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*Bishop manzanita – Arctostaphylosobispoensis
(arc-toe-STAFF-ih-loss oh-bis-poe-EN-sis)
Family: Ericaceae (Heath Family)
Native to: Central CA coastal mountains (Santa Lucia Range) in San Luis Obispo and Monterrey
Counties; rocky, often serpentine soils, in chaparral, open closed-cone forest, mixed-evergreen
forest and central oak woodland (near coast – below 3000 ft. elevation).
Growth characteristics: woody shrub/small tree mature height: 5-10+ ft. mature width: 5-10 ft.
Evergreen, large woody shrub with attractive deep red-brown bark. Form is dense and mounded.
Leaves are simple, rounded and silvery-green to blue-green. Slow-growing.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late winter/early spring – anytime from January to March. Flowers are
the small, white, urn-shaped flowers typical of manzanitas. Pretty in bloom. Edible fruits are red
when they ripen in summer-fall. Fruits are showy in good years.
Uses in the garden: Most often used as a medium-large shrub. Can also be pruned up to a small,
multi-trunked tree. Dramatic gray-green accent plant. Attracts hummingbirds. Tolerates clay soils
and some heat. Can be grown under oaks and pines. Can even grow in large containers.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs/small trees.
Attracts: Excellent hummingbird habitat; provides food for fruit-eating birds.
Element Requirement
Sun Sun or part-shade (part-shade best in hot, inland gardens).
Soil Adaptable, from rocky or sandy to clay. Likes mildly acidic soils (pH 6.00 to 7.00).
Water Occasional to once a month (deep) in summer; Water Zone 1-2 to 2.
Fertilizer None needed except in container.
Other Use organic mulch.
Management: Nice natural form – needs little pruning. Pinch tips for fuller grown if desired.
Propagation: from seed: fresh seed or cold-moist-treat by cuttings: likely yes
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 11, 13 11/29/16
* California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
* Beach Sandwort – Artemisia pycnocephala (ar-te-MEEZ-ee-uh pik-no-SEF-uh-luh)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Central & Northern coast of CA to Oregon; rocky or sandy soils, beach dunes, coastal
Growth characteristics: perennial subshrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft.
Perrenial or subshrub, woody at base, with delicate, silky-gray, finely divided foliage. Plant dense,
mounded, with a ‘soft’ silvery appearance. Short-lived (2-5 years). Pollen may cause allergies.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer. Small yellow flowers on spikes above foliage. Some find the
flowers unsightly and remove the stalks. Fruits are dry capsules with small seeds.
Uses in the garden: Often used as an accent plant because of its showy silver foliage – quite unique.
Works well as a fast-growing filler between slower-growing groundcover plants. Would probably
work in pots and planters. Aromatic. Nice cascading over rock walls, in dry shade. Unusual
groundcover with look of an elegant Artemisia. ‘David’s Choice’ cultivar is readily available.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native Artemisias (Wormwoods).
Attracts: Good bird and reptile habitat: provides cover and seeds for food.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun (coast) to part shade
Soil Sandy to medium – well-drained. Moderately alkali soils fine.
Water Occasional summer water.
Fertilizer None.
Management: Fast-growing but short-lived. Can cut back in spring. Do not cut into old wood
(where there are no buds). Can be sheared during the summer if needed - new foliage will flush out
quickly. Gophers love it – plant in chicken wire cages if gophers are a problem.
Propagation: from seed: yes by cuttings: yes, in summer
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 5, 8-11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 24 2/6/11
* Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
*Silver wormwood (Prairie sage) – Artemisia ludoviciana
(ar-te-ME-see-uh loo-doe-vee-see-AN-uh)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Much of North America (Canada to Mexico). Locally in San Gabriel Mountains; on dry
slopes and in canyons, in many plant communities including dry prairies, Sage Scrub, Yellow Pine
Forest, Red Fir Forest, Creosote Bush Scrub, Pinyon-Juniper Woodland.
Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 3-5+ ft.
Half-woody sub-shrub that spreads via rhizomes. Form is upright to mounded. Leaves are simple
and irregularly toothed. Fragrant foliage is white/silvery due to dense, matted hairs; very attractive.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring (Feb-Apr) in lowland S. CA. Flowers are small, yellow and not
particularly showy. Flowering stalks, which rise above foliage, provide some vertical interest.
Uses in the garden: Widely used for white foliage in flower and herb gardens; good choice for mid-
border. Often used in natural prairie plantings or as groundcover with native grasses, wildflowers
and perennials. Should do fine in large containers. Dense roots hold soil on slopes. Common
cultivars: ‘Silver King’ – 2-3 ft tall, spreader; ‘Silver Queen’ – more mounded; ‘Valerie Finnis’ – very
white, most mounded and shrub-like of the cultivars. Cultivars widely available. Foliage was used
as a medicinal plant (anti-bacterial & anti-fungal), a deodorant and as a ceremonial plant.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native white foliage shrubs like Dusty Miller.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to light shade.
Soil Just about any texture - wide tolerance range; slightly acidic to alkali (pH: 5.0-8.0).
Water Occasional to almost regular; Water Zone 1-2 to 2 for species; more for cultivars.
Susceptible to fungal disease with regular summer water.
Fertilizer Low dose (1/2 strength) yearly in containers
Other Fine with light organic mulches (no deeper than 2 inches)
Management: Prune back heavily (or mow) in late fall (or when plants start to look ragged).
Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed by cuttings: yes; soft- and semi-hard wood.
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 47, 73 11/29/16
* California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
* Four-wing Saltbush – Atriplex canescens (AT-ry-pleks kan-ESS-sens )
Family: Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family)
Native to: Much of western N. America from the Dakotas to Baja; found in many plant communities
from coastal dunes to deserts, on dry, barren flats, slopes, washes usually below 7000 ft.
Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 3-6 ft. mature width: 4-8 ft.
Semi-deciduous woody shrub with many dense branches. Shape quite variable, but usually a
mounded shrub. Foliage a light blue-green, glistens with salt crystals. Numerous leaves on thin,
brittle branches. Can be pruned/shaped to a hedge or rounded shrub. Deep roots.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer to early fall. Separate male & female plants. Flowers small,
green-yellow, on flowering stems – not particularly showy. Fruits are dry, winged capsules, each
containing a single seed. Seed capsules can be showy – and are certainly interesting!
Uses in the garden: Use extensively as a shrub and informal hedges in the Southwest, particularly in
water-wise gardens. Excellent for hillsides and erosion control. A superb habitat plant. Works
well in hot gardens. Tolerates maritime conditions & salty soils/water. Takes up salt & metals.
Foliage and fruits can be eaten if no fertilizer used. Excellent choice for habitat gardens.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs.
Attracts: Excellent habitat plant with all of the benefits of the Family. Provides cover and nesting
sites for small animals & birds. Seeds and foliage (deer, rabbits) provide nutritious food.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to light shade.
Soil Well-drained soils, including very sandy soils; alkali and salty soils fine.
Water Very drought tolerant (Zone 1-2); looks better as Zone 2 (occasional water)
Fertilizer None.
Management: Pretty easy in well-drained soils – may die in wet winters in heavy clay. Cut
branches back by one-third in winter or shear into a hedge.
Propagation: from seed: use year-old dry seed by cuttings: fairly easy
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 21, 24 1/29/10
* Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
*Shadscale – Atriplex confertifolia (AT-ri-plex kon-fer-ti-FO-lee-uh)
Family: Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family)
Native to: Desert shrublands of the Mojave and Great Basin deserts and surrounding foothills from
N. Dakota to OR and S. to TX and CA. Low valleys, alkali flats, foothills and mesas from 2,500 to
7,500 ft elevation in Shadscale Scrub, Creosote Bush Scrub, Sagebrush Scrub.
Growth characteristics: perennial shrub/sub-shrub mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 1-3 ft.
Dense, low-growing shrub with spine-tipped branches. Form is rounded to mounded. Evergreen to
partially winter- and drought-deciduous, Leaves are silver-green to gray-green, simple and rounded.
Plants have deep, extensive root systems. Plants generally short-lived (less than 10 years).
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring – usually Apr-Jun in S. CA. Plants are dioecious (separate male &
female plants). Flowers are small, yellow-green and not particularly showy. Seed clusters are
unique and pretty – seeds have two papery wings that start pink and fade to gold.
Uses in the garden: Usually used in desert gardens, but appropriate for other water-wise settings.
Foliage color complements other native shrubs. Fine groundcover, particularly on slopes. Good
habitat plant. Likely would do fine in a large container. Seeds, young foliage are edible; older foliage
used as salty seasoning for soups, stews. Medicinal (poultice used for aches, chest colds).
Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs of similar size.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat & animal browse: provides cover and seeds for food.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to part-shade.
Soil Best in well-drained soils. Any local pH, including alkali.
Water Best with occasional summer rain (Water Zone 1-2 to 2); let dry out in fall.
Fertilizer None.
Other No mulch or inorganic mulch.
Management: Prune back in late fall for best shape. Don’t over-water in heavier soils. Needs
some drought stress for good health.
Propagation: from seed: pre-soak seed; rinse several times by cuttings: likely yes.
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 13, 47, 61 11/29/16
* California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
Nevin’s Sunflower/Catalina Silverlace– Constancea/Eriophyllum nevinii
(con STAN-see-uh nev-IN-ee-eye)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: S. Channel Islands (Santa Barbara, Santa Catalina, San Clemente Islands); rocky coastal
bluffs, coastal sage scrub.
Growth characteristics: semi-woody shrub mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft.
Mounded shrub with white/gray lacy foliage. Branches herbaceous, arising from a woody stem.
Young growth covered with dense white hairs. Looks like an elegant ‘Dusty Miller’. Widely available
cultivar ‘Canyon Silver’ comes from Santa Barbara Channel Islands.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms April-Aug. Flowers are golden-yellow in clusters above the foliage. Seed
heads turn attractive dark brown in fall.
Uses in the garden: Small size makes it good as foundation plant or for mid-bed in mixed flower
beds. Looks great in a silver garden, and wonderful accent with other shrubs. Works well with other
Channel Island natives such as Ceanothus leucodermis, Epilobium ‘Catalina’, Eriogonum giganteum,
and Romneya coulteri. Relatively deer tolerant and good for fire-prone areas.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native Dusty Millers, Lavender Cotton (Santolina), white-foliage shrubs
Attracts: Excellent nectar source for bees and butterflies.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun (best) to part-shade
Soil Any well-drained
Water Low needs once established; needs no summer water in coastal gardens
Fertilizer Low needs
Management: For a dense plant with good form it is best to give a hard pruning in late fall or
winter as new growth emerges.
Propagation: from seed: probably by cuttings: semi-soft wood cuttings of new growth in
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 8, 11, 13, 14, 24 8/8/14
© Project SOUND
* Brittlebush – Encelia farinosa (en-SEE-lee-uh far-ee-NO-suh)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Colorado, Sonoran & Mojave Deserts from CA to Utah, south to Mexico; on south-facing
rocky slopes, washes and flats in open oak woodlands, semidesert and desert grasslands, desert
scrub, and coastal sage scrub.
Growth characteristics: sub-shrub mature height: 3-5 ft. mature width: 3-5 ft.
Evergreen (with water) or drought-deciduous shrub from a woody, succulent base. Many-branched
with dense, rounded appearance. Leaves are simple, light green to velvety-white. Leaf size varies
considerably depending on water availability. Quick-growing. May be short-lived in the garden.
Foliage releases chemicals that inhibit the growth of other plants (allelopathy).
Blooms/fruits: Blooms primarily in spring (Mar-May), but may bloom sporadically depending on
rains. Flowers are typical yellow ‘sunflower’ heads on bare stalks above the foliage. Very showy in
bloom, when there may be hundreds of flower heads. Flowers are sweetly fragrant.
Uses in the garden: Often used for erosion control on slopes. Nice addition to the Silver Garden.
Excellent choice for desert-themed garden, rock garden, at the back of water-wise mixed beds.
Excellent choice for hot, dry gardens; does not do well near the coast (too foggy & damp).
Sensible substitute for: Non-native bush sunflowers.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Attracts many insect pollinators
including butterflies and native bees.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun; fine with reflected heat.
Soil Sandy or rocky well-drained soils – does poorly on heavy clays; alkali soils fine.
Water Don’t over-water once established; Zone 1-2 best (water only during long dry
periods). Over-watered plants are leggy, brittle.
Fertilizer none
Management: Prune spent flowerheads as desired. Cut back by at least ½ in fall to keep growth
compact. Plant roots resent moving, so plant out in place when young.
Propagation: from seed: in spring; soak seed in warm water for 1 hr. by cuttings: tip cuttings
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 21, 20, 24 12/1/08
* Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
*Wooly brickellbush – Brickellia incana (brick-KELL-ee-uh in-CAN-uh)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Southwestern U.S. Deserts of CA, AZ, NV; sandy and gravelly washes, flats in Creosote
Bush Scrub, Joshua Tree Woodland, Shadscale Scrub at elevations to 5000 ft./1600 m.
Growth characteristics: perennial shrub/sub-shrub mature height: 1-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft.
Part-woody sub-shrub with branching from the woody base. Shape clumped to mounded. Foliage is
silvery white due to dense leaf hairs. Leaves are small (to 1 inch), rounded, simple. Pretty plant.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in warm season – anywhere from April to fall. Flowering heads small (1
inch or so) without showy ray flowers. Long, reddish stamens extend out – unusual appearance.
Uses in the garden: Mostly used in desert-themed gardens. Silvery foliage is idea as an accent or in
a white/moon garden. Seeds have showy bristles and are eaten by birds. Plant used medicinally.
Good choice for a water-wise planting. Would work well with Mediterranean herbs/herb garden.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native white shrubs.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun.
Soil Well-drained soils. Likely most local pH.
Water Occasional summer water – Water Zone 1-2 (several times a summer)
Fertilizer None needed.
Other Inorganic mulch or just natural leaf litter.
Management: Prune back in fall (recommended) for best form.
Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed by cuttings: ??
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 13 11/29/16
* California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
White (Felt-leaf) Everlasting – Pseudognaphalium canescens
(sue-doh-na-FAY-lee-um kan-ES-ens)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Coastal areas & coastal foothills from S. CA to OR (ssp. microcephala from S. CA south to
Baja; ssp. beneolens from San Gabriel mtns); common on dry slopes and in open, grassy places in
chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and southern oak woodlands below 4000'.
Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft.
Short-lived (2-4 years in our area) herbaceous perennial wildflower from a woody root. Habit is
open, branching, may droop in part-sun; graceful. Foliage intensely white-wooly; really stands out.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms summer to fall - July into Nov. along the coast. Flowers small, in loose
clusters are the ends of flowering stalks. Flowers too small to be really showy – but attract many
small bees and other pollinators.
Uses in the garden: Most effective as a silvery accent among darker-colored foliage. A necessity for
the butterfly garden. Great with its natural associates: native bunch grasses, annual wildflowers.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native white-foliage plants like Dusty Miller.
Attracts: Excellent pollinator habitat. Larval food for American Lady Butterfly – larval will make a
‘shelter’ of leaves & silk to protect themselves from predation. Birds eat seed.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to part-shade; more compact in full sun.
Soil Just about any local soil.
Water Not particular; anything from Zone 1 (with annual wildflowers) to Zone 2.
Fertilizer Not needed – but wouldn’t kill it.
Management: Pretty much manages itself. Cut back if it becomes unruly. Reseeds well on bare
ground, so remove seed heads if you don’t want volunteers.
Propagation: from seed: easy, fall-spring
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 10, 16 12/12/10
© Project SOUND
Island hazardia – Hazardiadetonsa (haz-ZAR-dee-uh de-TON-suh)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Northern Channel Islands (Anacapa, Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa); on open rocky slopes,
sea cliffs, in coastal scrub, chaparral, pine woodland at < 1500 ft. elevation.
Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 3-8 ft. mature width: 3-5 ft.
Mostly evergreen part-woody shrub. Overall shape is open and upright from a dense basal rosette.
Leaves are thick, up to 5 ½ inches long; ovate with serrated edges. Foliage color is silver-gray due
to dense, wooly hairs that cover the leaves. Form and color make this a good accent plant.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms when conditions are favorable, from spring through fall (Mar-Nov).
Flowering heads grow in loose clusters at the ends of flowering stalks (stalks white-hairy). Flowers
are small and mostly contained within row of white bracts (phyllaries). Ray and disk flowers are
yellow, but may become red or purple with age. Seeds have fluffy bristles; wind distributed.
Uses in the garden: This rare plant is well-suited for dry S. CA gardens. Looks nice with local
buckwheats, sages and grasses. Its white foliage, relatively large leaves and unusual shape make it
a choice native accent plant. Perfect for Channel Islands gardens, white gardens. Fine on slopes.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs of similar size.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Cover for small creatures.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun (coast) to part-shade (inland). Bright shade is best.
Soil Well-drained soils best, including rocky; tolerates clay. Neutral pH (6.00 to 7.50).
Water Semi-dry to 1-2 times per month in summer (Water Zone 1-2 to 2).
Fertilizer Not needed unless grown in containers.
Other Light organic mulch (natural leaf litter best) or none.
Management: Prune off old flowering stalks in fall. Don’t over-water in heavier soils.
Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed, fall by cuttings: ??
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 11, 13, 43 11/29/16
© Project SOUND
*Desertagave – Agave deserti (a-GAH-vee dee-SERT-eye)
Family: Agavaceae (Agave Family)
Native to: Mojave Desert and desert mtns (Imperial, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego
Counties); in hot, dry washes and rocky slopes to 5000', in creosote bush and shadscale scrub.
Growth characteristics: clumping perennial succulent mature height:1-2 ft. mature width:2-3 ft.
Robust, evergreen succulent with sword-like leaves in a basal rosette. Most common variety has
very light colored foliage and produces many offsets (‘pups’). Leaves 1-2 ft. long, stout, with
toothed margins and sharp spine at tip. Light color, attractive shape make it a choice accent plant.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms late spring/early summer. Each plant blooms once, after 20 or more years,
then dies (note: ‘pups’ survive). Stout blooming stalk grows quickly to 20 ft. Flowers in a dense
cluster at top of flowering stalk. Individual flowers yellow, tube-shaped, showy. Pollinated by desert
bat; also attracts hummingbirds. Truly dramatic plant when it blooms!
Uses in the garden: Often used as an accent plant, in desert gardens or with modern architecture.
Great choice for dry slopes and other out-of-the-way and hard-to-water areas. Not for high-traffic
areas, but great in water-wise plantings. Can even be grown in large containers. Flowers and
young stalks can be prepared and eaten; leaf fibers used for cordage.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native agaves, yuccas.
Attracts: Excellent hummingbird habitat. Other birds eat seeds.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun.
Soil Any texture, but best in well-drained soils; any local pH (7.0-8.0)
Water Very drought tolerant; water occasionally in summer (Water Zone 1-2).
Fertilizer None needed unless in container.
Other No mulch or use an inorganic (gravel) mulch.
Management: Prune out dead leaves. Remove ‘pups’ if desired. Low maintenance plant.
Propagation: from seed: fresh seed or cold-moist treat by divisions: yes
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 13, 14, 38 11/30/16
* California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
*Desertholly – Atriplexhymenelytra (AT-ri-plex hy-men-o-LIE-tra)
Family: Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family)
Native to: Southwestern U.S. (CA, AZ, NV, UT) and Baja CA - Mojave and Sonoran Deserts; alkaline
soils on hilly/rocky areas and in canyon washes rather than lower flats/playas to ~ 4500 ft.
Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 2-3 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft.
Compact, mounded shrub with intensely white/silver foliage. Leaves look similar to holly in shape –
hence the common name. The foliage is highly light-reflective and very attractive. Slow-growing.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms late winter/early spring (Jan-Apr). Plants usually dioecious (separate male
& female plants) but both flowers may occur on same plant. Flowers themselves are small, yellow-
green and fairly inconspicuous. The seeds, however, can become an attractive, showy pink.
Uses in the garden: Difficult to grow, so mostly found in desert gardens. Good choice for sandy
soils, rock gardens or in suitable (large; deep) containers. Superb accent plant.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native white-foliage shrubs.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun.
Soil Very well-drained – sandy or rocky; neutral to alkali pH (7.0-8.5). Salt-tolerant.
Water Needs deep water to establish roots. Then very drought tolerant (Water Zone 1-1/2)
Fertilizer None needed except very dilute dose in containers.
Other No mulch or gravel mulch.
Management: Perfect drainage a must.
Propagation: from seed: dry seed; pre-soak and rinse well before planting by cuttings: ??
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 16, 38 11/30/16
* California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND

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Gardening sheets silvery foliage

  • 1. *Bishop manzanita – Arctostaphylosobispoensis (arc-toe-STAFF-ih-loss oh-bis-poe-EN-sis) Family: Ericaceae (Heath Family) Native to: Central CA coastal mountains (Santa Lucia Range) in San Luis Obispo and Monterrey Counties; rocky, often serpentine soils, in chaparral, open closed-cone forest, mixed-evergreen forest and central oak woodland (near coast – below 3000 ft. elevation). Growth characteristics: woody shrub/small tree mature height: 5-10+ ft. mature width: 5-10 ft. Evergreen, large woody shrub with attractive deep red-brown bark. Form is dense and mounded. Leaves are simple, rounded and silvery-green to blue-green. Slow-growing. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late winter/early spring – anytime from January to March. Flowers are the small, white, urn-shaped flowers typical of manzanitas. Pretty in bloom. Edible fruits are red when they ripen in summer-fall. Fruits are showy in good years. Uses in the garden: Most often used as a medium-large shrub. Can also be pruned up to a small, multi-trunked tree. Dramatic gray-green accent plant. Attracts hummingbirds. Tolerates clay soils and some heat. Can be grown under oaks and pines. Can even grow in large containers. Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs/small trees. Attracts: Excellent hummingbird habitat; provides food for fruit-eating birds. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Sun or part-shade (part-shade best in hot, inland gardens). Soil Adaptable, from rocky or sandy to clay. Likes mildly acidic soils (pH 6.00 to 7.00). Water Occasional to once a month (deep) in summer; Water Zone 1-2 to 2. Fertilizer None needed except in container. Other Use organic mulch. Management: Nice natural form – needs little pruning. Pinch tips for fuller grown if desired. Propagation: from seed: fresh seed or cold-moist-treat by cuttings: likely yes Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 11, 13 11/29/16 * California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
  • 2. * Beach Sandwort – Artemisia pycnocephala (ar-te-MEEZ-ee-uh pik-no-SEF-uh-luh) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Central & Northern coast of CA to Oregon; rocky or sandy soils, beach dunes, coastal strand. Growth characteristics: perennial subshrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft. Perrenial or subshrub, woody at base, with delicate, silky-gray, finely divided foliage. Plant dense, mounded, with a ‘soft’ silvery appearance. Short-lived (2-5 years). Pollen may cause allergies. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer. Small yellow flowers on spikes above foliage. Some find the flowers unsightly and remove the stalks. Fruits are dry capsules with small seeds. Uses in the garden: Often used as an accent plant because of its showy silver foliage – quite unique. Works well as a fast-growing filler between slower-growing groundcover plants. Would probably work in pots and planters. Aromatic. Nice cascading over rock walls, in dry shade. Unusual groundcover with look of an elegant Artemisia. ‘David’s Choice’ cultivar is readily available. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Artemisias (Wormwoods). Attracts: Good bird and reptile habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun (coast) to part shade Soil Sandy to medium – well-drained. Moderately alkali soils fine. Water Occasional summer water. Fertilizer None. Other Management: Fast-growing but short-lived. Can cut back in spring. Do not cut into old wood (where there are no buds). Can be sheared during the summer if needed - new foliage will flush out quickly. Gophers love it – plant in chicken wire cages if gophers are a problem. Propagation: from seed: yes by cuttings: yes, in summer Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 5, 8-11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 24 2/6/11 * Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
  • 3. *Silver wormwood (Prairie sage) – Artemisia ludoviciana (ar-te-ME-see-uh loo-doe-vee-see-AN-uh) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Much of North America (Canada to Mexico). Locally in San Gabriel Mountains; on dry slopes and in canyons, in many plant communities including dry prairies, Sage Scrub, Yellow Pine Forest, Red Fir Forest, Creosote Bush Scrub, Pinyon-Juniper Woodland. Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 3-5+ ft. Half-woody sub-shrub that spreads via rhizomes. Form is upright to mounded. Leaves are simple and irregularly toothed. Fragrant foliage is white/silvery due to dense, matted hairs; very attractive. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring (Feb-Apr) in lowland S. CA. Flowers are small, yellow and not particularly showy. Flowering stalks, which rise above foliage, provide some vertical interest. Uses in the garden: Widely used for white foliage in flower and herb gardens; good choice for mid- border. Often used in natural prairie plantings or as groundcover with native grasses, wildflowers and perennials. Should do fine in large containers. Dense roots hold soil on slopes. Common cultivars: ‘Silver King’ – 2-3 ft tall, spreader; ‘Silver Queen’ – more mounded; ‘Valerie Finnis’ – very white, most mounded and shrub-like of the cultivars. Cultivars widely available. Foliage was used as a medicinal plant (anti-bacterial & anti-fungal), a deodorant and as a ceremonial plant. Sensible substitute for: Non-native white foliage shrubs like Dusty Miller. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to light shade. Soil Just about any texture - wide tolerance range; slightly acidic to alkali (pH: 5.0-8.0). Water Occasional to almost regular; Water Zone 1-2 to 2 for species; more for cultivars. Susceptible to fungal disease with regular summer water. Fertilizer Low dose (1/2 strength) yearly in containers Other Fine with light organic mulches (no deeper than 2 inches) Management: Prune back heavily (or mow) in late fall (or when plants start to look ragged). Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed by cuttings: yes; soft- and semi-hard wood. Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 47, 73 11/29/16 * California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
  • 4. * Four-wing Saltbush – Atriplex canescens (AT-ry-pleks kan-ESS-sens ) Family: Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family) Native to: Much of western N. America from the Dakotas to Baja; found in many plant communities from coastal dunes to deserts, on dry, barren flats, slopes, washes usually below 7000 ft. Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 3-6 ft. mature width: 4-8 ft. Semi-deciduous woody shrub with many dense branches. Shape quite variable, but usually a mounded shrub. Foliage a light blue-green, glistens with salt crystals. Numerous leaves on thin, brittle branches. Can be pruned/shaped to a hedge or rounded shrub. Deep roots. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer to early fall. Separate male & female plants. Flowers small, green-yellow, on flowering stems – not particularly showy. Fruits are dry, winged capsules, each containing a single seed. Seed capsules can be showy – and are certainly interesting! Uses in the garden: Use extensively as a shrub and informal hedges in the Southwest, particularly in water-wise gardens. Excellent for hillsides and erosion control. A superb habitat plant. Works well in hot gardens. Tolerates maritime conditions & salty soils/water. Takes up salt & metals. Foliage and fruits can be eaten if no fertilizer used. Excellent choice for habitat gardens. Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs. Attracts: Excellent habitat plant with all of the benefits of the Family. Provides cover and nesting sites for small animals & birds. Seeds and foliage (deer, rabbits) provide nutritious food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to light shade. Soil Well-drained soils, including very sandy soils; alkali and salty soils fine. Water Very drought tolerant (Zone 1-2); looks better as Zone 2 (occasional water) Fertilizer None. Other Management: Pretty easy in well-drained soils – may die in wet winters in heavy clay. Cut branches back by one-third in winter or shear into a hedge. Propagation: from seed: use year-old dry seed by cuttings: fairly easy Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 21, 24 1/29/10 * Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
  • 5. *Shadscale – Atriplex confertifolia (AT-ri-plex kon-fer-ti-FO-lee-uh) Family: Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family) Native to: Desert shrublands of the Mojave and Great Basin deserts and surrounding foothills from N. Dakota to OR and S. to TX and CA. Low valleys, alkali flats, foothills and mesas from 2,500 to 7,500 ft elevation in Shadscale Scrub, Creosote Bush Scrub, Sagebrush Scrub. Growth characteristics: perennial shrub/sub-shrub mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 1-3 ft. Dense, low-growing shrub with spine-tipped branches. Form is rounded to mounded. Evergreen to partially winter- and drought-deciduous, Leaves are silver-green to gray-green, simple and rounded. Plants have deep, extensive root systems. Plants generally short-lived (less than 10 years). Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring – usually Apr-Jun in S. CA. Plants are dioecious (separate male & female plants). Flowers are small, yellow-green and not particularly showy. Seed clusters are unique and pretty – seeds have two papery wings that start pink and fade to gold. Uses in the garden: Usually used in desert gardens, but appropriate for other water-wise settings. Foliage color complements other native shrubs. Fine groundcover, particularly on slopes. Good habitat plant. Likely would do fine in a large container. Seeds, young foliage are edible; older foliage used as salty seasoning for soups, stews. Medicinal (poultice used for aches, chest colds). Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs of similar size. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat & animal browse: provides cover and seeds for food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part-shade. Soil Best in well-drained soils. Any local pH, including alkali. Water Best with occasional summer rain (Water Zone 1-2 to 2); let dry out in fall. Fertilizer None. Other No mulch or inorganic mulch. Management: Prune back in late fall for best shape. Don’t over-water in heavier soils. Needs some drought stress for good health. Propagation: from seed: pre-soak seed; rinse several times by cuttings: likely yes. Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 13, 47, 61 11/29/16 * California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
  • 6. Nevin’s Sunflower/Catalina Silverlace– Constancea/Eriophyllum nevinii (con STAN-see-uh nev-IN-ee-eye) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: S. Channel Islands (Santa Barbara, Santa Catalina, San Clemente Islands); rocky coastal bluffs, coastal sage scrub. Growth characteristics: semi-woody shrub mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft. Mounded shrub with white/gray lacy foliage. Branches herbaceous, arising from a woody stem. Young growth covered with dense white hairs. Looks like an elegant ‘Dusty Miller’. Widely available cultivar ‘Canyon Silver’ comes from Santa Barbara Channel Islands. Blooms/fruits: Blooms April-Aug. Flowers are golden-yellow in clusters above the foliage. Seed heads turn attractive dark brown in fall. Uses in the garden: Small size makes it good as foundation plant or for mid-bed in mixed flower beds. Looks great in a silver garden, and wonderful accent with other shrubs. Works well with other Channel Island natives such as Ceanothus leucodermis, Epilobium ‘Catalina’, Eriogonum giganteum, and Romneya coulteri. Relatively deer tolerant and good for fire-prone areas. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Dusty Millers, Lavender Cotton (Santolina), white-foliage shrubs Attracts: Excellent nectar source for bees and butterflies. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun (best) to part-shade Soil Any well-drained Water Low needs once established; needs no summer water in coastal gardens Fertilizer Low needs Other Management: For a dense plant with good form it is best to give a hard pruning in late fall or winter as new growth emerges. Propagation: from seed: probably by cuttings: semi-soft wood cuttings of new growth in summer/fall Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 8, 11, 13, 14, 24 8/8/14 © Project SOUND
  • 7. * Brittlebush – Encelia farinosa (en-SEE-lee-uh far-ee-NO-suh) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Colorado, Sonoran & Mojave Deserts from CA to Utah, south to Mexico; on south-facing rocky slopes, washes and flats in open oak woodlands, semidesert and desert grasslands, desert scrub, and coastal sage scrub. Growth characteristics: sub-shrub mature height: 3-5 ft. mature width: 3-5 ft. Evergreen (with water) or drought-deciduous shrub from a woody, succulent base. Many-branched with dense, rounded appearance. Leaves are simple, light green to velvety-white. Leaf size varies considerably depending on water availability. Quick-growing. May be short-lived in the garden. Foliage releases chemicals that inhibit the growth of other plants (allelopathy). Blooms/fruits: Blooms primarily in spring (Mar-May), but may bloom sporadically depending on rains. Flowers are typical yellow ‘sunflower’ heads on bare stalks above the foliage. Very showy in bloom, when there may be hundreds of flower heads. Flowers are sweetly fragrant. Uses in the garden: Often used for erosion control on slopes. Nice addition to the Silver Garden. Excellent choice for desert-themed garden, rock garden, at the back of water-wise mixed beds. Excellent choice for hot, dry gardens; does not do well near the coast (too foggy & damp). Sensible substitute for: Non-native bush sunflowers. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Attracts many insect pollinators including butterflies and native bees. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun; fine with reflected heat. Soil Sandy or rocky well-drained soils – does poorly on heavy clays; alkali soils fine. Water Don’t over-water once established; Zone 1-2 best (water only during long dry periods). Over-watered plants are leggy, brittle. Fertilizer none Other Management: Prune spent flowerheads as desired. Cut back by at least ½ in fall to keep growth compact. Plant roots resent moving, so plant out in place when young. Propagation: from seed: in spring; soak seed in warm water for 1 hr. by cuttings: tip cuttings Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 21, 20, 24 12/1/08 * Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
  • 8. *Wooly brickellbush – Brickellia incana (brick-KELL-ee-uh in-CAN-uh) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Southwestern U.S. Deserts of CA, AZ, NV; sandy and gravelly washes, flats in Creosote Bush Scrub, Joshua Tree Woodland, Shadscale Scrub at elevations to 5000 ft./1600 m. Growth characteristics: perennial shrub/sub-shrub mature height: 1-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft. Part-woody sub-shrub with branching from the woody base. Shape clumped to mounded. Foliage is silvery white due to dense leaf hairs. Leaves are small (to 1 inch), rounded, simple. Pretty plant. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in warm season – anywhere from April to fall. Flowering heads small (1 inch or so) without showy ray flowers. Long, reddish stamens extend out – unusual appearance. Uses in the garden: Mostly used in desert-themed gardens. Silvery foliage is idea as an accent or in a white/moon garden. Seeds have showy bristles and are eaten by birds. Plant used medicinally. Good choice for a water-wise planting. Would work well with Mediterranean herbs/herb garden. Sensible substitute for: Non-native white shrubs. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun. Soil Well-drained soils. Likely most local pH. Water Occasional summer water – Water Zone 1-2 (several times a summer) Fertilizer None needed. Other Inorganic mulch or just natural leaf litter. Management: Prune back in fall (recommended) for best form. Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed by cuttings: ?? Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 13 11/29/16 * California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
  • 9. White (Felt-leaf) Everlasting – Pseudognaphalium canescens (sue-doh-na-FAY-lee-um kan-ES-ens) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Coastal areas & coastal foothills from S. CA to OR (ssp. microcephala from S. CA south to Baja; ssp. beneolens from San Gabriel mtns); common on dry slopes and in open, grassy places in chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and southern oak woodlands below 4000'. Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft. Short-lived (2-4 years in our area) herbaceous perennial wildflower from a woody root. Habit is open, branching, may droop in part-sun; graceful. Foliage intensely white-wooly; really stands out. Blooms/fruits: Blooms summer to fall - July into Nov. along the coast. Flowers small, in loose clusters are the ends of flowering stalks. Flowers too small to be really showy – but attract many small bees and other pollinators. Uses in the garden: Most effective as a silvery accent among darker-colored foliage. A necessity for the butterfly garden. Great with its natural associates: native bunch grasses, annual wildflowers. Sensible substitute for: Non-native white-foliage plants like Dusty Miller. Attracts: Excellent pollinator habitat. Larval food for American Lady Butterfly – larval will make a ‘shelter’ of leaves & silk to protect themselves from predation. Birds eat seed. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part-shade; more compact in full sun. Soil Just about any local soil. Water Not particular; anything from Zone 1 (with annual wildflowers) to Zone 2. Fertilizer Not needed – but wouldn’t kill it. Other Management: Pretty much manages itself. Cut back if it becomes unruly. Reseeds well on bare ground, so remove seed heads if you don’t want volunteers. Propagation: from seed: easy, fall-spring Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 10, 16 12/12/10 © Project SOUND
  • 10. Island hazardia – Hazardiadetonsa (haz-ZAR-dee-uh de-TON-suh) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Northern Channel Islands (Anacapa, Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa); on open rocky slopes, sea cliffs, in coastal scrub, chaparral, pine woodland at < 1500 ft. elevation. Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 3-8 ft. mature width: 3-5 ft. Mostly evergreen part-woody shrub. Overall shape is open and upright from a dense basal rosette. Leaves are thick, up to 5 ½ inches long; ovate with serrated edges. Foliage color is silver-gray due to dense, wooly hairs that cover the leaves. Form and color make this a good accent plant. Blooms/fruits: Blooms when conditions are favorable, from spring through fall (Mar-Nov). Flowering heads grow in loose clusters at the ends of flowering stalks (stalks white-hairy). Flowers are small and mostly contained within row of white bracts (phyllaries). Ray and disk flowers are yellow, but may become red or purple with age. Seeds have fluffy bristles; wind distributed. Uses in the garden: This rare plant is well-suited for dry S. CA gardens. Looks nice with local buckwheats, sages and grasses. Its white foliage, relatively large leaves and unusual shape make it a choice native accent plant. Perfect for Channel Islands gardens, white gardens. Fine on slopes. Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs of similar size. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Cover for small creatures. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun (coast) to part-shade (inland). Bright shade is best. Soil Well-drained soils best, including rocky; tolerates clay. Neutral pH (6.00 to 7.50). Water Semi-dry to 1-2 times per month in summer (Water Zone 1-2 to 2). Fertilizer Not needed unless grown in containers. Other Light organic mulch (natural leaf litter best) or none. Management: Prune off old flowering stalks in fall. Don’t over-water in heavier soils. Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed, fall by cuttings: ?? Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 11, 13, 43 11/29/16 © Project SOUND
  • 11. *Desertagave – Agave deserti (a-GAH-vee dee-SERT-eye) Family: Agavaceae (Agave Family) Native to: Mojave Desert and desert mtns (Imperial, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diego Counties); in hot, dry washes and rocky slopes to 5000', in creosote bush and shadscale scrub. Growth characteristics: clumping perennial succulent mature height:1-2 ft. mature width:2-3 ft. Robust, evergreen succulent with sword-like leaves in a basal rosette. Most common variety has very light colored foliage and produces many offsets (‘pups’). Leaves 1-2 ft. long, stout, with toothed margins and sharp spine at tip. Light color, attractive shape make it a choice accent plant. Blooms/fruits: Blooms late spring/early summer. Each plant blooms once, after 20 or more years, then dies (note: ‘pups’ survive). Stout blooming stalk grows quickly to 20 ft. Flowers in a dense cluster at top of flowering stalk. Individual flowers yellow, tube-shaped, showy. Pollinated by desert bat; also attracts hummingbirds. Truly dramatic plant when it blooms! Uses in the garden: Often used as an accent plant, in desert gardens or with modern architecture. Great choice for dry slopes and other out-of-the-way and hard-to-water areas. Not for high-traffic areas, but great in water-wise plantings. Can even be grown in large containers. Flowers and young stalks can be prepared and eaten; leaf fibers used for cordage. Sensible substitute for: Non-native agaves, yuccas. Attracts: Excellent hummingbird habitat. Other birds eat seeds. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun. Soil Any texture, but best in well-drained soils; any local pH (7.0-8.0) Water Very drought tolerant; water occasionally in summer (Water Zone 1-2). Fertilizer None needed unless in container. Other No mulch or use an inorganic (gravel) mulch. Management: Prune out dead leaves. Remove ‘pups’ if desired. Low maintenance plant. Propagation: from seed: fresh seed or cold-moist treat by divisions: yes Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 13, 14, 38 11/30/16 * California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
  • 12. *Desertholly – Atriplexhymenelytra (AT-ri-plex hy-men-o-LIE-tra) Family: Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot Family) Native to: Southwestern U.S. (CA, AZ, NV, UT) and Baja CA - Mojave and Sonoran Deserts; alkaline soils on hilly/rocky areas and in canyon washes rather than lower flats/playas to ~ 4500 ft. Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 2-3 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft. Compact, mounded shrub with intensely white/silver foliage. Leaves look similar to holly in shape – hence the common name. The foliage is highly light-reflective and very attractive. Slow-growing. Blooms/fruits: Blooms late winter/early spring (Jan-Apr). Plants usually dioecious (separate male & female plants) but both flowers may occur on same plant. Flowers themselves are small, yellow- green and fairly inconspicuous. The seeds, however, can become an attractive, showy pink. Uses in the garden: Difficult to grow, so mostly found in desert gardens. Good choice for sandy soils, rock gardens or in suitable (large; deep) containers. Superb accent plant. Sensible substitute for: Non-native white-foliage shrubs. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun. Soil Very well-drained – sandy or rocky; neutral to alkali pH (7.0-8.5). Salt-tolerant. Water Needs deep water to establish roots. Then very drought tolerant (Water Zone 1-1/2) Fertilizer None needed except very dilute dose in containers. Other No mulch or gravel mulch. Management: Perfect drainage a must. Propagation: from seed: dry seed; pre-soak and rinse well before planting by cuttings: ?? Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 16, 38 11/30/16 * California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND