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Gastcollege online
    activiteiten Triodos Bank
    Avans Hogeschool Sept 2012,
    Wout van den Dool

Laten zien wat er met je geld gebeurt
Verhoogt de betrokkenheid van de klant met zijn geld en met de bank

Iedereen is bankier
Met geld maak je dagelijks keuzes

Triodos Bank kiest
... voor natuur en milieu

Teresa Molinero – Ariadna Solar - Spain

Triodos Bank kiest
... voor sociale projecten

Microfinance bank- Acleda Bank - Cambodja

Triodos Bank kiest
... voor kunst en cultuur

Anne T. De Keersmaeker – P.A.R.T.S. & Rosas - Belgium

Met uw geld realiseren we een positieve verandering.

Onze missie is om uw geld te laten werken aan positieve
maatschappelijke, ecologische en culturele veranderingen.

Bijdragen aan een samenleving waarin de levenskwaliteit wordt
bevorderd en menselijke waardigheid centraal staat

Het voor mensen, bedrijven en organisaties mogelijk maken hun
geld te gebruiken op een manier die mens en milieu ten goede komt
en duurzame ontwikkeling bevordert

Onze klanten voorzien van vernieuwende financiële producten en
uitstekende klantenservice

Apple visual

Relaties via

Online landschap
          Owned, Paid en Earned media Triodos Bank
                          OWNED                                PAID                      EARNED


                                                                                         Search optimizing

                                                     advertising                     Online
                                                     & Adwords      FB Advertising    free
   INTERNET                                                                          public
    BANKING                                                                            ity

                                                 Comparison sites
                                                                    CPS Deals


                                                 Youtube pre-ad


Verbinding via face to face contact

Contact center
Persoonlijke benadering via de telefoon en mail

Eigen inhoud

Eigen inhoud
Bevlogen Triodos Bank verhalenvertellers

Eigen inhoud
Actieve bijdrage aan discussie over financiële industrie

Eigen inhoud
Content strategie gericht op herbruik en delen, geen duurzaam portaal
Nieuwe financieringen                    Nieuwe campagnes

                                        Product lancering

Klanten dagen
Eigen inhoud
Zelfde boodschap binnen diverse kanalen
 Persberichten                            Events waar Triodos Bank aanwezig is

 Nieuwe financieringen in het nieuws      Redactionele content
Eigen inhoud
Anderen delen ons verhaal actief via blogs en kranten

Verbinden op basis
          van gedeelde

Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden
Mede eigenaar worden van de bank, actief de dialoog aan gaan

Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden
Campagnes zetten aan tot denken en raken mensen in het hart

Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden
Campagnes zetten aan tot denken en raken mensen in het hart

Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden
Maakt dat onze klanten trots over ons communiceren

Interactie op de inhoud
Onze fans zijn betrokken en delen hun mening graag

Bekijk de reacties op
On- en offline

On- en offline combineren
Ondernemers online presenteren, offline bezoeken

On- en offline combineren
Online oproep om te stemmen op favoriete ondernemers

On- en offline combineren
Genomineerden en stemmers ontmoeten elkaar op de klantendag

On- en offline combineren
Vega-slager wint Triodos Bank ondernemersprijs

Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden
Campagne ‘Happiness up, Greed down’

Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden
Campagne ‘Klein, het nieuwe groot’

Vertrouwen op de kwaliteit
       van de relatie binnen de

Vetrouwen op de kwaliteit van de relatie
       Dit leidt tot positief sentiment op Social Media (zonder webcare team)

        Positief sentiment op Social Media

Bron: Buzzcapture positiviteitsmonitor: Analyse financials April – September 2011 n=488.818
Online activiteiten

Highlights of online plan 2012 – 2014
Generate qualitative traffic to our effective sales channels

Own channels, also external                       Campaign and continuous


                              Traffic   Engage
Via online banking,
                                        Site          Effective sales
public and mobile                                     channel, development
                                                      public site
Sinds de lancering...
       In alle branches online key users & team op hoofdkantoor

       • Conference call elke 2 weken
       • Key-user meeting twee keer per jaar
       • Maandelijkse fact based verbeteringen

Wout        Arne         Kirsten        Simon    François   Guillermo   Miranda   Matthias   Paul
HQ          NL           HQ             UK       BE         ES          HQ        DE         HQ
Traffic generatie en
     de rol van de online

Traffic generation (online marketing) and conversion optimisation
This document is mainly about campaign traffic
                                                               Traffic Generation
Online marketing activities to generate more traffic consist
of campaign activities and organic traffic activities.

organic activities are mainly cost per sale driven an can
roughly be done independent of materials, campaigning                                              n   erin


and rest of MarCom team.

                                                                                   CPS Deals
                                                                         Sea C
                                                                               o mp                            tes
                                                                          S eo     ariso
                                                                                        n si t e        ffilia
                                                                                                s   A

Online campaign process
    5 steps for an effective campaign

Objectives            Strategy                Tactics                  Actions                   Control

Where do we want to   How do we get there?    How EXACTLY do we        The details of tactics,   How do we monitor
be?                                           get there?               who does what and         performance?

# Extra sales         Segmentation,           Which message to         What happens when         Web analytics – KPI’s
# Service             Media Channel choice,   Which target audience,   Responsibilities and      Usability testing
# Brand Awareness     Targeting,              E-marketingmix,          structures                Surveys
# Loyalty             (Online) value          including the            Internal resources and    Frequency of reporting
Define SMART KPI’s    proposition             communication mix,       skills                    Proces reporting &
                      Customer Journey        Make use of              Brief external agencies   actions
                                              Benchmarks, Materials
                                              Define (Sub)objectives

Online marketing process
     Where should the online marketer be in this process?

 Objectives              Strategy                 Tactics                 Actions                   Control

 Where do we want to     How do we get there?     How EXACTLY do we       The details of tactics,   How do we monitor
 be?                                              get there?              who does what and         performance?

 R                       R                        R Online marketeer      R Online marketeer        R Online marketeer
 A                       A                        A ? Online marketeer?   A Online marketeer        A Online marketeer
 C                       C Online marketeer       C                       C                         C
 I Online Marketeer      I                        I                       I                         I

                                                  delegated the work
Responsible: Those who do the work to achieve the task

 Accountable (also Approver or final Approving Authority) The one ultimately answerable for the correct and
through completion of the deliverable
 or task, and the one from whom Responsible is delegated the work

 Consulted (sometimes Counsel) Those whose opinions are sought, typically subject matter experts; and with whom
there is two-way communication

Informed Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on completion of the task or deliverable; and with
whom there is just one-way communication

Tactics                                                            Control
Define (sub) objectives for the online campaign, this is a list with examples
One of the ultimate excuses for not measuring impact of marketing campaigns is: "Oh, that's just a branding campaign."

Sub-Objective                                    KPI                                             Report in Google Analytics
                                                                                                 Visitors > Visitor Trending > Absolute Unique
Have more people visit the website               Number of unique visitors
                                                                                                 Traffic Sources > AdWords > AdWords
Ensure there's a return on marketing efforts     ROI of online campaigns
                                                                                                 Campaigns (Clicks tab)
Have more people buy products from the website   Ecommerce conversion rate                       E-commerce > Conversion Rate
Have more people subscribe to our newsletter     Subscribers of ’newsletter’                     Content> Pages > Filter newsletter
Increase number of shared content on the site    Pages shared                                    Visitors > Socia > Actions
Increase the percentage of returning visitors    Percentage of returning visitors                Visitors > New Vs Returning
                                                 Percentage of visits that come from direct or   Visitors > Visitor Trending > Visits (apply
Increase the number of 'branded visits'
                                                 branded keywords                                branded visitors segment)
                                                 Measure the change in the percentage of New
To attract "prospects" / new customers.                                                          Visitors, overview, new vs returning, look for trends
                                                 Visitors to your website
                                                                                                 Visitors> behaviour> frequency & history... look
                                                 Number of visits come for 2nd 3rd … time        before and after period
To share your business value proposition.
                                                 Measure segmented Visitor Recency               Visitors> behaviour> involvement and segment on
                                                                                                 paid & non paid traffic
Increase offline action!                         Phone Calls / Conversions Driven from Website
Make an introduction to your business            Measuring both the Macro & Micro Conversions.   Leads, share, brochure, downloads
                                                                                                 Google Trends for Websites (or Compete or
To destroy your competition.                     Share of Search                                 HitWise) to analyze your performance
                                                                                                 Plug into the Database of Intentions
                                                 Correlate traffic patterns
Unaided brand recall                                                                             And use Insights for Search for this type of
                                                 with offline ad times patterns                  analysis

Become fan                                       Number of facebook fans                         Facebook Insight

Online channel choice
Which instrument fits the best and common pricing method


Google Advertising


Choose payment model with publisher
Obtain for a performance based (CPA) deal because of lower risk


Choose payment model with publisher
Checklist for effective use of CPM model (main materials are banners)

                                                To get a good CPM rate, negotiate with media agency/
                                                publisher on:
                                                •Quality of network and sites (target audience Cultural
                                                •Position above or below fault & which order in carousel of
                                                •Discount (it’s strange but common to get 70 – 80% discount
                                                on offered rates)
                                                •Bureau fee (rather pay them per hour for advice, not % of
                                                media buying, wrong steering variable)
                                                •Possibility to do a relative small test with different materials
                                                and different networks* / sites
                                                •By default don’t agreeing on tracking pixels / scripts for
                                                “optimization” or retargeting (privacy reasons, cost
                                                implementing & maintain and stability of site and forms) Better
                                                steer on number of clicks for judging quality.
                                                •Post view conversions are often an excuse for Media
                                                Agency’s for camouflage poor performance.

                                                * All networks have different requirements for materials,
                                                specially if you use Flash banners! The more networks, the
                                                more difficult Think of size (=hosting costs), allowing auto
                                                play, sound, looping (if just 1 or 2 loop is allowed your last shot
                                                MUST have a clear message and call to action).

                                                Never forget: Align your creative Agency and Media agency.
                                                In CPM model is Triodos Bank the one who has the biggest
  Choose payment model with publisher
  Checklist for optimisation if you choose CPM model (mainly materials are banners)

Ad-serving platforms can usually track both CTR and VTR, if you implement their tracking code. Google Analytics does not track “view-
through” but track campaign performance using post- “click-through” (CTR) and is able to attribute it to a sale;

VTR:          a person view a banner       + don’t click on a banner +   purchase an item =          banner will be contributed to the sale
CTR:          a person view a banner       + click on a banner +         purchase an item =          banner will be contributed to the sale

VTR is a metric you should be careful to use in your online marketing decisions because firstly, you can never prove that a person actually
saw the banner unless you ask him/her. Secondly, “the view-through metric can lead to disastrous media buying decisions…other ill effects
include duplicate attribution of orders and other conversion to media that had no influence whatsoever on the final consumer behaviour”
(Kevin Lee 2007). Or as Seth Godin (2010) states in a recent post, that a marketer should never “try to measure the immeasurable media
and use that to make decisions…
Choose payment model with publisher
Checklist for optimisation if you choose CPC model

                                                If you choose CPC deal, it’s less risky, but sometimes more
                                                expensive. Try to avoid this payment method in Affiliate
                                                Networks because of fraud. Mainly done with pop-ups / under
                                                and other hidden clicks.

                                                In this case it’s very important to optimize on the quality of
                                                traffic based on sub-objective. In the online environment CPC
                                                deals are very different. In this document you’ll find some

                                                Agree on what you count as an click with the agency or a
                                                publisher, preferably it’s the visit number you count in Google
                                                Analytics, but most of the time publishers want you to pay the

                                                CPC means, paying per clicks. Analytics measure visits.
                                                These are two different metrics. Your analytics reports can
                                                show lower metrics for many reasons :
                                                -a same user who trigged many clicks on a material will
                                                trigged the same visit on Analytics.
                                                -Analytics counts the visit through a clicks only if the tracking
                                                code is fully loaded. If our site has a poor loading time, people
                                                can click on a link on our site, or simply exit it before the page
                                                is loaded.
                                                -In some case, users disables cookies on their computer. The
                                                result will be that no visits will be count in Analytics, but a click
                                                will be on material.
                                                -It happens often that people click Back-button before they
                                                reach the landing page.
Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden
Campagne ‘Happiness up, Greed down’

Actief op zoek naar doelgroep binnen Facebook
2 doelgroepen, meerdere advertenties en specifieke landingpage
Doelgroep geraakt
29,5% conversie van klik naar fan; waarden gedreven inhoud, geen incentive

         Paid                      Owned                                 Earned

Doelgroep Cultural Creative 18-30: 2,956 clicks resulting in 1.289 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 43,6%)

Doelgroep Cultural Creative 30+: 13,479 clicks resulting in 3.552 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 26,4%)
Uiteindelijke doel is de verbinding aangaan
Interactie op de inhoud

         Paid                      Owned                                 Earned

Doelgroep Cultural Creative 18-30: 2,956 clicks resulting in 1.289 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 43,6%)

Doelgroep Cultural Creative 30+: 13,479 clicks resulting in 3.552 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 26,4%)
Uiteindelijke doel is de verbinding aangaan
Interactie op de inhoud

Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden
Campagne ‘Klein, het nieuwe groot’

Doelstelling en doelgroep
Het vergroten van onze naams- en inhoudsbekendheid bij cultural creatives

   Primair: Het vergroten van de naams- en inhoudsbekendheid van de bank.
   Secundair: Meer ontmoetingen (fysiek en online) tussen stakeholders en de bank

   Primair: cultural creatives (zakelijk en particulier) èn collega’s.
   Secundair: de andere stakeholders van Triodos Bank.

Seeding in blog sphere
     4 step approach

Step 1
Find blogs and
People behind
the blogs

Step 2
Create and
Publish tailored

Step 3
Contact people
behind blogs

Step 4
Evaluate and
Aanpak - cross mediaal
Lancering van de film op onder andere TV, internet, radio en arthouse bioscopen

 Om een zo’n breed mogelijk bereik te realiseren, hebben we de film gelanceerd via een
   groot aantal kanalen
         User journey Klein. Het nieuwe groot.
                                                      DKVG +                                  Youtube/         Facebook
            DM         TVC           Radio                            Adwords         GDN                                                        Seeding/PR
                                                       eZine                                   Vimeo              ads

                                                                                                                Facebook           Facebook
                                                                                                               landing tab      triodosbanknl

                                                                                                                                                   sites etc.

                         (home)                                                               Landingspagina
            Brandbox                     Brandbox
              SAAT                       KleinGroot
                         SAAT                                                                                  LEGENDA



                                             Formulier                          Inloggen IB                                     KLANT/BTL
                                                                    60                                                          KLANTEN ÉN PROSPECTS
Online resultaten (1)
De film is ruim 53.000 keer bekeken, en overgenomen door ongeveer 45 sites

  •De film is tot nu toe >65.000 keer bekeken op Youtube en Vimeo.
  •Er is op meer dan 50 nieuwssites en webblogs geschreven over de film. Selectie:
   -   Duurzaam nieuws “Duurzame toekomst hebben we zelf in de hand”
   -   RTL nieuws “Een reclame waar je blij van wordt”
   -   Adformatie “Weg met de hippies, leve Triodos”
   -   42bis “Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen, kan het écht?”
   -   Meer op

Online resultaten (2)
Trending topic en groot bereik op Twitter, o.a. door aandacht van BN’ers

   Earned (vervolg)
   •500 likes en comments op youtube en vimeo
   •Meer dan 3.000 facebook shares en twitter tweets
   •Trending topic op twitter op 5 juli
   •Zeer groot bereik via Twitter, o.a. doordat een aantal BN’ers de film ‘oppakten’.
   •Bijvoorbeeld de tweet van Alexander Klöpping is >300 keer geretweet.

Online resultaten (4)
  Voorbeelden van text en display ads
Facebook ads            Facebook landing tab             Display ads

                                               Stap 1   Stap 2   Stap 3   Stap 4

Adwords ads
Meten meten meten
         meten & delen

Maandelijks internet dashboard van alle landen

                                       Het door de landen zelf aanleveren
                                       van 2 regels commentaar zorgt voor
                                       een internationaal overzicht


Verbeteringen, doorvoeren voor alle landen, Mijn Geld Gaat Goed 2.0
Op basis van usability onderzoek en bezoekgedrag

Analyseren van de aanpassing aan Mijn Geld Gaat Goed 2.0
Relatief eenvoudig de verschillende landen vergelijken
 Key Figures MGGG 2.0, share of MGGG pages as part of the website                                                                 Being Inspiring, Interaction on the carousel
 Pretty stable, in relation to the whole                                                                                          All page views on landing page generate 139% interactions in the carousel
                                                                                Mggg 1
                                                                                                                                  Visitors are hovering at least on 2,5 projects per session. Clicking on the project name is not used very often or not measured
                                                               12%                                                                correctly.
                                                                                                                                  Presented numbers are missing 1 important event (clicking on body text = bug). Clicking on the project name, sector & location is
                                                               8%                                               % MGGG Projects   not used very often.
                                                                                                                % MGGG Landing
                                                                                                                MGGG All
 No big changes in total numbers, except for                   2%
 Spain. Branches generate % more traffic to                                                                                                                                                        4%        2%   1%    0%
 individual project pages as a whole.                                     UK        BE     ES         NL
                                                                                Mggg 2                                                                                                                                                                   Hover project
                                                               14%                                                                                                                     20%
 Improvement on getting traffic to MGGG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Scroll right
 pages still possible (f.e. Create or add visuals              12%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Scroll left
 home & brand box & as related pages)
                                                               10%                                                                                                                                                                                       Scroll numbers
                                                               8%                                               % MGGG Projects                                                                                                                          Click location

                                                                                                                % MGGG Landing                                                                                                                           Click project name
                                                                                                                MGGG All                                                                                                                                 Click sector


                                                                          UK        BE     ES         NL

                                                          20                                                                                                                                         20

 MGGG Search Functionality                                                                                                        Key Figures MGGG 2.0, time on page, bounce- and exit rate
 Decrease from 11% errors on search to 4%                                                                                         Improvement on project pages needed, still high bounce rate
                                                                                  Mggg 2.0 Search

                                                                                   3%                                                                          UK                          NL                                ES                        BE
                                                                                                                                                                 2.0          1.0            2.0                  1.0         2.0             1.0       2.0               1.0
                                                                                                           Geographic Location
                                                                          18%                                                      All
                                                                                                           Wrong Search            Time on page                0:01:07      0:01:03        0:01:05            0:00:57        0:00:59         0:00:56   0:00:57          0:01:02
                                                                                                                                   Bounce                      45,84%       46,43%         42,29%             43,26%         43,15%          43,94%    51,53%           53,76%
                                                                     7%                                    Projects
                                                                                                                                   Exit                        21,00%       19,96%         23,64%             21,06%         16,89%          13,86%    20,24%           20,21%

                                                               4%                                          Sector & Keyword
                                                                                             69%                                   Landing
                                                                                                                                   Time on page                0:01:28      0:01:08        0:01:09            0:01:10        0:01:06         0:00:59   0:00:55          0:00:48
                                                                                                                                   Bounce                      16,08%       26,82%         12,75%             16,29%         15,50%          18,23%    10,78%           26,67%
                                                                                                                                   Exit                        15,83%       16,68%         15,18%             19,50%         12,25%          11,52%    11,35%           11,35%
                                                                                Mggg 1.0 Search
                                                                                                                                   Time on page                0:00:50      0:00:52        0:00:54            0:00:52        0:00:56         0:00:59   0:00:54          0:00:50
                                                                                                                                   Bounce                      60,20%       60,62%         50,35%             49,29%         48,90%          48,64%    54,97%           57,11%
                                                                            19%                            Geographic Location     Exit                        27,85%       27,03%         27,29%             25,33%         23,49%          19,55%    30,50%           30,43%

                                                                                                           Wrong Search
          Search improved; number of wrong search from
                                                                     8%                                    Projects
          13% to 4% and with introducing MGGG 2.0 3% of                                                                            • No big changes on all MGGG pages, this is related to not changing project detail pages, which are quit high in volume
          the people are searching on a combination of                                          60%        Sector & Keyword        • Big improvement on Landing pages (time on page en bounce rate)
          sector and location.                                                                             Combi
                                                                                                                                   • Branches who uses blocks below the map on landing page have the lowest bounce rate (NL) and (BE)
                                                                                                                                      –use it as designed gives best bounce rate-
          Source: NL Branche                                                                                                       • Project detail pages has still a high bounce rate, use the ability of blocks (left for retail customers & right for loans)
                                                          20                                                                      69                                                                    20

Facebook for
     Triodos Bank
     A “how-to-guide” for Facebook

Table of contents

   1.The power of Facebook                      Content strategy

   2.Why Facebook
                                                Community management

   3.How to apply Facebook for Triodos Bank:
                                                Internal organisation
   4.More information

                                                Who to favourite

                                                Connection public site

                                                ROI & KPI’s

                                                Facebook campaigns

Power of Facebook

How to apply Facebook for Triodos Bank
Triodos Bank content strategy: Approach

To achieve your branding, sales and customer care              Only Triodos Bank creates posts on Fan page wall,
strategy, build and develop meaningful                         because Facebook is our official channel:
                                                               • our fans are not allowed to posts items, because
relationships by having a great content strategy               these will be pushed to all our fan’s private walls as
                                                               an approved message from Triodos Bank
Interactive content related to Triodos Bank                    • comments are open for everybody (reading and
•Video or conference                                           reacting)
•Public event / calendar                                       • With this approach we create a manageable
                                                               community with ‘controlled’ communication
•Published interviews
•Website content / news
•New financed projects (KWYMG)
•E-zine / Newsletter
                                                                Practical tips
•Colour of Money
                                                               • Post manually
•Campaigns                                                     • More than twice posts a week preferred
•Visuals                                                       • Include a link to refer to
                                                               • Avoid being boring and too commercial

 Post approved content always by Triodos Bank spokesman
 (e.g. Dutch Branch has a weekly meeting with Mar&Com + PR + Customer Service + Key-user)

How to deal with comments,
       questions and flame
How to apply Facebook for Triodos Bank
What to do with reactions/comments?

Do’s                                                                Don’ts
1. Handle critical issues with care                                 1. People like asking and complaining. It is free!
     • Reply that you will send a detailed response to                 Do not worry too much.
       his/her e-mail. Offer this possibility to anyone who         2. Avoid placing personally identifiable
       also wants to know more about that issue .                      information in the comments
     • Ask for a phone number to call and explain him/her in
                                                                    3. Don’t allow spam & self promotion*
       depth, or invite him/her to visit your office.
                                                                    4. Don’t allow insulting*
1.   Give quick and clear replies. Some times, if you
     wait, critical posts will be ‘corrected’ by other
2.   Fans like to share their experiences, positive or
                                                                    Experience from Spain
     • Positive: reinforce (not always and not necessary)
                                                                    Key issues on fanpage:
     • Negative: try to convert it into an opportunity (more
       details to help to resolve)
     4.Set-up standard Q&A’s
     5.We always respond but we do not always try
       to have the last word

How to define success and
  steer on the right KPI’s
How to apply Facebook for Triodos Bank

ROI; How do you measure commercial results?


Measure commercial results in two ways:

1.Number of leads whose origin is Facebook.
2.Number of visitors whose origin is Facebook.

                                                                                  Meaningful relation

 Visits         Average cpc

 4.200      x   €                      €                               It’s almost impossible to create a business
                                                                         case on Facebook only from commercial

 Leads          Average lead value
                                                                            Measuring the to be achieved goals;
 75         x   €                      €         +                       ‘Branding’, ‘Service’ and ‘Commercial’ is
                                                                              very hard because it’s the start of a
                                       €             Per month                                 meaningful relation.

Blijf Triodos Bank volgen, laat ons weten wat je van ons vindt:

                         +316 245 333 64

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Gastcollege Online marketing - Avans Hogeschool

  • 1. Gastcollege online activiteiten Triodos Bank Avans Hogeschool Sept 2012, Wout van den Dool 1
  • 2. 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. Laten zien wat er met je geld gebeurt Verhoogt de betrokkenheid van de klant met zijn geld en met de bank 4
  • 5. Iedereen is bankier Met geld maak je dagelijks keuzes 5
  • 6. Triodos Bank kiest ... voor natuur en milieu Teresa Molinero – Ariadna Solar - Spain 6
  • 7. Triodos Bank kiest ... voor sociale projecten Microfinance bank- Acleda Bank - Cambodja 7
  • 8. Triodos Bank kiest ... voor kunst en cultuur Anne T. De Keersmaeker – P.A.R.T.S. & Rosas - Belgium 8
  • 9. Missie Met uw geld realiseren we een positieve verandering. Onze missie is om uw geld te laten werken aan positieve maatschappelijke, ecologische en culturele veranderingen. Bijdragen aan een samenleving waarin de levenskwaliteit wordt bevorderd en menselijke waardigheid centraal staat Het voor mensen, bedrijven en organisaties mogelijk maken hun geld te gebruiken op een manier die mens en milieu ten goede komt en duurzame ontwikkeling bevordert Onze klanten voorzien van vernieuwende financiële producten en uitstekende klantenservice 9
  • 11. Relaties via verschillende kanalen 11
  • 12. Online landschap Owned, Paid en Earned media Triodos Bank OWNED PAID EARNED PUBLIC WEBSITE Bannering Search optimizing Search advertising Online & Adwords FB Advertising free INTERNET public BANKING ity CHANNELS BRANDED Comparison sites CPS Deals BLOG OTHERS Youtube pre-ad Blogs Advertorial 12
  • 13. Filialen Verbinding via face to face contact 13
  • 14. Contact center Persoonlijke benadering via de telefoon en mail 14
  • 16. Eigen inhoud Bevlogen Triodos Bank verhalenvertellers 16
  • 17. Eigen inhoud Actieve bijdrage aan discussie over financiële industrie 17
  • 18. Eigen inhoud Content strategie gericht op herbruik en delen, geen duurzaam portaal Nieuwe financieringen Nieuwe campagnes Product lancering Klanten dagen
  • 19. Eigen inhoud Zelfde boodschap binnen diverse kanalen Persberichten Events waar Triodos Bank aanwezig is Nieuwe financieringen in het nieuws Redactionele content
  • 20. Eigen inhoud Anderen delen ons verhaal actief via blogs en kranten 20
  • 21. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden 21
  • 22. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden Mede eigenaar worden van de bank, actief de dialoog aan gaan 22
  • 23. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden Campagnes zetten aan tot denken en raken mensen in het hart 23
  • 24. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden Campagnes zetten aan tot denken en raken mensen in het hart 24
  • 25. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden Maakt dat onze klanten trots over ons communiceren 25
  • 26. Interactie op de inhoud Onze fans zijn betrokken en delen hun mening graag 26 Bekijk de reacties op
  • 27. On- en offline combineren 27
  • 28. On- en offline combineren Ondernemers online presenteren, offline bezoeken 28
  • 29. On- en offline combineren Online oproep om te stemmen op favoriete ondernemers 29
  • 30. On- en offline combineren Genomineerden en stemmers ontmoeten elkaar op de klantendag 30
  • 31. On- en offline combineren Vega-slager wint Triodos Bank ondernemersprijs 31
  • 32. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden Campagne ‘Happiness up, Greed down’ 32
  • 33. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden Campagne ‘Klein, het nieuwe groot’ 33
  • 34. Vertrouwen op de kwaliteit van de relatie binnen de community 34
  • 35. 35
  • 36. 36
  • 37. Vetrouwen op de kwaliteit van de relatie Dit leidt tot positief sentiment op Social Media (zonder webcare team) Positief sentiment op Social Media 37 Bron: Buzzcapture positiviteitsmonitor: Analyse financials April – September 2011 n=488.818
  • 39. Highlights of online plan 2012 – 2014 Generate qualitative traffic to our effective sales channels Own channels, also external Campaign and continuous traffic Service (Self) Traffic Engage Conversion & Via online banking, Site Effective sales public and mobile channel, development public site
  • 40. Sinds de lancering... In alle branches online key users & team op hoofdkantoor • Conference call elke 2 weken • Key-user meeting twee keer per jaar • Maandelijkse fact based verbeteringen Wout Arne Kirsten Simon François Guillermo Miranda Matthias Paul HQ NL HQ UK BE ES HQ DE HQ 40
  • 41. Traffic generatie en de rol van de online marketeer 41
  • 42. Traffic generation (online marketing) and conversion optimisation This document is mainly about campaign traffic Traffic Generation Online marketing activities to generate more traffic consist of campaign activities and organic traffic activities. Numbers These organic activities are mainly cost per sale driven an can Ban roughly be done independent of materials, campaigning n erin Of g Ads flin and rest of MarCom team. e CPS Deals Sea C o mp tes S eo ariso n si t e ffilia s A Time 42
  • 43. Online campaign process 5 steps for an effective campaign Objectives Strategy Tactics Actions Control Where do we want to How do we get there? How EXACTLY do we The details of tactics, How do we monitor be? get there? who does what and performance? when # Extra sales Segmentation, Which message to What happens when Web analytics – KPI’s # Service Media Channel choice, Which target audience, Responsibilities and Usability testing # Brand Awareness Targeting, E-marketingmix, structures Surveys # Loyalty (Online) value including the Internal resources and Frequency of reporting Define SMART KPI’s proposition communication mix, skills Proces reporting & Customer Journey Make use of Brief external agencies actions Benchmarks, Materials Define (Sub)objectives 43
  • 44. Online marketing process Where should the online marketer be in this process? Objectives Strategy Tactics Actions Control Where do we want to How do we get there? How EXACTLY do we The details of tactics, How do we monitor be? get there? who does what and performance? when R R R Online marketeer R Online marketeer R Online marketeer A A A ? Online marketeer? A Online marketeer A Online marketeer C C Online marketeer C C C I Online Marketeer I I I I delegated the work Responsible: Those who do the work to achieve the task Accountable (also Approver or final Approving Authority) The one ultimately answerable for the correct and through completion of the deliverable or task, and the one from whom Responsible is delegated the work Consulted (sometimes Counsel) Those whose opinions are sought, typically subject matter experts; and with whom there is two-way communication Informed Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on completion of the task or deliverable; and with whom there is just one-way communication 44
  • 45. Tactics Control Define (sub) objectives for the online campaign, this is a list with examples One of the ultimate excuses for not measuring impact of marketing campaigns is: "Oh, that's just a branding campaign." Sub-Objective KPI Report in Google Analytics Visitors > Visitor Trending > Absolute Unique Have more people visit the website Number of unique visitors Visitors Traffic Sources > AdWords > AdWords Ensure there's a return on marketing efforts ROI of online campaigns Campaigns (Clicks tab) Have more people buy products from the website Ecommerce conversion rate E-commerce > Conversion Rate Have more people subscribe to our newsletter Subscribers of ’newsletter’ Content> Pages > Filter newsletter Increase number of shared content on the site Pages shared Visitors > Socia > Actions Increase the percentage of returning visitors Percentage of returning visitors Visitors > New Vs Returning Percentage of visits that come from direct or Visitors > Visitor Trending > Visits (apply Increase the number of 'branded visits' branded keywords branded visitors segment) Measure the change in the percentage of New To attract "prospects" / new customers. Visitors, overview, new vs returning, look for trends Visitors to your website Visitors> behaviour> frequency & history... look Number of visits come for 2nd 3rd … time before and after period To share your business value proposition. Measure segmented Visitor Recency Visitors> behaviour> involvement and segment on paid & non paid traffic Increase offline action! Phone Calls / Conversions Driven from Website Make an introduction to your business Measuring both the Macro & Micro Conversions. Leads, share, brochure, downloads Google Trends for Websites (or Compete or To destroy your competition. Share of Search HitWise) to analyze your performance Plug into the Database of Intentions Correlate traffic patterns Unaided brand recall And use Insights for Search for this type of with offline ad times patterns analysis Become fan Number of facebook fans Facebook Insight
  • 46. Tactics Online channel choice Which instrument fits the best and common pricing method 46
  • 48. Tactics Choose payment model with publisher Obtain for a performance based (CPA) deal because of lower risk Risk Triodos Bank Risk Publisher
  • 49. Tactics Choose payment model with publisher Checklist for effective use of CPM model (main materials are banners) To get a good CPM rate, negotiate with media agency/ publisher on: •Quality of network and sites (target audience Cultural Creative) •Position above or below fault & which order in carousel of banners •Discount (it’s strange but common to get 70 – 80% discount on offered rates) •Bureau fee (rather pay them per hour for advice, not % of media buying, wrong steering variable) •Possibility to do a relative small test with different materials and different networks* / sites •By default don’t agreeing on tracking pixels / scripts for “optimization” or retargeting (privacy reasons, cost implementing & maintain and stability of site and forms) Better steer on number of clicks for judging quality. •Post view conversions are often an excuse for Media Agency’s for camouflage poor performance. * All networks have different requirements for materials, specially if you use Flash banners! The more networks, the more difficult Think of size (=hosting costs), allowing auto play, sound, looping (if just 1 or 2 loop is allowed your last shot MUST have a clear message and call to action). Never forget: Align your creative Agency and Media agency. In CPM model is Triodos Bank the one who has the biggest risks.
  • 50. Tactics Choose payment model with publisher Checklist for optimisation if you choose CPM model (mainly materials are banners) Ad-serving platforms can usually track both CTR and VTR, if you implement their tracking code. Google Analytics does not track “view- through” but track campaign performance using post- “click-through” (CTR) and is able to attribute it to a sale; VTR: a person view a banner + don’t click on a banner + purchase an item = banner will be contributed to the sale CTR: a person view a banner + click on a banner + purchase an item = banner will be contributed to the sale VTR is a metric you should be careful to use in your online marketing decisions because firstly, you can never prove that a person actually saw the banner unless you ask him/her. Secondly, “the view-through metric can lead to disastrous media buying decisions…other ill effects include duplicate attribution of orders and other conversion to media that had no influence whatsoever on the final consumer behaviour” (Kevin Lee 2007). Or as Seth Godin (2010) states in a recent post, that a marketer should never “try to measure the immeasurable media and use that to make decisions…
  • 51. Tactics Choose payment model with publisher Checklist for optimisation if you choose CPC model If you choose CPC deal, it’s less risky, but sometimes more expensive. Try to avoid this payment method in Affiliate Networks because of fraud. Mainly done with pop-ups / under and other hidden clicks. In this case it’s very important to optimize on the quality of traffic based on sub-objective. In the online environment CPC deals are very different. In this document you’ll find some benchmarks. Agree on what you count as an click with the agency or a publisher, preferably it’s the visit number you count in Google Analytics, but most of the time publishers want you to pay the clicks. CPC means, paying per clicks. Analytics measure visits. These are two different metrics. Your analytics reports can show lower metrics for many reasons : -a same user who trigged many clicks on a material will trigged the same visit on Analytics. -Analytics counts the visit through a clicks only if the tracking code is fully loaded. If our site has a poor loading time, people can click on a link on our site, or simply exit it before the page is loaded. -In some case, users disables cookies on their computer. The result will be that no visits will be count in Analytics, but a click will be on material. -It happens often that people click Back-button before they reach the landing page.
  • 52. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden Campagne ‘Happiness up, Greed down’ 52
  • 53. Actief op zoek naar doelgroep binnen Facebook 2 doelgroepen, meerdere advertenties en specifieke landingpage
  • 54. Doelgroep geraakt 29,5% conversie van klik naar fan; waarden gedreven inhoud, geen incentive Paid Owned Earned Doelgroep Cultural Creative 18-30: 2,956 clicks resulting in 1.289 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 43,6%) Doelgroep Cultural Creative 30+: 13,479 clicks resulting in 3.552 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 26,4%)
  • 55. Uiteindelijke doel is de verbinding aangaan Interactie op de inhoud Paid Owned Earned Doelgroep Cultural Creative 18-30: 2,956 clicks resulting in 1.289 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 43,6%) Doelgroep Cultural Creative 30+: 13,479 clicks resulting in 3.552 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 26,4%)
  • 56. Uiteindelijke doel is de verbinding aangaan Interactie op de inhoud 56
  • 57. Verbinden op basis van gedeelde waarden Campagne ‘Klein, het nieuwe groot’ 57
  • 58. Doelstelling en doelgroep Het vergroten van onze naams- en inhoudsbekendheid bij cultural creatives Doelstelling Primair: Het vergroten van de naams- en inhoudsbekendheid van de bank. Secundair: Meer ontmoetingen (fysiek en online) tussen stakeholders en de bank bewerkstelligen Doelgroep Primair: cultural creatives (zakelijk en particulier) èn collega’s. Secundair: de andere stakeholders van Triodos Bank. 58
  • 59. Seeding in blog sphere 4 step approach Step 1 Find blogs and People behind the blogs Step 2 Create and Publish tailored content Step 3 Contact people behind blogs Step 4 Evaluate and monitor
  • 60. Aanpak - cross mediaal Lancering van de film op onder andere TV, internet, radio en arthouse bioscopen  Om een zo’n breed mogelijk bereik te realiseren, hebben we de film gelanceerd via een groot aantal kanalen User journey Klein. Het nieuwe groot. DKVG + Youtube/ Facebook DM TVC Radio Adwords GDN Seeding/PR eZine Vimeo ads Facebook Facebook landing tab triodosbanknl Blogs/nieuws- Twitter sites etc. (home) Landingspagina KleinGroot Actie- Brandbox Brandbox aanbod SAAT KleinGroot SAAT LEGENDA KANAAL Productpagina TRIODOS.NL SAAT PROSPECT/ATL Formulier Inloggen IB KLANT/BTL 60 KLANTEN ÉN PROSPECTS
  • 61. Online resultaten (1) De film is ruim 53.000 keer bekeken, en overgenomen door ongeveer 45 sites Earned •De film is tot nu toe >65.000 keer bekeken op Youtube en Vimeo. •Er is op meer dan 50 nieuwssites en webblogs geschreven over de film. Selectie: - Duurzaam nieuws “Duurzame toekomst hebben we zelf in de hand” - RTL nieuws “Een reclame waar je blij van wordt” - Adformatie “Weg met de hippies, leve Triodos” - 42bis “Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen, kan het écht?” - Meer op 61
  • 62. Online resultaten (2) Trending topic en groot bereik op Twitter, o.a. door aandacht van BN’ers Earned (vervolg) •500 likes en comments op youtube en vimeo •Meer dan 3.000 facebook shares en twitter tweets •Trending topic op twitter op 5 juli •Zeer groot bereik via Twitter, o.a. doordat een aantal BN’ers de film ‘oppakten’. •Bijvoorbeeld de tweet van Alexander Klöpping is >300 keer geretweet. 62
  • 63. Online resultaten (4) Voorbeelden van text en display ads Facebook ads Facebook landing tab Display ads Stap 1 Stap 2 Stap 3 Stap 4 Adwords ads
  • 64. Meten meten meten meten & delen 64
  • 65. Maandelijks internet dashboard van alle landen Het door de landen zelf aanleveren van 2 regels commentaar zorgt voor een internationaal overzicht 65
  • 66. 66
  • 68. Verbeteringen, doorvoeren voor alle landen, Mijn Geld Gaat Goed 2.0 Op basis van usability onderzoek en bezoekgedrag 68
  • 69. Analyseren van de aanpassing aan Mijn Geld Gaat Goed 2.0 Relatief eenvoudig de verschillende landen vergelijken Key Figures MGGG 2.0, share of MGGG pages as part of the website Being Inspiring, Interaction on the carousel Pretty stable, in relation to the whole All page views on landing page generate 139% interactions in the carousel Mggg 1 14% Visitors are hovering at least on 2,5 projects per session. Clicking on the project name is not used very often or not measured 12% correctly. 10% Presented numbers are missing 1 important event (clicking on body text = bug). Clicking on the project name, sector & location is 8% % MGGG Projects not used very often. % MGGG Landing 6% MGGG All 4% 1% No big changes in total numbers, except for 2% Spain. Branches generate % more traffic to 4% 2% 1% 0% 0% individual project pages as a whole. UK BE ES NL Mggg 2 Hover project 14% 20% Improvement on getting traffic to MGGG Scroll right pages still possible (f.e. Create or add visuals 12% Scroll left home & brand box & as related pages) 10% Scroll numbers 72% 8% % MGGG Projects Click location % MGGG Landing Click project name 6% MGGG All Click sector 4% 2% 0% UK BE ES NL 20 20 MGGG Search Functionality Key Figures MGGG 2.0, time on page, bounce- and exit rate Decrease from 11% errors on search to 4% Improvement on project pages needed, still high bounce rate Mggg 2.0 Search 3% UK NL ES BE 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Geographic Location 18% All Wrong Search Time on page 0:01:07 0:01:03 0:01:05 0:00:57 0:00:59 0:00:56 0:00:57 0:01:02 Bounce 45,84% 46,43% 42,29% 43,26% 43,15% 43,94% 51,53% 53,76% 7% Projects Exit 21,00% 19,96% 23,64% 21,06% 16,89% 13,86% 20,24% 20,21% 4% Sector & Keyword 69% Landing Combi Time on page 0:01:28 0:01:08 0:01:09 0:01:10 0:01:06 0:00:59 0:00:55 0:00:48 Bounce 16,08% 26,82% 12,75% 16,29% 15,50% 18,23% 10,78% 26,67% Exit 15,83% 16,68% 15,18% 19,50% 12,25% 11,52% 11,35% 11,35% Mggg 1.0 Search Projects 0% Time on page 0:00:50 0:00:52 0:00:54 0:00:52 0:00:56 0:00:59 0:00:54 0:00:50 Bounce 60,20% 60,62% 50,35% 49,29% 48,90% 48,64% 54,97% 57,11% 19% Geographic Location Exit 27,85% 27,03% 27,29% 25,33% 23,49% 19,55% 30,50% 30,43% Wrong Search Search improved; number of wrong search from 8% Projects 13% to 4% and with introducing MGGG 2.0 3% of • No big changes on all MGGG pages, this is related to not changing project detail pages, which are quit high in volume the people are searching on a combination of 60% Sector & Keyword • Big improvement on Landing pages (time on page en bounce rate) 13% sector and location. Combi • Branches who uses blocks below the map on landing page have the lowest bounce rate (NL) and (BE) –use it as designed gives best bounce rate- Source: NL Branche • Project detail pages has still a high bounce rate, use the ability of blocks (left for retail customers & right for loans) 20 69 20
  • 71. Facebook for Triodos Bank A “how-to-guide” for Facebook 71
  • 72. Table of contents 1.The power of Facebook Content strategy 2.Why Facebook Community management 3.How to apply Facebook for Triodos Bank: Internal organisation 4.More information Who to favourite Connection public site ROI & KPI’s Facebook campaigns 72
  • 74. How to apply Facebook for Triodos Bank Triodos Bank content strategy: Approach To achieve your branding, sales and customer care Only Triodos Bank creates posts on Fan page wall, strategy, build and develop meaningful because Facebook is our official channel: • our fans are not allowed to posts items, because relationships by having a great content strategy these will be pushed to all our fan’s private walls as an approved message from Triodos Bank Interactive content related to Triodos Bank • comments are open for everybody (reading and •Video or conference reacting) •Public event / calendar • With this approach we create a manageable community with ‘controlled’ communication •Published interviews •Website content / news •New financed projects (KWYMG) •E-zine / Newsletter Practical tips •Colour of Money • Post manually •Campaigns • More than twice posts a week preferred •Visuals • Include a link to refer to • Avoid being boring and too commercial Rule Post approved content always by Triodos Bank spokesman (e.g. Dutch Branch has a weekly meeting with Mar&Com + PR + Customer Service + Key-user) 74
  • 75. Community management How to deal with comments, questions and flame
  • 76. How to apply Facebook for Triodos Bank What to do with reactions/comments? Do’s Don’ts 1. Handle critical issues with care 1. People like asking and complaining. It is free! • Reply that you will send a detailed response to Do not worry too much. his/her e-mail. Offer this possibility to anyone who 2. Avoid placing personally identifiable also wants to know more about that issue . information in the comments • Ask for a phone number to call and explain him/her in 3. Don’t allow spam & self promotion* depth, or invite him/her to visit your office. 4. Don’t allow insulting* 1. Give quick and clear replies. Some times, if you wait, critical posts will be ‘corrected’ by other fans. 2. Fans like to share their experiences, positive or negative: Experience from Spain • Positive: reinforce (not always and not necessary) Key issues on fanpage: • Negative: try to convert it into an opportunity (more details to help to resolve) 4.Set-up standard Q&A’s 5.We always respond but we do not always try to have the last word 76
  • 77. ROI & KPI’s How to define success and steer on the right KPI’s
  • 78. How to apply Facebook for Triodos Bank Ambassador ROI; How do you measure commercial results? Share Customer Fan/ Measure commercial results in two ways: Consume content 1.Number of leads whose origin is Facebook. 2.Number of visitors whose origin is Facebook. Interactivity Meaningful relation Visits Average cpc 4.200 x € € It’s almost impossible to create a business case on Facebook only from commercial perspective. Leads Average lead value Measuring the to be achieved goals; 75 x € € + ‘Branding’, ‘Service’ and ‘Commercial’ is very hard because it’s the start of a € Per month meaningful relation. 78
  • 79. Blijf Triodos Bank volgen, laat ons weten wat je van ons vindt: @Wout +316 245 333 64

Editor's Notes

  1. Spaarders en beleggers brengen geld naar de bank. De bank leent het uit aan ondernemers die geld nodig hebben. Zo simpel is het.   Bank speelt zo belangrijke rol in economie . Bank maakt immers keuzes. Wie ze niet en – nog belangrijker – wie ze wel financiert.     Wie heeft er wel eens geld uitgeleend? Aan vrienden, familie, zijn kinderen …….   Wat is de eerste vraag die je stelt? Mensen met kinderen zullen dat herkennen. Waar ga je het voor gebruiken? ’   . Een hele logische vraag Ervaring leert dat wij het onze bank niet vragen. Raar.   30 jaar geleden bij de oprichting belangrijk principe. Als je mensen laat zien wat je met geld doet, verhoogt dat hun betrokkenheid .   Dat principe drijft ons nog steeds in marketing en online aanpak. Belangrijkste wat wij communiceren is, wie wij financieren, met naam en toenaam .
  2. KWYMG dichtbij   Online tonen we alle ondernemers die we financieren.   Dichtbij jou in de buurt. Breda
  3. KWYMG ver weg   Of we tonen juist ver weg, alles in de wereld
  4. Liken van Casa Rural Als je mensen laat zien wat het geld doet, dan raken ze betrokken. Dan creëer je een betrokken relatie.
  5. Iedereen is bankier Als je er zo naar kijkt is eigenlijk iedereen bankier.   De keuzes die je maakt met je geld, bepalen de economie. Bepalen de richting waarin die zich ontwikkelt.   En het leuke is van geld, met je geld maak je die keuzes iedere dag.
  6. Triodos Bank kiest   Triodos Bank kiest er voor alleen bedrijven te financieren die onze economie duurzaam ontwikkelen.   Natuur en milieu Sociaal gebied Kunst en cultuur.   Planeet, mensen op de planeet, individu
  7. Triodos Bank kiest   Triodos Bank kiest er voor alleen bedrijven te financieren die onze economie duurzaam ontwikkelen.   Natuur en milieu Sociaal gebied Kunst en cultuur.   Planeet, mensen op de planeet, individu
  8. Triodos Bank kiest   Triodos Bank kiest er voor alleen bedrijven te financieren die onze economie duurzaam ontwikkelen.   Natuur en milieu Sociaal gebied Kunst en cultuur.   Planeet, mensen op de planeet, individu
  9. Missie In onze missie verankerd.
  10. Tot zover wat context over wie we zijn.   Maar hoe bouw je nu betrokken relatie als bank? Apple   Nog niet zo makkelijk als bank Om die enorme betrokkenheid te creëren   Zeker niet vandaag de dag Niet makkelijk , maar het kan wel in onze sector
  11. Alleereerst kanalen Om relaties te kunnen leggen heb je kanalen nodig. Website Social media Filialen Telefoon   Als online bank die relaties wil bouwen, kunst om menselijkheid in contact te brengen.
  12. Joan Fantastische verhalenvertellers die het verhaal met passie kunnen overbrengen Facts movie Juan Melé presented on Eoimedia youtube channel - 210.000 views Facts Triodos Bank ES Youtube channel in Spain - 743 Subscribers on Triodos Bank ES channel - 242.000 Views on presented movies since sept. ’ 08
  13. Niet alleen binnen de bank, ook op het niveau van de sector. In samenwerking met wetenschap en Herman Wijffels hebben we het SFL opgezet.
  14. Blijven dicht bij onszelf. Geen content van derden Geen duurzaamheidsplatform, geen sponsoring.
  15. Zorgt ervoor dat anderen bereid zijn over ons te praten
  16. Heel letterlijk. Mensen kunnen eigenaar worden van de bank. Hier zie je een sessie waarin we een inhoudelijke dialoog voeren over of we te hard of te langzaam groeien.
  17. In onze campagnes zijn we ook heel gericht op mensen met diezelfde waarden. Dat begint al bij hoe we ons positioneren.   Vrij inhoudelijk. Maar die mensen wel raken. In UK. In NL In BE Zo trek je mensen aan die relatie graag willen. Bewust kiezen. Fiere klanten die dat graag uitdragen.
  18. In onze campagnes zijn we ook heel gericht op mensen met diezelfde waarden. Dat begint al bij hoe we ons positioneren.   Vrij inhoudelijk. Maar die mensen wel raken. In UK. In NL In BE Zo trek je mensen aan die relatie graag willen. Bewust kiezen. Fiere klanten die dat graag uitdragen.
  19. In onze campagnes zijn we ook heel gericht op mensen met diezelfde waarden. Dat begint al bij hoe we ons positioneren.   Vrij inhoudelijk. Maar die mensen wel raken. In UK. In NL In BE Zo trek je mensen aan die relatie graag willen. Bewust kiezen. Fiere klanten die dat graag uitdragen.   Karl en Catherine Zo trots dat hij zelf zijn testimonial wilde schrijven .
  20. Interactie op de inhoud   71 duimpjes 8 reacties 1x gedeeld   Betrokken reacties : Hoe zit het met de bokjes?   Vergelijking met Hi (bekend om grote community, veel interactie) Relatieve kleine fanbase, hoge interactie
  21. 3. On en offline combineren.   Als je echt betrokken relatie wilt, moet je online en offline combineren. Kwestie van doen.   Bedrijfsbezoek Online verbinden met ondernemers In UK nog een stap verder.
  22. Hart Hoofd Ondernemersprijs Negen prachtige ondernemers genomineerd. Prachtige verhaal in film Mensen gevraagd online te stemmen. Groot bereik; ondernemers ook hun netwerk aangesproken.   16K mensen gestemd.   Gekozen om te combineren met klantenevenement. Duizend man op vrije zaterdag naar Amersfoort. Alle genomineerde bedrijven aanwezig. Prijs daar uitgereikt.
  23. Hart Hoofd Ondernemersprijs Negen prachtige ondernemers genomineerd. Prachtige verhaal in film Mensen gevraagd online te stemmen. Groot bereik; ondernemers ook hun netwerk aangesproken.   16K mensen gestemd.   Gekozen om te combineren met klantenevenement. Duizend man op vrije zaterdag naar Amersfoort. Alle genomineerde bedrijven aanwezig. Prijs daar uitgereikt.
  24. Hart Hoofd Ondernemersprijs Negen prachtige ondernemers genomineerd. Prachtige verhaal in film Mensen gevraagd online te stemmen. Groot bereik; ondernemers ook hun netwerk aangesproken.   16K mensen gestemd.   Gekozen om te combineren met klantenevenement. Duizend man op vrije zaterdag naar Amersfoort. Alle genomineerde bedrijven aanwezig. Prijs daar uitgereikt.
  25. Happiness up, Greed down     Hoe werkt dat nu met een campagne. Concreet voorbeeld.   Certificaten van aandelen. Online koop je die niet 1,2,3 Dus combi van DM, radio en online.   Middel een filmpje. Wederom inhoud. Geen goodies.   Naar NY gegaan. Financiele hart van de wereld. Tickertapes Nasdag en Reuters Willen laten zien dat winst en verlies niet alleen over geld gaat
  26. Happiness up, Greed down     Hoe werkt dat nu met een campagne. Concreet voorbeeld.   Certificaten van aandelen. Online koop je die niet 1,2,3 Dus combi van DM, radio en online.   Middel een filmpje. Wederom inhoud. Geen goodies.   Naar NY gegaan. Financiele hart van de wereld. Tickertapes Nasdag en Reuters Willen laten zien dat winst en verlies niet alleen over geld gaat
  27. 4. Vertrouwen op de kwaliteit van de relatie     We hebben nu eenmaal zeer betrokken ambassadeurs. Offline.
  28. 4. Vertrouwen op de kwaliteit van de relatie     We hebben nu eenmaal zeer betrokken ambassadeurs. Offline.
  29. 4. Vertrouwen op de kwaliteit van de relatie     We hebben nu eenmaal zeer betrokken ambassadeurs. Offline.
  30. Buzzcapture onderzoek toont dat we ook online kunnen vertrouwen op die relatie   Met 85% bovengemiddeld positief sentiment over Triodos Bank   Zonder webcare-team
  31. Responsible Those who do the work to achieve the task.[7] There is typically one role with a participation type of Responsible , although others can be delegated to assist in the work required (see also RASCI below for separately identifying those who participate in a supporting role). Accountable (also Approver or final Approving Authority ) The one ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the deliverable or task, and the one from whom Responsible is delegated the work.[7] In other words, an Accountable must sign off (Approve) on work that Responsible provides. There must be only one Accountable specified for each task or deliverable.[4] Consulted (sometimes Counsel ) Those whose opinions are sought, typically subject matter experts; and with whom there is two-way communication.[7] Informed Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on completion of the task or deliverable; and with whom there is just one-way communication.[7] Very often the role that is Accountable for a task or deliverable may also be Responsible for completing it (indicated on the matrix by the task or deliverable having a role Accountable for it, but no role Responsible for its completion, i.e. it is implied). Outside of this exception, it is generally recommended that each role in the project or process for each task receive, at most, just one of the participation types. Where more than one participation type is shown, this generally implies that participation has not yet been fully resolved, which can impede the value of this technique in clarifying the participation of each role on each task.
  32. Responsible Those who do the work to achieve the task.[7] There is typically one role with a participation type of Responsible , although others can be delegated to assist in the work required (see also RASCI below for separately identifying those who participate in a supporting role). Accountable (also Approver or final Approving Authority ) The one ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the deliverable or task, and the one from whom Responsible is delegated the work.[7] In other words, an Accountable must sign off (Approve) on work that Responsible provides. There must be only one Accountable specified for each task or deliverable.[4] Consulted (sometimes Counsel ) Those whose opinions are sought, typically subject matter experts; and with whom there is two-way communication.[7] Informed Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on completion of the task or deliverable; and with whom there is just one-way communication.[7] Very often the role that is Accountable for a task or deliverable may also be Responsible for completing it (indicated on the matrix by the task or deliverable having a role Accountable for it, but no role Responsible for its completion, i.e. it is implied). Outside of this exception, it is generally recommended that each role in the project or process for each task receive, at most, just one of the participation types. Where more than one participation type is shown, this generally implies that participation has not yet been fully resolved, which can impede the value of this technique in clarifying the participation of each role on each task.
  33. Oh and don't tell me that your "branding" campaign is to increase "engagement"! Remember: Engagement is not a metric, its an excuse . Link:
  35. Google Analytics platforms do not track “view-through” but track campaign performance using post- “click-through” (CTR). The metric “view-through” (or VTR) is one of the metrics that many of the ad-serving platforms provide marketers with if you implement their tracking code. VTR could be explained as: a person view a banner + don’t click on a banner + purchase an item = banner will be contributed to the sale CTR on the other hand: a person view a banner + click on a banner + purchase an item = banner will be contributed to the sale. Ad-serving platforms can usually track both CTR and VTR, but web analytics only track CTR! VTR is a metric you should be careful to use in your online marketing decisions because firstly, you can never prove that a person actually saw the banner unless you ask him/her. Secondly, “the view-through metric can lead to disastrous media buying decisions…other ill effects include duplicate attribution of orders and other conversion to media that had no influence whatsoever on the final consumer behaviour” (Kevin Lee 2007). Or as Seth Godin (2010) states in a recent post, that a marketer should never “try to measure the unmeasurable media and use that to make decisions…some sophisticated marketers get good hints from their measurements, but it’s still an art, not a science”. Therefore, do not let yourself perform digital planning on gut feel based upon a single metric, but instead let VTR collaborate with your web analytics data. For example, if you are going to gain insight from a VTR campaign then it should be measured with metrics from your web analytics data.
  37. Happiness up, Greed down     Hoe werkt dat nu met een campagne. Concreet voorbeeld.   Certificaten van aandelen. Online koop je die niet 1,2,3 Dus combi van DM, radio en online.   Middel een filmpje. Wederom inhoud. Geen goodies.   Naar NY gegaan. Financiele hart van de wereld. Tickertapes Nasdag en Reuters Willen laten zien dat winst en verlies niet alleen over geld gaat
  38. Actief op zoek naar doelgroep binnen Facebook   Doel brand awareness Doel: film bekijken, fan worden Scherp getarget (Groenlinks, Cultuur, leeftijd)   Twintig varianten (boodschap, visuals) Landingspagina voor niet-fans Objectives: Increase video views of ‘ Wat deed Triodos Bank in New York? ’ on this tab To increase awareness of Triodos Bank amongst potential investors Increase fans of Triodos Bank on Facebook   Strategy: An advertising campaign to increase awareness of Triodos Bank Traffic is directed to a custom landing tab on the Triodos Bank Facebook page that hosts the campaign video Create organic friend to friend impressions and clicks from encouraging users to ‘Like’ Triodos bank and share with their friends 2 audiences were targeted in 2 campaigns: Campaign 1:   ‘ NL cultural creatives ’ audience. Campaign 2: ‘ NL 30+ ’ audience. This campaign ‘ started ’ when the audience in campaign 1 was saturated. Some 20 combinations of ads pictures and texts were tested Results: 56.8 million impressions served 8 million from campaign 1 48.8 million from campaign 2 22 million social impressions served. 16,435 clicks received of which 8,401 social clicks (friends of fans who also became fan) 2,956 clicks from campaign 1 resulting in 1.289 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 43,6%) 13,479 clicks from campaign 2 resulting in 3.552 new fans (Click-to-fan conversion 26,4%) Total number of new fans: 4.841 (Click-to-fan conversion 29,5 % ).  
  39. Doelgroep geraakt   Ruim 16K mensen geklikt   Hebben filmpje bekeken en 4800 mensen fan geworden.   Bijna 30% conversie van mensen die hebben geklikt die fan zijn geworden. Met inhoud, zonder incentive   Aantal fans natuurlijk niet belangrijkst
  40. Uiteindelijke doel is verbinding aangaan   Wat verstaan we onder interactie?   Duimje geven, iets liken Reactie geven Delen met hun vrienden
  41. Interactie op de inhoud   71 duimpjes 8 reacties 1x gedeeld
  42. Doelstelling – tertiair eigen vermogen genereren voor de bank. Eigen vermogen hebben we nodig omdat we graag willen groeien. Met dat geld investeren wij elke dag opnieuw in inspirerende, vernieuwende bedrijven die bijdragen aan levenskwaliteit. Daarmee hebben we daadwerkelijk impact. Het soort bedrijven waarin we willen investeren heeft volgens ons de toekomst. Zij zijn op een creatieve en innovatieve manier bezig met de menselijke maat, binnen de grootschaligheid van deze tijd. Deze tijd vraagt juist om dit soort ondernemers. Vaak kleinschalig, in verbinding met hun omgeving. Cultural creatives Er zijn in Nederland circa 2 miljoen Cultural Creatives: volwassen consumenten die een duurzame levensstijl nastreven. De Cultural Creatives worden gekenmerkt door een keuze voor kwaliteit, in plaats van kwantiteit en zij kopen bewust producten en diensten die geen verdere ecologische of maatschappelijke problemen veroorzaken. (Bron: Marketreponse) Triodos Bank richt zich op cultural creatives, en heeft momenteel xx% spontane, en xx% geholpen naamsbekendheid in deze doelgroep
  44. * Meting: 18 juli 2012 Bron van trending topic screenshot:
  45. * Meting: 18 juli 2012 Bron van trending topic screenshot:
  46. * Meting: 18 juli 2012.
  47. Competentie 5: Opstellen, uitvoeren en bijstellen van plannen vanuit het marketingbeleid. Competentie 10: Zelfsturende competentie (intrapersoonlijk, beroepsbeoefenaar of professional) Competentie 4: Ontwikkelen van marketingbeleid binnen de gekozen ondernemingsstrategie op basis van een risicoanalyse over marktkansen en marktactiviteiten van een lokaal, nationaal of internationaal opererende, onderneming.
  49. If we see a comment that we aren ’ t sure about, we do assume your comment isn ’ t spam. That said, when a comment is clearly only made to pimp your blog, your startup, your product or an affiliate offer, we ’ ll remove it. Spam includes folks who call themselves ‘ Free iPad ’ , ‘ Low Cost Mattresses ’ and other SEO stunt names. Any comment that we deem destructive will be removed. This includes but is not limited to libel, defamation, hate speech, excessively sexual content, excessive profanity and harassment. Passion is good. Anger is OK. Harassment is a no-no.