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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;71:747–751                                                                                      747

                             Hypothalamic involvement in chronic migraine
                             M F P Peres, M Sanchez del Rio, M L V Seabra, S Tufik, J Abucham, J Cipolla-Neto,
                             S D Silberstein, E Zukerman

                             Abstract                                                 overuse,6 generalised anxiety disorder (70%),7
                             Objectives—Chronic migraine (CM), pre-                   major depression (80%),7 and insomnia
                             viously called transformed migraine, is a                (71%).8
                             frequent headache disorder that aVects                      Little is known about the causes and mecha-
                             2%-3% of the general population. Analge-                 nisms of CM. The transformation of episodic
                             sic overuse, insomnia, depression, and                   migraine to CM (>15 days/month) remains an
                             anxiety are disorders that are often co-                 enigma. Several mechanisms have been alleged
                             morbid with CM. Hypothalamic dysfunc-                    to be the cause of the change in frequency and
                             tion has been implicated in its                          symptoms, including chronic neurogenic in-
                             pathogenesis, but it has never been stud-                flammation, central sensitisation, defective
                             ied in patients with CM. The aim was to                  central pain modulation, hypothalamic dys-
                             analyze hypothalamic involvement in CM                   function, or a combination of these.
                             by measurement of melatonin, prolactin,                     Hypothalamic involvement in the pathogen-
                             growth hormone, and cortisol nocturnal                   esis of cluster headache is well known,9 whereas
                             secretion.                                               the role of the hypothalamus in the pathophysi-
                             Methods—A total of 338 blood samples                     ology of chronic migraine has never been stud-
                             (13/patient) from 17 patients with CM and                ied. For this reason we chose to explore the
                             nine age and sex matched healthy volun-                  hypothalamic-tuberoinfundibular system (pro-
                             teers were taken. Melatonin, prolactin,                  lactin, growth hormone), the hypothalamic-
                             growth hormone, and cortisol concentra-                  hypophyseal-adrenal axis (cortisol), and pineal
                             tions were determined every hour for 12                  gland function (melatonin) in CM.
                             hours. The presence of comorbid disor-
                             ders was also evaluated.
                             Results—An abnormal pattern of hy-
                             pothalamic hormonal secretion was found                  Material and methods
                             in CM. This included: (1) a decreased                    A study was performed from February to April
Sao Paulo Headache           nocturnal prolactin peak, (2) increased                  1999, at Sao Paulo Federal University Head-
Center, R Maestro            cortisol concentrations, (3) a delayed noc-              ache Clinic. A total of 26 subjects were enrolled
Cardim, 887 01323-001,       turnal melatonin peak in patients with                   in the study. All subjects provided written con-
Sao Paulo SP, Brazil         CM, and (4) lower melatonin concentra-
M F P Peres
                                                                                      sent for the experimental procedure approved
                             tions in patients with CM with insomnia.                 by the Sao Paulo federal university ethics com-
JeVerson Headache            Growth hormone secretion did not diVer                   mittee. Seventeen patients, 14 women and
Center, Thomas               from controls.                                           three men, aged 31 (SD 9) met the criteria of
JeVerson University          Conclusion—These results support hy-                     Silberstein and Lipton6 for CM. Nine healthy
Hospital, Philadelphia       pothalamic involvement in CM, shown by                   volunteers, seven women and two men, aged 29
PA, USA                      a chronobiologic dysregulation, and a
M Sanchez del Rio                                                                     (SD 6), also participated in the study as
S D Silberstein
                             possible hyperdopaminergic state in pa-                  controls.
                             tients with CM. Insomnia might be an                        Eleven of the patients were overusing
Federal University of        important variable in the study findings.                 analgesic drugs (nine were overusing dipyrone,
Sao Paulo, Brazil            (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;71:747–751)          three caVeine, two isometeptene, two acetyl-
M F P Peres
                             Keywords: chronic migraine; prolactin; cortisol; mela-
                                                                                      salicilic acid, two acetaminophen, and two
M L V Seabra
S Tufik                       tonin; hypothalamus                                      ergotamine. Four were diagnosed with fibro-
J Abucham                                                                             myalgia and eight with insomnia (table 1).
                                                                                         All patients with CM were instructed not to
Universidade de Sao          Chronic migraine (CM) is a debilitating disor-           take acute medication more than 2 or 3 days a
Paulo—Instituto des                                                                   week during the week before the blood
Ciencias Biomedicas
                             der that aVects 2.4% of the general population1
J Cipolla-Neto               and accounts for most consultations in head-             determination. None had taken any preventive
                             ache clinics—40%2 to 65%.3 Because CM                    medication for at least 3 months before the
Hospital Israelita           aVects people during their peak productive               study. None had hypertension, alcoholism, or
Albert Einstein              years, it imposes a significant decrease in their         history of any relevant medical disease, and
E Zukerman                   quality of life and considerable economical              none smoked. Hormone concentrations were
Correspondence to:
                             burden to society.4                                      determined within 1 week after enrollment.
Dr M F P Peres, Sao Paulo       Patients with CM often have a history of epi-         Subjects were admitted to hospital and kept
Headache Center, R Maestro   sodic migraine beginning in their teenage                under controlled environmental luminosity
Cardim, 887 01323-001, Sao   years. The headache frequency increases over             conditions not exceeding 50 Lux. A venous line
Paulo SP, Brazil         months or years, and the associated symptoms             was placed at 1800 and blood samples were
                             of nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phono-             taken every hour from 1900 to 0700. A total of
Received 29 December 2000    phobia become less prominent.5 Chronic mi-               13 samples/subject were collected. Women’s
and in revised form
1 May 2001                   graine is a complex syndrome with many asso-             samples were obtained during the follicular
Accepted 20 July 2001        ciated conditions including acute medication             phase of the menstrual cycle.

748                                                                                                                                        Peres, Sanchez del Rio, Seabra, et al

                                       Concentrations of hormones were deter-                                                A
                                    mined in each blood sample by radioimmu-                                           100
                                                                                                                                   CM n = 17
                                    noassay The intra-assay and interassay coeY-                                        90
                                                                                                                                   Control n = 9
                                    cients of variation (CVs ) for the assays were as                                   80

                                                                                                   Melatonin (pg/ml)
                                    follows: prolactin 4% and 7%; cortisol 4% and                                       70
                                    6%; growth hormone 5% and 8%; and                                                   60
                                    melatonin 6% and 10% respectively. Four                                             50
                                    patients did not have growth hormone                                                40
                                    measured, two because their body mass index                                         30
                                    was greater than 30, and two because they were
                                    21 years of age or younger (table 1).
                                       Depression was assessed by the Beck depres-
                                    sion inventory II,10 and anxiety by the trait and                                    0
                                    state anxiety inventory.11 The American Col-                                             B
                                    lege of Rheumatology diagnostic criteria were                                                  (+) Insomnia n = 8
                                    used for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.12                                           100         (–) Insomnia n = 9
                                    Patients were diagnosed with insomnia accord-

                                                                                                   Melatonin (pg/ml)
                                    ing to the criteria shown:                                                          80
                                    x DiYculty of sleep onset or maintenance                                            70
                                    x Insomnia at least three times a week for at                                       60
                                       least 1 month                                                                    50
                                    x Insomnia interfering with daily personal                                          40
                                       functioning                                                                      30
                                    x Patient fulfills the proposed diagnostic crite-                                    20
                                       ria of Silberstein and Lipton6 for CM.                                           10
                                                                                                                                 19 20 21 22 23 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                                                                                                                                                Time (h)
                                    The time of peak, peak concentration, area                     Figure 1 Melatonin nocturnal profile in patients with
                                    under the curve (AUC), and the average of 13                   CM v controls and patients with CM with insomnia v
                                                                                                   without insomnia.
                                    samples in patients versus controls for each
                                    hormone were analyzed. We also accounted for                   patients and controls. Pearson’s test was used
                                    other variables such as depression, anxiety,                   for the correlation analysis. Values are ex-
                                    analgesic overuse, insomnia, and fibromyalgia.                  pressed as means (SD). The level of signifi-
                                    A phase delay in the melatonin nocturnal peak                  cance was taken as p<0.05.
                                    was considered if the time of the peak occurred
                                    after 0300.13                                                  Results
                                       The Mann-Whitney rank sum test and                          MELATONIN
                                    student’s t test were used to compare the                      Eight patients with CM (47%) had a phase
                                    means, peak concentrations, and AUCs be-                       delay in the melatonin peak whereas none of
                                    tween subgroups (depression, anxiety, analge-                  the controls had (p<0.05, fig 1). There was no
                                    sic overuse, insomnia, and fibromyalgia). Fish-                 significant diVerence in nocturnal melatonin
                                    er’s exact test was used for the time of peak                  secretion between patients and controls (40.3
                                    analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with                    (19.1) v 43.2 (16.0) pg/ml, respectively).
                                    repeated measures was used to compare                             Patients who had CM plus insomnia (n=8)
Table 1   Clinical characteristics of the patients                                                 had melatonin concentrations (28.0 (19.9)
                                                                                                   pg/ml), AUC (347.5 (128.6) pg.h/ml), and
CM                       Years of                                                                  peak concentration (50.3 (19.6) pg/ml) that
patient   Age    Sex     CM           Fibromyalgia   Insomnia   Analgesic overuse
                                                                                                   were significantly lower than those in patients
1         27     F       0.25                                   −                                  with CM without insomnia (51.9 (10.3) pg/ml;
2         21     M       0.86                                   −                                  643.3 (238.0) pg.h/ml, and 111.9 (45.7) pg/ml,
3         25     F       2                           +
4         28     F       2                                      Aspirin, caVeine                   respectively, all p<0.05) and that were also sig-
5         47     F       16           +                         Ergotamine, dipirone               nificantly lower than those in controls. There
6         16     F       4                                      −
7         34     M       20                          +          −
                                                                                                   was no diVerence in time of peak or in the pro-
8         25     F       3            +              +          Dipirone                           lactin, cortisol, or growth hormone concentra-
9         35     F       10                          +          Dipirone, aspirin, acetaminophen   tions and between patients with and without
10        23     F       5                                      Dipirone
11        37     F       6            +              +          Dipirone, caVeine                  nocturnal melatonin phase delay.
12        28     F       3                           +          Ergotamine, acetaminophen
13        38     M       20           +              +          −                                  PROLACTIN
14        46     F       20                                     Dipirone
15        26     F       1                                      Dipirone, isomepthene              Fifty three per cent of patients had peak
16        44     F       30                          +          Dipirone, caVeine, aspirin         concentrations of prolactin lower than 25
17        27     F       10                                     Dipirone, isomepthene              ng/ml (18 (3) ng/ml), but only two of the nine
Controls                                                                                           controls did (15.6 ng/ml) (p<0.05; fig 2)). The
18       28      F       −            −              −          −
19       31      F       −            −              −          −                                  mean concentration of prolactin in patients
20       22      M       −            −              −          −                                  with CM was not significantly diVerent from
21       44      F       −            −              −          −                                  controls (26 (11) ng/ml v 37 (17) ng/ml
22       24      F       −            −              −          −
23       29      F       −            −              −          −                                  respectively, p=0.06). There was no significant
24       27      F       −            −              −          −                                  diVerence in the mean prolactin peak in
25       30      F       −            −              −          −
26       27      M       −            −              −          −
                                                                                                   patients with CM with or without analgesic
                                                                                                   overuse (23 (8) v 31 (13) ng/ml). There was no

Hypothalamic involvement in chronic migraine                                                                                                               749

                                                       A                                                      We found decreased prolactin peak secretion,
                                                              CM n = 17                                       increased cortisol concentrations, a phase delay
                                                  32                                                          in the melatonin peak, and lower melatonin
                                                              Control n = 9
                                                  28                                                          concentrations in patients with CM with

                              Prolactin (ng/ml)

                                                  20                                                          MELATONIN
                                                                                                              Lower melatonin concentrations have been
                                                  16                                                          reported in episodic migraine, menstrual mi-
                                                  12                                                          graine, and cluster headache. This is the first
                                                                                                              study of melatonin in patients with CM.
                                                  8                                                              Forty seven per cent of patients with CM
                                                  4                                                           had a significant phase delay in the melatonin
                                                                                                              peak, and half had insomnia. Melatonin
                                                  0                                                           concentrations, peak secretion, and AUCs were
                                                       B                                                      significantly lower in patients with CM who
                                                  22                                                          had insomnia than in controls and patients
                                                  20                                                          with CM without insomnia.
                                                                                                                 Lower melatonin concentrations, but not a
                                                                                                              phase shift in the nocturnal peak, have been
                              Cortisol (µg/dl)

                                                                                                              reported in patients with insomnia.14 A phase
                                                  14                                                          delay in the nocturnal melatonin peak has been
                                                  12                                                          reported in patients with delayed sleep phase
                                                  10                                                          syndrome (DSPS),15 and these patients treated
                                                  8                                                           with 5 mg melatonin had a great improvement
                                                  6                                                           of both sleep and its associated headaches.16
                                                                                                                 The circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion
                                                                                                              is regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in
                                                                                                              the hypothalamus.17 The phase delay in the
                                                  0                                                           melatonin peak found in patients with CM
                                                           19 20 21 22 23 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                                                                         Time (h)                             supports the theory that hypothalamic involve-
                                                                                                              ment in CM leads to a chronobiological
                             Figure 2 Prolactin and cortisol nocturnal profile in
                             patients with CM v controls.                                                     dysfunction; however, it is not known whether
                                                                                                              it is a cause or a consequence of the disease. It
                             significant diVerence in the mean or AUC                                          could also be due to an underlying delayed
                             between patients and controls or between                                         sleep phase syndrome and other sleep disorder
                             patients with or without analgesic overuse and                                   comorbidity.
                             with or without insomnia.                                                           Melatonin is a potent endogenous scavenger
                                                                                                              of reactive oxygen species acting as a neuropro-
                             CORTISOL                                                                         tective agent in processes involving free radical
                             Patients had higher cortisol concentrations                                      formation and excitatory amino acid release.18
                             than controls (10.3 (4.3) v 6.7 (1.2) µg/dl;                                     Evidence in laboratory animals shows that this
                             higher AUC (101.7 (49.0) v 76.6 (14.3) µg.h/                                     neuroprotective action is probably mediated
                             dl); and higher peak (22.5 (14.2) v 18.6 (4.1)                                   through inhibition of NF-kappaB, a peptide
                             µg/dl); all p<0.05, fig 2)). There were no                                        upstream of tumour necrosis factor (TNF ),
                             significant diVerences between patients with or                                   which is known to be involved in inflammatory
                             without insomnia, drug overuse, or fibromyal-                                     processes and sensitisation19 It is hypothesised
                             gia.                                                                             that dysfunction in melatonin secretion can
                                There was an increase in cortisol concentra-                                  favour sensitisation and persistence of inflam-
                             tion between 2300 and 0100 that deviated                                         matory products. Melatonin receptors have
                             from the expected pattern with respect to con-                                   also been found in cerebral arteries and in the
                             trols, although this increase did not reach                                      hypothalamus.20
                             significance.                                                                        Melatonin may have a role in the treatment
                                                                                                              of CM, particularly in those patients with
                             GROWTH HORMONE                                                                   insomnia, but further studies are necessary to
                             There was no diVerence between patients and                                      confirm this. Its other favourable qualities for
                             controls in growth hormone secretion (mean                                       CM treatment include its analgesic proper-
                             2.0 (1.2) v 2.9 (1.9) ng/dl, respectively).                                      ties,21 and the fact that it potentiates a GABA
                             Repetitive measure analysis failed to show any                                   inhibitory eVect22 and inhibits prostaglandin E
                             significant diVerence. Analysis of the sub-                                       synthesis.23 Melatonin is a sensitive marker of
                             groups did not show any diVerence in concen-                                     endogenous rhythms24 and is thought to play an
                             trations or time of peak.                                                        important part in the adaptative mechanisms
                                                                                                              to changing enviromental and endogenous
                             Discussion                                                                       stimuli.25
                             Prolactin, growth hormone, cortisol, and mela-
                             tonin concentrations were determined every                                       PROLACTIN
                             hour for 12 hours to investigate the role of the                                 Patients with chronic migraine show a de-
                             hypothalamus in chronic migraine. The hor-                                       creased nocturnal prolactin peak. Studies have
                             mones were measured during the night as the                                      reported normal prolactin values in episodic
                             highest concentrations are usually at this time.                                 migraine,26–29 but none of them analyzed the

750                                                                                  Peres, Sanchez del Rio, Seabra, et al

      nocturnal prolactin profile. This is the first          GROWTH HORMONE
      study on prolactin concentrations in CM.              Growth hormone regulation is complex; neu-
      Based on the hypersensitivity of dopamine             ropeptides, neurotransmitters, and opioids are
      receptors that some migraineurs manifest,             involved. Dopamine also inhibits growth hor-
      modulating dopaminergic neurotransmission             mone secretion in the hypophysis,51 and the
      has been a therapeutic target. This is demon-         study of this hormone is another indirect way
      strated by the induction of yawning, nausea,          to address the dopaminergic system. Our data
      vomiting, and hypotension by dopaminergic             did not show any significant diVerence in the
      agonists.30 31 In addition, some migraineurs          analysis of growth hormone. However, any dif-
      show allelic variations within the DRD2 gene          ferences may not have been great enough to be
      that has been hypothesised to predispose to a         detected with the small sample studied. The
      hypersensitive state to dopamine.32 Prolactin         role of growth hormone in headaches remains
      secretion is one measure of dopaminergic              unknown.
      function, as dopamine is its main inhibitory
      factor. The measurement of prolactin can indi-
      rectly provide information on the dopaminer-          Conclusion
      gic system in CM.                                     We found an abnormal pattern of hypotha-
         We hypothesise that there is a sustained noc-      lamic hormonal secretion in CM. This com-
      turnal inhibition of prolactin by dopamine and,       prised: (1) a decreased nocturnal prolactin
      therefore, an indirect increase in dopamine           peak, (2) increased cortisol concentrations, (3)
      secretion. Many antidopaminergic agents have          a delayed nocturnal melatonin peak in patients
      been successfully used in acute (droperidol,33 34     with CM, and (4) lower melatonin concentra-
      chlorpromazine,35 prochlorperazine,36 metoclo-        tions in patients with CM with insomnia.
      pramide, domperidone,37 haloperidol38), and           Secretion of growth hormone did not diVer
      preventive (flunarizine,39 olanzapine (personal        from controls. Overall, these results support
      communication)) headache treatment. Our               the involvement of the hypothalamus in the
      findings support the use of these drugs in CM,         pathophysiology of CM as shown by a chrono-
      but clinical trials are needed to confirm their        biological dysregulation, and a possible hyper-
      eYcacy.                                               dopaminergic state in patients with CM.
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Hypothalamic involvement in chronic migraine

  • 1. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;71:747–751 747 Hypothalamic involvement in chronic migraine M F P Peres, M Sanchez del Rio, M L V Seabra, S Tufik, J Abucham, J Cipolla-Neto, S D Silberstein, E Zukerman Abstract overuse,6 generalised anxiety disorder (70%),7 Objectives—Chronic migraine (CM), pre- major depression (80%),7 and insomnia viously called transformed migraine, is a (71%).8 frequent headache disorder that aVects Little is known about the causes and mecha- 2%-3% of the general population. Analge- nisms of CM. The transformation of episodic sic overuse, insomnia, depression, and migraine to CM (>15 days/month) remains an anxiety are disorders that are often co- enigma. Several mechanisms have been alleged morbid with CM. Hypothalamic dysfunc- to be the cause of the change in frequency and tion has been implicated in its symptoms, including chronic neurogenic in- pathogenesis, but it has never been stud- flammation, central sensitisation, defective ied in patients with CM. The aim was to central pain modulation, hypothalamic dys- analyze hypothalamic involvement in CM function, or a combination of these. by measurement of melatonin, prolactin, Hypothalamic involvement in the pathogen- growth hormone, and cortisol nocturnal esis of cluster headache is well known,9 whereas secretion. the role of the hypothalamus in the pathophysi- Methods—A total of 338 blood samples ology of chronic migraine has never been stud- (13/patient) from 17 patients with CM and ied. For this reason we chose to explore the nine age and sex matched healthy volun- hypothalamic-tuberoinfundibular system (pro- teers were taken. Melatonin, prolactin, lactin, growth hormone), the hypothalamic- growth hormone, and cortisol concentra- hypophyseal-adrenal axis (cortisol), and pineal tions were determined every hour for 12 gland function (melatonin) in CM. hours. The presence of comorbid disor- ders was also evaluated. Results—An abnormal pattern of hy- pothalamic hormonal secretion was found Material and methods in CM. This included: (1) a decreased A study was performed from February to April Sao Paulo Headache nocturnal prolactin peak, (2) increased 1999, at Sao Paulo Federal University Head- Center, R Maestro cortisol concentrations, (3) a delayed noc- ache Clinic. A total of 26 subjects were enrolled Cardim, 887 01323-001, turnal melatonin peak in patients with in the study. All subjects provided written con- Sao Paulo SP, Brazil CM, and (4) lower melatonin concentra- M F P Peres sent for the experimental procedure approved tions in patients with CM with insomnia. by the Sao Paulo federal university ethics com- JeVerson Headache Growth hormone secretion did not diVer mittee. Seventeen patients, 14 women and Center, Thomas from controls. three men, aged 31 (SD 9) met the criteria of JeVerson University Conclusion—These results support hy- Silberstein and Lipton6 for CM. Nine healthy Hospital, Philadelphia pothalamic involvement in CM, shown by volunteers, seven women and two men, aged 29 PA, USA a chronobiologic dysregulation, and a M Sanchez del Rio (SD 6), also participated in the study as S D Silberstein possible hyperdopaminergic state in pa- controls. tients with CM. Insomnia might be an Eleven of the patients were overusing Federal University of important variable in the study findings. analgesic drugs (nine were overusing dipyrone, Sao Paulo, Brazil (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;71:747–751) three caVeine, two isometeptene, two acetyl- M F P Peres Keywords: chronic migraine; prolactin; cortisol; mela- salicilic acid, two acetaminophen, and two M L V Seabra S Tufik tonin; hypothalamus ergotamine. Four were diagnosed with fibro- J Abucham myalgia and eight with insomnia (table 1). All patients with CM were instructed not to Universidade de Sao Chronic migraine (CM) is a debilitating disor- take acute medication more than 2 or 3 days a Paulo—Instituto des week during the week before the blood Ciencias Biomedicas der that aVects 2.4% of the general population1 J Cipolla-Neto and accounts for most consultations in head- determination. None had taken any preventive ache clinics—40%2 to 65%.3 Because CM medication for at least 3 months before the Hospital Israelita aVects people during their peak productive study. None had hypertension, alcoholism, or Albert Einstein years, it imposes a significant decrease in their history of any relevant medical disease, and E Zukerman quality of life and considerable economical none smoked. Hormone concentrations were Correspondence to: burden to society.4 determined within 1 week after enrollment. Dr M F P Peres, Sao Paulo Patients with CM often have a history of epi- Subjects were admitted to hospital and kept Headache Center, R Maestro sodic migraine beginning in their teenage under controlled environmental luminosity Cardim, 887 01323-001, Sao years. The headache frequency increases over conditions not exceeding 50 Lux. A venous line Paulo SP, Brazil months or years, and the associated symptoms was placed at 1800 and blood samples were of nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and phono- taken every hour from 1900 to 0700. A total of Received 29 December 2000 phobia become less prominent.5 Chronic mi- 13 samples/subject were collected. Women’s and in revised form 1 May 2001 graine is a complex syndrome with many asso- samples were obtained during the follicular Accepted 20 July 2001 ciated conditions including acute medication phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • 2. 748 Peres, Sanchez del Rio, Seabra, et al Concentrations of hormones were deter- A mined in each blood sample by radioimmu- 100 CM n = 17 noassay The intra-assay and interassay coeY- 90 Control n = 9 cients of variation (CVs ) for the assays were as 80 Melatonin (pg/ml) follows: prolactin 4% and 7%; cortisol 4% and 70 6%; growth hormone 5% and 8%; and 60 melatonin 6% and 10% respectively. Four 50 patients did not have growth hormone 40 measured, two because their body mass index 30 was greater than 30, and two because they were 20 21 years of age or younger (table 1). 10 Depression was assessed by the Beck depres- sion inventory II,10 and anxiety by the trait and 0 state anxiety inventory.11 The American Col- B 120 lege of Rheumatology diagnostic criteria were (+) Insomnia n = 8 110 used for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.12 100 (–) Insomnia n = 9 Patients were diagnosed with insomnia accord- Melatonin (pg/ml) 90 ing to the criteria shown: 80 x DiYculty of sleep onset or maintenance 70 x Insomnia at least three times a week for at 60 least 1 month 50 x Insomnia interfering with daily personal 40 functioning 30 x Patient fulfills the proposed diagnostic crite- 20 ria of Silberstein and Lipton6 for CM. 10 0 19 20 21 22 23 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (h) ANALYSIS The time of peak, peak concentration, area Figure 1 Melatonin nocturnal profile in patients with under the curve (AUC), and the average of 13 CM v controls and patients with CM with insomnia v without insomnia. samples in patients versus controls for each hormone were analyzed. We also accounted for patients and controls. Pearson’s test was used other variables such as depression, anxiety, for the correlation analysis. Values are ex- analgesic overuse, insomnia, and fibromyalgia. pressed as means (SD). The level of signifi- A phase delay in the melatonin nocturnal peak cance was taken as p<0.05. was considered if the time of the peak occurred after 0300.13 Results The Mann-Whitney rank sum test and MELATONIN student’s t test were used to compare the Eight patients with CM (47%) had a phase means, peak concentrations, and AUCs be- delay in the melatonin peak whereas none of tween subgroups (depression, anxiety, analge- the controls had (p<0.05, fig 1). There was no sic overuse, insomnia, and fibromyalgia). Fish- significant diVerence in nocturnal melatonin er’s exact test was used for the time of peak secretion between patients and controls (40.3 analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with (19.1) v 43.2 (16.0) pg/ml, respectively). repeated measures was used to compare Patients who had CM plus insomnia (n=8) Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the patients had melatonin concentrations (28.0 (19.9) pg/ml), AUC (347.5 (128.6) pg.h/ml), and CM Years of peak concentration (50.3 (19.6) pg/ml) that patient Age Sex CM Fibromyalgia Insomnia Analgesic overuse were significantly lower than those in patients 1 27 F 0.25 − with CM without insomnia (51.9 (10.3) pg/ml; 2 21 M 0.86 − 643.3 (238.0) pg.h/ml, and 111.9 (45.7) pg/ml, 3 25 F 2 + 4 28 F 2 Aspirin, caVeine respectively, all p<0.05) and that were also sig- 5 47 F 16 + Ergotamine, dipirone nificantly lower than those in controls. There 6 16 F 4 − 7 34 M 20 + − was no diVerence in time of peak or in the pro- 8 25 F 3 + + Dipirone lactin, cortisol, or growth hormone concentra- 9 35 F 10 + Dipirone, aspirin, acetaminophen tions and between patients with and without 10 23 F 5 Dipirone 11 37 F 6 + + Dipirone, caVeine nocturnal melatonin phase delay. 12 28 F 3 + Ergotamine, acetaminophen 13 38 M 20 + + − PROLACTIN 14 46 F 20 Dipirone 15 26 F 1 Dipirone, isomepthene Fifty three per cent of patients had peak 16 44 F 30 + Dipirone, caVeine, aspirin concentrations of prolactin lower than 25 17 27 F 10 Dipirone, isomepthene ng/ml (18 (3) ng/ml), but only two of the nine Controls controls did (15.6 ng/ml) (p<0.05; fig 2)). The 18 28 F − − − − 19 31 F − − − − mean concentration of prolactin in patients 20 22 M − − − − with CM was not significantly diVerent from 21 44 F − − − − controls (26 (11) ng/ml v 37 (17) ng/ml 22 24 F − − − − 23 29 F − − − − respectively, p=0.06). There was no significant 24 27 F − − − − diVerence in the mean prolactin peak in 25 30 F − − − − 26 27 M − − − − patients with CM with or without analgesic overuse (23 (8) v 31 (13) ng/ml). There was no
  • 3. Hypothalamic involvement in chronic migraine 749 A We found decreased prolactin peak secretion, CM n = 17 increased cortisol concentrations, a phase delay 32 in the melatonin peak, and lower melatonin Control n = 9 28 concentrations in patients with CM with insomnia. Prolactin (ng/ml) 24 20 MELATONIN Lower melatonin concentrations have been 16 reported in episodic migraine, menstrual mi- 12 graine, and cluster headache. This is the first study of melatonin in patients with CM. 8 Forty seven per cent of patients with CM 4 had a significant phase delay in the melatonin peak, and half had insomnia. Melatonin 0 concentrations, peak secretion, and AUCs were B significantly lower in patients with CM who 22 had insomnia than in controls and patients 20 with CM without insomnia. 18 Lower melatonin concentrations, but not a phase shift in the nocturnal peak, have been 16 Cortisol (µg/dl) reported in patients with insomnia.14 A phase 14 delay in the nocturnal melatonin peak has been 12 reported in patients with delayed sleep phase 10 syndrome (DSPS),15 and these patients treated 8 with 5 mg melatonin had a great improvement 6 of both sleep and its associated headaches.16 4 The circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion is regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in 2 the hypothalamus.17 The phase delay in the 0 melatonin peak found in patients with CM 19 20 21 22 23 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (h) supports the theory that hypothalamic involve- ment in CM leads to a chronobiological Figure 2 Prolactin and cortisol nocturnal profile in patients with CM v controls. dysfunction; however, it is not known whether it is a cause or a consequence of the disease. It significant diVerence in the mean or AUC could also be due to an underlying delayed between patients and controls or between sleep phase syndrome and other sleep disorder patients with or without analgesic overuse and comorbidity. with or without insomnia. Melatonin is a potent endogenous scavenger of reactive oxygen species acting as a neuropro- CORTISOL tective agent in processes involving free radical Patients had higher cortisol concentrations formation and excitatory amino acid release.18 than controls (10.3 (4.3) v 6.7 (1.2) µg/dl; Evidence in laboratory animals shows that this higher AUC (101.7 (49.0) v 76.6 (14.3) µg.h/ neuroprotective action is probably mediated dl); and higher peak (22.5 (14.2) v 18.6 (4.1) through inhibition of NF-kappaB, a peptide µg/dl); all p<0.05, fig 2)). There were no upstream of tumour necrosis factor (TNF ), significant diVerences between patients with or which is known to be involved in inflammatory without insomnia, drug overuse, or fibromyal- processes and sensitisation19 It is hypothesised gia. that dysfunction in melatonin secretion can There was an increase in cortisol concentra- favour sensitisation and persistence of inflam- tion between 2300 and 0100 that deviated matory products. Melatonin receptors have from the expected pattern with respect to con- also been found in cerebral arteries and in the trols, although this increase did not reach hypothalamus.20 significance. Melatonin may have a role in the treatment of CM, particularly in those patients with GROWTH HORMONE insomnia, but further studies are necessary to There was no diVerence between patients and confirm this. Its other favourable qualities for controls in growth hormone secretion (mean CM treatment include its analgesic proper- 2.0 (1.2) v 2.9 (1.9) ng/dl, respectively). ties,21 and the fact that it potentiates a GABA Repetitive measure analysis failed to show any inhibitory eVect22 and inhibits prostaglandin E significant diVerence. Analysis of the sub- synthesis.23 Melatonin is a sensitive marker of groups did not show any diVerence in concen- endogenous rhythms24 and is thought to play an trations or time of peak. important part in the adaptative mechanisms to changing enviromental and endogenous Discussion stimuli.25 Prolactin, growth hormone, cortisol, and mela- tonin concentrations were determined every PROLACTIN hour for 12 hours to investigate the role of the Patients with chronic migraine show a de- hypothalamus in chronic migraine. The hor- creased nocturnal prolactin peak. Studies have mones were measured during the night as the reported normal prolactin values in episodic highest concentrations are usually at this time. migraine,26–29 but none of them analyzed the
  • 4. 750 Peres, Sanchez del Rio, Seabra, et al nocturnal prolactin profile. This is the first GROWTH HORMONE study on prolactin concentrations in CM. Growth hormone regulation is complex; neu- Based on the hypersensitivity of dopamine ropeptides, neurotransmitters, and opioids are receptors that some migraineurs manifest, involved. Dopamine also inhibits growth hor- modulating dopaminergic neurotransmission mone secretion in the hypophysis,51 and the has been a therapeutic target. This is demon- study of this hormone is another indirect way strated by the induction of yawning, nausea, to address the dopaminergic system. Our data vomiting, and hypotension by dopaminergic did not show any significant diVerence in the agonists.30 31 In addition, some migraineurs analysis of growth hormone. However, any dif- show allelic variations within the DRD2 gene ferences may not have been great enough to be that has been hypothesised to predispose to a detected with the small sample studied. The hypersensitive state to dopamine.32 Prolactin role of growth hormone in headaches remains secretion is one measure of dopaminergic unknown. function, as dopamine is its main inhibitory factor. The measurement of prolactin can indi- rectly provide information on the dopaminer- Conclusion gic system in CM. We found an abnormal pattern of hypotha- We hypothesise that there is a sustained noc- lamic hormonal secretion in CM. This com- turnal inhibition of prolactin by dopamine and, prised: (1) a decreased nocturnal prolactin therefore, an indirect increase in dopamine peak, (2) increased cortisol concentrations, (3) secretion. Many antidopaminergic agents have a delayed nocturnal melatonin peak in patients been successfully used in acute (droperidol,33 34 with CM, and (4) lower melatonin concentra- chlorpromazine,35 prochlorperazine,36 metoclo- tions in patients with CM with insomnia. pramide, domperidone,37 haloperidol38), and Secretion of growth hormone did not diVer preventive (flunarizine,39 olanzapine (personal from controls. Overall, these results support communication)) headache treatment. Our the involvement of the hypothalamus in the findings support the use of these drugs in CM, pathophysiology of CM as shown by a chrono- but clinical trials are needed to confirm their biological dysregulation, and a possible hyper- eYcacy. dopaminergic state in patients with CM. Tumour necrosis factor- , a potent proin- flammatory cytokine involved in pain and 1 Castillo J, Munoz P, Guitera V, et al. Epidemiology of chronic daily headache in the general population. 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