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Dr. Smruti Ranjan Samal
FESS- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is often a
non-invasive / minimal invasive surgical procedure
that discloses sinus air cells and sinus ostia by having
an endoscope. It restores the paranasal sinus
function by re-establishing the physiologic pattern
of ventilation & mucocilliary clearance
The term FESS was coined by Kennedy in 1985
Father of FESS is Prof Mesenklinger
Hirschmann 1st described use of primitive
endoscope to examine the maxillary sinus through
an oroantral fistula
FESS- The Functional Aspects:
1. Preserving normal structure
2. Removing only obstruction
3. Preserving mucosa
4. Restoration of function
Advantage over Open Sinus Procedure
1. Safe , minimally invasive, no cuts
2. Doesn’t disturb healthy tissue
3. Performed in less time with better management
4. No visible signs that surgery has been performed
5. Quick recovery
Balloon Sinuplasty :
o Acclarent introduced balloon sinuplasty system that utilized
a nonconformable balloon which was capable of creating
microfratures in the bone surrounding the drainage
pathways of the Frontal, Maxillary, Sphenoid sinus
Lateral wall
• Formed by bony, soft tissue & cartilage
• Bony –
– Ethmoid infundibulum & uncinate
– Perpendicular plate of palatine bone
– Medial plate of pterygoid process of
sphenoid bone
– Medial surfaces of lacrimal bones
and maxillae
– Inferior conchae
Runs along the whole length of lateral wall.
Nasolacrimal duct opens in its anterior part. Largest
of all meatus
o Bulla ethmoidalis: Bulge produced by middle ethmoid cells
o Uncinate process: Superior extension of lateral nasal wall(
medial wall of mxillary sinus). Medial & inferior to Bulla
Infundiblum: Air passage connecting the maxillary sinus
ostium to middle meatus
Hiatus Semilunaris: Medially it communicates with middle
meatus. Laterally & inf it communicates with infundibulum
• Frontal sinus – Opens into the anterior part of hiatus
• Maxillary sinus – Opens into the posterior part of hiatus
• Anterior and middle ethmoidal cells – Opens into the
upper margin of bulla ethmoidalis
Superior Meatus
Limited only to posterior one third of lateral
wall. Posterior ethmoidal sinus opens into it.
Sphenoethmoidal recess
Above the superior turbinate. It receives the
opening of sphenoid sinus
• Air containing cavity in certain skull bones
• Develop as a diverticula/outpouching from the lat
wall of nose & extend into Maxilla, Ethmoid,
sphenoid and frontal bones
• Four sinuses – Maxillary, Frontal, Ethmoid (Ant &
Post) & Sphenoid
Maxillary Sinus - (Antrum of Highmore )
• Largest paranasal sinus
• Pyramidal in shape
• Base - towards lateral wall of nose
• Apex – towards zygomatic process of maxilla
• On average it has capacity of 14.75 ml (14-15)
Frontal Sinus
• Situated between the outer & inner table of frontal bone
• Asymmetrical
• Intervening bony septum which may be thin or deficiency
• The natural frontal sinus ostium is usually located in the
posteromedial floor of the sinus (most dependent part).
• It opens into the middle meatus
• The ethmoidal infundibulum can act as a channel for carrying the
secretions (and infection) from the frontal sinus to anterior ethmoid
cells and the maxillary sinus or vice versa.
• The frontal recess is an hourglass like narrowing between the
frontal sinus and the anterior middle meatus through which the
frontal sinus drains.
• The frontal recesses are the narrowest anterior air channels
and are common sites of inflammation
It is present Anterior, lateral, and inferior to the
frontal recess .
It is aerated and represents the most anterior
ethmoid air cell, usually lying deep to the lacrimal
It usually borders the primary ostium or floor of
the frontal sinus.
its size may directly influence the patency of the
frontal recess and the anterior middle meatus.
Sphenoid sinus
• Occupies the body of sphenoid
• Right & left, seperated by a
thin strip of bony septum (like
frontal sinus)
• Ostium opens into spheno
ethmoidal recess
• Thin walled air cavities in the lateral masses of the ethmoid bone
• Varies from 3 – 18
• Occupy the space between the upper third of the lateral nasal wall
and the medial wall of orbit
• Clinically divided into anterior ethmoidal air cells & posterior
ethmoidal air cells, by basal lamella (lateral attachment of middle
turbinate to lamina papyracea)
• Roof – formed by the anterior cranial fossa
• Lateral wall - orbit
• Medial wall – nasal cavity
• Thin paper like bony part of the ethmoid separating the air
cells from the orbit, called lamina papyracea, can be easily
destroyed leading to spread of ethmoidal infections into
the orbit
• Optic nerve forms a close relationship with the posterior
ethmoidal cells & is at risk during ethmoidal surgery
• The ostiomeatal complex is the key anatomic area addressed by
endoscopic sinus surgeons.
• Blockage of the ostiomeatal complex prevents effective
mucociliary clearance, thus leading to a stagnation of secretions
and therefore leading to recurrent or chronic sinusitis.
Maxillary sinus ostium
 ethmoid bulla
frontal recess
uncinate process
 infundibulum
hiatus semilunaris
middle meatus.
Pattern of Sinus Disease:
Sonkens’ Classification acc. to Middle meatus obstruction
1. OMC pattern- M,Ant.E,F
2. Infundibular – isolated obst of Eth. Infudibulum
3. Frontal recess inflammatory pattern
4. Sinunasal polyposis pattern
5. Sporadic pattern
Lund-Mackay Score radiologic score of chronic rhinosinusitis
Reading a CT scan of the PNS & OMC with assigns a score of
0- ( no abnormality)
1- (partial opacification)
2- ( complete opacification)
Each side graded separately. A combined score of 24 is possible
Gliklich and Metson System
Stage 0: <2mm mucosal thickening on any sinus wall
Stage 1: all unilateral disease or anatomical
Stage 2: bilateral disease limited to ethmoid or
maxillary sinuses
Stage 3: bilateral disease with involvement at least 1
sphenoid or frontal sinus
Stage 4 : Pansinus disease
Landmarks in FESS
Middle turbinate
Uncinate Process
Bulla Ethmoidalis
Sphenoid Ostium
Skull Base
Maxillary sinus ostium
1st Lamella- UP
2nd Lamella- BE
3rd Lamella- Ground Lamella Basal
4th Lamella- Superior Turbinate
5th Lamella- Supreme Turbinate
Indication of FESS:
1. Chronic rhinosinusitis unresponsive to medical treatment
2. Recurrent acute sinusitis
3. Sinunasal polyposis
4. Mucocoele
5. Noninvasive fungal ball
6. Invasive fungal rhinosinusitis
7. CSF rhinorrohoea & anterior meningoencephalocele
8. Sinonasal Tumour
9. Severe Exopthalmus
10. NLD obstruction
Patient selection: Pre-operative assessment
 History
- Symptoms
- Medical treatment
- associated disease
 Examination of the Patient: (General & Local)
- Anterior rhinoscopy
- Septal deviation
- Turbinate hypertrophy
-Nasal airway Problem
- Nasal Endoscopy
- Character of mucosa & appearance of sinus drainage,
anatomical variations, structural abnormalities
• Radiological- Pre-operative X-rays, CT Scan(Gold Standard)
• Routine Blood Investigations
Key Points to be reviewed on Pre-operative CT SCAN
1. Disease: Extent and pattern & its clinical correlation
2. Bony integrity- (Erosion, expansion ,dehiscence )- skull base, lamina
papyracea, optic canal, carotid canal
3. Skull Base- Height, symmetry, slope of cribriform plate & fovea
4. Maxillary Sinus- location & attachment of uncinate process to
medial orbital wall, pneumatisation & height
5. Ethmoid Sinus – location of AEA,PEA, height of post.ethmoid cell
6. Sphenoid Sinus- location of sphenoid ostium, septation & their
relation to carotid canal
7. Frontal Sinus- extent of pneumatisation, natural drainage pathway,
presence of ager nasi & frontal cell
Strategic Approach to FESS
1. Patient under general anaesthesia
2. Local vasoconstriction of the nasal cavity
3. Septoplasty and/or Rhinoplasty
4. Management of Middle Turbinate
5. Uncinectomy
6. Maxillary Antrostomy
7. Ethmoidectomy
8. Frontal Sinusotomy
9. Sphenoidectomy
10.Management of Inferior Turbinate
Nasal Preparation
 Preoperative oxymetazolline spray 3 times separated by 5-10min
 Once GA induced, nose is packed with topical epinephrine pledgets
 After draping , the nose is injected with a focus on MT in 3 loction
- Over the axilla at the junction of the Turbinate & lateral wall
- Inferomedially on the head of MT
- Posteriorly along the inferior aspect of Turbinate
A. Nasal Septal Surgery
If a DNS is present, obstructing the nasal cavity
& limiting the nasal airway or access to the
sinus cavities , a septoplsty is performed prior
to beginning the sinus surgery
B. Management of Middle Turbinate
 The anatomical variants of the middle
turbinate may cause middle meatal
obstruction like Choncha Bullosa where the
head of MT is enlarged.
 Resection of CB is done by incising the
inferior free border of MT along its length
and carrying the incision up to the neck.
The incision is further enlarged using
microscisor & the lateral half of the concha
is removed after elevating the mucosal flap
from the lateral bony wall
Types of Uncinate Process:
1. Acc. to superior attachment of uncinate
o Type I: UP bends laterally in its uppermost portion to be inserted into LP
o Type II: UP extends superiorly to the roof of the ETHMOID i.e. Skull Base
o Type III: Superior end of UP turns medially & attached to the MT
2. Medially bent uncinate process
3. Laterally bent uncinate process
4. Pneumatised uncinate process or Uncinate Bulla
C. Uncinectomy
 The MT is medialized using a Freer
Elevator by applying firm pressure
against the lateral aspect of the
upper part of turbinate.
 Uncinectomy begins with an incision
of the uncinate process at its
anterior attachment. The incision is
extended posteriorly and inferiorly ,
parallel to the upper of Hiatus
Semilunaris & towards the natural
ostium of maxillary sinus
 Uncinectomy exposes base of
Infundibulum & anterior wall of
Ethmoid bulla
Types of Uncinectomy:
A. Classical / Anterograde Technique:
Uncinectomy is performed via an incision with either the sharp end of freer
elevator or a sickle knife.
The incision should be placed at the most anterior portion of uncinate
process which is softer on palpation in comparison to firmer lacrimal bone
where also NLD located. Then by using blakeshly forcep the free uncinate
edge is removed . More prone for Orbital Fat Prolapse.
B. Swing door / Retrograde Technique:
Reverse cutting forceps or backbiting forceps were used in this technique.
Inferior free margin overlying the maxillary ostium is cut first & then incision
is made in the superior margin to form a flap from a flap from the uncinate
which is hinged on the anterior margin & can be moved with an elevator or
ball probe
This is followed by submucosal removal of the horizontal process of the
uncinate . More prone for NLD injury
D. Maxillary Antrostomy
 Initial identification of the natural ostium- anterior & inferior within
the middle meatus. Ostium usually at the same level as the inferior
margin of the middle turbinate,anterior to ethmoid bulla
 Opening is further enlarged posteriorly to the posterior fontanelle
with backward-biting punch forceps & anteriorly with upturned
Blakesley-Wilde ethmoid forceps
 Antrostomy should be placed just above the inferior turbinate & not
more anterior than the anterior end of the middle turbinate
 Polypoid tissue, diseased mucosa , mucous plug should be removed
Types of maxillary sinusotomy: (SIMMENS CLASSIFICATION)
o Type.I : Ostium is opened posteriorly to a limited extent(<1cm in D)
o Type.II : Ostium is opened posteriorly & inferiorly (<2cm in diameter)
o Type.III: Wide exposure of opening of ostium in all direction i.e.
anteriorly up to lacrimal crest, superiorly up to orbit, inferiorly to
inferior turbinate, posteriorly to level of posterior wall of maxillary
E. Ethmoidectomy
Maxillary sinus is a single cavity with distinct ostium but the ethmoid sinus consists of multiple
cavities of interconnected cells.
The basal lamella of MT separates ethmoid labyrinth to two distinct anatomical and physiologic
 Anterior group of cells drains its secretion into infundibulum together with maxillary
& frontal sinuses
 Posterior group of cells drains their mucus into superior meatus
 Main anatomical landmark for ethmoidectomy is identification of Ethmoid Bulla
 Mucosa is dissected over the bony surface of Ethmoid Bulla
 The goal of anterior ethmoidectomy is complete exposure of anterior ethmoid cells
 Posterior ethmoidectomy is done if involvement of posterior comaprtment.
 After dissecting the anterior ethmoid cells ,the basal lamella of the
MT encountered. It is perforated medially & inferiorly.
 The posterior ethmoid cells are removed stepwise till the anterior
wall of the sphenoid sinus is exposed.
 The posterior ethmoid artery can be seen & landmarks the anterior
edge of most posterior ethmoid cells.
a. Open the cells of anterior & posterior ethmoid region at their
lowest portion parallel to floor of nasal cavity, i.e. parallel to skull base
b. Dissection along the roof of the ethmoid bone most safely
executed in a Posterior to Anterior direction after the ethmoid sinus
opened in an Anterior – Posterior course
F. Frontal Sinusotomy
Kuhn Classification of Frontal Recess & Frontal Sinus Cell
Agger nasi cell
Supraorbital ethmoid cell
Frontal cell
Type 1 – Single Frontal cell above agger nasi cell
Type 2- Tier of cells in FR above agger nasi cell
Type 3- Single massive cell pneumatising cephalad in to Frontal S
Type 4- Isolated cell in Frontal Sinus
Frontal Bulla Cell
Suprabullar cell
Interfrontal sinus septal cell Draf Endonasal Frontal Sinus Drainge
Type I: Simple drainage
Type II a/b: Extended drainage
Type III: Endonasal Median Drainage= Endoscopic modified Lothrop pro
Type III: Endonasal Median Drainage= Endoscopic
modified Lothrop procedure
It is done by either
A. Primary lateral approach: if previous ethmoid
work incomplete & MT is intact as land mark
B. Medial approach: if ethmoid has been cleared
and/or if the middle turbinate is absent. This
begins with resection of perpendicular plate of
nasal septum
When the type III drainage is technically not possible
(anterior-posterior diameter of the frontal sinus less than 0.8
cm) or has failed, osteoplastic frontal sinus obliteration
must be considered
Indications of Osteoplastic Frontal Sinus Obliteration:
 Intranasal frontal sinusotomy is the potentially dangerous procedure
as it is close to the Orbit & Skull base
 Imp. Landmark is anterior ethmoid artery which is posterior to frontal recess
 To visualise the frontal recess area, it is necessary to remove the ager nasi cells.
Then the frontal recess is enlarged using sharp curette to break down anterior
ethmoid cells, the spina nasalis frontalis (nasofrontal ‘’beak”)
G . Sphenoidotomy
 The sphenoid sinus can be opened safely 10 mm above the choana
just lateral to the midline septum at the rostrum of the sphenoid.
 After identification of ostium the opening enlarged in lateral &
inferior direction. Initial opening is made with Straight Blakesley
 If the entire anterior wall of the sinus is thick & ostium is not
visualised , an angulated hand piece with extra long diamond burr is
used to make opening in ostium area
 Optic nerve & carotid artery located in lateral & posterior wall. Sella
turcica situated medial & superior to the sinus & cavernous sinus
located laterally
 Roof of sphenoid sinus is extremely thin- potential risk of a CSF leak
H. Management of inferior turbinate
After taking care of septal deviation & parnasal sinus diease , last step is to treat IT
 Long nasal speculum is introduced along the IT & with endoscopic view the
posterior third of turbinate is removed after being retracted medially with
straight Blakesley forceps.
 The anterior & middle third of HIT treated with Radio Frequency Thermal Ablation
Post-operative Care
o Nasal packing: Packing used to control bleeding ,prevent adhesions
o Regular analgesia & vitals are carefully monitored
o Observe for epistaxis, headache, orbital swelling, diplopia, reduced
visual acuity
o Remove nasal packing after 48 hours
Post-operative Ambulatory Care
o Antibiotics are not routinely prescribed
o Instruct not to blow nose hard for at least 48 hours
o Commence topical decongestants for 5 days & saline spray for
o Suction toilet of the nose
o Recommence long-term nasal steroids after 1 wk in nasal polyposis
o Decrust the nose with a rigid endoscope if necessary
Complications :
Minor : Major:
Orbital- Orbital -
orbital emphysema Orbital hematoma
orbital ecchymosis Optic nerve injury
Nasolacrimal Duct Injury(epiphora) CSF fistual
Disturbance in olfaction Brain laceration
Dental pain/lip pain or numbness Haemorrhage
Ethmoid arteries
Internal carotid artery
Cavernous sinus fistula
Sphenopalatine artery
Factors avoiding complications:
 Proper use of nasal endoscope
 True cut instrument
 Imaging
 Image guidance
 Through knowledge of anatomy
 Hypotensive anaesthesia
Complications are common in:
 Revision FESS
 Surgery for nasal polyposis
 Type 3 kerio skull base
 Anatomical variants like asymmetrical low lying ethmoid roof
Some rules about FESS
1. Avoid MT recessection
2. Avoid classical uncinectomy
3. Don’t be a destroyer of nose
4. Retain Bulle till the very end
5. Proceed from less vascular area to more vascular one
6. Controlled hypotensive anaesthesia
7. Stop surgery when bleeding is excessive
8. Avoid nasal packing
MESS: Marsupialization Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
When a functional procedure can’t be performed , an
attempt made to create a single ethmoid cavity in which
frontal, maxillary, sphenoid can adequately drain
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery

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Functional endoscopic sinus surgery

  • 2. FESS- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is often a non-invasive / minimal invasive surgical procedure that discloses sinus air cells and sinus ostia by having an endoscope. It restores the paranasal sinus function by re-establishing the physiologic pattern of ventilation & mucocilliary clearance The term FESS was coined by Kennedy in 1985 Father of FESS is Prof Mesenklinger Hirschmann 1st described use of primitive endoscope to examine the maxillary sinus through an oroantral fistula
  • 3. FESS- The Functional Aspects: 1. Preserving normal structure 2. Removing only obstruction 3. Preserving mucosa 4. Restoration of function Advantage over Open Sinus Procedure 1. Safe , minimally invasive, no cuts 2. Doesn’t disturb healthy tissue 3. Performed in less time with better management 4. No visible signs that surgery has been performed 5. Quick recovery
  • 4. Balloon Sinuplasty : o Acclarent introduced balloon sinuplasty system that utilized a nonconformable balloon which was capable of creating microfratures in the bone surrounding the drainage pathways of the Frontal, Maxillary, Sphenoid sinus
  • 5. Lateral wall • Formed by bony, soft tissue & cartilage • Bony – – Ethmoid infundibulum & uncinate – Perpendicular plate of palatine bone – Medial plate of pterygoid process of sphenoid bone – Medial surfaces of lacrimal bones and maxillae – Inferior conchae
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  • 8. INFERIOR MEATUS: Runs along the whole length of lateral wall. Nasolacrimal duct opens in its anterior part. Largest of all meatus MIDDLE MEATUS o Bulla ethmoidalis: Bulge produced by middle ethmoid cells o Uncinate process: Superior extension of lateral nasal wall( medial wall of mxillary sinus). Medial & inferior to Bulla
  • 9. Infundiblum: Air passage connecting the maxillary sinus ostium to middle meatus Hiatus Semilunaris: Medially it communicates with middle meatus. Laterally & inf it communicates with infundibulum • Frontal sinus – Opens into the anterior part of hiatus semilunaris • Maxillary sinus – Opens into the posterior part of hiatus semilunaris • Anterior and middle ethmoidal cells – Opens into the upper margin of bulla ethmoidalis
  • 10. Superior Meatus Limited only to posterior one third of lateral wall. Posterior ethmoidal sinus opens into it. Sphenoethmoidal recess Above the superior turbinate. It receives the opening of sphenoid sinus
  • 11. SINUSES • Air containing cavity in certain skull bones • Develop as a diverticula/outpouching from the lat wall of nose & extend into Maxilla, Ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal bones • Four sinuses – Maxillary, Frontal, Ethmoid (Ant & Post) & Sphenoid
  • 12. Maxillary Sinus - (Antrum of Highmore ) • Largest paranasal sinus • Pyramidal in shape • Base - towards lateral wall of nose • Apex – towards zygomatic process of maxilla • On average it has capacity of 14.75 ml (14-15)
  • 13. Frontal Sinus • Situated between the outer & inner table of frontal bone • Asymmetrical • Intervening bony septum which may be thin or deficiency • The natural frontal sinus ostium is usually located in the posteromedial floor of the sinus (most dependent part). • It opens into the middle meatus • The ethmoidal infundibulum can act as a channel for carrying the secretions (and infection) from the frontal sinus to anterior ethmoid cells and the maxillary sinus or vice versa.
  • 14. FRONTAL RECESS • The frontal recess is an hourglass like narrowing between the frontal sinus and the anterior middle meatus through which the frontal sinus drains. • The frontal recesses are the narrowest anterior air channels and are common sites of inflammation
  • 15. AGGER NASI CELL It is present Anterior, lateral, and inferior to the frontal recess . It is aerated and represents the most anterior ethmoid air cell, usually lying deep to the lacrimal bone. It usually borders the primary ostium or floor of the frontal sinus. its size may directly influence the patency of the frontal recess and the anterior middle meatus.
  • 16. Sphenoid sinus • Occupies the body of sphenoid • Right & left, seperated by a thin strip of bony septum (like frontal sinus) • Ostium opens into spheno ethmoidal recess
  • 17. ETHMOID SINUS • Thin walled air cavities in the lateral masses of the ethmoid bone • Varies from 3 – 18 • Occupy the space between the upper third of the lateral nasal wall and the medial wall of orbit • Clinically divided into anterior ethmoidal air cells & posterior ethmoidal air cells, by basal lamella (lateral attachment of middle turbinate to lamina papyracea)
  • 18. Relations • Roof – formed by the anterior cranial fossa • Lateral wall - orbit • Medial wall – nasal cavity • Thin paper like bony part of the ethmoid separating the air cells from the orbit, called lamina papyracea, can be easily destroyed leading to spread of ethmoidal infections into the orbit • Optic nerve forms a close relationship with the posterior ethmoidal cells & is at risk during ethmoidal surgery
  • 19. OSTIO MEATAL COMPLEX • The ostiomeatal complex is the key anatomic area addressed by endoscopic sinus surgeons. • Blockage of the ostiomeatal complex prevents effective mucociliary clearance, thus leading to a stagnation of secretions and therefore leading to recurrent or chronic sinusitis.
  • 20. OSTIO MEATAL COMPLEX Maxillary sinus ostium  ethmoid bulla frontal recess uncinate process  infundibulum hiatus semilunaris middle meatus.
  • 21. Pattern of Sinus Disease: Sonkens’ Classification acc. to Middle meatus obstruction 1. OMC pattern- M,Ant.E,F 2. Infundibular – isolated obst of Eth. Infudibulum 3. Frontal recess inflammatory pattern 4. Sinunasal polyposis pattern 5. Sporadic pattern Lund-Mackay Score radiologic score of chronic rhinosinusitis Reading a CT scan of the PNS & OMC with assigns a score of 0- ( no abnormality) 1- (partial opacification) 2- ( complete opacification) Each side graded separately. A combined score of 24 is possible
  • 22. Gliklich and Metson System Stage 0: <2mm mucosal thickening on any sinus wall Stage 1: all unilateral disease or anatomical abnormalities Stage 2: bilateral disease limited to ethmoid or maxillary sinuses Stage 3: bilateral disease with involvement at least 1 sphenoid or frontal sinus Stage 4 : Pansinus disease
  • 23. Landmarks in FESS Middle turbinate Uncinate Process Bulla Ethmoidalis Sphenoid Ostium Skull Base Maxillary sinus ostium
  • 24. MESSERKLINGER 5 LAMELLA 1st Lamella- UP 2nd Lamella- BE 3rd Lamella- Ground Lamella Basal 4th Lamella- Superior Turbinate 5th Lamella- Supreme Turbinate
  • 25. Indication of FESS: 1. Chronic rhinosinusitis unresponsive to medical treatment 2. Recurrent acute sinusitis 3. Sinunasal polyposis 4. Mucocoele 5. Noninvasive fungal ball 6. Invasive fungal rhinosinusitis 7. CSF rhinorrohoea & anterior meningoencephalocele 8. Sinonasal Tumour 9. Severe Exopthalmus 10. NLD obstruction
  • 26. Patient selection: Pre-operative assessment  History - Symptoms - Medical treatment - associated disease  Examination of the Patient: (General & Local) - Anterior rhinoscopy - Septal deviation - Turbinate hypertrophy -Nasal airway Problem - Nasal Endoscopy - Character of mucosa & appearance of sinus drainage, anatomical variations, structural abnormalities
  • 27. • Radiological- Pre-operative X-rays, CT Scan(Gold Standard) • Routine Blood Investigations Key Points to be reviewed on Pre-operative CT SCAN 1. Disease: Extent and pattern & its clinical correlation 2. Bony integrity- (Erosion, expansion ,dehiscence )- skull base, lamina papyracea, optic canal, carotid canal 3. Skull Base- Height, symmetry, slope of cribriform plate & fovea ethmoidalis. 4. Maxillary Sinus- location & attachment of uncinate process to medial orbital wall, pneumatisation & height 5. Ethmoid Sinus – location of AEA,PEA, height of post.ethmoid cell 6. Sphenoid Sinus- location of sphenoid ostium, septation & their relation to carotid canal 7. Frontal Sinus- extent of pneumatisation, natural drainage pathway, presence of ager nasi & frontal cell
  • 28. Strategic Approach to FESS 1. Patient under general anaesthesia 2. Local vasoconstriction of the nasal cavity 3. Septoplasty and/or Rhinoplasty 4. Management of Middle Turbinate 5. Uncinectomy 6. Maxillary Antrostomy 7. Ethmoidectomy 8. Frontal Sinusotomy 9. Sphenoidectomy 10.Management of Inferior Turbinate
  • 29. Nasal Preparation  Preoperative oxymetazolline spray 3 times separated by 5-10min  Once GA induced, nose is packed with topical epinephrine pledgets  After draping , the nose is injected with a focus on MT in 3 loction - Over the axilla at the junction of the Turbinate & lateral wall - Inferomedially on the head of MT - Posteriorly along the inferior aspect of Turbinate
  • 30. A. Nasal Septal Surgery If a DNS is present, obstructing the nasal cavity & limiting the nasal airway or access to the sinus cavities , a septoplsty is performed prior to beginning the sinus surgery B. Management of Middle Turbinate  The anatomical variants of the middle turbinate may cause middle meatal obstruction like Choncha Bullosa where the head of MT is enlarged.  Resection of CB is done by incising the inferior free border of MT along its length and carrying the incision up to the neck. The incision is further enlarged using microscisor & the lateral half of the concha is removed after elevating the mucosal flap from the lateral bony wall
  • 31. Types of Uncinate Process: 1. Acc. to superior attachment of uncinate o Type I: UP bends laterally in its uppermost portion to be inserted into LP o Type II: UP extends superiorly to the roof of the ETHMOID i.e. Skull Base o Type III: Superior end of UP turns medially & attached to the MT 2. Medially bent uncinate process 3. Laterally bent uncinate process 4. Pneumatised uncinate process or Uncinate Bulla
  • 32. C. Uncinectomy  The MT is medialized using a Freer Elevator by applying firm pressure against the lateral aspect of the upper part of turbinate.  Uncinectomy begins with an incision of the uncinate process at its anterior attachment. The incision is extended posteriorly and inferiorly , parallel to the upper of Hiatus Semilunaris & towards the natural ostium of maxillary sinus  Uncinectomy exposes base of Infundibulum & anterior wall of Ethmoid bulla
  • 33. Types of Uncinectomy: A. Classical / Anterograde Technique: Uncinectomy is performed via an incision with either the sharp end of freer elevator or a sickle knife. The incision should be placed at the most anterior portion of uncinate process which is softer on palpation in comparison to firmer lacrimal bone where also NLD located. Then by using blakeshly forcep the free uncinate edge is removed . More prone for Orbital Fat Prolapse. B. Swing door / Retrograde Technique: Reverse cutting forceps or backbiting forceps were used in this technique. Inferior free margin overlying the maxillary ostium is cut first & then incision is made in the superior margin to form a flap from a flap from the uncinate which is hinged on the anterior margin & can be moved with an elevator or ball probe This is followed by submucosal removal of the horizontal process of the uncinate . More prone for NLD injury
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  • 36. D. Maxillary Antrostomy  Initial identification of the natural ostium- anterior & inferior within the middle meatus. Ostium usually at the same level as the inferior margin of the middle turbinate,anterior to ethmoid bulla  Opening is further enlarged posteriorly to the posterior fontanelle with backward-biting punch forceps & anteriorly with upturned Blakesley-Wilde ethmoid forceps  Antrostomy should be placed just above the inferior turbinate & not more anterior than the anterior end of the middle turbinate  Polypoid tissue, diseased mucosa , mucous plug should be removed
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  • 38. Types of maxillary sinusotomy: (SIMMENS CLASSIFICATION) o Type.I : Ostium is opened posteriorly to a limited extent(<1cm in D) o Type.II : Ostium is opened posteriorly & inferiorly (<2cm in diameter) o Type.III: Wide exposure of opening of ostium in all direction i.e. anteriorly up to lacrimal crest, superiorly up to orbit, inferiorly to inferior turbinate, posteriorly to level of posterior wall of maxillary sinus
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  • 41. E. Ethmoidectomy Maxillary sinus is a single cavity with distinct ostium but the ethmoid sinus consists of multiple cavities of interconnected cells. The basal lamella of MT separates ethmoid labyrinth to two distinct anatomical and physiologic compartment.  Anterior group of cells drains its secretion into infundibulum together with maxillary & frontal sinuses  Posterior group of cells drains their mucus into superior meatus  Main anatomical landmark for ethmoidectomy is identification of Ethmoid Bulla  Mucosa is dissected over the bony surface of Ethmoid Bulla  The goal of anterior ethmoidectomy is complete exposure of anterior ethmoid cells
  • 42.  Posterior ethmoidectomy is done if involvement of posterior comaprtment.  After dissecting the anterior ethmoid cells ,the basal lamella of the MT encountered. It is perforated medially & inferiorly.  The posterior ethmoid cells are removed stepwise till the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus is exposed.  The posterior ethmoid artery can be seen & landmarks the anterior edge of most posterior ethmoid cells. Imp: a. Open the cells of anterior & posterior ethmoid region at their lowest portion parallel to floor of nasal cavity, i.e. parallel to skull base b. Dissection along the roof of the ethmoid bone most safely executed in a Posterior to Anterior direction after the ethmoid sinus opened in an Anterior – Posterior course
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  • 44. F. Frontal Sinusotomy Kuhn Classification of Frontal Recess & Frontal Sinus Cell Agger nasi cell Supraorbital ethmoid cell Frontal cell Type 1 – Single Frontal cell above agger nasi cell Type 2- Tier of cells in FR above agger nasi cell Type 3- Single massive cell pneumatising cephalad in to Frontal S Type 4- Isolated cell in Frontal Sinus Frontal Bulla Cell Suprabullar cell Interfrontal sinus septal cell
  • 45. Draf Endonasal Frontal Sinus Drainge Type I: Simple drainage Type II a/b: Extended drainage Type III: Endonasal Median Drainage= Endoscopic modified Lothrop pro
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  • 47. Type III: Endonasal Median Drainage= Endoscopic modified Lothrop procedure It is done by either A. Primary lateral approach: if previous ethmoid work incomplete & MT is intact as land mark B. Medial approach: if ethmoid has been cleared and/or if the middle turbinate is absent. This begins with resection of perpendicular plate of nasal septum
  • 48. When the type III drainage is technically not possible (anterior-posterior diameter of the frontal sinus less than 0.8 cm) or has failed, osteoplastic frontal sinus obliteration must be considered Indications of Osteoplastic Frontal Sinus Obliteration:
  • 49.  Intranasal frontal sinusotomy is the potentially dangerous procedure as it is close to the Orbit & Skull base  Imp. Landmark is anterior ethmoid artery which is posterior to frontal recess  To visualise the frontal recess area, it is necessary to remove the ager nasi cells. Then the frontal recess is enlarged using sharp curette to break down anterior ethmoid cells, the spina nasalis frontalis (nasofrontal ‘’beak”)
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  • 51. G . Sphenoidotomy  The sphenoid sinus can be opened safely 10 mm above the choana just lateral to the midline septum at the rostrum of the sphenoid.  After identification of ostium the opening enlarged in lateral & inferior direction. Initial opening is made with Straight Blakesley forceps.  If the entire anterior wall of the sinus is thick & ostium is not visualised , an angulated hand piece with extra long diamond burr is used to make opening in ostium area  Optic nerve & carotid artery located in lateral & posterior wall. Sella turcica situated medial & superior to the sinus & cavernous sinus located laterally  Roof of sphenoid sinus is extremely thin- potential risk of a CSF leak
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  • 55. H. Management of inferior turbinate After taking care of septal deviation & parnasal sinus diease , last step is to treat IT hypertrophy  Long nasal speculum is introduced along the IT & with endoscopic view the posterior third of turbinate is removed after being retracted medially with straight Blakesley forceps.  The anterior & middle third of HIT treated with Radio Frequency Thermal Ablation
  • 56. Post-operative Care o Nasal packing: Packing used to control bleeding ,prevent adhesions o Regular analgesia & vitals are carefully monitored o Observe for epistaxis, headache, orbital swelling, diplopia, reduced visual acuity o Remove nasal packing after 48 hours Post-operative Ambulatory Care o Antibiotics are not routinely prescribed o Instruct not to blow nose hard for at least 48 hours o Commence topical decongestants for 5 days & saline spray for 6weeks o Suction toilet of the nose o Recommence long-term nasal steroids after 1 wk in nasal polyposis o Decrust the nose with a rigid endoscope if necessary
  • 57. Complications : Minor : Major: Orbital- Orbital - orbital emphysema Orbital hematoma orbital ecchymosis Optic nerve injury Nasolacrimal Duct Injury(epiphora) CSF fistual Disturbance in olfaction Brain laceration Dental pain/lip pain or numbness Haemorrhage Ethmoid arteries Internal carotid artery Cavernous sinus fistula Sphenopalatine artery
  • 58. Factors avoiding complications:  Proper use of nasal endoscope  True cut instrument  Imaging  Image guidance  Through knowledge of anatomy  Hypotensive anaesthesia Complications are common in:  Revision FESS  Surgery for nasal polyposis  Type 3 kerio skull base  Anatomical variants like asymmetrical low lying ethmoid roof
  • 59. Some rules about FESS 1. Avoid MT recessection 2. Avoid classical uncinectomy 3. Don’t be a destroyer of nose 4. Retain Bulle till the very end 5. Proceed from less vascular area to more vascular one 6. Controlled hypotensive anaesthesia 7. Stop surgery when bleeding is excessive 8. Avoid nasal packing MESS: Marsupialization Endoscopic Sinus Surgery When a functional procedure can’t be performed , an attempt made to create a single ethmoid cavity in which frontal, maxillary, sphenoid can adequately drain