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Letters and numbers : ABC…, 123…
Words: house, go, man, the, information
Phrases: a phrase is two or more words together (no verb)
a book, my car, the young girl, the tall man with green eyes and
short beard
Clauses: a clause is a part of a sentence that includes a subject + verb
When I got home, … If you help her, … While she was running,...
Sentences: A sentence a group of words including a subject and a verb, and it has a full
They went to school. We called them last week.
She left.
Paragraphs: A paragraph is a group of connected sentences talking about a topic.
The elements of English Writing
A paragraph is a group of connected sentences that talk about a specific topic or idea.
How long is a paragraph?
A paragraph can be long or short. The number of sentences isn’t very important. The
important thing is that the paragraph should be long enough to cover the important thing you
want to talk about in that paragraph.
Parts of a paragraph
A paragraph usually has 3 parts:
1- The topic sentence
2- Supporting sentences
3- The concluding sentence (not in every paragraph)
What is a paragraph?
The topic sentence in a paragraph is usually the first sentence and it introduces the main
idea to the reader. When someone reads the topic sentence, they should know what the
paragraph will talk about in general.
A good topic sentence must be a full sentence with a complete meaning and a subject +
It should include a topic and a controlling idea
It shouldn’t be too long.
It shouldn’t be too general or too specific
Life in Canada. (Not a full sentence. No verb)
This is Life in Canada. (No controlling idea)
Life in Canada is good. (Too general)
Life in the poor suburbs of Montreal, Canada can be dangerous for teenagers between 14
and 17 for many reasons related to psychology, health, and lower education. (too specific)
Life in Canada is getting more difficult for immigrants. (acceptable topic sentence)
What is a topic sentence?
Losing weight isn’t really easy as some people say. A lot of people
decide to lose weight and start exercising for a few days, but they later
give up and quit. It’s always easy to start something, but completing it is
often difficult. Another reason is that food is often delicious and
tempting, so even if someone goes on a diet, they go back to their
normal unhealthy eating habits. Moreover, some people lose their
motivation when they don’t see quick results for their exercise or diet.
Finally, losing weight is the first step, but staying in shape (keeping fit)
needs long-term commitment.
Write some supporting sentences for this topic sentence
Topic : purple Controlling idea: blue
Smoking cigarettes can increase the odds of getting a heart attack.
Living with a flatmate has lots of advantages.
There are lots of advantages to living with a flatmate.
Developing your language skills can increase your chance in getting a better job.
Doing yoga helps you relax and gain positive energy.
The risks of becoming overweight is quickly increasing in this country.
Data is the new industrial era.
The new industrial era is the data.
Early marriage, despite solving some problems for the youth, definitely has some
Topic vs Controlling idea in the TOPIC SENTENCE
Supporting sentences support the topic sentence by giving examples, reasons, results,
quotes or explanations, and make the reader accept or believe the topic sentence.
Supporting sentences need connecting words (sometimes called transition signals) to
connect the ideas together and make it easier for the reader to understand the ideas and
their relations to one another.
Connecting words include words for:
Adding, giving examples, giving reasons, giving results, comparing and contrasting,
emphasizing, etc.
Supporting Sentences
The concluding sentence comes at the end of the paragraph and signals the end of ideas.
There are two ways to write the concluding sentence:
1- Shortly summarize the main ideas (in the supporting sentences)
2- Repeat the topic the topic sentence in different words (Rephrase it)
We often use these phrases :
● In conclusion, …
● To conclude, …
● To sum up, …
● From all these examples, we can see that,…
Concluding sentence
Getting married early isn’t really a good idea for a man for
many reasons. First, when a man gets married in his early
twenties, he isn’t mature enough to deal with marriage
responsibilities. Also, most people in that age don’t have jobs
yet, and they depend on their parents financially. Another
problem is that he will be under the pressure and stress of
daily life too early, which might lead to depression. In addition,
all these problems along with other issues could push him to
think of getting divorced. Indeed, early marriage has some bad
consequences for a young man.
Sample paragraph : Early Marriage
Although most people think video games are a waste of time,
the truth is video games have lots of advantages. One of the
pros is that they make children think and use their minds to
solve puzzles and find solutions to problems they face in the
game. Another advantage is that some games help kids and
young people learn new words and sentences from other
languages. In addition, games are a good way to have fun
with brothers, sisters, and even with parents. In conclusion,
video games, despite having some negative points, are a
good way to have fun, enjoy your time and learn new things.
Sample paragraph : Video games
Connecting words:
Adding Also, too, as well (as), in addition (to/to that), additionally, besidedes, furthermore, moreover
Examples For example, for instance, such as, like,
Reason Because (of), due to, in order to, as, since, The reason (why)
Result So, therefore,as a result (of), as a consequence (of), consequently, that’s why, thus, hence
Steps First(ly), second(ly), then, next, after that, the last step is…, finally, eventually, last but not least
Comparing As, like, similar to, similarly, likewise, in the same way, unlike, while, whereas, in contrast
Contrasting But, though, although, even though, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, despite, in spite of, on
the other hand
Emphasis In fact, as a matter of fact, indeed, actually, Frankly, certainly, surely
Lisa likes swimming so much. She also really enjoys riding horses.
Lisa likes swimming so much. Also, she really enjoys riding horses.
Lisa likes swimming so much. She really enjoys riding horses too / as well.
Lisa likes swimming as well as riding horses.
Lisa likes swimming so much. Additionally,/ In addition, / Moreover, / Furthermore , She
really enjoys riding horses.
In addition to swimming, Lisa really enjoys riding horses.
Lisa likes swimming so much. Another thing she really enjoys is riding horses.
Connecting words: Adding
He can play many instruments, for example / for instance, the flute, the piano
and the guitar.
He can play many instruments, such as the flute, the piano, and the guitar.
He can play many instruments like the flute, the piano, and the guitar.
My father loves going to restaurants which serve spicy food. For example / For
instance, last week he went to an Indian restaurant which serves extremely hot
He helps lots of people. For example / For instance, yesterday he helped an old
woman with her bags.
(we can’t use {such as} here because it’s a new sentence with a subject and
Connecting words: Giving examples
They cancelled the match because / since it was raining.
Because / Since it was raining, they cancelled the match.
They cancelled the match because of / due to the rain.
Because of / due to the rain, they cancelled the match.
The reason (why) they cancelled the match is (that) it was raining.
The reason why they cancelled the match is the rain.
It was raining. That’s why they cancelled the match.
It was raining and that’s why they cancelled the match.
They cancelled the match for it was raining.
I respect that man for his honesty.
Connecting words: Giving reasons
The company was losing a lot of money. So, they had to lay off some employees.
The company was losing a lot of money. As a result, they had to lay off some employees.
The company was losing a lot of money. As a consequence, they had to lay off some
The company was losing a lot of money. consequently, they had to lay off some
The company was losing a lot of money. Therefore, they had to lay off some employees.
The company was losing a lot of money. Thus, they had to lay off some employees.
The company was losing a lot of money. Hence the layoffs.
Her father is from Italy. Hence the name Margarita.
As a result of losing a lot of money, the company had to lay off some employees.
As a consequence of losing a lot of money, the company had to lay off some employees.
Connecting words: Giving results
Like most children, my kids miss school in the summer holiday.
Similar to most children, my kids miss school in the summer holiday.
His last email was very short. Similarly, all his other emails were 2 or 3 lines.
His last email was very short. Likewise, all his other emails were 2 or 3 lines.
His last email was very short and all the other emails were the same.
His last email was very short. The same thing is true for all his other emails.
His last email was very short, and so were all his other emails.
His last email was very short, as all his other emails.
Connecting words: Comparing (similarities)
Unlike Maria, her sister Sally hates jazz music.
Maria loves Jazz, unlike her sister Sally who hates it.
While Maria loves Jazz, her sister Sally hates it.
Maria loves Jazz while her sister Sally hates it.
Whereas Maria loves Jazz, her sister Sally hates it.
Maria loves Jazz whereas her sister Sally hates it.
Contrary to what she told me, her father isn’t rich and famous.
I told him to stay at home, but he did the contrary.
People think that teaching is an easy job. On the contrary, teaching is actually one of the
hardest jobs.
He thinks I am a vegetarian. But on the contrary, I eat too much meat and not enough
Connecting words: Comparing (differences)
Although/ Even though the traffic was terrible, they arrived on time.
They arrived on time although/even though the traffic was terrible.
The traffic was terrible . However/nevertheless/nonetheless , they arrived on time.
The traffic was terrible. They arrived on time, however/nevertheless/nonetheless.
Despite/in spite of the terrible traffic , they arrived on time.
They arrived on time despite/in spite of the terrible traffic.
Connecting words: Contrasting
Although the weather was very cold, he went for a swim
Despite the very cold weather, he went for a swim
Although he was hungry, he didn’t eat.
Despite feeling hungry, he didn’t eat.
He isn’t happy although he’s very rich.
He isn’t happy despite being very rich
He isn’t happy despite all the money.
Connecting words: Contrasting (with/without a verb)
Friends are a very important thing in our life. In fact, they’re sometimes more
important than some relatives.
Friends are a very important thing in our life. As a matter of fact, they’re
sometimes more important than some relatives.
Friends are a very important thing in our life. Actually, they’re sometimes more
important than some relatives.
Friends are a very important thing in our life. In deed, they’re sometimes more
important than some relatives.
Connecting words: Adding emphasis
A lot of the words in English come from other languages.
The English language is full of words that were borrowed from other
People who speak English don’t realize they’re using lots of vocabulary from
other languages.
Topic sentence activity 1
There are very big differences between the educational systems in North
American universities and European ones.
Universities in North America follow an educational system which is
completely different from the one we find in European Universities.
The Educational system in North American universities varies/differs from
European universities.
Topic sentence activity 2
People around the world use the materials available in their environments
to build their homes.
Did you know that different environments have a big role in deciding the
materials that are used in constructing homes?
Houses around the world are usually built using the most available
The kinds of materials available in an area affect how homes are built.
Topic sentence activity 3
An essay is a group of connected paragraphs that discuss a topic. Students in
high schools and universities are usually required to write essays as
What are the parts of an essay:
1- The introduction (introductory paragraph)
2- Body paragraphs
3- The conclusion (concluding paragraph)
Writing an essay
Paragraph vs Essay
A paragraph An essay
A group of connected sentences A group of connected paragraphs
Topic Sentence (first sentence) Introductory paragraph
Starts with some general sentences, and
ends with a thesis statement
Supporting sentences Body paragraphs (each one has its own
topic sentence)
Note : there’s no need for a concluding
sentence for each paragraph
Concluding sentence (you can rephrase the
topic sentence)
Concluding paragraph (You can rephrase
the thesis statement)
The introductory paragraph has two main parts:
1 General statements: a few sentences to lead in and get the reader’s
attention. They should be interesting and gradually guiding the reader
to the thesis.
2 The thesis statement: the most important sentence in the whole
essay. It introduces the main idea that will be discussed in the body
paragraphs, and in some cases, how many points (body paragraphs)
we have.
The introductory paragraph
Each body paragraph usually discusses one point, side, problem, reason,
result…of the topic in the thesis statement.
For example, If your essay is about the negative effects of smoking, you
can talk about health in the first body paragraph, money in the second
one, bad smell in the third, etc.
Each body paragraph still needs it’s own topic sentence and supporting
sentences of course. But there’s no need to write a concluding sentence
for every body paragraph.
Body Paragraphs
The concluding paragraph can be one of these two:
1 – Restating the thesis statement
2- Summing up the main points in the body paragraphs very briefly.
When we restate the thesis, we rephrase it, which means we say the same
thing but in different words, and that’s to avoid repetition and make it more
interesting for the reader. We also try to use different words when we sum
the points in the body paragraphs.
The concluding paragraph
In the topic sentence / thesis statement:
…, but life in Istanbul can be really difficult for foreigners
In the Concluding sentence / paragraph:
… For all these reasons, living in Istanbul might be very hard for strangers
… So, if you’re not from Turkey, living in Istanbul may be a real challenge.
In the topic sentence / thesis statement:
… Studying French takes a very long time and a lot of effort
In the Concluding sentence / paragraph:
That’s why you really need to work hard and be patient to learn a language like French.
Examples of rephrasing
If you are writing an essay about life in Istanbul
Thesis statement (in the introductory paragraph) :
…, but life in Istanbul can be really difficult for foreigners.
Topic sentence in Body paragraph 1 :
First of all, most Turkish people don’t speak English.
Topic sentence in Body paragraph 2 :
Another problem is the traffic and the crowds.
Topic sentence in Body paragraph :3
In addition to language and traffic, Istanbul is also really expensive.
Sample Thesis Statement and 3 topic sentences.
Modern technology has completely changed the way we live and it has become an
essential part of our everyday life. One example of modern technology in the field of
entertainment is video games. Because of the big leaps in modern tech, these games are
getting more beautiful, easier to play, more fun, and of course more addictive. However,
whether you like them or not, video games have advantages as well as disadvantages.
One of the pros of video games is that they can teach us new things. For example, lots of
people, especially children, learn plenty of English words from games. They also improve
some skills that are related to using the mouse and keyboard, touch screens, and dealing
with apps in general. Another good thing we get from video games is the wonderful time we
spend together when we play family-friendly games. In addition to that, games can be a
great time-filler for kids, so they don’t want to go out and play in the street all the time.
Sample Essay: Page 1
On the other hand, video games definitely have some disadvantages. First of
all, if we aren’t careful about how much we play, these games can be a waste of
precious time that can be filled by doing sports or other hobbies. When children
play video games, they don’t feel the time, and they almost never say it’s enough.
So, unless the parents tell them, they keep playing on and on. That point takes us to
the second disadvantage: the negative effect of games on our health. Playing for
long hours can make your eyes sore. It can affect your sight and require you to wear
glasses as well. But the eyes aren’t the only parts of the body that get negatively
affected by long playing. The way we sit, how we hold the controllers, and how
often and fast we press the buttons all lead to stress, fatigue, and sometimes pain in
the neck, the back, the arms, and the hands.
So, the next time you want to play a game, or when your kids ask you to buy a
new game for them, keep in mind all the pros and cons you get from them, and
more importantly, don’t forget to enjoy and have fun with your family.
Sample Essay: Page 2

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Academic Writing Paragraphs & Essays.pptx

  • 1. Letters and numbers : ABC…, 123… Words: house, go, man, the, information Phrases: a phrase is two or more words together (no verb) a book, my car, the young girl, the tall man with green eyes and short beard Clauses: a clause is a part of a sentence that includes a subject + verb When I got home, … If you help her, … While she was running,... Sentences: A sentence a group of words including a subject and a verb, and it has a full meaning. They went to school. We called them last week. She left. Paragraphs: A paragraph is a group of connected sentences talking about a topic. The elements of English Writing
  • 2. A paragraph is a group of connected sentences that talk about a specific topic or idea. How long is a paragraph? A paragraph can be long or short. The number of sentences isn’t very important. The important thing is that the paragraph should be long enough to cover the important thing you want to talk about in that paragraph. Parts of a paragraph A paragraph usually has 3 parts: 1- The topic sentence 2- Supporting sentences 3- The concluding sentence (not in every paragraph) What is a paragraph?
  • 3. The topic sentence in a paragraph is usually the first sentence and it introduces the main idea to the reader. When someone reads the topic sentence, they should know what the paragraph will talk about in general. A good topic sentence must be a full sentence with a complete meaning and a subject + verb. It should include a topic and a controlling idea It shouldn’t be too long. It shouldn’t be too general or too specific Life in Canada. (Not a full sentence. No verb) This is Life in Canada. (No controlling idea) Life in Canada is good. (Too general) Life in the poor suburbs of Montreal, Canada can be dangerous for teenagers between 14 and 17 for many reasons related to psychology, health, and lower education. (too specific) Life in Canada is getting more difficult for immigrants. (acceptable topic sentence) What is a topic sentence?
  • 4. Losing weight isn’t really easy as some people say. A lot of people decide to lose weight and start exercising for a few days, but they later give up and quit. It’s always easy to start something, but completing it is often difficult. Another reason is that food is often delicious and tempting, so even if someone goes on a diet, they go back to their normal unhealthy eating habits. Moreover, some people lose their motivation when they don’t see quick results for their exercise or diet. Finally, losing weight is the first step, but staying in shape (keeping fit) needs long-term commitment. Write some supporting sentences for this topic sentence
  • 5. Topic : purple Controlling idea: blue Smoking cigarettes can increase the odds of getting a heart attack. Living with a flatmate has lots of advantages. There are lots of advantages to living with a flatmate. Developing your language skills can increase your chance in getting a better job. Doing yoga helps you relax and gain positive energy. The risks of becoming overweight is quickly increasing in this country. Data is the new industrial era. The new industrial era is the data. Early marriage, despite solving some problems for the youth, definitely has some disadvantages. Topic vs Controlling idea in the TOPIC SENTENCE
  • 6. Supporting sentences support the topic sentence by giving examples, reasons, results, quotes or explanations, and make the reader accept or believe the topic sentence. Supporting sentences need connecting words (sometimes called transition signals) to connect the ideas together and make it easier for the reader to understand the ideas and their relations to one another. Connecting words include words for: Adding, giving examples, giving reasons, giving results, comparing and contrasting, emphasizing, etc. Supporting Sentences
  • 7. The concluding sentence comes at the end of the paragraph and signals the end of ideas. There are two ways to write the concluding sentence: 1- Shortly summarize the main ideas (in the supporting sentences) 2- Repeat the topic the topic sentence in different words (Rephrase it) We often use these phrases : ● In conclusion, … ● To conclude, … ● To sum up, … ● From all these examples, we can see that,… Concluding sentence
  • 8. Getting married early isn’t really a good idea for a man for many reasons. First, when a man gets married in his early twenties, he isn’t mature enough to deal with marriage responsibilities. Also, most people in that age don’t have jobs yet, and they depend on their parents financially. Another problem is that he will be under the pressure and stress of daily life too early, which might lead to depression. In addition, all these problems along with other issues could push him to think of getting divorced. Indeed, early marriage has some bad consequences for a young man. Sample paragraph : Early Marriage
  • 9. Although most people think video games are a waste of time, the truth is video games have lots of advantages. One of the pros is that they make children think and use their minds to solve puzzles and find solutions to problems they face in the game. Another advantage is that some games help kids and young people learn new words and sentences from other languages. In addition, games are a good way to have fun with brothers, sisters, and even with parents. In conclusion, video games, despite having some negative points, are a good way to have fun, enjoy your time and learn new things. Sample paragraph : Video games
  • 10. Connecting words: Adding Also, too, as well (as), in addition (to/to that), additionally, besidedes, furthermore, moreover Examples For example, for instance, such as, like, Reason Because (of), due to, in order to, as, since, The reason (why) Result So, therefore,as a result (of), as a consequence (of), consequently, that’s why, thus, hence Steps First(ly), second(ly), then, next, after that, the last step is…, finally, eventually, last but not least Comparing As, like, similar to, similarly, likewise, in the same way, unlike, while, whereas, in contrast Contrasting But, though, although, even though, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, despite, in spite of, on the other hand Emphasis In fact, as a matter of fact, indeed, actually, Frankly, certainly, surely
  • 11. Lisa likes swimming so much. She also really enjoys riding horses. Lisa likes swimming so much. Also, she really enjoys riding horses. Lisa likes swimming so much. She really enjoys riding horses too / as well. Lisa likes swimming as well as riding horses. Lisa likes swimming so much. Additionally,/ In addition, / Moreover, / Furthermore , She really enjoys riding horses. In addition to swimming, Lisa really enjoys riding horses. Lisa likes swimming so much. Another thing she really enjoys is riding horses. Connecting words: Adding
  • 12. He can play many instruments, for example / for instance, the flute, the piano and the guitar. He can play many instruments, such as the flute, the piano, and the guitar. He can play many instruments like the flute, the piano, and the guitar. My father loves going to restaurants which serve spicy food. For example / For instance, last week he went to an Indian restaurant which serves extremely hot dishes. He helps lots of people. For example / For instance, yesterday he helped an old woman with her bags. (we can’t use {such as} here because it’s a new sentence with a subject and verb) Connecting words: Giving examples
  • 13. They cancelled the match because / since it was raining. Because / Since it was raining, they cancelled the match. They cancelled the match because of / due to the rain. Because of / due to the rain, they cancelled the match. The reason (why) they cancelled the match is (that) it was raining. The reason why they cancelled the match is the rain. It was raining. That’s why they cancelled the match. It was raining and that’s why they cancelled the match. They cancelled the match for it was raining. I respect that man for his honesty. Connecting words: Giving reasons
  • 14. The company was losing a lot of money. So, they had to lay off some employees. The company was losing a lot of money. As a result, they had to lay off some employees. The company was losing a lot of money. As a consequence, they had to lay off some employees. The company was losing a lot of money. consequently, they had to lay off some employees. The company was losing a lot of money. Therefore, they had to lay off some employees. The company was losing a lot of money. Thus, they had to lay off some employees. The company was losing a lot of money. Hence the layoffs. Her father is from Italy. Hence the name Margarita. As a result of losing a lot of money, the company had to lay off some employees. As a consequence of losing a lot of money, the company had to lay off some employees. Connecting words: Giving results
  • 15. Like most children, my kids miss school in the summer holiday. Similar to most children, my kids miss school in the summer holiday. His last email was very short. Similarly, all his other emails were 2 or 3 lines. His last email was very short. Likewise, all his other emails were 2 or 3 lines. His last email was very short and all the other emails were the same. His last email was very short. The same thing is true for all his other emails. His last email was very short, and so were all his other emails. His last email was very short, as all his other emails. Connecting words: Comparing (similarities)
  • 16. Unlike Maria, her sister Sally hates jazz music. Maria loves Jazz, unlike her sister Sally who hates it. While Maria loves Jazz, her sister Sally hates it. Maria loves Jazz while her sister Sally hates it. Whereas Maria loves Jazz, her sister Sally hates it. Maria loves Jazz whereas her sister Sally hates it. Contrary to what she told me, her father isn’t rich and famous. I told him to stay at home, but he did the contrary. People think that teaching is an easy job. On the contrary, teaching is actually one of the hardest jobs. He thinks I am a vegetarian. But on the contrary, I eat too much meat and not enough vegetables. Connecting words: Comparing (differences)
  • 17. Although/ Even though the traffic was terrible, they arrived on time. They arrived on time although/even though the traffic was terrible. The traffic was terrible . However/nevertheless/nonetheless , they arrived on time. The traffic was terrible. They arrived on time, however/nevertheless/nonetheless. Despite/in spite of the terrible traffic , they arrived on time. They arrived on time despite/in spite of the terrible traffic. Connecting words: Contrasting
  • 18. Although the weather was very cold, he went for a swim Despite the very cold weather, he went for a swim Although he was hungry, he didn’t eat. Despite feeling hungry, he didn’t eat. He isn’t happy although he’s very rich. He isn’t happy despite being very rich He isn’t happy despite all the money. Connecting words: Contrasting (with/without a verb)
  • 19. Friends are a very important thing in our life. In fact, they’re sometimes more important than some relatives. Friends are a very important thing in our life. As a matter of fact, they’re sometimes more important than some relatives. Friends are a very important thing in our life. Actually, they’re sometimes more important than some relatives. Friends are a very important thing in our life. In deed, they’re sometimes more important than some relatives. Connecting words: Adding emphasis
  • 20. A lot of the words in English come from other languages. The English language is full of words that were borrowed from other languages. People who speak English don’t realize they’re using lots of vocabulary from other languages. Topic sentence activity 1
  • 21. There are very big differences between the educational systems in North American universities and European ones. Universities in North America follow an educational system which is completely different from the one we find in European Universities. The Educational system in North American universities varies/differs from European universities. Topic sentence activity 2
  • 22. People around the world use the materials available in their environments to build their homes. Did you know that different environments have a big role in deciding the materials that are used in constructing homes? Houses around the world are usually built using the most available materials. The kinds of materials available in an area affect how homes are built. Topic sentence activity 3
  • 23. An essay is a group of connected paragraphs that discuss a topic. Students in high schools and universities are usually required to write essays as assignments. What are the parts of an essay: 1- The introduction (introductory paragraph) 2- Body paragraphs 3- The conclusion (concluding paragraph) Writing an essay
  • 24. Paragraph vs Essay A paragraph An essay A group of connected sentences A group of connected paragraphs Topic Sentence (first sentence) Introductory paragraph Starts with some general sentences, and ends with a thesis statement Supporting sentences Body paragraphs (each one has its own topic sentence) Note : there’s no need for a concluding sentence for each paragraph Concluding sentence (you can rephrase the topic sentence) Concluding paragraph (You can rephrase the thesis statement)
  • 25. The introductory paragraph has two main parts: 1 General statements: a few sentences to lead in and get the reader’s attention. They should be interesting and gradually guiding the reader to the thesis. 2 The thesis statement: the most important sentence in the whole essay. It introduces the main idea that will be discussed in the body paragraphs, and in some cases, how many points (body paragraphs) we have. The introductory paragraph
  • 26. Each body paragraph usually discusses one point, side, problem, reason, result…of the topic in the thesis statement. For example, If your essay is about the negative effects of smoking, you can talk about health in the first body paragraph, money in the second one, bad smell in the third, etc. Each body paragraph still needs it’s own topic sentence and supporting sentences of course. But there’s no need to write a concluding sentence for every body paragraph. Body Paragraphs
  • 27. The concluding paragraph can be one of these two: 1 – Restating the thesis statement 2- Summing up the main points in the body paragraphs very briefly. When we restate the thesis, we rephrase it, which means we say the same thing but in different words, and that’s to avoid repetition and make it more interesting for the reader. We also try to use different words when we sum the points in the body paragraphs. The concluding paragraph
  • 28. In the topic sentence / thesis statement: …, but life in Istanbul can be really difficult for foreigners In the Concluding sentence / paragraph: … For all these reasons, living in Istanbul might be very hard for strangers or … So, if you’re not from Turkey, living in Istanbul may be a real challenge. In the topic sentence / thesis statement: … Studying French takes a very long time and a lot of effort In the Concluding sentence / paragraph: That’s why you really need to work hard and be patient to learn a language like French. Examples of rephrasing
  • 29. If you are writing an essay about life in Istanbul Thesis statement (in the introductory paragraph) : …, but life in Istanbul can be really difficult for foreigners. Topic sentence in Body paragraph 1 : First of all, most Turkish people don’t speak English. Topic sentence in Body paragraph 2 : Another problem is the traffic and the crowds. Topic sentence in Body paragraph :3 In addition to language and traffic, Istanbul is also really expensive. Sample Thesis Statement and 3 topic sentences.
  • 30. Modern technology has completely changed the way we live and it has become an essential part of our everyday life. One example of modern technology in the field of entertainment is video games. Because of the big leaps in modern tech, these games are getting more beautiful, easier to play, more fun, and of course more addictive. However, whether you like them or not, video games have advantages as well as disadvantages. One of the pros of video games is that they can teach us new things. For example, lots of people, especially children, learn plenty of English words from games. They also improve some skills that are related to using the mouse and keyboard, touch screens, and dealing with apps in general. Another good thing we get from video games is the wonderful time we spend together when we play family-friendly games. In addition to that, games can be a great time-filler for kids, so they don’t want to go out and play in the street all the time. Sample Essay: Page 1
  • 31. On the other hand, video games definitely have some disadvantages. First of all, if we aren’t careful about how much we play, these games can be a waste of precious time that can be filled by doing sports or other hobbies. When children play video games, they don’t feel the time, and they almost never say it’s enough. So, unless the parents tell them, they keep playing on and on. That point takes us to the second disadvantage: the negative effect of games on our health. Playing for long hours can make your eyes sore. It can affect your sight and require you to wear glasses as well. But the eyes aren’t the only parts of the body that get negatively affected by long playing. The way we sit, how we hold the controllers, and how often and fast we press the buttons all lead to stress, fatigue, and sometimes pain in the neck, the back, the arms, and the hands. So, the next time you want to play a game, or when your kids ask you to buy a new game for them, keep in mind all the pros and cons you get from them, and more importantly, don’t forget to enjoy and have fun with your family. Sample Essay: Page 2