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Human Geography: Places and
Regions in Global Context, 5e
Chapter 9: The Politics of Territory and Space
     Paul L. Knox & Sallie A. Marston
     PowerPoint Author: Keith M. Bell
The actions of states extending their spheres of influence has had a
considerable impact on economic globalization. Today states are the building
blocks of the world-system. This was not always the case. In fact, a world
divided largely into independent states is a feature of the last half of the
twentieth century. Prior to that, many parts of the world were dependent
territories or colonies, controlled by powers beyond their own borders. This
chapter looks at the origins of the present world-system, examining the rise of an
expansionist Europe, leading to colonialism, and followed by decolonization.
Students should be aware that states are independent political units, not just
sub-divisions of the United States, and that nations are groups of people sharing
common elements of culture. These terms are often confused.
Politics and geography have a lot to say to each other. The maps we are
accustomed to seeing and using are political maps, showing the boundaries of
states and other political units. States are not always static entities, as the recent
history of Europe has demonstrated. Analyzing the breakdown of the Soviet
Union and changes in the map of Europe in the 1990s provides a good example
of many aspects of political geography, including the concept of the state,
nations and nation-states, and the impact of states on the world-system.
Chapter Objectives
• The objectives of this chapter are to:
  – Understand the geopolitical model of the
    state, and to explore its boundaries and
  – Examine geopolitics and the world order
  – Prepare a foundation for the understanding of
Chapter Outline
•   The Development of Political Geography (p. 340)
     –   Geopolitics
     –   Boundaries and frontiers
•   Geopolitics and the World Order (p. 348)
     –   States and nations
     –   Imperialism and colonialism
     –   Decolonization and post-coloniality
     –   Theories of the state
     –   Terrorism and the New World Order
•   International and Supranational Organizations and New Regimes of Global
    Governance (p. 371)
     –   Supranational organizations
     –   International regimes
•   The Two-Way Street of Politics and Geography (p. 375)
     –   Regionalism and sectionalism
     –   Urban, suburban, and rural divides
     –   Electoral geography
•   Conclusion (p. 384)
Geography Matters
• 9.1 Window on the World—Afghanistan:
  From the Cold War to the New World Order
  (p. 366)
  – Changes in Afghanistan’s geopolitics and political
• 9.2 Geography Matters—State Terrorism in
  Chechnya (p. 370)
  – When the state turns against its own citizens
• 9.3 Window on the World—The Palestinian–
  Israeli Conflict (p. 380)
  – A brief history of the Palestinian–Israeli conflict
The Politics of
        Territory and Space
  Political geography, a subfield of the
    discipline of geography, examines
complex relationships between politics
       and geography (both human and

   Political geographers recognize that
  the relationship between politics and
 geography is two-way: the geography
           of politics and the politics of

    The relations between politics and
         geography are often driven by
  particularly theories and practices of
                     the world’s states.

     Political geography deals with the
  phenomena occurring at all scales of
      resolution, from the global to the
individual: East/West and North/South
       divisions dominate international
   politics. Regionalism, sectionalism,
and other divisions dominate intrastate
The Development of Political
•   Geopolitics is the state’s power
    to control space or territory and
    shape the foreign policy of
    individual states and
    international political relations.
•   Friedrich Ratzel, a German
    geopolitical theorist and social
    Darwinist, portrayed the state
    as behaving like a biological
    organism; geopolitics stems
    from the interactions of power
    and territory.
•   Russia’s intervention in
    Georgian state politics in 2008
    was a reassertion of Russia’s
    sphere of political (and
    military) influence.
The Geopolitical Model of the
•   Ratzel employed biological metaphors adopted from Charles Darwin to
    describe his seven laws of state growth:
     – The space of the state grows with the expansion of the population having the
       same culture (e.g., Hitler’s Lebensraum).
     – Territorial growth follows other aspects of development.
     – A state grows by absorbing smaller units.
     – The frontier is the peripheral organ of the state that reflects the strength and
       growth of the state; hence, it is not permanent.
     – States in the course of their growth seek to absorb politically valuable territory.
     – The impetus for growth comes to a primitive state from a more highly
       developed civilization.
     – The trend toward territorial growth is contagious and increases in the process
       of transmission.
The Changing
Map of Europe
U.S.–Mexico border                    Rural–urban boundary

   Some borders are exclusionary, like the heavily patrolled U.S.–Mexico
   Tijuana River estuary, while others signal differences in settlement
   activities that may be governed by land-use regulations.
Boundaries and Frontiers
India/Pakistan border                      Fall of the Berlin Wall

  The delimited area over which a state exercises control, and which is recognized by
  other states, is territory. Such an area may include both land and water, and may be
  highly contested at the fringes.
Boundary Formation
Geometric boundary
formation                                  De jure territories

  Formal boundaries tend first to follow natural barriers, such as rivers, mountain
  ranges, and oceans. Where no natural features occur, formal boundaries tend to be
  fixed along the easiest and most practical cartographic device: a straight line.
Township-and-Range System
•   Formal boundaries often detour
    from straight lines and natural
    barriers in order to accommodate
    special needs and claims.
•   After primary divisions have been
    established, internal boundaries
    tend to evolve as smaller,
    secondary territories are
•   U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785
•   Northwest Territories Act of 1803
•   Homestead Act of 1863
States and Nations
•   Given that nations were created
    out of very diverse populations,
    it is not surprising that no
    entirely pure nation-states exist
•   Nationalism is the feeling of
    belonging to a nation, as well as
    the belief that a nation has a
    natural right to determine its
    own affairs.
•   The history and the present
    status of the former Soviet
    Union also clearly illustrates
    the tensions among and
    between state, nations, and
•   Tsarist Russia; USSR; CIS
Soviet State Expansionism

Soviet expansion in the 1940–1950s was a product of Lenin’s ideas about the spread of
Bolshevism: once international inequalities were diminished and the many nationalities
became one Soviet people, nationalism would be replaced by communism.
Independent States of the Former USSR

By 1988, grassroots national movements were emerging in the Baltic states and
elsewhere as a reaction to Gorbachev’s glastnost and perestroika. By 1991, the
relatively peaceful breakup of the Soviet Union was under way, and new states had
emerged to claim their independence.
Process of Exploration
Geographers have figured prominently in the process of exploration by
identifying areas to be explored as well as actually traveling to those
places and cataloging resources and people. Exploration is one step in the
process of imperialism; colonization is another.
Imperialism and Colonialism
South America: 1496–1667   Africa: 1496–1912
British Colonialism in India
Orientalism is a discourse that posits the West as culturally superior to
the East. Westerners deemed Orientals (e.g., Arabs, Indians, etc.) inferior
and in need of disciplining in the eyes of the superior and enlightened
colonizer. But, in the case of India, Indian and British cultural practices
intermingled, changing both.
Africa          Asia and the South Pacific
Mackinder’s “Heartland Theory”

Mackinder’s world-view map
provides a good example of how
cartographic representations can
be employed to support
ideological arguments. Notice the
dominant area of the “Pivot.”
East/West Divide: Domino Theory
              •   The East/West divide refers to the
                  gulf between communist and non-
                  communist countries, respectively.
              •   American foreign policy pitched it
                  against the Soviet Union after
              •   Domino theory held that if one
                  country in a region chose or was
                  forced to accept a communist
                  political and economic system,
                  neighboring countries would fall to
                  communism as well.
              •   NATO was formed in 1949 to
                  safeguard the Western core
                  countries against Soviet expansion.
              •   The Vietnam War was the most
                  serious global manifestation of the
                  Cold War.
Afghanistan and the Khyber Pass
An important transportation and diffusion axis over the centuries,
Afghanistan. Greeks, Mongols, British, Russian, and now Americans
found this landlocked nation a transition point between regions of Central
Asia and South Asia.
Opposition to the New World Order
                 •   At the end of the Cold War (1991),
                     Pres. H.W. Bush proclaimed a “new
                     world order,” where the United
                     States became the sole superpower.
                 •   With the political, economic, and
                     cultural dominance of the United
                     States comes the worldwide
                     promotion of liberal democracy and
                     transnational capitalistic growth.
                 •   Both domestic and international
                     opposition to these “Western ideals”
                     came in the form of asymmetrical
                     warfare (e.g., Murrah Federal
                     Building, 9/11 attacks, U.S.S. Cole,
                     U.S. embassy bombings in Africa,
                     etc.), termed by most as “terrorism.”
War in Iraq: Casualties and
              •   Since former Pres. Bush’s
                  troop surge in 2007, violence
                  has diminished across Iraq.
                  Moreover, military troop build-
                  up was coupled with financial
                  incentives to Iraqi groups to
                  quell violence.
              •   Ethnic cleansing of minorities
                  in Shia/Sunni dominated
                  neighborhoods also reduced
                  tensions between the factions.
              •   Kurdish autonomy in northern
                  Iraq poses unity problems
                  within the country, as well as
                  cross-border tensions with the
                  U.S.’s NATO ally, Turkey.
State Terrorism in Chechnya
The Northern Caucasus
region                                      Grozny refugees

  Chechnya provides a useful example of state terrorism. It also provides an illustration
  of the complexity of terrorism as a concept by showing that it can be practiced by both
  individuals as well as institutions, by rogue forces as well as legitimate ones.
Transnational Political Integration

A supranational organization is a collection of
individual states with a common goal that may be
economic and/or political in nature. These
organizations also reduce the independence of
individual states.
European Union

The goal of the EU is to increase economic integration and cooperation among the
27 member states. Twelve recent members show the growth of the organization into
eastern Europe.
Regionalism and Sectionalism
At a demonstration in Germany, Kurdish immigrants hold up signs on
behalf of Abdullah Ocalan, the Kurdish rebel leader who founded the
Kurdistan Workers Party (the PKK), and undertook armed attacks on the
Turkish government in order to secure an independent Kurdish state.
U.S. Presidential Elections
1860                                       1992

 In the 1860 election, sectionalism played a role as none of the slave-holding states
 voted for Lincoln. Third party candidates can be successful at gaining electors when
 they are geographically concentrated, but as the 1992 vote shows, garnering popular
 votes does not ensure that electoral votes will follow (i.e., Ross Perot).
The Geography of Politics
Hierarchy of representation                   Gerrymandering

  Democratic rule is a system in which public policies and officials are directly
  chosen by popular vote. Territorial organization is a system of government
  formally structured by area, not by social groups. But in the practice of redistricting
  for partisan purposes, known as gerrymandering, boundaries of districts are
  redrawn to advantage a particular political party or candidate.
End of Chapter 9
Discussion Topics and Lecture
• What is geopolitics? How does geopolitics
  differ from political geography more
  – Geopolitics is the state’s power to control
    space or territory and shape the foreign policy
    of individual states and international political
    relations; it is essentially the study of a state
    beyond its borders (remember that the word
    “state” in this case refers to countries and not
    subdivisions of the United States).
Discussion Topics and Lecture
        Discuss Friedrich Ratzel’s interpretation of the state. How might his
        organic metaphors have influenced state policy-making, especially in
        twentieth century Europe?
    –         Ratzel used biological metaphors to describe the state as well as seven laws
              of state growth:
          •      The space of the state grows with the expansion of the population having the same
          •      Territorial growth follows other aspects of development.
          •      A state grows by absorbing smaller units.
          •      The frontier is the peripheral organ of the state that reflects the strength and growth
                 of the state: hence it is not permanent.
          •      States in the course of their growth seek to absorb politically valuable territory.
          •      The impetus for growth comes to a primitive state from a more highly developed
          •      The trend toward territorial growth is contagious and increases in the process of
    –         Ratzel’s model uses organic metaphors: the state is seen as being like an
              organism, and, like an organism, it can grow and expand. See Figure 9.1 as
              well as pages 340–342 in the textbook for a discussion of the impact of
              Ratzel’s ideas on European geopolitics.
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•       Using Figure 9.1, what changes have taken place on
        the map of Europe in the 1990s? Which new countries
        have appeared? Which have disappeared? What
        similarities does the map of 2008 have with that of
        1924? What has accounted for these changes?
    –     Figure 9.1 is on page 341 of the textbook. In the 1990s, the
          federal republic of Yugoslavia broke up into its constituent
          parts, creating new countries such as Slovenia and Croatia
          (among others). Germany unified, so that the German
          Democratic Republic (East Germany) no longer exists.
          Czechoslovakia split into the Czech and Slovak Republics.
          The breakup of the Soviet Union also created a number of
          new states in Europe. Many of these states, such as Estonia,
          Latvia, and Lithuania, were independent in 1924, but were
          later incorporated into the Soviet Union, as depicted on the
          map of 1989.
Fig 9.1
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•       What is the difference between a nation and a state?
        Can you give some examples of nation-states as well
        as multinational states? What factors account for the
        creation of multinational states?
    –     A nation is a group of people sharing common elements of
          culture such as religion or language, or a history or political
          identity, whereas a state is an independent political unit with
          recognized boundaries. A nation-state is an ideal form in
          which a homogenous group of people is governed by their
          own state; Denmark is often given as an example of a nation-
          state. Multinational states include India, Papua New Guinea,
          and the United Kingdom, among many others. A variety of
          historical factors account for the existence of multinational
          states, including historical conquest, settlement, and acts of
          union, as in the United Kingdom, or boundaries drawn by
          colonial powers, as in India and Papua New Guinea.
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•    Most states create or establish a national
     identity at least partly through the use of
     symbols. These national symbols are often
     depicted on national flags, postage stamps,
     coins, and banknotes. Collect some examples
     of these from different countries. How are
     these national symbols being used? Have they
     succeeded in creating a sense of national
     identity and union?
    –   It should be fairly easy to collect a variety of
        postage stamps, coins, banknotes, and even flags
        (or pictures of them). These can be photographed
        and made into slides for easy viewing by the class.
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•    What were the factors that led to the breakup
     of the Soviet Union? Was the breakup
     inevitable, or could it have been stopped? If
     you had been Mikhail Gorbachev, what steps
     would you have taken? Why?
    –   The factors accounting for the breakup are
        debatable, but include a declining economy,
        increasing nationalism in the Soviet republics, and
        reformist ideas among the Soviet leadership.
        Gorbachev’s actions certainly speeded up a
        process that many commentators felt was
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•    What kind of boundaries does your state
     of residence (national and sub-national
     state) have? Why were boundaries
     drawn in these particular ways?
    – Boundaries may be natural features such as
      rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges, or
      straight lines drawn by surveyors. State land
      agencies, and state histories, may be able to
      provide some information about why
      boundaries were drawn in particular ways.
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•    Give some examples of nationalist movements
     in the world today. What are these movements
     trying to achieve? How are they going about
     achieving it?
    –   The Scottish Independence Movement and the
        Tibet Independence Movement are two examples of
        nationalist movements active today. See the Tibet
        website at,
        and the Scottish site at
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•    What is meant by the North/South divide? How
     did this divide come about, and what
     implications does it have for the world of
    –   The North/South divide is the differentiation made
        between the colonizing states of the Northern
        Hemisphere and the formerly colonized states of the
        Southern Hemisphere (very generally defined
        geographically). The divide is characterized by a
        relation of dependence, in which the countries of the
        South are economically dependent on the countries
        of the North. North/South divide is less precise than
        a dichotomy between developed and less-
        developed countries.
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•    What are the boundaries of your federal
     congressional district? How was this
     boundary drawn? Is it a gerrymandered
     boundary? Why or why not?
    – Information on congressional boundaries
      can be obtained from your representative’s
      office. Boundaries are often shown on the
      maps contained in telephone directories as
Discussion Topics and Lecture
•    Using current newspapers and the
     Internet, discuss contemporary global
     conflicts. How do these illustrate the
     issues that concern political
    – All three boxed text materials in this chapter
      cover contemporary global conflicts
      (Afghanistan, Chechnya, and the
      Palestinian–Israeli conflict).

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Human geography9

  • 1. Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context, 5e Chapter 9: The Politics of Territory and Space Paul L. Knox & Sallie A. Marston PowerPoint Author: Keith M. Bell
  • 2. Overview The actions of states extending their spheres of influence has had a considerable impact on economic globalization. Today states are the building blocks of the world-system. This was not always the case. In fact, a world divided largely into independent states is a feature of the last half of the twentieth century. Prior to that, many parts of the world were dependent territories or colonies, controlled by powers beyond their own borders. This chapter looks at the origins of the present world-system, examining the rise of an expansionist Europe, leading to colonialism, and followed by decolonization. Students should be aware that states are independent political units, not just sub-divisions of the United States, and that nations are groups of people sharing common elements of culture. These terms are often confused. Politics and geography have a lot to say to each other. The maps we are accustomed to seeing and using are political maps, showing the boundaries of states and other political units. States are not always static entities, as the recent history of Europe has demonstrated. Analyzing the breakdown of the Soviet Union and changes in the map of Europe in the 1990s provides a good example of many aspects of political geography, including the concept of the state, nations and nation-states, and the impact of states on the world-system.
  • 3. Chapter Objectives • The objectives of this chapter are to: – Understand the geopolitical model of the state, and to explore its boundaries and frontiers – Examine geopolitics and the world order – Prepare a foundation for the understanding of geopolitics
  • 4. Chapter Outline • The Development of Political Geography (p. 340) – Geopolitics – Boundaries and frontiers • Geopolitics and the World Order (p. 348) – States and nations – Imperialism and colonialism – Decolonization and post-coloniality – Theories of the state – Terrorism and the New World Order • International and Supranational Organizations and New Regimes of Global Governance (p. 371) – Supranational organizations – International regimes • The Two-Way Street of Politics and Geography (p. 375) – Regionalism and sectionalism – Urban, suburban, and rural divides – Electoral geography • Conclusion (p. 384)
  • 5. Geography Matters • 9.1 Window on the World—Afghanistan: From the Cold War to the New World Order (p. 366) – Changes in Afghanistan’s geopolitics and political geography • 9.2 Geography Matters—State Terrorism in Chechnya (p. 370) – When the state turns against its own citizens • 9.3 Window on the World—The Palestinian– Israeli Conflict (p. 380) – A brief history of the Palestinian–Israeli conflict
  • 6. The Politics of Territory and Space Political geography, a subfield of the discipline of geography, examines complex relationships between politics and geography (both human and physical). Political geographers recognize that the relationship between politics and geography is two-way: the geography of politics and the politics of geography. The relations between politics and geography are often driven by particularly theories and practices of the world’s states. Political geography deals with the phenomena occurring at all scales of resolution, from the global to the individual: East/West and North/South divisions dominate international politics. Regionalism, sectionalism, and other divisions dominate intrastate politics.
  • 7. The Development of Political Geography • Geopolitics is the state’s power to control space or territory and shape the foreign policy of individual states and international political relations. • Friedrich Ratzel, a German geopolitical theorist and social Darwinist, portrayed the state as behaving like a biological organism; geopolitics stems from the interactions of power and territory. • Russia’s intervention in Georgian state politics in 2008 was a reassertion of Russia’s sphere of political (and military) influence.
  • 8. The Geopolitical Model of the State • Ratzel employed biological metaphors adopted from Charles Darwin to describe his seven laws of state growth: – The space of the state grows with the expansion of the population having the same culture (e.g., Hitler’s Lebensraum). – Territorial growth follows other aspects of development. – A state grows by absorbing smaller units. – The frontier is the peripheral organ of the state that reflects the strength and growth of the state; hence, it is not permanent. – States in the course of their growth seek to absorb politically valuable territory. – The impetus for growth comes to a primitive state from a more highly developed civilization. – The trend toward territorial growth is contagious and increases in the process of transmission.
  • 10. Boundaries U.S.–Mexico border Rural–urban boundary Some borders are exclusionary, like the heavily patrolled U.S.–Mexico Tijuana River estuary, while others signal differences in settlement activities that may be governed by land-use regulations.
  • 11. Boundaries and Frontiers India/Pakistan border Fall of the Berlin Wall The delimited area over which a state exercises control, and which is recognized by other states, is territory. Such an area may include both land and water, and may be highly contested at the fringes.
  • 12. Boundary Formation Geometric boundary formation De jure territories Formal boundaries tend first to follow natural barriers, such as rivers, mountain ranges, and oceans. Where no natural features occur, formal boundaries tend to be fixed along the easiest and most practical cartographic device: a straight line.
  • 13. Township-and-Range System • Formal boundaries often detour from straight lines and natural barriers in order to accommodate special needs and claims. • After primary divisions have been established, internal boundaries tend to evolve as smaller, secondary territories are demarcated. • U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785 • Northwest Territories Act of 1803 • Homestead Act of 1863
  • 14. States and Nations • Given that nations were created out of very diverse populations, it is not surprising that no entirely pure nation-states exist today. • Nationalism is the feeling of belonging to a nation, as well as the belief that a nation has a natural right to determine its own affairs. • The history and the present status of the former Soviet Union also clearly illustrates the tensions among and between state, nations, and nationalism. • Tsarist Russia; USSR; CIS
  • 15. Soviet State Expansionism Soviet expansion in the 1940–1950s was a product of Lenin’s ideas about the spread of Bolshevism: once international inequalities were diminished and the many nationalities became one Soviet people, nationalism would be replaced by communism.
  • 16. Independent States of the Former USSR By 1988, grassroots national movements were emerging in the Baltic states and elsewhere as a reaction to Gorbachev’s glastnost and perestroika. By 1991, the relatively peaceful breakup of the Soviet Union was under way, and new states had emerged to claim their independence.
  • 17. Process of Exploration Geographers have figured prominently in the process of exploration by identifying areas to be explored as well as actually traveling to those places and cataloging resources and people. Exploration is one step in the process of imperialism; colonization is another.
  • 18. Imperialism and Colonialism South America: 1496–1667 Africa: 1496–1912
  • 19. British Colonialism in India Orientalism is a discourse that posits the West as culturally superior to the East. Westerners deemed Orientals (e.g., Arabs, Indians, etc.) inferior and in need of disciplining in the eyes of the superior and enlightened colonizer. But, in the case of India, Indian and British cultural practices intermingled, changing both.
  • 20. Decolonization Africa Asia and the South Pacific
  • 21. Mackinder’s “Heartland Theory” Mackinder’s world-view map provides a good example of how cartographic representations can be employed to support ideological arguments. Notice the dominant area of the “Pivot.”
  • 22. East/West Divide: Domino Theory • The East/West divide refers to the gulf between communist and non- communist countries, respectively. • American foreign policy pitched it against the Soviet Union after WWII. • Domino theory held that if one country in a region chose or was forced to accept a communist political and economic system, neighboring countries would fall to communism as well. • NATO was formed in 1949 to safeguard the Western core countries against Soviet expansion. • The Vietnam War was the most serious global manifestation of the Cold War.
  • 23. Afghanistan and the Khyber Pass
  • 24. Afghanistan An important transportation and diffusion axis over the centuries, Afghanistan. Greeks, Mongols, British, Russian, and now Americans found this landlocked nation a transition point between regions of Central Asia and South Asia.
  • 25. Opposition to the New World Order • At the end of the Cold War (1991), Pres. H.W. Bush proclaimed a “new world order,” where the United States became the sole superpower. • With the political, economic, and cultural dominance of the United States comes the worldwide promotion of liberal democracy and transnational capitalistic growth. • Both domestic and international opposition to these “Western ideals” came in the form of asymmetrical warfare (e.g., Murrah Federal Building, 9/11 attacks, U.S.S. Cole, U.S. embassy bombings in Africa, etc.), termed by most as “terrorism.”
  • 26. War in Iraq: Casualties and Outcomes • Since former Pres. Bush’s troop surge in 2007, violence has diminished across Iraq. Moreover, military troop build- up was coupled with financial incentives to Iraqi groups to quell violence. • Ethnic cleansing of minorities in Shia/Sunni dominated neighborhoods also reduced tensions between the factions. • Kurdish autonomy in northern Iraq poses unity problems within the country, as well as cross-border tensions with the U.S.’s NATO ally, Turkey.
  • 27. State Terrorism in Chechnya The Northern Caucasus region Grozny refugees Chechnya provides a useful example of state terrorism. It also provides an illustration of the complexity of terrorism as a concept by showing that it can be practiced by both individuals as well as institutions, by rogue forces as well as legitimate ones.
  • 28. Transnational Political Integration A supranational organization is a collection of individual states with a common goal that may be economic and/or political in nature. These organizations also reduce the independence of individual states.
  • 29. European Union The goal of the EU is to increase economic integration and cooperation among the 27 member states. Twelve recent members show the growth of the organization into eastern Europe.
  • 30. Regionalism and Sectionalism At a demonstration in Germany, Kurdish immigrants hold up signs on behalf of Abdullah Ocalan, the Kurdish rebel leader who founded the Kurdistan Workers Party (the PKK), and undertook armed attacks on the Turkish government in order to secure an independent Kurdish state.
  • 31.
  • 32. U.S. Presidential Elections 1860 1992 In the 1860 election, sectionalism played a role as none of the slave-holding states voted for Lincoln. Third party candidates can be successful at gaining electors when they are geographically concentrated, but as the 1992 vote shows, garnering popular votes does not ensure that electoral votes will follow (i.e., Ross Perot).
  • 33. The Geography of Politics Hierarchy of representation Gerrymandering Democratic rule is a system in which public policies and officials are directly chosen by popular vote. Territorial organization is a system of government formally structured by area, not by social groups. But in the practice of redistricting for partisan purposes, known as gerrymandering, boundaries of districts are redrawn to advantage a particular political party or candidate.
  • 35. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • What is geopolitics? How does geopolitics differ from political geography more generally? – Geopolitics is the state’s power to control space or territory and shape the foreign policy of individual states and international political relations; it is essentially the study of a state beyond its borders (remember that the word “state” in this case refers to countries and not subdivisions of the United States).
  • 36. Discussion Topics and Lecture • Themes Discuss Friedrich Ratzel’s interpretation of the state. How might his organic metaphors have influenced state policy-making, especially in twentieth century Europe? – Ratzel used biological metaphors to describe the state as well as seven laws of state growth: • The space of the state grows with the expansion of the population having the same culture. • Territorial growth follows other aspects of development. • A state grows by absorbing smaller units. • The frontier is the peripheral organ of the state that reflects the strength and growth of the state: hence it is not permanent. • States in the course of their growth seek to absorb politically valuable territory. • The impetus for growth comes to a primitive state from a more highly developed civilization. • The trend toward territorial growth is contagious and increases in the process of transmission. – Ratzel’s model uses organic metaphors: the state is seen as being like an organism, and, like an organism, it can grow and expand. See Figure 9.1 as well as pages 340–342 in the textbook for a discussion of the impact of Ratzel’s ideas on European geopolitics.
  • 37. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • Using Figure 9.1, what changes have taken place on the map of Europe in the 1990s? Which new countries have appeared? Which have disappeared? What similarities does the map of 2008 have with that of 1924? What has accounted for these changes? – Figure 9.1 is on page 341 of the textbook. In the 1990s, the federal republic of Yugoslavia broke up into its constituent parts, creating new countries such as Slovenia and Croatia (among others). Germany unified, so that the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) no longer exists. Czechoslovakia split into the Czech and Slovak Republics. The breakup of the Soviet Union also created a number of new states in Europe. Many of these states, such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, were independent in 1924, but were later incorporated into the Soviet Union, as depicted on the map of 1989.
  • 39. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • What is the difference between a nation and a state? Can you give some examples of nation-states as well as multinational states? What factors account for the creation of multinational states? – A nation is a group of people sharing common elements of culture such as religion or language, or a history or political identity, whereas a state is an independent political unit with recognized boundaries. A nation-state is an ideal form in which a homogenous group of people is governed by their own state; Denmark is often given as an example of a nation- state. Multinational states include India, Papua New Guinea, and the United Kingdom, among many others. A variety of historical factors account for the existence of multinational states, including historical conquest, settlement, and acts of union, as in the United Kingdom, or boundaries drawn by colonial powers, as in India and Papua New Guinea.
  • 40. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • Most states create or establish a national identity at least partly through the use of symbols. These national symbols are often depicted on national flags, postage stamps, coins, and banknotes. Collect some examples of these from different countries. How are these national symbols being used? Have they succeeded in creating a sense of national identity and union? – It should be fairly easy to collect a variety of postage stamps, coins, banknotes, and even flags (or pictures of them). These can be photographed and made into slides for easy viewing by the class.
  • 41. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • What were the factors that led to the breakup of the Soviet Union? Was the breakup inevitable, or could it have been stopped? If you had been Mikhail Gorbachev, what steps would you have taken? Why? – The factors accounting for the breakup are debatable, but include a declining economy, increasing nationalism in the Soviet republics, and reformist ideas among the Soviet leadership. Gorbachev’s actions certainly speeded up a process that many commentators felt was inevitable.
  • 42. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • What kind of boundaries does your state of residence (national and sub-national state) have? Why were boundaries drawn in these particular ways? – Boundaries may be natural features such as rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges, or straight lines drawn by surveyors. State land agencies, and state histories, may be able to provide some information about why boundaries were drawn in particular ways.
  • 43. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • Give some examples of nationalist movements in the world today. What are these movements trying to achieve? How are they going about achieving it? – The Scottish Independence Movement and the Tibet Independence Movement are two examples of nationalist movements active today. See the Tibet website at, and the Scottish site at
  • 44. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • What is meant by the North/South divide? How did this divide come about, and what implications does it have for the world of today? – The North/South divide is the differentiation made between the colonizing states of the Northern Hemisphere and the formerly colonized states of the Southern Hemisphere (very generally defined geographically). The divide is characterized by a relation of dependence, in which the countries of the South are economically dependent on the countries of the North. North/South divide is less precise than a dichotomy between developed and less- developed countries.
  • 45. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • What are the boundaries of your federal congressional district? How was this boundary drawn? Is it a gerrymandered boundary? Why or why not? – Information on congressional boundaries can be obtained from your representative’s office. Boundaries are often shown on the maps contained in telephone directories as well.
  • 46. Discussion Topics and Lecture Themes • Using current newspapers and the Internet, discuss contemporary global conflicts. How do these illustrate the issues that concern political geographers? – All three boxed text materials in this chapter cover contemporary global conflicts (Afghanistan, Chechnya, and the Palestinian–Israeli conflict).