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Finance Career Project
Career Project Essay
Finance was not always my major. I have bounced around, looking for an area of study that peaked
my interest. Three years and four majors later, I landed on finance. I started exploring individual
jobs, companies and positions within the field that fit my interests. Through researching the various
responsibilities, duties, and day–to–day operations of a financial manager, I have discovered that the
freedom that accompanies this job in combination with the ability to work for a company that I am
passionate about would fulfill my one precious life.
To begin with, I enjoy having an organized schedule and set rules to follow when it comes to
activities in my life like work or school. That isn't to say I don't enjoy spontaneity, but most of the
time, I prefer structure. As a result, financial management appeals to me. I am a very analytical
person. I evaluate facts and gather information before making decisions. Working as a financial
manager requires one to have the ability to work within specific regulations to better the company. It
is essential that they focus purely on the facts and numbers when considering options that may affect
the company. Furthermore, I am about I'm about ... Show more content on ...
I know that I am an analytical person with a mix of introverted and extroverted personality traits. I
also want work for a company that is located somewhere I would like to live and has plenty of
opportunities for me to grow and learn. Finally, I want a job that will provide for a comfortable
lifestyle for my future family and myself. For three years, I explored different areas of study and
career paths. Finally, I have found a field that excites me. I have found an area that meshes well with
my personality and skills and has upward growth. I have found a career I am passionate about. This
is what I want to become with my one precious
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Chosing A Career As A Project Manager Essay
Abstract: Title: Choosing a Career as a Project Manager. This research will summarize what a
Project Manager is, and the steps explained, to complete a project, if the career that is chosen is to
be a successful Project Manager. The research touches on the many qualities, and skills a person
needs to learn, and possess to become a Project Manager. This report will not cover the total
execution of the project. Putting together a project from start to finish is an enormous amount of
work and there are steps to follow to make sure nothing is left unnoticed. This research will cover
the majority of those steps. When the chosen profession is a Project Manager, there are 5 different
skills that are used in a Project Management role. ... Show more content on ...
(,_IT/Salary) How does one define
"Project Manager"? There are different team models according to the "Journal of Leadership
Studies" (Grant and Heberling, 1991). This research will concentrate on the heavy Project Manager
or the "Conductor Leadership Model." Similar to an orchestra conductor the project manager is
guiding the contributions of the team. The Project Manager and the team are comparable to the
orchestra. The Project Manager will be the conductor and will lead the orchestra. The team is the
orchestra, and all will be contributing to the performance, along with complementing the other
members. The "Conductor Leadership Model" is beneficial for the project because of the repeated
communication, as in an orchestra. This leads to learning each others jobs, which can be a huge
asset when a member of the project is absent.
Case studies with the "Conductor Leadership Model" also included the Project Manager having
team meetings once a week. The meetings offered a place to discuss problems that have arisen, and
examine progress, or lack of, through this point of the project. The Project Manager would also
praise the team's achievements in these meetings, and keep the team on a positive note. (Grant and
Heberling, 1991). There are several methods of evaluating a complex project. Author Lois Bridges
(Bridges, 1996) lists five types of assessment involving different
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Professional Development Essay
There are several milestones that our society uses to measure personal development and suitability
for advancement to higher degrees of social responsibility. One such milestone is career selection
and attainment. Some individuals may never find a satisfying vocation, whereas others know what
they desire from the day they can communicate. A simple way to reduce the unfortunate friction of
choosing a career is to be self–aware. Understanding what makes one happy, fulfilled, and the things
that are important to them, is the easiest way to narrow down the world's endless possible
occupations and ensure job satisfaction. There are many ways to gain personal enlightenment,
perhaps the simplest and most effective way is to take a course ... Show more content on ...
I began to ponder the results and realized that this is the reason for my wide–range of noted talents.
Another facet of the results that I would like to mention is the careers of individuals with similar
scores/results. Management analysts/consultants, librarians, and pharmacists all have similar scores
on the Personal Globe Inventory. The noteworthy aspect of this is that these careers blend together a
variety of my strengths in management and analyzing, as well as my desire for order, and my
passion for the medical field and helping others. Though I find value in the assessment of oneself,
not all tests are equal in evaluation of the individual.
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator book exercise and the NEO–PRI, though seemingly valid, did not
provide much novel insight into my career development. As a 25 year old young woman on the
verge of completing a bachelor's degree, I am very convinced and satisfied with my chosen career
path. I have had a good variety of life experience, both professional and personal. This being said,
these types of assessments do not provide practical information at this point in my development.
Whereas, I am convinced of their legitimacy and usefulness, it appears that this type of evaluation
would be more reasonable for someone who is seeking self–awareness, does not have a clear path,
or is seeking further exploration into a prospective career to ensure its suitability for their
personality and lifestyle. These assessments would be
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Career Planning Process Analysis
1. Introduction
Deliberate goalsetting and planning can be helpful to ensure a career which is both successful and
fulfilling. Career planning is the process of evaluating your interests, preferences, skills and
objectives, all to ensure that your work is in good agreement with personal values and strengths.
Reflecting on a viable career plan is particularly important for U of A Engineering graduates as the
economy in Alberta has seen heavy turmoil in recent years, resulting in the loss of job opportunities.
As a result, setting realistic goals and strategic planning is essential to navigate the rough economic
Career planning allows the opportunity to reflect on career progression, get an improved sense of
direction and ultimately ... Show more content on ...
Additional information gathered from my personal experiences will be outlined here.
In addition to assessing my current state through skills assessments, such as ALIS, strength based
assessments have been shown to be more useful for career development. One example is
StrengthsQuest (Gallup, 2016) which is a program that aims to help students to discover and take
advantage of their personal strengths. StrengthsQuest is being used across campuses and
organizations to develop strength maps for project teams and working groups. Strength maps help to
identify strengths and weaknesses within a group plan and accordingly, plan for success.
When researching companies and average salaries, I often turn towards Glassdoor ("Glassdoor,"
2016) as a source for company reviews, salaries and company interview practises. The data curated
on Glassdoor is maintained by current or former company employees which further reinforces the
creditability. This information is particularly useful because Glassdoor users have posted questions
that companies use during the interview process and salary information is available for specific
positions within an organization.
3. Interviews and
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Project Management Career Summary
Project Management Career Summary
Definition, Vision and Scope
With today's businesses constantly embracing the technological advances that are made on a daily
basis there becomes an increasing need for someone to supply the foresight, ability and commitment
to ensure that these new technologies are implemented as seamlessly and successfully as possible.
The Project Manager is just the person for the job. This paper will examine this career and explore
the benefits of working in this profession. It will provide a look into the life of current Project
Managers and their thoughts and concerns regarding their profession.
Project management is "the art and science of converting vision into reality" (Atkinson, 1999).
Project ... Show more content on ...
Without knowing the expected results, quality level or capability of the end product, a project is
difficult to plan, execute or conclude. A project is temporary in that there is a defined start (the
decision to proceed) and a defined end (the achievement of the goals and objectives). Ongoing
business or maintenance operations are not projects. Because projects are temporary in nature,
project managers are constantly evolving and looking forward to the next new challenge in their
Figure 1 shows the general process flow of a standard project. This process flow can be applied to a
number of projects of different size, scope and difficulty. Figure 1 Project Flow
Figure 2 shows the various knowledge areas as they can be can be applied to project management.
Various knowledge areas will be evident throughout the life cycle of any given project and is an
extensive look into the qualities of a successful project manager. Figure 2 Knowledge Areas
A look into the mind of project managers
A survey was conducted of various professionals in the information technologies field. This survey
was conducted to show the varying skill levels of these professionals and the implications that
project management has applied to their chosen profession. Overall, the satisfaction level of their
career is shown to be above average.
Figure 3 shows that while 40% of the respondents have completed an Associate Degree
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Agile Project Career Analysis
Throughout my career history I have managed several business critical projects; these projects have
given me a wealth of knowledge, industry experience and the confidence to take on more advanced
projects that are asked of me. Every project that I have ever been responsible for, I have always
ensured that there was a comprehensive project plan written up. This included well defined
requirements, realistic schedules, clearly identified resources, risk assessment, and budgetary due
As a Product owner in the Agile project management team I have ensured complete accuracy
throughout the entire project development life cycle. To monitor the progress of the project I have
worked on and implemented:
–Product backlog procedures where items
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Persuasive Essay On Why Do Volunteer
Nowadays with people having busy lives, of school, job, and family, it could get complex in taking
time of someones day to volunteer; however, volunteering is monumental to people and the
community. Volunteer work helps connect people, it is exceptional for the mind and body, and can
advance career opportunities.
Making new friendships and strengthening them is to connect to one another with common interests.
In addition, one of the substantial ways to meet new people around the community is to do volunteer
work. By doing this makes the community stronger and expands people social groups by exposing
them to new people with similar interests and exciting and activities. In this time and age more
young adults have a arduous time becoming outgoing; moreover, the reason is that they do not go
outside to meet new people because they are invariably stuck on their phones checking out their
social media. However, volunteering gives young adults possibility to develop their social skills
because usually people are put in a group with the same interest and age range while doing
volunteer work. Since the groups have common interest, it makes it easier for teenagers to fraternize
with people in the community.
In today's time many teenagers have to fight against anxiety, stress, and depression alone, and
volunteering helps fight through those problems. Volunteer work helps fight against anxiety, stress,
and depression by being connected with other people. Being able to socialize,
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The Importance Of A Career For Myself
1) What 's the most important thing for you to get from your career? This is a question I have been
asking myself quite a bit lately as I approach postgrad life. I believe the most important aspect of a
career for myself is meaningfulness and being able to further my knowledge. I find I work best
when I can see a tangible outcome. If I am working on a project, it really helps to know that the
work I am doing will affect someone or something in a positive way. Apart from meaningfulness, I
think being able to learn is another very important aspect to consider when choosing a career. I
would want a career where I can get out as much as I put in. Learning from co–workers, from
making mistakes, from those more experienced and anyway I ... Show more content on ...
30,000/520= $57/hour. Working an extra 2 hours a day for $57/hour is definitely a deal I would
happily accept. 4) What do you think is going to be your biggest challenge working in recruitment? I
think there will be several big challenges for someone working in recruitment. The biggest one I can
imagine would be facing rejection for a client. I believe that to be an elite recruiter, it is imperative
to make personal connections with your clients to ensure that you are doing is in the client's best
interest. I can see myself getting personally invested in each of my clients, so giving them bad news
would definitely be in the upper tier of challenges working in recruitment for myself. I believe that
handling rejection will be something I learn as I progress in recruitment. On the flip side of this,
being able to give a client good news is very rewarding in my mind and will be a motivational force
in becoming a better recruiter.
5) What 's your greatest personal or professional achievement to date? A couple summers ago, I
went to India for break. Staying in Mumbai, the plan was to visit friends and family and have a
couple of relaxing weeks. While on the way from the airport to the place I was planning to stay, I
saw the extremes of income inequality as there were impoverished people living on the street right
next to five star hotels and luxurious apartment buildings. That stayed in the back of my mind
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Career As An Individual Phenomenon
Whilst a great body of careers theory literature leans towards "career as an individual phenomenon"
(Schneidhofer, Latzke & Mayrhofer, 2015), careers cannot be isolated from other factors. Grandjean
(1981, p.1057) places careers at "the intersection of societal history and individual biography".
Changes in context do impact on careers, however, the extent to which they do so in isolation is
difficult to measure. Context has an important part to play, offering careers "a set of external
structures and events that create opportunities and difficulties" (Inkson, Dries & Arnold, 2015).
Changes in context are inexplicably driven by the forward motion of time. It has been argued that
individual reaction to such changes facilitates career ... Show more content on ...
In recent years digital globalisation has had a significant influence in the way in which individuals
and organisations work. Virtual working and crowdsourcing will be examined as examples of
contemporary practices and ideas will be supported by empirical evidence from the last ten years.
(Examples from 2008 onwards will be used where possible given impact of the financial crash and
relevance to the current labour market). The argument will then progress to discuss the broader
implications to career patterns reviewing the traditional organisational career model and more
contemporary concepts.
It is my opinion that changes in context do impact careers significantly in positive and negative
ways. Digital globalisation has improved world communication and increased geographical reach.
However it has the possibility to lead to "explotation" and "dehumanisation" (Kittur, Nickerson,
Bernstein and Gerber, 2013) and the devaluation of skills. The consequences of changes in context
on careers are not exclusively contextual. Individuals, and their responses to such changes, also
exert influence. Careers evolve. Traditional careers are not obsolete – replaced by contemporary
models, rather they co–exit.
The following section will examine why the impact of changes in context on careers is difficult to
measure in order to give the reader a deeper understanding of the issues at hand.
Examining the impact of changes in
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Career Exploration Project
For my Career Exploration Project, I chose the career of legal secretary. In the practice of law, a
legal secretary is person who works in the legal profession, typically assisting lawyers. I chose legal
secretary, because I have been exposed and aware of this profession for a while. My mother has
been involved in the legal secretarial field of work for about two and a half years now. Seeing
lawyers and their assistants on television first interested me in the career, but my mother being a
legal secretary furthered my interest. My mother took me to her place of business a few times. I
wasn't able to see lawyers in full action, but I got to see my mom and some other legal secretaries in
meetings and conferences. In order to pursue a career ... Show more content on ...
Legal secretaries often work in law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies, court
houses, public interest firms, etc. Legal secretaries usually work 40 hours workweek, unless they
work overtime or help lawyers with an upcoming case. It can be said that legal secretaries are used
to a high–paced, stressful work environment. It is obvious that legal secretaries make good money,
whether they're just starting their career or with a great length of experience. Starting legal
secretaries can earn a salary from $23,549 to $50,748. The average salary of a legal secretary can be
from $38,000 to $74,000 or more, depending on the firm size and their years of experience.
According to, the median pay for legal secretaries as of October 30th, 2017 was
$45,829. I am confident that this career is right for me, because I have a mutual interest and
somewhat passion for working with or around lawyers. Having a legal secretary also boosts my
confidence, because I know they can help me learn and adjust to this hectic business and give me
their support. Even if I can't become a legal secretary, there are relatable occupations to it, such as
legal assistant, paralegal, receptionist, administrative assistant,
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A Career in Project Management
This proposal on pursuing a career as a Project Manager is designed to provide research and criteria
concerning elements for entering into the field of Project
Management. The research will provide the essential skills and a job description of a
Project manager.
As background information, I have provided researched information based on the interest of being a
Project Manager. The Survey results provide an insight to how some individuals pursued their
careers and their educational backgrounds.
My pursuit of this career comes from many years of being in management for several industries and
my partnership with a former colleague who is in this field.
The opportunity to work closely with ... Show more content on ...
The results of this survey were meant to identify what made these individuals choose their careers
and how they pursued those career choices. As high school seniors, there are many opportunities to
pursue. I would like to highlight a field that I have found interesting; the field of
Project Management.
What specifically does a Project Manager do? Emily Carr (2007), a design professional, says this is
hard question since the field of Project Management is most often not clearly defined; however this
is also what makes being a project manager fun and exciting. (1) Choosing a career in Project
Management can require an educational background in business, information technology or both.
One who is seeking a career in this field should inherently possess, meaning qualities that one
already demonstrates, essential skills that will contribute to the success in project management.
Project Management is the ability to plan successfully, organize, and manage resources to
implement the completion of project goals and objectives. The professional in charge of project
management is called the Project Manager.
A project manager can be considered the project owner. A project can be anything from designing a
network for a software company, to the construction of a hospital. The project manager is
responsible for the inception, meaning the start of, to the completion of each
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Use Of Savickas ' Career Construction Theory
The following case study will use Savickas ' Career Construction Theory. After finding himself
unemployed after 27 years experience working in a local coal mine, the client has decided to go to
school for some retraining; however, he does not know where to start. A brief history of the client 's
case will be provided, along with an explanation of Savickas ' theory and some reasons why the
theory has been chosen for the case. Finally, two interventions will be suggested followed by a
description of how one of the interventions could be applied.
Paul 's Case The case study includes the following information. Paul is a 45 year old man from
southern West Virginia who has been recently been laid off from his lifelong job in the coal mines.
At 18, he graduated from high school and immediately went to work in the coal mines. Because of
mine shutdowns or slowed production, he has experienced multiple layoffs. However, he always
was able to draw unemployment, which never lasted more than six months, at which time he was
always hired back at a nearby mine. Because of multiple mine shutdowns in the area, this recent
layoff has lasted for almost a year. Due to his wife 's urging, Paul has enrolled in a local community
college, but has no idea what to major in, let alone what classes to take. He has come to the career
center at the community college hoping to get some direction in his career search. Savickas ' Career
Construction Theory will be used to help Paul get on the
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Career Theories Based Off Information
Career Theories Based off information received in the interview, it appears that artistic (A) would
likely be his strongest area in the Holland code. He enjoys activities that allow him to be creative.
This is true in work and in leisure. He currently enjoys the creativity in his work, and enjoyed it as a
cook, as well. Plus, he enjoys painting and music. His artistic side was a theme throughout the
interview. While the artistic side is clear, I would also theorize that he could fall under investigative
(I) and (C) He enjoys taking things apart and putting them back together again (I) and he is good
with tedious tasks and technology (C). Potentially, he could be an AIC. Furthermore, I would
theorize that his MBTI preference could be an ... Show more content on ...
He has fear around losing that stability. There is a part of him that is cycling back to earlier stages,
but the logistics of his life are a huge consideration for him. Several aspects of the interviewee's
career are in congruence. Congruence is a part of Holland's (2014) theory that defines if an
individual is in an environment that fits their type. The interviewee does work in a creative
environment, he does get to observe and investigate, and the use of technology plays a role. Also,
his work does require some tedious tasks, which is one thing that was named as a strength. Also, I
could theorize that this interviewee is at a level 3 in Holland's theory. I believe this to be true since
he struggles with seeing himself making a job change. However, certain aspects of the theorized
MBTI preference would not necessarily be in congruence. The fact that he does not feel like there is
room for growth is one reason why his MBTI score might not fit well with what he is currently
doing. Krumboltz (2014) theory could be useful for this client. This theory normalizes anxiety and
emphasizes the importance of meeting the client where they are. Given the want for change, but
anxiety around changing careers – this could be beneficial for the interviewee. It appears to be a
more holistic approach that I believe would work well for this individual. This particular person is
currently struggling with decision–making and Krumboltz does not view
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College Admissions Essay: What Makes Me Therefore I Am
Somethings that makes me smile, gets me excited, and makes me want to "do" something is when I
am able to participate in something that is fun and exciting to me. Also when I am able to have a
good hands on experience and learn something new makes me smile and want to learn more. Being
able to let loose and explore new things makes me want to do more than what I would normally do.
Another thing that makes me want to do something is when I have an inspiration to work from. It
isn't hard to get me to smile or to get excited because I like to be active and participate in things that
I am comfortable with. I love working in groups with other students to get things done. I feel like it
is easier to manage everything and get things done faster. I am very handy when it comes to group
projects because I think outside of the box when it comes to complicated situations. ... Show more
content on ...
Like the TEN 80 race challenge my class and I have been working on. It deals with a lot of
engineering and some pieces of math is included. Another SECME activity that I have participated
in and had an interesting experience was the LEGO Trash Trek. It required a lot of technology and
some engineering techniques to finish. There might be other chances where I am able to participate
in more SECME activities but the ones I have participated in where fun and I learned a lot of things
from the people I worked with, the fieldtrips, and the projects that come with it. I find SECME to be
fun because there are a lot of opportunities that come with the groups you sign up with. It is also fun
because you learn new things when you participate in any SECME group or activity. I would
recommend any SECME activity to a friend or family member because it is a cool experience and I
think they would like it if they
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Reflection On Career Development
A. This lesson mainly addressed aspects related to career development. This lesson encourages
students to discover their academic and personal strengths, their skillsets, and their interests.
Students then take those concepts and apply them to career exploration. They are able to link their
strengths, preferences, and abilities to potential future career paths. Some of the specific aspects of
career development that I addressed include applying planning and career exploration in setting and
obtaining lifelong career goals, applying necessary skills for career readiness and success, and
teaching students where and how to obtain information about post–secondary options. In this lesson
students are encouraged to apply decision making skills to place different careers into the
appropriate career fields. In doing so, they are also encouraged to begin thinking about careers that
are of interest to them and what career goals they have for themselves. They will be given resources
in order to continue career exploration outside of the classroom. While I do not expect sixth graders
to fully decide their career path, it is my firm belief that it is never too early to get students thinking
about careers and having them set goals in order to obtain the career and future that they desire. I
also believe that this unit touches on social and emotional development as well as academic
development. This lesson allows the student to collaborate with one another and work in groups as
well as in pairs. This promotes relationship building and teamwork. It also allows students to take an
inventory of their personal strengths and skillsets. This could boost self–esteem and promotes a
sense of self–awareness. Lastly, this unit also encompasses academic development. Students will
understand that good grades and academic success are key elements to obtaining the career that they
wish to have. By being academically successful, this will allow them greater options and
opportunity post high school graduation.
B. In today's world, I feel as though it is very important to incorporate technology into lesson plans.
Technology helps keep children engaged and we are now living in a world where technology is all
around us. I was able to
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John Holland's Typology Paper
Holland's Typology In the beginning, career counseling was strictly developed to help with job
placement, but it became so much more than that after the career development was further
researched by a group of theorist that focused on career process. What is it that drives us to choose a
specific career path? According to Zunker (2012), different theorists such as Parsons, Holland,
Krumboltz, Bandura, Super, and Gottfredson all developed theories on career development and their
perspective on the importance of occupational process. Throughout this paper one will discuss the
John Holland's Typology and the significance of this particular career theory. Some of the points that
will be covered in this paper include: history of theory, strengths and weaknesses, assessments used,
population best fit for this theory, and diversity and ... Show more content on ...
Explanation and History John Holland was a remarkable psychologist that took special interest in
career choice and personality traits. Holland's career counseling perspective started while studying
at the University of Minnesota for graduate school in counseling. In graduate school, was when he
discovered that people express personality in various ways (Nauta, 2010, p.12). He expressed that
personality and career interests work together somehow (Nauta, 2010). The John Holland's
Typology "is the concept that one chooses a career to satisfy one's preferred modal personal
orientation" (Zunker, 2012, p. 27). He made two major points about how people are influenced for a
career choice. The first point was that people search for an environment that they can utilize their
skills and abilities, and reveal their values and attitudes in the most influential way. The second
point was that "a person's
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Gender Differences Between Work And Life
In Manage your work, manage your life, Groysberg and Abrahams use research and survey data to
show gender differences on how success is viewed. There were some similarities and obvious
gender differences in answers. On another note the article by Stewart Friedman, Work + home +
community + self, the main focus is on three key principles to focus on to be better at integration
between work and life. Each article's content can be a guide in career planning and to help with
one's professional development.
The article Manage your work, manage your life discusses the popular topic of work and life
balance. Interviews were conducted and researched with over 4,000 executives worldwide and 82
executives in a leadership course over a five–year course (Groysberg and Abrahams, 2014). They
broke down and compared men and women to determine how they defined what professional
success means to them, what personal success means and what their partners contribute (Groysberg
and Abrahams, 2014). The survey data showed some true gender differences on what each values
more. A large number of women define professional success by their individual achievement over
everything else. Men on the other hand define it by making a difference, next to working with a
good team in a good environment and respect from others (Groysberg and Abrahams, 2014). When
asked what personal success meant to men and women both chose rewarding relationships with
family, people they love and community at the
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Assessing A Career In Business: Project Management. Project
Assessing a Career in Business: Project Management
Project management is the discipline of using policies and procedures to manage a project from
creation to competition. The intent of this paper is to assess the role of a project manager and
determine if I am well suited for a career in project management. To achieve this goal, I will be
discussing the following areas: job description, general career path, education requirements, salary,
career outlook, and the pros and cons. I will also be interviewing a colleague that currently working
as a project manager to gain a better understanding of typical duties associated with the role.
Job Description Project management is the process of applying knowledge and skills to achieve a
project ... Show more content on ...
Project management provides a strong foundation for developing the attributes needed to pursue
high–level leadership roles, analytical positions, and many other areas within the business
The majority of project management positions require a bachelor's degree in a business management
related field, as well as a professional certification and management experience. Many project
manager professionals elect to obtain a master's degree or advanced postgraduate certification in
project management, analytics, or business management. The Project Management Professional
(PMP) Certification is the most recognized certificate for project managers. According to the Project
Management Institute, "As a PMP, you can work in virtually any industry, with any methodology
and in any location, and earn on average 20% more than without a PMP." ( Education is
highly valued in project management; however, important skills such as, good communication and
the ability to execute are developed with experience.
Average Salary
The average salary for project management largely depends on experience, industry, and location.
The average range in Utah is $65,000–$145,000. According to the
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Non-Traditional Students Essay example
With today's changing world and the economy the way it is, it is not uncommon for people of all
ages to enter the college setting. In fact, two–thirds of students entering the college setting are
classified non–traditional (Brown, 2007). Bill (2003) found that there was an 11% increase of non–
traditional student enrollment from 1991–1998 displaying 35% in 91 and 46% in 1998. These
numbers have since increased according to Jacobson & Harris (2008) showing that half to 75% of
undergraduates consist of the non–traditional student sitting the reasons for reentering the college
setting to be economic. What exactly defines a non–traditional student and what services may they
need in comparison to the traditional student. According to ... Show more content on ...
Non–traditional students need services that aid them with their self–confidence. The non–traditional
student may need added encouragement from the counselor that the choice that has been made suits
his career options. He may need assurance that he correctly using the internet to research
occupations of interest. The traditional student on the other hand may find it beneficial to be a part
of peer counseling programs or internships.
Question # 2 Career Counseling can be beneficial to everyone that seeks employment. However,
when seeking advice and assistance on something as important as a career, people should know the
credentials of the counselor. Many individuals that pursue career counseling follow a variety of code
of ethics and ethical guidelines according to Brown (2007). With this being said, it is important that
career counseling practice should be regulated.
According to Porter, Gildon, & Zgliczynski (2000), people claiming to be counselors is a serious
problem in the state of California because no formal standards are set for appropriate licensure
except for that of a marriage counselor. This lack of standards and credentials causes many problems
for those seeking advice and assistance with a particular problem. More importantly, the public is
not protected even if they take a case to court and the "counselor" is found guilty. What is to be
taken away? He can continue to practice because he does not have a certificate to begin with. Lreh
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My Career As A Career
First starting this class I didn't know what exactly what I wanted to do with a career. I was between
two careers trying to figure out what would be best for me. The CIT career would be nice to learn
something entirely new and at the same time tie it in with business some how. The problem I was
having is trying to figure out what I was going to do with it. Doing the first set of activities in this
class allowed me to learn what I really wanted in a job and what I can do with out. My career must
allow me freedom to choose what I want to do to be able to create what I want. My career must
allow me to choose my own hours. Don't get me wrong that I will only work a little because I am
going to put in hours around the clock. What I mean with flexible hours is that if something comes
up I will be able to work around it. It must also allow me to show leadership and call shot. Things
that aren't so important but still hold value is that my job should allow me not to work on Sunday. If
I have to once in a while because there is no way around it, that is understandable. My job should
allow me to come home for dinner most nights and be with my family. It could be not stressful but I
deal with stress good and don't mind it. It could also be not dealing with so many angry people but I
can handle them pretty will. The first option that I choose for my career list is computer–networking
architect. This option really interested me because for my needs of a job it really fulfills the
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Life Changing Event Research Paper
Life Changing Event In America, it seems to be natural for a person the switch their career major a
few times before finding out what really works for that individual. So I do not feel bad writing about
my life changing event being a career change in my
20's since it lead to a better future for me and my family. This was not an easy choice to make
knowing that I would have to spend time and money achieving this plan. There were different
reasons that lead to even considering making the move. After the decision was made on going
through with the plan, the research started on what careers will be a perfect fit for me. There was a
lot of ground work that came with finding out what fits, but after it was all ... Show more content on ...
I was bullied all through middle school about the way
I spoke English and that made it hard to fit in with most of the classmates. That left a huge scar on
what I thought about school and my academic performance was not up to standards because my
dislike around classmates. I hated school so much that when it came time to look at colleges and
career options, I wanted to pick the career that had little to do with reading and writing. I made the
choice to become an Automotive Technician which in my mind was the perfect career. The schools
was 1 years and most of the training was hands on in the shop. After graduating, I found a job at one
of the biggest automotive companies in the
States. Life was good for the first couple of years on the job. I was learning a lot and made a few
good friends on the way. As time went by I realized that I am not heading in the right direction with
this career path. I was feeling depressed and had trouble sleeping knowing that this is not where I
want so spent the rest of my life. I spoke to co–workers that have been working in the automotive
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Recruitment And Retention Of Nontraditional Students
Recruitment and Retention of Nontraditional Students
The reality for career technical educators with regard to broadening representation of both men and
women in nontraditional careers is that there needs to be a creative recruitment strategy designed
that utilizes the enthusiasm and talents of successful role models (Lucci Jr., W., 2007). Effective
recruitment and teaching practices can help educators create learning situations that are conducive
for all students to learn, especially those nontraditional students in career clusters. Suggestions for
recruiting nontraditional students include creating career–technical programs to reach all students,
presenting career clusters in a way that shows how career pathways can align with interests, giving
students multiple opportunities to explore both traditional and nontraditional careers. Educators
should market career–technical programs to reach all students, making a concerted effort to attract
nontraditional students through the use of photos and graphics that show both genders and various
races in careers at the technical and professional levels (Clark, P., & Ohio State Univ., C. y., 2000).
In recruiting nontraditional students, intentionality and good planning are important. Unfortunately,
lingering stereotypes often make the first step of signing up for a class in a nontraditional area
difficult. Strategies which are effective are those that understand and consider the target audience,
provide information in a way in which
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Career Ed Project
Through my Career Ed project I learned how to live a sustainable life with a typical paycheck I
would receive. I chose the job of a psychiatrist based on my interests and ambitions. My whole life I
have studied human behavior and analyzed why people act a certain way. I also like to help others
and I want to give people the best lives that they can live. Being a psychiatrist would make me
happy because I could learn more about human minds and the way they work by also helping people
who are mentally and emotionally suffering. I had to make hard decisions on which car and house to
buy. Firstly, I chose to buy a large family home which cost $199,900 because I thought it was a
reasonable price for a home with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house also has a warm and
happy exterior which is very important to me. I know that if I have a family someday they would
enjoy living in our house too. The car I bought was a New 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan SE. I bought
this car because not only because it was a nice price of $21,879, but because it's a big and safe
minivan ... Show more content on ...
After tax, food, and necessities, I still had thousands of dollars that I could put towards my family
and entertainment. My job is perfect for me and i make lots of money while doing what I love most
(helping people––I think this is obvious by now). I know as a student I would have to work as hard
as I possibly can to become a psychiatrist, because I would need to go through many extra years of
school. I also will need to focus more on science because it will be essential for me to become a
psychiatrist.If I were to mess around during high school and not focus on my future then I would
most likely never be able to be a psychiatrist. To reach my goal I need to be more confident and
work my absolute hardest, because I'm very ambitious about what I want and I will do anything to
achieve my goal of being a psychiatrist (hopefully with a nice salary
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Essay Analyzing Career Theories
It is simple to look at an individual's life and analyze and critique their choices based on our own
opinions and experiences. Is that fair? No. We may see their actions clearly but the reasoning behind
these is what we should focus on when it comes to judging someone's behavior or circumstances. A
common judgment made about a person is based on their career. In our society, it would behoove us
to look at the path that leads to becoming a doctor instead of a drug dealer.
Application of career theories to my own life allows for analyzing past and future career decisions.
Holland's Theory of Careers states that one's vocation is an expression of self, personality, and way
of life. There is an indisputable and fundamental ... Show more content on ...
Finally I reached the realistic period and I began to focus my education to prepare for a medical
career. As I have evolved, I find it simpler to make life–changing choices. I am exceedingly more
decisive than in previous years because I am more secure with my internal self and due to my
experience, have the capacity to make educated decisions. TRANS Holland's Theory of Careers,
while very useful, represents a societal failing. Habitually we find ourselves judging people based
on their preliminary persona; however, more often than not we find out that there is much more
under the surface. Many entertainers appear to be confident and outgoing, but basic psychology
confirms that often their insecurities drive them to seek approval and praise from the public that
comes with those careers. Ginsberg and Super's Theories of Career Development have one major
flaw. This theory does not account for those individuals whom choose a career in childhood and
never stray from their initial path. Whereas others come to a standstill at one stage and never
complete the process. Although the ability to consistently and effectively apply both of these
theories in a myriad of situations speak to their legitimacy, clearly it is necessary to seek other career
theories to supplement ones conceptualization of this topic.
It can be difficult to judge what stage/level/period a person may be in
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My Current Level Of Responsibility And Contribution Of The...
Please summarize your current level of responsibility and contribution to your organization's
strategy. My current job title is Merchant Services & Commercial Support Manager and I am
responsible for producing analytical reports measuring sales and portfolio performance of the
merchant services division. The reoccurring reports determine the performance of the entire
portfolio while identifying new opportunities, helping mitigate risks, and making fact–based
decisions. Reports are also used to determine incentive payments to sales consultants. I work on a
team that uses data reports to cultivate analytical resources, which evaluate and track the company's
strategic goals. We research ways to implement predictive and prescriptive ... Show more content on ...
The EMBA curriculum provides students an opportunity to apply what's learned in class to real–
world business in the local area. Additionally, my 25+ years, performing as a data analyst and
working well within a team, will be an asset to the learning environment. I am an ideal UNC EMBA
candidate due to the knowledge I have directed numerous multi–million dollar projects, which
required flexibility, accountability, and respect for diversity. I will use these traits to enhance the
learning experience of fellow students and myself. Additionally, I formalized my five–year career
plan with my manager. He is a recent Duke MBA alumnus, so we reviewed the UNC EMBA
curriculum and discussed which electives, and program concentrations that would be integral to a
successful banking career. Leveraging my military experience, completion of a graduate degree, and
obtaining other banking certifications, will prove I am motivated and ready for greater
responsibilities/promotions as they become available.
The EMBA Classroom is a dynamic environment because students learn from both faculty and
fellow students. How will you contribute to this unique learning environment? My contributions to
the learning environment will be maturity, flexibility, and teamwork. My maturity and experience
will help with cohort projects because I understand that each person in the group has creditable
inputs and that it takes patience
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Journaling Reflection
1. The first resources that I've learned from this course are using the multiple job websites online,
we've had excellent communication between classmates on how we can benefit from using these
sites out and look for specific jobs in our area. This will assist in work as a counselor because it will
help in my networking about the city I currently work in and learning about how to make my resume
stick out. The second fact that I've learned in this course is finding balance in your life so that you
can go through the stay focused, during the semester, we had the good discussion about a thing in
our life that we enjoy. This all comes down to balance and taking care of ourselves so that we can
stay sharp overall. The third fact that I took away from the cause is the process of helping at the
veterans in our community; we talked in this course about resources in our society that will assist
people that have served in the way. Certain things like VA hospitals and helping them deal with their
past trauma. The fourth resource that I took away from this course is learning about the multiple
career counseling theories; this will assist in my communication and helping with my client as it
relates to their future goals. The fourth fact that I learned from this course is the importance of self–
care and making sure every day you are taking good care of yourself to function adequately in
general. The fifth fact I took away from this course is how journaling is vital when it comes to
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My Future Career : Project Management
My Future Career in Project Management
Project management takes the form of many job positions and roles within a job force. Project
management to some, means a person who manages a project. This is a very broad title. Project
managers can manage a project that covers a new program release, an implementation of a new
method, or the creation of a physical product for a customer. For me, project management is taking a
task from start to finish, with the goals of the customer in mind. Three roles that I would be
interested in accepting would be a Retail Construction Project manager, Construction Project
Manager, or Project Manager for Space planning.
The role of a Retail Construction Project Manager is one that is very hectic, in a fast paced
environment. The duties include being responsible for supporting a new store from construction
through grand opening. This includes delivering the new store on schedule, under budget, all while
maintaining the highest level of quality that can be delivered. This field is currently the field I work
in at the present time. The experience I hold, as of now, has been learned in the field. This role is in
high demand, as the amount of retail chain establishments is increasing rapidly. These locations will
need renovations and up keep, so this leaves a high demand for this type of job. This role is found
within the retail and construction industries. You can work for either a construction company who
specializes in retail establishments or for
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Career Research Project : Career Project
Career Research Project
When I was young I wanted to become a teacher; however, that all changed throughout the years.
What had motivated me to become a teacher was all the supplies they had like the whiteboards, the
markers, and the construction paper. It seemed fun and interesting to me to have all the supplies. I
no longer wish to become a teacher. As I grew older I realized that I wanted to do something that has
me going to places, seeing new things, speaking with diverse individuals, and for that reason I chose
to be involved in Real estate.
Real estate is a wide–ranging field. It consists of different types of jobs which are: advertising sales
agents, appraisers and assessor of real estate, financial analyst, market analyst, mortgage loan
officer/ lender, investment adviser, Insurance agent/broker, real estate broker and plenty more. An
advertising sales agent is one who sells advertising space to businesses and individuals. They work
in variety of industries, which include radio, television, advertising agencies, and internet
publishing. Appraiser and assessors estimate the value of land and buildings on the land generally
before it's sold, taxed, developed, mortgaged, or developed. Financial analyst supply guidance to
businesses and individuals making investment decisions like the performance the function of stocks,
bonds and other things. Market Analyst determine what products a company must generate and in
what ways they should sell them. A mortgage loan
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Art Career Project: A Career As A Photographer
Art Career Project Self employed landscape photographer. Duties; An amateur photographer may
take photographs for pleasure and to record an event, emotion, place, as a person without a
monetary motivation. Photographers typically do the following: –Market and advertise services to
attract clients –Analyze and decide how to compose a subject –Use various photographic techniques
and equipment –Capture subjects in commercial–quality photographs –Enhance the subject's
appearance with natural or artificial light –Use photo enhancing software –Maintain a digital
portfolio, often on a website, to demonstrate work 2.) Salary Range; A Photographer in Toronto,
Ontario earns an average wage of C$20.34 per hour. Salary C$24,730 – C$90,300 Total
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Examples Of Mistakes To Avoid While Making Career Change
Mistakes to avoid while making career change
A career is a long journey. During the career you have to go through many ups and downs which
many bring undesired situations and you have to find solutions to it. A person becomes expert in that
career if pursued for long time due to experiences he or she gets.
A career change is a major milestone in the path of career. You may move to complete random path
of career after career change, if followed in wrong direction. Your expertise level is lost and you
learn new skills which are completely different from your earlier career. Hence few mistakes are to
be necessarily avoided while switching to new career.
Some of the mistakes you must not do while career change decision are.
Making career ... Show more content on ...
While working you may find a friend ,college or a mentor who will often advice you for changing a
certain career. Even your family may follow such a person. But be careful, changing career mere
because of external advice should be strictly avoided. This may help you temporarily but can make
you unhappy eventually.
Making career change solely because of money benefits Money benefit can be a reason for career
change. But changing career only for money benefits has to be avoided. Since as you earn more
money your expenditure may grow. You may be required to work in pressure and this may develop
stress. Gradually this may make you spend for stress relieving treatments and even make you
physically ill .
Making career change without planning
Planning is necessary for career change. You need to spend time for self assessment ,training, etc
before career change. If you do not plan for these activities you cannot succeed in your career
change . Because as you move in the new career you may start finding that you lack in the traits
needed for that career or sometimes you may find you do not have proper coaching for pursuing
your new
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Statement of Purpose for Education Leading to a Career as...
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their
dreams" – Eleanor Roosevelt I believe it is the combination of knowledge, leadership skills and
certitude that will help bridge the gap between dreams and reality. It is my aspiration to lead a
successful construction–based firm and to be a one of the top entrepreneurs of my country. Without
proper intellectual and practical skills and their suitable implementation, it is difficult to achieve
such a high profile position. My pursuit for the above encouraged me to apply to the Construction
Engineering and Management program. My decision to opt for Civil Engineering was result of my
desire to contribute something advantageous to the society since Civil Engineering directly has an
impact on every individual's life as well as all things, living or non–living, around them and it
provides most practicable and real–time approach to tackling nature as well as human problems.
Further, it plays a very crucial role in the infrastructural development of a country. I had high
academic profile in the course of my schooling. A year after opting Civil Engineering in M.J.
College of Engineering and Technology, I realized the importance of two major aspects of study–
practicality of knowledge and work skill. Since then, the former aspect was explored by reinforcing
my theoretical knowledge with the help of frequent visits to construction sites in my country as well
as in Middle East.
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Speech On Luck
"The harder I work, the luckier I get." We've all heard stories about people who seemed to be the
recipients (deserving or not) of incredible luck. They were at a party and heard cocktail chatter about
a fantastic job opportunity. They fortuitously knew a guy who knew a guy, etc.
The first century Roman philosopher Seneca said, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets
opportunity." A lot of folks have echoed that sentiment over the millennia. Luck favors those who
don't depend upon it. Sure, some things are mostly about luck. Las Vegas comes to mind. But
mostly, we must make our own luck by taking advantage of every opportunity we recognize or
If you think you're lucky, you'll be lucky. The lucky guy who heard about the dream job at the party
may have been lucky because he ... Show more content on ...
You're in a job or that's disappearing. Technology, automation or a reduction in forces are
eliminating thousands of military jobs. Your skills may have become obsolete, or soon will.
4. You are bored. Your military job holds no meaning or gives no fulfillment. You have a pervasive
sense of emptiness and discontent because work doesn't satisfy your fundamental desires or personal
5. Your job is just a paycheck. You do your job well. You're successful at it, and you feel secure. But
there is no upward advancement. The thought of doing this job for another 10 or 20 years is
If any of the above describes you, then you need a Career Plan. The best thing about working on
your Plan is that you begin to feel like you're taking control of your career and your future. As I
mentioned earlier, one of the worst aspects of being either jobless or unhappy in your job is the
sense that your life has spiraled out–of–control. Your Career Plan is the most effective way I know
for you to get that control back.
You might be thinking, "That sounds nice, Phil, but I need a job, like, yesterday. I don't have the
luxury of making a long–range plan. I've got to pay the rent next
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Student Success Course For College
Final Culminating Paper In reviewing the many take–aways I have had from doing this student
success course to hopefully become a well rounded student. The greatest take away was the
strategies and tools I learned to help me succeed in life and in college as they were essential skills I
lacked as a student. Helping me to build effective ways to get good grades in my other classes by
building effective study habits then ineffective study habits I have been using previously. Thus I
have improved in many ways than one in the many skills and strategies needed as a college student
in order to succeed. Taking away how my values correlate to my major, Money management, time
management and the steps needed in career and educational planning that ... Show more content on ...
In doing this the necessary steps I need to take steps that steer close to my values and creates
balance as I can not just attribute my career to the value of my education without my family and
friends their to support me. My career comes from a strong sense of self and being respected due to
them. Which pushes me to take the necessary steps to achieving my goal of being a veterinarian in
pursuing my degree. In taking this course I was able to find my interest and an understanding of my
values I never knew before in depth. As to why I hold these values important and how they attribute
to my career as past reflections and discussions about my values in relation to career as they help
guide me to do what I love with added benefits.
Along with this we learned about money management, and how to live within our means as a
student to avoid debt or have less debt than what has currently been predicted. As currently
budgeting can make a difference for a student especially for my financial outlook. Being a college
student tuition fluctuation continues to rise, budgeting can however lower and eliminate your
financial debt you may fall into. Because of the amount of money required to spend on finances
budgeting can help you manage this bump in the road. Having a monthly budget helps you with pre–
planning so you can maintain a higher goal that is constantly evolving. Especially in your potential
career in order to succeed in order
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Project Management : The Accumulated Benefits For My...
The objective of this reflective essay is to present the knowledge I have learnd from the entire
program of Mater Science in Project management, the accumulated benefits for my future career,
and some valuable advices regarding the personal experience for students who are preparing for
enrolling in this program.
Career advancement
"Project management is a growing filed used increasingly by businesses of all sizes" (Harbour). In
other words, project management occupies a significant position during the development of the
company. Without well designed and planned management, any entrepreneurs and organizations are
unable to deliver good quality of products and service to customers within budget, schedule or other
constrains based on the specification (Master of Science in Project Management, Par.1). With the
long–term studying, I realized the Project Management embraces a great number of subjects, since it
covers five management processes (initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and
closing), ten different knowledge areas (quality, human resource, communication, etc.), and multiple
processes that all finalizing the project completion (PMBOK, 2013). "Projects are the major tool for
implementing and achieving the strategic goals of the organization" (Larson & Gary, 2014).
Therefore, no matter what kind of business I will set foot in, this program ultimately offers lots of
chances to improve my personal abilities that all as my future career
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Personal Statement : Personal Development
Personal Development refers to accomplishments that improve self–knowledge and foster talents
and potential, form employability, boost quality of life and contribute to the fulfillment of desires
and dreams. Personal development is not limited to self–development but also embraces actions for
developing others. As personal development takes place in the context of societies, it refers to the
tools, techniques, and assessment methods that support human development at the individual level
in organizations. Reflective leadership is a way of approaching the work of being a leader by leading
one 's life with presence and personal mastery. Without self–awareness, I cannot understand my
strengths and weakness. Sometimes, leaders greatest strengths may become their greatest liabilities.
Their personal characteristics and behavior forms may adversely influence how others perceive
them. Reflective Leaders are sometimes considered reserved or even indifferent which results in
feeling undervalued, misunderstood, ignored, and not acknowledged for their contributions.
To maximize my most valuable asset and to be a more impactful leader in my future career, I need to
make a positive impact and be a role model for others through understanding of my core values and
blind spots of my personality or what I call them my strength and weaknesses. Knowing my
personal strengths can also aid a lot in picking the right career or making good decisions in my
future career. The simple fact is that if I
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Career Counseling Plan For Katie Golanski
This paper is a career counseling plan for Katie Golanski and examines her current skills, potential
and as well as future goals. Several assessments will be examined and applied to this plan, such as
the Kuder scale, and Meyers Brigg. Specific career counseling theories will also be applied to the
output. Finally, recommendations for Katie will be made to best utilize her assets. Katie is a twenty–
three year single Caucasian female with a bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology–
Criminology from William Penn University. At present she is attending Lindenwood University
working towards her masters in School Counseling. She is passionate about basketball and currently
works as a GA, coaching women's basketball at Lindenwood. Her future career plans are to work as
a basketball coach and a school counselor, combining two of her passions. Courses that have been
enjoyed the most include psychology, she is fascinated by the ways the brain functions. Least
favorite courses have been math and science. The most relevant courses have been Life Span
Psychology, Intro to Counseling, Experimental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology and Health
Psychology. Past projects that are relevant include a Psychology Practicum paper and a Sociology
Practicum Paper. As a child she thought of pursuing a career as a vet, which relates to her desire to
care for things other than herself. Katie's passion for basketball and athletics has been present since
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Case Study Of KBR
KBR Facts
Operating in more than 40 countries, KBR is a highly–reputed company which facilitates high–tech
engineering, infrastructure and construction services. In 1998, KBR was established with the merger
of a top–notch engineering organization M.W.Kellog and the leading construction firm Brown and
Root Engineering. In 2006 KBR was crowned with success after getting itself separated from
Halliburton, the parent company of Brown and Root Engineering.
Today, KBR is considered as a foremost company focuses on EPC i.e. Engineering, Procurement
and Construction. It has employed more than 25,800 employees serving in more than 80 countries.
Being a company with diversified corporate culture KBR welcomes workforce from all the origins.
KBR careers offer ... Show more content on ...
The company enables its workforce to find a fine balance between professional and personal
obligations. Competitive salaries are being offered to ensure the financial stability of the associates.
It provides financial security along with the health and career development facilities to the
employees. Pithily, KBR job is a key to professional and personal development and success. Here is
a slight overview of wide range of benefits offered by KBR:
· 401(k) up to 6% of your salary
· Health facilities include disability insurance, life insurance, vision insurance, dental insurance
· Family and Parenting benefits comprise work from home, childcare, maternity and paternity leave,
unpaid extended leave, flexible hours.
· The financial services of KBR range from pension plan, an extensive retire plan, stock options to
performance bonuses.
· Sick and Bereavement leaves are facilitated along with the paid time
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My Goal Of Becoming An Artist
Futures I craved in the past were nothing compared to my goal of becoming an artist. It was the
dream I never considered to continue into a career because of stereotypes such as, "Few people
make enough money from art to sustain themselves." I have experienced countless lessons in my
life, but this is the most important one I developed on my own. I am excited and exceedingly proud
of my journey to find that belief, the way I discovered it, and what this realization means to me. I
believe what you are meant to do in life is what you love most. I have always wanted to be
successful, and the drive that pushes me to constantly give my best effort has not dulled.The careers
that I wanted to peruse in the past consisted of being a veterinarian, a teacher, an astronomer, an
entrepreneur, and a lawyer. I had specific reasons for choosing these careers, but like most
occupations that young children choose to pursue, my choices were not what I was truly passionate
about. There were also many factors those jobs involved that would make me unhappy, such as
being a vet often requires performing surgery and performing vaccinations. It was also based on
what my mindset was at the time, for example, how I convinced myself that I was destined to be a
lawyer for the sole reason that I was a 'gifted argurer,' which was the equivalent of a moody pre–
teen. Throughout the entirety of these phases, I created and progressed in art regularly, and I loved
it. Furthermore I had talent, and to my
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A Woman at a Crossroads
A Woman at a Crossroads
Career development plans are essential in a client's career development. The plan incorporates all
the tools and skills of a career counselor to aid the client in a framework fitting for the client's
background. The responsibility of the career counselor is to address the issues of the client's
satisfaction in their career and identifying their needs, wants, capacity, and challenges. In doing so
the career counselor creates goals to build an action plan. Assisting clients in who they are as a
person and what their career goals are is an essential in establishing a working alliance in career
counseling. This paper will display the draft of the final project in case of Alaina.
The information I would obtain ... Show more content on ...
She also coached tennis in high school. She even thought about being a sports writer for tennis
events. She is involved in the Catholic Church. She thinks herself to be ambitious in professional,
but dedicated and compassionate. She has mild depression that is chronic and has participated in
counseling twice in eight years. Once from her cousins suicide and the second for couples
counseling. They had fifteen sessions to deal with her husband's alcoholism and anger. It made her
marriage better and her husband supports the change in career. She is on 20 mg of fluoxetine that
keeps her mood stable. She is unhappy that she doesn't get excited or overly happy. In the last two
weeks she has been anxious, waking earlier, and when she does feeling mild dread. She sees her
family doctor in two weeks for poor sleeping. Alaina has been thinking of going back to school and
her friend suggested being a school psychologist. Alaina thinks going to school would be tough. She
also think school psychologists only put children in special education. She likes to cook, play poker,
work in gardens, and physical fitness. Alaina considered the options of being an editorial assistant
for a publisher, technical writer, or working with adults in recreation planning. She also thought of
being a dietitian because of how much work she puts into her diet and her family.
Motivation for Counseling
Clients can seek counseling any time, but there
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Finance Career Project

  • 1. Finance Career Project Career Project Essay Finance was not always my major. I have bounced around, looking for an area of study that peaked my interest. Three years and four majors later, I landed on finance. I started exploring individual jobs, companies and positions within the field that fit my interests. Through researching the various responsibilities, duties, and day–to–day operations of a financial manager, I have discovered that the freedom that accompanies this job in combination with the ability to work for a company that I am passionate about would fulfill my one precious life. To begin with, I enjoy having an organized schedule and set rules to follow when it comes to activities in my life like work or school. That isn't to say I don't enjoy spontaneity, but most of the time, I prefer structure. As a result, financial management appeals to me. I am a very analytical person. I evaluate facts and gather information before making decisions. Working as a financial manager requires one to have the ability to work within specific regulations to better the company. It is essential that they focus purely on the facts and numbers when considering options that may affect the company. Furthermore, I am about I'm about ... Show more content on ... I know that I am an analytical person with a mix of introverted and extroverted personality traits. I also want work for a company that is located somewhere I would like to live and has plenty of opportunities for me to grow and learn. Finally, I want a job that will provide for a comfortable lifestyle for my future family and myself. For three years, I explored different areas of study and career paths. Finally, I have found a field that excites me. I have found an area that meshes well with my personality and skills and has upward growth. I have found a career I am passionate about. This is what I want to become with my one precious ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Chosing A Career As A Project Manager Essay Abstract: Title: Choosing a Career as a Project Manager. This research will summarize what a Project Manager is, and the steps explained, to complete a project, if the career that is chosen is to be a successful Project Manager. The research touches on the many qualities, and skills a person needs to learn, and possess to become a Project Manager. This report will not cover the total execution of the project. Putting together a project from start to finish is an enormous amount of work and there are steps to follow to make sure nothing is left unnoticed. This research will cover the majority of those steps. When the chosen profession is a Project Manager, there are 5 different skills that are used in a Project Management role. ... Show more content on ... (,_IT/Salary) How does one define "Project Manager"? There are different team models according to the "Journal of Leadership Studies" (Grant and Heberling, 1991). This research will concentrate on the heavy Project Manager or the "Conductor Leadership Model." Similar to an orchestra conductor the project manager is guiding the contributions of the team. The Project Manager and the team are comparable to the orchestra. The Project Manager will be the conductor and will lead the orchestra. The team is the orchestra, and all will be contributing to the performance, along with complementing the other members. The "Conductor Leadership Model" is beneficial for the project because of the repeated communication, as in an orchestra. This leads to learning each others jobs, which can be a huge asset when a member of the project is absent. Case studies with the "Conductor Leadership Model" also included the Project Manager having team meetings once a week. The meetings offered a place to discuss problems that have arisen, and examine progress, or lack of, through this point of the project. The Project Manager would also praise the team's achievements in these meetings, and keep the team on a positive note. (Grant and Heberling, 1991). There are several methods of evaluating a complex project. Author Lois Bridges (Bridges, 1996) lists five types of assessment involving different ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Professional Development Essay There are several milestones that our society uses to measure personal development and suitability for advancement to higher degrees of social responsibility. One such milestone is career selection and attainment. Some individuals may never find a satisfying vocation, whereas others know what they desire from the day they can communicate. A simple way to reduce the unfortunate friction of choosing a career is to be self–aware. Understanding what makes one happy, fulfilled, and the things that are important to them, is the easiest way to narrow down the world's endless possible occupations and ensure job satisfaction. There are many ways to gain personal enlightenment, perhaps the simplest and most effective way is to take a course ... Show more content on ... I began to ponder the results and realized that this is the reason for my wide–range of noted talents. Another facet of the results that I would like to mention is the careers of individuals with similar scores/results. Management analysts/consultants, librarians, and pharmacists all have similar scores on the Personal Globe Inventory. The noteworthy aspect of this is that these careers blend together a variety of my strengths in management and analyzing, as well as my desire for order, and my passion for the medical field and helping others. Though I find value in the assessment of oneself, not all tests are equal in evaluation of the individual. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator book exercise and the NEO–PRI, though seemingly valid, did not provide much novel insight into my career development. As a 25 year old young woman on the verge of completing a bachelor's degree, I am very convinced and satisfied with my chosen career path. I have had a good variety of life experience, both professional and personal. This being said, these types of assessments do not provide practical information at this point in my development. Whereas, I am convinced of their legitimacy and usefulness, it appears that this type of evaluation would be more reasonable for someone who is seeking self–awareness, does not have a clear path, or is seeking further exploration into a prospective career to ensure its suitability for their personality and lifestyle. These assessments would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Career Planning Process Analysis 1. Introduction Deliberate goalsetting and planning can be helpful to ensure a career which is both successful and fulfilling. Career planning is the process of evaluating your interests, preferences, skills and objectives, all to ensure that your work is in good agreement with personal values and strengths. Reflecting on a viable career plan is particularly important for U of A Engineering graduates as the economy in Alberta has seen heavy turmoil in recent years, resulting in the loss of job opportunities. As a result, setting realistic goals and strategic planning is essential to navigate the rough economic landscape. Career planning allows the opportunity to reflect on career progression, get an improved sense of direction and ultimately ... Show more content on ... Additional information gathered from my personal experiences will be outlined here. In addition to assessing my current state through skills assessments, such as ALIS, strength based assessments have been shown to be more useful for career development. One example is StrengthsQuest (Gallup, 2016) which is a program that aims to help students to discover and take advantage of their personal strengths. StrengthsQuest is being used across campuses and organizations to develop strength maps for project teams and working groups. Strength maps help to identify strengths and weaknesses within a group plan and accordingly, plan for success. When researching companies and average salaries, I often turn towards Glassdoor ("Glassdoor," 2016) as a source for company reviews, salaries and company interview practises. The data curated on Glassdoor is maintained by current or former company employees which further reinforces the creditability. This information is particularly useful because Glassdoor users have posted questions that companies use during the interview process and salary information is available for specific positions within an organization. 3. Interviews and ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Project Management Career Summary Project Management Career Summary Definition, Vision and Scope With today's businesses constantly embracing the technological advances that are made on a daily basis there becomes an increasing need for someone to supply the foresight, ability and commitment to ensure that these new technologies are implemented as seamlessly and successfully as possible. The Project Manager is just the person for the job. This paper will examine this career and explore the benefits of working in this profession. It will provide a look into the life of current Project Managers and their thoughts and concerns regarding their profession. Project management is "the art and science of converting vision into reality" (Atkinson, 1999). Project ... Show more content on ... Without knowing the expected results, quality level or capability of the end product, a project is difficult to plan, execute or conclude. A project is temporary in that there is a defined start (the decision to proceed) and a defined end (the achievement of the goals and objectives). Ongoing business or maintenance operations are not projects. Because projects are temporary in nature, project managers are constantly evolving and looking forward to the next new challenge in their career. Figure 1 shows the general process flow of a standard project. This process flow can be applied to a number of projects of different size, scope and difficulty. Figure 1 Project Flow Figure 2 shows the various knowledge areas as they can be can be applied to project management. Various knowledge areas will be evident throughout the life cycle of any given project and is an extensive look into the qualities of a successful project manager. Figure 2 Knowledge Areas A look into the mind of project managers A survey was conducted of various professionals in the information technologies field. This survey was conducted to show the varying skill levels of these professionals and the implications that project management has applied to their chosen profession. Overall, the satisfaction level of their career is shown to be above average. Figure 3 shows that while 40% of the respondents have completed an Associate Degree
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  • 22. Agile Project Career Analysis Throughout my career history I have managed several business critical projects; these projects have given me a wealth of knowledge, industry experience and the confidence to take on more advanced projects that are asked of me. Every project that I have ever been responsible for, I have always ensured that there was a comprehensive project plan written up. This included well defined requirements, realistic schedules, clearly identified resources, risk assessment, and budgetary due diligence. As a Product owner in the Agile project management team I have ensured complete accuracy throughout the entire project development life cycle. To monitor the progress of the project I have worked on and implemented: –Product backlog procedures where items ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Persuasive Essay On Why Do Volunteer Nowadays with people having busy lives, of school, job, and family, it could get complex in taking time of someones day to volunteer; however, volunteering is monumental to people and the community. Volunteer work helps connect people, it is exceptional for the mind and body, and can advance career opportunities. Making new friendships and strengthening them is to connect to one another with common interests. In addition, one of the substantial ways to meet new people around the community is to do volunteer work. By doing this makes the community stronger and expands people social groups by exposing them to new people with similar interests and exciting and activities. In this time and age more young adults have a arduous time becoming outgoing; moreover, the reason is that they do not go outside to meet new people because they are invariably stuck on their phones checking out their social media. However, volunteering gives young adults possibility to develop their social skills because usually people are put in a group with the same interest and age range while doing volunteer work. Since the groups have common interest, it makes it easier for teenagers to fraternize with people in the community. In today's time many teenagers have to fight against anxiety, stress, and depression alone, and volunteering helps fight through those problems. Volunteer work helps fight against anxiety, stress, and depression by being connected with other people. Being able to socialize, ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Importance Of A Career For Myself 1) What 's the most important thing for you to get from your career? This is a question I have been asking myself quite a bit lately as I approach postgrad life. I believe the most important aspect of a career for myself is meaningfulness and being able to further my knowledge. I find I work best when I can see a tangible outcome. If I am working on a project, it really helps to know that the work I am doing will affect someone or something in a positive way. Apart from meaningfulness, I think being able to learn is another very important aspect to consider when choosing a career. I would want a career where I can get out as much as I put in. Learning from co–workers, from making mistakes, from those more experienced and anyway I ... Show more content on ... 30,000/520= $57/hour. Working an extra 2 hours a day for $57/hour is definitely a deal I would happily accept. 4) What do you think is going to be your biggest challenge working in recruitment? I think there will be several big challenges for someone working in recruitment. The biggest one I can imagine would be facing rejection for a client. I believe that to be an elite recruiter, it is imperative to make personal connections with your clients to ensure that you are doing is in the client's best interest. I can see myself getting personally invested in each of my clients, so giving them bad news would definitely be in the upper tier of challenges working in recruitment for myself. I believe that handling rejection will be something I learn as I progress in recruitment. On the flip side of this, being able to give a client good news is very rewarding in my mind and will be a motivational force in becoming a better recruiter. 5) What 's your greatest personal or professional achievement to date? A couple summers ago, I went to India for break. Staying in Mumbai, the plan was to visit friends and family and have a couple of relaxing weeks. While on the way from the airport to the place I was planning to stay, I saw the extremes of income inequality as there were impoverished people living on the street right next to five star hotels and luxurious apartment buildings. That stayed in the back of my mind ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Career As An Individual Phenomenon Whilst a great body of careers theory literature leans towards "career as an individual phenomenon" (Schneidhofer, Latzke & Mayrhofer, 2015), careers cannot be isolated from other factors. Grandjean (1981, p.1057) places careers at "the intersection of societal history and individual biography". Changes in context do impact on careers, however, the extent to which they do so in isolation is difficult to measure. Context has an important part to play, offering careers "a set of external structures and events that create opportunities and difficulties" (Inkson, Dries & Arnold, 2015). Changes in context are inexplicably driven by the forward motion of time. It has been argued that individual reaction to such changes facilitates career ... Show more content on ... In recent years digital globalisation has had a significant influence in the way in which individuals and organisations work. Virtual working and crowdsourcing will be examined as examples of contemporary practices and ideas will be supported by empirical evidence from the last ten years. (Examples from 2008 onwards will be used where possible given impact of the financial crash and relevance to the current labour market). The argument will then progress to discuss the broader implications to career patterns reviewing the traditional organisational career model and more contemporary concepts. It is my opinion that changes in context do impact careers significantly in positive and negative ways. Digital globalisation has improved world communication and increased geographical reach. However it has the possibility to lead to "explotation" and "dehumanisation" (Kittur, Nickerson, Bernstein and Gerber, 2013) and the devaluation of skills. The consequences of changes in context on careers are not exclusively contextual. Individuals, and their responses to such changes, also exert influence. Careers evolve. Traditional careers are not obsolete – replaced by contemporary models, rather they co–exit. The following section will examine why the impact of changes in context on careers is difficult to measure in order to give the reader a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. COMPLEXITY OF CAREERS AND CONTEXT Examining the impact of changes in ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Career Exploration Project For my Career Exploration Project, I chose the career of legal secretary. In the practice of law, a legal secretary is person who works in the legal profession, typically assisting lawyers. I chose legal secretary, because I have been exposed and aware of this profession for a while. My mother has been involved in the legal secretarial field of work for about two and a half years now. Seeing lawyers and their assistants on television first interested me in the career, but my mother being a legal secretary furthered my interest. My mother took me to her place of business a few times. I wasn't able to see lawyers in full action, but I got to see my mom and some other legal secretaries in meetings and conferences. In order to pursue a career ... Show more content on ... Legal secretaries often work in law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies, court houses, public interest firms, etc. Legal secretaries usually work 40 hours workweek, unless they work overtime or help lawyers with an upcoming case. It can be said that legal secretaries are used to a high–paced, stressful work environment. It is obvious that legal secretaries make good money, whether they're just starting their career or with a great length of experience. Starting legal secretaries can earn a salary from $23,549 to $50,748. The average salary of a legal secretary can be from $38,000 to $74,000 or more, depending on the firm size and their years of experience. According to, the median pay for legal secretaries as of October 30th, 2017 was $45,829. I am confident that this career is right for me, because I have a mutual interest and somewhat passion for working with or around lawyers. Having a legal secretary also boosts my confidence, because I know they can help me learn and adjust to this hectic business and give me their support. Even if I can't become a legal secretary, there are relatable occupations to it, such as legal assistant, paralegal, receptionist, administrative assistant, ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. A Career in Project Management Proposal This proposal on pursuing a career as a Project Manager is designed to provide research and criteria concerning elements for entering into the field of Project Management. The research will provide the essential skills and a job description of a Project manager. As background information, I have provided researched information based on the interest of being a Project Manager. The Survey results provide an insight to how some individuals pursued their careers and their educational backgrounds. My pursuit of this career comes from many years of being in management for several industries and my partnership with a former colleague who is in this field. The opportunity to work closely with ... Show more content on ... The results of this survey were meant to identify what made these individuals choose their careers and how they pursued those career choices. As high school seniors, there are many opportunities to pursue. I would like to highlight a field that I have found interesting; the field of Project Management. What specifically does a Project Manager do? Emily Carr (2007), a design professional, says this is hard question since the field of Project Management is most often not clearly defined; however this is also what makes being a project manager fun and exciting. (1) Choosing a career in Project Management can require an educational background in business, information technology or both. One who is seeking a career in this field should inherently possess, meaning qualities that one already demonstrates, essential skills that will contribute to the success in project management. Project Management is the ability to plan successfully, organize, and manage resources to implement the completion of project goals and objectives. The professional in charge of project management is called the Project Manager. A project manager can be considered the project owner. A project can be anything from designing a network for a software company, to the construction of a hospital. The project manager is responsible for the inception, meaning the start of, to the completion of each ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Use Of Savickas ' Career Construction Theory The following case study will use Savickas ' Career Construction Theory. After finding himself unemployed after 27 years experience working in a local coal mine, the client has decided to go to school for some retraining; however, he does not know where to start. A brief history of the client 's case will be provided, along with an explanation of Savickas ' theory and some reasons why the theory has been chosen for the case. Finally, two interventions will be suggested followed by a description of how one of the interventions could be applied. Paul 's Case The case study includes the following information. Paul is a 45 year old man from southern West Virginia who has been recently been laid off from his lifelong job in the coal mines. At 18, he graduated from high school and immediately went to work in the coal mines. Because of mine shutdowns or slowed production, he has experienced multiple layoffs. However, he always was able to draw unemployment, which never lasted more than six months, at which time he was always hired back at a nearby mine. Because of multiple mine shutdowns in the area, this recent layoff has lasted for almost a year. Due to his wife 's urging, Paul has enrolled in a local community college, but has no idea what to major in, let alone what classes to take. He has come to the career center at the community college hoping to get some direction in his career search. Savickas ' Career Construction Theory will be used to help Paul get on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Career Theories Based Off Information Career Theories Based off information received in the interview, it appears that artistic (A) would likely be his strongest area in the Holland code. He enjoys activities that allow him to be creative. This is true in work and in leisure. He currently enjoys the creativity in his work, and enjoyed it as a cook, as well. Plus, he enjoys painting and music. His artistic side was a theme throughout the interview. While the artistic side is clear, I would also theorize that he could fall under investigative (I) and (C) He enjoys taking things apart and putting them back together again (I) and he is good with tedious tasks and technology (C). Potentially, he could be an AIC. Furthermore, I would theorize that his MBTI preference could be an ... Show more content on ... He has fear around losing that stability. There is a part of him that is cycling back to earlier stages, but the logistics of his life are a huge consideration for him. Several aspects of the interviewee's career are in congruence. Congruence is a part of Holland's (2014) theory that defines if an individual is in an environment that fits their type. The interviewee does work in a creative environment, he does get to observe and investigate, and the use of technology plays a role. Also, his work does require some tedious tasks, which is one thing that was named as a strength. Also, I could theorize that this interviewee is at a level 3 in Holland's theory. I believe this to be true since he struggles with seeing himself making a job change. However, certain aspects of the theorized MBTI preference would not necessarily be in congruence. The fact that he does not feel like there is room for growth is one reason why his MBTI score might not fit well with what he is currently doing. Krumboltz (2014) theory could be useful for this client. This theory normalizes anxiety and emphasizes the importance of meeting the client where they are. Given the want for change, but anxiety around changing careers – this could be beneficial for the interviewee. It appears to be a more holistic approach that I believe would work well for this individual. This particular person is currently struggling with decision–making and Krumboltz does not view ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. College Admissions Essay: What Makes Me Therefore I Am Somethings that makes me smile, gets me excited, and makes me want to "do" something is when I am able to participate in something that is fun and exciting to me. Also when I am able to have a good hands on experience and learn something new makes me smile and want to learn more. Being able to let loose and explore new things makes me want to do more than what I would normally do. Another thing that makes me want to do something is when I have an inspiration to work from. It isn't hard to get me to smile or to get excited because I like to be active and participate in things that I am comfortable with. I love working in groups with other students to get things done. I feel like it is easier to manage everything and get things done faster. I am very handy when it comes to group projects because I think outside of the box when it comes to complicated situations. ... Show more content on ... Like the TEN 80 race challenge my class and I have been working on. It deals with a lot of engineering and some pieces of math is included. Another SECME activity that I have participated in and had an interesting experience was the LEGO Trash Trek. It required a lot of technology and some engineering techniques to finish. There might be other chances where I am able to participate in more SECME activities but the ones I have participated in where fun and I learned a lot of things from the people I worked with, the fieldtrips, and the projects that come with it. I find SECME to be fun because there are a lot of opportunities that come with the groups you sign up with. It is also fun because you learn new things when you participate in any SECME group or activity. I would recommend any SECME activity to a friend or family member because it is a cool experience and I think they would like it if they ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Reflection On Career Development A. This lesson mainly addressed aspects related to career development. This lesson encourages students to discover their academic and personal strengths, their skillsets, and their interests. Students then take those concepts and apply them to career exploration. They are able to link their strengths, preferences, and abilities to potential future career paths. Some of the specific aspects of career development that I addressed include applying planning and career exploration in setting and obtaining lifelong career goals, applying necessary skills for career readiness and success, and teaching students where and how to obtain information about post–secondary options. In this lesson students are encouraged to apply decision making skills to place different careers into the appropriate career fields. In doing so, they are also encouraged to begin thinking about careers that are of interest to them and what career goals they have for themselves. They will be given resources in order to continue career exploration outside of the classroom. While I do not expect sixth graders to fully decide their career path, it is my firm belief that it is never too early to get students thinking about careers and having them set goals in order to obtain the career and future that they desire. I also believe that this unit touches on social and emotional development as well as academic development. This lesson allows the student to collaborate with one another and work in groups as well as in pairs. This promotes relationship building and teamwork. It also allows students to take an inventory of their personal strengths and skillsets. This could boost self–esteem and promotes a sense of self–awareness. Lastly, this unit also encompasses academic development. Students will understand that good grades and academic success are key elements to obtaining the career that they wish to have. By being academically successful, this will allow them greater options and opportunity post high school graduation. B. In today's world, I feel as though it is very important to incorporate technology into lesson plans. Technology helps keep children engaged and we are now living in a world where technology is all around us. I was able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. John Holland's Typology Paper Holland's Typology In the beginning, career counseling was strictly developed to help with job placement, but it became so much more than that after the career development was further researched by a group of theorist that focused on career process. What is it that drives us to choose a specific career path? According to Zunker (2012), different theorists such as Parsons, Holland, Krumboltz, Bandura, Super, and Gottfredson all developed theories on career development and their perspective on the importance of occupational process. Throughout this paper one will discuss the John Holland's Typology and the significance of this particular career theory. Some of the points that will be covered in this paper include: history of theory, strengths and weaknesses, assessments used, population best fit for this theory, and diversity and ... Show more content on ... Explanation and History John Holland was a remarkable psychologist that took special interest in career choice and personality traits. Holland's career counseling perspective started while studying at the University of Minnesota for graduate school in counseling. In graduate school, was when he discovered that people express personality in various ways (Nauta, 2010, p.12). He expressed that personality and career interests work together somehow (Nauta, 2010). The John Holland's Typology "is the concept that one chooses a career to satisfy one's preferred modal personal orientation" (Zunker, 2012, p. 27). He made two major points about how people are influenced for a career choice. The first point was that people search for an environment that they can utilize their skills and abilities, and reveal their values and attitudes in the most influential way. The second point was that "a person's ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Gender Differences Between Work And Life In Manage your work, manage your life, Groysberg and Abrahams use research and survey data to show gender differences on how success is viewed. There were some similarities and obvious gender differences in answers. On another note the article by Stewart Friedman, Work + home + community + self, the main focus is on three key principles to focus on to be better at integration between work and life. Each article's content can be a guide in career planning and to help with one's professional development. The article Manage your work, manage your life discusses the popular topic of work and life balance. Interviews were conducted and researched with over 4,000 executives worldwide and 82 executives in a leadership course over a five–year course (Groysberg and Abrahams, 2014). They broke down and compared men and women to determine how they defined what professional success means to them, what personal success means and what their partners contribute (Groysberg and Abrahams, 2014). The survey data showed some true gender differences on what each values more. A large number of women define professional success by their individual achievement over everything else. Men on the other hand define it by making a difference, next to working with a good team in a good environment and respect from others (Groysberg and Abrahams, 2014). When asked what personal success meant to men and women both chose rewarding relationships with family, people they love and community at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Assessing A Career In Business: Project Management. Project Assessing a Career in Business: Project Management Project management is the discipline of using policies and procedures to manage a project from creation to competition. The intent of this paper is to assess the role of a project manager and determine if I am well suited for a career in project management. To achieve this goal, I will be discussing the following areas: job description, general career path, education requirements, salary, career outlook, and the pros and cons. I will also be interviewing a colleague that currently working as a project manager to gain a better understanding of typical duties associated with the role. Job Description Project management is the process of applying knowledge and skills to achieve a project ... Show more content on ... Project management provides a strong foundation for developing the attributes needed to pursue high–level leadership roles, analytical positions, and many other areas within the business environment. Education The majority of project management positions require a bachelor's degree in a business management related field, as well as a professional certification and management experience. Many project manager professionals elect to obtain a master's degree or advanced postgraduate certification in project management, analytics, or business management. The Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification is the most recognized certificate for project managers. According to the Project Management Institute, "As a PMP, you can work in virtually any industry, with any methodology and in any location, and earn on average 20% more than without a PMP." ( Education is highly valued in project management; however, important skills such as, good communication and the ability to execute are developed with experience. Average Salary The average salary for project management largely depends on experience, industry, and location. The average range in Utah is $65,000–$145,000. According to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Non-Traditional Students Essay example With today's changing world and the economy the way it is, it is not uncommon for people of all ages to enter the college setting. In fact, two–thirds of students entering the college setting are classified non–traditional (Brown, 2007). Bill (2003) found that there was an 11% increase of non– traditional student enrollment from 1991–1998 displaying 35% in 91 and 46% in 1998. These numbers have since increased according to Jacobson & Harris (2008) showing that half to 75% of undergraduates consist of the non–traditional student sitting the reasons for reentering the college setting to be economic. What exactly defines a non–traditional student and what services may they need in comparison to the traditional student. According to ... Show more content on ... Non–traditional students need services that aid them with their self–confidence. The non–traditional student may need added encouragement from the counselor that the choice that has been made suits his career options. He may need assurance that he correctly using the internet to research occupations of interest. The traditional student on the other hand may find it beneficial to be a part of peer counseling programs or internships. Question # 2 Career Counseling can be beneficial to everyone that seeks employment. However, when seeking advice and assistance on something as important as a career, people should know the credentials of the counselor. Many individuals that pursue career counseling follow a variety of code of ethics and ethical guidelines according to Brown (2007). With this being said, it is important that career counseling practice should be regulated. According to Porter, Gildon, & Zgliczynski (2000), people claiming to be counselors is a serious problem in the state of California because no formal standards are set for appropriate licensure except for that of a marriage counselor. This lack of standards and credentials causes many problems for those seeking advice and assistance with a particular problem. More importantly, the public is not protected even if they take a case to court and the "counselor" is found guilty. What is to be taken away? He can continue to practice because he does not have a certificate to begin with. Lreh ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. My Career As A Career First starting this class I didn't know what exactly what I wanted to do with a career. I was between two careers trying to figure out what would be best for me. The CIT career would be nice to learn something entirely new and at the same time tie it in with business some how. The problem I was having is trying to figure out what I was going to do with it. Doing the first set of activities in this class allowed me to learn what I really wanted in a job and what I can do with out. My career must allow me freedom to choose what I want to do to be able to create what I want. My career must allow me to choose my own hours. Don't get me wrong that I will only work a little because I am going to put in hours around the clock. What I mean with flexible hours is that if something comes up I will be able to work around it. It must also allow me to show leadership and call shot. Things that aren't so important but still hold value is that my job should allow me not to work on Sunday. If I have to once in a while because there is no way around it, that is understandable. My job should allow me to come home for dinner most nights and be with my family. It could be not stressful but I deal with stress good and don't mind it. It could also be not dealing with so many angry people but I can handle them pretty will. The first option that I choose for my career list is computer–networking architect. This option really interested me because for my needs of a job it really fulfills the ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Life Changing Event Research Paper Life Changing Event In America, it seems to be natural for a person the switch their career major a few times before finding out what really works for that individual. So I do not feel bad writing about my life changing event being a career change in my 20's since it lead to a better future for me and my family. This was not an easy choice to make knowing that I would have to spend time and money achieving this plan. There were different reasons that lead to even considering making the move. After the decision was made on going through with the plan, the research started on what careers will be a perfect fit for me. There was a lot of ground work that came with finding out what fits, but after it was all ... Show more content on ... I was bullied all through middle school about the way I spoke English and that made it hard to fit in with most of the classmates. That left a huge scar on what I thought about school and my academic performance was not up to standards because my dislike around classmates. I hated school so much that when it came time to look at colleges and career options, I wanted to pick the career that had little to do with reading and writing. I made the choice to become an Automotive Technician which in my mind was the perfect career. The schools was 1 years and most of the training was hands on in the shop. After graduating, I found a job at one of the biggest automotive companies in the States. Life was good for the first couple of years on the job. I was learning a lot and made a few good friends on the way. As time went by I realized that I am not heading in the right direction with this career path. I was feeling depressed and had trouble sleeping knowing that this is not where I want so spent the rest of my life. I spoke to co–workers that have been working in the automotive business ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Recruitment And Retention Of Nontraditional Students Recruitment and Retention of Nontraditional Students The reality for career technical educators with regard to broadening representation of both men and women in nontraditional careers is that there needs to be a creative recruitment strategy designed that utilizes the enthusiasm and talents of successful role models (Lucci Jr., W., 2007). Effective recruitment and teaching practices can help educators create learning situations that are conducive for all students to learn, especially those nontraditional students in career clusters. Suggestions for recruiting nontraditional students include creating career–technical programs to reach all students, presenting career clusters in a way that shows how career pathways can align with interests, giving students multiple opportunities to explore both traditional and nontraditional careers. Educators should market career–technical programs to reach all students, making a concerted effort to attract nontraditional students through the use of photos and graphics that show both genders and various races in careers at the technical and professional levels (Clark, P., & Ohio State Univ., C. y., 2000). In recruiting nontraditional students, intentionality and good planning are important. Unfortunately, lingering stereotypes often make the first step of signing up for a class in a nontraditional area difficult. Strategies which are effective are those that understand and consider the target audience, provide information in a way in which ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Career Ed Project Through my Career Ed project I learned how to live a sustainable life with a typical paycheck I would receive. I chose the job of a psychiatrist based on my interests and ambitions. My whole life I have studied human behavior and analyzed why people act a certain way. I also like to help others and I want to give people the best lives that they can live. Being a psychiatrist would make me happy because I could learn more about human minds and the way they work by also helping people who are mentally and emotionally suffering. I had to make hard decisions on which car and house to buy. Firstly, I chose to buy a large family home which cost $199,900 because I thought it was a reasonable price for a home with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house also has a warm and happy exterior which is very important to me. I know that if I have a family someday they would enjoy living in our house too. The car I bought was a New 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan SE. I bought this car because not only because it was a nice price of $21,879, but because it's a big and safe minivan ... Show more content on ... After tax, food, and necessities, I still had thousands of dollars that I could put towards my family and entertainment. My job is perfect for me and i make lots of money while doing what I love most (helping people––I think this is obvious by now). I know as a student I would have to work as hard as I possibly can to become a psychiatrist, because I would need to go through many extra years of school. I also will need to focus more on science because it will be essential for me to become a psychiatrist.If I were to mess around during high school and not focus on my future then I would most likely never be able to be a psychiatrist. To reach my goal I need to be more confident and work my absolute hardest, because I'm very ambitious about what I want and I will do anything to achieve my goal of being a psychiatrist (hopefully with a nice salary ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Essay Analyzing Career Theories It is simple to look at an individual's life and analyze and critique their choices based on our own opinions and experiences. Is that fair? No. We may see their actions clearly but the reasoning behind these is what we should focus on when it comes to judging someone's behavior or circumstances. A common judgment made about a person is based on their career. In our society, it would behoove us to look at the path that leads to becoming a doctor instead of a drug dealer. Application of career theories to my own life allows for analyzing past and future career decisions. Holland's Theory of Careers states that one's vocation is an expression of self, personality, and way of life. There is an indisputable and fundamental ... Show more content on ... Finally I reached the realistic period and I began to focus my education to prepare for a medical career. As I have evolved, I find it simpler to make life–changing choices. I am exceedingly more decisive than in previous years because I am more secure with my internal self and due to my experience, have the capacity to make educated decisions. TRANS Holland's Theory of Careers, while very useful, represents a societal failing. Habitually we find ourselves judging people based on their preliminary persona; however, more often than not we find out that there is much more under the surface. Many entertainers appear to be confident and outgoing, but basic psychology confirms that often their insecurities drive them to seek approval and praise from the public that comes with those careers. Ginsberg and Super's Theories of Career Development have one major flaw. This theory does not account for those individuals whom choose a career in childhood and never stray from their initial path. Whereas others come to a standstill at one stage and never complete the process. Although the ability to consistently and effectively apply both of these theories in a myriad of situations speak to their legitimacy, clearly it is necessary to seek other career theories to supplement ones conceptualization of this topic. It can be difficult to judge what stage/level/period a person may be in ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. My Current Level Of Responsibility And Contribution Of The... Please summarize your current level of responsibility and contribution to your organization's strategy. My current job title is Merchant Services & Commercial Support Manager and I am responsible for producing analytical reports measuring sales and portfolio performance of the merchant services division. The reoccurring reports determine the performance of the entire portfolio while identifying new opportunities, helping mitigate risks, and making fact–based decisions. Reports are also used to determine incentive payments to sales consultants. I work on a team that uses data reports to cultivate analytical resources, which evaluate and track the company's strategic goals. We research ways to implement predictive and prescriptive ... Show more content on ... The EMBA curriculum provides students an opportunity to apply what's learned in class to real– world business in the local area. Additionally, my 25+ years, performing as a data analyst and working well within a team, will be an asset to the learning environment. I am an ideal UNC EMBA candidate due to the knowledge I have directed numerous multi–million dollar projects, which required flexibility, accountability, and respect for diversity. I will use these traits to enhance the learning experience of fellow students and myself. Additionally, I formalized my five–year career plan with my manager. He is a recent Duke MBA alumnus, so we reviewed the UNC EMBA curriculum and discussed which electives, and program concentrations that would be integral to a successful banking career. Leveraging my military experience, completion of a graduate degree, and obtaining other banking certifications, will prove I am motivated and ready for greater responsibilities/promotions as they become available. The EMBA Classroom is a dynamic environment because students learn from both faculty and fellow students. How will you contribute to this unique learning environment? My contributions to the learning environment will be maturity, flexibility, and teamwork. My maturity and experience will help with cohort projects because I understand that each person in the group has creditable inputs and that it takes patience ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Journaling Reflection 1. The first resources that I've learned from this course are using the multiple job websites online, we've had excellent communication between classmates on how we can benefit from using these sites out and look for specific jobs in our area. This will assist in work as a counselor because it will help in my networking about the city I currently work in and learning about how to make my resume stick out. The second fact that I've learned in this course is finding balance in your life so that you can go through the stay focused, during the semester, we had the good discussion about a thing in our life that we enjoy. This all comes down to balance and taking care of ourselves so that we can stay sharp overall. The third fact that I took away from the cause is the process of helping at the veterans in our community; we talked in this course about resources in our society that will assist people that have served in the way. Certain things like VA hospitals and helping them deal with their past trauma. The fourth resource that I took away from this course is learning about the multiple career counseling theories; this will assist in my communication and helping with my client as it relates to their future goals. The fourth fact that I learned from this course is the importance of self– care and making sure every day you are taking good care of yourself to function adequately in general. The fifth fact I took away from this course is how journaling is vital when it comes to ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. My Future Career : Project Management My Future Career in Project Management Project management takes the form of many job positions and roles within a job force. Project management to some, means a person who manages a project. This is a very broad title. Project managers can manage a project that covers a new program release, an implementation of a new method, or the creation of a physical product for a customer. For me, project management is taking a task from start to finish, with the goals of the customer in mind. Three roles that I would be interested in accepting would be a Retail Construction Project manager, Construction Project Manager, or Project Manager for Space planning. The role of a Retail Construction Project Manager is one that is very hectic, in a fast paced environment. The duties include being responsible for supporting a new store from construction through grand opening. This includes delivering the new store on schedule, under budget, all while maintaining the highest level of quality that can be delivered. This field is currently the field I work in at the present time. The experience I hold, as of now, has been learned in the field. This role is in high demand, as the amount of retail chain establishments is increasing rapidly. These locations will need renovations and up keep, so this leaves a high demand for this type of job. This role is found within the retail and construction industries. You can work for either a construction company who specializes in retail establishments or for ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Career Research Project : Career Project Career Research Project When I was young I wanted to become a teacher; however, that all changed throughout the years. What had motivated me to become a teacher was all the supplies they had like the whiteboards, the markers, and the construction paper. It seemed fun and interesting to me to have all the supplies. I no longer wish to become a teacher. As I grew older I realized that I wanted to do something that has me going to places, seeing new things, speaking with diverse individuals, and for that reason I chose to be involved in Real estate. Real estate is a wide–ranging field. It consists of different types of jobs which are: advertising sales agents, appraisers and assessor of real estate, financial analyst, market analyst, mortgage loan officer/ lender, investment adviser, Insurance agent/broker, real estate broker and plenty more. An advertising sales agent is one who sells advertising space to businesses and individuals. They work in variety of industries, which include radio, television, advertising agencies, and internet publishing. Appraiser and assessors estimate the value of land and buildings on the land generally before it's sold, taxed, developed, mortgaged, or developed. Financial analyst supply guidance to businesses and individuals making investment decisions like the performance the function of stocks, bonds and other things. Market Analyst determine what products a company must generate and in what ways they should sell them. A mortgage loan ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Art Career Project: A Career As A Photographer Art Career Project Self employed landscape photographer. Duties; An amateur photographer may take photographs for pleasure and to record an event, emotion, place, as a person without a monetary motivation. Photographers typically do the following: –Market and advertise services to attract clients –Analyze and decide how to compose a subject –Use various photographic techniques and equipment –Capture subjects in commercial–quality photographs –Enhance the subject's appearance with natural or artificial light –Use photo enhancing software –Maintain a digital portfolio, often on a website, to demonstrate work 2.) Salary Range; A Photographer in Toronto, Ontario earns an average wage of C$20.34 per hour. Salary C$24,730 – C$90,300 Total ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Examples Of Mistakes To Avoid While Making Career Change Mistakes to avoid while making career change A career is a long journey. During the career you have to go through many ups and downs which many bring undesired situations and you have to find solutions to it. A person becomes expert in that career if pursued for long time due to experiences he or she gets. A career change is a major milestone in the path of career. You may move to complete random path of career after career change, if followed in wrong direction. Your expertise level is lost and you learn new skills which are completely different from your earlier career. Hence few mistakes are to be necessarily avoided while switching to new career. Some of the mistakes you must not do while career change decision are. Making career ... Show more content on ... While working you may find a friend ,college or a mentor who will often advice you for changing a certain career. Even your family may follow such a person. But be careful, changing career mere because of external advice should be strictly avoided. This may help you temporarily but can make you unhappy eventually. Making career change solely because of money benefits Money benefit can be a reason for career change. But changing career only for money benefits has to be avoided. Since as you earn more money your expenditure may grow. You may be required to work in pressure and this may develop stress. Gradually this may make you spend for stress relieving treatments and even make you physically ill . Making career change without planning Planning is necessary for career change. You need to spend time for self assessment ,training, etc before career change. If you do not plan for these activities you cannot succeed in your career change . Because as you move in the new career you may start finding that you lack in the traits needed for that career or sometimes you may find you do not have proper coaching for pursuing your new ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Statement of Purpose for Education Leading to a Career as... STATEMENT OF PURPOSE "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" – Eleanor Roosevelt I believe it is the combination of knowledge, leadership skills and certitude that will help bridge the gap between dreams and reality. It is my aspiration to lead a successful construction–based firm and to be a one of the top entrepreneurs of my country. Without proper intellectual and practical skills and their suitable implementation, it is difficult to achieve such a high profile position. My pursuit for the above encouraged me to apply to the Construction Engineering and Management program. My decision to opt for Civil Engineering was result of my desire to contribute something advantageous to the society since Civil Engineering directly has an impact on every individual's life as well as all things, living or non–living, around them and it provides most practicable and real–time approach to tackling nature as well as human problems. Further, it plays a very crucial role in the infrastructural development of a country. I had high academic profile in the course of my schooling. A year after opting Civil Engineering in M.J. College of Engineering and Technology, I realized the importance of two major aspects of study– practicality of knowledge and work skill. Since then, the former aspect was explored by reinforcing my theoretical knowledge with the help of frequent visits to construction sites in my country as well as in Middle East. ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Speech On Luck "The harder I work, the luckier I get." We've all heard stories about people who seemed to be the recipients (deserving or not) of incredible luck. They were at a party and heard cocktail chatter about a fantastic job opportunity. They fortuitously knew a guy who knew a guy, etc. The first century Roman philosopher Seneca said, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." A lot of folks have echoed that sentiment over the millennia. Luck favors those who don't depend upon it. Sure, some things are mostly about luck. Las Vegas comes to mind. But mostly, we must make our own luck by taking advantage of every opportunity we recognize or create. If you think you're lucky, you'll be lucky. The lucky guy who heard about the dream job at the party may have been lucky because he ... Show more content on ... You're in a job or that's disappearing. Technology, automation or a reduction in forces are eliminating thousands of military jobs. Your skills may have become obsolete, or soon will. 4. You are bored. Your military job holds no meaning or gives no fulfillment. You have a pervasive sense of emptiness and discontent because work doesn't satisfy your fundamental desires or personal needs. 5. Your job is just a paycheck. You do your job well. You're successful at it, and you feel secure. But there is no upward advancement. The thought of doing this job for another 10 or 20 years is depressing. If any of the above describes you, then you need a Career Plan. The best thing about working on your Plan is that you begin to feel like you're taking control of your career and your future. As I mentioned earlier, one of the worst aspects of being either jobless or unhappy in your job is the sense that your life has spiraled out–of–control. Your Career Plan is the most effective way I know for you to get that control back. You might be thinking, "That sounds nice, Phil, but I need a job, like, yesterday. I don't have the luxury of making a long–range plan. I've got to pay the rent next ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Student Success Course For College Final Culminating Paper In reviewing the many take–aways I have had from doing this student success course to hopefully become a well rounded student. The greatest take away was the strategies and tools I learned to help me succeed in life and in college as they were essential skills I lacked as a student. Helping me to build effective ways to get good grades in my other classes by building effective study habits then ineffective study habits I have been using previously. Thus I have improved in many ways than one in the many skills and strategies needed as a college student in order to succeed. Taking away how my values correlate to my major, Money management, time management and the steps needed in career and educational planning that ... Show more content on ... In doing this the necessary steps I need to take steps that steer close to my values and creates balance as I can not just attribute my career to the value of my education without my family and friends their to support me. My career comes from a strong sense of self and being respected due to them. Which pushes me to take the necessary steps to achieving my goal of being a veterinarian in pursuing my degree. In taking this course I was able to find my interest and an understanding of my values I never knew before in depth. As to why I hold these values important and how they attribute to my career as past reflections and discussions about my values in relation to career as they help guide me to do what I love with added benefits. Along with this we learned about money management, and how to live within our means as a student to avoid debt or have less debt than what has currently been predicted. As currently budgeting can make a difference for a student especially for my financial outlook. Being a college student tuition fluctuation continues to rise, budgeting can however lower and eliminate your financial debt you may fall into. Because of the amount of money required to spend on finances budgeting can help you manage this bump in the road. Having a monthly budget helps you with pre– planning so you can maintain a higher goal that is constantly evolving. Especially in your potential career in order to succeed in order ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Project Management : The Accumulated Benefits For My... Introduction The objective of this reflective essay is to present the knowledge I have learnd from the entire program of Mater Science in Project management, the accumulated benefits for my future career, and some valuable advices regarding the personal experience for students who are preparing for enrolling in this program. Career advancement "Project management is a growing filed used increasingly by businesses of all sizes" (Harbour). In other words, project management occupies a significant position during the development of the company. Without well designed and planned management, any entrepreneurs and organizations are unable to deliver good quality of products and service to customers within budget, schedule or other constrains based on the specification (Master of Science in Project Management, Par.1). With the long–term studying, I realized the Project Management embraces a great number of subjects, since it covers five management processes (initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing), ten different knowledge areas (quality, human resource, communication, etc.), and multiple processes that all finalizing the project completion (PMBOK, 2013). "Projects are the major tool for implementing and achieving the strategic goals of the organization" (Larson & Gary, 2014). Therefore, no matter what kind of business I will set foot in, this program ultimately offers lots of chances to improve my personal abilities that all as my future career ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Personal Statement : Personal Development Personal Development refers to accomplishments that improve self–knowledge and foster talents and potential, form employability, boost quality of life and contribute to the fulfillment of desires and dreams. Personal development is not limited to self–development but also embraces actions for developing others. As personal development takes place in the context of societies, it refers to the tools, techniques, and assessment methods that support human development at the individual level in organizations. Reflective leadership is a way of approaching the work of being a leader by leading one 's life with presence and personal mastery. Without self–awareness, I cannot understand my strengths and weakness. Sometimes, leaders greatest strengths may become their greatest liabilities. Their personal characteristics and behavior forms may adversely influence how others perceive them. Reflective Leaders are sometimes considered reserved or even indifferent which results in feeling undervalued, misunderstood, ignored, and not acknowledged for their contributions. To maximize my most valuable asset and to be a more impactful leader in my future career, I need to make a positive impact and be a role model for others through understanding of my core values and blind spots of my personality or what I call them my strength and weaknesses. Knowing my personal strengths can also aid a lot in picking the right career or making good decisions in my future career. The simple fact is that if I ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Career Counseling Plan For Katie Golanski This paper is a career counseling plan for Katie Golanski and examines her current skills, potential and as well as future goals. Several assessments will be examined and applied to this plan, such as the Kuder scale, and Meyers Brigg. Specific career counseling theories will also be applied to the output. Finally, recommendations for Katie will be made to best utilize her assets. Katie is a twenty– three year single Caucasian female with a bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology– Criminology from William Penn University. At present she is attending Lindenwood University working towards her masters in School Counseling. She is passionate about basketball and currently works as a GA, coaching women's basketball at Lindenwood. Her future career plans are to work as a basketball coach and a school counselor, combining two of her passions. Courses that have been enjoyed the most include psychology, she is fascinated by the ways the brain functions. Least favorite courses have been math and science. The most relevant courses have been Life Span Psychology, Intro to Counseling, Experimental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology and Health Psychology. Past projects that are relevant include a Psychology Practicum paper and a Sociology Practicum Paper. As a child she thought of pursuing a career as a vet, which relates to her desire to care for things other than herself. Katie's passion for basketball and athletics has been present since her ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Case Study Of KBR KBR Facts Operating in more than 40 countries, KBR is a highly–reputed company which facilitates high–tech engineering, infrastructure and construction services. In 1998, KBR was established with the merger of a top–notch engineering organization M.W.Kellog and the leading construction firm Brown and Root Engineering. In 2006 KBR was crowned with success after getting itself separated from Halliburton, the parent company of Brown and Root Engineering. Today, KBR is considered as a foremost company focuses on EPC i.e. Engineering, Procurement and Construction. It has employed more than 25,800 employees serving in more than 80 countries. Being a company with diversified corporate culture KBR welcomes workforce from all the origins. KBR careers offer ... Show more content on ... The company enables its workforce to find a fine balance between professional and personal obligations. Competitive salaries are being offered to ensure the financial stability of the associates. It provides financial security along with the health and career development facilities to the employees. Pithily, KBR job is a key to professional and personal development and success. Here is a slight overview of wide range of benefits offered by KBR: · 401(k) up to 6% of your salary · Health facilities include disability insurance, life insurance, vision insurance, dental insurance · Family and Parenting benefits comprise work from home, childcare, maternity and paternity leave, unpaid extended leave, flexible hours. · The financial services of KBR range from pension plan, an extensive retire plan, stock options to performance bonuses. · Sick and Bereavement leaves are facilitated along with the paid time ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. My Goal Of Becoming An Artist Futures I craved in the past were nothing compared to my goal of becoming an artist. It was the dream I never considered to continue into a career because of stereotypes such as, "Few people make enough money from art to sustain themselves." I have experienced countless lessons in my life, but this is the most important one I developed on my own. I am excited and exceedingly proud of my journey to find that belief, the way I discovered it, and what this realization means to me. I believe what you are meant to do in life is what you love most. I have always wanted to be successful, and the drive that pushes me to constantly give my best effort has not dulled.The careers that I wanted to peruse in the past consisted of being a veterinarian, a teacher, an astronomer, an entrepreneur, and a lawyer. I had specific reasons for choosing these careers, but like most occupations that young children choose to pursue, my choices were not what I was truly passionate about. There were also many factors those jobs involved that would make me unhappy, such as being a vet often requires performing surgery and performing vaccinations. It was also based on what my mindset was at the time, for example, how I convinced myself that I was destined to be a lawyer for the sole reason that I was a 'gifted argurer,' which was the equivalent of a moody pre– teen. Throughout the entirety of these phases, I created and progressed in art regularly, and I loved it. Furthermore I had talent, and to my ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. A Woman at a Crossroads A Woman at a Crossroads Career development plans are essential in a client's career development. The plan incorporates all the tools and skills of a career counselor to aid the client in a framework fitting for the client's background. The responsibility of the career counselor is to address the issues of the client's satisfaction in their career and identifying their needs, wants, capacity, and challenges. In doing so the career counselor creates goals to build an action plan. Assisting clients in who they are as a person and what their career goals are is an essential in establishing a working alliance in career counseling. This paper will display the draft of the final project in case of Alaina. Alaina The information I would obtain ... Show more content on ... She also coached tennis in high school. She even thought about being a sports writer for tennis events. She is involved in the Catholic Church. She thinks herself to be ambitious in professional, but dedicated and compassionate. She has mild depression that is chronic and has participated in counseling twice in eight years. Once from her cousins suicide and the second for couples counseling. They had fifteen sessions to deal with her husband's alcoholism and anger. It made her marriage better and her husband supports the change in career. She is on 20 mg of fluoxetine that keeps her mood stable. She is unhappy that she doesn't get excited or overly happy. In the last two weeks she has been anxious, waking earlier, and when she does feeling mild dread. She sees her family doctor in two weeks for poor sleeping. Alaina has been thinking of going back to school and her friend suggested being a school psychologist. Alaina thinks going to school would be tough. She also think school psychologists only put children in special education. She likes to cook, play poker, work in gardens, and physical fitness. Alaina considered the options of being an editorial assistant for a publisher, technical writer, or working with adults in recreation planning. She also thought of being a dietitian because of how much work she puts into her diet and her family. Motivation for Counseling Clients can seek counseling any time, but there ... Get more on ...