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Hemoglobin	metabolism	and	
its	clinical	applications
Dr.	Rohini C	Sane
Functions	of	Hemoglobin	molecule	in	oxygen	transport
Functions	of	Hemoglobin	molecule	in	carbon	dioxide		transport
Degradation	of	Heme	to	bile	pigments
Macrophages	of	reticuloendothelial (RE		)
in	spleen	/liver	/bone	marrow-Hb
RBC	Ă  12Odays
Non	protein	‘Heme	’Globin
6	gm /day	heme broken	down	/resynthesisĂ  Bilirubin	(	300	mg	/day		)	=	250	mg/day	Hb		+	
50		mg/day	myoglobin
Fate	globin	(reutilization	)
• Formation	of	Hb	(	re	synthesis	)
• Degraded	to	amino	acids	–metabolism	including	formation	of	Hb
Sources	of	Heme
20%	immature	RBC	/Myoglobin	/globin	/cytochrome	/peroxidase	
/catalase	Trp		pyrrolase
80%	RBC	Hb
(	GREEN	–excreted	by	birds	&	amphibians	)→	
←αGlobin	chains
←βGlobin	chains		
RBC	(	Aged	erythrocytes	)with	Hb	
phagocytosis		by	macrophages	→
specificity	for	α methylene	bridge ←
Presence	in	mammals	←	
Yellow	with	36H←	
→Bilirubin- Albumin	complex	in	Blood	
Heme	oxygenase	
1. Microsomal	enzymes	
2. NADPH	,O₂	,	Methylene	bridges	between	two	pyrrole	ringsà
3. Fe	²⁺	à Fe³⁺
Heme oxygenase
Heme																																																																			Biliverdin+	Fe³⁺+	CO
• Biliverdin	à excreted	by	birds	,amphibians	&	mammals
Degradation	of	Heme	to	bile	pigments
Biliverdin	reductase	
Biliverdin	(green	)	 Bilirubin(non	functional	therefore	excreted)
1gm	hemoglobin	*Ă  35	mg	Bilirubin	
Biliverdin	+ Bilirubin	Ă  Heme	derivatives	
• (*	sources- 80%	RBC	+	10%	ineffective	erythropoiesis	+	10%	Myoglobin	)
• 6	gm /day	heme broken	down	/resynthesisà Bilirubin	(	300	mg	/day		)	=	250	
mg/day	Hb		+	50		mg/day	myoglobin
Transport	of	Bilirubin	to	Liver	
• Bilirubin- (	lipophilic	–insoluble	in	water)	
• Bilirubin	+	Albumin à Transported	in	plasma	
• Per	100ml	plasma	à 25	mg	Bilirubin	bound	tight	to	Albumin
• Bilirubin	has	low	affinity	for	Albumin à easily	detached	&		enter	
Drugs :	sulphonomides /salicylates	/	Penicillin	displace	
Bilirubin	from	Albumin	binding	sites			
Bilirubin	enters	CNS
Damage	to	neurons	Ă  Kernicterus
Degradation	of	Heme	to	bile	pigments
Conjugation	0f	Bilirubin																																															Liver
Albumin	–Bilirubin	complex	
I		Uptake carrier	mediated	active	transport	
Sinusoidal	surface	of	hepatocytes	
Bilirubin	+	protein	(	Ligandin )
2	UDP	Glucoronate
II	Conjugation	 UDP																											Endoplasmic-reticulum			
(hepatic	microosomes ) Bilirubin	Glucuronyltransferase	(chromosome	2	)
Bilirubin	+	2	molecules	of	Glucuronate
80%	Bilirubin	Diglucuronide+	20%	Bilirubin	monoglucuronide
(MOAT	–multiple	specific	organic	ion	transport	)-
present	in	canalculi
III		secretion	
Bilirubin	Oligonucleotide
Bile	salts
Fate	of	Bilirubin	in	human	body
Factors	affecting	conjugation	of	Bilirubin	in	liver
1. Drugs	like	Primaquine/Novobiocin/Chloramphenicol,/Androgen/Pregnanediol
interfere	with	conjugation	process	may	cause	jaundice.
2. Decrease	concentration	of		UDP-Glucuronyl Transferase	
3. Phenobarbital	induces	UDP-Glucuronyl Transferase
Production	&	excretion	of	Bilirubin
Retiiculoendothelial	system	(	RES	)
Biliverdin		(38	H	)
Bilirubin		(	36		H	)
↓			Deconjugation
Free	Bilirubin	(36	H)
↓		reduction	
Urobilinogen (44H	)	by	E	coli
(colorless	)	
Reduction	of	vinyl	group	of	
stercobilinogen (48H	)
stercoblin(46H	)	
(	<	4	GM/DAY	)
EHC	–Entero hepatic	circulation
Excretion	of	Bilirubin	into	bile	
Conjugated	Bilirubin
Active	transport*																							(	against	concentration	gradient	)
Rate	limiting	step
>	98%	Bilirubin	enters	bile	in	conjugated	form
*Induced	by	Phenobarbitone
Production	&	excretion	of	Bilirubin
• Excretion	of	Biliverdin	à green	color	stool(	children	&	prolonged	
antibiotics	therapy		)
• Black	color	stool	during	constipation	
• Schlesinger	test	:	Stercobilin (SB	)	&	Urobilin (UB)+Zn	²⁺	à green	
Fouchet’s Diagnostic	test	for	Bilirubin		in	urine
Bilirubin	–yellow	,Biliverdin	–green ,Bilinofuschin –Red	, Bilicyanin	-violet
Gmelin’s Test
Bilirubin	–yellow	,Biliverdin	–green ,Bilifuschin	–Red	, Bilicyanin	-violet
Fate	of	Bilirubin
Bilirubin	Glucuronides
Hydrolysis						↓		bacterial	enzyme	(β Glucuronidase )
↓																					small	portion	reabsorbed	
Urobilinogen(colorless	)Ă  SBG	(	Erhlich +ve )
↙																																				↘
Stercobilin Urobilin
(excreted	in	stool	-)																		(excreted	in	urine	by	kidney	)
↓																																																																	↓
Brown	color	of	stool																		pale	yellow	color	of	urine	
Serum	Bilirubin	à Van	Der	Berg	Test,	Urine	Bilirubin		à Fouchet’s Test	,Gmelin Test
Conjugated	and	unconjugated	bilirubin	(	Direct	and	indirect	bilirubin	)
Stercobilin and	Urobilin
Formation	of	conjugated	bilirubin	in	Hepatocytes
Types	of	Bilirubin	
Free	bilirubin	 Conjugated		bilirubin
1 In	H₂	O insoluble soluble	
2 In	alcohol soluble soluble
3 Normal	plasma	levels	 0.2	mg	/dl 0.2	-0.8	mg	/dl
4 In	bile	 Absent	 present
5 In	urine	 Always	absent	 Normally	absent	(	present	in	
hemolytic	&	Obstructive	jaundice	)
6 Absorption	from	GIT Absorbed	 Not	Absorbed	
7 Diffusion	in	tissue	 Diffuses	to	cause	yellow	 Dose	not	diffuse	
8 Van	der	Bergh	Test Indirect	positive	 direct	positive
Bilirubin	&	its	reduction	products	
number	of		H	atoms	 color
Bilirubin	(BR	) 36 Red	yellow
Meso bilirubin	(MB) 40 yellow
Urobillinogen (UBG	) 44	 colorless
Stercobilinogen (	SBG	) 48 colorless
Urobilin(UB	) 42 Orange	brown
Stercobillin(	SB	) 46 Dark	brown
Jaundice- Hyperbilirubinemia
Physiological	– Total	Bilirubin	concentration	in	serum	=	(	0.2- 0.8mg/dl	)	
0.2	-0.6	mg/dl	(	unconjugated	)												0- 0.2	mg/dl	(	conjugated	)
Yellow	color	sclera	&	skin	(	deposition	of	bilirubin	)-conc of	serum	bilirubin	>	2mg/dl
q Conjugated	Hyper	bilirubinemia
q Unconjugated	Hyper	bilirubinemia
1. Nausea	
2. Vomiting
3. Appetite	
Ø Latent	Jaundice	(1-2	mg/dl	)
*Diagnostic	laboratory	to	set	up	own	quality	controls	for	reference	ranges
Pre	hepatic	,Hepatic	and	post	hepatic	jaundice	– a	classification	based	on	site	(cause	of	of	Hyperbilirubinemia)
Classification	of	Jaundice	based	on	type	of	Bilirubin
Intra	hepatic	jaundice	(Genetic		/inherited	causes	)
• Hemolytic	Jaundice
• Causes	– Hemolysis		
Malaria										blood	
transfusion				sickle	cell	
• Liver	fails	to	conjugate	
excess	of	Bilirubin
• Therefore													
↑unconjugated	bilirubin	
↑	stercobilinogen
(brown	color	stool	)
• SGPT	/	ALP	-Normal
• Hepatic	Jaundice	
• Causes	–dysfunction	of	
Liver														Hepatitis																		
al	infection			
• ↑unconjugated	
bilirubin		↑conjugated	
↑	stercobilinogen
(brown	color	stool	)																
• Obstructive	Jaundice
• Gall	stone																					
stool	contains	fat	
unavailability	of	bile	salts				
• ↑conjugated	bilirubin		
↓ stercobilinogen (pale		
color	stool	)													
Comparison	of		Hemolytic	/	hepatic	and	obstructive	Jaundice
Differential		diagnosis		Jaundice	/Icterus
Hemolytic	Disease	of	Adults	Ă  unconjugated		Hyperbilirubinemia
1. increase	in	unconjugated	bilirubin	in	blood	
2. Absence	of	bilirubin	in	urine	
3. Excretion	of	urobilinogen Ă  (	Ehrlich	Test	positive	)
4. Excretion	of	stercobilinogen in	faeces
vDiseases			associated	with
a) congenital	spherocytosis	
b) G6PD	deficiency
c) Autoimmune	hemolytic	anemia	
d) Toxin	carbon	tetrachloride
Hemolytic	Disease	of	Adults	Ă  unconjugated		Hyperbilirubinemia
Incompatibility	between	maternal	&	fetal	blood	groups
Anti	antibodies	ABO
IgM type	cannot	be	transferred	to	placenta	
vRh incompatibility
Fetus																										mother	
Rh	(	+ve )														Rh	(	-ve )
RBC																											RBC elicit	immune	response																													Anti-D	(	IgG	)
Destruction																																																																																																																		 Anti-D(	IgG )
Of RBC																	←	Placenta
Second	pregnancy	(	before	birth	–destruction	of	RBC	)	à CHILD	born	with	severe	hemolytic	disease	à
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Erythroblastosis Fetalis
• Serum	Bilirubin	à >	20	mg/dl	à no	more	bound	to	Albumin	
• Bilirubin																Brain	(Kernicterus-deposition	of	bilirubin	in	brain		)	
• Basal	ganglia	à mental	retardation	
• ↓	ATPase	mitochondria	à fits	,spasticity	,toxic	encephalitis
• Treatment	:	(1)	phototherapy	before	age	<	1	year	à
isomerization	ZZ	Ă  ZE	
(2	)	Blood	transfusion
Hepatocellular	Jaundice	
1. Viral	Hepatitis	(viruses	A	,B,C,D	or	G	)Ă  pure	hepatocellular	
2. ↓	conjugated	bilirubin	therefore	↑free	Bilirubin	
3. Inflammatory	odema	of	cells	Ă  intracellular	canalculi	compressed	
Ă  obstruction	(	at	site	of	bile	formation	)
4. Increase	obstruction	à ↑	obstructionà ↑conjugated	Bilirubin	
therefore	Biphasic
5. Bilirubinuria
6. UrobilinogenĂ NORMAL or	decreased	in	hepatocellular	Jaundice
Obstructive	Jaundice	Ă  conjugated	Hyperbilirubinemia
1. ↑	conjugated	bilirubin	
2. Bilirubin	in	urine
3. ↓	urobilinogen (	nil	if	obstructive	is	complete	)
4. Faeces clay	color	(↓	stercobilinogen )
5. Absence	of	bile	salts	Ă  Stetorrhoea may	result
6. Causes	I	Intrahepatic	Cholestasis	
a) Active	hepatitis
b) Biliary	cirrhosis	
c) Lymphomas
d) Hepatoma	
e) Viral	hepatitis
Obstructive	Jaundice	Ă  conjugated	Hyperbilirubinemia
• Causes	II	Extra	hepatic	Cholestasis
1. Stones	in	biliary	tract	
2. Stones	in	gall	bladder	
3. Biliary	atresia	
4. Carcinoma	head	of	pancreasĂ  lymph	glands	enlarged	
5. Porta hepatitis
Acquired	hyperbilinogen(	unconjugated	hyper	bilinogen)
vPhysiological	Jaundice	of	newborn	(	neonates	)
1. After	second	day	of	life	,transient	hyper	bilinogen –Jaundice	
2. ↑	rate	of	destruction	of	RBC	(	transient	)
3. Ă  immature	hepatic	system	of	conjugation	
4. Ă  Bilirubin	donot exceed	5mg/dl	
5. Ă  2	weeks	phototherapy	+	barbitone	to	induce	conjugation(	ZZ	
bilirubin	Ă  ZE		+	EE	Ă  excreted	without	conjugation	in	urine		)
6. Undue	prolongation	Ă  crenism
7. Breast	milk	jaundice	(	estrogen	à ↓	enzyme	Glucuronyl transferase)
Bile	pigment Diagnostic	Test
Bilirubin Van	Der	Bergh	(serum	)	,Fouchet’s Test	&	Gmelin ‘s	test	
in	Urine	
Urobilinogen (	UBG	) Ehrlich’s	Test
Urobilin Schlesinger’s	test
INDIRECT	REACTION	–FREE	BILIRUBIN	(	H2O	insoluble	,	alcohol	soluble	)
*Diagnostic	laboratory	to	set	up	own	quality	controls	for	reference	ranges		
Enzyme	estimations	help	in	differential	diagnosis	of	Jaundice
Enzyme	estimations	help	in	differential	diagnosis	of	Jaundice		
*Diagnostic	laboratory	to	set	up	own	quality	controls	for	reference	ranges
Enzymes	indicating	Hepatocellular	damage
Viral	Hepatitis	
v↑	IHD
Hepatocellular	necrosis	
v ALT	/ALT	>	1
Alcohol	liver	disease	
Obstructive	liver	disease:	cholestasis	/hepatic	carcinoma/parenchymal	cell	
Parameter Hemolytic	Jaundice	 Hepatic		
1 Blood	free	bilirubin	 ↑ ↑ normal
2 Conjugated	bilirubin normal ↑ ↑
3 ALP normal ↑ ↑	↑
4 Bile	salts	 Nil Nil PRESENT
5 Urine	Bilirubin	 Nil Nil PRESENT
6 Urine	urobilinogen ↑ Nil Nil
7 Stool		 Dark	brown Clay	color
Differential	Diagnosis	of	Jaundice
Fate	of	Bilirubin
Congenital	Hyperbilirubinemia
vAbnormal	uptake	,conjugation	or	excretion	of	bilirubin	due	to	inherited	
• 1.Gilbert	Disease	–defect	in	uptake
• 2.	Crigler	Najjar syndrome	–
defect	in	conjugation
Congenital	Hyperbilirubinemia
v(1) Gilbert’s	Disease	
a) Autosomal	dominant	trait
b) Defect	uptake	of	Bilirubin
c) Asymptomatic	
d) Presence	of	jaundice(	Bilirubin	Ă  3mg/dl	)
Congenital	Hyperbilirubinemia
(2)	Crigler	Najjar syndrome	:Defect	in	conjugation
Type	I
a) Congenital	non	hemolytic	Jaundice
b) Deficiency	of	UDP	–Glucuronyl transferase
c) Fatal	(	death	before	two	years	of	age	)
d) Jaundice	appears	within	24hrs	of	life	
e) Unconjugated	bilirubin	(	>20	mg/dl	)
f) Kernicterus	
g) Barbiturates	no	effect	(	enzyme	no	defect	)
Congenital	Hyperbilirubinemia
(2)	Crigler	Najjar syndrome	:Defect	in	conjugation
Type	II
a) Congenital	non	hemolytic	Jaundice
b) Deficiency	of	UDP	–Glucuronyl transferase
c) Disease	runs	more	benign	course
d) Bilirubin	–mononucleotide	present	
e) Total	bilirubin	seldome rises	:Unconjugated	bilirubin	(	>15	mg/dl	)
f) No	Kernicterus	
g) Barbiturates	use	in	treatmentĂ  Jaundice	improves
Management	of	Crigler Najjar Syndrome
Congenital	Hyperbilirubinemia
vDubin Johnson’s	syndrome	
a) Autosomal	recessive	trait
b) ↑	conjugated	bilirubin	in	blood	
c) Defect	in	excretion	of	conjugated	Bilirubin(	ATP	ase dependent	
organic	anion	Transporter	protein-MOAT	mutation	
d) Defect	ATP	dependent	organic	anion	transport		in	bile	canalculi	
e) Bilirubin	gets	deposited	in	liver	therefore	Bilirubin		gets	deposited	in			
liver		(	Black	Liver	Jaundice	)
f) Diagnostic	Test	:	Bromosulphthalein	Test
Congenital	Hyperbilirubinemia
vDubin Johnson’s	syndrome	
Diagnostic	Test	:	Bromosulphthalein	Test
250	mg	Bromosulphthalein	(	intravenous	)
Normal	(	dye		remaining	plasma	) Dubin Johnson’s	syndrome	(	dye		remaining	plasma	)
45	min	 <	5	%	 >	2hrs	levels	(<	2	%	)
2	hrs <	2	% <	45	min	levels	(	>	5	%	)	
(	2hr	level	more	than	45min	)
At	45	min	BSP	taken	up	by	hepatocytes	/		therefore	
decrease	in	blood	levels	
EXCRETORY	DEFECT	:BSP	regurgatesin	blood
Congenital	Hyperbilirubinemia
vRotor	syndrome	
a) Cause	not	known		(	autosomal	recessive	)
b) Bilirubin	excretion	defective	
c) No	deposition	of	pigment	in	liver
Comparison	of	Dubin Johnson	’s	and	Rotor	‘s	syndrome
Comparison	of	Gilbert	‘s	and	Crigler- Najjar syndrome
Biosynthesis	of	Heme	(	Porphyrin	ring	)
• Site	à Liver	/RBC	producing	cells	of	bone	marrow	(	erythroid cells)	
/other	tissue	
• Excretion	to	rule	à mature	RBC	lacking	mitochondria
• I	Formation	of	δ amino	Levulinate (mitochondria	)
Glycine	+	succinyl	CoA	
* Pyridoxal	phosphate	dependent
δ amino	Levulinate synthtase
δ amino	Levulinate (ALA	)
*	rate	controlling	step
Biosynthesis	of	Heme	(	Porphyrin	ring	)
II	Synthesis	of	Porphobilinogen
2. δ amino	Levulinate (ALA	)
ALA	Dehydratase *
Porphobilinogen	(PBG	)
• Activity	decreases	by	Pb /Hg	&	Zinc	containing	enzyme
Biosynthesis	of	Heme	(	Porphyrin	ring	)
1. Succinyl	CoA	+	Glycine	→	ALA	
2. ALA	+	ALA	à Porphobilinogen	(	PBG	)	+	2H₂O
3. 4		X	(	PBG	)
4. Uroporbilinogen III	(UBG	)
5. Coporphyrinogen III	(	CPG	III	)+	CO₂
6. Protoporphyrinogen III	(	PPGIII	)
Biosynthesis	of	Heme	(	Porphyrin	ring	)
Succinyl	CoA	+	Glycine	→	ALA	
ALA	+	ALA	à Porphobilinogen	(	PBG	)	+	2H₂O
4		X	(	PBG	)
CoporphyrinogenIII	(	CPG	III	))
ProtoporphyrinogenIII	(	PPGIII	)
→	4CO₂	
NADP+O₂	→									 →	NADPH+H+	2CO	₂
Biosynthesis	of	Heme
Metallo- porphyrin
1. Uroporphyrin	I	&	III
2. Coporphyrin I	&	III
vHeme	containing	proteins- hemoglobin	,cytochromes	,catalase	
,tryptophan	pyrrolase
Heme	synthesis	
• Site :	mitochondria	of	all	mammalian	tissue		except	RBC	predominantly	
in	Liver	&	bone	marrow	
vStep	I :	
*ALA	synthase		PLP CO₂				CoASH
Succinyl	CoA	+	Glycine																																																														δ ALA
• δ ALA	:Delta	amino	Levullinic acid	
• *	Regulatory	enzyme	=	rate	limiting	step	
qINH	treatment	à PLP	↓	à ALA	SYNTHESIS	↓
Heme	synthesis	
2	Molecules	of	ALA																																																										Porphobilinogen(	PBG )
*	activity	decreased	by	heavy	metals
Heme	synthesis	
*PBG	DEAMINASE																	4NH₃
4	Molecules	of	PBG																																																										Uroporphyrinogen(UBG )
• *Uroporphyrinogen	I	synthtase	&	Uroporphyrinogen	III	synthtase
• *	deficiency	of	Uroporphyrinogen	III	synthtase	leads	to	formation	of									
Type	I	UBG	Ă  Porphyria
Heme	synthesis	
*Uroporphyrinogen	decarboxylase								4CO₂
• Uroporphyrinogen(UBG)Type III Coproporphyrinogen	III
• *Acetyl	à Methyl	
• *	deficiency	of	à Porphyria
Heme	synthesis	
vStep	V : Site	-CYTOSOLIC
*Coproporphyrinogen	oxidase									2CO₂
CoproporphyrinogenIII																																																																												ProtoporphyrinogenIII
O	₂
• *	Methyl	à Vinyl																
• *	deficiency	of	Coproporphyrinogen	oxidase	à Porphyria
Heme	synthesis	
vStep	VI :	Site	-CYTOSOLIC
*Protoporphyrinogenoxidase									4H	
ProtoporphyrinogenIII																																																																															ProtoporphyrinIII (	IX	)									
Methylene		(	CH2	)Ă  Methenyl (	CH	- )																	
• *	deficiency	of	Protoporphyrinogen oxidase		à Porphyria
Heme	synthesis	
*Heme	synthtase
Protoporphyrin	III (	IX	)																																																																													Heme
• Ferrochelatase
• Heme	+ Protein= HEMOGLOBIN
1.Succinyl	CoA	
+	GlycineĂ 
Regulation	of	Heme	synthesis	
1.	↑	Glucoseà↑catabolism	of	CRP(repressor	protein	)à decrease	ALA	
(	induction	prevented	,Glucose		administered	for	treatment	of		
2.↓	ALA	synthase	by	Hematin			,Excess	of	free	Heme		(	Fe²⁺	à Fe³⁺)
3.	Compartmentization	of	enzymes	Ă  easier	for	regulation	,rate	limiting	
steps	in	mitochondria
4. Heme		synthesis	controlled		by	a)	globin	synthesis	b)	Drug	like	
barbiturates	(	require	cytochrome		450)
5	.lead		/Mercury		↓	ALA	Synthase		↓	Ferrochelatase
Regulation	of	Heme	synthesis	
Three	mechanisms	controlling	activity	of	ALA	synthase	by	Heme	
/Hematin	Fe³⁺		
a.	Feedback	inhibition(Heme	/Hematin	Fe³⁺		)
b.	Repression	of	ALA	synthase	
C.	Inhibition	of	ALA	synthase	transport	from	cytosol	to	mitochondria	(	the	
site	of	action	)
Heme	synthesis	site	:	liver	(	ALA	synthase	Ă  regulatory	enzyme	)
Effect	of	drugs	on	ALA	synthase	activity
1. *Phenobarbital	
2. *	Insecticides							 ↑	activity	of	ALA	synthase	
3. *	Carcinogen	
* Metabolized	by	HEME	containing	protein	cytochrome	450
Increased	in	corporation	of	Heme	in	cytochrome	450
↓	cellular	level	of	Heme	
↑	ALA	synthase	(	de	repression	)	to	meet	cellular	demands
Regulation	in	the	Erythroid	cells
vALA	synthase	dose	not	regulate	Heme	synthesis	in	Erythroid	cells	
vUroporphyrinogen	synthase	&	Ferrochelatase regulate	Heme	
vCellular	uptake	of	iron	regulate	Heme	synthesis
vHeme	stimulate	globin	synthesis
Regulation	of	Heme	synthesis
Porphyrin	&	Bilirubin	Metabolism
• Porphyrin :	Group	of	compounds	of	4	substituted	pyrrole	rings	
linked	by	Methane	bridges	
• à formation	of	complexes	with	metal	ions	bound	to	N₂	atom	of	
pyrrole	ring	
Photosynthetic pigment
Porphyrin	&	Bilirubin	Metabolism
vIron	Porphyrins :
1. Hemoglobin
2. Myooglobin
3. Cytochrome
4. Catalase	&	peroxidase	
5. Tryptophan	pyrrolase
Porphyrin		Metabolism
• Porphyria's:	Group	of	inborn	errors	of	metabolism	associated	with	
the	biosynthesis	of	Heme	
• Characteristics of Porphyrias :increase	in	production	&	excretion	of	
porphyrin	&	their		porphyrin	precursors	ALA	&	PBG	
• Autosomal	dominant	or	Autosomal	recessive
• Diagnosis of	Porphyria's:	
• 1.	urine	(	exoposure to	UV	à red fluorescence )
• 2.	urine	+	CHCl₃	à extraction	
• Aqueous		layer	(	PBG	)	+	Ehrlich	reagent	à pink color
• Types	Porphyria's:	
1.	inherited	
a) Erythropoietin :	enzymes	deficiency	occurs	in	erythrocytes	
b) Hepatic : enzymes	deficiency	lies		in	the	liver
2.	Acquired	💟
Autosomal	recessive
Autosomal	dominant
Liver	,skin	fluorescence
Acute	intermittent	Porphyrias
• Deficiency	of	enzymes	Uroporphyrinogen	synthase	I	
Succinyl	CoA	+	Glycine	
δ aminolevilinate	(ALA	)	↑
Porphobilinogen	 ↑
δ aminolevilinate	synthase
ALA	Dehydratase
Uroporphyrinogen synthase
Uroporphyrinogen	 I
↑	ALA	
1.	Acute	intermittent	Porphyria
• Age :	after	puberty		(Artist	–Vincet ,	King	George	III	–MAD	)
• Deficient enzyme :	Uroporphyrinogen	synthase	I	(	↑	ALA	–no	feed	back	
mechanism	)
• No	porphyria	,no	photosensitivity
• Excretion in	urine	:		δ aminolevilinate	(ALA	)	&	porphobilinogen (	PBG	)
• Exposure	of	porphobilinogen (	PBG	)	to	air	darkens	(	formation	of	
Porphobilin )	
• Diagnosis	:	urinary	conc of	PBG	(darkens	on exposure	to	air	)
• Symptoms	:	Abdominal	pain	,Vomiting	,cardiovascular	abnormalities	
,neuropsychiatric	disturbances	(	therefore	↓	Trp	pyrrolase ,	↑	Trp,											
5	ĘšOH	Tyramine
• Treatment	:	Hematin	à↓	ALA	, ↓	PBG	
• Adverse effects :	Barbiturate	(	ppt of	attack	)à ↑	ALA	synthase	(as	
cytochrome	450	)àPBG↑,	increase	with	carbohydrate	diet	&	menopause
2.	Congenital erythropoietin Porphyria
vDeficient enzyme :	↓	Uroporphyrinogen	co	synthtase	III
• Excretion	in	urine	:	Uroporphyrinogen	I	&	Coporphyrinogen Ià
↓								oxidation										↓
Uroporphyrin	I					&		CoporphyrinI
Symptoms :	
1.↑	Hemolysis
2.	Erythrodontia	(	teeth	)	,port	wine	color	urine	
3.	Exposure	OF	SKIN	Ă  UV	sensitization		of	porphyrin	Ă  absorbed	&	emit	red	
fluorescent	light
4.	Dermatitis	,scarring	burning	&	itching	of	skin- ear	&	nose	(	Leprosy	like	),(as		ROS	↑	
Ă  accumulation	of	Porphyrin	)
5.	port	wine	color	urine	(Uroporphyrin	I					&		CoporphyrinI	)
Congenital erythropoietin Porphyria	
Erythrodontia(	teeth)
Congenital erythropoietin Porphyria
Dermatitis	,scarring	burning	&	itching	of	skin- ear	&	nose	(	Leprosy	like	,
(as		ROS	↑	à accumulation	of	Porphyrins)
Dermatitis	,scarring	burning	&	itching	of	skin- ear	&	nose	(	Leprosy	like	)
(as		ROS	↑	à accumulation	of	Porphyrins
Congenital erythropoietin Porphyria
3.Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
• Cutaneous	hepatic	porphyria
• Deficient enzyme :	↓	Uroporphyrinogen	decarboxylase	
• Excretion	in	urine	:	Porphobilinogen	&	Uroporphyrin	(	I	&III		)	rarely	
• Symptoms :	
1. Cutaneous
2. Photosensitivity	
3. Liver	exhibits	fluorescence		
Treatment :	Hematin(	↓	ALA	synthase,	↓	accumulation	various	
intermediate	)
4.Hereditary Coporphyria
• Deficient enzyme :	↓	Coporphyrinogen oxidase
• Excretion	in	urine	:	Uroporphyrinogen	I	&	Coporphyrinogen Ià
↓								oxidation										↓
Uroporphyrin	I					&		Coporphyrin I
• Urine	dark	color	:	presence	of Uroporphyrin	I	 ,		Coporphyrin I,ALA,	PBG
• Treatment :	Hematin(	↓	ALA	synthase,	↓	accumulation	various	
intermediate	)
5.Variegate porphyria
• Deficient enzyme :Protoporphyrinogen oxidase	
• Accumulation	in	plasma		&	excretion	in	urine	of:	Porphobilinogen	
Uroporphyrinogen	,Uroporphyrin	,Coproporphyrinogen	
,Coproporphyrin	,Protoporphyrin	(	↓Heme	synthesis	)
• Photosensitivity exhibited
• Plasma	exhibits	red	fluorescence	(	due	presence	of	
• Neuropsychiatric manifestation
6.Herediatory Protophyria (	Erythropoietic protoporphyria )
• Deficient enzyme:		Ferrochelatase
• Accumulation	in	plasma	(	increase		in	concentration	) ,	excretion	in	
urine (	increase		in	concentration	)& faeces (increase		in	concentration	)
• RBC	,skin	exhibit	red	fluorescence
7.	Acquired (toxic )	Porphyrias
• Exposure	of	body	to	toxic	compounds	(	toys	/	Xerox	ink	)
Examples	:	Heavy	metals	(	Lead	)												↓ALA	Dehydratase
Hexchlorobenzene ↓Uroporphyrin	synthase	I
Drugs	(	Griseoflavin )												↓	Ferrochelatase
Therefore	↓Heme	↑ALA	synthase
Aquried porphyrias associated	with	anamia
Reactions	of	Heme synthesis
Pre	natal	diagnosis	of	Porphyrias		
Enzyme	estimations	/PCR
• 75	%	Indian	population	suffer	from	anemia
• Hb	concentration	decreases	in	anemia		<10gm%	
(	normal	concentration	of	blood	Hb	– 14-16	mg%	-male	,13-15	mg%	-female	)
vI	Iron	Deficiency	anemia	–most	common
a) Nutritional	
b) Lack	of	absorption	of	Iron	(	Gastrectomy &	Achlorhydria)
c) Hookworm	infection	(	0.3ml/	day	/	hookworm	)
d) Repeated	pregnancy	(	↓hemoglobin	-1gm	per	delivery	)
e) Nephrosisà Glomerular	filtration	→proteinuria	
f) Loss	of	Haptoglobin	/Hemopexin /	Transferrin	
g) Heavy	metal	poisoning	
h) Loss	of	blood	(	menustrual cycle	,	piles	,	peptic	ulcers,	Uterine	hemorrhages	)
II	-Impaired	production	of	RBC	
Defect	in	Heme	
• Nutritional	
• Deficiency	of	iron	
,Copper,	Vitamin	
B12	,Vitamin	C
• Lead	poisoning		
Deficiency	of	
• Physiological	–kidney	
cells	synthesize		
• ↑RBC	synthesis
• Chronic	renal	failure	à
Decrease	in	
stem	cells	
Hemin crystals	
• Fe²⁺		↔	Fe³⁺	à Fe³⁺	+	Cl⁻	à Hematin	chloride	or	HEMIN	
vMedical	legal	cases
• Blood	+	Blood	stains	+	Nippe ’s	fluid	
(	1%	KCL	+	KBr +	KI	+	Glacial	acetic	acid	Ă  dark	brown	RHOMBIC	crystal	
Ă  microscopic	inspection	
Heme	part	of	Blood	Ă  Test	positive
Hemin crystals
Hemoglobin	estimation
vDrabkin’s Test	for	Hemoglobin	estimation	:	Cyanmeth Hemoglobin		Method	
• Blood	(	Hb	)	+	Drabkin’s reagent	àCyanmeth Hemoglobin	(	Absorbance	-
540nm	)Ă  colorimetric	estimation	
• Hb	+	potassium	ferricyanide à Meth- Hb
Sulph Hemoglobinemia
• Oxy	–Hb	+	H₂	S	à Sulph –Hb	(	absorption	peak	at	620nm)
vFormation	of	Sulph –Hb	by	sulphonamide ,Phenacetin ,	Dapsone ,Acetone						
vBasophilic	striping	of	RBC															
Abnormal	Hb	or	Hb	variants	
1.Sickle	syndrome	
a) 1. sickle	cell	trait	(	AS	)
b) 2.	sickle	cell	disease	with	SS	,SC,SD	,SO	,Sβ Thalassemia	
2.Unstable	Haemoglobins
Congenital	Heinz	body	anemia	–Hb	 Zurich		
3.	Hb	with	abnormal	oxygen	affinity
A.	High	affinity	Ă  Polycythemia	(familial	)	Ă  Hb	Chesapeake	,Olympia	
B.Low affinity	à Cyanosis	(familial	)	à Hb	M,	Hb	–Kansas,	Hb- Hoppe	
4. Structural	variation	leading	to	Thalassemia's	phenotype	
A. Alpha		Thalassemia	à Hb	Constant	spring	,Delta	beta	Thalassemia,	Hb	–
B. Beta	Thalassemia:	Hb	Quong
C. 5.Hemoglobin	that	donot produce	any	clinical	symptoms:	HbP HbQ ,HbJ
vCharacteristics of Sickle cell disease
a) Glutamic	acid	Ă  Valine (6th position	on	beta	chain)
b) Hydrophilic	Ă  Hydrophobic	(	stickiness	on	surface	of	molecule	)
c) Polymerization	of	Hb in	RBC	Ă distortion	of	RBC	into	sickle	shaped
d) Deoxy	HbS has	protrusion	on	one	side	&	cavity	on	other	sideĂ 
many	molecules	adhere	together
Signs	and	symptoms	of	Thalassemia	major
Inheritance	of	Thalassemia
Abnormal	Hb	or	Hb	variants	
III	Hemolytic	anaemias due	to	intra	-corpuscular	defect
a) Hemoglobinopathies :	HbS ,Hbc ,	HbM
b) Thalessemias :	major	&	minor	
c) Abnormal	shape	spherocytosis	&	elliptocytosis
d) Enzyme	deficiency	Ă  Glucose	6	Phospho		dehydrogenase	
IV	Hemolytic	anemia	due	extra	corpuscular	cause	/defects
a) Infection	–malarial	parasites	,streptococcus	
b) Autoimmune	Hemolysis	–RBC	membrane	component	,Syphilis,	
Lympholenticular neoplasia
c) Isoimmune hemolysis	Ă  Rh	incompatibility		in	Newborn
d) Hemolysis	due	to	drug	sensitization	–Dopa quinone (	fixed	on	RBC	)à
Abnormal	antibodies	 against	altered	membrane
Abnormal	Hb	or	Hb	variants	
V	hemorrhages	
a) Hematuria	
b) Hematomesis
c) Hemoptysis	
d) Peptic	ulcers	
e) Hemorrhoides
f) Thrombocytopenia		
g) Menorrhagia
h) Bleeding	tendencies
Hemoglobin metabolism, functions, degradation, and clinical applications
Hemoglobin metabolism, functions, degradation, and clinical applications

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