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Tips for answering Question
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Question Structure Answer
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Explanation types
Another types
Wh-question type
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What do……..?
When do…….?
Where do…….?
How do/did..?
Who does..?
: -
: -
Another types
Write about……..?
Find out…….?
Look at…….?
In which…….?
: -
What do you think about……..? Give your opinion.
From your reading of /based on the passage…….?
Write in brief
“Any quotation of the passage "explain…?
From the text…….? Write in 2/3 sentence
Give your opinion on……..?
Is this a right Decision…?write in your own way.
“Topic name“……………….……….explain…?why or why not
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Explanation types
Another types
Wh-question type
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Wh-question type example
#Why should a person not overspend?
People who overspend are never satisfied with what they have. Over a period of time, it
becomes an addiction which may, eventually, create psychological problems.
#What do you know about the NGOs from the passage? Write 2/3 sentences on it.
The Non Government Organizations (NGOs) are the empowerment groups that work all over
Bangladesh. Some NGOs provide adolescent girls with the tools needed to gradually change
social practices. They work through Canada's Adolescent Reproductive Health Project.
#How did the empowerment group influence Shilpi's life?
The empowerment group played a vital role in Bangladesh regarding adolescent health. In
the passage we find that Shilpi came to understand the potentially harmful effects of
early marriage and pregnancy through an NGO. And then she became aware of her health
and risk of pregnancy at that stage of life.
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Another types example
#Narrate Sheikh Kamal's educational qualification in 2/3 sentences.
Sheikh Kamal completed his SSC from Dhaka's BAF Shaheen School and HSC from Dhaka
College. After that he became a student at the department of Sociology of the
University of Dhaka.
#Describe Sheikh Kamal's daily activities in your own words.
Generally, Sheikh Kamal used to begin his day practicing the sitar and during the day, he
played various types of games such as basketball or football or cricket. In the evening, he
was often seen on stage rehearsing a play.
#Write about Sultana Kamal in 2/3 sentences.
Sultana Kamal was the newly wedded spouse of Sheikh Kamal and one of the victims of the
assassination. She was a Dhaka University Blue in athletics.
Explanation types example
#Based on your reading of the passage, explain what bullying is.
Bullying is a harmful action of a person or student to his/ her companion like frightening
him or harassing him psychologically and mentally, or threatening him.
#After reading the passage, how would you describe Sheikh Kamal? Give your answer in
not more than 3/4 sentences.
After reading the passage, I would describe Sheikh Kamal as a simple, lively and patriotic
persona. He used to live a very ordinary life. Besides he was involved in various types of arts
and plays. Moreover, he was never proud or rude, rather his life was colorful, marked by
liveliness and creativity.
#"Don't call me. I'll call you." Who said this? Why did he say this? Write in 2/3
Nelson Mandela said this. He said this because he retired from his public life. However, he
did not retire from his ideal. When needed, he would call his people again to defend his
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Auxiliary types example
#Can meditation be adapted to modern life? Explain briefly.
Ans: Yes, it can be: Meditation can be practiced in our everyday life. To practice meditation
we need to add time daily for it and try to become more ethical so as to accelerate our
#Do you think everyone should have a role model to achieve their dream? Why/why not?
Ans: Yes, I think so. Whatever our dream is, we must have a role model to follow. If we do
everything on our own, there will be chances of losing the way. A role model can show us the
right path to our dream and inspire us all the way as did the mother of Nishat.
#Do you think overspending is related to only shopping? Give your answer in not more than
2/3 sentences.
Ans: "No, I think overspending is not related to only shopping. It is related to other activities
as well such as eating out. Therefore, overspending refers to any kind of unnecessary
: -
Question Answer
Tense Tense
auxiliary verb Main verb
Modal Modal
Don’t Copy
Passive Passive
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Question Answer
Tense Tense
How does bullying affect a
student's life?
Immediately, bullying hampers a
student's study life. He/she
becomes unfamiliar with studying
slowly. In the long run, he becomes
anxious, depressed and even kills
: -
Question Answer
What was Nelson Mandela
determined to do? How did
he win the support of the
Nelson Mandela was determined to
bring down the apartheid prevailing
at that time while avoiding a civil
war. Through his prestige and
charisma, he won the support of
the world.
Passive Passive
: -
Question Answer
Do you think overspending
is related to only
shopping? Give your answer
in not more than 2/3
"No, I think overspending is not
related to only shopping. It is
related to other activities as well
such as eating out. Therefore,
overspending refers to any kind of
unnecessary expenses.
auxiliary verb Main verb
: -
Question Answer
How spending may lead
one to financial ruin or
When someone spends lavishly and
the expense exceeds their income,
it may lead him to debt or
financial ruin,
Modal Modal
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Structure to remember
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My name is Amerigo. I am 13 years old and I live on the street, alone. My mother,
who is separated from my father, doesn't want me. She told me to go away ... Now
she is married to another man. My father lives very far away. I want to go to him,
but he won't take me either. I begged him to send me some money so that I could
buy a bus ticket. I am still waiting. He hasn't answered. The streets are now my
home. Sometimes I find work. I used to collect trash and sell it to a vendor. I
stopped doing that after I had a serious infection and a doctor told me to stay
away from the trash dump. Once I worked for an ice cream shop owner and sold ice
cream on the beach. But I got no money in return. The owner of the shop gave me
something to eat, and let me sleep in his hut at night. The work was difficult and
painful. The ice cream box is quite heavy when it is full. I had to walk for hours,
offering my ice cream to whoever wanted to buy. There were days when I could not
even sell one ice cream.
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1.Who/ what, how many, how much (as subject)
Structure: Question
Question : Who is the narrator of the story?
Ans : Amerigo is the narrator of the story.
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2.Whom/ what, how many, how much (as object)
Structure: Question এর প্রথম থথকে মূল verb পর্যন্ত + উত্তর
+ Question এর বাকে অংশ
Ques : What did the ice-cream shop owner give him?
Ans : Ice-cream shop owner gave him something to eat
and let him sleep in the shop.
: -
Ques : What is your impression about Amerigo's parents?
My opinion is that both of Amerigo's father and mother are
self-centered. They only think about themselves, not for
Amerigo. They are not well aware of the well-being of Amerigo.
: -
2.1 Subject object
clause (sentence that
Ques : What is painful for Amerigo?
Ans: That Amerigo’s parents told him to go away is painful.
: -
subject object
n/p (noun/pronoun/noun phrase /noun equivalent)
Verb infinitive /Gerund
Adjective subject the
Ques : What was Amerigo’s first job?
Ans: Amerigo’s first job was to collect trash and sell it to a vendor.
(Am,is,are,was,were Verb Object Infinitive(to+V)
Ques : Which work was painful and difficult?
Ans: Selling ice-cream was painful and difficult.
Or, To sell ice cream was painful and difficult.
: -
3.What+ Verb+ n/p + verb(do/happen)/ what happens
(a) What did Amerigo do before selling ice cream?
Ans: Amerigo used to collect trash and sell it to a vendor before
selling ice cream.
(b) What happened to Amerigo when his parents left him?
Ans: Amerigo became a street child when his parent left him.
: -
4.1How : Adjective
Verb টি Linking verb
(be, seem, look, appear, taste, feel.)
Structure : question-এর Ask + Adjective/ (as + adjective + as + noun)
Ques : How is Amerigo’s life?
Ans : Amerigo’s life is painful .
: -
4.2How :
Structure: question-এর অংশ + by + gerund/(
Ques : How did Amerigo earn his livelihood?
Ans : Amerigo earned his livelihood by collecting trash and selling ice
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5.Which + noun/ what + noun
Structure: The + noun-টি থথকে question-এর বাকে অংশ + tense
be verb+
(a) Which incident has changed Amerigo’s life?
Ans : The incident that has changed Amerigo’s life is his
parents’ separation.
: -
6.Why :
Because : question Subject + Verb + Ex.
(a) Why did Amerigo stopped doing the first job of collecting trash?
Ans : Amerigo stopped doing the first job of collecting trash because he had
a serious infection and a doctor told him to stay away from the trash dump .
: -
6.2 Because of/ for :
question n/p
Ques: Why is Amerigo a street child now?
Ans : Amerigo is a street child now because of his
parents’ separation.
: -
6.3 To :
Question verb base form + Ext.
(a) Why did Amerigo collect trash and sell it to a vendor?
Ans: Amerigo collected trash and sold it to a vendor to
earn his livelihood.
: -
7.When/Where :
Question Prep
Question Prep+
Ques : Where does Amerigo live?
Ans : Amerigo lives on the street.
: -
8.Wh-word কিকে question
েরা না হকল উত্তরটি কনকের গঠন অনুর্ােী েরা র্াে :
Yes/ No, + question- /Auxiliary
Question: Is Amerigo happy in his life?
Answer: No. Amerigo is not happy in his life.
Question: Do you think overspending is related to only shopping?
Give your answer in not more than 2/3 sentences.
Answer: "No, I think overspending is not related to only shopping. It is
related to other activities as well such as eating out. Therefore, overspending
refers to any kind of unnecessary expenses.
: -
Read the passage and answer the question number 01.
In Bangladesh, 35 percent students aged between 13 and 15 reported being bullied one or more days in 30 days or involved in a
physical fight at least once in 12 months in 2014, says a new report. Globally, half of students aged between 13 and 15 worldwide -
around 150 million - report having experienced peer-to-peer violence such as physical fights or forms of bullying, from their peers in
and around school, according to the report released by UNICEF. The report is based on data from the Health Behavior in School-aged
Children: Cross-national Study and the Global School-based Student Health Surveys. The data include 122 countries, representing 51
per cent of the global population of children between 13 and 15. The report finds that students experience other forms of violence at
school, such as attacks in classrooms or physical punishment by teachers. About 720 million school-age children live in countries where
they are not fully protected by law against forms of physical punishment at school, according to the report. "Education is the key to
building peaceful societies, and yet, for millions of children around the world, school itself is not safe," said UNICEF Executive
Director Henrietta Fore. "Every day, students face multiple dangers, including fighting, pressure to join gangs, bullying both in person
and online, violent discipline, sexual harassment and armed violence. In the short-term this impacts their learning, and in the long-term
it can lead to depression, anxiety and even suicide. Violence is an unforgettable lesson that no child needs to learn." Globally, slightly
more than one in three students between 13 and 15 said they experience bullying, according to the report. About one in three has been
involved in physical fights. On the other hand, 17 million young adolescents in 39 industrialized countries have admitted bullying others
at school, according to the report. While girls and boys are equally at risk of bullying, girls are more likely to become victims of
psychological forms of bullying and boys are more at risk of physical violence and threats. 1x5-5 Adolescence B. Answer the f a. Based
on iv) killing The report notes that violence involving weapons in schools, such as knives and guns, continues to claim lives. It also says
that in an increasingly digital world, bullies are disseminating violent, hurtful and humiliating content with the click of a button.
: -
B. Answer the following questions:
a. Based on your reading of the passage, explain what bullying is.
b. Do boys and girls are bullied in the same way or differently? Explain.
C. "Education is the key to building peace..." What does the UN Executive
Director want to say?
d. How does bullying affect a student's life?
e. What is the scenario of bullying nationally and globally?
: -
B. Answer the following questions:
a. Based on your reading of the passage, explain what bullying is.
Sample Answer: Bullying is a harmful action of a person or student to his/ her companion like
frightening him or harassing B. him psychologically and mentally, or threatening him.
b. Do boys and girls are bullied in the same way or differently? Explain.
Sample Answer: Though boys and girls are bullied frequently, they both are bullied differently.
Generally, girls are bullied mentally whereas boys are harmed physically.
C. "Education is the key to building peace..." What does the UN Executive Director want to
Sample Answer: Education is a mean to establish peace in a society and school is an important
place for education. Unfortunately, this place is gradually becoming fearsome to the students.
: -
B. Answer the following questions:
d. How does bullying affect a student's life?
Sample Answer: Immediately, bullying hampers a student's study life. He/she becomes unfamiliar with
studying slowly. In the long run, he becomes anxious, depressed and even kills him/herself.
e. What is the scenario of bullying nationally and globally?
Sample answer : In Bangladesh, 35 percent of 13 & 15 years old students experienced bullying in 2014.
This group constantly or occasionally faced it in their student life. While one-third of the global students
experienced harm from their peers according to a study.
: -
Read the passage and answer the question number 01.
Sheikh Kamal, the eldest son of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Bangamata Fazilatunnesa
Mujib, was born at Tungipara in Gopalganj district. He spent his childhood there. Kamal received his
secondary education at Dhaka's BAF Shaheen School from where he passed his SSC examination. He
was then admitted to Dhaka College, and after his HSC examination he became a student at the
department of Sociology of Dhaka University, Kamal had a colorful life marked by liveliness and
creativity. Besides his academic studies, he also pursued his passion for sports and cultural activities.
He was a first division basketball and cricket player as well as a sports organizer. He was also
interested in classical music, and became a student of Chhayanaut to learn Sitar under the tutelage of
Ustad Ful Mohammad. Apart from Sitar, Kamal had a passion for Piano. He had a good collection of
musical instruments on the second floor of their house at Dhanmondi, Road no. 32.
It is well known to his friends that Sheikh Kamal used to begin his day practicing the Sitar and during
the day played basketball or football or cricket. In the evening he was often seen on stage rehearsing a
play. He took part in a stage performance of Kabar written by prominent playwright Shaheed Munir
Chowdhury. Kamal was one of the founders of Dhaka Theatre………
: -
B. Answer the following questions:
a. Where was Sheikh Kamal born?
Sample Answer: Sheikh Kamal was born at Tungipara in Gopalganj district. He spent his beautiful
childhood there,
b. Narrate Sheikh Kamal's educational qualification in 2/3 sentences.
Sample Answer: Sheikh Kamal completed his SSC from Dhaka's BAF Shaheen School and HSC from
Dhaka College. After that he became a student at the department of Sociology of the University of
c. Which plays did Sheikh Kamal excel in?
Sample Answer: Sheikh Kamal excelled in cricket and basketball. He had a passion for sports.
: -
B. Answer the following questions:
d. Describe Sheikh Kamal's daily activities in your own words.
Sample Answer: Generally, Sheikh Kamal used to begin his day practicing the sitar and during the day, he
played various types of games such as basketball or football or cricket. In the evening, he was often seen
on stage rehearsing a play.
e. According to the author, what interesting traits were there in Sheikh Kamal's character?
Sample Answer: According to the author of the passage, in spite of being the eldest son of Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Sheikh Kamal used to lead a very simple life. He did not take any advantage of
his father's fame. He groomed himself up as a young man who gained success by dint of perseverance and

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HSC Answering Question

  • 1. 01
  • 2. : - Tips for answering Question
  • 3. : -
  • 4. : - Question Structure Answer Text Structure
  • 5. : - Explanation types Another types Wh-question type Auxiliary-verb
  • 8. : - Another types Write about……..? Describe/Narrate…….? Analyze…….? Elaborate…….? Find out…….? Look at…….? In which…….?
  • 9. : - Explanation types What do you think about……..? Give your opinion. From your reading of /based on the passage…….? Write in brief “Any quotation of the passage "explain…? From the text…….? Write in 2/3 sentence Give your opinion on……..? Is this a right Decision…?write in your own way. “Topic name“……………….……….explain…?why or why not
  • 10. : - Explanation types Another types Wh-question type Yes/No Auxiliary-verb
  • 11. : - Wh-question type example #Why should a person not overspend? People who overspend are never satisfied with what they have. Over a period of time, it becomes an addiction which may, eventually, create psychological problems. #What do you know about the NGOs from the passage? Write 2/3 sentences on it. The Non Government Organizations (NGOs) are the empowerment groups that work all over Bangladesh. Some NGOs provide adolescent girls with the tools needed to gradually change social practices. They work through Canada's Adolescent Reproductive Health Project. #How did the empowerment group influence Shilpi's life? The empowerment group played a vital role in Bangladesh regarding adolescent health. In the passage we find that Shilpi came to understand the potentially harmful effects of early marriage and pregnancy through an NGO. And then she became aware of her health and risk of pregnancy at that stage of life.
  • 12. : - Another types example #Narrate Sheikh Kamal's educational qualification in 2/3 sentences. Sheikh Kamal completed his SSC from Dhaka's BAF Shaheen School and HSC from Dhaka College. After that he became a student at the department of Sociology of the University of Dhaka. #Describe Sheikh Kamal's daily activities in your own words. Generally, Sheikh Kamal used to begin his day practicing the sitar and during the day, he played various types of games such as basketball or football or cricket. In the evening, he was often seen on stage rehearsing a play. #Write about Sultana Kamal in 2/3 sentences. Sultana Kamal was the newly wedded spouse of Sheikh Kamal and one of the victims of the assassination. She was a Dhaka University Blue in athletics.
  • 13. Explanation types example #Based on your reading of the passage, explain what bullying is. Bullying is a harmful action of a person or student to his/ her companion like frightening him or harassing him psychologically and mentally, or threatening him. #After reading the passage, how would you describe Sheikh Kamal? Give your answer in not more than 3/4 sentences. After reading the passage, I would describe Sheikh Kamal as a simple, lively and patriotic persona. He used to live a very ordinary life. Besides he was involved in various types of arts and plays. Moreover, he was never proud or rude, rather his life was colorful, marked by liveliness and creativity. #"Don't call me. I'll call you." Who said this? Why did he say this? Write in 2/3 sentences. Nelson Mandela said this. He said this because he retired from his public life. However, he did not retire from his ideal. When needed, he would call his people again to defend his ideal..
  • 14. : - Auxiliary types example #Can meditation be adapted to modern life? Explain briefly. Ans: Yes, it can be: Meditation can be practiced in our everyday life. To practice meditation we need to add time daily for it and try to become more ethical so as to accelerate our progress. #Do you think everyone should have a role model to achieve their dream? Why/why not? Ans: Yes, I think so. Whatever our dream is, we must have a role model to follow. If we do everything on our own, there will be chances of losing the way. A role model can show us the right path to our dream and inspire us all the way as did the mother of Nishat. #Do you think overspending is related to only shopping? Give your answer in not more than 2/3 sentences. Ans: "No, I think overspending is not related to only shopping. It is related to other activities as well such as eating out. Therefore, overspending refers to any kind of unnecessary expenses.
  • 15. : - Question Answer Tense Tense auxiliary verb Main verb Modal Modal Don’t Copy Passive Passive
  • 16. : - Question Answer Tense Tense How does bullying affect a student's life? Immediately, bullying hampers a student's study life. He/she becomes unfamiliar with studying slowly. In the long run, he becomes anxious, depressed and even kills him/herself.
  • 17. : - Question Answer What was Nelson Mandela determined to do? How did he win the support of the world? Nelson Mandela was determined to bring down the apartheid prevailing at that time while avoiding a civil war. Through his prestige and charisma, he won the support of the world. Passive Passive
  • 18. : - Question Answer Do you think overspending is related to only shopping? Give your answer in not more than 2/3 sentences. "No, I think overspending is not related to only shopping. It is related to other activities as well such as eating out. Therefore, overspending refers to any kind of unnecessary expenses. auxiliary verb Main verb
  • 19. : - Question Answer How spending may lead one to financial ruin or debt? When someone spends lavishly and the expense exceeds their income, it may lead him to debt or financial ruin, Modal Modal
  • 20. : - Structure to remember
  • 21. : - My name is Amerigo. I am 13 years old and I live on the street, alone. My mother, who is separated from my father, doesn't want me. She told me to go away ... Now she is married to another man. My father lives very far away. I want to go to him, but he won't take me either. I begged him to send me some money so that I could buy a bus ticket. I am still waiting. He hasn't answered. The streets are now my home. Sometimes I find work. I used to collect trash and sell it to a vendor. I stopped doing that after I had a serious infection and a doctor told me to stay away from the trash dump. Once I worked for an ice cream shop owner and sold ice cream on the beach. But I got no money in return. The owner of the shop gave me something to eat, and let me sleep in his hut at night. The work was difficult and painful. The ice cream box is quite heavy when it is full. I had to walk for hours, offering my ice cream to whoever wanted to buy. There were days when I could not even sell one ice cream.
  • 22. : - 1.Who/ what, how many, how much (as subject) Structure: Question Question : Who is the narrator of the story? Ans : Amerigo is the narrator of the story.
  • 23. : - 2.Whom/ what, how many, how much (as object) Structure: Question এর প্রথম থথকে মূল verb পর্যন্ত + উত্তর + Question এর বাকে অংশ Ques : What did the ice-cream shop owner give him? Ans : Ice-cream shop owner gave him something to eat and let him sleep in the shop.
  • 24. : - What Ques : What is your impression about Amerigo's parents? Answer: My opinion is that both of Amerigo's father and mother are self-centered. They only think about themselves, not for Amerigo. They are not well aware of the well-being of Amerigo.
  • 25. : - 2.1 Subject object clause (sentence that Ques : What is painful for Amerigo? Ans: That Amerigo’s parents told him to go away is painful.
  • 26. : - subject object n/p (noun/pronoun/noun phrase /noun equivalent) Verb infinitive /Gerund Adjective subject the Ques : What was Amerigo’s first job? Ans: Amerigo’s first job was to collect trash and sell it to a vendor. (Am,is,are,was,were Verb Object Infinitive(to+V) Ques : Which work was painful and difficult? Ans: Selling ice-cream was painful and difficult. Or, To sell ice cream was painful and difficult.
  • 27. : - 3.What+ Verb+ n/p + verb(do/happen)/ what happens do/happen(s) (a) What did Amerigo do before selling ice cream? Ans: Amerigo used to collect trash and sell it to a vendor before selling ice cream. (b) What happened to Amerigo when his parents left him? Ans: Amerigo became a street child when his parent left him.
  • 28. : - 4.1How : Adjective Verb টি Linking verb (be, seem, look, appear, taste, feel.) Structure : question-এর Ask + Adjective/ (as + adjective + as + noun) Ques : How is Amerigo’s life? Ans : Amerigo’s life is painful .
  • 29. : - 4.2How : Structure: question-এর অংশ + by + gerund/( Without+gerund Ques : How did Amerigo earn his livelihood? Ans : Amerigo earned his livelihood by collecting trash and selling ice cream.
  • 30. : - 5.Which + noun/ what + noun Structure: The + noun-টি থথকে question-এর বাকে অংশ + tense be verb+ (a) Which incident has changed Amerigo’s life? Ans : The incident that has changed Amerigo’s life is his parents’ separation.
  • 31. : - 6.Why : 6.1Because: Because : question Subject + Verb + Ex. (a) Why did Amerigo stopped doing the first job of collecting trash? Ans : Amerigo stopped doing the first job of collecting trash because he had a serious infection and a doctor told him to stay away from the trash dump .
  • 32. : - 6.2 Because of/ for : question n/p Ques: Why is Amerigo a street child now? Ans : Amerigo is a street child now because of his parents’ separation.
  • 33. : - 6.3 To : Question verb base form + Ext. (a) Why did Amerigo collect trash and sell it to a vendor? Ans: Amerigo collected trash and sold it to a vendor to earn his livelihood.
  • 34. : - 7.When/Where : Question Prep Question Prep+ Ques : Where does Amerigo live? Ans : Amerigo lives on the street.
  • 35. : - 8.Wh-word কিকে question েরা না হকল উত্তরটি কনকের গঠন অনুর্ােী েরা র্াে : Yes/ No, + question- /Auxiliary Question: Is Amerigo happy in his life? Answer: No. Amerigo is not happy in his life. Question: Do you think overspending is related to only shopping? Give your answer in not more than 2/3 sentences. Answer: "No, I think overspending is not related to only shopping. It is related to other activities as well such as eating out. Therefore, overspending refers to any kind of unnecessary expenses.
  • 36. : - Read the passage and answer the question number 01. In Bangladesh, 35 percent students aged between 13 and 15 reported being bullied one or more days in 30 days or involved in a physical fight at least once in 12 months in 2014, says a new report. Globally, half of students aged between 13 and 15 worldwide - around 150 million - report having experienced peer-to-peer violence such as physical fights or forms of bullying, from their peers in and around school, according to the report released by UNICEF. The report is based on data from the Health Behavior in School-aged Children: Cross-national Study and the Global School-based Student Health Surveys. The data include 122 countries, representing 51 per cent of the global population of children between 13 and 15. The report finds that students experience other forms of violence at school, such as attacks in classrooms or physical punishment by teachers. About 720 million school-age children live in countries where they are not fully protected by law against forms of physical punishment at school, according to the report. "Education is the key to building peaceful societies, and yet, for millions of children around the world, school itself is not safe," said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. "Every day, students face multiple dangers, including fighting, pressure to join gangs, bullying both in person and online, violent discipline, sexual harassment and armed violence. In the short-term this impacts their learning, and in the long-term it can lead to depression, anxiety and even suicide. Violence is an unforgettable lesson that no child needs to learn." Globally, slightly more than one in three students between 13 and 15 said they experience bullying, according to the report. About one in three has been involved in physical fights. On the other hand, 17 million young adolescents in 39 industrialized countries have admitted bullying others at school, according to the report. While girls and boys are equally at risk of bullying, girls are more likely to become victims of psychological forms of bullying and boys are more at risk of physical violence and threats. 1x5-5 Adolescence B. Answer the f a. Based on iv) killing The report notes that violence involving weapons in schools, such as knives and guns, continues to claim lives. It also says that in an increasingly digital world, bullies are disseminating violent, hurtful and humiliating content with the click of a button.
  • 37. : - B. Answer the following questions: a. Based on your reading of the passage, explain what bullying is. b. Do boys and girls are bullied in the same way or differently? Explain. C. "Education is the key to building peace..." What does the UN Executive Director want to say? d. How does bullying affect a student's life? e. What is the scenario of bullying nationally and globally?
  • 38. : - B. Answer the following questions: a. Based on your reading of the passage, explain what bullying is. Sample Answer: Bullying is a harmful action of a person or student to his/ her companion like frightening him or harassing B. him psychologically and mentally, or threatening him. b. Do boys and girls are bullied in the same way or differently? Explain. Sample Answer: Though boys and girls are bullied frequently, they both are bullied differently. Generally, girls are bullied mentally whereas boys are harmed physically. C. "Education is the key to building peace..." What does the UN Executive Director want to say? Sample Answer: Education is a mean to establish peace in a society and school is an important place for education. Unfortunately, this place is gradually becoming fearsome to the students.
  • 39. : - B. Answer the following questions: d. How does bullying affect a student's life? Sample Answer: Immediately, bullying hampers a student's study life. He/she becomes unfamiliar with studying slowly. In the long run, he becomes anxious, depressed and even kills him/herself. e. What is the scenario of bullying nationally and globally? Sample answer : In Bangladesh, 35 percent of 13 & 15 years old students experienced bullying in 2014. This group constantly or occasionally faced it in their student life. While one-third of the global students experienced harm from their peers according to a study.
  • 40. : - Read the passage and answer the question number 01. Sheikh Kamal, the eldest son of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Bangamata Fazilatunnesa Mujib, was born at Tungipara in Gopalganj district. He spent his childhood there. Kamal received his secondary education at Dhaka's BAF Shaheen School from where he passed his SSC examination. He was then admitted to Dhaka College, and after his HSC examination he became a student at the department of Sociology of Dhaka University, Kamal had a colorful life marked by liveliness and creativity. Besides his academic studies, he also pursued his passion for sports and cultural activities. He was a first division basketball and cricket player as well as a sports organizer. He was also interested in classical music, and became a student of Chhayanaut to learn Sitar under the tutelage of Ustad Ful Mohammad. Apart from Sitar, Kamal had a passion for Piano. He had a good collection of musical instruments on the second floor of their house at Dhanmondi, Road no. 32. It is well known to his friends that Sheikh Kamal used to begin his day practicing the Sitar and during the day played basketball or football or cricket. In the evening he was often seen on stage rehearsing a play. He took part in a stage performance of Kabar written by prominent playwright Shaheed Munir Chowdhury. Kamal was one of the founders of Dhaka Theatre………
  • 41. : - B. Answer the following questions: a. Where was Sheikh Kamal born? Sample Answer: Sheikh Kamal was born at Tungipara in Gopalganj district. He spent his beautiful childhood there, b. Narrate Sheikh Kamal's educational qualification in 2/3 sentences. Sample Answer: Sheikh Kamal completed his SSC from Dhaka's BAF Shaheen School and HSC from Dhaka College. After that he became a student at the department of Sociology of the University of Dhaka. c. Which plays did Sheikh Kamal excel in? Sample Answer: Sheikh Kamal excelled in cricket and basketball. He had a passion for sports.
  • 42. : - B. Answer the following questions: d. Describe Sheikh Kamal's daily activities in your own words. Sample Answer: Generally, Sheikh Kamal used to begin his day practicing the sitar and during the day, he played various types of games such as basketball or football or cricket. In the evening, he was often seen on stage rehearsing a play. e. According to the author, what interesting traits were there in Sheikh Kamal's character? Sample Answer: According to the author of the passage, in spite of being the eldest son of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Sheikh Kamal used to lead a very simple life. He did not take any advantage of his father's fame. He groomed himself up as a young man who gained success by dint of perseverance and commitment.