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Northern water plantain – Alisma triviale (uh-LIZ-muh triv-ee-AY-lee)
Family: Alismataceae (Water Plantain Family)
Native to: Much of Northern Hemisphere from AK and Canada to CA. Locally in Madrona Marsh,
Gardena Willows, other local wetlands; along edges of rivers, ponds and wetlands below ~7500 ft. in
Sagebrush Scrub, Mixed Evergreen, Valley Grassland and wetland-riparian communities.
Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 1-2+ ft.
Herbaceous perennial that dies back after blooming. Plant characteristics depend on whether plant
grows in water or in muddy edges. On edges plants are more erect. Leaves simple, large (to 7
inches) and green, mostly in a basal rosette. Leaves somewhat thick, fleshy. Plants are rhizomatous
and can form dense colonies. Note: skin allergies possible; fresh, uncooked plants toxic.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in June or July, with warm weather and drying of seasonal wetlands.
Flowers small, white, rather simple with 3 petals & 3 green sepals. Numerous flowers on flowering
stems 3-4 ft tall. Looks like a cloud of blooms above the foliage. Seed also attractive, unique.
Uses in the garden: Best used as a pond-edge, bog or moist rain garden plant. Can be grown in
water in shallow pond. Best planted in containers to limit spread; can even be used to create ‘mini-
wetlands’ in containers. Good pond habitat plant. Roots can be well-cooked, then eaten. Important
medicinal plant, particularly for bacterial skin infections; dried leaves, roots for other infections.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native pond plants.
Attracts: Good bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Pollinated by native pollinator flies
and small native bees. Good habitat for dragonflies.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to part shade – needs some sun to bloom.
Soil Not particular; probably not alkali.
Water Standing water or moist soil until blooming; then quite drought tolerant.
Fertilizer Probably fine. Limit to single dose, spring.
Management: Plants spread by seed and rhizome. Contain for most gardens. Seeds will spread
only in moist parts of garden, but can be aggressive there.
Propagation: from seed: easy; keep moist in winter/spring by divisions: easy
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 2, 56 6/24/17
© Project SOUND
*Broadleaf arrowhead (Wapato) – Sagittaria latifolia (saj-it-AIR-ee-uh lat-ih-FOE-lee-uh)
Family: Alismataceae (Water Plantain Family)
Native to: Much of Northern Hemisphere from S. Canada to Eastern US and California Floristic
Province. Locally in inland Los Angeles Co. & Santa Ana River; submerged in shallow water or on
wet muddy banks in sloughs, swamps, marshes and margins of streams and ponds.
Growth characteristics: clumping herbaceous perennial mature height:1-4 ft. mature width:1-4 ft.
Herbaceous perennial that spreads via stolons (like strawberries). Dies back to corm in dry season.
Large, arrowhead-shaped green leaves (narrower in submerged plants). Looks like pond plant.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer, June to Aug. in S. California. Flowers small (1-2 inches), white,
simple with 3 petals & 3 sepals. Separate male and female flowers can be recognized by presence
or absence of pollen. Plants are pretty in bloom and attract many insect pollinators.
Uses in the garden: Best used as a pond or bog plant. Can be grown in standing water or wet soil
around ponds. Also does well in containers – alone or with other wetland species. Useful habitat
plant. Corms are edible; were once a California staple. Cook and use like the Chinese Arrowhead.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native pond plants.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides seeds/tubers. Many pollinators including native bees,
pollinator flies, butterflies. Very good habitat plant for a pond/wetland species.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun in water; part-shade in drier settings.
Soil Most local soils.
Water Standing water or wet soil until after blooming ceases; Water Zone 3, then 2.
Fertilizer ½ strength in late spring for container-grown plants.
Management: Plant will spread and reseed if happy. Deadhead after blooming to control spread.
Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed, fall or spring by corms: yes; in winter/spring.
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 13, 14, 24, 47 6/28/17
* California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
Southern Cattail – Typha domingensis (TIE-fuh doe-min-GEN-sis )
Family: Typhaceae (Cattail Family)
Native to: Warm-temperate and tropical areas world-wide. In CA, wherever appropriate conditions
are found; grows almost anywhere soil remains wet, saturated, or flooded most of the growing
season, including.wet meadows, marshes, fens, pond and lake margins, seacoast estuaries,
roadside ditches, irrigation canals, oxbow lakes, and backwater areas of rivers and streams.
Growth characteristics: clumping perennial mature height: 3-6+ ft. mature width: spreading
Grass-like large perennial that spreads via stout rhizomes. Leaves erect, narrow, like a very large
grass – medium green. Leaves are longer then the flowering stalks in this species. Leaves dry to
tan-brown in fall/winter. Young rhizomes & shoots can be eaten raw or cooked. Leaves can be used
to make mats, paper, etc.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer – usually June/July in our area. Both male and female flowers
on same plant – the male flowers above the female in the ‘cattail’. Hundreds of tiny flowers form
the hotdog-like ‘cattail’. In this species, the male flowers are separated from the female with a
distinct gap. Young cattails can be roasted and eaten like corn on the cob. Pollen also eaten.
Uses in the garden: Used most commonly in/around ponds and pools. Can be better controlled if
planted in a container. Also used to stabilize wet banks. Great for container ponds.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native pond plants.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds. Larval food for several moth species.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun.
Soil Any
Water Needs wet soil for at least 6 months of year. Can grow in up to 2 ft of water.
Fertilizer Fine to use; organic mulch also fine.
Management: Requires vigorous yearly maintenance or will take over a pond. Best restrained in
a bottomless container (even in a pond). Cut to ground in fall. Divide/remove excess rhizomes.
Propagation: from seed: fresh seed; keep soil moist by cuttings: easy from divisions or
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 2, 10, 14 6/1/10
© Project SOUND
Saltmarsh Fleabane – Pluchea odorata ssp. odorata (PLOO-shuh oh-dor-AY-tuh)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Much of southern U.S. to S. America, Caribbeans. In CA, mostly w. of Sierras, but also in
s. desert areas; common in moist soil including saline valley bottoms, coastal salt marshes,
freshwater marshes, washes & riparian areas.
Growth characteristics: clumping sub-shrub mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft.
Semi-woody sub-shrub with faint camphor-like fragrance. Leaves rounded to lance-shaped, gland-
dotted, clustered towards the branch tips. Stress-deciduous (looses leaves in drought; cold); may
be an annual in colder climates. Plants have many, upright stalks. Spreads via rhizomes.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late summer through fall (July-Aug through Oct.). Flowers typical of
Sunflower family. Fragrant, pink/lavender flower heads are numerous in dense, flat-topped clusters
at ends of branches – quite showy and unique, especially in Fall. Seeds have fluffy bristles.
Uses in the garden: Excellent choice for moister areas of garden (rain gardens; swales; under
birdbath; etc). Fine along streams, near ponds. Does well in large containers, but will be smaller
than in the ground. Great fall habitat plant! Used medicinally in Caribbean countries. Crushed
leaves serve as an insect repellant.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native fall-blooming plants like chrysanthemums.
Attracts: Excellent bird & pollinator habitat. Provides cover and seeds for bird food. Native
pollinators love the nectar.
Element Requirement
Sun Quite adaptable; full sun to fairly shady
Soil Just about any except very coarse/rocky; alkaline and salty soils are fine
Water Prefers regular water but ok (will go dormant) with less summer water; Zone 2 to 3
Fertilizer Not needed, but not a problem; fertilize lightly if grown in container
Management: Prune back in winter if leggy. Will spread via rhizomes, so may want to contain.
Propagation: from seed: direct seed in fall; may benefit from pre-chill by cuttings: probably
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 2, 6, 10, 16, 20, 21 1/12/15
© Project SOUND
* Nettleleaf Giant Hyssop (Horse Mint) – Agastache urticifolia
(ag-us-TAH-kee ur-tik-ih-FOH-lee-uh )
Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
Native to: Foothills of western N. America from British Columbia to Mexico. Locally in San
Bernardino Mtns; on dry, generally open slopes in woodlands, but common in many habitats.
Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 2-5 ft.
Herbaceous perennial wildflower that spreads via creeping rhizomes. Foliage slightly coarse, mint-
like in appearance. Bright green leaves opposite along square stem, slightly minty scented.
Overall has the appearance of a small bush that dies back in fall/winter.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer – generally June-August, may have long blooming period (4+
weeks). Flowers are small, rose/violet along flowering stems held above the foliage. Flowers are
typical for Mint family and have light, sweet fragrance that’s irresistible to pollinators. Showy!
Uses in the garden: Most often used for its habitat value, but a nice addition to the perennial garden
in its own right. Fine under trees (needs some sun) or sunny spots. Excellent choice near the
vegetable garden, near fruit trees, near bird bath. Flowers & leaves make a refreshing tea.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native Mints.
Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: attracts butterflies, bees and other pollinators like a magnet.
Birds eat the seeds. Deer and other animals will occasionally browse the foliage.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to part-shade (morning sun is excellent)
Soil Well-drained soils – sandy soils are excellent. Any local pH including slightly acid.
Water Occasional to regular water – Zone 2-3 is optimal; takes winter flooding.
Fertilizer Light fertilizer fine.
Management: Pretty easy to grow, hardy. Cut back old stalks to just above woody stems in fall.
Propagation: from seed: 1-2 mo cold-moist treatment by cuttings: tip cuttings in summer; also
by divisions in winter/early spring.
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 6, 13, 19 6/21/10
* Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
*Blue vervain – Verbena hastata (ver-BEE-nuh hass-TAH-tuh)
Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena Family)
Native to: Northern Hemisphere from S. Canada to CA, including California’s Central/northern coast
and foothills. In disturbed places, marshes and other moist areas; wetland-riparian community.
Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial/biennial mature height:3-6 ft. mature width:1-3 ft.
Tall, erect, herbaceous plant that produces flowers in second year, then dies. Leaves lance-shaped,
coarsely toothed, with no fragrance. Fast-growing. Looks like a wetland plant. May form clumps.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in the heat of summer – June or July to Sept. Flowers on 2-6 inch spikes,
distributed like a candelabra on the tall flowering stalk. Flowers are small, violet-colored and open
sequentially from bottom to top (long bloom season). Attracts many pollinators. Dramatic!
Uses in the garden: Mostly used around ponds, bog gardens or swales. Lovely natural appearance
to pond edges when planted with native sedges and rushes. Also nice in cottage gardens or meadow
plantings. Excellent habitat plant for both pollinators and birds. Fine for large containers. Leaves
(tea) and roasted seeds edible. Important medicinal plant: externally on wounds and internally for a
range of conditions. All parts of plant used medicinally. Good choice for herb or medicinal garden.
Verbena hastata ‘Blue Spires’ is a cultivar available from seed companies.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native wetland plants, like non-native verbenas.
Attracts: Excellent bird habitat (cover, seeds). Attracts wide range of pollinators from bees and
hummingbirds to butterflies, pollinator flies, moths. Larval food for Common Buckeye butterfly.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to part-shade (drier conditions).
Soil Most local soils, including sandy; most local pH.
Water Regular water to boggy.
Fertilizer ½ strength dose in spring for containerized plants.
Management: Plant will spread via seed and rhizomes if happy. Deadhead (at least some) if
reseeding is an issue. Other than that, cut back in winter, after birds have eaten seed.
Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed by cuttings: ??
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 46, 56, 73 6/19/17
* California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
Sticky Cinquefoil – Drymocallis (Potentilla) glandulosa
(DRY-mo-cal-us gland-you-LOW-suh)
Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Native to: Much of the western U.S. including western CA (except the Great Central Valley) – locally
on Catalina Isl. and Santa Monica & San Gabriel mtns; many plant communities including forests,
woodlands, sagebrush and grassland communities in open places.
Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 1-2 ft.
Leafy plant with soft pinnately compound leaves arising from a woody root. Plant is variable across
its range and several sub-species occur. Foliage has sticky hairs, hence the common name. An
attractive plant that is slightly reminiscent of a giant strawberry plant.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms spring-summer, usually May-July but can be earlier or later. Flowers look
like large yellow (or white in some sub-species) strawberry flowers – quite pleasant and showy.
Insect pollinated & self-fertile.
Uses in the garden: Most often used as an accent plant in mixed beds. Works well with native
grasses and other groundcover perennials. Easy to grow. Works well in containers & planters.
Good for transition zones which get a bit more water – for example, bordering lawns.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native Cinquefoils.
Attracts: Excellent insect (pollinator) habitat plant. Also cover & food for small animals & birds.
Element Requirement
Sun Best in part-shade; will take full sun with regular water.
Soil Any local soil; likes well-drained soils
Water Quite tolerant of water regimens from regular water (Zone 3) to occasional water
(Zone 2).
Fertilizer Not needed, but won’t hurt.
Management: Easy to grow. Will reseed on bare ground. Keep area weeded.
Propagation: from seed: easy in spring by cuttings: sem1-soft in summer divisions: spring
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 6, 12, 13 7/1/17
© Project SOUND

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Gardening sheets dragonflies

  • 1. Northern water plantain – Alisma triviale (uh-LIZ-muh triv-ee-AY-lee) Family: Alismataceae (Water Plantain Family) Native to: Much of Northern Hemisphere from AK and Canada to CA. Locally in Madrona Marsh, Gardena Willows, other local wetlands; along edges of rivers, ponds and wetlands below ~7500 ft. in Sagebrush Scrub, Mixed Evergreen, Valley Grassland and wetland-riparian communities. Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 1-2+ ft. Herbaceous perennial that dies back after blooming. Plant characteristics depend on whether plant grows in water or in muddy edges. On edges plants are more erect. Leaves simple, large (to 7 inches) and green, mostly in a basal rosette. Leaves somewhat thick, fleshy. Plants are rhizomatous and can form dense colonies. Note: skin allergies possible; fresh, uncooked plants toxic. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in June or July, with warm weather and drying of seasonal wetlands. Flowers small, white, rather simple with 3 petals & 3 green sepals. Numerous flowers on flowering stems 3-4 ft tall. Looks like a cloud of blooms above the foliage. Seed also attractive, unique. Uses in the garden: Best used as a pond-edge, bog or moist rain garden plant. Can be grown in water in shallow pond. Best planted in containers to limit spread; can even be used to create ‘mini- wetlands’ in containers. Good pond habitat plant. Roots can be well-cooked, then eaten. Important medicinal plant, particularly for bacterial skin infections; dried leaves, roots for other infections. Sensible substitute for: Non-native pond plants. Attracts: Good bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Pollinated by native pollinator flies and small native bees. Good habitat for dragonflies. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part shade – needs some sun to bloom. Soil Not particular; probably not alkali. Water Standing water or moist soil until blooming; then quite drought tolerant. Fertilizer Probably fine. Limit to single dose, spring. Other Management: Plants spread by seed and rhizome. Contain for most gardens. Seeds will spread only in moist parts of garden, but can be aggressive there. Propagation: from seed: easy; keep moist in winter/spring by divisions: easy Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 2, 56 6/24/17 © Project SOUND
  • 2. *Broadleaf arrowhead (Wapato) – Sagittaria latifolia (saj-it-AIR-ee-uh lat-ih-FOE-lee-uh) Family: Alismataceae (Water Plantain Family) Native to: Much of Northern Hemisphere from S. Canada to Eastern US and California Floristic Province. Locally in inland Los Angeles Co. & Santa Ana River; submerged in shallow water or on wet muddy banks in sloughs, swamps, marshes and margins of streams and ponds. Growth characteristics: clumping herbaceous perennial mature height:1-4 ft. mature width:1-4 ft. Herbaceous perennial that spreads via stolons (like strawberries). Dies back to corm in dry season. Large, arrowhead-shaped green leaves (narrower in submerged plants). Looks like pond plant. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer, June to Aug. in S. California. Flowers small (1-2 inches), white, simple with 3 petals & 3 sepals. Separate male and female flowers can be recognized by presence or absence of pollen. Plants are pretty in bloom and attract many insect pollinators. Uses in the garden: Best used as a pond or bog plant. Can be grown in standing water or wet soil around ponds. Also does well in containers – alone or with other wetland species. Useful habitat plant. Corms are edible; were once a California staple. Cook and use like the Chinese Arrowhead. Sensible substitute for: Non-native pond plants. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides seeds/tubers. Many pollinators including native bees, pollinator flies, butterflies. Very good habitat plant for a pond/wetland species. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun in water; part-shade in drier settings. Soil Most local soils. Water Standing water or wet soil until after blooming ceases; Water Zone 3, then 2. Fertilizer ½ strength in late spring for container-grown plants. Other Management: Plant will spread and reseed if happy. Deadhead after blooming to control spread. Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed, fall or spring by corms: yes; in winter/spring. Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 13, 14, 24, 47 6/28/17 * California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
  • 3. Southern Cattail – Typha domingensis (TIE-fuh doe-min-GEN-sis ) Family: Typhaceae (Cattail Family) Native to: Warm-temperate and tropical areas world-wide. In CA, wherever appropriate conditions are found; grows almost anywhere soil remains wet, saturated, or flooded most of the growing season, including.wet meadows, marshes, fens, pond and lake margins, seacoast estuaries, roadside ditches, irrigation canals, oxbow lakes, and backwater areas of rivers and streams. Growth characteristics: clumping perennial mature height: 3-6+ ft. mature width: spreading Grass-like large perennial that spreads via stout rhizomes. Leaves erect, narrow, like a very large grass – medium green. Leaves are longer then the flowering stalks in this species. Leaves dry to tan-brown in fall/winter. Young rhizomes & shoots can be eaten raw or cooked. Leaves can be used to make mats, paper, etc. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer – usually June/July in our area. Both male and female flowers on same plant – the male flowers above the female in the ‘cattail’. Hundreds of tiny flowers form the hotdog-like ‘cattail’. In this species, the male flowers are separated from the female with a distinct gap. Young cattails can be roasted and eaten like corn on the cob. Pollen also eaten. Uses in the garden: Used most commonly in/around ponds and pools. Can be better controlled if planted in a container. Also used to stabilize wet banks. Great for container ponds. Sensible substitute for: Non-native pond plants. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds. Larval food for several moth species. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun. Soil Any Water Needs wet soil for at least 6 months of year. Can grow in up to 2 ft of water. Fertilizer Fine to use; organic mulch also fine. Other Management: Requires vigorous yearly maintenance or will take over a pond. Best restrained in a bottomless container (even in a pond). Cut to ground in fall. Divide/remove excess rhizomes. Propagation: from seed: fresh seed; keep soil moist by cuttings: easy from divisions or rhizomes. Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 2, 10, 14 6/1/10 © Project SOUND
  • 4. Saltmarsh Fleabane – Pluchea odorata ssp. odorata (PLOO-shuh oh-dor-AY-tuh) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Much of southern U.S. to S. America, Caribbeans. In CA, mostly w. of Sierras, but also in s. desert areas; common in moist soil including saline valley bottoms, coastal salt marshes, freshwater marshes, washes & riparian areas. Growth characteristics: clumping sub-shrub mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft. Semi-woody sub-shrub with faint camphor-like fragrance. Leaves rounded to lance-shaped, gland- dotted, clustered towards the branch tips. Stress-deciduous (looses leaves in drought; cold); may be an annual in colder climates. Plants have many, upright stalks. Spreads via rhizomes. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late summer through fall (July-Aug through Oct.). Flowers typical of Sunflower family. Fragrant, pink/lavender flower heads are numerous in dense, flat-topped clusters at ends of branches – quite showy and unique, especially in Fall. Seeds have fluffy bristles. Uses in the garden: Excellent choice for moister areas of garden (rain gardens; swales; under birdbath; etc). Fine along streams, near ponds. Does well in large containers, but will be smaller than in the ground. Great fall habitat plant! Used medicinally in Caribbean countries. Crushed leaves serve as an insect repellant. Sensible substitute for: Non-native fall-blooming plants like chrysanthemums. Attracts: Excellent bird & pollinator habitat. Provides cover and seeds for bird food. Native pollinators love the nectar. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Quite adaptable; full sun to fairly shady Soil Just about any except very coarse/rocky; alkaline and salty soils are fine Water Prefers regular water but ok (will go dormant) with less summer water; Zone 2 to 3 Fertilizer Not needed, but not a problem; fertilize lightly if grown in container Other Management: Prune back in winter if leggy. Will spread via rhizomes, so may want to contain. Propagation: from seed: direct seed in fall; may benefit from pre-chill by cuttings: probably Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 2, 6, 10, 16, 20, 21 1/12/15 © Project SOUND
  • 5. * Nettleleaf Giant Hyssop (Horse Mint) – Agastache urticifolia (ag-us-TAH-kee ur-tik-ih-FOH-lee-uh ) Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family) Native to: Foothills of western N. America from British Columbia to Mexico. Locally in San Bernardino Mtns; on dry, generally open slopes in woodlands, but common in many habitats. Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 2-5 ft. Herbaceous perennial wildflower that spreads via creeping rhizomes. Foliage slightly coarse, mint- like in appearance. Bright green leaves opposite along square stem, slightly minty scented. Overall has the appearance of a small bush that dies back in fall/winter. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer – generally June-August, may have long blooming period (4+ weeks). Flowers are small, rose/violet along flowering stems held above the foliage. Flowers are typical for Mint family and have light, sweet fragrance that’s irresistible to pollinators. Showy! Uses in the garden: Most often used for its habitat value, but a nice addition to the perennial garden in its own right. Fine under trees (needs some sun) or sunny spots. Excellent choice near the vegetable garden, near fruit trees, near bird bath. Flowers & leaves make a refreshing tea. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Mints. Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: attracts butterflies, bees and other pollinators like a magnet. Birds eat the seeds. Deer and other animals will occasionally browse the foliage. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part-shade (morning sun is excellent) Soil Well-drained soils – sandy soils are excellent. Any local pH including slightly acid. Water Occasional to regular water – Zone 2-3 is optimal; takes winter flooding. Fertilizer Light fertilizer fine. Other Management: Pretty easy to grow, hardy. Cut back old stalks to just above woody stems in fall. Propagation: from seed: 1-2 mo cold-moist treatment by cuttings: tip cuttings in summer; also by divisions in winter/early spring. Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 6, 13, 19 6/21/10 * Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
  • 6. *Blue vervain – Verbena hastata (ver-BEE-nuh hass-TAH-tuh) Family: Verbenaceae (Verbena Family) Native to: Northern Hemisphere from S. Canada to CA, including California’s Central/northern coast and foothills. In disturbed places, marshes and other moist areas; wetland-riparian community. Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial/biennial mature height:3-6 ft. mature width:1-3 ft. Tall, erect, herbaceous plant that produces flowers in second year, then dies. Leaves lance-shaped, coarsely toothed, with no fragrance. Fast-growing. Looks like a wetland plant. May form clumps. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in the heat of summer – June or July to Sept. Flowers on 2-6 inch spikes, distributed like a candelabra on the tall flowering stalk. Flowers are small, violet-colored and open sequentially from bottom to top (long bloom season). Attracts many pollinators. Dramatic! Uses in the garden: Mostly used around ponds, bog gardens or swales. Lovely natural appearance to pond edges when planted with native sedges and rushes. Also nice in cottage gardens or meadow plantings. Excellent habitat plant for both pollinators and birds. Fine for large containers. Leaves (tea) and roasted seeds edible. Important medicinal plant: externally on wounds and internally for a range of conditions. All parts of plant used medicinally. Good choice for herb or medicinal garden. Verbena hastata ‘Blue Spires’ is a cultivar available from seed companies. Sensible substitute for: Non-native wetland plants, like non-native verbenas. Attracts: Excellent bird habitat (cover, seeds). Attracts wide range of pollinators from bees and hummingbirds to butterflies, pollinator flies, moths. Larval food for Common Buckeye butterfly. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part-shade (drier conditions). Soil Most local soils, including sandy; most local pH. Water Regular water to boggy. Fertilizer ½ strength dose in spring for containerized plants. Other Management: Plant will spread via seed and rhizomes if happy. Deadhead (at least some) if reseeding is an issue. Other than that, cut back in winter, after birds have eaten seed. Propagation: from seed: easy with fresh seed by cuttings: ?? Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 46, 56, 73 6/19/17 * California native, but not native to Western Los Angeles County © Project SOUND
  • 7. Sticky Cinquefoil – Drymocallis (Potentilla) glandulosa (DRY-mo-cal-us gland-you-LOW-suh) Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family) Native to: Much of the western U.S. including western CA (except the Great Central Valley) – locally on Catalina Isl. and Santa Monica & San Gabriel mtns; many plant communities including forests, woodlands, sagebrush and grassland communities in open places. Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 1-2 ft. Leafy plant with soft pinnately compound leaves arising from a woody root. Plant is variable across its range and several sub-species occur. Foliage has sticky hairs, hence the common name. An attractive plant that is slightly reminiscent of a giant strawberry plant. Blooms/fruits: Blooms spring-summer, usually May-July but can be earlier or later. Flowers look like large yellow (or white in some sub-species) strawberry flowers – quite pleasant and showy. Insect pollinated & self-fertile. Uses in the garden: Most often used as an accent plant in mixed beds. Works well with native grasses and other groundcover perennials. Easy to grow. Works well in containers & planters. Good for transition zones which get a bit more water – for example, bordering lawns. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Cinquefoils. Attracts: Excellent insect (pollinator) habitat plant. Also cover & food for small animals & birds. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Best in part-shade; will take full sun with regular water. Soil Any local soil; likes well-drained soils Water Quite tolerant of water regimens from regular water (Zone 3) to occasional water (Zone 2). Fertilizer Not needed, but won’t hurt. Other Management: Easy to grow. Will reseed on bare ground. Keep area weeded. Propagation: from seed: easy in spring by cuttings: sem1-soft in summer divisions: spring Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 6, 12, 13 7/1/17 © Project SOUND