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General Bayesian 
                General Bayesian
              Methods for Typical 
              Methods for Typical
             Reliability Data Analysis
                       y          y
                                     Ming Li

                              ©2012 ASQ & Presentation Li
                              ©2012 ASQ & Presentation Li
                             Presented live on Jun 14th, 2012
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General Bayesian Methods for
Typical Reliability Data Analysis

                 Ming Li
           GE Global Research

  A joint work with William Q. Meeker at Iowa State University.

                                                ASQ Reliability Division
                                                         June 14 2012
    •   Traditional Reliability Framework
             Problems / Concepts / Methods
    •   Bayesian Reliability Framework
             Prior knowledge / Concepts / Methods
    •   Bayesian Reliability Examples
             Weibull distribution
             Accelerated life test
             Repeated measure degradation
    •   Common Mistakes and Pitfalls
    •   Conclusions

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Traditional Reliability Framework

      Reliability Problems

      Statistical Concepts

      Computational Methods

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Reliability Problems

 Life of a product
 Degradation of performance
 Repairable system
 Warranty
 Prognostic
 Service availability or guarantee

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Statistical Concepts

 Data
    Field data, Lab data, simulated data
    Failure modes, system or component level data
    Exact, left, right, interval and window censored data

 Model
      Life distribution estimation (Weibull, Lognormal …)
      Accelerated testing planning and analysis
      Degradation modeling (physics + statistics)
      Poisson process for repairable system
      Non-parametric statistical models (e.g. Kaplan Meier)
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Computational Methods

To calculate point estimates and confidence
intervals for statistical uncertainty:

      Maximum likelihood method
      Bootstrap re-sampling method
      Nonparametric method
 About methods are pure data driven, and prior knowledge is not used.

      Simulation based Bayesian method
               Could integrate prior knowledge or information
               Solution to certain problems that are difficult to solve by
                other methods (i.e. computation advantages)
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Bayesian Reliability Framework

     Why Not the Bayesian Method?

     Prior Knowledge

     Concept Illustration

     Implementation through BUGs

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Why Not the Bayesian Method?
• No user friendly Bayesian computer program
    Engineers do not want to write MCMC
    There are many non Bayesian program
       ReliaSoft’s Weibull++, ALTA, etc.
       JMP, Minitab, etc.
       Many companies have site licenses

• Need justification of prior knowledge
    Sources of prior knowledge
    Management approval
    Impact of biased or bad priors
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Prior Knowledge
• Physics of failure mechanism
    Activation energy is around 0.2ev
• Previous empirical experience
     30 year experience of Weibull shape
       parameter of 2.5
• Sensitivity analysis and scenario test
     What if the activation energy changes to a
      range (0.4,0.6)

    Bayesian method combines data and prior knowledge,
              big impact when data is limited.
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Concept Illustration
 Model for

    Data                     Distribution


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Implementation Through BUGs
    # (1) model specification
    model {
    }                             Easy to download and install
    # (2) data input
                                  Simple user interface
    list()                        Detailed manual with a lot of examples
                                  Many build in distributions and functions
    # (3) initial value
    list()                       Steps
    list()                        Define the statistics problem clearly
                                  Prepare the input data accordingly
                                  Setup reasonable initial values

Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson …   If it converges….
                                  Check the history plot
Beta, Chi-square, Normal,         Check the density plot
Gamma, Weibull, Logistic …        Check BGR diagnostic plot
Multinomial, Dirichlet,           Look the posterior summary statistics
Multivariate Normal, Wishart …    Extract the data for each MCMC steps                11 11
                                                                   GE Title or job number /
                                  Mean, median and Credible intervals 5/25/2012
Bayesian Reliability Example

    Weibull Distribution

    Accelerated Life Test

    Repeated Measure Degradation

                                                         12 12
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Weibull Distribution for the Bearing-Cage Field Data
   Data from Meeker and Escobar Example 8.16.

                                                Data Summary

                                                •   6 failures
                                                •   1697 right censored
                                                •   Different censoring time
                                                •   Heavy censoring

                                                • Weibull distribution
                                                • Data driven MLE

     Bayesian implementation
     • Prior on B01 (i.e., t0.01 quantile) and weibull shape parameter
     • Interested in estimate B10
                                                                                       13 13
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Weibull Distribution
                                        1
                              t                  t  
    T ~ weibull  t ,  ,    
                                
                                              exp          t  1 exp    t 
                                                     
                                                          

             Parameter of t p and sigma              Parameter of original ME book
                                        1
                                              t p [ log(1  p)]
                  t p  [ log(1  p)] 
                                                1
                   
                                             
                                               

              T ~ dweib  x, v,    v x v 1 exp  x v      
                         1
                  v        Parameter used in WinBUGs
                         
                                                         1

                                                           
                                                       
                                          
                     t p [ log(1  p)]
                                                   t  [  log(1  p )]
                                                     p

                                                                                                                      14 14
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OpenBUGs Implementation
model {
  log.B01 ~ dunif(4.6051,8.5172)
  B01 <- exp(log.B01)                                                Priors
  log.sigma ~ dnorm(-1.151,31.562)
  sigma <- exp(log.sigma)                            log  t0.01  ~ unif  log 100  , log  5000  
    v <- 1/sigma                                     log   ~ dnorm  mean  1.151,sd  0.178 
    lamda <- pow(B01,-v)*0.01005034                   Informative prior: 99% of the probability of 
                                                      between 0.2 and 0.5.

    for (iii in 1:6){                                             24 exact failures
       x.exact[iii] ~ dweib(v,lamda)

    for (jjj in 1:19){
      dummy[jjj] <- 0                                          1697 right censored
      dummy[jjj] ~ dloglik(logLike[jjj])
      logLike[jjj] <- weight[jjj]*(-lamda*pow(lower[jjj],v))
                                                               observation in groups
                                                                                                             15 15
                                                                                        GE Title or job number /
Accelerated Life Test for Device-A

   Data from Meeker and Escobar Example 19.2.

                                                Data Summary

                                                • Three accelerated levels
                                                  (10C, 40C, 60C, and 80C)
                                                • Usage level 10C

                                                • Arrhenius model for
                                                • Log-normal life

                                                Y  log  Hours  ~ N   K  ,  2           
                                                  K    0  1
                                                                                            16 16
                                                                       GE Title or job number /

  • Replace the intercept by B01 at 40C
  • It will break the strong correlation between the slope and intercept

                                    11605
                  B01.40  0  1           z0.01
                                   273  40
                    B01.40   11605  z 
                  0
                                    273  40

  • Use informative prior for 1 such that 99% of the probability will
    between 0.5 and 0.8.

  • Interested in the B10 life and the usage temperature 10C (i.e. 283K)

                                               11605 11605 
                  K   B01.40  z0.01  1                
                                               K      273  40 
                                                                                         17 17
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OpenBUGs Implementation
model {

                                                                 ### For Temp=60C, i.e. 11605/(273+60) = 34.849850
 B01.40 ~ dgamma(0.001,0.0001)                                   ### 11 censored observations, and 9 exact observations
 b1 ~ dnorm(0.65,294.8843) ## informative prior                  ### 11605/(273+60) - 11605/(273+40) = -2.226827
 tau ~ dgamma(0.001,0.0001)                                      mu.60 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma - b1*2.226827
 sigma <- 1/sqrt(tau)                                            for (i in 1:11){
                                                                    dummy.60[i] <- 0
 b0 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma - b1*37.076677                       dummy.60[i] ~ dloglik(logLike.60[i])
 B10.10 <- mu.10 - 1.281552*sigma                                   logLike.60[i] <- ( 1-phi((8.517193-mu.60)*sqrt(tau)) )
### For Temp=10C, i.e. 11605/(273+10) = 41.007067                for (j in 1:9){
### All 30 observations are censored.                                Y.log.60[j] ~ dnorm(mu.60,tau)
### 11605/(273+10) - 11605/(273+40) = 3.93039                    }
mu.10 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma + b1*3.93039
for (i in 1:30){
  dummy.10[i] <- 0                                               ### For Temp=80C, i.e. 11605/(273+80) = 32.875354
  dummy.10[i] ~ dloglik(logLike.10[i])                           ### 11 censored observations, and 9 exact observations
  logLike.10[i] <- ( 1-phi((8.517193-mu.10)*sqrt(tau)) )         ### 11605/(273+80) - 11605/(273+40) = -4.201323
}                                                                mu.80 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma - b1*4.201323
                                                                 for (i in 1:1){
 ### For Temp=40C, i.e. 11605/(273+40) = 37.076677                 dummy.80[i] <- 0
 ### 90 censored observations, and 10 exact observations           dummy.80[i] ~ dloglik(logLike.80[i])
 ### 11605/(273+40) - 11605/(273+40) = 0                            logLike.80[i] <- ( 1-phi((8.517193-mu.80)*sqrt(tau)) )
 mu.40 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma                                }
 for (i in 1:90){                                                for (j in 1:14){
    dummy.40[i] <- 0                                                 Y.log.80[j] ~ dnorm(mu.80,tau)
    dummy.40[i] ~ dloglik(logLike.40[i])                         }
    logLike.40[i] <- ( 1-phi((8.517193-mu.40)*sqrt(tau)) )
 }                                                           }
 for (j in 1:10){
     Y.log.40[j] ~ dnorm(mu.40,tau)
                                                                                                                                18 18
                                                                                                           GE Title or job number /
Repeated Measure for Device B Degradation

   Data from Meeker and Escobar Example 21.1.

                                                       Data Summary

                                                •   3 levels of temperature
                                                •   Usage temperature 80C
                                                •   ~ 10 devices per temp.
                                                •   Interval of 125 hours to
                                                    measure the degradation

                                                • Mixed effect model
                                                • Nonlinear path
                                                • Normal distribution for

                                                                                      19 19
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Model Details
 yij ~ Dij   ij                        1    i=1,. . . ,n: index for device
                     ij ~ N  0,  2   j=1,…,m : index of time of observation for each device
                                              j

                                     
 Dij  tij ; temp   Di ,  1  exp  Ri 195   AF  temp   tij   
                     11605           11605                                   In stable
 AF  temp   exp  Ea                                                      parameterization
                        195  273 temp  273  
         Di , :    The asymptote for each device.
           Ri 195  The reaction rate at 195C for each device

                                                 1,i 
          1,i  log  Ri 195                       ~ MVN  mean.β,prec.β 
                                                 2,i 
           2,i  log   D ,i               mean.β : 2x1 mean vector of a bivariate normal
          3  Ea
                                                prec.β :    2x2 precision matrix of a bivariate normal

                                               sigma  inv  prec.β  : Variance and covariance matrix 20 /
                                                                         for the bivariate normal. or job5/25/2012
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OpenBUGs Implementation
 model {                                                                          data[231+(iii-1)*17+jjj,1] ~ dnorm(mu.195[(iii-1)*17+jjj],tau)
  for(iii in 1:34){                                                      }
    bbb[iii,1:2] ~ dmnorm(mean.bbb[1:2],prec.bbb[1:2,1:2])

      Dinf[iii] <- -exp(bbb[iii,2])
      R195[iii] <- exp(bbb[iii,1])                                       #### Data and Model for Temp=237 ###
  }                                                                      #### 11605/(195+273) - 11605/(237+273) = 2.042107
                                                                         #### Index shift for data is: 33*7 + 12*17 = 435
  sigma[1:2,1:2] <- inverse(prec.bbb[1:2,1:2])                           #### Index shift for group is: 7+12=19

  mean.bbb[1:2] ~ dmnorm(M[1:2], A[1:2,1:2])                             for(iii in 1:15){
  prec.bbb[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(B[1:2,1:2 ], 2)                                for(jjj in 1:9){
                                                                               mu.237[(iii-1)*9+jjj] <- Dinf[iii+19]
  b3 ~ dnorm(0.7,663.5)                                                                           *(1-exp(-R195[iii+19]*exp(b3*2.042107)
  tau ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)                                                                          *data[435+(iii-1)*9+jjj,2]) )
  sigma.error <- 1/sqrt(tau)                                                   data[435+(iii-1)*9+jjj,1] ~ dnorm(mu.237[(iii-1)*9+jjj],tau)
  #### Data and Model for Temp=150C ###                                  }
  #### 11605/(195+273) - 11605/(150+273) = -2.637980

  for(iii in 1:7){                                                   }
    for(jjj in 1:33){
        mu.150[(iii-1)*33+jjj] <- Dinf[iii]*(1-exp(-R195[iii]                                            0  106 0 
                                                                                       mean.β ~ dmnorm    ,       6  
                *exp(-b3*2.637980) *data[(iii-1)*33+jjj,2]) )                                          0                
        data[(iii-1)*33+jjj,1] ~ dnorm(mu.150[(iii-1)*33+jjj],tau)                                             0 10  
  }                                                                                                   103   0  
                                                                                      prec.β ~ dwish  
                                                                                                      0 103  
  #### Data and Model for Temp=195 ###                                                                          
  #### 11605/(195+273) - 11605/(195+273) = 0
  #### Index shift for data is: 33*7=231                                               ~ dgamma  0.001, 0.001
  #### Index shift for group is: 7
                                                                                       3 ~ dnorm  0.7, 663.5 
  for(iii in 1:12){
    for(jjj in 1:17){
        mu.195[(iii-1)*17+jjj] <- Dinf[iii+7]                                    Informative prior: put 99% of the                 21 21
                                                                                 probability between 0.6 and 0.8 for  35/25/2012
                                                                                                               GE Title or job number /
Cautious and Pitfalls

• Be aware of the effect of prior selection
• Do a sensitivity analysis and compare with
  non-informative priors
• Inappropriate priors for biased results
• Understand the assumptions

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• Reliability engineers have prior knowledge for
  the model parameters
• Bayesian analysis provides a formal way to
  implement prior knowledge
• OpenBUGs/WinBUGs provides user-friendly
  tool for Bayesian reliability analysis
• Most reliability models can be implemented
  through OpenBUGs/WinBUGs
                                                              23 23
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Thank you!

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Zero-trick in OpenBUGs

 Reason for quick convergence: The likelihood contribution for censored
 observation is determined by the censoring time and use the OpenBUGs
 zero-trick to include the censored observation likelihood contribution.

For Weibull right censored observation at censor time T, the likelihood is:
                                  T

                 f  x  dx  1   f  x  dx
                T                  0

                        T  
                 exp              ME Book parameterization
                         
                              
                 exp T v            OpenBUGs parameterization

                                                                                         25 25
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Traditional method in OpenBUGs
• C( , ): the build-in censoring function in

• Very slow in convergence for heavy censoring!

• Reason for slow convergence: each censor
  data point is treated as a random node in
  OpenBUGs and a stochastic MCMC chain will
  be established for each random node.

                                                                    26 26
                                               GE Title or job number /

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General bayesian methods for typical reliability data analysis

  • 1. General Bayesian  General Bayesian Methods for Typical  Methods for Typical Reliability Data Analysis y y Ming Li ©2012 ASQ & Presentation Li ©2012 ASQ & Presentation Li Presented live on Jun 14th, 2012 liability_Calendar/Webinars_ liability Calendar/Webinars ‐ _English/Webinars_‐_English.html
  • 2. ASQ Reliability Division  ASQ Reliability Division English Webinar Series English Webinar Series One of the monthly webinars  One of the monthly webinars on topics of interest to  reliability engineers. To view recorded webinar (available to ASQ Reliability  Division members only) visit ) / To sign up for the free and available to anyone live  webinars visit and select English  Webinars to find links to register for upcoming events liability_Calendar/Webinars_ liability Calendar/Webinars ‐ _English/Webinars_‐_English.html
  • 3. General Bayesian Methods for Typical Reliability Data Analysis Ming Li GE Global Research A joint work with William Q. Meeker at Iowa State University. Webinar ASQ Reliability Division June 14 2012
  • 4. Outline • Traditional Reliability Framework  Problems / Concepts / Methods • Bayesian Reliability Framework  Prior knowledge / Concepts / Methods • Bayesian Reliability Examples  Weibull distribution  Accelerated life test  Repeated measure degradation • Common Mistakes and Pitfalls • Conclusions 2/ 2 GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 5. Traditional Reliability Framework  Reliability Problems  Statistical Concepts  Computational Methods 3/ 3 GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 6. Reliability Problems  Life of a product  Degradation of performance  Repairable system  Warranty  Prognostic  Service availability or guarantee 4/ 4 GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 7. Statistical Concepts  Data  Field data, Lab data, simulated data  Failure modes, system or component level data  Exact, left, right, interval and window censored data  Model  Life distribution estimation (Weibull, Lognormal …)  Accelerated testing planning and analysis  Degradation modeling (physics + statistics)  Poisson process for repairable system  Non-parametric statistical models (e.g. Kaplan Meier) 5/ 5 GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 8. Computational Methods To calculate point estimates and confidence intervals for statistical uncertainty:  Maximum likelihood method  Bootstrap re-sampling method  Nonparametric method About methods are pure data driven, and prior knowledge is not used.  Simulation based Bayesian method  Could integrate prior knowledge or information  Solution to certain problems that are difficult to solve by other methods (i.e. computation advantages) 6/ 6 GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 9. Bayesian Reliability Framework  Why Not the Bayesian Method?  Prior Knowledge  Concept Illustration  Implementation through BUGs 7/ 7 GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 10. Why Not the Bayesian Method? • No user friendly Bayesian computer program  Engineers do not want to write MCMC  There are many non Bayesian program  ReliaSoft’s Weibull++, ALTA, etc.  JMP, Minitab, etc.  Many companies have site licenses • Need justification of prior knowledge  Sources of prior knowledge  Management approval  Impact of biased or bad priors 8/ 8 GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 11. Prior Knowledge • Physics of failure mechanism  Activation energy is around 0.2ev • Previous empirical experience  30 year experience of Weibull shape parameter of 2.5 • Sensitivity analysis and scenario test  What if the activation energy changes to a range (0.4,0.6) Bayesian method combines data and prior knowledge, big impact when data is limited. 9/ 9 GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 12. Concept Illustration Model for Data Likelihood Posterior Inference Data Distribution Bayes’ Theorem Prior Information 10 10 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 13. Implementation Through BUGs # (1) model specification model { Features }  Easy to download and install # (2) data input  Simple user interface list()  Detailed manual with a lot of examples  Many build in distributions and functions # (3) initial value list() Steps list() list()  Define the statistics problem clearly  Prepare the input data accordingly  Setup reasonable initial values Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson … If it converges….  Check the history plot Beta, Chi-square, Normal,  Check the density plot Gamma, Weibull, Logistic …  Check BGR diagnostic plot Multinomial, Dirichlet,  Look the posterior summary statistics Multivariate Normal, Wishart …  Extract the data for each MCMC steps 11 11 / GE Title or job number /  Mean, median and Credible intervals 5/25/2012
  • 14. Bayesian Reliability Example  Weibull Distribution  Accelerated Life Test  Repeated Measure Degradation 12 12 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 15. Weibull Distribution for the Bearing-Cage Field Data Data from Meeker and Escobar Example 8.16. Data Summary • 6 failures • 1697 right censored • Different censoring time • Heavy censoring • Weibull distribution • Data driven MLE Bayesian implementation • Prior on B01 (i.e., t0.01 quantile) and weibull shape parameter • Interested in estimate B10 13 13 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 16. Weibull Distribution  1 t   t   T ~ weibull  t ,  ,         exp          t  1 exp    t         Parameter of t p and sigma Parameter of original ME book  1   t p [ log(1  p)]  t p  [ log(1  p)]     1   1         T ~ dweib  x, v,    v x v 1 exp  x v   1  v  Parameter used in WinBUGs    1  1           t p [ log(1  p)]   t  [  log(1  p )]  p 14 14 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 17. OpenBUGs Implementation model { log.B01 ~ dunif(4.6051,8.5172) B01 <- exp(log.B01) Priors log.sigma ~ dnorm(-1.151,31.562) sigma <- exp(log.sigma) log  t0.01  ~ unif  log 100  , log  5000     v <- 1/sigma log   ~ dnorm  mean  1.151,sd  0.178   lamda <- pow(B01,-v)*0.01005034 Informative prior: 99% of the probability of  between 0.2 and 0.5. for (iii in 1:6){ 24 exact failures x.exact[iii] ~ dweib(v,lamda) } for (jjj in 1:19){ dummy[jjj] <- 0 1697 right censored dummy[jjj] ~ dloglik(logLike[jjj]) logLike[jjj] <- weight[jjj]*(-lamda*pow(lower[jjj],v)) observation in groups } } 15 15 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 18. Accelerated Life Test for Device-A Data from Meeker and Escobar Example 19.2. Data Summary • Three accelerated levels (10C, 40C, 60C, and 80C) • Usage level 10C • Arrhenius model for temperature. • Log-normal life distribution.  Y  log  Hours  ~ N   K  ,  2  11605   K    0  1 K 16 16 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 19. Re-parameterization • Replace the intercept by B01 at 40C • It will break the strong correlation between the slope and intercept  11605  B01.40  0  1  z0.01  273  40     B01.40   11605  z   0  1 273  40 0.01 • Use informative prior for 1 such that 99% of the probability will between 0.5 and 0.8. • Interested in the B10 life and the usage temperature 10C (i.e. 283K)  11605 11605    K   B01.40  z0.01  1     K 273  40  17 17 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 20. OpenBUGs Implementation model { ### For Temp=60C, i.e. 11605/(273+60) = 34.849850 B01.40 ~ dgamma(0.001,0.0001) ### 11 censored observations, and 9 exact observations b1 ~ dnorm(0.65,294.8843) ## informative prior ### 11605/(273+60) - 11605/(273+40) = -2.226827 tau ~ dgamma(0.001,0.0001) mu.60 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma - b1*2.226827 sigma <- 1/sqrt(tau) for (i in 1:11){ dummy.60[i] <- 0 b0 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma - b1*37.076677 dummy.60[i] ~ dloglik(logLike.60[i]) B10.10 <- mu.10 - 1.281552*sigma logLike.60[i] <- ( 1-phi((8.517193-mu.60)*sqrt(tau)) ) } ### For Temp=10C, i.e. 11605/(273+10) = 41.007067 for (j in 1:9){ ### All 30 observations are censored. Y.log.60[j] ~ dnorm(mu.60,tau) ### 11605/(273+10) - 11605/(273+40) = 3.93039 } mu.10 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma + b1*3.93039 for (i in 1:30){ dummy.10[i] <- 0 ### For Temp=80C, i.e. 11605/(273+80) = 32.875354 dummy.10[i] ~ dloglik(logLike.10[i]) ### 11 censored observations, and 9 exact observations logLike.10[i] <- ( 1-phi((8.517193-mu.10)*sqrt(tau)) ) ### 11605/(273+80) - 11605/(273+40) = -4.201323 } mu.80 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma - b1*4.201323 for (i in 1:1){ ### For Temp=40C, i.e. 11605/(273+40) = 37.076677 dummy.80[i] <- 0 ### 90 censored observations, and 10 exact observations dummy.80[i] ~ dloglik(logLike.80[i]) ### 11605/(273+40) - 11605/(273+40) = 0 logLike.80[i] <- ( 1-phi((8.517193-mu.80)*sqrt(tau)) ) mu.40 <- B01.40 + 2.326348*sigma } for (i in 1:90){ for (j in 1:14){ dummy.40[i] <- 0 Y.log.80[j] ~ dnorm(mu.80,tau) dummy.40[i] ~ dloglik(logLike.40[i]) } logLike.40[i] <- ( 1-phi((8.517193-mu.40)*sqrt(tau)) ) } } for (j in 1:10){ Y.log.40[j] ~ dnorm(mu.40,tau) } 18 18 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 21. Repeated Measure for Device B Degradation Data from Meeker and Escobar Example 21.1. Data Summary • 3 levels of temperature • Usage temperature 80C • ~ 10 devices per temp. • Interval of 125 hours to measure the degradation • Mixed effect model • Nonlinear path • Normal distribution for residuals 19 19 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 22. Model Details yij ~ Dij   ij  1 i=1,. . . ,n: index for device  ij ~ N  0,  2   j=1,…,m : index of time of observation for each device   j   Dij  tij ; temp   Di ,  1  exp  Ri 195   AF  temp   tij    11605 11605   In stable AF  temp   exp  Ea    parameterization   195  273 temp  273   Di , : The asymptote for each device. Ri 195  The reaction rate at 195C for each device  1,i   1,i  log  Ri 195     ~ MVN  mean.β,prec.β     2,i     2,i  log   D ,i  mean.β : 2x1 mean vector of a bivariate normal   3  Ea  prec.β : 2x2 precision matrix of a bivariate normal sigma  inv  prec.β  : Variance and covariance matrix 20 / 20 for the bivariate normal. or job5/25/2012 GE Title number /
  • 23. OpenBUGs Implementation *(1-exp(-R195[iii+7]*data[231+(iii-1)*17+jjj,2])) model { data[231+(iii-1)*17+jjj,1] ~ dnorm(mu.195[(iii-1)*17+jjj],tau) } for(iii in 1:34){ } bbb[iii,1:2] ~ dmnorm(mean.bbb[1:2],prec.bbb[1:2,1:2]) Dinf[iii] <- -exp(bbb[iii,2]) R195[iii] <- exp(bbb[iii,1]) #### Data and Model for Temp=237 ### } #### 11605/(195+273) - 11605/(237+273) = 2.042107 #### Index shift for data is: 33*7 + 12*17 = 435 sigma[1:2,1:2] <- inverse(prec.bbb[1:2,1:2]) #### Index shift for group is: 7+12=19 mean.bbb[1:2] ~ dmnorm(M[1:2], A[1:2,1:2]) for(iii in 1:15){ prec.bbb[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(B[1:2,1:2 ], 2) for(jjj in 1:9){ mu.237[(iii-1)*9+jjj] <- Dinf[iii+19] b3 ~ dnorm(0.7,663.5) *(1-exp(-R195[iii+19]*exp(b3*2.042107) tau ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001) *data[435+(iii-1)*9+jjj,2]) ) sigma.error <- 1/sqrt(tau) data[435+(iii-1)*9+jjj,1] ~ dnorm(mu.237[(iii-1)*9+jjj],tau) } #### Data and Model for Temp=150C ### } #### 11605/(195+273) - 11605/(150+273) = -2.637980 for(iii in 1:7){ } Priors for(jjj in 1:33){ mu.150[(iii-1)*33+jjj] <- Dinf[iii]*(1-exp(-R195[iii]   0  106 0  mean.β ~ dmnorm    ,  6   *exp(-b3*2.637980) *data[(iii-1)*33+jjj,2]) ) 0  data[(iii-1)*33+jjj,1] ~ dnorm(mu.150[(iii-1)*33+jjj],tau)   0 10   } }  103 0   prec.β ~ dwish    0 103   ,2  #### Data and Model for Temp=195 ###     #### 11605/(195+273) - 11605/(195+273) = 0 #### Index shift for data is: 33*7=231  ~ dgamma  0.001, 0.001 #### Index shift for group is: 7 3 ~ dnorm  0.7, 663.5  for(iii in 1:12){ for(jjj in 1:17){ mu.195[(iii-1)*17+jjj] <- Dinf[iii+7] Informative prior: put 99% of the 21 21 / probability between 0.6 and 0.8 for  35/25/2012 . GE Title or job number /
  • 24. Cautious and Pitfalls • Be aware of the effect of prior selection • Do a sensitivity analysis and compare with non-informative priors • Inappropriate priors for biased results • Understand the assumptions 22 22 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 25. Conclusions • Reliability engineers have prior knowledge for the model parameters • Bayesian analysis provides a formal way to implement prior knowledge • OpenBUGs/WinBUGs provides user-friendly tool for Bayesian reliability analysis • Most reliability models can be implemented through OpenBUGs/WinBUGs 23 23 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 26. Thank you! 24 24 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 27. Zero-trick in OpenBUGs Reason for quick convergence: The likelihood contribution for censored observation is determined by the censoring time and use the OpenBUGs zero-trick to include the censored observation likelihood contribution. For Weibull right censored observation at censor time T, the likelihood is:  T  f  x  dx  1   f  x  dx T 0   T    exp      ME Book parameterization         exp T v  OpenBUGs parameterization 25 25 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012
  • 28. Traditional method in OpenBUGs • C( , ): the build-in censoring function in OpenBUGs • Very slow in convergence for heavy censoring! • Reason for slow convergence: each censor data point is treated as a random node in OpenBUGs and a stochastic MCMC chain will be established for each random node. 26 26 / GE Title or job number / 5/25/2012