviour
change communication materials see ‘Family Health International, BEHAVIOUR CHANGE
COMMUNICATION (BCC) FOR Considerable factors in making strategy: Understanding
context and approach from the outset, when planning any awareness campaign for domestic
violence prevention, it is essential to understand that it is not the tools themselves that make
good communication, but rather a theoretically informed understanding of the political, social
and cultural contexts in which media and communications interventions occur. It is always
important, therefore, to consider the cultural and geographical context of your awareness
campaign in terms of violence prevention. Delhi, for example, has a long and established
history of activists working on domestic violence issues. This context, however, does not
exist in the same way in Hanoi or Beijing. Communication awareness campaigns that lack
participation by target audiences and are delivered without taking into account specificities of
context - cultural norms and beliefs, and knowledge of target audiences - and how these
things can impact the potential for social change may fail to achieve their objectives.
At the outset, it’s also useful to consider what type of approach your awareness
campaign will take in terms of being prescriptive or non-prescriptive. A prescriptive
approach in a domestic violence information system awareness campaign provides a
structured context and framework to its communications activities. It calls on lessons that
have been shown to be successful in practical interventions to change behaviours and
attitudes of your target audience. Practical face-to-face interventions for example, can
facilitate interactive discussion on issues related to DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and usually
take place in groups, for example in a school, village community or sports club. The
approach has been successful through providing examples for others to follow (leaders
showing peaceful, equitable, nonviolent behaviours) and a space for men to explore different
alternatives to express their masculinity and feel comfortable in doing so.
A non-prescriptive approach to an awareness campaign for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
primary prevention aims to model the values it is trying to advocate for by allowing diverse
views to be aired and heard freely in a safe environment, while carefully balancing the
importance of respect towards women in discussion content. This ‘free’ approach to
discussion tends to facilitate a diversity of opinions and views, with content regularly
moderated by coordinators and facilitators. Assessing expertise and resources In order to
ensure that the information system awareness campaign you develop is effective, it is
important to assess required human and financial resources in the early planning stages.
Working with volunteers, interns and community groups can be an important strategic
approach to implementation; however, as learned by the awareness campaigns in different
countries like Viet Nam and India, a core team of staff with various skills must also be in
place. To maximize the impact and scope of your information system awareness campaign
for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE prevention, it is important to consider how your online
activities can be integrated with offline activities. Such connections need to be planned from
the start. Information system tools can be used to communicate on different levels. Before
you begin, consider what your aim is – to expose, engage and/or generate action. Expose:
Information system tools can be used to expose target audiences to positive messages about
gender equality, and to mobilize these audiences to move to the second level (to engage). All
the three examples from India, China and Viet Nam in this publication aimed to use
information system tools to expose audiences to key messages.
Duties and Responsibilities of concern authorities:
1. Duties and responsibilities of Police Officer.- A Police Officer, who has received a
complaint of domestic violence or is otherwise present at the place of an incident of
domestic violence or when the incident of domestic violence is reported to him or her,
shall inform the victim-
(a) Of her right to make an application for obtaining a relief by way of any orders under
this Act;
(b) Of the availability of medical services;
(c) Of the availability of services of the Enforcement Officers;
(d) Where applicable, of her right to free legal services under the Legal Aid Act, 2000
(Act 6 of 2000);
(e) Of her right to file a complaint under any other existing law; and
(f) Other duties and responsibilities prescribed by the government in this behalf.
2. Appointment of Enforcement Officer.-
a) For the purpose of this Act, the Government shall, by notification in the official
gazette, appoint one or more Enforcement Officers in each upazila, thana, district or in a
metropolitan area and shall also notify the area or areas within which an Enforcement
Officer shall exercise the powers and functions conferred on him or her by or under this
b) The terms and conditions of service of the Enforcement Officer shall be such as may be
prescribed rule.
3. Duties and responsibilities of Enforcement Officer.-
(l) The Duties and Responsibilities of Enforcement Officer shall be as follows:-
(a) To assist the court in discharge of its functions under this Act;
(b) To provide report to the court regarding domestic violence;
(c) To forward copies thereof to the police officer in charge of the police station within
the local limits of whose jurisdiction the domestic violence is alleged to have been
(d) To make an application to the Court, if the victim so desires, claiming relief for
issuance of a protection order;
(e) To take necessary steps so that the victim is provided legal aid under the Legal Aid
Act 2000 (Act 6 of 2000), and make available the application form along with other
facilities free of cost;
(f) To maintain a list of all legal aid and human rights organization or psycho-social
counseling services, shelter homes and medical facilities within the jurisdiction of the
(g) To refer the victim to a safe shelter home if the victim so requires and forward a copy
of a report of having lodged the victim in a shelter home to the police station and the Court
having jurisdiction in the area where the shelter home is situated;
(h) To refer the victim for medical examination if required and forward a copy of the
medical report to the police station and the Court having jurisdiction in the area where the
domestic violence is alleged to have taken place;
(i) To ensure that the order for compensation is executed; and
(j) To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by rules.
(2) The Enforcement Officer shall be under the supervision of the Court, and shall perform
the duties and responsibilities imposed on him/her by the Government or by the Court under
this Act.
4. Service provider and their duties and responsibilities.-
i) Subject to the provisions of this Act and rules framed under it, any voluntary
association registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of
1860), or the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control)
Ordinance, 1961( Ordinance XLVI of 1961) or a nonprofit company or
organization registered under the Companies Act, 1994 (Act 18 of 1994), or any
non- profit organization or institution registered at NGO Affairs Bureau under
Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Ordinance,1978 (Ordinance
XLVI of 1978), any other organization approved by the Government under any
other law for the time being in force with the objective of inter alia protecting the
human rights especially the rights and interests of women and children by any
lawful means including providing of legal aid, medical, financial or other
assistance shall be treated as a service provider for the purposes of this Act.
ii) Duties and responsibilities of a service provider shall be as follows:-
(a) Record the domestic incident report in the prescribed form if the victim so
desires and forward a copy thereof to the Court and the Enforcement Officer
having jurisdiction in the area where the domestic violence took place;
(b) Refer the victim for medical examination and forward a copy of the medical
report to the Enforcement Officer and the police station within the local limits
of which the domestic violence took place;
(c) Refer the victim to a shelter home, if she so requires and forward a report of
the lodging of the victim in the shelter home to the police station within the
local limits of which the domestic violence took place.
(d) Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by rules.
5. Duties of shelter homes.- On request by a victim or on her behalf, a police officer, an
Enforcement Officer or any other person, the authority responsible for a shelter home shall
provide shelter to the victim therein.
6. Duties of medical service provider.- On request by a victim or on her behalf, a police
officer, an Enforcement Officer, a service provider or any other person, the person incharge
of the medical facility in the hospital, clinic or medical centre shall provide medical aid to the
Influence of media in society:
1. The time children spend using media displaces time they could be doing physical
2. The food advertisements children see on TV influence them to make unhealthy food
3. Cross-promotions between food products and popular TV and movie characters are
encouraging children to eat higher calorie food.
4. Children snack excessively while using media and they eat less healthy meals when
eating in front of the TV.
5. Watching TV and videos lowers children's metabolic rates below what they would
have been if they were sleeping.
6. Depictions of nutrition and body weight in entertainment media encourage children to
develop less healthy diets.
It can change opinions because they have access to people and this gives it a lot of strength.
This strength can either be used constructively by educating the people or it can be used
destructively by misleading the innocent people. Power of the media can transform the whole
society especially in the developing countries it can be used as a 'weapon of mass
destruction'. But I think the most important use of media is to educate the people about the
basic human rights. Education and discipline is key to progress. This is the difference
between a nation and a crowd. Media men have access to people and they have an audience.
Their programs have an impact and people listen to them. That's why they are more
responsible for the betterment of the society. They should work to educate the people, to help
the people and to liberate the people and to empower the people
Importance of media:
Media plays a very important role in the building of a society. Media has changed the
societies of world so much that we can't ignore its importance. First of all we should know
what the media is. Media is a source of information or communication. Media includes
sources like print media and electronic media. Newspapers, magazines and any other form,
which is written or printed, is included in print media and in electronic, media radio,
television and Internet etc. are included. When there are so many channels and newspapers
we cannot ignore its importance in the society. Media has lot of responsibility on its
shoulders as today's society is very much influenced by the role of media. We believe in what
media projects to us. We change our minds according to the information provided through it.
Positive effects of media
The common man gets the latest news within a fraction of seconds. The distance is not at all a
barrier now. The news they get through media help them in their daily life a lot.
a. The media helps common people to exchange information and it acts as a common
platform. The public get knowledge and awake to raise questions, on seeing the news
in newspaper and T.V.
b. The media helps to bring out the hidden talents of the people. The children learn many
good things through media.
c. By reading newspaper, the children learn many things, their reading habit increases
and their vocabulary enhances by learning new words. Their knowledge increases by
watching geographical channel, quiz programs and speeches by famous personalities
of different fields.
d. The cartoon channels make the children happy.
e. The games increase their logical thinking power and grasping of things. The attitude,
approach and behaviour of the common people will also change, when exposed to
f. The media conducts polls and let public to take part in social issues. Through bogging
in the internet and writing letters to the editor in newspapers, many people give voice
about their opinion in different political and social matters.
g. Our life will remain incomplete without the media. The radio, television, newspaper
and internet are some forms through which we get information. Just like other fields, a
vast development is seen in media fields also. The common people believe the news
given by the media. So, the media should be very careful before giving any news to
the public. They have to cover important happenings, in all the fields, around the
world. There is no use in creating emotional feelings among public by exaggerating
the happenings and giving sensational news. The media persons should be cautious in
giving unbiased news to the common persons.
h. The media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city
news, national news, international news, business, education, entertainment, literature
and medical news. The news should satisfy all men, women and children of various
age-group and status. To increase circulation of newspapers, the media people should
not publish bogus news.
Negative effects of Media:
(a) Some bogus news given in the newspaper may raise blood pressure and create
negative feelings in the mind.
(b) Over exposure to media may cause health problems also. The advertisements shown
in TV and newspaper have got both positive and negative impact. The children learn
violence by seeing movies and TV programs. They imitate super heroes they see in
the screen which may cause danger to their life. The overexposure to media makes
them behave more aggressively, which spoils their future also.
(c) The children get immense pleasure in playing video games and they spend hours
together before computer, surfing through internet. They see both the good and the
bad things through media. The parents should make the children to play outdoor
games and do physical exercise, diverting their attention from the media.
(d) The fashion shows, dance and music programs attract youngsters very much. They
like to spend money for makeup, clothing and jewels on the influence of models and
The youngsters wish to take part in these programs, which are unsuitable for many
persons. The middle aged persons are stuck up with TV serials and show much
interest in raising social status, by wasting money.
(e) The media has brought the people all over the world very closer. We have to take the
positive aspects and use it for good purpose. The media and public should help to
drive away the negative effects of the media.
Solutions to reduce the negative effects of media
According to the esteem psychologist LISA DUNNING, “The increasingly competitive
economy is creating an environment where parents are forced to spend longer hours at work
and fewer hours with their children. As a result, outside influences have greater access and
influence over our children than ever before. The internet and the media are bringing the
outside world into your home; your child's peers; the influences on children from movies and
the music they listen to are growing in importance and influence every day, the negative
effects of television violence to children, negative effects marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol and
some of the heavier drugs are all having negative influences on child brain development. If
you are like most parents, you cannot afford to decrease the amount of time at work to
monitor their exposure. Therefore, the quality of time you spend with your child is critical to
maximize your influence over the negative effects of the outside world.”
(a) It's a fact that violence is everywhere these days. It's on the streets, in homes, in video
games, and in the movies. It is up to adults to set an example for children and to protect
them from any form of violence. When children are young, parents can take steps to
reduce or minimize the amount of violence their children are exposed to. Parents can
build a strong, loving, relationship with their child. Because of this type of relationship,
children will feel safe and secure. It'll also help them develop a sense of trust. Children
often learn by example. Adults can show children appropriate behaviours by the way they
act. Be firm with children about using violent behaviour. Praise children when they
display good behaviour. Children tend to repeat good behaviours when they are rewarded
with attention and praise. According to an article on the Internet, you can teach your
children no aggressive ways to solve problems by ("Raising Children to Resist Violence:
What You Can Do"):
(b) Asking them to consider what might happen if they use violence to solve problems, and
Talking about what might happen if they solve problems without violence.
There is a new technology that can help parents censor shows on television. "The v- chip,
technology that allows parents to block objectionable programs, is now available in at
least half of all new television sets. V-chip work with an electronically coded rating
system that already is in place to identify programs that contains violence or crude
(c) Media plays a vital role in every one's life. In today's modern society media has become a
part and parcel of our life. Its duty is to inform, educate and entertain. It is considered as
the 4th pillar of our society.
(d) They put their lives in danger like in times of terrorist attacks or natural calamity just to
inform us about it. Media is a bridge between the governing bodies and general public. It
is a powerful and flexible tool that influences the public to a great extent. Media is voice
of the voiceless and a great force in building the nation
(e) The newspapers can play a very vital role in the reconstruction and regeneration of a
nation by highlighting and pin-pointing the social, economic and moral evils in the
society. Can be helpful in eradicating these evils from the society.
(f) They can also start propaganda against the economic evils like short-weights and
measures, smuggling. Black-marketing income tax evasion hoarding corruption and
bribery. THUS the newspapers can help greatly in the nation- building activities.
(g) Newspapers provide some material for every type of interest. They give us stories, the
crossword puzzles, the post page, the expert's comments on certain affairs of national and
international importance.
(h) In short, newspapers contain all what is needed and desired by every person relating to
any field of life. Newspapers play manifold character in almost all fields of life and are
becoming more and important day by day. Education plays a vital role in the all round
development of the society. Educated masses help in the development of a civilized
society wherein they carry on their activities smoothly and hassle-free.
(i) People in an educated society communicate with each other, understand each other’s
problems and provide solutions. An educated society, city, state, and country lay the
foundation of a great world. Education plays the biggest role in society because without
it, we wouldn't have doctors, lawyers, etc...Plus, some people who don't have education
usually end up as delinquents.
(j) We commend the people of Bong County for many contributions to the Press Union of
Liberia as it celebrated its 45th Anniversary in Garage. We say Bravo! Bravo!! to the
Press Union of Liberia and the People of Bong County.
1. Information system is a great weapon to prevent social instability by spreading
information among a broad number of stakeholders.
2. Domestic violence is pretty common worldwide & information system nowadays is in
active role to prevent it.
3. Different telecommunication media like tv, radio etc can be a great weapon to spread
violence information that will accelerate the process of violence prevention.
4. Different social networking sites like facebook, twitter, myspace, sky etc are common
tools nowadays to be gathered virtually & gaining supports for the victims quickly.
5. Most of the social movements are happening via the social networking these days
which is an organized version of information systems.
6. Today’s world is known as the world of information, the need of the power of
information is inevitable to prevent any social unrest.
This assignment seeks to offer an understanding of how to use information system as a tool
that is part of an overall communication strategy for the prevention of domestic violence, and
how these tools fit into the spectrum of work that addresses the prevention of domestic
violence. This assignment reviews the key elements of related awareness campaign,
consolidates technical lessons on how to apply information system tools and summarizes how
information system tools can support effective violence prevention interventions. As a result,
outside influences have greater access and influence over our children than ever before. The
internet and the media are bringing the outside world into your home; your child's peers; the
influences on children from movies and the music they listen to are growing in importance
and influence every day, the negative effects of television violence to children, negative
effects marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol and some of the heavier drugs are all having negative
influences on child brain development. If you are like most parents, you cannot afford to
decrease the amount of time at work to monitor their exposure. Therefore, the quality of time
you spend with your child is critical to maximize your influence over the negative effects of
the outside world.
The media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city
news, national news, international news, business, education, entertainment, literature and
medical news. The news should satisfy all men, women and children of various age-group
and status. To increase circulation of newspapers, the media people should not publish bogus
news. The children get immense pleasure in playing video games and they spend hours
together before computer, surfing through internet. They see both the good and the bad things
through media. The parents should make the children to play outdoor games and do physical
exercise, diverting their attention from the media.
(a) Findlay, J. and R. E. Wright. 1996. “Gender, poverty and the intra-household
distributi on of resources.” Review of Income and Wealth 42:335-351.
(b) Findlay, J. and R. E. Wright. 1996. “Gender, poverty and the intra-household
distributi on of resources.” Review of Income and Wealth 42:335-351.
(c) 32 Fisher, G. M. 1992. “The development and history of the poverty thresholds.” in
Social Security Bulleti n, vol. 55.
(d) McLanahan, S. S., A. Sorenson, and D. Watson. 1989. “Sex diff erences in poverty,
1950-80.” Signs 15:102-22.
(e) 37 Ms. Foundati on for Women (2001). Press release: Census Bureau Poverty
Thresholds Too Low. Retrieved April 20, 2007 from
(f) Pahl, J. 1983. “The allocati on of money and the structuring of inequality within
marriage.” Sociological Review 31:237-262.
(g) Schaff ner Goldberg, Gertrude and Eleanor Kremen (Eds.). 1990. “The Feminizati on
of Poverty: Only in America?” New York: Praeger.
(h) 34 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Stati sti cs. 2007. “Consumer
expenditures in 2005.” Retrieved April 18, 2007 from htt
(i) 35 USDA, Center for Nutriti on Policy and Promoti on. 2005. “Offi cial USDA food
plans: Cost of food at home at four levels,
(j) U.S. average.” Retrieved 4/18/07 from

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Importance of information system in raising public awareness about domestic violence

  • 1. 1 Surma Tower, Sylhet An Assignment on Importance of information system in raising public awareness about domestic violence Course title: Management Information Systems Course code: BUS-534 Submitted to: Md. Mahbubur Rahaman Assistant Professor (MIS) Department of Business Administration Leading University, Sylhet Prepared by: Head Hunters ID Name 1611017014 Mahmudul Hasan 1611017047 Romana Begum 1611017049 Farhana Jahan Liza 1611017051 Tahfim Ahmed Chowdhury 1611017008 Md.Yeasir Arafath 1611017021 Masum Hussain Section: C Semester: 3rd Program: MBA Department of Business Administration Leading University, Sylhet Date of Submission: 28 April, 2016
  • 2. 2 Executive summary Across the globe, information system tools have helped fuel social movements. Information system has been shown to strengthen social actors’ ability to challenge and change power relations in society, providing platforms for debate, reflection, influencing and mobilizing people. To better understand the potential of information system to engage especially young people in efforts to prevent domestic violence the Partners for Prevention regional project, ‘Engaging Young Men Through Information system for the Prevention of Domestic violence’ which supported information system awareness campaigns designed to raise awareness and motivate young people to take action to prevent domestic violence has revealed practical lessons from three awareness campaigns on the effective use of information system tools for violence protection. It can change opinions because they have access to people and this gives it a lot of strength. This strength can either be used constructively by educating the people or it can be used destructively by misleading the innocent people. Power of the media can transform the whole society especially in the developing countries it can be used as a 'weapon of mass destruction'. This is the difference between a nation and a crowd. Media men have access to people and they have an audience. Their programs have an impact and people listen to them. That's why they are more responsible for the betterment of the society. They should work to educate the people, to help the people and to liberate the people and to empower the people. The media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city news, national news, international news, business, education, entertainment, literature and medical news. The news should satisfy all men, women and children of various age-group and status. To increase circulation of newspapers, the media people should not publish bogus news. The children get immense pleasure in playing video games and they spend hours together before computer, surfing through internet. They see both the good and the bad things through media. The parents should make the children to play outdoor games and do physical exercise, diverting their attention from the media. Putting the safety and support of women/men who have experienced violence first Women/ men who have experienced violence remain the first priority of any work in the field of domestic violence. Before efforts to prevent violence can begin, develop an understanding of the existing and functional response system available to women in your area and how your work can include collaboration and coordination with the response sector. Asking them to consider what might happen if they use violence to solve problems, and Talking about what might happen if they solve problems without violence. There is a new technology that can help parents censor shows on television. "The v- chip, technology that allows parents to block objectionable programs, is now available in at least half of all new television sets. V-chip work with an electronically coded rating system that already is in place to identify programs that contains violence or crude language.
  • 3. 3 AcknowledgementAcknowledgementAcknowledgementAcknowledgement At first, we are grateful to Almighty Allah for creating us in such a beautiful country like Bangladesh and also for controlling our life. For the mercy of Him, we have got such courage to start this assignment on Importance of information system in raising public awareness about domestic violence After that we would like to give thanks to our honorable Head of the Department Prof.Prof.Prof.Prof. Dr. Tofayel AhmedDr. Tofayel AhmedDr. Tofayel AhmedDr. Tofayel Ahmed for giving us the opportunity to study in this subject. We would like to express our thanks to the librarian of Leading University for all his help that we have received. Our respected parents who gave us mental support and inspiration for our assignment, there is a special thanks for them. We also would like to give a lot of thanks to our honorable course teacher, Md. Mahbubur Rahaman for giving us a wonderful opportunity to make such an interesting and valuable assignment and giving us a clear concept about the assignment. At last but not the least, without the help of our friends and classmates it was quite impossible to prepare such kind of assignment. They gave us some necessary information about this topic which was unknown to us. So, we would like to give thanks to all of them.
  • 4. 4 Contents Subjects pages 1. Introduction 5 2. Objectives of the Assignment 5 3. What is Domestic violence? 5 4. Types of domestic violence 7 (a) Physical abuse 7 (b) Psychological abuse 7 (c) Sexual abuse 7 (d) Economic abuse 7 5. What is information system? 7 6. Who will find this Assignment useful? 8 7. Principles on Work for Violence Prevention 8 8. Working with the media 9 9. Using information system for the prevention of domestic violence 10 10. Introduction to the primary prevention of domestic violence 10 11. Other practices that also emerged from the three awareness campaigns 11 12. Developing Strategy 12 13. Duties and Responsibilities of concern authorities 14 a) Duties and responsibilities of Police Officer 14 b) Appointment of Enforcement Officer 14 c) Duties and responsibilities of Enforcement Officer 14 d) Service provider and their duties and responsibilities 15 e) Duties of shelter homes 15 14. Duties of medical service provider 15 15. Influence of media in society 16 16. Importance of media 16 17. Positive effects of media 16 18. Negative effects of Media 17 19. Solutions to reduce the negative effects of media 18 20. Findings 20 21. Conclusion 20 22. References 21
  • 5. 5 Introduction: In general sense information system means the process of collecting, processing, storing & disseminating relative data to create purposeful actions. It is said this age is the age of information. Information system is a dominating factor used in large array of things, & like others the information system can be a great tool of preventing domestic violence through people awareness, & creating unity thereby. Internet is a great tool of dissemination of news & create awareness & unity of people. The use of information system tools such as Facebook, You Tube and blogging sites, telecommunication media like tv, radio etc. have become part of the daily lives of millions of people in Asia. As of June 2012, Asia has more than 1,076,000,000 internet users - more than any other region of the world - and accounts for 45 percent of internet users worldwide. While internet penetration rates are only 28 percent, Asia - particularly amongst youth - is the world’s fastest growing and largest segment of social network users in the world. Around the globe, information system tools have helped fuel social movements. Information system has been shown to strengthen social actors’ ability to challenge and change power relations in society, providing platforms for debate, reflection, influencing and mobilizing people. To better understand the potential of information system to engage especially young people in efforts to prevent domestic violence the Partners for Prevention regional project, ‘Engaging Young Men Through Information system for the Prevention of Domestic violence’ which supported information system awareness campaigns designed to raise awareness and motivate young people to take action to prevent domestic violence has revealed practical lessons from three awareness campaigns on the effective use of information system tools for violence prevention. Objectives of the Assignment: This assignment seeks to offer an understanding of how to use information system as a tool that is part of an overall communication strategy for the prevention of domestic violence, and how these tools fit into the spectrum of work that addresses the prevention of domestic violence. This assignment reviews the key elements of related awareness campaign, consolidates technical lessons on how to apply information system tools and summarizes how information system tools can support effective violence prevention interventions. It answers questions such as ‘can information system help to bring about changes in awareness, attitudes and behaviours?’ and ‘what kinds of domestic violence prevention objectives can information system help influence?’ It explores whether exposing people to messages through information system is enough to bring about domestic violence prevention objectives, how information system tools can be used to bring about change, and how we know such changes have come about these years. What is Domestic violence? Family and domestic violence Domestic violence is a widespread though often hidden problem across Australia. It occurs in all parts of society, regardless of geographic location, socio-economic status, age, cultural and ethnic background, or religious belief, and it’s often devastating effects psychological, social and economic, short-term and long-term rebound on families, children, and the community as a whole. What is domestic violence? The term
  • 6. 6 ‘domestic violence’ refers to interpersonal violence which takes place in domestic settings, family relationships, and intimate relationships, and is most commonly applied to violence by a man to his wife, female sexual partner or ex-partner. However, ‘domestic violence’ is used also to refer to violence between same sex sexual partners, among family members (including siblings and parent-child violence either way), and by women against male partners. Three other terms commonly applied to some or all of these forms of violence are family violence, men’s violence against women, and intimate violence, while newer terms include relationship violence, intimate partner violence, and gender-based violence. 1. Domestic violence (sometimes called ‘family violence’) can take many different forms including intimidation, coercion or isolation, emotional, physical, sexual, financial and spiritual abuse. 2. Australian police and court crime data indicate that women constitute a significant proportion of reported victims of intimate partner violence, while men make up a significant proportion of reported abusers. These data tend to focus on physical and domestic violence. Australian population survey data similarly show that women were more likely than men to be victims of physical, sexual and other forms of violence by a partner. 3. Domestic violence is generally understood as gendered violence, and is an abuse of power within a relationship (heterosexual or homosexual) or after separation. In the large majority of cases the offender is male and the victim is female. 4. More than two decades of international research definitively shows that infants, children and adolescents experience serious negative psychological, emotional, social and developmental impacts to their well-being from the traumatic ongoing experiences of domestic violence. 5. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities prefer the term ‘family violence’. ‘Family’ covers a diverse range of ties of mutual obligation and support, and perpetrators and victims of family violence can include, for example, aunts, uncles, cousins and children of previous relationships. Domestic or family violence may involve a wide range of behaviours, including: Physical abuse - including direct assaults on the body, use of weapons, driving dangerously, destruction of property, abuse of pets in front of family members, assault of children, locking the victim out of the house, and sleep deprivation. Sexual abuse - any form of forced sex or sexual degradation, such as sexual activity without consent, causing pain during sex, assaulting the genitals, coercive sex without protection against pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease, making the victim perform sexual acts unwillingly, criticizing, or using sexually degrading insults. Verbal abuse - continual ‘put downs’ and humiliation, either privately or publicly, with attacks following clear themes that focus on intelligence, sexuality, body image and capacity as a parent and spouse. Emotional abuse - blaming the victim for all problems in the relationship, constantly comparing the victim with others to undermine self-esteem and self-worth, sporadic sulking, withdrawing all interest and engagement (eg weeks of silence). Social abuse - systematic isolation from family and friends through techniques such as ongoing rudeness to family and friends, moving to locations where the victim knows nobody, and forbidding or physically preventing the victim from going out and meeting people — in effect, imprisonment. Spiritual abuse - denying access to ceremonies, land or family, preventing religious observance, forcing victims to do things against their beliefs, denigration of cultural background, or using religious teachings or
  • 7. 7 cultural tradition as a reason for violence. Economic abuse - complete control of all monies, no access to bank accounts, providing only an inadequate ‘allowance’, using any wages earned by the victim for household expenses. Types of domestic violence: (a) "Physical abuse"- that is, any act or conduct which is of such a nature as to cause bodily pain, harm, or danger to life, limb, or health or impair the health or development of the victim and includes assault, criminal intimidation and criminal force; (b) "Psychological abuse"- that includes but is not limited to:- (i) Verbal abuse including insults, ridicule, humiliation, insults or threats of any nature; (ii) Harassment; or (iii) Controlling behaviour, such as restrictions on mobility, communication or self- expression; (c) "Sexual abuse"- that is, any conduct of a sexual nature that abuses, humiliates, degrades or otherwise violates the dignity of the victim; (d) "Economic abuse" that includes but is not limited to:- (i) Deprivation of all or any economic or financial resources or property to which the victim is entitled under any law or custom whether payable under any law or custom or an order of a court or any other competent authority; (ii) Not allow to use the articles of daily necessities to the victim; (iii) Deprivation or prohibiting the victim from applying legal rights to her stridhan or dower or alimony or any consideration for marriage or any property owned by the victim; (iv) Transferring without consent of the victim or prohibiting the victim from applying legal rights to any assets whether movable or immovable owned by her; (v) Deprivation or prohibiting the victim from applying legal rights to continued access to resources or facilities which the victim is entitled to use or enjoy by virtue of the family relationship. What is information system? Simply put, information system is the process means of connecting people that allows for peer-to-peer interaction, and gets people talking with each other on a mass scale. Information system tools or services use the internet to facilitate conversations, and includes web-based and mobile technologies used to turn communication into interactive dialogue, where people can voice their opinion in many ways. Information system empowers people to engage with other people. Information system has certain characteristics that other media do not: Participation – Information system encourages input and feedback from everyone (who has access to information system) and is interested in a cause/issue/awareness campaign/ online activity. Unlike Openness –traditional media, the audience can also be the content provider. Most information system platforms are open to feedback and participation. They encourage
  • 8. 8 comment, the sharing of information, and recognition through activities such as voting. Community Information system platforms allow communities to form quickly and communicate effectively. Communities share common interests such as in an awareness campaign to end domestic Conversation Traditional print and broadcast media distribute or violence. Broadcast content to their readers/listeners, whereas information system is Connectedness – Most information system seen as a two-way conversation. Platforms thrive on their ‘connectedness’ and make use of links to other websites and online resources. Primary Publishing, via blog engines (WordPress, uses of information system include: Blogger, Typepad, LiveJournal), wiki platforms (Wikipedia, Wikia…), lifeblog Sharing, via dedicated services (Tumblr, Posterous) and social QandA (Quora); online services for videos (YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo), pictures (Flickr, Instagram), links (Delicious, Digg), products (Pinterest), music (Spotify) and documents Playing, via major editors (Zynga, Playdom, Playfish, (Slideshare, Scribd) ; SGN, Popcap), dedicated platforms (Hi5…) and smaller but innovative editors Networking, whether it is professional (Digital Chocolate, Kobojo); (LinkedIn, Viadeo), personal (Netlog, Tagged, MySpace, Badoo) or for former acquaintances (MyYearBook, Classmates) ; Buying, with customer intelligence platforms (Bazaarvoice, PowerReviews), purchase sharing (Polyvore, Blippy), recommendation (Hunch) or Localization, with mobile social commerce offerings like Boosket; applications (Foursquare, Path, Scvngr), socialized city guides (Yelp, DisMoisOu) or upcoming events or venues (Plancast). Who will find this Assignment useful? This assignment topic is describes show information system is contributing in social awareness raise regarding the domestic violence problem, describes how civil society groups to help in developing, implementing and monitoring communication awareness campaigns specifically those aimed at domestic violence prevention that use information system tools. Through this work, we hope to help awareness campaign coordinators harness the power of information system to develop effective awareness campaigns aimed at empowering participants to take action to prevent domestic violence. Principles on Work for Violence Prevention: When developing and conducting an information system awareness campaign, what ethical principles need to be considered? The following offers an overview of guiding principles for all work on domestic violence prevention: 1. Putting the safety and support of women/men who have experienced violence first Women/ men who have experienced violence remain the first priority of any work in the field of domestic violence. Before efforts to prevent violence can begin, develop an understanding of the existing and functional response system available to women in your area and how your work can include collaboration and coordination with the response sector. 2. Commitment to gender justice, human rights and freedom from violence for all Prevention of domestic violence – working both with women and with men – must
  • 9. 9 remain firmly grounded in feminist and human rights principles that aim to achieve gender equality and human rights (including freedom from violence) for all. 3. Evidence and innovation While the field of domestic violence prevention is relatively new, there is more evidence as to what works to stop violence before it starts. This evidence can help to drive and scale-up more effective programmes, policies, communications strategies and research methodologies, and must be balanced with innovating new approaches. 4. Ethics and safety Research, programming and communications around a sensitive issue such as domestic violence must be approached with the highest commitment to ethical and safety standards. These standards – and clear articulation with team members, partners, donors, and other involved actors – are integral to achieving the overall aims of domestic violence prevention work in a rigorous, effective way. 5. Long-term vision should enlist preventing domestic violence and building just and peaceful society is a long-term project. Sustainable impact cannot be achieved over typical project cycles, or by the findings of one research study. Rather, deepening capacity to do rigorous violence prevention work, collaborating and coordinating across sectors and diverse stakeholders, and ensuring long-term commitment among actors will help to build a sustainable foundation and drive violence prevention efforts forward. Working with the media: When working with media, whether it be engaging with traditional and or using information system in your awareness campaign, there are a number of ethical considerations that need to be factored in: Any presentation of stories, research, or quotes from people who have experienced or committed acts of violence, must protect their confidentiality and be based on the principle of ‘do no harm’. You should not use real names unless people specifically agree to be identified. Take care when presenting research findings, to ensure that the information presented is sufficiently aggregated to ensure that no one community or individual can be identified. Where case study findings are presented, sufficient detail should be changed to ensure that the source of the information cannot be identified. When research findings are used, they must be disseminated in a scientifically rigorous manner. Care should be taken to highlight the extent to which domestic violence is cross-cutting, existing in all communities and socio-economic groups. Particular attention must be paid, to ensure that findings are not used as a means to describe one setting or ethnic group as being ‘worse’ than another. You should change names and omit other identifying descriptions of visuals, unless an individual has given informed consent. In certain cases, using an interviewer or interviewee’s name and/or recognizable image is acceptable. However, if their identity is used, they must still be protected against harm and supported through any stigmatization or reprisals.
  • 10. 10 Avoid using images of, or identifying women’s shelters, psychosocial support/counseling centers, etc. Work with photographers to formulate images that do not victimize or stigmatize people who have experienced violence or former perpetrators of violence; and that do not identify interviewees who wish to maintain anonymity. Using information system for the prevention of domestic violence: When working on information system awareness campaigns: Provide Non-judgmental Respect diverse identities. Respect privacy. Never use real names. Ensuring safe, inclusive spaces. Moderation:. sure peoples’ identities are not disclosed in photos (Eg. blurred, or taken Be sensitive about what words you choose to use. Be careful from behind how you use words/watch for nuances in language. Volunteers, awareness campaigners, everyone involved must be on the same page. Do groundwork with these groups. Introduction to the primary prevention of domestic violence: Primary prevention is all efforts to stop violence before it starts. Along with response, primary prevention is part of a holistic approach to ending violence and promoting non- violence and peace. Generally speaking, response refers to efforts to support and protect those that experience violence, whereas primary prevention focuses on identifying and addressing underlying causes of violence to minimize the chance that it happens in the first place. How information system can fit into the spectrum of initiatives/responses to prevent domestic violence: What information system can and can’t do: Three famous information system awareness campaigns from India, China and Viet Nam explored showed that there are many ways that information system can be used in communications awareness campaigns aimed at preventing domestic violence– information system can serve both as a key tool at the forefront of the awareness campaign to support a more traditional awareness campaign pinned to traditional media and on-the-ground events or a awareness campaign that uses information system on both these levels. Underlying the successes of each awareness campaign, however, is the idea that information system can only be one part of the spectrum of interventions that are needed to prevent domestic violence. The three awareness campaigns generally found that information system can be an effective way of mobilizing youth and promoting discussion and reflection around key topics, modeling positive behaviours and guiding target audiences to positive solutions. Each of the three awareness campaigns resulted in varying levels of awareness, attitudinal, behaviour and/or social norm change. However, there was little evidence that information system alone could be effective in changing a lifetime of gender socialization, rather, it could serve as the starting point for such changes. Attitudinal or behavioural changes are more effectively brought about through interpersonal activities.
  • 11. 11 Thus, when information system work is connected to other interventions, it can be a very powerful tool to foster change. It is in this way that information system can support the overarching goal of preventing DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. In terms of good practices, it is said that for a violence free state to be, several considerations must be taken into account in the planning and implementation of the social awareness. These includes the engagement of people by different medium of social communication. It can be facebook, twitter, myspace, or tv, or radio etc.The initiative includes the concepts of: People need a reason to do something; Output(s) that require virality: Successful information system awareness campaigns require virality. Virality means that people have to engage others as part of the awareness campaign - going ‘viral’ refers to the way content spreads from person-to-person through information system channels; Reward, recognition, influence: What do people gain? A ‘classic information system awareness campaign’ that includes the above three elements have the best chance of getting results. Also, successful information system awareness campaigns are organised around an event and usually include an element of fun. Other good practices that also emerged from the three awareness campaigns: Creating an on-the-ground community that feels ownership of the awareness campaign first – and then working with this community to mobilize more members both online and offline was found to be one key to success. Developing online activities that are not only fun and easy to take part in, but make personal connections/appeal to the audiences’ emotions. One effective approach was holding online discussions around current attitudes and behaviours on gender norms, gender equality, respect and healthy relationships, and promoting and modeling positive gender-equitable behaviours. Incentives to successfully engage audiences ranged from capacity development opportunities and recognition to material rewards. Lessons learned from the awareness campaigns highlight the limitations of information system for the prevention of domestic violence. This includes that information system awareness campaigns are less effective when conducted as standalone activities, compared to when integrated with face-to face and on-the-ground activities. Understanding and measuring the kind of impact information system interactions have on the target audience is difficult, though possible with the right monitoring plan. Overall, information system can expose large audiences to messages, but only engages much smaller numbers of people in learning and activities, and an even a smaller number of people to take concrete actions to prevent domestic violence. It describe lessons learned from the three awareness campaigns in terms of what changes for domestic violence prevention a information system awareness campaign can contribute to. The awareness campaigns found that information system is useful in terms of mobilizing people and providing a space where people can come together to influence changes aimed at preventing domestic violence. The awareness campaigns also found that information system can be used to strengthen networks, foster feelings of being part of a community and help create an enabling environment. Information system can provide a space for dialogue that would not otherwise be available. Effective information system awareness campaigns use information Reputation, reward and influence system platforms and combine them with: Offline components for gathering and engaging based contests or challenges; Rewarding people, both those who contribute and youth around the awareness campaign;
  • 12. 12 Clearly Partnering on the ground in target areas; those who benefit; Do not communicating the awareness campaign’s tangible results to all parties involved; merely disseminate information: Be clear on the results - people want to make a Require and build in difference and be rewarded and recognized for it; virality. Overall, information system can play a role in affecting critical changes for domestic violence prevention: Information system can play a role in mobilizing communities and individuals; exposing, engaging and promoting action. Awareness, attitudinal and contributing toward: Social norm change behaviour change the fundamental changes that are needed for long-term violence prevention are challenging and varied - they are rooted in a complex series of actions that range from community mobilization, legislation and institutional capacity change through to attitudinal and behaviour change in relationships, discourse and social norms. It is only when information system work is connected to other interventions that it can become a powerful tool to foster change for domestic violence prevention. Change people’s perceptions; we need to change stereotypical perceptions around gender inequality in intimate relationships – for example, that the man is the head of the household and the wife should always obey her husband. We can help change perceptions/awareness through sharing knowledge. Information system is not likely to bring about any change when used as a standalone activity. However, when information system work is connected to other interventions, it can be a very powerful tool to foster change. Change behaviour within families in terms of how women are treated, valued and respected. Generally it is difficult to bring about change using information system alone. Laws and policies that promote gender equality; political will. Engage/put pressure on government violence protectors responsible for addressing gender/ domestic violence and lawmakers to increase political will. Change social acceptance of violence; harmful ideas of masculinity and femininity can challenge harmful norms through images that counter the objectification of women, alternative forms of non-violent, gender equitable masculinities that are based on peace, caring and positive communication. Change perception that violence is private, not a social issues Information system can bring stories to the public that challenge notions that violence is private. Group education – among individuals and communities. Address child abuse (research shows people who were abused as children are more likely to perpetrate violence or end up in violent relationships). Address substance/alcohol abuse (research shows associations between alcohol abuse and use of violence). Poverty/socio-economic status (research shows some associations between lower socio-economic status and an increased likelihood for perpetration of violence; though in some contexts it is the opposite). Religious interpretations that are not gender inequitable Developing Strategy: Planning an effective information system awareness campaign for the prevention of domestic violence: This section focuses on how to apply information system tools to a communication strategy to prevent domestic violence. For more details on development of evidence-based behaviour change communication materials see ‘Family Health International, BEHAVIOUR CHANGE COMMUNICATION (BCC) FOR Considerable factors in making strategy: Understanding
  • 13. 13 context and approach from the outset, when planning any awareness campaign for domestic violence prevention, it is essential to understand that it is not the tools themselves that make good communication, but rather a theoretically informed understanding of the political, social and cultural contexts in which media and communications interventions occur. It is always important, therefore, to consider the cultural and geographical context of your awareness campaign in terms of violence prevention. Delhi, for example, has a long and established history of activists working on domestic violence issues. This context, however, does not exist in the same way in Hanoi or Beijing. Communication awareness campaigns that lack participation by target audiences and are delivered without taking into account specificities of context - cultural norms and beliefs, and knowledge of target audiences - and how these things can impact the potential for social change may fail to achieve their objectives. At the outset, it’s also useful to consider what type of approach your awareness campaign will take in terms of being prescriptive or non-prescriptive. A prescriptive approach in a domestic violence information system awareness campaign provides a structured context and framework to its communications activities. It calls on lessons that have been shown to be successful in practical interventions to change behaviours and attitudes of your target audience. Practical face-to-face interventions for example, can facilitate interactive discussion on issues related to DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and usually take place in groups, for example in a school, village community or sports club. The approach has been successful through providing examples for others to follow (leaders showing peaceful, equitable, nonviolent behaviours) and a space for men to explore different alternatives to express their masculinity and feel comfortable in doing so. A non-prescriptive approach to an awareness campaign for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE primary prevention aims to model the values it is trying to advocate for by allowing diverse views to be aired and heard freely in a safe environment, while carefully balancing the importance of respect towards women in discussion content. This ‘free’ approach to discussion tends to facilitate a diversity of opinions and views, with content regularly moderated by coordinators and facilitators. Assessing expertise and resources In order to ensure that the information system awareness campaign you develop is effective, it is important to assess required human and financial resources in the early planning stages. Working with volunteers, interns and community groups can be an important strategic approach to implementation; however, as learned by the awareness campaigns in different countries like Viet Nam and India, a core team of staff with various skills must also be in place. To maximize the impact and scope of your information system awareness campaign for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE prevention, it is important to consider how your online activities can be integrated with offline activities. Such connections need to be planned from the start. Information system tools can be used to communicate on different levels. Before you begin, consider what your aim is – to expose, engage and/or generate action. Expose: Information system tools can be used to expose target audiences to positive messages about gender equality, and to mobilize these audiences to move to the second level (to engage). All the three examples from India, China and Viet Nam in this publication aimed to use information system tools to expose audiences to key messages.
  • 14. 14 Duties and Responsibilities of concern authorities: 1. Duties and responsibilities of Police Officer.- A Police Officer, who has received a complaint of domestic violence or is otherwise present at the place of an incident of domestic violence or when the incident of domestic violence is reported to him or her, shall inform the victim- (a) Of her right to make an application for obtaining a relief by way of any orders under this Act; (b) Of the availability of medical services; (c) Of the availability of services of the Enforcement Officers; (d) Where applicable, of her right to free legal services under the Legal Aid Act, 2000 (Act 6 of 2000); (e) Of her right to file a complaint under any other existing law; and (f) Other duties and responsibilities prescribed by the government in this behalf. 2. Appointment of Enforcement Officer.- a) For the purpose of this Act, the Government shall, by notification in the official gazette, appoint one or more Enforcement Officers in each upazila, thana, district or in a metropolitan area and shall also notify the area or areas within which an Enforcement Officer shall exercise the powers and functions conferred on him or her by or under this Act. b) The terms and conditions of service of the Enforcement Officer shall be such as may be prescribed rule. 3. Duties and responsibilities of Enforcement Officer.- (l) The Duties and Responsibilities of Enforcement Officer shall be as follows:- (a) To assist the court in discharge of its functions under this Act; (b) To provide report to the court regarding domestic violence; (c) To forward copies thereof to the police officer in charge of the police station within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the domestic violence is alleged to have been committed; (d) To make an application to the Court, if the victim so desires, claiming relief for issuance of a protection order; (e) To take necessary steps so that the victim is provided legal aid under the Legal Aid Act 2000 (Act 6 of 2000), and make available the application form along with other facilities free of cost; (f) To maintain a list of all legal aid and human rights organization or psycho-social counseling services, shelter homes and medical facilities within the jurisdiction of the Court; (g) To refer the victim to a safe shelter home if the victim so requires and forward a copy of a report of having lodged the victim in a shelter home to the police station and the Court having jurisdiction in the area where the shelter home is situated; (h) To refer the victim for medical examination if required and forward a copy of the medical report to the police station and the Court having jurisdiction in the area where the domestic violence is alleged to have taken place;
  • 15. 15 (i) To ensure that the order for compensation is executed; and (j) To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by rules. (2) The Enforcement Officer shall be under the supervision of the Court, and shall perform the duties and responsibilities imposed on him/her by the Government or by the Court under this Act. 4. Service provider and their duties and responsibilities.- i) Subject to the provisions of this Act and rules framed under it, any voluntary association registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1860), or the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961( Ordinance XLVI of 1961) or a nonprofit company or organization registered under the Companies Act, 1994 (Act 18 of 1994), or any non- profit organization or institution registered at NGO Affairs Bureau under Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Ordinance,1978 (Ordinance XLVI of 1978), any other organization approved by the Government under any other law for the time being in force with the objective of inter alia protecting the human rights especially the rights and interests of women and children by any lawful means including providing of legal aid, medical, financial or other assistance shall be treated as a service provider for the purposes of this Act. ii) Duties and responsibilities of a service provider shall be as follows:- (a) Record the domestic incident report in the prescribed form if the victim so desires and forward a copy thereof to the Court and the Enforcement Officer having jurisdiction in the area where the domestic violence took place; (b) Refer the victim for medical examination and forward a copy of the medical report to the Enforcement Officer and the police station within the local limits of which the domestic violence took place; (c) Refer the victim to a shelter home, if she so requires and forward a report of the lodging of the victim in the shelter home to the police station within the local limits of which the domestic violence took place. (d) Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed by rules. 5. Duties of shelter homes.- On request by a victim or on her behalf, a police officer, an Enforcement Officer or any other person, the authority responsible for a shelter home shall provide shelter to the victim therein. 6. Duties of medical service provider.- On request by a victim or on her behalf, a police officer, an Enforcement Officer, a service provider or any other person, the person incharge of the medical facility in the hospital, clinic or medical centre shall provide medical aid to the victim.
  • 16. 16 Influence of media in society: 1. The time children spend using media displaces time they could be doing physical activities. 2. The food advertisements children see on TV influence them to make unhealthy food choices. 3. Cross-promotions between food products and popular TV and movie characters are encouraging children to eat higher calorie food. 4. Children snack excessively while using media and they eat less healthy meals when eating in front of the TV. 5. Watching TV and videos lowers children's metabolic rates below what they would have been if they were sleeping. 6. Depictions of nutrition and body weight in entertainment media encourage children to develop less healthy diets. It can change opinions because they have access to people and this gives it a lot of strength. This strength can either be used constructively by educating the people or it can be used destructively by misleading the innocent people. Power of the media can transform the whole society especially in the developing countries it can be used as a 'weapon of mass destruction'. But I think the most important use of media is to educate the people about the basic human rights. Education and discipline is key to progress. This is the difference between a nation and a crowd. Media men have access to people and they have an audience. Their programs have an impact and people listen to them. That's why they are more responsible for the betterment of the society. They should work to educate the people, to help the people and to liberate the people and to empower the people Importance of media: Media plays a very important role in the building of a society. Media has changed the societies of world so much that we can't ignore its importance. First of all we should know what the media is. Media is a source of information or communication. Media includes sources like print media and electronic media. Newspapers, magazines and any other form, which is written or printed, is included in print media and in electronic, media radio, television and Internet etc. are included. When there are so many channels and newspapers we cannot ignore its importance in the society. Media has lot of responsibility on its shoulders as today's society is very much influenced by the role of media. We believe in what media projects to us. We change our minds according to the information provided through it. Positive effects of media The common man gets the latest news within a fraction of seconds. The distance is not at all a barrier now. The news they get through media help them in their daily life a lot.
  • 17. 17 a. The media helps common people to exchange information and it acts as a common platform. The public get knowledge and awake to raise questions, on seeing the news in newspaper and T.V. b. The media helps to bring out the hidden talents of the people. The children learn many good things through media. c. By reading newspaper, the children learn many things, their reading habit increases and their vocabulary enhances by learning new words. Their knowledge increases by watching geographical channel, quiz programs and speeches by famous personalities of different fields. d. The cartoon channels make the children happy. e. The games increase their logical thinking power and grasping of things. The attitude, approach and behaviour of the common people will also change, when exposed to media. f. The media conducts polls and let public to take part in social issues. Through bogging in the internet and writing letters to the editor in newspapers, many people give voice about their opinion in different political and social matters. g. Our life will remain incomplete without the media. The radio, television, newspaper and internet are some forms through which we get information. Just like other fields, a vast development is seen in media fields also. The common people believe the news given by the media. So, the media should be very careful before giving any news to the public. They have to cover important happenings, in all the fields, around the world. There is no use in creating emotional feelings among public by exaggerating the happenings and giving sensational news. The media persons should be cautious in giving unbiased news to the common persons. h. The media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city news, national news, international news, business, education, entertainment, literature and medical news. The news should satisfy all men, women and children of various age-group and status. To increase circulation of newspapers, the media people should not publish bogus news. Negative effects of Media: (a) Some bogus news given in the newspaper may raise blood pressure and create negative feelings in the mind. (b) Over exposure to media may cause health problems also. The advertisements shown in TV and newspaper have got both positive and negative impact. The children learn violence by seeing movies and TV programs. They imitate super heroes they see in the screen which may cause danger to their life. The overexposure to media makes them behave more aggressively, which spoils their future also.
  • 18. 18 (c) The children get immense pleasure in playing video games and they spend hours together before computer, surfing through internet. They see both the good and the bad things through media. The parents should make the children to play outdoor games and do physical exercise, diverting their attention from the media. (d) The fashion shows, dance and music programs attract youngsters very much. They like to spend money for makeup, clothing and jewels on the influence of models and actors. The youngsters wish to take part in these programs, which are unsuitable for many persons. The middle aged persons are stuck up with TV serials and show much interest in raising social status, by wasting money. (e) The media has brought the people all over the world very closer. We have to take the positive aspects and use it for good purpose. The media and public should help to drive away the negative effects of the media. Solutions to reduce the negative effects of media According to the esteem psychologist LISA DUNNING, “The increasingly competitive economy is creating an environment where parents are forced to spend longer hours at work and fewer hours with their children. As a result, outside influences have greater access and influence over our children than ever before. The internet and the media are bringing the outside world into your home; your child's peers; the influences on children from movies and the music they listen to are growing in importance and influence every day, the negative effects of television violence to children, negative effects marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol and some of the heavier drugs are all having negative influences on child brain development. If you are like most parents, you cannot afford to decrease the amount of time at work to monitor their exposure. Therefore, the quality of time you spend with your child is critical to maximize your influence over the negative effects of the outside world.” (a) It's a fact that violence is everywhere these days. It's on the streets, in homes, in video games, and in the movies. It is up to adults to set an example for children and to protect them from any form of violence. When children are young, parents can take steps to reduce or minimize the amount of violence their children are exposed to. Parents can build a strong, loving, relationship with their child. Because of this type of relationship, children will feel safe and secure. It'll also help them develop a sense of trust. Children often learn by example. Adults can show children appropriate behaviours by the way they act. Be firm with children about using violent behaviour. Praise children when they display good behaviour. Children tend to repeat good behaviours when they are rewarded with attention and praise. According to an article on the Internet, you can teach your children no aggressive ways to solve problems by ("Raising Children to Resist Violence: What You Can Do"): (b) Asking them to consider what might happen if they use violence to solve problems, and Talking about what might happen if they solve problems without violence. There is a new technology that can help parents censor shows on television. "The v- chip,
  • 19. 19 technology that allows parents to block objectionable programs, is now available in at least half of all new television sets. V-chip work with an electronically coded rating system that already is in place to identify programs that contains violence or crude language. (c) Media plays a vital role in every one's life. In today's modern society media has become a part and parcel of our life. Its duty is to inform, educate and entertain. It is considered as the 4th pillar of our society. (d) They put their lives in danger like in times of terrorist attacks or natural calamity just to inform us about it. Media is a bridge between the governing bodies and general public. It is a powerful and flexible tool that influences the public to a great extent. Media is voice of the voiceless and a great force in building the nation (e) The newspapers can play a very vital role in the reconstruction and regeneration of a nation by highlighting and pin-pointing the social, economic and moral evils in the society. Can be helpful in eradicating these evils from the society. (f) They can also start propaganda against the economic evils like short-weights and measures, smuggling. Black-marketing income tax evasion hoarding corruption and bribery. THUS the newspapers can help greatly in the nation- building activities. (g) Newspapers provide some material for every type of interest. They give us stories, the crossword puzzles, the post page, the expert's comments on certain affairs of national and international importance. (h) In short, newspapers contain all what is needed and desired by every person relating to any field of life. Newspapers play manifold character in almost all fields of life and are becoming more and important day by day. Education plays a vital role in the all round development of the society. Educated masses help in the development of a civilized society wherein they carry on their activities smoothly and hassle-free. (i) People in an educated society communicate with each other, understand each other’s problems and provide solutions. An educated society, city, state, and country lay the foundation of a great world. Education plays the biggest role in society because without it, we wouldn't have doctors, lawyers, etc...Plus, some people who don't have education usually end up as delinquents. (j) We commend the people of Bong County for many contributions to the Press Union of Liberia as it celebrated its 45th Anniversary in Garage. We say Bravo! Bravo!! to the Press Union of Liberia and the People of Bong County.
  • 20. 20 Findings: 1. Information system is a great weapon to prevent social instability by spreading information among a broad number of stakeholders. 2. Domestic violence is pretty common worldwide & information system nowadays is in active role to prevent it. 3. Different telecommunication media like tv, radio etc can be a great weapon to spread violence information that will accelerate the process of violence prevention. 4. Different social networking sites like facebook, twitter, myspace, sky etc are common tools nowadays to be gathered virtually & gaining supports for the victims quickly. 5. Most of the social movements are happening via the social networking these days which is an organized version of information systems. 6. Today’s world is known as the world of information, the need of the power of information is inevitable to prevent any social unrest. Conclusion: This assignment seeks to offer an understanding of how to use information system as a tool that is part of an overall communication strategy for the prevention of domestic violence, and how these tools fit into the spectrum of work that addresses the prevention of domestic violence. This assignment reviews the key elements of related awareness campaign, consolidates technical lessons on how to apply information system tools and summarizes how information system tools can support effective violence prevention interventions. As a result, outside influences have greater access and influence over our children than ever before. The internet and the media are bringing the outside world into your home; your child's peers; the influences on children from movies and the music they listen to are growing in importance and influence every day, the negative effects of television violence to children, negative effects marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol and some of the heavier drugs are all having negative influences on child brain development. If you are like most parents, you cannot afford to decrease the amount of time at work to monitor their exposure. Therefore, the quality of time you spend with your child is critical to maximize your influence over the negative effects of the outside world. The media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city news, national news, international news, business, education, entertainment, literature and medical news. The news should satisfy all men, women and children of various age-group and status. To increase circulation of newspapers, the media people should not publish bogus news. The children get immense pleasure in playing video games and they spend hours together before computer, surfing through internet. They see both the good and the bad things through media. The parents should make the children to play outdoor games and do physical exercise, diverting their attention from the media.
  • 21. 21 Bibliography/Reference (a) Findlay, J. and R. E. Wright. 1996. “Gender, poverty and the intra-household distributi on of resources.” Review of Income and Wealth 42:335-351. (b) Findlay, J. and R. E. Wright. 1996. “Gender, poverty and the intra-household distributi on of resources.” Review of Income and Wealth 42:335-351. (c) 32 Fisher, G. M. 1992. “The development and history of the poverty thresholds.” in Social Security Bulleti n, vol. 55. (d) McLanahan, S. S., A. Sorenson, and D. Watson. 1989. “Sex diff erences in poverty, 1950-80.” Signs 15:102-22. (e) 37 Ms. Foundati on for Women (2001). Press release: Census Bureau Poverty Thresholds Too Low. Retrieved April 20, 2007 from (f) Pahl, J. 1983. “The allocati on of money and the structuring of inequality within marriage.” Sociological Review 31:237-262. (g) Schaff ner Goldberg, Gertrude and Eleanor Kremen (Eds.). 1990. “The Feminizati on of Poverty: Only in America?” New York: Praeger. (h) 34 U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Stati sti cs. 2007. “Consumer expenditures in 2005.” Retrieved April 18, 2007 from htt p:// (i) 35 USDA, Center for Nutriti on Policy and Promoti on. 2005. “Offi cial USDA food plans: Cost of food at home at four levels, (j) U.S. average.” Retrieved 4/18/07 from