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Impact On Service Learning
Initially, it was my understanding the article would discuss the positive impacts on a student after
completing a service learning outside one's home country. In regard to "hard questions," I assumed
the author would address challenges that arise while working with individuals that live in a different
culture from our own, speak a different language from our own, etc. I thought the "impact"
mentioned in the title was dealing with the student who was venturing out to complete the service
work, and not the recipient of the service learning.
After reading the article, I learned the actual discussion revolved around the impact service learning
has on both first and third world countries. Crabtree explains two different benefits that come from
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Service Learning Project Analysis
"Service–learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service
with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and
strengthen communities" (Learn and Serve America National Service–Learning Clearinghouse).
This assignment gave students the opportunity to go outside of their comfort zone, which is typically
the classroom and see what the "real world" is like. As Gandhi would say "The best way to find
yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" (Gandhi). I believe that this project really
allowed us to appreciate what we have because many people are not as fortunate. During this service
learning project I had certain expectations going into the project, but in the end, my results were not
exactly as I expected. ... Show more content on ...
I thought I would be learning how to give back to the community, considering I am a student athlete
we do give back to the community a lot so I thought it would be teaching us how to do that so I was
not very excited to learn something that I already knew. When I learned that I would be helping with
DVACK (Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas) I got more excited, this is an
organization that I have heard of, but never really knew much about. Going into this project I
expected to experience a chaotic environment I was prepared to see people at their worse still living
in an area that nobody should live in. I went into this project with one goal in mind and that was to
have an open mind and try to imagine myself in their shoes and how I would feel, I really wanted to
accomplish staying positive for the individuals that were in this position and I wanted to learn about
the organization and how exactly it
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Service Learning Experience
The next visit to service learning was in the afternoon. We had lots of activity. I spent outside with
children and the wether was sunny and good for kids to get more vitamin D. We really enjoyed
played around. One of the kids was so sweet and stay beside me all the time and asked me to play
with him, I just felt happy and how simple that kids. They did not have resentment, hatred, and envy.
Furthermore, It takes a lot out of me dealing with children because I have to remember they are not
adults. In addition, If I faced this experience again, I might do something different, because I will
prepare more and have some plans to do with children. I would do a couple of things differently. I
would let the children use their creativity a little
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The Reflection Of Service Learning
Service Learning is an educational strategy set in place to enlighten students with instruction and
experience, in addition to improve learning , teach responsibility, and support the community.
Service learning is vital to the development of the student, given that it intertwines academic and
personal development together. It is aimed to enhance a student's learning in all aspects of life. The
critical difference of service learning and the traditional learning style is that students are learning
and addressing real needs in the community. Which connect students to the community through
meaningful interactions with others, safety, and educational needs. This specific course includes
readings, discussions, and activities to support ... Show more content on ...
During the duration of my participation, I worked mainly with intermediate/ advanced students. The
class was divided into beginners and intermediate/ advanced students. Beginner students usually
needed a lot of one on one with completely assignments. While on the other hand, intermediate/
advanced students did not need as much one on one since, they used computers to improve
pronunciation and understanding of words/ phrases. I would double–check assignments, explain
directions, and take part in discussions. Although on a few occasions I would find myself not being
able to understand a student's accent or simply did not know the answer, I would direct them to Mrs.
Hughes who they often refer to as teacher. A typical day consisted of, casual conversations between
students, Mrs. Hughes, and myself while we wait for more students to arrive. The older female
students often got side–tracked talking to one another and on their cell phones. I noticed the
majority of the students who come to class are the intermediate/ advanced students, only two
beginner students came throughout the entirety of my service. At most, only seven intermediate/
advanced students came to class. Yet, there were two constant students in attendance, Rose
(intermediate) and Vicente (advanced). I consider both Rose and Vicente the most driven students in
the program, their attendance and participation in class speaks for
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The Importance Of Service-Learning
It is also a "boundary spanning" activity in that it requires active involvement from people both
within and outside of the classroom context, often resulting in participant contributors who represent
a variety of generations, ethnicities, social groups, and experience levels (Billig and Furco, 2002,
p.vii). Service–learning is designed to reduce the boundaries between an institutional campus
environment and the community around it. It is designed to connect learning to real experience
through service and reflection (Ball and Schilling, 2006; Becker, 2000). As a baseline to facilitate
this development, service–learning is distinct from other types of community service and civic
engagement experiences in that the service–learning experience must not only have a service and
reflective component but also be clearly tied to the curriculum through learning objectives and
theoretical underpinnings (Bloomquist, 2015; Pritchard, 2001). As Barbara Holland, former Director
of the U.S. National Service–Learning Clearinghouse, shared, "Service–learning is all in the hyphen.
It is the enrichment of specific learning goals through structured community service opportunities
that respond to community–identified needs and opportunities." (Kenworthy–U'Ren, Taylor, and
Petri, 2006: 121).
Reciprocity and Relationship
Although there is an important place for all types of student service experiences at the university
level (e.g., community service, volunteering, civic engagement programs) where
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A Career In Service Learning
So far I have done a few weeks of service learning, and many might ask: well did you learn anything
new about yourself, did you have a moment of realization or some sort of eye opener. Well yes and
no, being at the Bartlett school volunteering with first–graders and third–graders has been so far,
fantabulous. I learned that when I get older, I might want to pursue a career in the teaching field but
only when I cannot do any more criminal justice careers. As in, maybe I got injured and cannot
return, by the way not hoping this happens at all. Or maybe, I'm just fed up with working in such a
career that I can just go for my teaching degree and become a teacher for that certain topic. But then
again, teaching people certain things seem difficult to do and stressful. Seeing multiple students at
once, having to remember their names, having to correct and input their grades, seems like too
much. However, it still seems interesting! I most likely will look into this and keep it as a plan B or
C. ... Show more content on ...
Well, the students did, both in Service Learning and in the class that I am a Supplemental Instructor
for. I've thought about it, how I'm good at creating review quizzes to help the students, how I show
empathy towards others, how I'm decent when it comes to explaining certain topics, etc. (not trying
to brag in any way just looking at the qualities a teacher must have). I think teachers have hard jobs
and many people might take them for granted, but looking at it now, they come with many benefits.
Those benefits are appreciation from other student's or teachers, high self–esteem, gaining so much
courage, great communication skills, and many
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Service Learning Reflection
Lauren Whybrew
Service Learning Reflection DRAFT I chose to participate in service learning and I am excited to be
volunteering with the Washington Trails Association (WTA) this quarter. A few years ago, I took an
English class that also included a service–learning component. I spent time tutoring math and
science to middle school students in Seattle, and I feel that by doing so I gained a perspective that I
would not have otherwise obtained by doing individual research or by sitting in a lecture hall. I
decided to participate in service learning this quarter with the hope that I would have a similar
experience; to gain knew knowledge, or a new outlook that can only be experienced in a hands–on
learning environment. Washington
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Benefits Of Service Learning
Service learning is something that will be beneficial for me as a future educator. Service learning
provides me the opportunity to take what I'm learning in the classroom and implement it. I had the
opportunity to experience this at Watson Elementary school with Ms. Sherri Mccune. Ms. Mccune
works with K–2 students who are struggling in the areas of math and reading. When I began my
service learning Ms. Mccune, explained how she uses IEP's with many of her students. According to
Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education textbook, IEP's our, " Is the legal
document that describes the educational services a student receives" (Hallahan, Kauffman & Pullen,
2012, p.28). Ms. Mccune explained to me how she has to meet with all of her students parents and
go through a plan of action for their child. I found this to be beneficial for me as a student to learn
from her while she was working on one. When I learn in a classroom I like to apply what I'm
learning, so I can fully understand what is being taught. ... Show more content on ...
Although their were a few times when the students were not having a good day, there was not a lot
of work was getting done. Ms. Mccune and I would mainly go different classrooms throughout the
day helping different kindergarten classrooms. When we go into the classroom we help the teachers
with anything that they need. For example, some of Ms. Mccunes students would come back to a
different table and we would work on math homework. This is so that each of the students can take
the amount of time that they need on the math assignment. Many of the student we worked with had
learning disabilities in reading and math. Ms. Mccune gave me many ideas on how I can help
students with learning disabilities in my
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The Importance Of Service Learning
Service–learning involves students in community service activities and applies the experience to
personal and academic development. Service–learning course objectives are linked to real
community needs that are designed in cooperation with community partners and service recipients.
Service–learning engages students in a three–part process: classroom preparation through
explanation and analysis of theories and ideas; service activity that emerges from and informs
classroom context; and structured reflection tying service experience back to specific learning goals.
Volunteering is any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to
benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition ... Show more
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When arriving I signed in and they gave us an overview of what projects had to be done and what
was expected of us they separated us in groups and off we went. I was assigned to the back
warehouse where we had to prepare backpacks for back to school. At the end of one table we had all
the boxes of backpacks and people were supposed to pass them on and fill them up with one pen,
glue stick, hand sanitizer, a pack of notebook paper, and some advertising papers where to get
additional help. In the middle of the warehouse we had all the shipment boxes which was all the
supplies the people from the tables needed. I was assigned to the middle area which was opening the
shipment boxes and sorting the supplies to make it easier to hand the supplies to the people at the
tables. During the whole time there I experienced teamwork, communication, and networking.
Teamwork is a cooperative effort on the part of a group of people acting together as a team or in the
interests of a common cause. For example, we all contributed into reaching our goal which was to
prepare as many backpacks as we could by helping one another, listening to each other, and treating
each other with respect. Another example of teamwork from the learning service experience is that
not one single person stood around we all got involved and participated to get the job
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Reciprocity In Service Learning
Reciprocity is the Key Element in Service Learning
College students need a practical environment to apply theories they learn in classes to real life
experiences. Service–learning courses that have increased dramatically, as Kathy O'Byrne, the
director of the UCLA Center for Community Learning said, created this engaging opportunity for
the UCLA students. Cited in their website, "the Center supports courses and programs that stress the
importance of global citizenship, diversity, leadership and social justice" ( Based on
my experiences in Santa Monica Boys and Girls Club (SMBGC), service learning is a valuable and
fruitful commitment that provides benefits to each party that gets involved within the site. More
precisely, ... Show more content on ...
And I do agree that service learning is time consuming but that is what makes service learning a
distinctive and constructive experience. Through academic and personal improvements that the
experience provides, service learners end up building stronger and improved characteristics. The
study, done by Daniel A. Bureau, James S. Cole, and Alexander C. McCormick, for example,
describes the differences between students taking and not taking service–learning courses. Students
who are engaged in service learning show "improvements in their grades, increased civic
engagement, enhanced job skills, and greater appreciation for diversity" (Blouin and Evelyn, 120).
Additionally as Damron–Rodriguez says in Lim Andra's article on "Daily Bruin", service learners
start to "see themselves as citizens, as residents that have a meaningful role in the community"
(Andra). Through findings and experiences that students have, the personal growth that service
learning manages to reach is
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The Effectiveness Of Service Learning
According to Felten and Clayton in the article Service Learning, they discuss with us how beneficial
service learning is for students, staff, and community members.The effectiveness in Service learning
includes the general community coming together to help serve a greater purpose. In regards to
college, service learning serves as and experience to gain partnership and collaboration throughout
the experience and community.For my service learning narrative, i chose to volunteer again with
Ignite Church at James Monroe Elementary. From 2–4 we worked with a group of 4th graders on
different activities that consisted of critical thinking, imagination, and problem–solving. The
purpose of this afternoon was to connect with at least one of the students ... Show more content on ...
Because I am an Independent student and I provide everything for myself I tend to feel entitled
when it comes to certain things within my family. When I get around these fourth graders and listen
to their problems and frustration I realize that my problems are not merely as frustrating than what
they have to go through at the ages of nine and ten. Although I am not majoring in any child
development or education, I feel that the lessons I have learned and the patience that I have been
taught from them will help me when I study International business and business management. Both
of my majors are ones where it is important to interact with every type of person regardless of age,
gender, and sexuality. Fourth graders are a tough crowd to please but knowing that I can adapt to
any kind of person will give me the confidence I need in my field of
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Service Learning Reflection
According to Kathleen Flecky and Lynn Gitlow, service–learning is defined as, "learning that occurs
in experiences, reflection, and civic engagement" (Flecky & Gitlow, 2011). In recent years more
universities are implementing service learning into their curriculum. A key concept of service
learning is civic responsibility. Civic responsibility can simply be defined as your responsibilities as
a citizen. As will be shown later in this paper, service learning can have many benefits not only to a
student, but also to the community members
I personally believe that service learning is a great thing for many reasons. One of the biggest
reasons is that service learning can give you great exposure to having face to face interaction which
I think millennials try to avoid. Another reason that service learning is a great thing is that it can
teach some people about how to be more compassionate as well as helping students understand their
civic responsibilities as young adults. As stated by Flecky & Gitlow (2011), "a unique aspect of
service–learning is that it incorporates structured opportunities for students, faculty and community
partners to reflect on their interactions and activities in light of both educational and community
objectives." (p. 1–2). My interpretation of this quote is that the authors view service learning in a
positive light. My understanding is that the authors believe by students reflecting on their
interactions with the community, it can help further their
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Facets Of Service Learning
Discussion of Key Terms In the research of how service–learning impacts student academic
achievement, there are terms that will need to be explained in order to understand why and the need
for service–learning. Because there are many facets of service learning throughout the nation's high
schools and districts, having the understanding of the terms is helpful in completing the research.
Key Terms
Service Learning. Yorio and Ye (2012) defines service–learning as "is an experience–based approach
to education and learning that has a set of diverse learning outcomes" (p. 9). Although service
learning is connecting classroom learning with community projects, it differs from community
service which is simply voluntary work intended to help people
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Reflection On Service Learning
For my service–learning assignment, I will be assisting students with their English via, Learn
English Online (LEO). Our first week was used as an Open House, where we tried to work out some
technical errors, and get a feel for the program we will be using. This was our first week of LEO,
and I had only one student, Suyuan Chen, a 26–year–old PhD student from China. Since it was an
Open House, there wasn't an exact lesson for the week, but I did take the opportunity to go over Past
Tense Verbs with Suyuan. I had her tell me stories about previous vacations, so I could hear her use
verbs in the past tense, and help her correct her speech. Suyuan, also had some issues when it comes
to using plurals, and singular forms of a noun, we worked on
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Service Learning Trip
Recently I took a service learning trip to Cambodia with my school, where we traveled with a non–
profit organization named No Barriers USA and a non–governmental organization called
Sustainable Schools International. On the trip I was able to learn so many interesting things about
the culture, history, economic issues, and small NGOs working in the country to improve education.
It is very important to me to learn about other countries and people, especially the ones who need
help the most. My mother and her family moved to America from Laos, a developing country, to
escape poverty and an oppressive government. Growing up I encountered many people who did not
know anything about my culture, and that was very discouraging to me; therefore, when
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The Importance Of Service Learning
The University of Houston–Downtown along with the Houston Food Bank have given the
opportunity for students to participate in a service learning experience by volunteering and engaging
in community service in order for students to gain personal and academic development. Students
volunteered at the Houston Food Bank as they made the choice to spend unpaid time completing
numerous tasks that will benefit their community by feeding thousands of people each year. Such
actions also qualify as community service as students volunteered through the Marilyn Davies
College of Business which provided services to benefit the Houston Food Bank and the
communities it serves. This experience made students be involve in service learning as they applied
skills learned in classes such as communication, networking, and team work. As a result, students
saw ideas and theories from the classroom being applied and explained further while reflecting on
how they can apply such concepts to their learning objectives. Community service, volunteering,
and service learning may be different in the manner they are accomplished; however, they are
similar as the end goal is to learn from and help communities and people in need. The Houston Food
Bank was founded in 1982 and it merged with End Hunger Network in 2008 to use their resources
more effectively. The Houston Foodbank is part of Feeding America, the largest non–governmental
domestic hunger relief organization in the United States. The Houston Food
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Service Learning Reflection
For my service learning hours, I decided to assistant coach at Four Corners Charter Upper School.
When I took on this task, being tremendously excited to work with the girls there and give back to
this school. My role consisted of being the assistant coach to my sister Amanda Ramirez, helping
her to guide and train the girls to learn the sport of lacrosse. Having experience in coaching high
school girl's lacrosse, I came in with drills and strategies to be the most effective assistant coach.
The girls that decided to come out for the team haven't ever heard of the sport, which became a good
thing for coaching, giving us the upper hand for coaching and teaching the sport to the girls.
The grade range of girls that came out for the sport was
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Reflection On Service Learning
Before deciding where I wanted to do my service learning, I knew I wanted to do something that
had some relevance to my degree that I will be receiving in healthcare management. I was eager to
gain more experience and become more knowledgeable of how an organization operates as it relates
to healthcare management. I was able to secure an opportunity to volunteer at the Dallas Veterans
Affairs (VA) Hospital. After completing the required VA forms, I got partnered with Mr. Alonzo
Price Jr. who is a Management Analyst in Ambulatory Care, which is the department that oversees
the Primary Care Providers.
The first day, I have arrived at the Ambulatory Care office I was a bit nervous because I did not
know what they would expect of me. Mr. Price first professionally greeted me and shared with me
the Dallas VA mission statement, to fulfill President Lincoln's promise "To care for him who shall
have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan by serving and honoring the men and
women who are America's Veterans." Mr. Price then provided me with a nametag and a projected
itinerary for this week. During the first week of my service learning, I was taught how to properly
answer telephones, greet patients, and schedule appointments. By performing these tasks, I was able
to enhance my medical terminology and communication skills. Although I was not directly exposed
to patient care, shadowing a healthcare manager allowed me to witness the actions that occur behind
the scenes that make a difference in improving the quality of care that patients receive.
During the second week, I had the opportunity to accompany Mr. Price to meetings that he had with
the managers of the nurses and schedulers. During those meetings, the managers discussed the ideal
approach of how to accommodate patients who call the schedulers to acquire appointments for
urgent medical concerns. There seemed to be a problem with patients taking up appointment slots
when they do not have a true need to be assessed by their doctor. It was ultimately concluded that
the schedulers would coordinate communication between the patient and the registered nurse. The
nurse would then triage the patient's concerns over the phone and provide medical guidance,
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Service Learning : A Community
Q1.1) Service learning involves a concerted approach to both serve the community and to develop
the individual through services. General volunteering involves just serving the community. For
example, volunteering at soup kitchen begins and ends with what one does at the soup kitchen.
Service learning does not being and end with the service rendered. In addition to serving the
community, there is an element of reflection. The reflection involves introspection, in an effort to
develop personally, and thinking about the responsibility the individual has to the community, as
well as thinking of ways to better serve the needs of the community. For example, the students who
volunteered at the Milagro Center not only helped out children, but were made more aware of the
needs of kids in the community. Without that experience, combined with reflection, they would not
have the opportunity to help the community, learn about their community, and see ways to help
better their community. This helps the community and fosters a connection between the students and
the community. In that example, the experience helped those students teach the children about how
to live healthier lives, because they knew how to communicate to these children and the needs of
those children. Therefore, volunteering only represents a fraction of service–learning.
Q1.2) Part of service learning is forming a connection to the local community and thinking about
ways to better the community in which one resides.
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Essay On Service Learning
Service learning is a great new experience for college students. Students better themselves by
participating in this program, but everyone has a different input on how they feel about it. Service
learning could really help those that feel lost with their major or direction of life in general. By
implementing a service learning requirement for all RCBC students to graduate it will create a
positive change because it benefits the community, students may discover they love volunteering
long–term, and students will also gain experience and course credits. Initially, implementing a
service learning requirement for all RCBC students to graduate creates a positive change because it
benefits the community: both parties benefit from it. ... Show more content on ...
This will lead to students partaking in community service in their free time which is always a major
positive and something everyone should be involved in. Scott Seider, Samantha Rabinowicz, and
Susan Gillmor talk about service–learning in "Differential Outcomes for American College Students
Engaged in Community Service–Learning Involving Youth and Adults". The authors also state
"Students achieve a greater awareness of social issues and a deeper commitment to community
involvement" (Seider, Rabinowicz, & Gilmore). The authors of the article also use Kendrick,
Markus, Howard, and King as references for the quote. By helping the community, a person has a
deeper relationship and a better understanding of it.
This program also creates a solid activity they can add to their resume. Someone with an
engineering major might start this and change their whole major because of service learning,
realizing what they have a passion for. "Colleges are best–poised to create in their students a lifelong
commitment to volunteering even a few hours a month" (Eggers). By going monthly, some students
create a schedule in which they include volunteering. If they go on to do it for years, it becomes a
part of their day to day routines, volunteering really changes a person for the
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Service Learning
What is Service Learning? During this class, I heard a phrase more this semester than in my entire
undergrad career majoring in special education at The University of Alabama. Service learning is the
name of the term. Define service learning. The professor asked at the beginning of class and we
looked uniformed. According to Wikipedia, "Service–learning is an educational approach that
combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide a pragmatic, progressive
learning experience while meeting societal needs." Through– out three months, I have deliberated
on this expression as well as practiced some acts of service learning. As a result, I have acquired
knowledge about community based service and I will continually look at the special effects of
service learning thru the rest of my educational career as a future teacher. Based upon my
knowledge in this course, I learned that service learning is community work being done by students
to give needed service back to their community in a way that everyone benefits. By doing so, it
furthers ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, it encourages student's growth, the common good, and for the greater good of one's
self and others. Service learning requires intelligence to solve existing issues within our community.
Meanwhile, service learning present students with the opportunity to be actively involved in their
learning experience and keeps students aware of problematic concerns on a daily. Because of this
advantage, service learning students get to practice social concerns and issues prior to the work
force. As a young mother of two boys, I believe knowledge is power and it can change the thinking
process and as a result change the ways or actions of being, it did for me. Lastly, service learning
deepens the understanding of the complex issues surrounding our society and to do this the students
must attain
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Service Learning Reflection
I found that the materials presented in this course definitely helped to connect with my service
learning project. When I first read about this course, I thought it was going to be a difficult task to
relate the coursework and the 20 hours of service time to a final paper. However, once I started
doing my hours of work, it was almost eerie how the course material was spot on. In addition, if I
did view something that was different from the course material, it would motivate me to research the
topic further. I really enjoyed the hands on approach to this course. I am a visual learner, so having
readings, power point presentations, videos and then conducting the service hours was very
beneficial for me. Through the course material and
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Multicultural Service Learning
First, counselor educators' interested service learning should examine the needs of the program or
course. In this study, service learning was used as an experiential learning component to complete
the course objectives and CACREP requirements as listed in the syllabus. There were also other
elements that might have made service learning essential to the multicultural class. One of the
objectives is the focus on social justice. The majority of students enrolling in the counselor
education program used in this study is predominantly White. Furthermore, Bloom and Peters
(2012), cite that these students are sometimes unaware or have little or no experience working with
diverse communities.
Counselor educators interested in developing a service
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In Service–Learning and Academic Success: The Links to Retention Research, Dan Simonet puts
forth the idea, that students more involved in their learning benefit socially and academically. His
writing uses a formal approach to inform educators about the ways that Service–Learning can
improve the academic success and retention of their students. Explaining one of the advantages for
educators, Simonet suggests that service–learning can be a tool to help create "positive
relationships" with their students (1). Simonet uses climax to organize and present his evidence,
providing various examples of research throughout the article, to further the claim that service–
learning increases student retention and bolsters their academic success.
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Service Learning : Teaching And Learning
Service Learning
Service Learning is defined as a teaching and learning method that allows students to integrate with
the community. It is an idea to learn, experience and improve oneself while interacting with other
foreign students. Through this experience, we can acknowledge different perspectives, values and
diversities between two countries. For my service learning, I engaged in international events held at
KCC, such as International Game Week and International Fair. Through these experiences and
obstacles that I encountered along the way, it impacted the way I associate with others, which
includes my behaviors, my manner, and my attitudes. I will also pass on the great virtues of
This society consists of many people from different backgrounds and cultures. At certain activities,
students are required to cooperate with one another. My service learning project is to assist
international students to know about other cultures. The International Game Week was held at the
library. At this event, my job was to organize a game and invite students to play. I had to learn how
to play the game and be able to teach it to others. As an assistant, when there is more than one
student, I would let the students play while communicating with them. The purpose of this event
was not about winning prizes, but to enjoy the activities and make new friends from different
cultures and backgrounds.
At the International Fair, my job was to organize a Chinese cultural table along with
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Service Learning Experience
Service–learning has a massive potential as a teaching and learning strategy in college and
universities. It gives students a wide range of experience, which often benefit others and the
community, while also advancing the goals of curriculum–based learning. Service–learning is often
mistaken with volunteering and communication services. Both activities are a form of service within
a company and they are not necessary to have a connection with educational purposes, which is the
main objective of all service learning projects. Volunteering is a form of working towards helping a
specific social or educational duty in the community with no financial gain. Hence, it is similar to
community service, because both terms and both groups take the time, ... Show more content on ...
It gives me an opportunity to experience another world in a short period of time. This experience
gave me a definition that there are families out there does not have sufficient, safe and nutritious
food on a regular basis. There are millions people out there without food insecure. I had no idea how
Houston Food Bank inner workings happened and to see it in person was incredibly amazing. The
warehouse is huge, and with the vast amount of teamwork and communication that were required
was unbelievable. The amount of effort and time to help those in need are beyond phenomenal. An
experience like this can truly change the outlook and give you hope for the future, as well as put
things in perspective. I feel very blessed and grateful for this opportunity to see how some of the
process works, as well as meeting some great people and an opportunity to feel closer to the
community knowing I helped others but also, being appreciated for my
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Service Learning Reflection
The course objective for the class Service Learning in English is to increase one's knowledge about
language arts tutoring through readings, discussion, and experience working with teachers and a
specific student struggling with academics as well as his/her work ethic. I was assigned to tutor
Aaron Ring, a freshman at Christel House Academy South, a nationally acclaimed award–winning
school. The school has a healthy and safe, welcoming environment that contains a diverse
assortment of students and a 20:1 student–teacher ratio to allow teachers and students to build a
close relationship. The different rooms of the school were well–ordered and well–maintained.
Majority of the classrooms were clean with different lighting, colorful decorations, ... Show more
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I wanted to not only tutor him, but I wanted to be his mentor. Also, I wanted him to recognize the
importance of school and understand the work ethic he needs to go to college to achieve his goals.
After tutoring Aaron and connecting with him, I was able to get more personal with him and learn
about his personal life. Luckily, we found commonalities and we built a strong relationship away
from academics. Because of this interaction, I found that I had the potential to not only be an
effective tutor, but I could be a potential mentor for him. Aaron needed a mentor that has been
through some of the same issues he has been through. He needed a mentor that could lead him the
correct way to achieve his goal of going to college. Without hesitation, I gave him my cell phone
number as a source of communication during our tutoring period and after our tutoring period.
Giving him my cell phone number has been very effective because he has asked questions via text
messages about not only homework but college and life in general. A mentor for Aaron could be a
great source for his personal life and could also drive his academics, and I saw this after each
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Service Learning Reflection
The course objective for the class Service Learning in English is to increase one's knowledge about
language arts tutoring through readings, discussion, and experience working with teachers and a
specific student struggling with academics as well as his/her work ethic. I was assigned to tutor
Aaron Ring, a freshman at Christel House Academy South, a nationally acclaimed award winning
school. The school has a healthy and safe welcoming environment that contains a diverse assortment
of students and a 20:1 student–teacher ratio to allow teachers and students to build a close
relationship. The different rooms of the school were neat and well maintained. The classrooms were
very clean with different lightings, colorful decorations, couches for the ... Show more content on ...
When working with Aaron, I can understand how sometimes Mike felt more like a social worker
than a teacher. Sometimes when I tutored Aaron, I found our conversations lean more towards a
personal topic. He works really hard and is engaged in his studies, however he sometimes asks me
questions that are personal. I don't mind when he does so, but sometimes I feel more like a mentor
or social worker than a tutor. I enjoy helping him outside of school because he is only a freshman
and it is nice to have a different point of view sometimes. Rose showed me how it is okay to
sometimes set aside school and talk about personal topics and to help them for the future. Also,
while tutoring at Christel House Academy, I was able to relate how students sometimes are
categorized rather than fostered to learn more. Struggling students, like Aaron, aren't getting the
available assistance they need to perform well in school. Because of the categorization, Aaron's
grade are low, he is placed with others that are struggling, and is defined as academically challenged
by the institution. However, by tutoring and working with him to find different ways to teach him
will benefit how he learns in school. Overall, I had an amazing tutoring experience with Aaron and I
learned a lot about English literacy education, as well as being more than just a tutor for an
adolescent. Service Learning in English increased my knowledge about language arts tutoring
through readings, discussion, and experience working with Aaron on academics, as well as his work
ethic, and personal goals as a young
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Service Learning Reflection
Reflection 1
Learning about family policy while doing service learning can provide those participating in service
learning with demographics and background information on families and communities. The
importance of those doing the service learning and the community collaborating is to get an idea of
what is going on in their community that results in using the services provided by family policies.
Learning about family policies can help me to understand what services can be provided to families.
It can also help me understand what requirements are needed to qualify for certain services. It can be
beneficial doing service learning because it can provide me with the opportunity to gain real world
understanding and connections. Being able to see ... Show more content on ...
Learning about the family policies that are currently being used can make it easier to explain to
everyone that the policy affects. The government is always working and creating new policies to
accommodate families. If learning about family policy can improve the school systems, economy,
and overall health of families it is important to provide everyone with the resources to ensure that
they are given a fair chance to improve their quality of life. During the service learning I have the
chance to observe how the policy is affecting a family. I have the chance to see if they are benefiting
from the resources that are offered to them or if they may need more options to look at to help them.
Policies work differently with different families, school systems, and communities. This can give me
an understanding for what effects come with what family types. All situations are different so
expecting the policies to work perfectly with each family is not possible. Assisting them in finding
resources that work best is the best option; service learning can help with working closely with
families to ensure that everyone is provided for to make sure that they are given better chances in
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Service Learning Interests
I am a firm believer in the adage, "The university does not make the student; The student makes the
university." Therefore, I believe that my intellectual and academic interests could be explored at any
university. However, I feel as though the University of Pennsylvania will provide me with an
unrivaled pathway on which to explore my interests. Two distinct academic choices that caught my
attention were Freshmen Seminars and Service Learning, due to their relevance to my interests.
Intellectual and academic interests of mine include biological studies, with a focus on molecular
biology, as well as neurological pathways and how they influence cognitive function. The University
of Pennsylvania seems to be an extraordinary place to study
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Service Learning Project
Service Learning Project Pertaining to Goods Drive for Child Advocacy Center
For this service learning project, my group and I organized a goods drive. We placed donation boxes
around Denton for art–therapy supplies. The group also held an event on November 6, 2017, at
Texas Woman's University to encourage students to make donations. All the donations went to the
Child Advocacy Center in Denton; this organization provides assistance to children that have been
victims of physical or sexual abuse. This service learning project relates to the theories and ideas in
chapter 13 and chapter 14 of Women's Lives: A Psychological Exploration. Chapter 13 relates to
mental health, and it signifies the importance of social support during stressful ... Show more
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According to an article published in Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art therapy Association,
" therapy strengthened personal, spiritual and social development" (pg. 72, Kapitan, Litell,
Torres, 2011). Additionally, it could also help children reduce "acute stress symptom" (pg. 103,
Chapman, Morabito, Ladakakos, Schreier, Knudson, 2001). This type of therapy can be used to
build child's self–esteem by encouraging them to express themselves openly through art.
My experience has been consistent with what we learned in class. This project brought light to the
horrifying abuse that large number of children go through at a young age and this service learning
project allowed me to better understand their suffering and their need for assistance. My service
learning project made the course material relevant, because I could now better understand the
necessity to provide support and comfort to children at a young age.
This project benefited me personally because it allowed me to step out of my comfort zone. I am
somewhat of a shy person; and this project put me in uncomfortable situations where I had to
contact various business managers and request to put a donation box in their establishment. Many of
these businesses denied my request, but by the fifth or sixth call, my discomfort of talking to
strangers was gone. This project also benefited me academically because it required me to work in
groups. Group work
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The Benefits Of Service-Learning
For first–generation students, Yeh (2010) found that service–learning provided significant
opportunities to connect personal values with academics, which enabled participants to find greater
meaning in their education and increased their motivation to complete their bachelor's degrees.
Additionally, Hendel (2008) concluded that first–generation students' experiences in a service–
learning class allowed them to expand their self–awareness and ability to develop personal identities
by reflecting on shared characteristics with those they collaborated with. Furthermore, McKay and
Estrella (2008) examined the impact of service–learning courses on the social and academic
integration of 43 first–generation college students and found correlational support
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Service Learning Benefits
Volunteerism has often been touted as the backbone and heart beat of this nation. President Kennedy
encouraged a service–oriented atmosphere in his inauguration speech. Even President Obama
established a national volunteer week, hoping to encourage unity among the American people. The
idea of magnanimity and service have also proven to be just as inspiring and advantageous in the
academic realm. More high schools and higher learning institutions have implemented service
learning requirements into their curriculums. The results of this incorporation have transcended the
world of academia and have instilled invaluable lessons and tools that benefit students and society.
Service learning prepares students by having students engage throughout ... Show more content on ...
Incorporating service learning with academics is overall beneficial to students. With the
combination of both in–class learning and community service, students are given the opportunity to
use what they learn in class in the real world. Through this process, students are given skills that
they will continue to use for the rest of their lives. Service learning improves students' interactions
with their peers and encourages them to become active leaders in their
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Community Service-Learning
Service–Learning is a way of teaching and learning. It is a great opportunity to involve in
community service activities and to apply the experience to the academic and personal development.
My service –Learning was at Manatee Elementary School. My daughter is in kindergarten at the
same school. It was my first time to volunteer in a school; it was a great experience for me.
I helped in many activities in the school either at my daughter's class or with other classes. One of
these activities was the Walk–A–Thon, which is walking marathon and it is a type of school
fundraiser; the goal of it is to raise funds for specific items for the school needs. It was the
volunteer's role to keep the walkers safe and happy. I had the chance to deal with
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What Is Service-Learning?
The Service–Learning (S–L) is a collaboration between the student health workers and the
community which aims to build a healthier population. Included in its goals are shaping the student
health workers into responsible individuals upon achieving self–reliance to become role models and
servant–leaders in a healthier community, and to develop the new levels of knowledge, attitude, and
skills of each health learner. Service–Learning is a combination of doing community service and
having an opportunity to learn things out of the service done ( It is a
strategy of teaching and learning in which meaningful community service with instruction and
reflection to enrich the learning experience and strengthen communities is incorporated.
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Service Learning Reflection
Service Learning Reflection
Jacqueline Arana
For August 24, 2015
1). How do you believe service learning (SL) is utilized as a tool for fostering civic engagement? As
I read through the article, "Service Learning: The Process of Doing and Becoming an Occupational
Therapist", one of the things that stood out to me when reading the student's reflections, was how
service learning fosters greater civic awareness that one would not otherwise know about. For
instance, a couple of days ago, I was speaking to a friend who participated in a Health Occupations
for Positive Emotions (HOPE) program where she helped pregnant teens continue their education.
My friend being raised in a loving; protective family was not aware of the high percentage of teen
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Service Learning Project Reflection
Service Learning Project Reflection
An Experience Like No Other In the past, I have participated in community service projects. It
wasn't until The Leadership and Professional Development (LPD) class in the fall of 2012 that I was
introduced to the idea of service learning. This semester taught me the importance of reflecting on
the community service that I performed and actually taking something away from the experience.
This semester my team and I had the opportunity to participate in community service activities at
The Village at Carver Family YMCA at 1600 Pryor Road. We had the pleasure of working with a
wonderful and enthusiastic staff and mentoring some of the local youth. The youth that we mentored
ranged from kindergarten ... Show more content on ...
The group that I chose needed help in math. The problem with most of the kids was not that they
were incapable of learning the material. It was that they didn't find it interesting and did not
understand how it would help them in the future. A method that I used with them, that was taught to
me a apply math to making money. After I explained to how excelling in math would ultimately help
them make more money, they were more enthused about the subject area. I personally never saw
myself as a tutor but after helping the kids, it made me see certain qualities in myself that I did not
know I had. Among other things, my team and I had the privilege of sitting down and talking with
some of the senior citizens in the community. Besides helping the kids with their school work, this
was one of the most beneficial things about my community service at the YMCA. In my
conversation with some of the senior citizens, it allowed me to really appreciate the viewpoint of the
elderly and in return sharing my insight on a few things. It made me feel good because they
recognized us for doing something positive in the community and making a difference instead of
getting into to trouble. Now that my time at the service learning site is over, I am glad that I had the
opportunity to participate in it. It helped further myself in becoming a future leader. During the class
we discussed a couple of frameworks to help is grow and become great leaders. One of those was
the 21
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Service Learning Project
A key aspect of the project was to encourage students to engage in dialogue with local businesses in
order for the student to assess and adapt their own communication style based on the situation they
found themselves in. Students identified local businesses and discussed the cost and benefit of
collaborating with each entity. Students asked 12 local businesses to serve as community partners on
the service–learning project; eight agreed to participate.
Community partners hosted a Northwest Harvest donation box on–site; clients and customers were
asked to donate nonperishable food items. Some community partners elected to donate a door prize
to encourage and expand participation in the Highline College food drive. The campus–wide food ...
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59) of the observed phenomenon. Moustakas (1994) designated phenomenology as a form of
research in which "perception is regarded as the primary source of knowledge" (p. 52), while
Creswell (2013) described phenomenology as a method that explores the lived experience of a group
of individuals who have experienced the phenomenon.
Data Collection
I collected data through surveys and focus group discussions. I used a purposive sample to select the
participants for this study. As soon as the service–learning project was completed, each student who
had participated was asked to complete an online survey so that I could gauge their satisfaction with
the service–learning project. Thirty–two students out of the total of 50 completed the survey (a 64%
response rate).
Three 90–minute focus group discussions were conducted with a total of 26 consenting students to
probe their experience with and opinions about the service–learning project. Students were
approached and asked to voluntarily participate in the focus group discussions on the last day of the
academic quarter. Inclusion criteria consisted of willingness to be interviewed and participation in
the service–learning project. Of the 26 focus group participants, 13 were first–year students and 13
were second–year students. Twenty of the participants were ages 16 to 24 years; five were between
the ages of 25 and 34; one was between 45 and 54 years of age. Participants were
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Reflection On Service Learning
Throughout my service learning, I have mainly experienced working with children, at all different
levels of skill set. There are several children in my classroom, who have Individualized Education
Programs (IEP). I have worked with most of these particular students in small groups. One student I
have spent a quality amount of time with is recovering from a serious brain injury. Although, my
assistance has also been provided to all the students through teaching lessons and reading to the
classroom. Thus, my service learning experience, has consists mainly of differentiating approaches,
in order to provide support to students with a vast range of ability. Consequently, my mental schema
in the Multiple Intelligence Theory has changed. With my
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Impact On Service Learning

  • 1. Impact On Service Learning Initially, it was my understanding the article would discuss the positive impacts on a student after completing a service learning outside one's home country. In regard to "hard questions," I assumed the author would address challenges that arise while working with individuals that live in a different culture from our own, speak a different language from our own, etc. I thought the "impact" mentioned in the title was dealing with the student who was venturing out to complete the service work, and not the recipient of the service learning. After reading the article, I learned the actual discussion revolved around the impact service learning has on both first and third world countries. Crabtree explains two different benefits that come from ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Service Learning Project Analysis "Service–learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities" (Learn and Serve America National Service–Learning Clearinghouse). This assignment gave students the opportunity to go outside of their comfort zone, which is typically the classroom and see what the "real world" is like. As Gandhi would say "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" (Gandhi). I believe that this project really allowed us to appreciate what we have because many people are not as fortunate. During this service learning project I had certain expectations going into the project, but in the end, my results were not exactly as I expected. ... Show more content on ... I thought I would be learning how to give back to the community, considering I am a student athlete we do give back to the community a lot so I thought it would be teaching us how to do that so I was not very excited to learn something that I already knew. When I learned that I would be helping with DVACK (Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas) I got more excited, this is an organization that I have heard of, but never really knew much about. Going into this project I expected to experience a chaotic environment I was prepared to see people at their worse still living in an area that nobody should live in. I went into this project with one goal in mind and that was to have an open mind and try to imagine myself in their shoes and how I would feel, I really wanted to accomplish staying positive for the individuals that were in this position and I wanted to learn about the organization and how exactly it ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Service Learning Experience The next visit to service learning was in the afternoon. We had lots of activity. I spent outside with children and the wether was sunny and good for kids to get more vitamin D. We really enjoyed played around. One of the kids was so sweet and stay beside me all the time and asked me to play with him, I just felt happy and how simple that kids. They did not have resentment, hatred, and envy. Furthermore, It takes a lot out of me dealing with children because I have to remember they are not adults. In addition, If I faced this experience again, I might do something different, because I will prepare more and have some plans to do with children. I would do a couple of things differently. I would let the children use their creativity a little ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Reflection Of Service Learning Service Learning is an educational strategy set in place to enlighten students with instruction and experience, in addition to improve learning , teach responsibility, and support the community. Service learning is vital to the development of the student, given that it intertwines academic and personal development together. It is aimed to enhance a student's learning in all aspects of life. The critical difference of service learning and the traditional learning style is that students are learning and addressing real needs in the community. Which connect students to the community through meaningful interactions with others, safety, and educational needs. This specific course includes readings, discussions, and activities to support ... Show more content on ... During the duration of my participation, I worked mainly with intermediate/ advanced students. The class was divided into beginners and intermediate/ advanced students. Beginner students usually needed a lot of one on one with completely assignments. While on the other hand, intermediate/ advanced students did not need as much one on one since, they used computers to improve pronunciation and understanding of words/ phrases. I would double–check assignments, explain directions, and take part in discussions. Although on a few occasions I would find myself not being able to understand a student's accent or simply did not know the answer, I would direct them to Mrs. Hughes who they often refer to as teacher. A typical day consisted of, casual conversations between students, Mrs. Hughes, and myself while we wait for more students to arrive. The older female students often got side–tracked talking to one another and on their cell phones. I noticed the majority of the students who come to class are the intermediate/ advanced students, only two beginner students came throughout the entirety of my service. At most, only seven intermediate/ advanced students came to class. Yet, there were two constant students in attendance, Rose (intermediate) and Vicente (advanced). I consider both Rose and Vicente the most driven students in the program, their attendance and participation in class speaks for ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Importance Of Service-Learning It is also a "boundary spanning" activity in that it requires active involvement from people both within and outside of the classroom context, often resulting in participant contributors who represent a variety of generations, ethnicities, social groups, and experience levels (Billig and Furco, 2002, p.vii). Service–learning is designed to reduce the boundaries between an institutional campus environment and the community around it. It is designed to connect learning to real experience through service and reflection (Ball and Schilling, 2006; Becker, 2000). As a baseline to facilitate this development, service–learning is distinct from other types of community service and civic engagement experiences in that the service–learning experience must not only have a service and reflective component but also be clearly tied to the curriculum through learning objectives and theoretical underpinnings (Bloomquist, 2015; Pritchard, 2001). As Barbara Holland, former Director of the U.S. National Service–Learning Clearinghouse, shared, "Service–learning is all in the hyphen. It is the enrichment of specific learning goals through structured community service opportunities that respond to community–identified needs and opportunities." (Kenworthy–U'Ren, Taylor, and Petri, 2006: 121). Reciprocity and Relationship Although there is an important place for all types of student service experiences at the university level (e.g., community service, volunteering, civic engagement programs) where ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. A Career In Service Learning So far I have done a few weeks of service learning, and many might ask: well did you learn anything new about yourself, did you have a moment of realization or some sort of eye opener. Well yes and no, being at the Bartlett school volunteering with first–graders and third–graders has been so far, fantabulous. I learned that when I get older, I might want to pursue a career in the teaching field but only when I cannot do any more criminal justice careers. As in, maybe I got injured and cannot return, by the way not hoping this happens at all. Or maybe, I'm just fed up with working in such a career that I can just go for my teaching degree and become a teacher for that certain topic. But then again, teaching people certain things seem difficult to do and stressful. Seeing multiple students at once, having to remember their names, having to correct and input their grades, seems like too much. However, it still seems interesting! I most likely will look into this and keep it as a plan B or C. ... Show more content on ... Well, the students did, both in Service Learning and in the class that I am a Supplemental Instructor for. I've thought about it, how I'm good at creating review quizzes to help the students, how I show empathy towards others, how I'm decent when it comes to explaining certain topics, etc. (not trying to brag in any way just looking at the qualities a teacher must have). I think teachers have hard jobs and many people might take them for granted, but looking at it now, they come with many benefits. Those benefits are appreciation from other student's or teachers, high self–esteem, gaining so much courage, great communication skills, and many ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Service Learning Reflection Lauren Whybrew ENVIR 100 Service Learning Reflection DRAFT I chose to participate in service learning and I am excited to be volunteering with the Washington Trails Association (WTA) this quarter. A few years ago, I took an English class that also included a service–learning component. I spent time tutoring math and science to middle school students in Seattle, and I feel that by doing so I gained a perspective that I would not have otherwise obtained by doing individual research or by sitting in a lecture hall. I decided to participate in service learning this quarter with the hope that I would have a similar experience; to gain knew knowledge, or a new outlook that can only be experienced in a hands–on learning environment. Washington ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Benefits Of Service Learning Service learning is something that will be beneficial for me as a future educator. Service learning provides me the opportunity to take what I'm learning in the classroom and implement it. I had the opportunity to experience this at Watson Elementary school with Ms. Sherri Mccune. Ms. Mccune works with K–2 students who are struggling in the areas of math and reading. When I began my service learning Ms. Mccune, explained how she uses IEP's with many of her students. According to Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education textbook, IEP's our, " Is the legal document that describes the educational services a student receives" (Hallahan, Kauffman & Pullen, 2012, p.28). Ms. Mccune explained to me how she has to meet with all of her students parents and go through a plan of action for their child. I found this to be beneficial for me as a student to learn from her while she was working on one. When I learn in a classroom I like to apply what I'm learning, so I can fully understand what is being taught. ... Show more content on ... Although their were a few times when the students were not having a good day, there was not a lot of work was getting done. Ms. Mccune and I would mainly go different classrooms throughout the day helping different kindergarten classrooms. When we go into the classroom we help the teachers with anything that they need. For example, some of Ms. Mccunes students would come back to a different table and we would work on math homework. This is so that each of the students can take the amount of time that they need on the math assignment. Many of the student we worked with had learning disabilities in reading and math. Ms. Mccune gave me many ideas on how I can help students with learning disabilities in my ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Importance Of Service Learning Service–learning involves students in community service activities and applies the experience to personal and academic development. Service–learning course objectives are linked to real community needs that are designed in cooperation with community partners and service recipients. Service–learning engages students in a three–part process: classroom preparation through explanation and analysis of theories and ideas; service activity that emerges from and informs classroom context; and structured reflection tying service experience back to specific learning goals. Volunteering is any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition ... Show more content on ... When arriving I signed in and they gave us an overview of what projects had to be done and what was expected of us they separated us in groups and off we went. I was assigned to the back warehouse where we had to prepare backpacks for back to school. At the end of one table we had all the boxes of backpacks and people were supposed to pass them on and fill them up with one pen, glue stick, hand sanitizer, a pack of notebook paper, and some advertising papers where to get additional help. In the middle of the warehouse we had all the shipment boxes which was all the supplies the people from the tables needed. I was assigned to the middle area which was opening the shipment boxes and sorting the supplies to make it easier to hand the supplies to the people at the tables. During the whole time there I experienced teamwork, communication, and networking. Teamwork is a cooperative effort on the part of a group of people acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause. For example, we all contributed into reaching our goal which was to prepare as many backpacks as we could by helping one another, listening to each other, and treating each other with respect. Another example of teamwork from the learning service experience is that not one single person stood around we all got involved and participated to get the job ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Reciprocity In Service Learning Reciprocity is the Key Element in Service Learning Introduction College students need a practical environment to apply theories they learn in classes to real life experiences. Service–learning courses that have increased dramatically, as Kathy O'Byrne, the director of the UCLA Center for Community Learning said, created this engaging opportunity for the UCLA students. Cited in their website, "the Center supports courses and programs that stress the importance of global citizenship, diversity, leadership and social justice" ( Based on my experiences in Santa Monica Boys and Girls Club (SMBGC), service learning is a valuable and fruitful commitment that provides benefits to each party that gets involved within the site. More precisely, ... Show more content on ... And I do agree that service learning is time consuming but that is what makes service learning a distinctive and constructive experience. Through academic and personal improvements that the experience provides, service learners end up building stronger and improved characteristics. The study, done by Daniel A. Bureau, James S. Cole, and Alexander C. McCormick, for example, describes the differences between students taking and not taking service–learning courses. Students who are engaged in service learning show "improvements in their grades, increased civic engagement, enhanced job skills, and greater appreciation for diversity" (Blouin and Evelyn, 120). Additionally as Damron–Rodriguez says in Lim Andra's article on "Daily Bruin", service learners start to "see themselves as citizens, as residents that have a meaningful role in the community" (Andra). Through findings and experiences that students have, the personal growth that service learning manages to reach is ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Effectiveness Of Service Learning According to Felten and Clayton in the article Service Learning, they discuss with us how beneficial service learning is for students, staff, and community members.The effectiveness in Service learning includes the general community coming together to help serve a greater purpose. In regards to college, service learning serves as and experience to gain partnership and collaboration throughout the experience and community.For my service learning narrative, i chose to volunteer again with Ignite Church at James Monroe Elementary. From 2–4 we worked with a group of 4th graders on different activities that consisted of critical thinking, imagination, and problem–solving. The purpose of this afternoon was to connect with at least one of the students ... Show more content on ... Because I am an Independent student and I provide everything for myself I tend to feel entitled when it comes to certain things within my family. When I get around these fourth graders and listen to their problems and frustration I realize that my problems are not merely as frustrating than what they have to go through at the ages of nine and ten. Although I am not majoring in any child development or education, I feel that the lessons I have learned and the patience that I have been taught from them will help me when I study International business and business management. Both of my majors are ones where it is important to interact with every type of person regardless of age, gender, and sexuality. Fourth graders are a tough crowd to please but knowing that I can adapt to any kind of person will give me the confidence I need in my field of ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Service Learning Reflection According to Kathleen Flecky and Lynn Gitlow, service–learning is defined as, "learning that occurs in experiences, reflection, and civic engagement" (Flecky & Gitlow, 2011). In recent years more universities are implementing service learning into their curriculum. A key concept of service learning is civic responsibility. Civic responsibility can simply be defined as your responsibilities as a citizen. As will be shown later in this paper, service learning can have many benefits not only to a student, but also to the community members I personally believe that service learning is a great thing for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that service learning can give you great exposure to having face to face interaction which I think millennials try to avoid. Another reason that service learning is a great thing is that it can teach some people about how to be more compassionate as well as helping students understand their civic responsibilities as young adults. As stated by Flecky & Gitlow (2011), "a unique aspect of service–learning is that it incorporates structured opportunities for students, faculty and community partners to reflect on their interactions and activities in light of both educational and community objectives." (p. 1–2). My interpretation of this quote is that the authors view service learning in a positive light. My understanding is that the authors believe by students reflecting on their interactions with the community, it can help further their ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Facets Of Service Learning Discussion of Key Terms In the research of how service–learning impacts student academic achievement, there are terms that will need to be explained in order to understand why and the need for service–learning. Because there are many facets of service learning throughout the nation's high schools and districts, having the understanding of the terms is helpful in completing the research. Key Terms Service Learning. Yorio and Ye (2012) defines service–learning as "is an experience–based approach to education and learning that has a set of diverse learning outcomes" (p. 9). Although service learning is connecting classroom learning with community projects, it differs from community service which is simply voluntary work intended to help people ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Reflection On Service Learning For my service–learning assignment, I will be assisting students with their English via, Learn English Online (LEO). Our first week was used as an Open House, where we tried to work out some technical errors, and get a feel for the program we will be using. This was our first week of LEO, and I had only one student, Suyuan Chen, a 26–year–old PhD student from China. Since it was an Open House, there wasn't an exact lesson for the week, but I did take the opportunity to go over Past Tense Verbs with Suyuan. I had her tell me stories about previous vacations, so I could hear her use verbs in the past tense, and help her correct her speech. Suyuan, also had some issues when it comes to using plurals, and singular forms of a noun, we worked on ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Service Learning Trip Recently I took a service learning trip to Cambodia with my school, where we traveled with a non– profit organization named No Barriers USA and a non–governmental organization called Sustainable Schools International. On the trip I was able to learn so many interesting things about the culture, history, economic issues, and small NGOs working in the country to improve education. It is very important to me to learn about other countries and people, especially the ones who need help the most. My mother and her family moved to America from Laos, a developing country, to escape poverty and an oppressive government. Growing up I encountered many people who did not know anything about my culture, and that was very discouraging to me; therefore, when ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Importance Of Service Learning The University of Houston–Downtown along with the Houston Food Bank have given the opportunity for students to participate in a service learning experience by volunteering and engaging in community service in order for students to gain personal and academic development. Students volunteered at the Houston Food Bank as they made the choice to spend unpaid time completing numerous tasks that will benefit their community by feeding thousands of people each year. Such actions also qualify as community service as students volunteered through the Marilyn Davies College of Business which provided services to benefit the Houston Food Bank and the communities it serves. This experience made students be involve in service learning as they applied skills learned in classes such as communication, networking, and team work. As a result, students saw ideas and theories from the classroom being applied and explained further while reflecting on how they can apply such concepts to their learning objectives. Community service, volunteering, and service learning may be different in the manner they are accomplished; however, they are similar as the end goal is to learn from and help communities and people in need. The Houston Food Bank was founded in 1982 and it merged with End Hunger Network in 2008 to use their resources more effectively. The Houston Foodbank is part of Feeding America, the largest non–governmental domestic hunger relief organization in the United States. The Houston Food ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Service Learning Reflection For my service learning hours, I decided to assistant coach at Four Corners Charter Upper School. When I took on this task, being tremendously excited to work with the girls there and give back to this school. My role consisted of being the assistant coach to my sister Amanda Ramirez, helping her to guide and train the girls to learn the sport of lacrosse. Having experience in coaching high school girl's lacrosse, I came in with drills and strategies to be the most effective assistant coach. The girls that decided to come out for the team haven't ever heard of the sport, which became a good thing for coaching, giving us the upper hand for coaching and teaching the sport to the girls. The grade range of girls that came out for the sport was ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Reflection On Service Learning Before deciding where I wanted to do my service learning, I knew I wanted to do something that had some relevance to my degree that I will be receiving in healthcare management. I was eager to gain more experience and become more knowledgeable of how an organization operates as it relates to healthcare management. I was able to secure an opportunity to volunteer at the Dallas Veterans Affairs (VA) Hospital. After completing the required VA forms, I got partnered with Mr. Alonzo Price Jr. who is a Management Analyst in Ambulatory Care, which is the department that oversees the Primary Care Providers. The first day, I have arrived at the Ambulatory Care office I was a bit nervous because I did not know what they would expect of me. Mr. Price first professionally greeted me and shared with me the Dallas VA mission statement, to fulfill President Lincoln's promise "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan by serving and honoring the men and women who are America's Veterans." Mr. Price then provided me with a nametag and a projected itinerary for this week. During the first week of my service learning, I was taught how to properly answer telephones, greet patients, and schedule appointments. By performing these tasks, I was able to enhance my medical terminology and communication skills. Although I was not directly exposed to patient care, shadowing a healthcare manager allowed me to witness the actions that occur behind the scenes that make a difference in improving the quality of care that patients receive. During the second week, I had the opportunity to accompany Mr. Price to meetings that he had with the managers of the nurses and schedulers. During those meetings, the managers discussed the ideal approach of how to accommodate patients who call the schedulers to acquire appointments for urgent medical concerns. There seemed to be a problem with patients taking up appointment slots when they do not have a true need to be assessed by their doctor. It was ultimately concluded that the schedulers would coordinate communication between the patient and the registered nurse. The nurse would then triage the patient's concerns over the phone and provide medical guidance, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Service Learning : A Community Q1.1) Service learning involves a concerted approach to both serve the community and to develop the individual through services. General volunteering involves just serving the community. For example, volunteering at soup kitchen begins and ends with what one does at the soup kitchen. Service learning does not being and end with the service rendered. In addition to serving the community, there is an element of reflection. The reflection involves introspection, in an effort to develop personally, and thinking about the responsibility the individual has to the community, as well as thinking of ways to better serve the needs of the community. For example, the students who volunteered at the Milagro Center not only helped out children, but were made more aware of the needs of kids in the community. Without that experience, combined with reflection, they would not have the opportunity to help the community, learn about their community, and see ways to help better their community. This helps the community and fosters a connection between the students and the community. In that example, the experience helped those students teach the children about how to live healthier lives, because they knew how to communicate to these children and the needs of those children. Therefore, volunteering only represents a fraction of service–learning. Q1.2) Part of service learning is forming a connection to the local community and thinking about ways to better the community in which one resides. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Essay On Service Learning Service learning is a great new experience for college students. Students better themselves by participating in this program, but everyone has a different input on how they feel about it. Service learning could really help those that feel lost with their major or direction of life in general. By implementing a service learning requirement for all RCBC students to graduate it will create a positive change because it benefits the community, students may discover they love volunteering long–term, and students will also gain experience and course credits. Initially, implementing a service learning requirement for all RCBC students to graduate creates a positive change because it benefits the community: both parties benefit from it. ... Show more content on ... This will lead to students partaking in community service in their free time which is always a major positive and something everyone should be involved in. Scott Seider, Samantha Rabinowicz, and Susan Gillmor talk about service–learning in "Differential Outcomes for American College Students Engaged in Community Service–Learning Involving Youth and Adults". The authors also state "Students achieve a greater awareness of social issues and a deeper commitment to community involvement" (Seider, Rabinowicz, & Gilmore). The authors of the article also use Kendrick, Markus, Howard, and King as references for the quote. By helping the community, a person has a deeper relationship and a better understanding of it. This program also creates a solid activity they can add to their resume. Someone with an engineering major might start this and change their whole major because of service learning, realizing what they have a passion for. "Colleges are best–poised to create in their students a lifelong commitment to volunteering even a few hours a month" (Eggers). By going monthly, some students create a schedule in which they include volunteering. If they go on to do it for years, it becomes a part of their day to day routines, volunteering really changes a person for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Service Learning What is Service Learning? During this class, I heard a phrase more this semester than in my entire undergrad career majoring in special education at The University of Alabama. Service learning is the name of the term. Define service learning. The professor asked at the beginning of class and we looked uniformed. According to Wikipedia, "Service–learning is an educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide a pragmatic, progressive learning experience while meeting societal needs." Through– out three months, I have deliberated on this expression as well as practiced some acts of service learning. As a result, I have acquired knowledge about community based service and I will continually look at the special effects of service learning thru the rest of my educational career as a future teacher. Based upon my knowledge in this course, I learned that service learning is community work being done by students to give needed service back to their community in a way that everyone benefits. By doing so, it furthers ... Show more content on ... Additionally, it encourages student's growth, the common good, and for the greater good of one's self and others. Service learning requires intelligence to solve existing issues within our community. Meanwhile, service learning present students with the opportunity to be actively involved in their learning experience and keeps students aware of problematic concerns on a daily. Because of this advantage, service learning students get to practice social concerns and issues prior to the work force. As a young mother of two boys, I believe knowledge is power and it can change the thinking process and as a result change the ways or actions of being, it did for me. Lastly, service learning deepens the understanding of the complex issues surrounding our society and to do this the students must attain ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Service Learning Reflection I found that the materials presented in this course definitely helped to connect with my service learning project. When I first read about this course, I thought it was going to be a difficult task to relate the coursework and the 20 hours of service time to a final paper. However, once I started doing my hours of work, it was almost eerie how the course material was spot on. In addition, if I did view something that was different from the course material, it would motivate me to research the topic further. I really enjoyed the hands on approach to this course. I am a visual learner, so having readings, power point presentations, videos and then conducting the service hours was very beneficial for me. Through the course material and ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Multicultural Service Learning First, counselor educators' interested service learning should examine the needs of the program or course. In this study, service learning was used as an experiential learning component to complete the course objectives and CACREP requirements as listed in the syllabus. There were also other elements that might have made service learning essential to the multicultural class. One of the objectives is the focus on social justice. The majority of students enrolling in the counselor education program used in this study is predominantly White. Furthermore, Bloom and Peters (2012), cite that these students are sometimes unaware or have little or no experience working with diverse communities. Counselor educators interested in developing a service ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Service-Learning In Service–Learning and Academic Success: The Links to Retention Research, Dan Simonet puts forth the idea, that students more involved in their learning benefit socially and academically. His writing uses a formal approach to inform educators about the ways that Service–Learning can improve the academic success and retention of their students. Explaining one of the advantages for educators, Simonet suggests that service–learning can be a tool to help create "positive relationships" with their students (1). Simonet uses climax to organize and present his evidence, providing various examples of research throughout the article, to further the claim that service– learning increases student retention and bolsters their academic success. Students ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Service Learning : Teaching And Learning Service Learning Service Learning is defined as a teaching and learning method that allows students to integrate with the community. It is an idea to learn, experience and improve oneself while interacting with other foreign students. Through this experience, we can acknowledge different perspectives, values and diversities between two countries. For my service learning, I engaged in international events held at KCC, such as International Game Week and International Fair. Through these experiences and obstacles that I encountered along the way, it impacted the way I associate with others, which includes my behaviors, my manner, and my attitudes. I will also pass on the great virtues of Confucius. This society consists of many people from different backgrounds and cultures. At certain activities, students are required to cooperate with one another. My service learning project is to assist international students to know about other cultures. The International Game Week was held at the library. At this event, my job was to organize a game and invite students to play. I had to learn how to play the game and be able to teach it to others. As an assistant, when there is more than one student, I would let the students play while communicating with them. The purpose of this event was not about winning prizes, but to enjoy the activities and make new friends from different cultures and backgrounds. At the International Fair, my job was to organize a Chinese cultural table along with ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Service Learning Experience Service–learning has a massive potential as a teaching and learning strategy in college and universities. It gives students a wide range of experience, which often benefit others and the community, while also advancing the goals of curriculum–based learning. Service–learning is often mistaken with volunteering and communication services. Both activities are a form of service within a company and they are not necessary to have a connection with educational purposes, which is the main objective of all service learning projects. Volunteering is a form of working towards helping a specific social or educational duty in the community with no financial gain. Hence, it is similar to community service, because both terms and both groups take the time, ... Show more content on ... It gives me an opportunity to experience another world in a short period of time. This experience gave me a definition that there are families out there does not have sufficient, safe and nutritious food on a regular basis. There are millions people out there without food insecure. I had no idea how Houston Food Bank inner workings happened and to see it in person was incredibly amazing. The warehouse is huge, and with the vast amount of teamwork and communication that were required was unbelievable. The amount of effort and time to help those in need are beyond phenomenal. An experience like this can truly change the outlook and give you hope for the future, as well as put things in perspective. I feel very blessed and grateful for this opportunity to see how some of the process works, as well as meeting some great people and an opportunity to feel closer to the community knowing I helped others but also, being appreciated for my ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Service Learning Reflection The course objective for the class Service Learning in English is to increase one's knowledge about language arts tutoring through readings, discussion, and experience working with teachers and a specific student struggling with academics as well as his/her work ethic. I was assigned to tutor Aaron Ring, a freshman at Christel House Academy South, a nationally acclaimed award–winning school. The school has a healthy and safe, welcoming environment that contains a diverse assortment of students and a 20:1 student–teacher ratio to allow teachers and students to build a close relationship. The different rooms of the school were well–ordered and well–maintained. Majority of the classrooms were clean with different lighting, colorful decorations, ... Show more content on ... I wanted to not only tutor him, but I wanted to be his mentor. Also, I wanted him to recognize the importance of school and understand the work ethic he needs to go to college to achieve his goals. After tutoring Aaron and connecting with him, I was able to get more personal with him and learn about his personal life. Luckily, we found commonalities and we built a strong relationship away from academics. Because of this interaction, I found that I had the potential to not only be an effective tutor, but I could be a potential mentor for him. Aaron needed a mentor that has been through some of the same issues he has been through. He needed a mentor that could lead him the correct way to achieve his goal of going to college. Without hesitation, I gave him my cell phone number as a source of communication during our tutoring period and after our tutoring period. Giving him my cell phone number has been very effective because he has asked questions via text messages about not only homework but college and life in general. A mentor for Aaron could be a great source for his personal life and could also drive his academics, and I saw this after each tutoring ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Service Learning Reflection The course objective for the class Service Learning in English is to increase one's knowledge about language arts tutoring through readings, discussion, and experience working with teachers and a specific student struggling with academics as well as his/her work ethic. I was assigned to tutor Aaron Ring, a freshman at Christel House Academy South, a nationally acclaimed award winning school. The school has a healthy and safe welcoming environment that contains a diverse assortment of students and a 20:1 student–teacher ratio to allow teachers and students to build a close relationship. The different rooms of the school were neat and well maintained. The classrooms were very clean with different lightings, colorful decorations, couches for the ... Show more content on ... When working with Aaron, I can understand how sometimes Mike felt more like a social worker than a teacher. Sometimes when I tutored Aaron, I found our conversations lean more towards a personal topic. He works really hard and is engaged in his studies, however he sometimes asks me questions that are personal. I don't mind when he does so, but sometimes I feel more like a mentor or social worker than a tutor. I enjoy helping him outside of school because he is only a freshman and it is nice to have a different point of view sometimes. Rose showed me how it is okay to sometimes set aside school and talk about personal topics and to help them for the future. Also, while tutoring at Christel House Academy, I was able to relate how students sometimes are categorized rather than fostered to learn more. Struggling students, like Aaron, aren't getting the available assistance they need to perform well in school. Because of the categorization, Aaron's grade are low, he is placed with others that are struggling, and is defined as academically challenged by the institution. However, by tutoring and working with him to find different ways to teach him will benefit how he learns in school. Overall, I had an amazing tutoring experience with Aaron and I learned a lot about English literacy education, as well as being more than just a tutor for an adolescent. Service Learning in English increased my knowledge about language arts tutoring through readings, discussion, and experience working with Aaron on academics, as well as his work ethic, and personal goals as a young ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Service Learning Reflection Reflection 1 Learning about family policy while doing service learning can provide those participating in service learning with demographics and background information on families and communities. The importance of those doing the service learning and the community collaborating is to get an idea of what is going on in their community that results in using the services provided by family policies. Learning about family policies can help me to understand what services can be provided to families. It can also help me understand what requirements are needed to qualify for certain services. It can be beneficial doing service learning because it can provide me with the opportunity to gain real world understanding and connections. Being able to see ... Show more content on ... Learning about the family policies that are currently being used can make it easier to explain to everyone that the policy affects. The government is always working and creating new policies to accommodate families. If learning about family policy can improve the school systems, economy, and overall health of families it is important to provide everyone with the resources to ensure that they are given a fair chance to improve their quality of life. During the service learning I have the chance to observe how the policy is affecting a family. I have the chance to see if they are benefiting from the resources that are offered to them or if they may need more options to look at to help them. Policies work differently with different families, school systems, and communities. This can give me an understanding for what effects come with what family types. All situations are different so expecting the policies to work perfectly with each family is not possible. Assisting them in finding resources that work best is the best option; service learning can help with working closely with families to ensure that everyone is provided for to make sure that they are given better chances in ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Service Learning Interests I am a firm believer in the adage, "The university does not make the student; The student makes the university." Therefore, I believe that my intellectual and academic interests could be explored at any university. However, I feel as though the University of Pennsylvania will provide me with an unrivaled pathway on which to explore my interests. Two distinct academic choices that caught my attention were Freshmen Seminars and Service Learning, due to their relevance to my interests. Intellectual and academic interests of mine include biological studies, with a focus on molecular biology, as well as neurological pathways and how they influence cognitive function. The University of Pennsylvania seems to be an extraordinary place to study ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Service Learning Project Service Learning Project Pertaining to Goods Drive for Child Advocacy Center For this service learning project, my group and I organized a goods drive. We placed donation boxes around Denton for art–therapy supplies. The group also held an event on November 6, 2017, at Texas Woman's University to encourage students to make donations. All the donations went to the Child Advocacy Center in Denton; this organization provides assistance to children that have been victims of physical or sexual abuse. This service learning project relates to the theories and ideas in chapter 13 and chapter 14 of Women's Lives: A Psychological Exploration. Chapter 13 relates to mental health, and it signifies the importance of social support during stressful ... Show more content on ... According to an article published in Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art therapy Association, " therapy strengthened personal, spiritual and social development" (pg. 72, Kapitan, Litell, Torres, 2011). Additionally, it could also help children reduce "acute stress symptom" (pg. 103, Chapman, Morabito, Ladakakos, Schreier, Knudson, 2001). This type of therapy can be used to build child's self–esteem by encouraging them to express themselves openly through art. My experience has been consistent with what we learned in class. This project brought light to the horrifying abuse that large number of children go through at a young age and this service learning project allowed me to better understand their suffering and their need for assistance. My service learning project made the course material relevant, because I could now better understand the necessity to provide support and comfort to children at a young age. This project benefited me personally because it allowed me to step out of my comfort zone. I am somewhat of a shy person; and this project put me in uncomfortable situations where I had to contact various business managers and request to put a donation box in their establishment. Many of these businesses denied my request, but by the fifth or sixth call, my discomfort of talking to strangers was gone. This project also benefited me academically because it required me to work in groups. Group work ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Benefits Of Service-Learning For first–generation students, Yeh (2010) found that service–learning provided significant opportunities to connect personal values with academics, which enabled participants to find greater meaning in their education and increased their motivation to complete their bachelor's degrees. Additionally, Hendel (2008) concluded that first–generation students' experiences in a service– learning class allowed them to expand their self–awareness and ability to develop personal identities by reflecting on shared characteristics with those they collaborated with. Furthermore, McKay and Estrella (2008) examined the impact of service–learning courses on the social and academic integration of 43 first–generation college students and found correlational support ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Service Learning Benefits Volunteerism has often been touted as the backbone and heart beat of this nation. President Kennedy encouraged a service–oriented atmosphere in his inauguration speech. Even President Obama established a national volunteer week, hoping to encourage unity among the American people. The idea of magnanimity and service have also proven to be just as inspiring and advantageous in the academic realm. More high schools and higher learning institutions have implemented service learning requirements into their curriculums. The results of this incorporation have transcended the world of academia and have instilled invaluable lessons and tools that benefit students and society. Service learning prepares students by having students engage throughout ... Show more content on ... Incorporating service learning with academics is overall beneficial to students. With the combination of both in–class learning and community service, students are given the opportunity to use what they learn in class in the real world. Through this process, students are given skills that they will continue to use for the rest of their lives. Service learning improves students' interactions with their peers and encourages them to become active leaders in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Community Service-Learning Service–Learning is a way of teaching and learning. It is a great opportunity to involve in community service activities and to apply the experience to the academic and personal development. My service –Learning was at Manatee Elementary School. My daughter is in kindergarten at the same school. It was my first time to volunteer in a school; it was a great experience for me. I helped in many activities in the school either at my daughter's class or with other classes. One of these activities was the Walk–A–Thon, which is walking marathon and it is a type of school fundraiser; the goal of it is to raise funds for specific items for the school needs. It was the volunteer's role to keep the walkers safe and happy. I had the chance to deal with ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Is Service-Learning? The Service–Learning (S–L) is a collaboration between the student health workers and the community which aims to build a healthier population. Included in its goals are shaping the student health workers into responsible individuals upon achieving self–reliance to become role models and servant–leaders in a healthier community, and to develop the new levels of knowledge, attitude, and skills of each health learner. Service–Learning is a combination of doing community service and having an opportunity to learn things out of the service done ( It is a strategy of teaching and learning in which meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience and strengthen communities is incorporated. ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Service Learning Reflection Service Learning Reflection Jacqueline Arana For August 24, 2015 1). How do you believe service learning (SL) is utilized as a tool for fostering civic engagement? As I read through the article, "Service Learning: The Process of Doing and Becoming an Occupational Therapist", one of the things that stood out to me when reading the student's reflections, was how service learning fosters greater civic awareness that one would not otherwise know about. For instance, a couple of days ago, I was speaking to a friend who participated in a Health Occupations for Positive Emotions (HOPE) program where she helped pregnant teens continue their education. My friend being raised in a loving; protective family was not aware of the high percentage of teen ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Service Learning Project Reflection Service Learning Project Reflection An Experience Like No Other In the past, I have participated in community service projects. It wasn't until The Leadership and Professional Development (LPD) class in the fall of 2012 that I was introduced to the idea of service learning. This semester taught me the importance of reflecting on the community service that I performed and actually taking something away from the experience. This semester my team and I had the opportunity to participate in community service activities at The Village at Carver Family YMCA at 1600 Pryor Road. We had the pleasure of working with a wonderful and enthusiastic staff and mentoring some of the local youth. The youth that we mentored ranged from kindergarten ... Show more content on ... The group that I chose needed help in math. The problem with most of the kids was not that they were incapable of learning the material. It was that they didn't find it interesting and did not understand how it would help them in the future. A method that I used with them, that was taught to me a apply math to making money. After I explained to how excelling in math would ultimately help them make more money, they were more enthused about the subject area. I personally never saw myself as a tutor but after helping the kids, it made me see certain qualities in myself that I did not know I had. Among other things, my team and I had the privilege of sitting down and talking with some of the senior citizens in the community. Besides helping the kids with their school work, this was one of the most beneficial things about my community service at the YMCA. In my conversation with some of the senior citizens, it allowed me to really appreciate the viewpoint of the elderly and in return sharing my insight on a few things. It made me feel good because they recognized us for doing something positive in the community and making a difference instead of getting into to trouble. Now that my time at the service learning site is over, I am glad that I had the opportunity to participate in it. It helped further myself in becoming a future leader. During the class we discussed a couple of frameworks to help is grow and become great leaders. One of those was the 21 ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Service Learning Project A key aspect of the project was to encourage students to engage in dialogue with local businesses in order for the student to assess and adapt their own communication style based on the situation they found themselves in. Students identified local businesses and discussed the cost and benefit of collaborating with each entity. Students asked 12 local businesses to serve as community partners on the service–learning project; eight agreed to participate. Community partners hosted a Northwest Harvest donation box on–site; clients and customers were asked to donate nonperishable food items. Some community partners elected to donate a door prize to encourage and expand participation in the Highline College food drive. The campus–wide food ... Show more content on ... 59) of the observed phenomenon. Moustakas (1994) designated phenomenology as a form of research in which "perception is regarded as the primary source of knowledge" (p. 52), while Creswell (2013) described phenomenology as a method that explores the lived experience of a group of individuals who have experienced the phenomenon. Data Collection I collected data through surveys and focus group discussions. I used a purposive sample to select the participants for this study. As soon as the service–learning project was completed, each student who had participated was asked to complete an online survey so that I could gauge their satisfaction with the service–learning project. Thirty–two students out of the total of 50 completed the survey (a 64% response rate). Three 90–minute focus group discussions were conducted with a total of 26 consenting students to probe their experience with and opinions about the service–learning project. Students were approached and asked to voluntarily participate in the focus group discussions on the last day of the academic quarter. Inclusion criteria consisted of willingness to be interviewed and participation in the service–learning project. Of the 26 focus group participants, 13 were first–year students and 13 were second–year students. Twenty of the participants were ages 16 to 24 years; five were between the ages of 25 and 34; one was between 45 and 54 years of age. Participants were ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Reflection On Service Learning Throughout my service learning, I have mainly experienced working with children, at all different levels of skill set. There are several children in my classroom, who have Individualized Education Programs (IEP). I have worked with most of these particular students in small groups. One student I have spent a quality amount of time with is recovering from a serious brain injury. Although, my assistance has also been provided to all the students through teaching lessons and reading to the classroom. Thus, my service learning experience, has consists mainly of differentiating approaches, in order to provide support to students with a vast range of ability. Consequently, my mental schema in the Multiple Intelligence Theory has changed. With my ... Get more on ...