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I Have A Dream Analysis Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of "I Have A Dream Analysis" poses a considerable challenge,
demanding a nuanced understanding of the historical context, rhetorical devices employed, and
the profound impact of Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic speech. Delving into the intricacies of his
dream requires not only a comprehensive grasp of King's eloquence but also a keen insight into
the civil rights movement and the societal challenges of the time.
Analyzing King's rhetoric necessitates dissecting his use of metaphors, repetition, and powerful
imagery, all while connecting these elements to the broader socio-political landscape of the
1960s. The task becomes more intricate as one endeavors to unravel the layers of King's dreams,
interpreting the symbolism and aspirations embedded within his words.
Furthermore, to produce a compelling essay, one must navigate the ethical responsibility of
accurately representing King's intentions and the profound impact of his message. Balancing
personal interpretation with scholarly analysis becomes a delicate dance, requiring a meticulous
approach to avoid oversimplification or misrepresentation.
Additionally, the writer must be attuned to the contemporary relevance of King's dream and its
implications in today's society. Drawing parallels between the struggles of the past and the
challenges of the present demands a nuanced understanding of the ongoing fight for equality and
In conclusion, composing an essay on the "I Have A Dream" speech entails grappling with
historical, rhetorical, and ethical complexities. It is a task that demands not only strong analytical
skills but also a genuine appreciation for the enduring impact of Martin Luther King Jr.'s
visionary words.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, resources like offer professional services to make the writing process more manageable and
I Have A Dream Analysis EssayI Have A Dream Analysis Essay
Cardiovascular System Lab Report
The blood flow both the pulmonary and systemic circuits in humans
The cardiovascular system is made up of two circulatory routes, the pulmonary circuit
and the systematic circuit. The blood is oxygenated in the lungs during the
pulmonary circuit and then the oxygenated blood is circulated through the rest of the
body by the systematic circuit.
During pulmonary circulation the blood moves from the heart to the lung to become
oxygenated, the blood is then circulated back to heart. Deoxygenated blood enters the
right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae. The blood is pumped through
the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. The blood is then pumped through the
pulmonary valve and into the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle. ... Show more
content on ...
The systematic system also circulate the deoxygenated blood from the body and into
the heart to start the pulmonary circuit again. The blood is pumped from the left
ventricle, into the aortic valve and then into the aorta. The aorta branches into the
major arteries to the upper body before going through the diaphragm, where it
branches into arteries, which supplies blood to the lower body parts.
The image above shows the blood flow throughout the body.
The arteries are branched into smaller arteries, arterioles and capillaries. Carbon
dioxide and waste are diffused out of the cell into the blood, while oxygen is diffusing
out of the blood into the cell. The deoxygenated blood continues to flow through the
capillaries, which more into venules, veins and eventually, the heart. From the right
atrium, the blood will go through the pulmonary circulation again.
The image above shows how the blood travels through the body from the elastic
artery, muscular artery, arteriole, continuous capillary, fenestrated capillary, venule,
medium sized vein and through to the large vein, back into the heart.
Blood pressure is much higher within the systematic circuit due to the size, various
destinations and redirection of the blood flow. The high pressure is also due to the
smooth muscle, which creates more resistance.
Relationship Between Academic Achievement
In this modern ear a common societal value is academic achievement. Present
research is deals with the identification of relation between the academic achievement
and intelligence of the SC and ST students of secondary schools of Gulbarga city. The
academic achievement of the students is always depends on their effort, intelligence
and academic success. Academic achievement means acceptance and affection from
the parents, teachers and the peer groups. The sample consisted of 280 students from
different school of Gulbarga city.
For this study researcher has adapted survey method and intelligent test administrated
for data collection constructed by Cattell.R.B. The analysis of data was done by
calculating correlation coefficient between academic achievement and intelligence
and t value calculation to the significant difference relation. The findings of the study
shows positive correlation among intelligence and academic achievement and no
significant difference among SC and ST boys and girls of secondary schools.
Key Word: intelligence, academic achievement, Gulbarga, SC and ST.
After the downfall of the Muslim rule, Britishers came to India and established the
East India Company and ruled over more than 150 years. During this period education
was to create man power to support British administration. During freedom struggle
Essay on Gender in The Crime Drama Fiction Genre
According to John Fiske, Television as a culture is a crucial part of the social
dynamics. Indeed any television genre is based on apparent similarities, differences
and on expectations as well as assumptions shared by the viewers. It is also a cross
cultural translatability as it is understood in a diversity of contexts and markets.
According to Graeme Burton (2000), the genrestudy leads to understanding of
audiencepleasures and revelation of cultural myths. Also an understanding of finance
and marketing within television and finally an understanding of intertextuality and
postmodernist forms of television. However audiences are aware of the codes and
conventions that distinguish one genre product from the next. Genre has to be what...
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CharlieКјs Angels was according to Anna Gough Yates (2001) a representation of
femininity to the cultural dialogue surrounding feminism in the US during the 1970s
. The three main protagonists in the series were private detectives called Jill
Munroe, Sabrina Duncan and Kelly Garrett. They all worked for their mysterious
boss Charlie that we never see and were helped by CharlieКјs sidekick Bosley. Each
of the characters brought something different to the series. For example, Jill
Munroe played by Farrah Fawcett was the glamorous and sexy one; however her
easy going charm and her lively personality helped the angels on several
investigations. Then there was Sabrina Duncan who was the smartest of the angels.
She was always thinking about solutions and her strategic and calculated mind was
a key ingredient to the success of their missions. Finally the last angel was Kelly
Garrett who was had a mix of both good looks and intelligence. The three angels
showed us how they can be confident and sexy by using many clothes and makeup to
disguise themselves and fool the male criminals. According to Anna Cough Yates
(2001) Within the world of CharlieКјs Angels [...] women could be empowered
through immersing themselves in the world of consumerism commodity
consumption allowing for a performance of femininity that could deceive and evade
the exercise of dominant pattern of gender relations. This also
Essay on Authenticity in Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey: Authenticity
In what is for Jane Austen an uncharacteristically direct intervention, the narrator of
Northanger Abbey remarks near the end: The anxiety, which in the state of their
attachment must be the portion of Henry and Catherine, and of all who loved either,
as to its final event, can hardly extend, I fear, to the bosom of my readers, who will
see in the tell tale compression of the pages before them, that we are all hastening
together to perfect felicity.
As far as I know this is the only overt reference Austen ever makes to the material
nature of her medium, and the relationship of that materiality to generic conventions.
She might as well have said This is a romantic comedy I m writing as ... Show more
content on ...
In Davies adaptation of Middlemarch, a book whose opening words are Miss
Brooke , the opening scene is of a sexy and mysterious looking male stranger
arriving in town: the High Plains Drifter of Victorian England. In the Davies
version of Pride and Prejudice, a book about five sisters and how they secured their
futures is transformed into a script which begins with two men one of whom is
significantly more sexy and mysterious looking than the other mounted on
handsome, powerful, snorting horses galloping flat out across a field. (True, the
camera then pans back to find them being watched from a hill by a pair of
speculative and not especially friendly dark eyes under a bonnet, and there is an
audible creak of shifting power as the view lines up with Elizabeth Bennet for the
rest of the series.) Despite the relative freedom to improve on Austen that was granted
by the five hour time frame, Davies had a different if equally money driven kind of
problem; he was obliged, like the novelists writing in monthly instalments for the
literary journals of the later nineteenth century, but unlike Austen herself, to rearrange
the narrative so that it contained a series of regularly spaced, unresolved mini
climaxes, to leave the audience dangling and
Summary Of The Last Of The Mohicans
Throughout Cooper s novel the reader and Hawkeye are provided with many
oppositions and situations based on Culture, Race, and Geography that creates
many tensions throughout the novel. The Last of the Mohicans tends to be
centered on the Character Hawkeye, a pathfinder and pioneer that links the
wilderness and civilization as mediation. The text itself is driven to be a generic
paradox and an encompassing narrative, the history with romance and the
disagreement between fact and fiction. Cooper uses a blend of facts and fiction in
many scenarios. The third year of the Indian and French War The Last of The
Mohicans suppresses the boundaries or outlines that divide literature and history in
order to create a narrative of American, within which the real man can be
understood. Hawkeye, who is so to say a typical American is between the fiction
and fact boundary. He links the people and the actual events of the period of time to
fit right in to Coopers genre. The Indian Nations, Fort William Henry massacre,
Colonel Munroe, and Marquis de Montcalm are all based on fact but then Cooper
intertwines significant romance. Coopers chosen genre, historical romance, is based
on the movement between the stages of cultural development or hostile civilizations.
It allows cultural self awareness and analysis, which allows the narrative expression.
In a traditional narrative love is a quest rather than a cultural analysis. The texts
movement tracks the hero as he or she enters the unknown
Civil Rights And Social Integration Of African Americans
During the 20th century there were numerous riots, protests, and boycotts fighting for
the equality and social integration of African Americans. Some of the stories of
individuals endeavoring for their freedom have gone down in history resulting in
laws being altered, regulations being revised, and unimaginable boundaries being
broken. Sadly, in order to establish justice in this world, violence and death usually
occur due to conflicting ideals. In Southern Los Angeles, even after African
Americans were issued their Civil Rights, underlying racismconstructed barriers such
as racial restrictive covenants that ensured that blacks were still not welcome there.
The two biggest social disturbances that have taken place in the West have taken
place in Los Angeles where unemployment, overcrowding, poverty, and segregation
have become increasingly prevalent. The first of these social disturbances is the
Rodney Kingriot of 1992 and the second is the Watts riot of 1965. The racial bigotry,
which was backed by the racial restrictive covenants and racial discrimination of
LAPD throughout Southern Los Angeles; as well as the events that sparked the
Rodney King riot and the Watts riot; clearly illustrate the racial segregation and the
overall struggle that African Americans faced during the 20th century. Between 1910
and 1920 in what is commonly known as the Great Migration among 300,000 and
1,000,000 African Americans made their way toward northern cities to try and escape
The Problem Of Smoking
The smoking problem has become quite prevalent in our society. Several governments
have had problems dealing with a huge health care burden due to diseases and
conditions brought about by smoking. At the same time, individuals suffer several
addictive and health issues due to smoking. While this information may be apparent
to most of the smokers, studies have found that quitting a smokinghabit is quite a
challenge. The reason behind such challenge is attributed to Nicotine. Nicotine is an
addictive substance naturally occurring in Tobacco. Nicotine, just like any other
addictive substance creates a new feeling to the user. It creates feeling associated with
drug such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. It gives the users the perception
that they are managing feelings of depression, anxiety, fear and loneliness. However,
just as other drugs, the additive extent of nicotine is quite wide. Nicotine users tend to
develop a high physical dependence on nicotine to a point that normal physical
functionality is inhibited without smoking. Either, emotional and mental dependence
on nicotine is expected and in the end, a nicotine user becomes fully hinged to
smoking. Therefore, an attempt to stop quit is usually a difficult undertaking due to
the emotional, mental and physical attachment to the nicotine. This paper will
provide a step by step process that would assist a smoker to quit.
Step I: Decision
The first step in quitting smoking is by making a vital decision that there
Westward Expansion and the Effects on the United States
Westward Expansion and the Effects
On the United States
October 3, 2007
The Louisiana Purchase was the largest land deal in our history. It doubled the size
of the United States and gave us a strong face as an economic power. It brought
immigrants from all over the world for the idea of owning land and making a living
for themselves. We also had a second expansion with the Adams Onis treaty in 1819
(Davidson, 2002, p.p. 246 247) where we clearly defined the United States and
Spanish board to the Pacific and obtained the Florida territory. This gave the United
State a firm foothold and clearly defined boarders for the first time in our history.
With the foreign, French, ... Show more content on ...
This would have put and extreme economic strain on the import and export of goods
from the United States especially on behalf of the southern states which counted on
the Mississippi River for transportation of goods.
Napoleon Bonaparte was expecting to use his foothold in the United States in
conjunction with the territory of Hispaniola as an expansion of the French Empire.
He lost the island of Haiti during a slave revolt which stopped his plans to expand.
Without the supplies and port of Haiti the Louisiana Territory was useless to him. He
was also still involved in war with England and needed additional finances for that
battle. In order to obtain additional funds for his war he made the decision to sell the
Louisiana Territory to the United States.
Thomas Jefferson was the President at the time and knew the implications of not
having the rights to ship through the Mississippi and the port of New Orleans.
Prior to Bonaparte sending his minister to the United States Jefferson had already
sent Robert Livingston to offer to purchase the New Orleans at a minimum.
Bonaparte not only offered New Orleans but the entire Louisiana Territory. The
treat and sale to the United States was finalized in April of 1803 for approximately
$15 million dollars. This is recognized as the largest land purchase in United States
history. It is also a major accomplishment as it was completed without the loss of life
through a war.
Evaluation Of User Requirement Analysis Of Data
Evaluation of User Requirement Analysis in Data Warehouse Design
1.0 Introduction
A data warehouse (DW) can be acknowledged as one of the most complex
information system modules available and it is a system that periodically retrieves
and consolidates data from the sources into a dimensional or normalized data store. It
is an integrated, subject oriented, nonvolatile and a time variant collection of data in
support of management s decisions (Inmon, 1993).
1.1Data Warehouse Design Process
When considering suggestions of various authors who are well known in the field,
such as William Inmon and Ralph Kimball the DW design process can be divided
into three main stages (Figure 1).
The first phase which is DW planning is aimed at ... Show more content on ...
However, DW projects are complex, inherently risky and some of them fail in the
implementation. According to studies more than 80% of DW projects fail to fulfill
business goals.
One of the main reasons behind the failure of DW is the incompetence in analyzing
user requirements. Kimball et al. (2008) indicated that requirement definition phase is
paramount and will impact almost every decision in the DW project. This paper will
concentrate on the main approaches of user requirement gathering in DW design.
1.2User Requirement Analysis Approaches
User requirement analysis approaches fall within two major categories, which are
supply driven and demand driven. Supply driven approaches which is also called as
data driven, start with an analysis of all the available operational data. This is a
bottom up technique introduced by Inmon (1996) with emphasis on underlying
operational data sources as the basis to establish the scope and the functionality of a
DW. Data driven approach starts with identifying all available data within
transactional data source and analyses it in order to produce data mapping.
Demand driven approach which is also called as requirements driven, starts from
identifying the information requirements of business users. This implies a top down
technique. For this method high level of top management involvement is required
and the focus is on their needs to align DW with corporate strategy and business
objectives. Requirements are used to build a conceptual
Twelfth Night Conventions
A people, without the knowledge of their past, origin and culture is like a tree
without roots. Marcus Garvey, and such is the case with Shakespearean English
comedy in particular. A knowledge of comedic subgenres and conventions assists and
informs one s understanding of the stage drama, Twelfth Night. A knowledge of
genre and generic features helps to develop and broaden the meaning of many a play,
and in particular, Twelfth Night. The play Twelfth Night, written around 1600 BC, is
one of the great Romantic Comedies comedyfocusing on love, marriage and courtship
of William Shakespeareand is still today regarded a literary classic. It is written in the
pastoral tradition,... Show more content on ...
Every major character in Twelfth Night experiences some form of desire or love.
Duke Orsino is in love with Olivia. Viola falls in love with Orsino, while disguised
as his pageboy, Cesario. Olivia falls in love with Cesario, causing an interesting
love triangle, which is only resolved when Olivia falls in love with Viola s twin
brother, Sebastian, and, at the last minute, Orsino decides that he actually loves
Viola. Twelfth Night derives much of its comic force by satirising these lovers.
For example, Orsino s flowery love poetry is made fun of, demonstrating that
Orsino is more in love with the concept of being in love than his supposed
beloveds, as demonstrated in Act One If music be the food of love, play on; Give
me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die. Also, by
showing the particulars that govern how nobles engage in courtship, Shakespeare
examines how characters play the game of love. Characters that claim to be of
deep passions are often revealed as self absorbed, foolish, and misguided, as they
fall victim to unfortunate love. Twelfth Night, considers the relationship between
erotic desire and gender and examines more overt same sex desire, even as it
steadily works its way towards the completion of the play, which ends with
heterosexual couplings and marriage in a way for
Leonato And Antonio Foil
In almost every book there are character foils, even if there are no antagonists. In the
book Much Ado About Nothing, there are many romances, fights, and hatred
between characters. The couples of Benedick and Beatrice, and Claudio and Hero all
describe a love between them, and the very same for hatred. Much ado about nothing
is about all of the romance that can go through rough patches. In Much Ado About
Nothing by William Shakespeare, Antonio is a foil for Leonato because of their
opinions, emotions, and thoughts.
The opinions of Antonio and Leonato differ by many standards of their own. This
is happening during the wedding of Hero and Claudio and it happens after the
shaming. An example of this is when Leonato said Hence from her, Let her die
(Shakespeare 70). When Leonato says this he is at a wedding for his daughter hero,
but has become enraged when he hears false ... Show more content on
During this quote Leonato is mad at Borachio for his bad behavior. For instance,
when Leonato implies This naughty man shall face to face be brought to Margaret,
who, I believe, was pack d in all this wrong (Shakespeare 91). Leonato says this
because he had once thought that the actions of margaret had made claudio to think
that she was a very bad person. This quote states to Leonato that others shall suffer
too. On the other hand Antonio claims Yet bend not all the harm upon yourself. Make
those that do offend you suffer too (Shakespeare 82). Antonio says this because he
thinks that the people who shame or offend leonatos family should suffer along with
him. Antonio and Leonato are oils of each other because their thoughts are very
separate that s because one is undeniably angry and the other is showing forgiveness.
In all the thoughts of Antonio and Leonato are different from each other based on the
actions of other
The Question of Universal Suffering and Salvation as...
Endo s Deep River opens up an unsettling encounter with the spiritual vision of India
described through the experience of five Japanese travelers from vastly different
backgrounds each of whom faces a troubling personal crisis. By exploring the depth
of the human need to understand ourselves and our purpose in life, Endo illuminates
his appreciation of the workings of grace from a God present in the sufferings of
humanity. Endo delves deep into the human condition through his characters that
reflect the complex individuals and personalities we are. Endo examines the moral
dilemmas facing each character and portrays a clear picture of the river and its deep
significance. With the purpose of touring Buddhist temples in India, five... Show
more content on ...
Endo s story creates a spiritual journey that moves us toward religious allegory but
achieves its strength through the turbulent waters of the Ganges. Even with the
droppings of animals, a odor of burning flesh, its color of milky tea, (Endo 107) and
the dust of surrounding villages, the river becomes a fruitful image to the reader.
Endo s descriptions of Indian customs from the Japanese viewpoint are evident,
through the Japanese travelers and also through the way he uses imagery to suggest
a merging of the ancient Japanese beliefs (Koshinto) with the Indian beliefs about
the Ganges and his own Christian beliefs. Koshinto lies at the core of Japanese
sensibility and forms Japanese traditional lifestyle (Mase Hasegawa 28). Each
traveler or character is searching for a greater understanding, not merely of the
motivating force behind their behavior, but of a deeper nature. In doing so, they all
find themselves in direct confrontation with their own personal desires for spiritual
rejuvenation. They embark upon journeys toward greater self understanding where
each is caught up in his own process of individuation. The river is a recurrent site
motif with ritual significance, providing an idyllic destination.
Endo gives the River Ganges different metaphorical significances which we
understand through the cases of the five tourists; it is a balm for haunting memories,
a remedy for loneliness, and a cure for feelings of emptiness and worthlessness.
Walmart s Success Of The Global Market
Walmart s Success in the Global Market
In terms of Identify Basic Appeal which concerns suitability of climate, restriction
on certain items, access to material, and others Walmart has used this step of the
market screening process for much of its international business ventures (Wild and
Wild, 2013, p.301). For instance, in Brazil the tropical temperature (which
normally does not fall below 20В°C throughout the year) has apparently influenced
the type of apparel that the company sells in its stores (World Travel Guide, 2016;
Walmart, 2016). Because, within the stores of Walmart in Brazil, one can find
clothing made from fabric as in, cotton and linen, which are material suited for the
warmer weather found in Brazil (Walmart, 2016). Whereas, for a country like
Canada within Walmart stores, clothing can be found that are tailored for each of the
four seasons, thus one will be able to find winter jackets and shorts in line with the
seasons that they are most suited for. As for restricted items, in Ontario (Canada),
since the retailing of liquor presently falls under the purview of the Liquor Control
Board of Ontario (LCBO) one would not find alcohol base beverages on the
shelves of Walmart or being marketed by the entity (Alcohol and Gaming
Commission of Ontario, 2010). However, on the websites of Walmart in the US,
there are several options available as it relates to the purchase of alcoholic beverages
(Walmart, 2016). As it relates to access to material, when
Pros And Cons Of The CHUMS GSA
Goals of the CHUMS GSA Club What is GSA? GSA stands for Gay Straight
Alliance and it is a club here at Cardinal Heights, and in GSA, we focus on helping
the community with have many goals to move us forward into making our
community safer and more comfortable to everyone. GSA is important because it
educates and raises awareness to everyone around us about many different things.
Some of these things include, gender fairness, tolerance of different sexuality, and
building community. One of our goals this year was to get gender neutral
bathrooms for any of the students that may be feeling confused with their sexuality,
unsafe, or feel that they don t belong in their designated bathroom. It gives them
their option as well and makes it comfortable for everyone. Some of the pros we
came up with include the safety and comfort of the students. We want them to feel
safe and not feel that they will not be bullied by other kids while in their designated
bathroom. Also, this is good for trans, confuse, asexual, and others so it is in the good
... Show more content on ...
Though that is want we want, we do go over cons as well. Some of these cons are
that the school doesn t have much space and the decision was that there would be
one toilet, no stalls which led the group to think that, the bathrooms right now do
not get locked so there is easy access. Well, if this is a one person bathroom, there
will need to be a lock but anybody could have access to the bathroom and then lock
the door which can lead to dangerous things. This could be drug use, or something as
simple as skipping class. Another con was location. As of right now, the bathrooms
that are going to become gender neutral are the former teacher bathrooms and for
both the teachers and the gender neutral students, the bathrooms might be a little
further. This could cause taec her wondering why the students take so long in the
bathroom or maybe being late to
Hatchet Quotes
Hatchet Essay: MM, AM, CC Intro Have you ever gotten lost in the grocery store?
How did that feel? Was it scary? Now imagine getting stranded in the wilderness.
This is a question that I wonder all because of this addictive book called Hatchet,
by Gary Paulsen. This book is about a 13 year old boy, that has to survive on an
island for 54 days, all by himself, after a tragic plane crash. This helped Brian become
stronger, and more independent in different ways. This gave Brain a stronger chance
of survival, even through all of the changes that has happened throughout the past
couple months. Throughout this entire mess, I think these are most of the ways that
Brian has changed. In fact, Brian has grown stronger physically and mentally. He
knows... Show more content on ...
Although these changes were hard, it helped Brian change in a good way, it
helped Brian survive this tragic incident. The first change that stood out most to
me in Brian would be strength. An excellent example of this would be the quote on
chapter 17, after the tornado took everything away. He had to start completely
new. In this chapter the quote clearly states, Tomorrow, he thought, as he lay back
in the darkness. Tomorrow maybe the fish would be back and he would make a
spear and new bow and get some food. Tomorrow he would find food and refine the
camp and bring things back to sanity from the one completely insane day The
quote clearly shows growth in Brian, it shows how he has grown strength, even
after everything that he had was destroyed he was still willing to get back up on
his feet, with a positive attitude, he was not just going to give up. This is very
different from the Brian from the beginning of the book. That Brian would have
cried, and given up as soon as the tornado hit. But now, Brian has learned from his
mistakes. He knows now that giving up, and sitting there feeling sorry for yourself
won t help you survive. Because if he would have just given up, he wouldn t have
survived long enough to get rescued by the plane. Brian decided to make the smart
choice, in order to survive. Brian has become smarter, stronger, and more patience
with things. All in
The Skin You Live In By Michael Taylor
The book I chose to do an integrated unit on was The Skin You Live In by Michael
Taylor with second grade students aged 7 8 years old. The big, colorful pages are
vibrant and easy to absorb. This book delivers an important message about
acceptance to young readers. It also has a great message that we are all different
and the same and we should love ourselves for who we are. I have developed three
activities that introduce concept explorations and challenge students to accept all
cultures. It is very beneficial to involve learningstudents cognitively, emotionally, and
physically. These lessons demonstrate learning experiences that are beneficial and
relevant to children all over the world (Davis, 2011). For the math activity, I chose an
activity that came from China, it is called Five Up Dominos. The children will use
their math skills and practice addition and multiplication. For the science activity, the
students will do an experiment called Save the Flag. This activity teaches students
how to preserve certain material such as a countries flag. For the social studies
activity, the children will make a garland of flags based on a country they research.
The math concepts taught in this lesson are teaching the students how to use certain
math formulas, and practice addition and multiplication. It is beneficial for students
to know what tools to use for capturing and displaying information that is important
to them (Davis, 2011). The science concepts taught in this
The Various Types Of Transitions
The 4 types of transitions are
Emotional personal experiences such as parent s separating, bereavement, beginning
or leaving a place of care.
Physical change in environments
Intellectual maturation, moving from one educational establishment to another.
Physiological puberty or medical conditions.
Moving into a new nursery or classroom is a big transition for children like getting a
new teacher, class mates, class, new room and way of working.
New faces, unknown personalities, lack of knowledge about who provides support
will impacts on a child s confidence, ability to interact, be comfortable and relax.
This maybe heightened if children are older, teacher is unknown, fear that knocking
will direct unwanted attention to themselves may prevent a child wanting to go
/perform this type of task or be unwilling to enter the room they may become quiet,
withdraw and refuse to participate when asked for volunteers. Positive relationships
can support children across the school by adults making themselves known to
children. Personalities, attitude and approach will reassure the children on the type of
support they could expect.
A permanent, new class environment offers the opportunity to experience different
layouts, places where resources are kept and resource items themselves. Positive
relationships can reassure children that access is the same as they re already used to.
A tour of the new room and its facilities will help familiarise everyone with what s
Using Technological Approaches for the Presentation of...
Our world today has changed a great deal with the aid of information technology.
Things that were once done manually or by hand have now become computerized
operating systems, which simply require a single click of a mouse to get a task
completed. Information technology benefits society with communication by
allowing people to stay in touch with their families at very affordable costs. It
allows us to do things faster and easier with the use of the internet. It has already
become an integral part of our daily lives. For one, it is true that technologypartly
solves problems and makes life better. But is it really as perfect as they say? Let s
take a look at a comparative study about using technological approaches for the
presentation of curriculum in schools by video conferencing to deliver classes to
children in five rural schools in Canada(Barter P43). Admittedly, technology brings
more innovation and opportunities to people today to broaden their horizons and
improve efficiency. However, in this case, the use of technology in teaching brings
opportunities as well as challenges that stretch the limits of teaching and learning. It
causes many social problems, like decreasing job opportunities in rural areas and
increasing costs of equipment maintenance. The technological changes may likely
create new problems thereby threatening or damaging certain people s quality of life.
Information technology involves more than just computer literacy, but it also takes
into account
Mortgage Broker Case
Mortgage Brokers Bella Vista
Are you having trouble in shopping for a suitable home loan for your situation? In
that case, you should speak with one of our representatives here at Selectabroker.
To avail of our free service, all you have to do is send us an enquiry through the
contact form on the right side of the page. If you are more comfortable with talking
on the phone, you can call our toll free line 1300 510 045 which is open until 9 in
the evenings for seven days a week. We will be more than happy to cater to your
brokering needs.
While you may be tempted to try and handle the applications and paperwork on
your own, it can be better to enlist the services of our agents instead. Doing so will
give you access to a wider network of lenders. ... Show more content on ...
For starters, it has a prime location near the end of the M2 motorway. This puts it
close to two major north south transport routes through the Westlink M7, the
Cumberland Highway, and Sydney. What this means is that you will have access
to many different amenities and facilities, even those not in the immediate locality.
These include the Norwest Business Park, which incorporates hotel, industrial,
commercial and retail developments. There is also the Norwest Private Hospital
along with several established dental surgeries and medical centres. Not to
mention several shopping complexes like the Circa Retail and the Norwest
Marketplace. The Hillsong Church and the Norwest Anglican Church are in the
locale too. The suburb is actually listed in Fortune s Global 500 list because it is
home to the Woolworths Limited complex. Other large scale companies with
headquarters in the area are the Reserve Bank of Australia, AAMI Insurance,
ResMed, and Homeart. As for educational institutions, Bella Vista is close to St.
Michael s Primary School, Gilroy Catholic College, Model Farms High School,
Matthew Pearce Public School, and others. While it may be densely populated, it
remains a good choice for people of all kinds, be they professionals, students, or
families with children. You can learn more if you speak with any of our mortgage
brokers in Bella
Phantom Limbs Essay
Phantom Limbs
Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) is a serious condition that occurs when a person who has
lost a part of their body though amputation, trauma (brachial plexus), or loss of
nervous connections in an appendage, perceives that the limb is still there and
experiences sensations coming from this area. It was first described in 1866 by S.
Weir Mitchell, an American neurologist, through a short story published in Atlantic
Monthly. While Mitchell may then have wondered if this was specific to wounded
Civil War soldiers, it has since been established as quite common (1). Over 70% of
amputees report phantom limb pain for years after amputation (2). Several theories
have been proposed regarding PLP, although there is still much to be... Show more
content on ...
Data indicated that PLP is related to, and may be a consequence of, plastic changes in
the primary somatosensory cortex, and that the shift of the cortical map following
amputation might be a potential neurophysiological basis of PLP (6).
Further studies in 1998 investigating the re mapping component in the brain were
conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto and The Toronto Hospital. The
study recruited amputees who experienced phantom pain for surgery to map the
sensory areas in the brain. During the mapping process, the conscious patients
reported sensations they felt when certain areas of the thalamus were stimulated.
Patients reported phantom sensations when areas of the thalamus were stimulated
that formally were innervated by neurons from the missing arm, and also when areas
on the stump were stimulated that activated these reorganized regions in the brain.
Neurons were shown to continue to carry out their original roles, but with different
sources of activation (7).
While persuasive, the aforementioned experimental conclusions are well critiqued by
Ronald Melzack who argues against looking to the somatosensory cortex or thalamus
as the only cause of phantom pain in his April 1992 Scientific American article. He
states: Such changes in the somatosensory thalamus or cortex could explain why
certain feelings arise in limbs that no longer exist or can no longer
Essay On The Republic Of Plato
Unless, I said, the philosophers rule as kings or those now called kings and chiefs
genuinely and adequately philosophize, and political power and philosophy
coincide in the same place, while the many natures now making their way to either
apart from the other are by necessity excluded, there is no rest from ills for the
cities, my dear Glaucon, nor I think for human kind, nor will the regime we have
now described in speech ever come forth from nature, insofar as possible, and see
the light of the sun. (THE REPUBLIC OF PLATOBy Allan B 473d 473e)
In this essay, I will try to point out reasons why I think Plato wants the state to be
ruled by philosophers and why I think he is right. In his time, Plato was disappointed
by the way his teacher Socrates ... Show more content on ...
To my understanding, men do not become philosopher. Philosophers are born
philosophers, they are gifted ones. It is by nature and as per Plato, it is very
important that the most gifted youths be given a very good training from their
early age otherwise they will turn to bad ones if given bad training. This is why it
is imperative that philosopher kings rule the state. They will provide proper, better
training for the philosophers to become than those leaders who rule by opinions
and beliefs. This is probably what happens to Hitler. He became a monster because he
did not receive a proper training. The way he went from street to power shows he was
no ordinary person. He would probably have been a better leader if he received a
proper education. There are a lot to say but since limited by the length of the essay, I
would now prefer to answer my previous
In everybody s life there is something that makes him strive for success. That
something can be money, women, fame, or many other incentives.. To the medieval
knights, victory renown and glory are the ambitions they strive for. Breaking a law
in this code would be considered a disgrace, and would bring a dishonor that was
worse than death itself. However, by applying the Code of Chivalry, the knights in
the medieval time displayed certain character traits which would secure success and
honor in both battle and morality. In the book Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott, a knight
named Ivanhoe illustrates this by devoting his attention to keeping the rules of the
Code of Chivalry, which consisted of love of adventure, integrity, and loyalty to the...
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If his home country of England is to lose the battles, he and his country would be
disgraced. His fear of disgrace helps lead him on. Having a fear of disgrace shows
the reader that having this motive can lead one on to success. br br People can
learn a lesson not only about glory, but of bravery also. Besides glory, bravery is
used throughout the novel also. An example of this is when Sir Brian de Bois
Guilbert dies for Rebecca. Ivanhoe demonstrates bravery when he fights Brian to
repay Rebecca for her care when he is hurt. He is also very brave when he fights
for his Saxon image. Even though he is not a major character in this book, Robin
Hood also shows bravery. He robs from the rich and gives to the poor which breaks
certain parts in the Code of Chivalry. Through his actions, he fulfills part of the
Code. He is brave and has a love of adventure in doing so, but his integrity and
respect to the king is taken by his criminal actions. People can learn from these
examples that sometimes being brave is not pretty. Both Sir Brian de Bois
Guilbert and Robin Hood had to suffer consequences for being brave. br br Bravery
is very important to knights. If they are not brave they are disgraced, which is
something they fear the most. Ivanhoe s motto is Death is better than defeat, this
shows his fear of disgrace. Likewise, in are society there are certain people that are
looked at as being a disgrace. br br In society today there is a fear of disgrace.
Becoming a
Unstructured Interviewing Skills Essay
While anthropologists have many prominent skills, one of upmost importance is that
of interviewing. With greater attention to interpersonal relationships and
communication, anthropologists are in an excellent position to engage in a
multitude of interview styles, such as unstructured and semi structured interviews
(Schensul and LeCompte 2013). Unstructured interviewing allows for more
flexibility in the number and sequence of questions, as well as for greater freedom
in the respondent s answers. The goal of such interviewing is to elicit open ended
responses that flow more like a conversation; a benefit of this method is the way in
which in builds comfort and rapport with participants who may be beneficial later in
the study. A key aspect... Show more content on ...
Another key skill anthropologists have developed is the ability to create and
administer meaningful and thoughtful structured surveys. Structured questionnaires, a
form of structured interviewing, are presented in the same manner to each
participant so as to control the input that triggers people s responses, thus allowing
for more reliable comparability (Bernard 2011, 187). Surveys are hardly restricted
to the field of anthropology, as they are immensely beneficial in the process of
describing and generalizing populations and are considered an extremely reliable and
valid methodology. However, anthropologists, as mentioned, are able to use their
skills of observation to create questionnaires that reveal meaningful data in a non
threatening and communicative way. Survey building requires skilled personnel, not
only in design, but also in implementation; there are numerous ways to administer a
survey, be that via telephone, computer, or face to face. While surveys are useful in
producing data useful in statistical analysis, there are drawbacks to this methodology,
especially when considering how the questionnaire is administered, therefore it is
critical to hire and properly train the appropriate staff (Bernard 2011). Nevertheless,
while every methodology is beneficial to research studies, even more so with
anthropologists at the helm, there are of
History comes in all shapes,sizes and forms. When being interested in history, it is
often hard to find actual artifacts from the past. Spain is one of the many places
where the famous, epic Roman Empire took control and actually built some of the
cities and buildings there. There is really no need to only go to Italy to see Roman
ruins. The Roman Empirestretched far out and left a good amount of ruins in Spain
that is preserved to be a look back into old Rome. Spain is a wonderful country to
visit in order to see Roman ruins because of the conserved artifacts, history, and
Toledo,Spain diverse cultures.
Ordinarily, Spain share conserved artifacts of Roman ruins. According to The
Resilient Roman Ruins of Spain , Because the Roman Empire spent such a long time
in Spain, there are plenty of Roman ruins in Spain to visit. This ... Show more content
on ...
Based on Why Take the Time to Visit the Alhambra in Spain , one of the more
unique of the Roman ruins to visit is the Alhambra, which has a long and rich history
for tourists to Spain to visit. The Alhambra history dates back more than 1,100 years ,
thus showing the Alhambra being a ancient building can add importance to a country
and is a symbol of how much can change while remaining the same. In Spain, the
Alhambra holds great history from the Roman Empire.
Universally, Toledo,Spain expresses diverse cultures of Roman ruins. According to
Discover Toledo,Spain , through the millennia, this land has seen development and
demise of many cultures, each leaving unique artworks and structures. This shows
that because of the artwork and structures in Toledo,Spain it express different
cultures rather than one in each painting or building. Everything is created a certain
way, it all depends on how you believe it should be made. Toledo,Spain helps display
how ancient Rome produce things back then because of their
Serial Killer Environment
What leads a person to want to kill? Specifically, could it be the genetics or could it
the environment. Although a person s genetics could play a role in future actions,
everything that is done is based on a decision and a choice. A person s environment
dictates the likelihoods of them becoming a serial killerbecause of their relationships
with family members, the environment in which they grew up in and their
relationship with friends, if there was any.
Relationships with family members have been shown to have a great effect on a
person s mental health and later in life, their actions towards others. There are
many examples demonstrating the effects of family on a serial killer s future. For
example, Aileen Wuornos. she had a difficult childhood from the beginning. Her
mother abandoned her when she was 6 months old while her father was convicted
of kidnapping and rape. He later committed suicide in prison. Wuornos was left with
her grandparents but when her grandmother passed away, her grandfather kicked her
out of the home for being pregnant at thirteen years old. She was left to sleep in the
woods during the winter or sleep with men to have somewhere to stay. At school,
Wuornos was made fun of constantly for having a child at thirteen and being a ...
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For example, Donald Gaskins was called Pee Wee and teased at school. While at
home he was beat by his father. By the age of 11, Gaskins had quit school and
worked fixing cars. He made two friends and they were known as The Trouble Trio
who robbed houses and raped little boys. This is an example of a child leaving
school due to bullying but he was also rude to the other children because he was
being beat at home (Donald Pee Wee Gaskins, n.d.). Gaskins felt as if he could not
trust the people around him so he resorted to being mean until he found his group that
was just a mean as
Epoxy Research Paper
If you have a home with a garage, you have so many possibilities in terms of
transforming this area. In order to make this area a better place to be, whether it s
for work or fun, these steps can be taken.
Put Epoxy on the Floors
A stressful thing about having a garage is all of the grease that can accumulate on
the surface. This doesn t have to be as much of a problem when you put epoxy on
the floors. When you do this, you are essentially putting an invisible, protective
barrier on it. This protects the surface from things like grease and oils that may drip
underneath your car.
Epoxy garage floors are strikingly shiny, helping you improve the visual aesthetics of
your garage. Putting epoxy on the floors in the garage can also make them ... Show
more content on ...
You need to see things while working in order to stay safe. That s where LED work
lights come in handy.
These lights give off a bright type of light that will not cause irritation to your eyes.
These lights are also long lasting. In fact, some of these LED lights can last up to
50,000 hours. This is advantageous because you won t have to replace these lights
often, giving you the chance to save some money.
In terms of safety, these lights are great because they don t give off any amount of
heat. Therefore, you don t have to worry about getting burned if you get too close to
them while working.
Replace Damaged Garage Door
After a while, your garage door may not be in pristine condition. There may be
dents all over it, and it may not go up and down smoothly. In either case, you can
always have it replaced with a new one. There are a lot of good types to choose from
today, such as steel and aluminum.
Garage doors made out of aluminum are particularly beneficial because they will
not rust. Whether it rains or snows, your garage door will retain its elegance and
structure. Aluminum garage doors are also affordable compared to steel garage
doors. Whatever type you buy, make sure a professional installation company sets it
up. This prevents you from getting injured or wasting a lot of
Era Of The American West Essay
I will be talking about the era of the American West in the middle and late 1800s
and the differences and similarities of primary sources and the textbook HIST4.
Chief Red Cloud s Speech, the Sandy Creek Massacre from the Rocky Mountain
News Editorial and Helen Hunt Jackson s Account of Sandy Creek, Nannie
Alderson, from the book called A Bride Goes West, Epitaph on a Tombstone, and
Bill of sale for a Chinese Prostitute. For anyone wanting to know and read more
about the American West you could attain more comprehension read a book about
HIST4 or any other books by Kevin M. Shultz or by reading primary sources dating
by the time. First of all, the first primary source is about Chief Red Cloud s Speech
from the Oglala Teton Sioux. He opposed white incursions into Native Americans
lives and territory, although he supported peace but he did not supported the violence.
His speech talks about the plight of his Native Americans peoples in the last decades
of the 1800s. In the textbook it showed very little details and some details were
clarified more in the textbook than in the primary sources but the primary source
showed more to understand why the white incursions were killing the Native
Americans. However, it showed that the Native Americans were having difficulties
with the white incursions. Also, it showed the Dawes General Allotment Act... Show
more content on ...
Tait in his memories in 1952. In the textbook it does not say anything about
Epitaph on a Tombstone. In the contrary, the primary source it says the he became
fascinated with Deadwood s Wild West Past. It s a little poem about 4 lines.
Epitaph on a Tombstone, Galen Tait states, Here lies the body of Mary Moore
Born a Virgin, died a whore, For sixteen years she preserved her virginity A dam
fine record in this vicinity . It was about this girl Mary Moore that she was a
prostitute. She probably turned a prostitute when she was
Character Analysis Of Hazel Grace Augustus
The protagonist is Hazel Grace Lancaster. She is a dynamic character. An example
that is the fact that at the beginning of novel she wants to distance herself from
society. Then she meets Augustus Waters. Augustus has the view of that everyone
matters using metaphor to explain it. By the end of the novelshe realizes that it s ok to
let people in and that everyone will die eventually but you have live your life to the
fullest. She s also a is a round characteras we get a lot of insight on her option and life.
The antagonist of the story is not a person but cancer itself. The cancer limits the
activities that Hazel and Augustus can do. People constantly judge hazel for her
oxygen tank just because she s different the reason cancer is the antagonist is because
it prevents all the main characters from what society defines as normal teen lives.
You could also say the antagonist could be Augustus Waters. The rasin for this is the
fact the before hazel meet Augustus she was trying to not impact anyone in her life.
Her main goal was to live without hurting anyone but Augustus get in her way.
Hazel grace Lancaster is one of the main characters in fault in are stars. We watch
her physical grow weaker an example is at the beginning of the book she takes the
stares and at the end she takes the elevator at her support group. The book is really
about her mentally and philosophical grow and understand especially concerning
death. At the beginning as I have stated she is obsessed with what negative effect
she will have on people around her when she dies and refuses to get close to
anyone. Also referring to herself as a grenade multiple times during the novel. A
good word to describe Hazel is a brutally honest person.she knows that cancer doesn t
define her. Unlike a lot of people she has no fluff when she talks about cancer an
example is at the beginning of the novel when she says:Whenever you read a cancer
booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of
cancer. But in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side
effect of dying. This honest approach is what keeps her going but also makes her
very lonely. Hazel is also very humorous. I like her
Reasons For The Fall Of Rasputin
In 1917, the Russian Empire collapsed after a long reign of almost 300 years. The
effects of World War I are said to have been the reason for the collapse of the once
powerful dynasty. However, was Gregori Rasputin the primary reason for the fall?
The question that was once whispered on thousands of Russians lips is still asked
today. Who was Rasputin? Gregori Rasputin was a Siberian peasant who not only
intrigued everyone by his bushy beard and piercing cold blue eyes, but by his
mystic holy powers he claimed to have. He believed that God had given him a gift
for healing as during his childhood, he almost died. Despite these claims, at a young
age Rasputin had already acquired a reputation for debauchery and his birth name
was changed from Grigori Yefimovich Novykh to Gregori Yefmovich Rasputin.
Rasputin meaning debauched one in Russian. However, Rasputin went through a
religious conversion at the age of 18 as he embraced the Khlysty sect. Rasputin was
happy with this sect as it preached that prolonged sexual engagements were the best
way to achieve the closest relationship with God. But how did a sexually
promiscuous peasant end up in the extremely powerful Russian government? After
marrying at age 19 and having 4... Show more content on ...
But what was it that the citizens of Russia despised so much about Rasputin?
Rasputin was viewed by many as a puppet master that controlled the Tsar and
Tsarina. This image of Rasputin was widely used by the political opponents of the
Tsar s to show his lack of authority and his wife s incompetence. The staunchest
supports of Tsardom even found it hard to defend a system which allowed their
country, that was in its greatest trial, to be under the control of a debauched monk .
People merely saw Rasputin as a man who brought scandal to the royal family, made
Tsar Nicholas break his own October Manifesto and influence important decisions in
World War
What Was The Dawes Act Dbq Answers
Steven Adams
Dr. Alexander Mendoza
United Sates History II
Journal Entries 1 10
Entry 1
What was the Dawes Act? It was named for Senator Henry L. Dawes of
Massachusetts, chair of the Senate s Indian Affairs Committee. It divided land
into small sections, however this allowed the tribe to retain only a minor portion
of land. The remaining land was purchased by whites. Did the Dawes act benefit
the Plains Indians? No, it was catastrophic to Indian culture and lead to the loss of
the majority of Indian tribal lands. It also led to clashes between Indian tribes. Did
the Dawes Act benefit whites? Yes, immensely. It allowed whites to buy 86 million
acres of land during the late 1880 s into the 1890 s. For the Indians that accepted the
Dawes act, they were given a full American citizenship. They were also expected to
conform to American ways and leave their culture behind.
Entry 2
What was the Progressive era? It lasted from the 1890s to the 1920s. It was a time of
explosive economic growth in the United States. There were substantial political and
social reforms across the country. Women began to... Show more content on ...
President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed several pieces of legislation that became
known as the Second New Deal. It included the passing of the Social Security act.
This act provided benefits for the elderly, disabled and unemployed. It also
included the National Labor Relations Act. Originally known as the Wagner Act, it
gave organized labor rights to bargain collectively with businesses and forced
employers to allow unionization of their employees. The Works Progress
Administration was passed in April 1935. The WPA put unemployed people to work
in public works projects across the country. It contained a much wider variety of
programs than earlier agencies: theatrical productions (the Federal Theatre Project)
and writing projects (the Federal Writers Project), as well as the construction of
schools, playgrounds, and other public
Benefits Of Planting Native Plants And Trees
Merced County is the best known as the County in Central Valley part, where the
location for food production and processing is. It is also a peaceful and quiet place
to live and study, however, when I moved to Merced County, I have been facing
some problems such as climate change, river flow unsteadily, and insects migrate. In
fact, I have been watching the trees that belong to UC Merced were dying, which led
to my question, is this effect overall Merced County? Because all trees and plants
have the processing method to survive called Photosynthesis, but how did they die
when the season has changed. I did not know that most the trees and plants here are
not the native plants since my professor told me, Ms. Ayik. The benefits of planting...
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Moreover, when a species could survive, it will extend the population and once
when there is a numerous population, which will attract other predators more and
more species would join this ecosystem, as a result of increasing the biodiversity.
Additionally, it would also conserve some animals species which barely extinct.
Because plants and trees are the producer in the food chain and also the home or
life. Essentially, this means both unique plants and animals are conserved from
being destroyed if they belong to each other. Replanting plants and trees will
minimize the greenhouse effect, which is significant of having a weird climate such
as Merced climate, which has four seasons in a day. I would say four seasons
because, in the morning, the weather is extremely cold, in the middle of the day, the
sunlight is burning as summer, around noon time, it was raining with sunlight, and
lastly, sunset, which feel as the fall semester. According to many experts at NASA (),
the climate s change is the consequence of global warming, the increasing
temperature of the Earth s surface which mostly caused by the pollution that we have
been producing, such as driving a car, which emits the Carbon Dioxide gas as a result
of the greenhouse effect. Because Carbon Dioxide blocks the heat reflection from
Earth. Imagine it was like when you boiling something, if you cover the pot with a
lid, it will cook faster because the heat stays
The Drive Is A Trait Described By Kirkpatrick And Locke
Drive is a trait described by Kirkpatrick and Locke as a trait which is not a physical
need deprivation. They use the term to refer to a prospect of traits and motives
reflecting a high effort level. There are five aspects of drive which include
achievement motivation, ambition, energy, tenacity and initiative.
Achievement Motivation: Leaders have a relatively high desire for achievement. The
need for achievement is an important motive among effective leaders. Leading
achievers obtain satisfaction from successfully completing demanding tasks, attaining
higher standards, and augment better ways of doing things. They are intrinsically
motivated to achieve. For instance, Jack Welch of General Electric had high need for
achievement. When he was appointed CEO of GE in 1981, US economy was in
recession and high unemployment rates. He set up a plan to bring about changes
that would radically restructure the company over the next five years, his first
move was for each business under GE to become #1 or #2 competitor in its industry
or to shut down. Eventually in times of recession, it was difficult to become #1 or #2
and they shut down many business units. Such as central air conditioning,
housewares, coal mining. GE freed up over $11 billion of capital by selling off more
than 200 businesses. Meanwhile, the company made over 370 acquisitions, investing
more than $21billion in major purchases as Westinghouse s lighting business,
employers reinsurance, RCA, kidder Peabody.
Descartes Conception Of Identity
a. McNulty claims that Descartes admits of another in his conception of identity.
What she means by this claim is that Descartes uses another as a part of his
construction of his identity. In Descartes Third Meditation when comes up with
the idea of Cogito Ergo Sum I think therefore I am, he uses the other to define his
own identity. So, when Descartes is providing evidence of his existence, he is also
claiming a possession of the other (in this case it is god). Descartes logic was that in
order for god to be a trickster, he has to implant to these ideas of doubt into something
/ or someone, which in this case is Descartes, so therefore, he concludes that he exist
and he is a thinking thing. What McNulty is pointing to is that Descartes whole
conception of identity is dependent upon another... Show more content on ...
McNulty uses patriarchal references for her argument that the sense of unknown
plays in the role of identity. She shows the historical view on female and how is an
extension of the host identity, and her views contribute to the identity of the host.
McNulty also differs with Descartes in the sense she refers to the identity as mixture
of both the known and the unknown parts. The all of the properties of the host play a
role in the identity of host. Guests also play the part in the identity they represent the
unknown part that comes in to the house and changes things. The guest/stranger
represents the unknown part of the identity because in the sense the host can react
differently to the stranger. The stranger can be a hostile or a friend. McNulty stresses
that we need to be more open to the other and establish more connection with the
other, because the other is the part of your identity. Femininity plays an important
role in the conception of identity because McNulty uses femininity to explain the
conception of identity, and how the other plays in to
The World Of Industrialized And Glamorized Pornography
Hot Young Girl Screwed Hard... By Society In the past few decades, what has been
commonly said to be the world s oldest profession sex work has quickly developed
to match the growth and demand of modern media. Mainly, this accounts for the
rise of internet pornography. While the increase in availability and ease of access
has opened doors to frustrated, stressed, and plain old bored individuals looking
for relief, but at what cost? It sells, and it sells well. Unfortunately, it also sells out.
Sex is an industry, with pearl necklaces hiding under starched white collars.
Corporations worldwide have capitalized and cashed in on one of the most primal
of human desires, and like most things under a corporate agenda, the system and
product are both decidedly flawed. The world of industrialized and glamorized
pornography leads to unrealistic expectations of the act of sex and standards of
viewer s bodies. The common themes of violence, humiliation, and deprecation,
usually aimed towards women, furthers institutionalized misogyny in society. Finally,
many areas of pornography boast and encourage immoral, corrupt, and downright
illegal premises and actions. These include (but are in no way limited to) abuse of
actors, access to child and underage porn, and revenge porn. All of these things add to
making a concept that has so much potential to be an aid to many for experimentation
and learning to be comfortable with their sexuality into something
Saving the Ballona Wetlands Essay
Before development exploded in California, the state contained about 5 million acres
of wetland habitat. Unfortunately, over the years California has been willing to part
with 91 percent of its wetlands, Southern California having lost 95 percent. Los
Angeles County has only one wetland remaining. This being the Ballona Wetlands
located between Marina del Rey and the Westchester bluffs, it was once a major part
of California s natural wetlandsystems. Before development, Ballona wetlands natural
habitatcovered 2002 acres. This area, 800 to 1000 acres, referred to as Playa Vista
by its owners is made up of salt marsh freshwater marsh and part upland and dune
areas. It is considered Los Angeles largest wetland ecosystem . Although... Show
more content on ...
There has been a settlement made between the Friends of Ballona Wetlands and
Thomas Maguire partners (now Playa Capital) to develop two thirds of the land
with the DreamWorks Playa Vista project. One third is to be saved and will
undergo a restoration project headed by Playa Capital. Playa Capital has agreed to
provide for 297 acres of wetland and surrounding area, in exchange for the right to
develop the rest of the land. They have promised to manage and maintain these 297
acres of land to function as a natural wetland. They have donated $12.5 million for a
restoration fund they say will not be used as mitigation by Playa Capital.
With all the restoration and funding being put into Ballona, there are still many
environmental groups that are adamantly opposed to the settlement and prefer to
save all of Ballona s acreage. These groups consist of the Ballona Ecosystem
Education Project, the Sierra Club Ballona Task Force, Ballona Valley Preservation
League, Alliance for Survival, Ballona Wetlands Land Trust, LA Green Party, LA
Earth First, CALPIRG, Sea Shepherd Society, and the Wetlands Action Network.
They acknowledge that Playa Vista is not all wetland, but open space that needs to be
saved from over development. They all stand in agreement that the proposed
DreamWorks project will cause detrimental harm to the wetland and surrounding
community. If completed, the DreamWorks project will be the 4th largest
Persuasive Speech Outline On Gmo
GMO s: What Are They?
Topic: Genetically Modified Organisms
Organization: Topically
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about
1.Attention getter: Whenever you hear the word genetically modified or genetically
engineered, what do you think? Some people think of enormous fruits and vegetables
or huge chickens that can t even walk, but that s not the case.
2.Relevance: Genetically modified organisms, more commonly known as GMO s are
the topic of many conversations concerning food safety.
3.Credibility Statement:
4.Central Idea: GMO s are an important part of many people s lives, and they provide
millions with the healthy, nutritional food they need to live.
5.Initial Preview: Throughout this speech you will learn about what GMO s are.
II)Body ... Show more content on ...
According to, GMO is an organismwhose genome has been altered
through genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally
found there (gmo).
2.GMO s are used to increase crop yields and produce larger crops to be able to
feed more people. In fact, many crops commonly in use today are genetically
engineered (Wax 2016). Some of these include soybean, cotton, and corn. These three
crops are then use in industrial factories to produce products such as sweeteners, oils,
and starches.
Transition to 2nd Main Point: Now that we know what a GMO is, how are they made?
Point 2: GMO production takes quite the effort.
1.Say you re growing some corn and don t want it to die from a disease that s been
spreading around recently. The first thing you re going to want to do is select a trait
you want, which in this case, is disease resistance (Powell 2015).
2.Next, you re going to find a plant that has that disease resistance, and isolate that
gene by using a comparative analysis, or looking side by side at the genes of a plant
with the trait and one without it (Powell
The Search for Truth in Anton Chekhov s The Cherry...
The scholar is engaged in the interminable quest for truth. The knowledge that one
can never understand everything makes a person wise. Ignorance is the assumption
that one can understand all about the world around them. An ignorant person is so
confident they comprehend the truth, that they are blind to the greater truth. Anton
Chekhov and Sophoclesdeal with the idea of this sinful pride that leads to ignorance
in their respective works, The Cherry Orchard and Oedipus Rex. In each drama,
certain characters are slapped in the face with the truth; the light is revealed.
However, these characters make the connection when it is too late. Their destruction
is already destined to become a reality, a horrid fate that could have been prevented....
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The timing of the chorus plea as Oedipus enters the stage clearly demonstrates that
Oedipus is the man whom he seeks, the murderer of the king. The truth of the play is
revealed, yet Oedipus remains ignorant.
Chekhov also makes use of a symbol to represent truth in his play. In The Cherry
Orchard, the Ranevskayas are an aristocratic family that squander away their final
days at their beloved cherry orchard. It shall soon be auctioned off, yet the family
merely sits about and engages in meaningless chatter. They assume that everything
shall be taken care of, the way it always has been in their lives. However, there is
one man who seems to be above the careless atmosphere that surrounds him
Lopakhin, the hard working son of generations of peasants. This man of great
ambition represents truth. The truth that Chekhov reveals in the play is the emerging
changes in the Russian social structure. The industrious middle class is on the rise,
and the lazy aristocracy is doomed to fade away. In the end, Lopakhin buys the
cherry orchard, which is the estate where [his] father and grandfather were slaves
(Chekhov 366). The cherry orchard was the security, the wealth, and the power of the
aristocracy; it is bought by a merchant, the son of peasants. Could the aristocracy not
see what was happening, or did they choose to remain ignorant? By constructing
summer cottages, the Ranevskaya family could have prevented the loss of the beloved
Pros And Cons Of The Treaty Of Versailles
There really were only three debates surrounding the Treaty of Versailles. The first
would be among the Europeans who disagreed with the terms of the treaty because
it opposed their tradition of imperialism, or at least, President Wilson s Fourteen
Points (Foner 762). There also was conflict between the Allies who argued over who
claimed what and Germany s punishment in their belief that Germany was
responsible for the start of the World War. The wording of President Wilson s
Fourteen pointsdid not convince the Europeans which lead to the French and British
empires, for example, to reject any colony under their rule pleading for self
determination as President Wilson stated (Foner 764). The second debate would be
those among Eastern Europe... Show more content on ...
The Treaty of Versaillesincluded the creation of the League of Nations where
countries and nations would come together to solve international issues through
peaceful means. Many politicians wanted to stay out of international affairs and
focus on the US s own issues which would ensure the country it s freedom of
action (Foner 765). Do to health reasons, Wilson could not effectively defend his
position and the Senate ultimately rejected the Treaty of Versailles on March
1920 (Foner 766). As Foner states in the textbook, Wilson s plan to ensure a safe
place for democracy failed (766). While it did encourage several groups of people
to stand up against their foreign leaders, President Wilson s failure to implement his
views reflected badly amongst others. For example, anti Western nationalism rose in
the Middle East and Asia and other nations began to support other forms of politics
such as Communism, especially among the Asian countries (Foner 765).
Consequences of the Treaty of Versailles include future conflict between Germany
and other European countries as well as conflicting political views as each try to be
superior to the
Regulating the Bluefin Tuna Fisheries
Scientists are wondered how to remedy the situation of regulating the Bluefin Tuna
Fisheries. [Therefore, scientists estimate that Eastern routine of adult Bluefin has had
reduction by 80% since 1970s], _ (European Commission Fisheries
14/01/2013). In 2006, in International Commission for the conservation of Atlantic
Bluefin tunas has been discussed, and has had a long term plan so that there will
strict rule for catching the Bluefin Tunaand implement this idea. However, this issue
hasn t reached the solution. As a result, it has impact on other sections such as
unemployment, and losing the species of the Bluefin Tuna. This paper states that
there must be new rules for the prevention Bluefin Tuna by reporting different
commission s helpful suggestions.
For this issue, mostly, European Commission, countries such as Cyprus, Greece,
Malta, Portugal, Spain, Italy and France, Gulf of Mexico, the U.S.A National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, the International Commission for the Conservation
of Atlantic Tunas and also Japan(as a country for importing Tuna for sushi)are
involved in order to tackle this obstacle.
One way to tackle the situation would be [prohibiting the fishing of endangered
Bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlanta and Mediterranean for the rest of the
year],_(European Commission Fisheries 14/01/2013). In the
European Commission, this was conversed in order to reach a compromise for the
issue. EU and International rules
Write An Essay On The Arctic Region
The Arctic region has a very harsh climate with very short cool summers; while the
most northerly locations experience an extremely cold winter that lasts almost ten
This climate region has an annual precipitation of 35 50 cm each year.
Precipitation is low because the Arctic Ocean and other bodies of water are frozen
for most of the year, and there is very little evaporation. This region includes most of
Nunavut as well as northern parts of the Northwest Territories and Quebec.
Pacific Maritime
The Pacific Maritime region lies along British Columbia s west coast and its border
with the Yukon Territory on the way to Alaska. The Pacific Ocean provides a
moderating effect to this maritime climate, which means the summers are cool and
the winters are mild. Precipitation along the coast is very high, with some area
receiving as much as 300o mm of rain in the north. Many people live here because ...
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Here, winters are cold, and summers are warm.
Includes the southern regions of the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and
Winters are very cold, and summers are very hot, this climate region has a wide
temperature range from summer to winter.
In winter, there is dry arctic air that makes the temperature well below freezing, and
in summer, the air is warm and dry. It is quite dry in this region because of the fact
that not a lot of precipitation occurs. Most of the rainfall happens in the spring and
summer, and there is barely any precipitation in winter.
This region includes Ontario and Quebec also parts of Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick. (Home to Canada s major urban centres.) Moderately cold winters and
warm summers.
This region experiences rainfall year round. The Great Lakes moderate the
temperatures somewhat, cooling the summer and warming up early winter.
Stress in Military Recruiting
Stress in Military Recruiting
Mr. Don Lockhart MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational
Dr. Anthony Spivey
20 July 2012
Introduction The Indiana Army National Guard was officially established in 1846 in
support of the Mexican American War and has been present at every military
engagement since. There are three primary units that make up the Indiana Army
National Guard: the 38th Infantry Division, the 219th Battlefield Surveillance
Brigade, and the 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. In total, there are over 12,000
soldiers serving the great state of Indiana in every Military Occupational Skill
(MOS) available. In addition, there are two major units in the Air National Guard that
serve the state in a ... Show more content on ...
If the economy is weak, such as it is now, more people look to the military for
employment. Second, the Army has been tasked to reduce its force by nearly
50,000. Simply put, no new bodies are needed so only the best are accepted.
Unfortunately, the number of recruiters or their assigned mission has not changed
in the last seven years. There is the same number of recruiters in the field today as
there was in 2005. They have to put in the same number of people today as they did
in 2005. One does not need an advanced degree to see the difficulties in this
2. O Harrow Jr. R. (March 14, 2012). The Washington Post. In Recruiters for Army
Guard, Reserve suspected of fraud. Retrieved August 10, 2012, from http:/
/ Unfortunately,
impossible tasks lead some people to do unspeakable or illegal things. The National
Guard has a program that helps the every day soldier earn some money by recruiting
an individual. Each person they bring in earns them $2,000.00. Recruiters and those
in the Recruiting Command are ineligible for this program. This report discusses
what happens when the line is crossed. From the moment the program was
implemented, there were problems. It is very difficult to catch those who act
unethical. Although these individuals were caught, many are not. While in the
command, I witnessed this firsthand several times. One of the
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Psychoanalysis And
Psychology Block 1 Essay
Andrea Arnold
Student Number: 1354980
Due Date: Friday 04 March 2016
Psychology can be characterized by many different explanations and perspectives, two
of these perspectives being Psychoanalysis and Humanism. Psychoanalysis is the
method of treatment of a patient s mental disorder by investigating the areas of the
mind called the conscious and unconscious, and humanism is the study of the whole
person and his/her behaviour from different perspectives. This essay will highlight the
key approaches and figures, the factors of human behaviour as well as the strengths
and weaknesses associated with these theories.
Sigmund Freud, with the addition ... Show more content on ...
Therefore it can be concluded that both of these theories are useful in the field of
Psychology as they both have a unique method of treating mental illnesses.
Reference List:
Beystehner, K. M. (1998). Psychoanalysis: Freud s Revolutionary Approach to
Human Personality. Retrieved from
Freud, S. (1910, April). The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis. The
American Journal of Psychology, 21(2), 181 218.
Mark B. Scholl, M., Ray, D. . A. (2014). Humanistic Counceling Process, outcomes
and research. Journal of Humanistic Counceling, 218 239.
Robbins, B. (2008). What is a good life? Positive psychology and Renissance of
Humanistic Psychology. The Humanistic Psychology, 96 112.
Weiten, W. (2015). Psychology Themes and Vairiations (Second South African
Edition ed.). (J. Hassim, Ed.) Marinda Louw. Retrieved March 02, 2016
Westen, D. (1998). The Scientific Legacy of Sigmund Freud: Toward a
Psychodynamically Informed Psychological Science. Psychological Bulletin, 124,
Cuban Racial Inequality
Before the start of the Cuban Revolution, inequalities had over taken Cuban
Society and had started to spur on many to act. The equality the government
claimed to spread was all a façade; the system benefited those in power and the
United States while the popular class was so poor they struggled to make ends
meet. People created groups to combat the obvious tyranny, such as El Partido
Independiente de Color which formed together to stop the racism. Others spoke
out in poetry or publications or used their position in court to express the pain and
need for a revolution. These factors were a key part of why so many fought for
change, so they could right the wrongs that had been done to them for so long. The
façade of equality that the government put forth affected those of race and those
of the popular, poorer class. The P.I.C. was founded to fight back against the racial
injustice that was being set forth by the government at the time; with their motto
being an egalitarian, sovereign, and independent republic without racial divisions
and social antagonisms. (PIC, 1). They wanted to lose the need for a division
between the races and make sure there was representation for all Cubans. The
popular class also suffered together at the hands of the elites, You imprison the poor
wretch who steals because he is hungry; but none of the millions who steal millions
from the government has ever spent a night in jail, Castro said. (Castro, 6). The poor
are condemned for trying to
Animal Cell Structure
Animal cells are a type of eukaryotic cell with a nucleus, membrane bound organelles,
with no cell wall. Here is a summary of their structure and function.
Prokaryotes are the primitive, simple cells of bacteria and their bacteria like Archaea.
Eukaryotes, which include the most advanced cells of animals, plants, fungi,
protozoan, algae, and slime water molds.
Eukaryotic cells share many similar characteristics, including some of the following
structures, which can be found in the cells of animals. Glycocalyx: Some animal and
protozoan cells have this outer layer anchored to the plasma membrane. Gycocalyces
help animal cells stick to each other and protect cells from dehydration. This layer is
not present in eukaryotic cells that have ... Show more content on ...
Peroxisomes are required by any cell that uses respiration (oxygen to extract energy
from food).
Golgi body: In addition to making lysosomes, this organelle coordinates the
packaging and shipment of materials out of the cell. Mitochondria: These double
membrane bound organelles are like tiny powerhouses of the cell, producing a
nucleotide coenzyme that transports energy for use within the cell.
Cytoplasm: The inside of the cell, between the nucleus and plasma membrane, is
filled with a gel like fluid in which the organelles are suspended. The liquid portion of
cytoplasm is called cytosol. Cytoskeleton: This network of fibers and tubules is
present throughout the interior of the cell, providing support, anchoring organelles,
helping with intracellular transport and cell division.
Centrioles and centrosomes: Only present in animal cells and some fungal cells, a
pair of centrioles is located near the nucleus, in a region called the centrosome. These
organelles are composed of microtubules, help build flagella and cilia and form
mitotic spindles during cell division. An animal cell undergoing mitosis and stained
The Theme Of Time-Travel In C. S. Lewis Out Of The
Back in 1938, C.S. Lewis, the British novelist, wrote his first book in his space
trilogy called Out of the Silent Planet. He had soon written the novel after
conversing with J.R.R. Tolkien about space controversies. Tolkien wrote about
time travel whereas Lewis wrote about space travel. Lewis writes his tale that
introduces Dr. Ransom as a main character, but he is abducted by a narcissistic
man who soon wants to use him as a human sacrifice. There is a belief system as well
as strong forces of good and evil that reside in Earth and Mars. Because of the
symbols from the Bible, one could indicate that there is at least a slight religious
impact on the characters. Even though there are some who are not impacted by belief
of one true God, religion is strongly and continuously showed throughout the book....
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There is the concept that Satan came to tempt Adam and Eve, who soon disobeyed
God. This dilemma caused sin to come into the world. Temptation in this story, in
many cases, is Satan s way to get humans who have succumbed to their sins. On the
opposing side of evil, Jesus, the son of God, is the saving grace who died on the
cross to redeem humanity. Christianity is not the religion in this story, but there are
aspects from the Bible in Out of the Silent Planet. There are angel like creatures who
cannot be perceived by the human eye besides a few glimmers. Creatures with
humans craving to be like them, It is because they have no Oyarsa, said one of the
pupils. It is because everyone of them wants to be a little Oyarsa himself, said
Augray (Lewis 102). With the principle beliefs of a Christianity like religion being
accepted as fact, the story then moves on to various sci fi events that entail that Earth
is consumed by evil and Mars appears to be better off than
Hunger Games And Divergent Analysis
With the immense success of the novel and film titles of the Hunger Games and
Divergent, many adolescent women turn to the media as a source of strength to
empower themselves in the changing modern world. In order for the female
protagonists of the Hunger Games and Divergent, the film, to succeed as hero
figures, they must let go of many traditionally feminine qualities, like geniality,
selflessness, and empathy. The social formalities the protagonists break in their
respective societies, allow them to become symbols of hope and inspiration as they
lead a movement of change in their worlds. However, for the female protagonists of
the Hunger Games and Divergent titles to succeed as hero figures, they must let go of
traditionally feminine qualities... Show more content on ...
While in their care, the motherly instincts of the main female characters flourish as
they begin to make sure their needs are taken care of and comfortable in the situation
occuring. The relationship and bond these characters begin to have become another
major factor in the progression of the movement they stand for. The relationship they
share becomes a source of moral strength because the children characters first realize
the importance of the protagonists and the mission going on. From the get go, these
younger characters find a role model in the protagonist as they believe they can gain
and grow into a strong and influential individual standing up for the betterment of the
world. The protagonists reassure their actions because they begin to see that one
person believes in the cause they stand for. In order to become a hero of an entire
world, the protagonists must justify their cause and how it will better the world
around them. Being selfless in their actions shows everyone watching the pure heart
they possess that will slowly rally others under the movement the main characters
Julius Caesar Mythology
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar contains several references to Roman mythology.
There are also many references to Julius Caesar in various movies, songs, and
television shows. William Shakespeare wasn t Roman, but he did incorporate
several references to gods and goddesses to show that it took place during a time
when they heavily believed in mythology. Most people don t understand these
allusions to the various gods and goddesses, as well as not catching the quick
references in pop culture. The Tragedy of Julius Caesarmentions several gods and
objects in and around Greece. The first of many was when Cassius compares
himself with Aeneas, explaining how he carried Caesar out of the river. Aeneas
was the main hero in the poet Virgil s Aeneid. He was a Trojan hero, who carried
his father from Troy all the way to what would eventually be known as Rome. Troy
was captured after a fierce battle, and Aeneas escaped with his father and carried
him. The play also references Colossus, a giant statue of Apollo at Rhodes, which
was so massive that boats enter the harbor they passed through the legs of it. The
play also mentions Erebus as a place that isn t even dim enough to hide them from
prevention. Erebus was the underside of the earth, which was very dark. It was the
place that people went through after death to reach the Hades, the underworld.
Hercules actually traveled through Erebus to retrieve Megara, his love, from Hades.
Erebus is also the name of one of the Primordial
Helmet Camera Research Paper
Have you been thinking about buying a helmet camera for your snowboarding
trips? Wouldn t it be nice if you could record all your snowboarding adventures
quickly and easily? Yes, it would; however, finding a small top quality camera that
will record your every move and fit nicely on your helmet can be challenging. You
may be asking yourself if you really need a helmet camera. The answer is yes most
definitely. There are so many ways you can use a helmet camera to enhance your
favorite sport. Unique Ways You Can Use A Camera To Record Your Skiing
Experiences You can use a camera in more ways than one to improve your skiing
skills. Probably several ways you may not have even thought of but are such a good
idea that you should consider
Macbeth Blood Essay
What bloody man is that? in these, the opening words of the play s second scene,
King Duncan asks about a sergeant. The sergeant then tells the story of Macbeth s
heroic victories over Macdonwald and the King of Norway. The sergeant s telling
of the story is in itself heroic, because his loss of blood has made him weak. Thus
his blood and his heroism seem to enhance the picture of Macbethas a hero. As Lady
Macbeth plans to kill King Duncan, she calls upon the spirits of murder to make
thick my blood; stop up the access and passage to remorse. Thin blood was
considered wholesome, and it was thought that poison made blood thick. Lady
Macbeth wants to poison her own soul, so that she can kill without remorse. Macbeth
says this is a... Show more content on ...
Then he calls upon night to come and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel
and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale! The great bond is Banquo
s lease on life. A man becomes pale with fear or worry because the blood drains
away from his face. Macbeth believes that if Banquo s blood is shed, his own blood
will return, and he won t be pale anymore. After he has become king, Macbeth
gives a banquet for his noblemen. The banquet has barely begun when Macbeth
has to go to the door to speak with first murderer. There s blood on thy face, he says
and the murderer proudly tells him its Banquo s blood, and that he left Banquo in
a ditch with twenty trenched gashes on his head, all deadly. A little later, just as
Macbeth is talking about how much he wishes that Banquo were at the banquet,
Banquo s Ghost appears. Macbeth says to the ghost, thou canst not say I did it;
never shake thy gory locks at me. The ghost s gory locks are the locks of his hair,
covered with clotted blood. After the ghost has gone, Macbeth tells himself that it s
not his fault that the ghost showed up. He says that men have been killing men for a
long time, since before there were even laws against it; blood hath been shed ere
now, I the olden time, ere human statute purged the gentle weal. It s a natural thing to
shed blood; what s not natural is that now the dead rise again, with twenty mortal
murders on their crowns, and push us
Health And Safety Of Canada And Bangladesh
The second cross cultural ethical issue discussed in this paper is workplace health
and safety. Having occupational health and safety laws in place ensures a safe
environment for employees, the public, and stakeholders. The organization as a
whole becomes more productive, creative, and happy. Many countries have in place
laws and regulations to ensure that the workforce is protected, however, there are
still several other countries who lack these necessary laws. Canada and Bangladesh
will be used to further discuss this issues.
In Bangladesh, the occupational health and safety services are still in its developing
stage. They do not have any formal organizations such as the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States, which provides different
standards for various working environments. Most of the industries and
manufacturing workers are covered by the Factory Act (1965) and the Factory rule
(1979). However, these laws are very general and don t apply to every workforce. As
a result, many employers are responsible for their own health and safety needs.
(Occupational Safety and Health in Bangladesh, n.d).
In Canada, there are fourteen jurisdictions who each have their own occupational
health and safety legislations; one federal, ten provincial, and three territorials. Under
the Canada Labour Code, employees have the right to be informed on training,
potential hazards, and be provided with necessary supervision. This code also
Nazis Use Of Propaganda During The Holocaust
Some ways the holocaust was implemented was the use of propaganda, the
relocation of people to Ghettos, the creation of laws to strip people of their rights,
and the use of technology to increase the efficiency of the machinery of genocide. I
think one of the most effect sytstem was using propaganda because a picture is
worth a thousand words. Seeing how the Nazis used propaganda and how that system
was very effective and terrible.
The use of propaganda at that time wasnt just putting posters around town. The
Nazis produced textbooks, flims, comics and even specific radio stations. The use
of all of the propaganda may have seemed minor but because the Nazis went
overboard today we look at propaganda as a horrible thing. The use of propaganda
is just reminding the people in the holocuast that their lives werent worth anything
and gave them broken faith, which was the point. In the Nazis favor the use of
propaganda was just another way of domination. A brilliant man named Joseph
Goebbels influeneced the poropaganda game greatly and made Hitler look like a
hero and used the fear of the people as stability. Joseph Goebbels was the
mastermind behind all of the porpagnada. Because Joseph was the head of the Nazis
propaganda his offical title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment.
The holocaust ... Show more content on ...
One example I found of propagnda effecting the youth was a poster of Hitler
holding a german child and the poster is conveying that Hitler is a god like figure
and that children should worship him. With all of the propagnada splattered
everywhere how else would the children learn that Hitler s way is the only way and
no one else matters. The disturbing truth of teaching the future genertion to not be
diverse and to look down on anyone who is different was a perfect target in using
I Have A Dream Analysis Essay.pdf
I Have A Dream Analysis Essay.pdf

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  • 6. Summary Of The Last Of The Mohicans Throughout Cooper s novel the reader and Hawkeye are provided with many oppositions and situations based on Culture, Race, and Geography that creates many tensions throughout the novel. The Last of the Mohicans tends to be centered on the Character Hawkeye, a pathfinder and pioneer that links the wilderness and civilization as mediation. The text itself is driven to be a generic paradox and an encompassing narrative, the history with romance and the disagreement between fact and fiction. Cooper uses a blend of facts and fiction in many scenarios. The third year of the Indian and French War The Last of The Mohicans suppresses the boundaries or outlines that divide literature and history in order to create a narrative of American, within which the real man can be understood. Hawkeye, who is so to say a typical American is between the fiction and fact boundary. He links the people and the actual events of the period of time to fit right in to Coopers genre. The Indian Nations, Fort William Henry massacre, Colonel Munroe, and Marquis de Montcalm are all based on fact but then Cooper intertwines significant romance. Coopers chosen genre, historical romance, is based on the movement between the stages of cultural development or hostile civilizations. It allows cultural self awareness and analysis, which allows the narrative expression. In a traditional narrative love is a quest rather than a cultural analysis. The texts movement tracks the hero as he or she enters the unknown
  • 7. Civil Rights And Social Integration Of African Americans During the 20th century there were numerous riots, protests, and boycotts fighting for the equality and social integration of African Americans. Some of the stories of individuals endeavoring for their freedom have gone down in history resulting in laws being altered, regulations being revised, and unimaginable boundaries being broken. Sadly, in order to establish justice in this world, violence and death usually occur due to conflicting ideals. In Southern Los Angeles, even after African Americans were issued their Civil Rights, underlying racismconstructed barriers such as racial restrictive covenants that ensured that blacks were still not welcome there. The two biggest social disturbances that have taken place in the West have taken place in Los Angeles where unemployment, overcrowding, poverty, and segregation have become increasingly prevalent. The first of these social disturbances is the Rodney Kingriot of 1992 and the second is the Watts riot of 1965. The racial bigotry, which was backed by the racial restrictive covenants and racial discrimination of LAPD throughout Southern Los Angeles; as well as the events that sparked the Rodney King riot and the Watts riot; clearly illustrate the racial segregation and the overall struggle that African Americans faced during the 20th century. Between 1910 and 1920 in what is commonly known as the Great Migration among 300,000 and 1,000,000 African Americans made their way toward northern cities to try and escape the
  • 8. The Problem Of Smoking The smoking problem has become quite prevalent in our society. Several governments have had problems dealing with a huge health care burden due to diseases and conditions brought about by smoking. At the same time, individuals suffer several addictive and health issues due to smoking. While this information may be apparent to most of the smokers, studies have found that quitting a smokinghabit is quite a challenge. The reason behind such challenge is attributed to Nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive substance naturally occurring in Tobacco. Nicotine, just like any other addictive substance creates a new feeling to the user. It creates feeling associated with drug such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. It gives the users the perception that they are managing feelings of depression, anxiety, fear and loneliness. However, just as other drugs, the additive extent of nicotine is quite wide. Nicotine users tend to develop a high physical dependence on nicotine to a point that normal physical functionality is inhibited without smoking. Either, emotional and mental dependence on nicotine is expected and in the end, a nicotine user becomes fully hinged to smoking. Therefore, an attempt to stop quit is usually a difficult undertaking due to the emotional, mental and physical attachment to the nicotine. This paper will provide a step by step process that would assist a smoker to quit. Step I: Decision The first step in quitting smoking is by making a vital decision that there
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  • 10. Evaluation Of User Requirement Analysis Of Data Warehouse... Evaluation of User Requirement Analysis in Data Warehouse Design 1.0 Introduction A data warehouse (DW) can be acknowledged as one of the most complex information system modules available and it is a system that periodically retrieves and consolidates data from the sources into a dimensional or normalized data store. It is an integrated, subject oriented, nonvolatile and a time variant collection of data in support of management s decisions (Inmon, 1993). 1.1Data Warehouse Design Process When considering suggestions of various authors who are well known in the field, such as William Inmon and Ralph Kimball the DW design process can be divided into three main stages (Figure 1). The first phase which is DW planning is aimed at ... Show more content on ... However, DW projects are complex, inherently risky and some of them fail in the implementation. According to studies more than 80% of DW projects fail to fulfill business goals. One of the main reasons behind the failure of DW is the incompetence in analyzing user requirements. Kimball et al. (2008) indicated that requirement definition phase is paramount and will impact almost every decision in the DW project. This paper will concentrate on the main approaches of user requirement gathering in DW design. 1.2User Requirement Analysis Approaches User requirement analysis approaches fall within two major categories, which are supply driven and demand driven. Supply driven approaches which is also called as data driven, start with an analysis of all the available operational data. This is a bottom up technique introduced by Inmon (1996) with emphasis on underlying operational data sources as the basis to establish the scope and the functionality of a DW. Data driven approach starts with identifying all available data within transactional data source and analyses it in order to produce data mapping. Demand driven approach which is also called as requirements driven, starts from identifying the information requirements of business users. This implies a top down technique. For this method high level of top management involvement is required and the focus is on their needs to align DW with corporate strategy and business objectives. Requirements are used to build a conceptual
  • 11. Twelfth Night Conventions A people, without the knowledge of their past, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. Marcus Garvey, and such is the case with Shakespearean English comedy in particular. A knowledge of comedic subgenres and conventions assists and informs one s understanding of the stage drama, Twelfth Night. A knowledge of genre and generic features helps to develop and broaden the meaning of many a play, and in particular, Twelfth Night. The play Twelfth Night, written around 1600 BC, is one of the great Romantic Comedies comedyfocusing on love, marriage and courtship of William Shakespeareand is still today regarded a literary classic. It is written in the pastoral tradition,... Show more content on ... Every major character in Twelfth Night experiences some form of desire or love. Duke Orsino is in love with Olivia. Viola falls in love with Orsino, while disguised as his pageboy, Cesario. Olivia falls in love with Cesario, causing an interesting love triangle, which is only resolved when Olivia falls in love with Viola s twin brother, Sebastian, and, at the last minute, Orsino decides that he actually loves Viola. Twelfth Night derives much of its comic force by satirising these lovers. For example, Orsino s flowery love poetry is made fun of, demonstrating that Orsino is more in love with the concept of being in love than his supposed beloveds, as demonstrated in Act One If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die. Also, by showing the particulars that govern how nobles engage in courtship, Shakespeare examines how characters play the game of love. Characters that claim to be of deep passions are often revealed as self absorbed, foolish, and misguided, as they fall victim to unfortunate love. Twelfth Night, considers the relationship between erotic desire and gender and examines more overt same sex desire, even as it steadily works its way towards the completion of the play, which ends with heterosexual couplings and marriage in a way for
  • 12. Leonato And Antonio Foil In almost every book there are character foils, even if there are no antagonists. In the book Much Ado About Nothing, there are many romances, fights, and hatred between characters. The couples of Benedick and Beatrice, and Claudio and Hero all describe a love between them, and the very same for hatred. Much ado about nothing is about all of the romance that can go through rough patches. In Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, Antonio is a foil for Leonato because of their opinions, emotions, and thoughts. The opinions of Antonio and Leonato differ by many standards of their own. This is happening during the wedding of Hero and Claudio and it happens after the shaming. An example of this is when Leonato said Hence from her, Let her die (Shakespeare 70). When Leonato says this he is at a wedding for his daughter hero, but has become enraged when he hears false ... Show more content on ... During this quote Leonato is mad at Borachio for his bad behavior. For instance, when Leonato implies This naughty man shall face to face be brought to Margaret, who, I believe, was pack d in all this wrong (Shakespeare 91). Leonato says this because he had once thought that the actions of margaret had made claudio to think that she was a very bad person. This quote states to Leonato that others shall suffer too. On the other hand Antonio claims Yet bend not all the harm upon yourself. Make those that do offend you suffer too (Shakespeare 82). Antonio says this because he thinks that the people who shame or offend leonatos family should suffer along with him. Antonio and Leonato are oils of each other because their thoughts are very separate that s because one is undeniably angry and the other is showing forgiveness. In all the thoughts of Antonio and Leonato are different from each other based on the actions of other
  • 13. The Question of Universal Suffering and Salvation as... Endo s Deep River opens up an unsettling encounter with the spiritual vision of India described through the experience of five Japanese travelers from vastly different backgrounds each of whom faces a troubling personal crisis. By exploring the depth of the human need to understand ourselves and our purpose in life, Endo illuminates his appreciation of the workings of grace from a God present in the sufferings of humanity. Endo delves deep into the human condition through his characters that reflect the complex individuals and personalities we are. Endo examines the moral dilemmas facing each character and portrays a clear picture of the river and its deep significance. With the purpose of touring Buddhist temples in India, five... Show more content on ... Endo s story creates a spiritual journey that moves us toward religious allegory but achieves its strength through the turbulent waters of the Ganges. Even with the droppings of animals, a odor of burning flesh, its color of milky tea, (Endo 107) and the dust of surrounding villages, the river becomes a fruitful image to the reader. Endo s descriptions of Indian customs from the Japanese viewpoint are evident, through the Japanese travelers and also through the way he uses imagery to suggest a merging of the ancient Japanese beliefs (Koshinto) with the Indian beliefs about the Ganges and his own Christian beliefs. Koshinto lies at the core of Japanese sensibility and forms Japanese traditional lifestyle (Mase Hasegawa 28). Each traveler or character is searching for a greater understanding, not merely of the motivating force behind their behavior, but of a deeper nature. In doing so, they all find themselves in direct confrontation with their own personal desires for spiritual rejuvenation. They embark upon journeys toward greater self understanding where each is caught up in his own process of individuation. The river is a recurrent site motif with ritual significance, providing an idyllic destination. Endo gives the River Ganges different metaphorical significances which we understand through the cases of the five tourists; it is a balm for haunting memories, a remedy for loneliness, and a cure for feelings of emptiness and worthlessness.
  • 14. Walmart s Success Of The Global Market Walmart s Success in the Global Market In terms of Identify Basic Appeal which concerns suitability of climate, restriction on certain items, access to material, and others Walmart has used this step of the market screening process for much of its international business ventures (Wild and Wild, 2013, p.301). For instance, in Brazil the tropical temperature (which normally does not fall below 20В°C throughout the year) has apparently influenced the type of apparel that the company sells in its stores (World Travel Guide, 2016; Walmart, 2016). Because, within the stores of Walmart in Brazil, one can find clothing made from fabric as in, cotton and linen, which are material suited for the warmer weather found in Brazil (Walmart, 2016). Whereas, for a country like Canada within Walmart stores, clothing can be found that are tailored for each of the four seasons, thus one will be able to find winter jackets and shorts in line with the seasons that they are most suited for. As for restricted items, in Ontario (Canada), since the retailing of liquor presently falls under the purview of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) one would not find alcohol base beverages on the shelves of Walmart or being marketed by the entity (Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, 2010). However, on the websites of Walmart in the US, there are several options available as it relates to the purchase of alcoholic beverages (Walmart, 2016). As it relates to access to material, when
  • 15. Pros And Cons Of The CHUMS GSA Goals of the CHUMS GSA Club What is GSA? GSA stands for Gay Straight Alliance and it is a club here at Cardinal Heights, and in GSA, we focus on helping the community with have many goals to move us forward into making our community safer and more comfortable to everyone. GSA is important because it educates and raises awareness to everyone around us about many different things. Some of these things include, gender fairness, tolerance of different sexuality, and building community. One of our goals this year was to get gender neutral bathrooms for any of the students that may be feeling confused with their sexuality, unsafe, or feel that they don t belong in their designated bathroom. It gives them their option as well and makes it comfortable for everyone. Some of the pros we came up with include the safety and comfort of the students. We want them to feel safe and not feel that they will not be bullied by other kids while in their designated bathroom. Also, this is good for trans, confuse, asexual, and others so it is in the good ... Show more content on ... Though that is want we want, we do go over cons as well. Some of these cons are that the school doesn t have much space and the decision was that there would be one toilet, no stalls which led the group to think that, the bathrooms right now do not get locked so there is easy access. Well, if this is a one person bathroom, there will need to be a lock but anybody could have access to the bathroom and then lock the door which can lead to dangerous things. This could be drug use, or something as simple as skipping class. Another con was location. As of right now, the bathrooms that are going to become gender neutral are the former teacher bathrooms and for both the teachers and the gender neutral students, the bathrooms might be a little further. This could cause taec her wondering why the students take so long in the bathroom or maybe being late to
  • 16. Hatchet Quotes Hatchet Essay: MM, AM, CC Intro Have you ever gotten lost in the grocery store? How did that feel? Was it scary? Now imagine getting stranded in the wilderness. This is a question that I wonder all because of this addictive book called Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. This book is about a 13 year old boy, that has to survive on an island for 54 days, all by himself, after a tragic plane crash. This helped Brian become stronger, and more independent in different ways. This gave Brain a stronger chance of survival, even through all of the changes that has happened throughout the past couple months. Throughout this entire mess, I think these are most of the ways that Brian has changed. In fact, Brian has grown stronger physically and mentally. He knows... Show more content on ... Although these changes were hard, it helped Brian change in a good way, it helped Brian survive this tragic incident. The first change that stood out most to me in Brian would be strength. An excellent example of this would be the quote on chapter 17, after the tornado took everything away. He had to start completely new. In this chapter the quote clearly states, Tomorrow, he thought, as he lay back in the darkness. Tomorrow maybe the fish would be back and he would make a spear and new bow and get some food. Tomorrow he would find food and refine the camp and bring things back to sanity from the one completely insane day The quote clearly shows growth in Brian, it shows how he has grown strength, even after everything that he had was destroyed he was still willing to get back up on his feet, with a positive attitude, he was not just going to give up. This is very different from the Brian from the beginning of the book. That Brian would have cried, and given up as soon as the tornado hit. But now, Brian has learned from his mistakes. He knows now that giving up, and sitting there feeling sorry for yourself won t help you survive. Because if he would have just given up, he wouldn t have survived long enough to get rescued by the plane. Brian decided to make the smart choice, in order to survive. Brian has become smarter, stronger, and more patience with things. All in
  • 17. The Skin You Live In By Michael Taylor The book I chose to do an integrated unit on was The Skin You Live In by Michael Taylor with second grade students aged 7 8 years old. The big, colorful pages are vibrant and easy to absorb. This book delivers an important message about acceptance to young readers. It also has a great message that we are all different and the same and we should love ourselves for who we are. I have developed three activities that introduce concept explorations and challenge students to accept all cultures. It is very beneficial to involve learningstudents cognitively, emotionally, and physically. These lessons demonstrate learning experiences that are beneficial and relevant to children all over the world (Davis, 2011). For the math activity, I chose an activity that came from China, it is called Five Up Dominos. The children will use their math skills and practice addition and multiplication. For the science activity, the students will do an experiment called Save the Flag. This activity teaches students how to preserve certain material such as a countries flag. For the social studies activity, the children will make a garland of flags based on a country they research. The math concepts taught in this lesson are teaching the students how to use certain math formulas, and practice addition and multiplication. It is beneficial for students to know what tools to use for capturing and displaying information that is important to them (Davis, 2011). The science concepts taught in this
  • 18. The Various Types Of Transitions The 4 types of transitions are Emotional personal experiences such as parent s separating, bereavement, beginning or leaving a place of care. Physical change in environments Intellectual maturation, moving from one educational establishment to another. Physiological puberty or medical conditions. Moving into a new nursery or classroom is a big transition for children like getting a new teacher, class mates, class, new room and way of working. New faces, unknown personalities, lack of knowledge about who provides support will impacts on a child s confidence, ability to interact, be comfortable and relax. This maybe heightened if children are older, teacher is unknown, fear that knocking will direct unwanted attention to themselves may prevent a child wanting to go /perform this type of task or be unwilling to enter the room they may become quiet, withdraw and refuse to participate when asked for volunteers. Positive relationships can support children across the school by adults making themselves known to children. Personalities, attitude and approach will reassure the children on the type of support they could expect. A permanent, new class environment offers the opportunity to experience different layouts, places where resources are kept and resource items themselves. Positive relationships can reassure children that access is the same as they re already used to. A tour of the new room and its facilities will help familiarise everyone with what s
  • 19. Using Technological Approaches for the Presentation of... Our world today has changed a great deal with the aid of information technology. Things that were once done manually or by hand have now become computerized operating systems, which simply require a single click of a mouse to get a task completed. Information technology benefits society with communication by allowing people to stay in touch with their families at very affordable costs. It allows us to do things faster and easier with the use of the internet. It has already become an integral part of our daily lives. For one, it is true that technologypartly solves problems and makes life better. But is it really as perfect as they say? Let s take a look at a comparative study about using technological approaches for the presentation of curriculum in schools by video conferencing to deliver classes to children in five rural schools in Canada(Barter P43). Admittedly, technology brings more innovation and opportunities to people today to broaden their horizons and improve efficiency. However, in this case, the use of technology in teaching brings opportunities as well as challenges that stretch the limits of teaching and learning. It causes many social problems, like decreasing job opportunities in rural areas and increasing costs of equipment maintenance. The technological changes may likely create new problems thereby threatening or damaging certain people s quality of life. Information technology involves more than just computer literacy, but it also takes into account
  • 20. Mortgage Broker Case Mortgage Brokers Bella Vista Are you having trouble in shopping for a suitable home loan for your situation? In that case, you should speak with one of our representatives here at Selectabroker. To avail of our free service, all you have to do is send us an enquiry through the contact form on the right side of the page. If you are more comfortable with talking on the phone, you can call our toll free line 1300 510 045 which is open until 9 in the evenings for seven days a week. We will be more than happy to cater to your brokering needs. While you may be tempted to try and handle the applications and paperwork on your own, it can be better to enlist the services of our agents instead. Doing so will give you access to a wider network of lenders. ... Show more content on ... For starters, it has a prime location near the end of the M2 motorway. This puts it close to two major north south transport routes through the Westlink M7, the Cumberland Highway, and Sydney. What this means is that you will have access to many different amenities and facilities, even those not in the immediate locality. These include the Norwest Business Park, which incorporates hotel, industrial, commercial and retail developments. There is also the Norwest Private Hospital along with several established dental surgeries and medical centres. Not to mention several shopping complexes like the Circa Retail and the Norwest Marketplace. The Hillsong Church and the Norwest Anglican Church are in the locale too. The suburb is actually listed in Fortune s Global 500 list because it is home to the Woolworths Limited complex. Other large scale companies with headquarters in the area are the Reserve Bank of Australia, AAMI Insurance, ResMed, and Homeart. As for educational institutions, Bella Vista is close to St. Michael s Primary School, Gilroy Catholic College, Model Farms High School, Matthew Pearce Public School, and others. While it may be densely populated, it remains a good choice for people of all kinds, be they professionals, students, or families with children. You can learn more if you speak with any of our mortgage brokers in Bella
  • 21. Phantom Limbs Essay Phantom Limbs Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) is a serious condition that occurs when a person who has lost a part of their body though amputation, trauma (brachial plexus), or loss of nervous connections in an appendage, perceives that the limb is still there and experiences sensations coming from this area. It was first described in 1866 by S. Weir Mitchell, an American neurologist, through a short story published in Atlantic Monthly. While Mitchell may then have wondered if this was specific to wounded Civil War soldiers, it has since been established as quite common (1). Over 70% of amputees report phantom limb pain for years after amputation (2). Several theories have been proposed regarding PLP, although there is still much to be... Show more content on ... Data indicated that PLP is related to, and may be a consequence of, plastic changes in the primary somatosensory cortex, and that the shift of the cortical map following amputation might be a potential neurophysiological basis of PLP (6). Further studies in 1998 investigating the re mapping component in the brain were conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto and The Toronto Hospital. The study recruited amputees who experienced phantom pain for surgery to map the sensory areas in the brain. During the mapping process, the conscious patients reported sensations they felt when certain areas of the thalamus were stimulated. Patients reported phantom sensations when areas of the thalamus were stimulated that formally were innervated by neurons from the missing arm, and also when areas on the stump were stimulated that activated these reorganized regions in the brain. Neurons were shown to continue to carry out their original roles, but with different sources of activation (7). While persuasive, the aforementioned experimental conclusions are well critiqued by Ronald Melzack who argues against looking to the somatosensory cortex or thalamus as the only cause of phantom pain in his April 1992 Scientific American article. He states: Such changes in the somatosensory thalamus or cortex could explain why certain feelings arise in limbs that no longer exist or can no longer
  • 22. Essay On The Republic Of Plato Unless, I said, the philosophers rule as kings or those now called kings and chiefs genuinely and adequately philosophize, and political power and philosophy coincide in the same place, while the many natures now making their way to either apart from the other are by necessity excluded, there is no rest from ills for the cities, my dear Glaucon, nor I think for human kind, nor will the regime we have now described in speech ever come forth from nature, insofar as possible, and see the light of the sun. (THE REPUBLIC OF PLATOBy Allan B 473d 473e) In this essay, I will try to point out reasons why I think Plato wants the state to be ruled by philosophers and why I think he is right. In his time, Plato was disappointed by the way his teacher Socrates ... Show more content on ... To my understanding, men do not become philosopher. Philosophers are born philosophers, they are gifted ones. It is by nature and as per Plato, it is very important that the most gifted youths be given a very good training from their early age otherwise they will turn to bad ones if given bad training. This is why it is imperative that philosopher kings rule the state. They will provide proper, better training for the philosophers to become than those leaders who rule by opinions and beliefs. This is probably what happens to Hitler. He became a monster because he did not receive a proper training. The way he went from street to power shows he was no ordinary person. He would probably have been a better leader if he received a proper education. There are a lot to say but since limited by the length of the essay, I would now prefer to answer my previous
  • 23. Ivanhoe In everybody s life there is something that makes him strive for success. That something can be money, women, fame, or many other incentives.. To the medieval knights, victory renown and glory are the ambitions they strive for. Breaking a law in this code would be considered a disgrace, and would bring a dishonor that was worse than death itself. However, by applying the Code of Chivalry, the knights in the medieval time displayed certain character traits which would secure success and honor in both battle and morality. In the book Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Scott, a knight named Ivanhoe illustrates this by devoting his attention to keeping the rules of the Code of Chivalry, which consisted of love of adventure, integrity, and loyalty to the... Show more content on ... If his home country of England is to lose the battles, he and his country would be disgraced. His fear of disgrace helps lead him on. Having a fear of disgrace shows the reader that having this motive can lead one on to success. br br People can learn a lesson not only about glory, but of bravery also. Besides glory, bravery is used throughout the novel also. An example of this is when Sir Brian de Bois Guilbert dies for Rebecca. Ivanhoe demonstrates bravery when he fights Brian to repay Rebecca for her care when he is hurt. He is also very brave when he fights for his Saxon image. Even though he is not a major character in this book, Robin Hood also shows bravery. He robs from the rich and gives to the poor which breaks certain parts in the Code of Chivalry. Through his actions, he fulfills part of the Code. He is brave and has a love of adventure in doing so, but his integrity and respect to the king is taken by his criminal actions. People can learn from these examples that sometimes being brave is not pretty. Both Sir Brian de Bois Guilbert and Robin Hood had to suffer consequences for being brave. br br Bravery is very important to knights. If they are not brave they are disgraced, which is something they fear the most. Ivanhoe s motto is Death is better than defeat, this shows his fear of disgrace. Likewise, in are society there are certain people that are looked at as being a disgrace. br br In society today there is a fear of disgrace. Becoming a
  • 24. Unstructured Interviewing Skills Essay While anthropologists have many prominent skills, one of upmost importance is that of interviewing. With greater attention to interpersonal relationships and communication, anthropologists are in an excellent position to engage in a multitude of interview styles, such as unstructured and semi structured interviews (Schensul and LeCompte 2013). Unstructured interviewing allows for more flexibility in the number and sequence of questions, as well as for greater freedom in the respondent s answers. The goal of such interviewing is to elicit open ended responses that flow more like a conversation; a benefit of this method is the way in which in builds comfort and rapport with participants who may be beneficial later in the study. A key aspect... Show more content on ... Another key skill anthropologists have developed is the ability to create and administer meaningful and thoughtful structured surveys. Structured questionnaires, a form of structured interviewing, are presented in the same manner to each participant so as to control the input that triggers people s responses, thus allowing for more reliable comparability (Bernard 2011, 187). Surveys are hardly restricted to the field of anthropology, as they are immensely beneficial in the process of describing and generalizing populations and are considered an extremely reliable and valid methodology. However, anthropologists, as mentioned, are able to use their skills of observation to create questionnaires that reveal meaningful data in a non threatening and communicative way. Survey building requires skilled personnel, not only in design, but also in implementation; there are numerous ways to administer a survey, be that via telephone, computer, or face to face. While surveys are useful in producing data useful in statistical analysis, there are drawbacks to this methodology, especially when considering how the questionnaire is administered, therefore it is critical to hire and properly train the appropriate staff (Bernard 2011). Nevertheless, while every methodology is beneficial to research studies, even more so with anthropologists at the helm, there are of
  • 25. Alhambra History comes in all shapes,sizes and forms. When being interested in history, it is often hard to find actual artifacts from the past. Spain is one of the many places where the famous, epic Roman Empire took control and actually built some of the cities and buildings there. There is really no need to only go to Italy to see Roman ruins. The Roman Empirestretched far out and left a good amount of ruins in Spain that is preserved to be a look back into old Rome. Spain is a wonderful country to visit in order to see Roman ruins because of the conserved artifacts, history, and Toledo,Spain diverse cultures. Ordinarily, Spain share conserved artifacts of Roman ruins. According to The Resilient Roman Ruins of Spain , Because the Roman Empire spent such a long time in Spain, there are plenty of Roman ruins in Spain to visit. This ... Show more content on ... Based on Why Take the Time to Visit the Alhambra in Spain , one of the more unique of the Roman ruins to visit is the Alhambra, which has a long and rich history for tourists to Spain to visit. The Alhambra history dates back more than 1,100 years , thus showing the Alhambra being a ancient building can add importance to a country and is a symbol of how much can change while remaining the same. In Spain, the Alhambra holds great history from the Roman Empire. Universally, Toledo,Spain expresses diverse cultures of Roman ruins. According to Discover Toledo,Spain , through the millennia, this land has seen development and demise of many cultures, each leaving unique artworks and structures. This shows that because of the artwork and structures in Toledo,Spain it express different cultures rather than one in each painting or building. Everything is created a certain way, it all depends on how you believe it should be made. Toledo,Spain helps display how ancient Rome produce things back then because of their
  • 26. Serial Killer Environment What leads a person to want to kill? Specifically, could it be the genetics or could it the environment. Although a person s genetics could play a role in future actions, everything that is done is based on a decision and a choice. A person s environment dictates the likelihoods of them becoming a serial killerbecause of their relationships with family members, the environment in which they grew up in and their relationship with friends, if there was any. Relationships with family members have been shown to have a great effect on a person s mental health and later in life, their actions towards others. There are many examples demonstrating the effects of family on a serial killer s future. For example, Aileen Wuornos. she had a difficult childhood from the beginning. Her mother abandoned her when she was 6 months old while her father was convicted of kidnapping and rape. He later committed suicide in prison. Wuornos was left with her grandparents but when her grandmother passed away, her grandfather kicked her out of the home for being pregnant at thirteen years old. She was left to sleep in the woods during the winter or sleep with men to have somewhere to stay. At school, Wuornos was made fun of constantly for having a child at thirteen and being a ... Show more content on ... For example, Donald Gaskins was called Pee Wee and teased at school. While at home he was beat by his father. By the age of 11, Gaskins had quit school and worked fixing cars. He made two friends and they were known as The Trouble Trio who robbed houses and raped little boys. This is an example of a child leaving school due to bullying but he was also rude to the other children because he was being beat at home (Donald Pee Wee Gaskins, n.d.). Gaskins felt as if he could not trust the people around him so he resorted to being mean until he found his group that was just a mean as
  • 27. Epoxy Research Paper If you have a home with a garage, you have so many possibilities in terms of transforming this area. In order to make this area a better place to be, whether it s for work or fun, these steps can be taken. Put Epoxy on the Floors A stressful thing about having a garage is all of the grease that can accumulate on the surface. This doesn t have to be as much of a problem when you put epoxy on the floors. When you do this, you are essentially putting an invisible, protective barrier on it. This protects the surface from things like grease and oils that may drip underneath your car. Epoxy garage floors are strikingly shiny, helping you improve the visual aesthetics of your garage. Putting epoxy on the floors in the garage can also make them ... Show more content on ... You need to see things while working in order to stay safe. That s where LED work lights come in handy. These lights give off a bright type of light that will not cause irritation to your eyes. These lights are also long lasting. In fact, some of these LED lights can last up to 50,000 hours. This is advantageous because you won t have to replace these lights often, giving you the chance to save some money. In terms of safety, these lights are great because they don t give off any amount of heat. Therefore, you don t have to worry about getting burned if you get too close to them while working. Replace Damaged Garage Door After a while, your garage door may not be in pristine condition. There may be dents all over it, and it may not go up and down smoothly. In either case, you can always have it replaced with a new one. There are a lot of good types to choose from today, such as steel and aluminum. Garage doors made out of aluminum are particularly beneficial because they will not rust. Whether it rains or snows, your garage door will retain its elegance and structure. Aluminum garage doors are also affordable compared to steel garage doors. Whatever type you buy, make sure a professional installation company sets it up. This prevents you from getting injured or wasting a lot of
  • 28. Era Of The American West Essay I will be talking about the era of the American West in the middle and late 1800s and the differences and similarities of primary sources and the textbook HIST4. Chief Red Cloud s Speech, the Sandy Creek Massacre from the Rocky Mountain News Editorial and Helen Hunt Jackson s Account of Sandy Creek, Nannie Alderson, from the book called A Bride Goes West, Epitaph on a Tombstone, and Bill of sale for a Chinese Prostitute. For anyone wanting to know and read more about the American West you could attain more comprehension read a book about HIST4 or any other books by Kevin M. Shultz or by reading primary sources dating by the time. First of all, the first primary source is about Chief Red Cloud s Speech from the Oglala Teton Sioux. He opposed white incursions into Native Americans lives and territory, although he supported peace but he did not supported the violence. His speech talks about the plight of his Native Americans peoples in the last decades of the 1800s. In the textbook it showed very little details and some details were clarified more in the textbook than in the primary sources but the primary source showed more to understand why the white incursions were killing the Native Americans. However, it showed that the Native Americans were having difficulties with the white incursions. Also, it showed the Dawes General Allotment Act... Show more content on ... Tait in his memories in 1952. In the textbook it does not say anything about Epitaph on a Tombstone. In the contrary, the primary source it says the he became fascinated with Deadwood s Wild West Past. It s a little poem about 4 lines. Epitaph on a Tombstone, Galen Tait states, Here lies the body of Mary Moore Born a Virgin, died a whore, For sixteen years she preserved her virginity A dam fine record in this vicinity . It was about this girl Mary Moore that she was a prostitute. She probably turned a prostitute when she was
  • 29. Character Analysis Of Hazel Grace Augustus The protagonist is Hazel Grace Lancaster. She is a dynamic character. An example that is the fact that at the beginning of novel she wants to distance herself from society. Then she meets Augustus Waters. Augustus has the view of that everyone matters using metaphor to explain it. By the end of the novelshe realizes that it s ok to let people in and that everyone will die eventually but you have live your life to the fullest. She s also a is a round characteras we get a lot of insight on her option and life. The antagonist of the story is not a person but cancer itself. The cancer limits the activities that Hazel and Augustus can do. People constantly judge hazel for her oxygen tank just because she s different the reason cancer is the antagonist is because it prevents all the main characters from what society defines as normal teen lives. You could also say the antagonist could be Augustus Waters. The rasin for this is the fact the before hazel meet Augustus she was trying to not impact anyone in her life. Her main goal was to live without hurting anyone but Augustus get in her way. Hazel grace Lancaster is one of the main characters in fault in are stars. We watch her physical grow weaker an example is at the beginning of the book she takes the stares and at the end she takes the elevator at her support group. The book is really about her mentally and philosophical grow and understand especially concerning death. At the beginning as I have stated she is obsessed with what negative effect she will have on people around her when she dies and refuses to get close to anyone. Also referring to herself as a grenade multiple times during the novel. A good word to describe Hazel is a brutally honest person.she knows that cancer doesn t define her. Unlike a lot of people she has no fluff when she talks about cancer an example is at the beginning of the novel when she says:Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying. This honest approach is what keeps her going but also makes her very lonely. Hazel is also very humorous. I like her
  • 30. Reasons For The Fall Of Rasputin In 1917, the Russian Empire collapsed after a long reign of almost 300 years. The effects of World War I are said to have been the reason for the collapse of the once powerful dynasty. However, was Gregori Rasputin the primary reason for the fall? The question that was once whispered on thousands of Russians lips is still asked today. Who was Rasputin? Gregori Rasputin was a Siberian peasant who not only intrigued everyone by his bushy beard and piercing cold blue eyes, but by his mystic holy powers he claimed to have. He believed that God had given him a gift for healing as during his childhood, he almost died. Despite these claims, at a young age Rasputin had already acquired a reputation for debauchery and his birth name was changed from Grigori Yefimovich Novykh to Gregori Yefmovich Rasputin. Rasputin meaning debauched one in Russian. However, Rasputin went through a religious conversion at the age of 18 as he embraced the Khlysty sect. Rasputin was happy with this sect as it preached that prolonged sexual engagements were the best way to achieve the closest relationship with God. But how did a sexually promiscuous peasant end up in the extremely powerful Russian government? After marrying at age 19 and having 4... Show more content on ... But what was it that the citizens of Russia despised so much about Rasputin? Rasputin was viewed by many as a puppet master that controlled the Tsar and Tsarina. This image of Rasputin was widely used by the political opponents of the Tsar s to show his lack of authority and his wife s incompetence. The staunchest supports of Tsardom even found it hard to defend a system which allowed their country, that was in its greatest trial, to be under the control of a debauched monk . People merely saw Rasputin as a man who brought scandal to the royal family, made Tsar Nicholas break his own October Manifesto and influence important decisions in World War
  • 31. What Was The Dawes Act Dbq Answers Steven Adams Dr. Alexander Mendoza United Sates History II Journal Entries 1 10 Entry 1 What was the Dawes Act? It was named for Senator Henry L. Dawes of Massachusetts, chair of the Senate s Indian Affairs Committee. It divided land into small sections, however this allowed the tribe to retain only a minor portion of land. The remaining land was purchased by whites. Did the Dawes act benefit the Plains Indians? No, it was catastrophic to Indian culture and lead to the loss of the majority of Indian tribal lands. It also led to clashes between Indian tribes. Did the Dawes Act benefit whites? Yes, immensely. It allowed whites to buy 86 million acres of land during the late 1880 s into the 1890 s. For the Indians that accepted the Dawes act, they were given a full American citizenship. They were also expected to conform to American ways and leave their culture behind. Entry 2 What was the Progressive era? It lasted from the 1890s to the 1920s. It was a time of explosive economic growth in the United States. There were substantial political and social reforms across the country. Women began to... Show more content on ... President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed several pieces of legislation that became known as the Second New Deal. It included the passing of the Social Security act. This act provided benefits for the elderly, disabled and unemployed. It also included the National Labor Relations Act. Originally known as the Wagner Act, it gave organized labor rights to bargain collectively with businesses and forced employers to allow unionization of their employees. The Works Progress Administration was passed in April 1935. The WPA put unemployed people to work in public works projects across the country. It contained a much wider variety of programs than earlier agencies: theatrical productions (the Federal Theatre Project) and writing projects (the Federal Writers Project), as well as the construction of schools, playgrounds, and other public
  • 32. Benefits Of Planting Native Plants And Trees Merced County is the best known as the County in Central Valley part, where the location for food production and processing is. It is also a peaceful and quiet place to live and study, however, when I moved to Merced County, I have been facing some problems such as climate change, river flow unsteadily, and insects migrate. In fact, I have been watching the trees that belong to UC Merced were dying, which led to my question, is this effect overall Merced County? Because all trees and plants have the processing method to survive called Photosynthesis, but how did they die when the season has changed. I did not know that most the trees and plants here are not the native plants since my professor told me, Ms. Ayik. The benefits of planting... Show more content on ... Moreover, when a species could survive, it will extend the population and once when there is a numerous population, which will attract other predators more and more species would join this ecosystem, as a result of increasing the biodiversity. Additionally, it would also conserve some animals species which barely extinct. Because plants and trees are the producer in the food chain and also the home or life. Essentially, this means both unique plants and animals are conserved from being destroyed if they belong to each other. Replanting plants and trees will minimize the greenhouse effect, which is significant of having a weird climate such as Merced climate, which has four seasons in a day. I would say four seasons because, in the morning, the weather is extremely cold, in the middle of the day, the sunlight is burning as summer, around noon time, it was raining with sunlight, and lastly, sunset, which feel as the fall semester. According to many experts at NASA (), the climate s change is the consequence of global warming, the increasing temperature of the Earth s surface which mostly caused by the pollution that we have been producing, such as driving a car, which emits the Carbon Dioxide gas as a result of the greenhouse effect. Because Carbon Dioxide blocks the heat reflection from Earth. Imagine it was like when you boiling something, if you cover the pot with a lid, it will cook faster because the heat stays
  • 33. The Drive Is A Trait Described By Kirkpatrick And Locke Drive Drive is a trait described by Kirkpatrick and Locke as a trait which is not a physical need deprivation. They use the term to refer to a prospect of traits and motives reflecting a high effort level. There are five aspects of drive which include achievement motivation, ambition, energy, tenacity and initiative. Achievement Motivation: Leaders have a relatively high desire for achievement. The need for achievement is an important motive among effective leaders. Leading achievers obtain satisfaction from successfully completing demanding tasks, attaining higher standards, and augment better ways of doing things. They are intrinsically motivated to achieve. For instance, Jack Welch of General Electric had high need for achievement. When he was appointed CEO of GE in 1981, US economy was in recession and high unemployment rates. He set up a plan to bring about changes that would radically restructure the company over the next five years, his first move was for each business under GE to become #1 or #2 competitor in its industry or to shut down. Eventually in times of recession, it was difficult to become #1 or #2 and they shut down many business units. Such as central air conditioning, housewares, coal mining. GE freed up over $11 billion of capital by selling off more than 200 businesses. Meanwhile, the company made over 370 acquisitions, investing more than $21billion in major purchases as Westinghouse s lighting business, employers reinsurance, RCA, kidder Peabody.
  • 34. Descartes Conception Of Identity a. McNulty claims that Descartes admits of another in his conception of identity. What she means by this claim is that Descartes uses another as a part of his construction of his identity. In Descartes Third Meditation when comes up with the idea of Cogito Ergo Sum I think therefore I am, he uses the other to define his own identity. So, when Descartes is providing evidence of his existence, he is also claiming a possession of the other (in this case it is god). Descartes logic was that in order for god to be a trickster, he has to implant to these ideas of doubt into something / or someone, which in this case is Descartes, so therefore, he concludes that he exist and he is a thinking thing. What McNulty is pointing to is that Descartes whole conception of identity is dependent upon another... Show more content on ... McNulty uses patriarchal references for her argument that the sense of unknown plays in the role of identity. She shows the historical view on female and how is an extension of the host identity, and her views contribute to the identity of the host. McNulty also differs with Descartes in the sense she refers to the identity as mixture of both the known and the unknown parts. The all of the properties of the host play a role in the identity of host. Guests also play the part in the identity they represent the unknown part that comes in to the house and changes things. The guest/stranger represents the unknown part of the identity because in the sense the host can react differently to the stranger. The stranger can be a hostile or a friend. McNulty stresses that we need to be more open to the other and establish more connection with the other, because the other is the part of your identity. Femininity plays an important role in the conception of identity because McNulty uses femininity to explain the conception of identity, and how the other plays in to
  • 35. The World Of Industrialized And Glamorized Pornography Hot Young Girl Screwed Hard... By Society In the past few decades, what has been commonly said to be the world s oldest profession sex work has quickly developed to match the growth and demand of modern media. Mainly, this accounts for the rise of internet pornography. While the increase in availability and ease of access has opened doors to frustrated, stressed, and plain old bored individuals looking for relief, but at what cost? It sells, and it sells well. Unfortunately, it also sells out. Sex is an industry, with pearl necklaces hiding under starched white collars. Corporations worldwide have capitalized and cashed in on one of the most primal of human desires, and like most things under a corporate agenda, the system and product are both decidedly flawed. The world of industrialized and glamorized pornography leads to unrealistic expectations of the act of sex and standards of viewer s bodies. The common themes of violence, humiliation, and deprecation, usually aimed towards women, furthers institutionalized misogyny in society. Finally, many areas of pornography boast and encourage immoral, corrupt, and downright illegal premises and actions. These include (but are in no way limited to) abuse of actors, access to child and underage porn, and revenge porn. All of these things add to making a concept that has so much potential to be an aid to many for experimentation and learning to be comfortable with their sexuality into something
  • 36. Saving the Ballona Wetlands Essay Before development exploded in California, the state contained about 5 million acres of wetland habitat. Unfortunately, over the years California has been willing to part with 91 percent of its wetlands, Southern California having lost 95 percent. Los Angeles County has only one wetland remaining. This being the Ballona Wetlands located between Marina del Rey and the Westchester bluffs, it was once a major part of California s natural wetlandsystems. Before development, Ballona wetlands natural habitatcovered 2002 acres. This area, 800 to 1000 acres, referred to as Playa Vista by its owners is made up of salt marsh freshwater marsh and part upland and dune areas. It is considered Los Angeles largest wetland ecosystem . Although... Show more content on ... There has been a settlement made between the Friends of Ballona Wetlands and Thomas Maguire partners (now Playa Capital) to develop two thirds of the land with the DreamWorks Playa Vista project. One third is to be saved and will undergo a restoration project headed by Playa Capital. Playa Capital has agreed to provide for 297 acres of wetland and surrounding area, in exchange for the right to develop the rest of the land. They have promised to manage and maintain these 297 acres of land to function as a natural wetland. They have donated $12.5 million for a restoration fund they say will not be used as mitigation by Playa Capital. With all the restoration and funding being put into Ballona, there are still many environmental groups that are adamantly opposed to the settlement and prefer to save all of Ballona s acreage. These groups consist of the Ballona Ecosystem Education Project, the Sierra Club Ballona Task Force, Ballona Valley Preservation League, Alliance for Survival, Ballona Wetlands Land Trust, LA Green Party, LA Earth First, CALPIRG, Sea Shepherd Society, and the Wetlands Action Network. They acknowledge that Playa Vista is not all wetland, but open space that needs to be saved from over development. They all stand in agreement that the proposed DreamWorks project will cause detrimental harm to the wetland and surrounding community. If completed, the DreamWorks project will be the 4th largest
  • 37. Persuasive Speech Outline On Gmo GMO s: What Are They? Topic: Genetically Modified Organisms Organization: Topically Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about I)Introduction 1.Attention getter: Whenever you hear the word genetically modified or genetically engineered, what do you think? Some people think of enormous fruits and vegetables or huge chickens that can t even walk, but that s not the case. 2.Relevance: Genetically modified organisms, more commonly known as GMO s are the topic of many conversations concerning food safety. 3.Credibility Statement: 4.Central Idea: GMO s are an important part of many people s lives, and they provide millions with the healthy, nutritional food they need to live. 5.Initial Preview: Throughout this speech you will learn about what GMO s are. II)Body ... Show more content on ... According to, GMO is an organismwhose genome has been altered through genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there (gmo). 2.GMO s are used to increase crop yields and produce larger crops to be able to feed more people. In fact, many crops commonly in use today are genetically engineered (Wax 2016). Some of these include soybean, cotton, and corn. These three crops are then use in industrial factories to produce products such as sweeteners, oils, and starches. Transition to 2nd Main Point: Now that we know what a GMO is, how are they made? Point 2: GMO production takes quite the effort. 1.Say you re growing some corn and don t want it to die from a disease that s been spreading around recently. The first thing you re going to want to do is select a trait you want, which in this case, is disease resistance (Powell 2015). 2.Next, you re going to find a plant that has that disease resistance, and isolate that gene by using a comparative analysis, or looking side by side at the genes of a plant with the trait and one without it (Powell
  • 38. The Search for Truth in Anton Chekhov s The Cherry... The scholar is engaged in the interminable quest for truth. The knowledge that one can never understand everything makes a person wise. Ignorance is the assumption that one can understand all about the world around them. An ignorant person is so confident they comprehend the truth, that they are blind to the greater truth. Anton Chekhov and Sophoclesdeal with the idea of this sinful pride that leads to ignorance in their respective works, The Cherry Orchard and Oedipus Rex. In each drama, certain characters are slapped in the face with the truth; the light is revealed. However, these characters make the connection when it is too late. Their destruction is already destined to become a reality, a horrid fate that could have been prevented.... Show more content on ... The timing of the chorus plea as Oedipus enters the stage clearly demonstrates that Oedipus is the man whom he seeks, the murderer of the king. The truth of the play is revealed, yet Oedipus remains ignorant. Chekhov also makes use of a symbol to represent truth in his play. In The Cherry Orchard, the Ranevskayas are an aristocratic family that squander away their final days at their beloved cherry orchard. It shall soon be auctioned off, yet the family merely sits about and engages in meaningless chatter. They assume that everything shall be taken care of, the way it always has been in their lives. However, there is one man who seems to be above the careless atmosphere that surrounds him Lopakhin, the hard working son of generations of peasants. This man of great ambition represents truth. The truth that Chekhov reveals in the play is the emerging changes in the Russian social structure. The industrious middle class is on the rise, and the lazy aristocracy is doomed to fade away. In the end, Lopakhin buys the cherry orchard, which is the estate where [his] father and grandfather were slaves (Chekhov 366). The cherry orchard was the security, the wealth, and the power of the aristocracy; it is bought by a merchant, the son of peasants. Could the aristocracy not see what was happening, or did they choose to remain ignorant? By constructing summer cottages, the Ranevskaya family could have prevented the loss of the beloved
  • 39. Pros And Cons Of The Treaty Of Versailles There really were only three debates surrounding the Treaty of Versailles. The first would be among the Europeans who disagreed with the terms of the treaty because it opposed their tradition of imperialism, or at least, President Wilson s Fourteen Points (Foner 762). There also was conflict between the Allies who argued over who claimed what and Germany s punishment in their belief that Germany was responsible for the start of the World War. The wording of President Wilson s Fourteen pointsdid not convince the Europeans which lead to the French and British empires, for example, to reject any colony under their rule pleading for self determination as President Wilson stated (Foner 764). The second debate would be those among Eastern Europe... Show more content on ... The Treaty of Versaillesincluded the creation of the League of Nations where countries and nations would come together to solve international issues through peaceful means. Many politicians wanted to stay out of international affairs and focus on the US s own issues which would ensure the country it s freedom of action (Foner 765). Do to health reasons, Wilson could not effectively defend his position and the Senate ultimately rejected the Treaty of Versailles on March 1920 (Foner 766). As Foner states in the textbook, Wilson s plan to ensure a safe place for democracy failed (766). While it did encourage several groups of people to stand up against their foreign leaders, President Wilson s failure to implement his views reflected badly amongst others. For example, anti Western nationalism rose in the Middle East and Asia and other nations began to support other forms of politics such as Communism, especially among the Asian countries (Foner 765). Consequences of the Treaty of Versailles include future conflict between Germany and other European countries as well as conflicting political views as each try to be superior to the
  • 40. Regulating the Bluefin Tuna Fisheries Scientists are wondered how to remedy the situation of regulating the Bluefin Tuna Fisheries. [Therefore, scientists estimate that Eastern routine of adult Bluefin has had reduction by 80% since 1970s], _ (European Commission Fisheries 14/01/2013). In 2006, in International Commission for the conservation of Atlantic Bluefin tunas has been discussed, and has had a long term plan so that there will strict rule for catching the Bluefin Tunaand implement this idea. However, this issue hasn t reached the solution. As a result, it has impact on other sections such as unemployment, and losing the species of the Bluefin Tuna. This paper states that there must be new rules for the prevention Bluefin Tuna by reporting different commission s helpful suggestions. For this issue, mostly, European Commission, countries such as Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Italy and France, Gulf of Mexico, the U.S.A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas and also Japan(as a country for importing Tuna for sushi)are involved in order to tackle this obstacle. One way to tackle the situation would be [prohibiting the fishing of endangered Bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlanta and Mediterranean for the rest of the year],_(European Commission Fisheries 14/01/2013). In the European Commission, this was conversed in order to reach a compromise for the issue. EU and International rules
  • 41. Write An Essay On The Arctic Region Arctic The Arctic region has a very harsh climate with very short cool summers; while the most northerly locations experience an extremely cold winter that lasts almost ten months. This climate region has an annual precipitation of 35 50 cm each year. Precipitation is low because the Arctic Ocean and other bodies of water are frozen for most of the year, and there is very little evaporation. This region includes most of Nunavut as well as northern parts of the Northwest Territories and Quebec. Pacific Maritime The Pacific Maritime region lies along British Columbia s west coast and its border with the Yukon Territory on the way to Alaska. The Pacific Ocean provides a moderating effect to this maritime climate, which means the summers are cool and the winters are mild. Precipitation along the coast is very high, with some area receiving as much as 300o mm of rain in the north. Many people live here because ... Show more content on ... Here, winters are cold, and summers are warm. Prairie Includes the southern regions of the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Winters are very cold, and summers are very hot, this climate region has a wide temperature range from summer to winter. In winter, there is dry arctic air that makes the temperature well below freezing, and in summer, the air is warm and dry. It is quite dry in this region because of the fact that not a lot of precipitation occurs. Most of the rainfall happens in the spring and summer, and there is barely any precipitation in winter. Southeastern This region includes Ontario and Quebec also parts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. (Home to Canada s major urban centres.) Moderately cold winters and warm summers. This region experiences rainfall year round. The Great Lakes moderate the temperatures somewhat, cooling the summer and warming up early winter. Atlantic
  • 42. Stress in Military Recruiting Stress in Military Recruiting Mr. Don Lockhart MGMT 591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Dr. Anthony Spivey 20 July 2012 Introduction The Indiana Army National Guard was officially established in 1846 in support of the Mexican American War and has been present at every military engagement since. There are three primary units that make up the Indiana Army National Guard: the 38th Infantry Division, the 219th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, and the 76th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. In total, there are over 12,000 soldiers serving the great state of Indiana in every Military Occupational Skill (MOS) available. In addition, there are two major units in the Air National Guard that serve the state in a ... Show more content on ... If the economy is weak, such as it is now, more people look to the military for employment. Second, the Army has been tasked to reduce its force by nearly 50,000. Simply put, no new bodies are needed so only the best are accepted. Unfortunately, the number of recruiters or their assigned mission has not changed in the last seven years. There is the same number of recruiters in the field today as there was in 2005. They have to put in the same number of people today as they did in 2005. One does not need an advanced degree to see the difficulties in this undertaking. 2. O Harrow Jr. R. (March 14, 2012). The Washington Post. In Recruiters for Army Guard, Reserve suspected of fraud. Retrieved August 10, 2012, from http:/ / Unfortunately, impossible tasks lead some people to do unspeakable or illegal things. The National Guard has a program that helps the every day soldier earn some money by recruiting an individual. Each person they bring in earns them $2,000.00. Recruiters and those in the Recruiting Command are ineligible for this program. This report discusses what happens when the line is crossed. From the moment the program was implemented, there were problems. It is very difficult to catch those who act unethical. Although these individuals were caught, many are not. While in the command, I witnessed this firsthand several times. One of the
  • 43. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Psychoanalysis And Humanism Psychology Block 1 Essay Andrea Arnold Student Number: 1354980 Email: Due Date: Friday 04 March 2016 Psychology can be characterized by many different explanations and perspectives, two of these perspectives being Psychoanalysis and Humanism. Psychoanalysis is the method of treatment of a patient s mental disorder by investigating the areas of the mind called the conscious and unconscious, and humanism is the study of the whole person and his/her behaviour from different perspectives. This essay will highlight the key approaches and figures, the factors of human behaviour as well as the strengths and weaknesses associated with these theories. Sigmund Freud, with the addition ... Show more content on ... Therefore it can be concluded that both of these theories are useful in the field of Psychology as they both have a unique method of treating mental illnesses. Reference List: Beystehner, K. M. (1998). Psychoanalysis: Freud s Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality. Retrieved from /beystehner.html Freud, S. (1910, April). The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis. The American Journal of Psychology, 21(2), 181 218. Mark B. Scholl, M., Ray, D. . A. (2014). Humanistic Counceling Process, outcomes and research. Journal of Humanistic Counceling, 218 239. Robbins, B. (2008). What is a good life? Positive psychology and Renissance of Humanistic Psychology. The Humanistic Psychology, 96 112. Weiten, W. (2015). Psychology Themes and Vairiations (Second South African Edition ed.). (J. Hassim, Ed.) Marinda Louw. Retrieved March 02, 2016 Westen, D. (1998). The Scientific Legacy of Sigmund Freud: Toward a Psychodynamically Informed Psychological Science. Psychological Bulletin, 124,
  • 44. Cuban Racial Inequality Before the start of the Cuban Revolution, inequalities had over taken Cuban Society and had started to spur on many to act. The equality the government claimed to spread was all a faГ§ade; the system benefited those in power and the United States while the popular class was so poor they struggled to make ends meet. People created groups to combat the obvious tyranny, such as El Partido Independiente de Color which formed together to stop the racism. Others spoke out in poetry or publications or used their position in court to express the pain and need for a revolution. These factors were a key part of why so many fought for change, so they could right the wrongs that had been done to them for so long. The faГ§ade of equality that the government put forth affected those of race and those of the popular, poorer class. The P.I.C. was founded to fight back against the racial injustice that was being set forth by the government at the time; with their motto being an egalitarian, sovereign, and independent republic without racial divisions and social antagonisms. (PIC, 1). They wanted to lose the need for a division between the races and make sure there was representation for all Cubans. The popular class also suffered together at the hands of the elites, You imprison the poor wretch who steals because he is hungry; but none of the millions who steal millions from the government has ever spent a night in jail, Castro said. (Castro, 6). The poor are condemned for trying to
  • 45. Animal Cell Structure Animal cells are a type of eukaryotic cell with a nucleus, membrane bound organelles, with no cell wall. Here is a summary of their structure and function. Prokaryotes are the primitive, simple cells of bacteria and their bacteria like Archaea. Eukaryotes, which include the most advanced cells of animals, plants, fungi, protozoan, algae, and slime water molds. Eukaryotic cells share many similar characteristics, including some of the following structures, which can be found in the cells of animals. Glycocalyx: Some animal and protozoan cells have this outer layer anchored to the plasma membrane. Gycocalyces help animal cells stick to each other and protect cells from dehydration. This layer is not present in eukaryotic cells that have ... Show more content on ... Peroxisomes are required by any cell that uses respiration (oxygen to extract energy from food). Golgi body: In addition to making lysosomes, this organelle coordinates the packaging and shipment of materials out of the cell. Mitochondria: These double membrane bound organelles are like tiny powerhouses of the cell, producing a nucleotide coenzyme that transports energy for use within the cell. Cytoplasm: The inside of the cell, between the nucleus and plasma membrane, is filled with a gel like fluid in which the organelles are suspended. The liquid portion of cytoplasm is called cytosol. Cytoskeleton: This network of fibers and tubules is present throughout the interior of the cell, providing support, anchoring organelles, helping with intracellular transport and cell division. Centrioles and centrosomes: Only present in animal cells and some fungal cells, a pair of centrioles is located near the nucleus, in a region called the centrosome. These organelles are composed of microtubules, help build flagella and cilia and form mitotic spindles during cell division. An animal cell undergoing mitosis and stained with
  • 46. The Theme Of Time-Travel In C. S. Lewis Out Of The Silent... Back in 1938, C.S. Lewis, the British novelist, wrote his first book in his space trilogy called Out of the Silent Planet. He had soon written the novel after conversing with J.R.R. Tolkien about space controversies. Tolkien wrote about time travel whereas Lewis wrote about space travel. Lewis writes his tale that introduces Dr. Ransom as a main character, but he is abducted by a narcissistic man who soon wants to use him as a human sacrifice. There is a belief system as well as strong forces of good and evil that reside in Earth and Mars. Because of the symbols from the Bible, one could indicate that there is at least a slight religious impact on the characters. Even though there are some who are not impacted by belief of one true God, religion is strongly and continuously showed throughout the book.... Show more content on ... There is the concept that Satan came to tempt Adam and Eve, who soon disobeyed God. This dilemma caused sin to come into the world. Temptation in this story, in many cases, is Satan s way to get humans who have succumbed to their sins. On the opposing side of evil, Jesus, the son of God, is the saving grace who died on the cross to redeem humanity. Christianity is not the religion in this story, but there are aspects from the Bible in Out of the Silent Planet. There are angel like creatures who cannot be perceived by the human eye besides a few glimmers. Creatures with humans craving to be like them, It is because they have no Oyarsa, said one of the pupils. It is because everyone of them wants to be a little Oyarsa himself, said Augray (Lewis 102). With the principle beliefs of a Christianity like religion being accepted as fact, the story then moves on to various sci fi events that entail that Earth is consumed by evil and Mars appears to be better off than
  • 47. Hunger Games And Divergent Analysis With the immense success of the novel and film titles of the Hunger Games and Divergent, many adolescent women turn to the media as a source of strength to empower themselves in the changing modern world. In order for the female protagonists of the Hunger Games and Divergent, the film, to succeed as hero figures, they must let go of many traditionally feminine qualities, like geniality, selflessness, and empathy. The social formalities the protagonists break in their respective societies, allow them to become symbols of hope and inspiration as they lead a movement of change in their worlds. However, for the female protagonists of the Hunger Games and Divergent titles to succeed as hero figures, they must let go of traditionally feminine qualities... Show more content on ... While in their care, the motherly instincts of the main female characters flourish as they begin to make sure their needs are taken care of and comfortable in the situation occuring. The relationship and bond these characters begin to have become another major factor in the progression of the movement they stand for. The relationship they share becomes a source of moral strength because the children characters first realize the importance of the protagonists and the mission going on. From the get go, these younger characters find a role model in the protagonist as they believe they can gain and grow into a strong and influential individual standing up for the betterment of the world. The protagonists reassure their actions because they begin to see that one person believes in the cause they stand for. In order to become a hero of an entire world, the protagonists must justify their cause and how it will better the world around them. Being selfless in their actions shows everyone watching the pure heart they possess that will slowly rally others under the movement the main characters stand
  • 48. Julius Caesar Mythology The Tragedy of Julius Caesar contains several references to Roman mythology. There are also many references to Julius Caesar in various movies, songs, and television shows. William Shakespeare wasn t Roman, but he did incorporate several references to gods and goddesses to show that it took place during a time when they heavily believed in mythology. Most people don t understand these allusions to the various gods and goddesses, as well as not catching the quick references in pop culture. The Tragedy of Julius Caesarmentions several gods and objects in and around Greece. The first of many was when Cassius compares himself with Aeneas, explaining how he carried Caesar out of the river. Aeneas was the main hero in the poet Virgil s Aeneid. He was a Trojan hero, who carried his father from Troy all the way to what would eventually be known as Rome. Troy was captured after a fierce battle, and Aeneas escaped with his father and carried him. The play also references Colossus, a giant statue of Apollo at Rhodes, which was so massive that boats enter the harbor they passed through the legs of it. The play also mentions Erebus as a place that isn t even dim enough to hide them from prevention. Erebus was the underside of the earth, which was very dark. It was the place that people went through after death to reach the Hades, the underworld. Hercules actually traveled through Erebus to retrieve Megara, his love, from Hades. Erebus is also the name of one of the Primordial
  • 49. Helmet Camera Research Paper Have you been thinking about buying a helmet camera for your snowboarding trips? Wouldn t it be nice if you could record all your snowboarding adventures quickly and easily? Yes, it would; however, finding a small top quality camera that will record your every move and fit nicely on your helmet can be challenging. You may be asking yourself if you really need a helmet camera. The answer is yes most definitely. There are so many ways you can use a helmet camera to enhance your favorite sport. Unique Ways You Can Use A Camera To Record Your Skiing Experiences You can use a camera in more ways than one to improve your skiing skills. Probably several ways you may not have even thought of but are such a good idea that you should consider
  • 50. Macbeth Blood Essay What bloody man is that? in these, the opening words of the play s second scene, King Duncan asks about a sergeant. The sergeant then tells the story of Macbeth s heroic victories over Macdonwald and the King of Norway. The sergeant s telling of the story is in itself heroic, because his loss of blood has made him weak. Thus his blood and his heroism seem to enhance the picture of Macbethas a hero. As Lady Macbeth plans to kill King Duncan, she calls upon the spirits of murder to make thick my blood; stop up the access and passage to remorse. Thin blood was considered wholesome, and it was thought that poison made blood thick. Lady Macbeth wants to poison her own soul, so that she can kill without remorse. Macbeth says this is a... Show more content on ... Then he calls upon night to come and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale! The great bond is Banquo s lease on life. A man becomes pale with fear or worry because the blood drains away from his face. Macbeth believes that if Banquo s blood is shed, his own blood will return, and he won t be pale anymore. After he has become king, Macbeth gives a banquet for his noblemen. The banquet has barely begun when Macbeth has to go to the door to speak with first murderer. There s blood on thy face, he says and the murderer proudly tells him its Banquo s blood, and that he left Banquo in a ditch with twenty trenched gashes on his head, all deadly. A little later, just as Macbeth is talking about how much he wishes that Banquo were at the banquet, Banquo s Ghost appears. Macbeth says to the ghost, thou canst not say I did it; never shake thy gory locks at me. The ghost s gory locks are the locks of his hair, covered with clotted blood. After the ghost has gone, Macbeth tells himself that it s not his fault that the ghost showed up. He says that men have been killing men for a long time, since before there were even laws against it; blood hath been shed ere now, I the olden time, ere human statute purged the gentle weal. It s a natural thing to shed blood; what s not natural is that now the dead rise again, with twenty mortal murders on their crowns, and push us
  • 51. Health And Safety Of Canada And Bangladesh Introduction The second cross cultural ethical issue discussed in this paper is workplace health and safety. Having occupational health and safety laws in place ensures a safe environment for employees, the public, and stakeholders. The organization as a whole becomes more productive, creative, and happy. Many countries have in place laws and regulations to ensure that the workforce is protected, however, there are still several other countries who lack these necessary laws. Canada and Bangladesh will be used to further discuss this issues. In Bangladesh, the occupational health and safety services are still in its developing stage. They do not have any formal organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States, which provides different standards for various working environments. Most of the industries and manufacturing workers are covered by the Factory Act (1965) and the Factory rule (1979). However, these laws are very general and don t apply to every workforce. As a result, many employers are responsible for their own health and safety needs. (Occupational Safety and Health in Bangladesh, n.d). In Canada, there are fourteen jurisdictions who each have their own occupational health and safety legislations; one federal, ten provincial, and three territorials. Under the Canada Labour Code, employees have the right to be informed on training, potential hazards, and be provided with necessary supervision. This code also
  • 52. Nazis Use Of Propaganda During The Holocaust Some ways the holocaust was implemented was the use of propaganda, the relocation of people to Ghettos, the creation of laws to strip people of their rights, and the use of technology to increase the efficiency of the machinery of genocide. I think one of the most effect sytstem was using propaganda because a picture is worth a thousand words. Seeing how the Nazis used propaganda and how that system was very effective and terrible. The use of propaganda at that time wasnt just putting posters around town. The Nazis produced textbooks, flims, comics and even specific radio stations. The use of all of the propaganda may have seemed minor but because the Nazis went overboard today we look at propaganda as a horrible thing. The use of propaganda is just reminding the people in the holocuast that their lives werent worth anything and gave them broken faith, which was the point. In the Nazis favor the use of propaganda was just another way of domination. A brilliant man named Joseph Goebbels influeneced the poropaganda game greatly and made Hitler look like a hero and used the fear of the people as stability. Joseph Goebbels was the mastermind behind all of the porpagnada. Because Joseph was the head of the Nazis propaganda his offical title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment. The holocaust ... Show more content on ... One example I found of propagnda effecting the youth was a poster of Hitler holding a german child and the poster is conveying that Hitler is a god like figure and that children should worship him. With all of the propagnada splattered everywhere how else would the children learn that Hitler s way is the only way and no one else matters. The disturbing truth of teaching the future genertion to not be diverse and to look down on anyone who is different was a perfect target in using