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1) Civil Rights Movement
2) Environmental Movement
3) LGBTQ+ Movement
4) Women’s Rights Movement
Choice one topic and write reflection paper as per instructed
and sample given below:
Students are required to answer all of the questions below on
the project. The project will consist of answering questions in
essay format. Answer the following questions on the project.
You will need to answer all of the questions. The essay should
be at least 2-3 pages and should be submitted in MS word or pdf
format only. (This DOES NOT include cover letter or reference
Personal Responsibility Questions
1. What is the social movement that you have identified in this
course? Discuss your understanding of what you learned about
it in this course. What are some of the issues that prompted this
2. What are the arguments for or against this issue?
3. What is your position on this social movement? Are you for
or against this movement? Please explain why you selected this
4. Do you think that this movement is effective? Why is this
movement important?
5. What does this movement reveal about your knowledge of
other cultures or groups?
6. Do you agree with the actions taken to resolve this issue in
this movement?
7. Should actions have been taken to address or help this group?
What would you have done differently? What do you see as a
consequence of not taking action on this issue?
Social Responsibility Questions
· Reflect on your own experience or knowledge about social
movements or your experience learning history. What insights
you have gained in this course about social movements?
· What did you learn about yourself in this learning process?
What Dallas College resources or tools did you use in this
course to help you in this course? Example: Student Services
· How did you engage with other students in this course?
· What insights did you gain about other cultures in this course?
What culture did you learn about?
· What impact do you think you can make in their community
or the world? How can one become engaged in civil engagement
and activities? Think of the social movements and what you
learned in this course.
Sample of the Reflection:
Student Name: Mr. John Doe
Assignment: Personal and Social Responsibility Project
Course: HIST 1302
Instructor: Dr. Ambronita Douzart
Personal Responsibility Responses to Questions
The social movement topic that I have identified for this course
is the Anti Lynching movement. This movement was inspired by
leaders who wanted to lynchings in America. What I learned in
this course is that the greatest number of lynchings occurred
between 1882 and 1930. According to statistics gathered by the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) and shared in our course textbook, at least 4,761
persons died at the hands of lynch mobs. Ida B Wells-Barnett
wrote about this including in her book, The Red Record. She
was one of the leaders of this Anti-Lynching movement.
There were arguments for and against this movement. There
were some people who were against this movement because they
believed that they were lynching people for crimes committed.
There were others who were for this movement, because they
felt that this was morally and ethically wrong and that people
were being lynched for crimes that they did not commit.
My position is that I am for the Anti-Lynching movement
because it made me aware of the wrongs and the deaths people
encountered who did not deserve to be lynched like Emmitt Till.
I learned about this while studying the history of the Civil
Rights Movement. I think that this movement was effective. I
also learned that Lynching recently became a federal hate crime
and was deemed illegal this year. This surprised me, because it
was considered illegal until 2022.
What this movement revealed is that I learned about the
challenges and struggles that African-Americans encountered. I
was not aware of some of the history of African-Americans
prior to taken this course, so learning about Reconstruction
assisted with learning about this group. I now have a better
understanding of this group and the issues that they have faced
in history.
I agree with the actions taken to resolve the issue against
lynching. There were various actions taken even during the
Reconstruction period to help freed slaves. For example, there
was the passage of the 14th and 15th amendment and other
provisions to assist them after the Civil War. There were
additional actions taken by leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. and Fannie Lou Hamer during the Civil Rights Movement.
I do not think I would have done anything differently or taken
additional actions to support this group with regards to ending
lynching. I think the Anti-lynching movement was effective.
I have some knowledge about social movements today. I read
online and see things on television about the challenges that
African-Americans and other groups encounter. I have not
thought about my role in social movements at work, school, or
community. However, after taking this course, I have an
awareness about the history of this group and this movement
called Anti-Lynching Movement.
I do think it is important to share my knowledge with others and
become more actively involved in the community to help others
in need and I think it is important to remain engaged about
social movements. I have gained new insights about the history
of the Anti-Lynching Movement.
Social Responsibility Responses to Questions
As I reflect on my own experience or knowledge in this course,
I have gained new insights that I was not aware of before taking
this course. First, I realize that there are injustices in our
history that still have not been addressed. I also learned about
other social movements and history events like the Women’s
Rights Movement.
I also learned that I am a great reader and I love learning about
history through watching videos. I used the Student Services
thread to assist me with writing and tutoring in this course. I
also contacted my instructor first whenever I needed help or had
questions about this course. One of the most helpful tools I used
to remain successful in this course was the syllabus. I also
contacted technical support when I had technical issues or
One of the ways that I engaged with others in via the discussion
board. I discussed various history topics and shared ideas and
feedback to my classmates.
I learned so much about myself and how I learn in this course,
but I appreciate learning about other cultures. I learned about
various ethnic groups including the plight and challenges that
African-American and women encountered during this period of
our history course.
When I think of about the impact that make in my community or
the world, I think about getting more involved in helping others.
Since we talked about various movements and historical events,
I am thinking about volunteering and serving in my community.
I am now interested in volunteering for Habitat for Humanity to
servicing on various ways to encourage others to vote in my
community by volunteering to serve to encourage others to vote
for change. There are many issues that still plague our world
and I want to be a part of that change. I plan to complete my
degree and find a career, but I am also motivated to think about
my impact on the world and what I can do to help others.
UNT Richland College History Textbook. (2008).
Revised 2022. Berlet, I. L. (2021). Abolitionist movement. The
American Mosaic: The African American Experience. Retrieved
October 29, 2021, from https://africanamerican2- abc- clio-
Social Work for Mental Health
Your Name
Department of ABC, University of ABC
ABC 101: Course Name
Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname
Social Work for Mental Health
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is also referred to as
situational depression and can only be diagnosed if the
recurring depressive symptoms are resulting from onset of
stressors. Some of the symptoms include aggressive behavior,
agitation or irritable mood and feelings of hopelessness (Jones,
2021). The theories used to aid the client in the recovery
process are cognitive behavior theory and attachment theory.
The intervention method selected is cognitive behavior therapy
(CBT). Clients with depression respond positively to CBT
treatment (Williams, 2019). Cognitive behavioral therapy aids
patients in understanding their thought processes leading to the
behaviors exhibited, making them realize they have control over
the outcomes.
Differential Diagnosis
The primary diagnosis for the patient is Adjustment disorder
with depressed mood. The patient’s symptoms are consistent
with Criteria A which requires presence of emotional or
behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor
occurring within three months on onset. The patient appears
agitated and nervous during the interview and she began
drinking when her mother left them at 14, when she got her first
child at 22, when she got her second child, and when her
husband was fired and demanded that she quit school for him to
look for a new job. The symptoms are also consistent with
Criteria B2 because they affect her social and occupational
functioning areas. The patient is unable to perform well in
school and her peers do not want to work with her.
The second most probable diagnosis for the patient is major
depressive disorder. The diagnosis for the condition requires
that the individual have one of the two symptoms to meet
Criteria A of the DSM-5; depressed mood, or loss of interest or
pleasure. The client should feel hopeless or empty most of the
day nearly every day based on requirements for Criteria A1. The
patient claims during the interview that she feels worthless and
overwhelmed because everyone needs something. The patient
also has no pleasure in her activities which is consistent with
Criteria A2 as she states that most of the days she does not want
to get out of bed. The symptoms have been occurring for the
past six months meeting the two-week duration stated under
Criteria A. The symptoms also cause impairment in her social
and occupational areas of functioning consistent with Criteria
B. She does not want to go home after school and goes to the
bar instead. The client’s peers do not want to work with her
because she wants to meet in the local bar. However, the
disorder is ruled out because the symptoms are only recurrent
during the onset of psychosocial stressors in the patient’s life
consistent with Criteria A of the adjustment disorders.
Another probable diagnosis for the patient is alcohol-induced
depressive disorder. Criteria A requires that the persistent mood
disturbance is marked by diminished pleasure in almost all
activities. The client’s peers claim that she is never engaged in
learning and is more worried about what to drink next. The
patient claims that only when drinking does it get her through
the day indicating the disorder with onset during withdrawal.
The patient’s impairment in social and occupational functioning
areas is also consistent with Criteria E. Her peers do not want to
work with her. The diagnosis is ruled out because the symptoms
preceded the onset of the substance use, persisting a month after
cessation based on requirements of Criteria C of substance-
induced depressive disorder.
Social Work Theories
The therapeutic intervention that should be used is cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT) (Cissé, 2022). The theory of cognitive
behavior is used by social workers to aid the client to reframe
their negative or limiting behaviors (Morrise, 2020). The patient
will be guided stepwise to understand her behavior and the
thought processes leading up to it. The attachment theory will
also be used to understand the behavior of the patient’s six-year
old daughter. The theory claims that development of healthy
attachments gives a child confidence to meet the world and
when broken the child develops maladaptive behaviors (Joseph-
Micliz, 2020). The patient’s six-year old had no interest in
making friends or doing well in class. She is also very quiet and
keeps to herself. The child should also be treated with CBT
before development of the mild depression to severe.
CBT helps individuals to alter their negative thinking and adopt
positive ones by reflecting on their cognitive processes, to
change their behaviors. The patient is diagnosed with
adjustment disorder with depressive mood because her
depressive episodes occur on the onset of psychosocial
stressors. Other possible diagnoses that were ruled out are
major depressive disorder and substance-induced depressive
disorder. Attachment and cognitive behavior theories are used
to develop the intervention plan. The intervention recommended
to the patient and her family is CBT.
Cissé, G. S. (2022).
Understanding Mothers’ Perceived Competence to
Impact Their Infant’s Mental Health: An Action Research Study
(Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).
Jones, L. (2021).
Mental Health Professionals Interactions with
Adolescent Suicide Clients (Doctoral dissertation, Capella
Joseph-Micliz, N. (2020).
Licensed Clinical Social Workers: Examining Change in
Knowledge and Value of Mental Health Stigma (Doctoral
dissertation, Capella University).
Morrise, T. J. (2020).
School Social Work-Teacher Collaboration to Ensure
Inclusive Education for EBD Students (Doctoral dissertation,
Capella University).
Williams, K. A. (2019).
Vicarious Trauma of Licensed Social Workers in Mental
Health: Action Research (Doctoral dissertation, Capella
Case History
Patrice Scope
Capella University
Instructor: Natasha Houston
Mental Status Examination
Diagnosis with substance-induced depressive disorder
necessitates that the depressive episodes be associated with
ingestion of a substance and to begin within a month after use
of the substance. The disorder is said to be with onset during
intoxication when the symptoms are developed during
intoxication and the criteria are met (Farré et al., 2020).
Substance-induced depressive disorder is distinguished
from primary depressive disorder or substance use disorder by
considering the onset, course, and other factors associated with
the substance use.
Mental Health History
Olly is a 30-year-old African American married woman with
three children. The client has been referred to the clinic for by
her professor who is concerned because of her social
impairment, and alcohol consumption leading to a decline in her
performance. Olly has been struggling with getting out of bed
and does not enjoy studying or being at home with her family.
The client sleeps more than ten hours a day and isolates herself
from her family. Olly drinks all the time and claims that she
feels worthless and fatigued despite resting. The patient has
been previously diagnosed with alcohol use disorder when she
was 16 and 24 years and depressive disorder when she was 24.
Olly’s father took her to family counseling as a teenager after
her first DUI when she was 16 years old. Olly claims that the
treatment was time wasting since she was not an alcoholic and
drinking was not her problem. Olly began drinking shortly after
her mother left them when she was 14 years old. She claimed
that drinking with her boyfriend made her feel better. The
second instance was after the birth of her first child. She began
drinking because of her guilt for not being with her baby
because of work. Olly lost her job because of drinking and she
could felt overwhelmed when she had her second child. The
client attempted to take her life by consuming Wellbutrin with
alcohol. She was admitted to hospital and began attending AA
meetings which improved her condition.
Family History
Olly claims that she grew up with loving and hard working
parents. The patient states that her mother left them when she
was 14 years old and that was when she began drinking. Olly
lived with his father who took her for treatment after her first
DUI. The patient claims that her father died two years ago
because of drinking himself to death. The client also has a sister
who moved out of state years ago. They only communicate over
the phone occasionally because they are not close. Olly receive
support from her AA members and the church as she claims they
help her to get up in the morning.
Mental Status Examination
Olly is presenting the symptoms of agitation and nervousness.
The patient is late for her appointment and she appears
disheveled. Olly is wearing baggy clothes and has unkempt hair.
The client is oriented to time, place, and person. The patient
appears to be competent. The client is cooperative and answers
the interview questions accurately. The patient’s tone and pitch
is appropriate as she cries because she feels frustrated that she
has to sacrifice her studies to support her family. The patient’s
thoughts flow logically, demonstrated in her responses to open-
ended questions.
The client does not have auditory or visual delusions and she
does not exhibit distorted thinking. Olly claims that she feels
worthless and fatigued almost every time throughout the entire
day. The client reports that she can only get through the rest of
her day when she is drinking. The patient has insight into her
difficulties because she understands her problems at home are
contributing to her drinking and depression. The client appears
sad because of her marital problems which have affected her
performance in school. The patient does not currently exhibit
suicidality and is not on any medication. The patient is
consuming alcohol.
The patient is suffering from Alcohol-induced depressive
disorder. The depressive disorder is associated with intoxication
causing impairment in occupational, academic, and social areas
of functioning consistent with Criterion E of the DSM-5 (Jiang
et al., 2020). The client drinks and is depressed to the extent
that she is unable to care for her children or perform well in
school. The client’s peers in school do not want to work with
her because she is only concerned with drinking. Criterion D
requires that the symptoms incur inclusively during the course
of delirium (Wang et al., 2020). Olly drinks throughout the
entire day as she claims it enables her to cope.
Substance-induced depressive disorder can either occur during
intoxication or during withdrawal depending on when the
depressive episodes present. The patient is suffering from
alcohol-induced depressive disorder since the symptoms
exhibited are consistent with the diagnostic criteria for the
condition. Moreover, the patient had been previously diagnosed
with depression and substance use because of excessive alcohol
consumption. The client cannot cope through the day unless she
ingests alcohol.
Farré, A., Tirado, J., Spataro, N., Alías-Ferri, M., Torrens, M.,
& Fonseca, F. (2020). Alcohol induced depression: Clinical,
biological and genetic features.
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(8), 2668.
Jiang, Y., Liu, Y., Gao, M., Xue, M., Wang, Z., & Liang, H.
(2020). Nicotinamide riboside alleviates alcohol-induced
depression-like behaviours in C57BL/6J mice by altering the
intestinal microbiota associated with microglial activation and
BDNF expression.
Food & function, 11(1), 378-391.
Wang, P., Guo, P., Wang, Y., Teng, X., Zhang, H., Sun, L., …
& Liang, H. (2022). Propolis Ameliorates Alcohol-Induced
Depressive Symptoms in C57BL/6J Mice by Regulating
Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Function and Inflammatory Reaction.
Nutrients, 14(6), 1213.
Pepper Family
Olivia Pepper is a 30 year old Masters Student who was referred
to the University Counseling Center from her professor for
erratic behaviors. The referral report from the professor states
that Olivia is a bright student with a 3.8 overall GPA in her last
semester of school but that she is currently failing two of her
courses that her attendance has been sporadic, and she is often
late. One of Olivia's peers reported that they "smelled alcohol
on her more than once after lunch and that they don't want to
work with her because she wants to meet at the local bar and
she is never engaged in learning and more worried about what is
next to drink."
Olivia's intake paper work shows that she is African American,
married with three children (ages 2, 6, and 8). Her religious
affiliation is listed as Baptist. Her records indicate that she is
receiving several financial need scholarships and that she is
currently not working. Olivia reports that she is currently not on
any medication but has previously taken Zoloft and Wellbutrin.
Her intake paperwork also lists two residential treatments once
as an adolescent for alcohol use and the second when she was
24 for depression and alcohol use. She has had two DUI's her
first when she was 16, and the second when she was 22 years of
age. Olivia indicates that she went to family counseling as a
Upon her first visit Olivia is 15 minutes late for her
appointment, she is in baggy clothes that look dirty and her is
unkempt, she appears agitated and nervous. When asked why
she was there she stated "because my teacher is worried I have
fallen off the wagon." When asked to explain what that meant
Olivia shared that she is a great student and she is just having a
hard semester so she is not doing as well but that it has nothing
to do with her drinking. Olivia continues that her husband was
fired from his job so it has created great stress in her house and
that he wants her to stop school and work until he can find work
again. Olivia starts to cry and states, "I am almost done, how
am I supposed to quit, but my family needs me." "Most days I
just don't want to get out of bed and face my day, I am
overwhelmed, everyone needs something, and I just want to
sleep." When asked how many days of the week this happens,
Olivia shard that this occurs every day. She reported sleeping
10-12 hours a day, isolating herself from her family, and not
going to school because she just doesn't care. When asked how
long this had been occurring she stated it has become worse
over the past six months but that she has been in a "funk on and
off my whole life." She continued with, "You know what is
crazy that it doesn't matter how much sleep I get, I am just
exhausted all the time, and I just feel worthless"
Olivia reports that she has no reason to be so sad all of the time.
She grew up with loving parents who worked hard. Her mother
left them when she was 14 and that is when she started to drink.
She reported she had a boyfriend and drinking with him would
make her feel better. When she received a DUI at the age of 16
her Dad didn't know what to do so he put her into treatment,
which was a waste of time as drinking was not her problem.
Olivia shared her second trip to treatment was after the birth of
her first child, she just felt guilt all the time for working and
not being with her baby so she started to drink again. She stated
that he was a cranky baby and it was the only way she could
cope. Olivia shared that when she received her second DUI at
the age of 22 it was too much to handle as she lost her job
because she was not allowed to drive after that. She stated it
was a long couple of years and after the birth of her second
child it was too much to take and she tried to make it all stop.
Olivia stated she was admitted into a hospital for attempted
suicide for a drug overdose on her Wellbutrin with alcohol.
Olivia stated that scared her and she started to go to AA and
started to feel better.
A couple of years ago she decided that she wanted to finish
school so that she could help kids like her and maybe help them
avoid "this mess I am in." Olivia stated everything was going ok
and that she has not been on medication. She reports that church
and AA have been very important to her and they help her get
up in the morning. Olivia reports she has no family, that she has
not seen her mother since she left her as a child and that her dad
passed away two years ago from 'drinking himself to death.'
Olivia has a sister that moved out of state years ago and they
talk on the phone occasionally but that they are not close.
Olivia admitted that she has started to drink and typically when
she goes to school during lunch she will have a drink to help her
get through the rest of the day. She also reports sneaking drinks
into her lemonade at home so that her husband and children do
not know she is drinking.
Olivia stated her husband is very angry with her and wants her
to quit school and just "yells at me to get out of bed." She states
that her eight year old daughter helps with the two year old, that
she watches her so I can do my homework, and gets her ready in
the morning. She stated her two year used to go to day care but
now stays at home seeing her husband is always home. Olivia
states this is part of the problem "so I go to school and don't
want to go home so I go to the bar instead. This is the real
problem, if I am not home I don't do my school work, this is
why I am so far behind." Olivia states her six year old is very
quiet and keeps to herself and that she is worried about her the
most. That her teachers say that she is not doing well in first
grade and has no interest in making friends or doing well in
class. Olivia stated "she is just like her mom."
Was this media helpful?
Licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

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Topics 1) Civil Rights Movement 2) Environmental Movement3).docx

  • 1. Topics: 1) Civil Rights Movement 2) Environmental Movement 3) LGBTQ+ Movement 4) Women’s Rights Movement Choice one topic and write reflection paper as per instructed and sample given below: Students are required to answer all of the questions below on the project. The project will consist of answering questions in essay format. Answer the following questions on the project. You will need to answer all of the questions. The essay should be at least 2-3 pages and should be submitted in MS word or pdf format only. (This DOES NOT include cover letter or reference page) Personal Responsibility Questions 1. What is the social movement that you have identified in this course? Discuss your understanding of what you learned about it in this course. What are some of the issues that prompted this movement? 2. What are the arguments for or against this issue? 3. What is your position on this social movement? Are you for or against this movement? Please explain why you selected this choice. 4. Do you think that this movement is effective? Why is this movement important? 5. What does this movement reveal about your knowledge of other cultures or groups? 6. Do you agree with the actions taken to resolve this issue in this movement? 7. Should actions have been taken to address or help this group? What would you have done differently? What do you see as a consequence of not taking action on this issue?
  • 2. Social Responsibility Questions · Reflect on your own experience or knowledge about social movements or your experience learning history. What insights you have gained in this course about social movements? · What did you learn about yourself in this learning process? What Dallas College resources or tools did you use in this course to help you in this course? Example: Student Services thread. · How did you engage with other students in this course? · What insights did you gain about other cultures in this course? What culture did you learn about? · What impact do you think you can make in their community or the world? How can one become engaged in civil engagement and activities? Think of the social movements and what you learned in this course. Sample of the Reflection: Student Name: Mr. John Doe Assignment: Personal and Social Responsibility Project Course: HIST 1302 Instructor: Dr. Ambronita Douzart Personal Responsibility Responses to Questions The social movement topic that I have identified for this course is the Anti Lynching movement. This movement was inspired by leaders who wanted to lynchings in America. What I learned in this course is that the greatest number of lynchings occurred between 1882 and 1930. According to statistics gathered by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and shared in our course textbook, at least 4,761
  • 3. persons died at the hands of lynch mobs. Ida B Wells-Barnett wrote about this including in her book, The Red Record. She was one of the leaders of this Anti-Lynching movement. There were arguments for and against this movement. There were some people who were against this movement because they believed that they were lynching people for crimes committed. There were others who were for this movement, because they felt that this was morally and ethically wrong and that people were being lynched for crimes that they did not commit. My position is that I am for the Anti-Lynching movement because it made me aware of the wrongs and the deaths people encountered who did not deserve to be lynched like Emmitt Till. I learned about this while studying the history of the Civil Rights Movement. I think that this movement was effective. I also learned that Lynching recently became a federal hate crime and was deemed illegal this year. This surprised me, because it was considered illegal until 2022. What this movement revealed is that I learned about the challenges and struggles that African-Americans encountered. I was not aware of some of the history of African-Americans prior to taken this course, so learning about Reconstruction assisted with learning about this group. I now have a better understanding of this group and the issues that they have faced in history. I agree with the actions taken to resolve the issue against lynching. There were various actions taken even during the Reconstruction period to help freed slaves. For example, there was the passage of the 14th and 15th amendment and other provisions to assist them after the Civil War. There were additional actions taken by leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Fannie Lou Hamer during the Civil Rights Movement. I do not think I would have done anything differently or taken additional actions to support this group with regards to ending lynching. I think the Anti-lynching movement was effective. I have some knowledge about social movements today. I read online and see things on television about the challenges that
  • 4. African-Americans and other groups encounter. I have not thought about my role in social movements at work, school, or community. However, after taking this course, I have an awareness about the history of this group and this movement called Anti-Lynching Movement. I do think it is important to share my knowledge with others and become more actively involved in the community to help others in need and I think it is important to remain engaged about social movements. I have gained new insights about the history of the Anti-Lynching Movement. Social Responsibility Responses to Questions As I reflect on my own experience or knowledge in this course, I have gained new insights that I was not aware of before taking this course. First, I realize that there are injustices in our history that still have not been addressed. I also learned about other social movements and history events like the Women’s Rights Movement. I also learned that I am a great reader and I love learning about history through watching videos. I used the Student Services thread to assist me with writing and tutoring in this course. I also contacted my instructor first whenever I needed help or had questions about this course. One of the most helpful tools I used to remain successful in this course was the syllabus. I also contacted technical support when I had technical issues or questions. One of the ways that I engaged with others in via the discussion board. I discussed various history topics and shared ideas and feedback to my classmates. I learned so much about myself and how I learn in this course, but I appreciate learning about other cultures. I learned about various ethnic groups including the plight and challenges that African-American and women encountered during this period of our history course. When I think of about the impact that make in my community or the world, I think about getting more involved in helping others. Since we talked about various movements and historical events,
  • 5. I am thinking about volunteering and serving in my community. I am now interested in volunteering for Habitat for Humanity to servicing on various ways to encourage others to vote in my community by volunteering to serve to encourage others to vote for change. There are many issues that still plague our world and I want to be a part of that change. I plan to complete my degree and find a career, but I am also motivated to think about my impact on the world and what I can do to help others. Resources UNT Richland College History Textbook. (2008). Revised 2022. Berlet, I. L. (2021). Abolitionist movement. The American Mosaic: The African American Experience. Retrieved October 29, 2021, from https://africanamerican2- abc- clio- Running head: GUIDED IMAGERY AND PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION 1 Social Work for Mental Health Your Name Department of ABC, University of ABC ABC 101: Course Name Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname Date
  • 6. Social Work for Mental Health Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is also referred to as situational depression and can only be diagnosed if the recurring depressive symptoms are resulting from onset of stressors. Some of the symptoms include aggressive behavior, agitation or irritable mood and feelings of hopelessness (Jones, 2021). The theories used to aid the client in the recovery process are cognitive behavior theory and attachment theory. The intervention method selected is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Clients with depression respond positively to CBT treatment (Williams, 2019). Cognitive behavioral therapy aids patients in understanding their thought processes leading to the behaviors exhibited, making them realize they have control over the outcomes. Differential Diagnosis The primary diagnosis for the patient is Adjustment disorder with depressed mood. The patient’s symptoms are consistent with Criteria A which requires presence of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor occurring within three months on onset. The patient appears agitated and nervous during the interview and she began drinking when her mother left them at 14, when she got her first child at 22, when she got her second child, and when her husband was fired and demanded that she quit school for him to look for a new job. The symptoms are also consistent with Criteria B2 because they affect her social and occupational functioning areas. The patient is unable to perform well in school and her peers do not want to work with her. The second most probable diagnosis for the patient is major depressive disorder. The diagnosis for the condition requires that the individual have one of the two symptoms to meet Criteria A of the DSM-5; depressed mood, or loss of interest or pleasure. The client should feel hopeless or empty most of the day nearly every day based on requirements for Criteria A1. The patient claims during the interview that she feels worthless and
  • 7. overwhelmed because everyone needs something. The patient also has no pleasure in her activities which is consistent with Criteria A2 as she states that most of the days she does not want to get out of bed. The symptoms have been occurring for the past six months meeting the two-week duration stated under Criteria A. The symptoms also cause impairment in her social and occupational areas of functioning consistent with Criteria B. She does not want to go home after school and goes to the bar instead. The client’s peers do not want to work with her because she wants to meet in the local bar. However, the disorder is ruled out because the symptoms are only recurrent during the onset of psychosocial stressors in the patient’s life consistent with Criteria A of the adjustment disorders. Another probable diagnosis for the patient is alcohol-induced depressive disorder. Criteria A requires that the persistent mood disturbance is marked by diminished pleasure in almost all activities. The client’s peers claim that she is never engaged in learning and is more worried about what to drink next. The patient claims that only when drinking does it get her through the day indicating the disorder with onset during withdrawal. The patient’s impairment in social and occupational functioning areas is also consistent with Criteria E. Her peers do not want to work with her. The diagnosis is ruled out because the symptoms preceded the onset of the substance use, persisting a month after cessation based on requirements of Criteria C of substance- induced depressive disorder. Social Work Theories The therapeutic intervention that should be used is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) (Cissé, 2022). The theory of cognitive behavior is used by social workers to aid the client to reframe their negative or limiting behaviors (Morrise, 2020). The patient will be guided stepwise to understand her behavior and the thought processes leading up to it. The attachment theory will also be used to understand the behavior of the patient’s six-year old daughter. The theory claims that development of healthy attachments gives a child confidence to meet the world and
  • 8. when broken the child develops maladaptive behaviors (Joseph- Micliz, 2020). The patient’s six-year old had no interest in making friends or doing well in class. She is also very quiet and keeps to herself. The child should also be treated with CBT before development of the mild depression to severe. Conclusion CBT helps individuals to alter their negative thinking and adopt positive ones by reflecting on their cognitive processes, to change their behaviors. The patient is diagnosed with adjustment disorder with depressive mood because her depressive episodes occur on the onset of psychosocial stressors. Other possible diagnoses that were ruled out are major depressive disorder and substance-induced depressive disorder. Attachment and cognitive behavior theories are used to develop the intervention plan. The intervention recommended to the patient and her family is CBT. References Cissé, G. S. (2022). Understanding Mothers’ Perceived Competence to Impact Their Infant’s Mental Health: An Action Research Study (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University). e47f037fe/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y Jones, L. (2021). Mental Health Professionals Interactions with Adolescent Suicide Clients (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University). 592593b7a/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y Joseph-Micliz, N. (2020). Licensed Clinical Social Workers: Examining Change in Knowledge and Value of Mental Health Stigma (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).
  • 9. 3712c3df5/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y Morrise, T. J. (2020). School Social Work-Teacher Collaboration to Ensure Inclusive Education for EBD Students (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University). 756529214/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y Williams, K. A. (2019). Vicarious Trauma of Licensed Social Workers in Mental Health: Action Research (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University). 687fa42c5/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y Running head: GUIDED IMAGERY AND PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION 1 Case History Patrice Scope SWK/5013 Capella University Instructor: Natasha Houston
  • 10. 10/22/2 Mental Status Examination Diagnosis with substance-induced depressive disorder necessitates that the depressive episodes be associated with ingestion of a substance and to begin within a month after use of the substance. The disorder is said to be with onset during intoxication when the symptoms are developed during intoxication and the criteria are met (Farré et al., 2020). Substance-induced depressive disorder is distinguished from primary depressive disorder or substance use disorder by considering the onset, course, and other factors associated with the substance use. Mental Health History Olly is a 30-year-old African American married woman with
  • 11. three children. The client has been referred to the clinic for by her professor who is concerned because of her social impairment, and alcohol consumption leading to a decline in her performance. Olly has been struggling with getting out of bed and does not enjoy studying or being at home with her family. The client sleeps more than ten hours a day and isolates herself from her family. Olly drinks all the time and claims that she feels worthless and fatigued despite resting. The patient has been previously diagnosed with alcohol use disorder when she was 16 and 24 years and depressive disorder when she was 24. Olly’s father took her to family counseling as a teenager after her first DUI when she was 16 years old. Olly claims that the treatment was time wasting since she was not an alcoholic and drinking was not her problem. Olly began drinking shortly after her mother left them when she was 14 years old. She claimed that drinking with her boyfriend made her feel better. The second instance was after the birth of her first child. She began drinking because of her guilt for not being with her baby because of work. Olly lost her job because of drinking and she could felt overwhelmed when she had her second child. The client attempted to take her life by consuming Wellbutrin with alcohol. She was admitted to hospital and began attending AA meetings which improved her condition. Family History Olly claims that she grew up with loving and hard working parents. The patient states that her mother left them when she was 14 years old and that was when she began drinking. Olly lived with his father who took her for treatment after her first DUI. The patient claims that her father died two years ago because of drinking himself to death. The client also has a sister who moved out of state years ago. They only communicate over the phone occasionally because they are not close. Olly receive support from her AA members and the church as she claims they help her to get up in the morning. Mental Status Examination Olly is presenting the symptoms of agitation and nervousness.
  • 12. The patient is late for her appointment and she appears disheveled. Olly is wearing baggy clothes and has unkempt hair. The client is oriented to time, place, and person. The patient appears to be competent. The client is cooperative and answers the interview questions accurately. The patient’s tone and pitch is appropriate as she cries because she feels frustrated that she has to sacrifice her studies to support her family. The patient’s thoughts flow logically, demonstrated in her responses to open- ended questions. The client does not have auditory or visual delusions and she does not exhibit distorted thinking. Olly claims that she feels worthless and fatigued almost every time throughout the entire day. The client reports that she can only get through the rest of her day when she is drinking. The patient has insight into her difficulties because she understands her problems at home are contributing to her drinking and depression. The client appears sad because of her marital problems which have affected her performance in school. The patient does not currently exhibit suicidality and is not on any medication. The patient is consuming alcohol. Diagnosis The patient is suffering from Alcohol-induced depressive disorder. The depressive disorder is associated with intoxication causing impairment in occupational, academic, and social areas of functioning consistent with Criterion E of the DSM-5 (Jiang et al., 2020). The client drinks and is depressed to the extent that she is unable to care for her children or perform well in school. The client’s peers in school do not want to work with her because she is only concerned with drinking. Criterion D requires that the symptoms incur inclusively during the course of delirium (Wang et al., 2020). Olly drinks throughout the entire day as she claims it enables her to cope. Conclusion Substance-induced depressive disorder can either occur during intoxication or during withdrawal depending on when the
  • 13. depressive episodes present. The patient is suffering from alcohol-induced depressive disorder since the symptoms exhibited are consistent with the diagnostic criteria for the condition. Moreover, the patient had been previously diagnosed with depression and substance use because of excessive alcohol consumption. The client cannot cope through the day unless she ingests alcohol. Reference Farré, A., Tirado, J., Spataro, N., Alías-Ferri, M., Torrens, M., & Fonseca, F. (2020). Alcohol induced depression: Clinical, biological and genetic features. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(8), 2668. Jiang, Y., Liu, Y., Gao, M., Xue, M., Wang, Z., & Liang, H. (2020). Nicotinamide riboside alleviates alcohol-induced depression-like behaviours in C57BL/6J mice by altering the intestinal microbiota associated with microglial activation and BDNF expression. Food & function, 11(1), 378-391. Wang, P., Guo, P., Wang, Y., Teng, X., Zhang, H., Sun, L., … & Liang, H. (2022). Propolis Ameliorates Alcohol-Induced Depressive Symptoms in C57BL/6J Mice by Regulating Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Function and Inflammatory Reaction. Nutrients, 14(6), 1213. Pepper Family Olivia Pepper is a 30 year old Masters Student who was referred to the University Counseling Center from her professor for erratic behaviors. The referral report from the professor states that Olivia is a bright student with a 3.8 overall GPA in her last semester of school but that she is currently failing two of her
  • 14. courses that her attendance has been sporadic, and she is often late. One of Olivia's peers reported that they "smelled alcohol on her more than once after lunch and that they don't want to work with her because she wants to meet at the local bar and she is never engaged in learning and more worried about what is next to drink." Olivia's intake paper work shows that she is African American, married with three children (ages 2, 6, and 8). Her religious affiliation is listed as Baptist. Her records indicate that she is receiving several financial need scholarships and that she is currently not working. Olivia reports that she is currently not on any medication but has previously taken Zoloft and Wellbutrin. Her intake paperwork also lists two residential treatments once as an adolescent for alcohol use and the second when she was 24 for depression and alcohol use. She has had two DUI's her first when she was 16, and the second when she was 22 years of age. Olivia indicates that she went to family counseling as a teenager. Upon her first visit Olivia is 15 minutes late for her appointment, she is in baggy clothes that look dirty and her is unkempt, she appears agitated and nervous. When asked why she was there she stated "because my teacher is worried I have fallen off the wagon." When asked to explain what that meant Olivia shared that she is a great student and she is just having a hard semester so she is not doing as well but that it has nothing to do with her drinking. Olivia continues that her husband was fired from his job so it has created great stress in her house and that he wants her to stop school and work until he can find work again. Olivia starts to cry and states, "I am almost done, how am I supposed to quit, but my family needs me." "Most days I just don't want to get out of bed and face my day, I am overwhelmed, everyone needs something, and I just want to sleep." When asked how many days of the week this happens, Olivia shard that this occurs every day. She reported sleeping 10-12 hours a day, isolating herself from her family, and not going to school because she just doesn't care. When asked how
  • 15. long this had been occurring she stated it has become worse over the past six months but that she has been in a "funk on and off my whole life." She continued with, "You know what is crazy that it doesn't matter how much sleep I get, I am just exhausted all the time, and I just feel worthless" Olivia reports that she has no reason to be so sad all of the time. She grew up with loving parents who worked hard. Her mother left them when she was 14 and that is when she started to drink. She reported she had a boyfriend and drinking with him would make her feel better. When she received a DUI at the age of 16 her Dad didn't know what to do so he put her into treatment, which was a waste of time as drinking was not her problem. Olivia shared her second trip to treatment was after the birth of her first child, she just felt guilt all the time for working and not being with her baby so she started to drink again. She stated that he was a cranky baby and it was the only way she could cope. Olivia shared that when she received her second DUI at the age of 22 it was too much to handle as she lost her job because she was not allowed to drive after that. She stated it was a long couple of years and after the birth of her second child it was too much to take and she tried to make it all stop. Olivia stated she was admitted into a hospital for attempted suicide for a drug overdose on her Wellbutrin with alcohol. Olivia stated that scared her and she started to go to AA and started to feel better. A couple of years ago she decided that she wanted to finish school so that she could help kids like her and maybe help them avoid "this mess I am in." Olivia stated everything was going ok and that she has not been on medication. She reports that church and AA have been very important to her and they help her get up in the morning. Olivia reports she has no family, that she has not seen her mother since she left her as a child and that her dad passed away two years ago from 'drinking himself to death.' Olivia has a sister that moved out of state years ago and they talk on the phone occasionally but that they are not close. Olivia admitted that she has started to drink and typically when
  • 16. she goes to school during lunch she will have a drink to help her get through the rest of the day. She also reports sneaking drinks into her lemonade at home so that her husband and children do not know she is drinking. Olivia stated her husband is very angry with her and wants her to quit school and just "yells at me to get out of bed." She states that her eight year old daughter helps with the two year old, that she watches her so I can do my homework, and gets her ready in the morning. She stated her two year used to go to day care but now stays at home seeing her husband is always home. Olivia states this is part of the problem "so I go to school and don't want to go home so I go to the bar instead. This is the real problem, if I am not home I don't do my school work, this is why I am so far behind." Olivia states her six year old is very quiet and keeps to herself and that she is worried about her the most. That her teachers say that she is not doing well in first grade and has no interest in making friends or doing well in class. Olivia stated "she is just like her mom." · Transcript · Was this media helpful? Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.