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History 1301
Writing Assignment #1
Due September 23 by 5 pm central time
Directions: Students are to answer the questions using the
assigned readings for the week. Students will submit the
responses to all of the question to the online discussion board
and to safe assign. Students will need to respond to at least one
classmate and to the instructor. All work must include
references and/or citations. Minimum word count for each
question is 150 words. Please consult the grading rubric for
assignments guidelines.
To prepare for this Discussion students are to review Unit 1 and
2. After reviewing Units 1 and 2 answer the following questions
in the discussion board. Students will need to select at least five
questions to answer from unit 1 or 2. Please note that students
will need to use all questions to prepare for examinations.
Unit 1 Questions
Question 1:
Before taking this course, please share your understanding
of American history.
What knowledge or understanding do you have about U.S.
History? (If this is your
first course, please share this.) After reviewing Unit 1,
please share what ideas or
concepts that were connected to what you already knew
before taking this course.
What ideas or theories presented from the reading were
new to you? OR If you
were to define history, what would you offer as a
Question 2:
Consider the early indigenous groups that lived in the New
World. After reviewing lessons 1-2 and reviewing the films,
identity at least three Native groups that were living in the New
World. Do you agree that the Columbian Exchange impacted
Native Americans? Please explain why or why not.
Question 3:
Several groups began arriving to the New World after 1492.
Identify at least one group from lessons 3-4 that were discussed.
Who was this group and discuss their lives before and after they
arrived to the Americas. Discuss your understanding of the
individual groups that began to establish live in the new world
(Example: Puritans, Pilgrims, Quakers and other groups).
Question 4:
Select at least one film from Unit 1. What was the film. What
insights did you gain from the film about American history?
Please specific which specific individuals, groups, or
movements were discussed in this film.
Unit 2 Questions
Question 1:
Share your understanding about colonial life in America during
this time. Identify some of the ongoing conflicts that you found
that existed between the colonists and Native tribespeople, the
colonist and Great Britain and the colonists with others.
Question 2:
What would you consider the leading events or origins of the
American Revolution? Do you believe that the French and
Indian War influenced this conflict? Please share your
reasoning why or why not?
Question 3:
Identify at one of the events either leading up to the American
Revolution or an event that occurred during the American
Revolution. What was this event? What is your understanding
of the event? What significant impact do you believe that this
event had on the origins of the American Revolution? Please
also share your understanding of the Declaration of
Question 4:
What is the significance of the Articles of Confederation and
the U.S. Constitution? What commonalities did you find
between these two documents? What differences did you find?
Grant Part 1: Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives
Student’s Name:
Course Name and Number:
Instructor’s Name:
Date of Submission:
Grant Part 1: Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives
Needs Statement:
The lack of an adolescent’s shelter to cater for lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transsexual [LGBT] adolescents has become an
underpinning problem which direly needs to be addressed with
the development of a shelter facility for these group. The shelter
also ought to incorporate programs that facilitate the
rehabilitation of these adolescents in the center and to mentor
them on the importance of education and career development.
This kind of project is dedicated to efforts that reduce social
inequality through demonstrable projects. There are various
factors that make this project a top priority, including the target
group being adolescents aged between thirteen and eighteen
years old, besides being a minority adolescents group that can
reform and complete their education and go to become more
productive in the society.
Moreover, housing is a basic human need and also a place one
can rest to reminisce on their personal life. Cochran, Stewart,
Ginzler, and Cauce (2012) argue that homeless bisexual,
lesbian, gay, transsexual, besides questioning adolescents’ aged
between thirteen and eighteen years old, face the lack of
housing access either because they are kicked out of their
parental homes, or they cannot comprehend the criticism by
their relatives and caregivers for their sexual orientation.
Following Durso and Gates (2012) the vulnerability of these
adolescents is further worsened as they are presented to brutal
street situations whereby they are high possibilities of being
assaulted physically, victimized, sexually assaulted, mugged,
and at worse being murdered. Besides, the freedom they have on
the streets has a high inclination towards compelling them to
indulge in other unsafe criminal activities, including, drug
abuse, robbery, and prostitution.
Keuroghlian, Shtasel, and Bassuk (2014) emphasize that by
bypassing such a conspicuous feature within the social work
system core principles, besides the strengths and needs of these
adolescents are far from being satisfactorily addressed.
Moreover, Tyler, Whitbeck, Hoyt, and Cauce (2004) pinpoint
that these adolescents represent characters from all different
genders and ethnicities. Hence, those who come from an ethnic
minority are even at a higher risk of being exposed to numerous
social ills, since they endeavor to even find acceptance within
their individual communities. These adolescents have twenty-
five percent suicide attempt rate as they encounter extra
pressures, barriers, and hurdles towards understanding and
acceptance. As a consequence, the project will be a timely one
towards addressing the problems being experienced by these
transgender adolescents.
Goal #1:
A center that meets LGBT various needs and that uses a
collaborative model based on the investment and input from
multiple key stakeholders who provide different services needed
by these adolescents such as recreational, medical, and
Goal #2:
Supporting mentors and the community to become
knowledgeable about LGBT adolescents social isolation and
stigmatization as well as how to support them in a professional
An effective and successful LGBT adolescent’s center that has
the capability of reaching the maximum number of LGBT
adolescents with the maximum impact, developed out of the
needs identified by these adolescents themselves
Objective 1:
To develop and nurture an LGBTadolescent’s shelter that meets
various needs, including a safe space to access healthcare and
other social services.
Objective 2:
Training LGBT adolescents mentors on how to identify and
describe the concerns and issues of these adolescents and the
Objective 3:
To provide a sustainable and stable LGBT adolescent's center,
besides provide emotional outlets opportunities, and champion's
personal and professional development.
Evaluation Criteria:
Evaluation Criteria 1:
· A developed and equipped LGBTadolescent’s shelter
· The degree to which the shelter meets various needs including
a safe space to access healthcare and other social services
Evaluation Criteria 2:
· The number of trained LGBT adolescents mentors
· Percentage of LGBT adolescents mentors equipped with
techniques of identifying and describing the concerns and issues
of these adolescents and the community
Evaluation Criteria 3:
· The degree to which the LGBT adolescent's center is
sustainable and stable
· Percentage of emotional outlets opportunities provided
· Percentage of personal and professional development
opportunities created.
Cochran, B. N., Stewart, A. J., Ginzler, J. A., & Cauce, A. M.
(2012). Challenges faced by homeless sexual minorities:
Comparison of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender homeless
adolescents with their heterosexual counterparts. American
Journal of Public Health, 92(5), 773-777.
Durso, L. E., & Gates, G. J. (2012). Serving our youth: Findings
from a national survey of services providers working with
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth who are homeless
or at risk of becoming homeless.
Keuroghlian, A. S., Shtasel, D., & Bassuk, E. L. (2014). Out on
the street: a public health and policy agenda for lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender youth who are homeless. American
Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 84(1), 66.
Tyler, K. A., Whitbeck, L. B., Hoyt, D. R., & Cauce, A. M.
(2004). Risk factors for sexual victimization among male and
female homeless and runaway youth. Journal of Interpersonal
Violence, 19(5), 503-520.
Alexis Lowe
Walden University
March 31st, 2019
The homelessness has been a serious problem facing the general
population because of the high cost of housing throughout the
country. The problem is worse when youths are involved when
they are still in school. It makes studying problematic because
of the stress involved in carrying the personal effects the whole
day and finding the spot to spend during the night. For the
future of this country, there is a need to find a stable home for
such youths so that they can build their future along with the
future of this nation more securely. The budget below includes
all that is needed to build homes and renovate the available ones
to create enough rooms for all the youths in this state. All shall
be required for this project to be completed from personnel to
the numerous equipment and machinery. The budget below
shows how the project is broken down (Von, 2016).
The total budget for the whole project that will involve the
construction of building from the ground and renovation of the
old ones is $4,012,938. This amount is expected to cover a total
of 25 sites corresponding to the tertiary institutions in this state
and shall be broken down as explained below. The leading
members of the project are the director, project coordinator,
secretary, academic coordinator, clinic coordinator, and project
evaluator. Most people are supposed to work full time because
the project is large and demanding.
Salaries for the people coordinating the whole process is
significantly large because of their qualifications and skills
which was a requirement for transparency, efficiency, and
competence that were needed to accomplish the project.
Among those working full time are project director, clinic
coordinator, project evaluator and project secretary who will be
paid $ 9,822, $ 7,587, $ 7,124 and $ 6978 respectively. Per
hour, each will be paid $ 61.4, $ 47.42, $ 44.52, and $43.61
according to the minimum wage requirement in their respective
job group. Each one of them will be working a maximum of 40
hours in a week, and all of them will be reporting to the project
director. The whole project will take a whole year to complete
the above-mentioned salaries, and their benefits are monthly for
the whole year. In one month, salaries will be totaling to $ 41,
410 and the benefits will be $ 2,074 which sum up to $ 43, 474.
In a year this will be $ 521,688. Project coordinator and
academic coordinator will be working part-time since they are
the employees of one of the tertiary institutions in the country
where they will still be serving for the most part of their time.
The cost of consultation $ 2,750 for the whole year. It is
not possible to break it down into weeks since consultation will
be done once for every site that shall be open where about 25
sites are expected to open in the whole state that corresponds to
the number of tertiary institutions in this country.
For contracts, the whole amount needed is $ 3,456, 000 which
include all the subcontractors such those who will install
lighting and elevator, ventilation and air condition, drainage,
and water piping, doors, and kitchenware, painting, among
many others. Travel will cost around $ 10,000 for the whole
year where each month $ 833 will be spent on fuel for traveling
from one site to another attending meeting in the many sites.
Itemized equipment includes site safety equipment for staff,
office furniture, printers, and desktops in the office that will
cost around $ 10,000 the whole year. Supplies will only cost $
3500 for the whole year. Supplies will include printing papers,
ink for printers, files, and stationery for the whole year. Other
expenses are the insurance, electric bill, water bill, and first aid
equipment. They will cost approximately $ 9, 000 for the whole
year (Von, 2016).
Personnel Name
Personnel Title
Time/Effort Percentage (%)
Time/Effort Hours/Week
Dollar Amount Requested for Salary
Dollar Amount Requested for Fringe Benefits
Grand Total Dollar Amount Requested
total for the whole year
Dr. Johnson Davis
Project Director
100 %
40 hrs
$ 9,822
$ 500
$ 10,322
$ 123, 864
Eng. Trevor Ramsey
Project Coordinator
50 %
20 hrs
$ 5542
$ 400
$ 6942
$ 83,304
Prof. Nancy Williams
Clinical Coordinator
100 %
40 hrs
$ 7587
$ 345
$ 7932
$95, 184
Prof. George Williams
Academic Coordinator
63 %
25 hrs
$ 4357
$ 253
$ 4,600
$ 55, 200
Project Evaluator
100 %
40 hrs
$ 7124
$ 345
$ 7469
$ 89,628
Name #6
Project Secretary
100 %
40 hrs
$ 6978
$ 231
$ 6209
$ 74,504
205 hrs/ week
$ 521,688
Consultant Costs
50 hrs ( for whole year)
$ 2,750
$ 2,750
$ 3,456, 000
Staff Travel
$ 10,000
Itemized Equipment
$ 10,000
Supplies (itemize by category)
$ 3500
Other Expenses ( insurance )
$ 9,000
Grand Total Direct Costs
Von, D. L. (2016). Fiscal decentralization and budget control.
Community Youth Homeless Shelter
Alexis Lowe
Walden University
Professor Nicole Hamilton
HUMN 6207- Grant Writing
May 8, 2019
The issue of homelessness among young people has been
challenged especially with the increasing cost of housing. The
problem is becoming more worse when young people are in
schools and affect their educational programs. Homelessness
stresses young people so much because after carrying out their
activities during the day, they will not find somewhere to rest at
night. There are many challenges which are faced by homeless
youths. Some of them feel that they are hopeless and
despondent and sometimes can turn to the use of drugs and
alcohol. Abuse of drugs contributes to poor interaction with the
department of law enforcement hence interruption of the success
of the students. Drug abuse is linked to other criminal activities
because these young people will have to look for ways of
getting money to buy drugs. It also increases chances of sexual
harassment and transmission of diseases (Sieving et al, 2017).
Most people who cannot afford shelter, it will be difficult for
them to afford food. They will have poor health and nutrition.
The project will be focusing on Tri-Cities which are not an
exception of homelessness problems. A study which was done in
Tri-city showed that 34 percent of the population was living
with their families or friends. The chances of these friends or
families kicking them out are high since they are termed as a
burden to them. Therefore, the project proposal will look at the
issue of the homeless and how it can be addressed to build a
stable future for youths. The project will ensure that homeless
youths are provided with an integrated place where they can
connect to the resource and services. The project wills also
ensuring that there is a resource center which is located at each
of the three cities that is Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco. The
resource centers will help in identifying, tracking and reporting
cases of homeless among youths.
Need statement
The purpose of the project is to come up with strategies to
address homeless among youths in Tri-cities. Youths are faced
with housing challenges because most of them do not have
adequate finances to cater for their school fees, food, and
accommodation. Some are living with their friends and families
while others are living in the streets. Live is not easy when one
is homeless because he or she is hopeless about the future and
things which might happen in life (Utržan et al, 2017).
Homeless youths suffer from depression and they are more
likely to engage in criminal behaviors. Therefore, the research
will raise awareness on the issue of homelessness among
youths. It will lead to the establishment of centers which will be
reliable for identifying and tracking issues of homeless among
youths. Creation of awareness of homelessness among youths
will assist in understanding the challenges which they are
facing. Homeless youths will be able to give their response to
the problems because they are the one who is facing the
challenges. Homeless youths need mainstreaming of the
services which will enable has their long term success in the
future. Homeless youths need to be supported by ensuring that
they continue with their studies and they secure good jobs
which they can support themselves.
Goals and objectives
To introduce targeted prevention measures which assist in
supporting youths who experience the problem of homelessness.
This includes diversion of shelter so that all the youths who are
living in the streets have shelter. When youths have housing, it
will be easy to address other problems which are facing
homelessness youths. A stable housing makes the mind to be
stable and it becomes easy to look for a job which will sustain
other needs.
To ensure that there is access to education, health services,
employment, and other services. Recurrent of homelessness can
result when education, education, and employment of the young
people are not checked. Stability of a person forms around the
access of these services and without them it becomes difficult to
address them (Lou et al, 2018). Healthcare services are
essential for homeless youths so that they treated from the
diseases they are suffering from. Some of them suffer from
different diseases due to exposure to poor nutrition and sexual
abuse. They need proper assessment and diagnosis so that their
health problems are well addressed. Due to homeless, some of
the youths could not continue with their education and the
project will create awareness on the areas where such kind of
youths can be assisted.
To establish a resource center that will be identifying,
tracking and reporting issues of homelessness among youths.
The resource center will handle issues related to youth
homelessness and ensure that that they find a safe place to stay.
After identification and tracking of the issues, homeless youths
will be connected with their families or people who can assist
them. Social connectedness is very important because it assists
in preventing depression and lowliness. Some of the youths
who are experiencing homelessness live in the street and they
do not know any member of their families. Connecting homeless
youths with their families restore joy to them and ensure that
they live a good life. Their families will assist them and ensure
that they have gone back to their lives.
Methodology and evaluation plans
The study will be carried out in Tri-cities that are
Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco. The population for the will be
chosen randomly from the three cities and every homeless youth
will have an equal chance of participating. The methods that
will be used in the study ensure that there is free interaction
with the homelessness youths so that their problems can be
adequately addressed. The research will be mainly focusing on
the youths in Tri-Cities who have experienced homelessness.
The study will take six months for the three cities and it will
ensure that researchers have quality time to collect all important
information which is required to address the issues.
The study will employ a participatory method which will
be employed in collecting data on the challenges which are
faced by homelessness youths. They will give their ideal
experience on the state of homelessness and how it is associated
with other problems which end up affecting their lives.
Homeless youths who will participate through narrating their
experience will be chosen randomly. The group will be chosen
from those who have volunteered to participate. In participatory
approach focused group discussion will be used. Focused group
discussion will involve gathering a group of the homelessness
youths in each of the city. The topic of discussion will be the
problem of social exclusion from the families and how it has
contributed to the homeless state (Schwan et al, 2018). Social
exclusion, in this case, will aim at understanding the
deprivation and marginalization of the young people. Social
exclusion of the youths has deprived them education because
there is no support from the family members. The relationship
between social exclusion and education will be done by
analyzing how the two concepts affect each other. Through
drawing the analysis, one will be able to understand areas which
need to address so that social exclusion does not take place and
many of the young people remain united to their families.
In the focused discussion, homelessness youths will
explain the best response which they think should be taken to
address the issue. They will be able to give the views and
options on the best solutions which they think should be
incorporated by the government, private sectors and nonprofit
organizations to end homelessness among youths. Given the
opportunity to discuss it will be easy to understand how they
think the problem should be handled and how the government
has articulated strategies to deal with the matter. The study will
collaborate with the local authority and chiefs to ensure that
young people who are facing homeless problems will be able to
In the focused discussion, expertise will educate the
homeless youths on ways of handling the hard situation rather
than becoming homeless and being unable to cater to personal
needs. The project will also collaborate with the healthcare
facilities so that homeless youths who have urgent health needs
are immediately attended. Youths will know that when they
have problems in their lives they can be solved through sharing
their problems rather than being hopeless in life. There are
people and organizations that will be willing to assists and they
should not suffer in the street. Students who have become
homeless and unable to pay their schools fees will be
enlightened on where they can seek help when things are hard
for them (Sutherland, 2016). The study will also use an
interview with the volunteers who have worked with the
homeless youths and the challenges they face while addressing
their issues. The collaboration will include volunteer from all
cities and an interview will be conducted with them. These
volunteers know well the strategies which can easily solve the
issues since they have been working with the homeless youths.
Some of the members of the research team are people who were
helped after becoming homeless for quite some time and they
understand the problems very well. This will make interaction
with homelessness youths very easy. In data collection from
those who had experienced the state of homelessness and they
have been assisted will share their experience with
homelessness currently so that they feel free to share their
stories as well. Data collection will also entail encouraging
them to move to stable housing by seeking help from relevant
The data will also be collected from secondary sources
such as journal and books. There are other researchers who have
done a study on homeless among youths in Tri-cities and this
study will ensure that the information is well captured. The
information will be keenly reviewed to ensure that information
on the past state of homelessness is captured. It will form a
basis for the recommendation and strategies which should be
taken to address the issues of homelessness in the Tri-cities. If
the number of homelessness youths is increasing, then the
strategies to solve the issues will have to be changed. The
questionnaire will be also used in collecting data on the age of
homelessness youths. It will include factors which contributed
to them being homeless and the duration which have stayed in
the condition of the homeless. It will also include other
personal questions on whether they are sexually active and how
do they get the partners of engaging in sexual activities. The
names of those involved in answering questionnaires will not be
revealed and a high level of confidentiality will be maintained.
The data will be also collected on how frequently they use
condoms during their sexual intercourse. The aim of this will be
assessing their probability of contracting diseases especially
sexually transmitted diseases. The questionnaires will also
inquire how many times they have been sexually abused or
harassed. It will also inquire on whether they reported the case
to the police and the actions which were taken if they reported
to the police. Understanding the cases of sexual abuse and
harassment among homelessness youths in Tri-Cities will assist
in knowing the safety of the homeless youths and this will
include both females and males. The questionnaire will also
entail details on whether the homeless youths have whereabouts
of their family members especially those living in the streets
and whether they wish to be reunited with their families. The
research method that will be used in the study such as
interview, questionnaires and focused group discussion will
include all the participants who had been selected randomly.
Budget, budget narrative, and sustainability plan
It includes all the cost which will be incurred in carrying the
whole project and ensuring that adequate data has been
gathered. The money will be used for the establishment of the
new centers that will be used in identification, tracking and
reporting on the issues of homelessness among youths. The
budget includes cost for researchers, equipment which will be
used in the process of data collection and construction of the
buildings. The total that will be incurred in the whole project is
$ 4,012,938 and the amount is expected to cover the whole
process in the Tri-Cities. The costs of consultation for the
whole project $ 2,750. The consultation will be done in the
three cities and it will involve all the relevant officials in the
cities (Robinson, 2016). The total amount which will be
required for the contracts is $ 3, 456,000. The contract cost for
building new houses for the homeless in the Tri-Cities will
include everything that is needed in the construction of the new
buildings as well as renovating the old ones. This includes
buying the materials which will be used, paying the contractors
and the labor that will be used in the process. The cost for
elevators, drainage system from the building areas, kitchenware,
painting, and water piping. The cost traveling will be $10, 000
in the course of the whole project and there will be $ 883 that
will be incurred for the travel fuels.
Some of the equipment which will be purchased to be used
in the Tri-Cities are safety equipment that will be utilized by
the staffs. Safety is very important for the workers and needs to
be given key consideration. It will also entail safety of the
researchers who will be attending the street homeless youths.
Computers, laptops, desktops, printers will be also be purchased
to be used in the office of the resources centers for reporting
homelessness issues related to youths. The cost will also be
$1000 and the expenses for the supply will be $3, 500. The
supplies for these items include printing papers, stationery,
files, and printers. Other expenses will include electric bills,
equipment that is used in the first aid, insurances and this will
be totaling $ 9, 000. Another cost will be incurred in the
payment of the staffs and researchers. There will be a project
manager who will ensure that all activities run accordingly in
the organization. The project will also be evaluated after it has
been completed and project evaluator will be paid for checking
whether the project has been completed according to the
standards and to the terms and conditions. The project director
will ensure that all activities during the project period are
carried out very well. The project coordinator will be paid
$9,822, clinic coordinator $7, 124 who will ensure that the
safety issues and health matters of the homeless youths in the
Tri-Cities have been well covered. Project evaluator will also
be paid $ 7,124 while the secretary will be paid $ 6, 978. They
will also be enumerated for sitting allowance when they will be
planning activities of the project. The project will take six
months and the planned budget will cover all those activities.
Personnel Name
Personnel Title
Dollar Amount Requested for Salary
Dollar Amount Requested for Fringe Benefits
Grand Total Dollar Amount Requested
total for the whole project
Dr. Johnson Davis
Project Director
$ 9,822
$ 500
$ 10,322
$ 123, 864
Eng. Trevor Ramsey
Project Coordinator
$ 5542
$ 400
$ 6942
$ 83,304
Prof. Nancy Williams
Clinical Coordinator
$ 7587
$ 345
$ 7932
$95, 184
Prof. George Williams
Academic Coordinator
$ 4357
$ 253
$ 4,600
$ 55, 200
Mrs. Joel
Project Evaluator
$ 7124
$ 345
$ 7469
$ 89,628
Name #6
Project Secretary
$ 6978
$ 231
$ 6209
$ 74,504
Consultant Costs
$ 2,750
$ 2,750
$ 3,456, 000
Staff Travel
$ 10,000
Itemized Equipment
$ 10,000
Supplies (itemize by category)
$ 3500
Expenses insurance
$ 9,000
$41, 410
$43, 474
Grand Total Direct Costs= 4,012,938
Homelessness is a challenge which is experienced by many
youths in Tri-Cities and needs to be addressed. The project will
address these problems which are faced by homeless youths in
Tri-Cities and come up with strategies of dealing with them.
Some of the problems include drug abuse, poor health and
nutrition, sexual abuse and harassment and depression. The
objectives and goals of the project will ensure that homeless
youths are provided with shelters, awareness is created on ways
of handling homeless state and ensuring that no one suffers due
to lack of housing. A resource center will also be identified for
identifying and reporting cases of homelessness. The data will
be collected using various participatory approaches such as
interview and focused group discussion. The individual who
will be participating will be randomly chosen and every
homelessness youth will have an equal chance of being chosen.
Questionnaire s will also be used in addressing personal data
especially on the age, causal factors to being homeless and how
they have sexually abused or harassed. The total budget of
which project will be $ 4,012,938 and it accommodates for all
activities which have been planned in the project.
Lou, M., Wang, Q., Stumpf, J., & Ravdin, J. (2018). HIV+
Youth in the Twin Cities may be Engaged in Case
Management but not Retained in Medical Care.
Monn, A. R., Narayan, A. J., Kalstabakken, A. W., Schubert, E.
C., & Masten, A. S. (2017). Executive function and parenting
in the context of homelessness. Journal of Family Psychology,
31(1), 61.
Robinson, J. L. (2016). Lacking the Safeguards of Home:
Experiences of Youth Homelessness. Sociology of Home:
Belonging, Community, and Place in the Canadian Context, 133.
Schwan, K., French, D., Gaetz, S., Ward, A., Akerman, J., &
Redman, M. (2018). Preventing youth homelessness. Homeless
Sieving, R. E., McRee, A. L., McMorris, B. J., Shlafer, R. J.,
Gower, A. L., Kapa, H. M., ... & Resnick, M. D. (2017).
Youth-adult connectedness:: a key protective factor for
adolescent health. American journal of preventive medicine,
52(3), S275-S278.
Sutherland, S. P. (2016). Transitional Planning and
Homelessness of Youths Emancipated From the Child Welfare
System (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).
Utržan, D. S., Piehler, T. F., Gewirtz, A. H., & August, G. J.
(2017). Stressful life events and perceived parental control in
formerly homeless families: Impact on child-internalizing
symptoms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 87(3), 317.
Week 2: Raikes Foundation Finalized Project Funder: Youth
Homeless Shelter
Alexis Lowe
Walden University
HUMN 6207: Grant Writing
Professor Marine Carroll
September 8, 2019
Part one
The description of the grant to be used in this paper
includes the promotion and fostering of community partnerships
to reduce homelessness in various communities. In essence, the
project is intended to engage both provincial and territorial
government levels to join the effort of aligning homelessness
investments and priorities with the ultimate goals and objectives
to prevent and reduce the aspect of homelessness especially in
many youths (Forchuk, 2018). To elaborate, the grant is a
unique program based on community affairs with the ultimate
goals of eliminating if not reducing homelessness issues within
various communities. Moreover, the project is aimed to
accomplish this by encouraging funders to directly provide their
support and funds to about sixty designated communities across
all territories and provinces that are possible to reach. The most
appropriate hyperlink for identifying RFP is:
One of the significant factors that make this grant to be
worth and for one to gain the confidant of pursuing it is the fact
that it has been witnessed working for other countries. For
instance, the grant was given just this year to the Legal Counsel
for Youth to improve on the well-being of young people by
advancing their legal rights. Also, The funds were well utilized
by focusing them on, especially youth and young adults of age
fifteen to twenty-eight. Based on that, it is a potential grant that
I believe if well managed it is worth to take the risk as it
guarantees the reduction of homelessness.
For evaluation purposes, several questions were identified
to assess whether the grant was aligned with the objectives and
goals of eliminating or reducing the aspect homelessness in
various communities within the country. Furthermore, there
were designed questions that aimed at assessing the progress of
the program in its implementation including coordination,
communication, reporting, adherence to housing first principles,
monitoring as well as an assessment of early outcomes of the
In accomplishing all the necessary criteria that were required by
the project, I utilized Bing as my search engine for the task.
The goals and objectives of the selected funding agency
are to ensure that it provides all the necessary resources that
can enable the non-profitable organizations with its purposes of
fulfilling the intended impact towards the communities
concerned. Besides, the agency is aimed at addressing the
essential issues relating to homelessness of especially youths
and young adults within different communities.
The primary reason for selecting the RFP is accompanied
by the fact that community-based programs tend to be more
reliable and effective when it comes to dealing with issues
affecting people in societies. In essence, it is much easier to
identify such problems through community initiatives as they
tend to understand which issues affect them and the core roots
or foundation of the issues. Also, since the issues are
community-based, the people living in such communities have
experiences in regards to how they face the problems and how
they tend to reduce the issues by the limited resources available
for them (Belone, 2016). As such, I select the community-based
program because homelessness is an issue that can be explained
by the community itself and the people living in such
communities knows why many youths and young adults find
themselves on the streets without a place they can refer to as
home. Also, they see the foundation of the issue and how well
they can utilize the funds provided by the funders to reduce and
eliminate the aspect of homelessness within their respective
Part two
The project Intend to choose is the Homelessness
Partnering Strategy which is a unique program that aims at
working with various communities. The primary goal of
partnering with community-based initiatives is to attempt on
eradicating homelessness situations, especially for youths and
young adults. Substantially, there has been a significant
increase in youths and young adults with no place to call home.
As such, I intend to propose an effective and efficient way that
can help to reduce the number of people without shelter in
various communities and for a long term, completely eradicate
the issue from all communities across the nation.
The significance of this grant is that at the end of its
implementation, all youths and young adults without homes will
be provided with a shelter they can refer to as their homes. On
the other hand, the innovative thing about the grant is that it
tends to include the community as its major partnership.
As I toured different communities within our country, I
realized that since I was a little child, the number of youths and
young adults who tend to sleep across the streets have
drastically increased to a significant amount. Therefore, I saw
that there was a need to give the matter attention since the
conditioned could even be worse if not attended to. For this
reason, I think that my project should be considered and the
funders should fund it because I have no adequate resources to
implement it.
The concerned project is better since unlike many projects
with similar goals and objectives, the Homelessness Partnering
Strategy is a program or project that aims at promoting and
fostering community to work together with our organizations in
identifying the issues that typically results to homelessness and
which ways are effective in dealing and eliminating them.
Belone, L., Lucero, J. E., Duran, B., Tafoya, G., Baker, E. A.,
Chan, D., ... & Wallerstein, N. (2016). Community-based
participatory research conceptual model: Community partner
consultation and face validity. Qualitative health
research, 26(1), 117-135.
Forchuk, C., O’Regan, T., Jeng, M., & Wright, A. (2018).
Retaining a Sample of Homeless Youth. Journal of the Canadian
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27(3), 167.

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  • 1. History 1301 Writing Assignment #1 Due September 23 by 5 pm central time Directions: Students are to answer the questions using the assigned readings for the week. Students will submit the responses to all of the question to the online discussion board and to safe assign. Students will need to respond to at least one classmate and to the instructor. All work must include references and/or citations. Minimum word count for each question is 150 words. Please consult the grading rubric for assignments guidelines. To prepare for this Discussion students are to review Unit 1 and 2. After reviewing Units 1 and 2 answer the following questions in the discussion board. Students will need to select at least five questions to answer from unit 1 or 2. Please note that students will need to use all questions to prepare for examinations. Unit 1 Questions Question 1: Before taking this course, please share your understanding of American history. What knowledge or understanding do you have about U.S. History? (If this is your first course, please share this.) After reviewing Unit 1, please share what ideas or concepts that were connected to what you already knew before taking this course. What ideas or theories presented from the reading were new to you? OR If you were to define history, what would you offer as a definition? Question 2: Consider the early indigenous groups that lived in the New
  • 2. World. After reviewing lessons 1-2 and reviewing the films, identity at least three Native groups that were living in the New World. Do you agree that the Columbian Exchange impacted Native Americans? Please explain why or why not. Question 3: Several groups began arriving to the New World after 1492. Identify at least one group from lessons 3-4 that were discussed. Who was this group and discuss their lives before and after they arrived to the Americas. Discuss your understanding of the individual groups that began to establish live in the new world (Example: Puritans, Pilgrims, Quakers and other groups). Question 4: Select at least one film from Unit 1. What was the film. What insights did you gain from the film about American history? Please specific which specific individuals, groups, or movements were discussed in this film. Unit 2 Questions Question 1: Share your understanding about colonial life in America during this time. Identify some of the ongoing conflicts that you found that existed between the colonists and Native tribespeople, the colonist and Great Britain and the colonists with others. Question 2: What would you consider the leading events or origins of the American Revolution? Do you believe that the French and Indian War influenced this conflict? Please share your reasoning why or why not? Question 3: Identify at one of the events either leading up to the American Revolution or an event that occurred during the American Revolution. What was this event? What is your understanding of the event? What significant impact do you believe that this event had on the origins of the American Revolution? Please also share your understanding of the Declaration of
  • 3. Independence. Question 4: What is the significance of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution? What commonalities did you find between these two documents? What differences did you find? Running Head: THE GRANT PART 1: NEEDS STATEMENT, GOALS, AND OBJECTIVES 1 THE GRANT PART 1: NEEDS STATEMENT, GOALS, AND OBJECTIVES 6 Grant Part 1: Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives Student’s Name: Course Name and Number: Instructor’s Name: Institution: Date of Submission:
  • 4. Grant Part 1: Needs Statement, Goals, and Objectives Needs Statement: The lack of an adolescent’s shelter to cater for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual [LGBT] adolescents has become an underpinning problem which direly needs to be addressed with the development of a shelter facility for these group. The shelter also ought to incorporate programs that facilitate the rehabilitation of these adolescents in the center and to mentor them on the importance of education and career development. This kind of project is dedicated to efforts that reduce social inequality through demonstrable projects. There are various factors that make this project a top priority, including the target group being adolescents aged between thirteen and eighteen years old, besides being a minority adolescents group that can reform and complete their education and go to become more productive in the society. Moreover, housing is a basic human need and also a place one can rest to reminisce on their personal life. Cochran, Stewart, Ginzler, and Cauce (2012) argue that homeless bisexual, lesbian, gay, transsexual, besides questioning adolescents’ aged between thirteen and eighteen years old, face the lack of housing access either because they are kicked out of their parental homes, or they cannot comprehend the criticism by their relatives and caregivers for their sexual orientation. Following Durso and Gates (2012) the vulnerability of these adolescents is further worsened as they are presented to brutal street situations whereby they are high possibilities of being assaulted physically, victimized, sexually assaulted, mugged, and at worse being murdered. Besides, the freedom they have on
  • 5. the streets has a high inclination towards compelling them to indulge in other unsafe criminal activities, including, drug abuse, robbery, and prostitution. Keuroghlian, Shtasel, and Bassuk (2014) emphasize that by bypassing such a conspicuous feature within the social work system core principles, besides the strengths and needs of these adolescents are far from being satisfactorily addressed. Moreover, Tyler, Whitbeck, Hoyt, and Cauce (2004) pinpoint that these adolescents represent characters from all different genders and ethnicities. Hence, those who come from an ethnic minority are even at a higher risk of being exposed to numerous social ills, since they endeavor to even find acceptance within their individual communities. These adolescents have twenty- five percent suicide attempt rate as they encounter extra pressures, barriers, and hurdles towards understanding and acceptance. As a consequence, the project will be a timely one towards addressing the problems being experienced by these transgender adolescents. Goals: Goal #1: A center that meets LGBT various needs and that uses a collaborative model based on the investment and input from multiple key stakeholders who provide different services needed by these adolescents such as recreational, medical, and education. Goal #2: Supporting mentors and the community to become knowledgeable about LGBT adolescents social isolation and stigmatization as well as how to support them in a professional manner. Goal#3: An effective and successful LGBT adolescent’s center that has the capability of reaching the maximum number of LGBT adolescents with the maximum impact, developed out of the needs identified by these adolescents themselves Objectives:
  • 6. Objective 1: To develop and nurture an LGBTadolescent’s shelter that meets various needs, including a safe space to access healthcare and other social services. Objective 2: Training LGBT adolescents mentors on how to identify and describe the concerns and issues of these adolescents and the community. Objective 3: To provide a sustainable and stable LGBT adolescent's center, besides provide emotional outlets opportunities, and champion's personal and professional development. Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation Criteria 1: · A developed and equipped LGBTadolescent’s shelter · The degree to which the shelter meets various needs including a safe space to access healthcare and other social services Evaluation Criteria 2: · The number of trained LGBT adolescents mentors · Percentage of LGBT adolescents mentors equipped with techniques of identifying and describing the concerns and issues of these adolescents and the community Evaluation Criteria 3: · The degree to which the LGBT adolescent's center is sustainable and stable · Percentage of emotional outlets opportunities provided · Percentage of personal and professional development opportunities created.
  • 7. References: Cochran, B. N., Stewart, A. J., Ginzler, J. A., & Cauce, A. M. (2012). Challenges faced by homeless sexual minorities: Comparison of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender homeless adolescents with their heterosexual counterparts. American Journal of Public Health, 92(5), 773-777. Durso, L. E., & Gates, G. J. (2012). Serving our youth: Findings from a national survey of services providers working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Keuroghlian, A. S., Shtasel, D., & Bassuk, E. L. (2014). Out on the street: a public health and policy agenda for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth who are homeless. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 84(1), 66. Tyler, K. A., Whitbeck, L. B., Hoyt, D. R., & Cauce, A. M. (2004). Risk factors for sexual victimization among male and female homeless and runaway youth. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19(5), 503-520.
  • 8. Running Head: HOME FOR THE HOMELESS 1 HOME FOR THE HOMELESS HOME FOR THE HOMELESS Alexis Lowe Walden University March 31st, 2019 The homelessness has been a serious problem facing the general population because of the high cost of housing throughout the country. The problem is worse when youths are involved when they are still in school. It makes studying problematic because of the stress involved in carrying the personal effects the whole day and finding the spot to spend during the night. For the future of this country, there is a need to find a stable home for such youths so that they can build their future along with the future of this nation more securely. The budget below includes all that is needed to build homes and renovate the available ones to create enough rooms for all the youths in this state. All shall be required for this project to be completed from personnel to
  • 9. the numerous equipment and machinery. The budget below shows how the project is broken down (Von, 2016). The total budget for the whole project that will involve the construction of building from the ground and renovation of the old ones is $4,012,938. This amount is expected to cover a total of 25 sites corresponding to the tertiary institutions in this state and shall be broken down as explained below. The leading members of the project are the director, project coordinator, secretary, academic coordinator, clinic coordinator, and project evaluator. Most people are supposed to work full time because the project is large and demanding. Salaries for the people coordinating the whole process is significantly large because of their qualifications and skills which was a requirement for transparency, efficiency, and competence that were needed to accomplish the project. Among those working full time are project director, clinic coordinator, project evaluator and project secretary who will be paid $ 9,822, $ 7,587, $ 7,124 and $ 6978 respectively. Per hour, each will be paid $ 61.4, $ 47.42, $ 44.52, and $43.61 according to the minimum wage requirement in their respective job group. Each one of them will be working a maximum of 40 hours in a week, and all of them will be reporting to the project director. The whole project will take a whole year to complete the above-mentioned salaries, and their benefits are monthly for the whole year. In one month, salaries will be totaling to $ 41, 410 and the benefits will be $ 2,074 which sum up to $ 43, 474. In a year this will be $ 521,688. Project coordinator and academic coordinator will be working part-time since they are the employees of one of the tertiary institutions in the country where they will still be serving for the most part of their time. The cost of consultation $ 2,750 for the whole year. It is not possible to break it down into weeks since consultation will be done once for every site that shall be open where about 25 sites are expected to open in the whole state that corresponds to the number of tertiary institutions in this country. For contracts, the whole amount needed is $ 3,456, 000 which
  • 10. include all the subcontractors such those who will install lighting and elevator, ventilation and air condition, drainage, and water piping, doors, and kitchenware, painting, among many others. Travel will cost around $ 10,000 for the whole year where each month $ 833 will be spent on fuel for traveling from one site to another attending meeting in the many sites. Itemized equipment includes site safety equipment for staff, office furniture, printers, and desktops in the office that will cost around $ 10,000 the whole year. Supplies will only cost $ 3500 for the whole year. Supplies will include printing papers, ink for printers, files, and stationery for the whole year. Other expenses are the insurance, electric bill, water bill, and first aid equipment. They will cost approximately $ 9, 000 for the whole year (Von, 2016). Personnel Name Personnel Title Time/Effort Percentage (%) Time/Effort Hours/Week Dollar Amount Requested for Salary Dollar Amount Requested for Fringe Benefits Grand Total Dollar Amount Requested total for the whole year Dr. Johnson Davis Project Director 100 % 40 hrs $ 9,822 $ 500 $ 10,322 $ 123, 864 Eng. Trevor Ramsey Project Coordinator 50 % 20 hrs $ 5542
  • 11. $ 400 $ 6942 $ 83,304 Prof. Nancy Williams Clinical Coordinator 100 % 40 hrs $ 7587 $ 345 $ 7932 $95, 184 Prof. George Williams Academic Coordinator 63 % 25 hrs $ 4357 $ 253 $ 4,600 $ 55, 200 Mrs. Project Evaluator 100 % 40 hrs $ 7124 $ 345 $ 7469 $ 89,628 Name #6 Project Secretary 100 % 40 hrs $ 6978 $ 231 $ 6209 $ 74,504 Subtotals
  • 12. 205 hrs/ week $41,410 $2,074 $43,474 $ 521,688 Consultant Costs n/a n/a 50 hrs ( for whole year) $ 2,750 n/a $ 2,750 Contracts n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 3,456, 000 Staff Travel n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 10,000 Itemized Equipment n/a n/a n/a n/a
  • 13. n/a n/a $ 10,000 Supplies (itemize by category) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 3500 Other Expenses ( insurance ) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 9,000 Subtotals Grand Total Direct Costs
  • 14. Reference Von, D. L. (2016). Fiscal decentralization and budget control. Running head: COMMUNITY YOUTH HOMELESS SHELTER COMMUNITY YOUTH HOMELESS SHELTER Community Youth Homeless Shelter Alexis Lowe Walden University Professor Nicole Hamilton HUMN 6207- Grant Writing May 8, 2019 Introduction The issue of homelessness among young people has been challenged especially with the increasing cost of housing. The problem is becoming more worse when young people are in schools and affect their educational programs. Homelessness stresses young people so much because after carrying out their activities during the day, they will not find somewhere to rest at night. There are many challenges which are faced by homeless youths. Some of them feel that they are hopeless and despondent and sometimes can turn to the use of drugs and alcohol. Abuse of drugs contributes to poor interaction with the department of law enforcement hence interruption of the success
  • 15. of the students. Drug abuse is linked to other criminal activities because these young people will have to look for ways of getting money to buy drugs. It also increases chances of sexual harassment and transmission of diseases (Sieving et al, 2017). Most people who cannot afford shelter, it will be difficult for them to afford food. They will have poor health and nutrition. The project will be focusing on Tri-Cities which are not an exception of homelessness problems. A study which was done in Tri-city showed that 34 percent of the population was living with their families or friends. The chances of these friends or families kicking them out are high since they are termed as a burden to them. Therefore, the project proposal will look at the issue of the homeless and how it can be addressed to build a stable future for youths. The project will ensure that homeless youths are provided with an integrated place where they can connect to the resource and services. The project wills also ensuring that there is a resource center which is located at each of the three cities that is Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco. The resource centers will help in identifying, tracking and reporting cases of homeless among youths. Need statement The purpose of the project is to come up with strategies to address homeless among youths in Tri-cities. Youths are faced with housing challenges because most of them do not have adequate finances to cater for their school fees, food, and accommodation. Some are living with their friends and families while others are living in the streets. Live is not easy when one is homeless because he or she is hopeless about the future and things which might happen in life (Utržan et al, 2017). Homeless youths suffer from depression and they are more likely to engage in criminal behaviors. Therefore, the research will raise awareness on the issue of homelessness among youths. It will lead to the establishment of centers which will be reliable for identifying and tracking issues of homeless among youths. Creation of awareness of homelessness among youths will assist in understanding the challenges which they are
  • 16. facing. Homeless youths will be able to give their response to the problems because they are the one who is facing the challenges. Homeless youths need mainstreaming of the services which will enable has their long term success in the future. Homeless youths need to be supported by ensuring that they continue with their studies and they secure good jobs which they can support themselves. Goals and objectives To introduce targeted prevention measures which assist in supporting youths who experience the problem of homelessness. This includes diversion of shelter so that all the youths who are living in the streets have shelter. When youths have housing, it will be easy to address other problems which are facing homelessness youths. A stable housing makes the mind to be stable and it becomes easy to look for a job which will sustain other needs. To ensure that there is access to education, health services, employment, and other services. Recurrent of homelessness can result when education, education, and employment of the young people are not checked. Stability of a person forms around the access of these services and without them it becomes difficult to address them (Lou et al, 2018). Healthcare services are essential for homeless youths so that they treated from the diseases they are suffering from. Some of them suffer from different diseases due to exposure to poor nutrition and sexual abuse. They need proper assessment and diagnosis so that their health problems are well addressed. Due to homeless, some of the youths could not continue with their education and the project will create awareness on the areas where such kind of youths can be assisted. To establish a resource center that will be identifying, tracking and reporting issues of homelessness among youths. The resource center will handle issues related to youth homelessness and ensure that that they find a safe place to stay. After identification and tracking of the issues, homeless youths will be connected with their families or people who can assist
  • 17. them. Social connectedness is very important because it assists in preventing depression and lowliness. Some of the youths who are experiencing homelessness live in the street and they do not know any member of their families. Connecting homeless youths with their families restore joy to them and ensure that they live a good life. Their families will assist them and ensure that they have gone back to their lives. Methodology and evaluation plans The study will be carried out in Tri-cities that are Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco. The population for the will be chosen randomly from the three cities and every homeless youth will have an equal chance of participating. The methods that will be used in the study ensure that there is free interaction with the homelessness youths so that their problems can be adequately addressed. The research will be mainly focusing on the youths in Tri-Cities who have experienced homelessness. The study will take six months for the three cities and it will ensure that researchers have quality time to collect all important information which is required to address the issues. The study will employ a participatory method which will be employed in collecting data on the challenges which are faced by homelessness youths. They will give their ideal experience on the state of homelessness and how it is associated with other problems which end up affecting their lives. Homeless youths who will participate through narrating their experience will be chosen randomly. The group will be chosen from those who have volunteered to participate. In participatory approach focused group discussion will be used. Focused group discussion will involve gathering a group of the homelessness youths in each of the city. The topic of discussion will be the problem of social exclusion from the families and how it has contributed to the homeless state (Schwan et al, 2018). Social exclusion, in this case, will aim at understanding the deprivation and marginalization of the young people. Social exclusion of the youths has deprived them education because there is no support from the family members. The relationship
  • 18. between social exclusion and education will be done by analyzing how the two concepts affect each other. Through drawing the analysis, one will be able to understand areas which need to address so that social exclusion does not take place and many of the young people remain united to their families. In the focused discussion, homelessness youths will explain the best response which they think should be taken to address the issue. They will be able to give the views and options on the best solutions which they think should be incorporated by the government, private sectors and nonprofit organizations to end homelessness among youths. Given the opportunity to discuss it will be easy to understand how they think the problem should be handled and how the government has articulated strategies to deal with the matter. The study will collaborate with the local authority and chiefs to ensure that young people who are facing homeless problems will be able to identify. In the focused discussion, expertise will educate the homeless youths on ways of handling the hard situation rather than becoming homeless and being unable to cater to personal needs. The project will also collaborate with the healthcare facilities so that homeless youths who have urgent health needs are immediately attended. Youths will know that when they have problems in their lives they can be solved through sharing their problems rather than being hopeless in life. There are people and organizations that will be willing to assists and they should not suffer in the street. Students who have become homeless and unable to pay their schools fees will be enlightened on where they can seek help when things are hard for them (Sutherland, 2016). The study will also use an interview with the volunteers who have worked with the homeless youths and the challenges they face while addressing their issues. The collaboration will include volunteer from all cities and an interview will be conducted with them. These volunteers know well the strategies which can easily solve the issues since they have been working with the homeless youths.
  • 19. Some of the members of the research team are people who were helped after becoming homeless for quite some time and they understand the problems very well. This will make interaction with homelessness youths very easy. In data collection from those who had experienced the state of homelessness and they have been assisted will share their experience with homelessness currently so that they feel free to share their stories as well. Data collection will also entail encouraging them to move to stable housing by seeking help from relevant people. The data will also be collected from secondary sources such as journal and books. There are other researchers who have done a study on homeless among youths in Tri-cities and this study will ensure that the information is well captured. The information will be keenly reviewed to ensure that information on the past state of homelessness is captured. It will form a basis for the recommendation and strategies which should be taken to address the issues of homelessness in the Tri-cities. If the number of homelessness youths is increasing, then the strategies to solve the issues will have to be changed. The questionnaire will be also used in collecting data on the age of homelessness youths. It will include factors which contributed to them being homeless and the duration which have stayed in the condition of the homeless. It will also include other personal questions on whether they are sexually active and how do they get the partners of engaging in sexual activities. The names of those involved in answering questionnaires will not be revealed and a high level of confidentiality will be maintained. The data will be also collected on how frequently they use condoms during their sexual intercourse. The aim of this will be assessing their probability of contracting diseases especially sexually transmitted diseases. The questionnaires will also inquire how many times they have been sexually abused or harassed. It will also inquire on whether they reported the case to the police and the actions which were taken if they reported to the police. Understanding the cases of sexual abuse and
  • 20. harassment among homelessness youths in Tri-Cities will assist in knowing the safety of the homeless youths and this will include both females and males. The questionnaire will also entail details on whether the homeless youths have whereabouts of their family members especially those living in the streets and whether they wish to be reunited with their families. The research method that will be used in the study such as interview, questionnaires and focused group discussion will include all the participants who had been selected randomly. Budget, budget narrative, and sustainability plan It includes all the cost which will be incurred in carrying the whole project and ensuring that adequate data has been gathered. The money will be used for the establishment of the new centers that will be used in identification, tracking and reporting on the issues of homelessness among youths. The budget includes cost for researchers, equipment which will be used in the process of data collection and construction of the buildings. The total that will be incurred in the whole project is $ 4,012,938 and the amount is expected to cover the whole process in the Tri-Cities. The costs of consultation for the whole project $ 2,750. The consultation will be done in the three cities and it will involve all the relevant officials in the cities (Robinson, 2016). The total amount which will be required for the contracts is $ 3, 456,000. The contract cost for building new houses for the homeless in the Tri-Cities will include everything that is needed in the construction of the new buildings as well as renovating the old ones. This includes buying the materials which will be used, paying the contractors and the labor that will be used in the process. The cost for elevators, drainage system from the building areas, kitchenware, painting, and water piping. The cost traveling will be $10, 000 in the course of the whole project and there will be $ 883 that will be incurred for the travel fuels. Some of the equipment which will be purchased to be used in the Tri-Cities are safety equipment that will be utilized by the staffs. Safety is very important for the workers and needs to
  • 21. be given key consideration. It will also entail safety of the researchers who will be attending the street homeless youths. Computers, laptops, desktops, printers will be also be purchased to be used in the office of the resources centers for reporting homelessness issues related to youths. The cost will also be $1000 and the expenses for the supply will be $3, 500. The supplies for these items include printing papers, stationery, files, and printers. Other expenses will include electric bills, equipment that is used in the first aid, insurances and this will be totaling $ 9, 000. Another cost will be incurred in the payment of the staffs and researchers. There will be a project manager who will ensure that all activities run accordingly in the organization. The project will also be evaluated after it has been completed and project evaluator will be paid for checking whether the project has been completed according to the standards and to the terms and conditions. The project director will ensure that all activities during the project period are carried out very well. The project coordinator will be paid $9,822, clinic coordinator $7, 124 who will ensure that the safety issues and health matters of the homeless youths in the Tri-Cities have been well covered. Project evaluator will also be paid $ 7,124 while the secretary will be paid $ 6, 978. They will also be enumerated for sitting allowance when they will be planning activities of the project. The project will take six months and the planned budget will cover all those activities. Personnel Name Personnel Title Dollar Amount Requested for Salary Dollar Amount Requested for Fringe Benefits Grand Total Dollar Amount Requested total for the whole project
  • 22. Dr. Johnson Davis Project Director $ 9,822 $ 500 $ 10,322 $ 123, 864 Eng. Trevor Ramsey Project Coordinator $ 5542 $ 400 $ 6942 $ 83,304 Prof. Nancy Williams Clinical Coordinator $ 7587 $ 345 $ 7932 $95, 184 Prof. George Williams Academic Coordinator $ 4357 $ 253 $ 4,600 $ 55, 200 Mrs. Joel Project Evaluator $ 7124 $ 345 $ 7469 $ 89,628 Name #6 Project Secretary $ 6978 $ 231 $ 6209 $ 74,504
  • 23. Consultant Costs n/a $ 2,750 n/a $ 2,750 Contracts n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 3,456, 000 Staff Travel n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 10,000 Itemized Equipment n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 10,000 Supplies (itemize by category) n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 3500 Expenses insurance n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 9,000
  • 24. Subtotals $41, 410 $2,074 $43, 474 $521,688 Grand Total Direct Costs= 4,012,938 Conclusion Homelessness is a challenge which is experienced by many youths in Tri-Cities and needs to be addressed. The project will address these problems which are faced by homeless youths in Tri-Cities and come up with strategies of dealing with them. Some of the problems include drug abuse, poor health and nutrition, sexual abuse and harassment and depression. The objectives and goals of the project will ensure that homeless youths are provided with shelters, awareness is created on ways of handling homeless state and ensuring that no one suffers due to lack of housing. A resource center will also be identified for identifying and reporting cases of homelessness. The data will be collected using various participatory approaches such as interview and focused group discussion. The individual who will be participating will be randomly chosen and every homelessness youth will have an equal chance of being chosen. Questionnaire s will also be used in addressing personal data especially on the age, causal factors to being homeless and how they have sexually abused or harassed. The total budget of which project will be $ 4,012,938 and it accommodates for all activities which have been planned in the project. References Lou, M., Wang, Q., Stumpf, J., & Ravdin, J. (2018). HIV+ Youth in the Twin Cities may be Engaged in Case
  • 25. Management but not Retained in Medical Care. Monn, A. R., Narayan, A. J., Kalstabakken, A. W., Schubert, E. C., & Masten, A. S. (2017). Executive function and parenting in the context of homelessness. Journal of Family Psychology, 31(1), 61. Robinson, J. L. (2016). Lacking the Safeguards of Home: Experiences of Youth Homelessness. Sociology of Home: Belonging, Community, and Place in the Canadian Context, 133. Schwan, K., French, D., Gaetz, S., Ward, A., Akerman, J., & Redman, M. (2018). Preventing youth homelessness. Homeless Hub. Sieving, R. E., McRee, A. L., McMorris, B. J., Shlafer, R. J., Gower, A. L., Kapa, H. M., ... & Resnick, M. D. (2017). Youth-adult connectedness:: a key protective factor for adolescent health. American journal of preventive medicine, 52(3), S275-S278. Sutherland, S. P. (2016). Transitional Planning and Homelessness of Youths Emancipated From the Child Welfare System (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University). Utržan, D. S., Piehler, T. F., Gewirtz, A. H., & August, G. J. (2017). Stressful life events and perceived parental control in formerly homeless families: Impact on child-internalizing symptoms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 87(3), 317. Running head: RAIKES FOUNDATION FUNDER RAIKES FOUNDATION FUNDER YOUTH HOMELESS SHELTER Week 2: Raikes Foundation Finalized Project Funder: Youth Homeless Shelter Alexis Lowe Walden University HUMN 6207: Grant Writing
  • 26. Professor Marine Carroll September 8, 2019 Part one The description of the grant to be used in this paper includes the promotion and fostering of community partnerships to reduce homelessness in various communities. In essence, the project is intended to engage both provincial and territorial government levels to join the effort of aligning homelessness investments and priorities with the ultimate goals and objectives to prevent and reduce the aspect of homelessness especially in many youths (Forchuk, 2018). To elaborate, the grant is a unique program based on community affairs with the ultimate goals of eliminating if not reducing homelessness issues within various communities. Moreover, the project is aimed to accomplish this by encouraging funders to directly provide their support and funds to about sixty designated communities across all territories and provinces that are possible to reach. The most appropriate hyperlink for identifying RFP is: One of the significant factors that make this grant to be worth and for one to gain the confidant of pursuing it is the fact that it has been witnessed working for other countries. For instance, the grant was given just this year to the Legal Counsel for Youth to improve on the well-being of young people by advancing their legal rights. Also, The funds were well utilized by focusing them on, especially youth and young adults of age fifteen to twenty-eight. Based on that, it is a potential grant that
  • 27. I believe if well managed it is worth to take the risk as it guarantees the reduction of homelessness. For evaluation purposes, several questions were identified to assess whether the grant was aligned with the objectives and goals of eliminating or reducing the aspect homelessness in various communities within the country. Furthermore, there were designed questions that aimed at assessing the progress of the program in its implementation including coordination, communication, reporting, adherence to housing first principles, monitoring as well as an assessment of early outcomes of the grant. In accomplishing all the necessary criteria that were required by the project, I utilized Bing as my search engine for the task. The goals and objectives of the selected funding agency are to ensure that it provides all the necessary resources that can enable the non-profitable organizations with its purposes of fulfilling the intended impact towards the communities concerned. Besides, the agency is aimed at addressing the essential issues relating to homelessness of especially youths and young adults within different communities. The primary reason for selecting the RFP is accompanied by the fact that community-based programs tend to be more reliable and effective when it comes to dealing with issues affecting people in societies. In essence, it is much easier to identify such problems through community initiatives as they tend to understand which issues affect them and the core roots or foundation of the issues. Also, since the issues are community-based, the people living in such communities have experiences in regards to how they face the problems and how they tend to reduce the issues by the limited resources available for them (Belone, 2016). As such, I select the community-based program because homelessness is an issue that can be explained by the community itself and the people living in such communities knows why many youths and young adults find themselves on the streets without a place they can refer to as home. Also, they see the foundation of the issue and how well
  • 28. they can utilize the funds provided by the funders to reduce and eliminate the aspect of homelessness within their respective communities. Part two The project Intend to choose is the Homelessness Partnering Strategy which is a unique program that aims at working with various communities. The primary goal of partnering with community-based initiatives is to attempt on eradicating homelessness situations, especially for youths and young adults. Substantially, there has been a significant increase in youths and young adults with no place to call home. As such, I intend to propose an effective and efficient way that can help to reduce the number of people without shelter in various communities and for a long term, completely eradicate the issue from all communities across the nation. The significance of this grant is that at the end of its implementation, all youths and young adults without homes will be provided with a shelter they can refer to as their homes. On the other hand, the innovative thing about the grant is that it tends to include the community as its major partnership. As I toured different communities within our country, I realized that since I was a little child, the number of youths and young adults who tend to sleep across the streets have drastically increased to a significant amount. Therefore, I saw that there was a need to give the matter attention since the conditioned could even be worse if not attended to. For this reason, I think that my project should be considered and the funders should fund it because I have no adequate resources to implement it. The concerned project is better since unlike many projects with similar goals and objectives, the Homelessness Partnering Strategy is a program or project that aims at promoting and fostering community to work together with our organizations in identifying the issues that typically results to homelessness and which ways are effective in dealing and eliminating them.
  • 29. References Belone, L., Lucero, J. E., Duran, B., Tafoya, G., Baker, E. A., Chan, D., ... & Wallerstein, N. (2016). Community-based participatory research conceptual model: Community partner consultation and face validity. Qualitative health research, 26(1), 117-135. Forchuk, C., O’Regan, T., Jeng, M., & Wright, A. (2018). Retaining a Sample of Homeless Youth. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27(3), 167.