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Digital Bootcamp Part 2
For Mad Men/Women 2.0
by Rudi Leung
Part 2 Overview	
•  Introduction to the concepts of
•  Content Marketing
•  Web2.0
•  Social Media
•  User Generated Content
•  Crowd sourcing
•  Build a strong foundation in understanding
•  The dynamic of human communication in the
evolving digital era
•  The shift of paradigm in consumer decision journey
•  The role of Social Media in the changing world
“If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find
they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend,
you’ll find them everywhere.” – Zig Ziglar
What’s Content Marketing?
•  A form of marketing that provides valuable, informative
material to an audience without a direct sales pitch or call
to action
•  When done correctly, content marketing positively
influences a customer in either of the following ways:
–  To share the content
–  To deepen a relationship that ultimately turns into a
•  Paid Advertising is about PUSH
•  Content Marketing is about PULL
Building Blocks of
A Content Marketing Strategy
Why content marketing is so
important for brands?
1.To Be Discovered Via
Search Engine
•  By creating quality & relevant online
content to targeted audience
•  Search engines see us as an authority on
a specific topic of content
•  Then our brand becomes more visible in
organic search results
•  Ranked Higher on Google
2.Builds Trust
•  By creating amazing content that
resonates with our audience
•  It helps them to achieve their
psychological needs or other goals
•  Brands are tapping into the rule of
reciprocation where our audience will
obligated to repay us – be it shares on
social networks or actual sales
Part 1 Part 2
Coca-Cola In-House Training
Coca-Cola Content Factory
The Ahh Effect
Our Food. Your Questions.
Oreo’s Real-time Content
•  During the 3rd quarter of Super
•  A power outage at the
•  Caused some of the lights to go
out for 34 minutes
•  Oreo immediately tweeted an
ad that read “Power Out? No
•  +20,000 Likes on Facebook
Source: WIRED - “How Oreo Won the Marketing
Super Bowl With a Timely Blackout Ad on Twitter“-
Feb 14, 2013
Oreo & Kit-Kat Play Tic-Tac-
Toe on Twitter
Oreo’s 100 Days Daily Twist
Source: New York Times - “For Oreo Campaign Finale, a Twist on
Collaboration “- Sept 25, 2012
Content Marketing On Multiple
Social Media Platforms In 100 Days
Brands & Agencies Are
Embracing Content Marketing
Source: eMarketer “Content Marketing Top Priority for Digital Marketers This Year“- Jan 10, 2013
Advertisers Already Hired In-
Brand Acts Like A Media
Media Agencies Are Beefing Up
Their Content Marketing Offerings
Formats Of Content Marketing
White papers
Social Media
Source: eMarketer “Which Content Marketing Tactics Get the Best ROI? “- March 5, 2013
Content With Best ROI
How The Avengers Movie Seeded For
Its Success Via Social Media & Other
Marketing Push Before Premier?
facebook page	
•  Opened Nov 3, 2010
•  Constant updates to
engage with fans
•  Encourage
•  Offer exclusive
offers with fans
Advance Booking Engine
College Fan Screening
Building The Hype Via Social Media	
•  Online conversation slowly
increased over the past
month and peaked last
Friday, when the movie
made its worldwide premiere
•  At the peak, >74,000 Twitter
mentions of the word
“Avengers,” not including
retweets or related terms
•  That’s a paid off of the pre-
release marketing efforts
included an augmented
reality smartphone app and a
Facebook game featuring
movie-specific characters
•  In March, a trailer for the film
broke iTunes viewing records	
Source: Mashable: “The Avengers' Twitter Roundup” May 2012
Official Marketing Partners
Taget & Acura
Avengers Alliance Social Game	
•  Launched on Facebook
in March 2012
•  >1.2 million daily users
•  Users can compete with
friends as they
assemble teams to
defend New York City
from enemy attack
•  Players can also pay
real money for virtual
currency to use for
character upgrades and
other advantages
Joint Promotion With Symantec	
•  Roadshow and sponsored
movie previews
•  Special code offers to
Symantec staff and family
to crack secret weapon of
the Avengers Alliance
facebook game
•  At least 600 different movie tie-in products
•  In-store promotion with an AR mobile game
Augmented Reality Game	
•  An AR iPhone and Android app both a game
and in-store experience	
•  Users can interact and unlock super
weapons with POP materials at 3,500
Walmart stores in the US
•  Twitter Party using the hashtag
#AvengersWMT invited fans to gather in
specific Walmart locations
Digital Strategy ≠ Social Strategy	
Source: Harvard Business Review “Social Strategies That Work” (Nov 2011) 	
So What Is Social Media?
It’s not about the technology & jargons
  @EmilyCagle (h+p://
It’s about the change in human behavior
& how people communicate
Air New Zealand Party On The Plane
•  Invited 26 fans from the
brand’s Facebook page
to get a taste of the Air
New Zealand hospitality
by enjoying its luxurious
business class cuisine &
wine tasting crash
course, Kiwi style
•  Generated hundreds of
photos by the fans
Web 2.0
•  The term was originated by O’Reilly Media in 2003	
•  Web 1.0 (companies founded from 1994 – 2001, including Netscape, Yahoo!,
AOL, Google, Amazon, and eBay
•  Web 2.0 or Social companies founded from 2002 – 2009, including Facebook,
LinkedIn, and Groupon
•  Now(Web 3.0?) Mobile (from 2010 – present, such as the mobile only
•  When Web 2.0 companies began to emerge, they seemed to gravitate to the
importance of social connections
•  Facebook got college students. LinkedIn got the white collar professionals
Source: Forbes “Here's Why Google and Facebook Might Completely Disappear in the Next 5 Years” (April 2012)
Web 2.0 At A Glance
Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Explanation
DoubleClick Google Adsense
From fixed ad to content/ context relevant
Ofoto Flickr
Categorize by tagging and add interactive
community style album
Akamai BitTorrent
From download from main server to
collaborative up and downloading by users Napster
From searching songs through search engines
to community sharing
Britannica Online Wikipedia
From big corporation to user editing and
Individual web site Blogging
From individual web site to easily created
and interacted blog
From single medium supplies event
information and comments to public
Domain name
Search engine
Search individual or client product easier
Pageview CPC Charging scheme based on user action (click)
Content Management
Content of Wiki is being surfed and edited by
Index Tagging From category index to keywords tag
Web 1.0 à 2.0 (examples)
The Revolution Of Users	
•  The rise of Web 2.0 technology has ushered in a era where people
are talking, ranting, complaining, praising, reviewing, and sharing
everything online for the world to see
•  They are talking about products, services, companies, experiences
(bad or good) and providing their feedback, on their terms
•  They demand to be heard!
Maturing Of The Internet World	
•  The younger generation internet users are getting more tech
savvy and sophisticated than ever	
•  Combination of established and newer technologies	
•  Creative & collaborative approach to how the web is used 	
•  A different way of thinking about the Internet …that uses
UGC(User Generated Content) and evolving technologies
Evolution Of The Web	
The explosion of internet access and usage naturally led
to lots of people wanting do more – to contribute to web
sites or even to create and manage their own web sites	
In the early days, web sites were fairly flat – dynamic,
database driven sites weren’t really with us	
The Infinite Shared Space
•  Infinite is enormous 	
•  Effectively endless
•  With all that choices
you need to give
people information
they want and things
they want to do
Sharing – No One Is In Charge	
•  Social networking sites, e.g.
Facebook, are perhaps the
ultimate act of sharing	
•  Leading marketers
recognize that their brands
are actually a shared space	
•  Online or offline, we are no longer able to
control what people think or say
•  The attempt trying to control it is a bad
•  Stop Online Piracy
Act (SOPA)
Changes Of Internet Usages
•  It is changing – or, if your future has already arrived it has
changed, to a more complex and dynamic place
•  At its heart, the change has been that people who use the
internet now collaborate more
•  Many web sites and experiences are the results of input
from various users, not just an organization
•  Brands that acknowledge this and allow for it – even
encourage it – are leading digital marketing
Site Centric
Web 1.0
Consumer Centric
Web 2.0
Evolving Digital World ...
Evolving Digital World
Site Centric (Web 1.0) 	
•  “Sticky” destination
•  Publishing to
•  Customer = observer	
•  Content directories	
•  Clicks and page views	
•  Web, web, web
Customer Centric (Web 2.0)	
•  Distributed
experiences &
•  Audience participation	
•  Customer = driver	
•  Content tagging	
•  Interaction time	
•  Digital (web, mobile,
tablet, app, etc.)
Conventional Audience
Web 1.0
Web 2.0
Brand & Audience
AIDA model that stands for four stages in
which the consumer might be with respect
to the product	
The Classic Communication Model
•  The AIDA model is replacing by the
AISAS model gradually
•  It is catalyzed and pushed further in the
era of Web 2.0	
The New Communication Model
Source: Dentsu
The Shift Of Paradigm
Consumer Decision Journey	
Source: .McKinsey Quarterly “Demystifying social media” (April
The traditional funnel
Consumer Decision Journey	
Source: .McKinsey Quarterly “Demystifying social media” (April 2012) 	
Decision will be influenced & made at various stages
Definition Of Social Media	
Users’ Perspective	
•  Conversation supported by digital tools	
•  Many to many dialogue	
Marketers’ Perspective	
•  Social networks, online PR, online communities,
blogger outreach, or other collaborative media
used to drive word of mouth, engagement,
advocacy and obtain consumer insight
Before Social Media	
•  Friends, neighbors, or like-minded
group get together to chat and
exchange ideas
•  One to one/One to many conversation
After Social Media - Public	
•  Conversation can be facilitated in a massive scale
without time and physical limit
•  Many to many conversations
•  Everybody can be a medium
•  Everybody can be an influencer
After Social Media - Marketers	
•  Brand owners can leverage on social media
platforms to engage with their customers
•  Brand advocators can also be easily
discovered and organized together
Is Social Media Free?	
•  Most Social Media Services are
free for public
•  However, Social Media Marketing
is not a cheap alternative of
traditional marketing activities
•  In fact, it is a labor intensive
activity in which it requires
rigorous collaboration between
client and agency
•  Produce tailor made content for
social network can also be costly
•  To make a social media marketing
communication more successful &
efficient, paid media support is
also necessary
Why Social Media Matters?	
To strengthen
existing relationships	
To meet new
They satisfy two basic human needs
New Customers
Referred By Your
Existing Customers	
The Old Way
•  Brands talk to the mass
•  Top down
•  Broadcast-type
•  No interaction or
dialogue with audiences
Source: Seth Godin Tribes 	
PUSH Strategy
You target
You hunt them
You do
marketing to
The New Way
•  Brands talk with the mass
•  Bottom-up
•  Democratized
•  Audiences demand dialogue
rather than be a passive
Source: Seth Godin Tribes 	
PULL Strategy
You target the
loyal ones	
become your
brand agents	
market to each
Social Media
Lower The Barrier For Like-minded People To Connect
The Birth Of Tribes 	
•  Connecting with others is
human nature
•  People join groups
•  Seth Godin called these
groups Tribes
•  Social Media lowers the
barrier for like-minded people
to form Tribes and connect
with each others
•  No matter how small the
Tribe when it begins
•  They will no longer be alone
The Dispatchwork Tribe	
•  Since 2007, German-born artist Jan Vormann, has been travelling the
world repairing crumbling walls and monuments with Lego
•  He called this project the “Dispatchwork”
•  Jan Vormann inspired
volunteers(from 3 to
40 year-old) around
the globe to
•  From Brazil to
London, to Germany
and the US,
“Dispatchers” are still
following and creating
•  A virtual has been built
around the world
•  UGC = User Generated Content	
•  CGM = Consumer Generated Media	
•  Same concept	
•  Represent self initiated and created text, audio,
visual and video content on the digital community
•  Sharing amongst respective digital communities
•  CrowdSourcing is a process that involves outsourcing tasks
to a distributed group of people
•  A task or problem is outsourced to an undefined public rather
than a specific body, such as paid employees
•  Kickstarter, a crowd-funding website used to get people to invest
relatively tiny amounts in small tech projects or creative endeavors like
music or video games
•  Pebble, an electronic wristwatch capable of connecting to iOS or
Android smartphones, was aimed to raise $100,000 via Kickstarter
•  On April 12th 2012, the project’s Kickstarter page announced that in 28
hours, $1 million was kicked in via the fundraising platform
•  Raised >$6.7 million within 21 days, the minimum pledge was $1
•  A system in which
consumers can “gang up”
to get deals or discounts
on services or products
•  Groupon & BeeCrazy offer
daily deals to users in
specific cities
•  If enough users sign on for
that day’s deal, everyone
gets to participate
•  Conversely if the minimum
number of signups isn’t
met, no one gets a chance
to take advantage of the
CrowdSourcing Marketing	
•  Marketing ideas or digital
content generated by
•  The role of brands is to
enable and empower the
Session Overview	
•  In depth learning about the concept of
•  Social Content & SEO
•  Word Of Mouth Marketing
•  Facebook’s algorithm
•  Social Graph
•  Social By Design
•  Social Listening
•  Case Studies
How Are We Using Social Media?	
•  Each individual has his/her own different level of
participation in social media
•  In Asia, a growing trend shows social media
enthusiasts are more eager to produce social
content than people in western countries
Forrester’s Social
Technographics ladder
•  Defines 7 levels of
participation for social
media users
•  Each level shows a
different type of
Source: Forrester Research's Consumer Technographics® data
Why Social Content Is Crucial?	
Source: Brafton
Social Content Converts Traffic	
Source: Brafton
What Marketers Think?	
Source: Brafton
Types Of Social Media Content	
 News clippings	
Aggregated stories
from online news
or other digital
content providers	
Repost/Share of
other social media
Turn Your Assets Into Something Social
NOT All CEOs Are Born Bloggers
•  Don’t bother to blog unless you can
contribute interesting content worth for
people to read, to share or to quote
•  “Will It Blend?” is a viral
marketing campaign consisting of a
series of infomercials
•  In the videos, Tom Dickson,
the Blendtec founder, attempts to
blend various unusual items in order to
show off the power of his blender
•  Since 2006, he have ground up golf
balls, cell phones, marbles, light bulbs,
and matches, to name a few
•  As of February 21, 2012, the Blendtec
series of videos had collected a total of
•  The “Will It Blend?” series are fun to
watch yet effectively demonstrate the
power of the products	
Blendtec CEO Tom Dickson
Build A Community 	
•  Do you have fans already creating contents?
•  Can you build a community to aggregate
these contents?
PR Stunts For Photo Opportunities	
•  Promoting the 3D Rinko movie in Tokyo
•  >50 Rinko(s) climbing from a TV set paraded on the street
and handing out movie promotional materials
•  Generating viral effect via photos sharing
Social Media Content Strategy	
•  What type of content will resonate most with your
•  Are there existing assets that can be leveraged?
•  New content generated by brand or social influencers?
•  Promotional offers?
•  What is the value exchange you are looking for with your
•  Tone must be consistent with all brand communications
bringing the brand personality to life online
•  Establish an appropriate level of frequency for both the
channel and your program (Facebook:1-5 posts per week?)
•  Create a content calendar and approve with legal in advance
•  Optimize the timing of your content schedule (e.g. best time of
the week)
Tactics In Managing Social Content	
•  Audience-centric, but
relevant to brand and/
or category
•  Keep identifying timely
engaging topics
•  Encourages responses
•  Encourages sharing
•  Social Media is largely
an editorial exercise
therefore good
copywriting is key
Social Graph	
•  Described as "the global mapping of
everybody and how they're related“
•  Popularized at the
Facebook f8 conference on May 24,
2007, when it was used to explain
that the Facebook Platform, which
was introduced at the same time,
would benefit from the social graph
by taking advantage of the
relationships between individuals,
that Facebook provides, to offer a
richer online experience
•  The definition has been expanded to
refer to a social graph of all Internet
Open Graph	
•  An extension of the social graph, via the Open Graph protocol, to
include 3rd party web sites and pages that people liked throughout
the web
•  The Open Graph includes arbitrary actions and objects created by
3rd party apps and enabling these apps to integrate deeply into the
Facebook experience	
Source: facebook developer document 2012
Facebook App	
•  After a user adds your app to their Timeline, app specific
actions are shared on Facebook via the Open Graph
•  As your app becomes an important part of how users
express themselves, these actions are more prominently
displayed throughout the Facebook Timeline, News Feed,
and Ticker
•  This enables your app to become a key part of the user's and
their friend's experience on Facebook	
Source: facebook developer document 2012
Define Your Action & Object	
•  The Open Graph allows apps to model user activities based on
actions and objects. A running app may define the ability to
“run” (action) a “route” (object)
•  A reading app may define the ability to “read” (action) a
“book” (object). A recipe app may define the ability to
“cook” (action) to a “recipe” (object)
•  Actions are verbs that users perform in your app
•  Objects define nouns that the actions apply to
•  As users engage with your app, social activities are published to
Facebook which connects the user with your objects, via the action	
Source: facebook developer document 2012
News Feed Publishing
•  Post to your wall, friend’s wall
News feed
Source: facebook developer document 2012
On Your Timeline
Content Makes Social	
•  Make sure your online content is
Social Media shared friendly
especially facebook
•  If your content is mobile friendly, even
•  Generate more organic traffic to your
•  Make your content more visible in the
online world
How Apps Work On Timeline
Social By Design - Spotify	
•  Being "social digital" means being
able to build and sustain a "
social graph" with those who are
critical to your business eco-
•  Spotify's integration with
Facebook is a great example of
the Social by Design concept
•  Allows users to share music they
listen to with their friends on
Facebook (i.e. it leverages
Facebook's existing communities)
•  Lets users talk about their music
interests on Facebook (i.e. add new
elements to the existing conversation)
•  Uses music curated on their (i.e.
Spotify's) platform to add an
additional element to users' identities
on Facebook
Social Game - Draw Something 	
•  A mobile drawing game assimilates
the concept of “Social By Design”
•  It allows players save their scribbles
and share them on Facebook &
•  Players can also attach short
messages of up to 100 characters to
their pictures when submitted for
friends to guess
•  The fun doesn't come from beating
friends or collecting points and
•  It comes from the bond you already
have with the people you play with,
and how that manifests itself in the
Source: The Guiardian “Draw Something gets more social with chat and Facebook/Twitter sharing”(April
3 Core Social Elements	
•  Social by Design• 
•  People your users
know & trust	
•  Interactions your
users with their
•  How your users see
themselves, and how
they are seen by
their communities
•  Due to the evolution of consumer behavior, nowadays’ marketers
should consider “Social” as one of the core values of their
marketing DNA
•  Social By Design is not a tactic but a practice marketers should
continue instilling in their mindset
•  Not only for marketing programs but also product/services
The 5C’s Of Community	
Not All Facebook Posts Are Visible?
Not All Posts & Actions Are Equal
10 Tips To Improve Your Page Rank

Activation Strategy
•  Organic
•  Connecting through organic
activity such as natural search and
existing points of integration	
•  Community
•  Establish connections with
individuals through relevant online
•  Influencer
•  Engage with key opinion leaders
or influencers	
•  Paid Media
•  Generates awareness with highest
guarantee of achieving goals 	
•  Promotions
•  Engage through promotional
offers: Coupons, samples, sweeps
Source: Harvard Business Review “Social Strategies That Work” (Nov 2011) 	
New Definition Of Media
Social Media BrandSphere	
•  1. Paid: Digital advertising,
banners, adwords, overlays
•  2. Owned: Created assets,
custom content
•  3. Earned: Brand-related
conversations and user-generated
•  4: Promoted: in-stream or social
paid promotions vehicles (e.g.
Twitter’s Promoted products and
Facebook’s Sponsored Stories)
•  5. Shared: Open platforms or
communities where customers co-
create and collaborate with
brands. (e.g. Dell’s IdeaStorm and
Starbuck’s MyStarbucksIdea)
Source: New Infographic: The Brandsphere by Brian Solis and JESS3
Aug 2011
Block That Metaphor-Before	
Source: Harvard Business Review Social Media New Rules of Branding (Dec 2010)
Block That Metaphor-After	
Source: Harvard Business Review Social Media New Rules of Branding (Dec 2010)
CEPEA – Funnel Model Of Marketing	
•  The new consumer decision journey is CEPEA – Consider,
Evaluate, Purchase, Enjoy, Advocate
•  Smart social commerce should focus on the consumer
decision journey, with the objective of helping people make
smarter shopping decisions – where they most need that
Source: Harvard Business Review Social Media New Rules of Branding (Dec 2010)
Source: Harvard Business Review Social Media New Rules of Branding (Dec 2010) 	
Consideration Set Of Brands	
•  Rather than begin with a large consideration set, consumers today
manage massive choice with smaller initial consideration sets, but
that may grow, based on active evaluation
•  After consideration phase, consumers will now actively evaluate
options, seeking input from peers, reviewers, retailers, brands and
competitors. Rather than shrink, the number of options under
evaluation may grow during this phase
Source: .McKinsey Quarterly “Demystifying social media” (April 2012) 	
A Holistic Approach	
•  Social media enables targeted marketing responses at
individual touch points along the consumer journey
Word Of Mouth	
•  You can just create word of mouth by
•  You can only generate word of mouth
among your customers through
excellent product satisfaction
•  Then you can amplify the word of
mouth through social media
•  Unlike other media types, brands
have to earn the right to join the
•  We must create reasons for people to
share information from person to
person, or broadcast to many
Earn it, don’t push it
A New Hierarchy Of Needs?
Source: “Rules of Social Engagement: A Process Flow” Edelman Digital
Keep Asking Yourself	
What are you trying to achieve? 	
Is your target reachable via SNS & what value can be added?	
What is your strategy to get there?	
Integrity Of Brand Owners	
•  All communications must be honest,
authentic & transparent
•  Whether it’s from the brand or an
external influencer, always tell the truth
•  Don’t create fake stories
•  Accurately represent our products and
•  Any posted opinions from publishers
must be true opinions
•  Never attempt to pay a social influencer
for getting a positive review
•  For all testimonials, must disclose if the
testifier has any material connections to
your company
Be Honest & Authentic	
•  Follow Legal Requirements Brand & trademark legal review
•  Terms & Conditions (T&C) must be included on all sites
•  For all testimonials, must disclose if the testifier has any
material connections to your company
10 Social Marketing Principles	
1.  Develop active listening and monitoring strategies
2.  Gain insight about our consumers, categories, brands
& products
3.  Identify social influencers and mingle with them
4.  Integrate social media in IMC to influence online
5.  A holistic point of view to amplify word of mouth
through various media touch points
6.  Provide compelling share-worthy content
7.  Motivate consumers to choose to engage with our
8.  Develop long term brand relationships & brand
9.  Quickly address issues & take advantage of
10.  Define a brand/company social media guideline and
follow it religiously
Summary Of Best Practices	
•  Social media allows brands to
participate in conversations,
but not control them
•  Requires a comfort level with
positive and negative
•  Brands must inspire word of
mouth and add value to the
•  Social media requires
sustained commitment,
resources and
responsiveness for long term
relationship building

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HK4As AdSchool Digital Bootcamp Part 2 20130506

  • 1. Digital Bootcamp Part 2 For Mad Men/Women 2.0 by Rudi Leung
  • 2. Part 2 Overview •  Introduction to the concepts of •  Content Marketing •  Web2.0 •  Social Media •  User Generated Content •  Crowd sourcing •  Build a strong foundation in understanding •  The dynamic of human communication in the evolving digital era •  The shift of paradigm in consumer decision journey •  The role of Social Media in the changing world
  • 4. “If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.” – Zig Ziglar
  • 5. What’s Content Marketing? •  A form of marketing that provides valuable, informative material to an audience without a direct sales pitch or call to action •  When done correctly, content marketing positively influences a customer in either of the following ways: –  To share the content –  To deepen a relationship that ultimately turns into a sale •  Paid Advertising is about PUSH •  Content Marketing is about PULL
  • 6. Building Blocks of A Content Marketing Strategy 1.Targeted Content 2.Repeatable Processes 3.Content Distribution
  • 7. Why content marketing is so important for brands?
  • 8. 1.To Be Discovered Via Search Engine •  By creating quality & relevant online content to targeted audience •  Search engines see us as an authority on a specific topic of content •  Then our brand becomes more visible in organic search results •  Ranked Higher on Google
  • 9. 2.Builds Trust •  By creating amazing content that resonates with our audience •  It helps them to achieve their psychological needs or other goals •  Brands are tapping into the rule of reciprocation where our audience will obligated to repay us – be it shares on social networks or actual sales
  • 10. Part 1 Part 2 Coca-Cola In-House Training Video
  • 13. Our Food. Your Questions.
  • 14. Oreo’s Real-time Content Marketing •  During the 3rd quarter of Super Bowl XLVII •  A power outage at the Superdome •  Caused some of the lights to go out for 34 minutes •  Oreo immediately tweeted an ad that read “Power Out? No problem” •  +15,000 Retweets •  +20,000 Likes on Facebook Source: WIRED - “How Oreo Won the Marketing Super Bowl With a Timely Blackout Ad on Twitter“- Feb 14, 2013
  • 15. Oreo & Kit-Kat Play Tic-Tac- Toe on Twitter
  • 16. Oreo’s 100 Days Daily Twist Source: New York Times - “For Oreo Campaign Finale, a Twist on Collaboration “- Sept 25, 2012
  • 17. Content Marketing On Multiple Social Media Platforms In 100 Days
  • 18. Brands & Agencies Are Embracing Content Marketing
  • 19. Source: eMarketer “Content Marketing Top Priority for Digital Marketers This Year“- Jan 10, 2013
  • 21. Brand Acts Like A Media Publisher
  • 22. Media Agencies Are Beefing Up Their Content Marketing Offerings
  • 23. Formats Of Content Marketing
  • 25. Source: eMarketer “Which Content Marketing Tactics Get the Best ROI? “- March 5, 2013 Content With Best ROI
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 29. How The Avengers Movie Seeded For Its Success Via Social Media & Other Marketing Push Before Premier?
  • 30. facebook page •  Opened Nov 3, 2010 •  Constant updates to engage with fans •  Encourage discussion •  Offer exclusive offers with fans
  • 33. Building The Hype Via Social Media •  Online conversation slowly increased over the past month and peaked last Friday, when the movie made its worldwide premiere •  At the peak, >74,000 Twitter mentions of the word “Avengers,” not including retweets or related terms •  That’s a paid off of the pre- release marketing efforts included an augmented reality smartphone app and a Facebook game featuring movie-specific characters •  In March, a trailer for the film broke iTunes viewing records Source: Mashable: “The Avengers' Twitter Roundup” May 2012
  • 36. Avengers Alliance Social Game •  Launched on Facebook in March 2012 •  >1.2 million daily users •  Users can compete with friends as they assemble teams to defend New York City from enemy attack •  Players can also pay real money for virtual currency to use for character upgrades and other advantages
  • 37. Joint Promotion With Symantec •  Roadshow and sponsored movie previews •  Special code offers to Symantec staff and family to crack secret weapon of the Avengers Alliance facebook game
  • 38. Walmart •  At least 600 different movie tie-in products •  In-store promotion with an AR mobile game
  • 39. Augmented Reality Game •  An AR iPhone and Android app both a game and in-store experience •  Users can interact and unlock super weapons with POP materials at 3,500 Walmart stores in the US •  Twitter Party using the hashtag #AvengersWMT invited fans to gather in specific Walmart locations
  • 40. Digital Strategy ≠ Social Strategy Source: Harvard Business Review “Social Strategies That Work” (Nov 2011) PUSH PULL
  • 41. So What Is Social Media?
  • 42. It’s not about the technology & jargons Source:  @EmilyCagle (h+p://
  • 43. It’s about the change in human behavior & how people communicate
  • 44. Air New Zealand Party On The Plane •  Invited 26 fans from the brand’s Facebook page to get a taste of the Air New Zealand hospitality by enjoying its luxurious business class cuisine & wine tasting crash course, Kiwi style •  Generated hundreds of photos by the fans
  • 45. Web 2.0 •  The term was originated by O’Reilly Media in 2003 •  Web 1.0 (companies founded from 1994 – 2001, including Netscape, Yahoo!, AOL, Google, Amazon, and eBay •  Web 2.0 or Social companies founded from 2002 – 2009, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Groupon •  Now(Web 3.0?) Mobile (from 2010 – present, such as the mobile only Instagram) •  When Web 2.0 companies began to emerge, they seemed to gravitate to the importance of social connections •  Facebook got college students. LinkedIn got the white collar professionals Source: Forbes “Here's Why Google and Facebook Might Completely Disappear in the Next 5 Years” (April 2012)
  • 47. Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Explanation DoubleClick Google Adsense From fixed ad to content/ context relevant ad Ofoto Flickr Categorize by tagging and add interactive community style album Akamai BitTorrent From download from main server to collaborative up and downloading by users Napster From searching songs through search engines to community sharing Britannica Online Wikipedia From big corporation to user editing and modification Individual web site Blogging From individual web site to easily created and interacted blog evite From single medium supplies event information and comments to public participation Domain name speculation Search engine optimization Search individual or client product easier Pageview CPC Charging scheme based on user action (click) Content Management System Wikis Content of Wiki is being surfed and edited by users Index Tagging From category index to keywords tag Web 1.0 à 2.0 (examples)
  • 48. The Revolution Of Users •  The rise of Web 2.0 technology has ushered in a era where people are talking, ranting, complaining, praising, reviewing, and sharing everything online for the world to see •  They are talking about products, services, companies, experiences (bad or good) and providing their feedback, on their terms •  They demand to be heard!
  • 49. Maturing Of The Internet World •  The younger generation internet users are getting more tech savvy and sophisticated than ever •  Combination of established and newer technologies •  Creative & collaborative approach to how the web is used •  A different way of thinking about the Internet …that uses UGC(User Generated Content) and evolving technologies
  • 50. Evolution Of The Web The explosion of internet access and usage naturally led to lots of people wanting do more – to contribute to web sites or even to create and manage their own web sites In the early days, web sites were fairly flat – dynamic, database driven sites weren’t really with us “Brochure-ware” “Interactive”
  • 51. The Infinite Shared Space •  Infinite is enormous •  Effectively endless •  With all that choices you need to give people information they want and things they want to do
  • 52. Sharing – No One Is In Charge •  Social networking sites, e.g. Facebook, are perhaps the ultimate act of sharing •  Leading marketers recognize that their brands are actually a shared space •  Online or offline, we are no longer able to control what people think or say •  The attempt trying to control it is a bad idea •  Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)
  • 53. Changes Of Internet Usages •  It is changing – or, if your future has already arrived it has changed, to a more complex and dynamic place •  At its heart, the change has been that people who use the internet now collaborate more •  Many web sites and experiences are the results of input from various users, not just an organization •  Brands that acknowledge this and allow for it – even encourage it – are leading digital marketing
  • 54. Site Centric Web 1.0 Consumer Centric Web 2.0 Evolving Digital World ...
  • 55. Evolving Digital World Site Centric (Web 1.0) •  “Sticky” destination sites •  Publishing to audiences •  Customer = observer •  Content directories •  Clicks and page views •  Web, web, web Customer Centric (Web 2.0) •  Distributed experiences & syndication •  Audience participation •  Customer = driver •  Content tagging •  Interaction time •  Digital (web, mobile, tablet, app, etc.)
  • 56. Brand Brand Conventional Audience Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Audience Audience+ Brand & Audience Brand
  • 57. Attention Interest Desire Action AIDA model that stands for four stages in which the consumer might be with respect to the product The Classic Communication Model
  • 58. •  The AIDA model is replacing by the AISAS model gradually •  It is catalyzed and pushed further in the era of Web 2.0 The New Communication Model Attention Interest Search Action Share Source: Dentsu
  • 59. Attention Interest Desire Action Attention Interest Search Action Share The Shift Of Paradigm
  • 60. Consumer Decision Journey Source: .McKinsey Quarterly “Demystifying social media” (April 2012) The traditional funnel
  • 61. Consumer Decision Journey Source: .McKinsey Quarterly “Demystifying social media” (April 2012) Decision will be influenced & made at various stages
  • 62. Definition Of Social Media Users’ Perspective •  Conversation supported by digital tools •  Many to many dialogue Marketers’ Perspective •  Social networks, online PR, online communities, blogger outreach, or other collaborative media used to drive word of mouth, engagement, advocacy and obtain consumer insight
  • 63. Before Social Media •  Friends, neighbors, or like-minded group get together to chat and exchange ideas •  One to one/One to many conversation
  • 64. After Social Media - Public •  Conversation can be facilitated in a massive scale without time and physical limit •  Many to many conversations •  Everybody can be a medium •  Everybody can be an influencer
  • 65. After Social Media - Marketers •  Brand owners can leverage on social media platforms to engage with their customers •  Brand advocators can also be easily discovered and organized together
  • 66. Is Social Media Free? •  Most Social Media Services are free for public •  However, Social Media Marketing is not a cheap alternative of traditional marketing activities •  In fact, it is a labor intensive activity in which it requires rigorous collaboration between client and agency •  Produce tailor made content for social network can also be costly •  To make a social media marketing communication more successful & efficient, paid media support is also necessary
  • 67. Why Social Media Matters? To strengthen existing relationships To meet new people They satisfy two basic human needs New Customers Referred By Your Existing Customers Current Customers
  • 68. The Old Way •  Brands talk to the mass •  Top down •  Broadcast-type communications •  No interaction or dialogue with audiences
  • 69. Source: Seth Godin Tribes PUSH Strategy You target people You hunt them down You do marketing to them
  • 70. The New Way •  Brands talk with the mass •  Bottom-up •  Democratized communication •  Audiences demand dialogue rather than be a passive receiver
  • 71. Source: Seth Godin Tribes PULL Strategy You target the loyal ones Consumers become your brand agents Consumers market to each other
  • 72. Social Media Lower The Barrier For Like-minded People To Connect
  • 73. The Birth Of Tribes •  Connecting with others is human nature •  People join groups •  Seth Godin called these groups Tribes •  Social Media lowers the barrier for like-minded people to form Tribes and connect with each others •  No matter how small the Tribe when it begins •  They will no longer be alone
  • 74. The Dispatchwork Tribe •  Since 2007, German-born artist Jan Vormann, has been travelling the world repairing crumbling walls and monuments with Lego •  He called this project the “Dispatchwork”
  • 75. •  Jan Vormann inspired numerous volunteers(from 3 to 40 year-old) around the globe to participate •  From Brazil to London, to Germany and the US, “Dispatchers” are still following and creating •  A virtual has been built around the world
  • 76. UGC/ CGM •  UGC = User Generated Content •  CGM = Consumer Generated Media •  Same concept •  Represent self initiated and created text, audio, visual and video content on the digital community sites •  Sharing amongst respective digital communities
  • 77. CrowdSourcing •  CrowdSourcing is a process that involves outsourcing tasks to a distributed group of people •  A task or problem is outsourced to an undefined public rather than a specific body, such as paid employees
  • 78. Crowd-Funding •  Kickstarter, a crowd-funding website used to get people to invest relatively tiny amounts in small tech projects or creative endeavors like music or video games •  Pebble, an electronic wristwatch capable of connecting to iOS or Android smartphones, was aimed to raise $100,000 via Kickstarter •  On April 12th 2012, the project’s Kickstarter page announced that in 28 hours, $1 million was kicked in via the fundraising platform •  Raised >$6.7 million within 21 days, the minimum pledge was $1
  • 79. CrowdShopping(GroupBuying) •  A system in which consumers can “gang up” to get deals or discounts on services or products •  Groupon & BeeCrazy offer daily deals to users in specific cities •  If enough users sign on for that day’s deal, everyone gets to participate •  Conversely if the minimum number of signups isn’t met, no one gets a chance to take advantage of the deal
  • 80. CrowdSourcing Marketing •  Marketing ideas or digital content generated by consumers •  The role of brands is to enable and empower the activations
  • 81. Session Overview •  In depth learning about the concept of •  Social Content & SEO •  Word Of Mouth Marketing •  Facebook’s algorithm •  Social Graph •  Social By Design •  Social Listening •  Case Studies
  • 82. How Are We Using Social Media? •  Each individual has his/her own different level of participation in social media •  In Asia, a growing trend shows social media enthusiasts are more eager to produce social content than people in western countries
  • 83. Forrester’s Social Technographics ladder •  Defines 7 levels of overlapping participation for social media users •  Each level shows a different type of participation
  • 84. Source: Forrester Research's Consumer Technographics® data
  • 85. Why Social Content Is Crucial? Source: Brafton
  • 86. Social Content Converts Traffic Source: Brafton
  • 88. Types Of Social Media Content Text Photos Videos News clippings Aggregated stories from online news or other digital content providers Repost/Share of other social media content
  • 89. Turn Your Assets Into Something Social
  • 90. NOT All CEOs Are Born Bloggers •  Don’t bother to blog unless you can contribute interesting content worth for people to read, to share or to quote •  “Will It Blend?” is a viral marketing campaign consisting of a series of infomercials •  In the videos, Tom Dickson, the Blendtec founder, attempts to blend various unusual items in order to show off the power of his blender •  Since 2006, he have ground up golf balls, cell phones, marbles, light bulbs, and matches, to name a few •  As of February 21, 2012, the Blendtec series of videos had collected a total of 188,170,865 views •  The “Will It Blend?” series are fun to watch yet effectively demonstrate the power of the products Blendtec CEO Tom Dickson
  • 91. Build A Community •  Do you have fans already creating contents? •  Can you build a community to aggregate these contents?
  • 92. PR Stunts For Photo Opportunities •  Promoting the 3D Rinko movie in Tokyo •  >50 Rinko(s) climbing from a TV set paraded on the street and handing out movie promotional materials •  Generating viral effect via photos sharing
  • 93. Social Media Content Strategy •  What type of content will resonate most with your audience? •  Are there existing assets that can be leveraged? •  New content generated by brand or social influencers? •  Promotional offers? •  What is the value exchange you are looking for with your community? •  Tone must be consistent with all brand communications bringing the brand personality to life online •  Establish an appropriate level of frequency for both the channel and your program (Facebook:1-5 posts per week?) •  Create a content calendar and approve with legal in advance •  Optimize the timing of your content schedule (e.g. best time of the week)
  • 94. Tactics In Managing Social Content •  Audience-centric, but relevant to brand and/ or category •  Keep identifying timely engaging topics •  Encourages responses •  Encourages sharing •  Social Media is largely an editorial exercise therefore good copywriting is key
  • 95. Social Graph •  Described as "the global mapping of everybody and how they're related“ •  Popularized at the Facebook f8 conference on May 24, 2007, when it was used to explain that the Facebook Platform, which was introduced at the same time, would benefit from the social graph by taking advantage of the relationships between individuals, that Facebook provides, to offer a richer online experience •  The definition has been expanded to refer to a social graph of all Internet users
  • 96. Open Graph •  An extension of the social graph, via the Open Graph protocol, to include 3rd party web sites and pages that people liked throughout the web •  The Open Graph includes arbitrary actions and objects created by 3rd party apps and enabling these apps to integrate deeply into the Facebook experience Source: facebook developer document 2012
  • 97. Facebook App •  After a user adds your app to their Timeline, app specific actions are shared on Facebook via the Open Graph •  As your app becomes an important part of how users express themselves, these actions are more prominently displayed throughout the Facebook Timeline, News Feed, and Ticker •  This enables your app to become a key part of the user's and their friend's experience on Facebook Source: facebook developer document 2012
  • 98. Define Your Action & Object •  The Open Graph allows apps to model user activities based on actions and objects. A running app may define the ability to “run” (action) a “route” (object) •  A reading app may define the ability to “read” (action) a “book” (object). A recipe app may define the ability to “cook” (action) to a “recipe” (object) •  Actions are verbs that users perform in your app •  Objects define nouns that the actions apply to •  As users engage with your app, social activities are published to Facebook which connects the user with your objects, via the action Source: facebook developer document 2012
  • 99. News Feed Publishing •  Post to your wall, friend’s wall
  • 101. Source: facebook developer document 2012
  • 104. Content Makes Social •  Make sure your online content is Social Media shared friendly especially facebook •  If your content is mobile friendly, even better •  Generate more organic traffic to your site •  Make your content more visible in the online world
  • 105. How Apps Work On Timeline
  • 106. Social By Design - Spotify •  Being "social digital" means being able to build and sustain a " social graph" with those who are critical to your business eco- system •  Spotify's integration with Facebook is a great example of the Social by Design concept •  Allows users to share music they listen to with their friends on Facebook (i.e. it leverages Facebook's existing communities) •  Lets users talk about their music interests on Facebook (i.e. add new elements to the existing conversation) •  Uses music curated on their (i.e. Spotify's) platform to add an additional element to users' identities on Facebook
  • 107. Social Game - Draw Something •  A mobile drawing game assimilates the concept of “Social By Design” •  It allows players save their scribbles and share them on Facebook & Twitter •  Players can also attach short messages of up to 100 characters to their pictures when submitted for friends to guess •  The fun doesn't come from beating friends or collecting points and trophies •  It comes from the bond you already have with the people you play with, and how that manifests itself in the drawings Source: The Guiardian “Draw Something gets more social with chat and Facebook/Twitter sharing”(April 2012)
  • 108. 3 Core Social Elements •  Social by Design•  Community •  People your users know & trust Conversation •  Interactions your users with their communities Identity •  How your users see themselves, and how they are seen by their communities •  Due to the evolution of consumer behavior, nowadays’ marketers should consider “Social” as one of the core values of their marketing DNA •  Social By Design is not a tactic but a practice marketers should continue instilling in their mindset •  Not only for marketing programs but also product/services designs
  • 109. The 5C’s Of Community Content Context Connectivity Continuity Collaboration
  • 110. Not All Facebook Posts Are Visible?
  • 111. Not All Posts & Actions Are Equal
  • 112. 10 Tips To Improve Your Page Rank
  • 113. 
 Activation Strategy •  Organic •  Connecting through organic activity such as natural search and existing points of integration •  Community •  Establish connections with individuals through relevant online communities •  Influencer •  Engage with key opinion leaders or influencers •  Paid Media •  Generates awareness with highest guarantee of achieving goals •  Promotions •  Engage through promotional offers: Coupons, samples, sweeps
  • 114. Source: Harvard Business Review “Social Strategies That Work” (Nov 2011) New Definition Of Media
  • 115. Social Media BrandSphere •  1. Paid: Digital advertising, banners, adwords, overlays •  2. Owned: Created assets, custom content •  3. Earned: Brand-related conversations and user-generated content •  4: Promoted: in-stream or social paid promotions vehicles (e.g. Twitter’s Promoted products and Facebook’s Sponsored Stories) •  5. Shared: Open platforms or communities where customers co- create and collaborate with brands. (e.g. Dell’s IdeaStorm and Starbuck’s MyStarbucksIdea) Source: New Infographic: The Brandsphere by Brian Solis and JESS3 Aug 2011
  • 116. Block That Metaphor-Before Source: Harvard Business Review Social Media New Rules of Branding (Dec 2010)
  • 117. Block That Metaphor-After Source: Harvard Business Review Social Media New Rules of Branding (Dec 2010)
  • 118. CEPEA – Funnel Model Of Marketing •  The new consumer decision journey is CEPEA – Consider, Evaluate, Purchase, Enjoy, Advocate •  Smart social commerce should focus on the consumer decision journey, with the objective of helping people make smarter shopping decisions – where they most need that help Source: Harvard Business Review Social Media New Rules of Branding (Dec 2010)
  • 119. Source: Harvard Business Review Social Media New Rules of Branding (Dec 2010) Consideration Set Of Brands •  Rather than begin with a large consideration set, consumers today manage massive choice with smaller initial consideration sets, but that may grow, based on active evaluation •  After consideration phase, consumers will now actively evaluate options, seeking input from peers, reviewers, retailers, brands and competitors. Rather than shrink, the number of options under evaluation may grow during this phase
  • 120. Source: .McKinsey Quarterly “Demystifying social media” (April 2012) A Holistic Approach •  Social media enables targeted marketing responses at individual touch points along the consumer journey
  • 121. Word Of Mouth •  You can just create word of mouth by yourself •  You can only generate word of mouth among your customers through excellent product satisfaction •  Then you can amplify the word of mouth through social media •  Unlike other media types, brands have to earn the right to join the conversation •  We must create reasons for people to share information from person to person, or broadcast to many Earn it, don’t push it
  • 122. A New Hierarchy Of Needs?
  • 123. Source: “Rules of Social Engagement: A Process Flow” Edelman Digital
  • 124. Keep Asking Yourself What are you trying to achieve? Increase Awareness? Shift Imagery? Engage Customers? Build Loyalty? Generate Buzz? Is your target reachable via SNS & what value can be added? YouTube? Twitter? Weibo? Facebook? Others? What is your strategy to get there? Branded Community? Influencers Outreach? Brand’s Advocates? Social Content? Brand Stories?
  • 125.
  • 126. Integrity Of Brand Owners •  All communications must be honest, authentic & transparent •  Whether it’s from the brand or an external influencer, always tell the truth •  Don’t create fake stories •  Accurately represent our products and claims •  Any posted opinions from publishers must be true opinions •  Never attempt to pay a social influencer for getting a positive review •  For all testimonials, must disclose if the testifier has any material connections to your company
  • 127. Be Honest & Authentic •  Follow Legal Requirements Brand & trademark legal review upfront •  Terms & Conditions (T&C) must be included on all sites •  For all testimonials, must disclose if the testifier has any material connections to your company
  • 128. 10 Social Marketing Principles 1.  Develop active listening and monitoring strategies 2.  Gain insight about our consumers, categories, brands & products 3.  Identify social influencers and mingle with them 4.  Integrate social media in IMC to influence online conversations 5.  A holistic point of view to amplify word of mouth through various media touch points 6.  Provide compelling share-worthy content 7.  Motivate consumers to choose to engage with our brands 8.  Develop long term brand relationships & brand advocates 9.  Quickly address issues & take advantage of opportunities 10.  Define a brand/company social media guideline and follow it religiously
  • 129. Summary Of Best Practices •  Social media allows brands to participate in conversations, but not control them •  Requires a comfort level with positive and negative conversations •  Brands must inspire word of mouth and add value to the community •  Social media requires sustained commitment, resources and responsiveness for long term relationship building