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What I Picked up on My Way 
By Ed Ebreo
Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world. Look at something and think what else it might 
- Roger von Oech 
This quote is one of the major inspirations of this work. The bigger inspiration is my children. I 
hope to share with them the things that I’ve learned in my journey through life. I don’t know if 
this will help them as they complete each page in their own lives, but I hope it inspires them to do 
three things: 
• Be happy 
• Take risk 
• Use their strengths to achieve whatever they want in life. 
This work is open source. Share and use it as you please. I hope that it inspires you as the ideas 
in this work perpetually inspire me to do my best in everything I do. 
Edwin C. Ebreo 
Traffic Light 
Stop, ready, go! In that order. I believe that pursuit of 
success requires that we keep a mental traffic light. 
Stop to think about what we want to achieve for our 
selves. Stop to plan. 
Get Ready by acquiring the resources that we need in 
terms of knowledge, skills and attitude. It would also 
be good to have a healthy dose of support from the 
people who are close to us. 
Go and pursue your dreams relentlessly. traverse this 
life using the knowledge and experience that you get 
along the way. 
Enjoy the trip! 
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I don’t take just any bus that come my way. I look for the 
ones that lead to the place I want to be. 
I don’t just take any bus that lead to the place I want to 
be, I choose the ones that are likely to take me there in 
the most efficient way. 
I don’t just take any bus that leads to the place I want to 
be in the most efficient way, I take the ones that will 
likely make me enjoy the trip. 
For all these to happen, I have to patiently wait. More 
often than not the wait is well worth it. 
As we traverse this life’s highways, we need to be clear 
about the directions we wish to take, the means to get 
there and when we wish to be there. Pretty much like 
taking a bus ride. 
Bus Rides 
My Old Shoes 
How long has it been? three, four years? I’ve lost count. It’s not the amount of time that we’ve been together 
that matters but the places we’ve gone to together. You accompanied me through successes and failures, you 
endured my care-free nature that took its toll on your health. What started as an awkward, uncomfortable 
relationship bloomed to a partnership that is hard to break. But breaking up the relationship is what we must 
do. Your time to retire from loyal service has come. We need to move on, I need to move on. I am set to reach 
new frontiers in my life, set my feet on new adventures. I’m very sorry to leave you behind but I realize that 
being together can get us nowhere. I already accepted the fact that my new set of shoes will not be able to 
provide me the same kind of comfort that we worked so hard to develop between us but I am also confident 
that in time and with some effort we can be more comfortable with each other, the way we were. 
This is true with you and I my old pair of shoes as it is with the changes that happen in my life. They are all 
painful at first, scary even but try new things. I know that the only way to 
Thank you for your service, I’m moving on now. 
Credit to: 
Do you see this glass as half filled or half empty? 
Conventional wisdom say that we should look at it as 
half full to manifest a positive view of life and what 
it offers. I won’t disagree. Such mindset helps us 
appreciate the things that are available to us, to be 
thankful for what life gives. I won’t disagree. 
But to ignore the fact that there is an empty space in 
the glass, is to ignore the fact that things can be 
better. That with some effort, the glass can be more 
than just half-full. 
We often criticize people who see what’s lacking, we 
are not comfortable with people who point out the 
other truth. Think about it though, life cannot be 
better, if everyone is too satisfied. 
Credit to: 
Elevator Buttons 
Sometimes we approach life the 
same way. We want to accomplish 
so many things so fast that we fail 
to recognize that we put undue 
burden to ourselves and others, 
I was standing there waiting 
for the elevator to reach 
ground floor. Another guy 
came and hit the already 
lighted elevator button, a lady 
came and did the same thing. 
Another guy approached and 
did the exact same thing! He 
didn’t stop there. As we stood 
there, he kept on pressing the 
button as if the elevator will 
come down faster if he hits 
the button several times! 
expecting things to happen faster 
than they should. We sometimes 
fail to realize that some things in 
life are like the elevator, when 
you push the button, all you can 
do is wait. 
Find another way… that’s the answer. Block the ant’s 
path, and it goes left, right, above, even dig it’s way out 
of the problem. You won’t see ants banging on the 
blockage thinking it can break it, no! they find other 
ways. The least that ants do when they face a challenge 
is stop. I mean have you seen an ant staring at a wall for 
long hours? It’ll be dead if it does that. 
Now, what would you do? 
It’s amazing how often we feel stuck whenever we 
encounter a stumbling block or when we see things do 
not go our way or our schemes fail to work. I’ve seen 
many people including myself staring on a blank wall 
and say, no choice, there’s nothing I can do when this is 
far from being true… And we have bigger brains! 
The next time you see yourself saying, there’s nothing I 
can do or I have no choice… think of the ant. 
What Would 
an Ant Do? 
Credit to:
Your Gift 
Imagine this, you gave a friend a 
nice shirt as a gift. You of course 
wrapped it up in a dainty little 
package, wrote some dedications and 
gave it as a birthday present. After a 
week, you ask your friend, “did you 
like it?” Your friend said, I don’t 
know I have no intention of opening 
it… I can guess how you would feel. 
Everyone is gifted. We are all given a gift or 
gifts. While some people have uncovered theirs 
and use them to the hilt, some haven’t or 
hesitate to do so. If you are one of those who 
haven’t made a move to discover what is in the 
package, don’t you realize how disappointing it 
is to give someone a gift and he won’t open it? 
Using your gift is a sign of appreciation of the 
one who gave it to you. 
The fruits used to be just laying low, you can reach 
them with your short ladder. For sometime you have 
enjoyed the fruits of your effort. As time passes by 
however, the tree grows taller and the fruits become 
too high for you and your ladder. You should have 
seen it coming, you should have prepared a longer 
ladder for the taller tree and higher lying fruits. 
It’s pretty much like life. We all know that what used 
to work so well can become useless all of a sudden 
because the environment has changed. Well, all of a 
Sudden may not be the right way to state it, because 
there are almost always tell tale signs that change is 
about to occur, hence we should be prepared. 
Prepared to change our ladder… or move to a new tree. 
Change Your 
Credit to:
The Leader is a 
Farmer When a farmer looks at raw land, that’s not what he 
sees. He sees it’s potential. He will consider it’s 
location, the characteristics of its soil, the climate and 
all the potentials of the soil to produce the needs of 
the people. 
The farmer envisions, plans and then implements. He 
cultivates, plants, nurtures, protects and works hard 
in covering all the necessities of a good harvest. 
The leader must learn from the farmer, nothing can 
be had without toiling. A great leader envisions, plans 
and then implements. He cultivates by preparing 
people for the challenge ahead, plant seeds of 
knowledge, nurtures to develop the knowledge into 
skill, protects people from being waylaid from their 
destiny and works hard in covering all the necessities 
of a good harvest. 
Credit to: 
The Leader is a Potter 
It starts with a shapeless chunk of earth. Dry and rough, devoid of beauty nor refinement 
but not without potential. The potter prepares the materials with a detailed picture of the 
end product in mind. He adds just enough water and other materials. He lets his hands 
dirty as he tries to get the right consistency. When the batter is ready, he waits some more 
for the water to rise and the clay is ready for the next step. 
The potter puts the clay on the pottery wheel and starts working on the shape. The shaping 
of the clay depends on the skill and creativity of the potter. The success and failure to 
acquire the right shape is on his hands. After the shape is acquired, the material is 
solidified by putting it through intense heat. The pot is beautified further by painting it and 
putting more design. The final product once complete is vastly different from when the 
process started. 
Such is the work of a potter and such is the work of a leader. 
She starts with a little more than potential. She prepares the team for the shaping process 
by giving them a sense of purpose and other basic information they need that will motivate 
them to accept the bigger information they will get as they go through the process of 
building their skills - the shaping process. The newly acquired skills is put through the 
intense heat of testing to solidify it. The leader adds on to what has already been acquired 
by letting them use their own creativity to adjust to the daily challenge of their work. The 
finished product is vastly improve from when the shaping process started. 
Vision, creativity patience, discipline and willingness to get one’s hands dirty are necessary 
to succeed in both 
Credit to: 
The Leader is a Cook 
What makes a great cook? 
The ability to turn an ordinary recipe into a culinary 
The ability to identify a good ingredient 
A sense of timing 
An exacting intuition 
The ability to blend different ingredients together 
What makes a great leader? 
The ability to lead ordinary people towards achieving 
extra ordinary results 
The ability to identify a good team member 
a sense of timing 
an exacting intuition 
The ability to blend different people together 
I am a drop of water, 
that goes with the 
other drops of water, 
that flows through a 
that empties to the 
that evaporates to the 
that pours down the 
that flows back to the 
that shapes the land 
around it, 
that sustains the life of 
the living, 
that gives and that 
I am part of a great flow 
called life, 
not my life, but a bigger life 
The persons I meet are the 
people I should meet 
The problems are the ones I 
must have 
The happiness I feel are the 
rewards of the moment 
The emotions are fleeting 
I am a drop of water that 
fills a glass 
that quenches a thirst, 
that cleanses the ills 
I am a drop of water 
that serves my purpose 
as other drops serve theirs 
I am part of the great flow 
called life 
everything will be alright
Roll with the Punches 
The secrets to boxing success can very much be the same secrets to winning in life. Here are a few lessons you 
might want to consider as you step up the big ring called life: 
Keep your guard up 
Life will throw everything at you and at the most unexpected moments. Keeping your guard up means being 
ready to parry the shots. Diligence, patience and anticipating change are critical to keeping your guard up. 
Roll with the punches 
A great boxer may be able to knock the opponent out before the latter throws anything. In life it’s different, no 
one can possibly parry all the blows. One must learn to take life’s punches by rolling with it. Roll with the 
punches or you’ll end up as road kill. As they say, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 
You can’t possibly take everyone down with a single punch, the same goes in life. You cannot possibly achieve 
everything in a single try. You need to work your way up or through by making small steps that will eventually 
lead you to the gold. Small hits that lead to big success. 
Cut off the ring 
opponents are moving targets. If you don’t know how to cut off the ring, you will end up chasing an unreachable 
target. Learning to cut off the ring in life means having a strategy for catching the target as you chase it. While 
hard work is good, smart work is better. 
Build your stamina 
While a boxer could boast that he could take an opponent down in the early round, the prophecy does not always 
become a reality. A good boxer builds enough stamina to survive when the fight goes the distance. Same is true 
in life. Things don’t always happen as we want and guess they should be. We should build enough stamina to 
avoid frustration and burn out. 
Listen to your coach 
This is the best advice. The best boxers listen to their coach. They train and they train hard, as the fight happens 
they listen to their corner’s advice. In life you’ll find people in your corner. People who has your good in their 
mind. Listen to them. 
A Bag of Seed 
We all have our own bags of seeds. We decide when to unpack 
them, plant them, grow them till they bear fruits. 
Sometimes the idea alone of the effort necessary in making that 
happen is so petrifying that we hesitate to let the seeds out of 
their bags. 
Sometimes we think that laying the seed to the ground is 
enough that we fail to nurture it. When it fails to deliver on our 
expectations, we say bad seed. 
But those who know the nature of seeds, those who are 
determined to do what it takes to get the seed to bear fruit, 
know that waiting is not enough. 
We all have our own bags of seeds and they are called 
They are worthless inside the bag. They won’t achieve their full 
potential, just laying on the ground. They have to be cultivated, 
nourished, fertilized and nurtured. 
Ask these: How much of your seeds are out of the bag? 
What have you done to make them bear fruits? 
If you are not doing what it takes, it’s just right to lower your 
Is reading this makes you want to work on your bag of seeds? 
Are your going to take concrete steps towards achieving your full 
Put some deadlines to it will you? 
And be accountable for it. 
Credit to: 
Coals and Diamonds 
Coals are coals and diamonds are diamonds. They may have the 
same basic ingredient but they are far from being the same. You 
cannot expect coals to become diamonds nor diamonds to become 
Don’t get me wrong, there is no need for coals to be diamonds, 
they are good as they are. With their abundance, they get the 
machinery going and they fuel the industries. 
I am reminded lately that what is true for coals and diamonds 
maybe true with people. Sometimes people have the romantic 
notion that coals should eventually graduate to becoming 
diamonds. I used to share that notion… Until lately. 
Lately I realized that some of the coals I met are not diamonds 
in the rough. No amount of cutting and piling will make them 
look any close to being diamonds, and to push them to become 
one just adds to their stress because while they may be inspired 
by the thought of becoming diamonds, they just don’t have what 
it takes to become one. Some of them are just plain uninterested. 
As a matter of lesson I realized I need to distinguish between a 
coal and a diamond in the rough… And let coals be coals. 
Your Kung Fu 
I’m not really sure which movie I heard that statement from 
that says “My kung fu is better than yours,” or “your kung fu is 
weak old man!” But it drew a lot of my attention on my own 
kung fu. In fact it made me realize that in some sense we all 
have our own kung fu… or at least we should. 
I’m talking beyond martial arts of course. I’m talking about the 
skills that we develop in order to face life’s challenges. I found 
my kung fu when I was 24. That’s when I discovered that my 
passion in life is sharing what I know with other people through 
training. My kung fu started out weak, what with so little that I 
know about it. I can only laugh now at how I pretend before 
that it was strong. Over time and with a lot of effort, my kung fu 
became stronger. Just like in the kung fu movie, it took a lot of 
studying and practice, and yes a desire that someday my kung 
fu shall be stronger. 
I wish I can finally say to everyone that my kung fu is better 
than yours but that would be like setting my self up for 
failure. Besides, the bad guys in the movies always say that they 
have the best kung fu and yet they fail in the end. So let me just 
say this for now… My kung fu today is better than yesterday… 
figuratively speaking. 
So, what is your kung fu? Discover it, work on it and get better 
at it. 
Credit to: 
That Displacement Experiment 
I’m reminded of a science experiment inspired by Archimedes’ eureka moment that we did during elementary 
school. It’s where we learned a couple of things. One; the amount of water displaced when an object of a 
particular size is submerged to it determines the volume of the object; two; two objects of similar volume 
cannot occupy the same space at the same time and third, no matter the weight difference; objects of similar 
size will occupy the same amount of space. 
Let’s talk about life. The things you do no matter how important or unimportant occupy a finite amount of 
space and that no two things of similar size no matter the weight difference can occupy the same space. So I’d 
say be careful what you put in your life. 
I often hear people wanting to be more successful, wealthier or happier or simply wanting to be better but 
unable to do something about it. Their life is full of stuff that do not contribute to the achievement of their 
goals. There are just no space available for them to place the things that will weigh more heavily in their 
personal pursuits. So we hear people say, I want to earn more, but won’t sacrifice being out of their comfort 
zone to try out new ways to earn. Some people ask me to help them become trainers like me. I would give them 
the tools but they can’t find the time to use them. They are unwilling to remove some stuff in their lives that 
occupy the space where these tools could have been used. They can’t take the movie marathons out, they can’t 
replace their love story novels with books that are relevant to building their training skills. 
I say look at the principle behind displacement. No two objects of similar size no matter what the weight can 
occupy the same space at the same time. One will have to be displaced. The question is, which one are you 
Don’t be that Bug 
According to Einstein, insanity is defined as doing the 
same things over and over again expecting different 
This reminds me of a bug I found dead near a glass 
window pane. It is easy to know the cause of that bug’s 
death. It banged against the glass pane many times 
trying to break through until it died. Have you seen 
them bugs do that? It’s crazy they can’t recognize that 
there’s no way they can breakthrough that way. They 
don’t know that the only way to be able to go elsewhere 
is to change direction. 
Well, it’s not really crazy. They are bugs and one would 
expect them to behave that way. 
What’s crazy is to see people behave in the same 
fashion. With human being’s amazing ability to learn, 
why can’t we learn from Twain… Or the dead bug by the 
Whenever you feel stuck and your way towards your 
goal is blocked. Remember this lesson. ask how you can 
do things differently or do different things. 
Don’t be that dead bug 
Credit to: 
Flying Kites 
I loved kite flying when I was a kid and now that I have a baby boy I can’t wait to teach him everything I know about 
flying kites and the life lessons that I learned to go with it. 
Here are some of the lessons I learned from making and flying kites: 
1. The air worthiness of my kite is my responsibility. I can choose to make my kite or buy some ready made but I should 
be able to distinguish a good kite from a bad one. I’m responsible for every decision I make. I equip my self to make the 
right decisions. I can’t blame anyone for any of them. 
2. It’s all in the balance. No matter how potentially good the kite is if I fail to balance the string or the line, it won’t fly 
well. Life is all about balance. If we ignore our other needs or the people around us and focus only on the demand of the 
day, we will eventually go crashing down and hit the ground. 
3. Getting help in making or flying a kite is more fun and you show your gratitude by sharing the kite. There’s hardly 
anything in this life that we can accomplish without help from others. Recognize them and share the fruit of your success 
with them. 
4. Making the kite is more than half the fun. Success is sweeter when it’s hard earned. It’s also hard to call success a 
success if you did not work for it. 
5. It’s all about choices. We choose our kite, we choose our string, we choose the timing for flying it, we choose who to fly 
it with. The quality of the experience depends on the quality of our choices. It is true with kite flying as it is with living. 
6. You don’t just throw away a kite that won’t fly well. You try to do something about it by adjusting the balance of the 
string. Maybe a tail can help or additional weight on the left or on the side depending on the kite’s behavior on air. You 
don't’ throw away a life just because things are not going well. You figure out how to make it better and actually do 
7. You can’t fly boka-boka (the simplest kite) forever, you graduate to more awesome and perhaps bigger kites. To an 
average enthusiast, flying a Gurion (bigger more complex kite)is the ultimate goal. Even as children we are taught to 
challenge ourselves to pursue bigger things. When we fail to do that as grownups we betray our natural design. 
8. If I lose a kite, it’s good to know that I can use what I learned from the experience to build a better kite or how to fly a 
kite better. Nothing is really totally lost or wasted. Even when we lose something or fail at something in our lives there 
is always something to be gained - the lesson on how to become better. 
Take a swig, then another and another. 
But do not hurry, drink slowly 
Let it linger, taste the sweet, notice the bitter and feel 
the bite. 
Acknowledge how it flows down your throat and then 
to your body. 
Be engulfed by its spirit, feel how it turns your world 
Be here now. Savour every breath, every human 
Let today explain yesterday. Let tomorrow take care 
of tomorrow. 
Take what you are given, give back as much as you 
Drink life, enjoy it, experience it, be intoxicated by it. 
Know the low, appreciate the high. 
Notice who you are drinking with 
Every moment is important only if you live that 
Stick Your Neck Out 
You can’t move forward if you do not 
stick your neck out. A turtle retreats to 
its shell when it senses danger. It’s this 
behavior that keeps it safe from some 
We do this a lot of times, we retreat to 
our own shells when we are facing 
risks or when we are challenged. We 
sometimes forget that turtles stay 
where they are when they are stuck 
inside their shell and the only way to 
move forward is to stick their neck out 
and take a risk… 
Take a risk in life, stick your neck out, 
that is the only way to move forward. 
Credit to:
About Ed 
Edwin is the founder and President of ExeQserve, Corporation, an HR Solutions Company. He is also the company’s head 
consultant for Organization Development and Human Resource Development. 
Ed developed his skills in training, recruitment, human resource management, organization development and management 
consulting through twenty years of collective experience in the retail, financial, BPO and HR consulting business. 
Before his founding of ExeQserve, Ed was HR Director/Manager for CheQ Systems, Athena E-Services and PET Plans’ 
Subsidiary Companies. He was also Head of Training for SPI Technologies, Inc. and Philippine Seven Corporation, the local 
franchise owner of 7-Eleven Convenience Stores. 
HRMD Strategies Development and Implementation 
Ed facilitated a number of strategy formulation, policy writing and change management for the implementation of employee 
handbooks, compensation programs, performance management system, competency-based HRD, incentive schemes and 
retention programs for companies like CORE, Mobext, Numlock, ALC holdings, SEARCA, Tenkiebox, Provincial 
Governments of Bohol and Guimaras. 
Learning Activity Design and Implementation 
Ed developed dozens of courses and workshops on topics like high performance leadership, supervision, management, 
change, creativity, coaching, personal effectiveness, values alignment, career planning, maintaining discipline in the 
workplace, trainers’ training, presentation skills enhancement, assertive communication, strategic planning and team 
building. His creativity and skill in learning activity design enables Ed to customize programs based on the identified needs 
of clients. 
Industry Experience 
Ed has worked with organizations in various industries and sectors. He is an accredited learning service provider of 
Philippine-Australia Human Resource and Organization Development Facility (PAHRODF) and has done work for OPAPP, 
NEDA, NAMRIA, DILG and two provincial governments through the facility. He worked closely with companies in the IT, 
Financial, Marketing, Manufacturing and other service industries in identifying their needs, formulating, customizing and 
delivering solutions that lead to desired results. 
Personal Advocacies 
Ed is particularly passionate about helping develop skills of the HR practitioners in the country and develop the careers of 
individuals through his blogs and . He is also an active 
member of Toastmasters where he helps mentor members who wish to enhance their public speaking skills. 

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Thoughts and Musings by Ed Ebreo

  • 1. What I Picked up on My Way Here By Ed Ebreo
  • 2. Introduction Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world. Look at something and think what else it might be. - Roger von Oech This quote is one of the major inspirations of this work. The bigger inspiration is my children. I hope to share with them the things that I’ve learned in my journey through life. I don’t know if this will help them as they complete each page in their own lives, but I hope it inspires them to do three things: • Be happy • Take risk • Use their strengths to achieve whatever they want in life. This work is open source. Share and use it as you please. I hope that it inspires you as the ideas in this work perpetually inspire me to do my best in everything I do. Edwin C. Ebreo 893-3199 2
  • 3. Traffic Light Stop, ready, go! In that order. I believe that pursuit of success requires that we keep a mental traffic light. Stop to think about what we want to achieve for our selves. Stop to plan. Get Ready by acquiring the resources that we need in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude. It would also be good to have a healthy dose of support from the people who are close to us. Go and pursue your dreams relentlessly. traverse this life using the knowledge and experience that you get along the way. Enjoy the trip! 3 Credit to:
  • 4. I don’t take just any bus that come my way. I look for the ones that lead to the place I want to be. I don’t just take any bus that lead to the place I want to be, I choose the ones that are likely to take me there in the most efficient way. I don’t just take any bus that leads to the place I want to be in the most efficient way, I take the ones that will likely make me enjoy the trip. For all these to happen, I have to patiently wait. More often than not the wait is well worth it. As we traverse this life’s highways, we need to be clear about the directions we wish to take, the means to get there and when we wish to be there. Pretty much like taking a bus ride. Bus Rides 4
  • 5. My Old Shoes How long has it been? three, four years? I’ve lost count. It’s not the amount of time that we’ve been together that matters but the places we’ve gone to together. You accompanied me through successes and failures, you endured my care-free nature that took its toll on your health. What started as an awkward, uncomfortable relationship bloomed to a partnership that is hard to break. But breaking up the relationship is what we must do. Your time to retire from loyal service has come. We need to move on, I need to move on. I am set to reach new frontiers in my life, set my feet on new adventures. I’m very sorry to leave you behind but I realize that being together can get us nowhere. I already accepted the fact that my new set of shoes will not be able to provide me the same kind of comfort that we worked so hard to develop between us but I am also confident that in time and with some effort we can be more comfortable with each other, the way we were. This is true with you and I my old pair of shoes as it is with the changes that happen in my life. They are all painful at first, scary even but try new things. I know that the only way to Thank you for your service, I’m moving on now. 5 Credit to: /
  • 6. Half Do you see this glass as half filled or half empty? Conventional wisdom say that we should look at it as half full to manifest a positive view of life and what it offers. I won’t disagree. Such mindset helps us appreciate the things that are available to us, to be thankful for what life gives. I won’t disagree. But to ignore the fact that there is an empty space in the glass, is to ignore the fact that things can be better. That with some effort, the glass can be more than just half-full. We often criticize people who see what’s lacking, we are not comfortable with people who point out the other truth. Think about it though, life cannot be better, if everyone is too satisfied. Empty? Credit to: 6
  • 7. Elevator Buttons Sometimes we approach life the same way. We want to accomplish so many things so fast that we fail to recognize that we put undue burden to ourselves and others, I was standing there waiting for the elevator to reach ground floor. Another guy came and hit the already lighted elevator button, a lady came and did the same thing. Another guy approached and did the exact same thing! He didn’t stop there. As we stood there, he kept on pressing the button as if the elevator will come down faster if he hits the button several times! expecting things to happen faster than they should. We sometimes fail to realize that some things in life are like the elevator, when you push the button, all you can do is wait. 7
  • 8. Find another way… that’s the answer. Block the ant’s path, and it goes left, right, above, even dig it’s way out of the problem. You won’t see ants banging on the blockage thinking it can break it, no! they find other ways. The least that ants do when they face a challenge is stop. I mean have you seen an ant staring at a wall for long hours? It’ll be dead if it does that. Now, what would you do? It’s amazing how often we feel stuck whenever we encounter a stumbling block or when we see things do not go our way or our schemes fail to work. I’ve seen many people including myself staring on a blank wall and say, no choice, there’s nothing I can do when this is far from being true… And we have bigger brains! The next time you see yourself saying, there’s nothing I can do or I have no choice… think of the ant. What Would an Ant Do? 8 Credit to:
  • 9. Your Gift Imagine this, you gave a friend a nice shirt as a gift. You of course wrapped it up in a dainty little package, wrote some dedications and gave it as a birthday present. After a week, you ask your friend, “did you like it?” Your friend said, I don’t know I have no intention of opening it… I can guess how you would feel. Everyone is gifted. We are all given a gift or gifts. While some people have uncovered theirs and use them to the hilt, some haven’t or hesitate to do so. If you are one of those who haven’t made a move to discover what is in the package, don’t you realize how disappointing it is to give someone a gift and he won’t open it? Using your gift is a sign of appreciation of the one who gave it to you. 9
  • 10. The fruits used to be just laying low, you can reach them with your short ladder. For sometime you have enjoyed the fruits of your effort. As time passes by however, the tree grows taller and the fruits become too high for you and your ladder. You should have seen it coming, you should have prepared a longer ladder for the taller tree and higher lying fruits. It’s pretty much like life. We all know that what used to work so well can become useless all of a sudden because the environment has changed. Well, all of a Sudden may not be the right way to state it, because there are almost always tell tale signs that change is about to occur, hence we should be prepared. Prepared to change our ladder… or move to a new tree. Change Your Ladder Credit to:
  • 11. The Leader is a Farmer When a farmer looks at raw land, that’s not what he sees. He sees it’s potential. He will consider it’s location, the characteristics of its soil, the climate and all the potentials of the soil to produce the needs of the people. The farmer envisions, plans and then implements. He cultivates, plants, nurtures, protects and works hard in covering all the necessities of a good harvest. The leader must learn from the farmer, nothing can be had without toiling. A great leader envisions, plans and then implements. He cultivates by preparing people for the challenge ahead, plant seeds of knowledge, nurtures to develop the knowledge into skill, protects people from being waylaid from their destiny and works hard in covering all the necessities of a good harvest. 11 Credit to: erugby83/
  • 12. The Leader is a Potter It starts with a shapeless chunk of earth. Dry and rough, devoid of beauty nor refinement but not without potential. The potter prepares the materials with a detailed picture of the end product in mind. He adds just enough water and other materials. He lets his hands dirty as he tries to get the right consistency. When the batter is ready, he waits some more for the water to rise and the clay is ready for the next step. The potter puts the clay on the pottery wheel and starts working on the shape. The shaping of the clay depends on the skill and creativity of the potter. The success and failure to acquire the right shape is on his hands. After the shape is acquired, the material is solidified by putting it through intense heat. The pot is beautified further by painting it and putting more design. The final product once complete is vastly different from when the process started. Such is the work of a potter and such is the work of a leader. She starts with a little more than potential. She prepares the team for the shaping process by giving them a sense of purpose and other basic information they need that will motivate them to accept the bigger information they will get as they go through the process of building their skills - the shaping process. The newly acquired skills is put through the intense heat of testing to solidify it. The leader adds on to what has already been acquired by letting them use their own creativity to adjust to the daily challenge of their work. The finished product is vastly improve from when the shaping process started. Vision, creativity patience, discipline and willingness to get one’s hands dirty are necessary to succeed in both Credit to: tstoneburner/ 12
  • 13. The Leader is a Cook What makes a great cook? The ability to turn an ordinary recipe into a culinary masterpiece The ability to identify a good ingredient A sense of timing An exacting intuition The ability to blend different ingredients together What makes a great leader? The ability to lead ordinary people towards achieving extra ordinary results The ability to identify a good team member a sense of timing an exacting intuition The ability to blend different people together 13
  • 14. Flow 14 I am a drop of water, that goes with the other drops of water, that flows through a river, that empties to the sea, that evaporates to the clouds, that pours down the mountains, that flows back to the river, that shapes the land around it, that sustains the life of the living, that gives and that takes I am part of a great flow called life, not my life, but a bigger life The persons I meet are the people I should meet The problems are the ones I must have The happiness I feel are the rewards of the moment The emotions are fleeting phases I am a drop of water that fills a glass that quenches a thirst, that cleanses the ills I am a drop of water that serves my purpose as other drops serve theirs I am part of the great flow called life everything will be alright
  • 15. Roll with the Punches The secrets to boxing success can very much be the same secrets to winning in life. Here are a few lessons you might want to consider as you step up the big ring called life: Keep your guard up Life will throw everything at you and at the most unexpected moments. Keeping your guard up means being ready to parry the shots. Diligence, patience and anticipating change are critical to keeping your guard up. Roll with the punches A great boxer may be able to knock the opponent out before the latter throws anything. In life it’s different, no one can possibly parry all the blows. One must learn to take life’s punches by rolling with it. Roll with the punches or you’ll end up as road kill. As they say, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Jab,jab,jab You can’t possibly take everyone down with a single punch, the same goes in life. You cannot possibly achieve everything in a single try. You need to work your way up or through by making small steps that will eventually lead you to the gold. Small hits that lead to big success. Cut off the ring opponents are moving targets. If you don’t know how to cut off the ring, you will end up chasing an unreachable target. Learning to cut off the ring in life means having a strategy for catching the target as you chase it. While hard work is good, smart work is better. Build your stamina While a boxer could boast that he could take an opponent down in the early round, the prophecy does not always become a reality. A good boxer builds enough stamina to survive when the fight goes the distance. Same is true in life. Things don’t always happen as we want and guess they should be. We should build enough stamina to avoid frustration and burn out. Listen to your coach This is the best advice. The best boxers listen to their coach. They train and they train hard, as the fight happens they listen to their corner’s advice. In life you’ll find people in your corner. People who has your good in their mind. Listen to them. 15
  • 16. A Bag of Seed We all have our own bags of seeds. We decide when to unpack them, plant them, grow them till they bear fruits. Sometimes the idea alone of the effort necessary in making that happen is so petrifying that we hesitate to let the seeds out of their bags. Sometimes we think that laying the seed to the ground is enough that we fail to nurture it. When it fails to deliver on our expectations, we say bad seed. But those who know the nature of seeds, those who are determined to do what it takes to get the seed to bear fruit, know that waiting is not enough. We all have our own bags of seeds and they are called TALENTS. They are worthless inside the bag. They won’t achieve their full potential, just laying on the ground. They have to be cultivated, nourished, fertilized and nurtured. Ask these: How much of your seeds are out of the bag? What have you done to make them bear fruits? If you are not doing what it takes, it’s just right to lower your expectations. Is reading this makes you want to work on your bag of seeds? Are your going to take concrete steps towards achieving your full potentials? Put some deadlines to it will you? And be accountable for it. Credit to: oybean/ 16
  • 17. Coals and Diamonds Coals are coals and diamonds are diamonds. They may have the same basic ingredient but they are far from being the same. You cannot expect coals to become diamonds nor diamonds to become coals. Don’t get me wrong, there is no need for coals to be diamonds, they are good as they are. With their abundance, they get the machinery going and they fuel the industries. I am reminded lately that what is true for coals and diamonds maybe true with people. Sometimes people have the romantic notion that coals should eventually graduate to becoming diamonds. I used to share that notion… Until lately. Lately I realized that some of the coals I met are not diamonds in the rough. No amount of cutting and piling will make them look any close to being diamonds, and to push them to become one just adds to their stress because while they may be inspired by the thought of becoming diamonds, they just don’t have what it takes to become one. Some of them are just plain uninterested. As a matter of lesson I realized I need to distinguish between a coal and a diamond in the rough… And let coals be coals. 17
  • 18. Your Kung Fu I’m not really sure which movie I heard that statement from that says “My kung fu is better than yours,” or “your kung fu is weak old man!” But it drew a lot of my attention on my own kung fu. In fact it made me realize that in some sense we all have our own kung fu… or at least we should. I’m talking beyond martial arts of course. I’m talking about the skills that we develop in order to face life’s challenges. I found my kung fu when I was 24. That’s when I discovered that my passion in life is sharing what I know with other people through training. My kung fu started out weak, what with so little that I know about it. I can only laugh now at how I pretend before that it was strong. Over time and with a lot of effort, my kung fu became stronger. Just like in the kung fu movie, it took a lot of studying and practice, and yes a desire that someday my kung fu shall be stronger. I wish I can finally say to everyone that my kung fu is better than yours but that would be like setting my self up for failure. Besides, the bad guys in the movies always say that they have the best kung fu and yet they fail in the end. So let me just say this for now… My kung fu today is better than yesterday… figuratively speaking. So, what is your kung fu? Discover it, work on it and get better at it. Credit to: 18
  • 19. That Displacement Experiment I’m reminded of a science experiment inspired by Archimedes’ eureka moment that we did during elementary school. It’s where we learned a couple of things. One; the amount of water displaced when an object of a particular size is submerged to it determines the volume of the object; two; two objects of similar volume cannot occupy the same space at the same time and third, no matter the weight difference; objects of similar size will occupy the same amount of space. Let’s talk about life. The things you do no matter how important or unimportant occupy a finite amount of space and that no two things of similar size no matter the weight difference can occupy the same space. So I’d say be careful what you put in your life. I often hear people wanting to be more successful, wealthier or happier or simply wanting to be better but unable to do something about it. Their life is full of stuff that do not contribute to the achievement of their goals. There are just no space available for them to place the things that will weigh more heavily in their personal pursuits. So we hear people say, I want to earn more, but won’t sacrifice being out of their comfort zone to try out new ways to earn. Some people ask me to help them become trainers like me. I would give them the tools but they can’t find the time to use them. They are unwilling to remove some stuff in their lives that occupy the space where these tools could have been used. They can’t take the movie marathons out, they can’t replace their love story novels with books that are relevant to building their training skills. I say look at the principle behind displacement. No two objects of similar size no matter what the weight can occupy the same space at the same time. One will have to be displaced. The question is, which one are you displacing? Eureka? 19
  • 20. Don’t be that Bug According to Einstein, insanity is defined as doing the same things over and over again expecting different results. This reminds me of a bug I found dead near a glass window pane. It is easy to know the cause of that bug’s death. It banged against the glass pane many times trying to break through until it died. Have you seen them bugs do that? It’s crazy they can’t recognize that there’s no way they can breakthrough that way. They don’t know that the only way to be able to go elsewhere is to change direction. Well, it’s not really crazy. They are bugs and one would expect them to behave that way. What’s crazy is to see people behave in the same fashion. With human being’s amazing ability to learn, why can’t we learn from Twain… Or the dead bug by the window? Whenever you feel stuck and your way towards your goal is blocked. Remember this lesson. ask how you can do things differently or do different things. Don’t be that dead bug Credit to: 20
  • 21. Flying Kites I loved kite flying when I was a kid and now that I have a baby boy I can’t wait to teach him everything I know about flying kites and the life lessons that I learned to go with it. Here are some of the lessons I learned from making and flying kites: 1. The air worthiness of my kite is my responsibility. I can choose to make my kite or buy some ready made but I should be able to distinguish a good kite from a bad one. I’m responsible for every decision I make. I equip my self to make the right decisions. I can’t blame anyone for any of them. 2. It’s all in the balance. No matter how potentially good the kite is if I fail to balance the string or the line, it won’t fly well. Life is all about balance. If we ignore our other needs or the people around us and focus only on the demand of the day, we will eventually go crashing down and hit the ground. 3. Getting help in making or flying a kite is more fun and you show your gratitude by sharing the kite. There’s hardly anything in this life that we can accomplish without help from others. Recognize them and share the fruit of your success with them. 4. Making the kite is more than half the fun. Success is sweeter when it’s hard earned. It’s also hard to call success a success if you did not work for it. 5. It’s all about choices. We choose our kite, we choose our string, we choose the timing for flying it, we choose who to fly it with. The quality of the experience depends on the quality of our choices. It is true with kite flying as it is with living. 6. You don’t just throw away a kite that won’t fly well. You try to do something about it by adjusting the balance of the string. Maybe a tail can help or additional weight on the left or on the side depending on the kite’s behavior on air. You don't’ throw away a life just because things are not going well. You figure out how to make it better and actually do something. 7. You can’t fly boka-boka (the simplest kite) forever, you graduate to more awesome and perhaps bigger kites. To an average enthusiast, flying a Gurion (bigger more complex kite)is the ultimate goal. Even as children we are taught to challenge ourselves to pursue bigger things. When we fail to do that as grownups we betray our natural design. 8. If I lose a kite, it’s good to know that I can use what I learned from the experience to build a better kite or how to fly a kite better. Nothing is really totally lost or wasted. Even when we lose something or fail at something in our lives there is always something to be gained - the lesson on how to become better. 21
  • 22. Drink Take a swig, then another and another. But do not hurry, drink slowly Let it linger, taste the sweet, notice the bitter and feel the bite. Acknowledge how it flows down your throat and then to your body. Be engulfed by its spirit, feel how it turns your world around. Be here now. Savour every breath, every human experience. Let today explain yesterday. Let tomorrow take care of tomorrow. Take what you are given, give back as much as you can. Drink life, enjoy it, experience it, be intoxicated by it. Know the low, appreciate the high. Notice who you are drinking with Every moment is important only if you live that moment. 22
  • 23. Stick Your Neck Out You can’t move forward if you do not stick your neck out. A turtle retreats to its shell when it senses danger. It’s this behavior that keeps it safe from some predators. We do this a lot of times, we retreat to our own shells when we are facing risks or when we are challenged. We sometimes forget that turtles stay where they are when they are stuck inside their shell and the only way to move forward is to stick their neck out and take a risk… Take a risk in life, stick your neck out, that is the only way to move forward. 23 Credit to:
  • 24. About Ed Edwin is the founder and President of ExeQserve, Corporation, an HR Solutions Company. He is also the company’s head consultant for Organization Development and Human Resource Development. Ed developed his skills in training, recruitment, human resource management, organization development and management consulting through twenty years of collective experience in the retail, financial, BPO and HR consulting business. Before his founding of ExeQserve, Ed was HR Director/Manager for CheQ Systems, Athena E-Services and PET Plans’ Subsidiary Companies. He was also Head of Training for SPI Technologies, Inc. and Philippine Seven Corporation, the local franchise owner of 7-Eleven Convenience Stores. HRMD Strategies Development and Implementation Ed facilitated a number of strategy formulation, policy writing and change management for the implementation of employee handbooks, compensation programs, performance management system, competency-based HRD, incentive schemes and retention programs for companies like CORE, Mobext, Numlock, ALC holdings, SEARCA, Tenkiebox, Provincial Governments of Bohol and Guimaras. Learning Activity Design and Implementation Ed developed dozens of courses and workshops on topics like high performance leadership, supervision, management, change, creativity, coaching, personal effectiveness, values alignment, career planning, maintaining discipline in the workplace, trainers’ training, presentation skills enhancement, assertive communication, strategic planning and team building. His creativity and skill in learning activity design enables Ed to customize programs based on the identified needs of clients. Industry Experience Ed has worked with organizations in various industries and sectors. He is an accredited learning service provider of Philippine-Australia Human Resource and Organization Development Facility (PAHRODF) and has done work for OPAPP, NEDA, NAMRIA, DILG and two provincial governments through the facility. He worked closely with companies in the IT, Financial, Marketing, Manufacturing and other service industries in identifying their needs, formulating, customizing and delivering solutions that lead to desired results. Personal Advocacies Ed is particularly passionate about helping develop skills of the HR practitioners in the country and develop the careers of individuals through his blogs and . He is also an active member of Toastmasters where he helps mentor members who wish to enhance their public speaking skills. 24