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Impact Of Social Darwinism On Society
The real source of Social Darwinism is Herbert Spencer an English sociologist who took Darwin's
theory and applied it to how societies change and evolve over time. As a sociologist, he did not feel
the need to improve society, for he felt that societies were bound to change own its own. He took the
theory of evolution one step beyond biology and applied it to say that societies were organisms that
progress through changes similar to that of a living species. It was his philosophy that societies
would begin simple and then progress to a more complex form. He also found similarities between
animal organisms and societies in that both had three main systems. The first system is the
regulative system for animals that would be the central nervous system in societies it would be
government ... Show more content on ...
He also created the phrase 'survival of the fittest' due to the fact that he believed human behavior
was designed in a way that strives for self–preservation. The theory of social Darwinism created the
thinking of the 'survival of the fittest' as that the strongest and the fittest should survive and be on
top in society, and the weak should be allowed to die out. This allowed him to believe that the rich
and powerful became so because they were better–suited to the social and economic climate of the
time. He believed it was natural or normal that the strong survived at the cost of the weak. He is also
perhaps best known for coining the term "survival of the fittest," elaborating what came to be known
as the philosophy of social Darwinism. But, popular belief to the contrary, he did not merely
appropriate and generalize Darwin's work on natural selection; he only incorporated Darwin's theory
of natural selection into his preexisting synthetic philosophical
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The Theory Of Social Darwinism
The presidential elections are upon us once again, debate has been a common place to hear plans
and deduce ideologies of various candidates. Income inequalities has been one hot topic and address
by almost all the candidates. Some believe a higher tax rate on the rich is the solution whiles others
believe it will do more harm to the society good. I ask myself, should Mr. Herbert Spencer, Minister
Graham Sumner, and Andrew Carnegie come back to life, what will be their response? The
aforementioned are the considered the fathers of Social Darwinism. In this essay I will discuss and
evaluate the theory of Social Darwinism.
Social Darwinism, a theory that supposed that humans are subject to Darwin's law of evolution just
like all other species ... Show more content on ...
The Chief Chef being Mr. Herbert Spencer and owing it rise and popularization – especially in The
United States – to the highly influential Yale Chair of political and social science, Minister William
Graham Sumner. Sumner once said. "Let it be understood that we cannot go outside this alternative:
liberty, inequality, survival of the fittest; not–liberty, equality, survival of the unfittest." He claims
"The former carries society forward and favors all its best members; the latter carries society
downwards and favors all its worst members." (VAROUS, 2009) This statement epitomize the
thinking or ideals of a Social Darwinian and it will also form the basis for most of my discussion
and evaluation.
Adam Smith's classical economies theories being one of the major ingredients in the Social
Darwinian theory, meant they were strong proponents of Hands "off" Laissez–faire. They advocated
restricted government intervention and or meddling with the economy, they believed in individual
self–interest and competition and opposed the taxation and regulation of commerce. Taxation to a
Social Darwinian was just a robbery of resources from the producer to the non–producer and for that
matter not a good practice. The state or society they believe in should be built on "contract".
Contract they
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Thre Views of Social Darwinism
The concept of Social Darwinism was a widely accepted theory in the nineteenth–century. Various
intellectual, and political figures from each side of the political spectrum grasped the theory and
interpreted it in various ways. In this paper, we will discuss three different nineteenth–century
thinkers and their conception of Social Darwinism. The conservative, Heinrich von Treitschke, and
liberal Herbert Spencer both gave arguments on the usefulness of competition between people on a
global scale. The anarchist, Peter Kropotkin, refuted the belief of constant competition among
members of the same species and emphasized mutual aid. Heinrich von Treitschke's defense of
Social Darwinism was a direct result of his view on the ... Show more content on ...
To Treitschke, society would only have a place for Jews if they decided to convert to Christianity
and assimilate to the culture of their respective European nation – implying that the Christian
European was superior to that of the Jew. English liberal Herbert Spencer gave his own defense of
Social Darwinism and conflict between human beings. Spencer believed that competition between
animals helped advance their spieces to a higher level over a long period of time; he extended this
argument to humans and warfare. Much like Treitschke, Spencer argued that warfare and
competition between humans had exemplified the ability to root out the weak from the earth. The
world to Spencer was a continual struggle between the strong and intelligent, to that of the weak and
feeble–minded – resulting a continual progression of intellect and honing of the senses. According
to Spencer, if societies were not able to adapt to compete, they would cease to exist. Spencer
believed that wars of primitive man were necessary because they were instrumental in developing
the structure of their growing societies. As a result of war, tribes were encouraged to confederate,
confederations gave way to small nations, and large nations progressed into large advanced
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Examples Of Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is a theory promoted by 19th century philosopher and scientist Herbert Spencer.
The theory is based on the idea of natural selection (called Darwinism) in the animal world but is
applied to humans and their way of life. Social Darwinism and Darwinism both imply that only the
strongest or most well adapted to their surroundings will survive but Social Darwinism explains this
in a different way to fit human life. For example it implies that those people/groups with the most
economic and technological knowledge along with those that are strong mentally and physically will
be more successful in life and grow, while those that are not would eventually diminish. The theory
and its followers held that life as humans in society was ... Show more content on ...
Many people turned to Social Darwinism to argue against government programs to aid the poor,
because they believed the poor were inferior humans. Herbert Spencer actually backed this idea and
even gave an example by telling a story of a girl named Margaret from New York who only lived
because of government aid, and had become a "prolific mother" and produced many children that
grew up to be "idiots, imbeciles, drunkards, lunatics, paupers, and prostitutes." he ended the
example by asking a question of "Was it kindness or cruelty which, generation after generation,
enabled these to multiply and become an increasing curse to society around them?".Social
darwinism was often cited in eugenics which sought to improve the health and intelligence of the
human race where they would often sterilize "inferior" humans, often targeting the poor, women,
minorities, and immigrants to allow a superior human race to thrive and grow. Though social
darwinism was very popular among americans in the gilded age during the second world war Social
darwinism began to lose favor among the american people do to its use in Nazi
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Spencer's Theory Of Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism came to popularity in 1859 when Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, published
his book called On the Origin of Species about his theory of "Darwinism". This theory was very
popular between the years 1870–1890; it spanned until the early 1900s (around 1910). Social
Darwinism is any conviction or hypothesis that endeavors to clarify human culture as far as regular
determination specifies the hypothesis that people, ethnic gatherings, and so on make progress or
predominance as a result of inborn hereditary prevalence and a resultant upper hand. The hypothesis
of Social Darwinism said that the people who were feeble were getting smaller in quantity as the
more solid people developed in power. Herbert Spencer, a British philosopher and sociologist,
acquired Darwin's theory of evolution and twisted the idea around to make his idea of "survival of
the fittest" connect with Darwin's theory. Spencer said: "The wealthy and powerful were the 'fittest,'
people endowed with innate intelligence, strength, and the adaptability that enabled them to succeed
in the competitive world of business" (Visions of America). ... Show more content on ...
Businesses were also affected by this theory by ways of being the "fittest" business which could
produce products faster and better for the economy and consumer. The smaller, more "lazy"
businesses were not fit to join the market and would soon tumble under and lose the business. Social
Darwinism had a huge negative impact on racial structures. The theory basically says that whites are
on top because they were, obviously, superior over the black population of the time period. It also
says that we should not, by any means, let the "inferior" blacks take over our so called
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Background of Social Darwinism
Racial profiling is not new, however, and was a theory of sociology in the late 19th century known
as Social Darwinism. Incorrectly using Darwin's theory of evolution, the Social Darwinists believed
that some species were morally superior to others, and even some races superior to others ADDIN
EN.CITE Johnson200813(Johnson)13136Johnson, D.P.The Historical Background of Social
DarwinismContemporary Sociological Theories2008New YorkSpringer ( HYPERLINK l
"_ENREF_4" o "Johnson, 2008 #13" Johnson). Public perception, though, believes in favor of
seeing race as a reason for crime, and having a considerable fear of anyone outside their own ethnic
group depending on the situation. Similarly, much so–called "organized crime," amounting to
billions of dollars annually has similar stereotypes of ethnic origin (e.g. Mafia La Costa Nostra,
Russian Mafia, Chinese Triads, Mexican Mafia, etc.). Still, over the past few decades, at least since
the Rodney King beating, the use of race by law enforcement, and then after 9/11 by Homeland
security, has received considerable political and media attention. One is agog, for instance, at the
number of traffic stops that seem to target certain drivers, or the amount of arrests for similar
situations focused on minorities. We must remember, too, that racial profiling, or stereotyping, is
nothing new for centuries, cultures have looked to the "other" for excuses to go to war, to
incarcerate, or to find reason for authoritarian behavior. Witness the
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Social Darwinism : Rosemary 's Baby
Social Darwinism in Rosemary's Baby In The Gothic Body, by discussing Darwinist theory and the
mutability of human identity, Kelly Hurley shows that biological, monstrous transformation of
human beings was a "ruination of traditional constructs of human identity that accompanied the
modelling of new ones at the turn of the century" (Hurley 3). In Rosemary's Baby, the existence of
an evolved, abhuman baby may suggest that the characters also undergo such Darwinian evolution.
However, in the novel, this biological Darwinian transformation is actually a metaphor of social
Darwinian evolution. Rosemary's Baby illustrates a fierce competitive society, where the standard of
traditional religious morality has gradually been abandoned, and social ... Show more content on ...
Through reflecting social Darwinian progress in society and portraying the baby as the result of
human ethical corruption, Rosemary's Baby portrays the horror of human metamorphosis under
social disorder and indicates that holding a moral belief, such as believing in God, is necessary for a
society to create its order. In Rosemary's Baby, society undergoes evolutionary "progress". It
transitions from the age of God to a new godless era, where "religion [or God] doesn't mean as much
to [society] now as it did" (Levin 79). The Pope, the spokesman of God, chooses not to visit New
York "where the newspapers are on strike" (Levin 55) since he no longer has power "to maintain
(the illusion of)...discrete...identity" –a morality based social order (Hurley 4). Without being
bounded and guided by the doctrine of God, society may shape people's identities in an "unthinkable
morphic" way (Hurley 7). At the beginning, Guy Woodhouse is normal and caring "like other
women's husbands" (Levin 23). He is not angry at Rosemary when she is capricious and insists upon
staying at the Bramford despite the fact that they already signed the lease of another apartment. He
still treats her with kindness and bothers to cancel the lease at Rosemary's wish. However, Guy
abandons his morality and transforms into a monstrous devil to gain a role in a play. Perceiving
himself as an intelligent actor in the process of "becoming [a great star]," he is unwilling to
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Research Paper On Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is a quasi–philosophical, quasi–religious, quasi–sociological view that came from
the mind of Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher in the 19th century. It did not achieve wide
acceptance in England or Europe, but flourished in this country, as is true of many ideologies,
religions, and philosophies. A good summary of Social Darwinism is by Johnson:
In these years, when Darwin's Origin of Species, popularized by Herbert Spencer as "the
survival of the fittest, " and applied to races as well as species in a vulgarized form, Social
Darwinism, the coming Christian triumph was presented as an Anglo–Saxon Protestant one.
Social Darwinism is by no means dead, for vestiges of it can be found in the ... Show more content
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(That is, they were not of the same kind, type or variety.)
What this seemed to mean to Darwin was biological evolution. Organisms better suited to their
environment gained some survival advantage and passed their genetically transmitted advantages to
their offsprings. Darwin thought that this process was extremely slow and even. In fact, we became
aware that it is neither slow nor even: there are examples of a good deal of change in a short period
of time; and there are examples of very little change over a long period of time. Nor did Darwin
understand the mechanism by which the transmission took place. This was to be figured out by
Gregor Mendel, Thomas Hunt Morgan, DeVries and in our own time, Watson and Crick who
deduced the spiral shape of the DNA molecule.
Darwin's discoveries struck his native England, as well as Europe, and this country with an
enormous impact. They ran into total conflict with the idea of special creation, which one can find in
the Book of Genesis, especially Chapter I and II. The emotional impact of Darwin's discoveries have
not abated.
The Misapplication of a Biological Theory
But, for our purposes, it is the use to which some people made of biological evolution which
concerns us. Some simplified the idea to "survival of the fittest." Others believed that an
identical process took place among human beings. They believed that white Protestant Europeans
had evolved
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Examples Of Social Darwinism In The Jungle
In Sinclair's novel, the jungle, you get a closer look into the societal classes and the struggles that
immigrants face when they come to America. In this essay, I will be talking about all the things that
Jurgis as well as his family have overcome. Such as their downfalls as well as how they prospered
and managed to stay together through most of the novel. Social Darwinism helps you get a different
perspective of all the things going on in the societal classes.
When someone has no motivation they really have no want to succeed. Being an immigrant and
coming to the United States doesn't mean you're going to get rich at the instant. Even by working,
you won't get at the level of the upper class rich people. Dishonesty is shown a lot among
immigrants. Jurgis for example at the beginning of the novel had his family, his wife Ona, which
made him the happiest man alive. No matter how rough the situation was he wouldn't care because
he had his wife. Life put Jurgis through some pretty tough obstacles like the death of Ona and then
shortly after the death of his baby. The so called real estate agent offered them a deal on this
supposed great house that was cheap and exactly what they were looking for but little did Jurgis
know that with that house came many more little pricy things that the agent forgot to tell them.
Since that point on every day living in that house was hell. Everyone in that household worked and
they barely made it through the month. Barely made it through with
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How Did Social Darwinism Influence Hitler
Social Darwinism was a sociological theory popular in late nineteenth–century Europe and the
United States. It merged Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection and Herbert Spencer's
sociological theories to justify imperialism, racism, and laissez–faire (conservative) social and
economic policies. Adolf Hitler was amongst those inspired and spurred on by Social Darwinism,
which he used as a foundation for Nazi theory and race policies in the years leading up to the
Holocaust. In this paper I will discuss the profound influence of Darwinism on Hitler's ideology, and
examine the ways that the Nazi racial and biological policy grew out of a well–established and
generally accepted scientific tradition.
"There is little doubt that the history of ethnocentrism, racism, nationalism, and xenophobia has
been also a history of the use of science and the actions of scientists in support of these ideas and
social movements. In many cases it is clear that science was used merely as raw material or
evidence by ideologically interested political actors as proof of preconceived notions."
Social Darwinism ... Show more content on ...
Social Darwinists argued that individuals and groups, just like plants and animals, competed with
one another for success in life. They used this idea to justify the status quo by claiming that the
individuals (or groups of individuals) at the top of social, economic, or political hierarchies
belonged there, as they had competed against others and had proven themselves best adapted. Any
social or political intervention that weakened the existing hierarchy, they claimed, would undermine
the natural
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The Many Faces Of Social Darwinism
Kimberly Hollman HIS356K
March 3, 2016
The Many Faces of Social Darwinism
Hollman 1 of 5 The second half of the 19th century was a time of great flux in the United States.
The impact of the Civil War perturbed all spheres of American domestic life, leaving its citizens in a
state of anxiety regarding their beliefs, government, and even their fellow man. These changes
happened concurrently with advances in the sciences: on the eve of the Civil War, Charles Darwin
published his influential On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the
Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Darwin's theory of evolution via natural
selection was met with widespread acclaim and recognition, but was thereafter reappropriated to
explain the dynamic and sometimes struggling socioeconomic condition of the United States.
Endless interpretations of Social Darwinism crept into the collective consciousness as a philosophy
backed by scientific evidence, affecting all spheres of life. Darwinism, and the progressive
movement pushback, forced America to define and defend its beliefs regarding interpersonal
dynamics on all levels, resulting in most Americans adopting a 'pick and choose' mentality towards
the philosophy.
Social theorist Herbert Spencer, a contemporary to Darwin, was one of the most vocal proponents of
Social Darwinism. Coining the term "Survival of the Fittest", he proposed that there existed a
natural order to society, where the strong– be it on an
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Social Darwinism: Impact On The Modern Era
Social Darwinism
Social darwinism is the theory of human groups and races are subjects to the same laws of natural
selection.laissez faire was developed from social also caused a lot of suffering mentally
and physical capacity.Darwinism was created before the origin species.
Social darwinism is based on heavy traits and characteristics this determines if any races this is
important because it allows people to have a selection .
Social darwinism has had an evil impact on modern era . and has often explained that social
darwinism has a bigger impact intelligence and fitness environment it showed that the smartest and
more fit are the ones to have children because they thought that they
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Social Darwinism And Its Effect On Society
Strength, intelligence, valuable talents and gifts, all these are traits that are desired by society.
However, only certain people have the gift of strength or the gift of intelligence. Everyone is
different. If everyone was the same, if everyone was perfect, life would be dull. Some people may
want perfection, but who wants a boring, lifeless world? Unfortunately, some people did, and still
do. The people who want a perfect society and who believe that strong, intelligent, and talented
people are the ones who deserve to "survive," are called Social Darwinists. Social Darwinism is a
competition between groups in society, usually resulting in the most fit, or most capable, coming out
on top. Social Darwinists argue that the strong's power and wealth should increase, whereas the
weak's should decrease. There are different views as to who these weak and strong groups are, but
all Social Darwinists agree that the strong should be rewarded and the weak punished. The concept
of Social Darwinism is based off of Charles Darwin's theories of natural selection and survival of
the fittest. Even though the name suggests it, Charles Darwin did not develop this idea. In the 1800s,
Herbert Spencer, Walter Bagehot, and William Graham Sumner, all sociologists, decided that
Darwin's theories of natural selection, and survival of the fittest applied to not only animals, but
people too, particularly those living under Laissez–faire capitalism. Laissez–faire capitalism is when
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Social Darwinism And Natural Selection
It is almost undeniable that the technologies cause rapid changes in human relationships, cultures,
and societies. While it enormously facilitates us in nearly every aspect of our life, such changes also
create consequences that we do not yet realize. Almost all of us know Darwinism and Natural
Selection in the biological field, but we often overlook the similar phenomena in the social aspect.
In fact, resemble to the way we adapt to our physical environment, we also adapt to our social
environment in order to survive and excel in our social relationships. Such adaption is called Social
Darwinism. Because technologies have significantly influenced our social environment, humans are
forced to adapt not only to technologies, but also to the ... Show more content on ...
The reason behind such decision is that unless in urgent situations, other people expect them to text,
the technology that is more prevalent and requires less effort to respond than phone (Turkle 375).
Although "Tara and Leonora are discontent, but do not feel they have a choice. This is where
technology has brought them" (Turkle 375). From those examples, we can easily observe that
because the notions of using certain technology have already became parts of our general social
roles, people can no longer resist the influence of it regardless of our feeling.
In the meantime, we are also forced to mentally adapt popularity and efficiency, the core values of
modern technologies. In analogy, humans evolve (in the bigger and smaller scale) not only because
of our side environment, but also the pressure under the notion that only the fittest among us can
survive. In the comparison between phone calls and texts, texts are not any more technologically
advanced than phone calls are. However, we in general still prefer texts, and intentionally or
unintentionally make others around us use them because of the efficiency behind them. Moreover,
when the popularity of texts is accumulated, such preference becomes further irreversible. Back to
the context of expectations and social roles, we enjoy popularity as the outcome of pluralism, the
conformity of social roles and expectation. In
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Social Darwinism Vs Unfit Essay
Lord of the Flies, by William Golding presents the theory of Social Darwinism where the physically
fit dominates over the unfit. Social Darwinism describes the physical strengths of a person which
allows them to receive power even with illogical ideas or reasoning. In this society, appearance
seems to affect a person's statue, although with Social Darwinism, an individual is judged entirely
by his/her physical characteristics. The individuals born with exceptional athletic abilities are seen
as fit, while the unfit are those who are incapable of heavy physical activities. The display of the
physically fit people acquiring a vast advantage over the unfit is explained in the Social Darwinism
article and the novel Lord of the Flies. The physical ... Show more content on ...
The fit sees no reason to assist those who are vulnerable because that would only promote a gain of
the undesired reproduction. All the resources should go to the fittest and strongest in life to enable
those individuals to flourish beautifully. As mentioned in the article, the society favors "the fittest of
all walks in life". The little ones were left alone on the island to feed themselves because they were
considered to be a burden to the tribe since they don't have the skills to fend for themselves. The
older boys did not feel the responsibilities of nurturing the little ones unconsciously. This shows that
the influence of Social Darwinism is inveterate. Those who are in dreadful situations often have no
intention of being there. However, Social Darwinism implies those have the intention of being there,
hence the "naturalistic fallacy" described by the article. Take the little boys on the island for
example, they did not intend to be incapable of taking care of themselves because of two reasons.
Firstly they were collateral damage of the war. Secondly, the children are not at fault for their
incapability of taking care of themselves since they are children. The vast idea of the weak not
deserving aid creates an unfair society. This idea favors only the already fit which will generate a
world filled with discrimination and
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Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague
Social Darwinism in McTeague Social Darwinism is the theory that certain classes and groups of
people survive and strive because they are superior, and they are more fit for their environment than
others. Norris believed that people have to be content with their wealth and status, and be
compatible with each other to survive in the urban society. Multiple characters in McTeague
represented the idea of Social Darwinism. McTeague and Trina were two examples of citizens that
were unfit for their environment, because they were extremely greedy and they did not comply with
their social status. In contrast, Old Grannis and Miss Baker thrived and succeeded in their
environment because they were satisfied with their lives and their wealth. The elderly ... Show more
content on ...
The two elderly Europeans were members of the same social class. Old Grannis and Miss Baker
were not greedy, and they filled the empty space in their lives with true love, not with gold. Unlike
Trina and McTeague, Old Grannis and Miss baker were not consumed by their wealth. The aged
couple's love became real, soon after Old Grannis' sale of his binding machine. Miss Baker could
feel, through the wall, that her counterpart was distraught after the loss of his one and only hobby.
Unexpectedly, she made him a cup of tea and brought it over to his room. After a very long
uncomfortable moment, the two gradually fell in love. That was a very important moment, because
it illustrated a key component of the theory of Social Darwinism. Old Grannis and Miss Baker loved
each other for who they were, not for their material possessions or wealth. The two elderly
Europeans survived because they were suitable for each other, and they were content with their
status, unlike the
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Social Colonialism And Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism was a sociological theory that merged Charles Darwin's theory of natural
selection and the work of Herbert Spencer, Malthus, and other scientific and sociological theorists to
justify imperialism, racism, and conservative economic policies. The overall acceptance of the
power of nature in defining human beings developed during the 18th century Enlightenment.
Europe's exploration not only brought about immense economic and agricultural growth, but also
exposed them to "human behavior and life patterns within environments and under circumstances
dramatically different than their own" (4). The most popular catch phrases of Darwinism, "struggle
for existence" and "survival of the fittest", when applied to the life of man in society, suggested that
nature would provide that the best competitors in a competitive situation would win, and that this
process would lead to continuing improvement" (6. Hoft). This misinterpreted sense of superiority
engulfed much of society at the time and was used to justify the logistics behind certain actions
regarding capitalism, racism, and imperialism. Furthermore, it served as the backbone of some of
the most heinous acts imaginable including the genocide and sterilization of certain groups of
"The first business of a colonist is to clear the country of wild beasts, and the most noxious of all
wild beasts is the wild man", unknown (87). Social Darwinism was the product of late nineteenth–
century economic and political
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Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague
The theory of social darwinism is one's social status determined by the situation and circumstances
presented to the person. In McTeague, two sets of couples, are faced with situations that they have to
try and get through, but inevitably fail due to their upbringing, according to Norris. Through the
characters and the circumstances faced with McTeague, Frank Norris displays his viewpoints on
social darwinism, and how he believes it is real. Norris shows his views through the rise and fall of
Trina and McTeague relationship, which ends in their demise, and also the greediness of Maria and
A relationship that Norris focuses on in regards to social darwinism is Trina and Mcteague. Both
characters spend much of their life in the lower class. McTeague spends much of his childhood in
and around the coal mines, while Trina in considered poor for much of her life. Both Trina and
McTeague are able to turn their fortunes around. Mcteague becomes a dentist and makes pretty good
money, while Trina buys an illegal lottery ticket, and wins the lottery. They both go from living to
happy and carefree lives, to a harsh relationship. The money and wealth that they received ended up
being their demise. ... Show more content on ...
Both grew up as poor minorities, and were considered to be in the lowest class possible. Maria is a
minority as well, making the couple destined for the lower class, along with not being worth
anything to society. Maria becomes pregnant, but loses the baby, which shows the social order, and
how the lower class can't support the baby. Both Maria and Zerkow are never able to get out of their
class system they are put into at birth, being minorities. The social darwinism aspect in this
relationship is the fact that no matter how hard they try to get out of their class, different tragedies
strike them down. Their relationship is ruined from the greed and anguish, and ends in both of their
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Social Darwinism In The Gilded Age
Social Darwinism was applied to the country during the Gilded Age which was named after it, due
to Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. Social Darwinism was the way they classified this time
of period because it closely resembled Darwin's theory of natural selection and was used to justify
political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform. Social
Darwinism began in the late 19th century and early 20th century during the time of The Gilded Age
and earlier. Herbert Spencer was a 19th century philosopher and he promoted the idea of Social
Darwinism. It basically followed the principle that only the strong would survive and prosper. While
this period the technology and economy and government of the
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Compare And Contrast Spencer And Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is a belief, popular in the late Victorian era in England, America, and elsewhere,
which states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and
unfit should be allowed to die. The theory was chiefly expounded by Herbert Spencer, whose ethical
philosophies always held an elitist view and received a boost from the application of Darwinian
ideas such as adaptation and natural selection.
Spencer and Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer, the father of Social Darwinism as an ethical theory, was thinking in terms of elitist,
"might makes right" sorts of views long before Darwin published his theory. However, Spencer
quickly adapted Darwinian ideas to his own ethical theories. The concept of adaptation ... Show
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In fact, the early Social Darwinists, who regarded the theory as a logical extension of laissez–faire
capitalism, would have been appalled at the use of the concept to promote state–run eugenics
Though its moral basis is now generally opposed, Social Darwinism did have some favorable
effects. Belief in Social Darwinism tended to discourage wanton handouts to the poor, favoring
instead providing resources for the fittest of all walks of life to use, or choosing specific, genuinely
deserving people as recipients of help and support. Some major capitalists, such as Andrew
Carnegie, combined philanthropy with Social Darwinism; he used his vast fortune to set up
hundreds of libraries and other public institutions, including a university, for the benefit of those
who would choose to avail themselves of such resources. He opposed direct and indiscriminate
handouts to the poor because he felt that this favored the undeserving and the deserving person
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Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague
The concept of Social Darwinism, based on Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, is defined
as a 19th–century doctrine that the social order is a product of natural selection of those persons best
suited to existing living conditions. (Webster's College Dictionary). Frank Norris used this theme, as
a form of realism, to give readers real world examples of how the strong thrive, because they were
biologically superior, and how the weak die off. In Frank Norris's novel, McTeague, a common
theme of Social Darwinism is depicted through the deaths of Maria Macapa and Zerkow, as well as
through characters with the more superior heritage, Old Grannis and Miss Baker, that have the
ability to prosper. Throughout the novel McTeague, Maria Macapa
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Pros And Cons Of Social Darwinism
Social Darwinists argue that economic competition produces human process. Social Darwinism is a
theory that states that individuals, groups, and people are all subject to the same Darwinian law of
natural selection as plants and animals. Spencer's idea was modified to refer to free competition in
the economic world. Spencer stated that free competition ensures that only the most capable
individuals survive and rise to the top. He also argued that the free competition that enriches some
individuals and reduces others to poverty results in the gradual improvement of the human race. One
basic problem with his idea is that the skills that help individuals and firms advance and survive in
the business world are not necessarily those that help humanity survive on the planet. Advancements
might be achieved through a ruthless disregard for other human beings. It is also important to
mention that the main problem with the Social Darwinists is the normative assumption that survival
of the fittest means survival of the best. 9. What are Marx's four forms of alienation? How does each
form help to increase inequalities of wealth and power? The first form of alienation is alienating
workers from their own productive work. People are usually forced into work ... Show more content
on ...
A mixed economy is also defined as an economy that retains a market and private property system,
but relies heavily on government policies to remedy their deficiencies. Society would want to
consider this system because it would allow to getting rid of the disadvantage the poor and middle
class people are getting. For example, the government would be able to get rid of the worst aspects
of inequality by taxing the wealthy and distributing it to the disadvantaged in the form of welfare
payments or services. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Ireland, and Switzerland are all mixed
economies with high levels of government
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Effects of Social Darwinism Essay
The Effects of Social Darwinism on the social trends of the 19th century.
"As a world view, Darwinism cannot of course be refuted, since Faith is, always has been, and
always will be, stronger than facts. " – Francis P. Yockey
Social Darwinism is a theory that competition among all individuals, groups, nations or ideas drives
social evolution in human societies. The term draws upon Charles Darwin's theory of natural
selection, where competition between individual organisms drives biological evolutionary change
through the survival of the fittest. The term was popularized in 1944 by the American historian
Richard Hofstadter, and has generally been used by critics rather than advocates of what the term is
supposed to ... Show more content on ...
The first advocate of the social Darwinism theory had a major impact on the American society as a
whole, starting from economic bases, to the big business minds of the time. In the United States,
Spencer gained considerable support among intellectuals and some businessmen, including steel
manufacturer Andrew Carnegie, who served as Spencer's host during his visit to the United States in
1883. The most prominent American social Darwinist of the 1880s was William Graham Sumner,
who on several occasions told audiences that there was no alternative to the "survival of the fittest"
theory. Critics of social Darwinism seized on these comments to argue that Sumner advocated a
"dog–eat–dog" philosophy of human behavior that justified oppressive social policies. Some later
historians have argued that Sumner's critics took his statements out of context and misrepresented
his views.
This picture depicts the idea behind social Darwinism. IT is a powerful society in which keeps the
wealthy, and powerful and kicks out the minority, poor folks who are no longer able to survive in
such a materialistic world.
Chapter 2: Major Social Trends of the 19th Century There were many aspects of the American life
during the 19th century that have changed significantly from the times beforehand. Whether it be
from economic policies, religious ideals, or political platforms, there were so many changes being
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Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague
Social Darwinism is a social concept based of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. The
concept of Social Darwinism states that certain classes and races were more fit and survived longer
because they were biologically superior. Social Darwinism can often be applied to the characters
within a novel. In Frank Norris' novel, McTeague, the couples, Trina and McTeague and Maria and
Zerkow, exemplify the concept of Social Darwinism, as seen by Trina's want to rise to the upper
class, Trina forcing McTeague to act like he's in the upper class, Trina obsession with saving money,
and the death of Maria and Zerkow's child because of their biologically inferior races.
Based on Social Darwinism, McTeague and Trina were less likely to survive ... Show more content
on ...
Zerkow was Polish and Maria was Hispanic, both inferior races; this causes them to be biologically
inferior and less likely to survive. The couple decides to have a child; the child died due to its
biologically inferior race. After losing her child, Maria began to suffer from a frightening mental
illness. The severe illness caused Maria to lose her memory. When Zerkow asked Maria where the
golden dishes were, Maria was completely discombobulated. She had no memory of ever owning
golden dishes. The lose of Maria's memory caused the destruction of their marriage, because their
marriage was built on the golden dishes that Zerkow was obsessed with. Zerkow became
preoccupied with searching for Maria's golden dishes, that never really existed, and he got furious
with Maria. She drove him insane, which caused him to resent her. Maria was found with a slit in
her neck and Zerkow was found dead in the river; it's believed that Zerkow killed Maria and jumped
in the river to end his own life. Their biologically inferior races, the lose of their child, and the
downfall of their marriage caused the death of Maria and
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Social Darwinism and Race Superiority In The West Essay
Social Darwinism was a set of theories developed by various people during the 19th century. It was
the adaptation of Darwin theory of evolution applied to human social behavior and ability to survive
compared to other human beings. It can now easily be seen that these theories could be used to
justify racial discrimination and they have been used in this way throughout history. This
misconception of Darwin's theories popularized by various academics in the west gave western
nations to treat other nations badly. People like French man Joseph Gobineau had already come up
with race supremacy ideas before Darwin's theories of evolution had started to become a popular
idea. He took his ideas from what he was seeing around him at the time not ... Show more content
on ...
It is looking at people's ability to adapt in the man made society, saying that people with less
intelligence and ability to contribute to this society will struggle to survive in the society. Humans
being are all from the same species so what social Darwinists say is that lesser Human beings
will/should eventually die out, or be killed. Most Social Darwinists believed that these lesser Human
Beings were of another, less economically and technologically powerful race. (Hawkins p. 134–137,
1997) Joseph Arthur de Gobineau was a French academic is well known for his work Essay on the
Inequality of Human Races written in the mid 19th century and translated into English in 1856. At
the time the views expressed in the paper were not called Social Darwinism they were extremely
Social Darwinist. Gobineau opposed the French revolution because he believed that it meant that the
Aryan race in which he descended was being corrupted by other races. He said that there are three
races Blacks, Yellows and Whites. The Blacks where stupid but physically superior, the Yellows
looked scientific views of people and the Earth which put the human race in place where they were
not superior. Lastly Gobineau wrote that the White race was the strongest and most intelligent of the
races, even saying the white race was better looking. The Aryan race which descended from
Germany to Europe to govern the Celts and Slavs was the most superior of the white
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The Social Darwinism Of The World War I
American Social Darwinism
"For their point of view does not permit of a live–and–let–live kind of carrying on. It is a point of
view that justifies itself by a whole hearted acceptance of the worst of Neo–Darwinism, the
Allmacht of natural selection applied rigorously to human life and society and Kultur"(p.22,
Headquarters Nights by Vernon Kellogg).
In the years following World War I, the Social Darwinist movement lost some of its momentum due
to the unpopularity of Germany 's Neo–Darwinism. Support for an individualistic and nationalistic
based Social Darwinism died and was replaced by the state–enforced Social Darwinism of eugenics.
Despite the widespread Christian attack on Darwinian tenets, Christians did not fight the eugenics
movement in an effective way. Eventually, even legislatures controlled by Christians fell to the false
promises of eugenics. Despite poignant criticism of eugenics among scientists in the United States,
more than 30,000 individuals were forcibly sterilized. In an ironic twist of fate, the Nazis Party 's
adoption of American Eugenics programs led to the virtual extinction of Social Darwinism in the
United States. Social Darwinism stems from a misapplication of Darwin 's theory of evolution. In
1859 Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species, which describes the mechanism for
changes in the traits of a population over time. This mechanism, called natural selection, favors the
survival, and hence the reproduction, of those
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Social Darwinism During The Gilded Age
Social Darwinism was a popular term during the late 19th century. According to Social Darwinism,
the human race evolves only through competition and only the fit survive while the weak cease to
exist. Therefore Social Darwinism applied during the Gilded age meant that the wealthy represented
the fit, whereas the poor represented the weak. Wealthy men like John D. Rockefeller used this to
justify their tremendous wealth gain. However, American industries expanded rapidly; new
technologies and innovations came about and took over the cities which increased production. Many
of Americans and immigrants migrated to the cites to get jobs; but the working conditions during the
time were very poor. Employees worked long hard hours in harsh environments and received little
pay, which caused many people to live in poverty. This poverty issue formulated the theory of Social
Darwinism. Many people used this theory to justify the distinction between the rich and the poor.
Social Darwinism also allowed businessmen to have merit because it allowed them to expand and
earn money. ... Show more content on ...
Rockefeller was the world's most wealthiest man of his time. He was the founder of the Standard Oil
company. During his time being alive he collected over 336 billion dollars. Rockefeller achieved
this by using horizontal integration. Horizontal integration is where you buy out your competition
and Rockefeller did this but you can also say that by buying out his competition it created a
monopoly. Anyway John D. Rockefeller's assertion on Social Darwinism was that if you were made
rich then it was God's will. Rockefeller also said that "the growth of a large business is merely a
survival of the fittest." Rockefeller donated over 500 million dollars to different causes such as
Universities and the Rockefeller
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Compare And Contrast Social Gospel And Social Darwinism
Compare and Contrast Social Darwinism and Social Gospel
Social Darwinism is based on Charles Darwins thoery of natural evalution. They based a persons
fitness off of weath, social status, and property. Poor poeple were seen as lazy, and less fit to
survive. They decided that anyone could have a good work ethic, intelligence, and perserverance.
Supported the idea of goverment policies should not regulate the market place or atempt social
reform. Social Darwinism was also used by Andrew Caenagie and other Industrialists to support
thier business practices.
Social Gospel was a movement to put social problems with Christianity , Issues such as inequality,
alcoholism , crime, uncleam environment, child labor, poor schools and the danger of war.
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What Is Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism
1. Describe Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism, explaining how and why American embraced it so
Herbert Spencer became popular and recognized for Darwinism which Herbert believed that
everything in the universe is evolutionary which included human character and social institutions
that went along with the principles of survival of the fittest. A phase which was turned in social
Darwinism which applied the theory of evolution to human nature and society which America
embraced. Spencer's idea was to ensure that only the best would survive so that society would be
able to achieve to be perfect and small business would not be supported.
2. William James, although not a true functionalist was a strong forerunner of it. What did James ...
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It was said that if a woman wanted to continue her education beyond the basics she would have
physical and emotional problems. They also theorized that women's brains and nervous system were
limited to support higher mental process. For example, it was thought that women would endanger
their bodies biologically with problems in motherhood, and irregular menstrual cycles. Variability
Hypothesis was a myth that men showed a variation of physical and mental development that
women and men were more average. Variability Hypothesis was refuted when two women Helen
Bradford Thompson Woolley and Leta Stetter Hollingsworth used empirical techniques of new
functional psychology to show that Darwin and other were wrong about women. Helen Woolly
conducted the first experimental test of Darwinian notion that women were biologically inferior to
men where she used 25 men and 25 females and measured their motor abilities, sensory, intellectual
abilities and personality traits. The results showed that there were no differences between the sexes
in emotional functioning and a small portion difference in intellectual abilities and the data later
showed that women were slightly superior to men in memory and sensory perception. Leta Stetter
Hollingsworth did empirical research on variability hypothesis which was the idea for physical,
psychological and emotional functioning. Hollingsworth said that women were more homogeneous
then the average man and showed less variation. Her data refuted the variability hypothesis and
notions for female inferiority. Examples she used were that menstrual cycles were not related to
performances deficits in perceptual and motor skills or in intellectual abilities that everyone had
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Social Darwinism Flaws
The Big Mistake: How Darwinism's Inadequacy Has Affected Society Since the publishing of the
iconic "On The Origin of Species" in 1859, Darwinian theory has held precedence not only in
science, but in education and everyday life. Creationism is ignored on a regular basis by saying,
"This explanation is not within the scope of science" (Pearcey 169). As a result of its scientific
backing, Darwinian evolution is considered as fact and not as a theory. When thoroughly examined,
there are numerous flaws that disregard Darwinism in every aspect. Contrary to popular belief and
scientific preference, Darwinism is scientifically and philosophically inadequate. It cannot explain
the origin of life, and has displayed disastrous consequences towards ... Show more content on ...
With staunch belief in Social Darwinism and "survival of the fittest", millions died at the hands of
men like Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot. According to Richard Weikart, "Darwinism was a
central aspect of Hitler's worldview. It drove pretty much everything he did." (Bohlin 61) As a result
of Darwin's ideologies, former Darwinian apologist Denyse O'Leary stated that "Darwin put racism
on a supposedly scientific basis. In that respect, he enabled the most virulent racism of the twentieth
century." (Bohlin 63) With the consequences and inconsistencies of Darwinian evolution, an
explanation that points to an Intelligent Designer and Creator is the most logical and reasonable
outcome. According to Jerry Coyne, from the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the
University of Chicago, "there is little evidence for the neo–Darwinian view: its theoretical
foundations and the
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George Pullman's Influence On Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is a term to describe the idea that humans compete for existence just like the rest
of the animal kingdom. Darwin used this term to attempt to rationalize racism, capitalism, and
imperialism. It simplifies the human's desire for power. Now it is widely discredited and scrutinized
because its a " rejection of compassion and social responsibility." (1)
These tycoons of business figured out how to use social darwinism to their benefit. They were
ruthless in the business world but were credited for creating big business and a booming economy in
the US. The so–called "robber barons" were nothing but businessmen who knew what they were
doing and used it to their advantage.
George Pullman was an American industrialist and inventor. His father moved buildings out of the
way of the Erie Canal. George took over the business in 1853. Later he won a contract with the state
of New York to move 20 buildings out of the way. After this he came up with the idea to
manufacture and lease railroad cars on the growing railroad industry. After being unsatisfied with
sleepers and passenger cars, he created the Pullman Sleeper. These cars were immediately successful
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Rockefeller was an American business tycoon. His early life made an impact on him with his
father's odd habits and parenting. His father was a traveling salesman who regularly cheated on his
wife; even cheating on her when he was home. His father regularly " cheated" his children by lying
to them. He made the excuse that it would make them strong. John did not let this affect him. He got
a job at an early age and used this experience and knowledge to become a business partner. By the
end of the year the company had made half a million dollars. He used this money to open an oil
refinery. He and a few others created the Standard Oil Company, in 1870. Within two years they had
owned a majority of the oil refineries in Cleveland. They, in nearly a decade, had a monopoly on the
US oil refinery
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Examples Of Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism is based on Charles Darwin's concept of evolution but implied to society. It takes
on a survival of the fittest agenda while using natural selection to "weed out" the weak from the
majority of society. The "we" would be white people, specifically white men, and the "they" would
be the people they enslaved or forcibly ruled over. In Rudyard Kipling's poem, "The White Man's
Burden" he based this on the people of the Philippines after the Spanish–American War when
America had won. In my opinion, a little hypocritical seeing as he was British and the Brits weren't
ones to talk; perhaps he meant this in the broadest sense even though he was looking at this
particular incident which is also likely.
An example of Social Darwinism
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Social Darwinism Is An Ideology Of Society
Social Darwinism is an ideology of society that seeks to apply biological concepts of the laws of
evolution by natural selection of evolutionary theory to sociology and politics, often with the
assumption that conflict between groups in society leads to social progress as superior groups
outcompete inferior ones. How we got to the point of coining the modern term of "Social
Darwinism" we would have to turn to the famous man himself, Charles Darwin.
At first glance, Charles Darwin seems an unlikely revolutionary. Born in 1809, Charles grew up a
shy and unassuming member of a wealthy British family. He appeared, at least to his father, to be
lazy and directionless. But even as a child, Darwin expressed an interest in nature. Later in 1831, ...
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These better–adapted beings, which contribute so much to the genetic complement of following
generations of their population, are said to have greater reproductive "fitness." Hence the use, and
popularization, of the phrase: "survival of the fittest." (This expression is often attributed to Charles
Darwin and, although it appears in the fifth edition of his Origin of Species, 1869, it is there
attributed to Herbert Spencer.)
By 'fittest ', of course, Spencer and Darwin didn 't have in mind the commonly used meaning of the
word now, that is, the most highly qualified and/or physically adequate. The 'fittest ' referred to here,
are those animals which are the most suited to their environment, that is, those which are best fitted
to survive.
Not only did Darwin theorize that animals and plants evolved into different species through a
process of natural selection and "survival of the fittest", he claimed that humans were animals
themselves, subject to the same selection process that played out in "nature". This theory was then
applied to economic life. Attempts to reform society through state intervention or other means
would, therefore, interfere with natural processes; unrestricted competition and resistance of the
status quo were in accord with biological selection. The poor were the "unfit" and should not be
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Social Darwinism In The Challenge Of Facts By Maudsley
Advocated for by English philospher, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political theorist,
Herbert Spencer, Social Darwinism is essentially the theory that individuals and groups of people
are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals, that their struggle
for existence is ultimately a competition that results in a "survival of the fittest" scenario. American
sociologist, economist, William Sumner along with renowned British psychiatrist, Dr. Henry
Maudsley, were both prolific proponents of Social Darwinism and argued that their evidence in
support of Social Darwinism were scientific and that Social Darwinism as a theory itself, was
science. In his essay The Challenge of Facts, Sumner argues that ... Show more content on ...
In this article he argues that providing higher education to adolescent girls would not only produce
permanent injury to their reproductive organs, but to their brains as well. He insists that a great
amount of stress and change affects the psychological functions of girls going through puberty and
that because of their delicate constitution during this time, they would be subjected to exhaustive
mental strain by pursuing the same courses of study and being subjected to the same examinations
as their more verile and strong minded male counterparts, for "there is sex in mind as distinctly and
there is sex in body...and regard must be had to the mental qualities which correlate difference of
sex."(79) Maudsley claims that even when these functions are in good working order and the
woman as arrived at maturity, the facts of her organization interfere periodically to such an extent
with steady and serious labour of mind or body that she can never hope to compete successfully
with men. Instead, Maudsley suggests that women stick with what they and their mental capacities
were built for, i.e. to be companions and helpmates to men, and conceivers, mothers, and nurses to
children, arguing that "men are not so fitted mentally as women to be the educators and caregivers
of children during the early years of infancy and childhood."(81) However, because women are
provided with certain qualities specifically catered to fostering the growth of children, it only makes
sense for her to focus what little energy she has to doing just that and leave the more
psychologically intense work to the men. Further, Maudsley continues to paint a dire picture of the
inevitable results of women's over expenditure of her vital energy. While the stimuli of competition
in men is healthy and brings out the best in them, for women it would cause the calamitous
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Social Darwinism Chapter 2 Summary
"Chapter 2: Social Darwinism" is an article that is trying to explain the reason and thought of why
the European settlers behaved the way they did. The Europeans traveled to South Africa in the 17th
and 18th century. Back then they were known as the "Afrikaners". Anglo–Boer War happened
because of the damage and the suffering the Europeans caused due to their arrogance. British
Jingoism became the reason why Social Darwinism and the Anglo–Boer war happened. The British
already had their mind set that they were the winning team in this "competition" between the races.
They already knew they were going to the ones that would conquer all and take power over the
nations with fewer resources. Charles Darwin broadcasted in 1859 his book On the ... Show more
content on ...
The British Empire fighting to take more African territory, while all the other European nations are
shaming the Africa. They labeled the Afrikaners as "backwards" and a lesser race. They judged
Afrikaners and called them "savages". The British plan was to wipe the population clean, so they no
longer exist and completely take over their territory. Hobson concluded that with all the hatred that
has been thrown at South Africa sympathies, communities, and groups would never be appreciated.
Hobson believed the only people in Britain that would understand would have been those that had to
fight the war (Lewis
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Social Darwinism Research Paper
With the establishment of Europe and the uprising of many new nations and counties led European
natives to gain knowledge of new ideologies of political and economic control. In the late nineteenth
century a young naturalist and biologist from England by the name of Charles Darwin, created a
theory that human beings, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for existence. In which the
theory of natural selection was crafted and resulted in Darwin's "survival of the fittest". Scholars
began to use the term Social Darwinism in order to describe the concept of Charles Darwin to
explain the philosophical justification behind racism, politics, economics and social issues.
Intellectuals also concluded that Social Darwinism rooted from Darwin's ... Show more content on ...
In which it proposes that a free market established social conditions making it more difficult for the
poor to survive in an economy where the rich are successful. According to The Constitutional Rights
Foundation, scholars of Social Darwinism believe that capitalism and society itself needs unlimited
business competition to thrive in the American economy (2003). During the Gilded Age several
American industries, monopolies and competing companies increased their control in production
and the value of their goods. Men, women and children were employed and worked extensive hours
for low pay and dangerous working environments. This resulted in large labor unions acting upon a
strike towards their employer. However, at times judges also implemented the practice of laissez
faire and issued court orders to end the strikes. The wealthy people of this era benefited from laissez
faire and they strongly believed that the government should not interfere with the competition of the
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Social Darwinism Book Report
Social Darwinism is the theory of evolution applied to human society. Social Darwinism was a term
formed in the late 19th century to describe the idea that humans, like plants and animals, compete in
a struggle for existence. The theory of evolution came about in 1859, when Charles Darwin, an
English naturalist and geologist, published a book called, "On the Origin of Species." The book talks
about Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection and "survival of the fittest." Darwin believed
that organisms change over time as a result of changes in physical or behavioral traits. One of
Darwin's main points in his book was, "Survival of the fittest." This refers to an animal's ability to
survive and reproduce. Species evolve through changes ... Show more content on ...
Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, and Henry Ford. These were just a few business men
that followed the idea of Social Darwinism. In the late 1820's, Cornelius Vanderbilt went into
business on his own, building steamships in the New York area, eventually becoming one of the
largest steamship operators. In the 1860's, the railroad industry was entering a period of great
expansion, so he shifted his attention to make railroad transportation more efficient. Vanderbilt's
goal was to control the steel industry. He bought out competitors and suppliers, giving him total
power to set the cost of his product to what he wanted. Vanderbilt used the idea of Social Darwinism
when he transferred from working the shipping to railroad business. He knew that if he kept his
shipping business, it wouldn't be as profitable later on. That's why he invested his money, focus, and
time into building a successful railroad industry. At a young age, John D. Rockefeller acted much
like a young businessman, selling candy to local children and supporting his family. In 1870,
Rockefeller established the Standard Oil Company of Ohio. He eventually controlled 90 percent of
the refining business. With his large profits, he drove his competitors out of business by selling the
oil cheaper than what it cost to produce the oil. After taking total control, he raised the price of oil to
make his money back. In 1873, Andrew Carnegie entered the steel business and by 1899, the
"Carnegie Steel Company" manufactured more steel than all the factories in Great Britain.
Carnegie's success was to searching for ways to make better products more cheaply and hired
chemists to improve the quality of the steel. He used a vertical integration which he bought out his
suppliers, giving him total power of the cost and quality of his product. Carnegie was greatly
influenced by Herbert Spencer's, "Social Darwinism." Spencer believed that the poor were
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Comparison Of Social Gospel And Social Darwinism
In a free nation, every individual has a right to their way of thinking as can be demonstrated by the
differing views individuals have taken in regards to two particular theories: Social Darwinism and
Social Gospel, and their arguments as to which theory best strengthens the nation. As with most
topics, different views are presented, but it is up to the individual to study opposing views and
determine what theology they support. They can then share those views and choose to oppose
differing views.
Your Score
___ of 20
Merriam–Webster encyclopedia defines Social Darwinism as: an extension of Darwinism to social
phenomena; specifically: a sociological theory that sociocultural advance is the product of
intergroup conflict and competition ... Show more content on ...
sociologist and economist, was a supporter of Social Darwinism. He believed in "laissez–faire,
individual liberty and the idea that men were not equal". He supported the idea that the "preservation
of racial soundness" and social superiority were due to the fact that some individuals were superior
to other individuals. He considered poverty "the natural result of inherent inferiorities." When it
came to the nation as a whole, Sumner believed a strong nation should be run by "superior" leaders
who could guide the "less able".
Social Gospel is defined in the Merriam–Webster dictionary as: the application of Christian
principles to social problems: a movement in American Protestant Christianity especially in the first
part of the 20th century to bring the social order into conformity with Christian principles.
Walter Rauschenbusch was born in 1861. He was a pastor of the Second Baptist Church in New
York City's "Hell's Kitchen" for eleven years. His congregation viewed him as a "loving pastor and
social prophet" who helped comfort the afflicted. Many regarded him as the "Father of the Social
Gospel". His social ethics were shaped by the work of other leaders, historians, and sociologists.
"The ideal of the Kingdom of God," he said, "is not identified with any special social theory. It
means justice, freedom, fraternity, labor, joy. Let each social system and movement show us what it
can contribute, and we will weigh its
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Social Darwinism In The Mayor Of Casterbridge
Upon returning from his voyage, renowned scientist Charles Darwin published his findings on his
theory of "survival of the fittest". He claimed that the most "powerful" ascend higher on the scale of
survival, whereas the disadvantaged and weak remain at the bottom. A few decades later, this
concept was adapted to apply to social, economic and political issues–a term which later was coined
as Social Darwinism. This phenomenon was the basis for the explanation of why certain individuals
accumulate success and triumph over others. The theories of Darwin's work can be applied in
literature as well, especially in The Mayor of Casterbridge. In this case, the "strength" of an
individual was dependent on their reputation and social rankings. This placed females at a
disadvantage, due to the patriarchal standards and oppression, as well as those who were morally
unjust and disliked throughout the community, such as Henchard. Once engulfed in the
classification as "unfit", demise and suffering is no longer a force that can be controlled and evaded
by human actions. In his novel, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy applies the theories of
Social Darwinism to prove that suffering is inevitable among the morally and socially weak and
disliked through the recurring symbolism of animals, the unpredictable weather, and Lucetta's
demise. The inclusion of various animals in Hardy's novel serve a deeper purpose than as livestock
in the agrarian society of Casterbridge; they are symbolic
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Impact Of Social Darwinism On Society

  • 1. Impact Of Social Darwinism On Society The real source of Social Darwinism is Herbert Spencer an English sociologist who took Darwin's theory and applied it to how societies change and evolve over time. As a sociologist, he did not feel the need to improve society, for he felt that societies were bound to change own its own. He took the theory of evolution one step beyond biology and applied it to say that societies were organisms that progress through changes similar to that of a living species. It was his philosophy that societies would begin simple and then progress to a more complex form. He also found similarities between animal organisms and societies in that both had three main systems. The first system is the regulative system for animals that would be the central nervous system in societies it would be government ... Show more content on ... He also created the phrase 'survival of the fittest' due to the fact that he believed human behavior was designed in a way that strives for self–preservation. The theory of social Darwinism created the thinking of the 'survival of the fittest' as that the strongest and the fittest should survive and be on top in society, and the weak should be allowed to die out. This allowed him to believe that the rich and powerful became so because they were better–suited to the social and economic climate of the time. He believed it was natural or normal that the strong survived at the cost of the weak. He is also perhaps best known for coining the term "survival of the fittest," elaborating what came to be known as the philosophy of social Darwinism. But, popular belief to the contrary, he did not merely appropriate and generalize Darwin's work on natural selection; he only incorporated Darwin's theory of natural selection into his preexisting synthetic philosophical ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Theory Of Social Darwinism The presidential elections are upon us once again, debate has been a common place to hear plans and deduce ideologies of various candidates. Income inequalities has been one hot topic and address by almost all the candidates. Some believe a higher tax rate on the rich is the solution whiles others believe it will do more harm to the society good. I ask myself, should Mr. Herbert Spencer, Minister Graham Sumner, and Andrew Carnegie come back to life, what will be their response? The aforementioned are the considered the fathers of Social Darwinism. In this essay I will discuss and evaluate the theory of Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism, a theory that supposed that humans are subject to Darwin's law of evolution just like all other species ... Show more content on ... The Chief Chef being Mr. Herbert Spencer and owing it rise and popularization – especially in The United States – to the highly influential Yale Chair of political and social science, Minister William Graham Sumner. Sumner once said. "Let it be understood that we cannot go outside this alternative: liberty, inequality, survival of the fittest; not–liberty, equality, survival of the unfittest." He claims "The former carries society forward and favors all its best members; the latter carries society downwards and favors all its worst members." (VAROUS, 2009) This statement epitomize the thinking or ideals of a Social Darwinian and it will also form the basis for most of my discussion and evaluation. Adam Smith's classical economies theories being one of the major ingredients in the Social Darwinian theory, meant they were strong proponents of Hands "off" Laissez–faire. They advocated restricted government intervention and or meddling with the economy, they believed in individual self–interest and competition and opposed the taxation and regulation of commerce. Taxation to a Social Darwinian was just a robbery of resources from the producer to the non–producer and for that matter not a good practice. The state or society they believe in should be built on "contract". Contract they ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Thre Views of Social Darwinism The concept of Social Darwinism was a widely accepted theory in the nineteenth–century. Various intellectual, and political figures from each side of the political spectrum grasped the theory and interpreted it in various ways. In this paper, we will discuss three different nineteenth–century thinkers and their conception of Social Darwinism. The conservative, Heinrich von Treitschke, and liberal Herbert Spencer both gave arguments on the usefulness of competition between people on a global scale. The anarchist, Peter Kropotkin, refuted the belief of constant competition among members of the same species and emphasized mutual aid. Heinrich von Treitschke's defense of Social Darwinism was a direct result of his view on the ... Show more content on ... To Treitschke, society would only have a place for Jews if they decided to convert to Christianity and assimilate to the culture of their respective European nation – implying that the Christian European was superior to that of the Jew. English liberal Herbert Spencer gave his own defense of Social Darwinism and conflict between human beings. Spencer believed that competition between animals helped advance their spieces to a higher level over a long period of time; he extended this argument to humans and warfare. Much like Treitschke, Spencer argued that warfare and competition between humans had exemplified the ability to root out the weak from the earth. The world to Spencer was a continual struggle between the strong and intelligent, to that of the weak and feeble–minded – resulting a continual progression of intellect and honing of the senses. According to Spencer, if societies were not able to adapt to compete, they would cease to exist. Spencer believed that wars of primitive man were necessary because they were instrumental in developing the structure of their growing societies. As a result of war, tribes were encouraged to confederate, confederations gave way to small nations, and large nations progressed into large advanced ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Examples Of Social Darwinism Social Darwinism is a theory promoted by 19th century philosopher and scientist Herbert Spencer. The theory is based on the idea of natural selection (called Darwinism) in the animal world but is applied to humans and their way of life. Social Darwinism and Darwinism both imply that only the strongest or most well adapted to their surroundings will survive but Social Darwinism explains this in a different way to fit human life. For example it implies that those people/groups with the most economic and technological knowledge along with those that are strong mentally and physically will be more successful in life and grow, while those that are not would eventually diminish. The theory and its followers held that life as humans in society was ... Show more content on ... Many people turned to Social Darwinism to argue against government programs to aid the poor, because they believed the poor were inferior humans. Herbert Spencer actually backed this idea and even gave an example by telling a story of a girl named Margaret from New York who only lived because of government aid, and had become a "prolific mother" and produced many children that grew up to be "idiots, imbeciles, drunkards, lunatics, paupers, and prostitutes." he ended the example by asking a question of "Was it kindness or cruelty which, generation after generation, enabled these to multiply and become an increasing curse to society around them?".Social darwinism was often cited in eugenics which sought to improve the health and intelligence of the human race where they would often sterilize "inferior" humans, often targeting the poor, women, minorities, and immigrants to allow a superior human race to thrive and grow. Though social darwinism was very popular among americans in the gilded age during the second world war Social darwinism began to lose favor among the american people do to its use in Nazi ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Spencer's Theory Of Social Darwinism Social Darwinism came to popularity in 1859 when Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, published his book called On the Origin of Species about his theory of "Darwinism". This theory was very popular between the years 1870–1890; it spanned until the early 1900s (around 1910). Social Darwinism is any conviction or hypothesis that endeavors to clarify human culture as far as regular determination specifies the hypothesis that people, ethnic gatherings, and so on make progress or predominance as a result of inborn hereditary prevalence and a resultant upper hand. The hypothesis of Social Darwinism said that the people who were feeble were getting smaller in quantity as the more solid people developed in power. Herbert Spencer, a British philosopher and sociologist, acquired Darwin's theory of evolution and twisted the idea around to make his idea of "survival of the fittest" connect with Darwin's theory. Spencer said: "The wealthy and powerful were the 'fittest,' people endowed with innate intelligence, strength, and the adaptability that enabled them to succeed in the competitive world of business" (Visions of America). ... Show more content on ... Businesses were also affected by this theory by ways of being the "fittest" business which could produce products faster and better for the economy and consumer. The smaller, more "lazy" businesses were not fit to join the market and would soon tumble under and lose the business. Social Darwinism had a huge negative impact on racial structures. The theory basically says that whites are on top because they were, obviously, superior over the black population of the time period. It also says that we should not, by any means, let the "inferior" blacks take over our so called ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Background of Social Darwinism Racial profiling is not new, however, and was a theory of sociology in the late 19th century known as Social Darwinism. Incorrectly using Darwin's theory of evolution, the Social Darwinists believed that some species were morally superior to others, and even some races superior to others ADDIN EN.CITE Johnson200813(Johnson)13136Johnson, D.P.The Historical Background of Social DarwinismContemporary Sociological Theories2008New YorkSpringer ( HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_4" o "Johnson, 2008 #13" Johnson). Public perception, though, believes in favor of seeing race as a reason for crime, and having a considerable fear of anyone outside their own ethnic group depending on the situation. Similarly, much so–called "organized crime," amounting to billions of dollars annually has similar stereotypes of ethnic origin (e.g. Mafia La Costa Nostra, Russian Mafia, Chinese Triads, Mexican Mafia, etc.). Still, over the past few decades, at least since the Rodney King beating, the use of race by law enforcement, and then after 9/11 by Homeland security, has received considerable political and media attention. One is agog, for instance, at the number of traffic stops that seem to target certain drivers, or the amount of arrests for similar situations focused on minorities. We must remember, too, that racial profiling, or stereotyping, is nothing new for centuries, cultures have looked to the "other" for excuses to go to war, to incarcerate, or to find reason for authoritarian behavior. Witness the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Social Darwinism : Rosemary 's Baby Social Darwinism in Rosemary's Baby In The Gothic Body, by discussing Darwinist theory and the mutability of human identity, Kelly Hurley shows that biological, monstrous transformation of human beings was a "ruination of traditional constructs of human identity that accompanied the modelling of new ones at the turn of the century" (Hurley 3). In Rosemary's Baby, the existence of an evolved, abhuman baby may suggest that the characters also undergo such Darwinian evolution. However, in the novel, this biological Darwinian transformation is actually a metaphor of social Darwinian evolution. Rosemary's Baby illustrates a fierce competitive society, where the standard of traditional religious morality has gradually been abandoned, and social ... Show more content on ... Through reflecting social Darwinian progress in society and portraying the baby as the result of human ethical corruption, Rosemary's Baby portrays the horror of human metamorphosis under social disorder and indicates that holding a moral belief, such as believing in God, is necessary for a society to create its order. In Rosemary's Baby, society undergoes evolutionary "progress". It transitions from the age of God to a new godless era, where "religion [or God] doesn't mean as much to [society] now as it did" (Levin 79). The Pope, the spokesman of God, chooses not to visit New York "where the newspapers are on strike" (Levin 55) since he no longer has power "to maintain (the illusion of)...discrete...identity" –a morality based social order (Hurley 4). Without being bounded and guided by the doctrine of God, society may shape people's identities in an "unthinkable morphic" way (Hurley 7). At the beginning, Guy Woodhouse is normal and caring "like other women's husbands" (Levin 23). He is not angry at Rosemary when she is capricious and insists upon staying at the Bramford despite the fact that they already signed the lease of another apartment. He still treats her with kindness and bothers to cancel the lease at Rosemary's wish. However, Guy abandons his morality and transforms into a monstrous devil to gain a role in a play. Perceiving himself as an intelligent actor in the process of "becoming [a great star]," he is unwilling to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Research Paper On Social Darwinism Introduction Social Darwinism is a quasi–philosophical, quasi–religious, quasi–sociological view that came from the mind of Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher in the 19th century. It did not achieve wide acceptance in England or Europe, but flourished in this country, as is true of many ideologies, religions, and philosophies. A good summary of Social Darwinism is by Johnson: In these years, when Darwin's Origin of Species, popularized by Herbert Spencer as "the survival of the fittest, " and applied to races as well as species in a vulgarized form, Social Darwinism, the coming Christian triumph was presented as an Anglo–Saxon Protestant one. Social Darwinism is by no means dead, for vestiges of it can be found in the ... Show more content on ... (That is, they were not of the same kind, type or variety.) What this seemed to mean to Darwin was biological evolution. Organisms better suited to their environment gained some survival advantage and passed their genetically transmitted advantages to their offsprings. Darwin thought that this process was extremely slow and even. In fact, we became aware that it is neither slow nor even: there are examples of a good deal of change in a short period of time; and there are examples of very little change over a long period of time. Nor did Darwin understand the mechanism by which the transmission took place. This was to be figured out by Gregor Mendel, Thomas Hunt Morgan, DeVries and in our own time, Watson and Crick who deduced the spiral shape of the DNA molecule. Darwin's discoveries struck his native England, as well as Europe, and this country with an enormous impact. They ran into total conflict with the idea of special creation, which one can find in the Book of Genesis, especially Chapter I and II. The emotional impact of Darwin's discoveries have not abated. The Misapplication of a Biological Theory But, for our purposes, it is the use to which some people made of biological evolution which concerns us. Some simplified the idea to "survival of the fittest." Others believed that an identical process took place among human beings. They believed that white Protestant Europeans had evolved
  • 16. ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Examples Of Social Darwinism In The Jungle In Sinclair's novel, the jungle, you get a closer look into the societal classes and the struggles that immigrants face when they come to America. In this essay, I will be talking about all the things that Jurgis as well as his family have overcome. Such as their downfalls as well as how they prospered and managed to stay together through most of the novel. Social Darwinism helps you get a different perspective of all the things going on in the societal classes. When someone has no motivation they really have no want to succeed. Being an immigrant and coming to the United States doesn't mean you're going to get rich at the instant. Even by working, you won't get at the level of the upper class rich people. Dishonesty is shown a lot among immigrants. Jurgis for example at the beginning of the novel had his family, his wife Ona, which made him the happiest man alive. No matter how rough the situation was he wouldn't care because he had his wife. Life put Jurgis through some pretty tough obstacles like the death of Ona and then shortly after the death of his baby. The so called real estate agent offered them a deal on this supposed great house that was cheap and exactly what they were looking for but little did Jurgis know that with that house came many more little pricy things that the agent forgot to tell them. Since that point on every day living in that house was hell. Everyone in that household worked and they barely made it through the month. Barely made it through with ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. How Did Social Darwinism Influence Hitler Social Darwinism was a sociological theory popular in late nineteenth–century Europe and the United States. It merged Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection and Herbert Spencer's sociological theories to justify imperialism, racism, and laissez–faire (conservative) social and economic policies. Adolf Hitler was amongst those inspired and spurred on by Social Darwinism, which he used as a foundation for Nazi theory and race policies in the years leading up to the Holocaust. In this paper I will discuss the profound influence of Darwinism on Hitler's ideology, and examine the ways that the Nazi racial and biological policy grew out of a well–established and generally accepted scientific tradition. "There is little doubt that the history of ethnocentrism, racism, nationalism, and xenophobia has been also a history of the use of science and the actions of scientists in support of these ideas and social movements. In many cases it is clear that science was used merely as raw material or evidence by ideologically interested political actors as proof of preconceived notions." Social Darwinism ... Show more content on ... Social Darwinists argued that individuals and groups, just like plants and animals, competed with one another for success in life. They used this idea to justify the status quo by claiming that the individuals (or groups of individuals) at the top of social, economic, or political hierarchies belonged there, as they had competed against others and had proven themselves best adapted. Any social or political intervention that weakened the existing hierarchy, they claimed, would undermine the natural ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. The Many Faces Of Social Darwinism Kimberly Hollman HIS356K March 3, 2016 The Many Faces of Social Darwinism Hollman 1 of 5 The second half of the 19th century was a time of great flux in the United States. The impact of the Civil War perturbed all spheres of American domestic life, leaving its citizens in a state of anxiety regarding their beliefs, government, and even their fellow man. These changes happened concurrently with advances in the sciences: on the eve of the Civil War, Charles Darwin published his influential On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Darwin's theory of evolution via natural selection was met with widespread acclaim and recognition, but was thereafter reappropriated to explain the dynamic and sometimes struggling socioeconomic condition of the United States. Endless interpretations of Social Darwinism crept into the collective consciousness as a philosophy backed by scientific evidence, affecting all spheres of life. Darwinism, and the progressive movement pushback, forced America to define and defend its beliefs regarding interpersonal dynamics on all levels, resulting in most Americans adopting a 'pick and choose' mentality towards the philosophy. Social theorist Herbert Spencer, a contemporary to Darwin, was one of the most vocal proponents of Social Darwinism. Coining the term "Survival of the Fittest", he proposed that there existed a natural order to society, where the strong– be it on an ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Social Darwinism: Impact On The Modern Era Social Darwinism Social darwinism is the theory of human groups and races are subjects to the same laws of natural selection.laissez faire was developed from social also caused a lot of suffering mentally and physical capacity.Darwinism was created before the origin species. Social darwinism is based on heavy traits and characteristics this determines if any races this is important because it allows people to have a selection . Social darwinism has had an evil impact on modern era . and has often explained that social darwinism has a bigger impact intelligence and fitness environment it showed that the smartest and more fit are the ones to have children because they thought that they ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Social Darwinism And Its Effect On Society Strength, intelligence, valuable talents and gifts, all these are traits that are desired by society. However, only certain people have the gift of strength or the gift of intelligence. Everyone is different. If everyone was the same, if everyone was perfect, life would be dull. Some people may want perfection, but who wants a boring, lifeless world? Unfortunately, some people did, and still do. The people who want a perfect society and who believe that strong, intelligent, and talented people are the ones who deserve to "survive," are called Social Darwinists. Social Darwinism is a competition between groups in society, usually resulting in the most fit, or most capable, coming out on top. Social Darwinists argue that the strong's power and wealth should increase, whereas the weak's should decrease. There are different views as to who these weak and strong groups are, but all Social Darwinists agree that the strong should be rewarded and the weak punished. The concept of Social Darwinism is based off of Charles Darwin's theories of natural selection and survival of the fittest. Even though the name suggests it, Charles Darwin did not develop this idea. In the 1800s, Herbert Spencer, Walter Bagehot, and William Graham Sumner, all sociologists, decided that Darwin's theories of natural selection, and survival of the fittest applied to not only animals, but people too, particularly those living under Laissez–faire capitalism. Laissez–faire capitalism is when the ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Social Darwinism And Natural Selection It is almost undeniable that the technologies cause rapid changes in human relationships, cultures, and societies. While it enormously facilitates us in nearly every aspect of our life, such changes also create consequences that we do not yet realize. Almost all of us know Darwinism and Natural Selection in the biological field, but we often overlook the similar phenomena in the social aspect. In fact, resemble to the way we adapt to our physical environment, we also adapt to our social environment in order to survive and excel in our social relationships. Such adaption is called Social Darwinism. Because technologies have significantly influenced our social environment, humans are forced to adapt not only to technologies, but also to the ... Show more content on ... The reason behind such decision is that unless in urgent situations, other people expect them to text, the technology that is more prevalent and requires less effort to respond than phone (Turkle 375). Although "Tara and Leonora are discontent, but do not feel they have a choice. This is where technology has brought them" (Turkle 375). From those examples, we can easily observe that because the notions of using certain technology have already became parts of our general social roles, people can no longer resist the influence of it regardless of our feeling. In the meantime, we are also forced to mentally adapt popularity and efficiency, the core values of modern technologies. In analogy, humans evolve (in the bigger and smaller scale) not only because of our side environment, but also the pressure under the notion that only the fittest among us can survive. In the comparison between phone calls and texts, texts are not any more technologically advanced than phone calls are. However, we in general still prefer texts, and intentionally or unintentionally make others around us use them because of the efficiency behind them. Moreover, when the popularity of texts is accumulated, such preference becomes further irreversible. Back to the context of expectations and social roles, we enjoy popularity as the outcome of pluralism, the conformity of social roles and expectation. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Social Darwinism Vs Unfit Essay Lord of the Flies, by William Golding presents the theory of Social Darwinism where the physically fit dominates over the unfit. Social Darwinism describes the physical strengths of a person which allows them to receive power even with illogical ideas or reasoning. In this society, appearance seems to affect a person's statue, although with Social Darwinism, an individual is judged entirely by his/her physical characteristics. The individuals born with exceptional athletic abilities are seen as fit, while the unfit are those who are incapable of heavy physical activities. The display of the physically fit people acquiring a vast advantage over the unfit is explained in the Social Darwinism article and the novel Lord of the Flies. The physical ... Show more content on ... The fit sees no reason to assist those who are vulnerable because that would only promote a gain of the undesired reproduction. All the resources should go to the fittest and strongest in life to enable those individuals to flourish beautifully. As mentioned in the article, the society favors "the fittest of all walks in life". The little ones were left alone on the island to feed themselves because they were considered to be a burden to the tribe since they don't have the skills to fend for themselves. The older boys did not feel the responsibilities of nurturing the little ones unconsciously. This shows that the influence of Social Darwinism is inveterate. Those who are in dreadful situations often have no intention of being there. However, Social Darwinism implies those have the intention of being there, hence the "naturalistic fallacy" described by the article. Take the little boys on the island for example, they did not intend to be incapable of taking care of themselves because of two reasons. Firstly they were collateral damage of the war. Secondly, the children are not at fault for their incapability of taking care of themselves since they are children. The vast idea of the weak not deserving aid creates an unfair society. This idea favors only the already fit which will generate a world filled with discrimination and ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague Social Darwinism in McTeague Social Darwinism is the theory that certain classes and groups of people survive and strive because they are superior, and they are more fit for their environment than others. Norris believed that people have to be content with their wealth and status, and be compatible with each other to survive in the urban society. Multiple characters in McTeague represented the idea of Social Darwinism. McTeague and Trina were two examples of citizens that were unfit for their environment, because they were extremely greedy and they did not comply with their social status. In contrast, Old Grannis and Miss Baker thrived and succeeded in their environment because they were satisfied with their lives and their wealth. The elderly ... Show more content on ... The two elderly Europeans were members of the same social class. Old Grannis and Miss Baker were not greedy, and they filled the empty space in their lives with true love, not with gold. Unlike Trina and McTeague, Old Grannis and Miss baker were not consumed by their wealth. The aged couple's love became real, soon after Old Grannis' sale of his binding machine. Miss Baker could feel, through the wall, that her counterpart was distraught after the loss of his one and only hobby. Unexpectedly, she made him a cup of tea and brought it over to his room. After a very long uncomfortable moment, the two gradually fell in love. That was a very important moment, because it illustrated a key component of the theory of Social Darwinism. Old Grannis and Miss Baker loved each other for who they were, not for their material possessions or wealth. The two elderly Europeans survived because they were suitable for each other, and they were content with their status, unlike the ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Social Colonialism And Social Darwinism Social Darwinism was a sociological theory that merged Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection and the work of Herbert Spencer, Malthus, and other scientific and sociological theorists to justify imperialism, racism, and conservative economic policies. The overall acceptance of the power of nature in defining human beings developed during the 18th century Enlightenment. Europe's exploration not only brought about immense economic and agricultural growth, but also exposed them to "human behavior and life patterns within environments and under circumstances dramatically different than their own" (4). The most popular catch phrases of Darwinism, "struggle for existence" and "survival of the fittest", when applied to the life of man in society, suggested that nature would provide that the best competitors in a competitive situation would win, and that this process would lead to continuing improvement" (6. Hoft). This misinterpreted sense of superiority engulfed much of society at the time and was used to justify the logistics behind certain actions regarding capitalism, racism, and imperialism. Furthermore, it served as the backbone of some of the most heinous acts imaginable including the genocide and sterilization of certain groups of people. "The first business of a colonist is to clear the country of wild beasts, and the most noxious of all wild beasts is the wild man", unknown (87). Social Darwinism was the product of late nineteenth– century economic and political ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague The theory of social darwinism is one's social status determined by the situation and circumstances presented to the person. In McTeague, two sets of couples, are faced with situations that they have to try and get through, but inevitably fail due to their upbringing, according to Norris. Through the characters and the circumstances faced with McTeague, Frank Norris displays his viewpoints on social darwinism, and how he believes it is real. Norris shows his views through the rise and fall of Trina and McTeague relationship, which ends in their demise, and also the greediness of Maria and Zerkow. A relationship that Norris focuses on in regards to social darwinism is Trina and Mcteague. Both characters spend much of their life in the lower class. McTeague spends much of his childhood in and around the coal mines, while Trina in considered poor for much of her life. Both Trina and McTeague are able to turn their fortunes around. Mcteague becomes a dentist and makes pretty good money, while Trina buys an illegal lottery ticket, and wins the lottery. They both go from living to happy and carefree lives, to a harsh relationship. The money and wealth that they received ended up being their demise. ... Show more content on ... Both grew up as poor minorities, and were considered to be in the lowest class possible. Maria is a minority as well, making the couple destined for the lower class, along with not being worth anything to society. Maria becomes pregnant, but loses the baby, which shows the social order, and how the lower class can't support the baby. Both Maria and Zerkow are never able to get out of their class system they are put into at birth, being minorities. The social darwinism aspect in this relationship is the fact that no matter how hard they try to get out of their class, different tragedies strike them down. Their relationship is ruined from the greed and anguish, and ends in both of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Social Darwinism In The Gilded Age Social Darwinism was applied to the country during the Gilded Age which was named after it, due to Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. Social Darwinism was the way they classified this time of period because it closely resembled Darwin's theory of natural selection and was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform. Social Darwinism began in the late 19th century and early 20th century during the time of The Gilded Age and earlier. Herbert Spencer was a 19th century philosopher and he promoted the idea of Social Darwinism. It basically followed the principle that only the strong would survive and prosper. While this period the technology and economy and government of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Compare And Contrast Spencer And Social Darwinism Social Darwinism is a belief, popular in the late Victorian era in England, America, and elsewhere, which states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and unfit should be allowed to die. The theory was chiefly expounded by Herbert Spencer, whose ethical philosophies always held an elitist view and received a boost from the application of Darwinian ideas such as adaptation and natural selection. Spencer and Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer, the father of Social Darwinism as an ethical theory, was thinking in terms of elitist, "might makes right" sorts of views long before Darwin published his theory. However, Spencer quickly adapted Darwinian ideas to his own ethical theories. The concept of adaptation ... Show more content on ... In fact, the early Social Darwinists, who regarded the theory as a logical extension of laissez–faire capitalism, would have been appalled at the use of the concept to promote state–run eugenics programs. Though its moral basis is now generally opposed, Social Darwinism did have some favorable effects. Belief in Social Darwinism tended to discourage wanton handouts to the poor, favoring instead providing resources for the fittest of all walks of life to use, or choosing specific, genuinely deserving people as recipients of help and support. Some major capitalists, such as Andrew Carnegie, combined philanthropy with Social Darwinism; he used his vast fortune to set up hundreds of libraries and other public institutions, including a university, for the benefit of those who would choose to avail themselves of such resources. He opposed direct and indiscriminate handouts to the poor because he felt that this favored the undeserving and the deserving person ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague The concept of Social Darwinism, based on Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, is defined as a 19th–century doctrine that the social order is a product of natural selection of those persons best suited to existing living conditions. (Webster's College Dictionary). Frank Norris used this theme, as a form of realism, to give readers real world examples of how the strong thrive, because they were biologically superior, and how the weak die off. In Frank Norris's novel, McTeague, a common theme of Social Darwinism is depicted through the deaths of Maria Macapa and Zerkow, as well as through characters with the more superior heritage, Old Grannis and Miss Baker, that have the ability to prosper. Throughout the novel McTeague, Maria Macapa ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Pros And Cons Of Social Darwinism Social Darwinists argue that economic competition produces human process. Social Darwinism is a theory that states that individuals, groups, and people are all subject to the same Darwinian law of natural selection as plants and animals. Spencer's idea was modified to refer to free competition in the economic world. Spencer stated that free competition ensures that only the most capable individuals survive and rise to the top. He also argued that the free competition that enriches some individuals and reduces others to poverty results in the gradual improvement of the human race. One basic problem with his idea is that the skills that help individuals and firms advance and survive in the business world are not necessarily those that help humanity survive on the planet. Advancements might be achieved through a ruthless disregard for other human beings. It is also important to mention that the main problem with the Social Darwinists is the normative assumption that survival of the fittest means survival of the best. 9. What are Marx's four forms of alienation? How does each form help to increase inequalities of wealth and power? The first form of alienation is alienating workers from their own productive work. People are usually forced into work ... Show more content on ... A mixed economy is also defined as an economy that retains a market and private property system, but relies heavily on government policies to remedy their deficiencies. Society would want to consider this system because it would allow to getting rid of the disadvantage the poor and middle class people are getting. For example, the government would be able to get rid of the worst aspects of inequality by taxing the wealthy and distributing it to the disadvantaged in the form of welfare payments or services. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, Ireland, and Switzerland are all mixed economies with high levels of government ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Effects of Social Darwinism Essay Introduction The Effects of Social Darwinism on the social trends of the 19th century. "As a world view, Darwinism cannot of course be refuted, since Faith is, always has been, and always will be, stronger than facts. " – Francis P. Yockey Social Darwinism is a theory that competition among all individuals, groups, nations or ideas drives social evolution in human societies. The term draws upon Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, where competition between individual organisms drives biological evolutionary change through the survival of the fittest. The term was popularized in 1944 by the American historian Richard Hofstadter, and has generally been used by critics rather than advocates of what the term is supposed to ... Show more content on ... The first advocate of the social Darwinism theory had a major impact on the American society as a whole, starting from economic bases, to the big business minds of the time. In the United States, Spencer gained considerable support among intellectuals and some businessmen, including steel manufacturer Andrew Carnegie, who served as Spencer's host during his visit to the United States in 1883. The most prominent American social Darwinist of the 1880s was William Graham Sumner, who on several occasions told audiences that there was no alternative to the "survival of the fittest" theory. Critics of social Darwinism seized on these comments to argue that Sumner advocated a "dog–eat–dog" philosophy of human behavior that justified oppressive social policies. Some later historians have argued that Sumner's critics took his statements out of context and misrepresented his views. This picture depicts the idea behind social Darwinism. IT is a powerful society in which keeps the wealthy, and powerful and kicks out the minority, poor folks who are no longer able to survive in such a materialistic world. Chapter 2: Major Social Trends of the 19th Century There were many aspects of the American life during the 19th century that have changed significantly from the times beforehand. Whether it be from economic policies, religious ideals, or political platforms, there were so many changes being made, ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague Social Darwinism is a social concept based of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. The concept of Social Darwinism states that certain classes and races were more fit and survived longer because they were biologically superior. Social Darwinism can often be applied to the characters within a novel. In Frank Norris' novel, McTeague, the couples, Trina and McTeague and Maria and Zerkow, exemplify the concept of Social Darwinism, as seen by Trina's want to rise to the upper class, Trina forcing McTeague to act like he's in the upper class, Trina obsession with saving money, and the death of Maria and Zerkow's child because of their biologically inferior races. Based on Social Darwinism, McTeague and Trina were less likely to survive ... Show more content on ... Zerkow was Polish and Maria was Hispanic, both inferior races; this causes them to be biologically inferior and less likely to survive. The couple decides to have a child; the child died due to its biologically inferior race. After losing her child, Maria began to suffer from a frightening mental illness. The severe illness caused Maria to lose her memory. When Zerkow asked Maria where the golden dishes were, Maria was completely discombobulated. She had no memory of ever owning golden dishes. The lose of Maria's memory caused the destruction of their marriage, because their marriage was built on the golden dishes that Zerkow was obsessed with. Zerkow became preoccupied with searching for Maria's golden dishes, that never really existed, and he got furious with Maria. She drove him insane, which caused him to resent her. Maria was found with a slit in her neck and Zerkow was found dead in the river; it's believed that Zerkow killed Maria and jumped in the river to end his own life. Their biologically inferior races, the lose of their child, and the downfall of their marriage caused the death of Maria and ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Social Darwinism and Race Superiority In The West Essay Social Darwinism was a set of theories developed by various people during the 19th century. It was the adaptation of Darwin theory of evolution applied to human social behavior and ability to survive compared to other human beings. It can now easily be seen that these theories could be used to justify racial discrimination and they have been used in this way throughout history. This misconception of Darwin's theories popularized by various academics in the west gave western nations to treat other nations badly. People like French man Joseph Gobineau had already come up with race supremacy ideas before Darwin's theories of evolution had started to become a popular idea. He took his ideas from what he was seeing around him at the time not ... Show more content on ... It is looking at people's ability to adapt in the man made society, saying that people with less intelligence and ability to contribute to this society will struggle to survive in the society. Humans being are all from the same species so what social Darwinists say is that lesser Human beings will/should eventually die out, or be killed. Most Social Darwinists believed that these lesser Human Beings were of another, less economically and technologically powerful race. (Hawkins p. 134–137, 1997) Joseph Arthur de Gobineau was a French academic is well known for his work Essay on the Inequality of Human Races written in the mid 19th century and translated into English in 1856. At the time the views expressed in the paper were not called Social Darwinism they were extremely Social Darwinist. Gobineau opposed the French revolution because he believed that it meant that the Aryan race in which he descended was being corrupted by other races. He said that there are three races Blacks, Yellows and Whites. The Blacks where stupid but physically superior, the Yellows looked scientific views of people and the Earth which put the human race in place where they were not superior. Lastly Gobineau wrote that the White race was the strongest and most intelligent of the races, even saying the white race was better looking. The Aryan race which descended from Germany to Europe to govern the Celts and Slavs was the most superior of the white ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Social Darwinism Of The World War I American Social Darwinism "For their point of view does not permit of a live–and–let–live kind of carrying on. It is a point of view that justifies itself by a whole hearted acceptance of the worst of Neo–Darwinism, the Allmacht of natural selection applied rigorously to human life and society and Kultur"(p.22, Headquarters Nights by Vernon Kellogg). In the years following World War I, the Social Darwinist movement lost some of its momentum due to the unpopularity of Germany 's Neo–Darwinism. Support for an individualistic and nationalistic based Social Darwinism died and was replaced by the state–enforced Social Darwinism of eugenics. Despite the widespread Christian attack on Darwinian tenets, Christians did not fight the eugenics movement in an effective way. Eventually, even legislatures controlled by Christians fell to the false promises of eugenics. Despite poignant criticism of eugenics among scientists in the United States, more than 30,000 individuals were forcibly sterilized. In an ironic twist of fate, the Nazis Party 's adoption of American Eugenics programs led to the virtual extinction of Social Darwinism in the United States. Social Darwinism stems from a misapplication of Darwin 's theory of evolution. In 1859 Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species, which describes the mechanism for changes in the traits of a population over time. This mechanism, called natural selection, favors the survival, and hence the reproduction, of those ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Social Darwinism During The Gilded Age Social Darwinism was a popular term during the late 19th century. According to Social Darwinism, the human race evolves only through competition and only the fit survive while the weak cease to exist. Therefore Social Darwinism applied during the Gilded age meant that the wealthy represented the fit, whereas the poor represented the weak. Wealthy men like John D. Rockefeller used this to justify their tremendous wealth gain. However, American industries expanded rapidly; new technologies and innovations came about and took over the cities which increased production. Many of Americans and immigrants migrated to the cites to get jobs; but the working conditions during the time were very poor. Employees worked long hard hours in harsh environments and received little pay, which caused many people to live in poverty. This poverty issue formulated the theory of Social Darwinism. Many people used this theory to justify the distinction between the rich and the poor. Social Darwinism also allowed businessmen to have merit because it allowed them to expand and earn money. ... Show more content on ... Rockefeller was the world's most wealthiest man of his time. He was the founder of the Standard Oil company. During his time being alive he collected over 336 billion dollars. Rockefeller achieved this by using horizontal integration. Horizontal integration is where you buy out your competition and Rockefeller did this but you can also say that by buying out his competition it created a monopoly. Anyway John D. Rockefeller's assertion on Social Darwinism was that if you were made rich then it was God's will. Rockefeller also said that "the growth of a large business is merely a survival of the fittest." Rockefeller donated over 500 million dollars to different causes such as Universities and the Rockefeller ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Compare And Contrast Social Gospel And Social Darwinism Compare and Contrast Social Darwinism and Social Gospel Social Darwinism is based on Charles Darwins thoery of natural evalution. They based a persons fitness off of weath, social status, and property. Poor poeple were seen as lazy, and less fit to survive. They decided that anyone could have a good work ethic, intelligence, and perserverance. Supported the idea of goverment policies should not regulate the market place or atempt social reform. Social Darwinism was also used by Andrew Caenagie and other Industrialists to support thier business practices. Social Gospel was a movement to put social problems with Christianity , Issues such as inequality, alcoholism , crime, uncleam environment, child labor, poor schools and the danger of war. ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. What Is Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism 1. Describe Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism, explaining how and why American embraced it so earnestly. Herbert Spencer became popular and recognized for Darwinism which Herbert believed that everything in the universe is evolutionary which included human character and social institutions that went along with the principles of survival of the fittest. A phase which was turned in social Darwinism which applied the theory of evolution to human nature and society which America embraced. Spencer's idea was to ensure that only the best would survive so that society would be able to achieve to be perfect and small business would not be supported. 2. William James, although not a true functionalist was a strong forerunner of it. What did James ... Show more content on ... It was said that if a woman wanted to continue her education beyond the basics she would have physical and emotional problems. They also theorized that women's brains and nervous system were limited to support higher mental process. For example, it was thought that women would endanger their bodies biologically with problems in motherhood, and irregular menstrual cycles. Variability Hypothesis was a myth that men showed a variation of physical and mental development that women and men were more average. Variability Hypothesis was refuted when two women Helen Bradford Thompson Woolley and Leta Stetter Hollingsworth used empirical techniques of new functional psychology to show that Darwin and other were wrong about women. Helen Woolly conducted the first experimental test of Darwinian notion that women were biologically inferior to men where she used 25 men and 25 females and measured their motor abilities, sensory, intellectual abilities and personality traits. The results showed that there were no differences between the sexes in emotional functioning and a small portion difference in intellectual abilities and the data later showed that women were slightly superior to men in memory and sensory perception. Leta Stetter Hollingsworth did empirical research on variability hypothesis which was the idea for physical, psychological and emotional functioning. Hollingsworth said that women were more homogeneous then the average man and showed less variation. Her data refuted the variability hypothesis and notions for female inferiority. Examples she used were that menstrual cycles were not related to performances deficits in perceptual and motor skills or in intellectual abilities that everyone had thought ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Social Darwinism Flaws The Big Mistake: How Darwinism's Inadequacy Has Affected Society Since the publishing of the iconic "On The Origin of Species" in 1859, Darwinian theory has held precedence not only in science, but in education and everyday life. Creationism is ignored on a regular basis by saying, "This explanation is not within the scope of science" (Pearcey 169). As a result of its scientific backing, Darwinian evolution is considered as fact and not as a theory. When thoroughly examined, there are numerous flaws that disregard Darwinism in every aspect. Contrary to popular belief and scientific preference, Darwinism is scientifically and philosophically inadequate. It cannot explain the origin of life, and has displayed disastrous consequences towards ... Show more content on ... With staunch belief in Social Darwinism and "survival of the fittest", millions died at the hands of men like Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot. According to Richard Weikart, "Darwinism was a central aspect of Hitler's worldview. It drove pretty much everything he did." (Bohlin 61) As a result of Darwin's ideologies, former Darwinian apologist Denyse O'Leary stated that "Darwin put racism on a supposedly scientific basis. In that respect, he enabled the most virulent racism of the twentieth century." (Bohlin 63) With the consequences and inconsistencies of Darwinian evolution, an explanation that points to an Intelligent Designer and Creator is the most logical and reasonable outcome. According to Jerry Coyne, from the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago, "there is little evidence for the neo–Darwinian view: its theoretical foundations and the Schloesser ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. George Pullman's Influence On Social Darwinism Social Darwinism is a term to describe the idea that humans compete for existence just like the rest of the animal kingdom. Darwin used this term to attempt to rationalize racism, capitalism, and imperialism. It simplifies the human's desire for power. Now it is widely discredited and scrutinized because its a " rejection of compassion and social responsibility." (1) These tycoons of business figured out how to use social darwinism to their benefit. They were ruthless in the business world but were credited for creating big business and a booming economy in the US. The so–called "robber barons" were nothing but businessmen who knew what they were doing and used it to their advantage. George Pullman was an American industrialist and inventor. His father moved buildings out of the way of the Erie Canal. George took over the business in 1853. Later he won a contract with the state of New York to move 20 buildings out of the way. After this he came up with the idea to manufacture and lease railroad cars on the growing railroad industry. After being unsatisfied with sleepers and passenger cars, he created the Pullman Sleeper. These cars were immediately successful ... Show more content on ... Rockefeller was an American business tycoon. His early life made an impact on him with his father's odd habits and parenting. His father was a traveling salesman who regularly cheated on his wife; even cheating on her when he was home. His father regularly " cheated" his children by lying to them. He made the excuse that it would make them strong. John did not let this affect him. He got a job at an early age and used this experience and knowledge to become a business partner. By the end of the year the company had made half a million dollars. He used this money to open an oil refinery. He and a few others created the Standard Oil Company, in 1870. Within two years they had owned a majority of the oil refineries in Cleveland. They, in nearly a decade, had a monopoly on the US oil refinery ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Examples Of Social Darwinism Social Darwinism is based on Charles Darwin's concept of evolution but implied to society. It takes on a survival of the fittest agenda while using natural selection to "weed out" the weak from the majority of society. The "we" would be white people, specifically white men, and the "they" would be the people they enslaved or forcibly ruled over. In Rudyard Kipling's poem, "The White Man's Burden" he based this on the people of the Philippines after the Spanish–American War when America had won. In my opinion, a little hypocritical seeing as he was British and the Brits weren't ones to talk; perhaps he meant this in the broadest sense even though he was looking at this particular incident which is also likely. An example of Social Darwinism ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Social Darwinism Is An Ideology Of Society Social Darwinism is an ideology of society that seeks to apply biological concepts of the laws of evolution by natural selection of evolutionary theory to sociology and politics, often with the assumption that conflict between groups in society leads to social progress as superior groups outcompete inferior ones. How we got to the point of coining the modern term of "Social Darwinism" we would have to turn to the famous man himself, Charles Darwin. At first glance, Charles Darwin seems an unlikely revolutionary. Born in 1809, Charles grew up a shy and unassuming member of a wealthy British family. He appeared, at least to his father, to be lazy and directionless. But even as a child, Darwin expressed an interest in nature. Later in 1831, ... Show more content on ... These better–adapted beings, which contribute so much to the genetic complement of following generations of their population, are said to have greater reproductive "fitness." Hence the use, and popularization, of the phrase: "survival of the fittest." (This expression is often attributed to Charles Darwin and, although it appears in the fifth edition of his Origin of Species, 1869, it is there attributed to Herbert Spencer.) By 'fittest ', of course, Spencer and Darwin didn 't have in mind the commonly used meaning of the word now, that is, the most highly qualified and/or physically adequate. The 'fittest ' referred to here, are those animals which are the most suited to their environment, that is, those which are best fitted to survive. Not only did Darwin theorize that animals and plants evolved into different species through a process of natural selection and "survival of the fittest", he claimed that humans were animals themselves, subject to the same selection process that played out in "nature". This theory was then applied to economic life. Attempts to reform society through state intervention or other means would, therefore, interfere with natural processes; unrestricted competition and resistance of the status quo were in accord with biological selection. The poor were the "unfit" and should not be ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Social Darwinism In The Challenge Of Facts By Maudsley Advocated for by English philospher, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political theorist, Herbert Spencer, Social Darwinism is essentially the theory that individuals and groups of people are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals, that their struggle for existence is ultimately a competition that results in a "survival of the fittest" scenario. American sociologist, economist, William Sumner along with renowned British psychiatrist, Dr. Henry Maudsley, were both prolific proponents of Social Darwinism and argued that their evidence in support of Social Darwinism were scientific and that Social Darwinism as a theory itself, was science. In his essay The Challenge of Facts, Sumner argues that ... Show more content on ... In this article he argues that providing higher education to adolescent girls would not only produce permanent injury to their reproductive organs, but to their brains as well. He insists that a great amount of stress and change affects the psychological functions of girls going through puberty and that because of their delicate constitution during this time, they would be subjected to exhaustive mental strain by pursuing the same courses of study and being subjected to the same examinations as their more verile and strong minded male counterparts, for "there is sex in mind as distinctly and there is sex in body...and regard must be had to the mental qualities which correlate difference of sex."(79) Maudsley claims that even when these functions are in good working order and the woman as arrived at maturity, the facts of her organization interfere periodically to such an extent with steady and serious labour of mind or body that she can never hope to compete successfully with men. Instead, Maudsley suggests that women stick with what they and their mental capacities were built for, i.e. to be companions and helpmates to men, and conceivers, mothers, and nurses to children, arguing that "men are not so fitted mentally as women to be the educators and caregivers of children during the early years of infancy and childhood."(81) However, because women are provided with certain qualities specifically catered to fostering the growth of children, it only makes sense for her to focus what little energy she has to doing just that and leave the more psychologically intense work to the men. Further, Maudsley continues to paint a dire picture of the inevitable results of women's over expenditure of her vital energy. While the stimuli of competition in men is healthy and brings out the best in them, for women it would cause the calamitous denigration ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Social Darwinism Chapter 2 Summary "Chapter 2: Social Darwinism" is an article that is trying to explain the reason and thought of why the European settlers behaved the way they did. The Europeans traveled to South Africa in the 17th and 18th century. Back then they were known as the "Afrikaners". Anglo–Boer War happened because of the damage and the suffering the Europeans caused due to their arrogance. British Jingoism became the reason why Social Darwinism and the Anglo–Boer war happened. The British already had their mind set that they were the winning team in this "competition" between the races. They already knew they were going to the ones that would conquer all and take power over the nations with fewer resources. Charles Darwin broadcasted in 1859 his book On the ... Show more content on ... The British Empire fighting to take more African territory, while all the other European nations are shaming the Africa. They labeled the Afrikaners as "backwards" and a lesser race. They judged Afrikaners and called them "savages". The British plan was to wipe the population clean, so they no longer exist and completely take over their territory. Hobson concluded that with all the hatred that has been thrown at South Africa sympathies, communities, and groups would never be appreciated. Hobson believed the only people in Britain that would understand would have been those that had to fight the war (Lewis ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Social Darwinism Research Paper With the establishment of Europe and the uprising of many new nations and counties led European natives to gain knowledge of new ideologies of political and economic control. In the late nineteenth century a young naturalist and biologist from England by the name of Charles Darwin, created a theory that human beings, like animals and plants, compete in a struggle for existence. In which the theory of natural selection was crafted and resulted in Darwin's "survival of the fittest". Scholars began to use the term Social Darwinism in order to describe the concept of Charles Darwin to explain the philosophical justification behind racism, politics, economics and social issues. Intellectuals also concluded that Social Darwinism rooted from Darwin's ... Show more content on ... In which it proposes that a free market established social conditions making it more difficult for the poor to survive in an economy where the rich are successful. According to The Constitutional Rights Foundation, scholars of Social Darwinism believe that capitalism and society itself needs unlimited business competition to thrive in the American economy (2003). During the Gilded Age several American industries, monopolies and competing companies increased their control in production and the value of their goods. Men, women and children were employed and worked extensive hours for low pay and dangerous working environments. This resulted in large labor unions acting upon a strike towards their employer. However, at times judges also implemented the practice of laissez faire and issued court orders to end the strikes. The wealthy people of this era benefited from laissez faire and they strongly believed that the government should not interfere with the competition of the fittest ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Social Darwinism Book Report Social Darwinism is the theory of evolution applied to human society. Social Darwinism was a term formed in the late 19th century to describe the idea that humans, like plants and animals, compete in a struggle for existence. The theory of evolution came about in 1859, when Charles Darwin, an English naturalist and geologist, published a book called, "On the Origin of Species." The book talks about Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection and "survival of the fittest." Darwin believed that organisms change over time as a result of changes in physical or behavioral traits. One of Darwin's main points in his book was, "Survival of the fittest." This refers to an animal's ability to survive and reproduce. Species evolve through changes ... Show more content on ... Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, and Henry Ford. These were just a few business men that followed the idea of Social Darwinism. In the late 1820's, Cornelius Vanderbilt went into business on his own, building steamships in the New York area, eventually becoming one of the largest steamship operators. In the 1860's, the railroad industry was entering a period of great expansion, so he shifted his attention to make railroad transportation more efficient. Vanderbilt's goal was to control the steel industry. He bought out competitors and suppliers, giving him total power to set the cost of his product to what he wanted. Vanderbilt used the idea of Social Darwinism when he transferred from working the shipping to railroad business. He knew that if he kept his shipping business, it wouldn't be as profitable later on. That's why he invested his money, focus, and time into building a successful railroad industry. At a young age, John D. Rockefeller acted much like a young businessman, selling candy to local children and supporting his family. In 1870, Rockefeller established the Standard Oil Company of Ohio. He eventually controlled 90 percent of the refining business. With his large profits, he drove his competitors out of business by selling the oil cheaper than what it cost to produce the oil. After taking total control, he raised the price of oil to make his money back. In 1873, Andrew Carnegie entered the steel business and by 1899, the "Carnegie Steel Company" manufactured more steel than all the factories in Great Britain. Carnegie's success was to searching for ways to make better products more cheaply and hired chemists to improve the quality of the steel. He used a vertical integration which he bought out his suppliers, giving him total power of the cost and quality of his product. Carnegie was greatly influenced by Herbert Spencer's, "Social Darwinism." Spencer believed that the poor were ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Comparison Of Social Gospel And Social Darwinism In a free nation, every individual has a right to their way of thinking as can be demonstrated by the differing views individuals have taken in regards to two particular theories: Social Darwinism and Social Gospel, and their arguments as to which theory best strengthens the nation. As with most topics, different views are presented, but it is up to the individual to study opposing views and determine what theology they support. They can then share those views and choose to oppose differing views. Your Score ___ of 20 Merriam–Webster encyclopedia defines Social Darwinism as: an extension of Darwinism to social phenomena; specifically: a sociological theory that sociocultural advance is the product of intergroup conflict and competition ... Show more content on ... sociologist and economist, was a supporter of Social Darwinism. He believed in "laissez–faire, individual liberty and the idea that men were not equal". He supported the idea that the "preservation of racial soundness" and social superiority were due to the fact that some individuals were superior to other individuals. He considered poverty "the natural result of inherent inferiorities." When it came to the nation as a whole, Sumner believed a strong nation should be run by "superior" leaders who could guide the "less able". Social Gospel is defined in the Merriam–Webster dictionary as: the application of Christian principles to social problems: a movement in American Protestant Christianity especially in the first part of the 20th century to bring the social order into conformity with Christian principles. Walter Rauschenbusch was born in 1861. He was a pastor of the Second Baptist Church in New York City's "Hell's Kitchen" for eleven years. His congregation viewed him as a "loving pastor and social prophet" who helped comfort the afflicted. Many regarded him as the "Father of the Social Gospel". His social ethics were shaped by the work of other leaders, historians, and sociologists. "The ideal of the Kingdom of God," he said, "is not identified with any special social theory. It means justice, freedom, fraternity, labor, joy. Let each social system and movement show us what it can contribute, and we will weigh its ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Social Darwinism In The Mayor Of Casterbridge Upon returning from his voyage, renowned scientist Charles Darwin published his findings on his theory of "survival of the fittest". He claimed that the most "powerful" ascend higher on the scale of survival, whereas the disadvantaged and weak remain at the bottom. A few decades later, this concept was adapted to apply to social, economic and political issues–a term which later was coined as Social Darwinism. This phenomenon was the basis for the explanation of why certain individuals accumulate success and triumph over others. The theories of Darwin's work can be applied in literature as well, especially in The Mayor of Casterbridge. In this case, the "strength" of an individual was dependent on their reputation and social rankings. This placed females at a disadvantage, due to the patriarchal standards and oppression, as well as those who were morally unjust and disliked throughout the community, such as Henchard. Once engulfed in the classification as "unfit", demise and suffering is no longer a force that can be controlled and evaded by human actions. In his novel, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy applies the theories of Social Darwinism to prove that suffering is inevitable among the morally and socially weak and disliked through the recurring symbolism of animals, the unpredictable weather, and Lucetta's demise. The inclusion of various animals in Hardy's novel serve a deeper purpose than as livestock in the agrarian society of Casterbridge; they are symbolic ... Get more on ...