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DOH 121- DBA
        Dentinogenesis is the formation of dentin by the odontoblasts. It begins at late
bell stage. The presence of preameloblast will induce the peripheral cells of the dental
papilla to differentiate. This peripheral cells are star-shaped, have rounded nuclei and
have small cytoplasmic volume. Their nuclei gradually migrate toward the cell pole. They
will now change in shape and become short columnar cells. They move closer together at
the periphery of the papilla. This is now the preodontoblasts, which are columnar cells
which exhibit also short cytoplasmic processes on their distal poles.

       The membranapreformativa, (basal lamina) the basement membrane between
the preameloblast and dental papilla, will thicken. The outer side of the wavy basal
lamina follows the cytoplasmicmembrance of the preameloblast, while the inner side
lines against the fibrillar material. The wavy basal lamina will determine the later
contour of the dentino-enamel junction.

   The Terminal Bar Apparatus, formed at the distal pole, keeps the individual
preodontoblasts in contact with one another and seal off the intercellular spaces. As it
moves towards the center, towards the pulp, it will become a highly specialized cell,
Odontoblasts, now a slender columnar cell with thick cytoplasmic processes called
odontoblastic processes.

       High RNA content and marked oxidative and hydrolytic enzyme activity
       The cells will have well-developed endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus with
       numerous mitochondria, with many vascular structure and well-developed
       microtubular system
       Odontoblast changes from oval to columnar, length is 40µm, width is 7µm

The first dentin formed is at the incisal or cusp area of the tooth that progresses in a
rootward direction.

Production of collagen by the cellular elements of the sub-odontoblast layer:

       The collagen molecules link together extracellulary so that distinct fiber bundles,
       fibers of von Korff (Alpha Fibers), appear to spiral between the odontoblast and
       are described as ‘fanning out’ against the basement of the lamina of the internal
       enamel epithelium where they form the organic matrix of the first formed dentin
           o This fibers contain type III collagen associated initially by fibronectin
           o With the formation of the von Korff fibers, the odontoblasts and sub-
              odontoblast cells move away from the basement membrane.
           o The odontoblast leave behind one or more slender cytoplasmic
              odontoblast processes.
           o Initially, daily increment is 4µm per day
While the collagen fibers are being formed, the ground substance of the dentin
matrix may either be contributed by acid mucopolysaccharide (noncollagen elements
such as phosphoprotein and other glycoaminoglycan like chondroitin sulfate) from the
dental papilla which becomes progressively smaller with continued dentin formation or
alternatively, and more likely, be secreted by the Beta Fibrils by the Odontoblast.

       The von Korff fibers and ground substance form the organic matrix of the dentin
which, in its non-mineralized state, is termed predentin.

       Mineralization of the mantle dentin is thought to be initiated by matrix vesicles.
These membrane bound organelles are budded off from the odontoblast. They contain a
variety of enzyme (including alkaline phosphatise) and other molecules that lead to the
formation of the first mineral crystals of hydroxyapatite within the vesicles. The crystals
then break out of the vesicles and subsequent mineralization of the remainder of the
dentin occurs without the presence of matrix vesicles. Similar matrix vesicles have been
implicated in the initial mineralization of bone and calcified cartilage.

       Once the initial thin layer of mantle dentin has formed collagen fibrils that is
being formed will be oriented parallel to the dentino-enamel junction. This is the
formation of the circumpulpal dentin. When the predentin reaches a thickness of about
10-20µm it attains a state of maturity that will allow it to mineralize. The fully
differentiated odontoblast continue moving pulpward, trailing out an odontoblast
process around which the odontoblast continues to secrete the predentin associated
with circumpulpal dentin.
Higher power showing the first formed mantle dentin stained red, adjacent to pre-

Active dentinogenesis. Note pulp on the left and odontoblast layer at the periphery of the
pulp, the pale predentin layer with mineralized dentin beyond. Note the mineralisation
front with calcospherites between predentin and dentin. There is a trace of enamel at top
Higher power of dentinogenesis. Dentin with tubules at right; note the
mineralization front with calcospherites. Observe the odontoblasts with processes
passing through the predentin into dentin. Note capillaries in the odontoblast layer.

      This section shows dentin forming on the left and enamel forming on the right.
The amelodentinal junction separates the dark purple enamel on the right from the light
purple dentin on the left. Notice the ameloblast layer immediately to the right of the
Higher power of dentin, pulp, odontoblasts, calcospherites, predentin.

Root dentin formation

       Formation of dentin in the root portion is the same as that of the crown, with few
differences. These are the following
          1. Differentiation of odontoblast in the root portion is due to the presence of
              Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath.
          2. The epithelial root sheath does not deferentiate and remains only as
              cuboidal cells.
          3. Initially, the migrating odontoblast (pulpward) does not trail behind a

       Hyaline layer
       • A thin, initial, organic predentin layer in root dentin that will mineralize.
       • Continuous with the mantle dentin of the crown.
       • nontubular , structurless band which appears whitish in color.

       Granular layer of Tomes

              Following the formation of the hyaline layer, the migrating odontoblasts
          trail behind their odontoblasticprocesss. These branch, loop and appear
dilated and, when the dentin matrix around them become mineralized, give
   rise to granular layer beneath the hyaline cartilage

                           A: Granular layer of Tomes
                       B: Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath
                                C: Hyaline layer

Interglobular dentin
       There are two distinct patterns of dentin that can occur: a linear or a
spherical (calcospherite) pattern.
       *In calcospherites, the crystallites are arranged in a radial pattern and,
despite complete mineralization of dentin, this pattern still be discerned using
polarized light. Failure of calcospherites to fuse may result in the appearance of
interglobular dentin, representing small regions of unmineralized matrix.

                        Globules of Calcospherites
Dentinal tubules
      • S shaped or straight canal that contains the odontoblastic process
      • In the formation of the odontoblastic process curvatures may arise. These
          curvatures are due to the following:
          a) Primary curvature results from the oscillation of the odontoblast which
             arises from their crowding as the volume of the pulp decreases (coronal
b) Secondary curvatures are hypothesized to be a result of the inequality of
   the distance moved by the odontoblast and formed length of odontoblast
   process in unit time. It is said that in unit time the formed length of the
   odontoblast process is greater than the distance moved by the odontoblast
   towards the papilla (apical direction).
2 products of odontoblast
   A. Peritubular dentin
              Little is known about the genesis of peritubular dentin. Scientist believes
      that it is form due to the presence of microtubules and vesicle in odontoblastic
      process. Such structures in the odontoblastic process explain how peritubular
      dentin is formed within the depths of already formed dentin. By these structures
      the materials synthesized by the body of the odontoblast could pass to the site of
      peritubular dentin formation.

   B. Intertubular dentin
             It is the primary secretory product of the odontoblast between dentinal
      tubules. Not like the peritubular dentine, intertubular dentin consists of Type I
      collagen fibers.
Secondary dentin
       Secondary dentin is formed by the same odontoblast that formed the primary
dentin, and is laid down as a continuation of the primary dentin after root formation. It is
formed the same way as primary dentin but at a much slower pace. Secondary dentin is
easily distinguished from primary dentin due to its changed in direction and also by the
presence of the demarcation line between the secondary dentin and primary dentin.

Tertiary dentin
       It is a dentin that is deposited at specific sites in response to injury or trauma. Its
formation depends on the degree of the injury; the more severe the injury, the more
rapid the rate of dentin deposition. Because of the rapid deposition tubular patterns are
       *tertiary dentin is poor in collagen and enriched in noncollagenous matrix
proteins such as sialoprotein and osteopontin
Incremental lines
The rate of dentin formation varies, producing incremental lines. These are the
    a) A diurnal rhythm of formation produces short-period lines approximately 4µm
       apart (von Ebner lines), resulting from slight differences in composition or
       orientation of dentin matrix.
b) Contour lines of Owen
         It is the result from coincidence of the secondary curvatures between
         neighboring dentinal tubules.
Root Formation
Root formation occurs after the crown has completely formed and shaped. Therefore,
tooth begins to form from crown to root. It involves interactions between the Enamel
organ, Dental papilla and Dental Sac.

A. Enamel Organ
B. Dental Papilla
C. Dental Sac / Follicle

       The cervical loop, derived from the region of the enamel organ, has external and
internal enamel epithelia begins to grow down into the dental sac forming a double
layered epithelial root sheath (Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath). Epithelial root sheath
proliferates apically to shape the future root except at the basal portion of the pulp
which will serve as the apical foramen. As it proliferates it will enclose the dental papilla.
The mesenchymal cells of the dental follicle which lies external to the root sheath
will differentiate into cementoblast that deposit cementum on the developing root, to
the fibroblast of the developing periodontal ligament and possibly to the osteoblasts of
the developing alveolar bone.

Formation of Periodontal Ligament
      Formation of the periodontal ligament occurs after the cells of the Hertwig’s
epithelial root sheath have separated, forming the known as the epithelial rest of

        This separation permits the cells of the dental follicle to migrate to the external
surface of the newly formed root dentin. Other cells of the dental follicle will
differentiate into fibroblast. Fibroblast will make the fibers and ground substances of
the periodontal ligamnet by secreting collagen. The fibers will then be embedded in the
surface of newly developed adjacent cementum and alveolar bone. The attachment of
the periodontal ligament fibers in the cementum and alveolar bone holds the tooth
securely in the socket . As the tooth errupts , the periodontal ligament fibers are
reoriented. The different orientations are alveolar crest group, oblique fiber group,
apical fiber group,horizontal fiber group and interradicular fiber group. The orientation
of the fibers is due to the occlusion with the opposing tooth.
The five fiber groups of periodontal ligament:

                           This diagram shows the location of some of the principal
                           fibers of the periodontal ligament.

                           AC: alveolar crest fibers; H: horizontal fibers; OBL:
                           oblique fibers; PA: periapical fibers; IR: Interradicular

1. Interradicular fiber group
2. Apical Group

3. Oblique fiber group
4. Horizontal fiber group

5. Alveolar crest group

       Cementogenesis is the formation of primary (acellular) cementum and the
secondary (cellular) cementum. The process begins at the cervical loop and extends
apically as the root grows downwards. It begins shortly after the fragmentation of
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. Figure 2 below shows the cervical root area with the
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath and its extended diaphragm that will out line the root
(figure 1)                                     (figure 2)

 Fragmentation of root sheath permits penetration of the connective tissue cells of the
follicle so that they come to lie between the remnants of the root sheath and the surface
of the newly formed root. Figure 3 below shows the fragmentation/disintegration of
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. Figure 4 below shows the penetration of connective cells.

(figure 3)                                  (figure 4)

 The ectomesenchymal cells of the follicle after penetration the root sheath differentiate
into cement-forming cells or cementoblast. Present in these cells are numerous
mitochondria, a roughed surface endoplasmic reticulum, and a prominent Golgi complex.
The factor responsible for cementoblast differentiation is unknown.

(figure 5)
The fibrous connective tissue in contact of the roots contributes to the first
formed cement matrix. When sufficient organic matrix has been formed it becomes
mineralized. As matrix formation proceeds, the cement-forming cells can be
incorporated within the developing cement where they become cementocytes, or may
remain on the surface of the forming cement as more rounded cells lacking processes.
Two types of cement are then recognized, cellular and acellularcementum. Cementocytes
are characterized by processes radiating towards the periodontal ligament and their
cytoplasm shows a drastic reduction in the number of organelles when compared to

       After eruption of the tooth the fibers of the periodontal ligament lie oblique to the
root surface and it is obvious that they must be incorporated within the cement,
otherwise no attachment would be made. Figure 6 shows the incorporation of cementum
and periodontal ligament.

       (figure 6)

        Once incorporated within the cellular cement they become fully mineralized and
indistinguishable from the few other fibers of cement matrix. Acellular cement serves
the purpose of anchoring the tooth in the alveolus and explains why it is found applied to
the coronal two-thirds of the root. Cellular cementum, in the other hand, has only few
collagen content derived from Sharpeyfibres.

      (figure 7)                               (figure 8)

                                                      (figure 9)
Histogenesis of the Pulp

                                                         The central cells of the dental
                                                 papilla, which is ectomesenchymal in
                                                 origin, gives rise to the pulp.
                       Dental Papilla
                                                         Tooth pulp, or simply, pulp was
                                                 initially called the dental papilla. It is only
                                                 designated as “pulp” only after dentin
                                                 forms around it. The transformation of
                                                 papilla to pulp only occurs after the
                                                 formation of primary dentin, the innermost
                                                 layer     of
dentin matrix, encloses the pulp cavity.

       It is the area of the proliferating future papilla
that causes the oral epithelium to invaginate and form
the enamel organ in the earliest stages of tooth
development. These enlarge to enclose the dental papilla
on the center portion of the developing tooth.

       The development of the dental pulp begins at
about the eighth week of embryonic life. Soon thereafter              Dentin
the more posterior tooth organs begin differentiating.
The dental papilla is a well-vascularized and organized network of vessels, which appear
by the time dentin formation, begins. Capillaries crowd among the odontoblasts in the
period of active dentinogenesis.

       The cells of the dental papilla appear as undifferentiated mesenchymal cells.
These cells will differentiate into stellate shaped fibroblasts. After which, the odontoblast
then differentiates from the peripheral cells of the dental papilla. As this occurs, it is no
longer called dental papilla; instead, it is now designated as the pulp organ. Fibroblasts
and mesenchymal cells will have a decrease in concentration during the transition of
papilla into pulp. And there will be an increase in collagen fibers. Fibroblasts came from
the undifferentiated mesenchymal cell of the papilla. Some of the original mesenchymal
cells remain in mature pulpal tissue as undifferentiated cells. These will form a reservoir
                                                          of cells, which can be used in a later
                                                          time to replace odontoblasts.

                                                                  Nerves and blood vessels in
                                                          the dental papilla begin to form the
                                                          primitive dental pulp.

                                                                  Once nerve fibers start to go
                                                          near the cap stage of the developing
                                                          tooth, and grow toward the dental
                                                          follicle. The nerves will then, develop
                                                          around the tooth bud and enter the
   1= dentin                  4= cell-rich zone
                                                          dental papilla when dentin formation
   2=predentin                5= blood vessels (nerves,
                              and veins are not seen      has already begun. These nerves never
   3= odontoblastic zone      here)                       proliferate the enamel organ.
       Blood vessels is derived from the dental follicle and will enter the dental papilla during
       cap stage. The number of blood vessels reaches a maximum at the beginning of the crown
       stage, and the dental papilla eventually forms in the pulp of a tooth.

Bone ossification
       Ossification means bone formation. Bone is a hard, dense, calcified connective
tissue that forms most of the skeleton of most vertebrae. It can be formed by two ways:

       Intramembranous ossification
       Endochondral ossification
For both processes, bone tissue that appears first is primary, or immature bone. It is
a temporary tissue and will soon be replaced by lamellar, or secondary bone.
Remodeling of bones does not only occur in growing bones, but also throughout adult
life, although its rate of change is slower.


                                                             ossification takes place within
                                                             condensation of connective
                                                             tissues, such as mesenchymal
                                                             tissues.   Formation   of   flat
                                                             bones is derived from this
                                                             process.   Examples    of   flat
                                                             bones are the bones of the
                                                             skull, such as the parietal
bone, temporal bone, frontal bone, the mandible, maxilla, and occipital bone.

   Mesenchymal              cells
differentiate into osteoblasts.
These clusters of osteoblasts
form an ossification center
that       secretes       organic
extracellular   matrix,    called

   These mesenchymal cells
usually group together near
or around the blood vessels, and differentiate into osteogenic cells, which deposit bone
matrix. These aggregates of bony matrix are called bone spicules. The spicules will trap
osteoblasts in a lacuna, and will eventually differentiate into osteocytes.
As the bony spicules continue to grow, they fuse with adjacent spicules to form the
trabeculae, forming the spongy bone. The appearance of the trabeculae is the first sign of
bone formation. Trabeculae is the anastomosing bony spicules in cancellous or spongy
                                                        bone which form a meshwork of
                                                        intercommunicating spaces that
                                                        are filled with bone marrow.
                                                        These trabeculae will connect to
                                                        form the compact bone.

                                                        ossification begins at about the
                                                        eighth week in the human


ossification, cartilage is
present             during
ossification. It is also
an essential process
during                  the
rudimentary formation
of   long      bones,   the
growth of the length of
long bones, and the
natural healing of bone

   The first site of ossification occurs in the primary center of ossification, located in the
middle of the diaphysis. The first that will happen is the formation of the periosteum.
The perichondrium becomes the periosteum. This periosteum contains a layer of
undifferentiated cells, called osteoprogenitorcells, that will later transform into
osteoblasts. Formation of the bone collar. The osteoblasts will secrete osteoid against the
shaft of the cartilage model, which will serve as support for the new bone. Calcification of
matrix.Chondrocytes in the primary center of ossification begin to grow. Then the
calcification of the matrix occurs and apoptosis of the hypertrophic chondrocytes occur.
This will create cavities within the bone. Invasion of periosteal bud.Blood vessels will
sprout from the Osperichondrium before the chondrocytes undergo apoptosis. These
will form the periosteal bud and invade the cavity left by the chondrocytes. These blood
vessels carry hemopoietic cells, which will later on form the bone marrow, and
osteoprogenitor cells inside the cavity.Formation of trabeculae.Osteoblasts use the
calcified matrix as a scaffold and begin to secrete osteoid, forming the bone trabecula.
Osteoclasts, formed from macrophages, break down spongy bone to form the medullary


   Secondary ossification appears
in each end, epiphysis, of long
bones. The cartilage between the
primary       and        secondary
ossification center is called the
epiphyseal plate, and continues to
form new cartilage, which is
replaced by bone, which results in
an increase in length of the bone.
The point of union of the primary
and secondary ossification centers is called the epiphyseal line.
During endochondral ossification, five distinct zones can be seen:

                                                    1.      Zone of resting cartilage. This
                                           zone    contains       normal,        resting   hyaline
                                                    2.      Zone        of           proliferation.
                                           Chondrocytes in this zone undergo rapid
                                           mitosis, forming distinctive looking stacks.
                                                    3.      Zone            of         maturation
                                           Chondrocytes undergo hypertrophy (become
                                                    4.      Zone        of           calcification.
                                           Chondrocytes are either dying or dead, leaving
                                           cavities that will later become invaded by
                                           bone-forming cells, osteoblasts.
                                                    5.      Zone        of            ossification.
                                           Osteoprogenitor cells invade the area and
                                           differentiate into osteoblasts, which elaborate
                                           matrix that becomes calcified on the surface of
                                           calcified cartilage.

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  • 1. HISTOGENESIS OF THE TOOTH TISSUES Brillante, Charmagne Busto, Treblig Cambe, Estephanie De Leon, Janine De Los Santos, Andrea Laura Macainag, Mary Louisse Christine DOH 121- DBA
  • 2. Dentinogenesis Dentinogenesis is the formation of dentin by the odontoblasts. It begins at late bell stage. The presence of preameloblast will induce the peripheral cells of the dental papilla to differentiate. This peripheral cells are star-shaped, have rounded nuclei and have small cytoplasmic volume. Their nuclei gradually migrate toward the cell pole. They will now change in shape and become short columnar cells. They move closer together at the periphery of the papilla. This is now the preodontoblasts, which are columnar cells which exhibit also short cytoplasmic processes on their distal poles. The membranapreformativa, (basal lamina) the basement membrane between the preameloblast and dental papilla, will thicken. The outer side of the wavy basal lamina follows the cytoplasmicmembrance of the preameloblast, while the inner side lines against the fibrillar material. The wavy basal lamina will determine the later contour of the dentino-enamel junction. The Terminal Bar Apparatus, formed at the distal pole, keeps the individual preodontoblasts in contact with one another and seal off the intercellular spaces. As it moves towards the center, towards the pulp, it will become a highly specialized cell, Odontoblasts, now a slender columnar cell with thick cytoplasmic processes called odontoblastic processes. High RNA content and marked oxidative and hydrolytic enzyme activity The cells will have well-developed endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus with numerous mitochondria, with many vascular structure and well-developed microtubular system Odontoblast changes from oval to columnar, length is 40µm, width is 7µm The first dentin formed is at the incisal or cusp area of the tooth that progresses in a rootward direction. Production of collagen by the cellular elements of the sub-odontoblast layer: The collagen molecules link together extracellulary so that distinct fiber bundles, fibers of von Korff (Alpha Fibers), appear to spiral between the odontoblast and are described as ‘fanning out’ against the basement of the lamina of the internal enamel epithelium where they form the organic matrix of the first formed dentin o This fibers contain type III collagen associated initially by fibronectin o With the formation of the von Korff fibers, the odontoblasts and sub- odontoblast cells move away from the basement membrane. o The odontoblast leave behind one or more slender cytoplasmic odontoblast processes. o Initially, daily increment is 4µm per day
  • 3. While the collagen fibers are being formed, the ground substance of the dentin matrix may either be contributed by acid mucopolysaccharide (noncollagen elements such as phosphoprotein and other glycoaminoglycan like chondroitin sulfate) from the dental papilla which becomes progressively smaller with continued dentin formation or alternatively, and more likely, be secreted by the Beta Fibrils by the Odontoblast. The von Korff fibers and ground substance form the organic matrix of the dentin which, in its non-mineralized state, is termed predentin. Mineralization of the mantle dentin is thought to be initiated by matrix vesicles. These membrane bound organelles are budded off from the odontoblast. They contain a variety of enzyme (including alkaline phosphatise) and other molecules that lead to the formation of the first mineral crystals of hydroxyapatite within the vesicles. The crystals then break out of the vesicles and subsequent mineralization of the remainder of the dentin occurs without the presence of matrix vesicles. Similar matrix vesicles have been implicated in the initial mineralization of bone and calcified cartilage. Once the initial thin layer of mantle dentin has formed collagen fibrils that is being formed will be oriented parallel to the dentino-enamel junction. This is the formation of the circumpulpal dentin. When the predentin reaches a thickness of about 10-20µm it attains a state of maturity that will allow it to mineralize. The fully differentiated odontoblast continue moving pulpward, trailing out an odontoblast process around which the odontoblast continues to secrete the predentin associated with circumpulpal dentin.
  • 4. Higher power showing the first formed mantle dentin stained red, adjacent to pre- odontoblasts. Active dentinogenesis. Note pulp on the left and odontoblast layer at the periphery of the pulp, the pale predentin layer with mineralized dentin beyond. Note the mineralisation front with calcospherites between predentin and dentin. There is a trace of enamel at top right.
  • 5. Higher power of dentinogenesis. Dentin with tubules at right; note the mineralization front with calcospherites. Observe the odontoblasts with processes passing through the predentin into dentin. Note capillaries in the odontoblast layer. This section shows dentin forming on the left and enamel forming on the right. The amelodentinal junction separates the dark purple enamel on the right from the light purple dentin on the left. Notice the ameloblast layer immediately to the right of the enamel.
  • 6. Higher power of dentin, pulp, odontoblasts, calcospherites, predentin. Root dentin formation Formation of dentin in the root portion is the same as that of the crown, with few differences. These are the following 1. Differentiation of odontoblast in the root portion is due to the presence of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. 2. The epithelial root sheath does not deferentiate and remains only as cuboidal cells. 3. Initially, the migrating odontoblast (pulpward) does not trail behind a process. Hyaline layer • A thin, initial, organic predentin layer in root dentin that will mineralize. • Continuous with the mantle dentin of the crown. • nontubular , structurless band which appears whitish in color. Granular layer of Tomes Following the formation of the hyaline layer, the migrating odontoblasts trail behind their odontoblasticprocesss. These branch, loop and appear
  • 7. dilated and, when the dentin matrix around them become mineralized, give rise to granular layer beneath the hyaline cartilage A: Granular layer of Tomes B: Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath C: Hyaline layer Interglobular dentin There are two distinct patterns of dentin that can occur: a linear or a spherical (calcospherite) pattern. *In calcospherites, the crystallites are arranged in a radial pattern and, despite complete mineralization of dentin, this pattern still be discerned using polarized light. Failure of calcospherites to fuse may result in the appearance of interglobular dentin, representing small regions of unmineralized matrix. Globules of Calcospherites
  • 8. Dentinal tubules • S shaped or straight canal that contains the odontoblastic process • In the formation of the odontoblastic process curvatures may arise. These curvatures are due to the following: a) Primary curvature results from the oscillation of the odontoblast which arises from their crowding as the volume of the pulp decreases (coronal direction).
  • 9. b) Secondary curvatures are hypothesized to be a result of the inequality of the distance moved by the odontoblast and formed length of odontoblast process in unit time. It is said that in unit time the formed length of the odontoblast process is greater than the distance moved by the odontoblast towards the papilla (apical direction).
  • 10. 2 products of odontoblast A. Peritubular dentin Little is known about the genesis of peritubular dentin. Scientist believes that it is form due to the presence of microtubules and vesicle in odontoblastic process. Such structures in the odontoblastic process explain how peritubular dentin is formed within the depths of already formed dentin. By these structures the materials synthesized by the body of the odontoblast could pass to the site of peritubular dentin formation. B. Intertubular dentin It is the primary secretory product of the odontoblast between dentinal tubules. Not like the peritubular dentine, intertubular dentin consists of Type I collagen fibers.
  • 11. Secondary dentin Secondary dentin is formed by the same odontoblast that formed the primary dentin, and is laid down as a continuation of the primary dentin after root formation. It is formed the same way as primary dentin but at a much slower pace. Secondary dentin is easily distinguished from primary dentin due to its changed in direction and also by the presence of the demarcation line between the secondary dentin and primary dentin. Tertiary dentin It is a dentin that is deposited at specific sites in response to injury or trauma. Its formation depends on the degree of the injury; the more severe the injury, the more rapid the rate of dentin deposition. Because of the rapid deposition tubular patterns are distorted. *tertiary dentin is poor in collagen and enriched in noncollagenous matrix proteins such as sialoprotein and osteopontin
  • 12. Incremental lines The rate of dentin formation varies, producing incremental lines. These are the following: a) A diurnal rhythm of formation produces short-period lines approximately 4µm apart (von Ebner lines), resulting from slight differences in composition or orientation of dentin matrix.
  • 13. b) Contour lines of Owen It is the result from coincidence of the secondary curvatures between neighboring dentinal tubules.
  • 14. Root Formation Root formation occurs after the crown has completely formed and shaped. Therefore, tooth begins to form from crown to root. It involves interactions between the Enamel organ, Dental papilla and Dental Sac. A. Enamel Organ B. Dental Papilla C. Dental Sac / Follicle The cervical loop, derived from the region of the enamel organ, has external and internal enamel epithelia begins to grow down into the dental sac forming a double layered epithelial root sheath (Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath). Epithelial root sheath proliferates apically to shape the future root except at the basal portion of the pulp which will serve as the apical foramen. As it proliferates it will enclose the dental papilla.
  • 15. The mesenchymal cells of the dental follicle which lies external to the root sheath will differentiate into cementoblast that deposit cementum on the developing root, to the fibroblast of the developing periodontal ligament and possibly to the osteoblasts of the developing alveolar bone. Formation of Periodontal Ligament Formation of the periodontal ligament occurs after the cells of the Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath have separated, forming the known as the epithelial rest of Malassez. This separation permits the cells of the dental follicle to migrate to the external surface of the newly formed root dentin. Other cells of the dental follicle will differentiate into fibroblast. Fibroblast will make the fibers and ground substances of the periodontal ligamnet by secreting collagen. The fibers will then be embedded in the surface of newly developed adjacent cementum and alveolar bone. The attachment of the periodontal ligament fibers in the cementum and alveolar bone holds the tooth securely in the socket . As the tooth errupts , the periodontal ligament fibers are reoriented. The different orientations are alveolar crest group, oblique fiber group, apical fiber group,horizontal fiber group and interradicular fiber group. The orientation of the fibers is due to the occlusion with the opposing tooth.
  • 16. The five fiber groups of periodontal ligament: This diagram shows the location of some of the principal fibers of the periodontal ligament. AC: alveolar crest fibers; H: horizontal fibers; OBL: oblique fibers; PA: periapical fibers; IR: Interradicular fibers. 1. Interradicular fiber group
  • 17. 2. Apical Group 3. Oblique fiber group
  • 18. 4. Horizontal fiber group 5. Alveolar crest group Cementogenesis Cementogenesis is the formation of primary (acellular) cementum and the secondary (cellular) cementum. The process begins at the cervical loop and extends apically as the root grows downwards. It begins shortly after the fragmentation of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. Figure 2 below shows the cervical root area with the Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath and its extended diaphragm that will out line the root formation.
  • 19. (figure 1) (figure 2) Fragmentation of root sheath permits penetration of the connective tissue cells of the follicle so that they come to lie between the remnants of the root sheath and the surface of the newly formed root. Figure 3 below shows the fragmentation/disintegration of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. Figure 4 below shows the penetration of connective cells. (figure 3) (figure 4) The ectomesenchymal cells of the follicle after penetration the root sheath differentiate into cement-forming cells or cementoblast. Present in these cells are numerous mitochondria, a roughed surface endoplasmic reticulum, and a prominent Golgi complex. The factor responsible for cementoblast differentiation is unknown. (figure 5)
  • 20. The fibrous connective tissue in contact of the roots contributes to the first formed cement matrix. When sufficient organic matrix has been formed it becomes mineralized. As matrix formation proceeds, the cement-forming cells can be incorporated within the developing cement where they become cementocytes, or may remain on the surface of the forming cement as more rounded cells lacking processes. Two types of cement are then recognized, cellular and acellularcementum. Cementocytes are characterized by processes radiating towards the periodontal ligament and their cytoplasm shows a drastic reduction in the number of organelles when compared to cementoblast. After eruption of the tooth the fibers of the periodontal ligament lie oblique to the root surface and it is obvious that they must be incorporated within the cement, otherwise no attachment would be made. Figure 6 shows the incorporation of cementum and periodontal ligament. (figure 6) Once incorporated within the cellular cement they become fully mineralized and indistinguishable from the few other fibers of cement matrix. Acellular cement serves the purpose of anchoring the tooth in the alveolus and explains why it is found applied to
  • 21. the coronal two-thirds of the root. Cellular cementum, in the other hand, has only few collagen content derived from Sharpeyfibres. (figure 7) (figure 8) (figure 9)
  • 22. Histogenesis of the Pulp The central cells of the dental papilla, which is ectomesenchymal in origin, gives rise to the pulp. Dental Papilla Tooth pulp, or simply, pulp was initially called the dental papilla. It is only designated as “pulp” only after dentin forms around it. The transformation of papilla to pulp only occurs after the formation of primary dentin, the innermost layer of dentin matrix, encloses the pulp cavity. It is the area of the proliferating future papilla that causes the oral epithelium to invaginate and form the enamel organ in the earliest stages of tooth development. These enlarge to enclose the dental papilla on the center portion of the developing tooth. The development of the dental pulp begins at about the eighth week of embryonic life. Soon thereafter Dentin the more posterior tooth organs begin differentiating. The dental papilla is a well-vascularized and organized network of vessels, which appear by the time dentin formation, begins. Capillaries crowd among the odontoblasts in the period of active dentinogenesis. The cells of the dental papilla appear as undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. These cells will differentiate into stellate shaped fibroblasts. After which, the odontoblast
  • 23. then differentiates from the peripheral cells of the dental papilla. As this occurs, it is no longer called dental papilla; instead, it is now designated as the pulp organ. Fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells will have a decrease in concentration during the transition of papilla into pulp. And there will be an increase in collagen fibers. Fibroblasts came from the undifferentiated mesenchymal cell of the papilla. Some of the original mesenchymal cells remain in mature pulpal tissue as undifferentiated cells. These will form a reservoir of cells, which can be used in a later time to replace odontoblasts. Nerves and blood vessels in the dental papilla begin to form the primitive dental pulp. Once nerve fibers start to go near the cap stage of the developing tooth, and grow toward the dental follicle. The nerves will then, develop around the tooth bud and enter the 1= dentin 4= cell-rich zone dental papilla when dentin formation 2=predentin 5= blood vessels (nerves, and veins are not seen has already begun. These nerves never 3= odontoblastic zone here) proliferate the enamel organ. Blood vessels is derived from the dental follicle and will enter the dental papilla during cap stage. The number of blood vessels reaches a maximum at the beginning of the crown stage, and the dental papilla eventually forms in the pulp of a tooth. Bone ossification Ossification means bone formation. Bone is a hard, dense, calcified connective tissue that forms most of the skeleton of most vertebrae. It can be formed by two ways: Intramembranous ossification Endochondral ossification
  • 24. For both processes, bone tissue that appears first is primary, or immature bone. It is a temporary tissue and will soon be replaced by lamellar, or secondary bone. Remodeling of bones does not only occur in growing bones, but also throughout adult life, although its rate of change is slower. INTRAMEMBRANOUS OSSIFICATION Intramembranous ossification takes place within condensation of connective tissues, such as mesenchymal tissues. Formation of flat bones is derived from this process. Examples of flat bones are the bones of the skull, such as the parietal bone, temporal bone, frontal bone, the mandible, maxilla, and occipital bone. Mesenchymal cells differentiate into osteoblasts. These clusters of osteoblasts form an ossification center that secretes organic extracellular matrix, called osteoid. These mesenchymal cells usually group together near or around the blood vessels, and differentiate into osteogenic cells, which deposit bone matrix. These aggregates of bony matrix are called bone spicules. The spicules will trap osteoblasts in a lacuna, and will eventually differentiate into osteocytes.
  • 25. As the bony spicules continue to grow, they fuse with adjacent spicules to form the trabeculae, forming the spongy bone. The appearance of the trabeculae is the first sign of bone formation. Trabeculae is the anastomosing bony spicules in cancellous or spongy bone which form a meshwork of intercommunicating spaces that are filled with bone marrow. These trabeculae will connect to form the compact bone. Intramembranous ossification begins at about the eighth week in the human embryo. ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION Unlike, intramembranous ossification, cartilage is present during endochondral ossification. It is also an essential process during the rudimentary formation of long bones, the growth of the length of long bones, and the natural healing of bone fractures.
  • 26. PRIMARY CENTER OF OSSIFICATION The first site of ossification occurs in the primary center of ossification, located in the middle of the diaphysis. The first that will happen is the formation of the periosteum. The perichondrium becomes the periosteum. This periosteum contains a layer of undifferentiated cells, called osteoprogenitorcells, that will later transform into osteoblasts. Formation of the bone collar. The osteoblasts will secrete osteoid against the shaft of the cartilage model, which will serve as support for the new bone. Calcification of matrix.Chondrocytes in the primary center of ossification begin to grow. Then the calcification of the matrix occurs and apoptosis of the hypertrophic chondrocytes occur. This will create cavities within the bone. Invasion of periosteal bud.Blood vessels will sprout from the Osperichondrium before the chondrocytes undergo apoptosis. These will form the periosteal bud and invade the cavity left by the chondrocytes. These blood vessels carry hemopoietic cells, which will later on form the bone marrow, and osteoprogenitor cells inside the cavity.Formation of trabeculae.Osteoblasts use the calcified matrix as a scaffold and begin to secrete osteoid, forming the bone trabecula. Osteoclasts, formed from macrophages, break down spongy bone to form the medullary cavity. SECONDARY OSSIFICATION CENTER Secondary ossification appears in each end, epiphysis, of long bones. The cartilage between the primary and secondary ossification center is called the epiphyseal plate, and continues to form new cartilage, which is replaced by bone, which results in an increase in length of the bone. The point of union of the primary and secondary ossification centers is called the epiphyseal line.
  • 27. During endochondral ossification, five distinct zones can be seen: 1. Zone of resting cartilage. This zone contains normal, resting hyaline cartilage. 2. Zone of proliferation. Chondrocytes in this zone undergo rapid mitosis, forming distinctive looking stacks. 3. Zone of maturation Chondrocytes undergo hypertrophy (become enlarged). 4. Zone of calcification. Chondrocytes are either dying or dead, leaving cavities that will later become invaded by bone-forming cells, osteoblasts. 5. Zone of ossification. Osteoprogenitor cells invade the area and differentiate into osteoblasts, which elaborate matrix that becomes calcified on the surface of calcified cartilage.