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Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                          Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087
   Effect Of Process Parameters On The Strength Of Aluminium
   Alloy A5052 Sheets Joint Welded By Resistance Spot Welding
                        With Cover Plates
                        Chetan R. Patel*, Prof. Dhaval A. Patel**
   *(M.E. MECHANICAL (CAD/CAM) Student, Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar, and
                                             Gujarat, India
** (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sankalchand Patel college of Engineering, Visnagar, Mehsana, and
                                             Gujarat, India

         Resistance spot welding (RSW) is the           In automotive industries, weight reduction is strongly
most popular joining technique used by                  demanded for energy and natural resource savings.
automotive industries for the manufacture of            Due to low density, its recovery potential and
automobile body structure. In automobile                significant mechanical properties, aluminium alloys
industries, the weight saving effect of replacing       have been adopted and are expected to be extensively
steel parts is an important factor in reducing fuel     used in the future, to partially replace steel that is
consumption and increasing speed and natural            primary construction material in automobile [2].
resources savings. In this study, A5052 aluminium                 The quality weld spot weld in aluminum
alloy sheet having 1 mm thickness were welded           alloys is more sensitive to process variations than are
using the RSW with cover plates. The process            similar welds is steels [9]. RSW of aluminium
parameters namely welding current, welding time         requires three to four times more welding current
and electrode force considered for weld quality.        than the resistance of an equivalent thickness of steel.
The welded joints were subjected to tensile shear       Aluminium has young’s modulus is one third that of
and hardness tests to determine the influence of        steel, aluminium is less resistance to surface
welding parameters effect on the quality of spot        indentation from electrode contact. Thermal balance
welded joint. Also parameters effect on nugget          in weld is difficult because surface oxidation changes
diameter and failure modes were studied. The            the dynamic contact resistance characteristic at the
results showed that increase in welding current         workpiece interface. In RSW of aluminium alloy the
and weld time tensile shear strength and nugget         problems occurring are short electrode tip life and
diameter increased. While, increase in electrode        surface oxidation [4].
force both nugget diameter and weld strength            Though the effect of the process parameters on the
decreased. Hardness         measurement results         mechanical behavior of resistance spot welds on
indicated that nugget diameter gave the lowest          carbon and stainless steels is well documented,
hardness value than base metal. The interfacial         results from aluminium alloys continue to be scarce
failure mode occurs for nugget diameter up to           [5-6]. In the previous study, magnesium alloy sheets
5.81 mm and above this value nugget pullout             have been welded using the technique of RSW with
failure mode observed. The result reveals that the      cover plates and favorable joint has been achieved
technique is feasible to weld aluminium alloy.          under the welding condition of low welding current
                                                        [3]. In view of physical properties similarities
Keywords - Aluminium alloy, hardness, Nugget            between aluminium alloy and magnesium alloy,
diameter, RSW, Tensile-shear load.                      aluminium alloy was also welded by using this
                                                        method in the present study.
                                                        In order to provide some foundational information for
          Resistance spot welding (RSW) is an           improving mechanical properties of the aluminium
efficient joining process widely used for the           alloy joint, the availability of this method for
                                                        aluminium alloy welding and the effect of welding
fabrication of sheet metal assemblies. RSW has
excellent techno-economic benefits such as low cost,    parameters (welding current, weld time, electrode
high speed and suitability for automation which make    force) on the characteristics of the joint were
it an attractive choice for auto-body assemblies such   investigated.
as automobiles, truck cabins and rail vehicles. For
example, a modern auto-body assembly needs 7000         II. RSW WITH COVER PLATES
to 12,000 spots of welding according to the size of a             RSW is a joining process based on the heat
car, so the spot welding is an important process in     source obtained from Joule’s effect of resistance and
auto-body assembly [1].                                 electric current flow through the sheets held together
                                                        by the electrode force, in which the coalescence
                                                        occurs at the spot area in flying surfaces. Therefore in

                                                                                              1081 | P a g e
Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                          Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087
the process of RSW of aluminium alloy, enormously
high electric current required because of low heat
generation and high heat conduction of aluminium
alloy. In this case, the utilization of enormously high
welding current would reduce electrode tip life and
require adopting larger capacity RSW machine. In
order to enable the RSW of aluminium alloys sheets
under relatively low welding condition, we proposed
a technique of RSW with cover plate. Fig.1 and 2
shows the schematic diagram of this welding process,
in which a cover plate was placed on both the side of
aluminium alloy sheet. Here it is required that the
cover plate was a metal sheet with relatively low
electrical conductivity than aluminium alloy, so the      Fig. 2 shape and size of specimen for welding
higher heat generated in the cover plates as to be        Table 1 Dimensions of the work piece
conducted from the cover plate to aluminium alloy         Thickness(t) Width (W) Length (L) Contact
sheet. Taking low cost and availability into account,     mm             mm            mm           overlap mm
we chose cold-rolled sheet SPCC as the cover plate.
                                                          1              40            100          30
The cover plate 30×40×1 mm in size was adopted.
                                                                   The specimens were welded using a
III. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND                           stationary RSW machine as per welding condition in
PROCEDURE                                                 Table 3. Copper-chromium alloy electrodes with a tip
         Aluminium alloy A5052 sheets of 1 mm             diameter of 7 mm were used.
thickness were used in this study. Cold rolled steel      Table 2 Chemical composition of material
plates were used for cover plates. Resistance spot        Alloying Element          Wt. %
welding lap joints with cover plates were done on
specimens of 100 mm × 40 mm × 1 mm in size Table          Si                            0.150
1. The nominal chemical composition of this alloy is
given in Table 2. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the geometry     Mn                            0.012
and dimensions of the welded specimens. Sheet
surfaces were randomly abraded before resistance          Cr                            0.160
spot                                          welding.
                                                          Ni                            0.003

                                                          Cu                            0.004

                                                          Al                            97.000

                                                          Mg                            2.400

                                                          Fe                            0.240

                                                          Ti                            0.010

                                                                    All tests were performed at standard
                                                          laboratory conditions. Tensile-shear strength is an
                                                          important measure of welding quality of RSW.
                                                          Therefore, in this research tensile-shear strength has
                                                          been selected to describe the mechanical properties of
                                                          spot weld.
                                                                    All the tensile-shear tests were carried out at
                                                          a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min on universal testing
                                                          machine UTES-40. Set-1, Set-2, Set-3 and Set-4 total
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of resistance spot welding       22 spot welded specimens were tested on Universal
with cover plates                                         Testing Machine for tensile shear load measurement.
                                                          Tensile loading was applied till final failure of the
                                                          weld specimens. Failure mode was determined from
                                                          the failed samples.

                                                                                                 1082 | P a g e
Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                          Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087
Nugget diameter was measured after tensile shear test               The hardness of the welds was measured on
fractured specimen achieved. Sometimes due to oval         the parallel to the interface using a Vickers hardness
shape of the weld nugget geometry diameter                 tester. Set-5, set-6 and set-7 total 9 spot welded
measured in both the directions and average value of       specimens were tested on Vickers hardness tester.
both was taken. Here set-1, set-2, set-3 and set-4 total   Testing was performed with a 5 kgf indentation load
22 specimen’s nugget diameters were measured. All          and with a hold time of 15 second. Hardness
specimens nugget diameter was measured by the              measurements were carried out both the side from the
travelling microscope.                                     weld nugget centre and average hardness values of
Table 3 Resistance spot welding condition for each         both the sides of similar points was taken.
specimen series
                                                           IV. EXPERIMENTAL                RESULTS          AND
                                                           A. Tensile-shear load
                                                                     The influence of the weld current on the
                                                           tensile-shear load is illustrated in Fig. 3 for set-1. A
                                                           significant increase in the tensile-shear load with
                                                           increasing weld current was observed, even for the
                                                           maximum current studied (9.8 kA). Increasing
                                                           welding current value T-S load increased with also
                                                           small expulsion of material was occurred. Welding
                                                           current values at 8.8 and 9.8 KA splashing of
                                                           material from weld nugget was observed. The reason
                                                           for this behavior is that the increase in current heat
                                                           input is increased as per the joule’s equation.
                                                           The effect of the weld time on the tensile shear load
                                                           is shown in Fig. 4 for set-2. A significant increase in
                                                           the T-S load was observed with increasing weld time.
                                                           With increasing welding time 5 cycles to 30 cycles T-
                                                           S load increasing 2.25 KN to 3.98 KN.

                                                           Fig. 3 Effect of welding current on Tensile-shear load

                                                                                                 1083 | P a g e
Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                          Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087
                                                         with results observed by other authors in welds in
                                                         magnesium alloy [3].
                                                         Fig.7 shows the effect of welding time effect on the
                                                         nugget diameter of the joints welded under the
                                                         welding conditions of set-2. This demonstrates that
                                                         welding time has similar effect as studied in welding
                                                         current effect. The nugget diameter of the joint
                                                         increase with increasing the welding time increase
                                                         with increasing the welding time increase with
                                                         increasing the welding time.

Fig. 4 Effect of welding time on Tensile-shear load

                                                         Fig. 6 Effect of welding current on nugget diameter

Fig. 5 Effect of electrode force on Tensile-shear load
          The effect of the electrode force on the T-S
load is shown in Fig. 5 for set-3. A minor decrease in
the T-S load was observed with increasing electrode
force. At 2050 electrode force maximum tensile shear
load value achieved after this it is decreased. With
increasing electrode force 1658 N to 3621 N T-S load
decreasing 2.56 KN to 2.20 KN. The reason behind is
increasing electrode force value increase contact
resistance due to that decreasing electric resistance
and also heat input.

B. Nugget diameter
          The effect of the variation of weld current
on nugget diameter is shown in Fig. 6 for set-1. The
nugget diameter increases continuously with weld
current up to the maximum intensity that we have
tested. Initially 6.3 KA to 7.3 KA nugget diameters      Fig.7 Effect of welding time on nugget diameter
increased rapidly after minor effect observed. Such
kind of behavior can be attributed to the increase in
heat input with increasing current and it agrees well

                                                                                             1084 | P a g e
Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                          Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087

                                                        Fig. 10 welding current effect on nugget diameter
Fig. 8 Effect of electrode force on nugget diameter     Generally, welding current has effects on the tensile
Fig.8 illustrates the effect of electrode force on      shear load and nugget diameter of joint. Fig.9 and
nugget diameter in the welds for set-3. Minimum         Fig.10 shows the effect of welding current on the
electrode force value nugget diameter is 5.85 mm.       tensile shear load and nugget diameter of the joints
With increasing electrode force value the nugget        welded under the welding conditions of sets 1 and 4.
diameter reduced. The increase in the electrode force   In the case of RSW with cover plates, the nugget
value can significantly improve the contact between     diameter and tensile shear load of the joints increased
the faying surfaces. It also decreasing electrical      with the increasing of the welding current. The
resistance and heat input so that this may be reason    maximum tensile shear load of 3.04 KN and the
for the nugget diameter decrease with increasing the    nugget of 6.05 mm in diameter was obtained at the
electrode force.                                        welding current of 9.8 kA. While without cover
                                                        plates tensile shear load 0.46 KN and nugget
                                                        diameter 2.86 mm at the welding current of 9.8 KA.
                                                        C. Hardness

Fig. 9 welding current effect on tensile-shear load

                                                        Fig. 11 Hardness values of spot welded specimen at
                                                        different welding current condition

                                                                                              1085 | P a g e
Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                          Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087
                                                           joints and consequently reduces the hardness. After 3
                                                           mm away from the weld nugget centre hardness
                                                           value nearest same due to away from weld nugget no
                                                           more effect observed.

                                                                     The effect of the electrode force on the
                                                           distribution of hardness in the welds is illustrated in
                                                           Fig. 13 in transverse direction of the spot welded
                                                           joints for set-7.The figure shows that an increase in
                                                           the electrode force the joints found as weaker that
                                                           leads to an increase in the hardness. Up to nugget
                                                           diameter and heat affected zone hardness values
                                                           slightly varies. This may be attributed to the
                                                           reduction in the amount of heat developed, due to the
                                                           reduction in the sheet resistance associated with the
                                                           increase in electrode force.

                                                           D. Failure mode
Fig. 12 Hardness values of spot welded specimen at         Fig.15 shows the relationship between the weld
different weld time condition                              nugget diameter and the tensile shear load, from the
                                                           results of the tensile shear tests. Fig.14 shows two
                                                           different types of failure modes observed. An
                                                           approximately linear relationship was observed
                                                           between nugget diameter and tensile shear load.
                                                           The interfacial failure mode occurs for nugget
                                                           diameters up to 5.81mm while above this value
                                                           nugget pullout failure mode was observed. Currently,
                                                           in order to guarantee the reliability of the welds, the
                                                           welding parameters should be adjusted so that pullout
                                                           failure mode is obtained during testing. The result
                                                           revealed that the tensile shear load increased with the
                                                           increasing of the nugget diameter.

Fig. 13 Hardness values of a spot welded specimen at
different electrode force condition
Fig. 11 shows the effect of welding current on the
hardness of the spot welded joints for set-5,
illustrating that an increase in the welding current the
joints are stronger leads to a reduction in the hardness
value. The reason behind may be the increase in the
amount of heat developed. Increasing weld current
value from 6.8 to 9.8 in the nugget area hardness
values minor decreased. After 3 mm away from the
weld nugget centre hardness value almost constant.
The loss of alloying elements from the weld pool that
may result in a reduction in strength [7].
           The effect of welding time on the hardness
of the spot welded joints for set-6, see Fig. 12. The
figure indicates that increasing the welding time
stronger joints achieved leads to a reduction in the
hardness. This reason behind is to the increase in the     Fig. 14 RSW failure modes: (A) Pull out mode and
amount of heat developed. This heat anneals and            (B) Interfacial mode
removes the residual stresses from the spot welded

                                                                                                 1086 | P a g e
Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                          Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087
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                                                               Keke Zhang , Hua Yu, Gaojian Ding,
                                                               Effects of welding parameters on the
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                                                               Materials and Design 31 (2010) 4853–4857.
                                                         [3]   Hongxin Shi, Ranfeng Qiu, Jinhong Zhu,
                                                               Keke Zhang, Hua Yu, Gaojian Ding.,
                                                               Effects of welding parameters on the
                                                               characteristics of magnesium alloy joint
                                                               welded by resistance spot welding with
                                                               cover plates, International journal of
                                                               Materials and Design 31 (2010) 4853–4857.
                                                         [4]   Z. Li, C. Hao, J. Zhang, and H. Zhang,
                                                               Effects of Sheet Surface Conditions on
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                                                               Aluminum, Weld. J., 2007, 86(4), p 81s–
Fig. 15 Relationship between weld nugget size and              89s.
tensile shear load (for pull out failure and for         [5]   Murat Vural,        Ahmet Akkus, On the
interfacial failure mode)                                      resistance spot weldability of galvanized
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V. CONCLUSION                                                  stainless steel sheets, Journal of Materials
          It is feasible to weld aluminium alloy sheet         Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 1–
via a RSW method using cover plates. The joint with            6.
larger nugget diameter and higher tensile shear load     [6]   S. Aslanlar, The effect of nucleus size on
was obtained under relatively low welding condition.           mechanical properties in electrical resistance
          With increasing welding current and time             spot welding of sheets used in automotive
a significant increase in tensile shear load was               industry, Journal of Materials and Design
observed, due to augmentation of the nugget                    27 (2006) 125–131.
diameter. Beyond critical nugget diameter the failure
mode changes from interfacial failure mode to                Books:
pullout mode.                                            [7]   Mathers Gene, “The welding of aluminium
          Process parameters have minor effect on the          and its alloys”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd
hardness value. The increase in the weld current and           and CRC Press LLC 2002, pp 1-31.
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while increasing electrode force minor increase in
hardness in the nugget and heat affected zones of the
          The interfacial failure mode observed up to
nugget diameter 5.81 mm and above this value
pullout failure mode observed. Use of cover plates
for resistance spot welding of A5052 sheets is

Journal Papers:
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                                                                                           1087 | P a g e

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  • 1. Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087 Effect Of Process Parameters On The Strength Of Aluminium Alloy A5052 Sheets Joint Welded By Resistance Spot Welding With Cover Plates Chetan R. Patel*, Prof. Dhaval A. Patel** *(M.E. MECHANICAL (CAD/CAM) Student, Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar, and Gujarat, India ** (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sankalchand Patel college of Engineering, Visnagar, Mehsana, and Gujarat, India ABSTRACT Resistance spot welding (RSW) is the In automotive industries, weight reduction is strongly most popular joining technique used by demanded for energy and natural resource savings. automotive industries for the manufacture of Due to low density, its recovery potential and automobile body structure. In automobile significant mechanical properties, aluminium alloys industries, the weight saving effect of replacing have been adopted and are expected to be extensively steel parts is an important factor in reducing fuel used in the future, to partially replace steel that is consumption and increasing speed and natural primary construction material in automobile [2]. resources savings. In this study, A5052 aluminium The quality weld spot weld in aluminum alloy sheet having 1 mm thickness were welded alloys is more sensitive to process variations than are using the RSW with cover plates. The process similar welds is steels [9]. RSW of aluminium parameters namely welding current, welding time requires three to four times more welding current and electrode force considered for weld quality. than the resistance of an equivalent thickness of steel. The welded joints were subjected to tensile shear Aluminium has young’s modulus is one third that of and hardness tests to determine the influence of steel, aluminium is less resistance to surface welding parameters effect on the quality of spot indentation from electrode contact. Thermal balance welded joint. Also parameters effect on nugget in weld is difficult because surface oxidation changes diameter and failure modes were studied. The the dynamic contact resistance characteristic at the results showed that increase in welding current workpiece interface. In RSW of aluminium alloy the and weld time tensile shear strength and nugget problems occurring are short electrode tip life and diameter increased. While, increase in electrode surface oxidation [4]. force both nugget diameter and weld strength Though the effect of the process parameters on the decreased. Hardness measurement results mechanical behavior of resistance spot welds on indicated that nugget diameter gave the lowest carbon and stainless steels is well documented, hardness value than base metal. The interfacial results from aluminium alloys continue to be scarce failure mode occurs for nugget diameter up to [5-6]. In the previous study, magnesium alloy sheets 5.81 mm and above this value nugget pullout have been welded using the technique of RSW with failure mode observed. The result reveals that the cover plates and favorable joint has been achieved technique is feasible to weld aluminium alloy. under the welding condition of low welding current [3]. In view of physical properties similarities Keywords - Aluminium alloy, hardness, Nugget between aluminium alloy and magnesium alloy, diameter, RSW, Tensile-shear load. aluminium alloy was also welded by using this method in the present study. In order to provide some foundational information for I. INTRODUCTION Resistance spot welding (RSW) is an improving mechanical properties of the aluminium efficient joining process widely used for the alloy joint, the availability of this method for aluminium alloy welding and the effect of welding fabrication of sheet metal assemblies. RSW has excellent techno-economic benefits such as low cost, parameters (welding current, weld time, electrode high speed and suitability for automation which make force) on the characteristics of the joint were it an attractive choice for auto-body assemblies such investigated. as automobiles, truck cabins and rail vehicles. For example, a modern auto-body assembly needs 7000 II. RSW WITH COVER PLATES to 12,000 spots of welding according to the size of a RSW is a joining process based on the heat car, so the spot welding is an important process in source obtained from Joule’s effect of resistance and auto-body assembly [1]. electric current flow through the sheets held together by the electrode force, in which the coalescence occurs at the spot area in flying surfaces. Therefore in 1081 | P a g e
  • 2. Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087 the process of RSW of aluminium alloy, enormously high electric current required because of low heat generation and high heat conduction of aluminium alloy. In this case, the utilization of enormously high welding current would reduce electrode tip life and require adopting larger capacity RSW machine. In order to enable the RSW of aluminium alloys sheets under relatively low welding condition, we proposed a technique of RSW with cover plate. Fig.1 and 2 shows the schematic diagram of this welding process, in which a cover plate was placed on both the side of aluminium alloy sheet. Here it is required that the cover plate was a metal sheet with relatively low electrical conductivity than aluminium alloy, so the Fig. 2 shape and size of specimen for welding higher heat generated in the cover plates as to be Table 1 Dimensions of the work piece conducted from the cover plate to aluminium alloy Thickness(t) Width (W) Length (L) Contact sheet. Taking low cost and availability into account, mm mm mm overlap mm we chose cold-rolled sheet SPCC as the cover plate. 1 40 100 30 The cover plate 30×40×1 mm in size was adopted. The specimens were welded using a III. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND stationary RSW machine as per welding condition in PROCEDURE Table 3. Copper-chromium alloy electrodes with a tip Aluminium alloy A5052 sheets of 1 mm diameter of 7 mm were used. thickness were used in this study. Cold rolled steel Table 2 Chemical composition of material plates were used for cover plates. Resistance spot Alloying Element Wt. % welding lap joints with cover plates were done on specimens of 100 mm × 40 mm × 1 mm in size Table Si 0.150 1. The nominal chemical composition of this alloy is given in Table 2. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the geometry Mn 0.012 and dimensions of the welded specimens. Sheet surfaces were randomly abraded before resistance Cr 0.160 spot welding. Ni 0.003 Cu 0.004 Al 97.000 Mg 2.400 Fe 0.240 Ti 0.010 All tests were performed at standard laboratory conditions. Tensile-shear strength is an important measure of welding quality of RSW. Therefore, in this research tensile-shear strength has been selected to describe the mechanical properties of spot weld. All the tensile-shear tests were carried out at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min on universal testing machine UTES-40. Set-1, Set-2, Set-3 and Set-4 total Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of resistance spot welding 22 spot welded specimens were tested on Universal with cover plates Testing Machine for tensile shear load measurement. Tensile loading was applied till final failure of the weld specimens. Failure mode was determined from the failed samples. 1082 | P a g e
  • 3. Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087 Nugget diameter was measured after tensile shear test The hardness of the welds was measured on fractured specimen achieved. Sometimes due to oval the parallel to the interface using a Vickers hardness shape of the weld nugget geometry diameter tester. Set-5, set-6 and set-7 total 9 spot welded measured in both the directions and average value of specimens were tested on Vickers hardness tester. both was taken. Here set-1, set-2, set-3 and set-4 total Testing was performed with a 5 kgf indentation load 22 specimen’s nugget diameters were measured. All and with a hold time of 15 second. Hardness specimens nugget diameter was measured by the measurements were carried out both the side from the travelling microscope. weld nugget centre and average hardness values of Table 3 Resistance spot welding condition for each both the sides of similar points was taken. specimen series IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Tensile-shear load The influence of the weld current on the tensile-shear load is illustrated in Fig. 3 for set-1. A significant increase in the tensile-shear load with increasing weld current was observed, even for the maximum current studied (9.8 kA). Increasing welding current value T-S load increased with also small expulsion of material was occurred. Welding current values at 8.8 and 9.8 KA splashing of material from weld nugget was observed. The reason for this behavior is that the increase in current heat input is increased as per the joule’s equation. The effect of the weld time on the tensile shear load is shown in Fig. 4 for set-2. A significant increase in the T-S load was observed with increasing weld time. With increasing welding time 5 cycles to 30 cycles T- S load increasing 2.25 KN to 3.98 KN. Fig. 3 Effect of welding current on Tensile-shear load 1083 | P a g e
  • 4. Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087 with results observed by other authors in welds in magnesium alloy [3]. Fig.7 shows the effect of welding time effect on the nugget diameter of the joints welded under the welding conditions of set-2. This demonstrates that welding time has similar effect as studied in welding current effect. The nugget diameter of the joint increase with increasing the welding time increase with increasing the welding time increase with increasing the welding time. Fig. 4 Effect of welding time on Tensile-shear load Fig. 6 Effect of welding current on nugget diameter Fig. 5 Effect of electrode force on Tensile-shear load The effect of the electrode force on the T-S load is shown in Fig. 5 for set-3. A minor decrease in the T-S load was observed with increasing electrode force. At 2050 electrode force maximum tensile shear load value achieved after this it is decreased. With increasing electrode force 1658 N to 3621 N T-S load decreasing 2.56 KN to 2.20 KN. The reason behind is increasing electrode force value increase contact resistance due to that decreasing electric resistance and also heat input. B. Nugget diameter The effect of the variation of weld current on nugget diameter is shown in Fig. 6 for set-1. The nugget diameter increases continuously with weld current up to the maximum intensity that we have tested. Initially 6.3 KA to 7.3 KA nugget diameters Fig.7 Effect of welding time on nugget diameter increased rapidly after minor effect observed. Such kind of behavior can be attributed to the increase in heat input with increasing current and it agrees well 1084 | P a g e
  • 5. Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087 Fig. 10 welding current effect on nugget diameter Fig. 8 Effect of electrode force on nugget diameter Generally, welding current has effects on the tensile Fig.8 illustrates the effect of electrode force on shear load and nugget diameter of joint. Fig.9 and nugget diameter in the welds for set-3. Minimum Fig.10 shows the effect of welding current on the electrode force value nugget diameter is 5.85 mm. tensile shear load and nugget diameter of the joints With increasing electrode force value the nugget welded under the welding conditions of sets 1 and 4. diameter reduced. The increase in the electrode force In the case of RSW with cover plates, the nugget value can significantly improve the contact between diameter and tensile shear load of the joints increased the faying surfaces. It also decreasing electrical with the increasing of the welding current. The resistance and heat input so that this may be reason maximum tensile shear load of 3.04 KN and the for the nugget diameter decrease with increasing the nugget of 6.05 mm in diameter was obtained at the electrode force. welding current of 9.8 kA. While without cover plates tensile shear load 0.46 KN and nugget diameter 2.86 mm at the welding current of 9.8 KA. C. Hardness Fig. 9 welding current effect on tensile-shear load Fig. 11 Hardness values of spot welded specimen at different welding current condition 1085 | P a g e
  • 6. Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087 joints and consequently reduces the hardness. After 3 mm away from the weld nugget centre hardness value nearest same due to away from weld nugget no more effect observed. The effect of the electrode force on the distribution of hardness in the welds is illustrated in Fig. 13 in transverse direction of the spot welded joints for set-7.The figure shows that an increase in the electrode force the joints found as weaker that leads to an increase in the hardness. Up to nugget diameter and heat affected zone hardness values slightly varies. This may be attributed to the reduction in the amount of heat developed, due to the reduction in the sheet resistance associated with the increase in electrode force. D. Failure mode Fig. 12 Hardness values of spot welded specimen at Fig.15 shows the relationship between the weld different weld time condition nugget diameter and the tensile shear load, from the results of the tensile shear tests. Fig.14 shows two different types of failure modes observed. An approximately linear relationship was observed between nugget diameter and tensile shear load. The interfacial failure mode occurs for nugget diameters up to 5.81mm while above this value nugget pullout failure mode was observed. Currently, in order to guarantee the reliability of the welds, the welding parameters should be adjusted so that pullout failure mode is obtained during testing. The result revealed that the tensile shear load increased with the increasing of the nugget diameter. Fig. 13 Hardness values of a spot welded specimen at different electrode force condition Fig. 11 shows the effect of welding current on the hardness of the spot welded joints for set-5, illustrating that an increase in the welding current the joints are stronger leads to a reduction in the hardness value. The reason behind may be the increase in the amount of heat developed. Increasing weld current value from 6.8 to 9.8 in the nugget area hardness values minor decreased. After 3 mm away from the weld nugget centre hardness value almost constant. The loss of alloying elements from the weld pool that may result in a reduction in strength [7]. The effect of welding time on the hardness of the spot welded joints for set-6, see Fig. 12. The figure indicates that increasing the welding time stronger joints achieved leads to a reduction in the hardness. This reason behind is to the increase in the Fig. 14 RSW failure modes: (A) Pull out mode and amount of heat developed. This heat anneals and (B) Interfacial mode removes the residual stresses from the spot welded 1086 | P a g e
  • 7. Chetan R. Patel , Prof. Dhaval A. Patel / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-august 2012, pp.1081-1087 [2] Hongxin Shi, Ranfeng Qiu, Jinhong Zhu, Keke Zhang , Hua Yu, Gaojian Ding, Effects of welding parameters on the characteristics of magnesium alloy joint welded by resistance spot welding with cover plates, International journal of Materials and Design 31 (2010) 4853–4857. [3] Hongxin Shi, Ranfeng Qiu, Jinhong Zhu, Keke Zhang, Hua Yu, Gaojian Ding., Effects of welding parameters on the characteristics of magnesium alloy joint welded by resistance spot welding with cover plates, International journal of Materials and Design 31 (2010) 4853–4857. [4] Z. Li, C. Hao, J. Zhang, and H. Zhang, Effects of Sheet Surface Conditions on Electrode Life in Resistance Welding Aluminum, Weld. J., 2007, 86(4), p 81s– Fig. 15 Relationship between weld nugget size and 89s. tensile shear load (for pull out failure and for [5] Murat Vural, Ahmet Akkus, On the interfacial failure mode) resistance spot weldability of galvanized interstitial free steel sheets with austenitic V. CONCLUSION stainless steel sheets, Journal of Materials It is feasible to weld aluminium alloy sheet Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 1– via a RSW method using cover plates. The joint with 6. larger nugget diameter and higher tensile shear load [6] S. Aslanlar, The effect of nucleus size on was obtained under relatively low welding condition. mechanical properties in electrical resistance With increasing welding current and time spot welding of sheets used in automotive a significant increase in tensile shear load was industry, Journal of Materials and Design observed, due to augmentation of the nugget 27 (2006) 125–131. diameter. Beyond critical nugget diameter the failure mode changes from interfacial failure mode to Books: pullout mode. [7] Mathers Gene, “The welding of aluminium Process parameters have minor effect on the and its alloys”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd hardness value. The increase in the weld current and and CRC Press LLC 2002, pp 1-31. time minor decrease in hardness value in nugget [8] O'Brien R. L. “AMERICAN WELDING while increasing electrode force minor increase in SOCIETY, WELDING HANDBOOK”, hardness in the nugget and heat affected zones of Eighth Edition, Volume 2, WELDING the welds. PROCESSES, 1997. Process parameters have minor effect on the [9] William R. Oates, Materials and hardness value. The increase in the weld current and Applications: part-I, welding handbook, time minor decrease in hardness value in nugget eight edition, volume-3. while increasing electrode force minor increase in hardness in the nugget and heat affected zones of the welds. The interfacial failure mode observed up to nugget diameter 5.81 mm and above this value pullout failure mode observed. Use of cover plates for resistance spot welding of A5052 sheets is feasible. REFERENCES Journal Papers: [1] Aslanlar S, Ogur A, Ozsarac U, Ilhan E. Welding time effect on mechanical properties of automotive sheets in electrical resistance spot welding. International journal of Material and Design 29 (2008) 1427-1431. 1087 | P a g e