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Coteria: Event Management Platform
Names& Roll No:
Faris Rashid(19i-0115)
Muhammad Ahmed (19i-0093)
Umar Hayat (19i-0069)
Ali Hassan Bhatti (18i-0166)
Supervisor: Hammad Majeed
National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad
Table of Content
Purpose of Study/ Introduction: ...................................................................................................................4
Background of Study:................................................................................................................................4
Problem statement:..................................................................................................................................4
Importance of Online Platforms: ..............................................................................................................5
Sustainable Development Goals- Incorporation:......................................................................................5
Objectives of Study:..................................................................................................................................6
Limitation of Works: .....................................................................................................................................8
Significance: ..................................................................................................................................................8
Literature Review:.........................................................................................................................................9
System Problems: .....................................................................................................................................9
Market Information: .............................................................................................................................9
Geographic Information:.....................................................................................................................10
Marketing Mix:....................................................................................................................................11
Technological Requirements: .................................................................................................................18
Logical Model:.........................................................................................................................................19
References ..................................................................................................................................................20
Appendices – Brief CV of the Researchers.............................................................................................22
Appendices – Figures, and Questionnaire ..............................................................................................26
Figure 1:.................................................................................................................................................26
Questionnaire ........................................................................................................................................28
Purpose of Study/ Introduction:
Background of Study:
Industry 4.0 is commonly known as the fourth industrial revolution and today’s world of the
century is experiencing this revolution. This marks the evolution of rapid technological
development and the world is transforming into a digital world with the latest evolution of Big
Data, Metaverse, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is a digital world in which innovation is
a key driver for successful solutions to customers’ problems. Living in this world demands
instant solutions to one’s problems and the area we identified lacking such solutions is the
event management industry where there remain serious problems for masses who intend to
organize an event where they have to get facilities like catering, furniture, decoration, media,
and utilities. Since, each source is to be sourced separately the process becomes hectic, time-
consuming, and cumbersome. Today successful platforms have attracted hundreds of millions
of customers due to rapid technological and digital development. Hence, we plan to devise a
user-friendly online event management platform inside and outside of Pakistan that will help
people to acquire the services of different sections of event managers on this easy-to-operate
single online platform.
Our platform would serve a large population allowing them to manage their events from the
ease of their homes and getting to choose from a variety of different services. This idea will
also give a major boost to the service vendors who are less technologically advanced and open
new avenues to a global market.
Problem statement:
Organizing successful events is a complex and time-consuming process that requires
significant effort from event organizers. Manual processes and outdated technology can lead
to inefficiencies, errors, and ultimately, suboptimal event experiences for attendees. The event
management industry requires a modern, technology-driven solution that streamlines the
planning and execution process, allowing event organizers to focus on creating engaging and
meaningful experiences for attendees. This project aims to develop an event management
platform that leverages advanced technology to address these challenges and revolutionize the
way events are planned, executed, and experienced.
Importance of Online Platforms:
Citizens of the European Union (EU) are increasingly shifting to online services like online
shopping, online web searches, social networking sites, etc. which indicates the high growth
in the usage of platforms in the EU. According to Eurostat (Eurostat, 2021), the proportion of
individuals aged 16 to 74 in the EU who ordered or bought goods or services over the internet
for private use was 68% in 2022, up from 54% in 2017 (see figure 1). 88% of Denmark and
the Netherlands reported the highest share of people having ordered or bought goods and
services online. In the following member states, the individuals who ordered goods and
services online exceeded 75%: Sweden, Luxembourg, Finland, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany,
and France.
In 2020, the use of online platforms has grown at an unimaginable rate compared to traditional
business schemes. The statistics show that a 40% increase in the total value of the world’s top
100 platforms between January and October 2020 has been recorded, taking the value up to
10.5 trillion Euros. This indicated the importance of online platforms from the perspective of
economic standards and as well as satisfying consumer demands.
According to Statista (Statista, 2023), e-Services are the evolving market for Pakistan with
revenues projected to reach US$190.90m in 2023. Revenue is expected to show an annual
growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 14.47% resulting in a projected market volume of
US$327.80m by 2027. The event tickets segment is expected to show a revenue growth of
8.0% in 2024. According to the analyst opinion provided, the e-services market will continue
to experience strong growth in the forward run. As more businesses adopt digital services and
new technologies emerge, consumer demand for digital services is likely to continue to drive
growth in the market.
Sustainable Development Goals- Incorporation:
Sustainable Development Goals are a major incorporation for running a successful business
model in the market. Coteria will be focusing on a few of these SDGs, namely, Goal 8: Decent
Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. There are
12 different targets for Goal 8, of which, we will be focusing on “target 8.2: diversify, innovate
and upgrade for economic productivity” and “target 8.3: promote policies to support job
creation and growing enterprises” (Venkatesan & Luongo, 2019).
Furthermore, there are 8 different targets to be achieved in Goal 9 of the 17 SDGs, of which,
Coteria will focus on “Target 9.2: Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization” and
“Target 9.3: Increase Financial Services and Markets” (Millington et al., 2022). By building
up our business plan, have seen that through this online platform, many small businesses will
be allowed to expand. This will help them to increase their profits and have easy access to their
customers. Moreover, it will also help increase the economic growth of the country.
Objectives of Study:
There exist multiple studies which monitor the trends of the importance of digital platforms to the
consumer as well as the business in getting growth and higher returns. Thus, getting more
customers will help attract many businesses to this platform, and in return higher profits would be
generated along with equally satisfied customers (Moser & Gassmann, 2016) who believe that
digitalization-connected products and services and shortened innovation cycles are widely
discussed topics in management practice and theory and demand for new concepts. In research the
term ‘platform’ has been increasingly prevalent during the past decade across a range of academic
disciplines (e.g., Eisenmann et al. 2011; Boudreau and Jeppesen 2014; Evans 2009). Also, “digital
industry platforms are fueling the next wave of breakthrough innovation and disruptive growth.
Increasingly, platform-based companies are capturing more of the digital economy’s opportunities
for strong growth and profitability … platform-based ecosystems are the new plane of
competition” (Accenture 2015, p.50) (Sun et al., 2015).
Therefore, this plan has certain defined objectives which it wants to achieve:
1. To acquire a certain number of event organizers and consumers within a specific
2. To increase the number of events hosted on the platform by a certain percentage each
3. To improve customer satisfaction by implementing feedback and reviews systems and
achieving a customer satisfaction score of a certain level.
4. To generate a specific amount of revenue through ticket sales and platform fees.
5. To establish partnerships with relevant companies, organizations, or influencers in the
events industry to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.
6. To continuously innovate and improve the platform by adding new features and services
based on customer feedback and market trends.
7. To build a strong brand reputation and become recognized as a trusted and reliable platform
for event organizers and consumers.
8. To expand the platform to new geographic regions or market segments to increase market
share and revenue.
To use technology to streamline the event planning and execution process, reducing the time and
effort required to organize successful events and enabling event organizers to focus on what they
do best - creating engaging and meaningful experiences.
Our mission is to empower event organizers and consumers worldwide by providing them with a
comprehensive, user-friendly, and innovative platform that simplifies the event planning and
execution process. We aim to foster collaboration, creativity, and inclusivity in the events industry
by leveraging technology to enable event organizers to focus on creating engaging and meaningful
experiences. We strive to build a community of passionate and dedicated event organizers and
consumers who share our values of professionalism, integrity, and excellence.
The scope of this project is to develop an online event management platform that streamlines the
event planning and execution process. The platform will provide event organizers with the tools
they need to plan, promote, and execute events efficiently and effectively. It will feature a user-
friendly interface that allows event organizers to easily manage event logistics, including venue
selection, vendor management, and guest registration. The platform will incorporate features such
as automated scheduling, customizable templates, and real-time analytics to simplify the planning
process and provide event organizers with a comprehensive view of their events. The platform will
also integrate social media and other marketing channels to help event organizers reach their target
audience and promote events effectively. Throughout the project, user testing and feedback will
be collected to refine the platform and ensure that it meets the needs of event organizers. The scope
of this project is designed to provide a clear and well-defined outcome while allowing for
flexibility to explore new ideas and make necessary adjustments as the project progresses.
Limitation of Works:
 Limited availability of resources, including time, budget, and personnel, could impact the
project's ability to meet all objectives.
 Technical limitations such as integration with existing technologies, system compatibility
issues, or limitations with available tools and software.
 Limitations on the scope of events that can be managed through the platform, which
could impact the potential user base.
 Limited access to data or information required to develop the platform, which could
impact the effectiveness and efficiency of the platform.
 Limitations on the ability to conduct user testing due to budget, time, or access to users.
The event management industry is constantly evolving, and there are still many unmet needs and
challenges that event organizers face when planning and executing successful events. One of the
main significances of this study/project is that it addresses this gap in the market by leveraging
technology to create an innovative event management platform that streamlines the event planning
process. By automating tasks and reducing manual work, this platform could help event organizers
to be more efficient and productive, ultimately leading to better events. Additionally, the platform
could offer event attendees new and exciting ways to engage with events and have more immersive
Moreover, the significance of this study/project extends beyond addressing unmet needs in the
industry. By offering a new way of organizing and executing events, the platform could contribute
to the evolution of the event management industry. By introducing new technologies and methods
to the industry, this platform could set a new standard for event planning and help to shape the
direction of the industry in the future. Ultimately, the success of this study/project will depend on
how well it can address a specific need or problem in the industry and the potential impact of its
solution on event organizers, consumers, and the industry as a whole.
Literature Review:
Event management is an essential part of the society and its history can be traced back to the
ancient times where many celebrations and gatherings were organized to commemorate certain
significant events ranging from religious matters to weddings and sports. The modern day event
management system has emerged as a profession with growing complexity and demands in the
times moving forward from 20th
century. This makes its planning and execution a daunting task
requiring a good amount of time and effort. Thus our proposal of a web based event management
system or a mobile application can be fruitful for event organizers through streamlining their
workflows and also automating the tedious tasks. If we dive into this profession there are multiple
tasks which can be centralized through this platform which include event organizers, vendors,
sponsors and the musical setup team required. In Pakistan as well as all around the globe there is
a need to have such a platform which can make collaboration of all of these parties more efficient
and effective in real time situations. The purpose which remains behind this proposal and also well
studied by many researchers is that implementation of such platform can make the event logistics
like venue booking, catering, transportation and renting out all other equipment’s all under one
roof. As we are into the fourth industrial revolution where there is a flow of data through artificial
intelligence and data analytics plays an important role for successful operations, this web based
platform can help us provide real time analytics and insights about the sales of tickets,
demographics of attendees along with their engagement rates which will be highly effective for
our future planning and marketing strategies.
System Problems:
Market Information:
Event industry remains a global industry comprising of large and diverse sectors encompassing
a wide range of activities and services. This industry has a significant impact on the economies
around the globe and we get many key trends and challenges through our analysis of this
The size of this industry has evolved from the time of its development as a profession and
when many industries have linked to this profession therefore it generates billions of dollars in
revenue each year. A report by IBIS World valued the global event planning industry at $5.3
billion in 2021 with an annual growth rate of 1.8% between 2016 and 2021 which also include
the COVID-19 pandemic era which hampered this industry with a huge amount. Hence it is
now expected that this industry of event management will rebound by a booming rate of 14.8%
estimated growth rate.
Certain key trends are also been observed in this era of fourth industrial revolution and the
most primary factor is the increasing use of technology. According to Eurostat (Eurostat,
2021), the proportion of individuals aged 16 to 74 in the EU who ordered or bought goods or
services over the internet for private use was 68% in 2022, up from 54% in 2017 (see figure
1). 88% of Denmark and the Netherlands reported the highest share of people having ordered
or bought goods and services online. In the following member states, the individuals who
ordered goods and services online exceeded 75%: Sweden, Luxembourg, Finland, Czechia,
Slovakia, Germany, and France. Along with this the COVID-19 pandemic has helped us realize
the importance of virtual reality as an important aspect of technology, and it remains extremely
beneficial for the industry of event management and since then virtual and hybrid events
become more prevalent, allowing attendees to participate remotely. This industry around the
world is now growing focus on sustainability. Event organizers strive to reduce waste and
promote environment friendly practices. Hence the use of a web based event management
platform could also help reduce the use of materials which increase the carbon footprint and
thus promote sustainability and incorporating the 17SDGs provided by the United Nations.
Geographic Information:
Adoption of a web based event management system is the need of every country and region
around the globe but as this event industry is not evenly distributed with different regions
experiencing different growths in the sector our geographic positioning would play a very
important role in the long term success of this platform.
Initially we remain our focus to launch this platform in Pakistan but in future this plan would
be devised in such a way where largest markets of event industry would be capitalized
following the low growing markets. The North American and Scandinavian regions have a
significant role in this growing sector including United States and Canada in North American
region and Sweden and Denmark being a major contributor in the Scandinavian region. The
major reason is also the adoption rate of technology in these countries of the world. The people
of these countries have higher access to technological equipment’s such as computers and
internets making it more effective for the masses.
Marketing Mix:
Any launched product is dependent upon the price factor which plays an important role in
its adoption. As we initially are going to launch this product in Pakistan our prices would
be highly competitive even we do not have a significant number of competitors in the
market. This is because we would be highly indulged in the customers to adopt this
platform and in case of success and further expansion we would remodel our pricing
An effective promotional or marketing strategy plays a pivotal role for the successful
operations of the business. We have an insight that we are into a technological world of
fourth industrial revolution and we can capitalize on certain data analytics to assess our
target market through operations and adoption rates. So we would be improvising on real
time analytics in our platform for future planning. This data would further help us devise
us marketing strategy where we are going to target on demographical and geographical
Solution Complexity:
Any platform provides effective solutions for both parties under one roof. In case of an event
management platform it must be designed to handle the entire lifecycle of an event starting
from the planning phase to promotion, execution and lastly post event analysis phase.
The platform must allow event planners to sell their product on the platform with ease and the
event organizers must be allowed to efficiently create and manage out their event activities.
There must be a attendee management system which can manage the data of event attendees.
Along with it an effective venue management system should be available in this web based
platform which can allow the decoration and venue setting for the organizers. Last but not the
least is the analytics and reporting system which will help us assess our success rate along with
helping us shape our further promotional techniques for future planning.
The requirement of an event management system known as EMS has been vastly studied in
different studies and the research is still in process. The time-consuming and hectic approach to
managing an event has pushed us to the topic where an event management platform is the need of
the hour to cater to this problem. Although many studies are under the frame of developing a web-
based system or a mobile application for this purpose the linkage between event management and
digitalization through technology has been further established after the COVID-19 pandemic
which halted the majority of global activities including organizing events. Some studies focus on
event management systems and the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The festivals and celebrations to be held in the five most populated cities of Spain; including The
of May Festivity in Madrid, Saint George’s Day in Barcelona, and The Fallas Festival in
Valencia were initially postponed and later were organized with the help of available sources of
digital technologies, for example, The Virtual Fair of Seville was organized as a private initiative
by the company Virtualsoft by virtual reality web application. Therefore specifically event apps
are in consideration which would allow participants to communicate smoothly and bring together
all the relevant information about the event in one place” (Estanyol, 2022).
The model contains a sequence of changes led by innovations in the event industry arising from
times of uncertainty caused by a crisis like COVID-19 and the assumption that the changes in the
event sector after the pandemic will be long-term. Transformative innovations are required in
which recognition of what might work and what is possible should be present. Digital technologies
could be used to enhance event attendees but also to expand each event’s business potential. So
the basic purpose is to foster innovative, adaptable, and transformative event environments
relevant in times of uncertainty (Dragin-Jensen et al., 2022).
Similar research has also highlighted the insights of the developed states from China, Germany,
and Australia. Virtual and hybrid events, platforms for video and other media productions,
innovative events such as car park concerts, and supplier diversification are the latest business
opportunities for which learning and adapting to new skills, especially in technological and digital
areas, and becoming innovative is highly critical. COVID-19 has caused a huge impact on the
event industry but paying attention to the development trends of the event industry is good for it
in long run (Werner et al., 2022).
Another similar study examines the use of digital technology in hybrid events in event
organizations during COVID-19 in Indonesia. As per the results provided 88% of the respondents
stated that there was an impact of COVID-19 on their company’s business, mostly organizing
events and 13% responded that there was no impact. About, 66.67% of respondents made hybrid
events a form of an event organization post-COVID. This shows the importance that companies
can expand information and use technology to provide more value to events. So the development
of mobile applications has already started in the implementation of events (Mahadewi, 2022).
The recent pandemic of COVID-19 which impacted all businesses but also hugely damaged the
$100 billion event planning industry. The majority of the events were canceled after the occurrence
of this pandemic in March- July 2020. According to estimates 63.1% of companies suffered a
revenue loss of up to RS. 1 crore each. This study also shows that the future of this event industry
lies with technology and with ever-evolving METAVERSE, virtual events can be an option in case
of any such future pandemic or disease which erupts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was
a sharp increase in webinars, online discussions, and virtual functions. Therefore, technology is
the only option even in this post-COVID world where certain variants of this virus erupt and
governments are enforced to impose selective lockdowns. So, for the safety of the customer and
the event organizers, it is beneficial that these virtual or online events can be managed through an
online platform. Another major factor that would be beneficial would be the removal of border
barriers through virtual growth. So, events while staying at your premise can be managed through
technological updates.
There has been a vast study on the initiation of web-based event management systems all across
the globe. The Galle Dialogue International Maritime Conference is the blue ribbon event of the
Sri Lanka Navy, in which many countries existing in the maritime domain participate. Organizing
such international-level events is hectic and requires a lot of human effort so it was identified that
a web-based event management system should be able to increase the productivity and efficacy of
the conference. So it was proposed to replace the existing spreadsheet-based manual management
process with the web-operated event management system which can help in the collaboration of
all the parties regardless of geolocation and time. The process would require the supplier to send
the quotation, and the admin to create user groups, the user could access this system any time of
the day and get the required output (MADARA, 2021).
The case study also discusses the event organization issues in terms of the educational context
where the information cannot be centrally managed. Events do not get the attention of the students
and lead to a low number of attendees due to the conventional system in action. A new Internet-
based specific method with computerized programs will improve event management on mobile
phones and computers, with increasing student communication and engagement. This was initially
developed and trialed by Van Lang University to adapt to a smarter society in educational institutes
(Huyen, 2021).
Web application software has also been proposed as a solution for event management. EINS is a
Statistical consultancy center that proposes a platform that handles the event management and
registration modules. The researcher used the prototyping model as a software developmental
technique in developing the application. The three stages of testing are done to check the accuracy
of the Event management system. The study carried out these tests and also recommended that
future researchers create a mobile application on any platform such as IOS, android, and windows
phone OS (Perez et al., 2017).
The event management system in the context of sports events has also been studied, where the
sports events in China are taken as an example such as Olympic Games etc. It was found that the
national system is the basic institutional guarantee for holding such large-scale events in China
and they need to be improved urgently at the moment. For this purpose, computer technology is
required for example CAD technology. This CAD technology in the Internet of Things has a big
role in providing good support in system development and construction. This is proposed that the
technology combination model will help to promote the scientific, standardized, and rational
development of future events in China (Hussein & Mohamed, 2023)
Weddings, festivals, etc. are a core part of life today it has resulted in the business of event planning
and management rising. Traditional models are now difficult to maintain due to rising customers
and events. A smart event management system has been introduced which uses modern technology
of .Net Framework for managing various tasks and it will lead to the automation of the entire
database in the network. It will reduce human efforts and make tasks of the user, customer, and
administrator efficient. Therefore, in this study an event management software is being developed
which has total management control of customers and employees and the respective service of
different events. (Pinjari & Nur, 2016)
In this study, the author intends to provide a convenient, accessible event management system that
is focused on users and is oriented toward the needs of event participants as a user. They intend to
develop a management information system to assist and facilitate event activities in terms of ticket
sales, booths, accommodation, and activities outside of events such as tours held by organizers.
The difficulties faced by organizations in interacting with event participants or just in terms of
transactions. Many activities are being carried out in an event and recording the schedule of sub-
activities is a waste of time which requires this management information system. These
technologies will provide more efficient and low-cost services to customers, along with
maintaining data digitally rather than manually. Therefore, this study is highly important as it
discusses and realizes the importance of globalization of technology and communication where
everyone expects practical and fast-paced decisions to be enacted. (Yudiyana et al., 2018)
The research intends to use mobile technology to devise an inexpensive event management
application to take advantage of hand-held devices like mobile phones which can make events
accessible anywhere and anytime. With the advancement of technology, the paperwork is reduced
in every field, and with this application, operations can be performed more effectively and
efficiently. Another major benefit of this application lies in its availability in the majority of
languages, helping it to be introduced at any institution irrespective of the language. Hence,
helping the organizers and participants in a more effective way to communicate and carry out
events shows the importance of the single online event management platform.
Our research is going to be qualitative and market research. The methods we are going to adopt in our
primary research are to gather information through questionnaires and get the consumer and event
manager's feedback. Therefore, our research is going to help us understand consumer perception of the
online event management platform. We will also strive to collect extra information if the results are
The core concept of the event management platform revolves around two entities first one being the service
providers which include all the local vendors e.g. Catering companies, décor vendors, Media services
(videographer, photographer), and Event Management service providers. While on the other side, we have
two different types of customers individual customers and companies. They can use the platform according
to their need from parties to family events to corporate and Institutional events.
User Interface and Experience Design: Once the research is complete, the next step is to design the user
interface and experience. This involves creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the platform's layout
and user flow, as well as creating a design system that ensures a consistent look and feel throughout the
1. Platform Development: The platform will be developed using agile methodology, which involves
breaking down the development process into small, manageable tasks called sprints. Each sprint
will focus on a specific feature or functionality, and will be tested and reviewed before moving
onto the next sprint.
2. Vendor Onboarding: Vendors will be onboarded onto the platform by creating a vendor profile and
showcasing their services and products. This involves providing guidance and support to ensure
that vendors understand how to use the platform and manage their profiles effectively.
3. User Onboarding: Users will be onboarded onto the platform by creating a user profile and
searching for vendors and services that match their event requirements. This involves providing
guidance and support to ensure that users understand how to use the platform and book services
4. Testing and Quality Assurance: The platform will be thoroughly tested and reviewed to ensure that
it meets the highest standards of quality and performance. This involves conducting user acceptance
testing, functional testing, and performance testing, as well as identifying and fixing any bugs or
issues that are discovered.
5. Launch and Marketing: Once the platform is ready, it will be launched and marketed to the target
audience. This involves creating a marketing strategy that includes social media, search engine
optimization, and paid advertising, as well as monitoring and analyzing the performance of the
platform to identify areas for improvement.
6. Maintenance and Support: Finally, the platform will be maintained and supported to ensure that it
remains up-to-date and meets the changing needs of users and vendors. This involves providing
ongoing support and guidance to users and vendors, as well as regularly updating and improving
the platform's features and functionality.
As we consider developing a platform for event management companies to interact with
customers, it's critical to understand the gaps in services that currently exist and how our platform
can fill those gaps. One crucial area to concentrate on is the requirement for a comprehensive event
management platform that provides a single interface for customers to look for and book events.
By doing so, we can streamline the event management process for both event organizers and
attendees, while also decreasing the obstacles to entry for smaller event management
People are increasingly looking for convenient and effective ways to arrange and attend events in
today's fast-paced environment. Customers will be able to simply browse through a large choice
of events, compare possibilities, and make informed decisions based on their tastes and budget
using our platform. We can provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience that saves
clients time and aggravation by providing a consistent interface that collects events from numerous
To deliver additional value to our customers, we will also need to explore personalized marketing
and interaction solutions. We can assist event management firms reach a larger audience and
enhance attendance by offering customized advertising and in-app interaction tools. This is
especially crucial for smaller event management firms that may lack the means to create advanced
marketing campaigns. Furthermore, advanced data analytics capabilities can assist event
management companies in making data-driven decisions and continuously improving the quality
of their events.
One important feature of our platform will be its capacity to assist event management organizations
in more successfully targeting specific client segments. We can assist event management firms in
developing targeted marketing campaigns and promotional offers that resonate with their target
audience by analyzing data on customer preferences, purchasing behavior, and other criteria. This
can assist event management firms enhance attendance, increase client loyalty, and ultimately
generate revenue growth. For vendors and sponsors, we can offer advertising and sponsorship
opportunities that help them reach a wider audience and increase their exposure.
We see a substantial opportunity to assist smaller event management companies in competing more
successfully with larger market players. We can assist smaller businesses level the playing field
and attract more clients by delivering a comprehensive event management solution that is simple
to use and inexpensive. This can stimulate innovation and diversity in the event management sector
while also giving customers additional options and freedom.
Overall, we want to create a platform that makes event management easier for everyone involved
while simultaneously giving value-added features like personalized marketing and engagement
tools and comprehensive data analytics capabilities. As a result, we will be able to build a platform
that fosters development and profitability for event management companies while simultaneously
delivering a valued service to clients wishing to plan and attend events.
Technological Requirements:
We will be using several different front-end and back-end technologies to develop our website.
Front-end development: We will create a visually appealing user interface with a responsive design that
adapts to different screen sizes on all devices. The front-end of the website should be developed using
technologies such as React.JS, NEXT.JS and JavaScript.
Back-end development: The back-end of the website would handle the data storage, user authentication,
and payment processing. We will be using server-side programming languages such as Node.JS and
databases like MySQL or MongoDB to handle these tasks.
API integration: We will integrate with various APIs to enable features such as location-based search, order
tracking, and payment processing. Open-source APIs provided by services like Google Maps, Stripe (VISA,
MASTERCARD), or PayPal to enable these features.
Testing and optimization: We will test our website extensively to ensure it works correctly and quickly. For
that we will use Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to optimize your website's speed and performance.
Logical Model:
1. Users: Our platform will allow users to sign up, create a profile, and search for vendors and services
that match their event requirements. Users should be able to view vendor profiles, reviews, and
ratings, as well as communicate with vendors to ask questions or make bookings.
2. Vendors: Vendors will sign up, create a profile, and showcase their services and products. Vendors
should be able to manage their availability, pricing, and bookings, as well as communicate with
users to answer inquiries and confirm bookings.
3. Services: We will provide a list of services that vendors can offer, such as catering, decor, music,
and photography. Users should be able to search for services based on their event type, location,
and budget, and view detailed information about each service.
4. Booking and Payment: Our platform will allow users to make bookings and payments online, and
vendors to receive and manage bookings and payments. The platform will also provide a secure
payment gateway and allow for cancellation and refund policies.
5. Event Management: We will provide users with tools to manage their events, such as a calendar,
to-do list, and guest list management. Users should be able to track their bookings and payments,
as well as communicate with vendors and manage their event details.
6. Analytics and Reporting: Our platform will provide vendors and users with analytics and reporting
tools, such as revenue and booking reports, user engagement metrics, and customer feedback.
Dragin-Jensen, C., Kwiatkowski, G., Hannevik Lien, V., Ossowska, L., Janiszewska, D., Kloskowski, D.,
& Strzelecka, M. (2022). Event innovation in times of uncertainty. International Journal of Event
and Festival Management, 13(4), 387-405.
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Appendices – Brief CV of the Researchers
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Figure 1:
Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0

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Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0

  • 1. Coteria: Event Management Platform Names& Roll No: Faris Rashid(19i-0115) Muhammad Ahmed (19i-0093) Umar Hayat (19i-0069) Ali Hassan Bhatti (18i-0166) Supervisor: Hammad Majeed
  • 2. National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Islamabad Table of Content Purpose of Study/ Introduction: ...................................................................................................................4 Background of Study:................................................................................................................................4 Problem statement:..................................................................................................................................4 Importance of Online Platforms: ..............................................................................................................5 Sustainable Development Goals- Incorporation:......................................................................................5 Objectives of Study:..................................................................................................................................6 Vision:............................................................................................................................................................7 Mission:.........................................................................................................................................................7 Scope:............................................................................................................................................................7 Limitation of Works: .....................................................................................................................................8 Significance: ..................................................................................................................................................8 Literature Review:.........................................................................................................................................9 Introduction:.............................................................................................................................................9 System Problems: .....................................................................................................................................9 Market Information: .............................................................................................................................9 Geographic Information:.....................................................................................................................10 Marketing Mix:....................................................................................................................................11 Conclusion:..............................................................................................................................................15 Methodology:..............................................................................................................................................15 Introduction:...........................................................................................................................................15 Justification:............................................................................................................................................17 Technological Requirements: .................................................................................................................18 Logical Model:.........................................................................................................................................19 References ..................................................................................................................................................20 Appendices – Brief CV of the Researchers.............................................................................................22 Appendices – Figures, and Questionnaire ..............................................................................................26 Figure 1:.................................................................................................................................................26
  • 4. Purpose of Study/ Introduction: Background of Study: Industry 4.0 is commonly known as the fourth industrial revolution and today’s world of the 21st century is experiencing this revolution. This marks the evolution of rapid technological development and the world is transforming into a digital world with the latest evolution of Big Data, Metaverse, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is a digital world in which innovation is a key driver for successful solutions to customers’ problems. Living in this world demands instant solutions to one’s problems and the area we identified lacking such solutions is the event management industry where there remain serious problems for masses who intend to organize an event where they have to get facilities like catering, furniture, decoration, media, and utilities. Since, each source is to be sourced separately the process becomes hectic, time- consuming, and cumbersome. Today successful platforms have attracted hundreds of millions of customers due to rapid technological and digital development. Hence, we plan to devise a user-friendly online event management platform inside and outside of Pakistan that will help people to acquire the services of different sections of event managers on this easy-to-operate single online platform. Our platform would serve a large population allowing them to manage their events from the ease of their homes and getting to choose from a variety of different services. This idea will also give a major boost to the service vendors who are less technologically advanced and open new avenues to a global market. Problem statement: Organizing successful events is a complex and time-consuming process that requires significant effort from event organizers. Manual processes and outdated technology can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and ultimately, suboptimal event experiences for attendees. The event management industry requires a modern, technology-driven solution that streamlines the planning and execution process, allowing event organizers to focus on creating engaging and meaningful experiences for attendees. This project aims to develop an event management platform that leverages advanced technology to address these challenges and revolutionize the way events are planned, executed, and experienced.
  • 5. Importance of Online Platforms: Citizens of the European Union (EU) are increasingly shifting to online services like online shopping, online web searches, social networking sites, etc. which indicates the high growth in the usage of platforms in the EU. According to Eurostat (Eurostat, 2021), the proportion of individuals aged 16 to 74 in the EU who ordered or bought goods or services over the internet for private use was 68% in 2022, up from 54% in 2017 (see figure 1). 88% of Denmark and the Netherlands reported the highest share of people having ordered or bought goods and services online. In the following member states, the individuals who ordered goods and services online exceeded 75%: Sweden, Luxembourg, Finland, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany, and France. In 2020, the use of online platforms has grown at an unimaginable rate compared to traditional business schemes. The statistics show that a 40% increase in the total value of the world’s top 100 platforms between January and October 2020 has been recorded, taking the value up to 10.5 trillion Euros. This indicated the importance of online platforms from the perspective of economic standards and as well as satisfying consumer demands. According to Statista (Statista, 2023), e-Services are the evolving market for Pakistan with revenues projected to reach US$190.90m in 2023. Revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 14.47% resulting in a projected market volume of US$327.80m by 2027. The event tickets segment is expected to show a revenue growth of 8.0% in 2024. According to the analyst opinion provided, the e-services market will continue to experience strong growth in the forward run. As more businesses adopt digital services and new technologies emerge, consumer demand for digital services is likely to continue to drive growth in the market. Sustainable Development Goals- Incorporation: Sustainable Development Goals are a major incorporation for running a successful business model in the market. Coteria will be focusing on a few of these SDGs, namely, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. There are 12 different targets for Goal 8, of which, we will be focusing on “target 8.2: diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity” and “target 8.3: promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises” (Venkatesan & Luongo, 2019).
  • 6. Furthermore, there are 8 different targets to be achieved in Goal 9 of the 17 SDGs, of which, Coteria will focus on “Target 9.2: Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization” and “Target 9.3: Increase Financial Services and Markets” (Millington et al., 2022). By building up our business plan, have seen that through this online platform, many small businesses will be allowed to expand. This will help them to increase their profits and have easy access to their customers. Moreover, it will also help increase the economic growth of the country. Objectives of Study: There exist multiple studies which monitor the trends of the importance of digital platforms to the consumer as well as the business in getting growth and higher returns. Thus, getting more customers will help attract many businesses to this platform, and in return higher profits would be generated along with equally satisfied customers (Moser & Gassmann, 2016) who believe that digitalization-connected products and services and shortened innovation cycles are widely discussed topics in management practice and theory and demand for new concepts. In research the term ‘platform’ has been increasingly prevalent during the past decade across a range of academic disciplines (e.g., Eisenmann et al. 2011; Boudreau and Jeppesen 2014; Evans 2009). Also, “digital industry platforms are fueling the next wave of breakthrough innovation and disruptive growth. Increasingly, platform-based companies are capturing more of the digital economy’s opportunities for strong growth and profitability … platform-based ecosystems are the new plane of competition” (Accenture 2015, p.50) (Sun et al., 2015). Therefore, this plan has certain defined objectives which it wants to achieve: 1. To acquire a certain number of event organizers and consumers within a specific timeframe. 2. To increase the number of events hosted on the platform by a certain percentage each quarter. 3. To improve customer satisfaction by implementing feedback and reviews systems and achieving a customer satisfaction score of a certain level. 4. To generate a specific amount of revenue through ticket sales and platform fees.
  • 7. 5. To establish partnerships with relevant companies, organizations, or influencers in the events industry to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience. 6. To continuously innovate and improve the platform by adding new features and services based on customer feedback and market trends. 7. To build a strong brand reputation and become recognized as a trusted and reliable platform for event organizers and consumers. 8. To expand the platform to new geographic regions or market segments to increase market share and revenue. Vision: To use technology to streamline the event planning and execution process, reducing the time and effort required to organize successful events and enabling event organizers to focus on what they do best - creating engaging and meaningful experiences. Mission: Our mission is to empower event organizers and consumers worldwide by providing them with a comprehensive, user-friendly, and innovative platform that simplifies the event planning and execution process. We aim to foster collaboration, creativity, and inclusivity in the events industry by leveraging technology to enable event organizers to focus on creating engaging and meaningful experiences. We strive to build a community of passionate and dedicated event organizers and consumers who share our values of professionalism, integrity, and excellence. Scope: The scope of this project is to develop an online event management platform that streamlines the event planning and execution process. The platform will provide event organizers with the tools they need to plan, promote, and execute events efficiently and effectively. It will feature a user- friendly interface that allows event organizers to easily manage event logistics, including venue selection, vendor management, and guest registration. The platform will incorporate features such as automated scheduling, customizable templates, and real-time analytics to simplify the planning process and provide event organizers with a comprehensive view of their events. The platform will also integrate social media and other marketing channels to help event organizers reach their target audience and promote events effectively. Throughout the project, user testing and feedback will be collected to refine the platform and ensure that it meets the needs of event organizers. The scope of this project is designed to provide a clear and well-defined outcome while allowing for flexibility to explore new ideas and make necessary adjustments as the project progresses.
  • 8. Limitation of Works:  Limited availability of resources, including time, budget, and personnel, could impact the project's ability to meet all objectives.  Technical limitations such as integration with existing technologies, system compatibility issues, or limitations with available tools and software.  Limitations on the scope of events that can be managed through the platform, which could impact the potential user base.  Limited access to data or information required to develop the platform, which could impact the effectiveness and efficiency of the platform.  Limitations on the ability to conduct user testing due to budget, time, or access to users. Significance: The event management industry is constantly evolving, and there are still many unmet needs and challenges that event organizers face when planning and executing successful events. One of the main significances of this study/project is that it addresses this gap in the market by leveraging technology to create an innovative event management platform that streamlines the event planning process. By automating tasks and reducing manual work, this platform could help event organizers to be more efficient and productive, ultimately leading to better events. Additionally, the platform could offer event attendees new and exciting ways to engage with events and have more immersive experiences. Moreover, the significance of this study/project extends beyond addressing unmet needs in the industry. By offering a new way of organizing and executing events, the platform could contribute to the evolution of the event management industry. By introducing new technologies and methods to the industry, this platform could set a new standard for event planning and help to shape the direction of the industry in the future. Ultimately, the success of this study/project will depend on how well it can address a specific need or problem in the industry and the potential impact of its solution on event organizers, consumers, and the industry as a whole.
  • 9. Literature Review: Introduction: Event management is an essential part of the society and its history can be traced back to the ancient times where many celebrations and gatherings were organized to commemorate certain significant events ranging from religious matters to weddings and sports. The modern day event management system has emerged as a profession with growing complexity and demands in the times moving forward from 20th century. This makes its planning and execution a daunting task requiring a good amount of time and effort. Thus our proposal of a web based event management system or a mobile application can be fruitful for event organizers through streamlining their workflows and also automating the tedious tasks. If we dive into this profession there are multiple tasks which can be centralized through this platform which include event organizers, vendors, sponsors and the musical setup team required. In Pakistan as well as all around the globe there is a need to have such a platform which can make collaboration of all of these parties more efficient and effective in real time situations. The purpose which remains behind this proposal and also well studied by many researchers is that implementation of such platform can make the event logistics like venue booking, catering, transportation and renting out all other equipment’s all under one roof. As we are into the fourth industrial revolution where there is a flow of data through artificial intelligence and data analytics plays an important role for successful operations, this web based platform can help us provide real time analytics and insights about the sales of tickets, demographics of attendees along with their engagement rates which will be highly effective for our future planning and marketing strategies. System Problems: Market Information: Event industry remains a global industry comprising of large and diverse sectors encompassing a wide range of activities and services. This industry has a significant impact on the economies around the globe and we get many key trends and challenges through our analysis of this industry. The size of this industry has evolved from the time of its development as a profession and when many industries have linked to this profession therefore it generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. A report by IBIS World valued the global event planning industry at $5.3 billion in 2021 with an annual growth rate of 1.8% between 2016 and 2021 which also include
  • 10. the COVID-19 pandemic era which hampered this industry with a huge amount. Hence it is now expected that this industry of event management will rebound by a booming rate of 14.8% estimated growth rate. Certain key trends are also been observed in this era of fourth industrial revolution and the most primary factor is the increasing use of technology. According to Eurostat (Eurostat, 2021), the proportion of individuals aged 16 to 74 in the EU who ordered or bought goods or services over the internet for private use was 68% in 2022, up from 54% in 2017 (see figure 1). 88% of Denmark and the Netherlands reported the highest share of people having ordered or bought goods and services online. In the following member states, the individuals who ordered goods and services online exceeded 75%: Sweden, Luxembourg, Finland, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany, and France. Along with this the COVID-19 pandemic has helped us realize the importance of virtual reality as an important aspect of technology, and it remains extremely beneficial for the industry of event management and since then virtual and hybrid events become more prevalent, allowing attendees to participate remotely. This industry around the world is now growing focus on sustainability. Event organizers strive to reduce waste and promote environment friendly practices. Hence the use of a web based event management platform could also help reduce the use of materials which increase the carbon footprint and thus promote sustainability and incorporating the 17SDGs provided by the United Nations. Geographic Information: Adoption of a web based event management system is the need of every country and region around the globe but as this event industry is not evenly distributed with different regions experiencing different growths in the sector our geographic positioning would play a very important role in the long term success of this platform. Initially we remain our focus to launch this platform in Pakistan but in future this plan would be devised in such a way where largest markets of event industry would be capitalized following the low growing markets. The North American and Scandinavian regions have a significant role in this growing sector including United States and Canada in North American region and Sweden and Denmark being a major contributor in the Scandinavian region. The major reason is also the adoption rate of technology in these countries of the world. The people
  • 11. of these countries have higher access to technological equipment’s such as computers and internets making it more effective for the masses. Marketing Mix: Price: Any launched product is dependent upon the price factor which plays an important role in its adoption. As we initially are going to launch this product in Pakistan our prices would be highly competitive even we do not have a significant number of competitors in the market. This is because we would be highly indulged in the customers to adopt this platform and in case of success and further expansion we would remodel our pricing structure. Promotion: An effective promotional or marketing strategy plays a pivotal role for the successful operations of the business. We have an insight that we are into a technological world of fourth industrial revolution and we can capitalize on certain data analytics to assess our target market through operations and adoption rates. So we would be improvising on real time analytics in our platform for future planning. This data would further help us devise us marketing strategy where we are going to target on demographical and geographical basis. Solution Complexity: Any platform provides effective solutions for both parties under one roof. In case of an event management platform it must be designed to handle the entire lifecycle of an event starting from the planning phase to promotion, execution and lastly post event analysis phase. The platform must allow event planners to sell their product on the platform with ease and the event organizers must be allowed to efficiently create and manage out their event activities. There must be a attendee management system which can manage the data of event attendees. Along with it an effective venue management system should be available in this web based platform which can allow the decoration and venue setting for the organizers. Last but not the least is the analytics and reporting system which will help us assess our success rate along with helping us shape our further promotional techniques for future planning.
  • 12. The requirement of an event management system known as EMS has been vastly studied in different studies and the research is still in process. The time-consuming and hectic approach to managing an event has pushed us to the topic where an event management platform is the need of the hour to cater to this problem. Although many studies are under the frame of developing a web- based system or a mobile application for this purpose the linkage between event management and digitalization through technology has been further established after the COVID-19 pandemic which halted the majority of global activities including organizing events. Some studies focus on event management systems and the COVID-19 pandemic. “The festivals and celebrations to be held in the five most populated cities of Spain; including The 2nd of May Festivity in Madrid, Saint George’s Day in Barcelona, and The Fallas Festival in Valencia were initially postponed and later were organized with the help of available sources of digital technologies, for example, The Virtual Fair of Seville was organized as a private initiative by the company Virtualsoft by virtual reality web application. Therefore specifically event apps are in consideration which would allow participants to communicate smoothly and bring together all the relevant information about the event in one place” (Estanyol, 2022). The model contains a sequence of changes led by innovations in the event industry arising from times of uncertainty caused by a crisis like COVID-19 and the assumption that the changes in the event sector after the pandemic will be long-term. Transformative innovations are required in which recognition of what might work and what is possible should be present. Digital technologies could be used to enhance event attendees but also to expand each event’s business potential. So the basic purpose is to foster innovative, adaptable, and transformative event environments relevant in times of uncertainty (Dragin-Jensen et al., 2022). Similar research has also highlighted the insights of the developed states from China, Germany, and Australia. Virtual and hybrid events, platforms for video and other media productions, innovative events such as car park concerts, and supplier diversification are the latest business opportunities for which learning and adapting to new skills, especially in technological and digital areas, and becoming innovative is highly critical. COVID-19 has caused a huge impact on the event industry but paying attention to the development trends of the event industry is good for it in long run (Werner et al., 2022).
  • 13. Another similar study examines the use of digital technology in hybrid events in event organizations during COVID-19 in Indonesia. As per the results provided 88% of the respondents stated that there was an impact of COVID-19 on their company’s business, mostly organizing events and 13% responded that there was no impact. About, 66.67% of respondents made hybrid events a form of an event organization post-COVID. This shows the importance that companies can expand information and use technology to provide more value to events. So the development of mobile applications has already started in the implementation of events (Mahadewi, 2022). The recent pandemic of COVID-19 which impacted all businesses but also hugely damaged the $100 billion event planning industry. The majority of the events were canceled after the occurrence of this pandemic in March- July 2020. According to estimates 63.1% of companies suffered a revenue loss of up to RS. 1 crore each. This study also shows that the future of this event industry lies with technology and with ever-evolving METAVERSE, virtual events can be an option in case of any such future pandemic or disease which erupts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a sharp increase in webinars, online discussions, and virtual functions. Therefore, technology is the only option even in this post-COVID world where certain variants of this virus erupt and governments are enforced to impose selective lockdowns. So, for the safety of the customer and the event organizers, it is beneficial that these virtual or online events can be managed through an online platform. Another major factor that would be beneficial would be the removal of border barriers through virtual growth. So, events while staying at your premise can be managed through technological updates. There has been a vast study on the initiation of web-based event management systems all across the globe. The Galle Dialogue International Maritime Conference is the blue ribbon event of the Sri Lanka Navy, in which many countries existing in the maritime domain participate. Organizing such international-level events is hectic and requires a lot of human effort so it was identified that a web-based event management system should be able to increase the productivity and efficacy of the conference. So it was proposed to replace the existing spreadsheet-based manual management process with the web-operated event management system which can help in the collaboration of all the parties regardless of geolocation and time. The process would require the supplier to send the quotation, and the admin to create user groups, the user could access this system any time of the day and get the required output (MADARA, 2021).
  • 14. The case study also discusses the event organization issues in terms of the educational context where the information cannot be centrally managed. Events do not get the attention of the students and lead to a low number of attendees due to the conventional system in action. A new Internet- based specific method with computerized programs will improve event management on mobile phones and computers, with increasing student communication and engagement. This was initially developed and trialed by Van Lang University to adapt to a smarter society in educational institutes (Huyen, 2021). Web application software has also been proposed as a solution for event management. EINS is a Statistical consultancy center that proposes a platform that handles the event management and registration modules. The researcher used the prototyping model as a software developmental technique in developing the application. The three stages of testing are done to check the accuracy of the Event management system. The study carried out these tests and also recommended that future researchers create a mobile application on any platform such as IOS, android, and windows phone OS (Perez et al., 2017). The event management system in the context of sports events has also been studied, where the sports events in China are taken as an example such as Olympic Games etc. It was found that the national system is the basic institutional guarantee for holding such large-scale events in China and they need to be improved urgently at the moment. For this purpose, computer technology is required for example CAD technology. This CAD technology in the Internet of Things has a big role in providing good support in system development and construction. This is proposed that the technology combination model will help to promote the scientific, standardized, and rational development of future events in China (Hussein & Mohamed, 2023) Weddings, festivals, etc. are a core part of life today it has resulted in the business of event planning and management rising. Traditional models are now difficult to maintain due to rising customers and events. A smart event management system has been introduced which uses modern technology of .Net Framework for managing various tasks and it will lead to the automation of the entire database in the network. It will reduce human efforts and make tasks of the user, customer, and administrator efficient. Therefore, in this study an event management software is being developed which has total management control of customers and employees and the respective service of different events. (Pinjari & Nur, 2016)
  • 15. In this study, the author intends to provide a convenient, accessible event management system that is focused on users and is oriented toward the needs of event participants as a user. They intend to develop a management information system to assist and facilitate event activities in terms of ticket sales, booths, accommodation, and activities outside of events such as tours held by organizers. The difficulties faced by organizations in interacting with event participants or just in terms of transactions. Many activities are being carried out in an event and recording the schedule of sub- activities is a waste of time which requires this management information system. These technologies will provide more efficient and low-cost services to customers, along with maintaining data digitally rather than manually. Therefore, this study is highly important as it discusses and realizes the importance of globalization of technology and communication where everyone expects practical and fast-paced decisions to be enacted. (Yudiyana et al., 2018) Conclusion: The research intends to use mobile technology to devise an inexpensive event management application to take advantage of hand-held devices like mobile phones which can make events accessible anywhere and anytime. With the advancement of technology, the paperwork is reduced in every field, and with this application, operations can be performed more effectively and efficiently. Another major benefit of this application lies in its availability in the majority of languages, helping it to be introduced at any institution irrespective of the language. Hence, helping the organizers and participants in a more effective way to communicate and carry out events shows the importance of the single online event management platform. Methodology: Introduction: Our research is going to be qualitative and market research. The methods we are going to adopt in our primary research are to gather information through questionnaires and get the consumer and event manager's feedback. Therefore, our research is going to help us understand consumer perception of the online event management platform. We will also strive to collect extra information if the results are inconclusive.
  • 16. The core concept of the event management platform revolves around two entities first one being the service providers which include all the local vendors e.g. Catering companies, décor vendors, Media services (videographer, photographer), and Event Management service providers. While on the other side, we have two different types of customers individual customers and companies. They can use the platform according to their need from parties to family events to corporate and Institutional events. User Interface and Experience Design: Once the research is complete, the next step is to design the user interface and experience. This involves creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the platform's layout and user flow, as well as creating a design system that ensures a consistent look and feel throughout the platform. 1. Platform Development: The platform will be developed using agile methodology, which involves breaking down the development process into small, manageable tasks called sprints. Each sprint will focus on a specific feature or functionality, and will be tested and reviewed before moving onto the next sprint. 2. Vendor Onboarding: Vendors will be onboarded onto the platform by creating a vendor profile and showcasing their services and products. This involves providing guidance and support to ensure that vendors understand how to use the platform and manage their profiles effectively. 3. User Onboarding: Users will be onboarded onto the platform by creating a user profile and searching for vendors and services that match their event requirements. This involves providing guidance and support to ensure that users understand how to use the platform and book services effectively. 4. Testing and Quality Assurance: The platform will be thoroughly tested and reviewed to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and performance. This involves conducting user acceptance testing, functional testing, and performance testing, as well as identifying and fixing any bugs or issues that are discovered.
  • 17. 5. Launch and Marketing: Once the platform is ready, it will be launched and marketed to the target audience. This involves creating a marketing strategy that includes social media, search engine optimization, and paid advertising, as well as monitoring and analyzing the performance of the platform to identify areas for improvement. 6. Maintenance and Support: Finally, the platform will be maintained and supported to ensure that it remains up-to-date and meets the changing needs of users and vendors. This involves providing ongoing support and guidance to users and vendors, as well as regularly updating and improving the platform's features and functionality. Justification: As we consider developing a platform for event management companies to interact with customers, it's critical to understand the gaps in services that currently exist and how our platform can fill those gaps. One crucial area to concentrate on is the requirement for a comprehensive event management platform that provides a single interface for customers to look for and book events. By doing so, we can streamline the event management process for both event organizers and attendees, while also decreasing the obstacles to entry for smaller event management organizations. People are increasingly looking for convenient and effective ways to arrange and attend events in today's fast-paced environment. Customers will be able to simply browse through a large choice of events, compare possibilities, and make informed decisions based on their tastes and budget using our platform. We can provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience that saves clients time and aggravation by providing a consistent interface that collects events from numerous sources. To deliver additional value to our customers, we will also need to explore personalized marketing and interaction solutions. We can assist event management firms reach a larger audience and enhance attendance by offering customized advertising and in-app interaction tools. This is especially crucial for smaller event management firms that may lack the means to create advanced marketing campaigns. Furthermore, advanced data analytics capabilities can assist event
  • 18. management companies in making data-driven decisions and continuously improving the quality of their events. One important feature of our platform will be its capacity to assist event management organizations in more successfully targeting specific client segments. We can assist event management firms in developing targeted marketing campaigns and promotional offers that resonate with their target audience by analyzing data on customer preferences, purchasing behavior, and other criteria. This can assist event management firms enhance attendance, increase client loyalty, and ultimately generate revenue growth. For vendors and sponsors, we can offer advertising and sponsorship opportunities that help them reach a wider audience and increase their exposure. We see a substantial opportunity to assist smaller event management companies in competing more successfully with larger market players. We can assist smaller businesses level the playing field and attract more clients by delivering a comprehensive event management solution that is simple to use and inexpensive. This can stimulate innovation and diversity in the event management sector while also giving customers additional options and freedom. Overall, we want to create a platform that makes event management easier for everyone involved while simultaneously giving value-added features like personalized marketing and engagement tools and comprehensive data analytics capabilities. As a result, we will be able to build a platform that fosters development and profitability for event management companies while simultaneously delivering a valued service to clients wishing to plan and attend events. Technological Requirements: We will be using several different front-end and back-end technologies to develop our website. Front-end development: We will create a visually appealing user interface with a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes on all devices. The front-end of the website should be developed using technologies such as React.JS, NEXT.JS and JavaScript.
  • 19. Back-end development: The back-end of the website would handle the data storage, user authentication, and payment processing. We will be using server-side programming languages such as Node.JS and databases like MySQL or MongoDB to handle these tasks. API integration: We will integrate with various APIs to enable features such as location-based search, order tracking, and payment processing. Open-source APIs provided by services like Google Maps, Stripe (VISA, MASTERCARD), or PayPal to enable these features. Testing and optimization: We will test our website extensively to ensure it works correctly and quickly. For that we will use Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to optimize your website's speed and performance. Logical Model: 1. Users: Our platform will allow users to sign up, create a profile, and search for vendors and services that match their event requirements. Users should be able to view vendor profiles, reviews, and ratings, as well as communicate with vendors to ask questions or make bookings. 2. Vendors: Vendors will sign up, create a profile, and showcase their services and products. Vendors should be able to manage their availability, pricing, and bookings, as well as communicate with users to answer inquiries and confirm bookings. 3. Services: We will provide a list of services that vendors can offer, such as catering, decor, music, and photography. Users should be able to search for services based on their event type, location, and budget, and view detailed information about each service. 4. Booking and Payment: Our platform will allow users to make bookings and payments online, and vendors to receive and manage bookings and payments. The platform will also provide a secure payment gateway and allow for cancellation and refund policies. 5. Event Management: We will provide users with tools to manage their events, such as a calendar, to-do list, and guest list management. Users should be able to track their bookings and payments, as well as communicate with vendors and manage their event details. 6. Analytics and Reporting: Our platform will provide vendors and users with analytics and reporting tools, such as revenue and booking reports, user engagement metrics, and customer feedback.
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  • 22. Appendices – Brief CV of the Researchers
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  • 26. Appendices – Figures, and Questionnaire Figure 1:
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