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Similarities Between Literature And Arts
The value of literature and arts in our society gives us the ability to establish many perspectives of the world; which leads literature and arts to help us
understand ourselves and the science of English language. In the essay by Northrop Frye, "The Motive for
Metaphor" there are a few examples on how he supports my thesis while in the essay by
Aaron Copland "How We Listen" his ideas oppose mine and Frye's ideas. While they are both essays on literature, they are definitely not the same in
their own ways, one essay is about literature on English while the other is on the literature on music or as to "behind the scenes" of music.
The belief that literature and arts help us to understand ourselves and the science of
English language that I decided to talk about actually derived from Frye's essay. "The sciences begin by accepting facts and the evidence about an
outside world without trying to alter them. Science proceeds by accurate measurement and description, and follows the demands of the reason rather
than the emotions [...] we'd be naturally inclined to think that the arts follow the path of emotion, in contrast to the sciences up to a point they do, but
there's a complicating factor."(Frye, 891) What I was able to take out of this is that literature and the arts and science are different but yet similar at the
same time, because he goes into further detail to explain their differences and how they are similar. However,
Deane 2 from reading Copland's essay I was more
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Essay on Science in Society
Science in Society
Within the last century scientific discovery has been growing at an exponential rate. Evolution, genetics, physics, and chemistry have all greatly
affected the way people view the universe and human role in it. Furthermore, the application of scientific discoveries has physically changed society.
For example, humans went from being flightless to eighty years later having transportation in super sonic jets available. Rapid scientific change has
caused many issues surrounding morality and science to arise. The idea behind the skepticism is that just because something can be done doesnt mean it
should be. Nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and cloning have all fallen under fire due to this concept. People worry more content...
Other phrases throughout the first four pages use words like "nightmare", "destroy", "haunt", and "anguish" to attract readers to how seriously society
takes awareness of science. These phrases get readers to feel the urgency of the views against science in society. The dark phrasing successfully shows
that society has taken a responsible view against incorrect scientific application.
In about the fifth page of the essay, Dyson switches to using positive words to get readers to believe his true stories of success in stopping immoral
science application. He uses words like "credit", "peace", and "finest hour", giving readers a positive feel. This positive feel is reflected into the
reader's opinion about the odds of correcting science. The positive words influence readers to believe success against biological weapons, nuclear
weapons, and other problems are easy obstacles.
Dyson's also convinces readers society is successful in stopping science by using words that show he is reputable as a writer. Dyson writes about a
wide variety of events and novels and describes things with a wide range of scientific words. Dyson does this to show that he is a reliable source. He
uses terms like Citizens Committee, Public Health Authorities, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and many more convincingly complicated
words to showing his
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The Impact of Modern Science and Technology Essay
The Impact of Modern Science and Technology
The quest for scientific knowledge should be boundless. There should not be any type of barriers to prevent such an enrichment of knowledge, and that
is exactly what science presents to us. Scientific knowledge can only help us in the long run and even perhaps save us from catastrophes that may occur
naturally in the world. There could be an agreement that science has produced many dangerous and destructive things which have brought society
many problems, but on the same token the good things that science has produced seems to outweigh the bad.
There is much to be said about the bad things that science has produced throughout history. For instance, the creation of nuclear weapons,
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There is no possible way to stop something sobeneficial to mankind. By stopping science we are committing harm to ourselves and disrupting our
progression for a better future. The people of today are benefiting from good health and simpler lives, why should there be a stop to it. It would just
be a complete tragedy to take away from our society these magnificent wonders of technology.
How could we take away technology? this is something that could save our lives. For example, technological improvements of medication is an
essential criteria to our success in living longer healthier lives with the least amount of pain and discomfort. Medical technological advances have
produced many vaccines, which have saved us from detrimental viruses, bacterias, and infections diseases that once affected us severely and even
killed us. For example, in the past, epidemics of polio were common and were greatly feared because the disease left many of its patients paralyzed
for life. And even though, no drug has yet been found that can kill the polio virus or control its spreads in the body, we at least have some measures
to prevent polio. For instance, we can protect ourselves from polio by immunizing ourselves by using vaccines or serums. What a great sense of relief
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Reflection On Science And Math
Throughout my college experience, there were several things that showed a connection in how science and math were used to demonstrate my
ability to synthesize information on these subjects and understand different methods of inquiry which were drawn from diverse ways of knowing
about the world and issues that we all face. From these experiences, I was able to use math and science to communicate how it is implied to the
real world and how it can benefit and solve some of these problems through encouraging healthy lifestyles, equity, and social justice. I was also able
to show how I can turn scientific literature into a creative act of expression and discovery informed by a scientific article that I translated into an art
drawing which was then described in an essay. In a previous essay that was written in my statistics class I was able to synthesize information on
statistics and understand how its methods were used to real world problems such as the Human Genome project. The Human Genome Project started in
1990, this project is very beneficial to our society because it has a positive influence on human health. The project objective is to decode the DNA
sequence and placement of the genes. Researchers collected blood from females and sperm from males and a total of five people DNA were used for
this study. The intentions of the Human Genome Project were to deliver mapping and sequencing for the human genome and genomes of model
organisms, data gathering and
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Value of Science Essay
Science is undoubtedly a very important part of growing as the human race. It has improved our lives drastically from the first stone tools, to iPods
and cars we drive. But what is it really that matters when it comes to science? Material things are not the only things that science gives humanity.
Richard Feynman explains his point of view of the values of science, and on how science is used to create things beneficial and afflicting, how the
values behind science are affected by society, and how science affects people. The very first point brought up ismorality. Science is not morally
oriented to do good or bad and can easily do either. Feynman referenced a Buddhist proverb he heard while visiting Honolulu, " more content...
For example, recently we had a large hoopla about stem cell research because of the supposed "farming babies". When in reality, the stem cells were
in vitro fertilized eggs from artificially inseminated parents that would have been thrown away. Those extra fertilized eggs contained cells that have the
capability of creating any cell in the human body, and with the future possibility of growing replacement/repair body parts of patients; it would have
been a huge leap in the medical field. But because of our own ignorance to the science behind it, we effectively closed the continuum of scientific
progress. Feynman wrote a small poetic section putting into perspective how great and complicated humans are, but showing how miniscule they are
compared to the universe. Also, how it is a "religious experience" to have you put into perspective through science itself. He says that artists and singers
won't sing about it because not everyone can understand the science, but the scientists who can explain it.
The last value of science is the methodology behind being a scientist. Feynman explains how all scientists have lots of experience with "ignorance and
doubt" and after time, effort, testing and further degrees of uncertainty, subjects can still are unsure, with doubt, and uncertainty. Logic, data, critical
thinking and reasoning can only be as important of understanding. The understanding of the numerous struggles within science has been
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Science and Literature Essay
Science and Literature
Science can be an inspiration for literature. Normally we think of science as one kind of human investigation and literature as another, and that the two
do not have anything in common, yet in science fiction we have the bringing together of the these two disciplines, either from the perspective of the
literary imagination or that of the scientific mind, Fred Hoyle and
Michael Crichton, for example. Science examines the nature of the real world and seeks by means of technology and hard logic to gain an
understanding of it; it works with evidence. Literature seeks for truth, which does not necessarily lie in the real world around us but rather in our minds
and our imaginations; it works more content...
We have alternative means of propelling our engines, like hydrogen for instance, which could do the job without polluting the air we breathe. So
instead of blaming science and technology, we as citizens within a society need first to be more educated in science to be able to understand the
causes of problems and we need to understand how to use science to seek better alternatives like the above, and our leaders, our politicians, need to
understand this approach as well. The Andromeda
Strain illustrates this very well. For example, the scientists in the film request that the President bomb the town infected by a virus from outer space,
but the President, through his representative, postpones the decision to act in order to discuss with his cabinet the pro's and con's of taking action. Not
only does the representative deny an immediate response, in spite of the scientists' insistence that there is great immediate danger, but he does so with
a sarcasm that reflects his lack of respect for the scientists.
This is a clear illustration of Bishop's point that "science today is increasingly mistrusted and under attack" (237). For example, politicians, and these
politicians, through their ignorance of the scientific mind, will not be supportive of the very scientists who can save them and the world.
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"Medical literature is the scientific literature of medicine: articles in journals and texts in books devoted to the field of medicine"(Wikipedia). When
entering the healthcare field, it is very important to familiarize yourself with medical literature and how to properly document medical findings. AMA
format was not designed to be used for a research paper. It was designed for the use of medical journal articles. A paper written in AMA format must
include four major parts: A title page, an abstract, the main body, and thereference page(AMA Formatting). The main body is further divided into 4
parts: introduction, methods, results, and discussion(AMA Formatting). Each part is very important and has its own set of guidelines. In the following
text I will further discuss each part and how to properly assemble a medical paper in AMA format. Beforewriting a paper in AMA format it is very
important to understanding how to format your paper. Unlike APA and MLA format, AMA format has no strict guidelines to follow when it comes to
formatting your paper. "Unfortunately, the AMA Manual of Style is not explicit in its discussion of format"(Moore). It is best to consult with your
teacher on their specific expectations for formatting your paper. After reviewing many papers written in AMA style and going over guidelines
implemented in them, the following information was recommended. Your entire document should be double spaced with one inch margins(Moore). It
is recommended that your
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The Importance of Literature vs. Science
If we lived in a world without literature, learning only the sciences, would we be the same people? Does the human race need literature at all, does it
have any worth whatsoever except as entertainment? Do people actually learn from literature? These are all questions that divide the human race into
two separate sections, those who believe in the power of literature, and those who see it as impoverished compared to the social sciences in its ability
to teach us about ourselves. However we need not be so divided on this issue.
Literature is as rich a teacher as science, but merely differs in technique.
Literature offers knowledge to those that seek it, gives experience to those who more content...
It is the argument of science that people are similar and thus scientific averages do have some relevance to humans. Yes people often do share similar
characteristics, and behave similarly if coming from the same society. And thus, a detailed insight into one persons' life could give you an insight on
the lives of others. In a way Literature allows you to live thousands of lives in a short time, and gain a little experience from each of them. Science on
the other hand, offers you charts and tables to which you must apply the situations of daily life. It is in this fundamental way that literature and science
are different.
Literature offers you insight which you apply to life, in science, you apply life to your theories. It's just a matter of whether life is the cookie cutter
or the dough. Imagine a world without literature. All your Literature courses in school are replaced with social sciences: philosophy, psychology, etc.
Would people be the same? No doubt life would be a great deal less interesting, as our minds would not be as stimulated. The world would also be a
more closed place, and news, and history would seem less related and more distant. Why?
Because sciences do not show you what something is like, the describe it. For example, if science wanted to describe a hit and run it would say
7/15/96, one 5'4 Caucasian of birth date 3/16/70, was contacted by a rapidly
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Science And War : Science Or War Essay
Science and war Science and war are two different terms but they are found to have been deeply related. The existence of war initiated before the
invention of scientific discoveries which are nowadays used as the means of war. The mode of war has been made destructive due to the misuse of
scientific discoveries. It is said that modern scientific discoveries have made everything more comfortable. Nowadays we can travel around the world
in twenty–four hours. We can enjoy everything sitting at our homes. Due to the invention of scientific discoveries, our home has been made as the
whole world. On the other hand, the means of scientific discoveries of scientific discoveries are willingly misused for the destruction of human
civilization; no doubt, it's the worst aspect of science and technology. The discoveries of science and technology cannot be said to be responsible for
making the mode of war more destructive because of no scientific discoveries and destructive themselves if we use them properly. I choose this point
on the grounds that being a man of an inquisitive type, I watch numerous documentaries to extinguish my thirst of voracious interest, either that be
space, the theory of relativity or war. When I watched series "Dark matters– twisted but true" where there are numerous documentaries of logical
research and trial, and which gives a considerable measure of data and learning about the analysis and its history. In that series, I saw an episode of
Agent orange, in
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Essay about The Importance of a Science Education
Getting a science education in the 21st century can be very beneficial to children of all ages. Science is what makes up the world and the only way
you would be able to know that would be by getting a real education in the studies of science. There are many reasons in why getting an education in
science can be important and three of them are that it makes you smarter, it increases your awareness of diseases going around in the world, and
getting a proper education in science can inspire kids to be scientists themselves. Receiving an education in science is good for children of all ages.
First of all, educational studies in science can really make a student more wise or sharp. When studying science, a person can learn about many things more content...
Everybody goes to school to extend their knowledge, but studying science helps kids understand the world. To emphasize, science can simply make you
more intelligent. In addition to that, learning science can also inform children of all ages about what is going on in the world. This includes diseases
such as AIDS, H1N1, and diabetes. It is important to get an education so that kids know what to be aware of in the outside world. Getting an education
in science can benefit a student more than by alerting them of diseases in the world. Educational science can also tell kids about environmental topics
such as global warming and recycling.. We all need to know about problems on the planet such as these, and what better place than school. "People
everywhere should be aware of the fact that everyday we are corrupting the environment or spreading a disease. (
/environmental–quotes.htm, John Mckonnel)" It is for this reason that children need to have a good science education. Knowing we are in the 21st
century, things get more complicated, including diseases, and finding a cure gets harder with it. Having children study science in schools can get them
aware of what is happening. Lastly, studying science during a person's childhood years can inspire them to become real scientists themselves so they
can deal with issues that are effecting the world. Becoming a scientist can help the
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Sci Fi (Science Fiction) and Fantasy Essay
Whether you are a fan or not, Science Fiction and Fantasy is, or has been, present in your life at some point. The genre has helped progress society in
many ways. Sci–fi and Fantasy are for the creative. One cannot embrace the wild and imaginative plot lines without the ability to think creatively.
Sometimes the fantastical ideas presented in the books and shows are absorbed by these creative and inventive minds and applied to the real world.
Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek once said, "For me science fiction is a way of thinking, a way of logic that bypasses a lot of nonsense. It
allows people to look directly at important subjects." These genres are a way of looking at the world in a whole new light, exploring
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So many movies nowadays are based on books, many of which have a strong Science Fantasy element. People of all ages are becoming interested in the
genre thanks to new series such as Harry Potter by JK Rowling a tale filled with fantasy elements like wizards and warlocks. Twilight a love story
that revolves around vampires, written by Stephanie Meyers, is a very popular fantasy trilogy among teenage girls. The Dystopian feel of the
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and of Divergent by Veronica Roth is Science Fiction with a message to modern society. Movies are coming out
based on classic fantasy books too, such as The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, the prequel to the hit Lord of the Rings series. The British Sci–fi Drama
Doctor Who just celebrated its 50th anniversary! Not to mention the recent reboot of Star Trek and the upcoming Star Wars films. Video games, too,
have felt the influence of the genre with huge games like Assassin's Creed, BioShock, and Portal. With these interesting bits of media becoming so
well known and loved I wouldn't be surprised if Science Fiction/ Fantasy grew even more common in the years to come.
Science fiction is everywhere. A lot of technology that we take for granted today was talked about or dreamed about in Sci–fi years before it came to
exist in the real world. Of course, not everything in Science Fiction/Fantasy is a
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Science: Friend or Foe? Essays
Science: Friend or Foe?
Science, a field of study featuring a relentless stream of change and advancements, is widely viewed as both the scourge and savior of the modern
world. It is true that science offers solutions to many problems, suggesting greater convenience, technological improvement, and longer, healthier lives.
Still, science is far from perfect, a point that many critics are eager to vocalize. Science has been blamed for invoking fear, reaching inadequate results,
and supporting the most immoral of studies. Clearly, the opinions and perceptions that people have toward science play the largest part in this complex
love–hate relationship. Mary Shelley and J. Michael Bishop have a tremendous amount to say about more content...
Science is now heavily feared and criticized, the subject of tremendous spite from people who do not understand its implications (238). For science has
been the cure for many of society's ills, adding convenience, technological improvements, and the prospect of better health to incalculable numbers of
people (237). Science, however, still remains labeled as ineffective and inhumane in today's world. These unfair allegations are largely the result of
several unfortunate misconceptions about what science is capable of accomplishing (239).
Firstly, people often exaggerate science's ability to rectify a situation. Science has reasonable limitations, and believing that science should somehow
transcend these limits is largely unfair (240). Science indeed offers knowledge and potential solutions; society, politics, and a slew of other factors
dictate whether or not that knowledge is put to its most effective use (239). Secondly, society tends to concentrate on what science cannot do instead
of what it has done. Science, like any other field of study, is not exempt from the concepts of possibility and reality. People want expedient remedies to
all of the world's (and, in turn, their own) ills, apparently not realizing the limits of science, time, and mankind (239). To combat this reality, the notion
is introduced that science is not good for anything
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The Influence of Technology on Literature Essay
The Influence of Technology on Literature
This essay will discuss the way new technologies have influenced some of the areas of literature. Whilst the writer of this essay acknowledges the
development of cyber books for their pure entertainment value, this essay will focus on the influence of new technology in the practical advances in
the literature and associated industries. This includes the influences that new technology has had on the entertainment aspect, the educational aspect, the
industry aspect and the employment aspect. This essay will discuss the influence that new technologies and new uses for old technologies have had on
some aspects of literature and the producers and consumers of books. This includes authors, more content...
One of the noted limitations of this 'new technology' is its seemed ability to mishear or misinterpret the voice activation. The author must remember
that even though utilising new technologies, they must still ensure they perform editing and drafting.
One of the major topics of 'new technology' seen emerging in the literature industry is that of the E–Book. The E–Book's purpose is eventually to
outsell and make obsolete the written book. Hirsh (2003) makes the argument that the paperback book will never become extinct. He argues that
those readers who read as a hobby enjoy the physical aspects of the book such as the weight, feel and experience of reading a book. He also argues
that that experience would be diminished were they to sit in front of their palm pilot or computer screen to experience the book (Hirsh, 2003). One
author (Staley, 2003) argues that new technology, far from removing the book from existence, more so creates a new and more efficient method of
distributing and buying books for the end user. Through the use of e–commerce and electronic bookshops, avid readers, students and academics have
access to all manner of books via the internet and their credit card.
Whilst there are many advances and influences of new technology on the authors of books, large steps have also been made that influence the users of
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The Importance Of Science Fiction
Science fiction has indeed played a significant role in not only speculating about the future, but in many instances has actually shaped and molded
some of the social and cultural norms we see today. Science fiction is about what could be, in the realm of actual scientific related possibilities, not
farfetched ones. Look at Isaac Asimov's speculative vision of robotics and mankind living side by side, in peace and harmony. When Asimov wrote
the stories in compiled in I Robot, the idea that humans and robots would be working side by side was unfathomable and yet here we are today with
robots driving us around (self driving cars) and performing surgeries on humans. On the other hand, camp is a completely different spectacle in terms of more content...
In a film without even a hint of camp can have the expectations of camp. Camp has alternated what science fiction was founded on; reality with a mix
of speculation versed in reason. Camp no longer lets science fiction do what it once did which was to speculate realistically of what the future might
hold. Let's go back to Asimov's early stories his novel I Robot and compare them to the new film starring Will Smith. Will Smith, who is best
remembered for his role in the hit tv sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, is a well versed actor but yet he cannot seem to shake off that comedic
persona of his. Maybe this is due in part to his long time role in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. When watching I Robot with Will Smith, the
seriousness of the plot is lessened due to his humorous nature. This is what camp has done to science fiction. Camp has inhibited science fiction
from doing what's it's been doing since the emergence of the genre which is to contemplate of what is actually possible and may come to pass in
the future. Science fiction is no longer just for geeks and nerds, but play a role to the society as a way to address current problems as well as possible
new ones. Lets take the famous sheep "Dolly," who was the first cloned sheep, or fist cloned anything for that matter. There were many proponents
against cloning stating that it went against ethics and nature. This was of course due to a lack of understanding of what the process of cloning actually
entails. There
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Scientific Theory Essay
Scientific Theory
A scientific theory is a well–substantiated explanation of some aspects of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly
confirmed through observation and experiment. Scientist creates scientific theories from hypothesis that have been corroborated through the scientific
method, then gather evidence to test their accuracy. The strength of a scientific theory is related to the diversity of phenomena it can explain, which is
measured by its ability to make falsifiable predictions with respect to the phenomena. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and
comprehensive for of scientific knowledge.
The scientific method involves the proposal and testing of hypotheses, by more content...
Theories are the main goal in science and no explanation can achieve a higher rank. (to the belief that "theories" become "laws" over time). In some
cases, theories can unify. Two or more theories can be replaces by a single theory which explains the previous theories as approximations or special
cases, comparable to the way a theorys is connecting explanation for many confirmed hypotheses: This is reffered to as Unification of Theories. Both
scientific laws and scientific theories are produced from scientific methods through the formation and testing of hypotheses, and can predict the
behavior of the natural world. Both are typically supported by observation and experimental science. However, scientific laws are descriptive accounts
of how nature will behave under certain conditions. Scientific theories are broader in scope, and give overarching explanations of how nature works
and why it exhibits certain characteristics. They are supported by evidence from many different sources, and may contain one or more laws.
Both scientific laws and scientific theories come from the scientific method through the formation and testing of hypotheses, and can predict the
behavior of the natural world. Both are usually well supported by observations and/or experimental evidence. However laws are descriptive accounts of
how nature will behave under certain conditions. Assumption is a
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scientific literacy Essay
Scientific literacy
Introduction and audience
When talk about science, perhaps majority of us think it is less relative with real life. However, as society developed, science encompassed us
everywhere. This situation forces everyone to acquire the ability to learn and understand science. Some may think that, scientific literacy is what a
scientist should have and nothing about normal people, however it is just too narrow. Look around the surroundings of us, everything is conned with
science. Also, we encounter science in our normal life as well. Therefore, the ability to acquire and understand science is necessary and important,
which is called scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is the foundation of science and more content...
Also, they might doubt the ingredient of their product (thinking creatively). What were they made of, would that influence their health? Finally, we
made the decision, it was a deceptive advertising and we wouldn't purchase it(problem solved). This is the one typical example process of using
scientific way to solve problems.
So far, we could tell scientific literacy is useful, but does it necessary for us? The next part is telling why it is necessary and the basic science
knowledge to acquire it.
Science knowledge is necessary
As the rapid development of science and technology, everyone in society is required to acquire higher scientific literate skill. What if one doesn't
acquire scientific literacy, not only he/she could not engage in science study or research, but would encounter difficulties in normal life. For
example, when we want to look for a book in the library, it would be so simply if we check it online, copy the index of the book and then go find it
directly. However, people who don't have the ability to acquire computer skill would have difficult. Therefore, scientific literacy is necessary in
contemporary life.
There is no doubt that science knowledge is the significant part of scientific literacy. Therefore, learning science is the first step. What is science? Just
taking a look at our surroundings, it not hard to find that science is everywhere. Simply example like how the lamp is lighted, which
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Essay on Science in Science Fiction
Science fiction has been defined many different ways over the years, though no clear definition has come out on top. There are many different aspects
to science fiction and what it consists of. The most popular and recognizable characteristics are science, technology, time travel, scientific method,
different worlds, and catastrophe. By including these it helps the reader identify the story as a work of science fiction. Because science fiction's primary
focus is science, it comes naturally that it becomes the main focus of the story. The way an author decides to depict the use of science varies greatly
from story to story. Some may choose to use science in a good way, while others may show the negative impacts science could have. In "
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After the nine clones die Kaph is left with Martin and Pugh. In the story Kaph says, "I am nine–tenths dead. There is not enough of me left alive" (Le
Guin 468). Because the closest things to him, the clones, are gone Kaph feels as if he cannot go on, thus pushing him into further isolation from
Martin and Pugh. Le Guin creates alienation between the humans and clones, and then works to bring them together. Towards the end of the story,
Kaph asks Pugh if he loves Martin, to which Pugh replies that he does. He then tells Kaph that he does not have to leave, and that he can continue
with Pugh and Martin on their mission (Le Guin 475). This small gesture leads to Kaph feeling less isolated; he feels as though he may have a
chance at life without his clones. It also leads to a more emotional viewing of Kaph by the readers. Instead of seeing him as just a clone, readers can
begin to see that he actually does have feelings.
Le Guin's heroes are of a "divided allegiance" and "ha[ve] responsibilities to his own culture and to the culture he visits" (Huntington 237). Although
they may not want to admit it to one another, Martin, Pugh, and Kaph have some dependability on each other. The science is the major cause of that
dependability which, in the end, leads to a deeper connection for the three. Without their initial differences, Martin and Pugh being human and Kaph
being a clone, they would not have had the
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Science Essay
For some people science is the supreme form of all knowledge. Is this view reasonable or does it involve a misunderstanding of science or of
For many persons science is considered the supreme form of all knowledge, as science is based on facts and theories and it reaches its results through
an approved scientific method. Consequently, it seems to be objective and thus more truthful and reliable. However, other persons argue that this is a
misunderstanding of science. Hence, one should question what science and knowledge entail. Can there actually be some form of knowledge that
overrules all other types of human knowledge? Is scientific knowledge actually always objective? Are there other types of knowledge of equal worth? more content...
Thus, perception, in this case could be considered an important factor that makes a piece of knowledge supreme. One could then deduce that frogs have
these organs and that most multi–cellular animals also have these organs, after having looked and compared a large sample. This is where reasoning,
as a way of knowing, comes into use to make generalisations. And one can be quite sure that this fact is true since it has been seen, and at any moment
in time, if someone dissects a frog, he/she will see these organs. In this example, there is very little room for human emotions/ bias to affect the
perception, since one cannot argue that what's inside the frog's body is something other than its organs.
On the other hand, there are other parts in the field of biology that are less supreme. Consider the example of a field study where a scientist is to
investigate if leaves closer to the trunk of oak trees in Scania are larger than those being further away from the trunk. The biologist will make a plan
on how to conduct the experiment, and since he cannot measure all leaves in all trees existing in Scania, the biologist will have to carry out the field
study on a sample, which raises the question: what could be an appropriate sample? Most scientists agree that the best way to conduct a field study is
being as random as possible. But how does one go about being random? Scientist may have different ways of reasoning on what would make an
appropriate sample, but no way
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Ethics in Science Essay
What do you think of when you hear or see the word "science"; test tubes, Einstein, Space? Science is "generally taken as meaning either (a) the exact
sciences, such as chemistry, physics, etc., or (b) a method of thought which obtains verifiable results by reasoning logically from observed fact"
(Orwell). Scientists are those who study science by scientific method. These "men of science", which Orwell describes as "a biologist, and astronomer,
perhaps a psychologist or a mathematician", "work by means of induction and deduction, and that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of
sense, wring from Nature certain other things, which are called natural laws, and causes, and that out of these, by some cunning skill of their own, more content...
This undoubtedly demonstrations the pros and cons of inventions made through science. There are people who abuse medicine, and other creations
from science, for numerous different reasons. Things like guns and nuclear weapons were formed to protect, but with the downside of killing
others. With all of this this being said, should there be a limit to things we make? More importantly, does science have an ethical responsibility to
humanity? I think to answer that question, we need to start with deciding if scientists have an ethical responsibility to humanity. As the saying goes,
with knowledge comes power and with power comes responsibility. However, there can be no limitation on the knowledge obtained from science.
Instead, we must limit what arises from knowledge and power. What are some responsibilities of scientists and the rest of the population? Well, to
start on the broadest sense, science should only be used for the absolute necessary improvement of humanity. It is our ethical responsibility to not
take advantage of science to further the advancement of military power, as we have done with the creation of atomic and nuclear bombs. Is it
responsible to use science for fame, fortune and glory? No, and it is not acceptable, but it is common for people to do so. If, for some reason, we had
the option to save 80% of endangered wildlife through scientific means, but with the consequence of harming the atmosphere, would it be ethical to
continue on? We would have
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Similarities Between Literature And Arts

  • 1. Similarities Between Literature And Arts The value of literature and arts in our society gives us the ability to establish many perspectives of the world; which leads literature and arts to help us understand ourselves and the science of English language. In the essay by Northrop Frye, "The Motive for Metaphor" there are a few examples on how he supports my thesis while in the essay by Aaron Copland "How We Listen" his ideas oppose mine and Frye's ideas. While they are both essays on literature, they are definitely not the same in their own ways, one essay is about literature on English while the other is on the literature on music or as to "behind the scenes" of music. The belief that literature and arts help us to understand ourselves and the science of English language that I decided to talk about actually derived from Frye's essay. "The sciences begin by accepting facts and the evidence about an outside world without trying to alter them. Science proceeds by accurate measurement and description, and follows the demands of the reason rather than the emotions [...] we'd be naturally inclined to think that the arts follow the path of emotion, in contrast to the sciences up to a point they do, but there's a complicating factor."(Frye, 891) What I was able to take out of this is that literature and the arts and science are different but yet similar at the same time, because he goes into further detail to explain their differences and how they are similar. However, Deane 2 from reading Copland's essay I was more Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Science in Society Science in Society Within the last century scientific discovery has been growing at an exponential rate. Evolution, genetics, physics, and chemistry have all greatly affected the way people view the universe and human role in it. Furthermore, the application of scientific discoveries has physically changed society. For example, humans went from being flightless to eighty years later having transportation in super sonic jets available. Rapid scientific change has caused many issues surrounding morality and science to arise. The idea behind the skepticism is that just because something can be done doesnt mean it should be. Nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and cloning have all fallen under fire due to this concept. People worry more content... Other phrases throughout the first four pages use words like "nightmare", "destroy", "haunt", and "anguish" to attract readers to how seriously society takes awareness of science. These phrases get readers to feel the urgency of the views against science in society. The dark phrasing successfully shows that society has taken a responsible view against incorrect scientific application. In about the fifth page of the essay, Dyson switches to using positive words to get readers to believe his true stories of success in stopping immoral science application. He uses words like "credit", "peace", and "finest hour", giving readers a positive feel. This positive feel is reflected into the reader's opinion about the odds of correcting science. The positive words influence readers to believe success against biological weapons, nuclear weapons, and other problems are easy obstacles. Dyson's also convinces readers society is successful in stopping science by using words that show he is reputable as a writer. Dyson writes about a wide variety of events and novels and describes things with a wide range of scientific words. Dyson does this to show that he is a reliable source. He uses terms like Citizens Committee, Public Health Authorities, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and many more convincingly complicated words to showing his Get more content on
  • 3. The Impact of Modern Science and Technology Essay The Impact of Modern Science and Technology The quest for scientific knowledge should be boundless. There should not be any type of barriers to prevent such an enrichment of knowledge, and that is exactly what science presents to us. Scientific knowledge can only help us in the long run and even perhaps save us from catastrophes that may occur naturally in the world. There could be an agreement that science has produced many dangerous and destructive things which have brought society many problems, but on the same token the good things that science has produced seems to outweigh the bad. There is much to be said about the bad things that science has produced throughout history. For instance, the creation of nuclear weapons, more content... There is no possible way to stop something sobeneficial to mankind. By stopping science we are committing harm to ourselves and disrupting our progression for a better future. The people of today are benefiting from good health and simpler lives, why should there be a stop to it. It would just be a complete tragedy to take away from our society these magnificent wonders of technology. How could we take away technology? this is something that could save our lives. For example, technological improvements of medication is an essential criteria to our success in living longer healthier lives with the least amount of pain and discomfort. Medical technological advances have produced many vaccines, which have saved us from detrimental viruses, bacterias, and infections diseases that once affected us severely and even killed us. For example, in the past, epidemics of polio were common and were greatly feared because the disease left many of its patients paralyzed for life. And even though, no drug has yet been found that can kill the polio virus or control its spreads in the body, we at least have some measures to prevent polio. For instance, we can protect ourselves from polio by immunizing ourselves by using vaccines or serums. What a great sense of relief Get more content on
  • 4. Reflection On Science And Math Throughout my college experience, there were several things that showed a connection in how science and math were used to demonstrate my ability to synthesize information on these subjects and understand different methods of inquiry which were drawn from diverse ways of knowing about the world and issues that we all face. From these experiences, I was able to use math and science to communicate how it is implied to the real world and how it can benefit and solve some of these problems through encouraging healthy lifestyles, equity, and social justice. I was also able to show how I can turn scientific literature into a creative act of expression and discovery informed by a scientific article that I translated into an art drawing which was then described in an essay. In a previous essay that was written in my statistics class I was able to synthesize information on statistics and understand how its methods were used to real world problems such as the Human Genome project. The Human Genome Project started in 1990, this project is very beneficial to our society because it has a positive influence on human health. The project objective is to decode the DNA sequence and placement of the genes. Researchers collected blood from females and sperm from males and a total of five people DNA were used for this study. The intentions of the Human Genome Project were to deliver mapping and sequencing for the human genome and genomes of model organisms, data gathering and Get more content on
  • 5. Value of Science Essay 3/14/2013 Values Science is undoubtedly a very important part of growing as the human race. It has improved our lives drastically from the first stone tools, to iPods and cars we drive. But what is it really that matters when it comes to science? Material things are not the only things that science gives humanity. Richard Feynman explains his point of view of the values of science, and on how science is used to create things beneficial and afflicting, how the values behind science are affected by society, and how science affects people. The very first point brought up ismorality. Science is not morally oriented to do good or bad and can easily do either. Feynman referenced a Buddhist proverb he heard while visiting Honolulu, " more content... For example, recently we had a large hoopla about stem cell research because of the supposed "farming babies". When in reality, the stem cells were in vitro fertilized eggs from artificially inseminated parents that would have been thrown away. Those extra fertilized eggs contained cells that have the capability of creating any cell in the human body, and with the future possibility of growing replacement/repair body parts of patients; it would have been a huge leap in the medical field. But because of our own ignorance to the science behind it, we effectively closed the continuum of scientific progress. Feynman wrote a small poetic section putting into perspective how great and complicated humans are, but showing how miniscule they are compared to the universe. Also, how it is a "religious experience" to have you put into perspective through science itself. He says that artists and singers won't sing about it because not everyone can understand the science, but the scientists who can explain it. The last value of science is the methodology behind being a scientist. Feynman explains how all scientists have lots of experience with "ignorance and doubt" and after time, effort, testing and further degrees of uncertainty, subjects can still are unsure, with doubt, and uncertainty. Logic, data, critical thinking and reasoning can only be as important of understanding. The understanding of the numerous struggles within science has been Get more content on
  • 6. Science and Literature Essay Science and Literature Science can be an inspiration for literature. Normally we think of science as one kind of human investigation and literature as another, and that the two do not have anything in common, yet in science fiction we have the bringing together of the these two disciplines, either from the perspective of the literary imagination or that of the scientific mind, Fred Hoyle and Michael Crichton, for example. Science examines the nature of the real world and seeks by means of technology and hard logic to gain an understanding of it; it works with evidence. Literature seeks for truth, which does not necessarily lie in the real world around us but rather in our minds and our imaginations; it works more content... We have alternative means of propelling our engines, like hydrogen for instance, which could do the job without polluting the air we breathe. So instead of blaming science and technology, we as citizens within a society need first to be more educated in science to be able to understand the causes of problems and we need to understand how to use science to seek better alternatives like the above, and our leaders, our politicians, need to understand this approach as well. The Andromeda Strain illustrates this very well. For example, the scientists in the film request that the President bomb the town infected by a virus from outer space, but the President, through his representative, postpones the decision to act in order to discuss with his cabinet the pro's and con's of taking action. Not only does the representative deny an immediate response, in spite of the scientists' insistence that there is great immediate danger, but he does so with a sarcasm that reflects his lack of respect for the scientists. This is a clear illustration of Bishop's point that "science today is increasingly mistrusted and under attack" (237). For example, politicians, and these politicians, through their ignorance of the scientific mind, will not be supportive of the very scientists who can save them and the world. Get more content on
  • 7. "Medical literature is the scientific literature of medicine: articles in journals and texts in books devoted to the field of medicine"(Wikipedia). When entering the healthcare field, it is very important to familiarize yourself with medical literature and how to properly document medical findings. AMA format was not designed to be used for a research paper. It was designed for the use of medical journal articles. A paper written in AMA format must include four major parts: A title page, an abstract, the main body, and thereference page(AMA Formatting). The main body is further divided into 4 parts: introduction, methods, results, and discussion(AMA Formatting). Each part is very important and has its own set of guidelines. In the following text I will further discuss each part and how to properly assemble a medical paper in AMA format. Beforewriting a paper in AMA format it is very important to understanding how to format your paper. Unlike APA and MLA format, AMA format has no strict guidelines to follow when it comes to formatting your paper. "Unfortunately, the AMA Manual of Style is not explicit in its discussion of format"(Moore). It is best to consult with your teacher on their specific expectations for formatting your paper. After reviewing many papers written in AMA style and going over guidelines implemented in them, the following information was recommended. Your entire document should be double spaced with one inch margins(Moore). It is recommended that your Get more content on
  • 8. The Importance of Literature vs. Science If we lived in a world without literature, learning only the sciences, would we be the same people? Does the human race need literature at all, does it have any worth whatsoever except as entertainment? Do people actually learn from literature? These are all questions that divide the human race into two separate sections, those who believe in the power of literature, and those who see it as impoverished compared to the social sciences in its ability to teach us about ourselves. However we need not be so divided on this issue. Literature is as rich a teacher as science, but merely differs in technique. Literature offers knowledge to those that seek it, gives experience to those who more content... It is the argument of science that people are similar and thus scientific averages do have some relevance to humans. Yes people often do share similar characteristics, and behave similarly if coming from the same society. And thus, a detailed insight into one persons' life could give you an insight on the lives of others. In a way Literature allows you to live thousands of lives in a short time, and gain a little experience from each of them. Science on the other hand, offers you charts and tables to which you must apply the situations of daily life. It is in this fundamental way that literature and science are different. Literature offers you insight which you apply to life, in science, you apply life to your theories. It's just a matter of whether life is the cookie cutter or the dough. Imagine a world without literature. All your Literature courses in school are replaced with social sciences: philosophy, psychology, etc. Would people be the same? No doubt life would be a great deal less interesting, as our minds would not be as stimulated. The world would also be a more closed place, and news, and history would seem less related and more distant. Why? Because sciences do not show you what something is like, the describe it. For example, if science wanted to describe a hit and run it would say "Yesterday, 7/15/96, one 5'4 Caucasian of birth date 3/16/70, was contacted by a rapidly moving Get more content on
  • 9. Science And War : Science Or War Essay Science and war Science and war are two different terms but they are found to have been deeply related. The existence of war initiated before the invention of scientific discoveries which are nowadays used as the means of war. The mode of war has been made destructive due to the misuse of scientific discoveries. It is said that modern scientific discoveries have made everything more comfortable. Nowadays we can travel around the world in twenty–four hours. We can enjoy everything sitting at our homes. Due to the invention of scientific discoveries, our home has been made as the whole world. On the other hand, the means of scientific discoveries of scientific discoveries are willingly misused for the destruction of human civilization; no doubt, it's the worst aspect of science and technology. The discoveries of science and technology cannot be said to be responsible for making the mode of war more destructive because of no scientific discoveries and destructive themselves if we use them properly. I choose this point on the grounds that being a man of an inquisitive type, I watch numerous documentaries to extinguish my thirst of voracious interest, either that be space, the theory of relativity or war. When I watched series "Dark matters– twisted but true" where there are numerous documentaries of logical research and trial, and which gives a considerable measure of data and learning about the analysis and its history. In that series, I saw an episode of Agent orange, in Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about The Importance of a Science Education Getting a science education in the 21st century can be very beneficial to children of all ages. Science is what makes up the world and the only way you would be able to know that would be by getting a real education in the studies of science. There are many reasons in why getting an education in science can be important and three of them are that it makes you smarter, it increases your awareness of diseases going around in the world, and getting a proper education in science can inspire kids to be scientists themselves. Receiving an education in science is good for children of all ages. First of all, educational studies in science can really make a student more wise or sharp. When studying science, a person can learn about many things more content... Everybody goes to school to extend their knowledge, but studying science helps kids understand the world. To emphasize, science can simply make you more intelligent. In addition to that, learning science can also inform children of all ages about what is going on in the world. This includes diseases such as AIDS, H1N1, and diabetes. It is important to get an education so that kids know what to be aware of in the outside world. Getting an education in science can benefit a student more than by alerting them of diseases in the world. Educational science can also tell kids about environmental topics such as global warming and recycling.. We all need to know about problems on the planet such as these, and what better place than school. "People everywhere should be aware of the fact that everyday we are corrupting the environment or spreading a disease. ( /environmental–quotes.htm, John Mckonnel)" It is for this reason that children need to have a good science education. Knowing we are in the 21st century, things get more complicated, including diseases, and finding a cure gets harder with it. Having children study science in schools can get them aware of what is happening. Lastly, studying science during a person's childhood years can inspire them to become real scientists themselves so they can deal with issues that are effecting the world. Becoming a scientist can help the Get more content on
  • 11. Sci Fi (Science Fiction) and Fantasy Essay Whether you are a fan or not, Science Fiction and Fantasy is, or has been, present in your life at some point. The genre has helped progress society in many ways. Sci–fi and Fantasy are for the creative. One cannot embrace the wild and imaginative plot lines without the ability to think creatively. Sometimes the fantastical ideas presented in the books and shows are absorbed by these creative and inventive minds and applied to the real world. Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek once said, "For me science fiction is a way of thinking, a way of logic that bypasses a lot of nonsense. It allows people to look directly at important subjects." These genres are a way of looking at the world in a whole new light, exploring more content... So many movies nowadays are based on books, many of which have a strong Science Fantasy element. People of all ages are becoming interested in the genre thanks to new series such as Harry Potter by JK Rowling a tale filled with fantasy elements like wizards and warlocks. Twilight a love story that revolves around vampires, written by Stephanie Meyers, is a very popular fantasy trilogy among teenage girls. The Dystopian feel of the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and of Divergent by Veronica Roth is Science Fiction with a message to modern society. Movies are coming out based on classic fantasy books too, such as The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, the prequel to the hit Lord of the Rings series. The British Sci–fi Drama Doctor Who just celebrated its 50th anniversary! Not to mention the recent reboot of Star Trek and the upcoming Star Wars films. Video games, too, have felt the influence of the genre with huge games like Assassin's Creed, BioShock, and Portal. With these interesting bits of media becoming so well known and loved I wouldn't be surprised if Science Fiction/ Fantasy grew even more common in the years to come. Science fiction is everywhere. A lot of technology that we take for granted today was talked about or dreamed about in Sci–fi years before it came to exist in the real world. Of course, not everything in Science Fiction/Fantasy is a Get more content on
  • 12. Science: Friend or Foe? Essays Science: Friend or Foe? Science, a field of study featuring a relentless stream of change and advancements, is widely viewed as both the scourge and savior of the modern world. It is true that science offers solutions to many problems, suggesting greater convenience, technological improvement, and longer, healthier lives. Still, science is far from perfect, a point that many critics are eager to vocalize. Science has been blamed for invoking fear, reaching inadequate results, and supporting the most immoral of studies. Clearly, the opinions and perceptions that people have toward science play the largest part in this complex love–hate relationship. Mary Shelley and J. Michael Bishop have a tremendous amount to say about more content... Science is now heavily feared and criticized, the subject of tremendous spite from people who do not understand its implications (238). For science has been the cure for many of society's ills, adding convenience, technological improvements, and the prospect of better health to incalculable numbers of people (237). Science, however, still remains labeled as ineffective and inhumane in today's world. These unfair allegations are largely the result of several unfortunate misconceptions about what science is capable of accomplishing (239). Firstly, people often exaggerate science's ability to rectify a situation. Science has reasonable limitations, and believing that science should somehow transcend these limits is largely unfair (240). Science indeed offers knowledge and potential solutions; society, politics, and a slew of other factors dictate whether or not that knowledge is put to its most effective use (239). Secondly, society tends to concentrate on what science cannot do instead of what it has done. Science, like any other field of study, is not exempt from the concepts of possibility and reality. People want expedient remedies to all of the world's (and, in turn, their own) ills, apparently not realizing the limits of science, time, and mankind (239). To combat this reality, the notion is introduced that science is not good for anything Get more content on
  • 13. The Influence of Technology on Literature Essay The Influence of Technology on Literature This essay will discuss the way new technologies have influenced some of the areas of literature. Whilst the writer of this essay acknowledges the development of cyber books for their pure entertainment value, this essay will focus on the influence of new technology in the practical advances in the literature and associated industries. This includes the influences that new technology has had on the entertainment aspect, the educational aspect, the industry aspect and the employment aspect. This essay will discuss the influence that new technologies and new uses for old technologies have had on some aspects of literature and the producers and consumers of books. This includes authors, more content... One of the noted limitations of this 'new technology' is its seemed ability to mishear or misinterpret the voice activation. The author must remember that even though utilising new technologies, they must still ensure they perform editing and drafting. One of the major topics of 'new technology' seen emerging in the literature industry is that of the E–Book. The E–Book's purpose is eventually to outsell and make obsolete the written book. Hirsh (2003) makes the argument that the paperback book will never become extinct. He argues that those readers who read as a hobby enjoy the physical aspects of the book such as the weight, feel and experience of reading a book. He also argues that that experience would be diminished were they to sit in front of their palm pilot or computer screen to experience the book (Hirsh, 2003). One author (Staley, 2003) argues that new technology, far from removing the book from existence, more so creates a new and more efficient method of distributing and buying books for the end user. Through the use of e–commerce and electronic bookshops, avid readers, students and academics have access to all manner of books via the internet and their credit card. Whilst there are many advances and influences of new technology on the authors of books, large steps have also been made that influence the users of these Get more content on
  • 14. The Importance Of Science Fiction Science fiction has indeed played a significant role in not only speculating about the future, but in many instances has actually shaped and molded some of the social and cultural norms we see today. Science fiction is about what could be, in the realm of actual scientific related possibilities, not farfetched ones. Look at Isaac Asimov's speculative vision of robotics and mankind living side by side, in peace and harmony. When Asimov wrote the stories in compiled in I Robot, the idea that humans and robots would be working side by side was unfathomable and yet here we are today with robots driving us around (self driving cars) and performing surgeries on humans. On the other hand, camp is a completely different spectacle in terms of more content... In a film without even a hint of camp can have the expectations of camp. Camp has alternated what science fiction was founded on; reality with a mix of speculation versed in reason. Camp no longer lets science fiction do what it once did which was to speculate realistically of what the future might hold. Let's go back to Asimov's early stories his novel I Robot and compare them to the new film starring Will Smith. Will Smith, who is best remembered for his role in the hit tv sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, is a well versed actor but yet he cannot seem to shake off that comedic persona of his. Maybe this is due in part to his long time role in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. When watching I Robot with Will Smith, the seriousness of the plot is lessened due to his humorous nature. This is what camp has done to science fiction. Camp has inhibited science fiction from doing what's it's been doing since the emergence of the genre which is to contemplate of what is actually possible and may come to pass in the future. Science fiction is no longer just for geeks and nerds, but play a role to the society as a way to address current problems as well as possible new ones. Lets take the famous sheep "Dolly," who was the first cloned sheep, or fist cloned anything for that matter. There were many proponents against cloning stating that it went against ethics and nature. This was of course due to a lack of understanding of what the process of cloning actually entails. There Get more content on
  • 15. Scientific Theory Essay Scientific Theory A scientific theory is a well–substantiated explanation of some aspects of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Scientist creates scientific theories from hypothesis that have been corroborated through the scientific method, then gather evidence to test their accuracy. The strength of a scientific theory is related to the diversity of phenomena it can explain, which is measured by its ability to make falsifiable predictions with respect to the phenomena. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive for of scientific knowledge. The scientific method involves the proposal and testing of hypotheses, by more content... Theories are the main goal in science and no explanation can achieve a higher rank. (to the belief that "theories" become "laws" over time). In some cases, theories can unify. Two or more theories can be replaces by a single theory which explains the previous theories as approximations or special cases, comparable to the way a theorys is connecting explanation for many confirmed hypotheses: This is reffered to as Unification of Theories. Both scientific laws and scientific theories are produced from scientific methods through the formation and testing of hypotheses, and can predict the behavior of the natural world. Both are typically supported by observation and experimental science. However, scientific laws are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave under certain conditions. Scientific theories are broader in scope, and give overarching explanations of how nature works and why it exhibits certain characteristics. They are supported by evidence from many different sources, and may contain one or more laws. Both scientific laws and scientific theories come from the scientific method through the formation and testing of hypotheses, and can predict the behavior of the natural world. Both are usually well supported by observations and/or experimental evidence. However laws are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave under certain conditions. Assumption is a Get more content on
  • 16. scientific literacy Essay Scientific literacy Introduction and audience When talk about science, perhaps majority of us think it is less relative with real life. However, as society developed, science encompassed us everywhere. This situation forces everyone to acquire the ability to learn and understand science. Some may think that, scientific literacy is what a scientist should have and nothing about normal people, however it is just too narrow. Look around the surroundings of us, everything is conned with science. Also, we encounter science in our normal life as well. Therefore, the ability to acquire and understand science is necessary and important, which is called scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is the foundation of science and more content... Also, they might doubt the ingredient of their product (thinking creatively). What were they made of, would that influence their health? Finally, we made the decision, it was a deceptive advertising and we wouldn't purchase it(problem solved). This is the one typical example process of using scientific way to solve problems. So far, we could tell scientific literacy is useful, but does it necessary for us? The next part is telling why it is necessary and the basic science knowledge to acquire it. Science knowledge is necessary As the rapid development of science and technology, everyone in society is required to acquire higher scientific literate skill. What if one doesn't acquire scientific literacy, not only he/she could not engage in science study or research, but would encounter difficulties in normal life. For example, when we want to look for a book in the library, it would be so simply if we check it online, copy the index of the book and then go find it directly. However, people who don't have the ability to acquire computer skill would have difficult. Therefore, scientific literacy is necessary in contemporary life. There is no doubt that science knowledge is the significant part of scientific literacy. Therefore, learning science is the first step. What is science? Just taking a look at our surroundings, it not hard to find that science is everywhere. Simply example like how the lamp is lighted, which Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Science in Science Fiction Science fiction has been defined many different ways over the years, though no clear definition has come out on top. There are many different aspects to science fiction and what it consists of. The most popular and recognizable characteristics are science, technology, time travel, scientific method, different worlds, and catastrophe. By including these it helps the reader identify the story as a work of science fiction. Because science fiction's primary focus is science, it comes naturally that it becomes the main focus of the story. The way an author decides to depict the use of science varies greatly from story to story. Some may choose to use science in a good way, while others may show the negative impacts science could have. In " more content... After the nine clones die Kaph is left with Martin and Pugh. In the story Kaph says, "I am nine–tenths dead. There is not enough of me left alive" (Le Guin 468). Because the closest things to him, the clones, are gone Kaph feels as if he cannot go on, thus pushing him into further isolation from Martin and Pugh. Le Guin creates alienation between the humans and clones, and then works to bring them together. Towards the end of the story, Kaph asks Pugh if he loves Martin, to which Pugh replies that he does. He then tells Kaph that he does not have to leave, and that he can continue with Pugh and Martin on their mission (Le Guin 475). This small gesture leads to Kaph feeling less isolated; he feels as though he may have a chance at life without his clones. It also leads to a more emotional viewing of Kaph by the readers. Instead of seeing him as just a clone, readers can begin to see that he actually does have feelings. Le Guin's heroes are of a "divided allegiance" and "ha[ve] responsibilities to his own culture and to the culture he visits" (Huntington 237). Although they may not want to admit it to one another, Martin, Pugh, and Kaph have some dependability on each other. The science is the major cause of that dependability which, in the end, leads to a deeper connection for the three. Without their initial differences, Martin and Pugh being human and Kaph being a clone, they would not have had the Get more content on
  • 18. Science Essay For some people science is the supreme form of all knowledge. Is this view reasonable or does it involve a misunderstanding of science or of knowledge? For many persons science is considered the supreme form of all knowledge, as science is based on facts and theories and it reaches its results through an approved scientific method. Consequently, it seems to be objective and thus more truthful and reliable. However, other persons argue that this is a misunderstanding of science. Hence, one should question what science and knowledge entail. Can there actually be some form of knowledge that overrules all other types of human knowledge? Is scientific knowledge actually always objective? Are there other types of knowledge of equal worth? more content... Thus, perception, in this case could be considered an important factor that makes a piece of knowledge supreme. One could then deduce that frogs have these organs and that most multi–cellular animals also have these organs, after having looked and compared a large sample. This is where reasoning, as a way of knowing, comes into use to make generalisations. And one can be quite sure that this fact is true since it has been seen, and at any moment in time, if someone dissects a frog, he/she will see these organs. In this example, there is very little room for human emotions/ bias to affect the perception, since one cannot argue that what's inside the frog's body is something other than its organs. On the other hand, there are other parts in the field of biology that are less supreme. Consider the example of a field study where a scientist is to investigate if leaves closer to the trunk of oak trees in Scania are larger than those being further away from the trunk. The biologist will make a plan on how to conduct the experiment, and since he cannot measure all leaves in all trees existing in Scania, the biologist will have to carry out the field study on a sample, which raises the question: what could be an appropriate sample? Most scientists agree that the best way to conduct a field study is being as random as possible. But how does one go about being random? Scientist may have different ways of reasoning on what would make an appropriate sample, but no way Get more content on
  • 19. Ethics in Science Essay What do you think of when you hear or see the word "science"; test tubes, Einstein, Space? Science is "generally taken as meaning either (a) the exact sciences, such as chemistry, physics, etc., or (b) a method of thought which obtains verifiable results by reasoning logically from observed fact" (Orwell). Scientists are those who study science by scientific method. These "men of science", which Orwell describes as "a biologist, and astronomer, perhaps a psychologist or a mathematician", "work by means of induction and deduction, and that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, wring from Nature certain other things, which are called natural laws, and causes, and that out of these, by some cunning skill of their own, more content... This undoubtedly demonstrations the pros and cons of inventions made through science. There are people who abuse medicine, and other creations from science, for numerous different reasons. Things like guns and nuclear weapons were formed to protect, but with the downside of killing others. With all of this this being said, should there be a limit to things we make? More importantly, does science have an ethical responsibility to humanity? I think to answer that question, we need to start with deciding if scientists have an ethical responsibility to humanity. As the saying goes, with knowledge comes power and with power comes responsibility. However, there can be no limitation on the knowledge obtained from science. Instead, we must limit what arises from knowledge and power. What are some responsibilities of scientists and the rest of the population? Well, to start on the broadest sense, science should only be used for the absolute necessary improvement of humanity. It is our ethical responsibility to not take advantage of science to further the advancement of military power, as we have done with the creation of atomic and nuclear bombs. Is it responsible to use science for fame, fortune and glory? No, and it is not acceptable, but it is common for people to do so. If, for some reason, we had the option to save 80% of endangered wildlife through scientific means, but with the consequence of harming the atmosphere, would it be ethical to continue on? We would have Get more content on