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Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                              (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                              Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044
   Review of Vector-Based Forwarding Protocol for Underwater Sensor

                                      Heena Ahuja*, Er. Jyoti Gupta**
                                *Student, Department of ECE, MMU Mullana, Ambala, India
                                 ** Assistant Professor, ECE, MMU Mullana, Ambala, India

         In this paper, we tackle one fundamental              latency, node mobility (resulting in high network
problem in Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSNs):                 dynamics), high error probability, and three-dimensional
robust, scalable and energy efficient routing.                 network topology. These new features bring many
Underwater       Sensor    Networks      (UWSNs)     are       challenges to the protocol design of UWSNs. In this paper,
significantly different from terrestrial sensor networks       we tackle one fundamental problem in UWSNs: robust,
in the following aspects: low bandwidth, high latency,         scalable, and energy efficient routing. The unique features
node mobility, high error probability, and 3-                  of UWSNs pose great challenges on its routing protocol
dimensional space. These new features bring many               design and make many existing routing protocols for
challenges to the network protocol design of UWSNs.            terrestrial networks unsuitable.
In this paper, we propose a novel routing protocol,
called vector-based forwarding (VBF), to provide
robust, scalable and energy efficient routing. VBF is          1.1 Unique Features of UWSNs
essentially a position-based routing approach: nodes           UWSNs are significantly different from any terrestrial
close to the “vector" from the source to the destination       sensor networks in terms of the following aspects:
will forward the message. In this way, only a small
fraction of the nodes are involved in routing. To              1.1.1 Low Bandwidth and High Latency in UWSNs:
improve the robustness, packets are forwarded in               Acoustic channels (instead of RF channels) are used as the
redundant and interleaved paths. Further, a localized          communication method since radio does not work well in
and distributed self-adaptation algorithm allows the           water. The propagation speed of acoustic signals in water
nodes to reduce energy consumption by discarding               is about 1.5 × 103 m/sec, which is five orders of magnitude
redundant packets.VBF performs well in dense                   lower than the radio propagation speed (3 × 108 m/sec).
networks.                                                      Moreover, the available bandwidth of underwater acoustic
                                                               channels is limited and dramatically depends on both
Keywords - Angle of arrival, energy, desirable factor,         transmission range and frequency.
packets, protocol, self adaptation, vector.
                                                               1.1.2 UWSNs Are Highly Dynamic: The underwater
1. INTRODUCTION                                                sensor networks we target are highly mobile networks
          The Earth is a water planet. For decades, there      where sensor nodes are not fixed and they will float with
have been significant interests in monitoring aquatic          water currents. From empirical observations, underwater
environments for scientific exploration, commercial            objects may move at the speed of 2-3 knots (or 3–6
exploitation and coastline protection. Highly precise, real-   kilometers per hour) in a typical underwater condition.
time, and temporal spatial continuous aquatic environment      This kind of mobility results in a highly dynamic network
monitoring systems are extremely important for various         topology.
applications, such as oceanographic data collection,
pollution detection, and marine surveillance. However,         1.1.3 UWSNs Are Highly Error-Prone: Underwater
traditional techniques, such as remote telemetry and           acoustic communication channels are significantly
sequential local sensing, cannot satisfy these high-           affected by many factors such as signal attenuation, noise,
demanding application requirements. Recently, underwater       multipath, Doppler spread, and even water temperature.
sensor networks have emerged as a very powerful                All these factors cause high bit-error and delay variance.
technique for many applications for underwater                 Thus, communication links in UWSNs are highly error-
environment, including monitoring, measurement,                prone.
surveillance and control [1].Compared with traditional
techniques in these application scenarios, underwater          1.1.4 UWSNs Are Three-Dimensional: UWSNs are
sensor networks enable people to perform underwater            usually deployed in a three-dimensional space. This is
activities more accurately and timely in much wider areas.     different from the 2-dimensional deployment of most
          Even though underwater sensor networks               terrestrial sensor networks. These characteristics of
(UWSNs) share some common properties with terrestrial          UWSNs bring up many new challenges and make the
sensor networks, such as the large number of nodes and         existing routing protocols for terrestrial sensor networks
the limited energy supplies, UWSNs are significantly           unsuitable here. For UWSNs, the routing protocols should
different from terrestrial sensor networks in many aspects:    be able to handle the node mobility and the unreliable
low bandwidth, high                                            communication links with high energy efficiency.

                                                                                                         1040 | P a g e
Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                              (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                              Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044
1.2 Routing Challenges in UWSNs                                relatively stable neighborhood to form the routing path. If
Same as in terrestrial sensor networks, saving energy is a     applying these protocols in UWSNs, it would be costly to
major concern in UWSNs. At the same time, UWSN                 maintain and recover the frequently broken routing path
routing should be able to handle node mobility. This           due to the node mobility. Geographic routing protocols,
requirement makes most existing energy-efficient routing       which leverage the position information of each node to
protocols unsuitable for UWSNs. There are many routing         determine the forwarding path, have been investigated
protocols proposed for terrestrial sensor networks, such as    extensively for terrestrial wireless networks.
Directed Diffusion [2], and TTDD (Two-Tier Data
Dissemination) [3]. These protocols are mainly designed        2.2 Routing in Underwater Networks
for stationary networks. They usually employ query             Much research work has been done in the last few years on
flooding as a powerful method to discover data delivery        the routing protocols for underwater networks. The
paths. In UWSNs, however, most sensor nodes are mobile,        challenges and state-of-art for the routing protocols in
and the “network topology” changes very rapidly even           underwater networks have been discussed in detail in [9].
with small displacements. The frequent maintenance and         A pioneering work is done in on the routing protocol for
recovery of forwarding paths is very expensive in high         underwater networks. In this work, a central master node
dynamic networks, and even more expensive in dense 3-          is used to probe the network topology and do the route
dimensional UWSNs. Thus, to provide scalable and               establishment. The authors of [10] propose a centralized
efficient routing in UWSNs, we have to seek for new            routing algorithm for delay sensitive application and a
solutions. In this paper, we investigate this challenging      distributed routing algorithm for delay insensitive
routing problem in UWSNs, with scalability and energy          applications in three-dimensional underwater networks. In
efficiency as the design objectives. Moreover, robustness      [11], the authors propose a novel method to improve the
is also an important concern due to the high node failure      efficiency of the flood-based routing protocol in
rate and error-prone channels in UWSNs.                        underwater sensor networks. An adaptive routing protocol
                                                               for under-water Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) has been
1.2 Contributions                                              proposed in [12], which divides the network into multiple
In this paper, we propose a novel routing protocol, called     layers and every node adaptively finds its routes to the
vector-based forwarding (VBF), to address the routing          upper layer according to its past memory. Different from
problem in UWSNs. VBF is robust, scalable and energy           all the above work, our VBF takes advantages of the
efficient. It is essentially a location-based routing          location information to form one or multiple routing pipes
approach. No state information is required on the sensor       from the source to the destination. Multiple routes might
nodes and only a small fraction of the nodes are involved      be used simultaneously in VBF to improve the reliability.
in routing. Moreover, in VBF, packets are forwarded along      At the same time, the self-adaption algorithm in VBF can
redundant and interleaved paths from a source to a             greatly improve the energy efficiency. Thus, our VBF can
destination, thus VBF is robust against packet loss and        achieve a good balance between the reliability and energy
node failure. Further, we develop a localized and              efficiency. In short, the routing protocols for UWSNs have
distributed self-adaptation algorithm to enhance the           to address the node mobility issue at minimum energy
performance of VBF. The self-adaptation algorithm allows       expenditure. However, existing routing protocols designed
nodes to weigh the benefit of for- warding packets and         for land-based sensor networks can not satisfy this
thus reduce energy consumption by discarding low benefit       requirement. When applied directly in the underwater
packets. We evaluate the performance of VBF through            sensor network environment, these proposals become very
extensive simulations. Our experiment results show that        expensive in terms of energy due to node mobility.
for networks with small or medium node mobility (1 m/s-3
m/s), VBF can effectively achieve the goals of robustness,     3   VECTOR     BASED                   FORWARDING
energy efficiency, and high success of data delivery.          PROTOCOL (VBF)
the introduction of the paper should explain the nature of             In this section, we present our vector-based
the problem, previous work, purpose, and the contribution      forwarding (VBF) protocol in detail.
of the paper. The contents of each section may be provided
to understand easily about the paper.                          3.1 Overview of VBF
                                                               In sensor networks, energy constraint is a crucial factor
2 RELATED WORK                                                 since sensor nodes usually run on battery, and it is
         In this section, we will review related work in       impossible or difficult to recharge them in most
both terrestrial networks and underwater networks.             application scenarios. In underwater sensor networks, in
                                                               addition to energy saving, the routing algorithms should be
2.1 Routing in Terrestrial Wireless Networks                   able to handle node mobility in an efficient way.
Energy efficiency has long been recognized as one of the
most important properties for terrestrial wireless networks.
Many energy efficient routing protocols such as Directed
Diffusion [4], Two-Tier Data Dissemination [5],
GRAdient [6], Rumor routing [7], and SPIN [8], which
aim for high energy efficiency, have been proposed in the
last few years for terrestrial wireless networks. These
protocols can achieve high energy efficiency in the
terrestrial networks. However, they depend on the

                                                                                                         1041 | P a g e
Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                              (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                              Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044
                                                                 field. The forwarding path is specified by the routing
                                                                 vector from the sender to the target. Each packet also has a
                                                                 RADIUS field, which is a pre-defined threshold used by
                                                                 sensor nodes to determine if they are close enough to the
                                                                 routing vector and eligible for packet forwarding. There
                                                                 are two types of queries. One is location-dependent query.
                                                                 In this case, the sink is interested in some specific area and
                                                                 knows the location of the area. The other type is location
                                                                 independent query, when the sink wants to know some
                                                                 specific type of data regardless of its location. For
                                                                 example, the sink wants to know if there exist abnormal
                                                                 high temperatures in the network. Both of these two types
                                                                 of queries can be routed effectively by VBF.

      Fig. 1: A high level view of VBF for UWSNs.                I) Query Forwarding: For location dependent queries,
                                                                 the sink is interested in some specific area, so it issues an
          Vector-Based Forwarding (VBF) protocol meets           INTEREST query packet, which carries the coordinates of
these requirements successfully. We assume that each             the sink and the target in the sink-based coordinate system,
node in VBF knows its position information, which is             i.e., it has the information of SP and TP. This query is then
provided by some location algorithms [13]. If there is no        directed to the targeted area following the pipe defined by
such localization service available, a sensor node can still     SP and TP. For a location-independent query, the TP field
estimate its relative position to the forwarding node by         of the INTEREST packet is invalid, and this query will be
measuring its distance to the forwarder and the angle of         flooded to the target nodes. Upon receiving such query,
arrival (AOA) and strength of the signal by being armed          the intended nodes can compute their locations in the sink-
with some hardware device. In this work, we assume that          based coordinate system and then direct the subsequent
the position information can be calculated by measuring          data packets to the sink.
the AOA and strength of the signal. In VBF, each packet
carries the positions of the sender, the target, and the         II) Source-Initiated Query: In some application
forwarder (i.e., the node which transmits this packet). The      scenarios, the source can initiate the query process. VBF
forwarding path is specified by the routing vector from the      also supports such source initiated query. If a source
sender to the target. Upon receiving a packet, a node            senses some events and wants to inform the sink, it first
computes its relative position to the forwarder.                 broadcasts a DATA READY packet. Upon receiving such
Recursively, all the nodes receiving the packet compute          packets, each node computes its own position in the
their positions. If a node determines that it is sufficiently    source-based coordinate system, updates the FP field, and
close to the routing vector (e.g., less than a predefined        forwards the packet. Once the sink receives this packet, it
distance threshold), it puts its own computed position in        calculates its position in the source-based coordinate
the packet and continues forwarding the packet; otherwise,       system and transforms the position of the source into its
it simply discards the packet. In this way, all the packet       own coordinate system. Then the sink can decide if it is
forwarders in the sensor network form a “routing pipe”.          interested in such data. If so, it may send out an
The sensor nodes in this pipe are eligible for packet            INTEREST packet to the area where the source resides.
forwarding, and those which are not close to the routing
vector (i.e., the axis of the pipe) do not forward. Fig.1        3.3 Handling Source Mobility
illustrates the basic idea of VBF. In the above figure, node     Since the source node keeps moving, its location
S1 is the source, and node S0 is the sink. The routing vector    calculated based on the old INTEREST packet might not
is specified by S1S0. Data packets are forwarded from S1 to      be accurate any more. If no measure is taken to correct the
S0. Forwarders along the routing vector form a routing           source location, the actual forwarding path might get far
pipe with a pre controlled radius (i.e., the distance            away from the expected one; that is, the destination of the
threshold, denoted by W in this paper).As we can see, like       data forwarding path most probably misses the sink. We
all other source routing protocols, VBF requires no state        propose the following sink-assisted approach to solve this
information at each node. Therefore, it is scalable to the       problem. The source keeps sending packets to the sink,
size of the network. Moreover, in VBF, only the nodes            and the sink can utilize the source location information
along the forwarding path (specified by the routing vector)      carried in the packets to determine if the source moves out
are involved in packet routing, thus saving the energy of        of the targeted scope. For example, if the sink calculates
the network.                                                     its position as Pc = (xc, yc, zc) based on the coordinates of
                                                                 the source, Psource = (xsource, ysource, zsource), and its real
3.2 The Basic VBF Protocol                                       position is P = (x, y, z), then the sink can calculate the
          VBF is a source routing protocol. Each packet          relative position of the sink to the source as (δx, δy , δz) =
carries simple routing information. In a packet, there are       (xc -xsource, yc - ysource, zc - zsource).Therefore, the real
three position fields, SP, TP and FP, i.e., the coordinates of   position of the source is P’csource = (x - δx, y - δy , z - δz). By
the sender, the target and the forwarder. In order to handle     comparing Psource and P’source, the sink can decide if the
node mobility, each packet contains a RANGE field.               source moves out of the scope of the interested area. If so,
When a packet reaches the area specified by its TP, this         the sink sends the SOURCE DENY packet to the source
packet is flooded in an area controlled by the RANGE

                                                                                                                 1042 | P a g e
Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                              (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                              Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044
using P’source. Once the source gets such packets, it stops                            Fig. 2: Desirableness Factor
sending data. At the same time, the sink initia                     The Algorithm we propose a self-adaptation algorithm
3.4 The Self-Adaptation Algorithm                                   based on the concept of desirableness factor. This
In the basic VBF protocol, all the nodes close enough to            algorithm aims to select the most desirable nodes as
the routing vector are qualified to forward packets. The            forwarders. In this algorithm, when a node receives a
protocol is simple and introduces little computation                packet, it first determines if it is close enough to the
overhead. However, when sensor nodes are densely                    routing vector. If yes, the node then holds the packet for a
deployed, VBF may involve too many nodes in data                    time period related to its desirableness factor. In other
forwarding, which in turn increases the energy                      words, each qualified node delays forwarding the packet
consumption. Thus, it is desirable to adjust the forwarding         by a time interval T adaptation, which is calculated as
policy based on the node density. Due to the mobility of            follows:
the nodes in the network, it is infeasible to determine the         Tadaptation =p × Tdelay + R – d/v0 ,      (2)
global node density. On the other hand, it is inappropriate         Where Tdelay is a pre-defined maximum delay, v0 is the
to measure the density at the transmission ends (i.e., the          propagation speed of acoustic signals in water, i.e.,
sender and the target) because of the low propagation               1500m/s, and d is the distance between this node and the
speed of acoustic signals. We propose a self-adaptation             forwarder. In the equation, the first term reflects the
algorithm for VBF to allow each node to estimate the                waiting time based on the node’s desirableness factor: the
density in its neighborhood (based on local information)            more desirable (i.e., the smaller the desirableness factor),
and forward packets adaptively.                                     the less time to wait. The second term represents the
                                                                    additional time needed for all the nodes in the forwarder’s
3.4.1 Desirableness Factor:                                         transmission range to receive the acoustic signal from the
We introduce the notion of desirableness factor to measure          forwarder. During the delayed time period T adaptation, if a
the “suitableness” of a node to forward packets.                    node receives duplicate packets from n other nodes, then
Definition 1: Given a routing vector S1S0, where S1 is the          this node has to compute its desirableness factors relative
source and S0 is the sink, for forwarder F, the                     to these nodes, a1, . .. ,an, and the original forwarder, a0. If
desirableness factor, a, of a node A, is defined as                 min (a0, a1, . . . , an) < ac/2n, where c is a pre-defined initial
a=p/W + (R−d×cosθ)/R,              (1)                              value of desirableness factor (0< c <3), then this node
where p is the projection of A to the routing vector S 1S0, d       forwards the packet; otherwise, it discards the packet.
is the distance between node A and node F, and is the               From Equation 2, we can see that the optimal node does
angle between vector FS0 and vector FA . R is the                   not defer forwarding packets in the self-adaptation
transmission range and W is the radius of the “routing              algorithm. Thus, we have the following lemma.
pipe” (i.e., the distance threshold).Fig- 2 depict the various       Lemma 1: If there exists an optimal path from the sender
parameters used in the definition of desirableness factor.          to the target, i.e., each node in the path is the optimal node
From the definition, we see that for any node close enough          for its upstream node, then the self-adaptation algorithm
to the routing vector, i.e., 0 < p < W, the desirableness           selects this path and entails no delay.
factor of this node is in the range of [0, 3].
For a node, if its desirableness factor is large, it means that
either its projection to the routing vector is large or it is not
far away from the forwarder. In other words, it is not
desirable for this node to continue forwarding the packet.
On the other hand, if the desirableness factor of a node is
0, then this node is on both the routing vector and the edge
of the transmission range of the forwarder. We call this
node as the optimal node, and its position as the best
position. For any forwarder, there is at most one optimal
node and one best position. If the desirableness factor of a
node is close to 0, it means this node is close to the best
position.tes a new INTEREST query and finds a new
source.                                                                           Fig. 3: VBF with self adaptation

                                                                    An Example we illustrate VBF with self-adaptation in Fig.
                                                                    3. In this figure, the forwarding path is specified as the
                                                                    routing vector S1S0 from the source S1 to the sink S0. The
                                                                    node F is the current forwarder. There are three nodes
                                                                    namely, A, B and D in its transmission range. Node A has
                                                                    the smallest desirableness factor among these nodes.
                                                                    Therefore, A has the shortest delay time and sends out the
                                                                    packet first. As shown in this figure, node B is most likely
                                                                    to discard the packet because it is in the transmission range
                                                                    of A and it has to re-evaluate the benefit to send the
                                                                    packet. Node D is out of the transmission range of A;
                                                                    therefore, it also forwards the packet.

                                                                                                                   1043 | P a g e
Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
                              (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                              Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044
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4. SUMMARY                                                              Directed Diffusion: A Scalable and Roust
         We have described the basic VBF routing                        Communication Paradigm for Sensor Networks. In
protocol and the self-adaptation algorithm. We can see that             ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing
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challenges in UWSNs. VBF is scalable, robust and energy                 Annual      ACM/IEEE      International    Conference
efficient: 1) Packets carry routing related information and             onMobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM
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scalable in terms of network size; 2) In VBF, only those         [9]    J. Heidemann, W. Ye, J. Wills, A. Syed, and Y. Li,
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our self-adaptation algorithm allows a node to estimate its             Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
importance in its neighbourhood and thus adjust its                     (WCNC ’06), vol. 1, pp. 228–235, Las Vegas, Nev,
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Our simulation results have demonstrated the promising                  Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Workshop
performance of VBF.                                                     on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc,
                                                                        Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (WASUN ’05), pp.
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6. FUTURE WORK                                                   [11] A. Goel, A. G. Kannan, I. Katz, and R. Bartos,
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future investigation. 1) In the VBF simulations, we use a               protocol for underwater networks,” in Proceedings of
simple MAC protocol as the underlying link layer                        the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Underwater
protocol. This is not a satisfactory choice. Designing an               Networks, pp. 91–94, San Francisco, Calif, USA,
efficient MAC protocol for underwater sensor networks is                September 2008.
desirable for the next step. 2) We also plan to study the        [12] Z. Guo, G. Colombi, B. Wang, J.-H. Cui, D.
reliable data transfer and congestion control problems,                 Maggiorinit, and G. P. Rossi, “Adaptive routing in
which are very challenging due to the unique features of                underwater delay/disruption tolerant sensor networks,”
UWSNs: high end-to-end delay, low bandwidth, and high                   in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Annual Conference on
error probability.                                                      Wireless on Demand Network Systems and Services
                                                                        (WONS ’08), pp. 31–39, Bavaria, Germany, January
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                                                                                                             1044 | P a g e

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  • 1. Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044 Review of Vector-Based Forwarding Protocol for Underwater Sensor Network Heena Ahuja*, Er. Jyoti Gupta** *Student, Department of ECE, MMU Mullana, Ambala, India ** Assistant Professor, ECE, MMU Mullana, Ambala, India ABSTRACT In this paper, we tackle one fundamental latency, node mobility (resulting in high network problem in Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSNs): dynamics), high error probability, and three-dimensional robust, scalable and energy efficient routing. network topology. These new features bring many Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSNs) are challenges to the protocol design of UWSNs. In this paper, significantly different from terrestrial sensor networks we tackle one fundamental problem in UWSNs: robust, in the following aspects: low bandwidth, high latency, scalable, and energy efficient routing. The unique features node mobility, high error probability, and 3- of UWSNs pose great challenges on its routing protocol dimensional space. These new features bring many design and make many existing routing protocols for challenges to the network protocol design of UWSNs. terrestrial networks unsuitable. In this paper, we propose a novel routing protocol, called vector-based forwarding (VBF), to provide robust, scalable and energy efficient routing. VBF is 1.1 Unique Features of UWSNs essentially a position-based routing approach: nodes UWSNs are significantly different from any terrestrial close to the “vector" from the source to the destination sensor networks in terms of the following aspects: will forward the message. In this way, only a small fraction of the nodes are involved in routing. To 1.1.1 Low Bandwidth and High Latency in UWSNs: improve the robustness, packets are forwarded in Acoustic channels (instead of RF channels) are used as the redundant and interleaved paths. Further, a localized communication method since radio does not work well in and distributed self-adaptation algorithm allows the water. The propagation speed of acoustic signals in water nodes to reduce energy consumption by discarding is about 1.5 × 103 m/sec, which is five orders of magnitude redundant packets.VBF performs well in dense lower than the radio propagation speed (3 × 108 m/sec). networks. Moreover, the available bandwidth of underwater acoustic channels is limited and dramatically depends on both Keywords - Angle of arrival, energy, desirable factor, transmission range and frequency. packets, protocol, self adaptation, vector. 1.1.2 UWSNs Are Highly Dynamic: The underwater 1. INTRODUCTION sensor networks we target are highly mobile networks The Earth is a water planet. For decades, there where sensor nodes are not fixed and they will float with have been significant interests in monitoring aquatic water currents. From empirical observations, underwater environments for scientific exploration, commercial objects may move at the speed of 2-3 knots (or 3–6 exploitation and coastline protection. Highly precise, real- kilometers per hour) in a typical underwater condition. time, and temporal spatial continuous aquatic environment This kind of mobility results in a highly dynamic network monitoring systems are extremely important for various topology. applications, such as oceanographic data collection, pollution detection, and marine surveillance. However, 1.1.3 UWSNs Are Highly Error-Prone: Underwater traditional techniques, such as remote telemetry and acoustic communication channels are significantly sequential local sensing, cannot satisfy these high- affected by many factors such as signal attenuation, noise, demanding application requirements. Recently, underwater multipath, Doppler spread, and even water temperature. sensor networks have emerged as a very powerful All these factors cause high bit-error and delay variance. technique for many applications for underwater Thus, communication links in UWSNs are highly error- environment, including monitoring, measurement, prone. surveillance and control [1].Compared with traditional techniques in these application scenarios, underwater 1.1.4 UWSNs Are Three-Dimensional: UWSNs are sensor networks enable people to perform underwater usually deployed in a three-dimensional space. This is activities more accurately and timely in much wider areas. different from the 2-dimensional deployment of most Even though underwater sensor networks terrestrial sensor networks. These characteristics of (UWSNs) share some common properties with terrestrial UWSNs bring up many new challenges and make the sensor networks, such as the large number of nodes and existing routing protocols for terrestrial sensor networks the limited energy supplies, UWSNs are significantly unsuitable here. For UWSNs, the routing protocols should different from terrestrial sensor networks in many aspects: be able to handle the node mobility and the unreliable low bandwidth, high communication links with high energy efficiency. 1040 | P a g e
  • 2. Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044 1.2 Routing Challenges in UWSNs relatively stable neighborhood to form the routing path. If Same as in terrestrial sensor networks, saving energy is a applying these protocols in UWSNs, it would be costly to major concern in UWSNs. At the same time, UWSN maintain and recover the frequently broken routing path routing should be able to handle node mobility. This due to the node mobility. Geographic routing protocols, requirement makes most existing energy-efficient routing which leverage the position information of each node to protocols unsuitable for UWSNs. There are many routing determine the forwarding path, have been investigated protocols proposed for terrestrial sensor networks, such as extensively for terrestrial wireless networks. Directed Diffusion [2], and TTDD (Two-Tier Data Dissemination) [3]. These protocols are mainly designed 2.2 Routing in Underwater Networks for stationary networks. They usually employ query Much research work has been done in the last few years on flooding as a powerful method to discover data delivery the routing protocols for underwater networks. The paths. In UWSNs, however, most sensor nodes are mobile, challenges and state-of-art for the routing protocols in and the “network topology” changes very rapidly even underwater networks have been discussed in detail in [9]. with small displacements. The frequent maintenance and A pioneering work is done in on the routing protocol for recovery of forwarding paths is very expensive in high underwater networks. In this work, a central master node dynamic networks, and even more expensive in dense 3- is used to probe the network topology and do the route dimensional UWSNs. Thus, to provide scalable and establishment. The authors of [10] propose a centralized efficient routing in UWSNs, we have to seek for new routing algorithm for delay sensitive application and a solutions. In this paper, we investigate this challenging distributed routing algorithm for delay insensitive routing problem in UWSNs, with scalability and energy applications in three-dimensional underwater networks. In efficiency as the design objectives. Moreover, robustness [11], the authors propose a novel method to improve the is also an important concern due to the high node failure efficiency of the flood-based routing protocol in rate and error-prone channels in UWSNs. underwater sensor networks. An adaptive routing protocol for under-water Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) has been 1.2 Contributions proposed in [12], which divides the network into multiple In this paper, we propose a novel routing protocol, called layers and every node adaptively finds its routes to the vector-based forwarding (VBF), to address the routing upper layer according to its past memory. Different from problem in UWSNs. VBF is robust, scalable and energy all the above work, our VBF takes advantages of the efficient. It is essentially a location-based routing location information to form one or multiple routing pipes approach. No state information is required on the sensor from the source to the destination. Multiple routes might nodes and only a small fraction of the nodes are involved be used simultaneously in VBF to improve the reliability. in routing. Moreover, in VBF, packets are forwarded along At the same time, the self-adaption algorithm in VBF can redundant and interleaved paths from a source to a greatly improve the energy efficiency. Thus, our VBF can destination, thus VBF is robust against packet loss and achieve a good balance between the reliability and energy node failure. Further, we develop a localized and efficiency. In short, the routing protocols for UWSNs have distributed self-adaptation algorithm to enhance the to address the node mobility issue at minimum energy performance of VBF. The self-adaptation algorithm allows expenditure. However, existing routing protocols designed nodes to weigh the benefit of for- warding packets and for land-based sensor networks can not satisfy this thus reduce energy consumption by discarding low benefit requirement. When applied directly in the underwater packets. We evaluate the performance of VBF through sensor network environment, these proposals become very extensive simulations. Our experiment results show that expensive in terms of energy due to node mobility. for networks with small or medium node mobility (1 m/s-3 m/s), VBF can effectively achieve the goals of robustness, 3 VECTOR BASED FORWARDING energy efficiency, and high success of data delivery. PROTOCOL (VBF) the introduction of the paper should explain the nature of In this section, we present our vector-based the problem, previous work, purpose, and the contribution forwarding (VBF) protocol in detail. of the paper. The contents of each section may be provided to understand easily about the paper. 3.1 Overview of VBF In sensor networks, energy constraint is a crucial factor 2 RELATED WORK since sensor nodes usually run on battery, and it is In this section, we will review related work in impossible or difficult to recharge them in most both terrestrial networks and underwater networks. application scenarios. In underwater sensor networks, in addition to energy saving, the routing algorithms should be 2.1 Routing in Terrestrial Wireless Networks able to handle node mobility in an efficient way. Energy efficiency has long been recognized as one of the most important properties for terrestrial wireless networks. Many energy efficient routing protocols such as Directed Diffusion [4], Two-Tier Data Dissemination [5], GRAdient [6], Rumor routing [7], and SPIN [8], which aim for high energy efficiency, have been proposed in the last few years for terrestrial wireless networks. These protocols can achieve high energy efficiency in the terrestrial networks. However, they depend on the 1041 | P a g e
  • 3. Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044 field. The forwarding path is specified by the routing vector from the sender to the target. Each packet also has a RADIUS field, which is a pre-defined threshold used by sensor nodes to determine if they are close enough to the routing vector and eligible for packet forwarding. There are two types of queries. One is location-dependent query. In this case, the sink is interested in some specific area and knows the location of the area. The other type is location independent query, when the sink wants to know some specific type of data regardless of its location. For example, the sink wants to know if there exist abnormal high temperatures in the network. Both of these two types of queries can be routed effectively by VBF. Fig. 1: A high level view of VBF for UWSNs. I) Query Forwarding: For location dependent queries, the sink is interested in some specific area, so it issues an Vector-Based Forwarding (VBF) protocol meets INTEREST query packet, which carries the coordinates of these requirements successfully. We assume that each the sink and the target in the sink-based coordinate system, node in VBF knows its position information, which is i.e., it has the information of SP and TP. This query is then provided by some location algorithms [13]. If there is no directed to the targeted area following the pipe defined by such localization service available, a sensor node can still SP and TP. For a location-independent query, the TP field estimate its relative position to the forwarding node by of the INTEREST packet is invalid, and this query will be measuring its distance to the forwarder and the angle of flooded to the target nodes. Upon receiving such query, arrival (AOA) and strength of the signal by being armed the intended nodes can compute their locations in the sink- with some hardware device. In this work, we assume that based coordinate system and then direct the subsequent the position information can be calculated by measuring data packets to the sink. the AOA and strength of the signal. In VBF, each packet carries the positions of the sender, the target, and the II) Source-Initiated Query: In some application forwarder (i.e., the node which transmits this packet). The scenarios, the source can initiate the query process. VBF forwarding path is specified by the routing vector from the also supports such source initiated query. If a source sender to the target. Upon receiving a packet, a node senses some events and wants to inform the sink, it first computes its relative position to the forwarder. broadcasts a DATA READY packet. Upon receiving such Recursively, all the nodes receiving the packet compute packets, each node computes its own position in the their positions. If a node determines that it is sufficiently source-based coordinate system, updates the FP field, and close to the routing vector (e.g., less than a predefined forwards the packet. Once the sink receives this packet, it distance threshold), it puts its own computed position in calculates its position in the source-based coordinate the packet and continues forwarding the packet; otherwise, system and transforms the position of the source into its it simply discards the packet. In this way, all the packet own coordinate system. Then the sink can decide if it is forwarders in the sensor network form a “routing pipe”. interested in such data. If so, it may send out an The sensor nodes in this pipe are eligible for packet INTEREST packet to the area where the source resides. forwarding, and those which are not close to the routing vector (i.e., the axis of the pipe) do not forward. Fig.1 3.3 Handling Source Mobility illustrates the basic idea of VBF. In the above figure, node Since the source node keeps moving, its location S1 is the source, and node S0 is the sink. The routing vector calculated based on the old INTEREST packet might not is specified by S1S0. Data packets are forwarded from S1 to be accurate any more. If no measure is taken to correct the S0. Forwarders along the routing vector form a routing source location, the actual forwarding path might get far pipe with a pre controlled radius (i.e., the distance away from the expected one; that is, the destination of the threshold, denoted by W in this paper).As we can see, like data forwarding path most probably misses the sink. We all other source routing protocols, VBF requires no state propose the following sink-assisted approach to solve this information at each node. Therefore, it is scalable to the problem. The source keeps sending packets to the sink, size of the network. Moreover, in VBF, only the nodes and the sink can utilize the source location information along the forwarding path (specified by the routing vector) carried in the packets to determine if the source moves out are involved in packet routing, thus saving the energy of of the targeted scope. For example, if the sink calculates the network. its position as Pc = (xc, yc, zc) based on the coordinates of the source, Psource = (xsource, ysource, zsource), and its real 3.2 The Basic VBF Protocol position is P = (x, y, z), then the sink can calculate the VBF is a source routing protocol. Each packet relative position of the sink to the source as (δx, δy , δz) = carries simple routing information. In a packet, there are (xc -xsource, yc - ysource, zc - zsource).Therefore, the real three position fields, SP, TP and FP, i.e., the coordinates of position of the source is P’csource = (x - δx, y - δy , z - δz). By the sender, the target and the forwarder. In order to handle comparing Psource and P’source, the sink can decide if the node mobility, each packet contains a RANGE field. source moves out of the scope of the interested area. If so, When a packet reaches the area specified by its TP, this the sink sends the SOURCE DENY packet to the source packet is flooded in an area controlled by the RANGE 1042 | P a g e
  • 4. Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044 using P’source. Once the source gets such packets, it stops Fig. 2: Desirableness Factor sending data. At the same time, the sink initia The Algorithm we propose a self-adaptation algorithm 3.4 The Self-Adaptation Algorithm based on the concept of desirableness factor. This In the basic VBF protocol, all the nodes close enough to algorithm aims to select the most desirable nodes as the routing vector are qualified to forward packets. The forwarders. In this algorithm, when a node receives a protocol is simple and introduces little computation packet, it first determines if it is close enough to the overhead. However, when sensor nodes are densely routing vector. If yes, the node then holds the packet for a deployed, VBF may involve too many nodes in data time period related to its desirableness factor. In other forwarding, which in turn increases the energy words, each qualified node delays forwarding the packet consumption. Thus, it is desirable to adjust the forwarding by a time interval T adaptation, which is calculated as policy based on the node density. Due to the mobility of follows: the nodes in the network, it is infeasible to determine the Tadaptation =p × Tdelay + R – d/v0 , (2) global node density. On the other hand, it is inappropriate Where Tdelay is a pre-defined maximum delay, v0 is the to measure the density at the transmission ends (i.e., the propagation speed of acoustic signals in water, i.e., sender and the target) because of the low propagation 1500m/s, and d is the distance between this node and the speed of acoustic signals. We propose a self-adaptation forwarder. In the equation, the first term reflects the algorithm for VBF to allow each node to estimate the waiting time based on the node’s desirableness factor: the density in its neighborhood (based on local information) more desirable (i.e., the smaller the desirableness factor), and forward packets adaptively. the less time to wait. The second term represents the additional time needed for all the nodes in the forwarder’s 3.4.1 Desirableness Factor: transmission range to receive the acoustic signal from the We introduce the notion of desirableness factor to measure forwarder. During the delayed time period T adaptation, if a the “suitableness” of a node to forward packets. node receives duplicate packets from n other nodes, then Definition 1: Given a routing vector S1S0, where S1 is the this node has to compute its desirableness factors relative source and S0 is the sink, for forwarder F, the to these nodes, a1, . .. ,an, and the original forwarder, a0. If desirableness factor, a, of a node A, is defined as min (a0, a1, . . . , an) < ac/2n, where c is a pre-defined initial a=p/W + (R−d×cosθ)/R, (1) value of desirableness factor (0< c <3), then this node where p is the projection of A to the routing vector S 1S0, d forwards the packet; otherwise, it discards the packet. is the distance between node A and node F, and is the From Equation 2, we can see that the optimal node does angle between vector FS0 and vector FA . R is the not defer forwarding packets in the self-adaptation transmission range and W is the radius of the “routing algorithm. Thus, we have the following lemma. pipe” (i.e., the distance threshold).Fig- 2 depict the various Lemma 1: If there exists an optimal path from the sender parameters used in the definition of desirableness factor. to the target, i.e., each node in the path is the optimal node From the definition, we see that for any node close enough for its upstream node, then the self-adaptation algorithm to the routing vector, i.e., 0 < p < W, the desirableness selects this path and entails no delay. factor of this node is in the range of [0, 3]. For a node, if its desirableness factor is large, it means that either its projection to the routing vector is large or it is not far away from the forwarder. In other words, it is not desirable for this node to continue forwarding the packet. On the other hand, if the desirableness factor of a node is 0, then this node is on both the routing vector and the edge of the transmission range of the forwarder. We call this node as the optimal node, and its position as the best position. For any forwarder, there is at most one optimal node and one best position. If the desirableness factor of a node is close to 0, it means this node is close to the best position.tes a new INTEREST query and finds a new source. Fig. 3: VBF with self adaptation An Example we illustrate VBF with self-adaptation in Fig. 3. In this figure, the forwarding path is specified as the routing vector S1S0 from the source S1 to the sink S0. The node F is the current forwarder. There are three nodes namely, A, B and D in its transmission range. Node A has the smallest desirableness factor among these nodes. Therefore, A has the shortest delay time and sends out the packet first. As shown in this figure, node B is most likely to discard the packet because it is in the transmission range of A and it has to re-evaluate the benefit to send the packet. Node D is out of the transmission range of A; therefore, it also forwards the packet. 1043 | P a g e
  • 5. Heena Ahuja, Er. Jyoti Gupta / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.1040-1044 [3] C. Intanagonwiwat, R.Govindan, and D.Estrin. 4. SUMMARY Directed Diffusion: A Scalable and Roust We have described the basic VBF routing Communication Paradigm for Sensor Networks. In protocol and the self-adaptation algorithm. We can see that ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing VBF addresses the mobility of nodes in the network and Networking (MOBICOM’00), Boston, effectively. The positioning of nodes is performed locally Massachusetts, USA, August 2000. [4] C. Intanagonwiwat, R.Govindan, and D. Estrin, and no global synchronization required. VBF has no “Directed diffusion: a scalable and roust requirement for stable forward path. VBF is an energy communication paradigm for sensor networks,” in efficient and scalable protocol. 1) In VBF, no state Proceedings of the 6th Annual International information is required for each node; therefore, it is Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking scalable to the size of the network; 2) In VBF, only the (MOBICOM ’00), Boston, Mass, USA, August 2000. nodes close to the routing vector are involved in packet [5] F. Ye, H. Luo, J. Cheng, S. Lu, and L. Zhang, “A two- forwarding, and all other nodes are in idle state, thus tier data dissemination model for large-scale wireless saving energy. The self-adaptation algorithm helps to sensor networks,” in Proceedings of the 8th Annual further reduce energy consumption by selecting more International Conference on Mobile Computing and desirable nodes.VBF is also robust and less Networking (MOBICOM ’02), Atlanta, Ga, USA, computationally demanding. 1) The success of data September 2002. delivery is not dependent on the stable neighborhood, but [6] F. Ye, G. Zhong, S. Lu, and L. Zhang, “GRAdient on the node density. If there exists at least one path in the broadcast: a robust data delivery protocol for large “routing pipe” specified by the routing vector, then the scale sensor networks,” ACM Wireless Networks, vol. packet can be successfully delivered; 2) The computation 11, no. 3, pp. 285–298, 2005. demand on each node is appropriate for routing on- [7] D. Braginsky and D. Estrin, “Rumor routing algorithm demand since only simple vector-related calculation is for sensor networks,” in Proceedings of the ACM needed. 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