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Sell Yourself with Social Media
and Get That Job
▪ Mike Ellsworth
▪ NextPhase Selling
▪ LinkedIn user since June 16, 2003, 6 weeks
after it debuted (member number 8893)
▪ Networking online since the ‘80s
▪ 15 years at Nielsen Co.
▪ 6 years as IT strategy consultant
▪ 10 years at State of Minnesota
▫ Program Director of CareerOneStop
▫ But here as a citizen
Test Your Acronym Knowledge
Test Your Acronym Knowledge - Boomer Edition
Bring the Wheelchair
Forgot Where I Was
Found Your Insulin
Is My Hearing-Aid On?
Living on Lipitor
Rolling on the Floor
Laughing ... Can't get
Best Friend Fell
Talk to You Louder
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Job Seeking Trends — Your Resume
▪ Here’s what recruiters said will get a resume
rejected in 2016:
▫ Impersonal Applications
(No Hiring Manager’s Name) — 84%
▫ No Thank You Note After Interview — 57%
▫ Resumes Aren’t Customized &Tailored —
▫ No Cover Letter — 45%
▫ No Follow Up With Employer After Interview
— 37%
Job Seeking Trends — Cover
▪ Not obsolete, but may be
read by a robot
▪ Keywords
▪ Customize
▪ Describe the benefit you
will deliver, not how great
you are
Moving Your Search Online —
Top Goals for Online
▪ Create a community of
contacts who can
recommend you and
connect you
▪ Conduct research on
Moving Your Search Online —
Top Goals for Online
▪ Expand your job search to
new markets
▪ Create a higher profile
▪ Build your personal brand
You are part of a marketplace.
You need to stand out
Don’t forget online reputation . . . 11
Think of Yourself as a Brand
Think of Yourself as a Brand
▪ Do you buy a product by just looking at the
▪ Your resume is your wrapper
▪ Your employee goodness – skills, drive,
motivation – is on the inside
▪ Get the
inside out
Job Seeking Trends — LinkedIn
▪ LinkedIn is very important for more and more
▫ Many employers let you use LinkedIn
profile to apply
▪ LinkedIn goal: connect the world’s workers
▪ Headlines are crucial
▫ Must reflect your
Why Use LinkedIn?
▪ It’s a social networking
▪ For professionals and
increasingly for all
types of workers
▪ 62% of LinkedIn
users make less than
$75K per year
▪ 590 million worldwide
▪ 154 million in US
Who is on LinkedIn?
Who is on LinkedIn?
▫ 450,000+ Companies
Who is on LinkedIn?
▫ 15M Jobs!
Recruiting Goes Social
▪ Social recruiting is now the norm—95% of
recruiters use social to support their
▪ 89% of all recruiters report having hired
someone through LinkedIn
• If you’re getting passed over for jobs that are in your wheelhouse,
you may be shooting too low. Start applying for more senior
positions. Of course, do the opposite if you’ve been aiming high.
• Highlight recent accomplishments rather than years of experience.
• Customize your qualifications, listing them in the same fashion
and order as the employer.
• When reaching out to LinkedIn connections for feedback or help,
imagine how you would feel if the tables were turned. You would
help out, and they will too.
• Make sure your resume is rock solid. More often than not,
correcting simple mistakes on a resume will do wonders for
your search.
• Be willing to freelance or work part-time. Getting your foot
in the door might result in a full-time job.
• Use LinkedIn Company Pages and LinkedIn Pulse to read
up on topics you may discuss. Acing your preparation can
really help with your confidence.
• Practice, practice, practice. If a phone call to a connection or
employer is going to be difficult, iron out potential rough
spots in advance by rehearsing with a job search buddy.
• Demonstrate how your skills and experience can solve key
business problems.
Common Job Search Problems
To Do on LinkedIn
▪ Ensure Your Personal Profile is Complete
▪ Search for Employers, Partners, Referrers
▪ Build Your Network
▪ Join Groups
▪ Search for Jobs
Update your LinkedIn Profile and resume
Make sure your profile has a professional-looking photo, compelling summary,
and job descriptions that highlight your achievements
Setup saved job alerts
Create one or more searches in the Jobs tab on your home page, then save
them. You can select daily or weekly email alerts when new jobs that meet your
criteria are posted
Setup time to talk about your search
Discuss your job search with a trusted close friend or family member—someone
who will give you an honest assessment and good advice
Make a list of the skills you want to develop
What can you add to your skillset to make your next role more than “just a job?”
Expert Tip:
Uploading your connections to LinkedIn or the LinkedIn Job Search app will allow
you to easily see who you know at companies that you are interested in.
Your LinkedIn Profile
▪ Pay attention to your
professional headline
▪ Consider adding
keywords to your job title
▪ Use your summary for
additional keyword
▪ Add projects and other
extra sections on
▪ Continue collecting
endorsements 22
Branding on LinkedIn
The background picture—
don’t leave it blank!
The headshot—make sure
people can see you.
Professional picture only.
The headline—this is part of
your personal branding
Building Your Brand Starts with the Headline
▪ Create a LinkedIn professional headline
▫ Not: Sales at ABC Corporation
▫ Sales and Revenue Growth in
Cloud-Enabled Technology
Building Your Brand with Your Headline
Building Your Brand with Your Summary
The summary—your personal
branding statement
Building Your Brand with Your Summary
▪ Your summary is your personal branding
▪ Summary should be focused
▪ Place the most important skills first
▪ Not too long, or short, or wordy
▪ Use keywords; that’s how you’ll be found
27Image: Nick Youngson, Alpha Stock Images CC BY-SA 3.0
Building Your Brand with Your Summary
▪ Think about your assets for an employer
▫ How can you contribute to your
employer’s success?
▪ Think about your goals
▫ Think beyond the next job
▫ Think career
Building Your Brand with Your Summary
▪ Think about your
Unique Selling Proposition
▫ What can you do that nobody else can do?
Personal Branding Statement – 1
▪ Creative customer service professional, with
a wealth of cross-functional experience, and
a proven track record of customer and
employer satisfaction. Strengths include a
high level of commitment, strong problem-
solving skills, unique detail orientation, and
cutting Microsoft Office skills. Technical
affinity for learning and using software. An
insightful, relatable, team player. “Secret”
government clearance since March, 2013.
Personal Branding Statement – 2
▪ Professional individual content and balance
with work and life. Happy, healthy and
friendly person. Respected for hard work
honesty. True to oneself. Compassionate
with others.
Personal Branding Statement – 3
▪ Employment Counselor and Human Resources
Professional interested in working in a university
setting as a career counselor or in a corporate
setting as a recruiter.
Specialties: Employment Counseling, Recruiting,
Event Planning, On-Boarding New Employees,
Career Development Facilitator and Training &
StrengthsFinder Signature Talent Themes:
Woo, Communication, Harmony, Empathy, and
Includer 32
Personal Branding Statement – 4
▪ Since 2013 <LI Member> has presented or performed at over 120 universities, colleges,
high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, conferences, celebrations, forums, and
meetings to educate and encourage others to understand cultural competency,
entrepreneurship, and bridging the gap between millennials and workforce opportunities
that improve personal, professional, and career development, among other initiatives. <LI
Member> is currently working on an educational advising center program which would
facilitate the admission of South Sudanese students to colleges and universities across
the world. He was among the 11 nominated for the 2014 Sioux Falls Humanitarian Award by
the Sioux Falls Human Relations Commission. In 2014, <LI Member> formed the Sioux Falls
Youth Initiative which is a non-profit youth organization providing extracurricular athletic
programs infused with educational and life skills. In 2015, Conscious Youth Solutions was
formed through a 3 month feasibility study assessment surveying 240 participants in
Sioux Falls. In 2015, CYS was 1 of 20 businesses to participate in the 1st 3 month incubator
hosted by The Bakery, an entrepreneurship center. In 2016, he was 1 of 20 presenters to
speak at the OTA: Bismark Conference representing the three state region of Minnesota,
North Dakota, and South Dakota. In 2017 <LI Member> moved to Minneapolis and currently
is the VP Strategic Partnerships at <Employer>, MN first online beer startup delivering
fresh, local craft beer direct from breweries to customers. He has recently joined the
Global Shapers Minneapolis hub, which is a network of city-based Hubs composed of
dynamic leaders under 30 years old who seek to develop their leadership potential towards
serving society. With more than 3,500 Shapers in over 450 Hubs worldwide, the
community unites an unprecedented array of young change-makers. His role has been to
communicate with professional executives, stakeholders, and businesses enabling
partnerships and collaboration. 33
Personal Branding Statement – 5
▪ I am a member of an award-winning collaborative career
counseling team who has consistently met and exceeded
program degree completion, employment, enrollment and
retention goals for 10 consecutive years, resulting in A+
grades from the federal and state government. Awarded
the State of Minnesota Exceptional Team of the Year
Award for outstanding program performance and
exceptional client service. Career Counseling and
Academic Advising professional with 10 plus years proven
work experience in Dislocated Worker Program and career
Personal Branding Statements
Which personal brand statement is most effective?
1. Creative customer service professional
2. Professional individual content and balance with work and
3. Employment Counselor and Human Resources
4. Since 2013 <LI Member> has presented or performed at
over 120 universities, colleges, high schools . . .
5. I am a member of an award-winning collaborative career
counseling team
Who would you hire?
Your Personal Branding Statement
1. What are you most passionate* about? What
do you care deeply about?
2. What are your top 3 or 4 personal attributes
– the things that define how you make things
* Do NOT start: “I am passionate
about . . .” It has become a cliché.
Everybody’s passionate.
Personal Branding Statement
3. What are your 3 or 4 greatest strengths or
top motivating skills (things you love doing)
that have benefitted your employers and
4. What differentiates you from your
competition for your next job? What do you
have to offer that no one else does?
Image: Ian Hughes, CC BY 2.0
▪ Body of the profile must have examples that
support your brand
▪ Listing a current position is critical to getting
▪ Include a call to action
▪ A personal website
or blog can boost
your brand
Build Your Brand
▪ Consider getting a logo and banner image
▫ Fiverr - $5+ for a logo
▫ Canva for do-it-yourself
Make Your LinkedIn Profile Public
▪ Can be found on Google!
▪ Use consistent keywords
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Social Selling
▪ A concept that
emphasizes engagement
▪ Create relationships
▪ Give before you get
▪ Become the only answer
▪ Develop a community of
people who can
recommend and endorse
Selling Yourself
▪ Think of yourself as a product
▪ Create a marketing plan
▪ Create a sales plan
▪ Curate your brand
You as the Product
▪ You have features
▫ Skills
▫ Talent
▫ Experience
▪ You are in a marketplace
▫ Who are your competitors?
▫ What’s your unique selling proposition?
▪ You need to market your brand
▫ Resume, cover letter
▫ Social media
You as the Product — Empathy
▪ Use empathy — put yourself in the place of
the hiring manager
▪ What are his/her
▫ Goals?
▫ Needs?
▫ Challenges?
▪ How can you solve his/her problems?
Basics of Social Selling
▪ Understand the talent acquisition process
Basics of Social Selling
▪ First step: establish your reputation
Basics of Social Selling
▪ Always be connecting – let everyone know
you’re looking
Basics of Social Selling
▪ Curate content – send interesting things to
Basics of Social Selling
▪ Listen on social, not just job boards, LinkedIn
Basics of Social Selling
▪ Track how you’re doing
Basics of Social Selling – Track Progress
▪ 1st degree connections
▪ Target companies
▪ 1st degree connections
in target companies
▪ Local professional
groups joined
▪ Updates per week
▪ Connections to recruiters
▪ Inbound requests to
connect (Number up?
You’re getting attention)
▪ Profile Searches
▪ Profile Views
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Search Companies
Search Companies
Searching for Contacts on LinkedIn
▪ Works fine, is powerful
▪ Limits you to 100 search results
▪ You can search for LinkedIn jobs via Google,
but not LinkedIn members
Searching for Contacts on LinkedIn
Making Contact on LinkedIn
▪ Research first
▪ Find out about the potential contact
▫ What groups? Join them
▫ Read any posts
▫ Engage with their updates & posts
▪ Publish posts on LinkedIn
Making Contact on LinkedIn
▪ Be careful in accepting connections
▫ They can see the contact info you share
on LinkedIn
▫ Consider ignoring those without a photo
▪ Never send a connection request without
explaining why
▫ Common interests
▫ What you can contribute
▫ Don’t ask!!!! Offer
Three Degrees of LinkedIn
Peter Winer Chris Brogan Guy Kawasaki
Searching for Jobs on LinkedIn
▪ Select “Jobs” when searching
▪ Can narrow by location, date posted,
LinkedIn features, company, and experience
Searching for Jobs on LinkedIn
▪ Set a job alert
Research Positions
Research Employees
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Why Join a LinkedIn Group?
▪ Networking
▪ Professional development
▪ Build your personal brand
Join Your Targets’ Groups
▪ Visit the target’s profile page
Finding LinkedIn Groups
▪ Searching for groups has gotten harder
▪ Start an empty search by putting your cursor
(or tapping) the search box and pressing
enter or selecting the magnifying glass icon
▪ You’ll see a page banner like the following
Connecting via LinkedIn Groups
▪ Select More and you see:
▪ Select Groups
Connecting via LinkedIn Groups
▪ You see a list of all LinkedIn Groups
▪ Now when you search using the search box,
you’ll see groups
Connecting via LinkedIn Groups
▪ Select the group to bring up the group page
▪ Select Request to join
Joining a LinkedIn Group
Connecting via LinkedIn Groups
▪ To return to a group, select the Work icon in
the top LinkedIn bar
Connecting via LinkedIn Groups
▪ Select the group
Connecting via LinkedIn Groups
▪ Find the person’s Groups and join them
▪ Don’t send a generic connection
▫ Always personalize
▫ Give a reason
▪ Don’t start with a connection request
▫ State your common interests
Comment on Prospect’s Posts
Post Your Own Thoughts and Questions
▪ Try to make your posts relevant to others
▪ Don’t baldly ask if anyone can connect you to
a hiring manager
Post Your Own Thoughts and Questions
▪ Once you’ve established yourself, message
group members
Join My Group
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Decide how you want to use Facebook
▪ Even if you decide not to use professionally,
you need to ensure your behavior is
▪ Friends of friends can see your posts, even if
they are marked as “friends-only”
Decide How You Want to Use Facebook
▪ Some keep Facebook
private and use other
networks for job
▪ Others combine social
and professional use
Use Facebook Professionally
▪ Make sure your profile is professional
▫ No beer barfing pix
▫ Only information you want business
contacts or prospective employers to see
▪ Create a simple profile using minimal
▪ Be careful
Searching on Facebook
▪ One way is to type the name of the prospect
or company in the search box at the top of
any page
Searching on Facebook
▪ Select from the listings shown
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Tweet Regularly
▪ Twitter is the billboard
▪ What do you want
others to see on your
▪ Keywords in your
▪ To get followers,
follow others of
▫ Find via search
Share Content Relevant to Your Industry
▪ Get Buffer –
Share Content Relevant to Your Industry
▪ Install the Buffer browser widget
Find Content of Interest to Your Prospects
▪ Use Google to find relevant content
Find Jobs on Twitter
Save Twitter Searches
Save Twitter Searches
▪ Click in the search box
Use Hashtags
▪ A way to tag a word as a keyword
▪ Precede the word with a #
▫ #hunger
▫ #socialjustice
▪ Often used to group tweets during or about
▫ #smbmsp
▪ More specific than just using a regular
Ask for Help
▪ Ask for help on social media
▪ Use appropriate hashtags like
▫ #hireme
▫ #MBA
▫ #linkedin
▫ #resume
▫ #needajob
Search Using Hashtags
▪ Enter the hashtag in the search section
Search Using Hashtags
▪ Hashtags recruiters use:
▫ #job
▫ #jobs
▫ #jobpost
▫ #employment
▫ #recruiting
▫ #hiring
▫ #career
▫ #staffing
▫ #JobListing
▫ #JobOpening
▫ #JobTips
▫ #JobHuntChat
Promote Yourself: Get Re-Tweeted
▪ Retweeting is when someone who saw your
message sends it out to their network
▪ Best possible outcome of a tweet
▫ “You don’t know who the best evangelist
will be for your product or service [you!].”
– Guy Kawasaki
Promote Yourself: Get Re-Tweeted
▪ To Retweet, copy the message and put RT in
front of it or use the symbol at the
bottom of the post
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Become Findable – Use Keywords
▪ Develop keywords
▫ Search for your job on LinkedIn
▫ Notice the words people use in their
profile descriptions
▫ Include the most popular and relevant
ones in your profile, resume, social media
Image CC BY-SA 3.0 Nick Youngson / Alpha Stock Images
Become Findable – Find Keywords
▪ Find keywords
▫ Use autocomplete in Google
▪ Use Ubersuggest
112Image CC BY-SA 3.0 Nick Youngson Alpha Stock Images
Become Findable – Be Consistent
▪ Create a consistent message
▪ Echo it in all your social media profiles
LinkedIn Twitter Facebook
Triangulate Your Social Media Presence
Link your social media
properties together
▪ Tweet about your blog
▪ Blog about your
Facebook page
▪ Link your blog to your
▪ Link your Twitter feed to
LI and FB statuses
▪ Email signature
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Create Relationships
▪ Remember, it’s social media
▫ Not social advertising
▫ Not social marketing
▪ The goal is to create relationships that can
help you find a job
▫ Not spamming the world with your needs
▫ Social selling instead
Begin the Connection Process
▪ Don’t send a generic connection
▫ Always personalize
▫ Give a reason
▪ Don’t start with a connection request
▫ Need a reason
▫ Find the person’s Groups
and join them
Relationship Steps
1. Begin Relationships
▫ Don’t ask too soon
▫ Ask to connect at the
right time
▫ Show interest in your
prospect - personally
2. Draw Them Closer
▫ Solve your prospects’
▫ Ask for coffee
▫ Deepen the relationship
Relationship Steps
3. Ask for Help
▫ Only at the right time
▫ Better to wait for
them to suggest
Your Social Selling Job Search Plan
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▫ Create a list of target companies
▫ Search for them on LinkedIn and
▫ Research their job positions
▫ Search for relevant employees
▫ Begin the connection process
Your Social Selling Job Search Plan
▪ Join Groups
▫ Join the groups your targets are in
▫ Comment on their posts
▫ Post your own thoughts and questions
▪ Tweet Regularly
▫ Find content of interest to your targets
▫ Curate it and post on Twitter
▫ Follow #jobs
▫ Ask for help
Your Social Selling Job Search Plan
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▫ Use Facebook professionally
▫ Find companies and targets
▪ Become Findable
▫ Make your LinkedIn profile public
▫ Make your Facebook profile public
▫ Consistent, effective
keywords in your profiles
▪ Job Seeking Trends
▪ Selling Yourself
▪ Search for Companies & Contacts
▪ Join Groups
▪ Triangulate with Facebook
▪ Tweet Regularly
▪ Become Findable
▪ Create Relationships
▪ Prepare for the Interview
Prepare for the Interview
▪ Google your targets
▫ Google company personnel
▫ Find any commonality
▫ Be careful what you disclose!
▪ Google the company
▫ Make sure you:
▫ Understand their business
▫ Can suggest how you can
▫ Can give your value
Thank You!
▪ You are welcome to connect with me:
▫ Mike Ellsworth
▫ Twitter: @MikeEllsworth
▫ LinkedIn:
▫ Facebook:
– Social Media for Job Search LinkedIn
– Infinite Pipeline:

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How to sell yourself with social media and get that job

  • 1. Sell Yourself with Social Media and Get That Job ▪ Mike Ellsworth ▪ NextPhase Selling
  • 2. ▪ LinkedIn user since June 16, 2003, 6 weeks after it debuted (member number 8893) ▪ Networking online since the ‘80s ▪ 15 years at Nielsen Co. ▪ 6 years as IT strategy consultant ▪ 10 years at State of Minnesota ▫ Program Director of CareerOneStop ▫ But here as a citizen 2 6/4/2019
  • 3. Test Your Acronym Knowledge ▪ BTW ▪ FWIW ▪ FYI ▪ IMHO ▪ LOL ▪ ROFL...CGU ▪ BFF ▪ TTYL 3
  • 4. Test Your Acronym Knowledge - Boomer Edition ▪ BTW ▪ FWIW ▪ FYI ▪ IMHO ▪ LOL ▪ ROFL...CGU ▪ BFF ▪ TTYL Bring the Wheelchair Forgot Where I Was Found Your Insulin Is My Hearing-Aid On? Living on Lipitor Rolling on the Floor Laughing ... Can't get Up! Best Friend Fell Talk to You Louder 4
  • 5. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 5 6/4/2019
  • 6. Job Seeking Trends — Your Resume ▪ Here’s what recruiters said will get a resume rejected in 2016: ▫ Impersonal Applications (No Hiring Manager’s Name) — 84% ▫ No Thank You Note After Interview — 57% ▫ Resumes Aren’t Customized &Tailored — 54% ▫ No Cover Letter — 45% ▫ No Follow Up With Employer After Interview — 37% 6
  • 7. Job Seeking Trends — Cover Letter ▪ Not obsolete, but may be read by a robot ▪ Keywords ▪ Customize ▪ Describe the benefit you will deliver, not how great you are 7
  • 8. Moving Your Search Online — Goals Top Goals for Online Networking ▪ Create a community of contacts who can recommend you and connect you ▪ Conduct research on employers 8
  • 9. Moving Your Search Online — Goals Top Goals for Online Networking ▪ Expand your job search to new markets ▪ Create a higher profile ▪ Build your personal brand 9
  • 10. 10 You are part of a marketplace. You need to stand out 6/4/2019
  • 11. Don’t forget online reputation . . . 11 Think of Yourself as a Brand
  • 12. Think of Yourself as a Brand ▪ Do you buy a product by just looking at the wrapper? ▪ Your resume is your wrapper ▪ Your employee goodness – skills, drive, motivation – is on the inside ▪ Get the inside out 12
  • 13. Job Seeking Trends — LinkedIn ▪ LinkedIn is very important for more and more jobs ▫ Many employers let you use LinkedIn profile to apply ▪ LinkedIn goal: connect the world’s workers ▪ Headlines are crucial ▫ Must reflect your brand 13
  • 14. Why Use LinkedIn? ▪ It’s a social networking site ▪ For professionals and increasingly for all types of workers ▪ 62% of LinkedIn users make less than $75K per year ▪ 590 million worldwide ▪ 154 million in US 14
  • 15. Who is on LinkedIn? 15 Recruiters!
  • 16. Who is on LinkedIn? ▫ 450,000+ Companies 16 Employers!
  • 17. Who is on LinkedIn? ▫ 15M Jobs! 17 Jobs!
  • 18. Recruiting Goes Social ▪ Social recruiting is now the norm—95% of recruiters use social to support their recruiting ▪ 89% of all recruiters report having hired someone through LinkedIn 18
  • 19. YOU’RE UNEMPLOYED YOU’RE UNDERQUALIFIED YOU’RE SHY • If you’re getting passed over for jobs that are in your wheelhouse, you may be shooting too low. Start applying for more senior positions. Of course, do the opposite if you’ve been aiming high. • Highlight recent accomplishments rather than years of experience. • Customize your qualifications, listing them in the same fashion and order as the employer. • When reaching out to LinkedIn connections for feedback or help, imagine how you would feel if the tables were turned. You would help out, and they will too. • Make sure your resume is rock solid. More often than not, correcting simple mistakes on a resume will do wonders for your search. • Be willing to freelance or work part-time. Getting your foot in the door might result in a full-time job. • Use LinkedIn Company Pages and LinkedIn Pulse to read up on topics you may discuss. Acing your preparation can really help with your confidence. • Practice, practice, practice. If a phone call to a connection or employer is going to be difficult, iron out potential rough spots in advance by rehearsing with a job search buddy. • Demonstrate how your skills and experience can solve key business problems. Common Job Search Problems 19
  • 20. To Do on LinkedIn ▪ Ensure Your Personal Profile is Complete ▪ Search for Employers, Partners, Referrers ▪ Build Your Network ▪ Join Groups ▪ Search for Jobs 20
  • 21. DAY ONE CHECKLIST Update your LinkedIn Profile and resume Make sure your profile has a professional-looking photo, compelling summary, and job descriptions that highlight your achievements Setup saved job alerts Create one or more searches in the Jobs tab on your home page, then save them. You can select daily or weekly email alerts when new jobs that meet your criteria are posted Setup time to talk about your search Discuss your job search with a trusted close friend or family member—someone who will give you an honest assessment and good advice Make a list of the skills you want to develop What can you add to your skillset to make your next role more than “just a job?” Expert Tip: Uploading your connections to LinkedIn or the LinkedIn Job Search app will allow you to easily see who you know at companies that you are interested in. 6/4/2019
  • 22. Your LinkedIn Profile ▪ Pay attention to your professional headline ▪ Consider adding keywords to your job title ▪ Use your summary for additional keyword content ▪ Add projects and other extra sections on LinkedIn ▪ Continue collecting endorsements 22
  • 23. Branding on LinkedIn 23 The background picture— don’t leave it blank! The headshot—make sure people can see you. Professional picture only. The headline—this is part of your personal branding statement
  • 24. Building Your Brand Starts with the Headline ▪ Create a LinkedIn professional headline ▫ Not: Sales at ABC Corporation ▫ Sales and Revenue Growth in Cloud-Enabled Technology Solutions 24
  • 25. Building Your Brand with Your Headline 25
  • 26. Building Your Brand with Your Summary 26 The summary—your personal branding statement
  • 27. Building Your Brand with Your Summary ▪ Your summary is your personal branding statement ▪ Summary should be focused ▪ Place the most important skills first ▪ Not too long, or short, or wordy ▪ Use keywords; that’s how you’ll be found 27Image: Nick Youngson, Alpha Stock Images CC BY-SA 3.0
  • 28. Building Your Brand with Your Summary ▪ Think about your assets for an employer ▫ How can you contribute to your employer’s success? ▪ Think about your goals ▫ Think beyond the next job ▫ Think career 28
  • 29. Building Your Brand with Your Summary ▪ Think about your Unique Selling Proposition ▫ What can you do that nobody else can do? 29
  • 30. Personal Branding Statement – 1 ▪ Creative customer service professional, with a wealth of cross-functional experience, and a proven track record of customer and employer satisfaction. Strengths include a high level of commitment, strong problem- solving skills, unique detail orientation, and cutting Microsoft Office skills. Technical affinity for learning and using software. An insightful, relatable, team player. “Secret” government clearance since March, 2013. 30
  • 31. Personal Branding Statement – 2 ▪ Professional individual content and balance with work and life. Happy, healthy and friendly person. Respected for hard work honesty. True to oneself. Compassionate with others. 31
  • 32. Personal Branding Statement – 3 ▪ Employment Counselor and Human Resources Professional interested in working in a university setting as a career counselor or in a corporate setting as a recruiter. Specialties: Employment Counseling, Recruiting, Event Planning, On-Boarding New Employees, Career Development Facilitator and Training & Development StrengthsFinder Signature Talent Themes: Woo, Communication, Harmony, Empathy, and Includer 32
  • 33. Personal Branding Statement – 4 ▪ Since 2013 <LI Member> has presented or performed at over 120 universities, colleges, high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, conferences, celebrations, forums, and meetings to educate and encourage others to understand cultural competency, entrepreneurship, and bridging the gap between millennials and workforce opportunities that improve personal, professional, and career development, among other initiatives. <LI Member> is currently working on an educational advising center program which would facilitate the admission of South Sudanese students to colleges and universities across the world. He was among the 11 nominated for the 2014 Sioux Falls Humanitarian Award by the Sioux Falls Human Relations Commission. In 2014, <LI Member> formed the Sioux Falls Youth Initiative which is a non-profit youth organization providing extracurricular athletic programs infused with educational and life skills. In 2015, Conscious Youth Solutions was formed through a 3 month feasibility study assessment surveying 240 participants in Sioux Falls. In 2015, CYS was 1 of 20 businesses to participate in the 1st 3 month incubator hosted by The Bakery, an entrepreneurship center. In 2016, he was 1 of 20 presenters to speak at the OTA: Bismark Conference representing the three state region of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. In 2017 <LI Member> moved to Minneapolis and currently is the VP Strategic Partnerships at <Employer>, MN first online beer startup delivering fresh, local craft beer direct from breweries to customers. He has recently joined the Global Shapers Minneapolis hub, which is a network of city-based Hubs composed of dynamic leaders under 30 years old who seek to develop their leadership potential towards serving society. With more than 3,500 Shapers in over 450 Hubs worldwide, the community unites an unprecedented array of young change-makers. His role has been to communicate with professional executives, stakeholders, and businesses enabling partnerships and collaboration. 33
  • 34. Personal Branding Statement – 5 ▪ I am a member of an award-winning collaborative career counseling team who has consistently met and exceeded program degree completion, employment, enrollment and retention goals for 10 consecutive years, resulting in A+ grades from the federal and state government. Awarded the State of Minnesota Exceptional Team of the Year Award for outstanding program performance and exceptional client service. Career Counseling and Academic Advising professional with 10 plus years proven work experience in Dislocated Worker Program and career counseling. 34
  • 35. Personal Branding Statements Which personal brand statement is most effective? 1. Creative customer service professional 2. Professional individual content and balance with work and life 3. Employment Counselor and Human Resources Professional 4. Since 2013 <LI Member> has presented or performed at over 120 universities, colleges, high schools . . . 5. I am a member of an award-winning collaborative career counseling team Who would you hire? 35
  • 36. Your Personal Branding Statement 1. What are you most passionate* about? What do you care deeply about? 2. What are your top 3 or 4 personal attributes – the things that define how you make things happen? * Do NOT start: “I am passionate about . . .” It has become a cliché. Everybody’s passionate. 36
  • 37. Personal Branding Statement 3. What are your 3 or 4 greatest strengths or top motivating skills (things you love doing) that have benefitted your employers and how? 4. What differentiates you from your competition for your next job? What do you have to offer that no one else does? 37 Image: Ian Hughes, CC BY 2.0
  • 38. LinkedIn ▪ Body of the profile must have examples that support your brand ▪ Listing a current position is critical to getting found ▪ Include a call to action ▪ A personal website or blog can boost your brand 38
  • 39. Build Your Brand ▪ Consider getting a logo and banner image ▫ Fiverr - $5+ for a logo ▫ Canva for do-it-yourself 39
  • 40. Make Your LinkedIn Profile Public ▪ Can be found on Google! ▪ Use consistent keywords 40
  • 41. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 41 6/4/2019
  • 42. Social Selling ▪ A concept that emphasizes engagement ▪ Create relationships ▪ Give before you get ▪ Become the only answer ▪ Develop a community of people who can recommend and endorse you 42
  • 43. Selling Yourself ▪ Think of yourself as a product ▪ Create a marketing plan ▪ Create a sales plan ▪ Curate your brand 43
  • 44. You as the Product ▪ You have features ▫ Skills ▫ Talent ▫ Experience ▪ You are in a marketplace ▫ Who are your competitors? ▫ What’s your unique selling proposition? ▪ You need to market your brand ▫ Resume, cover letter ▫ Social media 44
  • 45. You as the Product — Empathy ▪ Use empathy — put yourself in the place of the hiring manager ▪ What are his/her ▫ Goals? ▫ Needs? ▫ Challenges? ▪ How can you solve his/her problems? 45
  • 46. Basics of Social Selling ▪ Understand the talent acquisition process 46
  • 47.
  • 48. Basics of Social Selling ▪ First step: establish your reputation online 48
  • 49. Basics of Social Selling ▪ Always be connecting – let everyone know you’re looking 49
  • 50. Basics of Social Selling ▪ Curate content – send interesting things to contact 50
  • 51. Basics of Social Selling ▪ Listen on social, not just job boards, LinkedIn 51
  • 52. Basics of Social Selling ▪ Track how you’re doing 52
  • 53. Basics of Social Selling – Track Progress ▪ 1st degree connections ▪ Target companies followed ▪ 1st degree connections in target companies ▪ Local professional groups joined ▪ Updates per week ▪ Connections to recruiters ▪ Inbound requests to connect (Number up? You’re getting attention) ▪ Profile Searches ▪ Profile Views 53
  • 54. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 54 6/4/2019
  • 57. Searching for Contacts on LinkedIn ▪ Works fine, is powerful ▪ Limits you to 100 search results ▪ You can search for LinkedIn jobs via Google, but not LinkedIn members 57
  • 58. Searching for Contacts on LinkedIn 58
  • 59. Making Contact on LinkedIn ▪ Research first ▪ Find out about the potential contact ▫ What groups? Join them ▫ Read any posts ▫ Engage with their updates & posts ▪ Publish posts on LinkedIn 59
  • 60. Making Contact on LinkedIn ▪ Be careful in accepting connections ▫ They can see the contact info you share on LinkedIn ▫ Consider ignoring those without a photo ▪ Never send a connection request without explaining why ▫ Common interests ▫ What you can contribute ▫ Don’t ask!!!! Offer 60
  • 61. Three Degrees of LinkedIn 3rd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 2nd Peter Winer Chris Brogan Guy Kawasaki 6/4/2019
  • 62. Searching for Jobs on LinkedIn ▪ Select “Jobs” when searching ▪ Can narrow by location, date posted, LinkedIn features, company, and experience level 62
  • 65. Searching for Jobs on LinkedIn ▪ Set a job alert 65
  • 69. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 69 6/4/2019
  • 70. Why Join a LinkedIn Group? ▪ Networking ▪ Professional development ▪ Build your personal brand 70
  • 71. Join Your Targets’ Groups ▪ Visit the target’s profile page 71
  • 72. 72
  • 73. 73
  • 74. Finding LinkedIn Groups ▪ Searching for groups has gotten harder ▪ Start an empty search by putting your cursor (or tapping) the search box and pressing enter or selecting the magnifying glass icon ▪ You’ll see a page banner like the following 74
  • 75. Connecting via LinkedIn Groups ▪ Select More and you see: ▪ Select Groups 75
  • 76. Connecting via LinkedIn Groups ▪ You see a list of all LinkedIn Groups ▪ Now when you search using the search box, you’ll see groups 76
  • 78. Connecting via LinkedIn Groups ▪ Select the group to bring up the group page ▪ Select Request to join 78
  • 79. Joining a LinkedIn Group 79
  • 80. Connecting via LinkedIn Groups ▪ To return to a group, select the Work icon in the top LinkedIn bar 80
  • 81. Connecting via LinkedIn Groups ▪ Select the group 81
  • 82. Connecting via LinkedIn Groups ▪ Find the person’s Groups and join them ▪ Don’t send a generic connection ▫ Always personalize ▫ Give a reason ▪ Don’t start with a connection request ▫ State your common interests 82
  • 84. Post Your Own Thoughts and Questions ▪ Try to make your posts relevant to others ▪ Don’t baldly ask if anyone can connect you to a hiring manager 84
  • 85. Post Your Own Thoughts and Questions ▪ Once you’ve established yourself, message group members 85
  • 87. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 87 6/4/2019
  • 88. Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Decide how you want to use Facebook ▪ Even if you decide not to use professionally, you need to ensure your behavior is professional ▪ Friends of friends can see your posts, even if they are marked as “friends-only” 88
  • 89. Decide How You Want to Use Facebook ▪ Some keep Facebook private and use other networks for job seeking ▪ Others combine social and professional use 89
  • 90. Use Facebook Professionally ▪ Make sure your profile is professional ▫ No beer barfing pix ▫ Only information you want business contacts or prospective employers to see ▪ Create a simple profile using minimal graphics ▪ Be careful 90
  • 91. Searching on Facebook ▪ One way is to type the name of the prospect or company in the search box at the top of any page 91
  • 92. Searching on Facebook ▪ Select from the listings shown 92
  • 93. 93
  • 94. 94
  • 96. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 96 6/4/2019
  • 97. Tweet Regularly ▪ Twitter is the billboard ▪ What do you want others to see on your billboard? ▪ Keywords in your profile ▪ To get followers, follow others of interest ▫ Find via search 97
  • 98. Share Content Relevant to Your Industry ▪ Get Buffer – 98
  • 99. Share Content Relevant to Your Industry ▪ Install the Buffer browser widget 99
  • 100. Find Content of Interest to Your Prospects ▪ Use Google to find relevant content 100
  • 101. Find Jobs on Twitter 101
  • 103. Save Twitter Searches ▪ Click in the search box 103
  • 104. Use Hashtags ▪ A way to tag a word as a keyword ▪ Precede the word with a # ▫ #hunger ▫ #socialjustice ▪ Often used to group tweets during or about events ▫ #smbmsp ▪ More specific than just using a regular keyword 104
  • 105. Ask for Help ▪ Ask for help on social media ▪ Use appropriate hashtags like ▫ #hireme ▫ #MBA ▫ #linkedin ▫ #resume ▫ #needajob 105
  • 106. Search Using Hashtags ▪ Enter the hashtag in the search section 106
  • 107. Search Using Hashtags ▪ Hashtags recruiters use: ▫ #job ▫ #jobs ▫ #jobpost ▫ #employment ▫ #recruiting ▫ #hiring 107 ▫ #career ▫ #staffing ▫ #JobListing ▫ #JobOpening ▫ #JobTips ▫ #JobHuntChat ▫
  • 108. Promote Yourself: Get Re-Tweeted ▪ Retweeting is when someone who saw your message sends it out to their network ▪ Best possible outcome of a tweet ▫ “You don’t know who the best evangelist will be for your product or service [you!].” – Guy Kawasaki 108
  • 109. Promote Yourself: Get Re-Tweeted ▪ To Retweet, copy the message and put RT in front of it or use the symbol at the bottom of the post 109
  • 110. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 110 6/4/2019
  • 111. Become Findable – Use Keywords ▪ Develop keywords ▫ Search for your job on LinkedIn ▫ Notice the words people use in their profile descriptions ▫ Include the most popular and relevant ones in your profile, resume, social media 111 Image CC BY-SA 3.0 Nick Youngson / Alpha Stock Images
  • 112. Become Findable – Find Keywords ▪ Find keywords ▫ Use autocomplete in Google ▪ Use Ubersuggest 112Image CC BY-SA 3.0 Nick Youngson Alpha Stock Images
  • 114. Become Findable – Be Consistent ▪ Create a consistent message ▪ Echo it in all your social media profiles 114 LinkedIn Twitter Facebook
  • 115. Triangulate Your Social Media Presence Link your social media properties together ▪ Tweet about your blog ▪ Blog about your Facebook page ▪ Link your blog to your Website ▪ Link your Twitter feed to LI and FB statuses ▪ Email signature 115
  • 116. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 116 6/4/2019
  • 117. Create Relationships ▪ Remember, it’s social media ▫ Not social advertising ▫ Not social marketing ▪ The goal is to create relationships that can help you find a job ▫ Not spamming the world with your needs ▫ Social selling instead 117
  • 118. Begin the Connection Process ▪ Don’t send a generic connection ▫ Always personalize ▫ Give a reason ▪ Don’t start with a connection request ▫ Need a reason ▫ Find the person’s Groups and join them 118
  • 119. Relationship Steps 1. Begin Relationships ▫ Don’t ask too soon ▫ Ask to connect at the right time ▫ Show interest in your prospect - personally 2. Draw Them Closer ▫ Solve your prospects’ problems ▫ Ask for coffee ▫ Deepen the relationship 119
  • 120. Relationship Steps 3. Ask for Help ▫ Only at the right time ▫ Better to wait for them to suggest 120
  • 121. Your Social Selling Job Search Plan ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▫ Create a list of target companies ▫ Search for them on LinkedIn and Facebook ▫ Research their job positions ▫ Search for relevant employees ▫ Begin the connection process 121
  • 122. Your Social Selling Job Search Plan ▪ Join Groups ▫ Join the groups your targets are in ▫ Comment on their posts ▫ Post your own thoughts and questions ▪ Tweet Regularly ▫ Find content of interest to your targets ▫ Curate it and post on Twitter ▫ Follow #jobs ▫ Ask for help 122
  • 123. Your Social Selling Job Search Plan ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▫ Use Facebook professionally ▫ Find companies and targets ▪ Become Findable ▫ Make your LinkedIn profile public ▫ Make your Facebook profile public ▫ Consistent, effective keywords in your profiles 123
  • 124. ▪ Job Seeking Trends ▪ Selling Yourself ▪ Search for Companies & Contacts ▪ Join Groups ▪ Triangulate with Facebook ▪ Tweet Regularly ▪ Become Findable ▪ Create Relationships ▪ Prepare for the Interview 124 6/4/2019
  • 126. Prepare for the Interview ▪ Google your targets ▫ Google company personnel ▫ Find any commonality ▫ Be careful what you disclose! ▪ Google the company ▫ Make sure you: ▫ Understand their business ▫ Can suggest how you can contribute ▫ Can give your value proposition 126
  • 128. Thank You! ▪ You are welcome to connect with me: ▫ Mike Ellsworth ▫ Twitter: @MikeEllsworth ▫ LinkedIn: ▫ Facebook: – Social Media for Job Search LinkedIn Group: – Infinite Pipeline: 128