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Denise Jacobs
<AngleBrackets /> Conference | Las Vegas, NV
29 October 2013
Twitter Hacks
I am:
We’re at:
And we’re going to
I’ve always loved to create, but…
But I was still afraid: am I truly creative?

Photo: Denise Jacobs
After writing this…
I had an epiphany
I realized that
Powerful and empowering
Thus, I speak, write, and evangelize creativity

Photo: Derek Kearney

The State of the
What’s our most important tool for creating?
Not these…
This one!
Time pressures
“Houston, we have a problem…”
Instead of feeling like this
We end up feelig like this
When we are in the creative flow
We are alchemists
“Creativity is newness produced.”
- Sir Ken Robinson, Out of Our Minds
It feels like
“Creativity is magical, but it is not
- Dr. Charles Limb,
Your Brain on Improvisation
TED talk
Who here feels like they are creative?
“Creativity is all about making
connections and seeing
- Bruce Nussbaum,
Creativity Intelligence
Creativity is critical
Understand the mechanisms of creativity
Let out all of your great ideas
“Creativity makes day to day
experiences more vivid, more
enjoyable, more rewarding. When
we live creatively, boredom is
banished and every moment holds
the promise of a fresh discovery.”
- Mihali Csikszentmihalyi,

Emancipate & Adjust

Our Goals


Practice & Generate

Innovate & Produce

& Adjust
Current work culture
Bad game of telephone
Habits and thinking to quit
Zeigarnik Effect
Communication addiction
Intermittent reinforcement | |
Internalized the critical voices
Become monsters in your head
Instead of Creativity

Source: Flickr
“If your demons are such that they
fill the room the instant you
contemplate creating, your
studio will be too dangerous a
place to enter.”
- Eric Maisel, author of Fearless
Recognize the many forms of your Inner Critic
Impostor Syndrome
Hack >> Know the Impostor Syndrome Paradox
Fear of failure
F.E.A.R. =
“False Evidence Appearing Real”
or, alternatively,
“F*ck Everything And Run!”
Thoughts on fear
“Fear is not real. It is a product of
the thoughts you create. Do not
misunderstand me. Danger is
very real. But fear is a choice.”
- character of Cypher Raige
(played by Will Smith), After
We become terrorists to ourselves
“Obsessing about preventing bad
things from happening also
prevents good things from
happening, or sometimes
prevents anything from
happening at all.”
- Scott Berkun, The Year Without
Hack >> Become a Fear Alchemist
“The goal is to manage anxiety so
that our energies are used for
the productive and satisfying
(act) of creating, rather than the
destructive and debilitating art
of self-torture.”
- Clare Warmke, Idea Revolution
Banish the Inner Critic
Maintain perspective
Reframe #fail
“An essential aspect of creativity is
not being afraid to fail.”
- Dr. Edwin Land,
The Instant Image: Edwin Land
and the Polaroid Experience
Nothing is a mistake
Change your body language, change your mind
“Our bodies change our minds,
our minds change our behavior,
and our behavior changes our
- Amy Cuddy,
Your Body Language Shapes
Who You Are
TED talk
Fake it until you become it
#Exercise: Power Pose
Stand up. Assume a pose that embodies a sense of
defeat, can’t do it, it will never work, “I suck/I’m no
good/an impostor”, etc. Make yourself as small
and powerless feeling as possible.
Then, strike a power pose. Imagine yourself as a
superhero looking off into the distance seeing your
destiny of major creative butt-kicking.
Alternate several times. Hold the power pose for as
long as you can so that you can feel the change.
Adjust: Train Your Brain
Let’s take a closer look
Left v. Right brain?
Left hemisphere
Right hemisphere
Instead: Left + Right brain = Creativity
“The parts of your brain that are
responsible for self-monitoring are
literally turned off during creative
endeavors….Creative people have
mastered the art of turning off [the
inhibitive] part of their brains to let their
ideas flow more smoothly, unleashing
their imagination.”
- Tina Seelig, InGenius
What are our brains constantly producing?
Know your Brainwaves
Alpha: the gateway to creativity
#Exercise: Enter Alpha
Close your eyes and relax. Breathe through your
Now place your tongue at the roof of your mouth,
turn your eyes towards the ceiling underneath your
Take several deep, long breaths.
As you relax, you are changing your brainwaves from
Beta to Alpha.
Hack >> Breathe to refocus
Hack >> Being prone
Hack >> Showers
“When your brain is supposedly
doing nothing, it’s really doing a
tremendous amount.”
– Marcus Raichle, Neurologist
Hack >> Daydream/Space out
Hack >> Engage in mindless activity
Hack >> Get physical
Hack >> Leverage Biophilia
Hack >> Laugh
“When you are playful, you are
activating the right side of your
brain. The logical brain is a
limited brain. The right side is
unlimited. You can (do and ) be
anything you want.”
- Madan Kataria, The Laughter
Intend Alpha

& Generate
Exercise Discipline
Show up everyday
And really commit to it
Focus on meaningful tasks
Hack >> Delegate
#Exercise: To Don’t List
To do more of what you love and less of what you dislike,
start writing To Don’t Lists (aka “Stop Doing” Lists).
Pick a partner, and write a list of 3-5 items that you commit to
stop doing within the next 30 days. Date the list. Share the
list with your partner and get ideas on how to eliminate
these items from your life either by stopping them or
delegating/outsourcing the tasks.
Review your list in 30 days to see what you need to continue
to stop doing so that your time is spent on what you value
and want to cultivate. Create another list for the upcoming
30 days.
Clean-up habit fields
Habit what?
Hack >> Habit field reboot
Clean up your work habit field by following the
suggestions in the article “Habit Fields” by Jack
Cheng. Create your equivalent of a “distraction
chair” and move to it when you feel like you are
inclined to surf the web, email, Tweet, Facebook,
or engage in any other computer-related
distraction. When you are ready to work again,
come back to your desk.
Rinse and repeat until your work habit field is clear
again and no longer fuzzy.
Manage time
“Single-tasking is the new multitasking.”
- A Your Brain on Creativity
Say NO to Distractions
{ Further Resources }
Firefox extension: LeechBlock:
Firefox extension: Idderall:
Google Chrome extension: Strict Workflow:
Google Chrome extension: StayFocusd:
Hack >> Pomodoro Technique
Hack >> Airplane mode
Hack >> Pomodoro 2.0
Practice the Pomodoro technique. Do a 30 minute sprint
where you turn off all distractions and work for 25 minutes.
Before you start your sprint, write down the objective of the
sprint. Do the sprint, and at the end of it, take a moment to
jot down any challenges encountered, and your end results
from the sprint.
For your 5 minute break, activate your Alpha brainwaves by
either laying down on the floor with your eyes closed, or
look at clouds shifting in the sky.
Hack >> Work standing up
Why? Because
Hack >> Change environments
Generate: Start the flow of ideas
Hack >> Shape your micro-environment
Everything is a remix
Remix inspiration

“Mona Lisa” by Paul Giovanopoulos,
Hack >> Create constaints
Get inspired by children
From the mind of a 4yo

Photo courtesy of Laura Bohill (@LauRARbee)
Generate ideas
Capture ideas
Embrace disruption

Photo: Denise Jacobs
Write them down
Sketch them out
Talk them out (& record it)
Gather and curate your ideas
Tools to do so

& Produce
Do it with others
Mo’ people, mo’ ideas
Immerse yourself in diverse environments
Building 20 at MIT
Avoid sameness
The source of great ideas
Bring brilliance together
Create a locus where ideas can mix & mingle
Don’t keep them to yourself
Invite others to wonder with you
Share ideas
Share mistakes
Hack >> Co-work to collaborate
Hack >> Engage in Parallel Play
Amplify the ideas of others
Hack >> Plus it
The structure
Make your partner look good
Will connect people beyond the cubicle
And encourage better teamwork
“Creativity is more than a great
idea, it’s the determination to
see the idea through to fruition.”
- Clare Warmke, Idea Revolution
The production-iteration process

apply feedback
The stage is set for Flow
All of the previous steps lead you here:
•  Concept in mind: know what you want
to achieve and what it looks like
•  Practice in place
•  Cleared space
•  Time carved out and distractions
•  Necessary materials on hand

Moving forward
Stepping through them more easily
(Re)Gain Creative Confidence
…which is
“…the confidence that, when given a
difficult problem, we have a
methodology that enables us to
come up with a solution that
nobody has before.”
- David Kelley of Ideo
Ideas are on and poppin’!
Joyfulness in Work
Turn work into play
What you produce is unique
Hack your habits >> Different Results
Practicing different habits >> Transform your life
The goal
You have the power
…And make better things
Get your creativity hack on!
The End…?
Always being updated as I find new relevant articles!
“Great Resources” almost daily: @denisejacobs on
Cover art thanks to Americo Morales
My articles for further reading!
Want More?

Sign up for news on my
upcoming book,
projects, other
announcements and
whatnot at
How to find me on teh Interwebz
 Sign up on my mailing list here!
Photo used with permission:
Thank you!

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Creativity (R)Evolution - ThatConference 2013
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Get Unblocked
Infinite Possibilities - FIU Online's InnovEd Conference 2017
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On-Demand Inspiration
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On-Demand Inspiration
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Infinite Possibilities - EclipseCon 2015
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The Creativity (R)Evolution - UX Week 2014
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The Creativity (R)Evolution - UX Week 2014
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Banish Your Inner Critic - MinneWebCon 2016
Banish Your Inner Critic to Unblock Creativity - Adobe Max 2015
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Banish Your Inner Critic to Unblock Creativity - Adobe Max 2015
The Creativity (R)Evolution - IABC World Conference 2017
The Creativity (R)Evolution - IABC World Conference 2017The Creativity (R)Evolution - IABC World Conference 2017
The Creativity (R)Evolution - IABC World Conference 2017
Creativity (R)Evolution - Oredev 2013
Creativity (R)Evolution - Oredev 2013Creativity (R)Evolution - Oredev 2013
Creativity (R)Evolution - Oredev 2013
White Space Creativity
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Denise Jacobs
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