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Move on: Claim yourself back!

   - Are you depressed over your break up?
   - Do you feel life is not the same after break up?
   - Are you unable to move on from your past relationship?
Move on: Claim yourself back!

MOVE ON: Claim yourself back!

About the Author:
Gaurav Tiwari is a ParaNexus certified Leading Paranormal Investigator and Founder of Indian
Paranormal Society in India. Gaurav is also pursuing his advance studies on Metaphysical and
Paranormal science from Institute of Metaphysical Science (IMHS), governed by the reputed educator,
motivational speaker, and Life Counselor - Dr. Douglass R. Kelley. Gaurav has an academic background
in computers, aviation, and he is also a commercial pilot license holder.

About the book:
Marching ahead with the hopes of helping humanity; Gaurav has written this first mini-book to help
people who have difficulties coming over their past relationship. This will help you to win the elements
which you require to move on in life. Please shed your fear of moving on and trust us that there always
exist endless solutions to every problem.
Move on: Claim yourself back!

You are here to read what to do when you feel that the patience of your survival is succumbing to the
pressure of immense grudge and pain you hold for yourself or someone who ditched or failed your
expectations in the past relationship? You are afraid to move on as you did not imagine the future
without your partner when you were in that relationship. You are reading this because something has
definitely brought you here to read my words. Maybe it is your own subconscious which is trying to hint
towards the right direction, in order to find a way to protect your identity.

While there is no doubt that you are holding the stones of ‘problems’ right on your chest while reading
this, or may be carrying the heavy burden of ‘Why it has to be me’ question from your head to toe. I
want you to keep those stones of worries and tensions aside, just for a while, imagine that you are really
putting off your burdens (whatever those may be); one by one, aside. Feeling lighter, tension-free, and
as comfortable and relaxed you feel when you sleep deeply; lost into the cozy carpets of your own
fantasy land. Where you can do anything and everything you want. Where, you see happiness around
you. Where you are powerful and you are the ‘real you’, who is tension free, fearless, and as
independent as a butterfly in a garden. (You may close your eyes, and really visualize that taking deep
breaths). Visualizing putting off your burdens aside, might give you a new way to think, which can prove
to be an ‘Emergency-Light’ for you in the darkness.

Do you remember the person who was self confident, just like you; before falling in love? The person
who never cared about emotions and emotional values? The person who never fell in love? Remember
how confident you were in everything you did? Because whatever you did, you did just for yourself!

Remember the joy, you used to have and the comfort you had in your own environments! The beauty
which lived once in your personality and your belief of being ‘the one’; who wanted to achieve
something in life! While you remember the peace which your mind had when you only had to worry
about your own needs, Can you remember how many countless dreams you created in your
imaginations? Remember what a lovely person you were, who never took yourself seriously when you
made mistakes?

There come times in life, when we need some renovation to stand with time. Of course like the every
building in your area, those you see getting renovated by the period of time; or the trees which grow
and change shapes. And do you remember the streets, airports, bus-stations getting renovated and
getting better every year? Changes are true! One cannot deny changes! They are crucial and important.
Look into your physique; can you see the changes from your childhood to this time? Head to toe? Of
course you can! Changes are natural. Everything needs renovation by the period of time in order to
sustain itself with the changes we have around ourselves.

Many of you would be thinking that you have deteriorated because you were ditched, used, dumped,
and/or thrown out of-Relationship! You might find it easy to blame the other person because the urge
Move on: Claim yourself back!

to Control others is inherent in human nature. But we definitely use that- urge to control -in a wrong
direction. Control is inherent in our nature because it is a control on ourselves; without which you
cannot stop yourself. But we always misuse that ‘Quality’, to control others, instead of ourselves!

It might sound stupid to most of you but if it is okay for you to devote 2 minutes of your important time
to explore your deepest level of subconscious and find what is hidden in you? Do not worry; it will be as
easy and comfortable as yawning in your own bed when you get up in the morning, fresh and relaxed.

Whenever you feel at ease, then take two minutes out of your tiresome and frustrated, exhausted
schedule and think about the things which got you into the relationship that just broke your heart and
have left you like a vegetable that is unable to move on! The relationship which has left you choice less
and for that you feel suffocated and depressed! Think about all the good points which brought you into
that relationship. Think logically, rationally, and be true. Be the person who existed before this
relationship. Think about the person whom your partner loved?

We will move on to the next section when you are done thinking about the true you! And, each
wonderful thing, you brought into the basket of that relationship.


Hope you had wonderful time thinking about what all great things you brought into the basket of

Most of you would not have really concentrated on what was really asked above, but still be reading this
section. Nothing to worry! This is a human nature; everyone likes skipping the details and jumping onto
points in order to connect them and educate oneself in one’s own style. Of course we all enjoyed solving
the jigsaw puzzles when we –The real us, the real you, or the real them; were child.

Human nature is all about habits. Once we fall in a habit and are used to it, it remains. Remember, that
is why our moms always said- You should not carry bad habits!

We only do what we are used to do. But when we cannot do what we used to do- we change!

Jumping onto conclusions without joining the dots is harmful and it is a habit that can ruin your
reputation for life. When you cannot arrange the details of the lines joining the dots, you cannot solve a
jigsaw puzzle. It would be something like a jigsaw puzzle of humans being arranged with toes at head
and ears at toes. Or many critics would judge you as a person who rejoices after solving a wrong jigsaw
puzzle in 2 years and saying that he solved it before time because the packet has a statuary note –3
Years or above. So, try to be the clever one. Shut up your mind and urge to control, when you cannot
Move on: Claim yourself back!

join the dots. Solve the jigsaw puzzle by clearly understanding and joining the dots. Let go every
emotions you hold against yourself or others for a moment and see the benefit and comfort it will yield
for you.

Do you remember what all great things you have donated into the basket of relationship with your Ex-
Boy friend/Girl friend/Friends? Do you see those great things which you think you could not have done
for anyone? Things, which you think have made you very high in your own views? Things, those made
you feel -mature and responsible? How you made your partner laugh, smile, rejoice, dance, happy, feel
good in life, numerous of times, Do you remember all those attempts you made to keep the relationship
strong? Do you remember how you forgot ‘yourself’ in that relationship? It was a wonderful feeling
falling in love because the ‘real you’ wanted a company for yourself-The one you were earlier. Now,
when your partner came in your life, you forgot yourself! Can you answer, why?

Just because you wanted a company, you completely forgot yourself? – The ‘real you’ forgot itself and
do you still expect that the other will not forget you? When you remember that ‘you’ forgot yourself
completely for someone, let me remind you that your partner did not start relationship with the Lost-
You. Your partner started relationship with the healthy, real you! Who once cared about self and was
responsible for every act he/she did for him/herself. The one who had no complains in life except
him/herself. The one who wanted positive changes in him/herself, grow up in life, being successful. But
what he/she failed to understand was- complains those he/she used to find in him/herself were not
really complains. Those were the dots/points of the real life to join and solve the puzzle of sufficiency
you hold within, deep in your heart. We missed to join those dots and created a life out of relationship.
Our faults, inability and insufficiency are the base of our growth. As the English proverb goes, “Necessity
is the mother of invention.” We invent our lives when we need something. Needs rise from
insufficiency. Insufficiencies in life are those dots which we need to properly join in order to solve the
jigsaw puzzle of life; without jumping onto conclusions. Conclusions are perfectly solved puzzles despite
of the time take. Don’t buy into solving them before time; else you will be laughed at by everyone

Now as you remember that you have been in love and how wonderful it felt to be in a relationship that
completely changed your life? You felt like every dots of life have joined but now as you look at
yourself. Don’t you think that you stand as a buffoon who took his time to join the wrong dots but is still
happy on the situation that he solved it before time? Now, you might think how can one be happy being
like this? – Well, you are happy to have changed and you are still happy to be in the same situation
because no one likes pain. Every human being do things they find pleasure doing in; consciously or
unconsciously. You are depressed because you are running away from self responsibility, wearing a
blanket of laziness and clumsiness which has ‘LOSER’ written in Fluorescent Lemon color; glowing in the
dark. Yes! It is because; you have lost the person for whom only you were responsible for. The person
which once existed in your body! The person, who was your best friend and was also your favorite, The
person you saw in mirror everyday smiling and building big dreams looking into his eyes. The person you
always trusted? The person with whom you started your journey of life and the person who was only
yours and none other than you owned his space inside you?
Move on: Claim yourself back!

Now, do you think that it is your partner whom you are missing? Or is it the ‘real you’ with whom you
were committed before anyone? Think logically, and you will find that it is nothing but the real you who
is missing. Your physique, mind, body, time, space, brain, and senses want that person back whom you
loved more than anyone before getting into relationship.

Do you remember who started to ditch first? Or who dumped whom first?

It is you that betrayed the ‘real you’ and rented that space in your body, mind, soul, brain, heart to
another person. You dumped and betrayed yourself first. You threw out the real yourself from
everything in life and rented those areas to some other person who just came in your life? Why did you
do that?

Before raising a finger on your partner, you must point yourself and ask yourself why did you ditch the
‘real’ you? Just because you wanted some changes in the ‘real’ you, you changed the person

Do you think about the partner who left you? Why they are now not with u even when you did
everything for them; even completely forgot yourself? Is it because they were bad? Or is it because, they
also missed the ‘real’ you in yourself, and were as depressed and frustrated as you are now, to get the
real you back in yourself? Would you have liked, if someone else possessed you partner in love; even if
it was benefitting you? What would you do then? You would try to react, help, and get your partner out
of that possession. But if the possession still continued, you would have warned the spirit who
possessed your partner, and at the end if nothing would have happened, you would have finished the
relationship; as you would not want to live in relationship with someone else in your partner’s body.

Now think logically, would your partner have tolerated the person who replaced the ‘real’ you? May be
he/she loved the real you- and deserted you because only you changed to such level that you were not
the same ‘real you’ again.

Now, if you see, if you would have brought the good things in the basket of relationship, being the ‘real’
you, as the ‘real’ you only knew your habits and what you once enjoyed being.

Do you remember the times in childhood when you used to share a healthy relationship with your
friends; you always liked them for what they were? They were just your friends and you never judged
them on the base of what they believed. Everything they told you was a new story for you. How good
were those days? Why our childhood starts changing? Why we cannot enjoy life as we did in our
childhood? It is just because you have been running around judging others; deleting this from your mind
that the Quality of Judgment you gained with age was primarily for yourself. You always thought about
what you have done for your partner and how much! But did you ever realize what have you given to
the person who ever stood in you , trusted you that whatever you were doing was just fine and was for
his or her benefits?

When we come to this world, we gain only one asset which no one can ever steal from us and that is our
life! Our life is an asset which will remain with us till death. All other assets in this world are temporary.
Move on: Claim yourself back!

We often forget our permanent asset of life for all other temporary assets which may or might not
remain with us till death.

People do not respect either the property, or the owner who doesn’t know how to take care of his
assets. If you don’t respect your own property, how can you expect others to respect it?

Now every time when you think about your partner, you will feel that you are putting up those stones
again on your chest and brain, which were just set aside making you feel comfortable, relaxed and
always reminded you of the lovable, adorable, innocent- real you, and imagine that any crave you get
about not being in that relationship will also abruptly end the music which is flowing inside your body
remembering about the person you lost from yourself. Now the choice is yours! Either you claim back
the first love of your life-Yourself before claiming others and be happy, or live with the stones and
burdens of tensions and frustration and always keep missing the real you!


This is my first experiment to help people move-on in their lives after a toxic relationship breakup. This experiment
is based on the valuable knowledge and understanding towards life, I have learned from Institute of Metaphysical
Humanistic science (IMHS).

                                                                                               -    Gaurav Tiwari
Move on: Claim yourself back!

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How to move on after your break up- The right way!

  • 1. Move on: Claim yourself back! - Are you depressed over your break up? - Do you feel life is not the same after break up? - Are you unable to move on from your past relationship?
  • 2. Move on: Claim yourself back! MOVE ON: Claim yourself back! About the Author: Gaurav Tiwari is a ParaNexus certified Leading Paranormal Investigator and Founder of Indian Paranormal Society in India. Gaurav is also pursuing his advance studies on Metaphysical and Paranormal science from Institute of Metaphysical Science (IMHS), governed by the reputed educator, motivational speaker, and Life Counselor - Dr. Douglass R. Kelley. Gaurav has an academic background in computers, aviation, and he is also a commercial pilot license holder. About the book: Marching ahead with the hopes of helping humanity; Gaurav has written this first mini-book to help people who have difficulties coming over their past relationship. This will help you to win the elements which you require to move on in life. Please shed your fear of moving on and trust us that there always exist endless solutions to every problem.
  • 3. Move on: Claim yourself back! You are here to read what to do when you feel that the patience of your survival is succumbing to the pressure of immense grudge and pain you hold for yourself or someone who ditched or failed your expectations in the past relationship? You are afraid to move on as you did not imagine the future without your partner when you were in that relationship. You are reading this because something has definitely brought you here to read my words. Maybe it is your own subconscious which is trying to hint towards the right direction, in order to find a way to protect your identity. While there is no doubt that you are holding the stones of ‘problems’ right on your chest while reading this, or may be carrying the heavy burden of ‘Why it has to be me’ question from your head to toe. I want you to keep those stones of worries and tensions aside, just for a while, imagine that you are really putting off your burdens (whatever those may be); one by one, aside. Feeling lighter, tension-free, and as comfortable and relaxed you feel when you sleep deeply; lost into the cozy carpets of your own fantasy land. Where you can do anything and everything you want. Where, you see happiness around you. Where you are powerful and you are the ‘real you’, who is tension free, fearless, and as independent as a butterfly in a garden. (You may close your eyes, and really visualize that taking deep breaths). Visualizing putting off your burdens aside, might give you a new way to think, which can prove to be an ‘Emergency-Light’ for you in the darkness. Do you remember the person who was self confident, just like you; before falling in love? The person who never cared about emotions and emotional values? The person who never fell in love? Remember how confident you were in everything you did? Because whatever you did, you did just for yourself! Remember the joy, you used to have and the comfort you had in your own environments! The beauty which lived once in your personality and your belief of being ‘the one’; who wanted to achieve something in life! While you remember the peace which your mind had when you only had to worry about your own needs, Can you remember how many countless dreams you created in your imaginations? Remember what a lovely person you were, who never took yourself seriously when you made mistakes? There come times in life, when we need some renovation to stand with time. Of course like the every building in your area, those you see getting renovated by the period of time; or the trees which grow and change shapes. And do you remember the streets, airports, bus-stations getting renovated and getting better every year? Changes are true! One cannot deny changes! They are crucial and important. Look into your physique; can you see the changes from your childhood to this time? Head to toe? Of course you can! Changes are natural. Everything needs renovation by the period of time in order to sustain itself with the changes we have around ourselves. Many of you would be thinking that you have deteriorated because you were ditched, used, dumped, and/or thrown out of-Relationship! You might find it easy to blame the other person because the urge
  • 4. Move on: Claim yourself back! to Control others is inherent in human nature. But we definitely use that- urge to control -in a wrong direction. Control is inherent in our nature because it is a control on ourselves; without which you cannot stop yourself. But we always misuse that ‘Quality’, to control others, instead of ourselves! It might sound stupid to most of you but if it is okay for you to devote 2 minutes of your important time to explore your deepest level of subconscious and find what is hidden in you? Do not worry; it will be as easy and comfortable as yawning in your own bed when you get up in the morning, fresh and relaxed. Whenever you feel at ease, then take two minutes out of your tiresome and frustrated, exhausted schedule and think about the things which got you into the relationship that just broke your heart and have left you like a vegetable that is unable to move on! The relationship which has left you choice less and for that you feel suffocated and depressed! Think about all the good points which brought you into that relationship. Think logically, rationally, and be true. Be the person who existed before this relationship. Think about the person whom your partner loved? We will move on to the next section when you are done thinking about the true you! And, each wonderful thing, you brought into the basket of that relationship. ………………… Hope you had wonderful time thinking about what all great things you brought into the basket of relationship! Most of you would not have really concentrated on what was really asked above, but still be reading this section. Nothing to worry! This is a human nature; everyone likes skipping the details and jumping onto points in order to connect them and educate oneself in one’s own style. Of course we all enjoyed solving the jigsaw puzzles when we –The real us, the real you, or the real them; were child. Human nature is all about habits. Once we fall in a habit and are used to it, it remains. Remember, that is why our moms always said- You should not carry bad habits! We only do what we are used to do. But when we cannot do what we used to do- we change! Jumping onto conclusions without joining the dots is harmful and it is a habit that can ruin your reputation for life. When you cannot arrange the details of the lines joining the dots, you cannot solve a jigsaw puzzle. It would be something like a jigsaw puzzle of humans being arranged with toes at head and ears at toes. Or many critics would judge you as a person who rejoices after solving a wrong jigsaw puzzle in 2 years and saying that he solved it before time because the packet has a statuary note –3 Years or above. So, try to be the clever one. Shut up your mind and urge to control, when you cannot
  • 5. Move on: Claim yourself back! join the dots. Solve the jigsaw puzzle by clearly understanding and joining the dots. Let go every emotions you hold against yourself or others for a moment and see the benefit and comfort it will yield for you. Do you remember what all great things you have donated into the basket of relationship with your Ex- Boy friend/Girl friend/Friends? Do you see those great things which you think you could not have done for anyone? Things, which you think have made you very high in your own views? Things, those made you feel -mature and responsible? How you made your partner laugh, smile, rejoice, dance, happy, feel good in life, numerous of times, Do you remember all those attempts you made to keep the relationship strong? Do you remember how you forgot ‘yourself’ in that relationship? It was a wonderful feeling falling in love because the ‘real you’ wanted a company for yourself-The one you were earlier. Now, when your partner came in your life, you forgot yourself! Can you answer, why? Just because you wanted a company, you completely forgot yourself? – The ‘real you’ forgot itself and do you still expect that the other will not forget you? When you remember that ‘you’ forgot yourself completely for someone, let me remind you that your partner did not start relationship with the Lost- You. Your partner started relationship with the healthy, real you! Who once cared about self and was responsible for every act he/she did for him/herself. The one who had no complains in life except him/herself. The one who wanted positive changes in him/herself, grow up in life, being successful. But what he/she failed to understand was- complains those he/she used to find in him/herself were not really complains. Those were the dots/points of the real life to join and solve the puzzle of sufficiency you hold within, deep in your heart. We missed to join those dots and created a life out of relationship. Our faults, inability and insufficiency are the base of our growth. As the English proverb goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” We invent our lives when we need something. Needs rise from insufficiency. Insufficiencies in life are those dots which we need to properly join in order to solve the jigsaw puzzle of life; without jumping onto conclusions. Conclusions are perfectly solved puzzles despite of the time take. Don’t buy into solving them before time; else you will be laughed at by everyone around. Now as you remember that you have been in love and how wonderful it felt to be in a relationship that completely changed your life? You felt like every dots of life have joined but now as you look at yourself. Don’t you think that you stand as a buffoon who took his time to join the wrong dots but is still happy on the situation that he solved it before time? Now, you might think how can one be happy being like this? – Well, you are happy to have changed and you are still happy to be in the same situation because no one likes pain. Every human being do things they find pleasure doing in; consciously or unconsciously. You are depressed because you are running away from self responsibility, wearing a blanket of laziness and clumsiness which has ‘LOSER’ written in Fluorescent Lemon color; glowing in the dark. Yes! It is because; you have lost the person for whom only you were responsible for. The person which once existed in your body! The person, who was your best friend and was also your favorite, The person you saw in mirror everyday smiling and building big dreams looking into his eyes. The person you always trusted? The person with whom you started your journey of life and the person who was only yours and none other than you owned his space inside you?
  • 6. Move on: Claim yourself back! Now, do you think that it is your partner whom you are missing? Or is it the ‘real you’ with whom you were committed before anyone? Think logically, and you will find that it is nothing but the real you who is missing. Your physique, mind, body, time, space, brain, and senses want that person back whom you loved more than anyone before getting into relationship. Do you remember who started to ditch first? Or who dumped whom first? It is you that betrayed the ‘real you’ and rented that space in your body, mind, soul, brain, heart to another person. You dumped and betrayed yourself first. You threw out the real yourself from everything in life and rented those areas to some other person who just came in your life? Why did you do that? Before raising a finger on your partner, you must point yourself and ask yourself why did you ditch the ‘real’ you? Just because you wanted some changes in the ‘real’ you, you changed the person completely! Do you think about the partner who left you? Why they are now not with u even when you did everything for them; even completely forgot yourself? Is it because they were bad? Or is it because, they also missed the ‘real’ you in yourself, and were as depressed and frustrated as you are now, to get the real you back in yourself? Would you have liked, if someone else possessed you partner in love; even if it was benefitting you? What would you do then? You would try to react, help, and get your partner out of that possession. But if the possession still continued, you would have warned the spirit who possessed your partner, and at the end if nothing would have happened, you would have finished the relationship; as you would not want to live in relationship with someone else in your partner’s body. Now think logically, would your partner have tolerated the person who replaced the ‘real’ you? May be he/she loved the real you- and deserted you because only you changed to such level that you were not the same ‘real you’ again. Now, if you see, if you would have brought the good things in the basket of relationship, being the ‘real’ you, as the ‘real’ you only knew your habits and what you once enjoyed being. Do you remember the times in childhood when you used to share a healthy relationship with your friends; you always liked them for what they were? They were just your friends and you never judged them on the base of what they believed. Everything they told you was a new story for you. How good were those days? Why our childhood starts changing? Why we cannot enjoy life as we did in our childhood? It is just because you have been running around judging others; deleting this from your mind that the Quality of Judgment you gained with age was primarily for yourself. You always thought about what you have done for your partner and how much! But did you ever realize what have you given to the person who ever stood in you , trusted you that whatever you were doing was just fine and was for his or her benefits? When we come to this world, we gain only one asset which no one can ever steal from us and that is our life! Our life is an asset which will remain with us till death. All other assets in this world are temporary.
  • 7. Move on: Claim yourself back! We often forget our permanent asset of life for all other temporary assets which may or might not remain with us till death. People do not respect either the property, or the owner who doesn’t know how to take care of his assets. If you don’t respect your own property, how can you expect others to respect it? Now every time when you think about your partner, you will feel that you are putting up those stones again on your chest and brain, which were just set aside making you feel comfortable, relaxed and always reminded you of the lovable, adorable, innocent- real you, and imagine that any crave you get about not being in that relationship will also abruptly end the music which is flowing inside your body remembering about the person you lost from yourself. Now the choice is yours! Either you claim back the first love of your life-Yourself before claiming others and be happy, or live with the stones and burdens of tensions and frustration and always keep missing the real you! ________________________________________________________________________ This is my first experiment to help people move-on in their lives after a toxic relationship breakup. This experiment is based on the valuable knowledge and understanding towards life, I have learned from Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic science (IMHS). - Gaurav Tiwari
  • 8. Move on: Claim yourself back!