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Maximizing Government IT Efficiency

Eugene Bounds
Louise Campanale
Marguerite Morrell
Michael Schoep
    Maximizing Government IT Efficiency

    The budget deficit and need for comprehensive spending           become fragmented, reducing economies of scale and
    cuts have increased the need to control spending. Federal        resulting in unnecessary cost burdens. Government
    agencies must acquire needed Information Technology              organizations experience these inefficiencies across
    (IT) at the right costs. Booz Allen Hamilton’s RightIT™          all elements of their budgets from desktop to
    methodology baselines IT infrastructure and related              data centers, in hardware and software, as well as
    costs, provides benchmarks to measure IT performance,            telecommunications and data networks. Exhibit 1
    analyzes alternatives and develops a plan to achieve             shows how inefficient practices create unnecessary
    efficient and effective IT support. Then, Booz Allen brings      complexity in the IT environment and drive up costs. In
    together certified cost analysts, world-class IT technologists   addition, there are often hidden IT costs (e.g., the cost
    and other experts to deliver long-term IT solutions to our       of power, real estate, and administrative overhead for
    federal agency partners. This paper provides an overview         IT operations).
    of RightIT™, presents samples of the significant results
                                                                     Across the federal government, agencies spend almost
    achieved by our clients, and outlines how the approach can
                                                                     $80 billion per year on IT. Because of the significant
    be used by federal agencies to create efficient and effective
                                                                     size of the expenditure, IT is a target for cost-
    IT operations.
                                                                     rebalancing actions and directed budget reductions.

    Current State of Government IT Environment                       Today, the majority of federal IT investments are
    As IT enterprises have evolved over the decades,                 defined, funded, and operated by individual programs
    information infrastructure and related applications have         of record or functional organizations in a decentralized,

    Exhibit 1 | Impact of Inefficient Practices in Current Government IT Environment

                  Typical Current State                                                      Impacts
           ■   Multiple overlapping systems create a                        ■   Costly and complex technology
               need for expensive system interfaces                             environment
           ■   IT requirements are focused on supply                        ■   Ineffective demand management drives
           ■   Lack of enterprsise-level acquisition                            up cost per user
               strategy reduces buying power                                ■   IT is purchased in an ad hoc or
           ■   Server environments are managed by                               piecemeal fashion rather than in an
               multiple organizations                                           ef cient, end-to-end acquisition

           ■   IT cost drivers are not well understood                      ■   Fragmented IT management and
                                                                                oversight makes accountability dif cult
                                                                            ■   Hidden IT costs often result in
                                                                                sub-optimal decisions

    Source: Booz Allen Hamilton

often ad hoc, manner. In many cases, the individuals        identify IT acquisition strategies that capture savings
who generate program requirements are not familiar          and drive increased performance. Our comprehensive
with available enterprise capabilities. As a result,        assessment will highlight performance improvement
IT environments consist of a patchwork of one-off           and savings opportunities as outlined in Exhibit 2.
systems with incompatible, inefficient, and costly          The overall objective of our approach is to reduce IT
networks. Furthermore, budgets for power and real           spending, while retaining value-added IT capabilities
estate are managed outside of IT programs. These            and improving enterprise-level performance.
“hidden” IT costs can account for 30 percent or more
                                                            The approach is designed to realize short-term savings
of annual IT operating budgets. The current planning,
                                                            at the outset by implementing improvements within the
programming, budgeting, and execution process
                                                            immediate control of the IT organization. While initial
does not provide adequate transparency. As a result
                                                            savings are being realized, Booz Allen simultaneously
of this lack of insight, it is nearly impossible for
                                                            analyzes the IT environment for additional efficiencies
federal agencies to produce a comprehensive, current
                                                            that can be harvested as savings over the longer term.
state cost baseline. Without the ability to accurately
characterize IT costs, there is no effective way to         With RightIT™, we begin using a diagnostic process
quantify the return on investment (ROI) of IT initiatives   to evaluate the client’s entire IT environment. Our
or recommend the most cost-effective approach to            approach identifies the total cost of ownership (TCO),
meet federal IT mandates.                                   including hidden IT costs. Our experts then highlight
                                                            potential savings in the areas of infrastructure
Achieving Cost-Effectiveness with RightIT™                  management (e.g., data center consolidation and
Booz Allen’s RightIT™ methodology is a proven               new technologies like cloud computing), requirements
approach to achieve cost-effective IT capabilities. Our     management (e.g., service level agreements to control
world-class team of cost, IT, and change management         demand), acquisition management (e.g., strategic
experts uses this powerful methodology to analyze           sourcing), and process management (e.g., streamlined
both supply and demand factors. It also helps us            IT business processes).

Exhibit 2 | Areas for Performance Improvement and Savings with RightIT™

         Infrastructure              Requirements                Acquisition                   Process
         Management                  Management                  Management                   Management

     ■   Enterprise              ■   Service Level          ■   Strategic Sourcing       ■   Change Management
         Architecture                Agreements             ■   Contract Consolidation   ■   Security Organization
     ■   Data Management         ■   Technology Limits      ■   Contract Management      ■   Performance
     ■   Data Center                 on Staff                                                Measurement
                                                            ■   Outsourcing
         Consolidation           ■   Budget Transparency                                 ■   Business Process
                                                            ■   Service-based Pricing
     ■   Server Consolidation    ■   Commercial Market                                       Reengineering
                                     Surveys                ■   Portfolio Management
     ■   Service Consolidation                                                           ■   IT Governance
     ■   Cloud/Virtualization
     ■   Asset Management

Source: Booz Allen Hamilton

Booz Allen will identify opportunities for re-designing      •	 We	helped	a	major	military	command	validate	its	
    IT infrastructure utilizing consolidation, virtualization,      corporate architecture and performance (CAP)
    cloud computing and other technologies. These                   standards for IT services. Our experts then
    technologies maximize system availability and are               baselined the command’s 10 installations against
    designed to be rapidly shifted to adjacent systems to           the CAP standards, and provided the command’s
    accommodate maintenance windows, system outages,                Chief Information Officer with “best practice”
    and other events that affect infrastructure availability.       benchmarked costs for providing IT services at
    An enterprise focus eliminates service gaps and                 each base. The command used the cost model
    redundancies.                                                   we developed to identify inefficiencies and assess
                                                                    trade-offs on technology investments. The result was
    The RightIT™ approach evaluates IT requirements
                                                                    a well justified budget for base-level IT services.
    from both the supply and the demand management
    perspectives. We evaluate which investments are              •	 Booz	Allen	helped	a	global	pharmaceutical	and	
    required to align with the agency’s end-state goals, and        consumer products company make informed IT
    we use multiple performance parameters to measure               choices that saved between $34 and $50 million
    ROI and per-unit technical performance.                         on a $164 million baseline, or 20 to 30 percent.
                                                                    The company had a distributed IT function that was
    We use the strategic sourcing perspective to evaluate
                                                                    expensive and difficult to administer. Booz Allen
    an agency’s IT environment, identifying near-term
                                                                    helped them remedy those problems by establishing
    cost savings that can offset future investments.
                                                                    an IT shared services model that was both effective
    This analysis of the various cost efficiency drivers
                                                                    and economical.
    ensures that our clients are paying the right price for
    the IT services they need. As a result, IT acquisition       •	 A	large	federal	government	organization	lacked	the	
    management is rational and efficient.                           capability to effectively manage IT investments. As
                                                                    a result, it was unable to evaluate benefits, costs
    Identifying the right IT organization structures,
                                                                    and risk in its IT investment projects. Booz Allen
    streamlined business processes, and most effective
                                                                    developed and implemented a portfolio management
    governance models are included in our RightIT™
                                                                    process that resulted in a 40-percent reduction in
    assessment. This is not only important by itself, but
                                                                    proposed enterprise architecture expenditures and a
    also helps to fit all the other management elements
                                                                    21-percent reduction in office automation spending.
    together into an integrated IT environment that benefits
                                                                    The new portfolio management process is both
    and serves the entire enterprise.
                                                                    effective and transparent.
    Our comprehensive RightIT™ approach to improving
                                                                 •	 Booz	Allen	helped	a	government	health	organization	
    IT environments ensures that our clients understand
                                                                    create an effective IT investment management and
    which activities have the greatest potential
                                                                    decision making framework that aligned spending
    for improvement and savings. We also deliver
                                                                    with medical transformation objectives. Booz Allen
    a comprehensive efficiency and improvement
                                                                    analyzed IT requirements, developed an investment
    implementation plan that considers mission
                                                                    evaluation process, built a detailed transition plan,
    requirements, available budget resources, timing,
                                                                    and stood up a governance structure to manage IT
    and risk factors, along with the value of enhanced IT
                                                                    investments. The enterprise wide solution will save
    performance and potential savings.
                                                                    more than $20 million.

    Helping Clients Get Results with RightIT™                    •	 A	national	diagnostics	testing	company	was	
    Booz Allen’s RightIT™ approach has already helped               undergoing a merger and was expected to reduce
    government agencies improve IT performance and                  operating expenses. Booz Allen developed an IT
    reduce costs. The following are some of our client              infrastructure baseline, determined total cost of IT
    engagements:                                                    ownership, established benchmarks, and prepared

short-term, mid-term, and long-term action plans                           or reviewed by government oversight entities. It also
    to rationalize IT operation within the merged                              provides an important support for agency budget
    organization. As a result, the client’s IT costs were                      requests.
    reduced by approximately 20 percent, a savings of
    $43 million.                                                               Diagnostic Phase
•	 A	defense	acquisition	program	inherited	numerous	                           Compile Current State Baseline
   aging servers with no centralized management                                A comprehensive understanding of IT expenditures is
   process to effectively monitor or manage their                              important to create a current state baseline. Through
   system. As a result, IT costs were very high. Booz                          careful navigation of multiple appropriation baselines,
   Allen re-designed the IT infrastructure utilizing                           financial systems, and execution vehicles, Booz Allen
   consolidation, virtualization, and cloud computing                          can compile a comprehensive IT cost baseline. During
   technologies. These efforts reduced maintenance                             the initial diagnostic phase, we also establish a series
   downtime by 75 percent and saved $6 million in                              of per-unit costs (e.g., power consumption per server
   hosting and licensing costs. We also developed an                           and cost per user), which are then used to calculate
   optimized architecture that used virtualization to                          expected cost savings associated with IT alternatives.
   reduce the program’s IT footprint by 83 percent.
                                                                               Benchmark Against Best Practices
The Three-Phased Approach of RightIT™                                          With a TCO baseline established, the RightIT™
To improve IT performance and achieve savings, we                              approach benchmarks the status quo against industry
implement the RightIT™ approach in three phases:                               averages. The differences found when comparing the
Diagnostic, Planning, and Implementation (as shown                             baseline line-items with the benchmarks will help
below in Exhibit 3). This approach ensures that our                            identify where cost savings can be achieved most
federal clients are compliant with agency mandates                             effectively. Benchmarking will also highlight target
and documentation requirements that may be audited                             areas for IT service performance improvement.

Exhibit 3 | Three Phases of Booz Allen’s RightIT™ Methodology

                                Diagnostic Phase                      Planning Phase                   Phase

                                                                                                      improved IT
                              Identi es each client’s             Builds a detailed plan to
                               unique IT challenges               address the challenges
                                                                                                      and creates

                   Compile                                                            Deliver
                                   Benchmark        Develop       Prepare                              Ef ciencies
                   Current                                                          Ef ciency
                                   Against Best     Strategic   Analysis of                                 and
                    State                                                         Implementation
                                    Practices       Options     Alternatives                           Technology
                   Baseline                                                            Plan

Source: Booz Allen Hamilton

Develop Strategic Options                                    Deliver Efficiency Implementation Plan
    With visibility into how an agency’s IT environment          The efficiency implementation plan maps the approved
    compares to industry standards, alternatives can be          IT solutions into an executable game plan that
    identified and evaluated. Our approach considers             ensures all the improvement initiative priorities and
    which savings and improvement strategies will yield          dependencies are integrated and work together to
    the greatest value to the organization. Trade-offs           deliver the expected results. This step ensures that all
    between expected benefits, implementation costs,             initiatives contribute to the enterprise-level end-state.
    desired service levels, budget resources, and delivery       Booz Allen also ensures that robust documentation,
    methods are examined to determine which options              communication plans, and stakeholder coordination are
    will achieve required service levels and generate the        part of the planning process.
    most efficiency. Through this process, the optimal
    architecture and delivery methods are identified.            Technology Efficiency Implementation Phase
    Typical alternatives include data center consolidation,
                                                                 Implement Efficiencies And Technology Initiatives
    migrating to cloud computing, and performing business
                                                                 The RightIT™ approach is designed to ensure that
    process reengineering across the enterprise. However,
                                                                 end-state goals for performance enhancement and
    every agency’s solution set will be unique.
                                                                 cost savings are achieved. During the implementation
                                                                 phase, the Booz Allen team expands to include
    Planning Phase                                               appropriate IT experts needed to complete every task
    Prepare Analysis Of Alternatives                             on time and within budget. Our world-class IT expertise
    Our approach provides a robust mechanism to evaluate         will ensure that the implementation fully achieves the
    the TCO of alternatives, whether those alternatives          results outlined in the efficiency implementation plan.
    exist at the enterprise level (e.g., data center
    consolidation) or within a particular concentration          Right-sizing with RightIT™
    area (e.g., private cloud as opposed to public cloud or      The RightIT™ approach is a comprehensive analytical
    hybrid cloud). Our methodology accounts for agency-          framework for making informed decisions that
    specific compliance policies for evaluating technical        maximize savings and IT performance, while reducing
    and cost parameters, as well as auditing requirements.       costs and minimizing risks in pursuing the approved
    The RightIT™ approach leverages the expertise of             IT solutions. It begins by developing a current state
    our world-class cost and IT analysts to evaluate IT          IT cost baseline. Once this baseline is established,
    alternatives for decision makers. We use agency-             appropriate benchmarks will help identify savings and
    specific Business Case Analysis (BCA) to highlight           improvement targets. The efficiency implementation
    the benefits, costs, and risks of various solutions.         plan provides a detailed roadmap for achieving cost
    The Booz Allen team has the capability to evaluate           savings and improved performance. To implement the
    the industry vendor base, available contracting              plan, Booz Allen will bring world-class talent to the
    mechanisms, and the requirements of the federal              engagement, ensuring expected results are delivered.
    budgeting system to ensure BCA recommendations can
    be incorporated into the next budget cycle.

    Contact Information:

    Eugene Bounds               Louise Campanale              Marguerite Morrell           Michael Schoep
    Senior Vice President       Principal                     Principal                    Principal
    703-377-4186                703-377-5242                  281-280-6199                 202-203-3746

About Booz Allen
Booz Allen Hamilton has been at the forefront of             resources, and deliver enduring results. By combining
strategy and technology consulting for nearly a              a consultant’s problem-solving orientation with deep
century. Today, Booz Allen is a leading provider of          technical knowledge and strong execution, Booz Allen
management and technology consulting services                helps clients achieve success in their most critical
to the US government in defense, intelligence, and           missions—as evidenced by the firm’s many client
civil markets, and to major corporations, institutions,      relationships that span decades. Booz Allen helps
and not-for-profit organizations. In the commercial          shape thinking and prepare for future developments
sector, the firm focuses on leveraging its existing          in areas of national importance, including
expertise for clients in the financial services,             cybersecurity, homeland security, healthcare, and
healthcare, and energy markets, and to international         information technology.
clients in the Middle East. Booz Allen offers clients
                                                             Booz Allen is headquartered in McLean, Virginia,
deep functional knowledge spanning strategy and
                                                             employs more than 25,000 people, and had
organization, engineering and operations, technology,
                                                             revenue of $5.59 billion for the 12 months ended
and analytics—which it combines with specialized
                                                             March 31, 2011. Fortune has named Booz Allen one
expertise in clients’ mission and domain areas to
                                                             of its “100 Best Companies to Work For” for seven
help solve their toughest problems.
                                                             consecutive years. Working Mother has ranked the
The firm’s management consulting heritage is                 firm among its “100 Best Companies for Working
the basis for its unique collaborative culture and           Mothers” annually since 1999. More information
operating model, enabling Booz Allen to anticipate           is available at (NYSE: BAH)
needs and opportunities, rapidly deploy talent and

To learn more about the firm and to download digital versions of this article and other Booz Allen Hamilton
publications, visit

Principal Offices
Huntsville, Alabama                    Indianapolis, Indiana                  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sierra Vista, Arizona                  Leavenworth, Kansas                    Charleston, South Carolina
Los Angeles, California                Aberdeen, Maryland                     Houston, Texas
San Diego, California                  Annapolis Junction, Maryland           San Antonio, Texas
San Francisco, California              Hanover, Maryland                      Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Colorado Springs, Colorado             Lexington Park, Maryland               Alexandria, Virginia
Denver, Colorado                       Linthicum, Maryland                    Arlington, Virginia
District of Columbia                   Rockville, Maryland                    Chantilly, Virginia
Orlando, Florida                       Troy, Michigan                         Charlottesville, Virginia
Pensacola, Florida                     Kansas City, Missouri                  Falls Church, Virginia
Sarasota, Florida                      Omaha, Nebraska                        Herndon, Virginia
Tampa, Florida                         Red Bank, New Jersey                   McLean, Virginia
Atlanta, Georgia                       New York, New York                     Norfolk, Virginia
Honolulu, Hawaii                       Rome, New York                         Stafford, Virginia
O’Fallon, Illinois                     Dayton, Ohio                           Seattle, Washington

The most complete, recent list of offices and their addresses and telephone numbers can be found on                                                                             ©2011 Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.


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  • 1. RightIT™ Maximizing Government IT Efficiency by Eugene Bounds Louise Campanale Marguerite Morrell Michael Schoep
  • 2. RightIT™ Maximizing Government IT Efficiency The budget deficit and need for comprehensive spending become fragmented, reducing economies of scale and cuts have increased the need to control spending. Federal resulting in unnecessary cost burdens. Government agencies must acquire needed Information Technology organizations experience these inefficiencies across (IT) at the right costs. Booz Allen Hamilton’s RightIT™ all elements of their budgets from desktop to methodology baselines IT infrastructure and related data centers, in hardware and software, as well as costs, provides benchmarks to measure IT performance, telecommunications and data networks. Exhibit 1 analyzes alternatives and develops a plan to achieve shows how inefficient practices create unnecessary efficient and effective IT support. Then, Booz Allen brings complexity in the IT environment and drive up costs. In together certified cost analysts, world-class IT technologists addition, there are often hidden IT costs (e.g., the cost and other experts to deliver long-term IT solutions to our of power, real estate, and administrative overhead for federal agency partners. This paper provides an overview IT operations). of RightIT™, presents samples of the significant results Across the federal government, agencies spend almost achieved by our clients, and outlines how the approach can $80 billion per year on IT. Because of the significant be used by federal agencies to create efficient and effective size of the expenditure, IT is a target for cost- IT operations. rebalancing actions and directed budget reductions. Current State of Government IT Environment Today, the majority of federal IT investments are As IT enterprises have evolved over the decades, defined, funded, and operated by individual programs information infrastructure and related applications have of record or functional organizations in a decentralized, Exhibit 1 | Impact of Inefficient Practices in Current Government IT Environment Typical Current State Impacts ■ Multiple overlapping systems create a ■ Costly and complex technology need for expensive system interfaces environment ■ IT requirements are focused on supply ■ Ineffective demand management drives ■ Lack of enterprsise-level acquisition up cost per user strategy reduces buying power ■ IT is purchased in an ad hoc or ■ Server environments are managed by piecemeal fashion rather than in an multiple organizations ef cient, end-to-end acquisition ■ IT cost drivers are not well understood ■ Fragmented IT management and oversight makes accountability dif cult ■ Hidden IT costs often result in sub-optimal decisions Source: Booz Allen Hamilton 1
  • 3. often ad hoc, manner. In many cases, the individuals identify IT acquisition strategies that capture savings who generate program requirements are not familiar and drive increased performance. Our comprehensive with available enterprise capabilities. As a result, assessment will highlight performance improvement IT environments consist of a patchwork of one-off and savings opportunities as outlined in Exhibit 2. systems with incompatible, inefficient, and costly The overall objective of our approach is to reduce IT networks. Furthermore, budgets for power and real spending, while retaining value-added IT capabilities estate are managed outside of IT programs. These and improving enterprise-level performance. “hidden” IT costs can account for 30 percent or more The approach is designed to realize short-term savings of annual IT operating budgets. The current planning, at the outset by implementing improvements within the programming, budgeting, and execution process immediate control of the IT organization. While initial does not provide adequate transparency. As a result savings are being realized, Booz Allen simultaneously of this lack of insight, it is nearly impossible for analyzes the IT environment for additional efficiencies federal agencies to produce a comprehensive, current that can be harvested as savings over the longer term. state cost baseline. Without the ability to accurately characterize IT costs, there is no effective way to With RightIT™, we begin using a diagnostic process quantify the return on investment (ROI) of IT initiatives to evaluate the client’s entire IT environment. Our or recommend the most cost-effective approach to approach identifies the total cost of ownership (TCO), meet federal IT mandates. including hidden IT costs. Our experts then highlight potential savings in the areas of infrastructure Achieving Cost-Effectiveness with RightIT™ management (e.g., data center consolidation and Booz Allen’s RightIT™ methodology is a proven new technologies like cloud computing), requirements approach to achieve cost-effective IT capabilities. Our management (e.g., service level agreements to control world-class team of cost, IT, and change management demand), acquisition management (e.g., strategic experts uses this powerful methodology to analyze sourcing), and process management (e.g., streamlined both supply and demand factors. It also helps us IT business processes). Exhibit 2 | Areas for Performance Improvement and Savings with RightIT™ Infrastructure Requirements Acquisition Process Management Management Management Management ■ Enterprise ■ Service Level ■ Strategic Sourcing ■ Change Management Architecture Agreements ■ Contract Consolidation ■ Security Organization ■ Data Management ■ Technology Limits ■ Contract Management ■ Performance ■ Data Center on Staff Measurement ■ Outsourcing Consolidation ■ Budget Transparency ■ Business Process ■ Service-based Pricing ■ Server Consolidation ■ Commercial Market Reengineering Surveys ■ Portfolio Management ■ Service Consolidation ■ IT Governance ■ Cloud/Virtualization ■ Asset Management Source: Booz Allen Hamilton 2
  • 4. Booz Allen will identify opportunities for re-designing • We helped a major military command validate its IT infrastructure utilizing consolidation, virtualization, corporate architecture and performance (CAP) cloud computing and other technologies. These standards for IT services. Our experts then technologies maximize system availability and are baselined the command’s 10 installations against designed to be rapidly shifted to adjacent systems to the CAP standards, and provided the command’s accommodate maintenance windows, system outages, Chief Information Officer with “best practice” and other events that affect infrastructure availability. benchmarked costs for providing IT services at An enterprise focus eliminates service gaps and each base. The command used the cost model redundancies. we developed to identify inefficiencies and assess trade-offs on technology investments. The result was The RightIT™ approach evaluates IT requirements a well justified budget for base-level IT services. from both the supply and the demand management perspectives. We evaluate which investments are • Booz Allen helped a global pharmaceutical and required to align with the agency’s end-state goals, and consumer products company make informed IT we use multiple performance parameters to measure choices that saved between $34 and $50 million ROI and per-unit technical performance. on a $164 million baseline, or 20 to 30 percent. The company had a distributed IT function that was We use the strategic sourcing perspective to evaluate expensive and difficult to administer. Booz Allen an agency’s IT environment, identifying near-term helped them remedy those problems by establishing cost savings that can offset future investments. an IT shared services model that was both effective This analysis of the various cost efficiency drivers and economical. ensures that our clients are paying the right price for the IT services they need. As a result, IT acquisition • A large federal government organization lacked the management is rational and efficient. capability to effectively manage IT investments. As a result, it was unable to evaluate benefits, costs Identifying the right IT organization structures, and risk in its IT investment projects. Booz Allen streamlined business processes, and most effective developed and implemented a portfolio management governance models are included in our RightIT™ process that resulted in a 40-percent reduction in assessment. This is not only important by itself, but proposed enterprise architecture expenditures and a also helps to fit all the other management elements 21-percent reduction in office automation spending. together into an integrated IT environment that benefits The new portfolio management process is both and serves the entire enterprise. effective and transparent. Our comprehensive RightIT™ approach to improving • Booz Allen helped a government health organization IT environments ensures that our clients understand create an effective IT investment management and which activities have the greatest potential decision making framework that aligned spending for improvement and savings. We also deliver with medical transformation objectives. Booz Allen a comprehensive efficiency and improvement analyzed IT requirements, developed an investment implementation plan that considers mission evaluation process, built a detailed transition plan, requirements, available budget resources, timing, and stood up a governance structure to manage IT and risk factors, along with the value of enhanced IT investments. The enterprise wide solution will save performance and potential savings. more than $20 million. Helping Clients Get Results with RightIT™ • A national diagnostics testing company was Booz Allen’s RightIT™ approach has already helped undergoing a merger and was expected to reduce government agencies improve IT performance and operating expenses. Booz Allen developed an IT reduce costs. The following are some of our client infrastructure baseline, determined total cost of IT engagements: ownership, established benchmarks, and prepared 3
  • 5. short-term, mid-term, and long-term action plans or reviewed by government oversight entities. It also to rationalize IT operation within the merged provides an important support for agency budget organization. As a result, the client’s IT costs were requests. reduced by approximately 20 percent, a savings of $43 million. Diagnostic Phase • A defense acquisition program inherited numerous Compile Current State Baseline aging servers with no centralized management A comprehensive understanding of IT expenditures is process to effectively monitor or manage their important to create a current state baseline. Through system. As a result, IT costs were very high. Booz careful navigation of multiple appropriation baselines, Allen re-designed the IT infrastructure utilizing financial systems, and execution vehicles, Booz Allen consolidation, virtualization, and cloud computing can compile a comprehensive IT cost baseline. During technologies. These efforts reduced maintenance the initial diagnostic phase, we also establish a series downtime by 75 percent and saved $6 million in of per-unit costs (e.g., power consumption per server hosting and licensing costs. We also developed an and cost per user), which are then used to calculate optimized architecture that used virtualization to expected cost savings associated with IT alternatives. reduce the program’s IT footprint by 83 percent. Benchmark Against Best Practices The Three-Phased Approach of RightIT™ With a TCO baseline established, the RightIT™ To improve IT performance and achieve savings, we approach benchmarks the status quo against industry implement the RightIT™ approach in three phases: averages. The differences found when comparing the Diagnostic, Planning, and Implementation (as shown baseline line-items with the benchmarks will help below in Exhibit 3). This approach ensures that our identify where cost savings can be achieved most federal clients are compliant with agency mandates effectively. Benchmarking will also highlight target and documentation requirements that may be audited areas for IT service performance improvement. Exhibit 3 | Three Phases of Booz Allen’s RightIT™ Methodology Implementation Diagnostic Phase Planning Phase Phase Delivers improved IT Identi es each client’s Builds a detailed plan to performance unique IT challenges address the challenges and creates savings Implement Compile Deliver Benchmark Develop Prepare Ef ciencies Current Ef ciency Against Best Strategic Analysis of and State Implementation Practices Options Alternatives Technology Baseline Plan Initiatives Source: Booz Allen Hamilton 4
  • 6. Develop Strategic Options Deliver Efficiency Implementation Plan With visibility into how an agency’s IT environment The efficiency implementation plan maps the approved compares to industry standards, alternatives can be IT solutions into an executable game plan that identified and evaluated. Our approach considers ensures all the improvement initiative priorities and which savings and improvement strategies will yield dependencies are integrated and work together to the greatest value to the organization. Trade-offs deliver the expected results. This step ensures that all between expected benefits, implementation costs, initiatives contribute to the enterprise-level end-state. desired service levels, budget resources, and delivery Booz Allen also ensures that robust documentation, methods are examined to determine which options communication plans, and stakeholder coordination are will achieve required service levels and generate the part of the planning process. most efficiency. Through this process, the optimal architecture and delivery methods are identified. Technology Efficiency Implementation Phase Typical alternatives include data center consolidation, Implement Efficiencies And Technology Initiatives migrating to cloud computing, and performing business The RightIT™ approach is designed to ensure that process reengineering across the enterprise. However, end-state goals for performance enhancement and every agency’s solution set will be unique. cost savings are achieved. During the implementation phase, the Booz Allen team expands to include Planning Phase appropriate IT experts needed to complete every task Prepare Analysis Of Alternatives on time and within budget. Our world-class IT expertise Our approach provides a robust mechanism to evaluate will ensure that the implementation fully achieves the the TCO of alternatives, whether those alternatives results outlined in the efficiency implementation plan. exist at the enterprise level (e.g., data center consolidation) or within a particular concentration Right-sizing with RightIT™ area (e.g., private cloud as opposed to public cloud or The RightIT™ approach is a comprehensive analytical hybrid cloud). Our methodology accounts for agency- framework for making informed decisions that specific compliance policies for evaluating technical maximize savings and IT performance, while reducing and cost parameters, as well as auditing requirements. costs and minimizing risks in pursuing the approved The RightIT™ approach leverages the expertise of IT solutions. It begins by developing a current state our world-class cost and IT analysts to evaluate IT IT cost baseline. Once this baseline is established, alternatives for decision makers. We use agency- appropriate benchmarks will help identify savings and specific Business Case Analysis (BCA) to highlight improvement targets. The efficiency implementation the benefits, costs, and risks of various solutions. plan provides a detailed roadmap for achieving cost The Booz Allen team has the capability to evaluate savings and improved performance. To implement the the industry vendor base, available contracting plan, Booz Allen will bring world-class talent to the mechanisms, and the requirements of the federal engagement, ensuring expected results are delivered. budgeting system to ensure BCA recommendations can be incorporated into the next budget cycle. Contact Information: Eugene Bounds Louise Campanale Marguerite Morrell Michael Schoep Senior Vice President Principal Principal Principal 703-377-4186 703-377-5242 281-280-6199 202-203-3746 5
  • 7. About Booz Allen Booz Allen Hamilton has been at the forefront of resources, and deliver enduring results. By combining strategy and technology consulting for nearly a a consultant’s problem-solving orientation with deep century. Today, Booz Allen is a leading provider of technical knowledge and strong execution, Booz Allen management and technology consulting services helps clients achieve success in their most critical to the US government in defense, intelligence, and missions—as evidenced by the firm’s many client civil markets, and to major corporations, institutions, relationships that span decades. Booz Allen helps and not-for-profit organizations. In the commercial shape thinking and prepare for future developments sector, the firm focuses on leveraging its existing in areas of national importance, including expertise for clients in the financial services, cybersecurity, homeland security, healthcare, and healthcare, and energy markets, and to international information technology. clients in the Middle East. Booz Allen offers clients Booz Allen is headquartered in McLean, Virginia, deep functional knowledge spanning strategy and employs more than 25,000 people, and had organization, engineering and operations, technology, revenue of $5.59 billion for the 12 months ended and analytics—which it combines with specialized March 31, 2011. Fortune has named Booz Allen one expertise in clients’ mission and domain areas to of its “100 Best Companies to Work For” for seven help solve their toughest problems. consecutive years. Working Mother has ranked the The firm’s management consulting heritage is firm among its “100 Best Companies for Working the basis for its unique collaborative culture and Mothers” annually since 1999. More information operating model, enabling Booz Allen to anticipate is available at (NYSE: BAH) needs and opportunities, rapidly deploy talent and To learn more about the firm and to download digital versions of this article and other Booz Allen Hamilton publications, visit 6
  • 8. Principal Offices Huntsville, Alabama Indianapolis, Indiana Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Sierra Vista, Arizona Leavenworth, Kansas Charleston, South Carolina Los Angeles, California Aberdeen, Maryland Houston, Texas San Diego, California Annapolis Junction, Maryland San Antonio, Texas San Francisco, California Hanover, Maryland Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Colorado Springs, Colorado Lexington Park, Maryland Alexandria, Virginia Denver, Colorado Linthicum, Maryland Arlington, Virginia District of Columbia Rockville, Maryland Chantilly, Virginia Orlando, Florida Troy, Michigan Charlottesville, Virginia Pensacola, Florida Kansas City, Missouri Falls Church, Virginia Sarasota, Florida Omaha, Nebraska Herndon, Virginia Tampa, Florida Red Bank, New Jersey McLean, Virginia Atlanta, Georgia New York, New York Norfolk, Virginia Honolulu, Hawaii Rome, New York Stafford, Virginia O’Fallon, Illinois Dayton, Ohio Seattle, Washington The most complete, recent list of offices and their addresses and telephone numbers can be found on ©2011 Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. 11.029.11