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Global Value Chains in the
Digital Economy
Togar M. Simatupang
Institut Teknologi Bandung
17 December 2020
1. Main features of Global Value Chain
2. Digital Economy
3. Making Indonesia 4.0
4. National Logistics Ecosystem
5. Global Value Chains (GVCs) in the Digital Economy
6. Technology Innovation in Logistics 4.0
• The rise of the digital economy could open a range of new opportunities
for firms to play a more active role in global value chains (GVCs).
• New digital technologies are radically changing the outlook of
manufacturing and services industries by altering the way how companies
organize their production processes and which business models they
• How the digitalization is affecting, or could affect future, enterprises
(actors) contributions to GVCs.
• The various opportunities that the digital economy opens for actors,
especially in terms of cost reductions and the emergence of new business
models, but also discusses policy measures that could be taken to promote
actors participation in GVCs.
• Significant challenges remain for SMEs to enter GVCs, some of which are
exacerbated by the new digital economy.
Main features of Global Value Chain
Main Features of Global Value Chain
 Product upgrading or moving to better
and more sophisticated goods;
 Process upgrading or improving
efficiency of production;
 Functional upgrading, which refers to
moving from manufacturing tasks to
pre- and postmanufacturing activities
such as R&D, branding, and marketing;
 Chain upgrading, that is moving into a
completely new chain.
Determinants of global value chain governance
Source: Modified from Gereffi et al. (2005) 6
The transition from value chains to value ecosystems
Digital Economy
What is Digital Economy?
• What is the digital economy?
• Economic activity that results from billions of digital connections among people, firms and devices
• How is it affecting global industries?
• Tech platforms changes way buyers and suppliers interact (e.g. Alipay)
• Established leaders facing new competition new tech firm (e.g. Uber/Didi)
• How are countries responding?
• Global race between countries to drive digital transformation to remain competitive (e.g.
Germany: Industrie 4.0, Japan: Society 5.0, Indonesia: Making Industry 4.0)
• What does this mean for Indonesia?
• Potential to participate in digital economy, but needs to understand how new technologies and
services are shaping existing industries and creating new ones.
Digital transformation in context
Source: Driving Digital Transformation in Higher Education by D. Christopher Brooks and Mark McCormack (15 June 2020),
Digitalization can be a driver of
‘upgrading’ in GVCs and help
developing countries move into
higher value-added activities
Making Industry 4.0
4 Pilar Perubahan
Industry 4.0: Key Driver [ Skill, Policy, Culture]
 Skill
o Reskill / Upskill / New skill
o Syllabus & Curriculum revision
 Policy
o Incentive, Data security
o Foreign labour, Digitalisation, ICT infrastructure
 Culture
o New paradigm shift in corporate culture
o Change process
Tahap-Tahap Revolusi Industri
1800 1900
Lini Masa
2000 now
Penemuan Mesin
Uap mendorong
munculnya kapal
uap, kereta api, dll
Penemuan listrik dan
assembly line yang
produksi barang
Inovasi teknologi
personal computer,
Revolusi Industri ke-4
Kegiatan manufaktur
terintegrasi melalui
teknologi wireless
dan big data secara
masifFase periode Revolusi Industri membutuhkan masa
yang semakin singkat dari waktu ke waktu
Wajah Kegiatan Ekonomi Dunia saat Ini
Revolusi Industri Ke-4
Smart Manufacturing Smart City
e-Education e-Government
Online Health ServicesCloud Collaborative
Sharing economy
Smart Appliances
Saat ini berbagai macam
kebutuhan manusia telah banyak
menerapkan dukungan internet
dan dunia digital sebagai wahana
interaksi dan transaksi
Era Baru Industrilisasi Digital
- Secara global era digitalisasi akan menghilangkan sekitar 1 – 1,5 miliar
pekerjaan sepanjang tahun 2015-2025 karena digantikannya posisi manusia
dengan mesin otomatis (Gerd Leonhard, Futurist);
- Diestimasi bahwa di masa yang akan datang, 65% murid sekolah dasar di
dunia akan bekerja pada pekerjaan yang belum pernah ada di hari ini (U.S.
Department of Labor report).
- Era digitalisasi berpotensi memberikan peningkatan net tenaga kerja hingga
2.1 juta pekerjaan baru pada tahun 2025
- Terdapat potensi pengurangan emisi karbon kira-kira 26 miliar metrik ton
dari tiga industri: elektronik (15,8 miliar), logistik (9,9 miliar) dan otomotif
(540 miliar) dari tahun 2015-2025 (World Economic Forum).
Dampak Dunia Digital dan Revolusi Industri Keempat
Gejala-Gejala Transformasi di Indonesia
Dunia Digital dan Revolusi Industri Keempat
Toko Fisik Market Place Online
Ojek dan Taksi Konvensional GO-Jek, Grab, Uber, dll.
Saat ini beberapa jenis model bisnis
dan pekerjaan di Indonesia sudah
terkena dampak dari arus era
• Toko konvensional yang ada
sudah mulai tergantikan dengan
model bisnis marketplace.
• Taksi atau Ojek Tradisional
posisinya sudah mulai
tergeserkan dengan moda-moda
berbasis online
Launching Making Indonesia 4.0
Jakarta, 4 April 2018
Internet of Things
● Sensor & Actuator
● Hardware
● Network
Cloud Computing
● Infrastructure as a service (IAAS)
● Platform as a service (PAAS)
● Software as a service (SAAS)
Digital Production Manufacturing
● Flexible Manufacturing System
● Additive Manufacturing
Big Data
● Analisis & Komputasi Data
● Advance Database
● Data Warehouse
● Data Cyber security
Artificial Intelligence
● Robotic
● Sistem Informasi
● Micro controller
● Coding & Programming
● Apps Developing
75–375 Juta
Diperlukan dukungan infrastruktur dasar, yaitu :
Indonesia perlu meningkatkan
kualitas keterampilan tenaga
kerja dengan teknologi digital
(Parray, ILO, 2017)
Public sector and utilities
Telecom and media
Industry 4.0 can have significant
impact in Indonesia – up to USD 120
billion by 2025
Across key sectors, Indonesia could harness digitization to realize
total productivity impact of USD 120 billion by 2025, USD billion
Sector Estimated 2025 GDP base impact
Indonesia’s positive story: many more jobs will
be created in 2030 than lost to automation
Number of job jobs gained and lost
Jobs lost Jobs gained
Jobs gained, step-up
Jobs lost, midpoint scenario
New occupation created
Jobs gained, trend line
SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) research: Unlocking Indonesia’s digital opportunity (2016), Automation and the Future of Work in Indonesia (2019)
1. Politeknik STTT Bandung (Smart Apparel)
2. Politeknik STMI Jakarta (Automotive Component)
3. Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan Pengolhan Kayu
Kendal (Advanced Manufacturing-Wood)
4. Politeknik ATI Makassar (Advanced Manufacturing)
5. Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta (Advanced Manufacturing-
6. PT Schneider Electric Indonesia (Advance
7. PT YPTI (Advance Manufacturing)
Solusi Satu Atap Penerapan I4.0 di Indonesia dan jendela Indonesia 4.0
National Logistics Ecosystem (NLE)
Food Parks,
APEDA, Freight
Sensor networks &
supply chain
Cold Chain
Sourcing Hubs, Food
Courts, Clusters
HR management
Dealing with Kirana
shops, Financials
Water, Power , seeds
Canals, Roads,
Research: University,
Seeds, Testing, Dev,
Quality Control &
Environmental Issues
APMC, Min price, Essential
Commodities, PDS,VAT
Social (Kirana shops),
Financial & Trade issues
Retail Chains
Mandis, Restaurants
Farmers, Fisheries,
Meat, Dairy
Rantai Pasokan
Pangan di India
Sumber: SV Agri – Consolidating India’s
Potato Supply Chain,
Ekosistem untuk Manajemen Kargo
Mengapa Perlu Penataan Ekosistem Logistik
Gambaran Kerumitan Sistem Logistik Saat Ini
Sumber: Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Nasional (NLE), Kamis 24 September 2020 30
Penataan Melalui NLE
Sumber: Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Nasional (NLE), Kamis 24 September 2020 31
Ekosistem Logistik Nasional (National Logistics Ecosystem)
Sumber: Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 /16 Juni 2020 tentang Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Nasional
National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) merupakan program yang menyelaraskan arus lalu lintas barang (flow of goods) dan
dokumen (flow of documents) baik internasional maupun domestik yang berorientasi pada kerjasama antar instansi
pemerintah dan swasta, melalui pertukaran data, simplifikasi proses, penghapusan repetisi dan duplikasi, serta didukung
oleh sistem teknologi informasi yang mencakup seluruh proses logistik terkait dan menghubungkan sistem-sistem logistik
yang telah ada melalui konektivitas dan aksesibilitas antar kawasan, simpul transportasi, dan jaringan transportasi.
Program Kerja NLE
Efisiensi Logistik Nasional
Sumber: Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Nasional (NLE), Kamis 24 September 2020 34
GVCs in the Digital Economy
The digital transformation of value chain system
Source: 36
Benefits of the digital transformation of value chain system
Access to
Access to
Access to
• Linkages
• Preferences
• Certification and Standards
• Technical
• Entrepreneurial
• Financial literacy
• Soft skills
• Horizontal (among
• Vertical (among value chain
• Infrastructure
• Equipment
• Certification and Standards 37
Eight Key Findings of the Global Digital Study 2018
Aproach to Digital Economy
• A holistic approach that combines investment in ICT infrastructure and human capital with trade
policy measures and measures to improve the business environment, access to finance and
logistics, and promote innovation and R&D is necessary.
• Improving the availability of data would also help to better understand and integrate SMEs in
• The digital transformation of value chain system, ranging from digital profiling of value chain
actors to mobile payments and e-commerce.
• The necessary policy and regulatory frameworks for inclusiveness, scalability and viability,
includes data governance and protection, digital financial products, digital ID systems, e-
contracts, and e-extension services.
• The policy and investment fronts for digitalization is to help make value chain systems especially
agri-food systems more productive, more inclusive and more sustainable in the future
• This wave of interest to build digital platforms that facilitate linkages between value chain actors
at much-reduced transaction costs.
GVCC Digital Economy and GVCs:
Big Picture Trends
• Incumbent firms earn a larger share of revenue by providing services rather than
physical goods.
• Additional data enables equipment manufacturers to upgrade to analytical
consulting services to clients.
• Dichotomy between the products and services offered and the source of revenue
in consumer segments due to advertising.
• New skill requirements along the entire value chain (programming, analytics,
sales, etc.); global shortage of workers with these skills.
• New forms of education in certifications to respond more rapidly to changing
• Expanding value creation through collaborative ecosystems over linear supply
• Largely driven by US firms.
GVCC IT-Enabled Services:
Anything as a Service (XaaS)
• In-house servers to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
• Cloud: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud
• In-house database storage to Platform as a Service (PaaS)
• IBM Bluemix, RedHat OpenShift, GE Predix, Siemens Mindsphere
• Application software to Software as a Service (SaaS)
• Salesforce, SAP, start-ups
• Selling physical products to Products as a Service (PaaS)
• Rolls Royce, Komatsu
GVCC Characteristics of Digital Economy Lead Firms
• Internal development, investment in R&D and workforce skills
• Acquisitions to achieve greater diversity (products and markets) and
• e.g., IBM, Microsoft & Google – 165+ acquisitions each past 15 years
• Firms have venture capital arms and start-up funds.
• Global MNEs create incubators for entrepreneurs globally to grow workforce
and expand globally.
• Collaboration across industries and sectors: common and important.
Upgrading strategies for the digital economy
Source: “Upgrading strategies for the digital economy” by Timothy J. Sturgeon (2019), Global Strategy Journal,
Three key business strategies underpinning its organization: modularity, open innovation, and platforms.
Stages of value chain modularity and the emergence of GVCs
Source: “Upgrading strategies for the digital economy” by Timothy J. Sturgeon (2019), Global Strategy Journal, 44
Facebook's digital ecosystem
The organizational continuum of technological platforms
Source: “Bridging differing perspectives on technological platforms: Toward an integrative framework” by Annabelle Gawer (2014), Research
Policy, Volume 43, Issue 7, Pages 1239-1249. 48
Platform innovation and competition
Innovation Technoloy in Logistics 4.0
Evolusi era digital
Sumber: Frazzon, E., Rodriguez, C. M., Pereira, M., Pires, M., & Uhlmann, I. (2019). Towards Supply Chain
Management 4.0. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 16(2), 180-191. 51
Transisi logistik dengan inovasi
Otomatisasi dalam
pergerakan muatan
Standardisasi proses
dan Internet untuk
Sumber: “Logistics centers in the new industrial era: A proposed framework for logistics center 4.0” by Volkan Yavas and Yesim Deniz Ozkan-Ozen
(2020) in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 135,
Produksi Logistik Logistik Terpadu Logistik Cerdas
• Meningkatkan kecepatan dan
daya dukung moda jalan dan rel
• Tawaran model jalur air
• Otomatisasi gudang dan
penggunaan mesin pengangkat
barang (forklift) dalam
pergerakan dan penyimpanan
• Standarisasi muatan
menggunakan kontainer
• Sistematisasi pengendalian
logistik menggunakan WMS dan
• Digitalisasi dokumen dan proses
• Gudang otomatis dan kendaraan
terpandu jarak jauh dengan
pengurangan tenaga kerja
• Standardisasi untuk seluruh
rantai pasokan
Logistik 1.0 Logistik 2.0 Logistik 3.0 Logistik 4.0
Abad 20 1960-an 1980-an Abad 21
The digital supply chain revolution
Teknologi Dalam Rantai Pasokan
Sumber: “The emerging role of Big Data in Digital Ecosystems ” by Mark Skilton (2014) 55
National Agri Platform by promoting digitalization among
Agricultural value chain actors
Ways the digital economy can reduce SME business costs
Source: Alphabeta framework (from AMTC, 2018)
Benefits of new technologies across different players
Source: Impacts of the digital economy on the food chain and the CAP 58
Pembangkitan ide:
Tahap pertumbuhan perusahaan yang berbeda membutuhkan Tujuan yang berbeda pula
Hasilkan pendapatan
Berinvestasi untuk
Hasilkan Keuntungan
Investasikan untuk
Sumber: Zone to Win: Organizing to Compete in an Age of Disruption by Geoffrey Moore (2015)
Transformasi Digital
Sumber: “Art of Digital Jujutsu” by Mohammed Hashim (2016), Conference: Dell
EMC World At:
Penyedia Solusi:
Bagaimana merancang aplikasi rantai pasokan yang memadukan
kegiatan ekonomi UMK dari hulu ke hilir?
Sumber: Made Dana Tangkas (2020)
Penyedia Solusi:
Bagaimana merancang interkoneksi rantai pasokan untuk meningkatkan
utilitas industri manufaktur khususnya optimalisasi belanja pemerintah?
Sumber: Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono (2020) 62
Penyedia Solusi:
Bagaimana mereplikasi EKOSISTEM INOVASI INDUSTRI 4.0 (SINDI 4.0)
dengan pemuktahiran data industri di daerah?
Aplikasi Pertanian di Indonesia
• Eragano merupakan sebuah startup yang menyediakan solusi dari hulu ke hilir di sektor pertanian.
• iGrow adalah sebuah platform yang memungkinkan kamu untuk berinvestasi di bidang pertanian dan
memantaunya secara online.
• 8Villages merupakan perusahaan yang membuat aplikasi bernama Petani.
• Dengan aplikasi tersebut, para petani bisa bertukar informasi dengan para pakar pertanian, serta menanyakan berbagai masalah
terkait pertumbuhan tanaman.
• SayurBox adalah aplikasi yang memungkinkan kamu untuk memesan sayuran organik segar yang baru saja
• Simbah adalah aplikasi yang bisa membantu petani untuk bertanya segala hal tentang dunia pertanian.
• Pantau Harga adalah aplikasi yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mengetahui informasi harga dari beragam
komoditas pangan di pasar.
• Karsa adalah aplikasi yang bisa memberikan informasi pertanian kepada para petani, produsen produk
pertanian, serta pemerintah.
• Eragano
• Teknologi aplikasi Android dengan fitur lengkap dan mudah digunakan untuk PETANI
• Apa yang disediakan Eragano?
• Penjualan perlengkapan pertanian dan pupuk
• Penjualan hasil panen
• Sistem pengelolaan sawah
• Pemberian pinjaman untuk petani
• Startup yang dibangun oleh Stephanie Jesselyn dan Aris Hendrawan ini telah mendapat pendanaan tahap
awal dari East Ventures pada bulan Juli 2016 yang lalu.
• Stephanie Jesselyn
• CEO dan Founder dari eragano (sebuah start-up yang membangun solusi dari hulu ke hilir untuk Petani kecil, mulai
dari pinjaman, pendampingan budidaya sampai penjualan panen sehingga kesejahteraan Petani dapat meningkat dan
Petani lebih fokus dalam bertani).
• Berpengalaman sebagai Business Intelligence Specialist di Zalora Indonesia, perusahaan anak dari Rocket Internet
Gmbh yang menangani Business Plan dan forecast dan data analytics Zalora.
Source: 65
Thank You

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Global Value Chain (GVC) in the Digital Economy

  • 1. Global Value Chains in the Digital Economy Togar M. Simatupang Institut Teknologi Bandung 17 December 2020
  • 2. Overview 1. Main features of Global Value Chain 2. Digital Economy 3. Making Indonesia 4.0 4. National Logistics Ecosystem 5. Global Value Chains (GVCs) in the Digital Economy 6. Technology Innovation in Logistics 4.0 2
  • 3. Introduction • The rise of the digital economy could open a range of new opportunities for firms to play a more active role in global value chains (GVCs). • New digital technologies are radically changing the outlook of manufacturing and services industries by altering the way how companies organize their production processes and which business models they adopt. • How the digitalization is affecting, or could affect future, enterprises (actors) contributions to GVCs. • The various opportunities that the digital economy opens for actors, especially in terms of cost reductions and the emergence of new business models, but also discusses policy measures that could be taken to promote actors participation in GVCs. • Significant challenges remain for SMEs to enter GVCs, some of which are exacerbated by the new digital economy. 3
  • 4. Main features of Global Value Chain 4
  • 5. Main Features of Global Value Chain  Product upgrading or moving to better and more sophisticated goods;  Process upgrading or improving efficiency of production;  Functional upgrading, which refers to moving from manufacturing tasks to pre- and postmanufacturing activities such as R&D, branding, and marketing; and  Chain upgrading, that is moving into a completely new chain. 5
  • 6. Determinants of global value chain governance Source: Modified from Gereffi et al. (2005) 6
  • 7. The transition from value chains to value ecosystems 7
  • 9. What is Digital Economy? • What is the digital economy? • Economic activity that results from billions of digital connections among people, firms and devices • How is it affecting global industries? • Tech platforms changes way buyers and suppliers interact (e.g. Alipay) • Established leaders facing new competition new tech firm (e.g. Uber/Didi) • How are countries responding? • Global race between countries to drive digital transformation to remain competitive (e.g. Germany: Industrie 4.0, Japan: Society 5.0, Indonesia: Making Industry 4.0) • What does this mean for Indonesia? • Potential to participate in digital economy, but needs to understand how new technologies and services are shaping existing industries and creating new ones. 9
  • 10. Digital transformation in context Source: Driving Digital Transformation in Higher Education by D. Christopher Brooks and Mark McCormack (15 June 2020), Digitalization can be a driver of ‘upgrading’ in GVCs and help developing countries move into higher value-added activities 10
  • 11. 11
  • 14. Industry 4.0: Key Driver [ Skill, Policy, Culture] INDUSTRIES (NEW CORPORATE CULTURE) INDUSTRY 4.0 HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTION TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTION GOVERNMENT  Skill o Reskill / Upskill / New skill o Syllabus & Curriculum revision  Policy o Incentive, Data security o Foreign labour, Digitalisation, ICT infrastructure  Culture o New paradigm shift in corporate culture o Change process 14
  • 15. Tahap-Tahap Revolusi Industri 1800 1900 Lini Masa 2000 now Penemuan Mesin Uap mendorong munculnya kapal uap, kereta api, dll Penemuan listrik dan assembly line yang meningkatkan produksi barang Inovasi teknologi informasi, komersialiasi personal computer, dll. Revolusi Industri ke-4 Kegiatan manufaktur terintegrasi melalui penggunaan teknologi wireless dan big data secara masifFase periode Revolusi Industri membutuhkan masa yang semakin singkat dari waktu ke waktu 15
  • 16. Wajah Kegiatan Ekonomi Dunia saat Ini Revolusi Industri Ke-4 Smart Manufacturing Smart City e-Education e-Government Online Health ServicesCloud Collaborative Sharing economy Marketplace Smart Appliances Saat ini berbagai macam kebutuhan manusia telah banyak menerapkan dukungan internet dan dunia digital sebagai wahana interaksi dan transaksi 16
  • 17. Era Baru Industrilisasi Digital Ancaman: - Secara global era digitalisasi akan menghilangkan sekitar 1 – 1,5 miliar pekerjaan sepanjang tahun 2015-2025 karena digantikannya posisi manusia dengan mesin otomatis (Gerd Leonhard, Futurist); - Diestimasi bahwa di masa yang akan datang, 65% murid sekolah dasar di dunia akan bekerja pada pekerjaan yang belum pernah ada di hari ini (U.S. Department of Labor report). Peluang: - Era digitalisasi berpotensi memberikan peningkatan net tenaga kerja hingga 2.1 juta pekerjaan baru pada tahun 2025 - Terdapat potensi pengurangan emisi karbon kira-kira 26 miliar metrik ton dari tiga industri: elektronik (15,8 miliar), logistik (9,9 miliar) dan otomotif (540 miliar) dari tahun 2015-2025 (World Economic Forum). Dampak Dunia Digital dan Revolusi Industri Keempat 17
  • 18. Gejala-Gejala Transformasi di Indonesia Dunia Digital dan Revolusi Industri Keempat Toko Fisik Market Place Online Ojek dan Taksi Konvensional GO-Jek, Grab, Uber, dll. Saat ini beberapa jenis model bisnis dan pekerjaan di Indonesia sudah terkena dampak dari arus era digitalisasi • Toko konvensional yang ada sudah mulai tergantikan dengan model bisnis marketplace. • Taksi atau Ojek Tradisional posisinya sudah mulai tergeserkan dengan moda-moda berbasis online 18
  • 19. Launching Making Indonesia 4.0 Jakarta, 4 April 2018 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21
  • 22. 22
  • 23. Internet of Things ● Sensor & Actuator ● Hardware ● Network PEMBANGUNAN SDM MENDUKUNG INDUSTRI 4.0 Cloud Computing ● Infrastructure as a service (IAAS) ● Platform as a service (PAAS) ● Software as a service (SAAS) Digital Production Manufacturing ● Flexible Manufacturing System ● Additive Manufacturing Big Data ● Analisis & Komputasi Data ● Advance Database ● Data Warehouse ● Data Cyber security Artificial Intelligence ● Robotic ● Sistem Informasi ● Micro controller ● Coding & Programming ● Apps Developing Augmented/ Virtual Reality Softskill Flexibility KOMPETENSI YANG DIKEMBANGKAN 75–375 Juta TENAGA KERJA GLOBAL BERALIH PROFESI Diperlukan dukungan infrastruktur dasar, yaitu : Jaringan Internet Energi Listrik Sistem Logistik Delivery Time Ketepatan Standar/SNI Regulasi Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kualitas keterampilan tenaga kerja dengan teknologi digital (Parray, ILO, 2017) 23
  • 24. 34 121 25 16 15 11 8 7 5 2 Healthcare Manufacturing Mining Public sector and utilities Retail Agriculture Transport Telecom and media Financial Total Industry 4.0 can have significant impact in Indonesia – up to USD 120 billion by 2025 Across key sectors, Indonesia could harness digitization to realize total productivity impact of USD 120 billion by 2025, USD billion Sector Estimated 2025 GDP base impact Indonesia’s positive story: many more jobs will be created in 2030 than lost to automation Number of job jobs gained and lost Million 9 10 23 27 Jobs lost Jobs gained Jobs gained, step-up Jobs lost, midpoint scenario New occupation created Jobs gained, trend line SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) research: Unlocking Indonesia’s digital opportunity (2016), Automation and the Future of Work in Indonesia (2019) 24
  • 25. 1. Politeknik STTT Bandung (Smart Apparel) 2. Politeknik STMI Jakarta (Automotive Component) 3. Politeknik Industri Furnitur dan Pengolhan Kayu Kendal (Advanced Manufacturing-Wood) 4. Politeknik ATI Makassar (Advanced Manufacturing) 5. Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta (Advanced Manufacturing- Footwear) 6. PT Schneider Electric Indonesia (Advance Manufacturing) 7. PT YPTI (Advance Manufacturing) PUSAT INOVASI DAN PENGEMBANGAN SDM INDUSTRI 4.0 (PIDI 4.0) SATELITE PIDI 4.0 Visi Solusi Satu Atap Penerapan I4.0 di Indonesia dan jendela Indonesia 4.0 25
  • 27. FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN ECOSYSTEM Food Parks, APEDA, Freight Corridors Sensor networks & supply chain visibility Cold Chain Logistics DELIVERYSERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE Sourcing Hubs, Food Courts, Clusters HR management Dealing with Kirana shops, Financials Water, Power , seeds Infrastructure: Canals, Roads, Research: University, Seeds, Testing, Dev, Labs RESOURCES Quality Control & Environmental Issues APMC, Min price, Essential Commodities, PDS,VAT INSTITUTIONS Social (Kirana shops), Financial & Trade issues FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS Retail Chains Mandis, Restaurants Distribution Packaging Food Manufacturing Suppliers Farmers, Fisheries, Meat, Dairy Rantai Pasokan Pangan di India Sumber: SV Agri – Consolidating India’s Potato Supply Chain, rctom/submission/sv-agri-consolidating- indias-potato-supply-chain/ 27
  • 29. Mengapa Perlu Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Indonesia? 29
  • 30. Gambaran Kerumitan Sistem Logistik Saat Ini Sumber: Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Nasional (NLE), Kamis 24 September 2020 30
  • 31. Penataan Melalui NLE Sumber: Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Nasional (NLE), Kamis 24 September 2020 31
  • 32. Ekosistem Logistik Nasional (National Logistics Ecosystem) Sumber: Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 /16 Juni 2020 tentang Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Nasional National Logistic Ecosystem (NLE) merupakan program yang menyelaraskan arus lalu lintas barang (flow of goods) dan dokumen (flow of documents) baik internasional maupun domestik yang berorientasi pada kerjasama antar instansi pemerintah dan swasta, melalui pertukaran data, simplifikasi proses, penghapusan repetisi dan duplikasi, serta didukung oleh sistem teknologi informasi yang mencakup seluruh proses logistik terkait dan menghubungkan sistem-sistem logistik yang telah ada melalui konektivitas dan aksesibilitas antar kawasan, simpul transportasi, dan jaringan transportasi. 32
  • 34. Efisiensi Logistik Nasional Sumber: Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Penataan Ekosistem Logistik Nasional (NLE), Kamis 24 September 2020 34
  • 35. GVCs in the Digital Economy 35
  • 36. The digital transformation of value chain system Source: 36
  • 37. Benefits of the digital transformation of value chain system Access to Market Access to Training Access to Finance Collaboration and Coordination • Linkages • Preferences • Certification and Standards • Technical • Entrepreneurial • Financial literacy • Soft skills • Horizontal (among producders) • Vertical (among value chain actors) • Infrastructure • Equipment • Certification and Standards 37
  • 38. Eight Key Findings of the Global Digital Study 2018 38
  • 39. Aproach to Digital Economy • A holistic approach that combines investment in ICT infrastructure and human capital with trade policy measures and measures to improve the business environment, access to finance and logistics, and promote innovation and R&D is necessary. • Improving the availability of data would also help to better understand and integrate SMEs in GVCs. • The digital transformation of value chain system, ranging from digital profiling of value chain actors to mobile payments and e-commerce. • The necessary policy and regulatory frameworks for inclusiveness, scalability and viability, includes data governance and protection, digital financial products, digital ID systems, e- contracts, and e-extension services. • The policy and investment fronts for digitalization is to help make value chain systems especially agri-food systems more productive, more inclusive and more sustainable in the future • This wave of interest to build digital platforms that facilitate linkages between value chain actors at much-reduced transaction costs. 39
  • 40. GVCC Digital Economy and GVCs: Big Picture Trends • Incumbent firms earn a larger share of revenue by providing services rather than physical goods. • Additional data enables equipment manufacturers to upgrade to analytical consulting services to clients. • Dichotomy between the products and services offered and the source of revenue in consumer segments due to advertising. • New skill requirements along the entire value chain (programming, analytics, sales, etc.); global shortage of workers with these skills. • New forms of education in certifications to respond more rapidly to changing demand. • Expanding value creation through collaborative ecosystems over linear supply chains. • Largely driven by US firms. 40
  • 41. GVCC IT-Enabled Services: Anything as a Service (XaaS) • In-house servers to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) • Cloud: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud • In-house database storage to Platform as a Service (PaaS) • IBM Bluemix, RedHat OpenShift, GE Predix, Siemens Mindsphere • Application software to Software as a Service (SaaS) • Salesforce, SAP, start-ups • Selling physical products to Products as a Service (PaaS) • Rolls Royce, Komatsu 41
  • 42. GVCC Characteristics of Digital Economy Lead Firms • Internal development, investment in R&D and workforce skills • Acquisitions to achieve greater diversity (products and markets) and capability • e.g., IBM, Microsoft & Google – 165+ acquisitions each past 15 years • Firms have venture capital arms and start-up funds. • Global MNEs create incubators for entrepreneurs globally to grow workforce and expand globally. • Collaboration across industries and sectors: common and important. 42
  • 43. Upgrading strategies for the digital economy Source: “Upgrading strategies for the digital economy” by Timothy J. Sturgeon (2019), Global Strategy Journal, Three key business strategies underpinning its organization: modularity, open innovation, and platforms. 43
  • 44. Stages of value chain modularity and the emergence of GVCs Source: “Upgrading strategies for the digital economy” by Timothy J. Sturgeon (2019), Global Strategy Journal, 44
  • 45. Facebook's digital ecosystem Source: 45
  • 46. 46
  • 47. 47
  • 48. The organizational continuum of technological platforms Source: “Bridging differing perspectives on technological platforms: Toward an integrative framework” by Annabelle Gawer (2014), Research Policy, Volume 43, Issue 7, Pages 1239-1249. 48
  • 49. Platform innovation and competition 49
  • 50. Innovation Technoloy in Logistics 4.0 50
  • 51. Evolusi era digital Sumber: Frazzon, E., Rodriguez, C. M., Pereira, M., Pires, M., & Uhlmann, I. (2019). Towards Supply Chain Management 4.0. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 16(2), 180-191. 51
  • 52. Transisi logistik dengan inovasi Mekanisasi transportasi Otomatisasi dalam pergerakan muatan Sistem pengendalian logistik Standardisasi proses dan Internet untuk segala Sumber: “Logistics centers in the new industrial era: A proposed framework for logistics center 4.0” by Volkan Yavas and Yesim Deniz Ozkan-Ozen (2020) in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 135, Produksi Logistik Logistik Terpadu Logistik Cerdas • Meningkatkan kecepatan dan daya dukung moda jalan dan rel • Tawaran model jalur air • Otomatisasi gudang dan penggunaan mesin pengangkat barang (forklift) dalam pergerakan dan penyimpanan muatan • Standarisasi muatan menggunakan kontainer • Sistematisasi pengendalian logistik menggunakan WMS dan TMS • Digitalisasi dokumen dan proses logistik • Gudang otomatis dan kendaraan terpandu jarak jauh dengan pengurangan tenaga kerja • Standardisasi untuk seluruh rantai pasokan Logistik 1.0 Logistik 2.0 Logistik 3.0 Logistik 4.0 Abad 20 1960-an 1980-an Abad 21 52
  • 53. 53
  • 54. The digital supply chain revolution Source: 54
  • 55. Teknologi Dalam Rantai Pasokan Sumber: “The emerging role of Big Data in Digital Ecosystems ” by Mark Skilton (2014) 55
  • 56. National Agri Platform by promoting digitalization among Agricultural value chain actors 56
  • 57. Ways the digital economy can reduce SME business costs Source: Alphabeta framework (from AMTC, 2018) 57
  • 58. Benefits of new technologies across different players Source: Impacts of the digital economy on the food chain and the CAP 58
  • 59. Pembangkitan ide: Tahap pertumbuhan perusahaan yang berbeda membutuhkan Tujuan yang berbeda pula 59 Hasilkan pendapatan Berinvestasi untuk berinovasi Hasilkan Keuntungan Investasikan untuk efisiensi Sumber: Zone to Win: Organizing to Compete in an Age of Disruption by Geoffrey Moore (2015)
  • 60. Pendekatan Transformasi Digital Sumber: “Art of Digital Jujutsu” by Mohammed Hashim (2016), Conference: Dell EMC World At: m-The_Art_of_Digital_Jujutsu.pdf 60
  • 61. Penyedia Solusi: Bagaimana merancang aplikasi rantai pasokan yang memadukan kegiatan ekonomi UMK dari hulu ke hilir? Sumber: Made Dana Tangkas (2020) 61
  • 62. Penyedia Solusi: Bagaimana merancang interkoneksi rantai pasokan untuk meningkatkan utilitas industri manufaktur khususnya optimalisasi belanja pemerintah? Sumber: Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono (2020) 62
  • 63. Penyedia Solusi: Bagaimana mereplikasi EKOSISTEM INOVASI INDUSTRI 4.0 (SINDI 4.0) dengan pemuktahiran data industri di daerah? 63
  • 64. Aplikasi Pertanian di Indonesia • Eragano merupakan sebuah startup yang menyediakan solusi dari hulu ke hilir di sektor pertanian. • iGrow adalah sebuah platform yang memungkinkan kamu untuk berinvestasi di bidang pertanian dan memantaunya secara online. • 8Villages merupakan perusahaan yang membuat aplikasi bernama Petani. • Dengan aplikasi tersebut, para petani bisa bertukar informasi dengan para pakar pertanian, serta menanyakan berbagai masalah terkait pertumbuhan tanaman. • SayurBox adalah aplikasi yang memungkinkan kamu untuk memesan sayuran organik segar yang baru saja dipanen. • Simbah adalah aplikasi yang bisa membantu petani untuk bertanya segala hal tentang dunia pertanian. • Pantau Harga adalah aplikasi yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mengetahui informasi harga dari beragam komoditas pangan di pasar. • Karsa adalah aplikasi yang bisa memberikan informasi pertanian kepada para petani, produsen produk pertanian, serta pemerintah. Source: 64
  • 65. Eragano • Eragano • Teknologi aplikasi Android dengan fitur lengkap dan mudah digunakan untuk PETANI • Apa yang disediakan Eragano? • Penjualan perlengkapan pertanian dan pupuk • Penjualan hasil panen • Sistem pengelolaan sawah • Pemberian pinjaman untuk petani • Startup yang dibangun oleh Stephanie Jesselyn dan Aris Hendrawan ini telah mendapat pendanaan tahap awal dari East Ventures pada bulan Juli 2016 yang lalu. • Stephanie Jesselyn • CEO dan Founder dari eragano (sebuah start-up yang membangun solusi dari hulu ke hilir untuk Petani kecil, mulai dari pinjaman, pendampingan budidaya sampai penjualan panen sehingga kesejahteraan Petani dapat meningkat dan Petani lebih fokus dalam bertani). • Berpengalaman sebagai Business Intelligence Specialist di Zalora Indonesia, perusahaan anak dari Rocket Internet Gmbh yang menangani Business Plan dan forecast dan data analytics Zalora. Source: 65
  • 66. 66