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California false indigo – Amorpha californica (a-MOR-fuh kal-ih-FOR-ni-kuh)
Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family)
Native to: Mountains of western CA from N. CA south, AZ and Baja CA. Locally in the Santa Monica
& San Gabriel mtns.; shrubby or open slopes in slopes in Yellow Pine Forest, Chaparral, Mixed
Evergreen Forest, Oak Woodland and riparian woodlands.
Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 4-8 ft. mature width: 4-8 ft.
Open, drought-deciduous shrub with hairy, scented foliage. Leaves are compound, to 12” in length,
medium green, with hair-like glands. Leaves smaller than similar Amorpha fruticosa. Plant shape
very dependent on light – more rounded, shrubby in more light, groundcover-like in lower light. The
foliage has pleasant fragrance – like tropical fruit perhaps combined with lavender. Wonderful!
Blooms/fruits: Blooms are unusual. Plants flower in spring – usually Apr-June in our area.
Inflorescence (flower cluster) is spike-like. Individual flowers are small, somewhat pea-like with
prominent purple sepals and reproductive structures extending beyond the fused sepals. This plant
is exotic looking when in bloom. The flower stalks are subtle but so unusual as to draw attention.
Uses in the garden: Usually planted for its habitat value. Larval food source for California’s state
butterfly, the California Dogface (Zerene eurydice). Nice addition to a scent garden. Does well in
shady or partly shady areas, under trees. Fine on shady slopes, stream banks. The foliage is so
different that it provides a nice contrast with other local native shrubs. Fine in large containers.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs in Pea Family like Psoralea pinnata, Caragana species.
Attracts: Excellent butterfly and hummingbird habitat (see above).
Element Requirement
Sun Filtered sun to nearly full shade
Soil Adaptable; most local textures including sand, pH 6.0-8.0
Water Drought tolerance but best with occasional summer water (Water Zone 1-2 to 2)
Fertilizer Not required, except in container; light doses
Other Fine with organic mulch – in fact, probably best with mulch
Management: The only issue is summer irrigation schedule. Other than that, easy once
established in a shady spot. Prune when dormant; can shape but best to just remove old branches.
Propagation: from seed: easy from fresh; 21 days cold-moist for stored by cuttings/layering: yes
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 8, 10, 13 7/1/14
© Project SOUND
CA Buckwheat – Eriogonum fasciculatum vars. fasciculatum & foliolosum
(air-ee-OG-oh-num fas-sick-yoo-LAY-tum)
Family: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)
Native to: Central coast of CA south to Baja; var. fasciculatum grows in coastal areas in coastal
scrub, coastal sage scrub and on bluffs. Var. foliolosum on rocky/sandy flats and slopes in mixed
grassland, chaparral communities, oak and conifer woodlands.
Growth characteristics: clumping sub-shrub mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 4-5 ft.
Evergreen, many-branched sub-shrub. May be upright or more reclining. Leaves are linear, dark
green on top and white beneath, in bundles (fascicles – hence the name).
Blooms/fruits: Blooms off and on throughout the year, but mostly from May to Nov. Flowers are
small, pink-white, in dense clusters. Very showy in bloom! Seed heads are rust-brown, also quite
showy. Plant looks nice most of the year.
Uses in the garden: Plant is often used in habitat gardens. Is nice paired with other local native
shrubs and perennials. Does well as a groundcover on hills and slopes. Cultivars 'Bruce
Dickinson', ‘'Theodore Payne' and 'Warriner Lytle' are all low-lying forms (around 1 ft tall). Cultivar
‘Dana Point’ has brighter green leaf and mounded habit – grows to 5+ ft. wide.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native summer-flowering shrubs.
Attracts: Excellent butterfly habitat plant: larval food source for Morman Metalmark, Bramble
Hairstreak, Common Hairstreak, Avalon Hairstreak. Birds love the seeds. Cover for birds, lizards.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun best; some shade OK, but will become leggy.
Soil Any (sand to clay) but well-drained is best.
Water Drought-tolerant but looks better with occasional summer water (Zone 1-2 to 2)
Fertilizer None needed.
Management: Fairly easy. Cut back to about 6-15” in late fall to keep it looking nice.
Propagation: from seed: yes; may need cold treatment by cuttings: yes
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 46, 50 7/3/10
© Project SOUND
Big (California) Gum Plant – Grindelia camporum (grin-DELL-ee-uh camp-OH-rum)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Central & S. CA coast. On dry banks, rocky or sandy fields, along roadsides, in dry
washes and stream banks, saline soils.
Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 2-4 ft mature width: 2-4
ft Erect, herbaceous/woody perennial with alternate, leathery leaves. Leaves, stems and flowers
are sticky-resinous. Plant may be upright or more decumbent – definitely an informal appearance.
Blooms/fruits: Attractive yellow “daisy” flowers from Mar-Oct. Bracts below heads are down-
Uses in the garden: In informal cultivated beds (mid-bed). Good for sandy, relatively infertile soils.
Flowers attractive, numerous, long-lasting. Scented (balsamic scent). Great for butterfly, pollinator
or bird garden – excellent all-round habitat plant. Looks great with blue or purple flowers, or with
native bunch grasses. Good for dry gardens (xeriscaping) or salty/alkali soils. Tough plant!
Sensible substitute for: non-native bush sunflowers: Gloriosa Daisies (Rudbeckia),
Attracts: Butterflies; many species of bees; beetles and other interesting insects. Birds eat seeds.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun
Soil Sandy to medium – well-drained best but tolerates clay; pH 6-8
Water Low needs, particularly when flowering. Will tolerate more if soil well-drained
Fertilizer None needed
Other Tolerates alkali and salty soils
Management: Easy to grow. Cut back to near the ground after flowering to keep from getting
leggy. Dies back significantly in dry conditions.
Propagation: from seed: Easy. Collect seed from dry heads in summer/fall. Seeds may be dried
and stored for planting in spring. In S. Bay can be planted in pots or in the ground Oct-Nov.
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 6, 8, 12-14, 16, 20, 24, 31 7/3/14
© Project SOUND
*Parish’s goldeneye – Viguiera/Bahiopsis parishii (vig-WY-er-uh par-ISH-ee-eye)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Southwestern US (CA, NV, AZ) & N. Mexico. In CA, found in both Mojave and Sonoran
Deserts; washes, mesas, sandy/rocky slopes to 5000 ft.
Growth characteristics: sub-shrub (half-woody) mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft.
Winter-deciduous to semi-deciduous sub-shrub. Mounded shape similar to Encelia californica.
Leaves green to gray-green, usually opposite, rounded to triangular; leaves have short, rough hairs
and are sticky and fragrant. Plants that are eaten or pruned have neat appearance.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms after the rains in spring (Feb-June) and again after summer monsoons
(Sep-Oct). Flowers are in 2 inch heads typical of sunflowers. Heads either solitary or in small
clusters above the foliage. Both ray and disk (central) flowers are bright golden yellow. Very bright
and colorful in bloom. Seeds are small, dry seeds typical of sunflowers.
Uses in the garden: Often used in habitat gardens, to attract insects and birds. Good late-blooming
alternative to CA Encelia (Encelia californica) or the larger Golden bushes (Isocoma & Hazardia
species). Wonderful addition to red/yellow or blue/yellow gardens. Good choice for desert or rock
gardens. Often used on dry slopes, roadsides.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native sunflowers.
Attracts: Good bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Attracts wide variety of pollinators
(bees; butterflies; flies; beetles). Larval food for California Patch butterfly (Chlosyne californica).
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to part-shade
Soil Wide range from sandy/rocky to clay; any local pH including alkali to pH 8.0
Water Low requirements (Zone 1 or 1-2); benefits from occasional water in August.
Fertilizer None needed
Other Use inorganic mulch or very thin (1 inch) layer of organic mulch
Management: Prune back hard (to 6-8 inches, like Encelia californica ) when dormant in early
winter. Deadhead if desired. Other than that, this is a very hardy, undemanding plant.
Propagation: from seed: easy; no pre-treatment needed by cuttings: likely yes
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 11, 13, 28 7/1/14
* not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND
* Guadalupe Island Rock Daisy – Perityle incana (peri-tile in-CAN-uh )
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Endemic to Guadalupe Island (Channel Island) off Baja (Southernmost tip of CA Floristic
Province); washes, canyons, bluffs .
Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 2-3 ft. mature width: 3-5 ft.
Lovely shrubby evergreen perennial with very white foliage. Overall shape is mounded to irregular.
The leaves are incised, creating a feathery appearance. Moderately fast growth. Rare in the wild.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms most in late spring or summer, but may flower off and on at other times.
Flowers are a brilliant yellow, in dense clusters on stalks slightly above the foliage. The flowering
heads have no ray flowers. Seeds are light, dry, somewhat fluffy.
Uses in the garden: Often used for its striking white foliage, but flowers are equally attractive.
Excellent plant for habitat gardens, attracting song birds, hummingbirds, pollinators, butterflies.
Looks wonderful paired with Salvias or native buckwheats. Truly unique appearance – only
Constancea nevinii has as white a foliage. Wonderful against dark backgrounds/foliage. Probably
fine in large containers – does fine in planters.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native Dusty Millers and other white foliage plants.
Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: provides cover, nectar, pollen and seeds for food.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun near coast; afternoon shade further inland or hot gardens
Soil Sandy/rocky is best, but tolerates clay; local pH fine
Water Best semi-dry in summer – Water Zone 1-2 or 2
Fertilizer Not needed
Other Light mulch OK
Management: Thrives on neglect, but can prune after flowering to shape. Frost tender.
Propagation: from seed: easy from fresh seeds by cuttings: ? probably from non-flowering
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 13, 14 7/1/14
* Not a CA native; native to Baja CA © Project SOUND
* Rubber Rabbitbush – Ericameria nauseosa (Chrysothamnus nauseosus)
(air-ee-cam-AIR-ee-uh (kris-oh THAM-nus) naw-see-OH-sus)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Much of western Northern America. Locally in foothills of the San Gabriels and Mojave
Desert; usually in sunny, open sites in a diverse range of habitats.
Growth characteristics: woody sub-shrub mature height: 2-5+ ft. mature width: 3-5 ft.
Woody shrub or sub-shrub with many branches and a mounded shape. Stems primarily upright,
may be covered with dense white hairs. Leaves small, leathery, medium green to gray-green.
Foliage aromatic – somewhat like sunflower, though some find it disagreeable.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late summer or fall for 2-3 weeks. Plant is literally covered with bright
yellow blooms in mounded clusters. Individual flowers are somewhat like those of Mulefat or
Bricklebush. Extremely showy in bloom – a real traffic stopper! Fluffy seeds.
Uses in the garden: Most often used as a water-wise shrub in gardens throughout the Southwest.
Excellent choice for a habitat garden. Can be trimmed as a hedge. Great for slopes and other
‘difficult to water’ places. Flowers make an unparalleled yellow dye. Plant used extensively as a
medicinal for respiratory complaints, bacterial infections. Plant produces rubber latex.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs.
Attracts: Excellent habitat plant. Flowers attract and wide range of pollinators including, flies,
bees, butterflies, beetles and others. Birds eat seeds. Shrub provides shelter for small creatures.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun
Soil Just about any soil. Tolerates clays, high pH (> 8.0) and salty soils.
Water Very drought tolerant once established (Zone 1-2 to 2). Occasional late summer
water promotes good flowering.
Fertilizer None – likes poor soils.
Management: Prune to about 6 inches (or just above woody part of stem) in fall after blooming.
Propagation: from seed: in winter/early spring. Keep wet to germinate. by cuttings: probably
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 6, 10, 13, 16 6/21/10
* Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
*Red/Rosy buckwheat – Eriogonum grande var. rubescens
(air-ee-OG-oh-num GRAHN-day ru-BES-sens )
Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family)
Native to: Endemic to n Channel Islands (San Miguel, Santa Cruz, and Santa Rosa islands) off CA
coast; uncommon on dry cliffs and bluffs, coastal grassland and scrub communities < 1000 ft.
Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 1-4 ft.
Spreading low sub-shrub, evergreen except in serious drought with green to silvery-green foliage.
Mounded form. Leaves are oval or spoon-shaped, somewhat crinkled and larger than many local
buckwheat’s. Leaves green above, white-hairy beneath. Attractive, tidy appearance. Lives 3-5
years but will replace itself by reseeding in most gardens.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer/fall – sometimes as early as Apr but full bloom usually in June-
July in local gardens. Flowers range in color from medium to bright pink fading to rust. Flowers
tiny but clustered in dense balls above foliage. One of the showier CA buckwheats. Excellent color!
Uses in the garden: Often used to line walkways and paths due to its tidy form and bright flowers.
Excellent habitat plant – attracts many types of insect. Lovely massed or paired with white, pink,
even yellow flowers. Naturalizes charmingly. Good choice for rock garden, narrow bed, containers.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennials.
Attracts: Excellent pollinator, butterfly & bird habitat: provides nectar, pollen and seeds for food.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun on coast; some afternoon shade in hot gardens
Soil Any, but loves clay; any local pH
Water Best looking with occasional summer water (Water Zone 1-2 or 2)
Fertilizer Only needed for container-grown; ¼ strength should do
Other If mulched use an inorganic or thin layer of organic mulch
Management: Prune back in fall to keep tidy; don’t cut into the wood. Remove spent flowers after
birds have eaten their fill (& winds have spread the seed). Hybridizes with other buckwheats. Easy.
Propagation: from seed: easy from fresh by cuttings: yes; late summer, non-blooming stems
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 5, 6-8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 24, 25, 46 7/1/14
* not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND
Cliff Aster – Malacothrix saxatilis var. tenuifolia (mal-uh-COTH-rix saks-A-til-iss)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: South Coast & Transverse Ranges of S. California; coastal strand and coastal scrub and
canyons, coastal-sage scrub.
Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 3-5+ ft.
Open sub-shrub with woody base and mostly herbaceous branches. Leaves mostly basal, coarsely-
toothed somewhat like a dandelion or a white-flowered Chicory. Branches are wire-like. Summer
deciduous with no summer water.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms much of the year in lower elevations (Mar-Nov) depending on rainfall.
Flowering heads typical of sunflower family, white with pink striping, solitary along the wire-like
branches. Quite showy, as there are often many blooms at one time.
Uses in the garden: Right at home in the water-wise garden. Does well on slopes and in rock
gardens, near rock walls or fences. Airy-looking white flowers mix well in perennial beds. Probably
fine in large pots or planters. Flowers are a refreshing contrast to dark leaves of native shrubs.
Plant makes a nice filler and will re-seed naturally. Very tough plant that looks best in wet years.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennial sunflowers like Asters.
Attracts: Good bird, butterfly and insect habitat: provides Fall nectar and seeds for food. Rabbits
like foliage.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun best; light shade probably fine.
Soil Probably any texture or local pH
Water Little to occasional summer water once established (Zone ½ or 2)
Fertilizer None
Other Light organic mulch or none
Management: Little management needed. Hardy plant. Cut back in fall or will gets straggly.
Propagation: from seed: ? germination improved by smoke – but fresh seed has good germination
with no treatment. Plant in prepared bed in spring by cuttings: ? probably
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 10, 11, 46 7/3/14
© Project SOUND
* Desert Mallow – Sphaeralcea ambigua (sfeer-AL-see-uh am-BIG-yoo-uh)
Family: Malvaceae (Mallow Family)
Native to: Southwestern deserts & desert mountains. In CA, in both Mojave & Sonoran Deserts; on
sandy or rocky soils, mostly in washes, canyons or on dry slopes.
Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 3-4 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft.
Lovely, mounded evergreen sub-shrub with typical mallow leaves & other features. Many slender,
semi-woody stems. Leaves are gray-green, covered with hairs (allergenic – wear gloves when
handling). Airy, looks like a garden plant. Fast growing. Short-lived, but re-seeds well.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms mostly in spring (Mar-June) but year-round with some water. Flowers
range from white to pink-purple, but most are apricot to red-orange. One of the largest flowers of
native Globe-mallows. Flowers look like small Hibiscus flowers on Hollyhock-like stems.
Uses in the garden: Makes lovely addition to cottage garden or other garden that features flowering
plants. Excellent choice for water-wise garden, desert garden or rock garden. Works great on dry
slopes and fine in hot, sunny areas. Fine in containers. Not for the immediate coast (too foggy).
Sensible substitute for: Non-native Mallows, Hollyhocks, other small flowering shrubs.
Attracts: Excellent habitat: plant : provides cover and seeds for bird food and nectar for insect
pollinators. Larval food source for Western Checkered White butterfly.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun – even areas with hot, reflected sun
Soil Sandy or rocky; must be well-drained; any local pH, including alkali
Water None needed (Zone 1), but looks better (and flowers longer) with occasional water
(Zone 2)
Fertilizer None needed; light fertilizer won’t kill it.
Management: Low maintenance plant. Shear back to 6 inches in fall to rejuvenate (some do this
every year). Short-lived but re-seeds well (dead-head to prevent reseeding).
Propagation: from seed: easy in fall; soak older seed overnight by cuttings: difficult
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28 7/3/13
* CA native plant but not native to Western L.A. county © Project SOUND
White (Felt-leaf) Everlasting – Pseudognaphalium canescens
(sue-doh-na-FAY-lee-um kan-ES-ens)
Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
Native to: Coastal areas & coastal foothills from S. CA to OR (ssp. microcephala from S. CA south to
Baja; ssp. beneolens from San Gabriel mtns); common on dry slopes and in open, grassy places in
chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and southern oak woodlands below 4000'.
Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft.
Short-lived (2-4 years in our area) herbaceous perennial wildflower from a woody root. Habit is
open, branching, may droop in part-sun; graceful. Foliage intensely white-wooly; really stands out.
Blooms/fruits: Blooms summer to fall - July into Nov. along the coast. Flowers small, in loose
clusters are the ends of flowering stalks. Flowers too small to be really showy – but attract many
small bees and other pollinators.
Uses in the garden: Most effective as a silvery accent among darker-colored foliage. A necessity for
the butterfly garden. Great with its natural associates: native bunch grasses, annual wildflowers.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native white-foliage plants like Dusty Miller.
Attracts: Excellent pollinator habitat. Larval food for American Lady Butterfly – larval will make a
‘shelter’ of leaves & silk to protect themselves from predation. Birds eat seed.
Element Requirement
Sun Full sun to part-shade; more compact in full sun.
Soil Just about any local soil.
Water Not particular; anything from Zone 1 (with annual wildflowers) to Zone 2.
Fertilizer Not needed – but wouldn’t kill it.
Management: Pretty much manages itself. Cut back if it becomes unruly. Reseeds well on bare
ground, so remove seed heads if you don’t want volunteers.
Propagation: from seed: easy, fall-spring
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 10, 16 12/12/10
© Project SOUND
Dunn’s Lobelia – Lobelia dunnii var. serrata (lo-BEEL-ee-a DUN-ee-eye ser-AY-ta)
Family: Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family)
Native to: S. CA Coastal Ranges (Santa Monica Mtns) and Transverse ranges (San Gabriels) to n.
Baja; mossy seeps, moist canyon wall and rocky stream banks in coastal sage scrub, chaparral.
Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 1 ft. mature width: 1-3+ ft.
Winter-dormant herbaceous perennial with narrow leaves on slender stems. Foliage is gray-green,
evergreen except in winter. Stems are upright or reclining. Will spread in moist soils. Note: all
Lobelias are toxic to some degree.
Blooms/fruits: Late summer bloomer (Aug-Sept.) for about one month. One inch violet-blue
flowers on flowering stalk– very showy. Some what reminiscent of non-native Salvias. Very much
at home in the flower garden.
Uses in the garden: Most often used as a shade-loving ground cover. Also works well in traditional
flower beds, pots, windowboxes, hanging baskets and planters. Nice spot of color in late summer;
looks great massed. Good choice for water gardens or damp places in the garden.
Sensible substitute for: Non-native Salvias and Lobelias.
Attracts: Excellent butterfly plant. Many species of adult butterflies sip nectar from the flowers.
Element Requirement
Sun Light/partial shade is best, particularly for good color. Full sun only in cool gardens.
Soil Any texture, but well-drained. pH 6.0-8.0.
Water Likes moist soil (Zone 3); can even grow in shallow water. Takes seasonal flooding.
Fertilizer Likes organic soils; amend or mulch with organic mulches
Management: Carefree in many gardens. Hardy and even drought tolerant. Re-seeds if happy.
Propagation: from seed: winter; don’t cover & keep moist by divisions: ?spring
Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 6, 8, 11, 13 UCR Bot. Garden Sales 2/16/11
© Project SOUND

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Plant sheets 7-2014

  • 1. California false indigo – Amorpha californica (a-MOR-fuh kal-ih-FOR-ni-kuh) Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family) Native to: Mountains of western CA from N. CA south, AZ and Baja CA. Locally in the Santa Monica & San Gabriel mtns.; shrubby or open slopes in slopes in Yellow Pine Forest, Chaparral, Mixed Evergreen Forest, Oak Woodland and riparian woodlands. Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 4-8 ft. mature width: 4-8 ft. Open, drought-deciduous shrub with hairy, scented foliage. Leaves are compound, to 12” in length, medium green, with hair-like glands. Leaves smaller than similar Amorpha fruticosa. Plant shape very dependent on light – more rounded, shrubby in more light, groundcover-like in lower light. The foliage has pleasant fragrance – like tropical fruit perhaps combined with lavender. Wonderful! Blooms/fruits: Blooms are unusual. Plants flower in spring – usually Apr-June in our area. Inflorescence (flower cluster) is spike-like. Individual flowers are small, somewhat pea-like with prominent purple sepals and reproductive structures extending beyond the fused sepals. This plant is exotic looking when in bloom. The flower stalks are subtle but so unusual as to draw attention. Uses in the garden: Usually planted for its habitat value. Larval food source for California’s state butterfly, the California Dogface (Zerene eurydice). Nice addition to a scent garden. Does well in shady or partly shady areas, under trees. Fine on shady slopes, stream banks. The foliage is so different that it provides a nice contrast with other local native shrubs. Fine in large containers. Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs in Pea Family like Psoralea pinnata, Caragana species. Attracts: Excellent butterfly and hummingbird habitat (see above). Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Filtered sun to nearly full shade Soil Adaptable; most local textures including sand, pH 6.0-8.0 Water Drought tolerance but best with occasional summer water (Water Zone 1-2 to 2) Fertilizer Not required, except in container; light doses Other Fine with organic mulch – in fact, probably best with mulch Management: The only issue is summer irrigation schedule. Other than that, easy once established in a shady spot. Prune when dormant; can shape but best to just remove old branches. Propagation: from seed: easy from fresh; 21 days cold-moist for stored by cuttings/layering: yes Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 8, 10, 13 7/1/14 © Project SOUND
  • 2. CA Buckwheat – Eriogonum fasciculatum vars. fasciculatum & foliolosum (air-ee-OG-oh-num fas-sick-yoo-LAY-tum) Family: Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family) Native to: Central coast of CA south to Baja; var. fasciculatum grows in coastal areas in coastal scrub, coastal sage scrub and on bluffs. Var. foliolosum on rocky/sandy flats and slopes in mixed grassland, chaparral communities, oak and conifer woodlands. Growth characteristics: clumping sub-shrub mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 4-5 ft. Evergreen, many-branched sub-shrub. May be upright or more reclining. Leaves are linear, dark green on top and white beneath, in bundles (fascicles – hence the name). Blooms/fruits: Blooms off and on throughout the year, but mostly from May to Nov. Flowers are small, pink-white, in dense clusters. Very showy in bloom! Seed heads are rust-brown, also quite showy. Plant looks nice most of the year. Uses in the garden: Plant is often used in habitat gardens. Is nice paired with other local native shrubs and perennials. Does well as a groundcover on hills and slopes. Cultivars 'Bruce Dickinson', ‘'Theodore Payne' and 'Warriner Lytle' are all low-lying forms (around 1 ft tall). Cultivar ‘Dana Point’ has brighter green leaf and mounded habit – grows to 5+ ft. wide. Sensible substitute for: Non-native summer-flowering shrubs. Attracts: Excellent butterfly habitat plant: larval food source for Morman Metalmark, Bramble Hairstreak, Common Hairstreak, Avalon Hairstreak. Birds love the seeds. Cover for birds, lizards. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun best; some shade OK, but will become leggy. Soil Any (sand to clay) but well-drained is best. Water Drought-tolerant but looks better with occasional summer water (Zone 1-2 to 2) Fertilizer None needed. Other Management: Fairly easy. Cut back to about 6-15” in late fall to keep it looking nice. Propagation: from seed: yes; may need cold treatment by cuttings: yes Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 46, 50 7/3/10 © Project SOUND
  • 3. Big (California) Gum Plant – Grindelia camporum (grin-DELL-ee-uh camp-OH-rum) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Central & S. CA coast. On dry banks, rocky or sandy fields, along roadsides, in dry washes and stream banks, saline soils. Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 2-4 ft mature width: 2-4 ft Erect, herbaceous/woody perennial with alternate, leathery leaves. Leaves, stems and flowers are sticky-resinous. Plant may be upright or more decumbent – definitely an informal appearance. Blooms/fruits: Attractive yellow “daisy” flowers from Mar-Oct. Bracts below heads are down- curved. Uses in the garden: In informal cultivated beds (mid-bed). Good for sandy, relatively infertile soils. Flowers attractive, numerous, long-lasting. Scented (balsamic scent). Great for butterfly, pollinator or bird garden – excellent all-round habitat plant. Looks great with blue or purple flowers, or with native bunch grasses. Good for dry gardens (xeriscaping) or salty/alkali soils. Tough plant! Sensible substitute for: non-native bush sunflowers: Gloriosa Daisies (Rudbeckia), Chrysanthemums Attracts: Butterflies; many species of bees; beetles and other interesting insects. Birds eat seeds. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun Soil Sandy to medium – well-drained best but tolerates clay; pH 6-8 Water Low needs, particularly when flowering. Will tolerate more if soil well-drained Fertilizer None needed Other Tolerates alkali and salty soils Management: Easy to grow. Cut back to near the ground after flowering to keep from getting leggy. Dies back significantly in dry conditions. Propagation: from seed: Easy. Collect seed from dry heads in summer/fall. Seeds may be dried and stored for planting in spring. In S. Bay can be planted in pots or in the ground Oct-Nov. Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 6, 8, 12-14, 16, 20, 24, 31 7/3/14 © Project SOUND
  • 4. *Parish’s goldeneye – Viguiera/Bahiopsis parishii (vig-WY-er-uh par-ISH-ee-eye) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Southwestern US (CA, NV, AZ) & N. Mexico. In CA, found in both Mojave and Sonoran Deserts; washes, mesas, sandy/rocky slopes to 5000 ft. Growth characteristics: sub-shrub (half-woody) mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft. Winter-deciduous to semi-deciduous sub-shrub. Mounded shape similar to Encelia californica. Leaves green to gray-green, usually opposite, rounded to triangular; leaves have short, rough hairs and are sticky and fragrant. Plants that are eaten or pruned have neat appearance. Blooms/fruits: Blooms after the rains in spring (Feb-June) and again after summer monsoons (Sep-Oct). Flowers are in 2 inch heads typical of sunflowers. Heads either solitary or in small clusters above the foliage. Both ray and disk (central) flowers are bright golden yellow. Very bright and colorful in bloom. Seeds are small, dry seeds typical of sunflowers. Uses in the garden: Often used in habitat gardens, to attract insects and birds. Good late-blooming alternative to CA Encelia (Encelia californica) or the larger Golden bushes (Isocoma & Hazardia species). Wonderful addition to red/yellow or blue/yellow gardens. Good choice for desert or rock gardens. Often used on dry slopes, roadsides. Sensible substitute for: Non-native sunflowers. Attracts: Good bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Attracts wide variety of pollinators (bees; butterflies; flies; beetles). Larval food for California Patch butterfly (Chlosyne californica). Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part-shade Soil Wide range from sandy/rocky to clay; any local pH including alkali to pH 8.0 Water Low requirements (Zone 1 or 1-2); benefits from occasional water in August. Fertilizer None needed Other Use inorganic mulch or very thin (1 inch) layer of organic mulch Management: Prune back hard (to 6-8 inches, like Encelia californica ) when dormant in early winter. Deadhead if desired. Other than that, this is a very hardy, undemanding plant. Propagation: from seed: easy; no pre-treatment needed by cuttings: likely yes Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 11, 13, 28 7/1/14 * not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND
  • 5. * Guadalupe Island Rock Daisy – Perityle incana (peri-tile in-CAN-uh ) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Endemic to Guadalupe Island (Channel Island) off Baja (Southernmost tip of CA Floristic Province); washes, canyons, bluffs . Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 2-3 ft. mature width: 3-5 ft. Lovely shrubby evergreen perennial with very white foliage. Overall shape is mounded to irregular. The leaves are incised, creating a feathery appearance. Moderately fast growth. Rare in the wild. Blooms/fruits: Blooms most in late spring or summer, but may flower off and on at other times. Flowers are a brilliant yellow, in dense clusters on stalks slightly above the foliage. The flowering heads have no ray flowers. Seeds are light, dry, somewhat fluffy. Uses in the garden: Often used for its striking white foliage, but flowers are equally attractive. Excellent plant for habitat gardens, attracting song birds, hummingbirds, pollinators, butterflies. Looks wonderful paired with Salvias or native buckwheats. Truly unique appearance – only Constancea nevinii has as white a foliage. Wonderful against dark backgrounds/foliage. Probably fine in large containers – does fine in planters. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Dusty Millers and other white foliage plants. Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: provides cover, nectar, pollen and seeds for food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun near coast; afternoon shade further inland or hot gardens Soil Sandy/rocky is best, but tolerates clay; local pH fine Water Best semi-dry in summer – Water Zone 1-2 or 2 Fertilizer Not needed Other Light mulch OK Management: Thrives on neglect, but can prune after flowering to shape. Frost tender. Propagation: from seed: easy from fresh seeds by cuttings: ? probably from non-flowering Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 13, 14 7/1/14 * Not a CA native; native to Baja CA © Project SOUND
  • 6. * Rubber Rabbitbush – Ericameria nauseosa (Chrysothamnus nauseosus) (air-ee-cam-AIR-ee-uh (kris-oh THAM-nus) naw-see-OH-sus) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Much of western Northern America. Locally in foothills of the San Gabriels and Mojave Desert; usually in sunny, open sites in a diverse range of habitats. Growth characteristics: woody sub-shrub mature height: 2-5+ ft. mature width: 3-5 ft. Woody shrub or sub-shrub with many branches and a mounded shape. Stems primarily upright, may be covered with dense white hairs. Leaves small, leathery, medium green to gray-green. Foliage aromatic – somewhat like sunflower, though some find it disagreeable. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late summer or fall for 2-3 weeks. Plant is literally covered with bright yellow blooms in mounded clusters. Individual flowers are somewhat like those of Mulefat or Bricklebush. Extremely showy in bloom – a real traffic stopper! Fluffy seeds. Uses in the garden: Most often used as a water-wise shrub in gardens throughout the Southwest. Excellent choice for a habitat garden. Can be trimmed as a hedge. Great for slopes and other ‘difficult to water’ places. Flowers make an unparalleled yellow dye. Plant used extensively as a medicinal for respiratory complaints, bacterial infections. Plant produces rubber latex. Sensible substitute for: Non-native shrubs. Attracts: Excellent habitat plant. Flowers attract and wide range of pollinators including, flies, bees, butterflies, beetles and others. Birds eat seeds. Shrub provides shelter for small creatures. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun Soil Just about any soil. Tolerates clays, high pH (> 8.0) and salty soils. Water Very drought tolerant once established (Zone 1-2 to 2). Occasional late summer water promotes good flowering. Fertilizer None – likes poor soils. Other Management: Prune to about 6 inches (or just above woody part of stem) in fall after blooming. Propagation: from seed: in winter/early spring. Keep wet to germinate. by cuttings: probably Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 6, 10, 13, 16 6/21/10 * Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND
  • 7. *Red/Rosy buckwheat – Eriogonum grande var. rubescens (air-ee-OG-oh-num GRAHN-day ru-BES-sens ) Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family) Native to: Endemic to n Channel Islands (San Miguel, Santa Cruz, and Santa Rosa islands) off CA coast; uncommon on dry cliffs and bluffs, coastal grassland and scrub communities < 1000 ft. Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 1-4 ft. Spreading low sub-shrub, evergreen except in serious drought with green to silvery-green foliage. Mounded form. Leaves are oval or spoon-shaped, somewhat crinkled and larger than many local buckwheat’s. Leaves green above, white-hairy beneath. Attractive, tidy appearance. Lives 3-5 years but will replace itself by reseeding in most gardens. Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer/fall – sometimes as early as Apr but full bloom usually in June- July in local gardens. Flowers range in color from medium to bright pink fading to rust. Flowers tiny but clustered in dense balls above foliage. One of the showier CA buckwheats. Excellent color! Uses in the garden: Often used to line walkways and paths due to its tidy form and bright flowers. Excellent habitat plant – attracts many types of insect. Lovely massed or paired with white, pink, even yellow flowers. Naturalizes charmingly. Good choice for rock garden, narrow bed, containers. Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennials. Attracts: Excellent pollinator, butterfly & bird habitat: provides nectar, pollen and seeds for food. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun on coast; some afternoon shade in hot gardens Soil Any, but loves clay; any local pH Water Best looking with occasional summer water (Water Zone 1-2 or 2) Fertilizer Only needed for container-grown; ¼ strength should do Other If mulched use an inorganic or thin layer of organic mulch Management: Prune back in fall to keep tidy; don’t cut into the wood. Remove spent flowers after birds have eaten their fill (& winds have spread the seed). Hybridizes with other buckwheats. Easy. Propagation: from seed: easy from fresh by cuttings: yes; late summer, non-blooming stems Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 5, 6-8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 24, 25, 46 7/1/14 * not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND
  • 8. Cliff Aster – Malacothrix saxatilis var. tenuifolia (mal-uh-COTH-rix saks-A-til-iss) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: South Coast & Transverse Ranges of S. California; coastal strand and coastal scrub and canyons, coastal-sage scrub. Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 2-5 ft. mature width: 3-5+ ft. Open sub-shrub with woody base and mostly herbaceous branches. Leaves mostly basal, coarsely- toothed somewhat like a dandelion or a white-flowered Chicory. Branches are wire-like. Summer deciduous with no summer water. Blooms/fruits: Blooms much of the year in lower elevations (Mar-Nov) depending on rainfall. Flowering heads typical of sunflower family, white with pink striping, solitary along the wire-like branches. Quite showy, as there are often many blooms at one time. Uses in the garden: Right at home in the water-wise garden. Does well on slopes and in rock gardens, near rock walls or fences. Airy-looking white flowers mix well in perennial beds. Probably fine in large pots or planters. Flowers are a refreshing contrast to dark leaves of native shrubs. Plant makes a nice filler and will re-seed naturally. Very tough plant that looks best in wet years. Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennial sunflowers like Asters. Attracts: Good bird, butterfly and insect habitat: provides Fall nectar and seeds for food. Rabbits like foliage. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun best; light shade probably fine. Soil Probably any texture or local pH Water Little to occasional summer water once established (Zone ½ or 2) Fertilizer None Other Light organic mulch or none Management: Little management needed. Hardy plant. Cut back in fall or will gets straggly. Propagation: from seed: ? germination improved by smoke – but fresh seed has good germination with no treatment. Plant in prepared bed in spring by cuttings: ? probably Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 10, 11, 46 7/3/14 © Project SOUND
  • 9. * Desert Mallow – Sphaeralcea ambigua (sfeer-AL-see-uh am-BIG-yoo-uh) Family: Malvaceae (Mallow Family) Native to: Southwestern deserts & desert mountains. In CA, in both Mojave & Sonoran Deserts; on sandy or rocky soils, mostly in washes, canyons or on dry slopes. Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 3-4 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft. Lovely, mounded evergreen sub-shrub with typical mallow leaves & other features. Many slender, semi-woody stems. Leaves are gray-green, covered with hairs (allergenic – wear gloves when handling). Airy, looks like a garden plant. Fast growing. Short-lived, but re-seeds well. Blooms/fruits: Blooms mostly in spring (Mar-June) but year-round with some water. Flowers range from white to pink-purple, but most are apricot to red-orange. One of the largest flowers of native Globe-mallows. Flowers look like small Hibiscus flowers on Hollyhock-like stems. Uses in the garden: Makes lovely addition to cottage garden or other garden that features flowering plants. Excellent choice for water-wise garden, desert garden or rock garden. Works great on dry slopes and fine in hot, sunny areas. Fine in containers. Not for the immediate coast (too foggy). Sensible substitute for: Non-native Mallows, Hollyhocks, other small flowering shrubs. Attracts: Excellent habitat: plant : provides cover and seeds for bird food and nectar for insect pollinators. Larval food source for Western Checkered White butterfly. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun – even areas with hot, reflected sun Soil Sandy or rocky; must be well-drained; any local pH, including alkali Water None needed (Zone 1), but looks better (and flowers longer) with occasional water (Zone 2) Fertilizer None needed; light fertilizer won’t kill it. Other Management: Low maintenance plant. Shear back to 6 inches in fall to rejuvenate (some do this every year). Short-lived but re-seeds well (dead-head to prevent reseeding). Propagation: from seed: easy in fall; soak older seed overnight by cuttings: difficult Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28 7/3/13 * CA native plant but not native to Western L.A. county © Project SOUND
  • 10. White (Felt-leaf) Everlasting – Pseudognaphalium canescens (sue-doh-na-FAY-lee-um kan-ES-ens) Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family) Native to: Coastal areas & coastal foothills from S. CA to OR (ssp. microcephala from S. CA south to Baja; ssp. beneolens from San Gabriel mtns); common on dry slopes and in open, grassy places in chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and southern oak woodlands below 4000'. Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 2-4 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft. Short-lived (2-4 years in our area) herbaceous perennial wildflower from a woody root. Habit is open, branching, may droop in part-sun; graceful. Foliage intensely white-wooly; really stands out. Blooms/fruits: Blooms summer to fall - July into Nov. along the coast. Flowers small, in loose clusters are the ends of flowering stalks. Flowers too small to be really showy – but attract many small bees and other pollinators. Uses in the garden: Most effective as a silvery accent among darker-colored foliage. A necessity for the butterfly garden. Great with its natural associates: native bunch grasses, annual wildflowers. Sensible substitute for: Non-native white-foliage plants like Dusty Miller. Attracts: Excellent pollinator habitat. Larval food for American Lady Butterfly – larval will make a ‘shelter’ of leaves & silk to protect themselves from predation. Birds eat seed. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun to part-shade; more compact in full sun. Soil Just about any local soil. Water Not particular; anything from Zone 1 (with annual wildflowers) to Zone 2. Fertilizer Not needed – but wouldn’t kill it. Other Management: Pretty much manages itself. Cut back if it becomes unruly. Reseeds well on bare ground, so remove seed heads if you don’t want volunteers. Propagation: from seed: easy, fall-spring Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 10, 16 12/12/10 © Project SOUND
  • 11. Dunn’s Lobelia – Lobelia dunnii var. serrata (lo-BEEL-ee-a DUN-ee-eye ser-AY-ta) Family: Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family) Native to: S. CA Coastal Ranges (Santa Monica Mtns) and Transverse ranges (San Gabriels) to n. Baja; mossy seeps, moist canyon wall and rocky stream banks in coastal sage scrub, chaparral. Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 1 ft. mature width: 1-3+ ft. Winter-dormant herbaceous perennial with narrow leaves on slender stems. Foliage is gray-green, evergreen except in winter. Stems are upright or reclining. Will spread in moist soils. Note: all Lobelias are toxic to some degree. Blooms/fruits: Late summer bloomer (Aug-Sept.) for about one month. One inch violet-blue flowers on flowering stalk– very showy. Some what reminiscent of non-native Salvias. Very much at home in the flower garden. Uses in the garden: Most often used as a shade-loving ground cover. Also works well in traditional flower beds, pots, windowboxes, hanging baskets and planters. Nice spot of color in late summer; looks great massed. Good choice for water gardens or damp places in the garden. Sensible substitute for: Non-native Salvias and Lobelias. Attracts: Excellent butterfly plant. Many species of adult butterflies sip nectar from the flowers. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Light/partial shade is best, particularly for good color. Full sun only in cool gardens. Soil Any texture, but well-drained. pH 6.0-8.0. Water Likes moist soil (Zone 3); can even grow in shallow water. Takes seasonal flooding. Fertilizer Likes organic soils; amend or mulch with organic mulches Other Management: Carefree in many gardens. Hardy and even drought tolerant. Re-seeds if happy. Propagation: from seed: winter; don’t cover & keep moist by divisions: ?spring Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 6, 8, 11, 13 UCR Bot. Garden Sales 2/16/11 © Project SOUND