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S 3300 Apologetics
Course Overview
The Meyer Family!
Stan, Jacqui, Carrie
Maybelle & Ginger
Tree of Life Messianic Congregation
Course Objectives
1. Explain the rationale & Biblical imperative to do apologetics
2. Acquire skills to do apologetics
3. Identify people’s worldviews & their assumptions about truth
4. Present the case for the reliability & inspiration of Scripture
5. Present the case for the Messiahship of Jesus
6. Respond to criticisms from today’s popular culture
7. Become confident in our own faith
8. Become passionate to present and defend the gospel
Course Textbooks
Brooks. 2014. Urban Apologetics: Answering Challenges to Faith for Urban
Cowan, and Wilder. 2013. In Defense of the Bible: A Comprehensive
Apologetic for the Authority of Scripture
Ham, and Hodge. 2006. The New Answers Book (Volume 1)
McLaughlin, Rebecca. 2019. Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions
for the World’s Largest Religion
Rosen, Moishe. 1982. Y’shua: The Jewish Way to Say Jesus.
Course Format
Friday, March 19 at 5:00 - 10:00 pm
Saturday, March 20 at 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday, April 23 at 5:00 - 10:00 pm
Saturday, April 24 at 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Course Assignments
Ten Discussion Questions: read & respond to one person (5 points ea)
Three short papers: 500-word, 2-pages - book or movie reviews (200
points ea)
One large paper: a. Abstract, 100-words (10 points), b. Oral
presentation (180 points), c. peer-reviews (10 points), d. written paper,
2000-words (500 points).
Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) Author-Date format
My Teaching Philosophy
• Flipped Classroom: Read outside / Discuss inside
5 %
In-class short presentations
Summarize the Ontological, Teleological, & Cosmological
Explain the Moral argument for the existence of God
Explain the Scientific argument for Creation
Present the case for the Resurrection
Why do innocent people suffer?
Why did God command the genocide of the Canaanites?
Saturday, March 20 8:30 am
Saturday, March 20 1:00 pm
Friday, April 23 5:30 pm
Saturday, April 24 8:30 am
Saturday, April 24 1:00 pm
Breakfast and Lunch??
Describe a time you got stumped!
Do you know someone who just
stopped believing in Jesus
Bart Erhman, PhD
Yale University
What challenges the faith of struggling
Christians today?
Apologetics Defined
Apologia - Apology
• ἀπολογία - (n) a speech in defence [Socrates]
• ἀπολογίζομαι— (v) to reckon up, give in an account, to give an account of the
receipts, Aeschin.
Apologetics Defined
The Discipline
The rational defense of Christian faith. Historically, apologetic
arguments of various types have been given: philosophical
arguments for the existence of God; arguments that the existence of
God is compatible with suffering and evil; historical arguments, such
as arguments from miracles and fulfilled prophecies; and arguments
from religious experience, including mystical experience.
(Evans, Stephen 2002, Pocket Apologetics Dictionary, p. 16)
Part 1
Why answer objections?
Why answer objections?
1. Because the Bible tells us to
2. Because it strengthens the faith of other believers
3. Because it builds our own confidence
A. Bible tells us to
Jude 3
Earnestly contend for the faith that
was once for all handed down to the
God’s people.
(1 Pet. 3:15–16 ESV)
In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy,
always being prepared to make a defense to
anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope
that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and
respect, having a good conscience, so that,
when you are slandered, those who revile your
good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.
1 Peter 3:15-16
1. Prepared
2. Defense (apologia)
3. Anyone
4. Reason
5. Gentleness and respect
6. Good conscience (integrity)
1. Prepared
Sound bites
2. Defense
Legal term
Apologia ἀπολογία
(n) A speech in defense of something
(v) To speak in defense or to defend oneself
Apologismos - to give an account for an invoice
All of Luke-Acts is an Defense
it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time
past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 that you
may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught (Luke 1:2-4,
• Luke noted specific dates and places
• Luke named names of famous people
• Luke cited Roman court cases
• Luke cited decisions of Roman magistrates
• Luke recorded detailed apologetic speeches (ex. Acts 17)
A Defense is a response to an a
legal challenge
3. Anyone
Our Audience
• Seekers & Inquirers
• New Christians
• Doubting Christians
• Confused Christians
Our Audience
• Secular atheists
• New Age spiritually minded
• Cults & sects
• Non-Western Religious
• Generational differences
Our Challenges
• Is Jesus the Messiah?
• Are Christians disloyal to Caesar?
• Are we saved by faith alone?
• Does science contradict the Bible?
• Don’t all religions have truth?
Can you think of two people having
very different objections to the
4. Reason
Reason & Faith are not
mutually exclusive
Acts 17:1-4, ESV
They came to Thessalonica, where there was a
synagogue…And Paul went in, as was his
custom, and on three Sabbath days he
reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
explaining and proving that it was necessary for
the Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead,
and saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to
you, is the Messiah.” And some of them were
What if you jump?
And just close your eyes?
What if the arms that catch you,
Catch you by surprise?
What if He's more than enough?
What if it's love?
(Nordeman, Brave, 2005)
Can you remember someone who
explained that reason is the
opposite of faith?
5. Gentleness & Respect
Win the battle, lose the war
Success but at what cost?
When was a time you won the
argument but lost the relationship?
6. Good Conscience
Moral integrity
Academic integrity
What are things we can do to
preserve academic integrity?
Learn to say, “I don’t know!”
1 Peter 3:15-16
1. Prepared
2. Defense (apologia)
3. Anyone
4. Reason
5. Gentleness and respect
6. Good conscience (integrity)
B. Strengthens the
faith of believers
+ 50% of our audience are
C. Strengthens our
own confidence
Why Apologetics is Unpopular
But the message of the cross is foolishness to those who
are perishing (1 Cor 1:18 ESV)
But we’re called to love people into the kingdom
But we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against
the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness,
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12 ESV)
in American Life
What are the origins of modern
1. Evangelical Revivalism
2. 1950s Fundamentalism
3. 1970s Counterculture
Floyd, “Another Brick in the Wall”, 1979
Barnett (2019) Anti-Intellectualism in the Church
Part of our job as apologists is
winning the church to see the value
in apologetics
Part 2
How to answer objections
A. Determine if a question is sincere
B. Develop sound bites
C. Seize opportunities
D. Keep discussion going
A. Determine if it’s a
sincere question
Some questions are not
• Are you trying to convert me?
• If I don’t believe in Jesus will I go to
• If Hitler accepted Jesus, would he go
to Heaven?
• How can you say only you have the
truth and everyone else is wrong?
Don’t answer a fool according to his foolishness or you’ll be like him
yourself. (Prov. 26:4, HCSB)
Answer a fool according to his foolishness or he’ll become wise in his own
eyes. (Prov. 26:5 HCSB)
Don’t give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will
trample them with their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces. (Matt. 7:6 HCSB)
Resist the temptation to always
answer every question
When a question is not a question
1. Ridiculous
2. Attack
3. Trap
4. Stumper
A question whose inquirer denies its premise
At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since
the seven were married to her? (Mark 12:23 NIV)
A question whose inquirer denies its premise
If I don’t accept Jesus as my savior, will I go to
A question whose inquirer denies its premise
How do we recognize them?
How can we answer them?
A personal attack framed as a question
“By what authority are you doing these things?” They
asked “And who gave you authority to do them?”
(Mark 11:28 NIV)
A personal attack framed as a question
“By what authority are you doing these things?” They
asked “And who gave you authority to do them?”
(Mark 11:28 NIV)
A personal attack framed as a question
Why do you shove your beliefs down my throat?
A personal attack framed as a question
How do you recognize it?
How can you answer it?
A question designed to set you up
Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not? (Luke 20:22 NIV)
Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. [The Torah]
commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They
were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for
accusing him. (John 8:4–6 NIV)
When a question is not a question
If Hitler accepted Jesus would he have gone to
What does God think of Gays?
When a question is not a question
How do we recognize them?
How can we answer them?
A complex question designed to disqualify the gospel
Can God create a rock heavier than He can lift?
How can Jesus be the Messiah if his biological
ancestry was through the mother, and patriarchal
ancestry was not Davidic?
A complex question designed to stump you and disqualify you
How do we recognize it?
How can we answer it?
Responding to insincere questions
When a question is not a question
• Explain the question is not a question
• Reply with a question
• Seek to discern a person’s real question
• Always be redemptive
B. Develop Sound Bites
C. Seize opportunities
D. Keep discussion going
D. Keep discussion going
1. Schedule a meeting
2. Find appropriate place/time
3. Limit it (45 minutes?)
4. Don’t answer all their Q’s
5. Make new appt or
6. Sugg. standing meeting
E. Strategize
• Heads
• Hearts
• Hands
• Holy Spirit
Cognitive Component
Demonstration in Wisdom
Affective component
Demonstration in love & feeling
Rose Price, Holocaust Survivor
Affective component
What are things we can do to show
People that we care as we meet
With them?
Physical component
Demonstration in action
Inn of the Sixth Happiness, Ingrid Bergman, 1958
Holy Spirit
God’s Role in Apologetics
Mission of God
E. Strategize
• Heads
• Hearts
• Hands
• Holy Spirit
Part 3
History of Apologetics
Apologetics is a Response
Defense implies a Charge
• Different Historical Periods in Civlization
• Different Cultures
• Different Religions & Worldviews
• Different Generations
Justin Martyr
150 AD
Early Apologists
Justin Martyr Dialogue with Trypho (150 AD)
Justin Martyr said to Trypho: Moreover, the prescription that twelve bells be
attached to the [robe] of the high priest, which hung down to the feet, was a
symbol of the twelve apostles, who depend on the power of Christ, the
eternal Priest; and through their voice it is that all the earth has been filled
with the glory and grace of God and of His Christ. Wherefore David also
says: 'Their sound has gone forth into all the earth, and their words to the
ends of the world.' And Isaiah speaks as if he were personating the
apostles, when they say to Christ that they believe not in their own report,
but in the power of Him who sent them.
Early Apologists
Justin Martyr Dialogue with Trypho (150 AD)
And so he says: 'Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord
revealed? We have preached before Him as if [He were] a child, as if a root in a dry
ground.' (And what follows in order of the prophecy already quoted.) But when the
passage speaks as from the lips of many, 'We have preached before Him,' and adds, 'as
if a child,' it signifies that the wicked shall become subject to Him, and shall obey His
command, and that all shall become as one child. Such a thing as you may witness in the
body: although the members are enumerated as many, all are called one, and are
a body. For, indeed, a commonwealth and a church, though many individuals in number,
are in fact as one, called and addressed by one appellation. And in short, sirs," said I, "by
enumerating all the other appointments of Moses I can demonstrate that they were types,
and symbols, and declarations of those things which would happen to Christ, of those
who it was foreknown were to believe in Him, and of those things which would also be
done by Christ Himself. But since what I have now enumerated appears to me to be
sufficient, I revert again to the order of the discourse.
Early Apologists
Justin Martyr First Apology (150 AD)
Sibyl and Hystaspes foretold that there should be a global destruction
by God of things corruptible. And the philosophers called Stoics taught
that even God Himself shall be destroyed into fire, and they say that
the world is to be formed anew by this revolution; but we understand
that God, the Creator of all things, is superior to the things that are to
be changed. If, therefore, on some points we teach the same things as
the poets and philosophers whom you honour, and on other points are
fuller and more divine in our teaching, and if we alone afford proof of
what we assert, why are we unjustly hated more than all others?
Early Apologists
Justin Martyr First Apology (150 AD)
For while we say that all things have been produced and arranged into a
world by God, we shall seem to utter the doctrine of Plato; and while we
say that there will be a burning up of all, we shall seem to utter the
doctrine of the Stoics: and while we affirm that the souls of the wicked,
being endowed with sensation even after death, are punished, and that
those of the good being delivered from punishment spend a blessed
existence, we shall seem to say the same things as the poets and
philosophers; and while we maintain that men ought not to worship the
works of their hands, we say the very things which have been said by
the comic poet Menander, and other similar writers, for they have
declared that the workman is greater than the work.
Early Apologists
• Response to Roman and early Rabbinic accusations
• Method employed Allegorical Bible interpretation and Greek
• Issues was the Messiahship of Jesus, and civil charges
against Christian beliefs (ex. Loyalty to Caesar)
• Participants were philosophers, Roman historians, rabbis
• Agreement on Logic, reason, and Roman law
How would this work today?
1033 - 1109
Medieval Apologists
Anselm’s Ontological Argument for God’s Existence
1. It is a conceptual truth (or, so to speak, true by definition) that God is a being than which
none greater can be imagined (that is, the greatest possible being that can be imagined).
2. God exists as an idea in the mind.
3. A being that exists as an idea in the mind and in reality is, other things being equal,
greater than a being that exists only as an idea in the mind.
4. Thus, if God exists only as an idea in the mind, then we can imagine something that is
greater than God (that is, a greatest possible being that does exist).
5. But we cannot imagine something that is greater than God (for it is a contradiction to
suppose that we can imagine a being greater than the greatest possible being that can be
6. Therefore, God exists.
Scholastic Apologists
• Argument of Scholasticism - systematic Christian theology
• Method - employed Aristotelian philosophy
• Issue - explaining existence of God in terms of Greek
• Participants were philosophers and theologians
• Shared agreement over authority of Greek logic & reason
Disputation of Barcelona
Pablo Cristiana v Nachmanides
Medieval Apologists
Disputation of Barcelona (1263)
Had the Messiah Arrived? – Proof from the Talmud:
Pablo Christians cited the Midrash concerning a [Jewish] ploughman
whose cow lowed while he was ploughing. A passing Arab called to him,
"Israelite, Israelite, untie thy cow, untie thy plough, take apart thy
ploughshare, for the Temple has been destroyed." So he untied the cow,
untied the plough and disassembled the ploughshare. The cow then lowed a
second time. The Arab said to him, "Tie thy cow, tie thy plow, tie thy
ploughshare, for your Messiah has been born."
Nachmanides Replied: ”I am disagree with this Midrash. It’s not what I
Medieval Apologists
Disputation of Barcelona (1263)
Pablo Christianos Shouted: , See! He is renouncing their own [sacred] books!"
Nachmanides replied: ”Truly, I do not believe that Messiah was born on the day of
the [Temple's] destruction. Either this homily is not true or it has another meaning,
[which lies] among the secrets of the Sages. Yet, [even if] I would accept its literal
meaning as you have expressed it, then it is a proof for my contention, for this
[Midrash] relates that the Messiah was born on the day of the destruction, after that
event. If so, the Nazarene could not be the Messiah as you have said, for he was
born and was killed before the destruction. According to the truth, his birth took place
about two hundred years before the destruction, and according to your reckoning, [it
occurred] seventy-three years [before the destruction]."
Pablo Christianos was thereupon silenced.
Medieval Disputes
• Response to having Jews in Christian Europe who denied
Messiahship of Jesus (and rise of Christian Hebraists)
• Issues discussed - Is Jesus the Messiah and has God rejected
the Jews (therefore they need to convert)
• Participants - Princes, Priests, and Rabbis
• Venue - Royal palaces and Churches
• Shared Agreement over God’s existence and OT Authority
What works?
What doesn’t work?
John Calvin
Reformation Apologists
John Calvin Letter to Cardinal Jacopo Sadoleto (1539)
We maintain that in this way man is reconciled in Christ to God the
Father, by no merit of his own, by no value of works, but by gratuitous
mercy. When we embrace Christ by faith, and come, as it were, into
communion with him, this we term, after the manner of Scripture, the
righteousness of faith.
What have you here, Sadolet, to bite or carp at? Is it that we leave no
room for works? Assuredly we do deny that, in justifying a man, they are
worth one single straw. For Scripture everywhere cries aloud, that all
are lost; and every mans’s own conscience bitterly accuses him.
Reformation Apologists
John Calvin Letter to Cardinal Jacopo Sadoleto (1539)
The same Scripture teaches, that no hope is left but in the mere goodness
of God, by which sin is pardoned, and righteousness imputed to us. It
declares both to be gratuitous, and finally concludes that a man is justified
without works, (Rom. iv. 7.)
But what notion, you ask, does the very term Righteousness suggest to us,
if respect is not paid to good works ? I answer, if you would attend to the
true meaning of the term justifying in Scripture, you would have no difficulty.
For it does not refer to a man’s own righteousness, but to the mercy of God,
which, contrary to the sinner’s deserts, accepts of a righteousness for him,
and that by not imputing his unrighteousness.
Reformation Debates
• Response to historical Roman Catholic doctrines
• Discussion around faith v works, papal authority
• Venue was churches, and books (ex. The Institutes)
• Participants were princes, church leaders, and congregants
• Agreement on central tenets of Christian belief, and the Bible
Jewish Apologists
1800s - present
Alfred Edersheim (1825 - 1889)
Jewish Apologists
1800s - present
• Messianic Prophecies
• Response to Jewish polemics
• Jewishness of the gospels
• Israel as an evidence of God’s exists
• Israel as an evidence of Bible’s authority
Jewish Apologists
1800s - present
• Response to Jewish immigration from E Europe and interest in
Pre-millennialism, and Christian Zionism
• Discussion centered around Messiahship of Jesus, Jewishness of
Gospels, and preservation of Jews
• Participants were pastors theologians, academics, and Jewish
• Venue was books, literature, church pulpits
• Agreement on the Old Testament
Modernist -Fundamental Debate
1920s - 1970s
Modernist -Fundamental
Early Twentieth Century
Scopes Monkey Trial 1925
Modernist - Fundamentalist Debates
• Response to Charles Darwin, Scientific findings, Biblical Higher Criticism
• Discussion around literal reading of the Bible, Creation or Evolution,
historicity of Gospels
• Venue was news media and public forums and facilities and church
• Agreement on importance of religion, existence of God, importance of
Bible, and absolute truth, Judeo-Christian morality
• Participants: Educators, pastors, political leaders
Inherit the Wind, 1955
C. S. Lewis
1898 - 1963
Post-WWII Apologetics
• Response to growing secularization and resentment of religion
• Discussion around existence of God, validity of religion,
historicity of Bible or even importance of Bible in culture
• Venue was literature books colleges and universities salons
• Participants: scholars, college students, intellectuals
• Agreement on morality in general and the place of reason, and
western cultural framework for discussion
The Trilemma: Lord, Liar, or Lunatic
Mere Christianity
I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really
foolish thing that people often say about Him: “I’m ready
to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t
accept His claim to be God.” That is the one thing we
must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the
sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral
teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with
the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he
would be the Devil of Hell.
Lewis 1952, Mere Christianity
The Trilemma: Lord, Liar, or Lunatic
Mere Christianity
You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the
Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can
shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a
demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God,
but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His
being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He
did not intend to …. Now it seems to me obvious that He was
neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange
or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view
that He was and is God.
Lewis 1952, Mere Christianity
Josh MacDowell
b 1939
Evidence that
Demands a Verdict
Historical / Legal Approach to Apologetics
Historical - Legal inquiry
Evidential Approach
• Scientific evidence can be reproduced in a laboratory
• Scientific inquiry is empirical and can be quantified
• Historical evidence consists of testimonies and artifacts
• Historical inquiry is a legal process
Response to Western Counterculture
• Response to counterculture
• Discussion around existence of God, faith v reason, existence of
evidence, historicity of the Bible, resurrection (center of the argument)
• Venue college campuses, and professional gatherings
• Audiences young people and college students
• Minimal agreement on absolute truth, place of morals, reason as a
framework for inquiry, and western cultural worldview
Ravi Zacharias
1946 - 2020
Pesponse to Postmodernism
• Response to religious & cultural pluralism, globalization
• Discussion around existence of religious truth, validity of other
truth claims, evaluation of other religious claims, and how
inquiry is carried out
• Venue was often college campuses, radio, and internet
• Audience was everyone
Lee Strobel
21st Century
Apologetics in the 21st Century
• Response to Popular Media and culture criticisms
• Attempt to re frame Apologetics for popular audiences (using the
language of journalists and interviews)
• Discussions centered around faith cultural accusations, creation, and
many other itemized issues
• Venue radio, books, internet, and churches
• Agreement ????
Cultural Apologetics
Mars Hill Productions
Michael L. Brown, askdrbrown
Lee Strobel
Tim Keller
How has apologetics evolved over
Part 4
Approaches to Apologetics
Approaches to Apologetics
• Classical Apologetics
• Evidential Apologetics
• Presuppositional Apologetics
• Cumulative Case Apologetics
• Cultural Apologetics
Classical Apologetics
Classical apologetics is a method of apologetics that begins by first
employing various theistic arguments to establish the existence of God.
Classical apologists will often utilize various forms of the cosmological,
teleological (Design), ontological, and moral arguments to prove God’s
existence. Once God’s existence has been established, the classical
apologist will then move on to present evidence from fulfilled prophecy,
the historical reliability of Scripture, and the bodily resurrection of Jesus
to distinguish Christianity from all other competing forms of theism.
Classical Apologists
R. C. Sproul
Norman Geisler
William Craig Lane
Classical Apologetics
Who are classical apologists responding to?
What arguments are they responding to?
What assumptions are they making?
When would we use it?
Classical Apologetics
Who are classical apologists responding to?
What arguments are they responding to?
What assumptions are they making?
When would we use it?
Evidential Apologetics
Evidential apologetics is a method of Christian apologetics that
emphasizes positive evidences in favor of the truth of Christianity. The
distinctive feature of evidential apologetics is its one-step approach to
establishing Christian theism. Evidentialists will utilize evidence and
arguments from several areas including archeology, fulfilled messianic
prophecy, and especially from miracles.
Evidential Apologetics
In distinction from classical apologetics, the evidential apologist
believes that the occurrence of miracles acts as an evidence for
God’s very existence. In this way, the evidential apologist does
not believe that the philosophical and scientific arguments for
God’s existence must logically precede arguments from miracles
to establish biblical Christianity
Evidential Apologists
Ken Ham
Henry Morris
Josh McDowell
Lee Strobel (also cultural)
Gary Habermas
J. P. Moreland
Michael L. Brown (also cultural)
Evidential Apologetics
Who are classical apologists responding to?
What arguments are they responding to?
What assumptions are they making?
When would we use it?
Presuppositional Apologetics
Presuppositional apologetics is an approach to
apologetics which aims to present a rational basis for
the Christian faith and defend it against objections by
exposing the logical flaws of other worldviews and
hence demonstrating that biblical theism is the only
worldview which can make consistent sense of reality.
Presuppositional Apologetics
Presuppositional apologetics does not discount the use of evidence,
but such evidences are not used in the traditional manner—that is,
an appeal to the authority of the unbeliever’s autonomous reason.
Presuppositional apologetics holds that without a Christian
worldview there is no consistent basis upon which to assume the
possibility of autonomous reason. When the materialist attempts to
refute Christianity by appeal to deductive reason, he is, in fact,
borrowing from the Christian worldview, hence being inconsistent
with his stated presuppositions.
Presuppositional Apologists
C S Lewis (?)
Cornelius Van Til (founder)
Craig Bahnsen
John Frame
Gordon Clark
Presuppositional Apologetics
Who are classical apologists responding to?
What arguments are they responding to?
What assumptions are they making?
When would we use it?
Cumulative Case Apologetics
It is a broad-based argument with many subjective and objective
elements. They require explanation and in some cases can be
seen as reinforcing one another to strengthen the case for
Christian theism. The case is like a lawyer’s brief. The claim is
that Christian theism gives the most plausible explanation of all
the evidence.there must be some tests for truth like those
outlined in the previous section that can help adjudicate
conflicting truth claims. It is my contention that Christianity
passes these tests where other worldviews fall short.
Feinberg, P. 2000. “Culmulative Case Apologetics” Five Views on Apologetics. Zondervan
Cumulative Case Apologetics
• Courtoom Standards
• Best argument on presented
• Preponderance of evidence
• Personal Testimonies & Human Witnesses
• Scientific and Historical Evidence
Feinberg, P. 2000. “Culmulative Case Apologetics” Five Views on Apologetics. Zondervan
Cumulative Case Apologist
Paul Feinberg
Feinberg, P. 2000. “Culmulative Case Apologetics” Five Views on Apologetics. Zondervan
Cumulative Case Apologetics
• Strengths
• Weaknesses
Feinberg, P. 2000. “Culmulative Case Apologetics” Five Views on Apologetics. Zondervan
Cultural Apologetics
The term “cultural apologetics” has been used to refer to systematic
efforts to advance the plausibility of Christian claims in light of the
messages communicated through dominant cultural institutions,
including films, popular music, literature, art, and the mass media.
So while traditional apologists would critique the challenges to the
Christian faith advanced in the writings of certain philosophers,
cultural apologists might look instead at the sound bite philosophies
embedded in the lyrics of popular songs, the plots of popular
movies, or even the slogans in advertising.
Gould, Paul. 2019. Cultural Apologetics. Zondervan. p. 17
Cultural Apologists
• Paul Gould, Cultural Apologetics
• Fred Carpenter, Mars Hill Productions
• Justin Brierley, Unbelievable Radio Show
• Lee Strobel, Case for the Real Jesus
• Christopher Brooks, Urban Apologetics
• Rebecca McLaughlin, Confronting Christianity
• Tim Keller (sometimes)
• Michael L. Brown (also messianic)
Gould, Paul. 2019. Cultural Apologetics. Zondervan. p. 17
Cultural Apologists
• Strengths
• Weaknesses
Gould, Paul. 2019. Cultural Apologetics. Zondervan. p. 17

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বাংলাদেশ অর্থনৈতিক সমীক্ষা (Economic Review) ২০২৪ UJS App.pdf

I 3300 51 Apologetics Parts 1-4

  • 2. The Meyer Family! Stan, Jacqui, Carrie Maybelle & Ginger Tree of Life Messianic Congregation 480-535-7826
  • 3. Course Objectives 1. Explain the rationale & Biblical imperative to do apologetics 2. Acquire skills to do apologetics 3. Identify people’s worldviews & their assumptions about truth 4. Present the case for the reliability & inspiration of Scripture 5. Present the case for the Messiahship of Jesus 6. Respond to criticisms from today’s popular culture 7. Become confident in our own faith 8. Become passionate to present and defend the gospel
  • 4. Course Textbooks Brooks. 2014. Urban Apologetics: Answering Challenges to Faith for Urban Believers Cowan, and Wilder. 2013. In Defense of the Bible: A Comprehensive Apologetic for the Authority of Scripture Ham, and Hodge. 2006. The New Answers Book (Volume 1) McLaughlin, Rebecca. 2019. Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion Rosen, Moishe. 1982. Y’shua: The Jewish Way to Say Jesus.
  • 5. Course Format Friday, March 19 at 5:00 - 10:00 pm Saturday, March 20 at 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday, April 23 at 5:00 - 10:00 pm Saturday, April 24 at 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • 6. Course Assignments Ten Discussion Questions: read & respond to one person (5 points ea) Three short papers: 500-word, 2-pages - book or movie reviews (200 points ea) One large paper: a. Abstract, 100-words (10 points), b. Oral presentation (180 points), c. peer-reviews (10 points), d. written paper, 2000-words (500 points). Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) Author-Date format
  • 7. My Teaching Philosophy • Flipped Classroom: Read outside / Discuss inside
  • 8. 5 %
  • 9. Sign-Ups In-class short presentations FRI APR 23 - SAT APR 24 NAME Summarize the Ontological, Teleological, & Cosmological arguments Explain the Moral argument for the existence of God Explain the Scientific argument for Creation Present the case for the Resurrection Why do innocent people suffer? Why did God command the genocide of the Canaanites?
  • 10. Sign-Ups Devotions WHEN NAME Saturday, March 20 8:30 am Saturday, March 20 1:00 pm Friday, April 23 5:30 pm Saturday, April 24 8:30 am Saturday, April 24 1:00 pm
  • 12.
  • 13. Describe a time you got stumped!
  • 14. Do you know someone who just stopped believing in Jesus
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 19. What challenges the faith of struggling Christians today?
  • 20. Apologetics Defined Apologia - Apology • ἀπολογία - (n) a speech in defence [Socrates] • ἀπολογίζομαι— (v) to reckon up, give in an account, to give an account of the receipts, Aeschin.
  • 21. Apologetics Defined The Discipline The rational defense of Christian faith. Historically, apologetic arguments of various types have been given: philosophical arguments for the existence of God; arguments that the existence of God is compatible with suffering and evil; historical arguments, such as arguments from miracles and fulfilled prophecies; and arguments from religious experience, including mystical experience. (Evans, Stephen 2002, Pocket Apologetics Dictionary, p. 16)
  • 22. Part 1 Why answer objections?
  • 23. Why answer objections? 1. Because the Bible tells us to 2. Because it strengthens the faith of other believers 3. Because it builds our own confidence
  • 24. A. Bible tells us to
  • 25. Jude 3 Earnestly contend for the faith that was once for all handed down to the God’s people.
  • 26. (1 Pet. 3:15–16 ESV) In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.
  • 27. 1 Peter 3:15-16 1. Prepared 2. Defense (apologia) 3. Anyone 4. Reason 5. Gentleness and respect 6. Good conscience (integrity)
  • 30. Apologia ἀπολογία (n) A speech in defense of something (v) To speak in defense or to defend oneself Apologismos - to give an account for an invoice
  • 31. All of Luke-Acts is an Defense it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught (Luke 1:2-4, ESV). • Luke noted specific dates and places • Luke named names of famous people • Luke cited Roman court cases • Luke cited decisions of Roman magistrates • Luke recorded detailed apologetic speeches (ex. Acts 17)
  • 32. A Defense is a response to an a legal challenge
  • 34. Our Audience • Seekers & Inquirers • New Christians • Doubting Christians • Confused Christians
  • 35. Our Audience • Secular atheists • New Age spiritually minded • Cults & sects • Non-Western Religious • Generational differences
  • 36. Our Challenges • Is Jesus the Messiah? • Are Christians disloyal to Caesar? • Are we saved by faith alone? • Does science contradict the Bible? • Don’t all religions have truth?
  • 37. Can you think of two people having very different objections to the gospel?
  • 38. 4. Reason Reason & Faith are not mutually exclusive
  • 39. Acts 17:1-4, ESV They came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue…And Paul went in, as was his custom, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the Messiah.” And some of them were persuaded.
  • 40. What if you jump? And just close your eyes? What if the arms that catch you, Catch you by surprise? What if He's more than enough? What if it's love? (Nordeman, Brave, 2005)
  • 41. Can you remember someone who explained that reason is the opposite of faith?
  • 42. 5. Gentleness & Respect Win the battle, lose the war Success but at what cost?
  • 43. When was a time you won the argument but lost the relationship?
  • 44. 6. Good Conscience Moral integrity Academic integrity
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. What are things we can do to preserve academic integrity?
  • 48. Learn to say, “I don’t know!”
  • 49. 1 Peter 3:15-16 1. Prepared 2. Defense (apologia) 3. Anyone 4. Reason 5. Gentleness and respect 6. Good conscience (integrity)
  • 50. B. Strengthens the faith of believers
  • 51. + 50% of our audience are Christians
  • 53. Why Apologetics is Unpopular
  • 54. Wait! But the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Cor 1:18 ESV)
  • 55. Wait! But we’re called to love people into the kingdom
  • 56. Wait! But we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12 ESV)
  • 58.
  • 59. What are the origins of modern anti-intellectualism?
  • 60. 1. Evangelical Revivalism 2. 1950s Fundamentalism 3. 1970s Counterculture
  • 61. Floyd, “Another Brick in the Wall”, 1979
  • 63. Part of our job as apologists is winning the church to see the value in apologetics
  • 64. Part 2 How to answer objections
  • 65. A. Determine if a question is sincere B. Develop sound bites C. Seize opportunities D. Keep discussion going
  • 66. A. Determine if it’s a sincere question
  • 67. Determine Some questions are not questions • Are you trying to convert me? • If I don’t believe in Jesus will I go to hell? • If Hitler accepted Jesus, would he go to Heaven? • How can you say only you have the truth and everyone else is wrong?
  • 68. Don’t answer a fool according to his foolishness or you’ll be like him yourself. (Prov. 26:4, HCSB) Answer a fool according to his foolishness or he’ll become wise in his own eyes. (Prov. 26:5 HCSB) Don’t give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them with their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces. (Matt. 7:6 HCSB)
  • 69. Resist the temptation to always answer every question
  • 70. RATS When a question is not a question 1. Ridiculous 2. Attack 3. Trap 4. Stumper
  • 71. Ridiculous A question whose inquirer denies its premise At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her? (Mark 12:23 NIV)
  • 72. Ridiculous A question whose inquirer denies its premise If I don’t accept Jesus as my savior, will I go to hell??
  • 73. Ridiculous A question whose inquirer denies its premise How do we recognize them? How can we answer them?
  • 74. Attack A personal attack framed as a question “By what authority are you doing these things?” They asked “And who gave you authority to do them?” (Mark 11:28 NIV)
  • 75. Attack A personal attack framed as a question “By what authority are you doing these things?” They asked “And who gave you authority to do them?” (Mark 11:28 NIV)
  • 76. Attack A personal attack framed as a question Why do you shove your beliefs down my throat?
  • 77. Attack A personal attack framed as a question How do you recognize it? How can you answer it?
  • 78. Trap A question designed to set you up Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not? (Luke 20:22 NIV) Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. [The Torah] commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. (John 8:4–6 NIV)
  • 79. Trap When a question is not a question If Hitler accepted Jesus would he have gone to heaven? What does God think of Gays?
  • 80. Trap When a question is not a question How do we recognize them? How can we answer them?
  • 81. Stumper A complex question designed to disqualify the gospel Can God create a rock heavier than He can lift? How can Jesus be the Messiah if his biological ancestry was through the mother, and patriarchal ancestry was not Davidic?
  • 82. Stumper A complex question designed to stump you and disqualify you How do we recognize it? How can we answer it?
  • 83. Responding to insincere questions When a question is not a question • Explain the question is not a question • Reply with a question • Seek to discern a person’s real question • Always be redemptive
  • 87. D. Keep discussion going 1. Schedule a meeting 2. Find appropriate place/time 3. Limit it (45 minutes?) 4. Don’t answer all their Q’s 5. Make new appt or 6. Sugg. standing meeting
  • 88. E. Strategize • Heads • Hearts • Hands • Holy Spirit HOLY SPIRIT
  • 92. Heart Affective component What are things we can do to show People that we care as we meet With them?
  • 94. Inn of the Sixth Happiness, Ingrid Bergman, 1958
  • 95. Holy Spirit God’s Role in Apologetics Mission of God
  • 96.
  • 97. E. Strategize • Heads • Hearts • Hands • Holy Spirit HOLY SPIRIT
  • 98. Part 3 History of Apologetics
  • 99. Apologetics is a Response Defense implies a Charge • Different Historical Periods in Civlization • Different Cultures • Different Religions & Worldviews • Different Generations
  • 101. Early Apologists Justin Martyr Dialogue with Trypho (150 AD) CHAPTER XLII -- THE BELLS ON THE PRIEST'S ROBE WERE A FIGURE OF THE APOSTLES. Justin Martyr said to Trypho: Moreover, the prescription that twelve bells be attached to the [robe] of the high priest, which hung down to the feet, was a symbol of the twelve apostles, who depend on the power of Christ, the eternal Priest; and through their voice it is that all the earth has been filled with the glory and grace of God and of His Christ. Wherefore David also says: 'Their sound has gone forth into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.' And Isaiah speaks as if he were personating the apostles, when they say to Christ that they believe not in their own report, but in the power of Him who sent them.
  • 102. Early Apologists Justin Martyr Dialogue with Trypho (150 AD) And so he says: 'Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? We have preached before Him as if [He were] a child, as if a root in a dry ground.' (And what follows in order of the prophecy already quoted.) But when the passage speaks as from the lips of many, 'We have preached before Him,' and adds, 'as if a child,' it signifies that the wicked shall become subject to Him, and shall obey His command, and that all shall become as one child. Such a thing as you may witness in the body: although the members are enumerated as many, all are called one, and are a body. For, indeed, a commonwealth and a church, though many individuals in number, are in fact as one, called and addressed by one appellation. And in short, sirs," said I, "by enumerating all the other appointments of Moses I can demonstrate that they were types, and symbols, and declarations of those things which would happen to Christ, of those who it was foreknown were to believe in Him, and of those things which would also be done by Christ Himself. But since what I have now enumerated appears to me to be sufficient, I revert again to the order of the discourse.
  • 103. Early Apologists Justin Martyr First Apology (150 AD) CHAPTER XX -- HEATHEN ANALOGIES TO CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. Sibyl and Hystaspes foretold that there should be a global destruction by God of things corruptible. And the philosophers called Stoics taught that even God Himself shall be destroyed into fire, and they say that the world is to be formed anew by this revolution; but we understand that God, the Creator of all things, is superior to the things that are to be changed. If, therefore, on some points we teach the same things as the poets and philosophers whom you honour, and on other points are fuller and more divine in our teaching, and if we alone afford proof of what we assert, why are we unjustly hated more than all others?
  • 104. Early Apologists Justin Martyr First Apology (150 AD) For while we say that all things have been produced and arranged into a world by God, we shall seem to utter the doctrine of Plato; and while we say that there will be a burning up of all, we shall seem to utter the doctrine of the Stoics: and while we affirm that the souls of the wicked, being endowed with sensation even after death, are punished, and that those of the good being delivered from punishment spend a blessed existence, we shall seem to say the same things as the poets and philosophers; and while we maintain that men ought not to worship the works of their hands, we say the very things which have been said by the comic poet Menander, and other similar writers, for they have declared that the workman is greater than the work.
  • 105. Early Apologists • Response to Roman and early Rabbinic accusations • Method employed Allegorical Bible interpretation and Greek Philosophy • Issues was the Messiahship of Jesus, and civil charges against Christian beliefs (ex. Loyalty to Caesar) • Participants were philosophers, Roman historians, rabbis • Agreement on Logic, reason, and Roman law
  • 106. How would this work today?
  • 108. Medieval Apologists Anselm’s Ontological Argument for God’s Existence 1. It is a conceptual truth (or, so to speak, true by definition) that God is a being than which none greater can be imagined (that is, the greatest possible being that can be imagined). 2. God exists as an idea in the mind. 3. A being that exists as an idea in the mind and in reality is, other things being equal, greater than a being that exists only as an idea in the mind. 4. Thus, if God exists only as an idea in the mind, then we can imagine something that is greater than God (that is, a greatest possible being that does exist). 5. But we cannot imagine something that is greater than God (for it is a contradiction to suppose that we can imagine a being greater than the greatest possible being that can be imagined.) 6. Therefore, God exists.
  • 109. Scholastic Apologists • Argument of Scholasticism - systematic Christian theology • Method - employed Aristotelian philosophy • Issue - explaining existence of God in terms of Greek philosophy • Participants were philosophers and theologians • Shared agreement over authority of Greek logic & reason
  • 110. Disputation of Barcelona 1263 Pablo Cristiana v Nachmanides
  • 111. Medieval Apologists Disputation of Barcelona (1263) Had the Messiah Arrived? – Proof from the Talmud: Pablo Christians cited the Midrash concerning a [Jewish] ploughman whose cow lowed while he was ploughing. A passing Arab called to him, "Israelite, Israelite, untie thy cow, untie thy plough, take apart thy ploughshare, for the Temple has been destroyed." So he untied the cow, untied the plough and disassembled the ploughshare. The cow then lowed a second time. The Arab said to him, "Tie thy cow, tie thy plow, tie thy ploughshare, for your Messiah has been born." Nachmanides Replied: ”I am disagree with this Midrash. It’s not what I believe
  • 112. Medieval Apologists Disputation of Barcelona (1263) Pablo Christianos Shouted: , See! He is renouncing their own [sacred] books!" Nachmanides replied: ”Truly, I do not believe that Messiah was born on the day of the [Temple's] destruction. Either this homily is not true or it has another meaning, [which lies] among the secrets of the Sages. Yet, [even if] I would accept its literal meaning as you have expressed it, then it is a proof for my contention, for this [Midrash] relates that the Messiah was born on the day of the destruction, after that event. If so, the Nazarene could not be the Messiah as you have said, for he was born and was killed before the destruction. According to the truth, his birth took place about two hundred years before the destruction, and according to your reckoning, [it occurred] seventy-three years [before the destruction]." Pablo Christianos was thereupon silenced.
  • 113. Medieval Disputes • Response to having Jews in Christian Europe who denied Messiahship of Jesus (and rise of Christian Hebraists) • Issues discussed - Is Jesus the Messiah and has God rejected the Jews (therefore they need to convert) • Participants - Princes, Priests, and Rabbis • Venue - Royal palaces and Churches • Shared Agreement over God’s existence and OT Authority
  • 116. Reformation Apologists John Calvin Letter to Cardinal Jacopo Sadoleto (1539) We maintain that in this way man is reconciled in Christ to God the Father, by no merit of his own, by no value of works, but by gratuitous mercy. When we embrace Christ by faith, and come, as it were, into communion with him, this we term, after the manner of Scripture, the righteousness of faith. What have you here, Sadolet, to bite or carp at? Is it that we leave no room for works? Assuredly we do deny that, in justifying a man, they are worth one single straw. For Scripture everywhere cries aloud, that all are lost; and every mans’s own conscience bitterly accuses him.
  • 117. Reformation Apologists John Calvin Letter to Cardinal Jacopo Sadoleto (1539) The same Scripture teaches, that no hope is left but in the mere goodness of God, by which sin is pardoned, and righteousness imputed to us. It declares both to be gratuitous, and finally concludes that a man is justified without works, (Rom. iv. 7.) But what notion, you ask, does the very term Righteousness suggest to us, if respect is not paid to good works ? I answer, if you would attend to the true meaning of the term justifying in Scripture, you would have no difficulty. For it does not refer to a man’s own righteousness, but to the mercy of God, which, contrary to the sinner’s deserts, accepts of a righteousness for him, and that by not imputing his unrighteousness.
  • 118. Reformation Debates • Response to historical Roman Catholic doctrines • Discussion around faith v works, papal authority • Venue was churches, and books (ex. The Institutes) • Participants were princes, church leaders, and congregants • Agreement on central tenets of Christian belief, and the Bible
  • 119. Jewish Apologists 1800s - present Alfred Edersheim (1825 - 1889)
  • 120. Jewish Apologists 1800s - present • Messianic Prophecies • Response to Jewish polemics • Jewishness of the gospels • Israel as an evidence of God’s exists • Israel as an evidence of Bible’s authority
  • 121. Jewish Apologists 1800s - present • Response to Jewish immigration from E Europe and interest in Pre-millennialism, and Christian Zionism • Discussion centered around Messiahship of Jesus, Jewishness of Gospels, and preservation of Jews • Participants were pastors theologians, academics, and Jewish immigrants • Venue was books, literature, church pulpits • Agreement on the Old Testament
  • 123. Modernist -Fundamental Debate Early Twentieth Century Scopes Monkey Trial 1925
  • 124. Modernist - Fundamentalist Debates • Response to Charles Darwin, Scientific findings, Biblical Higher Criticism • Discussion around literal reading of the Bible, Creation or Evolution, historicity of Gospels • Venue was news media and public forums and facilities and church pulpits • Agreement on importance of religion, existence of God, importance of Bible, and absolute truth, Judeo-Christian morality • Participants: Educators, pastors, political leaders
  • 126. C. S. Lewis 1898 - 1963
  • 127. Post-WWII Apologetics • Response to growing secularization and resentment of religion • Discussion around existence of God, validity of religion, historicity of Bible or even importance of Bible in culture • Venue was literature books colleges and universities salons • Participants: scholars, college students, intellectuals • Agreement on morality in general and the place of reason, and western cultural framework for discussion
  • 128. The Trilemma: Lord, Liar, or Lunatic Mere Christianity I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.” That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. Lewis 1952, Mere Christianity
  • 129. The Trilemma: Lord, Liar, or Lunatic Mere Christianity You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to …. Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God. Lewis 1952, Mere Christianity
  • 131. Evidence that Demands a Verdict Historical / Legal Approach to Apologetics
  • 132. Historical - Legal inquiry Evidential Approach • Scientific evidence can be reproduced in a laboratory • Scientific inquiry is empirical and can be quantified • Historical evidence consists of testimonies and artifacts • Historical inquiry is a legal process
  • 133. Response to Western Counterculture • Response to counterculture • Discussion around existence of God, faith v reason, existence of evidence, historicity of the Bible, resurrection (center of the argument) • Venue college campuses, and professional gatherings • Audiences young people and college students • Minimal agreement on absolute truth, place of morals, reason as a framework for inquiry, and western cultural worldview
  • 135. Pesponse to Postmodernism • Response to religious & cultural pluralism, globalization • Discussion around existence of religious truth, validity of other truth claims, evaluation of other religious claims, and how inquiry is carried out • Venue was often college campuses, radio, and internet • Audience was everyone
  • 137. Apologetics in the 21st Century • Response to Popular Media and culture criticisms • Attempt to re frame Apologetics for popular audiences (using the language of journalists and interviews) • Discussions centered around faith cultural accusations, creation, and many other itemized issues • Venue radio, books, internet, and churches • Agreement ????
  • 138. Cultural Apologetics Mars Hill Productions Michael L. Brown, askdrbrown Lee Strobel Tim Keller
  • 139. How has apologetics evolved over time?
  • 140. Part 4 Approaches to Apologetics
  • 141. Approaches to Apologetics Types • Classical Apologetics • Evidential Apologetics • Presuppositional Apologetics • Cumulative Case Apologetics • Cultural Apologetics
  • 142. Classical Apologetics Classical apologetics is a method of apologetics that begins by first employing various theistic arguments to establish the existence of God. Classical apologists will often utilize various forms of the cosmological, teleological (Design), ontological, and moral arguments to prove God’s existence. Once God’s existence has been established, the classical apologist will then move on to present evidence from fulfilled prophecy, the historical reliability of Scripture, and the bodily resurrection of Jesus to distinguish Christianity from all other competing forms of theism.
  • 143. Classical Apologists R. C. Sproul Norman Geisler William Craig Lane
  • 144. Classical Apologetics Who are classical apologists responding to? What arguments are they responding to? What assumptions are they making? When would we use it?
  • 145. Classical Apologetics Who are classical apologists responding to? What arguments are they responding to? What assumptions are they making? When would we use it?
  • 146. Evidential Apologetics Evidential apologetics is a method of Christian apologetics that emphasizes positive evidences in favor of the truth of Christianity. The distinctive feature of evidential apologetics is its one-step approach to establishing Christian theism. Evidentialists will utilize evidence and arguments from several areas including archeology, fulfilled messianic prophecy, and especially from miracles.
  • 147. Evidential Apologetics In distinction from classical apologetics, the evidential apologist believes that the occurrence of miracles acts as an evidence for God’s very existence. In this way, the evidential apologist does not believe that the philosophical and scientific arguments for God’s existence must logically precede arguments from miracles to establish biblical Christianity
  • 148. Evidential Apologists Ken Ham Henry Morris Josh McDowell Lee Strobel (also cultural) Gary Habermas J. P. Moreland Michael L. Brown (also cultural)
  • 149. Evidential Apologetics Who are classical apologists responding to? What arguments are they responding to? What assumptions are they making? When would we use it?
  • 150. Presuppositional Apologetics Presuppositional apologetics is an approach to apologetics which aims to present a rational basis for the Christian faith and defend it against objections by exposing the logical flaws of other worldviews and hence demonstrating that biblical theism is the only worldview which can make consistent sense of reality.
  • 151. Presuppositional Apologetics Presuppositional apologetics does not discount the use of evidence, but such evidences are not used in the traditional manner—that is, an appeal to the authority of the unbeliever’s autonomous reason. Presuppositional apologetics holds that without a Christian worldview there is no consistent basis upon which to assume the possibility of autonomous reason. When the materialist attempts to refute Christianity by appeal to deductive reason, he is, in fact, borrowing from the Christian worldview, hence being inconsistent with his stated presuppositions.
  • 152. Presuppositional Apologists C S Lewis (?) Cornelius Van Til (founder) Craig Bahnsen John Frame Gordon Clark
  • 153. Presuppositional Apologetics Who are classical apologists responding to? What arguments are they responding to? What assumptions are they making? When would we use it?
  • 154. Cumulative Case Apologetics It is a broad-based argument with many subjective and objective elements. They require explanation and in some cases can be seen as reinforcing one another to strengthen the case for Christian theism. The case is like a lawyer’s brief. The claim is that Christian theism gives the most plausible explanation of all the evidence.there must be some tests for truth like those outlined in the previous section that can help adjudicate conflicting truth claims. It is my contention that Christianity passes these tests where other worldviews fall short. Feinberg, P. 2000. “Culmulative Case Apologetics” Five Views on Apologetics. Zondervan
  • 155. Cumulative Case Apologetics • Courtoom Standards • Best argument on presented • Preponderance of evidence • Personal Testimonies & Human Witnesses • Scientific and Historical Evidence Feinberg, P. 2000. “Culmulative Case Apologetics” Five Views on Apologetics. Zondervan
  • 156. Cumulative Case Apologist Paul Feinberg Feinberg, P. 2000. “Culmulative Case Apologetics” Five Views on Apologetics. Zondervan
  • 157. Cumulative Case Apologetics • Strengths • Weaknesses Feinberg, P. 2000. “Culmulative Case Apologetics” Five Views on Apologetics. Zondervan
  • 158. Cultural Apologetics The term “cultural apologetics” has been used to refer to systematic efforts to advance the plausibility of Christian claims in light of the messages communicated through dominant cultural institutions, including films, popular music, literature, art, and the mass media. So while traditional apologists would critique the challenges to the Christian faith advanced in the writings of certain philosophers, cultural apologists might look instead at the sound bite philosophies embedded in the lyrics of popular songs, the plots of popular movies, or even the slogans in advertising. Gould, Paul. 2019. Cultural Apologetics. Zondervan. p. 17
  • 159. Cultural Apologists • Paul Gould, Cultural Apologetics • Fred Carpenter, Mars Hill Productions • Justin Brierley, Unbelievable Radio Show • Lee Strobel, Case for the Real Jesus • Christopher Brooks, Urban Apologetics • Rebecca McLaughlin, Confronting Christianity • Tim Keller (sometimes) • Michael L. Brown (also messianic) Gould, Paul. 2019. Cultural Apologetics. Zondervan. p. 17
  • 160. Cultural Apologists • Strengths • Weaknesses Gould, Paul. 2019. Cultural Apologetics. Zondervan. p. 17

Editor's Notes

  1. Co lead Tree of Life Congregation Adjunct teacher at GCU Formerly with Jews for Jesus
  2. Easy grader if you do all the stuff the rubric says. DQ are automatic points Short papers automatic points if you do everything rubric says Abstract is automatic points Oral presentation and written.
  3. we are adult learners. If I wanted to lecture, I’d give you 75 YouTube videos. We learn in community. We bring our own experience and insight into the learning community.
  4. I ask the question: What will my men & women remember in 2-years?? Lecture: I hate lecturing. If I wanted to lecture I’d give you 75 YouTube. But there is stuff I want to communicate out of my own experience and insight from doing this for 35 years. Outside Reading Audio Visual: I love showing YouTube clips! People can say it better than me Discussion: Discussion around the material because each of us brings our own insight and application. Thats why we have DQ. Practice Doing: We will actually read the texts together. Because when you share the gospel with someone who asks “But what about the gospel of Judas” you can say you actually read some of it. Teach Others: You will present each paper to the class. That’s the stuff you will remember the most 2-years from now.
  5. FRI, APR 23 Explain the Ontological, Teleological, & Cosmological Arguments for the Existence of God Explain the Moral Arguments for the Existence of God SAT, APR 24 Present a Case for the Resurrection of Jesus How can a good, all knowing, all powerful, God allow innocent people to suffer? Why did a good, loving God command the genocide of the Canaanites?
  6. FRI, APR 23 Explain the Ontological, Teleological, & Cosmological Arguments for the Existence of God Explain the Moral Arguments for the Existence of God SAT, APR 24 Present a Case for the Resurrection of Jesus How can a good, all knowing, all powerful, God allow innocent people to suffer? Why did a good, loving God command the genocide of the Canaanites?
  7. Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Moody Bible Institute BA at Wheaton College Gordon-Conwell Seminary Mdiv — Princeton University PhD — Princeton University Through my teenage and early-twenties…I had believed in some form of the traditional, biblical God. This was a God who was not some kind of remote designer of the universe who had gotten the ball rolling…This was a God who was active in the world. He loved people and was intent on showering his love on them. He helped them when they were in need. He answered their prayers. He intervened in this world. But [then] I came to doubt that any such God existed. it was the problem of suffering that had created these doubts: If God helps his people – why doesn’t he help his people? If he answers prayer, why doesn’t he answer prayer? If he intervenes, why doesn’t he intervene? It was innocent suffering that made me think there is no such God. People who are faithful to God, who devote their lives to him, who pray to him suffer no less than those who are indifferent to God or even scornful toward his existence. When a tsunami kills 300,000 people, the believers are included along with the unbelievers. No difference. When a child starves to death, as happens every seven seconds, her prayers are never answered. When a Holocaust kills many millions of people, the Chosen people are not exempt. Just the opposite. I got to a point where I just didn’t believe it any more. This wasn’t because I was a biblical scholar who knew that the Bible was deeply flawed as a very human book filled with contradictions, discrepancies, and mistakes. At the very heart of the Christian claim that God loves his people, answers their prayers, and intervenes when they are in need. I realized there is no such God, and decided that I had no choice but to abandon my faith and leave the Christian faith.
  8. 1. Prepared: Pre-evangelism—win an audience Importance of sound bites 2. Defense: Apologia, implies a cour
  9. You don’t need all the answers You should anticipate, and think out responses To do this, take this class! Be a student of culture.
  10. In a courtroom we present a defense But to the jury, Not to the prosecution
  11. An apology is a response. There has to be a legal challenge It must be relevant We don’t want to answer questions that are not being asked.
  12. Apologetics change with each generation, and each era. Apologetics in the first and second century looked different than the middle ages Than modern era, and the 21st century. Josh McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict doesn’t answer questions todays young adults are asking. Ravi Zacharias is much more relevant today, and he comes from an Eastern perspective Jewish apologetics answers different questions than Mormon, Catholic, or how you’d engage a Buddhist. Older adults ask different questions than younger ones: For example. Relevance to different people Different generations Different cultures Different religions. But also believers as well as. Unbelievers Bart Erhman was a Christian when he began to doubt. For example: Black Hebrew Movement mostly concerned with Jews being Black While Jews are concerned with betraying their people Younger generation concerned with ideology.
  13. Christians buy the lie that they are exclusive. That you just have to “believe”
  14. The idea that it’s all about Love That faith is a blind leap.
  15. Who told you? How are we told this in today’s culture?
  16. When have you won an argument but lost the relationship? We can insult. And here’s three cultures where we can A. In Jewish evangelism, “don’t you Jews know your own Bible??” “Don’t you Jews know Hebrew?” B. Speaking with Women Mansplaining C. Speaking to minorities such as African-Americans
  17. It’s okay to say “I don’t know!” “I’ll find out” “This is what I think” It sounds humble It sounds Authentic Has more dignity
  18. Personal integrity
  19. 1. Prepared: Pre-evangelism—win an audience Importance of sound bites 2. Defense: Apologia, implies a cour
  20. Half the value of this class is for you, your friends, and family Who are already believers For those of you developing new leaders, Discipling new. Believers Ministering to those in crisis. Bart Erhman was a professing Christian when he began to fall away. Most of my ministry has been strengthening the faith of believers whose families and friends stump them.
  21. Your ministry depends on your own confidence
  22. What are reasons you find Apologetics is not popular
  23. 1964 Richard Hofstadter published this scathing criticism of American culture That American culture was becoming “anti-intellectual”
  24. Part of our job as apologists is
  25. EXERCISE: given some questions, determine which ones are sincere and which ones are not.
  26. Exercise: throw out some and have them determine which they are.
  27. Exercise: throw out some and have them determine which they are.
  28. Exercise: throw out some and have them determine which they are.
  29. Exercise: throw out some and have them determine which they are.
  30. How do we recognize it? Something on our back bristles when we hear the question We feel inside a personal attack The tone of the question is just wrong.
  31. How do we recognize it? Something on our back bristles when we hear the question We feel inside a personal attack The tone of the question is just wrong.
  32. How do we recognize it? Hard! But we suspect that the question is leading me somewhere
  33. How do we recognize it? Hard! But we suspect that the question is leading me somewhere
  34. Exercise: throw out some and have them determine which they are.
  35. Exercise: throw out some and have them determine which they are.
  36. Exercise: throw out some and have them determine which they are.
  37. Short answers leading to longer ones. People are impatient. They want short answers, not long complicated ones. Exercise: Given an answer develop a sound bite.
  38. Don’t show all your cards. Don’t give out all the answers. We are fishers of men and women. Give some bait, Let out the line, and invite them for longer answers
  39. Dont’ try to tackle all of apologetics in one sitting. Instead, limit your time to 45 minute meetings and Then try to set up follow up meetings.
  40. Dont’ try to tackle all of apologetics in one sitting. Instead, limit your time to 45 minute meetings and Then try to set up follow up meetings.
  41. We don’t dismiss rationale People want solid answers People know if you are snowing them. Demonstrate that there are solid answers even if you can’t get them immediately
  42. Demonstrate through love and care that this is not just an academic exercise Use the time with them to pray for them Ask them how they’re doing.
  43. Demonstrate through love and care that this is not just an academic exercise Use the time with them to pray for them Ask them how they’re doing.
  44. Demonstrate through actual care that we care Some of the best missions were carried out through Partnership with love and action.
  45. Gladys Aylward, Missionary with the China Inland Mission Who began an orphanage in China before WWII She was called “the foot inspector”
  46. Finally we remember in apologetics it is the mission of God The miseo dei We participate in what god is doing He brought us to a person as the mouth piece
  47. It’s important to see that Apologetics changes with
  51. June 1263, Paulus Kind of a forced debate by the king Pablo a Jewish convert Nachmanides a famous rabbi
  54. Cardinal Sadoleto wrote the people of Geneva calling them to return to the Catholic Church.
  55. Cardinal Sadoleto wrote the people of Geneva calling them to return to the Catholic Church.
  56. These were Christian Hebraists And often Hebrew Christians who came to the church with Talmudic knowledge knowledge of Hebrew Christians who were witnessing the return of Jews to God The possibility of the Jews returning to Israel (Christian Zionism) And used that as historical evidence of God’s exists and the bibles truth.
  57. Led to the publication of the Fundamentals William Jennings Bryan prosecution Clarence Darrow Defense John T Scopes Defendant Who wanted to use a textbook affirming evolution Dayton OH
  58. Led to the publication of the Fundamentals William Jennings Bryan prosecution Clarence Darrow Defense John T Scopes Defendant Who wanted to use a textbook affirming evolution Dayton OH
  59. Cardinal Sadoleto wrote the people of Geneva calling them to return to the Catholic Church.
  60. Cardinal Sadoleto wrote the people of Geneva calling them to return to the Catholic Church.
  61. McDowell pointed out that arguments for the Christian faith are based on historical fact not scientific Historical facts are validated through legal inquiry McDowell was responding to the dismissal of philosophical arguments and Rationalists calling for scientific PROOF.
  62. I like the popular arguments he goes after I do not like his conversational style.
  63. Classical apologetics (also known as traditional apologetics) has as its distinctive feature a two-step approach to establishing a Christian worldview. Classical apologists are often hesitant to make an argument directly from miracles to the biblical God. Rather, they prefer to appeal to miracles after having already established a theistic context. Modern proponents of classical apologetics include R.C. Sproul, William Lane Craig, and Norman Geisler.
  64. Integrative approach
  65. Strengths: the way we think in America We cannot Christian faith cannot be “proved” scientifically any more than the The internal evidence, witnesses sometimes get poo poo’s
  66. Integrative approach
  67. Many of those who do evidential also do cultural
  68. Many of those who do evidential also do cultural