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Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1
Hypoxia inducible factor–1β is the beta subunit of a heterodimeric transcription factor HIF–1, which
is identical to the formerly discovered aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) (Déry
et al., 2005; Hankinson, 1995) that commonly forms a heterodimeric transcription factor complex
with aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). The complex binds to the xenobiotic response elements
(XREs) which are capable of upregulating the genes encoding xenobiotic metabolising enzymes
such as CYP1B1 and CYP1A2 (Eltom et al., 1999; Quattrochi et al., 1994). Reduction in cellular
oxygen tension results in the increased stability of the αβ heterodimer HIF–1, which activates the
genes involved in cellular adaptations of hypoxia as previously described (Essop, 2007; Kaelin &
Ratcliffe, 2008; Ke & Costa, 2006; Salceda & Caro, 1997; Semenza & Wang, 1992). 1.2. Overview
of HAND1 Transcription factors of the bHLH family have a diverse set of regulatory factors which
are linked to the induction and progression of cell differentiation as ... Show more content on ...
The fetal heart is capable of maintaining development under oxygen deficient conditions, which
result from the metabolic flexibility of the heart to predominantly generate ATP from the oxygen–
sparing glucose oxidative and glycolysis pathway (Breckenridge et al., 2013). After birth, neonates
are exposed to an abundant oxygen environment that results in the ability to generate ATP
predominantly from fatty acid metabolism. However, in heart failure patients, this phenomenon is
reversed to the fetal preferred glycolysis pathway, and HAND1 becomes more abundantly expressed
in response to hypoxia, which is known to mediate the shift in substrate metabolism in favour of
glucose for ATP by repressing key regulatory genes involved in cardiac fatty metabolism
(Taegtmeyer et al.,
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Neonatal Cerebral Hypoxia Ischemia ( Hi ) Remains A Major...
Neonatal cerebral hypoxia–ischemia (HI) remains a major cause of death and neurological
disability. Neural stem cells (NSCs) shows great promise in restoring HI–associated neurological
tissue damage and hypothermia is reported to be beneficial for HI recovery in animal studies. We
aimed to investigate whether mild hypothermia after neonatal cerebral hypoxia–ischemia (HI) could
enhance the therapeutic effect of NSCs transplantation with a neonatal HI mouse model. Postnatal
day 7 mice underwent right common carotid artery ligation followed by 1.5 h of hypoxia. After HI,
these mice underwent different treatments with hypothermia, NSCs transplantation, or both.
Animals were sacrificed at 24, 48, 72 h and 1, 2, 4 week after the HI. The numbers of apoptotic
cells, survived, and differentiated grafted cells were counted. The levels of caspase–3 and NF–κB
protein were analyzed. And the restoration of sensorimotor and behavioral functions of HI mice was
assessed. We found caspase–3–dependent apoptosis and inflammation were significantly lower in
the NSCs+hypothermia group. Meanwhile, transplanted cells survived and differentiated better in
the NSCs+hypothermia group, and animals of this group exhibited enhanced functional recovery in
sensorimotor and behavioral tests. These observations suggest that mild hypothermia enhances the
therapeutic effect of NSCs in HI mice through protecting grafted cells, suppressing apoptosis, and
attenuating NF–κB signaling.
Keywords: neonatal cerebral
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The Effects Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons On The...
What are the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the organ systems of aquatic
A study in Biology
Dusty Vincer, Advisor
by Shruti Gajbhiye
During the recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill, millions of gallons of oil were dispersed in the Gulf
of Mexico in the same area known as the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone. The hypoxic zone along
the Gulf Coast contains less than the normal amount of dissolved oxygen, at two parts per million.
The little to no oxygen is theorized to be caused by excess nutrients from the Mississippi River
along with the stratification of the Gulf waters. The excess nutrients create a growth of primary
consumers and when decomposing at the bottom, uses the oxygen. The layering of the water does
not allow for the water to mix the top and bottom layers, leaving a lack of oxygen at the bottom of
the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone and an oxygen–plenty top layer. The polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons from the petroleum, generally accepted to have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects,
and are mainly from anthropogenic sources and are considered environmental pollutants. The
nonpolar organic molecular are insoluble in the water, and are considered to be of utmost
importance in terms of environmental hazards. The combination of the burning of petroleum on the
top of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone created a deadly effect, as evidenced by the several deaths
of animals and an unbalanced food web as secondary and tertiary consumers died
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Essay on Near-Drowning in Pediatric Patients
Introduction There are an estimated 8,000 deaths per year in the United States from drowning.
Near–drowning occurs anywhere from 2–20 times more frequently (for estimated 16,000–160,000
events per year)7. The definitions for drowning and near–drowning have for the longest time been
very confusing to understand. Recent health officials have attempted to resolve some of this
confusion by redefining drowning as "the process of experiencing respiratory insufficiency or
difficulty following a submersion or immersion in a body of liquid." Near–drowning has also been
redefined as "survival from a drowning event which involved impaired consciousness or water
inhalation for 24 hours or more"2. Both near drowning and near–drowning occur when ... Show
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In fact, studies suggest that one should be more focused on quantity5 rather than quality. Another
misconception was that electrolyte imbalance occurred with all submersion events. Studies have
since suggested that a significant amount of water must be aspirated (>11 ml/kg of actual body
weight) before electrolyte imbalance occurs and intervention is needed. Another misconception is
that people 'fill' their lungs during a submersion event, and that they can't breathe because of all this
extra fluid. This is not true at all. In fact, postmortem studies suggest that most submersion victims
aspirate small amounts (~4 mL/kg or less)4.
Pathophysiology While research suggests there is no significant difference between salt or fresh
water aspiration, aspiration of 1–3 ml/kg, regardless of type, will result in destroyed pulmonary
surfactant. Destroyed pulmonary surfactant causes "atelectasis, non–cardiogenic pulmonary edema,
intrapulmonary shunting, and ventilation–perfusion mismatching"1. This long list of post–aspiration
complications leads to respiratory acidosis and hypoxia. Failure to intervene quickly, especially in
our pediatric patients, leads to "cardiovascular collapse, neurological injury, and ultimately death"1.
Another important thing to consider is gastric aspiration. While the patient is panicking to resurface,
gasping for air, they generally swallow a large amount of water. During
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Abstract. Objectives: To Highlight The Importance Of Cord
Objectives: To highlight the importance of cord blood S100B protein in neonatal hypoxic–ischemic
encephalopathy (HIE)
Subjects and Methods: This study included 60 asphyxiated newborns and 40 matched controls.
Blood samples were collected from all neonates and values of S100B protein were determined using
enzyme–linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Results: The mean serum level of S100B
protein was significantly higher in asphyxiated group than the control group with a significant
correlation between increased S100B protein level and severity of HIE among patients. We found
that at the cutoff level of serum S100B protein 0.44µg/l, sensitivity 97%, specificity91%, an
accuracy of predicting neonatal asphyxia 94% with ... Show more content on ...
In 1976 Sarnat and Sarnat carried out a score, the Sarnat score, which was a combination of
neurological symptoms as described above and the accompanying electro–encephalographic (EEG)
features. This score was, in fact, a grading of the severity of the encephalopathy. It contains three
stages, hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) stage 1, HIE stage 2 and HIE stage 3, the latest the
most severe stage of encephalopathy. The most severely affected infants typically progress from
stage 1 to 3 [7,8]. The S100B protein is produced and released primarily by astrocytes in the CNS
where it has trophic functions on neurons and the glia. Many molecules are asigned a role as
markers of neurological injury in cases of HIE. Glutamate, aspartate, lactate, ammonia, creatinine,
specific kinase, NSE (neuron specific enolase) and other substances have been studied in serum,
umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) [9]. Previous studies that
measured the concentration of S100B in the CSF and blood have shown a direct relationship with
brain injury [10]. The aim of this study was to highlight the importance of cord blood S100B protein
in the diagnosis of neonatal HIE and determination of its severity.
Patients and Methods
This cross–sectional study is conducted on 60 asphyxiated full–term neonates delivered in El
Shohadaa Central Hospital and Shebeen El Kom teaching Hospital in the period
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Explain The Four Stages Of Hypoxia
The stages of hypoxia Hypoxia is simply a lack of oxygen at the tissue level of the body due to a
decreased partial pressure of oxygen in the inspired air. Hypoxia is serious, because it may lead to
death.(2) There are four stages of hypoxia.(1) The amount of time spent in any one of these four
stages may vary, and each patient and provider is likely to respond differently to the same
conditions.(1) The four stage of hypoxia are Asymptomatic, Compensatory, Deterioration, and
Criticial. The first stage is Indifferent or asymptomatic. This stage happens at altitude between 0 to
5000 ft.(3) In this stage the person may not know if there is a problem or not.(2) The effects of this
stage are losing of night vision and losing of the ... Show more content on ...
The altitude that this stage could happen in is between 5000 to 11400 ft.(3) "The body generally has
the ability to stave off further effects of hypoxia by increasing the rate and depth of ventilation and
cardiac output ".(1) The respiration rate, blood pressure, and the heart rate can rise up in this stage.
(2) the arterial oxygen saturations in this stage is between 80 and 90 percent.(1) The third stage is
deterioration or disturbance. This stage altitude is between 11400 to 20000ft.(3) In this stage
obvious symptoms is begin, but not everyone can recognize the symptoms of this stage. (1) (2) And
there is some of these symptoms shortness of breath/air hunger, incoordination, cyanosis, difficulty
with simple tasks, drowsiness, diminished vision, headache, tingling, euphoria, numbness,
aggression, hot/cold flashes, and poor judgement.(1) The arterial oxygen saturations in this phase is
between 70 to 80 percent.(10) The last stage is criticial and the altitude of this stage is above 18000
ft.(3) This stage is terminal stage that leading to death.(1) In this stage the people will lose
consciousness, stop breathing, and finally die.(1) Arterial oxygen saturations in this stage is less than
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Essay about Hypoxia and Aviation
Hypoxia and Aviation Outline/Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Literature Review 4 2.1 Hypoxia and
Flying 4 2.2 Pressurized Atmosphere and Hypoxia 7 3. Methodology 10 4. Analysis/Discussion 11
5. Conclusion 15 6. Recommendations 16 7. Reference List 17 1. Introduction The paper presents a
review, analysis and a study on hypoxia faced by pilots at higher altitudes. The problems faced by
pilots of commercial flights and the ways and means of dealing with them with the use of
technology used in military planes will be the point of discussion and focus. The usage of
technology that minimize the conditions of hypoxia at higher altitudes and reduction of its ... Show
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It is necessary to know about the variation of effects of hypoxia if any on the persons depending on
their age and sex. As the effects of hypoxia may or may not present for a long–time, it is necessary
to conduct tests on the pilots regarding hypoxia for each flight or in some airlines, they test pilots for
the effects of hypoxia before each flight (Sharma L: 2007) so that necessary medication could be
given. However, according to Good W.A (1991, 104) the performance of the pilots might be
degraded with 'both prescribed and over the counter medications as well as by the medical
conditions for which they are taken' (Good W.A; 1991, 104). Normally, the medicines of hypoxia
are sedative, tranquilizer or antihistamine. These medicines make a pilot 'much more susceptible to
hypoxia' (Good W.A; 1991, 104) and hence it is necessary for the pilots to minimize the use of over
the counter medicines. In addition to the above precautions alcohol can impair the pilot even many
hours after its consumption and digestion due to hangover. The impairment of pilot may cause flight
accidents and some of the major accidents give ground to the argument that hypoxia may be the
reason for the inability that caused
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The For A Jubilee During The Sizzling Summer Months
As the calm brackish waters lapse onto the shores of Point Clear to Daphne, many people are
hopeful for a Jubilee during the sizzling summer months. The neighbors of this community always
alert one another to the sound of bells ringing and the eager cries of "Jubilee!" Everyone will come
rushing down to the shore with their laundry baskets, gigs, nets, sacks, and almost anything you can
imagine in order to gather an abundant supply of seafood. This natural phenomenon has only been
known to occur regularly in Mobile, Alabama, and also across the world in Tokyo, Japan, which
testifies to its rarity. A Jubilee occurs when coincidental conditions in the bay result in disoriented
deep–sea animals such as flounders, shrimps, crabs, and other sea creature are driven to the shallow
waters and into the nets of Mobile fishermen. The term Jubilee is often defined as "A season of
rejoice." The term seems to be so positive; however, this event could potentially be harmful to the
fish. Let us first begin with the history of Jubilees. Records of the events have been recorded in early
newspapers and by memory of a few old–timers. According to the article "Extensive Oxygen
Depletion in Mobile Bay, Alabama" written by Edwin B. May, it is difficult to search for records of
these incidents because the term "Jubilee" was not applied to this natural phenomenon until the early
1900s. The earliest account of a Jubilee was found in The Daily Register in Mobile on July 17,
1876; however, even then
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Hypoxia-mediated Selection of Cells with Diminished...
Cancer: Necrosis vs. Apoptosis
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in humans. A cancer cell is a cell that has mutated from
its original form and will often grow at a more rapid rate than normal. The body has built certain
mechanisms to protect itself from these types of cells. One of the physiological processes the body
uses to kill off these cells is apoptosis. Apoptosis is sometimes called "cell suicide". When the body
detects that a cell's DNA has mutated and cannot be repaired, the cell will somehow trigger itself to
self destruct. Up until 1972, scientists hadn't really looked carefully at how cells die. Once they did,
it was apparent that two things could happen: necrosis or apoptosis. Necrosis was the term used to ...
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Bcl–2 also seems to play a role in this process. Cells that seem to have an over expression of bcl–2
are also resistant to to going through apoptosis. Because the over–expression of bcl–2 inhibits
apoptosis, it is said to be an apoptotic suppressor protein, whereas p53 can be an apoptosis–
promoting gene.
The article then looks at the role, in solid tumours, of areas of low oxygen (hypoxia) in selecting for
those cells that have mutations in the p53 tumour supressing gene. A common feature inside solid
tumours is hypoxia and an increase of cell death. This happens because often the rate of growth in a
solid tumour outstrips the supply of oxygen to the cells. The normal reaction of a group of cells,
expressing the normal p53 gene, when exposed to an hypoxic region, is an increase in the rate of
apoptosis. However, in a solid tumour there are many cells with many different types of mutations.
In the battle against solid tumours, some tumours resistant to treatment have cropped up. The article
takes a look at the role of hypoxia possibly selecting for those cells resistant to apoptosis.
Rate of Apoptosis
Using the cells of mice the authors selected cells that expressed the normal p53 gene and those that
lacked the expression of p53 (p53 deficient). They then went through a series of tests trying to
determine the effects of low oxygen on the rate of cell death in the different cells. In the
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Body Synthesis Essay
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a tasteless, odorless, and colorless toxic gas that is produced primarily as
a result of incomplete combustion of carbon material. Due to humans inability to perceive this gas
CO it is commonly referred to as 'silent killer.' Inhalation of CO is the leading cause of accidental
deaths in the United States. Excluding deaths caused by fires, there are around 2,700 deaths as a
result of carbon monoxide poisoning annually. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) reports that around 450 deaths are caused by accidental CO toxicity every year. While the
total number of deaths seems low, an estimated 50,000 people in America visit the emergency
hospital departments showing signs of CO poisoning. Exposure to CO results ... Show more content
on ...
It causes death by the CO binding rapidly to the haemoglobin (Hb) resulting in the
carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) formation. As a result, the blood's oxygen carrying capacity is reduced
leading to tissue hypoxia (Chand–Meena, 2014). The presence of COHb changes the Hb's oxygen
affinity by altering oxyhemoglobin dissociation reducing the oxygen delivered to the tissues, leading
to tissue hypoxia. More importantly, other oxygen–carrying hemeproteins such as cytochrome P–
450, myoglobin, and cytochrome c oxidase also compete with oxygen for binding sites (Caughey,
1970). It has been demonstrated that cytochrome oxidase oxygen affinity causes impairment of
mitochondrial respiration. Even though the level of COHb is a vital clinical measure of carbon
monoxide exposure, the most crucial mechanism by which carbon monoxide causes toxicity is its
combination with cytochrome oxidase. In addition, carbon monoxide may produce toxicity by
binding to myoglobin causing impairment of the cardiac output and leading to cerebral ischemia.
The dissociation of carboxymyoglobin is slower compared to COHb because of CO's increased
affinity for myoglobin (Myers, Linberg, & Cowley,
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Impact of Hypoxia on the Way We Exercise
Intro Introduction A number of environmental conditions can impact the way we exercise.
Environmental elements can have a huge impact on the performance of exercise, especially during
prolonged submaximal exercise (Hayashi et al, 2005). For example, in situations where hypoxia is
an issue, they can have a detrimental impact on the physiology of aerobic organisms, including
humans. Hypoxia can occur in a number of environmental situations and has a variety of effects on
aerobic organisms. It is essentially the situation where the air has a reduction in the oxygen content,
which can have an obvious detrimental impact on human and animals in situations where exercise
would require more oxygen in the air (Fan et al., 2008). Hypoxia has a serious impact on the
physiology of the human body and its wide variety of functioning. A study conducted by Fan et al.
(2008) illustrated that hypoxia can even have an impact on antioxidant enzymes and glutathione,
showing its potential to negatively affect humans, both as they exercise and as they are at rest. Still,
the relationship between the presence of hypoxia and what it does to the human body in
physiological terms is not as well understood as many scientists in the field with hope. The purpose
of this current research is to further explore hypoxia's impact on the human body during bouts of
submaximal exercise. This study uses an experiment to empirically test and evaluate the impact of
hypoxia on this type of exercise. Thus, the
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Hypoxia: Procedures Don Oxygen
Hypoxia is simply a lack of oxygen at the tissue level of the body due to a decreased partial pressure
of oxygen in the inspired air. Hypoxia is serious, because it may lead to death. Diseases of the blood,
the heart and circulation, and the lungs may all produce some form of hypoxia. There are four types
of hypoxia: (1) the hypoxic type, in which the oxygen pressure in the blood going to the tissues is
too low to saturate the haemoglobin; (2) the anaemic type, in which the amount of functional
haemoglobin is too small, and hence the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen is too low; (3) the
stagnant type, in which the blood is or may be normal but the flow of blood to the tissues is reduced;
and (4) the ... Show more content on ...
[f] Heart disease – some types of heart disease, particularly congenital, result in poor oxygenation of
the blood. This will be aggravated by increased altitude.
[g] Anaemia – in this condition there is a decrease in the amount of haemoglobin available to carry
oxygen to the tissues. Any decrease in oxygen availability soon leads to hypoxia.2
Symptoms and signs of hypoxia
The first signs include both mental and physical effects. Mentally there can be a loss of judgement,
self–criticism and short–term memory. This can be accompanied by an increase in reaction time and
a kind of mental "tunnel vision". Euphoric may be also experienced by the flight crew.
The physical effects include muscular incoordination and an impairment of colour, night and
peripheral vision. Hearing also deteriorates. Flight crew may experience hot flushes and turn bluish
at the extremities (cyanosis). Rapid breathing or hyperventilation is one of the early physical signs.
But because hypoxia impairs judgement, flight crew may not notice loss of vision and hearing or
other physical or mental signs.
Simple tasks become extraordinarily difficult and performance fails. As hypoxia continues, he or she
would become semiconscious. After he or she lose consciousness entirely, he or she has only
minutes to live, depending on the altitude. There are many factors which affect the tolerance to
hypoxia. The faster the rate of ascent, the quicker the onset.
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Hypoxia Case Study
Potentiating innate immune signaling pathways by stabilizing Hypoxia–inducible factor
Bacterial infections are often associated with hypoxic conditions which can stimulate the
inflammatory response and improve infection clearance (76). The host response to hypoxic
conditions is regulated at the transcriptional level by hypoxia–inducible factor (HIF). HIF–1
heterodimerizes with one of two HIF–α isoforms (HIF–1α and HIF–2α) and drives the expression of
pro–inflammatory cytokines that mediate macrophage aggregation, invasion, and motility. The
stability of HIF–α subunits is regulated by oxygen availability. Under normoxia conditions,
prolylhydroxylases hydroxylates HIF–α and marks it for proteasomal degradation in a process
mediated by von ... Show more content on ...
However, an imbalance in the production and elimination of ROS is associated with human diseases
(68). ROS molecules are produced by the host enzyme NADPH oxidase (NOX). Seven NOX
homologues are encoded in the human genome. NOX2 (otherwise known as gp91Phox) is the best–
characterized family member in terms of its regulation. Gp91Phox is the catalytic unit of this
multicomponent oxidase whereas p22Phox, p40Phox, p47Phox, p67Phox and the small GTPase
RAC are regulatory subunits. Exposure of cells to pathogens triggers the assembly of cytosolic
regulatory subunit (p40Phox, p47Phox, p67Phox and RAC) with transmembrane protein complex
formed by gp91Phox and p22Phox (47). NOX2 mediates the transfer of an electron from NADPH to
O2, forming the superoxide radical (O2̇ ˉ) (47). The superoxide radical is converted to hydrogen
peroxide by superoxide dismutase. In the phagolysosome of neutrophils, myeloperoxidase (MPO)
catalyzes the generation of hypochlorite (HOCl) from hydrogen peroxide. HOCl dramatically
enhances the microbicidal activity of hydrogen peroxide (92). Pro–inflammatory cytokines such as
IL–1 and TNF–α upregulate the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which
produces nitric oxide from the amino acid L–arginine. Nitric oxide reacts with superoxide to
generate peroxynitrite (OONO–), a potent nitrating agent and oxidant (Figure 2D) (31). Both RNS
and ROS
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Cardiac Adaptation For Chronic Hypoxia
The stabilised HIF–1α translocates to the cell nucleus from the cytoplasm and dimerise with ARNT
to form the HIF–1 heterodimer. The abundance of the HIF–1 transcription factor in the nucleus
alters the affinity of the promoter region by binding to the RNA polymerase II. The formation of the
HIF–1 activates the promoter region of its target genes (figure 3), inducing their expression (Chilov
et al., 1999) that results in greater glucose uptake and lactate efflux, reduction in mitochondrial
respiration and increased blood flow through the vessels, which augments oxygen and energy
delivery to the heart and maintaining cardiac function. These observations demonstrate that the
constitutively expressed ARNT and HIF–1α accumulation are the ... Show more content on ...
In this case, cardiac adaptation offers the cardiac protection to all the major deleterious
consequences of acute oxygen deficiency. Furthermore, other adaptive responses to chronic hypoxic
adaptations include hypertrophy of the right ventricle and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension as a
result of pressure–overload and vasoconstriction that could lead to congestive heart failure during
severe hypoxia (Sano et al., 2007).
Since fetal environment corresponds to ~8000m altitude, prenatal defense to hypoxia consists of a
long–term adaptation to limited intrauterine oxygen supply (Singer, 1999). Hence, the immature
heart is more resistant to hypoxia as opposed to the adult myocardium, which may explain the
significantly lower MI incidences during early ontogenetic development. In adults, cardiomyocytes
are particularly susceptible to low oxygen supply and consequently hypoxia–induced cell death,
whereas fetal cardiomyocytes are much more adapted (Breckenridge et al., 2013). Of all the stress
that the fetus encounters, hypoxia may be the most common that affect the homeostasis of an
organism, and perhaps the most clinically relevant (Malhotra et al., 1999).
2.1.3. ARNT in cardiovascular diseases Chronic exposure of mice to hypoxia induces a major
remodelling of the vasculature. The right ventricle of the heart undergoes hypertrophy, pulmonary
arteries thickened as a result of increased right ventricular pressure, reduced lumen diameter and
increased blood
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How Does The Baclofen Pump Be Successful At Helping Anyone...
Imagine you know someone with Cerebral Palsy. This could be someone who has a hard time
hearing or even communicating with others. On a regular day for a child who has Cerebral Palsy
may not always be able to do what other children or adults do in their ordinary life. For example,
Cerebral Palsy children may not be able to walk like a regular person, or ride a bike like a regular
child. In order to control Cerebral Palsy there are multiple treatments such as the baclofen pump.
This treatment is more likely to be successful, rather than the Botox injections and phenol blocks. It
has been proven that the baclofen pump is more likely to be successful at helping anyone with
Cerebral Palsy. Although, there are several different types and causes of Cerebral Palsy that
someone could develop. These causes are Terminology, Dysgensis, Periventricular Leukomalacia,
and Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopath. I will be explaining each and every one of them more in
detail. With these causes, there are different treatments that could be used to treat the causes. These
causes include Botox Injections, Phenol Blocks, Baclofen Orally, and Intrathecal Baclofen. Later on,
I will be explaining the pro's and con's of each one. The word "cerebral" means the brain and the
word "palsy" means muscle weakness and poor control. Children or adults can be born with
Cerebral Palsy or might be diagnosed later in life. The disorder may occur during the woman's
pregnancy, child's birth, or after the child
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Research Paper On Hypoxia
Last several years, hypoxia gets into more and more countries. China also is the one of them. Let me
explain what hypoxia is, hypoxia is a pierce of area has less oxygen and maybe more carbon
dioxide. Hypoxia can make person death and it can make many body issues too. Hypoxia is an
international issue in the world. Many famous scientists want to solve this trouble for a few years.
However, hypoxia has three difference types of makes trouble about pollution. The coastal place has
placed huge segmental pressures on coastal ecosystems. Human actions destroy natural habitats.
This effect, the effect of hypoxia has been the most basic environmental. This essay explains what is
hypoxia and what causer hypoxia, also this essay can help you know what hypoxia situation in
China. For example, air pollution, water pollution and pressure pollution. Now, this essay will be
talking about water pollution. Before we talk about water pollution, we will know what hypoxia
exactly means. Next we will have a deeply impression for hypoxia. The economic and population
growth, much of it coast l place. First of all, hypoxia is not a word difficult to known. Hypoxia is a
condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of ... Show more content on ...
Never used be filter contains high concentrations of organic matter and when it is discharged to a
stream or a lake. The water hypoxia is about Hypoxia caused many problems; significant effected
many company included marine economy, tourist trade and fishery. Tai Lake which found in the
southern of Jiang Su province may be the third biggest lake in China has usually in hypoxia, it made
fishery in Tai lake faced crisis. For instance, in 2007 the beginning of May, the hypoxia use Tai lake
and spread quickly, it reduce Tai Lake's economy and this issue cost their government over 20
million dollar. That smell is not too good and many people were had a bad feeling for this coastal
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Red Blood Cell Hypoxia
Hypoxia is a condition that is caused by the decrease in oxygen pressure, insufficient oxygen
transport, or when tissues are physiologically incapable of making use of the oxygen supplied to
them. Hypoxia occurs in the tissues and brain and cumulates to impaired cognitive functions. The
ability to maintain homeostasis and oxygen levels is an essential part of survival for all vertebrates.
Various physiological systems have evolved to assure every cell in an organism receives optimal
oxygenation. Hypoxia emerged as physiological structures used for oxygen delivery such as
erythrocytes evolved. Anoxia is the extreme type of hypoxia that manifests when the body is without
oxygen leaving the tissues and brain torpid. Hypoxia can manifest in five different forms: Pemic,
Hypoxemic, ... Show more content on ...
Extended exposure to hypoxic conditions can cause elevated RBC count; a condition called
Polycythemia. The elevation in the production of red blood cell is a consequence of renal failure that
affects the kidney. This results in the kidney producing a enythrogenin into the blood stream. This
produces erythropoietinogen; a plasma protein reaction which produces erythropoietin. This
activates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. Hypoxia can seriously defect the brains
respiratory region. Any sort of loss of oxygen to any area of the brain can cause irreversible damage
and lead to unconsciousness. When there is a shortage of oxygen supply to the brains respiratory
region, it causes the integrating center to trigger an increase in the breathing rate of the organism. At
any point, if an organism is to become starved of oxygen, the brain cells undergo apoptosis. This
paper will address hypoxia, variations in hemoglobin of marine mammals vs. terrestrial mammals,
bends and the mechanisms used by diving marine mammals to avoid them and how these animals
work to deal with the issues of depth and deep
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Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and Around the World Essay
Introduction During the summers the oxygen content atop the water normally has a salinity level
consistent with "more than 8 milligrams per liter"; but when oxygen content drops down to "less
than 2 milligrams per liter" the water is then known to be in hypoxic state (CENR, 2000; USGS,
2006). Hypoxia is the result of oxygen levels decreasing to the point where aquatic organisms can
no longer survive in the water column. Organisms such as fish, shrimps, and crabs are capable to
evacuate the area but the fauna that cannot move either become stress and/or die. Due to this, many
call the hypoxia zone the "dead zone" (Overview, 2008; USGS, 2006). Because of farm fertilizer, an
excess quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus can be wash down ... Show more content on ...
The Black Sea is 90% hypoxic, which causes a collapse of the benthos and mass mortality of
valuable bottom–dwelling fish like turbot and flounder. In the Baltic Sea, a branch between
Denmark and Sweden called Kattegat, Norwegian lobster fishing was eliminating (Joyce, 2000). In
1972, the first documentation of hypoxia was recorded for the northern Gulf of Mexico off the
Louisiana coast. Then in 1985, 26 years ago, monitoring the Gulf of Mexico's dead zone began with
funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean
Service and has shown on record the largest of all occurred just under 10 years in 2002. At that time,
oxygen levels were so low it affected 8,400 square miles, which is about the size as the "state of
Massachusetts" according to More recently due to the unfortunate oil spill in April
2010, the already existing water problems mixing with the oil triggered a world–class "dead zone,"
which expanded in size and severity throughout the summer according to Troubled Waters of the
Gulf of Mexico, a lecture given by Nancy Rabalais in March 2011. Then in June 2011, supported by
NOAA, according to marine scientists, a prediction of a "record–setting dead zone" in the Gulf of
Mexico was expected due to "the rise in nutrient runoff from the Mississippi floods" (Reed, 2011).
Over the last 150 years, scientists have found three different
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Hypoxia in the East China Sea: One of the Largest Coastal...
.niatrep lanruoj eht ot ylppa taht sremialcsid lagel lla dna ,tnetnoc eht tceffa dluoc hcihw derevocsid
eb yam srorre ssecorp noitcudorp eht gnirud taht eton esaelP .mrof lanif sti ni dehsilbup si ti erofeb
foorp gnitluser eht fo weiver dna ,gnittesepyt ,gnitideypoc ogrednu lliw tpircsunam ehT .tpircsunam
eht fo noisrev ylrae siht gnidivorp era ew sremotsuc ruo ot ecivres a sA .noitacilbup rof detpecca
neeb sah taht tpircsunam detidenu na fo elif FDP a si sihT
peer–00562971, version 1 – 4 Feb 2011
700.10.7002 .servneram.j/6101.01 :iod ,)7002( hcraeseR latnemnorivnE eniraM ,dlrow eht ni saera
negyxo–wol latsaoc tsegral eht fo eno :aeS anihC tsaE eht ni aixopyH ,.K–F ,haihS ,.C–G ,gnoG
,.C–C ,nehC :sa elcitra siht etic esaelP 7002 yraunaJ ... Show more content on ...
Interestingly, hypoxia and anoxia have rarely been documented in the East China Sea (ECS) which
is one of the largest continental shelves in the world (e.g., Li et al., 2002). Historically, the ECS has
been one of the world's major fishing grounds, especially within
ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT the Changjiang (Yangtze) River plume and its surrounding sea
along China's coast. High fishery yield is normally supported by high primary production and
abundant food sources from lower trophic levels (Caddy, 1993; Xu et al., 2004). Indeed, primary
production can reach as high as 2079 mg C m–3 d–1 in the Changjiang River plume region, mostly
induced by high rates of riverine nutrient supply (e.g., Gong et al., 2003; Gong et al., 2006). In the
past two decades, the anthropogenic nutrient load (e.g. nitrates) exported from the Changjiang River
into the ECS has increased over ten– fold, and there is continuous growth peer–00562971, version 1
– 4 Feb 2011 expected in the future (Yan et al., 2003; Li and Dag, 2004; Bouwman et al., 2005).
Excess nutrients cause eutrophication and stimulate noxious and toxic algal blooms, which have
been observed with increased frequently on the inner shelf off Changjiang River (Chen et al., 2003;
Gao and Song, 2005; Zhu, 2005; Zhu et al., 2005). There are, however, few studies
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Saturation Level
low, the oxygen in our body diffuses into tissues, allowing carbon dioxide in the blood (Pendleton,
Blood leaving the lungs of a healthy person at sea level pressure has an oxygen saturation level of
97 %. The saturation level will drop to 90% at approximately 10,000 feet. Folks in the medical
industry consider an O2 saturation level below 93 % unhealthy. If an aircrew reacts slowly after an
airplane depressurize at or above 25,000 feet, there's a possibility that the crew would become
unconscious. At that altitude the O2 saturation level is 55%. Prudent pilots that are aware of
aeromedical factors, fly with a pulse oximeter that clip onto the finger to measure their oxygen
saturation level. Some pilots call it a "hypoxia meter" (Pendleton,
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The Effect of Pollution on the Distribution of Organisms...
The Effect of Pollution on the Distribution of Organisms Along the River Roding System
Pond net
Pots and lids
Hand lens
Wellington boots
Specimen Pots
Freshwater Invertebrate Key
Scrap Paper (note pad)
Tape to cover cuts
I investigated how the quality, amount of dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphates and the temperature
of the water in the River Roding System affected the distribution of organisms in the river.
I chose six suitable sites along the river Roding System: Furze Ground, Pyrles Brook, Debdon
Brook Downstream, River Roding Upstream, River Roding Middle Stream, and River ... Show more
content on ...
We waited 1 minute. The colour on the pad was compared with the colour chart to see the nitrate
level. The nitrate level was recorded. Then a phosphate test was carried out. Firstly 5ml of the water
from the river was placed in a container. There were two reagents. 5 drops of reagent 1 and 1 micro
spoon of reagent 2 was added to the water. The lid was replaced and the container was shaken. We
waited 2 minutes and took the lid off. The colour of the mixture was compared with the colour chart
and the phosphate content was recorded. Then the oxygen test was carried out. The meter was set for
air and the probe was placed in the air. His was set as 100%. The probe was then placed in the river
and the reading went down or up comparing its oxygen content with the oxygen in the air. Finally
the temperature of the water was measured. This was done using a thermometer.
At each sight we also noted down descriptions of the site e.g. the surrounding land use, the
cleanliness of the water, the depth and width of the river. This was done so that the pollution of the
river could be explained.
While doing the freshwater fieldwork there were a few safety hazards. There was a chance of
infection occurring e.g. Weils Disease. Therefore I had to take precautions: 1) small cuts covered
with tape, 2) gloves worn, 3) no eating or drinking in the field, 4) no fooling
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The Effects Of Hypoxia On The World
"Hypoxia Is The Term Used When There Is A Deficiency In A Biotic Environment". The Gulf of
Mexico Dead Zone is an extensive area of water that is low in oxygen, a condition known as
"hypoxia" and in this way can 't bolster life. No man 's lands like this happen along a large portion
of the world 's coastlines.
Following are the sequence of order in which I will present my video presentation or power–point
presentation for the final project.
MAIN TOPIC#1:– Understanding Dead Zones in the Oceans
I believe to purpose a solution to any problem; we must understand the problem first. So in
beginning of my project presentation I will explain what my topic mean is and how it is affecting the
world? The text below is some information I have collected regarding this section.
Hypoxic zones are regions in the sea of such low oxygen fixation that creature life suffocates and
bites the dust, and subsequently are in some cases called "DEAD ZONES." One of the biggest no
dead frames in the Gulf of Mexico each spring. Every spring as agriculturists treat their territories
get ready for product season, rain washes manure off the land and into streams and waterways.
1. What is dead zone?
Dead Zones are regions of vast waterways–ordinarily in the sea additionally at times in lakes and
even streams–that don 't
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Dead Zone: Hypoxia In The Gulf Of Mexico
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, a dead zone is "an area of water (as in a lake or ocean) in
which the level of dissolved oxygen is so depleted (as by the decay of an algal bloom) that most life
cannot be sustained"("Dead Zone"). In the Gulf of Mexico, between the time of Spring and Summer,
a dead zone or hypoxic zone occurs off the coast. Although this can occur naturally around the
world, on the coast of Gulf of Mexico the large size affected is result of anthropogenic interference
of city sewage dump and farmland run off.
Another term used to describe an area deficient in oxygen is known as hypoxia. A few things that
may cause hypoxia in an area are: 1. freshwater runoff and nutrient going in a river, 2. an abundance
on nutrients ... Show more content on ...
"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, which funded the scientists'
research, estimates that the dead zone costs U.S. seafood and tourism industries $82 million a year.
The impact could be devastating to the Gulf's seafood industry, which accounts for more than 40
percent of the nation's seafood. Louisiana is second in seafood production only to Alaska."
(""). As a result of the hypoxic zone created, fish move further out into sea to avoid being
trapped in the zone, causing fishermen to spend more time and money to acquire the usual catches.
A more severe extent of what an anthropogenic dead zone can create bring threats to the drinking
water, and form acid rain or smog. "The problem stems from both agricultural and urban run–off.
Farmers use phosphorus and nitrates to grow their crops, which eventually find their way to the
Mississippi River. Growing cities means more land under concrete and less soil for polluted water to
soak into instead of becoming runoff. All these factors that have contributed to the dead zone can
fortunately be fixed or improved."(""). Solutions to a problem for this dead zone would
rely heavily on human acknowledgment and involvement. some of the solutions are: using friendly
landscaping techniques that require less fertilizer, prevent soil erosion, leaving grass
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Tumor Hypoxia Essay
Tumor hypoxia, a Common feature in 90% solid tumors like HCC is intricately associated with
more malignancy, therapeutic resistance and poor patient survival 4. In order to survive under such
reduced oxygen concentration, tumor cell adapts some transcriptional expression where Hypoxia–
inducible factor (HIF) is a key transcriptional factor 31.
HIF transcription factors (HIF–1 and HIF–2) act as heterodimers comprising an alpha and beta
subunit. Under normoxic condition alpha subunit is unstable due to proteasomal degradation. But
under hypoxia, stable alpha subunit moves to nucleus to dimerize with beta subunit. In cooperation
with transcriptional coactivators this HIF heterodimer binds with hypoxia response element (HRE)
and induces transcription of more than 60 HIF targeted gene. Regulation of these genes ... Show
more content on ...
Increased expression of angiogenesis marker, VEGF and metastasis marker, MMP–2 are associated
with increased HIF–1α in HCC patient with lymph node metastasis (LNM) 34 where knockdown of
HIF–1α repressed both VEGF and MMP–2 resulting decreased angiogenesis and metastasis
respectively 35. HIF–1α is also involved in the regulation of gene expression during inflammation.
Xia and coworkers demonstrated that by the induction of tumor necrosis factor–α (TNF–α), HIF–1α
directly binds with Forkhead box M1 (FoxM1) promoter which is a proliferation specific
transcription factor and subsequently promote HCC cell proliferation with apoptosis resistance 33.
HIF–1α stabilization also fuels hypoxic solid tumor with survival potential through glycolysis by
upregulating many enzymes of glycolysis pathway. For instance, Hypoxia stimulates HCC cellular
growth through HIF–1α dependent induction of hexokinase 2 (HK2) enzyme. Inhibiting HK2
expression in a murine HCC model increased tumour cell apoptosis and limited tumour growth
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Suffocating The Ocean Hypoxia
Oxygen Depleted Waters–Over the years there has been an increase in hypoxia and anoxia in
different regions of the oceans. In other words the oceans are lacking or having no oxygen to
support marine life. The oxygen depleted waters typically occur during early to late autumn. The
rise in hypoxia and anoxia amongst the oceans have led to increased mortality in marine life. In the
article Suffocating the Ocean by Moises Velasquez–Manoff it emphasized the result of oxygen loss,
"In 2002 they began pulling in traps full of corpses". This shows how the lack of oxygen is causing
the death rate to increase amongst marine animals. The waters are inhabitable due to the lack of
oxygen making the atmosphere unable to support life. I feel that after ... Show more content on ...
In other words Climate Change affects the environment and how we must take initiative to care for
the environment. Climate Change created global warming thus rising sea levels and creating oxygen
depleted regions in the oceans. People do not realize how this problem affect marine life and the
environment. For Example, " It's been a large potential large problem that's generally been under
appreciated". This shows how climate change is a problem that is only going to feed into the
problems such as hypoxia/anoxia if people are not cognizant of the issue. Climate Change is causing
many problems that people have to face such as rising sea levels, drought conditions, and
hypoxic/anoxic sea regions. I feel that in order to combat the changes that are occurring in climate
change we have to become aware of the importance of being educated on climate change. In the
novel The Grapes of Wrath the Joads were impacted by the climate change because they were
unable to produce crops and had to migrate to California in order to find success in the labor force.
The Joads were tested mentally by the situation that they faced deciding whether or not to stay in the
midwest. The affect of climate change is not paid attention to until natural disasters where people
are displaced from their homes or living conditions change. Climate Change should be focused on
more by
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What Is Hypoxia?
The human mind is a complex and delicate system that is affected by the smallest change in
environment. Even the most conditioned of mindsets face difficulties when exposed to the extreme
conditions of altitude. All it takes is 1,500 meters to impair a climbers reaction time, after 6,000
meters they will begin to experience hypoxia. Hypoxia is the condition in which a person's body
tissue does not receive an adequate amount of oxygen. A combination of hypoxia and the effects of
sleep deprivation can be misleading and even deadly in dire situations.
While certain sensory conditions begin to slow down, others, such as visual sensitivity become
hypersensitive and seem to be enhanced due to the lack of oxygen reaching the brain. When this
happens, ... Show more content on ...
After 3,000 meters a climber may experience a decrease in slow wave sleep. Slow wave sleep is
when a person reaches the third level of REM and it's considered to be deep sleep. After 4,000
meters a climber's REM sleeping patterns will also begin to decline. As they begin to experience
hypoxia, these sleeping patterns will only worsen. Dealing with both sleep deprivation and hypoxia
can have a negative effect on the emotional and cognitive functions of the brain, because "lack of
sleep can adversely affect mood states, noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin are thought to play
an important role in mood regulation," (Aquinos Lemos, 1304), and will only continue to impair a
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What Are We Going Do About All This Phosphate?
Anna Yeghiazaryan
Ms. Cook
Honors Chemistry
10 May 2015
What Are We Going to Do About All This Phosphate?
Water pollution is a very real problem that countries all around the world are facing. This
contamination typically comes from either domestic origin or industrial waste. Many measures have
been taken in order to prevent water pollution but most methods are costly and inefficient. One of
the most common types of chemical pollution in waters is phosphate contamination. According to
the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Gulf of Mexico is a prime example of water
that has extremely high levels of phosphate and it comes to no surprise that it has detrimental effects
its environment. The effects of phosphate contamination ... Show more content on
The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) explains that if this trend of
eutrophication continues, what is known to be a "dead zone" will be created.
According to the NOAA, the northern Gulf of Mexico is the second largest dead zone in the United
States. The Gulf of Mexico is officially recognized as a hypoxic, or dead zone, because it has less
than 2 ppm dissolved oxygen in accordance to the Microbial Life Education Resource's website. The
source of the gulf's extensive pollution is from the Mississippi River which captures the runoff of 31
states and then flows right into the gulf, making it a hotspot for extremely high concentrations of
sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chemical pollutants (EPA "Gulf of Mexico"). Unfortunately for
us, "The Gulf of Mexico is a major source area for the seafood industry...[and] if the hypoxic zone
continues or worsens, fishermen and coastal state economies will be greatly impacted" says Monica
Bruckner, a professor at Montana State University. This means that there is an economic factor that
plays into the pollution of phosphates and there are nearby economies that depend of certain marine
harvests to be able to support themselves. Consequently, if all the animals are either dead or have
migrated away, then there will be no harvests at all and many companies will become bankrupt and
forced to close down, leaving thousands of people unemployed.
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The Effects Of Pressurized Cabins On The Human Body
Burns 2 experiencing the effects of hypoxia. Pressurized cabins are mostly used in commercial
flights in order to keep the passengers safe. The reason why oxygen is less abundant at a higher
altitude is because the higher someone goes there more spaced out the oxygen molecules are.
Dalton's Law states "The human body is affected by the pressure of gases available, meaning as
someone is acceding the percent of oxygen remains constant but there are fewer molecules the
higher someone is" (Reinhart). Since there are fewer molecules the body becomes starved of oxygen
and then the effects of hypoxia begin to develop and the first symptoms will begin to develop. This
is where machines will come in to help the human body survive. However, the human body is great
at adapting to environments below 10,000 feet. It can handle the oxygen differences well enough on
a nonsmoking person and during the day to not need a machine to avoid hypoxia. However above
10,000 feet the human body reaches a point where it can no longer adapt to the lack of oxygen.
When hypoxia begins to take over the brain, it is an urgent matter. If someone is suffering from
hypoxia it is important to notice the symptoms rather quickly, especially if they are navigating the
aircraft. Some of the first warning signs that can be seen are confusion, slurred speech, headache,
lightheaded sensation, dizziness and incomplete sentences. An air traffic controller would have to
pay attention to these signs if they suspect
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High Altitude Is Defined As An Elevation Of 1500-3500 Metres
With regards to elevation, high altitude is defined as an elevation of 1,500–3,500 meters (4,900–
11,500 ft.) but can differ by a 1,000 ft., depending on the defining source. The definition of elevation
continues with very high altitude, which is 3,500–5,500 meters (11,500–18,000 ft.) then continues to
extreme altitude of which is above 5,500 meters (18,000 ft.). Within healthy individuals, substantial
clinical changes are difficult to exhibit at elevations lower than 1,500 meters. But once the human
body reaches altitudes at or above high altitude, the adverse effects on the human body become
increasing pronounced and considerable. As altitude increases, the barometric pressure falls and the
environmental partial pressure of inspired oxygen decreases. The reduction of inspired oxygen, in
combination with other environmental factors such as a decline in temperature, humidity, paired
with physical activity, the human body must be able to compensate for the adverse effects opposed
primarily on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Physical alterations within the cardiopulmonary system begin to be substantial over an altitude of
2500 meters. However, the human body can use both short–term and long–term means to adapt to
high altitude, and even beyond that will allow the body to partially compensate or even fully
compensate for the lack of oxygen. But, there is also a limit to the level of adaptation and
compensation that can take place. Once an altitude of or above 8,000
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Hypoxia In The 1930's
When two aeroplanes were forced down over the Isle on two consecutive days the events drew large
crowds. The first aeroplane landed at Low Melwood Farm at 4 p.m. with the pilot unable to fly
through a heavy fog that clung to the land either side of the River Trent. So great was the crowd that
watched its departure, those present seized the opportunity to organise a collection for the Red Cross
Fund which raised £2. The following day another plane alighted at Sandtoft when the fog returned.
It stayed there for three days and, when news spread that it was about to leave, a large number of
people turned up, 'as if from nowhere!' Magistrates at Epworth Police Court had to deal with an
interesting case in the autumn of 1916. The case before them ... Show more content on ...
Rifleman Ralph Jaques, one time clerk at Fox's Brewery and a noted vocalist in music circles
locally, attached to the machine gun corps, was reported 'killed in action.' The letter informing the
family of his death came from his pals. He had enlisted in the Kings Royal Rifle Corps, whose
commanding officer, the Earl of Faversham, insisted his men should be 'of a very high standard
physically educationally and socially.' His battalion prided itself on having less crime than any other
in the service. Sergeant Gilding in a letter to Miss Crisp, the fiancee of Private Fred Hill of Eastoft
Road, Crowle, wrote to console her that, 'he did not suffer any pain, death being instantaneous.' Fred
had been in France for ten months but in that time had been invalided home on at least one occasion.
He was one of 63 men to die on 15 September at Delville Wood, after losing the support of all the
three Mk.I tanks. He was twenty years old. His brother had been discharged as disabled a few
months previously. Private Alfred Walton, the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walton of Godnow
Road, was confirmed as 'killed in action. Alf's commanding officer wrote to his parents saying, 'Just
a few lines hoping they will find you well. I am writing on rather a sad errand this time. I hardly
know how to break it to you, but Alf was killed in action on the 7th. October. I expect
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Case Study
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a multisystemic disease that often coexists with
comorbidities that may have significant impact on prognosis.1–8 Some of these comorbidities arise
independently of COPD whereas others may be causally related, either with shared risk factors or by
one disease increasing the risk or compounding the severity of the other.9 Although many risk
factors contribute to the development of COPD, cigarette smoking is still considered the most well
studied COPD risk factor.10 Several studies reported the significant effect of smoking on hearing
loss.11,12 In a previous research, the impact of chronic hypoxaemia secondary to COPD on the
auditory function of these patients was investigated. Results showed a statistically significant
difference for all auditory measures between patients with COPD ... Show more content on ...
All included subjects attended one hearing testing session in the audiology laboratory of Ain Shams
University Hospitals. The audiologist, who was unaware of the smoking status of the study
participant, performed an otoscopic examination. Pure tone threshold audiometry was conducted in
a sound–isolated rooms or booths using a clinical audiometer in accordance with the Maximum
Permissible Ambient Noise Levels for Audiometric Test Room.18 Pure tone audiometric air
conduction testing is performed by presenting a pure tone (single frequency) to each ear through an
earphone and pressing a button, hand raising, or saying "yes" when stimuli were heard. Hearing
thresholds were measured in each ear for frequencies: 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 Hertz
(Hz). Hearing thresholds is defined as the lowest level in decibels (dB) at which a signal (tone) is
heard 50% of the time according to standard clinical procedures.19 Testing should begin with the
better ear when identifiable, otherwise it is arbitrary. Test instructions were presented in the Arabic
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Hypoxia Hydrogen Factor (Hv)-1
There are millions of people that have been diagnosed with respiratory diseases among the United
States. All the respiratory conditions affect individuals and their families not only in their health but
also in their economic aspect. In humans, it is considered normal oxygen concentration between
9.5% to 4.6% but there are parts of the body, as neurons, that are very sensitive to oxygen. Low
oxygen concentration in our body tissues is known as hypoxia and consequently your body will not
properly function. There are several factors that can contribute to this condition for example, having
respiratory problems, diseases or complications, lung damage, drugs and cardiovascular diseases.
With the properly environmental factors, Hypoxia–Inducible Factor (HIF)–1 is a dimeric protein
complex that plays an integral role in the body's response to low oxygen concentrations, or hypoxia.
HIF–1 is among the primary genes involved in the homeostatic process, which can increase
vascularization in hypoxic areas such as localized ... Show more content on ...
Even though, many organisms have developed different ways to maintain the oxygen homeostasis of
their body, changes in the oxygen concentrations will induce the use of other genes. During hypoxic
conditions, the HIF–1, transcription factor of two subunits (β–subunit and α–subunit), is activated
and with other transcription factors play a significant role in the cancer proliferation. For example,
together, the HIF–1 and NFĸB, control over 1,000 genes, promote angiogenesis with VEGF, VEGF
receptors, COX–2, iNOS; tissue growth factors and inhibits enzymes, stimulating the cell migration
or metastasis. Also, it is important to mention that the activity of the HIF–1 will depend in the gene
expression and mutation and can negatively affect the ING4, p53, PTEN, VHL genes and will
promote the activity of oncogenes: Ras, Raf, Src, mTOR, and
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Hypoxia In South Louisiana
Hypoxia has become a large problem in the Gulf of Mexico, especially along the coast of Louisiana.
When there is a large region of water with a low oxygen level it is said to be hypoxic, where as
regions with no oxygen are anoxic (Rabalais). The Gulf of Mexico is home to the second largest
zone of costal hypoxia in the world, more specifically the continental shelf along the coast of
Louisiana (Rabalais). With this change in environment the wildlife inhabiting it have two choices
either emigrate or die(Rabalais). Both of those options lead to a wildlife dead zone which in turn
leads to a decrease in fishing, shrimping, and crabbing all of which play a major part in south
Louisiana's economy. The best way to reduce hypoxia as well as the size ... Show more content on ...
With oxygen levels in the dead zone being so low during the summer months marine life is almost
nonexistent. This not only hurts the wild life of Louisiana's coast but, also its economy and fishing
based culture. In the future with the normal levels of oxygen returning to our gulf we can hope to
see wild life slowly but surely returning. Also there is hope for the conservation and growth of the
wetlands through the nutrient rich canals developed, enhancing Louisiana's economy, culture, and
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Effect Of Hypoxia On Ceramide
As previously mentioned, the cellular adaptation to hypoxia is mainly mediated by hypoxia–
inducible factors (HIF). However, HIF–independent responses have been described upon hypoxia;
many of these responses have been attributable to sphingolipid metabolism and ceramide. Although
several studies were conducted in determining the effect of hypoxia on ceramide, ceramide
responses to hypoxia as well as their biological significance remain under debate [63, 78]. The effect
of hypoxia on Sphingolipid metabolism and Ceramide have been intensively studied in
cardiovascular diseases; in fact, studies performed on heart diseases have proven that the hypoxic
effects on cardiomyocytes are in favor of cell growth and proliferation. For instance,
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Embolism Case Studies
This first clinical of med–surg at 3 North, was a little nerve–racking. I wasn't sure how I was going
readapt myself to this, on the floor clinical experience. I wasn't sure what to expect for this clinical,
all I was sure about was to go with the flow and learn. The patient I had chosen to care for during
pre–assessment, was a 93–year–old lady that had chest pain and CAD. I looked forward caring for
the patient but I had a bad feeling about the patient before I got to clinical. Unfortunately, the patient
was taken to ICU and I had to choose a new patient. My new patient that I had was a 52–year–old
male, who was admitted for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and with pulmonary embolism.
The patient was on 2L of oxygen with a nasal cannula and had an IV infusion of Heparin. He was
very alert of his situation and communicated well with the nurses and I during clinical. Before
meeting my new patient, I was anxious as I didn't know what to expect from him. As I met him and
saw that he was comfortable having a student nurse caring for him, it ... Show more content on ...
By knowing this information, I had a better understanding of his treatments of Heparin and O2.
During my assessment, I understood that my patient would have diminished breath sounds as it's in
result of his respiratory insufficiency. As I got to review more of my patient's chart, I was able to
further understand that his respiratory insufficiency is the result of pulmonary embolism (PE). With
PE, "large emboli obstruct pulmonary blood flow, leading to reduced gas exchange, reduced
oxygenation, pulmonary tissue hypoxia, decreased perfusion, and potential death" (Ignatavicius &
Workman, 2016); that's to name some factors that are affecting my patient. As the emboli disrupts
oxygenation and causes hypoxia, seeing how the treatment of O2 and Heparin were significant to
my patient was
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The Effects Of Training On Elite Endurance Athletes
DuFour et al. (2006) conducted a study on the effects of training in normobaric hypoxia
intermittently and how it affected two performance measures in elite endurance athletes. Eighteen
subjects were used to test the effects of intermittent normobaric hypoxia training in comparison to
standard training protocols in normoxic environments. The subjects were divided into two groups.
Prior to training all subjects were tested for first and second ventilatory thresholds (in normoxic and
hypoxic conditions respectively), VO2max in a normoxic environment and time to exhaustion in a
normoxic environment. Subjects performed two high–intensity training sessions above their
predetermined second ventilatory threshold per week for a six week training ... Show more content
on ...
The first group (n=7) performed training in a normoxic environment (fraction of inspired oxygen =
20.9%) and the second group (n=8) performed the same protocol in a normobaric hypoxic (fraction
of inspired oxygen = 14.5%) environment. Following the 6 week training protocol all measures were
tested again and a second muscle biopsy was collected. The results of this study showed an increase
in VO2max and time to exhaustion. The tested biopsies post training showed an unchanged
oxidative capacity, but a shift in mitochondrial regulation occurred. This study suggests that
intermittent normobaric training in hypoxia supports a more efficient mitochondrial integration
between the supply of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and the demand for it by the skeletal muscle
cells. This would suggest improvement in anaerobic performance via an increase in ADP
phosphorylation speed within the muscle making ATP more readily available post hypoxic training.
An additional follow up study conducted by Zoll et al. (2006) used the same training protocol once
more on 15 male long distance runners. This particular study dubbed this training protocol "Training
High, Living Low" despite the lack of atmospheric pressure change. The subjects were divided into
two groups. Prior to training all subjects were tested for first and second ventilatory thresholds (in
normoxic and hypoxic conditions
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Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Essay
One World Essay: Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico
Scientific Reasoning:
The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is a human problem, like most other disasters. What this means
is that once the place thrived and was ecologically balanced, but we tipped the balance slightly and
wrecked havoc upon the environment. It has been noted to occur since the 1950's and is ongoing.
The reason that this dead zone occurs is because of a phenomenon known as eutrophication.
Eutrophication is when there is an excessive amount of nutrients in a body of water and it causes an
abundance of plants to grow. In this case the nearby farms had been using nitrogen in their
fertilizers. The nitrogen got carried into the ocean through rain and other forms of ... Show more
content on ...
Some species might thrive in conditions that other struggle to survive. For example some predators
might need more oxygen then a smaller prey. With less predators being around, there is a huge burst
in prey, which can eat up all of the bacteria. When the bacteria all die, the prey can't find any food
and all die out. This causes a very unreliable food chain and can be dangerous to live in. In hypoxic
zones what tends to happen is that marine life such as fish or shrimp die out quickly while the
smaller organisms live. This causes whole species to die out leaving a dominance of gelatinous
creatures such as jellyfish to thrive in. Economic Problems:
There are many economical problems due to the dead zone ranging from fisheries going out of
business to illnesses. The economical problems have paid their toll on nearby fishers whom in total
have paid over 10 billion US dollars to repair the problem. Sadly though, no matter how much they
pay, the problem is still on going. The gulf's massive fishing industry is trying to focus its efforts on
the parts that have been affected in an attempt to save their sea. According to many sources, EPA
views this problem as unimportant and hasn't helped yet. The reason that it is so hard to come to an
agreement is because there is no solution that pleases everyone. Right now the farmers up north of
the gulf are having an easy time because of easy and cheap waste disposal while downstream the
fishers are
... Get more on ...
Ocean Dead Zone Essay
The purpose of this research paper is to make more people aware of ocean dead zones and how they
can not only affect the marine oasis, but how the can affect us as humans also.
Dead zones are a more common term for the word hypoxia, which means lower or reduced levels in
the water. Dead zones are areas in oceans and lakes where the oxygen levels are low, too low for
most organisms to survive in them. Dead zones are so because of a process called eutrophication.
Eutrophication happens when a body of water gets too many nutrients such as phosphorus and
nitrogen. These nutrients are fundamental in the growth of a group of single–celled organisms called
cyanobacteria, or blue–green algae. When the nutrients in the water are at a normal level,
cyanobacteria are normally produced. When the water is overloaded with those same nutrients,
however, it can be very harmful. Human interaction is the main reason why these nutrients are being
washed up into the oceans. Therefore, dead zones are primarily located near inhabited coastlines.
These nutrients end up in our air, water, and soil. Humans and their daily activities emit twice as
much nitrogen and three times as much phosphorus as natural emissions. Eutrophication also
depends on the region you are in. Developed countries excessively use cow manure and other
commercial fertilizers, which are the main causes of eutrophication there. The runoff from farms
and agricultural sites enter creeks and bays due to rain or irrigation, in
... Get more on ...
Broad-Scale Effects Of Hypoxia
Broad–scale effects of Hypoxia on benthic community structure in Chesapeake Bay, USA Hypoxia
defines as oxygen deficiency that had influence benthic communities through time. In broad–scale
effects of hypoxia it had studied that it has positive and negative result in the ecosystem. Organisms
living near the seabed commonly called benthic organism mostly depends nutrients from inorganic
material such as oxygen. Critical decrease of oxygen may lead to the alteration of benthic density,
biomass and diversity. In Chesapeake Bay, USA, hypoxia is typically a summer phenomenon
according to Seitz due to the runoff, sinking of algal blooms, high benthic respiration and
stratification of water. Severity decrease of oxygen leads to hypoxic stress wherein flux in the
ecosystem levels were observed. Though main effects are adverse such as reduction of benthic
species abundance and biomass it also attributes a change in behavioral response of benthic
organism, that are either ... Show more content on ...
However this study provides evidences that test species mortality in a hypoxic area depends on the
species–specific tolerance that provide that not all species immediately die rather some still persist
in months. Also additional evidences for hypoxia or oxygen deficiency found out that it can alter
food web and can made organism susceptible for predation due to the migration process as natural
behavioral response of benthic organisms. Therefore this study is a good research study case
because it informs contradicting effect of hypoxia that is decrease of dissolve oxygen in water does
not always have negative effects rather it has an opposite effect in the global
... Get more on ...

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Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1

  • 1. Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Hypoxia inducible factor–1β is the beta subunit of a heterodimeric transcription factor HIF–1, which is identical to the formerly discovered aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) (Déry et al., 2005; Hankinson, 1995) that commonly forms a heterodimeric transcription factor complex with aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). The complex binds to the xenobiotic response elements (XREs) which are capable of upregulating the genes encoding xenobiotic metabolising enzymes such as CYP1B1 and CYP1A2 (Eltom et al., 1999; Quattrochi et al., 1994). Reduction in cellular oxygen tension results in the increased stability of the αβ heterodimer HIF–1, which activates the genes involved in cellular adaptations of hypoxia as previously described (Essop, 2007; Kaelin & Ratcliffe, 2008; Ke & Costa, 2006; Salceda & Caro, 1997; Semenza & Wang, 1992). 1.2. Overview of HAND1 Transcription factors of the bHLH family have a diverse set of regulatory factors which are linked to the induction and progression of cell differentiation as ... Show more content on ... The fetal heart is capable of maintaining development under oxygen deficient conditions, which result from the metabolic flexibility of the heart to predominantly generate ATP from the oxygen– sparing glucose oxidative and glycolysis pathway (Breckenridge et al., 2013). After birth, neonates are exposed to an abundant oxygen environment that results in the ability to generate ATP predominantly from fatty acid metabolism. However, in heart failure patients, this phenomenon is reversed to the fetal preferred glycolysis pathway, and HAND1 becomes more abundantly expressed in response to hypoxia, which is known to mediate the shift in substrate metabolism in favour of glucose for ATP by repressing key regulatory genes involved in cardiac fatty metabolism (Taegtmeyer et al., ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Neonatal Cerebral Hypoxia Ischemia ( Hi ) Remains A Major... Neonatal cerebral hypoxia–ischemia (HI) remains a major cause of death and neurological disability. Neural stem cells (NSCs) shows great promise in restoring HI–associated neurological tissue damage and hypothermia is reported to be beneficial for HI recovery in animal studies. We aimed to investigate whether mild hypothermia after neonatal cerebral hypoxia–ischemia (HI) could enhance the therapeutic effect of NSCs transplantation with a neonatal HI mouse model. Postnatal day 7 mice underwent right common carotid artery ligation followed by 1.5 h of hypoxia. After HI, these mice underwent different treatments with hypothermia, NSCs transplantation, or both. Animals were sacrificed at 24, 48, 72 h and 1, 2, 4 week after the HI. The numbers of apoptotic cells, survived, and differentiated grafted cells were counted. The levels of caspase–3 and NF–κB protein were analyzed. And the restoration of sensorimotor and behavioral functions of HI mice was assessed. We found caspase–3–dependent apoptosis and inflammation were significantly lower in the NSCs+hypothermia group. Meanwhile, transplanted cells survived and differentiated better in the NSCs+hypothermia group, and animals of this group exhibited enhanced functional recovery in sensorimotor and behavioral tests. These observations suggest that mild hypothermia enhances the therapeutic effect of NSCs in HI mice through protecting grafted cells, suppressing apoptosis, and attenuating NF–κB signaling. Keywords: neonatal cerebral ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Effects Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons On The... What are the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the organ systems of aquatic invertebrates? A study in Biology Dusty Vincer, Advisor by Shruti Gajbhiye During the recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill, millions of gallons of oil were dispersed in the Gulf of Mexico in the same area known as the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone. The hypoxic zone along the Gulf Coast contains less than the normal amount of dissolved oxygen, at two parts per million. The little to no oxygen is theorized to be caused by excess nutrients from the Mississippi River along with the stratification of the Gulf waters. The excess nutrients create a growth of primary consumers and when decomposing at the bottom, uses the oxygen. The layering of the water does not allow for the water to mix the top and bottom layers, leaving a lack of oxygen at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone and an oxygen–plenty top layer. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the petroleum, generally accepted to have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, and are mainly from anthropogenic sources and are considered environmental pollutants. The nonpolar organic molecular are insoluble in the water, and are considered to be of utmost importance in terms of environmental hazards. The combination of the burning of petroleum on the top of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone created a deadly effect, as evidenced by the several deaths of animals and an unbalanced food web as secondary and tertiary consumers died ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Essay on Near-Drowning in Pediatric Patients Introduction There are an estimated 8,000 deaths per year in the United States from drowning. Near–drowning occurs anywhere from 2–20 times more frequently (for estimated 16,000–160,000 events per year)7. The definitions for drowning and near–drowning have for the longest time been very confusing to understand. Recent health officials have attempted to resolve some of this confusion by redefining drowning as "the process of experiencing respiratory insufficiency or difficulty following a submersion or immersion in a body of liquid." Near–drowning has also been redefined as "survival from a drowning event which involved impaired consciousness or water inhalation for 24 hours or more"2. Both near drowning and near–drowning occur when ... Show more content on ... In fact, studies suggest that one should be more focused on quantity5 rather than quality. Another misconception was that electrolyte imbalance occurred with all submersion events. Studies have since suggested that a significant amount of water must be aspirated (>11 ml/kg of actual body weight) before electrolyte imbalance occurs and intervention is needed. Another misconception is that people 'fill' their lungs during a submersion event, and that they can't breathe because of all this extra fluid. This is not true at all. In fact, postmortem studies suggest that most submersion victims aspirate small amounts (~4 mL/kg or less)4. Pathophysiology While research suggests there is no significant difference between salt or fresh water aspiration, aspiration of 1–3 ml/kg, regardless of type, will result in destroyed pulmonary surfactant. Destroyed pulmonary surfactant causes "atelectasis, non–cardiogenic pulmonary edema, intrapulmonary shunting, and ventilation–perfusion mismatching"1. This long list of post–aspiration complications leads to respiratory acidosis and hypoxia. Failure to intervene quickly, especially in our pediatric patients, leads to "cardiovascular collapse, neurological injury, and ultimately death"1. Another important thing to consider is gastric aspiration. While the patient is panicking to resurface, gasping for air, they generally swallow a large amount of water. During ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Abstract. Objectives: To Highlight The Importance Of Cord Abstract Objectives: To highlight the importance of cord blood S100B protein in neonatal hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) Subjects and Methods: This study included 60 asphyxiated newborns and 40 matched controls. Blood samples were collected from all neonates and values of S100B protein were determined using enzyme–linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Results: The mean serum level of S100B protein was significantly higher in asphyxiated group than the control group with a significant correlation between increased S100B protein level and severity of HIE among patients. We found that at the cutoff level of serum S100B protein 0.44µg/l, sensitivity 97%, specificity91%, an accuracy of predicting neonatal asphyxia 94% with ... Show more content on ... In 1976 Sarnat and Sarnat carried out a score, the Sarnat score, which was a combination of neurological symptoms as described above and the accompanying electro–encephalographic (EEG) features. This score was, in fact, a grading of the severity of the encephalopathy. It contains three stages, hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) stage 1, HIE stage 2 and HIE stage 3, the latest the most severe stage of encephalopathy. The most severely affected infants typically progress from stage 1 to 3 [7,8]. The S100B protein is produced and released primarily by astrocytes in the CNS where it has trophic functions on neurons and the glia. Many molecules are asigned a role as markers of neurological injury in cases of HIE. Glutamate, aspartate, lactate, ammonia, creatinine, specific kinase, NSE (neuron specific enolase) and other substances have been studied in serum, umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) [9]. Previous studies that measured the concentration of S100B in the CSF and blood have shown a direct relationship with brain injury [10]. The aim of this study was to highlight the importance of cord blood S100B protein in the diagnosis of neonatal HIE and determination of its severity. Patients and Methods This cross–sectional study is conducted on 60 asphyxiated full–term neonates delivered in El Shohadaa Central Hospital and Shebeen El Kom teaching Hospital in the period ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Explain The Four Stages Of Hypoxia The stages of hypoxia Hypoxia is simply a lack of oxygen at the tissue level of the body due to a decreased partial pressure of oxygen in the inspired air. Hypoxia is serious, because it may lead to death.(2) There are four stages of hypoxia.(1) The amount of time spent in any one of these four stages may vary, and each patient and provider is likely to respond differently to the same conditions.(1) The four stage of hypoxia are Asymptomatic, Compensatory, Deterioration, and Criticial. The first stage is Indifferent or asymptomatic. This stage happens at altitude between 0 to 5000 ft.(3) In this stage the person may not know if there is a problem or not.(2) The effects of this stage are losing of night vision and losing of the ... Show more content on ... The altitude that this stage could happen in is between 5000 to 11400 ft.(3) "The body generally has the ability to stave off further effects of hypoxia by increasing the rate and depth of ventilation and cardiac output ".(1) The respiration rate, blood pressure, and the heart rate can rise up in this stage. (2) the arterial oxygen saturations in this stage is between 80 and 90 percent.(1) The third stage is deterioration or disturbance. This stage altitude is between 11400 to 20000ft.(3) In this stage obvious symptoms is begin, but not everyone can recognize the symptoms of this stage. (1) (2) And there is some of these symptoms shortness of breath/air hunger, incoordination, cyanosis, difficulty with simple tasks, drowsiness, diminished vision, headache, tingling, euphoria, numbness, aggression, hot/cold flashes, and poor judgement.(1) The arterial oxygen saturations in this phase is between 70 to 80 percent.(10) The last stage is criticial and the altitude of this stage is above 18000 ft.(3) This stage is terminal stage that leading to death.(1) In this stage the people will lose consciousness, stop breathing, and finally die.(1) Arterial oxygen saturations in this stage is less than 70 ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Essay about Hypoxia and Aviation Hypoxia and Aviation Outline/Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Literature Review 4 2.1 Hypoxia and Flying 4 2.2 Pressurized Atmosphere and Hypoxia 7 3. Methodology 10 4. Analysis/Discussion 11 5. Conclusion 15 6. Recommendations 16 7. Reference List 17 1. Introduction The paper presents a review, analysis and a study on hypoxia faced by pilots at higher altitudes. The problems faced by pilots of commercial flights and the ways and means of dealing with them with the use of technology used in military planes will be the point of discussion and focus. The usage of technology that minimize the conditions of hypoxia at higher altitudes and reduction of its ... Show more content on ... It is necessary to know about the variation of effects of hypoxia if any on the persons depending on their age and sex. As the effects of hypoxia may or may not present for a long–time, it is necessary to conduct tests on the pilots regarding hypoxia for each flight or in some airlines, they test pilots for the effects of hypoxia before each flight (Sharma L: 2007) so that necessary medication could be given. However, according to Good W.A (1991, 104) the performance of the pilots might be degraded with 'both prescribed and over the counter medications as well as by the medical conditions for which they are taken' (Good W.A; 1991, 104). Normally, the medicines of hypoxia are sedative, tranquilizer or antihistamine. These medicines make a pilot 'much more susceptible to hypoxia' (Good W.A; 1991, 104) and hence it is necessary for the pilots to minimize the use of over the counter medicines. In addition to the above precautions alcohol can impair the pilot even many hours after its consumption and digestion due to hangover. The impairment of pilot may cause flight accidents and some of the major accidents give ground to the argument that hypoxia may be the reason for the inability that caused ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. The For A Jubilee During The Sizzling Summer Months As the calm brackish waters lapse onto the shores of Point Clear to Daphne, many people are hopeful for a Jubilee during the sizzling summer months. The neighbors of this community always alert one another to the sound of bells ringing and the eager cries of "Jubilee!" Everyone will come rushing down to the shore with their laundry baskets, gigs, nets, sacks, and almost anything you can imagine in order to gather an abundant supply of seafood. This natural phenomenon has only been known to occur regularly in Mobile, Alabama, and also across the world in Tokyo, Japan, which testifies to its rarity. A Jubilee occurs when coincidental conditions in the bay result in disoriented deep–sea animals such as flounders, shrimps, crabs, and other sea creature are driven to the shallow waters and into the nets of Mobile fishermen. The term Jubilee is often defined as "A season of rejoice." The term seems to be so positive; however, this event could potentially be harmful to the fish. Let us first begin with the history of Jubilees. Records of the events have been recorded in early newspapers and by memory of a few old–timers. According to the article "Extensive Oxygen Depletion in Mobile Bay, Alabama" written by Edwin B. May, it is difficult to search for records of these incidents because the term "Jubilee" was not applied to this natural phenomenon until the early 1900s. The earliest account of a Jubilee was found in The Daily Register in Mobile on July 17, 1876; however, even then ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Hypoxia-mediated Selection of Cells with Diminished... Cancer: Necrosis vs. Apoptosis Cancer is the second leading cause of death in humans. A cancer cell is a cell that has mutated from its original form and will often grow at a more rapid rate than normal. The body has built certain mechanisms to protect itself from these types of cells. One of the physiological processes the body uses to kill off these cells is apoptosis. Apoptosis is sometimes called "cell suicide". When the body detects that a cell's DNA has mutated and cannot be repaired, the cell will somehow trigger itself to self destruct. Up until 1972, scientists hadn't really looked carefully at how cells die. Once they did, it was apparent that two things could happen: necrosis or apoptosis. Necrosis was the term used to ... Show more content on ... Bcl–2 also seems to play a role in this process. Cells that seem to have an over expression of bcl–2 are also resistant to to going through apoptosis. Because the over–expression of bcl–2 inhibits apoptosis, it is said to be an apoptotic suppressor protein, whereas p53 can be an apoptosis– promoting gene. Hypoxia The article then looks at the role, in solid tumours, of areas of low oxygen (hypoxia) in selecting for those cells that have mutations in the p53 tumour supressing gene. A common feature inside solid tumours is hypoxia and an increase of cell death. This happens because often the rate of growth in a solid tumour outstrips the supply of oxygen to the cells. The normal reaction of a group of cells, expressing the normal p53 gene, when exposed to an hypoxic region, is an increase in the rate of apoptosis. However, in a solid tumour there are many cells with many different types of mutations. In the battle against solid tumours, some tumours resistant to treatment have cropped up. The article takes a look at the role of hypoxia possibly selecting for those cells resistant to apoptosis. Rate of Apoptosis Using the cells of mice the authors selected cells that expressed the normal p53 gene and those that lacked the expression of p53 (p53 deficient). They then went through a series of tests trying to determine the effects of low oxygen on the rate of cell death in the different cells. In the ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Body Synthesis Essay Introduction Carbon monoxide (CO) is a tasteless, odorless, and colorless toxic gas that is produced primarily as a result of incomplete combustion of carbon material. Due to humans inability to perceive this gas CO it is commonly referred to as 'silent killer.' Inhalation of CO is the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States. Excluding deaths caused by fires, there are around 2,700 deaths as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning annually. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that around 450 deaths are caused by accidental CO toxicity every year. While the total number of deaths seems low, an estimated 50,000 people in America visit the emergency hospital departments showing signs of CO poisoning. Exposure to CO results ... Show more content on ... It causes death by the CO binding rapidly to the haemoglobin (Hb) resulting in the carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) formation. As a result, the blood's oxygen carrying capacity is reduced leading to tissue hypoxia (Chand–Meena, 2014). The presence of COHb changes the Hb's oxygen affinity by altering oxyhemoglobin dissociation reducing the oxygen delivered to the tissues, leading to tissue hypoxia. More importantly, other oxygen–carrying hemeproteins such as cytochrome P– 450, myoglobin, and cytochrome c oxidase also compete with oxygen for binding sites (Caughey, 1970). It has been demonstrated that cytochrome oxidase oxygen affinity causes impairment of mitochondrial respiration. Even though the level of COHb is a vital clinical measure of carbon monoxide exposure, the most crucial mechanism by which carbon monoxide causes toxicity is its combination with cytochrome oxidase. In addition, carbon monoxide may produce toxicity by binding to myoglobin causing impairment of the cardiac output and leading to cerebral ischemia. The dissociation of carboxymyoglobin is slower compared to COHb because of CO's increased affinity for myoglobin (Myers, Linberg, & Cowley, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Impact of Hypoxia on the Way We Exercise Intro Introduction A number of environmental conditions can impact the way we exercise. Environmental elements can have a huge impact on the performance of exercise, especially during prolonged submaximal exercise (Hayashi et al, 2005). For example, in situations where hypoxia is an issue, they can have a detrimental impact on the physiology of aerobic organisms, including humans. Hypoxia can occur in a number of environmental situations and has a variety of effects on aerobic organisms. It is essentially the situation where the air has a reduction in the oxygen content, which can have an obvious detrimental impact on human and animals in situations where exercise would require more oxygen in the air (Fan et al., 2008). Hypoxia has a serious impact on the physiology of the human body and its wide variety of functioning. A study conducted by Fan et al. (2008) illustrated that hypoxia can even have an impact on antioxidant enzymes and glutathione, showing its potential to negatively affect humans, both as they exercise and as they are at rest. Still, the relationship between the presence of hypoxia and what it does to the human body in physiological terms is not as well understood as many scientists in the field with hope. The purpose of this current research is to further explore hypoxia's impact on the human body during bouts of submaximal exercise. This study uses an experiment to empirically test and evaluate the impact of hypoxia on this type of exercise. Thus, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Hypoxia: Procedures Don Oxygen HYPOXIA Introduction Hypoxia is simply a lack of oxygen at the tissue level of the body due to a decreased partial pressure of oxygen in the inspired air. Hypoxia is serious, because it may lead to death. Diseases of the blood, the heart and circulation, and the lungs may all produce some form of hypoxia. There are four types of hypoxia: (1) the hypoxic type, in which the oxygen pressure in the blood going to the tissues is too low to saturate the haemoglobin; (2) the anaemic type, in which the amount of functional haemoglobin is too small, and hence the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen is too low; (3) the stagnant type, in which the blood is or may be normal but the flow of blood to the tissues is reduced; and (4) the ... Show more content on ... [f] Heart disease – some types of heart disease, particularly congenital, result in poor oxygenation of the blood. This will be aggravated by increased altitude. [g] Anaemia – in this condition there is a decrease in the amount of haemoglobin available to carry oxygen to the tissues. Any decrease in oxygen availability soon leads to hypoxia.2 Symptoms and signs of hypoxia The first signs include both mental and physical effects. Mentally there can be a loss of judgement, self–criticism and short–term memory. This can be accompanied by an increase in reaction time and a kind of mental "tunnel vision". Euphoric may be also experienced by the flight crew. The physical effects include muscular incoordination and an impairment of colour, night and peripheral vision. Hearing also deteriorates. Flight crew may experience hot flushes and turn bluish at the extremities (cyanosis). Rapid breathing or hyperventilation is one of the early physical signs. But because hypoxia impairs judgement, flight crew may not notice loss of vision and hearing or other physical or mental signs. Simple tasks become extraordinarily difficult and performance fails. As hypoxia continues, he or she would become semiconscious. After he or she lose consciousness entirely, he or she has only minutes to live, depending on the altitude. There are many factors which affect the tolerance to hypoxia. The faster the rate of ascent, the quicker the onset. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Hypoxia Case Study Potentiating innate immune signaling pathways by stabilizing Hypoxia–inducible factor Bacterial infections are often associated with hypoxic conditions which can stimulate the inflammatory response and improve infection clearance (76). The host response to hypoxic conditions is regulated at the transcriptional level by hypoxia–inducible factor (HIF). HIF–1 heterodimerizes with one of two HIF–α isoforms (HIF–1α and HIF–2α) and drives the expression of pro–inflammatory cytokines that mediate macrophage aggregation, invasion, and motility. The stability of HIF–α subunits is regulated by oxygen availability. Under normoxia conditions, prolylhydroxylases hydroxylates HIF–α and marks it for proteasomal degradation in a process mediated by von ... Show more content on ... However, an imbalance in the production and elimination of ROS is associated with human diseases (68). ROS molecules are produced by the host enzyme NADPH oxidase (NOX). Seven NOX homologues are encoded in the human genome. NOX2 (otherwise known as gp91Phox) is the best– characterized family member in terms of its regulation. Gp91Phox is the catalytic unit of this multicomponent oxidase whereas p22Phox, p40Phox, p47Phox, p67Phox and the small GTPase RAC are regulatory subunits. Exposure of cells to pathogens triggers the assembly of cytosolic regulatory subunit (p40Phox, p47Phox, p67Phox and RAC) with transmembrane protein complex formed by gp91Phox and p22Phox (47). NOX2 mediates the transfer of an electron from NADPH to O2, forming the superoxide radical (O2̇ ˉ) (47). The superoxide radical is converted to hydrogen peroxide by superoxide dismutase. In the phagolysosome of neutrophils, myeloperoxidase (MPO) catalyzes the generation of hypochlorite (HOCl) from hydrogen peroxide. HOCl dramatically enhances the microbicidal activity of hydrogen peroxide (92). Pro–inflammatory cytokines such as IL–1 and TNF–α upregulate the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which produces nitric oxide from the amino acid L–arginine. Nitric oxide reacts with superoxide to generate peroxynitrite (OONO–), a potent nitrating agent and oxidant (Figure 2D) (31). Both RNS and ROS ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Cardiac Adaptation For Chronic Hypoxia The stabilised HIF–1α translocates to the cell nucleus from the cytoplasm and dimerise with ARNT to form the HIF–1 heterodimer. The abundance of the HIF–1 transcription factor in the nucleus alters the affinity of the promoter region by binding to the RNA polymerase II. The formation of the HIF–1 activates the promoter region of its target genes (figure 3), inducing their expression (Chilov et al., 1999) that results in greater glucose uptake and lactate efflux, reduction in mitochondrial respiration and increased blood flow through the vessels, which augments oxygen and energy delivery to the heart and maintaining cardiac function. These observations demonstrate that the constitutively expressed ARNT and HIF–1α accumulation are the ... Show more content on ... In this case, cardiac adaptation offers the cardiac protection to all the major deleterious consequences of acute oxygen deficiency. Furthermore, other adaptive responses to chronic hypoxic adaptations include hypertrophy of the right ventricle and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension as a result of pressure–overload and vasoconstriction that could lead to congestive heart failure during severe hypoxia (Sano et al., 2007). Since fetal environment corresponds to ~8000m altitude, prenatal defense to hypoxia consists of a long–term adaptation to limited intrauterine oxygen supply (Singer, 1999). Hence, the immature heart is more resistant to hypoxia as opposed to the adult myocardium, which may explain the significantly lower MI incidences during early ontogenetic development. In adults, cardiomyocytes are particularly susceptible to low oxygen supply and consequently hypoxia–induced cell death, whereas fetal cardiomyocytes are much more adapted (Breckenridge et al., 2013). Of all the stress that the fetus encounters, hypoxia may be the most common that affect the homeostasis of an organism, and perhaps the most clinically relevant (Malhotra et al., 1999). 2.1.3. ARNT in cardiovascular diseases Chronic exposure of mice to hypoxia induces a major remodelling of the vasculature. The right ventricle of the heart undergoes hypertrophy, pulmonary arteries thickened as a result of increased right ventricular pressure, reduced lumen diameter and increased blood ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. How Does The Baclofen Pump Be Successful At Helping Anyone... Imagine you know someone with Cerebral Palsy. This could be someone who has a hard time hearing or even communicating with others. On a regular day for a child who has Cerebral Palsy may not always be able to do what other children or adults do in their ordinary life. For example, Cerebral Palsy children may not be able to walk like a regular person, or ride a bike like a regular child. In order to control Cerebral Palsy there are multiple treatments such as the baclofen pump. This treatment is more likely to be successful, rather than the Botox injections and phenol blocks. It has been proven that the baclofen pump is more likely to be successful at helping anyone with Cerebral Palsy. Although, there are several different types and causes of Cerebral Palsy that someone could develop. These causes are Terminology, Dysgensis, Periventricular Leukomalacia, and Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopath. I will be explaining each and every one of them more in detail. With these causes, there are different treatments that could be used to treat the causes. These causes include Botox Injections, Phenol Blocks, Baclofen Orally, and Intrathecal Baclofen. Later on, I will be explaining the pro's and con's of each one. The word "cerebral" means the brain and the word "palsy" means muscle weakness and poor control. Children or adults can be born with Cerebral Palsy or might be diagnosed later in life. The disorder may occur during the woman's pregnancy, child's birth, or after the child ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Research Paper On Hypoxia Last several years, hypoxia gets into more and more countries. China also is the one of them. Let me explain what hypoxia is, hypoxia is a pierce of area has less oxygen and maybe more carbon dioxide. Hypoxia can make person death and it can make many body issues too. Hypoxia is an international issue in the world. Many famous scientists want to solve this trouble for a few years. However, hypoxia has three difference types of makes trouble about pollution. The coastal place has placed huge segmental pressures on coastal ecosystems. Human actions destroy natural habitats. This effect, the effect of hypoxia has been the most basic environmental. This essay explains what is hypoxia and what causer hypoxia, also this essay can help you know what hypoxia situation in China. For example, air pollution, water pollution and pressure pollution. Now, this essay will be talking about water pollution. Before we talk about water pollution, we will know what hypoxia exactly means. Next we will have a deeply impression for hypoxia. The economic and population growth, much of it coast l place. First of all, hypoxia is not a word difficult to known. Hypoxia is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of ... Show more content on ... Never used be filter contains high concentrations of organic matter and when it is discharged to a stream or a lake. The water hypoxia is about Hypoxia caused many problems; significant effected many company included marine economy, tourist trade and fishery. Tai Lake which found in the southern of Jiang Su province may be the third biggest lake in China has usually in hypoxia, it made fishery in Tai lake faced crisis. For instance, in 2007 the beginning of May, the hypoxia use Tai lake and spread quickly, it reduce Tai Lake's economy and this issue cost their government over 20 million dollar. That smell is not too good and many people were had a bad feeling for this coastal ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Red Blood Cell Hypoxia Hypoxia is a condition that is caused by the decrease in oxygen pressure, insufficient oxygen transport, or when tissues are physiologically incapable of making use of the oxygen supplied to them. Hypoxia occurs in the tissues and brain and cumulates to impaired cognitive functions. The ability to maintain homeostasis and oxygen levels is an essential part of survival for all vertebrates. Various physiological systems have evolved to assure every cell in an organism receives optimal oxygenation. Hypoxia emerged as physiological structures used for oxygen delivery such as erythrocytes evolved. Anoxia is the extreme type of hypoxia that manifests when the body is without oxygen leaving the tissues and brain torpid. Hypoxia can manifest in five different forms: Pemic, Hypoxemic, ... Show more content on ... Extended exposure to hypoxic conditions can cause elevated RBC count; a condition called Polycythemia. The elevation in the production of red blood cell is a consequence of renal failure that affects the kidney. This results in the kidney producing a enythrogenin into the blood stream. This produces erythropoietinogen; a plasma protein reaction which produces erythropoietin. This activates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. Hypoxia can seriously defect the brains respiratory region. Any sort of loss of oxygen to any area of the brain can cause irreversible damage and lead to unconsciousness. When there is a shortage of oxygen supply to the brains respiratory region, it causes the integrating center to trigger an increase in the breathing rate of the organism. At any point, if an organism is to become starved of oxygen, the brain cells undergo apoptosis. This paper will address hypoxia, variations in hemoglobin of marine mammals vs. terrestrial mammals, bends and the mechanisms used by diving marine mammals to avoid them and how these animals work to deal with the issues of depth and deep ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and Around the World Essay Introduction During the summers the oxygen content atop the water normally has a salinity level consistent with "more than 8 milligrams per liter"; but when oxygen content drops down to "less than 2 milligrams per liter" the water is then known to be in hypoxic state (CENR, 2000; USGS, 2006). Hypoxia is the result of oxygen levels decreasing to the point where aquatic organisms can no longer survive in the water column. Organisms such as fish, shrimps, and crabs are capable to evacuate the area but the fauna that cannot move either become stress and/or die. Due to this, many call the hypoxia zone the "dead zone" (Overview, 2008; USGS, 2006). Because of farm fertilizer, an excess quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus can be wash down ... Show more content on ... The Black Sea is 90% hypoxic, which causes a collapse of the benthos and mass mortality of valuable bottom–dwelling fish like turbot and flounder. In the Baltic Sea, a branch between Denmark and Sweden called Kattegat, Norwegian lobster fishing was eliminating (Joyce, 2000). In 1972, the first documentation of hypoxia was recorded for the northern Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. Then in 1985, 26 years ago, monitoring the Gulf of Mexico's dead zone began with funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service and has shown on record the largest of all occurred just under 10 years in 2002. At that time, oxygen levels were so low it affected 8,400 square miles, which is about the size as the "state of Massachusetts" according to More recently due to the unfortunate oil spill in April 2010, the already existing water problems mixing with the oil triggered a world–class "dead zone," which expanded in size and severity throughout the summer according to Troubled Waters of the Gulf of Mexico, a lecture given by Nancy Rabalais in March 2011. Then in June 2011, supported by NOAA, according to marine scientists, a prediction of a "record–setting dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico was expected due to "the rise in nutrient runoff from the Mississippi floods" (Reed, 2011). Over the last 150 years, scientists have found three different ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Hypoxia in the East China Sea: One of the Largest Coastal... .niatrep lanruoj eht ot ylppa taht sremialcsid lagel lla dna ,tnetnoc eht tceffa dluoc hcihw derevocsid eb yam srorre ssecorp noitcudorp eht gnirud taht eton esaelP .mrof lanif sti ni dehsilbup si ti erofeb foorp gnitluser eht fo weiver dna ,gnittesepyt ,gnitideypoc ogrednu lliw tpircsunam ehT .tpircsunam eht fo noisrev ylrae siht gnidivorp era ew sremotsuc ruo ot ecivres a sA .noitacilbup rof detpecca neeb sah taht tpircsunam detidenu na fo elif FDP a si sihT peer–00562971, version 1 – 4 Feb 2011 700.10.7002 .servneram.j/6101.01 :iod ,)7002( hcraeseR latnemnorivnE eniraM ,dlrow eht ni saera negyxo–wol latsaoc tsegral eht fo eno :aeS anihC tsaE eht ni aixopyH ,.K–F ,haihS ,.C–G ,gnoG ,.C–C ,nehC :sa elcitra siht etic esaelP 7002 yraunaJ ... Show more content on ... Interestingly, hypoxia and anoxia have rarely been documented in the East China Sea (ECS) which is one of the largest continental shelves in the world (e.g., Li et al., 2002). Historically, the ECS has been one of the world's major fishing grounds, especially within 2 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT the Changjiang (Yangtze) River plume and its surrounding sea along China's coast. High fishery yield is normally supported by high primary production and abundant food sources from lower trophic levels (Caddy, 1993; Xu et al., 2004). Indeed, primary production can reach as high as 2079 mg C m–3 d–1 in the Changjiang River plume region, mostly induced by high rates of riverine nutrient supply (e.g., Gong et al., 2003; Gong et al., 2006). In the past two decades, the anthropogenic nutrient load (e.g. nitrates) exported from the Changjiang River into the ECS has increased over ten– fold, and there is continuous growth peer–00562971, version 1 – 4 Feb 2011 expected in the future (Yan et al., 2003; Li and Dag, 2004; Bouwman et al., 2005). Excess nutrients cause eutrophication and stimulate noxious and toxic algal blooms, which have been observed with increased frequently on the inner shelf off Changjiang River (Chen et al., 2003; Gao and Song, 2005; Zhu, 2005; Zhu et al., 2005). There are, however, few studies ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Saturation Level low, the oxygen in our body diffuses into tissues, allowing carbon dioxide in the blood (Pendleton, 2003). Blood leaving the lungs of a healthy person at sea level pressure has an oxygen saturation level of 97 %. The saturation level will drop to 90% at approximately 10,000 feet. Folks in the medical industry consider an O2 saturation level below 93 % unhealthy. If an aircrew reacts slowly after an airplane depressurize at or above 25,000 feet, there's a possibility that the crew would become unconscious. At that altitude the O2 saturation level is 55%. Prudent pilots that are aware of aeromedical factors, fly with a pulse oximeter that clip onto the finger to measure their oxygen saturation level. Some pilots call it a "hypoxia meter" (Pendleton, ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Effect of Pollution on the Distribution of Organisms... The Effect of Pollution on the Distribution of Organisms Along the River Roding System Method Equipment Pond net Tray Pots and lids Spoons Hand lens Wellington boots Specimen Pots Freshwater Invertebrate Key Scrap Paper (note pad) Gloves Tape to cover cuts Pencil I investigated how the quality, amount of dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphates and the temperature of the water in the River Roding System affected the distribution of organisms in the river. I chose six suitable sites along the river Roding System: Furze Ground, Pyrles Brook, Debdon Brook Downstream, River Roding Upstream, River Roding Middle Stream, and River ... Show more
  • 42. content on ... We waited 1 minute. The colour on the pad was compared with the colour chart to see the nitrate level. The nitrate level was recorded. Then a phosphate test was carried out. Firstly 5ml of the water from the river was placed in a container. There were two reagents. 5 drops of reagent 1 and 1 micro spoon of reagent 2 was added to the water. The lid was replaced and the container was shaken. We waited 2 minutes and took the lid off. The colour of the mixture was compared with the colour chart and the phosphate content was recorded. Then the oxygen test was carried out. The meter was set for air and the probe was placed in the air. His was set as 100%. The probe was then placed in the river and the reading went down or up comparing its oxygen content with the oxygen in the air. Finally the temperature of the water was measured. This was done using a thermometer. At each sight we also noted down descriptions of the site e.g. the surrounding land use, the cleanliness of the water, the depth and width of the river. This was done so that the pollution of the river could be explained. Safety While doing the freshwater fieldwork there were a few safety hazards. There was a chance of infection occurring e.g. Weils Disease. Therefore I had to take precautions: 1) small cuts covered with tape, 2) gloves worn, 3) no eating or drinking in the field, 4) no fooling ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Effects Of Hypoxia On The World HYPOXIA: DEAD ZONES IN THE OCEANS! "Hypoxia Is The Term Used When There Is A Deficiency In A Biotic Environment". The Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone is an extensive area of water that is low in oxygen, a condition known as "hypoxia" and in this way can 't bolster life. No man 's lands like this happen along a large portion of the world 's coastlines. PLAN OF MY MAIN TOPICs AND SUBTOPICs: Following are the sequence of order in which I will present my video presentation or power–point presentation for the final project. MAIN TOPIC#1:– Understanding Dead Zones in the Oceans I believe to purpose a solution to any problem; we must understand the problem first. So in beginning of my project presentation I will explain what my topic mean is and how it is affecting the world? The text below is some information I have collected regarding this section. Hypoxic zones are regions in the sea of such low oxygen fixation that creature life suffocates and bites the dust, and subsequently are in some cases called "DEAD ZONES." One of the biggest no dead frames in the Gulf of Mexico each spring. Every spring as agriculturists treat their territories get ready for product season, rain washes manure off the land and into streams and waterways. (IN ORDER TO FIND THE SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND– WHAT IS DEAD ZONE AND WHAT IS THE CAUSE?) 1. What is dead zone? Dead Zones are regions of vast waterways–ordinarily in the sea additionally at times in lakes and even streams–that don 't ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Dead Zone: Hypoxia In The Gulf Of Mexico According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, a dead zone is "an area of water (as in a lake or ocean) in which the level of dissolved oxygen is so depleted (as by the decay of an algal bloom) that most life cannot be sustained"("Dead Zone"). In the Gulf of Mexico, between the time of Spring and Summer, a dead zone or hypoxic zone occurs off the coast. Although this can occur naturally around the world, on the coast of Gulf of Mexico the large size affected is result of anthropogenic interference of city sewage dump and farmland run off. Another term used to describe an area deficient in oxygen is known as hypoxia. A few things that may cause hypoxia in an area are: 1. freshwater runoff and nutrient going in a river, 2. an abundance on nutrients ... Show more content on ... "The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, which funded the scientists' research, estimates that the dead zone costs U.S. seafood and tourism industries $82 million a year. The impact could be devastating to the Gulf's seafood industry, which accounts for more than 40 percent of the nation's seafood. Louisiana is second in seafood production only to Alaska." (""). As a result of the hypoxic zone created, fish move further out into sea to avoid being trapped in the zone, causing fishermen to spend more time and money to acquire the usual catches. A more severe extent of what an anthropogenic dead zone can create bring threats to the drinking water, and form acid rain or smog. "The problem stems from both agricultural and urban run–off. Farmers use phosphorus and nitrates to grow their crops, which eventually find their way to the Mississippi River. Growing cities means more land under concrete and less soil for polluted water to soak into instead of becoming runoff. All these factors that have contributed to the dead zone can fortunately be fixed or improved."(""). Solutions to a problem for this dead zone would rely heavily on human acknowledgment and involvement. some of the solutions are: using friendly landscaping techniques that require less fertilizer, prevent soil erosion, leaving grass ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Tumor Hypoxia Essay Tumor hypoxia, a Common feature in 90% solid tumors like HCC is intricately associated with more malignancy, therapeutic resistance and poor patient survival 4. In order to survive under such reduced oxygen concentration, tumor cell adapts some transcriptional expression where Hypoxia– inducible factor (HIF) is a key transcriptional factor 31. HIF transcription factors (HIF–1 and HIF–2) act as heterodimers comprising an alpha and beta subunit. Under normoxic condition alpha subunit is unstable due to proteasomal degradation. But under hypoxia, stable alpha subunit moves to nucleus to dimerize with beta subunit. In cooperation with transcriptional coactivators this HIF heterodimer binds with hypoxia response element (HRE) and induces transcription of more than 60 HIF targeted gene. Regulation of these genes ... Show more content on ... Increased expression of angiogenesis marker, VEGF and metastasis marker, MMP–2 are associated with increased HIF–1α in HCC patient with lymph node metastasis (LNM) 34 where knockdown of HIF–1α repressed both VEGF and MMP–2 resulting decreased angiogenesis and metastasis respectively 35. HIF–1α is also involved in the regulation of gene expression during inflammation. Xia and coworkers demonstrated that by the induction of tumor necrosis factor–α (TNF–α), HIF–1α directly binds with Forkhead box M1 (FoxM1) promoter which is a proliferation specific transcription factor and subsequently promote HCC cell proliferation with apoptosis resistance 33. HIF–1α stabilization also fuels hypoxic solid tumor with survival potential through glycolysis by upregulating many enzymes of glycolysis pathway. For instance, Hypoxia stimulates HCC cellular growth through HIF–1α dependent induction of hexokinase 2 (HK2) enzyme. Inhibiting HK2 expression in a murine HCC model increased tumour cell apoptosis and limited tumour growth ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Suffocating The Ocean Hypoxia Oxygen Depleted Waters–Over the years there has been an increase in hypoxia and anoxia in different regions of the oceans. In other words the oceans are lacking or having no oxygen to support marine life. The oxygen depleted waters typically occur during early to late autumn. The rise in hypoxia and anoxia amongst the oceans have led to increased mortality in marine life. In the article Suffocating the Ocean by Moises Velasquez–Manoff it emphasized the result of oxygen loss, "In 2002 they began pulling in traps full of corpses". This shows how the lack of oxygen is causing the death rate to increase amongst marine animals. The waters are inhabitable due to the lack of oxygen making the atmosphere unable to support life. I feel that after ... Show more content on ... In other words Climate Change affects the environment and how we must take initiative to care for the environment. Climate Change created global warming thus rising sea levels and creating oxygen depleted regions in the oceans. People do not realize how this problem affect marine life and the environment. For Example, " It's been a large potential large problem that's generally been under appreciated". This shows how climate change is a problem that is only going to feed into the problems such as hypoxia/anoxia if people are not cognizant of the issue. Climate Change is causing many problems that people have to face such as rising sea levels, drought conditions, and hypoxic/anoxic sea regions. I feel that in order to combat the changes that are occurring in climate change we have to become aware of the importance of being educated on climate change. In the novel The Grapes of Wrath the Joads were impacted by the climate change because they were unable to produce crops and had to migrate to California in order to find success in the labor force. The Joads were tested mentally by the situation that they faced deciding whether or not to stay in the midwest. The affect of climate change is not paid attention to until natural disasters where people are displaced from their homes or living conditions change. Climate Change should be focused on more by ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. What Is Hypoxia? The human mind is a complex and delicate system that is affected by the smallest change in environment. Even the most conditioned of mindsets face difficulties when exposed to the extreme conditions of altitude. All it takes is 1,500 meters to impair a climbers reaction time, after 6,000 meters they will begin to experience hypoxia. Hypoxia is the condition in which a person's body tissue does not receive an adequate amount of oxygen. A combination of hypoxia and the effects of sleep deprivation can be misleading and even deadly in dire situations. While certain sensory conditions begin to slow down, others, such as visual sensitivity become hypersensitive and seem to be enhanced due to the lack of oxygen reaching the brain. When this happens, ... Show more content on ... After 3,000 meters a climber may experience a decrease in slow wave sleep. Slow wave sleep is when a person reaches the third level of REM and it's considered to be deep sleep. After 4,000 meters a climber's REM sleeping patterns will also begin to decline. As they begin to experience hypoxia, these sleeping patterns will only worsen. Dealing with both sleep deprivation and hypoxia can have a negative effect on the emotional and cognitive functions of the brain, because "lack of sleep can adversely affect mood states, noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin are thought to play an important role in mood regulation," (Aquinos Lemos, 1304), and will only continue to impair a ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. What Are We Going Do About All This Phosphate? Anna Yeghiazaryan Ms. Cook Honors Chemistry 10 May 2015 What Are We Going to Do About All This Phosphate? Water pollution is a very real problem that countries all around the world are facing. This contamination typically comes from either domestic origin or industrial waste. Many measures have been taken in order to prevent water pollution but most methods are costly and inefficient. One of the most common types of chemical pollution in waters is phosphate contamination. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Gulf of Mexico is a prime example of water that has extremely high levels of phosphate and it comes to no surprise that it has detrimental effects its environment. The effects of phosphate contamination ... Show more content on ... The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) explains that if this trend of eutrophication continues, what is known to be a "dead zone" will be created. According to the NOAA, the northern Gulf of Mexico is the second largest dead zone in the United States. The Gulf of Mexico is officially recognized as a hypoxic, or dead zone, because it has less than 2 ppm dissolved oxygen in accordance to the Microbial Life Education Resource's website. The source of the gulf's extensive pollution is from the Mississippi River which captures the runoff of 31 states and then flows right into the gulf, making it a hotspot for extremely high concentrations of sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chemical pollutants (EPA "Gulf of Mexico"). Unfortunately for us, "The Gulf of Mexico is a major source area for the seafood industry...[and] if the hypoxic zone continues or worsens, fishermen and coastal state economies will be greatly impacted" says Monica Bruckner, a professor at Montana State University. This means that there is an economic factor that plays into the pollution of phosphates and there are nearby economies that depend of certain marine harvests to be able to support themselves. Consequently, if all the animals are either dead or have migrated away, then there will be no harvests at all and many companies will become bankrupt and forced to close down, leaving thousands of people unemployed. ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Effects Of Pressurized Cabins On The Human Body Burns 2 experiencing the effects of hypoxia. Pressurized cabins are mostly used in commercial flights in order to keep the passengers safe. The reason why oxygen is less abundant at a higher altitude is because the higher someone goes there more spaced out the oxygen molecules are. Dalton's Law states "The human body is affected by the pressure of gases available, meaning as someone is acceding the percent of oxygen remains constant but there are fewer molecules the higher someone is" (Reinhart). Since there are fewer molecules the body becomes starved of oxygen and then the effects of hypoxia begin to develop and the first symptoms will begin to develop. This is where machines will come in to help the human body survive. However, the human body is great at adapting to environments below 10,000 feet. It can handle the oxygen differences well enough on a nonsmoking person and during the day to not need a machine to avoid hypoxia. However above 10,000 feet the human body reaches a point where it can no longer adapt to the lack of oxygen. When hypoxia begins to take over the brain, it is an urgent matter. If someone is suffering from hypoxia it is important to notice the symptoms rather quickly, especially if they are navigating the aircraft. Some of the first warning signs that can be seen are confusion, slurred speech, headache, lightheaded sensation, dizziness and incomplete sentences. An air traffic controller would have to pay attention to these signs if they suspect ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. High Altitude Is Defined As An Elevation Of 1500-3500 Metres With regards to elevation, high altitude is defined as an elevation of 1,500–3,500 meters (4,900– 11,500 ft.) but can differ by a 1,000 ft., depending on the defining source. The definition of elevation continues with very high altitude, which is 3,500–5,500 meters (11,500–18,000 ft.) then continues to extreme altitude of which is above 5,500 meters (18,000 ft.). Within healthy individuals, substantial clinical changes are difficult to exhibit at elevations lower than 1,500 meters. But once the human body reaches altitudes at or above high altitude, the adverse effects on the human body become increasing pronounced and considerable. As altitude increases, the barometric pressure falls and the environmental partial pressure of inspired oxygen decreases. The reduction of inspired oxygen, in combination with other environmental factors such as a decline in temperature, humidity, paired with physical activity, the human body must be able to compensate for the adverse effects opposed primarily on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Physical alterations within the cardiopulmonary system begin to be substantial over an altitude of 2500 meters. However, the human body can use both short–term and long–term means to adapt to high altitude, and even beyond that will allow the body to partially compensate or even fully compensate for the lack of oxygen. But, there is also a limit to the level of adaptation and compensation that can take place. Once an altitude of or above 8,000 ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Hypoxia In The 1930's When two aeroplanes were forced down over the Isle on two consecutive days the events drew large crowds. The first aeroplane landed at Low Melwood Farm at 4 p.m. with the pilot unable to fly through a heavy fog that clung to the land either side of the River Trent. So great was the crowd that watched its departure, those present seized the opportunity to organise a collection for the Red Cross Fund which raised £2. The following day another plane alighted at Sandtoft when the fog returned. It stayed there for three days and, when news spread that it was about to leave, a large number of people turned up, 'as if from nowhere!' Magistrates at Epworth Police Court had to deal with an interesting case in the autumn of 1916. The case before them ... Show more content on ... Rifleman Ralph Jaques, one time clerk at Fox's Brewery and a noted vocalist in music circles locally, attached to the machine gun corps, was reported 'killed in action.' The letter informing the family of his death came from his pals. He had enlisted in the Kings Royal Rifle Corps, whose commanding officer, the Earl of Faversham, insisted his men should be 'of a very high standard physically educationally and socially.' His battalion prided itself on having less crime than any other in the service. Sergeant Gilding in a letter to Miss Crisp, the fiancee of Private Fred Hill of Eastoft Road, Crowle, wrote to console her that, 'he did not suffer any pain, death being instantaneous.' Fred had been in France for ten months but in that time had been invalided home on at least one occasion. He was one of 63 men to die on 15 September at Delville Wood, after losing the support of all the three Mk.I tanks. He was twenty years old. His brother had been discharged as disabled a few months previously. Private Alfred Walton, the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walton of Godnow Road, was confirmed as 'killed in action. Alf's commanding officer wrote to his parents saying, 'Just a few lines hoping they will find you well. I am writing on rather a sad errand this time. I hardly know how to break it to you, but Alf was killed in action on the 7th. October. I expect ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Case Study Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a multisystemic disease that often coexists with comorbidities that may have significant impact on prognosis.1–8 Some of these comorbidities arise independently of COPD whereas others may be causally related, either with shared risk factors or by one disease increasing the risk or compounding the severity of the other.9 Although many risk factors contribute to the development of COPD, cigarette smoking is still considered the most well studied COPD risk factor.10 Several studies reported the significant effect of smoking on hearing loss.11,12 In a previous research, the impact of chronic hypoxaemia secondary to COPD on the auditory function of these patients was investigated. Results showed a statistically significant difference for all auditory measures between patients with COPD ... Show more content on ... All included subjects attended one hearing testing session in the audiology laboratory of Ain Shams University Hospitals. The audiologist, who was unaware of the smoking status of the study participant, performed an otoscopic examination. Pure tone threshold audiometry was conducted in a sound–isolated rooms or booths using a clinical audiometer in accordance with the Maximum Permissible Ambient Noise Levels for Audiometric Test Room.18 Pure tone audiometric air conduction testing is performed by presenting a pure tone (single frequency) to each ear through an earphone and pressing a button, hand raising, or saying "yes" when stimuli were heard. Hearing thresholds were measured in each ear for frequencies: 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 Hertz (Hz). Hearing thresholds is defined as the lowest level in decibels (dB) at which a signal (tone) is heard 50% of the time according to standard clinical procedures.19 Testing should begin with the better ear when identifiable, otherwise it is arbitrary. Test instructions were presented in the Arabic ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Hypoxia Hydrogen Factor (Hv)-1 There are millions of people that have been diagnosed with respiratory diseases among the United States. All the respiratory conditions affect individuals and their families not only in their health but also in their economic aspect. In humans, it is considered normal oxygen concentration between 9.5% to 4.6% but there are parts of the body, as neurons, that are very sensitive to oxygen. Low oxygen concentration in our body tissues is known as hypoxia and consequently your body will not properly function. There are several factors that can contribute to this condition for example, having respiratory problems, diseases or complications, lung damage, drugs and cardiovascular diseases. With the properly environmental factors, Hypoxia–Inducible Factor (HIF)–1 is a dimeric protein complex that plays an integral role in the body's response to low oxygen concentrations, or hypoxia. HIF–1 is among the primary genes involved in the homeostatic process, which can increase vascularization in hypoxic areas such as localized ... Show more content on ... Even though, many organisms have developed different ways to maintain the oxygen homeostasis of their body, changes in the oxygen concentrations will induce the use of other genes. During hypoxic conditions, the HIF–1, transcription factor of two subunits (β–subunit and α–subunit), is activated and with other transcription factors play a significant role in the cancer proliferation. For example, together, the HIF–1 and NFĸB, control over 1,000 genes, promote angiogenesis with VEGF, VEGF receptors, COX–2, iNOS; tissue growth factors and inhibits enzymes, stimulating the cell migration or metastasis. Also, it is important to mention that the activity of the HIF–1 will depend in the gene expression and mutation and can negatively affect the ING4, p53, PTEN, VHL genes and will promote the activity of oncogenes: Ras, Raf, Src, mTOR, and ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Hypoxia In South Louisiana Hypoxia has become a large problem in the Gulf of Mexico, especially along the coast of Louisiana. When there is a large region of water with a low oxygen level it is said to be hypoxic, where as regions with no oxygen are anoxic (Rabalais). The Gulf of Mexico is home to the second largest zone of costal hypoxia in the world, more specifically the continental shelf along the coast of Louisiana (Rabalais). With this change in environment the wildlife inhabiting it have two choices either emigrate or die(Rabalais). Both of those options lead to a wildlife dead zone which in turn leads to a decrease in fishing, shrimping, and crabbing all of which play a major part in south Louisiana's economy. The best way to reduce hypoxia as well as the size ... Show more content on ... With oxygen levels in the dead zone being so low during the summer months marine life is almost nonexistent. This not only hurts the wild life of Louisiana's coast but, also its economy and fishing based culture. In the future with the normal levels of oxygen returning to our gulf we can hope to see wild life slowly but surely returning. Also there is hope for the conservation and growth of the wetlands through the nutrient rich canals developed, enhancing Louisiana's economy, culture, and ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Effect Of Hypoxia On Ceramide As previously mentioned, the cellular adaptation to hypoxia is mainly mediated by hypoxia– inducible factors (HIF). However, HIF–independent responses have been described upon hypoxia; many of these responses have been attributable to sphingolipid metabolism and ceramide. Although several studies were conducted in determining the effect of hypoxia on ceramide, ceramide responses to hypoxia as well as their biological significance remain under debate [63, 78]. The effect of hypoxia on Sphingolipid metabolism and Ceramide have been intensively studied in cardiovascular diseases; in fact, studies performed on heart diseases have proven that the hypoxic effects on cardiomyocytes are in favor of cell growth and proliferation. For instance, ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Embolism Case Studies This first clinical of med–surg at 3 North, was a little nerve–racking. I wasn't sure how I was going readapt myself to this, on the floor clinical experience. I wasn't sure what to expect for this clinical, all I was sure about was to go with the flow and learn. The patient I had chosen to care for during pre–assessment, was a 93–year–old lady that had chest pain and CAD. I looked forward caring for the patient but I had a bad feeling about the patient before I got to clinical. Unfortunately, the patient was taken to ICU and I had to choose a new patient. My new patient that I had was a 52–year–old male, who was admitted for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and with pulmonary embolism. The patient was on 2L of oxygen with a nasal cannula and had an IV infusion of Heparin. He was very alert of his situation and communicated well with the nurses and I during clinical. Before meeting my new patient, I was anxious as I didn't know what to expect from him. As I met him and saw that he was comfortable having a student nurse caring for him, it ... Show more content on ... By knowing this information, I had a better understanding of his treatments of Heparin and O2. During my assessment, I understood that my patient would have diminished breath sounds as it's in result of his respiratory insufficiency. As I got to review more of my patient's chart, I was able to further understand that his respiratory insufficiency is the result of pulmonary embolism (PE). With PE, "large emboli obstruct pulmonary blood flow, leading to reduced gas exchange, reduced oxygenation, pulmonary tissue hypoxia, decreased perfusion, and potential death" (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2016); that's to name some factors that are affecting my patient. As the emboli disrupts oxygenation and causes hypoxia, seeing how the treatment of O2 and Heparin were significant to my patient was ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Effects Of Training On Elite Endurance Athletes DuFour et al. (2006) conducted a study on the effects of training in normobaric hypoxia intermittently and how it affected two performance measures in elite endurance athletes. Eighteen subjects were used to test the effects of intermittent normobaric hypoxia training in comparison to standard training protocols in normoxic environments. The subjects were divided into two groups. Prior to training all subjects were tested for first and second ventilatory thresholds (in normoxic and hypoxic conditions respectively), VO2max in a normoxic environment and time to exhaustion in a normoxic environment. Subjects performed two high–intensity training sessions above their predetermined second ventilatory threshold per week for a six week training ... Show more content on ... The first group (n=7) performed training in a normoxic environment (fraction of inspired oxygen = 20.9%) and the second group (n=8) performed the same protocol in a normobaric hypoxic (fraction of inspired oxygen = 14.5%) environment. Following the 6 week training protocol all measures were tested again and a second muscle biopsy was collected. The results of this study showed an increase in VO2max and time to exhaustion. The tested biopsies post training showed an unchanged oxidative capacity, but a shift in mitochondrial regulation occurred. This study suggests that intermittent normobaric training in hypoxia supports a more efficient mitochondrial integration between the supply of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and the demand for it by the skeletal muscle cells. This would suggest improvement in anaerobic performance via an increase in ADP phosphorylation speed within the muscle making ATP more readily available post hypoxic training. An additional follow up study conducted by Zoll et al. (2006) used the same training protocol once more on 15 male long distance runners. This particular study dubbed this training protocol "Training High, Living Low" despite the lack of atmospheric pressure change. The subjects were divided into two groups. Prior to training all subjects were tested for first and second ventilatory thresholds (in normoxic and hypoxic conditions ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Essay One World Essay: Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Scientific Reasoning: The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is a human problem, like most other disasters. What this means is that once the place thrived and was ecologically balanced, but we tipped the balance slightly and wrecked havoc upon the environment. It has been noted to occur since the 1950's and is ongoing. The reason that this dead zone occurs is because of a phenomenon known as eutrophication. Eutrophication is when there is an excessive amount of nutrients in a body of water and it causes an abundance of plants to grow. In this case the nearby farms had been using nitrogen in their fertilizers. The nitrogen got carried into the ocean through rain and other forms of ... Show more content on ... Some species might thrive in conditions that other struggle to survive. For example some predators might need more oxygen then a smaller prey. With less predators being around, there is a huge burst in prey, which can eat up all of the bacteria. When the bacteria all die, the prey can't find any food and all die out. This causes a very unreliable food chain and can be dangerous to live in. In hypoxic zones what tends to happen is that marine life such as fish or shrimp die out quickly while the smaller organisms live. This causes whole species to die out leaving a dominance of gelatinous creatures such as jellyfish to thrive in. Economic Problems: There are many economical problems due to the dead zone ranging from fisheries going out of business to illnesses. The economical problems have paid their toll on nearby fishers whom in total have paid over 10 billion US dollars to repair the problem. Sadly though, no matter how much they pay, the problem is still on going. The gulf's massive fishing industry is trying to focus its efforts on the parts that have been affected in an attempt to save their sea. According to many sources, EPA views this problem as unimportant and hasn't helped yet. The reason that it is so hard to come to an agreement is because there is no solution that pleases everyone. Right now the farmers up north of the gulf are having an easy time because of easy and cheap waste disposal while downstream the fishers are ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. Ocean Dead Zone Essay The purpose of this research paper is to make more people aware of ocean dead zones and how they can not only affect the marine oasis, but how the can affect us as humans also. Dead zones are a more common term for the word hypoxia, which means lower or reduced levels in the water. Dead zones are areas in oceans and lakes where the oxygen levels are low, too low for most organisms to survive in them. Dead zones are so because of a process called eutrophication. Eutrophication happens when a body of water gets too many nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen. These nutrients are fundamental in the growth of a group of single–celled organisms called cyanobacteria, or blue–green algae. When the nutrients in the water are at a normal level, cyanobacteria are normally produced. When the water is overloaded with those same nutrients, however, it can be very harmful. Human interaction is the main reason why these nutrients are being washed up into the oceans. Therefore, dead zones are primarily located near inhabited coastlines. These nutrients end up in our air, water, and soil. Humans and their daily activities emit twice as much nitrogen and three times as much phosphorus as natural emissions. Eutrophication also depends on the region you are in. Developed countries excessively use cow manure and other commercial fertilizers, which are the main causes of eutrophication there. The runoff from farms and agricultural sites enter creeks and bays due to rain or irrigation, in ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Broad-Scale Effects Of Hypoxia Broad–scale effects of Hypoxia on benthic community structure in Chesapeake Bay, USA Hypoxia defines as oxygen deficiency that had influence benthic communities through time. In broad–scale effects of hypoxia it had studied that it has positive and negative result in the ecosystem. Organisms living near the seabed commonly called benthic organism mostly depends nutrients from inorganic material such as oxygen. Critical decrease of oxygen may lead to the alteration of benthic density, biomass and diversity. In Chesapeake Bay, USA, hypoxia is typically a summer phenomenon according to Seitz due to the runoff, sinking of algal blooms, high benthic respiration and stratification of water. Severity decrease of oxygen leads to hypoxic stress wherein flux in the ecosystem levels were observed. Though main effects are adverse such as reduction of benthic species abundance and biomass it also attributes a change in behavioral response of benthic organism, that are either ... Show more content on ... However this study provides evidences that test species mortality in a hypoxic area depends on the species–specific tolerance that provide that not all species immediately die rather some still persist in months. Also additional evidences for hypoxia or oxygen deficiency found out that it can alter food web and can made organism susceptible for predation due to the migration process as natural behavioral response of benthic organisms. Therefore this study is a good research study case because it informs contradicting effect of hypoxia that is decrease of dissolve oxygen in water does not always have negative effects rather it has an opposite effect in the global ... Get more on ...