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Gay Marriage Argumentative Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Gay Marriage Argumentative Essays" can be both challenging
and thought-provoking. The subject itself is inherently sensitive and controversial, involving a
range of deeply rooted beliefs and perspectives. Crafting a compelling argumentative essay
requires a thorough understanding of the historical, cultural, legal, and ethical dimensions
surrounding the issue.
One of the difficulties lies in navigating through the diverse viewpoints that exist on the topic.
Supporters and opponents of gay marriage often bring deeply held convictions to the table,
making it crucial for the writer to present a well-balanced and nuanced argument. Additionally,
staying updated on current legal developments, societal attitudes, and ongoing debates is
essential to provide a comprehensive analysis.
Moreover, the language used in the essay should be respectful and inclusive, avoiding any
potential offensive remarks. Striking the right tone is vital to engage readers and encourage
critical thinking rather than fostering polarization. The writer must also be adept at incorporating
credible sources and research to strengthen their argument and provide a solid foundation for
their stance.
Despite these challenges, writing an essay on such a significant and timely topic can be
rewarding. It allows the writer to contribute to the ongoing conversation surrounding equality
and human rights. However, it requires careful consideration, research, and a commitment to
presenting a well-rounded perspective.
For those seeking assistance with essays on various topics, including this one, services like offer support. Professional writers can provide guidance and help streamline
the essay writing process, ensuring that the final product meets high standards and effectively
communicates the chosen argument.
Gay Marriage Argumentative EssaysGay Marriage Argumentative Essays
Streptococcus Pyogenes is More than Strep Throat Essay
Streptococcus Pyogenes: More than Strep Throat
S. pyogenes infections may vary from mild to life threatening with a plethora of
symptoms due to the many types of infections it causes. This bacterium is responsible
for the diseases of pharyngitis, rheumatic fever, impetigo, erysipelas, cellulitis,
necrotizing fasciitis, acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, and toxic shock
syndrome, just to name a few. Each of these infections has its own unique set of
symptoms as will be explored in depth below.
Streptococcus Pyogenes is a very diverse bacteria with effects ranging from nothing
or a mild sore throat, to flesh eating disease, causing death in 40 60% of patients. The
major and most common illnesses associated with this bacteria ... Show more content
on ...
Initial diagnosis of Streptococcal pharyngitis is determined by a point system
awarding 1 point for each of the following; temperature greater than 38 C, absence
of cough, tender anterior cervical lymph nodes, tonsillar swelling, age younger than
15, subtracting a point for age older than 45. If these symptoms are met, a rapid
strep test will be performed before antibiotics are given, a precaution taken to prevent
super bugs from developing.
If a streptococcal infection such as pharyngitis or scarlet fever is left untreated, there
is a small (~3%) chance that within approximately 20 days, the patient will present
with rheumatic fever. After the first bout of rheumatic fever, if the host acquires a
second untreated S. Pyogenes infection, the chance of coming down with rheumatic
fever jumps substantially to ~50%. Most often this secondary disease will strike
people aged 6 15 years old, roughly 20 days after the streptococcal infection, with a 2
5% mortality rate. One of the major diagnostic symptoms of this disease is Erythema
Marginatum, snake or ring like eruptions covering the trunk, upper arms, and legs.
Other symptoms include fever, arthritis (elbows, knees, wrists, and ankles), swollen
joints, pain in the abdomen, nodules
The Impact of the Scientific Revolution on Society and...
Over the course of the years, society has been reformed by new ideas of science. We
learn more and more about global warming, outer space, and technology. However,
this pattern of gaining knowledge did not pick up significantly until the Scientific
Revolution. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, the Scientific Revolution
started, which concerned the fields of astronomy, mechanics, and medicine. These
new scientists used math and observations strongly contradicting religious thought at
the time, which was dependent on the Aristotelian Ptolemy theory. However,
astronomers like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton accepted the heliocentric
theory. Astronomical findings of the Scientific Revolution disproved the fact that
humans were... Show more content on ...
Everything on earth was imperfect while all that in space was perfect because God
s kingdom was outside of the earth. A popular idea was that heavy things fall faster
while lighter things sink to the ground slowly. This idea was adapted by the Church
to explain the admission into heaven. Those who are an overall better person will
rise up to heaven while those who are not so good will sink into the center of the
earth into hell. As a result, everything was related and backed up by theology. These
concepts would later be weakened by scientists of the Scientific Revolution. Johannes
Kepler (1571 1630) was a German astronomer who believed in the heliocentric theory.
Kepler is a clear example of the narrow line that separated science and religion.
Nonetheless, his ideas would show that things could be solved through reason alone.
He believed that the harmony of the human soul could be found through numerical
relationships that existed between planets. He found that the planets: Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn all revolved at different times. For example,
the earth revolved around the sun in a year while Saturn revolved around the sun in
fifty years. From this, Kepler found a mathematical ratio, nine to the two thirds
power, to explain this phenomenon. This was revolutionary to humanity s place in
the universe. People were shocked that the universe could be explained by math alone
rather than religion. This went strongly
What Is Phineas Gage Case
The Curious Case of Phineas Gage On the date of September 13th, 1848, one of
the greatest medical miracles in history occurred. Not only was this case amazing,
it was sounded too unbelievable to most and became liken into an old folk tale.
However, this was no folk tale. The story of the living mad with a rod in his head
was true and it stunned the entire medical community. This is the story of Phineas
Gage. Working on a railroad is a dangerous job even in modern times. Thousands of
people are hurt either working on railroads or being around railroads each year
(Schottenstein, 2015). Therefore, as you can imagine, injuries and deaths were
happening at an even higher rate in the 1800s. Phineas Gage was a railroad worker
doing a job in Vermont... Show more content on ...
Gage did, according to Harlow, retain full possession of his reason after the accident,
but his wife and other people close to him soon began to notice dramatic changes in
his personality (Constandi, 2006). Brain injury can often cause this type of
personality change. It has been documented in many different cases. However, post
injury personality changes also meant that we dealt with bouts of intense anger,
confusion, and unpredictable behavior (Cromer, 2012). These types of personality
can differ, however they are usually negative. This was seen in the case of Phineas
Gage. Sadly his personality and temperament wasn t the only thing that changed.
Before the accident he was considered as one of the best workers on the job site
(Constandi, 2006). However, after the injury, he could hardly work. (Constandi,
2006). His contractors, who regarded him as the most efficient and capable
foreman in their employ previous to his injury, considered the change in his mind
so marked that they could not give him his place again. He is fitful, irreverent,
indulging at times in the grossest profanity (which was not previously his custom),
manifesting but little deference for his fellows, impatient of restraint of advice
when it conflicts with his desires, at times pertinaciously obstinent, yet capricious
and vacillating, devising many plans of future operation, which are no sooner
arranged than they are abandoned in turn for others appearing more feasible. In
this regard, his mind was radically changed, so decidedly that his friends and
acquaintances said he was no longer Gage. (Constandi, 2006). He sadly resorted to
using his injury as an attraction to make money. He began traveling to do
appearances so that people could see the injury and pay him for the entertainment
(Constandi, 2006). He even decided to join up with the circus for a short period of
The 5 Giant Evils Of William Beveridge s Five Giant Evils
William Beveridge and the Five Giant Evils William Beveridge was part of the war
time government, after world war two he was tasked with the job of putting in
place a framework for the welfare state. The aim of the report was to find out what
Britain needed to take care of the basic needs of all the people and to begin to put
in place a set of reforms to give every citizen of Britain a basic standard of living.
Published in 1942 the Report proposed a new social security system that would
provide benefits from the cradle to the grave this would include in ideally a system
of proper healthcare, sickness and unemployment benefits, family allowance and
an employment policy. As well as this, the report would outline how best to tackle
the five giant evils, Beveridge believed that these issues were what was standing in
the way of social progress for post war Britain. Citizens were more open to
government intervention in relation to social welfare due to their increased
involvement for the duration of the war, individuals became accustomed to higher
taxation to help cover medical costs and services for people who had been injured
by bombing and air raids. This example of free health care paved the way for
creation to the NHS and made individuals more aware of the benefits of free health
care. Also, due to the mixing of social classes during the second world war on the
battle field and on the home front, as well as shared experiences under a common
enemy many British people
Essay on Economic Analysis of The U.S. 2001-2003
Economic Analysis of The U.S. 2001 2003
Economics have many indicators to describe how it runs. The indicators can show if
the economy has improved or declined. The economic indicators that will be focused
on in this analysis of the United States economy from 2001 2003 will be the
consumer price index, the imports and exports, the unemployment rate, and finally the
gross domestic product. Now while most may know the meanings of the previously
stated indicators, for those who don t, they remain useless unless defined. To begin
with, these indicators will have to be defined in full to aid in understanding the
analysis in more detail. It will be after that that the actual analysis of the economy of
the United ... Show more content on ...
Obviously unemployed rate is defined as the fraction of the labor force that is
unemployed . To define the unemployed is important as well, because it refers to
those that have no job, but are actively looking for work, not to those who are not
working and are uninterested in searching or getting a job . The reason that
unemployment is so important in determining the economy s success is because it is
intertwined with the gross domestic product, as in when the gross domestic product
falls, unemployment is increased, and when it rises, there is a decrease in
unemployment . To make what is being explained clearer, when there is
unemployment, production is down; therefore there is less money and goods
produced out of the economy. This is how unemployment relates as well.
The last indicator to be defined is probably the most the important of them all, and
that is the gross domestic product. The gross domestic product is defined as the
total market value of all the final goods and services produced within an economy
in a given year . There are two types of gross domestic product, real and nominal.
Real GDP is adjusted to how prices have changed, as nominal GDP is the current
price as it is calculated . There is so very much that goes into the gross domestic
product that in this analysis only the percent change from the years will be shown as
important. A percent that is positive is obviously
Celtic Mythology Research Paper
Trees are silent guards, they are listeners and they hold knowledge mankind has
long forgotten. A culture that once was all across Europe to nearly facing
extinction amazingly survived thousands of years. Celtic Mythology was more
than just whimsical stories to it s people it was a way of life, including tales of these
gods and goddesses who served a purpose of meaning the world and the qualities of
a good person. First, the history of Celtic Mythologytraces back centuries ago. For
example, there is a long history of their people. At their height they were a large
and diverse group that was spread out all across Central Europe. After the Start of
christianity however, the popularity or Celtic went down. Also, scientists have
discovered many different celtic villages. The Hallstatt village in Austria is the
oldest one of its kind ever found and many different celtic artifacts have been found
there. This is why the early stages of Celtic Mythology was known as the Hallstatt
era. Another village in Switzerland called La Tene also had many artifacts uncovered
there and is also is why the second phase of the celtswas known by same name.
Although overtime, archeologists are making new discoveries most aspects... Show
more content on ...
The Harp was believed to be a common instrument among the celts and is now the
national emblem of Ireland. The oldest surviving celtic harps date back to the 15th
century but the music of the harp has been an important emblem or Ireland since
the 10th century (ireland Also, as the celtic belief goes, everything
comes in threes which brings us to another iconic symbol... the shamrock. It s
believed to have mythical powers and was even used by Saint Patrick to spread the
teachings of christianity. That s just a few of the reasons why it s the national flower
of Ireland. Overall, Celtic culture is still evident today from its
Northwest Coast Tribes
Northwest Coast Tribal Masks This paper describes the Sea Bear Transformation
Mask, created by Don Svanvik in 2000, and how it reflects Northwest Coast Indian
art and culture, specific to the Kwakiutl tribe. A transformation mask is a large
mask with hinged shutters that, when open, reveal another mask. Audrey and Alan
Bleviss gave this mask to the Montclair Art Museum in 2005. The medium consists
of red cedar, cedar bark, copper, pigment, and string. In the Montclair Art Museum,
the mask is displayed in its open form. The inside of the mask shows a man sitting
with his legs bent in front of him while his arms are open and stretched to his sides.
His facial features consist of sharp cheekbones, a wide triangular nose, a goat t, a thin
... Show more content on ...
The mask also has a large amount of white and green, which are often recognized
as tertiary colors, mostly used to fill in empty spaces or for design purposes.
( Throughout history, societies have defined and
transformed themselves through their art. When looking at works of art today, a
person sees not only the work of art itself, but also the world from which it came
from. The same is true for this transformation mask, which reflects the works of art
and beliefs of the Northwest Coast Tribes. Almost all artwork of the Northwest
Coast Tribes has a story behind it. This mask is about a young boy named
Alikwamae who was successful and well known among the people in his village.
He was orphaned as a child and was therefore sent to live with his jealous uncle who
one day abused him in hopes that he would die. He was very weak when he woke up
but he found a mouse who took him to an Undersea Kingdom where he met the Chief
of the Undersea Kingdom, Kumugwe. Alikwamae wanted to help his people so
Kumugwe gave him a power that would allow him to transform into a sea bear.
Alikwamae went back to his village and was able to transform, heal the sick and
injured, predict the future, and interpret dreams. ( The
bear is an important figure in Native American art. It is a symbol of strength, power,
humility, motherhood, teaching, dreaming, and healing. Northwest
Treating Infertility
Infertility has become so widespread today that the World Health Organization
(WHO) has recognized it as a disease (World Health Organization 2009). In
developed countries, approximately 15% of the population is infertile (Petraglia,
Serour Chapron 2013), and infertility in females alone accounts for 37% of these
causes (Unuane et al. 2011). Over the past decade, efficient techniques aimed at
treating infertilityhave become widely available throughout the developed world and
have been the subject of public discussion and media attention. These range from non
invasive techniques such as the use of fertilitydrugs aimed at hormonal stimulation, to
more invasive techniques such as laparoscopy or intrauterine insemination. In the
midst of increasing... Show more content on ...
Physicians are continually faced with the increasing numbers of women athletes
whose menstrual cycles have been interrupted (Wall, Belcastro Cumming 1983) as
more females are getting involved in physical fitness and competitive sports. These
disturbances to the menstrual cycle reflect different degrees of ovarian suppression
and are accompanied by inadequate follicular development and impaired fertility
(Zanker 2006, p.489) Research has shown that intense exercise may lead to
alterations in the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis, affecting
gonadotropin, estrogen, progesterone and androgen release (Baker 1981). This is
indicative of neuroendocrine dysfunction termed as functional hypothalamic
amenorrhoea, characterized by the disruption of the pulsatile release of GnRH
from the hypothalamus which in turn causes diminished ovarian stimulation
(Zanker 2006). This disruption of the GnRH pulsatile secretion appears to be
caused by the stress of exercise as exercise is deemed a chronic stressor that
activates the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis (Loucks, Verdun Heath
1998). This affects the GnRH secreting neurons and disrupts the GnRH pulse
generator via the effects of corticotropin releasing hormone and negative feedback
effects of cortisol (Rivier Rivest 1991). Furthermore, studies also found that energy
expenditure from vigorous and frequent exercise can reduce energy availability
enough that it suppresses Luteinizing Hormone (LH) pulsatility (Loucks et al.
1998), thereby diminishing ovarian stimulation. Female athletes who exercise
regularly generally have low body fat levels and this is correlated to low leptin
levels as the hormone is produced by white fat cells and reflects fat mass. (Zanker
2006). Leptin plays a critical role to the hypothalamus as it functions as a metabolic
signal of energy availability, and decreased leptin signals to the
Comparing Thomas Hobbes And Jacques Rousseau State Of
Thomas Hobbes and Jacques Rousseau on the state of nature
The world is always filled with rigid dichotomies: good and evil, left and right,
McDonald s and Burger King just to mention some of them. The political theory in
the 17th century seemed to have experienced a similar trend. The nature of
government, more specifically the state of men, were often questioned, like the
debate between Democrats and Republicans today. In 17th century Europe, the two
major viewpoints on the issue were best exemplified by the writings of Thomas
Hobbes, and Jacques Rousseau, the famous philosophers that led politics in 17th
century England and France.
The nature state of men has been one of the biggest themes in political philosophy for
centuries. This mainly ... Show more content on ...
For Hobbes, social contract is an inevitable process because men need a central
power for self preservation (Hobbes 39). He cannot protect himself from outside
dangers; therefore, he needs sovereign power for survival. Nevertheless, for
Rousseau, social contract is needed, but it unavoidably creates inequality as well as
peace and order. If men were more just and fair in his actions, social contract would
be more beneficial to his life. In his natural state, men was more caring and
cooperative, but with social contract, he is more individualistic and greedy
(Bondanella 16). That is why, Rousseau does not believe in the good side of social
contract. As Rousseau states, I must make everyone see that since the bonds of
servitude are formed merely from the mutual dependence of men and from the
reciprocal needs that unite them, it is impossible to enslave men without first having
put him in the position of being unable to do without another person (Bondanella 32).
As this statement implies, social contract enslaves men to unequal chances and
opportunities according to Rousseau, but for Hobbes, it is the best form of self
protection. Otherwise, men cannot survive and become
A Warrant for Rottman s Arrest by Germany Essays
Material Facts
In 1996 a warrant was issued in Germany for the arrest of Rottman in connection
with alleged fraud offences. Metropolitan Police received a request from the
German authorities for Rottman s extradition. His precise whereabouts within
England at the time were unknown. A provisional warrant for his arrest was issued
by Bow Street magistrates court under s 8 (1) Extradition Act 1989 ( no search
warrant issued). The officers then followed him into the driveway of the house
where he had been living after spotting him as a result of a surveillance operation
and he was arrested outside the door. Soon after, German policeofficers asked the
senior officer present to search the house. Thereafter the officers entered and searched
... Show more content on ...
The Counsel for the Police Commissioner appealed the decision on the grounds
that search and seizure powers applied to both domestic and extraditable offences.
Also that common law powers were merely supplanted and not replaced. He
contended that the search was legal under Section 18 and 19 of PACE, and that
there was no violation of Article 8 of the ECHR as search and seizure powers were
lawful and proportionate to the legitimate aim in a democratic society of crime
Ratio Decindi
Lord Hutton had affirmed the existence of common law powers to search the
respondent s premises after arresting him for extraditable offences by upholding the
principles in Ghani v Jones and Osman particularly the lack of difference between
warrants of arrest in domestic and extradition proceedings.
He also held that it is a well established principle that a rule of the common law is
not extinguished by a statute unless the statute makes this clear by express
provision or by clear implication. The powers for search and seizure in s18 and s19
of PACE only applied to domestic offences leaving common law powers unmolested
for extraditable offences.
It was held that there was no violation of Article 8 of the ECHR. Lord Hutton states
that the arrest and the entry to perform the
President Elect Donald Trump And The Republican
There have been several talks about President Elect Donald Trump and the
Republicans surprising landslide victory in the recent election results for the
President, Congress, and House of Representatives. Although Donald Trump did not
win the popular vote in the November 8th election, he will be the next President of
the United Statesof America once he is inaugurated on January 20, 2017.
Unfortunately, the popular vote went to Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton and
many people believe that she gained popularity from the recent endorsement by
several fellow Democratic candidates along with President Barack Obamaand First
Lady Michelle Obama.
Hillary Clinton was the first woman to run for the President of the United States of
America. The fact that she is a woman who has been in politics for more than two
decades should give her additional motivation when she speaks during her campaign
run. Like Hillary, first lady Michelle Obama has been very influential with her
speeches as well.
Over the past eight years, first lady Michelle Obama has been known for her great
speeches at the Democratic National Convention. The most recent speech was at the
2016 Democratic National Convention when she spoke highly of Democratic
hopeful Hillary Clinton in terms of rhetorical criticism. The way she spoke about
Clinton and her campaign run was one of the biggest reasons why I chose First
Lady Obama as the Rhetor to talk about. She is a great person to study because she
has been very
Resistant Behaviors
The student has a high tolerance for clients who do not comply with or are
resistance to services. However, at some point enough is enough and the student
develops negative feelings towards the client and believes that the client is wasting
the student as well as others time, energy, and resources which could be directed
towards another who is need of support. Understandable there is a movement in the
social service field to remove the label of resistant client from clients who do not
embrace change happening in their life because the label suggest blame. However, in
the students chosen profession, working for a social services agency coordinating
and facilitating services for individuals with an intellectual and or physical disability,
the system reinforces resistant behaviors; the more resistant the individual the more
likely their health and safety are at risk which places responsibility back onto... Show
more content on ...
The student eventually becomes frustrated with the individuals whose intellectual
disability is not a factor in their ability to comply with requested services. Through the
working relationship and history, the student has with an individual coupled with
knowledge related to mental health diagnoses, the student will be able to understand
how the behavior and the diagnoses co mingle. Behavior is a form of communication.
Behaviors do not happen for no reason. When an individual who is normally not
resistant to services becomes resistant it is a warning to the student that further
investigation is warranted. This change in behavior suggest that either the individual
has experienced a negative event that is not known to others or there is a medical
concern that needs to be further
Summary Of Guy Montag
Guy Montag lives in the twenty fourth century in United States.Some time In the
future all books are outlawed Books have ideas and knowledge, which is a threat to
the government. As a result the Firemen instead of preventing fires start them
burning not only the illegal books but these buildings where they are kept. Montag
finds great joy in his job its what makes him happy in the world.One night while
heading home from Montag meets Clarise a girl who is unlike anyone else in
montags life she obsirves the world and makes Montag relize that he isnt truly
happy at all. After his talk with Clarice he finds his wife on the ground overdosed
from sleeping pills. The plumbers come with a machine that cycles her blood and
saves her life.The following
The Chinese Film Shaolin Directed By Benny Chan
Buddha be praised, as many monks said after the passing of one s life (Shaolin,
00:03:00). The Chinese Film Shaolin directed by Benny Chan tells a story of a
historical event that was based on a true story, but warped a little in order to fit the
time period of today. Monks are considered high class in the Chinese clan system,
while those of a refugee status are no more than mere pigs in the eyes of the
Warlords. The Shaolin Monasteryis located in the Songshan Mountains in Dengfeng
City, Henan Province of today; similarly, the movie is set in Dengfeng city and at the
monastery. The Shaolin Monastery is a combination of supernatural powers of
Buddhismand the wisdom of Chan Buddhism. The Buddhism belief and Chan
wisdom is the cultural connection that one gets from meditating at this monastery.
Martial arts are ways of defense amongst the Asian culture, and the Shaolin Kung Fu
was developed to help train the monks bodies because the Chinese people believed
that too much meditation will develop a weak body (Shaolin Temple). That being
said, Benny Chan s use of narrative elements in his movie Shaolin to convey
Chinese culture in the Henan Province represents a similar depiction of what had
occurred during the Tang Dynasty. His purpose is to portray the idea that it is never
too late for one to have a change of heart. For starters, the death of a precious person
can damage someone s mind and soul. The main character Hou Jie became known as
Jingjue through repenting within
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Philosophy 4: Paper Two (Prompt #2) Rousseau believes that even when one votes
in the minority they can obey the law and still be free. But, how can the opposing
minority be both free and subject to laws to which they have not consented?
(Rousseau, pg. 153) Rousseau s response is that citizens must consent to all the
laws because to inhabit the territory is to submit to the sovereign. (Rousseau,
p.153) In accordance with the social contract, when a citizen votes they should
completely surrender their personal interest and vote for what they believe to be
the general will. The general will of each individual is considered to be their real
will when it comes to social policy. The majority vote will depict the general will,
and the... Show more content on ...
He mentions that in a healthy state it will be easy to aim for the common good.
The common good of society will seem like common sense. In a healthy society the
general will also come much closer to a unanimous decision. In an unhealthy
society, how would you discern what the general will is? When society is faced
with two combating ideas, how are they to reason which one is better for the
sovereign? And after they vote how can they be sure that what the majority voted
for was the actual general will. In votes where the answer is not completely clear,
or there vote is extremely close, I don t know if its safe to say that the majority
vote is consistent with the general will. In life it seems as though many things can
easily be confused or manipulated for a certain cause. For example, say the people
must decide between kiwi and watermelon to be endorsed as the state fruit and
watermelon is slightly closer to the common good of the sovereign and is liked by
more people. Yet, because of some enthusiastic supporters on the side of the kiwi
people are being swayed to vote in favor of the kiwi despite their previous
knowledge of the many benefits that the watermelon provided that the kiwi did not.
In the end even those that were supporters of the watermelon in the beginning
switched their vote in order to try and stay in line with what at the time may have
been portrayed as the popular vote. Even when the person s
The Life And Career Of Abraham Maslow
The Life and Career of Abraham Maslow
Background on Maslow
Men and women were selling themselves short of the human race was the story
(Maslow, 1908 1970). Abraham Maslow was the originator of Humanistic
Psychology. Abraham Maslow was a man of great character. His life, theories, and
career still exist today and people continue to reflect on such an impact he has had on
The Life, Career, and Legacy of Abraham Maslow
On April 1, 1908, Maslow was born in Brooklyn, New York, to his Jewish parents
(Samuel and Rose Schilofsky) who emigrated from Russia as one of their first
conceived children out of seven. Maslow s parents were characterized as
impecunious and unscholarly. In his community he was the only sole Jewish
child. As a result, unhappy and lonely were the words Maslow used to describe his
early childhood. Because of these desperate measures, he was in the library where
he submerged his head in books and spent much of his leisure time. I was a little
Jewish boy in the non Jewish neighborhood. It was a little like being the first Negro
enrolled in an all white school. I was isolated and unhappy. I grew up in libraries and
among books, without friends (Hall, 1968, p. 37).
Within his home, Maslow experienced an assortment of problems. He and his father
did not see eye to eye. Samuel, Maslow s father, repeatedly brutalized him and forced
him to achieve excellence in fields that were uninteresting to him. According to
Maslow s own remembrances,
To Serve Man Analysis
Everyone has seen a sci fi movie about aliens invading Earth. Aliens invading Earth
was like communists during the Cold War. The Cold War started around 1940 and
ended around 1990. The Cold War was a fight for power between the USA and the
USSR. During the Cold War, Americans were concerned about communism. The
USSR is a communist country, and Americans didn t want to become a communist
country. Americans were afraid of turning into a communist country because they
would lose their freedom. Americans started accusing other people of being a
communist, and many innocent people were blamed for being a communist. Some
Soviet spies were discovered in the USA. The stories To Serve Man by Damon Knight
, Monsters are due on Maple Street by Rod... Show more content on
The story begins when aliens, called Kanamits, come to Earth and offer Earth gifts.
People were excited to get these gifts, so they trusted the Kanamits and didn t
question them. However, the only person who didn t trust the Kanamits was a man
named Grigori. He eventually figures out that the Kanamits were there to invade
Earth. The author was warning the readers of the story that if they don t pay
attention, it could lead to an invasion. The main character in the story, Peter, said: I
didn t think they were trying to pull anything over (1). Everyone seems to trust the
Kanamit and didn t think they were going to try to invade Earth. Grigori was the
only person who was concerned about the Kanamits invading because he didn t think
they were trustworthy, being from another planet. Don t tell me that you re
convinced the Kanamit are all right (4). Grigori was telling Peter that he shouldn t
trust the Kanamit. He wanted people on Earth to fear the Kanamits like he did
because he was paying attention to the Kanamits and realized they were
untrustworthy. The author was trying to get people to be more like Grigori, and pay
attention to what is going on and to fear outsiders. The author wanted Americans to
fear people from the USSR during the Cold Warbecause he thought that since they
were outsiders, they couldn t be trusted. The author was relating the story to the Cold
War to get people thinking about how they should be concerned about an
Modern Dance In The 1950 s
Modern Dance is a free expressive way style of dancing that was developed in the
early 20th century as an insurgent against ballet. Isadora Duncan, Loie Fuller, and
Ruth St. Denis were pioneers who discovered and created modern dance in the
United States. Modern dance also spread to other countries like Germany and Greece
but in the early 20th century it was taught so much differently. In addition, when
Modern dancewas taught around the 1950 s you noticed that the clothing style and
the choreography began to change. Lastly, modern dance today is one of the most
well known style of dance that is easy to learn. So the evolution of modern dance is
very interesting because it came such a long way and also may possibly motivate
someone to start... Show more content on ...
According to Treva Bedinghaus she says Modern dancers use dancing to express
their innermost emotions, often to get closer to their inner selves. Before attempting
to choreograph a routine, the modern dancer decides which emotions to try to
convey to the audience(Bedinghaus 1). Also the attire for modern dance today can
be a variation of leotards that you can wear for ballet or loose clothes or perhaps
fitted clothes. Also even in music the may tend to either tell you a story or give
you a lifelong lesson that can help you. Today one of the most famous singer and
songwriter artist for modern dance is Amy Winehouse a young girl from London who
got into the music business at the age of 16 after a young classmate passed her cd
down. In 2006 she won five grammy awards for her album Back to Black and also
for her famous song rehab. On july 23rd 2011 she passed away from an alcohol
poisoning. At an early age she had relatives on her mom s side that were
professional jazz musicians and her dad sang as a young
Pinky Finger Crush Injury Report
Reason for Visit: Right index and pinky finger crush injury S: TM works in Engine
2. According to TM he was repairing an engine, the wrench slipped off a bolt and he
smashed his right hand on the engine pallet, injuring his right index and pinky
fingers. TM rates his pain at 7/10 pulsating pain. O: Right index; minimal bleeding,
small laceration present at the dorsal DIP joint, Full ROM, tender with palpation;
erythema and edema present, clean, minimal tension, minimal bleeding, NO FB,
Surrounding intact skin Right pinky finger Subungual Hematoma present, mild
edema at DIP joint. Full ROM; A: Right index and pinky finger crush injury Right
pinky finger Subungual Hematoma P: Right index and Pinky : Clean the wound with
tap water and Hibiclens,
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta Research Paper
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (/Л€stЙ›fЙ™niЛ
ђ dК’ЙњЛђrmЙ™Л€nЙ’tЙ™
/ stef Й™ nee jur mЙ™ not Й™; born March 28, 1986), known professionally as
Lady Gaga, is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. She performed initially
in theater, appearing in high school plays, and studied at CAP21 through New
York University s Tisch School of the Arts before dropping out to pursue a musical
career. After leaving a rock band, participating in the Lower East Side s avant garde
performance art circuit, and being dropped from a contract with Def Jam
Recordings, Gaga worked as a songwriter for Sony/ATV Music Publishing. There,
recording artist Akon noticed her vocal abilities and helped her to sign a joint deal
with Interscope Records and his own KonLive Distribution.... Show more content on ...
A follow up extended play (EP), The Fame Monster (2009), was met with a similar
reception and Bad Romance , Telephone , and Alejandro were released becoming
successful singles. Her second full length album Born This Way was released in
2011, topping the charts in more than 20 countries, including the United States,
where it sold over one million copies in its first week. The album produced the
number one single Born This Way . Her third album Artpop, released in 2013,
topped the US charts and included the successful single Applause . In 2014, Gaga
released a collaborative jazz album with Tony Bennett titled Cheek to Cheek, which
became her third consecutive number one in the United States. For her work in the
television series American Horror Story: Hotel, Gaga won a Golden Globe Award in
Is the Octoroon a Typical Victorian Melodrama
Is The Octoroon a typical Victorian melodrama? The Oxford English Dictionary
defines the genre of melodrama as, a stage play, usually romantic and sensational in
plot , this description certainly applies to The Octoroon. It was an extremely popular
form of stage drama and what I will discover is whether its themes, content and
structure are typical of the Victorian period melodrama. From the first time it was
presented at the start of the nineteenth century, melodrama attracted big audiences. It
started out very popular with the lower classes in society but as the century
progressed melodrama became appreciated by large sections of society(Leaver,444).
It usually contained themes of love, murder and honour. Audiences that went... Show
more content on ...
This ending shows me that boucicault altered his play to fit the British publics
preconceptions of what a melodrama should be, therefore making it into a
standard melodrama for the time. The fact that the plot in The Octoroon is based
around the topic of slavery shows us that it is in someway different from other
melodrama s of the time. Slavery was a hot topic when the Octoroon was produced
and some argue that it is abolitionist in its tone. Victorian melodrama s while
sensational, tended to be centered around more common everyday settings and
themes. Some argue that the play is abolitionist in its tone but I disagree.
Boucicault himself denied the piece was meant to be an anti slavery
statement(Degen,173). In a letter to The New York Herald in December 1859,
Boucicault explains that he is not taking sides, I have laid the scene in the South,
and, as slavery is an essential element of society there, insomuch I have been
obliged to admit it into my scheme. . . .I believe the drama to be a proper and very
effective instrument in the discussion of all social matters. . . .It is by such means
that the drama can be elevated into the social importance it deserves to enjoy.
Therefore I have involved in The Octoroon sketches of slave life, truthful I know, and
I hope gentle and kind (NY
Types Of Technologies Used By The Deaf Community
Lauren Brewer
Ms. Swag
May 14, 2015
There are several types of technologies utilized by the Deaf Community. From
alerting technology, to cochlear implants, to the use of closed captions. With all of
these technologies available, hearing aids are the most available and accessible to
individuals in the Deaf Community.
Current hearing aids have evolved since they were first patented by Miller Reese
Hutchinson in 1895. The first electrical hearing aid, also known as the Akouphone,
was operated by a carbon transmitter. The carbon transmitters function was to amplify
sound by taking a weak signal and using an electric current to make the signal strong
enough for the user to hear the sound. Hutchinson went on to improve his original
Akouphone a couple of times. The Akoulophon in 1898 and the Acousticon in 1902.
Each had their own successes. However, the Acousticon gained him his greatest
successes and attention (Causey).
Hutchison felt compelled, as a student, to invent a hearing aid for a friend who was
deaf and mute. He was successful in improving his friend s hearing but he was not
able to interest his friend in mastering speech (Causey).
Modern hearing aids have evolved over the past century. They are broken down into
eras. The eras include; the acoustic era, carbon hearing era, vacuum tube era,
transistor era, and the microelectric/digital era ( History ).
The Acoustic era was the most primitive. The Deaf Community of that time utilized
horns, trumpets,
Homer s Impact On Western Culture In The Iliad And The...
Although very little is known about the life of Greek poet Homer, credited with
being the first to write down the epic stories of The Iliad and The Odyssey, the impact
of his tales continue to reverberate through Western culture.
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1 of 3 В« В»
Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and
speaks another.
The Greek poet Homer was born sometime between the 12th and 8th centuries BC,
possibly somewhere on the coast of Asia Minor. He is famous for the epic poems
The Iliad and The Odyssey, which have had an enormous effect on Western culture,
but very little is known about their alleged author.
The Mystery of Homer
Homer is a mystery. The Greek... Show more content on ...
Further controversy about authorship springs from the differing styles of the two
long narrative poems, indicating they were composed a century apart, while other
historians claim only decades the more formal structure of The Iliad is attributed to a
poet at the height of his powers, whereas the more colloquial, novelistic approach in
The Odyssey is attributed to an elderly Homer.
Homer enriched his descriptive story with liberal use of simile and metaphor, which
has inspired a long path of writers behind him. His structuring device was to start in
the middle in medias res and then fill in the missing information via remembrances.
The two narrative poems pop up throughout modern literature: Homer s The
Odyssey has parallels in James Joyce s Ulysses, and his tale of Achilles in The
Iliad is echoed in J.R.R. Tolkein s The Fall of Gondolin. Even the Coen Brothers
film O Brother, Where Art Thou? makes use of The Odyssey.
Other works have been attributed to Homer over the centuries, most notably the
Homeric Hymns, but in the end only the two epic works remain enduringly his.
Critical Incident Report Sample
Critical Incident Report # 2 The incident which I reported on occurred four days
ago. It was as a result of rounding with a Preceptor ship in pavilion building 62 unit
3 b. Apparently, as we walked into room five bed 3, there was a client name U.C. a
bedridden patient with bed sores/pressure ulcer on the bony parts of the body, such
as the buttocks, tail bone, and the heels. However, this client has difficulty getting
out of bed, also, could not move his legs. In addition, bed sores or pressure ulcer
occurs, when a client lies or sits for a long time in the same location will result
cutting circulation from the tissue, induces cells to die, and skin will crack down.
Admittedly, the preceptor and I were incapable to take a lunch break for
Skinny Sixties Culture
Eva Grantham 1st hour 7th Grade English Mrs.KingJanuary 20, 2016Culture of the
SixtiesMost people loved the Sixties. People considered the Sixties as the skinny
Sixties. The clothes, the music, and the feminist right movement were an important
part of the Sixties, they were important to history. The clothes in the sixties. The
clothes were way different from the clothes now. They were bright, colorful, and a
lot of the time they were tye dye. The Fashion of The Sixties said They would wear
the poor boy sweater with the combination of hipster pants. Also The Fashion of the
Sixties said People would have natural hair, no dye in their hair at all. Most people
could not afford diamonds so they wore chainbelts, snake bracelets, snake rings, and
arm bracelets. Women started to wear the little nothing dress when it was invented. In
the Sixties people were showing more skin than ever, including women. Women in
the late sixties started to wear corsets. So when they started wearing these people
consider the late sixties the skinny sixties.... Show more content on ...
There was a lot of different types of rock. There was psychedelic rock, hard rock,
southern rock, and blue rock. These type of rock inspired the rock music today.
The article Rateyourmusic said The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Kinks, Jimi Hendrix,
and The Velvet Underground were the top five rated bands and musicians. Some
people think they were rated the top five because they were inspiring to people in
the Sixties during the Vietnam War. A lot of people have said that they were great
and inspiring at the time. The songs also sent a message around the world. The
songs were all different genres but the genres were at least someone s favorite so
they could connect more to it. Rateyourmusic said Their top hits were Hey Jude, The
Beatles. Rolling Stone, Bob Dylan. You Really Got Me, The Kinks. Purple Haze,
Jimi Hendrix. Sweet Jane, The Velvet Underground.
Tale Of Two Cities Comparative Essay
Change is something that must come and will always come, whether it be for better
or for worse. This is especially the case in the changing of power in our world, to
spark this change, people will fight until they die. Everybody can justify their plight
with speeches of justice and necessity, but whether or not the ends justify the means
is something that every person must decide for themselves. The theme of revolution
is explored in both A Tale of Two Cities
by Charles Dickens and Battleship Potemkin
by Sergei Eisenstein, but their portrayals of it differ greatly. Throughout his Novel,
Dickens clearly shows that he sympathizes with the peasants, but that he has very
mixed feelings towards the way that the revolutionaries get what they want.... Show
more content on ...
Both author s perspectives on revolution are displayed in the ending of their
respective works and they could not be more different. A Tale of Two Cities ends
with the hero of the story: Carton about to be executed at the guillotine. The story
does not end with a huge celebration, but it ends melancholic and ambivalent. It is
then stated, Crush humanity out of shape once more, under similar hammers, and it
will twist itself into the same tortured forms (Dickens 659). He is saying that
regardless of the intent of the revolutionaries, since what they did was through
similar means of the aristocrats, everything will still end up the same way. He
continues by saying, Sow the same seed of rapacious license and oppression over
again, and it will surely yield the same fruit according to its kind (Dickens 659).
Since the revolutionaries used violence to get what they wanted, they are no better
than the aristocrats themselves and once they get into power, they will become the
same as the aristocrats. They will continue the same cycle, but they will now be the
ones in power. The ending of A Tale of Two Cities emphasizes that the revolutionaries
violent means were contradictory to their original
Elastic Demand And Inelastic Demand
Elastic Demand, Unit Demand and Inelastic Demand:
Understanding the law of demand as it pertains to the elasticity of demand allows
economists to measure consumers responsiveness or sensitivity to changes in the
price of a product. Measuring the degree of this change or percentage of change will
result in elastic, unit or inelastic demand. Elastic demand (elasticity) means that
demand for a product is sensitive to price changes. Demand elasticity helps a
company to predict changes in demand based on changes in: price, competitive goods
(substitutes) and other factors such as is the item a necessity or a luxury. The formula
for calculating price elasticity of demand is: Price Elasticity of Demand (eD) = (%
changein Quantity demanded )/(%Change in price) . If the formula creates a
number greater than 1 the demand is perfectly elastic. Unit Elastic Describes a
supply or demand curve that is perfectly responsive to changes in price. If the
formula creates a number equal to 1 the demand is unit elastic. Meaning that the
change in quantity demanded is exactly equal to the change in price. If the price
goes up by 20% the quantity demanded goes down by 20%. The inverse of this
would also be true if the price goes down by 20% then the quantity demanded will
go up by 20%. Therefore, if the demand for the product is unit elastic, a change in
price will not cause any change in total revenues. There are few goods consider to be
unit elastic, but products such as medicines
Essay about Maternity Leave in Australia
Maternity Leave in Australia
Maternity leave allows women to take leave of absence from their job to give birth
and care for their children. The International Labor Organisation sets minimum
standards for maternity leave. These include a right to 12 weeks paid maternity leave
and prohibition against dismissal during maternity leave. Although a member of the
ILO, Australia has never ratified its convention concerning maternity protection we
have no standard maternity leave provisions. Australian law entitles women to 12
months unpaid leave and for more than 25 years the Commonwealth Employees Act
has entitled Commonwealth employees to paid maternity leave. About two thirds of
women in the ... Show more content on ...
Of industrialised nations, it is the Scandinavian countries that set the pace. In
Norway, for example, women are entitled to a year s maternity leave on full pay,
two years unpaid leave and the right to part time employment while their children
are young. Supporters of more comprehensive paid maternity leave say motherhood
means a substantial loss of earnings, demotion and insecurity in the workplace for
many women. Providing financial and job security for women as well as helping
businesses retain skilled employees makes good financial sense. They point out that
it is only a privileged few who receive paid leave, and these are usually women on
higher incomes.
There are also those who point to paid maternity leave as a way of dealing with
concerns about the ageing of the Australian population and declining birth rate.
Demographer Professor Peter McDonald claims that Australia cannot afford to
continue with its system of unpaid leave if it wants to encourage the birth rate, which
is presently below replacement levels.
Striking a balance between affordable policies and meeting the needs of families is
challenging. Many agree that it is unfair for business alone to be expected to shoulder
the burden of paid leave. Australian Democrats leader Senator Natasha Stott Despoja
has suggested that consideration be given to alternatives to the existing employer
pays system. She advocates
Fave Brand
Favorite Brand Paper Victoria s Secret
F Valdez
February 9, 2015
David Rubenstein
Victoria Secret
Victoria Secret is a company known for its lingerie, woman s wear, perfume, and
accessories. Victoria s Secret was created by Roy Raymond to have beautiful lingerie
that men could purchase for their wives without feeling uncomfortable or being
looked at as a pervert. Victoria s Secretdisplays and sells items that are high quality
beautiful products. Raymond had a failing company that he sold to Leslie Wexner
and the Limited. The perfumes are a wondrous smell that hit you as you enter the
store. The lingerie and woman s wear line the walls with a variety for every woman.
The accessories area carries a variety of displays from ... Show more content on ...
Knowing the competition Fredrick s is a company not heard of too often, and Klein
is basic with no elaborate designs. I prefer the one stop of Victoria s Secret for my
perfume, body lotions, undergarments, and accessories while providing a variety of
colors, styles, and designs.
In conclusion, I prefer Victoria s Secret brand products over their competitors for
the style, experience, and the loyalty program. I love the feel of the material when
I am wearing the bras and panties, the smell of the perfume and lotions. I know I
get good customer service when I walk into the store for my purchases and their
online or by phone customer service is also top notch. The convenience of making
returns or exchanges makes it an easy and comfortable experience.
7 Lingerie Stores that are not Victoria s Secret. (2013, November). The Huffington
Post, ().
Retrieved from victorias
Barr, N. (2014). A Happy Ending Right? Retrieved from
Fredrick s of Hollywood; about us. (2015). Retrieved from
/on/ FoH Site/default/CustServ CompanyAbout Reynolds, C.
(2014). Creating Brand Loyalty How Victoria s Secret Makes Me
Comprehensive Instructional Sequence Evaluation Paper
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Comprehensive
Instructional Sequence when decoding complex text on students reading
comprehension. Two groups of students were selected: one group used
Comprehensive Instructional Sequence to decode and scaffold text; the other group
used the previous classroom methods in which there was no continuity. Students were
measured using State of Florida progress monitoring tests in which reading
comprehension and Lexile were measured. Students in the experimental group were
taught using the Comprehensive Instructional Sequence for four weeks. Analysis has
yet to be determined. Therefore, the findings are unable to be reported. The abstract
will be updated when the study period... Show more content on ...
Research Methods The level of text complexity of the materials will be evaluated
using the Common Core Grade Bands. The same text will be used for both classes.
Student Reading Comprehension and Lexile scores from the Florida Assessment for
Instruction in Reading will be used to determine growth Collection of the initial data
will occur at the beginning of the period. Collection of growth data will occur at the
end of Week 4. 6.Next Steps The results of the study to determine if an increase of
the Comprehensive Instructional Sequence will increase student reading
comprehension will decide if the remainder of the classes will also use
Comprehensive Instructional Sequence when decoding complex text. If the results
are negative, I will look for another form of decoding and scaffolding to help my
students reading comprehension
The Japanese Mind Summary
Culture is a tradition that consists of the beliefs and practices held or observed by
specific human groups that have been passed down from their ancestors through their
grand parents, parents and the society around them. Today not everyone still value
their cultural beliefs as part of social well being as compare to what their ancestors
did at their time. There are factor that influences people not to practices or focus on
their culturebeliefs. Even though, culture is taking a different face in the western
worldand the simple reason is because we as parents are not training or teaching our
children the importance of culture. The simple true is that most cultures are
diminishing out in our society today due to failure and lack of proper way to pass
down our tradition to our children. Most children today don t even know how to say
good morning in their tribe language to their parents or other relatives.
The most important think about culture is the way individuals value and view in
their own perspective mind. The introduction to Japanese culture class is one way
for me to have the idea of what culture mean to Japanese society. This is the
collective deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes and meanings of
what is in the mind of Japanese s. By reading the text The Japanese mind helps me to
understand the hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles and spatial relations within
Japanese culture. The perception of the universe and material objects
The Most Significant Changes to the Laws of Iraq after the...
The Most Significant Changes to the laws of Iraq after the War in 2003. Iraqi laws
have seen constant changes. Many old laws have been replaced by a new
legislation, and other laws have been amended; first by the US Civil Administrator
Paul Bremer, and later by the government of Iraq. And this happened after the fall of
Saddam Hussain`s regime and the occupation of Iraqby the American and the British
forces on 9th April 2003. Paul Bremer issued more than 100 laws and regulations
within one year changing and repealing long established civil and commercial
laws. And most of these laws are not devoid of interest. The U.S. preference at the
expense of the Iraqis and their national sovereignty the most important is the
investment law and corporate law. Then it exempt companies from providing
capital to run their branches and this (Capital) resource strengthens of the national
economy and national income and other measures were useful in the old law. Not
only that, but it has canceled many of the articles in the penal code and has
replaced it with other laws, as well as in criminal law and personal status law and
other laws. One of the most significant foreign personnel are exempted from Iraqi
jurisdiction , from Iraqi civil and penal laws. This Order applies to all civil and
military personnel of the Authority, Foreign Liaison Missions, as well as all non
Iraqi personnel of contractors and sub contractors supplying goods or services to or on
The Internet From A Social and Communications
Quality Schools International
Research Project
Atyrau 2010
2.Statement of controlling purpose
3.Problem identification
5.Primary research
пѓ Surveys
пѓ Analysis
6.Secondary research
6.1 Structure of the internet
6.2 World dependency
пѓ Organizations and corporations/ Commercial Internet
пѓ Education
пѓ Mass Share of the information
пѓ Politics
пѓ Safety (cybercrime, the web economy)
6.3 Impact on personality
пѓ Specifics
пѓ Identity, Anonymity and Role Modeling
пѓ Internet addiction
пѓ Personality conflicts (and reality vs. virtuality)
пѓ Degradation of personality, mental problems)
пѓ ... Show more content on ...
Statistics are impressive.
The Internet had given people broad number of expanding opportunities, literally
wiping away boundaries and distances. It is also a massive source of data. Most of
us can not see the life without the internet, others underestimate its value. Some
people view it as a great evil, other see it as a great good. But the Internet proves to
be neither of those.
The Internet is a global system, a huge cyberspace serving to thousands of users
worldwide. It is a network of networks with different levels of access and different
levels of security. And still, there are always people behind what happens in the
cyberspace the internet is what we make of it and how we use it.
Common users are not always safe from the dangers they are exposed to. And while
there are numerous helpful and beneficial features one can find there, these good
things are balanced out by the dangers one can encounter in the cyberspace.
Another point of concern is how people are absorbed by the Internet culture, how the
concept of virtuality migrates into alternative kind of reality.
The goal of this paper is to explore and find ways to make the internet an optimal
tool, for everybody.
2. Statement of Controlling Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to define the impact of internet communications on our
daily lives and compare its positive and negative effects on social relationships and
personal characteristics of users.
The Internet is a beneficial tool,
The Development Of New Zealand Art From The 20th
The development of New Zealand Art from the 20th into the 21st Century
New Zealand is home to various great artists who have crafted and created a platform
for current, new and upcoming New Zealand artists. Throughout the 19th Century
New Zealand artwork was predominantly based around New Zealand s scenery, artists
during the 20th Century such as Rita Angus demonstrated through her artworks
landscapes and sceneries of New Zealand whereas other New Zealand artists such as
Gordon Walters incorporated suitable Maori patterns and styles in his artworks.
During the 20th Century it was apparent that New Zealand artists such as Colin
McCahon was heavily influenced by international artists and their artworks,
adapted the style of cubism and began to use in his own works. In the late 20th
Century New Zealand began to acknowledge culture and diversity within the
country, it was then a beginning for Maori artists to become common and known of
where many would unite European modernism with traditional Maori features
together. A notable Maori artist being the late Ralph Hotere, who during his time
was New Zealand s highest selling artist. Hotere plays a significant role in not only
in New Zealand art history but Maori history too as he broke barriers of being a
Maori artist, other current artists such as Shane Cotton and Michael Parekowhai are
also important as they are successful modern, Maori artists.
Numerous artists who compose contemporary Maori artworks also associate their
Research Paper On Black Rhinoceros
The endangered animal I have chosen for this project is the diceros bicornis, more
commonly known as the black rhinoceros or the hook lipped rhinoceros. The origin
of the black rhinoceros scientific name, diceros bicornis, is quite interesting. Dicero
from the Greek word di translates to two and ceros translates to horn. Bicornis from
the Latin word bi translates to two and cornis translates to horn. The black rhinoceros
scientific name describes their most prominent physical features, their double horns.
There are four different subspecies within the black rhinocerosfamily whose names
differ according to their geographical location within Sub Saharan Africa, namely
the South Central Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis minor), the South Western
Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis bicornis), the East African Black Rhinoceros
(diceros bicornis michaeli) and the West African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis
longipes). The black rhinoceros was first classified as an endangered species in 1986
and remained on the endangered list until 1996 when it was reclassified as a
critically endangered species. The black rhinoceros was last classified as a critically
endangered species in 2011.
Geographic Range and Statistics
The black rhinoceros is native to eastern and ... Show more content on ...
( AWF Check out the Rhino! , 2017) Due to the increase in poaching and loss of
habitat, numbers declined worldwide. The recent growth in poaching is due to the
rise in demand and price for the rhino horn, with the horn being valued as worth
more than its weight in gold. The demand for the horn comes mainly from Asian
countries where it is used in traditional medicine. This is due to the false impression
that the horns have medical properties. The rhino horn is made of keratin, which has
no health advantages or benefits. In Vietnam, powdered rhino horn is believed to be
an aphrodisiac and is sold in
The Music Of Wayne Peterson
American composer, Wayne Peterson, won the Pulitzer Prize in music in 1992. In
addition to winning the Pulitzer Prize, Peterson has been honored with fellowships
and commissions from many Foundations, as well as an award of distinction from the
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. He has received awards from
the Minnesota Centennial Composition Contest, the American Society of Harpists
and the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Needless to say Wayne
Peterson has been very successful at composing music. One may ask when his
fascination of music began and how he inspired today s music.
Wayne Peterson was born in Albert Lea, a small town Minnesota on March 8th
1927 (Henken, 1992, pp 1). He is now retired and has been living in San Francisco,
California since 1960. Since Peterson is still alive and a private man there are
currently no sources that tell how he started writing his music. Although it is known
that where he began composing and that he composed under the influences of
Copland, Stravinsky, Schoenberg and Bartok. Wayne Peterson played piano and
studied composition in Minnesota University where he received not only his
bachelors and masters but also his PhD. While he studied at Minnesota University, he
studied with American composers, Paul Fetler, Earl George and James Aliferis.
Peterson went on to advance his studies after his PhD on a Fulbright Scholarship,
which enabled him to spend a
year at the Royal Academy of Music in
Oprah Winfrey, famous talk show host and philanthropist,...
Oprah Winfrey, famous talk show host and philanthropist, can be considered a hero
by any standards. Her life is an almost perfect representation of the mythological hero
archetype. Commonalities include; overcoming extreme obstacles through her rise
from a rough childhood, early recognition of talents in her career and an
accomplishment of great deeds through her work as a philanthropist. Oprah is an
inspiration to young women everywhere, proving that anything is possible. She will
be remembered as a great social hero of our time.
Oprah was born in a small, rural town in Mississippi to an unwed teenage mother.
Even though her birth was not miraculous like that of other heros, she made up for it
in her early years of life with an abundance ... Show more content on
Oprah focused on topics that mattered, like cancer, substance abuse, and other
important social issues. Her empathetic interviewing style shaped journalism today.
Before Oprah, journalists would never shed a tear or empathize with their
interviewees. Today, this is a very common practice. One could say that Oprah s
television show qualified as one of her great deeds as described in the hero
archetype because of the social change it helped bring to the United States. Her early
acceptance of the LGBT community alone helped turn the country in a different,
more accepting direction. Oprah is now the most famous and wealthy african
american woman in the world. Her level of success and rise from hardships is truly
Oprah Winfrey s heroism extends beyond her immensely successful career and into
her personal endeavors as a highly regarded philanthropist. Her private charity
donates millions of dollars to causes around the globe. It made accomplishments
like helping to build schools in developing countries and supporting women s
shelters. Oprah is also a big supporter of animal rights, winning the 2008 Person of
the Year award from the animal rights group PETA. This could be considered a
second great deed, or rather many great deeds, Oprah has performed. Her
philanthropic work will benefit many generations to come, more directly from the
billion dollars she has written in her will to be donated directly to charity. Oprah s
life is that
Bhagavad Gita Vs Gilgamesh Essay
In both Gilgamesh and the Bhagavad Gita, we are whisked away into two
different stories with many similar aspects. One is an epic of a half man and half
god who is the king of Uruk, while the other is about a disciple about to go into
battle. In both, they depict of these gods with great influence and power over the
people and the main characters depicted in their tales. Although they have similar
qualities, one key difference between the two stories is how they depict gods and
their personalities in their stories. Specifically, gods in Gilgamesh are flawed but
have the outright concern of the conservation of humanity. While the gods in the
Bhagavad Gita are seen as flawless deities who are almighty but have
anthropomorphic characteristics and are dissonant in the decisions they make. The
Epic of Gilgameshis set in ancient Mesopotamia during which, was a time when
gods had power over everyone and could do as they pleased. However, after finishing
the text, we see how these gods are no more sensible... Show more content on ...
In the begging of the text, we re thrown straight unto the battlefield where Arjuna
speaks to Krishna, an immortal being, about what he should do. Arjuna does not
want to shed the blood of his kin and has no need for a kingdom if it means killing
them. However Krishna exclaims to go right ahead and do so. Let go of this lowly
weakness of the heart and stand up, Scorcher of the Enemy! (3) He exclaims how
they will be reborn again and if it means to kill those of your family to restore
peace then so be it. Other gods are described to be just as harsh and easily subjugated
to normal human vices. Whether it be anger or lust, the gods depicted in The
Bhagavad Gita are show to act even more abrupt than a normal mortal would. Their
emotions dictate their actions no matter the ramifications they may have or how
unsound they may
A Brief Biography of Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
Born on July 18, 1918, in Mvezo, a village in the Transkei, Nelson Rolihlahla
Mandela became a prominent figure in global politics until recent times. Nelson
was born on July 18 under the name Rolihlahla Mandela, to parents Nonqaphi
Nosekeni and Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela. He began to attend school at
the age of seven in Qunu. While here he was given the name Nelson by a teacher,
and name that stuck with him forever. His father was royalty, and was the principal
chancellor to the Acting King of the Thembu people. When his father past away in
1930, while Nelson was twelve, it left Nelson to take his fathers position. He would
continue to attend school, earning a bachelors degree from the University of South
Africa in 1942. In 1944 he married for the first time to Evelyn Ntoko Mase and
together they had four children: Thembekile, Makaziwe (who died in infancy),
Makgatho, and Makaziwe. In the same year he helped form the African National
Congress Youth League. Four years later he was elected secretary of the group, and
three years after that, president. After Mahatma Gandhi, perhaps no other leader has
influenced the global politics as Nelson Mandela did, in the twentieth century. Even
though Mandela has fought for the well being of the African people, his vision,
mission, and charisma have contributed heavily to the entire world. His fight against
racism and discrimination has rejuvenated the oppressed people all over the world.
Nelson Mandela
The University Of Surrey
The University of Surrey is an open exploration college situated inside of the region
town of Guildford, Surrey, in the South East of England, United Kingdom. The
college represents considerable authority in science, designing, prescription and
business. It got its sanction on 9 September 1966, and was beforehand arranged close
Battersea Park in south west London. The foundation was known as Battersea
College of Technology before picking up college status. Its roots, notwithstanding,
retreat to the Battersea Polytechnic Institute, established in 1891 to give further and
advanced education to London s poorer tenants.
The college is a noteworthy place for satellite and versatile interchanges research. In
March 2014, the British Prime Minister David Cameron declared an association
between the University of Surrey, King s College London and the University of
Dresden for the improvement of 5G innovation. The college is an individual from the
Association of MBAs, the European University Association and Association of
Commonwealth Universities. The college is one of just eight colleges to be positioned
inside of the main 10 of every one of the three noteworthy national group tables for
2016. As per the figures uncovered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency 2013
/14, the University of Surrey has the fourth most astounding rate of graduates entering
occupation and/or further study inside of six months of graduation at 96.9% (behind
Lancaster University, Robert Gordon
Developing Prejudice Against Airplanes With Classical...
Developing Prejudice Against Airplanes
With Classical Conditioning
Submitted By: Montana Campbell
Danielle DiFonzo
Submitted For: Neil McGrenaghan
Date: 1/12/2014
Code: PYSC 150 0BX
Table of Contents
Section Page #
Classical Conditioning vs. Prejudice3
Classical Conditioning Diagram5
The purpose of this assignment is to find an example of prejudice and explain how
classical conditioning influences your opinions on it. Generally, these opinions are
negative and it is often very difficult to make these conditioned responses, back to a
neutral response due to person experience. The topic we chose is flying in an
airplane and how all the negative attention airplanes have gotten in the past 15 years
has significantly influenced peoples depictions of flying.
Classical Conditioning vs. Prejudice
The theory of classical conditioning can explain the origins of prejudice because:
Prejudice by classical conditioning is based on personal experiences or something
that you have learned from/been taught. This creates a response either in a negative
/positive way and heavily influences on whether you are for/against the topic or item.
Fear is generally classically conditioned; our response to our fear would be in a
The Importance Of Public Diplomacy
Turkey has been a powerful country in its region because it is a Muslim country
ruling with democracy since 1923 is seen as an example for other Muslim countries
in the region. Public diplomacy functions as a tool to inform and educate the target
audience so that there can be favorable relationships with other countries (White and
Radic, 2014). Another function of public diplomacyis building dialog and creating
sympathy for the country itself. As a field, public diplomacy has no theoretical
perspective and strong background (Entman, 2008) which it could provide a
framework. Public diplomacy became popular in the years of the cold war
(Gilboa, 2008). The field nourishes from public relations, branding, systems theory,
communication, social sciences, social psychology, international relations,
political communication, cultural studies, psychology, media framing, diplomacy
studies (Gilboa, 2008; Gregory, 2008). This is because the field is new and some
scholars argue that public diplomacy is not an academic field. Gregory (2008)
argues public diplomacy can be treated as an academic field based on three
considerations: an achievable consensus on an analytical framework; a substantial
body of relevant scholarship and practical literature; and benefits for learning,
shared knowledge, and professional practice. (p.286). Public diplomacy is a
promising field and it is studied in some schools however for it be considered full
academic field, academicians need to contribute to
Research Paper On The Great San Francisco Earthquake
The great San Francisco Earthquake was a very deadly earthquake that occurred on
April 18, 1906 at 5:12 a.m. The quake was so big that it could be felt from South
Oregon to LA, as well as central Nevada. It broke the San Andreas fault, both north
and south, 296 miles total. Fires occurred right after the quake, and because the
earthquakehad broken most of the water pipes, the fires burned for three days,
causing around 28,000 buildings to burn down and more than 3,000 deaths. This
caused $500,000,000 ($500 million) in damages in 1906 currency. In our currency
as of last year, this would have costed them a little over $12.6 billion dollars,
$12,640,444,679.72 to be exact, in damages.
The city had had building codes that kept the homes
Statement Of Purpose For Architecture
My enthusiasm for architecture has developed from a very young age furthermore
remains as a long lasting passion of mine. My interest in mathematics and natural
talent in art has played a huge role in my decision of becoming an architect. To
pursue my passion for architecture, I studied graphic design and fine art for A levels
at City and Islington College . This has enabled me to gain the suitable artistry to
visualise ideas and demonstrate my flair for creative design. My art based educational
background has influenced me to realise that architectural forms are creative
representations of a designer s imagination. Therefore, I believe that architectureis not
just a career path, but also a platform which I could self express my ideas. I... Show
more content on ...
I wish to study the MArch Part II course in order to progress to the next stage (Part
II) of this journey to become a qualified chartered architect. I believe that London
Metropolitan University will help me to capitalise my academic degree and enrich
my knowledge whilst allowing me to explore design ideas. Having seen the overview
of the course module, studying a combination of design, technology, practice, and
historical theory at your University will mean that I get the perfect blend of art,
history and science in my teachings. By the end of this course, I hope to have built
upon my creativity and develop my architectural writing skills through the production
of design dissertations. During my time studying the Part II course, I am determined
to further strengthen various transferable skills including communication, teamwork,
self direction and time management. I believe that these proficiencies will prepare
me to progress successfully in my professional career as a Part II architectural
Control The Azimuth Angle Of An Anti Aircraft Gun
Abstract: The goal of this project is to control the azimuth angle of an anti aircraft
gun. Anti aircraft gun is a type of counter measure gear used to fire tracer rounds to
the hostile aircraft. It is a fixed ground gun system which can rotate in azimuth as
well as in horizon. It can track the tail of an airship and hunt it down. The first
effective anti aircraft gun was used in world war I. But, the most drawback was that,
it was human controlled thus human casualties was high. To dominate over the
battlefield and reduce the human casualties an automated anti aircraft gun system is
a must. In Bangladesh military the artillery division uses Type 55/Type 65/Type 75
anti aircraft gun, but they all are human controlled. So, this project can help
developing automated anti aircraft gun that can be used for Bangladesh military and
they can keep pace with the other warlords. Introduction: The anti aircraft gun
system can sense the location of the hostile object which is at rest or in motion. The
exact location or trajectory is fed to the system every time until the gun nose is
along the enemy tail. So, there should be a continuous sensing feedback mechanism.
According to sensor input the actuator will act to the desired position. During an air
assault it is very dangerous for a soldier to operate the countermeasure gear. One
hand he has to keep tracking the airship, other hand he needs to keep himself alive
from enemy fire. This will distract him from aiming the ship accurately.
Cardiovascular System Analysis
The cardiovascular system is an organ system that allows blood to circulate and is in
charge of transporting oxygen, as well as carbon dioxide, hormones, nutrients, and
cell waste items all over the body (Pironet, et al., 2016). This system helps to regulate
body temperature, maintain homeostasis, and fight diseases. The cardiovascular
systemis made up of the heart, bloodvessels, blood and plasma of the blood, and
cells. The circulatory system is kept working by the heart. The heart is made, for the
most part, out of cardiac muscle. Carrying nutrients, wastes, gases, and chemical
signals across the body are some of the functions of the heart. Four chambers
comprise the heart, which are two atria and two ventricles (Pironet, et. al.,
Correctional Facilities Industry Paper
Industry Overview
The Correctional Facilities industry primarily operates through the leasing and
managing of prisons and juvenile detention centers in the United States. The
Industry has grown 5.3 billion dollars in revenue in the five years leading up to
2016. (Hollaren 2016). This statistic is partially caused by factors related to capacity
agreements, government operations, and modern crime rates. The two companies
that are primarily responsible for the revenue increase are the Geo Group
Incorporated and the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). These two
corporations maintain 27.1 and 34.9 percent of the correctional facilities industry
respectively. (Kaeble, Glaze, 2016)
The correctional facilities industry has to abide by a very ... Show more content on ...
Revenue numbers have remained fruitful in spite of predictions theorizing downward
revenue trends. Conglomerates in the correctional facilities industry have maintained
their success by reaching up to 100 percent occupancy in their facilities through
taking advantage of the United States high crime rates. Kelsey Hollaren predicts that
the revenue for the correctional facilities industry is expected to grow at an 0.6%
rate annually until 2021, but legislative push back might interfere with these
projections in the future. Overall, the industry will not see a significant blow in
terms of revenue as long as the crime rate in the United States stays anywhere near as
high as it is
What Is The Methodology Used In Costimating The Impact
This section gives and explains the methodology that is going to be used in
estimating the impact of capital flight on economic growth in Zimbabwe for the
period 1980 to 2015. This encompasses the specification of the model but no
specific theory can be attributed to the selection of variables to be used. Model
diagnostic tests are to be conducted before interpretation of estimated results of the
correctly specified model. 3.0Methodology There are quite number of methods of
estimating regression functions, the generally used ones being the ordinary least
squares (OLS) and the maximum likelihood (ML). This paper will use (OLS) over
(ML) because of the properties of (OLS) that is its ability to produce best linear
unbiased estimate thus... Show more content on ...
3.2 Stationarity Test Testing the stationary properties of time series is a very
important exercise as the use of stationary time series data in the Classical Linear
Regression Model will result in inflated results. The results are likely to be
inconsistent and with a low Durbin Watson (DW) statistic. Several methods can be
employed to test whether the time series variables are stationary , these includes
residual plot but this paper will employ the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) to
test the existence of a unit root. Conclusion of stationarity is going to be
considered at 1% and 5% level of significance only. Any probability of each
variable below the two values will be considered stationary. If the model fails to
meet the stationary requirement, we will use the differencing method to make our
model stationary. 3.3 Model Diagnostic Tests Multicollinearity is a test to assess
the randomness of explanatory variables. They are other tests which include the
Auxiliary Regressions and correlation matrix. This study will consider pair wise
correlation coefficient from the correlation matrix. If the pair wise or zero order
correlation coefficient between two explanatory variables is high, say in excess of
0.8, then multicollinearity is a serious problem (Gujarati, 2004: 359). In the case that
two variables are highly correlated then one of it must be dropped. For
Summary Of John Updike s A P
John Updike s short story A P, written in 1961, takes place in a small town in
Massachusetts. Sammy, a 19 year old young man, is a cashier for the A P grocery
store and the protagonist of this story. Sammy believes all people in his small
town are sheep, or followers of others. Queenie, a patron of A P, is considered the
antithesis of a sheep who has a command presence. She is accompanied by two
friends who flock to her like sheep following their Shepard. Lengel, the manager of
A P and a prude, embarrasses the three girls during check out. It was his belief that
they should not be wearing bikinis in the store, and make themselves more
presentable while shopping. After Lengel embarrasses the girls, Sammy decides to
quit his job since he did not agree with Lengel. Sammy has gone against his
manager, not following the herd in ridiculing the girls with Lengel. Herding can be
hypothesized as a psychological and social trait present in human behavior which
characteristically forces us to follow social norms.... Show more content on ...
In the example she had talked the other two into coming in here with her, and now
she was showing them how to do it, walk slow and hold yourself straight (Updike
59) we can assume she is the leader of the herd. In A Simple Model of Herd
Behavior , Abhijit V. Banerjee explains that a person s decision to ignore their own
information and join the herd has a negative externality towards the rest of the
population. (Banerjee 1) As one person follows the lead of another, chances are that
each subsequent person thereafter will follow the person in front of them, creating
the herd
Hewlett Packard Company In Vietnam Case Summary
Hewlett Packard Company in Vietnam
Case Summary
John Peter, a Marketing Manager of Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific (HPAP) was
evaluating HPAP s long term strategic investment options for doing business in
Vietnam. Before start up business in Vietnam, John needs to know the current
business environment in Vietnam. History, Economic and Politic Environment are
important to know about the country whether is stable from others control. Current
workforce is important to find the skillful employee when it s start up the factory in
Vietnam. Foreign exchange and investment regulations are also important to know
whether Vietnam market was open to global market or not. Hence, facility in Vietnam
such as financial services, communicate services, ... Show more content on ...
It is because through the joint venture, the company is more familiar with the
situation of the company there. The negative outcome is that the management system
different between the company. So it is hard to make a decision making. It is
because there is different opinion of each person.
2. Independent
The positive outcome of this strategy is that the company will get more profit. It is
because the company no need to share the profits with others company. The negative
outcome is that it is more risky. The government will take action to take over the
company because there have no acknowledge of the company.
3. Franchising
The positive outcome of this strategy is that the company is easy to control the
market. It is because through the franchising, the local company needs to get the
agreement contract from the main company. The local company can manage the
local market well because it has already familiar with the cultural of that country. The
negative outcome is that the local company didn t follow the rules that have set by
the main company and boycott them because they take control of the business.
The Best Strategies and Justification
1. Joint venture with Local partner
The best strategy to resolve the problem of What strategies that Hewlett Packard
Company should adopt to explore the Vietnam market is joint venture with local
distribute. The Hp Company doesn t know with the environment there so through the
Joint venture, the company can more
24 Response Essay
There he was, sitting at a soulless lunch table, munching on his sandwich,
wondering why he stuck out as someone peculiar to others. Watching the other
children laugh and share jokes his heart melted with sorrow, but he held onto the
tears that were ready to escape, like a river is ready to plunge down the waterfall.
Knowingly not wanting to bring in attention, even though he felt invisible. 62.5%
of 8th grade students at Cooper Middle school came clean, expressing their sorrow
about struggling to find friends at some point in their lifetime. There are bountiful
reasons as of why and 62.5% out of 24 responses made by the 8th grade students
say that it usually happens because of the different backgrounds. Back in the year
of 2012 2013, a student of Robert Frost Elementary School attested the minute she
tiptoed into the new school, kids would start playing and toying with her simply
because she came from a different country. She couldn t find any friends because
everyone always found a way to judge her even though she did nothing wrong. The
4th grader later changed herself and did whatever silly and senseless ideas these
children did just to fit... Show more content on ...
It goes many ways and a big way is the skin tone, and it goes both ways between the
darker and the lighter. A 13 year young boy was strolling the streets of a
neighborhood when a man of the opposite race shooed him off complaining that
ВЁIf I was in your neighborhood I would be jumped.ВЁ So why is it that there is
such material as ВЁyourВЁ neighborhood and ВЁmyВЁ neighborhood, but not
ВЁthis/ourВЁ neighborhood? ВЁIt is hard to make new friends when you are
different races. Standards and Stereotypes are put in place at schools and our
society,ВЁ A point made clear as crystal. Don t be that person that believes them,
because if you compose assumptions, it will only lead to more stereotypes that are
most likely
The Mass Murder Of Jews
The mass murder of millions of Jews was a horrendous experiment and something
only men filled with hatred could inflict on the innocent lives of that era. A
deportation train would arrive at a Natzi camp and unload all of the Jews that had
been collected and taken from their homes. The Jews would be unloaded and the
men were separated from the woman and children. A physician would glance at
each person to see determine their health status and whether they were worth
keeping alive. The ones deemed weak in the eyes of the Natzi s were taken to gas
chambers. In order to prevent panic, the victims were told they were simply taking a
shower to get rid of the lice. Each person would hand over their valuables and then
fully undress. The line of Jews

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  • 1. Gay Marriage Argumentative Essays Writing an essay on the topic of "Gay Marriage Argumentative Essays" can be both challenging and thought-provoking. The subject itself is inherently sensitive and controversial, involving a range of deeply rooted beliefs and perspectives. Crafting a compelling argumentative essay requires a thorough understanding of the historical, cultural, legal, and ethical dimensions surrounding the issue. One of the difficulties lies in navigating through the diverse viewpoints that exist on the topic. Supporters and opponents of gay marriage often bring deeply held convictions to the table, making it crucial for the writer to present a well-balanced and nuanced argument. Additionally, staying updated on current legal developments, societal attitudes, and ongoing debates is essential to provide a comprehensive analysis. Moreover, the language used in the essay should be respectful and inclusive, avoiding any potential offensive remarks. Striking the right tone is vital to engage readers and encourage critical thinking rather than fostering polarization. The writer must also be adept at incorporating credible sources and research to strengthen their argument and provide a solid foundation for their stance. Despite these challenges, writing an essay on such a significant and timely topic can be rewarding. It allows the writer to contribute to the ongoing conversation surrounding equality and human rights. However, it requires careful consideration, research, and a commitment to presenting a well-rounded perspective. For those seeking assistance with essays on various topics, including this one, services like offer support. Professional writers can provide guidance and help streamline the essay writing process, ensuring that the final product meets high standards and effectively communicates the chosen argument. Gay Marriage Argumentative EssaysGay Marriage Argumentative Essays
  • 2. Streptococcus Pyogenes is More than Strep Throat Essay Streptococcus Pyogenes: More than Strep Throat S. pyogenes infections may vary from mild to life threatening with a plethora of symptoms due to the many types of infections it causes. This bacterium is responsible for the diseases of pharyngitis, rheumatic fever, impetigo, erysipelas, cellulitis, necrotizing fasciitis, acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, and toxic shock syndrome, just to name a few. Each of these infections has its own unique set of symptoms as will be explored in depth below. Streptococcus Pyogenes is a very diverse bacteria with effects ranging from nothing or a mild sore throat, to flesh eating disease, causing death in 40 60% of patients. The major and most common illnesses associated with this bacteria ... Show more content on ... Initial diagnosis of Streptococcal pharyngitis is determined by a point system awarding 1 point for each of the following; temperature greater than 38 C, absence of cough, tender anterior cervical lymph nodes, tonsillar swelling, age younger than 15, subtracting a point for age older than 45. If these symptoms are met, a rapid strep test will be performed before antibiotics are given, a precaution taken to prevent super bugs from developing. If a streptococcal infection such as pharyngitis or scarlet fever is left untreated, there is a small (~3%) chance that within approximately 20 days, the patient will present with rheumatic fever. After the first bout of rheumatic fever, if the host acquires a second untreated S. Pyogenes infection, the chance of coming down with rheumatic fever jumps substantially to ~50%. Most often this secondary disease will strike people aged 6 15 years old, roughly 20 days after the streptococcal infection, with a 2 5% mortality rate. One of the major diagnostic symptoms of this disease is Erythema Marginatum, snake or ring like eruptions covering the trunk, upper arms, and legs. Other symptoms include fever, arthritis (elbows, knees, wrists, and ankles), swollen joints, pain in the abdomen, nodules
  • 3. The Impact of the Scientific Revolution on Society and... Over the course of the years, society has been reformed by new ideas of science. We learn more and more about global warming, outer space, and technology. However, this pattern of gaining knowledge did not pick up significantly until the Scientific Revolution. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, the Scientific Revolution started, which concerned the fields of astronomy, mechanics, and medicine. These new scientists used math and observations strongly contradicting religious thought at the time, which was dependent on the Aristotelian Ptolemy theory. However, astronomers like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton accepted the heliocentric theory. Astronomical findings of the Scientific Revolution disproved the fact that humans were... Show more content on ... Everything on earth was imperfect while all that in space was perfect because God s kingdom was outside of the earth. A popular idea was that heavy things fall faster while lighter things sink to the ground slowly. This idea was adapted by the Church to explain the admission into heaven. Those who are an overall better person will rise up to heaven while those who are not so good will sink into the center of the earth into hell. As a result, everything was related and backed up by theology. These concepts would later be weakened by scientists of the Scientific Revolution. Johannes Kepler (1571 1630) was a German astronomer who believed in the heliocentric theory. Kepler is a clear example of the narrow line that separated science and religion. Nonetheless, his ideas would show that things could be solved through reason alone. He believed that the harmony of the human soul could be found through numerical relationships that existed between planets. He found that the planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn all revolved at different times. For example, the earth revolved around the sun in a year while Saturn revolved around the sun in fifty years. From this, Kepler found a mathematical ratio, nine to the two thirds power, to explain this phenomenon. This was revolutionary to humanity s place in the universe. People were shocked that the universe could be explained by math alone rather than religion. This went strongly
  • 4. What Is Phineas Gage Case The Curious Case of Phineas Gage On the date of September 13th, 1848, one of the greatest medical miracles in history occurred. Not only was this case amazing, it was sounded too unbelievable to most and became liken into an old folk tale. However, this was no folk tale. The story of the living mad with a rod in his head was true and it stunned the entire medical community. This is the story of Phineas Gage. Working on a railroad is a dangerous job even in modern times. Thousands of people are hurt either working on railroads or being around railroads each year (Schottenstein, 2015). Therefore, as you can imagine, injuries and deaths were happening at an even higher rate in the 1800s. Phineas Gage was a railroad worker doing a job in Vermont... Show more content on ... Gage did, according to Harlow, retain full possession of his reason after the accident, but his wife and other people close to him soon began to notice dramatic changes in his personality (Constandi, 2006). Brain injury can often cause this type of personality change. It has been documented in many different cases. However, post injury personality changes also meant that we dealt with bouts of intense anger, confusion, and unpredictable behavior (Cromer, 2012). These types of personality can differ, however they are usually negative. This was seen in the case of Phineas Gage. Sadly his personality and temperament wasn t the only thing that changed. Before the accident he was considered as one of the best workers on the job site (Constandi, 2006). However, after the injury, he could hardly work. (Constandi, 2006). His contractors, who regarded him as the most efficient and capable foreman in their employ previous to his injury, considered the change in his mind so marked that they could not give him his place again. He is fitful, irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity (which was not previously his custom), manifesting but little deference for his fellows, impatient of restraint of advice when it conflicts with his desires, at times pertinaciously obstinent, yet capricious and vacillating, devising many plans of future operation, which are no sooner arranged than they are abandoned in turn for others appearing more feasible. In this regard, his mind was radically changed, so decidedly that his friends and acquaintances said he was no longer Gage. (Constandi, 2006). He sadly resorted to using his injury as an attraction to make money. He began traveling to do appearances so that people could see the injury and pay him for the entertainment (Constandi, 2006). He even decided to join up with the circus for a short period of time
  • 5. The 5 Giant Evils Of William Beveridge s Five Giant Evils William Beveridge and the Five Giant Evils William Beveridge was part of the war time government, after world war two he was tasked with the job of putting in place a framework for the welfare state. The aim of the report was to find out what Britain needed to take care of the basic needs of all the people and to begin to put in place a set of reforms to give every citizen of Britain a basic standard of living. Published in 1942 the Report proposed a new social security system that would provide benefits from the cradle to the grave this would include in ideally a system of proper healthcare, sickness and unemployment benefits, family allowance and an employment policy. As well as this, the report would outline how best to tackle the five giant evils, Beveridge believed that these issues were what was standing in the way of social progress for post war Britain. Citizens were more open to government intervention in relation to social welfare due to their increased involvement for the duration of the war, individuals became accustomed to higher taxation to help cover medical costs and services for people who had been injured by bombing and air raids. This example of free health care paved the way for creation to the NHS and made individuals more aware of the benefits of free health care. Also, due to the mixing of social classes during the second world war on the battle field and on the home front, as well as shared experiences under a common enemy many British people
  • 6. Essay on Economic Analysis of The U.S. 2001-2003 Economic Analysis of The U.S. 2001 2003 Economics have many indicators to describe how it runs. The indicators can show if the economy has improved or declined. The economic indicators that will be focused on in this analysis of the United States economy from 2001 2003 will be the consumer price index, the imports and exports, the unemployment rate, and finally the gross domestic product. Now while most may know the meanings of the previously stated indicators, for those who don t, they remain useless unless defined. To begin with, these indicators will have to be defined in full to aid in understanding the analysis in more detail. It will be after that that the actual analysis of the economy of the United ... Show more content on ... Obviously unemployed rate is defined as the fraction of the labor force that is unemployed . To define the unemployed is important as well, because it refers to those that have no job, but are actively looking for work, not to those who are not working and are uninterested in searching or getting a job . The reason that unemployment is so important in determining the economy s success is because it is intertwined with the gross domestic product, as in when the gross domestic product falls, unemployment is increased, and when it rises, there is a decrease in unemployment . To make what is being explained clearer, when there is unemployment, production is down; therefore there is less money and goods produced out of the economy. This is how unemployment relates as well. The last indicator to be defined is probably the most the important of them all, and that is the gross domestic product. The gross domestic product is defined as the total market value of all the final goods and services produced within an economy in a given year . There are two types of gross domestic product, real and nominal. Real GDP is adjusted to how prices have changed, as nominal GDP is the current price as it is calculated . There is so very much that goes into the gross domestic product that in this analysis only the percent change from the years will be shown as important. A percent that is positive is obviously
  • 7. Celtic Mythology Research Paper Trees are silent guards, they are listeners and they hold knowledge mankind has long forgotten. A culture that once was all across Europe to nearly facing extinction amazingly survived thousands of years. Celtic Mythology was more than just whimsical stories to it s people it was a way of life, including tales of these gods and goddesses who served a purpose of meaning the world and the qualities of a good person. First, the history of Celtic Mythologytraces back centuries ago. For example, there is a long history of their people. At their height they were a large and diverse group that was spread out all across Central Europe. After the Start of christianity however, the popularity or Celtic went down. Also, scientists have discovered many different celtic villages. The Hallstatt village in Austria is the oldest one of its kind ever found and many different celtic artifacts have been found there. This is why the early stages of Celtic Mythology was known as the Hallstatt era. Another village in Switzerland called La Tene also had many artifacts uncovered there and is also is why the second phase of the celtswas known by same name. Although overtime, archeologists are making new discoveries most aspects... Show more content on ... The Harp was believed to be a common instrument among the celts and is now the national emblem of Ireland. The oldest surviving celtic harps date back to the 15th century but the music of the harp has been an important emblem or Ireland since the 10th century (ireland Also, as the celtic belief goes, everything comes in threes which brings us to another iconic symbol... the shamrock. It s believed to have mythical powers and was even used by Saint Patrick to spread the teachings of christianity. That s just a few of the reasons why it s the national flower of Ireland. Overall, Celtic culture is still evident today from its
  • 8. Northwest Coast Tribes Northwest Coast Tribal Masks This paper describes the Sea Bear Transformation Mask, created by Don Svanvik in 2000, and how it reflects Northwest Coast Indian art and culture, specific to the Kwakiutl tribe. A transformation mask is a large mask with hinged shutters that, when open, reveal another mask. Audrey and Alan Bleviss gave this mask to the Montclair Art Museum in 2005. The medium consists of red cedar, cedar bark, copper, pigment, and string. In the Montclair Art Museum, the mask is displayed in its open form. The inside of the mask shows a man sitting with his legs bent in front of him while his arms are open and stretched to his sides. His facial features consist of sharp cheekbones, a wide triangular nose, a goat t, a thin ... Show more content on ... The mask also has a large amount of white and green, which are often recognized as tertiary colors, mostly used to fill in empty spaces or for design purposes. ( Throughout history, societies have defined and transformed themselves through their art. When looking at works of art today, a person sees not only the work of art itself, but also the world from which it came from. The same is true for this transformation mask, which reflects the works of art and beliefs of the Northwest Coast Tribes. Almost all artwork of the Northwest Coast Tribes has a story behind it. This mask is about a young boy named Alikwamae who was successful and well known among the people in his village. He was orphaned as a child and was therefore sent to live with his jealous uncle who one day abused him in hopes that he would die. He was very weak when he woke up but he found a mouse who took him to an Undersea Kingdom where he met the Chief of the Undersea Kingdom, Kumugwe. Alikwamae wanted to help his people so Kumugwe gave him a power that would allow him to transform into a sea bear. Alikwamae went back to his village and was able to transform, heal the sick and injured, predict the future, and interpret dreams. ( The bear is an important figure in Native American art. It is a symbol of strength, power, humility, motherhood, teaching, dreaming, and healing. Northwest
  • 9. Treating Infertility Infertility has become so widespread today that the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized it as a disease (World Health Organization 2009). In developed countries, approximately 15% of the population is infertile (Petraglia, Serour Chapron 2013), and infertility in females alone accounts for 37% of these causes (Unuane et al. 2011). Over the past decade, efficient techniques aimed at treating infertilityhave become widely available throughout the developed world and have been the subject of public discussion and media attention. These range from non invasive techniques such as the use of fertilitydrugs aimed at hormonal stimulation, to more invasive techniques such as laparoscopy or intrauterine insemination. In the midst of increasing... Show more content on ... Physicians are continually faced with the increasing numbers of women athletes whose menstrual cycles have been interrupted (Wall, Belcastro Cumming 1983) as more females are getting involved in physical fitness and competitive sports. These disturbances to the menstrual cycle reflect different degrees of ovarian suppression and are accompanied by inadequate follicular development and impaired fertility (Zanker 2006, p.489) Research has shown that intense exercise may lead to alterations in the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis, affecting gonadotropin, estrogen, progesterone and androgen release (Baker 1981). This is indicative of neuroendocrine dysfunction termed as functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea, characterized by the disruption of the pulsatile release of GnRH from the hypothalamus which in turn causes diminished ovarian stimulation (Zanker 2006). This disruption of the GnRH pulsatile secretion appears to be caused by the stress of exercise as exercise is deemed a chronic stressor that activates the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis (Loucks, Verdun Heath 1998). This affects the GnRH secreting neurons and disrupts the GnRH pulse generator via the effects of corticotropin releasing hormone and negative feedback effects of cortisol (Rivier Rivest 1991). Furthermore, studies also found that energy expenditure from vigorous and frequent exercise can reduce energy availability enough that it suppresses Luteinizing Hormone (LH) pulsatility (Loucks et al. 1998), thereby diminishing ovarian stimulation. Female athletes who exercise regularly generally have low body fat levels and this is correlated to low leptin levels as the hormone is produced by white fat cells and reflects fat mass. (Zanker 2006). Leptin plays a critical role to the hypothalamus as it functions as a metabolic signal of energy availability, and decreased leptin signals to the
  • 10. Comparing Thomas Hobbes And Jacques Rousseau State Of Nature Thomas Hobbes and Jacques Rousseau on the state of nature The world is always filled with rigid dichotomies: good and evil, left and right, McDonald s and Burger King just to mention some of them. The political theory in the 17th century seemed to have experienced a similar trend. The nature of government, more specifically the state of men, were often questioned, like the debate between Democrats and Republicans today. In 17th century Europe, the two major viewpoints on the issue were best exemplified by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, and Jacques Rousseau, the famous philosophers that led politics in 17th century England and France. The nature state of men has been one of the biggest themes in political philosophy for centuries. This mainly ... Show more content on ... For Hobbes, social contract is an inevitable process because men need a central power for self preservation (Hobbes 39). He cannot protect himself from outside dangers; therefore, he needs sovereign power for survival. Nevertheless, for Rousseau, social contract is needed, but it unavoidably creates inequality as well as peace and order. If men were more just and fair in his actions, social contract would be more beneficial to his life. In his natural state, men was more caring and cooperative, but with social contract, he is more individualistic and greedy (Bondanella 16). That is why, Rousseau does not believe in the good side of social contract. As Rousseau states, I must make everyone see that since the bonds of servitude are formed merely from the mutual dependence of men and from the reciprocal needs that unite them, it is impossible to enslave men without first having put him in the position of being unable to do without another person (Bondanella 32). As this statement implies, social contract enslaves men to unequal chances and opportunities according to Rousseau, but for Hobbes, it is the best form of self protection. Otherwise, men cannot survive and become
  • 11. A Warrant for Rottman s Arrest by Germany Essays Material Facts In 1996 a warrant was issued in Germany for the arrest of Rottman in connection with alleged fraud offences. Metropolitan Police received a request from the German authorities for Rottman s extradition. His precise whereabouts within England at the time were unknown. A provisional warrant for his arrest was issued by Bow Street magistrates court under s 8 (1) Extradition Act 1989 ( no search warrant issued). The officers then followed him into the driveway of the house where he had been living after spotting him as a result of a surveillance operation and he was arrested outside the door. Soon after, German policeofficers asked the senior officer present to search the house. Thereafter the officers entered and searched ... Show more content on ... The Counsel for the Police Commissioner appealed the decision on the grounds that search and seizure powers applied to both domestic and extraditable offences. Also that common law powers were merely supplanted and not replaced. He contended that the search was legal under Section 18 and 19 of PACE, and that there was no violation of Article 8 of the ECHR as search and seizure powers were lawful and proportionate to the legitimate aim in a democratic society of crime prevention. Ratio Decindi Lord Hutton had affirmed the existence of common law powers to search the respondent s premises after arresting him for extraditable offences by upholding the principles in Ghani v Jones and Osman particularly the lack of difference between warrants of arrest in domestic and extradition proceedings. He also held that it is a well established principle that a rule of the common law is not extinguished by a statute unless the statute makes this clear by express provision or by clear implication. The powers for search and seizure in s18 and s19 of PACE only applied to domestic offences leaving common law powers unmolested for extraditable offences. It was held that there was no violation of Article 8 of the ECHR. Lord Hutton states that the arrest and the entry to perform the
  • 12. President Elect Donald Trump And The Republican National... There have been several talks about President Elect Donald Trump and the Republicans surprising landslide victory in the recent election results for the President, Congress, and House of Representatives. Although Donald Trump did not win the popular vote in the November 8th election, he will be the next President of the United Statesof America once he is inaugurated on January 20, 2017. Unfortunately, the popular vote went to Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton and many people believe that she gained popularity from the recent endorsement by several fellow Democratic candidates along with President Barack Obamaand First Lady Michelle Obama. Hillary Clinton was the first woman to run for the President of the United States of America. The fact that she is a woman who has been in politics for more than two decades should give her additional motivation when she speaks during her campaign run. Like Hillary, first lady Michelle Obama has been very influential with her speeches as well. Over the past eight years, first lady Michelle Obama has been known for her great speeches at the Democratic National Convention. The most recent speech was at the 2016 Democratic National Convention when she spoke highly of Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton in terms of rhetorical criticism. The way she spoke about Clinton and her campaign run was one of the biggest reasons why I chose First Lady Obama as the Rhetor to talk about. She is a great person to study because she has been very
  • 13. Resistant Behaviors The student has a high tolerance for clients who do not comply with or are resistance to services. However, at some point enough is enough and the student develops negative feelings towards the client and believes that the client is wasting the student as well as others time, energy, and resources which could be directed towards another who is need of support. Understandable there is a movement in the social service field to remove the label of resistant client from clients who do not embrace change happening in their life because the label suggest blame. However, in the students chosen profession, working for a social services agency coordinating and facilitating services for individuals with an intellectual and or physical disability, the system reinforces resistant behaviors; the more resistant the individual the more likely their health and safety are at risk which places responsibility back onto... Show more content on ... The student eventually becomes frustrated with the individuals whose intellectual disability is not a factor in their ability to comply with requested services. Through the working relationship and history, the student has with an individual coupled with knowledge related to mental health diagnoses, the student will be able to understand how the behavior and the diagnoses co mingle. Behavior is a form of communication. Behaviors do not happen for no reason. When an individual who is normally not resistant to services becomes resistant it is a warning to the student that further investigation is warranted. This change in behavior suggest that either the individual has experienced a negative event that is not known to others or there is a medical concern that needs to be further
  • 14. Summary Of Guy Montag Guy Montag lives in the twenty fourth century in United States.Some time In the future all books are outlawed Books have ideas and knowledge, which is a threat to the government. As a result the Firemen instead of preventing fires start them burning not only the illegal books but these buildings where they are kept. Montag finds great joy in his job its what makes him happy in the world.One night while heading home from Montag meets Clarise a girl who is unlike anyone else in montags life she obsirves the world and makes Montag relize that he isnt truly happy at all. After his talk with Clarice he finds his wife on the ground overdosed from sleeping pills. The plumbers come with a machine that cycles her blood and saves her life.The following
  • 15. The Chinese Film Shaolin Directed By Benny Chan Buddha be praised, as many monks said after the passing of one s life (Shaolin, 00:03:00). The Chinese Film Shaolin directed by Benny Chan tells a story of a historical event that was based on a true story, but warped a little in order to fit the time period of today. Monks are considered high class in the Chinese clan system, while those of a refugee status are no more than mere pigs in the eyes of the Warlords. The Shaolin Monasteryis located in the Songshan Mountains in Dengfeng City, Henan Province of today; similarly, the movie is set in Dengfeng city and at the monastery. The Shaolin Monastery is a combination of supernatural powers of Buddhismand the wisdom of Chan Buddhism. The Buddhism belief and Chan wisdom is the cultural connection that one gets from meditating at this monastery. Martial arts are ways of defense amongst the Asian culture, and the Shaolin Kung Fu was developed to help train the monks bodies because the Chinese people believed that too much meditation will develop a weak body (Shaolin Temple). That being said, Benny Chan s use of narrative elements in his movie Shaolin to convey Chinese culture in the Henan Province represents a similar depiction of what had occurred during the Tang Dynasty. His purpose is to portray the idea that it is never too late for one to have a change of heart. For starters, the death of a precious person can damage someone s mind and soul. The main character Hou Jie became known as Jingjue through repenting within
  • 16. Jean Jacques Rousseau Philosophy 4: Paper Two (Prompt #2) Rousseau believes that even when one votes in the minority they can obey the law and still be free. But, how can the opposing minority be both free and subject to laws to which they have not consented? (Rousseau, pg. 153) Rousseau s response is that citizens must consent to all the laws because to inhabit the territory is to submit to the sovereign. (Rousseau, p.153) In accordance with the social contract, when a citizen votes they should completely surrender their personal interest and vote for what they believe to be the general will. The general will of each individual is considered to be their real will when it comes to social policy. The majority vote will depict the general will, and the... Show more content on ... He mentions that in a healthy state it will be easy to aim for the common good. The common good of society will seem like common sense. In a healthy society the general will also come much closer to a unanimous decision. In an unhealthy society, how would you discern what the general will is? When society is faced with two combating ideas, how are they to reason which one is better for the sovereign? And after they vote how can they be sure that what the majority voted for was the actual general will. In votes where the answer is not completely clear, or there vote is extremely close, I don t know if its safe to say that the majority vote is consistent with the general will. In life it seems as though many things can easily be confused or manipulated for a certain cause. For example, say the people must decide between kiwi and watermelon to be endorsed as the state fruit and watermelon is slightly closer to the common good of the sovereign and is liked by more people. Yet, because of some enthusiastic supporters on the side of the kiwi people are being swayed to vote in favor of the kiwi despite their previous knowledge of the many benefits that the watermelon provided that the kiwi did not. In the end even those that were supporters of the watermelon in the beginning switched their vote in order to try and stay in line with what at the time may have been portrayed as the popular vote. Even when the person s
  • 17. The Life And Career Of Abraham Maslow The Life and Career of Abraham Maslow Background on Maslow Men and women were selling themselves short of the human race was the story (Maslow, 1908 1970). Abraham Maslow was the originator of Humanistic Psychology. Abraham Maslow was a man of great character. His life, theories, and career still exist today and people continue to reflect on such an impact he has had on society. The Life, Career, and Legacy of Abraham Maslow On April 1, 1908, Maslow was born in Brooklyn, New York, to his Jewish parents (Samuel and Rose Schilofsky) who emigrated from Russia as one of their first conceived children out of seven. Maslow s parents were characterized as impecunious and unscholarly. In his community he was the only sole Jewish child. As a result, unhappy and lonely were the words Maslow used to describe his early childhood. Because of these desperate measures, he was in the library where he submerged his head in books and spent much of his leisure time. I was a little Jewish boy in the non Jewish neighborhood. It was a little like being the first Negro enrolled in an all white school. I was isolated and unhappy. I grew up in libraries and among books, without friends (Hall, 1968, p. 37). Within his home, Maslow experienced an assortment of problems. He and his father did not see eye to eye. Samuel, Maslow s father, repeatedly brutalized him and forced him to achieve excellence in fields that were uninteresting to him. According to Maslow s own remembrances,
  • 18. To Serve Man Analysis Everyone has seen a sci fi movie about aliens invading Earth. Aliens invading Earth was like communists during the Cold War. The Cold War started around 1940 and ended around 1990. The Cold War was a fight for power between the USA and the USSR. During the Cold War, Americans were concerned about communism. The USSR is a communist country, and Americans didn t want to become a communist country. Americans were afraid of turning into a communist country because they would lose their freedom. Americans started accusing other people of being a communist, and many innocent people were blamed for being a communist. Some Soviet spies were discovered in the USA. The stories To Serve Man by Damon Knight , Monsters are due on Maple Street by Rod... Show more content on ... The story begins when aliens, called Kanamits, come to Earth and offer Earth gifts. People were excited to get these gifts, so they trusted the Kanamits and didn t question them. However, the only person who didn t trust the Kanamits was a man named Grigori. He eventually figures out that the Kanamits were there to invade Earth. The author was warning the readers of the story that if they don t pay attention, it could lead to an invasion. The main character in the story, Peter, said: I didn t think they were trying to pull anything over (1). Everyone seems to trust the Kanamit and didn t think they were going to try to invade Earth. Grigori was the only person who was concerned about the Kanamits invading because he didn t think they were trustworthy, being from another planet. Don t tell me that you re convinced the Kanamit are all right (4). Grigori was telling Peter that he shouldn t trust the Kanamit. He wanted people on Earth to fear the Kanamits like he did because he was paying attention to the Kanamits and realized they were untrustworthy. The author was trying to get people to be more like Grigori, and pay attention to what is going on and to fear outsiders. The author wanted Americans to fear people from the USSR during the Cold Warbecause he thought that since they were outsiders, they couldn t be trusted. The author was relating the story to the Cold War to get people thinking about how they should be concerned about an
  • 19. Modern Dance In The 1950 s Modern Dance is a free expressive way style of dancing that was developed in the early 20th century as an insurgent against ballet. Isadora Duncan, Loie Fuller, and Ruth St. Denis were pioneers who discovered and created modern dance in the United States. Modern dance also spread to other countries like Germany and Greece but in the early 20th century it was taught so much differently. In addition, when Modern dancewas taught around the 1950 s you noticed that the clothing style and the choreography began to change. Lastly, modern dance today is one of the most well known style of dance that is easy to learn. So the evolution of modern dance is very interesting because it came such a long way and also may possibly motivate someone to start... Show more content on ... According to Treva Bedinghaus she says Modern dancers use dancing to express their innermost emotions, often to get closer to their inner selves. Before attempting to choreograph a routine, the modern dancer decides which emotions to try to convey to the audience(Bedinghaus 1). Also the attire for modern dance today can be a variation of leotards that you can wear for ballet or loose clothes or perhaps fitted clothes. Also even in music the may tend to either tell you a story or give you a lifelong lesson that can help you. Today one of the most famous singer and songwriter artist for modern dance is Amy Winehouse a young girl from London who got into the music business at the age of 16 after a young classmate passed her cd down. In 2006 she won five grammy awards for her album Back to Black and also for her famous song rehab. On july 23rd 2011 she passed away from an alcohol poisoning. At an early age she had relatives on her mom s side that were professional jazz musicians and her dad sang as a young
  • 20. Pinky Finger Crush Injury Report Reason for Visit: Right index and pinky finger crush injury S: TM works in Engine 2. According to TM he was repairing an engine, the wrench slipped off a bolt and he smashed his right hand on the engine pallet, injuring his right index and pinky fingers. TM rates his pain at 7/10 pulsating pain. O: Right index; minimal bleeding, small laceration present at the dorsal DIP joint, Full ROM, tender with palpation; erythema and edema present, clean, minimal tension, minimal bleeding, NO FB, Surrounding intact skin Right pinky finger Subungual Hematoma present, mild edema at DIP joint. Full ROM; A: Right index and pinky finger crush injury Right pinky finger Subungual Hematoma P: Right index and Pinky : Clean the wound with tap water and Hibiclens,
  • 21. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta Research Paper Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (/Л€stЙ›fЙ™niЛ ђ dК’ЙњЛђrmЙ™Л€nЙ’tЙ™ / stef Й™ nee jur mЙ™ not Й™; born March 28, 1986), known professionally as Lady Gaga, is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. She performed initially in theater, appearing in high school plays, and studied at CAP21 through New York University s Tisch School of the Arts before dropping out to pursue a musical career. After leaving a rock band, participating in the Lower East Side s avant garde performance art circuit, and being dropped from a contract with Def Jam Recordings, Gaga worked as a songwriter for Sony/ATV Music Publishing. There, recording artist Akon noticed her vocal abilities and helped her to sign a joint deal with Interscope Records and his own KonLive Distribution.... Show more content on ... A follow up extended play (EP), The Fame Monster (2009), was met with a similar reception and Bad Romance , Telephone , and Alejandro were released becoming successful singles. Her second full length album Born This Way was released in 2011, topping the charts in more than 20 countries, including the United States, where it sold over one million copies in its first week. The album produced the number one single Born This Way . Her third album Artpop, released in 2013, topped the US charts and included the successful single Applause . In 2014, Gaga released a collaborative jazz album with Tony Bennett titled Cheek to Cheek, which became her third consecutive number one in the United States. For her work in the television series American Horror Story: Hotel, Gaga won a Golden Globe Award in
  • 22. Is the Octoroon a Typical Victorian Melodrama Is The Octoroon a typical Victorian melodrama? The Oxford English Dictionary defines the genre of melodrama as, a stage play, usually romantic and sensational in plot , this description certainly applies to The Octoroon. It was an extremely popular form of stage drama and what I will discover is whether its themes, content and structure are typical of the Victorian period melodrama. From the first time it was presented at the start of the nineteenth century, melodrama attracted big audiences. It started out very popular with the lower classes in society but as the century progressed melodrama became appreciated by large sections of society(Leaver,444). It usually contained themes of love, murder and honour. Audiences that went... Show more content on ... This ending shows me that boucicault altered his play to fit the British publics preconceptions of what a melodrama should be, therefore making it into a standard melodrama for the time. The fact that the plot in The Octoroon is based around the topic of slavery shows us that it is in someway different from other melodrama s of the time. Slavery was a hot topic when the Octoroon was produced and some argue that it is abolitionist in its tone. Victorian melodrama s while sensational, tended to be centered around more common everyday settings and themes. Some argue that the play is abolitionist in its tone but I disagree. Boucicault himself denied the piece was meant to be an anti slavery statement(Degen,173). In a letter to The New York Herald in December 1859, Boucicault explains that he is not taking sides, I have laid the scene in the South, and, as slavery is an essential element of society there, insomuch I have been obliged to admit it into my scheme. . . .I believe the drama to be a proper and very effective instrument in the discussion of all social matters. . . .It is by such means that the drama can be elevated into the social importance it deserves to enjoy. Therefore I have involved in The Octoroon sketches of slave life, truthful I know, and I hope gentle and kind (NY
  • 23. Types Of Technologies Used By The Deaf Community Lauren Brewer Ms. Swag ASL 2 May 14, 2015 There are several types of technologies utilized by the Deaf Community. From alerting technology, to cochlear implants, to the use of closed captions. With all of these technologies available, hearing aids are the most available and accessible to individuals in the Deaf Community. Current hearing aids have evolved since they were first patented by Miller Reese Hutchinson in 1895. The first electrical hearing aid, also known as the Akouphone, was operated by a carbon transmitter. The carbon transmitters function was to amplify sound by taking a weak signal and using an electric current to make the signal strong enough for the user to hear the sound. Hutchinson went on to improve his original Akouphone a couple of times. The Akoulophon in 1898 and the Acousticon in 1902. Each had their own successes. However, the Acousticon gained him his greatest successes and attention (Causey). Hutchison felt compelled, as a student, to invent a hearing aid for a friend who was deaf and mute. He was successful in improving his friend s hearing but he was not able to interest his friend in mastering speech (Causey). Modern hearing aids have evolved over the past century. They are broken down into eras. The eras include; the acoustic era, carbon hearing era, vacuum tube era, transistor era, and the microelectric/digital era ( History ). The Acoustic era was the most primitive. The Deaf Community of that time utilized horns, trumpets,
  • 24. Homer s Impact On Western Culture In The Iliad And The... Although very little is known about the life of Greek poet Homer, credited with being the first to write down the epic stories of The Iliad and The Odyssey, the impact of his tales continue to reverberate through Western culture. IN THESE GROUPS FAMOUS PEOPLE BORN IN 800 FAMOUS PEOPLE WHO DIED IN 701 FAMOUS PEOPLE IN FICTION POETRY FAMOUS GREEKS Show All Groups 1 of 3 В« В» QUOTES Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another. Homer Synopsis The Greek poet Homer was born sometime between the 12th and 8th centuries BC, possibly somewhere on the coast of Asia Minor. He is famous for the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey, which have had an enormous effect on Western culture, but very little is known about their alleged author. The Mystery of Homer Homer is a mystery. The Greek... Show more content on ... Further controversy about authorship springs from the differing styles of the two long narrative poems, indicating they were composed a century apart, while other historians claim only decades the more formal structure of The Iliad is attributed to a poet at the height of his powers, whereas the more colloquial, novelistic approach in The Odyssey is attributed to an elderly Homer. Homer enriched his descriptive story with liberal use of simile and metaphor, which has inspired a long path of writers behind him. His structuring device was to start in the middle in medias res and then fill in the missing information via remembrances. The two narrative poems pop up throughout modern literature: Homer s The Odyssey has parallels in James Joyce s Ulysses, and his tale of Achilles in The Iliad is echoed in J.R.R. Tolkein s The Fall of Gondolin. Even the Coen Brothers film O Brother, Where Art Thou? makes use of The Odyssey. Other works have been attributed to Homer over the centuries, most notably the Homeric Hymns, but in the end only the two epic works remain enduringly his.
  • 25. Critical Incident Report Sample Critical Incident Report # 2 The incident which I reported on occurred four days ago. It was as a result of rounding with a Preceptor ship in pavilion building 62 unit 3 b. Apparently, as we walked into room five bed 3, there was a client name U.C. a bedridden patient with bed sores/pressure ulcer on the bony parts of the body, such as the buttocks, tail bone, and the heels. However, this client has difficulty getting out of bed, also, could not move his legs. In addition, bed sores or pressure ulcer occurs, when a client lies or sits for a long time in the same location will result cutting circulation from the tissue, induces cells to die, and skin will crack down. Admittedly, the preceptor and I were incapable to take a lunch break for
  • 26. Skinny Sixties Culture Eva Grantham 1st hour 7th Grade English Mrs.KingJanuary 20, 2016Culture of the SixtiesMost people loved the Sixties. People considered the Sixties as the skinny Sixties. The clothes, the music, and the feminist right movement were an important part of the Sixties, they were important to history. The clothes in the sixties. The clothes were way different from the clothes now. They were bright, colorful, and a lot of the time they were tye dye. The Fashion of The Sixties said They would wear the poor boy sweater with the combination of hipster pants. Also The Fashion of the Sixties said People would have natural hair, no dye in their hair at all. Most people could not afford diamonds so they wore chainbelts, snake bracelets, snake rings, and arm bracelets. Women started to wear the little nothing dress when it was invented. In the Sixties people were showing more skin than ever, including women. Women in the late sixties started to wear corsets. So when they started wearing these people consider the late sixties the skinny sixties.... Show more content on ... There was a lot of different types of rock. There was psychedelic rock, hard rock, southern rock, and blue rock. These type of rock inspired the rock music today. The article Rateyourmusic said The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Kinks, Jimi Hendrix, and The Velvet Underground were the top five rated bands and musicians. Some people think they were rated the top five because they were inspiring to people in the Sixties during the Vietnam War. A lot of people have said that they were great and inspiring at the time. The songs also sent a message around the world. The songs were all different genres but the genres were at least someone s favorite so they could connect more to it. Rateyourmusic said Their top hits were Hey Jude, The Beatles. Rolling Stone, Bob Dylan. You Really Got Me, The Kinks. Purple Haze, Jimi Hendrix. Sweet Jane, The Velvet Underground.
  • 27. Tale Of Two Cities Comparative Essay Change is something that must come and will always come, whether it be for better or for worse. This is especially the case in the changing of power in our world, to spark this change, people will fight until they die. Everybody can justify their plight with speeches of justice and necessity, but whether or not the ends justify the means is something that every person must decide for themselves. The theme of revolution is explored in both A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and Battleship Potemkin by Sergei Eisenstein, but their portrayals of it differ greatly. Throughout his Novel, Dickens clearly shows that he sympathizes with the peasants, but that he has very mixed feelings towards the way that the revolutionaries get what they want.... Show more content on ... Both author s perspectives on revolution are displayed in the ending of their respective works and they could not be more different. A Tale of Two Cities ends with the hero of the story: Carton about to be executed at the guillotine. The story does not end with a huge celebration, but it ends melancholic and ambivalent. It is then stated, Crush humanity out of shape once more, under similar hammers, and it will twist itself into the same tortured forms (Dickens 659). He is saying that regardless of the intent of the revolutionaries, since what they did was through similar means of the aristocrats, everything will still end up the same way. He continues by saying, Sow the same seed of rapacious license and oppression over again, and it will surely yield the same fruit according to its kind (Dickens 659). Since the revolutionaries used violence to get what they wanted, they are no better than the aristocrats themselves and once they get into power, they will become the same as the aristocrats. They will continue the same cycle, but they will now be the ones in power. The ending of A Tale of Two Cities emphasizes that the revolutionaries violent means were contradictory to their original
  • 28. Elastic Demand And Inelastic Demand Elastic Demand, Unit Demand and Inelastic Demand: Understanding the law of demand as it pertains to the elasticity of demand allows economists to measure consumers responsiveness or sensitivity to changes in the price of a product. Measuring the degree of this change or percentage of change will result in elastic, unit or inelastic demand. Elastic demand (elasticity) means that demand for a product is sensitive to price changes. Demand elasticity helps a company to predict changes in demand based on changes in: price, competitive goods (substitutes) and other factors such as is the item a necessity or a luxury. The formula for calculating price elasticity of demand is: Price Elasticity of Demand (eD) = (% changein Quantity demanded )/(%Change in price) . If the formula creates a number greater than 1 the demand is perfectly elastic. Unit Elastic Describes a supply or demand curve that is perfectly responsive to changes in price. If the formula creates a number equal to 1 the demand is unit elastic. Meaning that the change in quantity demanded is exactly equal to the change in price. If the price goes up by 20% the quantity demanded goes down by 20%. The inverse of this would also be true if the price goes down by 20% then the quantity demanded will go up by 20%. Therefore, if the demand for the product is unit elastic, a change in price will not cause any change in total revenues. There are few goods consider to be unit elastic, but products such as medicines
  • 29. Essay about Maternity Leave in Australia Maternity Leave in Australia Maternity leave allows women to take leave of absence from their job to give birth and care for their children. The International Labor Organisation sets minimum standards for maternity leave. These include a right to 12 weeks paid maternity leave and prohibition against dismissal during maternity leave. Although a member of the ILO, Australia has never ratified its convention concerning maternity protection we have no standard maternity leave provisions. Australian law entitles women to 12 months unpaid leave and for more than 25 years the Commonwealth Employees Act has entitled Commonwealth employees to paid maternity leave. About two thirds of women in the ... Show more content on ... Of industrialised nations, it is the Scandinavian countries that set the pace. In Norway, for example, women are entitled to a year s maternity leave on full pay, two years unpaid leave and the right to part time employment while their children are young. Supporters of more comprehensive paid maternity leave say motherhood means a substantial loss of earnings, demotion and insecurity in the workplace for many women. Providing financial and job security for women as well as helping businesses retain skilled employees makes good financial sense. They point out that it is only a privileged few who receive paid leave, and these are usually women on higher incomes. There are also those who point to paid maternity leave as a way of dealing with concerns about the ageing of the Australian population and declining birth rate. Demographer Professor Peter McDonald claims that Australia cannot afford to continue with its system of unpaid leave if it wants to encourage the birth rate, which is presently below replacement levels. Striking a balance between affordable policies and meeting the needs of families is challenging. Many agree that it is unfair for business alone to be expected to shoulder the burden of paid leave. Australian Democrats leader Senator Natasha Stott Despoja has suggested that consideration be given to alternatives to the existing employer pays system. She advocates
  • 30. Fave Brand Favorite Brand Paper Victoria s Secret F Valdez MKT/421 February 9, 2015 David Rubenstein Victoria Secret Victoria Secret is a company known for its lingerie, woman s wear, perfume, and accessories. Victoria s Secret was created by Roy Raymond to have beautiful lingerie that men could purchase for their wives without feeling uncomfortable or being looked at as a pervert. Victoria s Secretdisplays and sells items that are high quality beautiful products. Raymond had a failing company that he sold to Leslie Wexner and the Limited. The perfumes are a wondrous smell that hit you as you enter the store. The lingerie and woman s wear line the walls with a variety for every woman. The accessories area carries a variety of displays from ... Show more content on ... Knowing the competition Fredrick s is a company not heard of too often, and Klein is basic with no elaborate designs. I prefer the one stop of Victoria s Secret for my perfume, body lotions, undergarments, and accessories while providing a variety of colors, styles, and designs. Conclusion In conclusion, I prefer Victoria s Secret brand products over their competitors for the style, experience, and the loyalty program. I love the feel of the material when I am wearing the bras and panties, the smell of the perfume and lotions. I know I get good customer service when I walk into the store for my purchases and their online or by phone customer service is also top notch. The convenience of making returns or exchanges makes it an easy and comfortable experience. References 7 Lingerie Stores that are not Victoria s Secret. (2013, November). The Huffington Post, (). Retrieved from victorias secret_n_4254972.html Barr, N. (2014). A Happy Ending Right? Retrieved from /business/when_big_businesses_were_small/2013/10 / victoria_s_secret_founding_roy_raymond_had_a_great_idea_but_les_wexner_was.2.html Fredrick s of Hollywood; about us. (2015). Retrieved from /on/ FoH Site/default/CustServ CompanyAbout Reynolds, C. (2014). Creating Brand Loyalty How Victoria s Secret Makes Me
  • 31. Comprehensive Instructional Sequence Evaluation Paper The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Instructional Sequence when decoding complex text on students reading comprehension. Two groups of students were selected: one group used Comprehensive Instructional Sequence to decode and scaffold text; the other group used the previous classroom methods in which there was no continuity. Students were measured using State of Florida progress monitoring tests in which reading comprehension and Lexile were measured. Students in the experimental group were taught using the Comprehensive Instructional Sequence for four weeks. Analysis has yet to be determined. Therefore, the findings are unable to be reported. The abstract will be updated when the study period... Show more content on ... Research Methods The level of text complexity of the materials will be evaluated using the Common Core Grade Bands. The same text will be used for both classes. Student Reading Comprehension and Lexile scores from the Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading will be used to determine growth Collection of the initial data will occur at the beginning of the period. Collection of growth data will occur at the end of Week 4. 6.Next Steps The results of the study to determine if an increase of the Comprehensive Instructional Sequence will increase student reading comprehension will decide if the remainder of the classes will also use Comprehensive Instructional Sequence when decoding complex text. If the results are negative, I will look for another form of decoding and scaffolding to help my students reading comprehension
  • 32. The Japanese Mind Summary Culture is a tradition that consists of the beliefs and practices held or observed by specific human groups that have been passed down from their ancestors through their grand parents, parents and the society around them. Today not everyone still value their cultural beliefs as part of social well being as compare to what their ancestors did at their time. There are factor that influences people not to practices or focus on their culturebeliefs. Even though, culture is taking a different face in the western worldand the simple reason is because we as parents are not training or teaching our children the importance of culture. The simple true is that most cultures are diminishing out in our society today due to failure and lack of proper way to pass down our tradition to our children. Most children today don t even know how to say good morning in their tribe language to their parents or other relatives. The most important think about culture is the way individuals value and view in their own perspective mind. The introduction to Japanese culture class is one way for me to have the idea of what culture mean to Japanese society. This is the collective deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes and meanings of what is in the mind of Japanese s. By reading the text The Japanese mind helps me to understand the hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles and spatial relations within Japanese culture. The perception of the universe and material objects
  • 33. The Most Significant Changes to the Laws of Iraq after the... The Most Significant Changes to the laws of Iraq after the War in 2003. Iraqi laws have seen constant changes. Many old laws have been replaced by a new legislation, and other laws have been amended; first by the US Civil Administrator Paul Bremer, and later by the government of Iraq. And this happened after the fall of Saddam Hussain`s regime and the occupation of Iraqby the American and the British forces on 9th April 2003. Paul Bremer issued more than 100 laws and regulations within one year changing and repealing long established civil and commercial laws. And most of these laws are not devoid of interest. The U.S. preference at the expense of the Iraqis and their national sovereignty the most important is the investment law and corporate law. Then it exempt companies from providing capital to run their branches and this (Capital) resource strengthens of the national economy and national income and other measures were useful in the old law. Not only that, but it has canceled many of the articles in the penal code and has replaced it with other laws, as well as in criminal law and personal status law and other laws. One of the most significant foreign personnel are exempted from Iraqi jurisdiction , from Iraqi civil and penal laws. This Order applies to all civil and military personnel of the Authority, Foreign Liaison Missions, as well as all non Iraqi personnel of contractors and sub contractors supplying goods or services to or on
  • 34. The Internet From A Social and Communications Perspective... Quality Schools International Research Project Atyrau 2010 Directory 1.Introduction 2.Statement of controlling purpose 3.Problem identification 4.History 5.Primary research пѓ Surveys пѓ Analysis 6.Secondary research 6.1 Structure of the internet 6.2 World dependency пѓ Organizations and corporations/ Commercial Internet пѓ Education пѓ Mass Share of the information пѓ Politics пѓ Safety (cybercrime, the web economy) 6.3 Impact on personality пѓ Specifics пѓ Identity, Anonymity and Role Modeling пѓ Internet addiction пѓ Personality conflicts (and reality vs. virtuality) пѓ Degradation of personality, mental problems) пѓ ... Show more content on ... Statistics are impressive. The Internet had given people broad number of expanding opportunities, literally wiping away boundaries and distances. It is also a massive source of data. Most of us can not see the life without the internet, others underestimate its value. Some people view it as a great evil, other see it as a great good. But the Internet proves to be neither of those. The Internet is a global system, a huge cyberspace serving to thousands of users worldwide. It is a network of networks with different levels of access and different levels of security. And still, there are always people behind what happens in the cyberspace the internet is what we make of it and how we use it. Common users are not always safe from the dangers they are exposed to. And while there are numerous helpful and beneficial features one can find there, these good things are balanced out by the dangers one can encounter in the cyberspace.
  • 35. Another point of concern is how people are absorbed by the Internet culture, how the concept of virtuality migrates into alternative kind of reality. The goal of this paper is to explore and find ways to make the internet an optimal tool, for everybody. 2. Statement of Controlling Purpose The purpose of this paper is to define the impact of internet communications on our daily lives and compare its positive and negative effects on social relationships and personal characteristics of users. Hypothesis The Internet is a beneficial tool,
  • 36. The Development Of New Zealand Art From The 20th Century The development of New Zealand Art from the 20th into the 21st Century New Zealand is home to various great artists who have crafted and created a platform for current, new and upcoming New Zealand artists. Throughout the 19th Century New Zealand artwork was predominantly based around New Zealand s scenery, artists during the 20th Century such as Rita Angus demonstrated through her artworks landscapes and sceneries of New Zealand whereas other New Zealand artists such as Gordon Walters incorporated suitable Maori patterns and styles in his artworks. During the 20th Century it was apparent that New Zealand artists such as Colin McCahon was heavily influenced by international artists and their artworks, adapted the style of cubism and began to use in his own works. In the late 20th Century New Zealand began to acknowledge culture and diversity within the country, it was then a beginning for Maori artists to become common and known of where many would unite European modernism with traditional Maori features together. A notable Maori artist being the late Ralph Hotere, who during his time was New Zealand s highest selling artist. Hotere plays a significant role in not only in New Zealand art history but Maori history too as he broke barriers of being a Maori artist, other current artists such as Shane Cotton and Michael Parekowhai are also important as they are successful modern, Maori artists. Numerous artists who compose contemporary Maori artworks also associate their work
  • 37. Research Paper On Black Rhinoceros The endangered animal I have chosen for this project is the diceros bicornis, more commonly known as the black rhinoceros or the hook lipped rhinoceros. The origin of the black rhinoceros scientific name, diceros bicornis, is quite interesting. Dicero from the Greek word di translates to two and ceros translates to horn. Bicornis from the Latin word bi translates to two and cornis translates to horn. The black rhinoceros scientific name describes their most prominent physical features, their double horns. There are four different subspecies within the black rhinocerosfamily whose names differ according to their geographical location within Sub Saharan Africa, namely the South Central Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis minor), the South Western Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis bicornis), the East African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis michaeli) and the West African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis longipes). The black rhinoceros was first classified as an endangered species in 1986 and remained on the endangered list until 1996 when it was reclassified as a critically endangered species. The black rhinoceros was last classified as a critically endangered species in 2011. Geographic Range and Statistics The black rhinoceros is native to eastern and ... Show more content on ... ( AWF Check out the Rhino! , 2017) Due to the increase in poaching and loss of habitat, numbers declined worldwide. The recent growth in poaching is due to the rise in demand and price for the rhino horn, with the horn being valued as worth more than its weight in gold. The demand for the horn comes mainly from Asian countries where it is used in traditional medicine. This is due to the false impression that the horns have medical properties. The rhino horn is made of keratin, which has no health advantages or benefits. In Vietnam, powdered rhino horn is believed to be an aphrodisiac and is sold in
  • 38. The Music Of Wayne Peterson American composer, Wayne Peterson, won the Pulitzer Prize in music in 1992. In addition to winning the Pulitzer Prize, Peterson has been honored with fellowships and commissions from many Foundations, as well as an award of distinction from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. He has received awards from the Minnesota Centennial Composition Contest, the American Society of Harpists and the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Needless to say Wayne Peterson has been very successful at composing music. One may ask when his fascination of music began and how he inspired today s music. Wayne Peterson was born in Albert Lea, a small town Minnesota on March 8th 1927 (Henken, 1992, pp 1). He is now retired and has been living in San Francisco, California since 1960. Since Peterson is still alive and a private man there are currently no sources that tell how he started writing his music. Although it is known that where he began composing and that he composed under the influences of Copland, Stravinsky, Schoenberg and Bartok. Wayne Peterson played piano and studied composition in Minnesota University where he received not only his bachelors and masters but also his PhD. While he studied at Minnesota University, he studied with American composers, Paul Fetler, Earl George and James Aliferis. Peterson went on to advance his studies after his PhD on a Fulbright Scholarship, which enabled him to spend a year at the Royal Academy of Music in
  • 39. Oprah Winfrey, famous talk show host and philanthropist,... Oprah Winfrey, famous talk show host and philanthropist, can be considered a hero by any standards. Her life is an almost perfect representation of the mythological hero archetype. Commonalities include; overcoming extreme obstacles through her rise from a rough childhood, early recognition of talents in her career and an accomplishment of great deeds through her work as a philanthropist. Oprah is an inspiration to young women everywhere, proving that anything is possible. She will be remembered as a great social hero of our time. Oprah was born in a small, rural town in Mississippi to an unwed teenage mother. Even though her birth was not miraculous like that of other heros, she made up for it in her early years of life with an abundance ... Show more content on ... Oprah focused on topics that mattered, like cancer, substance abuse, and other important social issues. Her empathetic interviewing style shaped journalism today. Before Oprah, journalists would never shed a tear or empathize with their interviewees. Today, this is a very common practice. One could say that Oprah s television show qualified as one of her great deeds as described in the hero archetype because of the social change it helped bring to the United States. Her early acceptance of the LGBT community alone helped turn the country in a different, more accepting direction. Oprah is now the most famous and wealthy african american woman in the world. Her level of success and rise from hardships is truly unprecedented. Oprah Winfrey s heroism extends beyond her immensely successful career and into her personal endeavors as a highly regarded philanthropist. Her private charity donates millions of dollars to causes around the globe. It made accomplishments like helping to build schools in developing countries and supporting women s shelters. Oprah is also a big supporter of animal rights, winning the 2008 Person of the Year award from the animal rights group PETA. This could be considered a second great deed, or rather many great deeds, Oprah has performed. Her philanthropic work will benefit many generations to come, more directly from the billion dollars she has written in her will to be donated directly to charity. Oprah s life is that
  • 40. Bhagavad Gita Vs Gilgamesh Essay In both Gilgamesh and the Bhagavad Gita, we are whisked away into two different stories with many similar aspects. One is an epic of a half man and half god who is the king of Uruk, while the other is about a disciple about to go into battle. In both, they depict of these gods with great influence and power over the people and the main characters depicted in their tales. Although they have similar qualities, one key difference between the two stories is how they depict gods and their personalities in their stories. Specifically, gods in Gilgamesh are flawed but have the outright concern of the conservation of humanity. While the gods in the Bhagavad Gita are seen as flawless deities who are almighty but have anthropomorphic characteristics and are dissonant in the decisions they make. The Epic of Gilgameshis set in ancient Mesopotamia during which, was a time when gods had power over everyone and could do as they pleased. However, after finishing the text, we see how these gods are no more sensible... Show more content on ... In the begging of the text, we re thrown straight unto the battlefield where Arjuna speaks to Krishna, an immortal being, about what he should do. Arjuna does not want to shed the blood of his kin and has no need for a kingdom if it means killing them. However Krishna exclaims to go right ahead and do so. Let go of this lowly weakness of the heart and stand up, Scorcher of the Enemy! (3) He exclaims how they will be reborn again and if it means to kill those of your family to restore peace then so be it. Other gods are described to be just as harsh and easily subjugated to normal human vices. Whether it be anger or lust, the gods depicted in The Bhagavad Gita are show to act even more abrupt than a normal mortal would. Their emotions dictate their actions no matter the ramifications they may have or how unsound they may
  • 41. A Brief Biography of Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela Born on July 18, 1918, in Mvezo, a village in the Transkei, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela became a prominent figure in global politics until recent times. Nelson was born on July 18 under the name Rolihlahla Mandela, to parents Nonqaphi Nosekeni and Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela. He began to attend school at the age of seven in Qunu. While here he was given the name Nelson by a teacher, and name that stuck with him forever. His father was royalty, and was the principal chancellor to the Acting King of the Thembu people. When his father past away in 1930, while Nelson was twelve, it left Nelson to take his fathers position. He would continue to attend school, earning a bachelors degree from the University of South Africa in 1942. In 1944 he married for the first time to Evelyn Ntoko Mase and together they had four children: Thembekile, Makaziwe (who died in infancy), Makgatho, and Makaziwe. In the same year he helped form the African National Congress Youth League. Four years later he was elected secretary of the group, and three years after that, president. After Mahatma Gandhi, perhaps no other leader has influenced the global politics as Nelson Mandela did, in the twentieth century. Even though Mandela has fought for the well being of the African people, his vision, mission, and charisma have contributed heavily to the entire world. His fight against racism and discrimination has rejuvenated the oppressed people all over the world. Nelson Mandela
  • 42. The University Of Surrey The University of Surrey is an open exploration college situated inside of the region town of Guildford, Surrey, in the South East of England, United Kingdom. The college represents considerable authority in science, designing, prescription and business. It got its sanction on 9 September 1966, and was beforehand arranged close Battersea Park in south west London. The foundation was known as Battersea College of Technology before picking up college status. Its roots, notwithstanding, retreat to the Battersea Polytechnic Institute, established in 1891 to give further and advanced education to London s poorer tenants. The college is a noteworthy place for satellite and versatile interchanges research. In March 2014, the British Prime Minister David Cameron declared an association between the University of Surrey, King s College London and the University of Dresden for the improvement of 5G innovation. The college is an individual from the Association of MBAs, the European University Association and Association of Commonwealth Universities. The college is one of just eight colleges to be positioned inside of the main 10 of every one of the three noteworthy national group tables for 2016. As per the figures uncovered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency 2013 /14, the University of Surrey has the fourth most astounding rate of graduates entering occupation and/or further study inside of six months of graduation at 96.9% (behind Lancaster University, Robert Gordon
  • 43. Developing Prejudice Against Airplanes With Classical... Developing Prejudice Against Airplanes With Classical Conditioning Submitted By: Montana Campbell 810069443 Danielle DiFonzo N01026731 Submitted For: Neil McGrenaghan Date: 1/12/2014 Code: PYSC 150 0BX Table of Contents Section Page # Introduction3 Classical Conditioning vs. Prejudice3 Classical Conditioning Diagram5 Conclusion9 References10 Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to find an example of prejudice and explain how classical conditioning influences your opinions on it. Generally, these opinions are negative and it is often very difficult to make these conditioned responses, back to a neutral response due to person experience. The topic we chose is flying in an airplane and how all the negative attention airplanes have gotten in the past 15 years has significantly influenced peoples depictions of flying. Classical Conditioning vs. Prejudice The theory of classical conditioning can explain the origins of prejudice because: General: Prejudice by classical conditioning is based on personal experiences or something that you have learned from/been taught. This creates a response either in a negative /positive way and heavily influences on whether you are for/against the topic or item. Fear is generally classically conditioned; our response to our fear would be in a negative
  • 44. The Importance Of Public Diplomacy Turkey has been a powerful country in its region because it is a Muslim country ruling with democracy since 1923 is seen as an example for other Muslim countries in the region. Public diplomacy functions as a tool to inform and educate the target audience so that there can be favorable relationships with other countries (White and Radic, 2014). Another function of public diplomacyis building dialog and creating sympathy for the country itself. As a field, public diplomacy has no theoretical perspective and strong background (Entman, 2008) which it could provide a framework. Public diplomacy became popular in the years of the cold war (Gilboa, 2008). The field nourishes from public relations, branding, systems theory, communication, social sciences, social psychology, international relations, political communication, cultural studies, psychology, media framing, diplomacy studies (Gilboa, 2008; Gregory, 2008). This is because the field is new and some scholars argue that public diplomacy is not an academic field. Gregory (2008) argues public diplomacy can be treated as an academic field based on three considerations: an achievable consensus on an analytical framework; a substantial body of relevant scholarship and practical literature; and benefits for learning, shared knowledge, and professional practice. (p.286). Public diplomacy is a promising field and it is studied in some schools however for it be considered full academic field, academicians need to contribute to
  • 45. Research Paper On The Great San Francisco Earthquake The great San Francisco Earthquake was a very deadly earthquake that occurred on April 18, 1906 at 5:12 a.m. The quake was so big that it could be felt from South Oregon to LA, as well as central Nevada. It broke the San Andreas fault, both north and south, 296 miles total. Fires occurred right after the quake, and because the earthquakehad broken most of the water pipes, the fires burned for three days, causing around 28,000 buildings to burn down and more than 3,000 deaths. This caused $500,000,000 ($500 million) in damages in 1906 currency. In our currency as of last year, this would have costed them a little over $12.6 billion dollars, $12,640,444,679.72 to be exact, in damages. The city had had building codes that kept the homes
  • 46. Statement Of Purpose For Architecture My enthusiasm for architecture has developed from a very young age furthermore remains as a long lasting passion of mine. My interest in mathematics and natural talent in art has played a huge role in my decision of becoming an architect. To pursue my passion for architecture, I studied graphic design and fine art for A levels at City and Islington College . This has enabled me to gain the suitable artistry to visualise ideas and demonstrate my flair for creative design. My art based educational background has influenced me to realise that architectural forms are creative representations of a designer s imagination. Therefore, I believe that architectureis not just a career path, but also a platform which I could self express my ideas. I... Show more content on ... I wish to study the MArch Part II course in order to progress to the next stage (Part II) of this journey to become a qualified chartered architect. I believe that London Metropolitan University will help me to capitalise my academic degree and enrich my knowledge whilst allowing me to explore design ideas. Having seen the overview of the course module, studying a combination of design, technology, practice, and historical theory at your University will mean that I get the perfect blend of art, history and science in my teachings. By the end of this course, I hope to have built upon my creativity and develop my architectural writing skills through the production of design dissertations. During my time studying the Part II course, I am determined to further strengthen various transferable skills including communication, teamwork, self direction and time management. I believe that these proficiencies will prepare me to progress successfully in my professional career as a Part II architectural
  • 47. Control The Azimuth Angle Of An Anti Aircraft Gun Abstract: The goal of this project is to control the azimuth angle of an anti aircraft gun. Anti aircraft gun is a type of counter measure gear used to fire tracer rounds to the hostile aircraft. It is a fixed ground gun system which can rotate in azimuth as well as in horizon. It can track the tail of an airship and hunt it down. The first effective anti aircraft gun was used in world war I. But, the most drawback was that, it was human controlled thus human casualties was high. To dominate over the battlefield and reduce the human casualties an automated anti aircraft gun system is a must. In Bangladesh military the artillery division uses Type 55/Type 65/Type 75 anti aircraft gun, but they all are human controlled. So, this project can help developing automated anti aircraft gun that can be used for Bangladesh military and they can keep pace with the other warlords. Introduction: The anti aircraft gun system can sense the location of the hostile object which is at rest or in motion. The exact location or trajectory is fed to the system every time until the gun nose is along the enemy tail. So, there should be a continuous sensing feedback mechanism. According to sensor input the actuator will act to the desired position. During an air assault it is very dangerous for a soldier to operate the countermeasure gear. One hand he has to keep tracking the airship, other hand he needs to keep himself alive from enemy fire. This will distract him from aiming the ship accurately.
  • 48. Cardiovascular System Analysis The cardiovascular system is an organ system that allows blood to circulate and is in charge of transporting oxygen, as well as carbon dioxide, hormones, nutrients, and cell waste items all over the body (Pironet, et al., 2016). This system helps to regulate body temperature, maintain homeostasis, and fight diseases. The cardiovascular systemis made up of the heart, bloodvessels, blood and plasma of the blood, and cells. The circulatory system is kept working by the heart. The heart is made, for the most part, out of cardiac muscle. Carrying nutrients, wastes, gases, and chemical signals across the body are some of the functions of the heart. Four chambers comprise the heart, which are two atria and two ventricles (Pironet, et. al.,
  • 49. Correctional Facilities Industry Paper Industry Overview The Correctional Facilities industry primarily operates through the leasing and managing of prisons and juvenile detention centers in the United States. The Industry has grown 5.3 billion dollars in revenue in the five years leading up to 2016. (Hollaren 2016). This statistic is partially caused by factors related to capacity agreements, government operations, and modern crime rates. The two companies that are primarily responsible for the revenue increase are the Geo Group Incorporated and the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). These two corporations maintain 27.1 and 34.9 percent of the correctional facilities industry respectively. (Kaeble, Glaze, 2016) The correctional facilities industry has to abide by a very ... Show more content on ... Revenue numbers have remained fruitful in spite of predictions theorizing downward revenue trends. Conglomerates in the correctional facilities industry have maintained their success by reaching up to 100 percent occupancy in their facilities through taking advantage of the United States high crime rates. Kelsey Hollaren predicts that the revenue for the correctional facilities industry is expected to grow at an 0.6% rate annually until 2021, but legislative push back might interfere with these projections in the future. Overall, the industry will not see a significant blow in terms of revenue as long as the crime rate in the United States stays anywhere near as high as it is
  • 50. What Is The Methodology Used In Costimating The Impact Of... This section gives and explains the methodology that is going to be used in estimating the impact of capital flight on economic growth in Zimbabwe for the period 1980 to 2015. This encompasses the specification of the model but no specific theory can be attributed to the selection of variables to be used. Model diagnostic tests are to be conducted before interpretation of estimated results of the correctly specified model. 3.0Methodology There are quite number of methods of estimating regression functions, the generally used ones being the ordinary least squares (OLS) and the maximum likelihood (ML). This paper will use (OLS) over (ML) because of the properties of (OLS) that is its ability to produce best linear unbiased estimate thus... Show more content on ... 3.2 Stationarity Test Testing the stationary properties of time series is a very important exercise as the use of stationary time series data in the Classical Linear Regression Model will result in inflated results. The results are likely to be inconsistent and with a low Durbin Watson (DW) statistic. Several methods can be employed to test whether the time series variables are stationary , these includes residual plot but this paper will employ the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) to test the existence of a unit root. Conclusion of stationarity is going to be considered at 1% and 5% level of significance only. Any probability of each variable below the two values will be considered stationary. If the model fails to meet the stationary requirement, we will use the differencing method to make our model stationary. 3.3 Model Diagnostic Tests Multicollinearity is a test to assess the randomness of explanatory variables. They are other tests which include the Auxiliary Regressions and correlation matrix. This study will consider pair wise correlation coefficient from the correlation matrix. If the pair wise or zero order correlation coefficient between two explanatory variables is high, say in excess of 0.8, then multicollinearity is a serious problem (Gujarati, 2004: 359). In the case that two variables are highly correlated then one of it must be dropped. For
  • 51. Summary Of John Updike s A P John Updike s short story A P, written in 1961, takes place in a small town in Massachusetts. Sammy, a 19 year old young man, is a cashier for the A P grocery store and the protagonist of this story. Sammy believes all people in his small town are sheep, or followers of others. Queenie, a patron of A P, is considered the antithesis of a sheep who has a command presence. She is accompanied by two friends who flock to her like sheep following their Shepard. Lengel, the manager of A P and a prude, embarrasses the three girls during check out. It was his belief that they should not be wearing bikinis in the store, and make themselves more presentable while shopping. After Lengel embarrasses the girls, Sammy decides to quit his job since he did not agree with Lengel. Sammy has gone against his manager, not following the herd in ridiculing the girls with Lengel. Herding can be hypothesized as a psychological and social trait present in human behavior which characteristically forces us to follow social norms.... Show more content on ... In the example she had talked the other two into coming in here with her, and now she was showing them how to do it, walk slow and hold yourself straight (Updike 59) we can assume she is the leader of the herd. In A Simple Model of Herd Behavior , Abhijit V. Banerjee explains that a person s decision to ignore their own information and join the herd has a negative externality towards the rest of the population. (Banerjee 1) As one person follows the lead of another, chances are that each subsequent person thereafter will follow the person in front of them, creating the herd
  • 52. Hewlett Packard Company In Vietnam Case Summary Hewlett Packard Company in Vietnam Case Summary John Peter, a Marketing Manager of Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific (HPAP) was evaluating HPAP s long term strategic investment options for doing business in Vietnam. Before start up business in Vietnam, John needs to know the current business environment in Vietnam. History, Economic and Politic Environment are important to know about the country whether is stable from others control. Current workforce is important to find the skillful employee when it s start up the factory in Vietnam. Foreign exchange and investment regulations are also important to know whether Vietnam market was open to global market or not. Hence, facility in Vietnam such as financial services, communicate services, ... Show more content on ... It is because through the joint venture, the company is more familiar with the situation of the company there. The negative outcome is that the management system different between the company. So it is hard to make a decision making. It is because there is different opinion of each person. 2. Independent The positive outcome of this strategy is that the company will get more profit. It is because the company no need to share the profits with others company. The negative outcome is that it is more risky. The government will take action to take over the company because there have no acknowledge of the company. 3. Franchising The positive outcome of this strategy is that the company is easy to control the market. It is because through the franchising, the local company needs to get the agreement contract from the main company. The local company can manage the local market well because it has already familiar with the cultural of that country. The negative outcome is that the local company didn t follow the rules that have set by the main company and boycott them because they take control of the business. The Best Strategies and Justification 1. Joint venture with Local partner The best strategy to resolve the problem of What strategies that Hewlett Packard Company should adopt to explore the Vietnam market is joint venture with local distribute. The Hp Company doesn t know with the environment there so through the Joint venture, the company can more
  • 53. 24 Response Essay There he was, sitting at a soulless lunch table, munching on his sandwich, wondering why he stuck out as someone peculiar to others. Watching the other children laugh and share jokes his heart melted with sorrow, but he held onto the tears that were ready to escape, like a river is ready to plunge down the waterfall. Knowingly not wanting to bring in attention, even though he felt invisible. 62.5% of 8th grade students at Cooper Middle school came clean, expressing their sorrow about struggling to find friends at some point in their lifetime. There are bountiful reasons as of why and 62.5% out of 24 responses made by the 8th grade students say that it usually happens because of the different backgrounds. Back in the year of 2012 2013, a student of Robert Frost Elementary School attested the minute she tiptoed into the new school, kids would start playing and toying with her simply because she came from a different country. She couldn t find any friends because everyone always found a way to judge her even though she did nothing wrong. The 4th grader later changed herself and did whatever silly and senseless ideas these children did just to fit... Show more content on ... It goes many ways and a big way is the skin tone, and it goes both ways between the darker and the lighter. A 13 year young boy was strolling the streets of a neighborhood when a man of the opposite race shooed him off complaining that ВЁIf I was in your neighborhood I would be jumped.ВЁ So why is it that there is such material as ВЁyourВЁ neighborhood and ВЁmyВЁ neighborhood, but not ВЁthis/ourВЁ neighborhood? ВЁIt is hard to make new friends when you are different races. Standards and Stereotypes are put in place at schools and our society,ВЁ A point made clear as crystal. Don t be that person that believes them, because if you compose assumptions, it will only lead to more stereotypes that are most likely
  • 54. The Mass Murder Of Jews The mass murder of millions of Jews was a horrendous experiment and something only men filled with hatred could inflict on the innocent lives of that era. A deportation train would arrive at a Natzi camp and unload all of the Jews that had been collected and taken from their homes. The Jews would be unloaded and the men were separated from the woman and children. A physician would glance at each person to see determine their health status and whether they were worth keeping alive. The ones deemed weak in the eyes of the Natzi s were taken to gas chambers. In order to prevent panic, the victims were told they were simply taking a shower to get rid of the lice. Each person would hand over their valuables and then fully undress. The line of Jews