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Vol. 03 | Issue 03 | 2024
Vol. 03 | Issue 03 | 2024
Vol. 03 | Issue 03 | 2024
Public speaking is a powerful
tool that can ignite action,
spark conversation and leave a
lasting impression, not just deliver
information. This influence
necessitates a strong ethical
foundation. Responsible speakers
ensure accuracy and fairness in
content, avoiding manipulation or
deception. Furthermore, ethical
presentations acknowledge the
audience’s right to informed
perspectives by presenting balanced
viewpoints and respecting differing
opinions. Ultimately, ethical public
speaking empowers, not misleads
fostering positive change and
responsible discourse.
The digital age has dramatically
reshaped the domain of public
speaking. Technology broadens reach
through video conferencing, live
streaming and social media. These
advancements open doors to exciting
opportunities for engagement with
interactive features allowing for real-
time feedback and fostering virtual
communities. However, technology
demands new skills. Speakers must
master online tools and connect with
audiences despite physical separation.
To truly amplify their influence,
speakers can leverage innovation.
Multimedia tools, interactive polls and
surprise Q&A sessions can captivate.
Stepping beyond the podium, speakers
can use storytelling and engaging
delivery to evoke emotions and spark
Ethical considerations remain
paramount in this technology-driven
world. Speakers must be mindful of
privacy concerns, data security and
potential bias in AI tools. Clear
attribution of sources and avoiding
manipulation through deepfakes are
crucial. By prioritizing ethics,
embracing innovation and adapting to
technology, speakers can leverage their
influence to create positive change and
leave a lasting impact.
In this edition, titled “Asia’s Most
Influential Public Speakers to Watch
in 2024,” we celebrate innovators who
are shaping discourse and driving
change across the continent. These
speakers embody the fusion of
impactful communication with ethical
responsibility, leveraging innovation to
engage and inspire audiences.
Join us to flip through the stories and
strategies behind Asia’s most inspiring
public speakers of the year, poised to
make a profound impact in 2024!
-Maria Christopher
Mia ristoph
Amplifying Influence:
Editor’s Insights
into the World of Public Speaking
A Public Speaker Empowering
Women with Opportunities
Jonathan Breton
Wisdom that Transcends Trust and Impact
Maxwell Nee
Promoting Strategies to Unleash the Power
of Communication
Pooja Shivani
An Inspiring Personality Empowering Women
YuJin Wong
A Voice Preaching the Concept of
Mental Fitness Worldwide
Prioritizing Ethics
Examining the Responsibilities and Ethical
Considerations for Speakers
Incorporating Innovation
The Influence of Technology on Public Speaking
Featuring Brief
Jonathan Breton
Site Reliability Engineer,
Co-founder, Senya
As a public speaker, Jonathan uses his subject
matter expertise and vision for change
management to nd solutions to some of
society's most pressing issues.
YuJin Wong
Founder and Director,
Class Living Pte Ltd.
Managing Partner,
BlackMountain Capital
YuJin is a former lawyer and investment banker
who has dedicated over 15 years of his life to
empower people with his Mental Toughness
coaching as a way to reach peak performance.
Maxwell's outstanding communication abilities
enable him to engage his audience and convey
his intended ideas.
Pooja supports and nurtures young
girls, pointing them toward
Global Director,
British Standards
Institution (BSI)
Lilian wants to see the women who have listened to
her speak or participated in her coaching and training
programs make the brave decision to act
and bring about the change they desire.
Mental Rockstar Academy
Maxwell Nee
Lilian Ong
Pooja Shivani
Most Influential
to Watch in
March, 2024
Editor-in-Chief Mary D'souza
Managing Editor
Art & Design Head
David King
Raul Belin
Business Development Executive
Sr Sales Manager
Alice Smith
Amy Wilson
Technical Consultants
Technical Head
David, Robert
Jacob Smile
Marketing Manager
Circulation Manager Eric Smith
Mark Clain
Contributing Editor
Maria Christopher
Anish David
A Public Speaker Empowering
Women with Opportunities
I feel empowered to reach
out to more Asian women
worldwide and advocate
for courageous leadership.
In a situation of dire need, an
individual learns how to sail the
ship through the storm. One of the
most remarkable displays of bravery is
overcoming fear, which is no less than
a storm in life. To accomplish this, one
needs determination and perseverance
because a step towards the
transformation process is a step toward
Lilian Ong, Founder and Director of
Class Living Pte Ltd., is an aspiring
personality who worked on her fear of
public speaking and won over it. Her
narrative serves as motivation for
anyone aspiring to be a public speaker
and has a significant impact on
numerous other students and workers
who struggle with communication. She
is a socialist with unique plans for
women's empowerment.
Initially, Lilian didn't understand the
underlying reason for her fear of public
speaking until she set out on a path of
self-awareness and growth. As a child,
an incident during the morning
assembly at her school is still ingrained
in her mind. She was thrilled to lead
the school in reciting the national
pledge during the assembly. Sadly,
Lilian, then ten years old, stammered
and ran short of words.
The most notable achievement was
when she introduced her first book,
"Women of Courage, Breaking the
Fear Barrier," and told her courageous
story in front of 5,000 people in Hanoi,
Empowering Women
Lilian established Class Living Pte
Ltd., an organization whose mission is
to support women in realizing their
goals and aspirations while
transforming their communities via
leadership. Through coaching,
mentoring, and an ecosystem of
community support, they hope to
inspire and empower women to break
free from self-doubt, fear, and limiting
beliefs to live a life of courage,
purpose, and significance.
Winning Over the Challenges
Lilian faced many challenges in her
journey as a public speaker. First,
conquering fear and anxiety was her
biggest challenge because of her early
trauma associated with public
speaking. She would experience a
panic attack before speaking, so she
needed to learn how to control her
mental, emotional, and physical states.
This includes mastering her
physiology, calming her nerves,
managing her emotions, and refreshing
her mind. That starts with the
"Awakening Courage" journey and
introspective self-discovery.
Also, her lack of confidence made her
highly self-conscious in her early
years. Her next task was to get better at
recognizing and dismantling those
limiting and self-defeating beliefs so
that her audience would be the center
of attention instead of her. To keep the
audience from becoming disinterested
or lost entirely, she also learned to
engage the audience emotionally and
maintain their attention.
Recalling the incident, Lilian says,
“My heart was thundering so hard it
was about to explode from my chest. I
was gasping for air and felt like I had
a frog in my throat. My hands shook
uncontrollably, my knees turned to
jelly, and I could hear a pin drop as all
eyes were on me. I just wanted to find a
hole and jump in!”
After this incident, the teacher who had
chosen her told her not to lead the
pledge the following day. Her
confidence dropped from the sky to the
Even in small groups, she battled the
fear of public speaking throughout her
childhood. Every time she was asked
to speak or give a presentation, she
would always experience a panic
attack. This impacted her career,
academic background, and, eventually,
her business.
She was tired of constantly
maintaining silence when someone
asked her to speak. But she decided to
overcome her fear rather than give in
to it. She eventually faced her fear and
stopped self-sabotaging behaviors and
self-doubt by joining leadership
programs and a networking platform.
She gradually discovered how to get
over her fear of public speaking.
I step on the stage with
the mindset of a leader,
a coach, a storyteller,
and a friend.
Asia's Most Influen al Public Speakers to Watch in 2024
She will remain mired in a cycle of
self-doubt and insufficient confidence
to command the stage until she truly
understands and believes that her
speaking mission is to inspire and
empower women to live their dreams
and destinies by providing them with
the tools and strategies to become
leaders and influencers.
Her delivery presented the third
difficulty. She had trouble committing
the script to memory. She got so reliant
on reading the script aloud that she lost
track of what she wanted to say and
became confused.
She thus allowed herself to explore and
experiment with the various speaking
styles to find her delivery style rather
than memorizing the script. She also
took a long time to develop ideas for
rapport building at the opening to
engage the audience or immerse them
in her experiences, stories, or world.
She eventually discovered her voice
and created a structure to aid in
internalizing her speech.
Star Performer
Lilian owns the stage from the moment
she steps on it. She also entered the
stage with the perspective of a friend,
storyteller, coach, and leader. She
recalls instances in which the slides
had technical issues. Instead of waiting
for the technical staff to wave their
magic wand, she is prepared to engage
the audience through interactive
activities rather than just waiting
She is a champion who constantly
emphasizes internalizing one's speech
or narrative. The purpose of the slides
is to support and enhance the speech;
they shouldn't take center stage. She
wants her audience to connect with her
and not get distracted by the slides.
With confidence and efficiency, she
handles every mess on the stage.
Gadgets to Connect with the
Everybody learns differently, even
Lilian, who prefers kinesthetic and
experiential learning. She spent years
researching, testing, and assessing
before developing her unique
"Courage Blueprint," which consists of
several straightforward frameworks
that enable her to interact with her
audience and give them the confidence
to act.
As a gift to her community and those
participating in her five-day
masterclass and challenge, "Courage to
Impact" and "SPEAK! With Courage,"
Lilian offers two frameworks: "The
Victorious Model" and "The 3A
Relationships in the personal sphere
would exhibit more significant levels
of intimacy, trust, and authenticity in
marriages, parent-child relationships,
families, and friendships. The bravery
to raise one's voice and participate in
challenging discussions may prevent
marriages from ending in divorce. To
prevent their children from being
misled and leading wayward lives,
parents should establish a stronger
connection with them to direct and
guide them to conduct themselves with
solid core values.
Communities can become more vital
and closer when people communicate
effectively and align their goals,
dreams, and purposes. This will help
create a safer society and culture that
will benefit all community members
and future generations.
Communication Connecting
As Lilian’s mentor, John Maxwell,
said, and she quotes, “Leadership is
influence.” Influence is the capacity to
motivate and uplift people, inspiring
them to take intentional steps that open
doors for themselves and others by
utilizing effective communication.
Beyond methods, effective
communication delves deeper into
comprehending, relating to, and
influencing others. In the professional
world, a person can have a
transformative effect and produce
outcomes that may surpass their
expectations if they teach students how
to communicate their message with
conviction, clarity, and connection.
They can also inspire and motivate
their team, report to a board of
directors or other stakeholders, or work
in sales and marketing.
I have come to understand
that my identity and
purpose drive my behaviors.
Maintaining a Healthy Mind
Lilian knows that her actions are
motivated by her identity and purpose.
Actions precede clarity, which ignites
confidence, and conviction awakens
courage, manifested as intentional and
committed action. She, therefore,
makes sure that as soon as she gets out
of bed in the morning, she embraces
her identity and reminds herself of her
purpose. She developed a framework
To tune in to her inner self, her
subconscious, and her spirit to
establish a connection with God, she
would purposefully immerse herself in
nature regularly while turning off all
outside voices.
Memorable Events
At the "Building Courageous Women
Leaders Conference" in Cambodia in
2023, Lilian was asked to address and
known as "Mindset Check-in," which
she uses with her coaching clients and
community volunteers, such as "HER
Courage Biznetwork" and "Women of
Courage Asia."
Since her company reflects on herself,
maintaining a daily "Mindset Check-
in" habit keeps her optimistic in her
personal and professional life. She also
scheduled "Silence and Solitude" time.
mentor a group of roughly 150 leaders
from various industries.
The Learning Gateway is a
professional platform that offers
chances for professionals and
businesses to thrive in a forward-
thinking atmosphere, and the SCIA
Cambodia - Singapore (Cambodia)
International Academy collaborated to
organize the half-day event.
She didn't anticipate this leadership
development program's influence on
the younger leaders in attendance that
day. After hearing each group's
sharing, she recalled how the entire
atmosphere in the auditorium changed,
and she encouraged everyone,
expressing how inspired and
overwhelmed she felt.
She encouraged them to persevere in
pursuing their goals and aspirations to
transform Cambodia via brave
leadership! Many people approached
her after the training to express their
gratitude for giving them the courage
to speak up and take charge and for
inspiring and enabling them with
leadership skill sets.
This conference stood out because it
demonstrated and accomplished her
vision and mission!
A Dream for Revolution
As a public speaker, Lilian wants to see
the women who have listened to her
speak or participated in her coaching
and training programs make the brave
decision to act and bring about the
change they desire.
These women's spheres of influence
contain success stories, testimonies,
reviews, and reports of them leading
courageous lives and making a positive
difference. The strength of the
volunteer and community leader team
supporting her and the expansion of
women's communities in terms of
quality and quantity are testaments to
what success looks like.
Advice for Aspiring Speakers
Lilian adores the quote by St Francis of
Assisi, “Start by doing what is
necessary, then do what is possible,
and suddenly, you’re doing the
impossible.” She was inspired to act by
this quote and began empowering
herself to become a courageous coach
and public speaker.
She says, “We don’t know what we
don’t know.” Look for a coach or
mentor who has been there before, who
one can relate to and connect with, and
who has the coaching abilities to
empower and equip. A person wants to
be sure that their vision, mission, and
core values are all in line. They also
want to be sure that the person they are
receiving from is trustworthy and
always has their best interests at heart.
Lilian always reminds her community,
“Courage is the choice to take action
in the face of fear, and it takes
intentional action to create the change
you want to see.” It’s alright to make
mistakes; learning is messy, and
actions precede clarity. She advises to
focus on making progress, not
She believes that a person's life
experiences contain their message. She
also enjoys hearing about other
people's lives. Every event in life has a
vast amount of wisdom. One should do
introspective reflection to uncover gold
in one's life story!
Plans for 2024 and Beyond
By 2024, Lilian hopes to have opened
doors to opportunities beyond her
wildest dreams to use her coaching and
speaking to have a more profoundly
transformative impact. Over the past
five years, she has begun to explore
and experiment on her home territory
in Singapore and a few other Asian
She feels empowered to reach out to
more Asian women worldwide and
advocate for courageous leadership
because of the influence and
testimonies she has witnessed and
In terms of personal growth, she sees
herself maturing in character and
stepping up to the next level of courage
and boldness as she grows in her
intimacy with God.
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reat orators have the ability to
captivate audiences, convey
powerful messages, and
empower positive changes. These
personalities connect with the people,
initiate movements, and shape new
ideas. Orators who inspire positive
transformations often present a
compelling vision for the future. They
exhibit a clear and optimistic picture of
the world they envision, motivating
people and establishments to work
towards a shared goal.
Their captivating vision serves as a
powerful catalyst for positive change,
fostering hope and determination. The
zeal to work for society drives them to
craft a growth environment for
organizations and individuals that lead
to a brighter, more inclusive future for
Jonathan Breton, Global Director of
BSI (British Standards Institution),
is one such individual who has the
ability to captivate, motivate, and
inspire people towards positive
transformations and has been
significantly impacting society with his
innovative thinking He has over 15
years of experience in leading Sales,
Marketing and business development
strategies for his clients in various
He remains committed to developing a
positive influence by establishing trust
through the exchange of ideas and
global collaboration with clients. His
approach involves implementing a
digitally connected, safe and
sustainable built environment through
trust to contribute to a future-ready
It expanded boldly with global
recognition, ensuring trust and
confidence in businesses and
communities on six continents. At BSI,
employees have incredible capabilities
and expertise. They take great pride in
the organization's purpose-led work.
Jonathan helps organizations achieve
their goals and grow sustainably while
balancing the necessity for profit with
the planet's and people's needs.
Sailing through the Challenges
At times, challenges can lead to growth
opportunities if approached with a
perspective to learn and gain
experience. Highlighting this aspect,
BSI organizes and participates in
events that invite industry
professionals from diverse sectors.
Jonathan brings together leading
thinkers, innovators, and practitioners
in speaking events to discuss industry
trends and collaborate to create best
practice standards and regulatory
Harnessing Effective Strategies
Jonathan notes, "Unforeseen
challenges are a natural part of public
speaking, and how you respond to
these moments can ultimately shape
what the audience comes away
Speakers can confidently navigate
these moments with preparation and a
calm demeanour. By embracing
adaptability, maintaining composure,
and keeping the audience engaged,
speakers can effectively navigate
unexpected situations during live
speaking engagements.
As a public speaker, he uses his subject
matter expertise and vision for change
management to find solutions to some
of society's most pressing issues. This
includes driving digital transformation,
accelerating progress on sustainability,
ensuring clients' health, safety, and
well-being during the whole life cycle
of construction projects.
Making the World a Better Place
Under Jonathan's stewardship, BSI
works closely with its clients and
stakeholders, developing trust and
accelerating progress towards a fair
society and a sustainable future. BSI
promotes confidence in organizations
by demonstrating new perspectives on
solving substantial issues with effective
The organization aims to improve
business, protect consumers, work with
governments, and reinvest the profits to
benefit society. This attracts other
organizations and experts to work with
BSI to pursue the greater good.
I leverage my subject
matter expertise and
vision for change
management to find
solutions to some of
society's biggest
Jonathan Breton
Wisdom that Transcends Trust and Impact
| March 2024
Jonathan engages the audience during
live events through various delivery
modalities such as presentations,
webinars, round table talks, and panel
discussions. He recommends using
tools like Slido to evaluate people's
knowledge using an interactive online
quiz to spice up the presentation or to
assess people's learning entertainingly.
The Power of Transparency
As an adept orator, Jonathan
emphasizes the role of effective
communication. He notes, "Clear,
open, and empathetic communication
creates an environment where people
feel understood, valued, and motivated
to perform at their best."
It can foster trust, provide clarity and
direction, enhance motivation, build
strong relationships, encourage
innovation, provide support, and
facilitate personal and professional
"By prioritizing effective
communication, leaders and
individuals can create environments
that inspire and empower others to
achieve their full potential," he adds.
Casting an Everlasting Impact on
the Audience
As a public speaker, Jonathan hopes to
inspire, inform, and engage his
audience in a meaningful way.
Measuring success in his profession
involves a combination of qualitative
and quantitative indicators.
Gathering feedback from audience
members via surveys, testimonials, and
direct communication is an excellent
Jonathan Breton
Global Director, Built Environment,
BSI (British Standards Institution)
Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024 | 21
approach to assessing the effectiveness
of Jonathan's presentations.
Furthermore, tracking audience post-
engagement conduct, including
adopting the ideas expressed, making
changes in their own lives or work
based on the insights given, or
reaching out for additional
collaboration, can provide objective
evidence of the impact of his
Assessing the long-term impact of
Jonathan's presentations on individuals
and organizations, such as tracking
changes in behaviour, performance
improvements, or adopting new
standards influenced by his message,
insights into the effectiveness of his
presentations in achieving their
objectives, meeting audience
expectations, and contributing to the
event's overall success.
Jonathan says, "Being recognized as a
thought leader in the industry,
receiving invitations for speaking
engagements from prestigious
organizations, and gaining visibility
and influence within relevant
professional communities can indicate
the impact and resonance of my
He believes monitoring audience
reach, engagement metrics, and social
media interactions related to his
presentations can provide insights into
the resonance and get of his message
beyond the physical event, indicating a
more significant impact on a larger
By assessing these varied measures of
impact and success, Jonathan can
continually refine and enhance
speaking engagements to maximize the
value he aims to bring to audiences,
organizations, and individuals.
Ultimately, the ability to inspire,
inform, and engage, coupled with
tangible evidence of positive influence
and change, can be used to evaluate the
impact of Jonathan's work as a public
Advice for Aspiring Public Speakers
Jonathan has several pieces of advice
for individuals aspiring to become
public speakers that can help them
develop and enhance their skills in this
Jonathan believes that to become an
effective public speaker, one must first
understand their reasons.
is an essential measure of enduring
Soliciting feedback from event
organizers, corporate clients, or
conference committees can provide
As a public speaker, I
hope to inspire,
inform, and engage
my audience in a
meaningful way.
22 | March 2024
Choosing themes or issues one is
passionate about is important, as this
will generate motivation and make the
message more captivating and accurate
to the audience. Connecting with
purpose and emotion is essential for
giving an impactful speech.
He considers practice as an essential
tool for improving public speaking
skills. One should grasp every
opportunity to speak in public,
nerves is crucial. Jonathan advises
practicing relaxation techniques, such
as deep breathing or visualization, to
calm the nerves before speaking.
Before speaking to the audience, it is
vital to grasp who they are, what they
care about, and what obstacles they
may face. This insight will allow the
speakers to adjust their message to
their audience's needs and interests.
Individuals can develop the skills and
confidence required to become
successful public speakers by
following these tips and staying
dedicated to continuous improvement.
Jonathan says, "Remember that
becoming an effective public speaker is
a journey that requires commitment,
practice, and a genuine desire to
connect with and inspire others
through the power of speech."
At BSI, Jonathan leverages a unique
position to take on society's biggest
challenges. In 2024, he aims to
influence international thinking and
action on important issues so BSI can
deliver long-term benefits for people.
Jonathan wants to be an agent for
positive change and partner with
stakeholders to co-create solutions to
global challenges like the climate crisis
and how AI will be used. These are two
areas where Jonathan would like to
personally invest and enhance his
knowledge eventually.
whether in front of a small group of
friends, at local events, or in
professional settings.
He also advises knowing the audience.
Before speaking to the audience, it is
essential to take the time to understand
their needs, concerns and challenges
they may face. This understanding will
help the speakers narrate content that
resonates with their audience's needs
and interests.
Jonathan believes in providing
captivating content. Speakers should
carefully craft their messages to ensure
they are attractive, educational, and
relevant to their audience. Whether
sharing a personal story or expertise or
delivering a motivating message,
providing well-structured and valuable
content to the audience is primary.
In his words, "Authenticity is key to
connecting with your audience. Be
genuine to yourself as you speak." It is
essential to embrace authenticity.
Public speaking can be nerve-
wracking, but managing one's
We want to be an agent
for positive change and
partner with our
stakeholders to create
solutions to global
challenges like the
climate crisis and how AI
will be used.
“ | 23
Examining the
and Ethical
for Speakers
Public speaking transcends the mere act of sharing
information. Speakers hold a powerful position that
is capable of swaying beliefs, igniting action and
leaving lasting impressions. This influence necessitates a
strong ethical grounding. A speaker’s responsibility extends
beyond crafting a compelling message. They must ensure
accuracy and fairness in their content, avoiding
manipulation or deception.
Furthermore, ethical public speaking acknowledges the
audience’s right to informed perspectives. By presenting
balanced viewpoints and respecting differing opinions,
speakers foster trust and credibility. Ultimately, ethical
public speaking strives to empower, not mislead, fostering
positive change and responsible discourse.
Join us to explore the multifaceted responsibilities and
ethical considerations inherent in public speaking,
emphasizing the importance of prioritizing ethics in
Understanding the Responsibilities of Speakers
Public speakers have a range of responsibilities that extend
beyond conveying information effectively. These
responsibilities include:
24 | March 2024
Prioritizing Ethics | 25
• Authenticity and Integrity:
Speakers have a duty to be
authentic and truthful in their
presentations. This entails
presenting accurate information
and representing themselves
honestly to their audience.
• Respect for Diversity: Speakers
should demonstrate respect for
diversity in their communication,
considering the backgrounds,
beliefs, and perspectives of their
audience members. Avoiding
stereotypes and promoting
inclusivity is essential.
• Clarity and Transparency:
Speakers are responsible for
ensuring clarity and transparency
in their communication. This
involves articulating ideas clearly,
providing adequate context and
being transparent about any biases
or conflicts of interest.
• Ethical Persuasion: While
persuasion is often a goal of public
speaking, speakers must use
ethical persuasion techniques that
respect the autonomy and dignity
of their audience. Manipulative or
coercive tactics should be avoided.
Ethical Considerations in Public
Public speakers must navigate various
ethical considerations to ensure
responsible and ethical
• Truthfulness: Speakers should
prioritize truthfulness by
presenting accurate and reliable
information. Misleading or
deceiving the audience
undermines trust and credibility.
• Respect for Privacy: Speakers
must respect the privacy rights of
individuals mentioned in their
speeches and avoid disclosing
sensitive or confidential
information without consent.
• Avoiding Harm: Speakers should
be mindful of the potential impact
caught in plagiarism or manipulation
faces swift condemnation. Conversely,
ethical conduct builds a reputation for
reliability and integrity. This bolsters
the current presentation and paves the
way for future success. Ethical
speakers are seen as valuable assets,
worthy of respect and trust.
Ethics in Different Types of Speaking
The ethical considerations for speakers
may vary depending on the context and
purpose of the speaking engagement:
• Business Presentations: Speakers
in business settings must uphold
ethical standards by providing
accurate information to
stakeholders, avoiding conflicts of
interest and promoting
transparency in corporate
• Academic Presentations: Ethical
considerations in academic
presentations include proper
attribution of sources, respect for
academic integrity and adherence
to ethical guidelines for research.
• Political Speeches: Political
speakers have a responsibility to
engage in ethical discourse,
respecting opposing viewpoints
and avoiding inflammatory
rhetoric or misinformation.
The responsibilities and ethical
considerations for speakers are integral
to effective and ethical communication.
By prioritizing ethics in public
speaking, speakers can uphold
authenticity, promote inclusivity and
foster trust with their audience.
Looking ahead, the future of public
speaking will continue to emphasize
ethical communication practices,
ensuring that speakers play a positive
and responsible role in shaping
discourse and influencing public
of their words and strive to avoid
causing harm or offense to their
audience members.
• Accountability: Speakers should
take accountability for their words
and actions, acknowledging
mistakes and addressing any
unintended consequences of their
The Importance of Prioritizing
Ethics in Communication
Prioritizing ethics in public speaking is
essential for building trust, fostering
meaningful connections with the
audience and upholding professional
integrity. Ethical communication
promotes respect, fairness and
transparency, enhancing the credibility
and effectiveness of the speaker.
Ethical speakers create the Foundation
of Trust. When audiences can depend
on factual information, balanced
viewpoints and honest intentions, a
sense of security is established. This
trust allows the message to resonate
more deeply, as listeners are receptive
and engaged rather than wary or
skeptical. Ethical communication
fosters a genuine connection, where the
speaker is seen as a credible source and
a worthy guide.
Ethics fosters a space for open
dialogue. By respecting diverse
opinions and acknowledging opposing
viewpoints, ethical speakers create an
atmosphere where audience members
feel heard and valued. This fosters a
two-way street of communication,
where the speaker isn’t simply
delivering a message but rather
sparking a conversation. This
collaborative spirit builds stronger
connections and fosters a sense of
shared purpose.
Ethical conduct builds a speaker’s
reputation. In today’s information age,
audiences are discerning. A speaker
26 | March 2024
Instead of delivering a speech like a lecturer, he weaves
stories for his audience to engage them in the conversation.
In order to use the power of words to change society,
Maxwell inspires his listeners and aspiring public speakers.
The Knowledge Review had the privilege of interviewing
Maxwell to learn more about BlackMountain Capital and
his wisdom and strategies.
Below are the excerpts from the interview:
Kindly elaborate a brief overview of your journey
that led you to become a public speaker.
Previously, I was the CEO of a training and coaching
business I founded called High-Performing Coach. We
expanded to have a team of 23 members and more than
1,000 clients within three years. As part of that business,
I was the key person of influence to build the brand and
business as a public speaker and training facilitator.
Since then, I’ve been speaking on stages and podcasts to
make whichever business I’ve been focused on.
Can you share the mission and vision of you and your
Black Mountain Capital (BMC) aims to unlock the
potential and invest in people and enterprises that aim to
change the world. Through this purpose, we responsibly
generate returns for our investors and partners by
funding innovation and supporting entrepreneurs and
their start-ups.
Promoting Strategies to Unleash the
Power of Communication
Maxwell Nee
ublic speakers are thought leaders who captivate
Plisteners with original and thought-provoking
content. They inspire people to put significant effort
toward realizing their dreams and ambitions, dispelling
uncertainty and fear. For their audience, these word wizards
are reliable sources of information.
These individuals use their skills to educate and inspire
audiences on various social issues. Through a combination
of spoken word and physical gestures, they captivate their
audiences. They carefully analyze the thoughts and
emotions of their listeners and then craft a presentation that
genuinely resonates with them and addresses their concerns.
Maxwell Nee, the Managing Partner of BlackMountain
Capital, is an inspiring public speaker who began his career
as a teacher, where he gained mastery over public speaking.
He is an expert at every tactic to get speaking engagements
and become a great public speaker. He is the embodiment
of optimism and tenacity, encouraging others to persevere
in the face of overwhelming adversity. Maxwell's
outstanding communication abilities enable him to engage
his audience and convey his intended ideas.
He believes the keys to success are addressing one's
weaknesses and pursuing one's passion. Many esteemed
awards and recognitions have been bestowed upon him due
to his devotion, diligence, vision, and strategies.
28 | March 2024
The purpose of
Capital (BMC) is
to unlock the
potential and
invest in people
and enterprises
that aim to
change the
Maxwell Nee
Managing Partner,
BlackMountain Capital | 29
At BMC, the relationship between us, the general partners,
and the start-up is not purely financial. We often provide
advice, recruitment options or ideas, strategic planning, and
our network to align the start-up on the road to a successful
Can you share some challenges you've faced as a
public speaker?
The biggest challenge of any speaker is to win more
speaking gigs—ideally, the paid ones. Without doing
more, your business won’t build, and you won't grow. It
would be best if you kept the momentum going.
How did you overcome the challenges?
Building up slowly, everything can be accelerated with
money and investment into getting more speaking gigs.
However, to build a prosperous career, it takes time!
I’m a multi-award-winning
entrepreneur, bodybuilder,
and dancer. As an
entrepreneur, I’ve won awards
for innovation, disruption, and
building a kick-ass high-
performing team.
Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024
30 | March 2024
How do you handle unexpected situations during a
live speaking engagement?
I might be a little different, but I enjoy unexpected
situations in live speaking engagements. I thrive in
Can you share any specific techniques or tools you
use to engage your audience during speaking events?
Learn coaching if you want to be a better speaker.
Coaching teaches you to be highly present and
empathetic, the most powerful communication tool.
Public speaking is precisely that: communication.
How does effective communication inspire and
encourage individuals in professional and personal
Effective communication is everything because you
could have the best ideas and intentions, but they will die
within you if you can’t communicate them. The opposite
is also true; if you’re a great communicator of a bad
idea, you can sway people into thinking that that isn’t
necessarily good for them.
Can you highlight a memorable speaking engagement
that significantly impacted your audience and what
made it stand out?
Yes, I was speaking at the Hyatt Hotel in Sydney on
Alternative Investments, and I sat outside the podium
and spoke with stories rather than reading from a
PowerPoint. This had a much more significant impact
because it was more engaging as storytelling as if the
audience were immersed in a movie than listening to a
What advice do you have for individuals aspiring to
become a public speaker?
My advice would be to jump in the deep end and
practice as much as you can. Work with a mentor, free if
you need to.
What plans are your personal and professional
growth plans in 2024 and beyond?
I am investing in my coaching and development. I now
have one that I identified will help me with my
weakness. Be vigorous with working on your
weaknesses and going for what you want. | 31
The Influence of
Public speaking has long been
regarded as a fundamental skill
for effective communication,
persuasion and leadership. Speakers
honed their craft through face-to-face
interactions, captivating audiences in a
shared physical space.
However, the digital age has ushered in
a revolution, fundamentally altering
this domain. Technology now
empowers speakers to reach vast,
geographically dispersed audiences
through video conferencing, live
streaming platforms and social media.
These advancements expand reach and
introduce new avenues for
engagement, with interactive features
allowing for real-time feedback and
fostering a sense of virtual community.
While the core principles of clear
communication and captivating
delivery remain essential, technology
demands new skills from speakers such
as proficiency in utilizing online tools
and the ability to connect with
audiences despite physical separation.
This advancing domain presents both
exciting opportunities and unique
challenges for the modern public
Join in to know more about the
responsibilities of speakers in the
context of progressing technological
influences, emphasizing the importance
of incorporating innovation while
upholding ethical standards in public
Understanding the Responsibilities
of Speakers
Public speakers hold the power to
inform, inspire and influence. This
necessitates ethical delivery ensuring
accuracy, fairness and respect for
diverse viewpoints. Building trust and
fostering connections are paramount
for impactful presentations. Effective
public speaking comes with a set of
inherent responsibilities that speakers
must uphold:
• Authenticity and Integrity:
Speakers have a duty to present
32 | March 2024
Incorporating Innovation
33 |
truthful and accurate information
to their audience. Authenticity
builds trust and credibility,
essential elements of effective
• Respect for Diversity: Speakers
must demonstrate respect for
diverse perspectives, cultures and
backgrounds within their
audience. Inclusive language and
content promote engagement and
understanding among all audience
• Ethical Persuasion: While
persuasion is a goal of public
speaking, ethical persuasion
techniques involve respecting the
autonomy and well-being of
listeners. Speakers should avoid
manipulative tactics and instead
focus on presenting compelling
and reasoned arguments.
The Influence of Technology on
Public Speaking
The digital age has transformed public
speaking. Technology broadens reach
via streaming and social media, while
interactive features foster virtual
connections. Speakers must adapt,
mastering online tools and connecting
across the physical divide.
Advancements in technology have
significantly impacted the practice of
public speaking:
• Enhanced Presentation Tools:
Technology has introduced
sophisticated presentation tools
such as multimedia slides,
interactive visuals and virtual
reality simulations. These tools
enhance engagement and make
presentations more dynamic and
• Virtual Communication
Platforms: Platforms like Zoom,
Microsoft Teams and Google Meet
enable remote presentations and
virtual conferences, expanding the
reach of speakers beyond physical
• Social Media and Digital
Storytelling: Social media
platforms allow speakers to
amplify their message and reach a
wider audience. Digital
storytelling techniques including
videos, podcasts and blogs enable
speakers to connect with
audiences in innovative ways.
Incorporating Innovation in Public
To remain effective and relevant in the
digital age, speakers must embrace
innovation while adhering to ethical
• Interactive Presentations:
Incorporating interactive elements
such as polls, quizzes and live
Q&A sessions encourages
audience participation and fosters
• Visual Storytelling: Utilizing
visuals like infographics,
animations and data visualizations
helps convey complex information
in a compelling and accessible
• Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences:
VR technology allows speakers to
create immersive experiences that
transport audiences to different
environments or scenarios,
enhancing learning and retention.
Ethical Considerations in
Technology-Driven Public Speaking
Technology in public speaking
demands ethical awareness. Be
mindful of privacy concerns, data
security and potential bias in AI tools.
Ensure clear attribution of sources and
avoid manipulation through deepfakes.
Despite the benefits of technology,
speakers must navigate ethical
• Data Privacy: Speakers should
prioritize data privacy and security
when collecting and using
audience data for personalized
• Accessibility: Ensuring
accessibility for all audience
members, including those with
disabilities, is crucial when
incorporating technology into
In conclusion, the responsibilities of
speakers are evolving in response to
technological advancements reshaping
public speaking. Embracing innovation
while maintaining ethical standards is
essential for effective communication
and audience engagement. As
technology continues to evolve, the
future of public speaking will be
characterized by seamless integration
of innovative tools and techniques,
enhancing the impact and reach of
speakers worldwide.
Future Aspects
Looking ahead, the future of public
speaking will witness further
integration of emerging technologies
such as Artificial Intelligence (AI),
Augmented Reality (AR) and Machine
Learning. These advancements will
enable speakers to deliver more
personalized, immersive and impactful
Additionally, ethical considerations
will remain paramount, with speakers
adapting to evolving societal
expectations and regulatory
frameworks to ensure responsible and
ethical use of technology in public
discourse. By embracing innovation
responsibly, speakers can leverage
technology to inspire, inform and
engage audiences in meaningful ways,
shaping the future of public speaking
for generations to come.
34 | March 2024
ublic speakers connect with
Ptheir audiences by tackling the
concerns they encounter in the
intricate landscape of the contemporary
world. These thought leaders captivate
their audience with exciting topics
supporting or addressing their
problems. With their ability to uplift
and inspire, these thought leaders
educate and empower people
Pooja Shivani, Site Reliability
Engineer at Oracle and Co-founder at
Senya is a radiant personality who
inspires thousands of young minds to
pursue their passions and succeed. She
supports and nurtures young girls,
pointing them toward empowerment.
She commands the stage and gives
passionate performances that showcase
her abilities and expertise.
She believes in rising with others and
mentoring young women to establish
careers, that made her a Google
Women TechMaker.
The Knowledge Review was
privileged to interview Pooja to learn
more about Senya and her wisdom and
Following are the excerpts from the
and support gave me the wings to fly.
Through diligent study and
determination, I achieved the third
position on the merit list of Madhya
Pradesh, securing 95per cent of the
recognition honored by the chief
Unfortunately, destiny had its plans;
my father suffered a stroke when it was
time to apply for higher studies, which
made me emotionally vulnerable.
Kindly elaborate on a brief overview
of your journey that led you to
become a public speaker.
"Real success lies in empowering
others." Taking the road less traveled
does not intimidate me; instead, it
brings out the best in me. As the first
girl to enroll in the science class at my
school in a small town in Madhya
Pradesh, I was not expected to excel,
but my humble family's strong values
36 | March 2024
In light of this, I decided to stay back
in my town and pursue my studies at a
local college, taking care of my father.
Despite my impatience, I viewed it as a
pause rather than a complete stop.
Nevertheless, I forged ahead without
regrets, fuelled by hope and
Eager to grow and enhance my
exposure, I pursued a post-graduate
diploma in Big Data Analytics from
CDAC, Pune. The program opened
doors to my career at Nokia and later
Oracle. My journey thus far has
instilled the confidence to carve my
path and navigate life.
It was during this time that I felt a deep
desire to bridge the gap for women
from small towns who were interested
in STEM, which motivated me to start
mentoring young women in their
careers and be a role model for the
girls in my locality, which eventually
led me to become a Google Women
Can you share the mission and vision
of you and your organization?
How do you handle unexpected
situations during a live speaking
I handle unexpected situations during a
live speaking engagement by following
a simple rule, being calm and
composed, and letting the audience
bring it on. I believe in defeating
obstacles with wit and intellect.
Can you share any specific
techniques or tools you use to engage
your audience during speaking
I use Quickfire chat sessions, chit-
games, and fun activities to keep the
audience interested while giving a
Kindly share noteworthy awards or
recognitions you have received.
A few of my valued achievements are:
• Certificate of Appreciation from
Manipal University, Jaipur
• Core Designer Certificate from
Data iku
• Oracle Certified Foundations
Associate Oracle Cloud
• Scrum Alliance CSM Certified
• Microsoft Certified Azure Data
Can you highlight a memorable
speaking engagement that
significantly impacted your audience
and what made it stand out?
I hosted a Tech talk on "Fostering
Google Community" at a small college
in a Tier-3 city in India. I discussed
launching the Google Developer
Student Club by sharing the processes
and requirements. Students from
villages and small towns came to know
about this club and were excited and
enthusiastic to join it. The smiles and
curiosity on their faces fulfilled my
mission as a Public Speaker.
I handle unexpected situations during a
live speaking engagement by following
a simple rule, being calm and
composed, and letting the audience
bring it on.
Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024 | 37
Being a Co-founder at Senya is a true
enabler of my Indian dream of
entrepreneurship, an initiative for
college girls feeling lost in their careers
and actively seeking support. We
support and train girls with basic
finance and investment knowledge,
providing them with the necessary
resources to flourish.
As I dedicated myself to uplifting
others, I found a sense of fulfillment in
these endeavors. My journey taught me
that success lies in personal
achievements and empowering others.
Can you share some challenges
you've faced as a public speaker?
Usually, People with 10 + years of
experience are seen as Public Speaker,
but I broke this stereotype and became
a Public Speaker. Your knowledge
matters, not the years of experience
you hold.
How did you overcome the
I proved myself on the stage through
my skills, knowledge, and abilities. I
believe in Just breaking the bias and
ruling the world.
ental fitness refers to an
Mindividual's capacity to
uphold psychological
flexibility, emotional resilience, and
general mental health. It is a term used
to characterize an individual's mental
state, much like physical fitness
describes an individual's physical state.
A healthy mind practices positive
mental health habits, which are integral
to mental wellness. These behaviors
include regular exercise, mindfulness
training, reaching out for social
support, and cultivating an optimistic
outlook. Today, it is a heavy yet crucial
topic to talk about.
YuJin Wong, CEO of Mental
Rockstar Academy, is an award-
winning keynote speaker who aims to
enlighten his clients and gift them
sound mental health by strengthening
their mental fitness. His professional
journey kicked off in the field of law,
where he gained valuable experience
and knowledge. However, he later
transitioned to investment banking,
facing several personal challenges that
took a toll on his well-being. He
experienced a decline in his health and
went through a difficult divorce, which
plunged him into a state of depression.
Despite his struggles, YuJin was
determined to get back on track and
completely overhaul his life. He
prioritized his mental and physical
health and focused on self-
improvement. This transformational
experience ignited his passion for
public speaking, where he now shares
public speakers. Initially, I covered a
broad range of topics, but I soon
realized the importance of specializing
in creating a memorable identity.
Focusing on a specific niche is key to
establishing a recognizable brand.
How did you overcome the
To elevate my public speaking, I
sought guidance from successful
speakers and consultants, delving into
the nuances of speech delivery and
brand positioning. I immersed myself
in reading, joined speaking
organizations, and actively participated
in conferences and training, all aimed
at achieving global recognition.
How do you handle unexpected
situations during a live speaking
As a speaker, maintaining composure
is essential, especially during
unforeseen challenges. For instance,
during a post-COVID event, I had to
swiftly adapt my approach when
authorities intervened due to audience
interaction. Staying calm and
responsive is key in such situations.
Can you share any specific
techniques or tools you use to engage
your audience during speaking
Known for high energy, I engage
audiences with dynamic activities like
singing, dancing, and interactive
exercises. This approach not only
energizes the audience but also
enhances their receptiveness and
his story to inspire others. He wants to
inspire others to overcome obstacles
and lead happy lives by sharing his tale
of perseverance, determination, and
The Knowledge Review had the
privilege to interview YuJin Wong.
Below are the highlights of the
Kindly elaborate on a brief overview
of your journey that led you to
become a public speaker.
My journey began in law, transitioning
to investment banking, where personal
challenges like health decline and a
difficult divorce led to depression. This
prompted a complete life overhaul,
prioritizing mental health, physical
fitness, and self-improvement. This
transformative experience ignited my
passion for public speaking, sharing
my story to inspire others.
Can you share the mission and vision
of you and your organization?
My mission centers on promoting
'Mental Fitness,' a proactive approach
distinct from the often-stigmatized
concept of mental health. Mental
Fitness involves systematic self-
improvement irrespective of one's
current mental state, and I advocate for
its integration into organizational
culture for overall thriving.
Can you share some of the
challenges you've faced in your
journey as a public speaker?
Crafting the right brand is crucial for
38 | March 2024
Kindly share noteworthy awards or
recognitions you have received over
the years.
I've been honored with several
accolades, including the Global Brands
Icon in Wellness and Peak
Performance (2016), the McMillan
Woods Global Award (2016), Asia's
Best Brand Award (2018), and Asia's
Innovation Excellence Award (2022),
reflecting my impact in the field.
What role does effective
communication play in inspiring and
encouraging individuals in
professional and personal settings?
Effective communication is a perpetual
skill to refine. Even as a seasoned
speaker, I continuously work on
adapting my style to suit diverse
audiences, focusing on their needs
rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
Can you highlight a memorable
speaking engagement that had a
significant impact on your audience
and what made it stand out?
A standout moment was my
engagement in Jakarta for Prudential
Insurance, where, as the sole foreign
speaker, I addressed 10,000 attendees
in a mix of Malay and Bahasa
Indonesia. The response was
overwhelmingly positive, with a
lasting impact on many attendees.
As a public speaker, what impact do
you hope to leave on your audience,
and how do you measure success in
your profession?
I believe in the power of simplicity.
Rather than overwhelming audiences
with information, I focus on three key
takeaways enriched with stories and
activities for a
lasting impact.
What advice do
you have for
individuals aspiring
to become a public
To aspiring public
speakers, I advise
pursuing this rewarding
career with humility and a
continual learning mindset.
The journey is as enriching as
the destination.
What plans do you have for
your personal and professional
growth in 2024 and beyond?
In 2024, my goal is to collaborate
more closely with organizations to
address the rising mental health issues
among employees. By guiding them
towards better mental fitness, I aim to
contribute to both individual and
organizational peak performance.
Asia's Most Influential Public
Speakers to Watch in 2024
Final File -  Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024 Updated 2_compressed (1).pdf
Final File -  Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024 Updated 2_compressed (1).pdf
Final File -  Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024 Updated 2_compressed (1).pdf

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  • 1. Vol. 03 | Issue 03 | 2024 Vol. 03 | Issue 03 | 2024 Vol. 03 | Issue 03 | 2024
  • 2.
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  • 5. Public speaking is a powerful tool that can ignite action, spark conversation and leave a lasting impression, not just deliver information. This influence necessitates a strong ethical foundation. Responsible speakers ensure accuracy and fairness in content, avoiding manipulation or deception. Furthermore, ethical presentations acknowledge the audience’s right to informed perspectives by presenting balanced viewpoints and respecting differing opinions. Ultimately, ethical public speaking empowers, not misleads fostering positive change and responsible discourse. The digital age has dramatically reshaped the domain of public speaking. Technology broadens reach through video conferencing, live streaming and social media. These advancements open doors to exciting opportunities for engagement with interactive features allowing for real- time feedback and fostering virtual communities. However, technology demands new skills. Speakers must master online tools and connect with audiences despite physical separation. To truly amplify their influence, speakers can leverage innovation. Multimedia tools, interactive polls and surprise Q&A sessions can captivate. Stepping beyond the podium, speakers can use storytelling and engaging delivery to evoke emotions and spark connections. Ethical considerations remain paramount in this technology-driven world. Speakers must be mindful of privacy concerns, data security and potential bias in AI tools. Clear attribution of sources and avoiding manipulation through deepfakes are crucial. By prioritizing ethics, embracing innovation and adapting to technology, speakers can leverage their influence to create positive change and leave a lasting impact. In this edition, titled “Asia’s Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024,” we celebrate innovators who are shaping discourse and driving change across the continent. These speakers embody the fusion of impactful communication with ethical responsibility, leveraging innovation to engage and inspire audiences. Join us to flip through the stories and strategies behind Asia’s most inspiring public speakers of the year, poised to make a profound impact in 2024! -Maria Christopher Mia ristoph Amplifying Influence: Editor’s Insights into the World of Public Speaking
  • 7. Ong A Public Speaker Empowering Women with Opportunities CoverStory 08 Jonathan Breton Wisdom that Transcends Trust and Impact 20 Maxwell Nee Promoting Strategies to Unleash the Power of Communication 28 Pooja Shivani An Inspiring Personality Empowering Women 36 YuJin Wong A Voice Preaching the Concept of Mental Fitness Worldwide 38 Prioritizing Ethics Examining the Responsibilities and Ethical Considerations for Speakers Incorporating Innovation The Influence of Technology on Public Speaking 24 32
  • 8. Designation Featuring Brief Jonathan Breton Site Reliability Engineer, Oracle Co-founder, Senya As a public speaker, Jonathan uses his subject matter expertise and vision for change management to nd solutions to some of society's most pressing issues. YuJin Wong Founder and Director, Class Living Pte Ltd. Managing Partner, BlackMountain Capital YuJin is a former lawyer and investment banker who has dedicated over 15 years of his life to empower people with his Mental Toughness coaching as a way to reach peak performance. Maxwell's outstanding communication abilities enable him to engage his audience and convey his intended ideas. Pooja supports and nurtures young girls, pointing them toward empowerment. Global Director, British Standards Institution (BSI) Lilian wants to see the women who have listened to her speak or participated in her coaching and training programs make the brave decision to act and bring about the change they desire. CEO, Mental Rockstar Academy Maxwell Nee Lilian Ong Pooja Shivani Asia's Most Influential PUBLIC Speakers to Watch in 2024
  • 9. March, 2024 Editor-in-Chief Mary D'souza Managing Editor Art & Design Head Co-designer David King Raul Belin Business Development Executive Sr Sales Manager Alice Smith Amy Wilson Technical Consultants Technical Head David, Robert Jacob Smile Marketing Manager Digital Circulation Manager Eric Smith Mark Clain Contributing Editor Maria Christopher Anish David CORPORATE OFFICE People this behind edition 2024
  • 10. Story
  • 11. Ong A Public Speaker Empowering Women with Opportunities ‘ I feel empowered to reach out to more Asian women worldwide and advocate for courageous leadership.
  • 12. In a situation of dire need, an individual learns how to sail the ship through the storm. One of the most remarkable displays of bravery is overcoming fear, which is no less than a storm in life. To accomplish this, one needs determination and perseverance because a step towards the transformation process is a step toward success. Lilian Ong, Founder and Director of Class Living Pte Ltd., is an aspiring personality who worked on her fear of public speaking and won over it. Her narrative serves as motivation for anyone aspiring to be a public speaker and has a significant impact on numerous other students and workers who struggle with communication. She is a socialist with unique plans for women's empowerment. Initially, Lilian didn't understand the underlying reason for her fear of public speaking until she set out on a path of self-awareness and growth. As a child, an incident during the morning assembly at her school is still ingrained in her mind. She was thrilled to lead the school in reciting the national pledge during the assembly. Sadly, Lilian, then ten years old, stammered and ran short of words. The most notable achievement was when she introduced her first book, "Women of Courage, Breaking the Fear Barrier," and told her courageous story in front of 5,000 people in Hanoi, Vietnam. Empowering Women Lilian established Class Living Pte Ltd., an organization whose mission is to support women in realizing their goals and aspirations while transforming their communities via leadership. Through coaching, mentoring, and an ecosystem of community support, they hope to inspire and empower women to break free from self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs to live a life of courage, purpose, and significance. Winning Over the Challenges Lilian faced many challenges in her journey as a public speaker. First, conquering fear and anxiety was her biggest challenge because of her early trauma associated with public speaking. She would experience a panic attack before speaking, so she needed to learn how to control her mental, emotional, and physical states. This includes mastering her physiology, calming her nerves, managing her emotions, and refreshing her mind. That starts with the "Awakening Courage" journey and introspective self-discovery. Also, her lack of confidence made her highly self-conscious in her early years. Her next task was to get better at recognizing and dismantling those limiting and self-defeating beliefs so that her audience would be the center of attention instead of her. To keep the audience from becoming disinterested or lost entirely, she also learned to engage the audience emotionally and maintain their attention. Recalling the incident, Lilian says, “My heart was thundering so hard it was about to explode from my chest. I was gasping for air and felt like I had a frog in my throat. My hands shook uncontrollably, my knees turned to jelly, and I could hear a pin drop as all eyes were on me. I just wanted to find a hole and jump in!” After this incident, the teacher who had chosen her told her not to lead the pledge the following day. Her confidence dropped from the sky to the ground. Even in small groups, she battled the fear of public speaking throughout her childhood. Every time she was asked to speak or give a presentation, she would always experience a panic attack. This impacted her career, academic background, and, eventually, her business. She was tired of constantly maintaining silence when someone asked her to speak. But she decided to overcome her fear rather than give in to it. She eventually faced her fear and stopped self-sabotaging behaviors and self-doubt by joining leadership programs and a networking platform. She gradually discovered how to get over her fear of public speaking. I step on the stage with the mindset of a leader, a coach, a storyteller, and a friend. Asia's Most Influen al Public Speakers to Watch in 2024
  • 13. She will remain mired in a cycle of self-doubt and insufficient confidence to command the stage until she truly understands and believes that her speaking mission is to inspire and empower women to live their dreams and destinies by providing them with the tools and strategies to become leaders and influencers. Her delivery presented the third difficulty. She had trouble committing the script to memory. She got so reliant on reading the script aloud that she lost track of what she wanted to say and became confused. She thus allowed herself to explore and experiment with the various speaking styles to find her delivery style rather than memorizing the script. She also took a long time to develop ideas for rapport building at the opening to engage the audience or immerse them in her experiences, stories, or world. She eventually discovered her voice and created a structure to aid in internalizing her speech. Star Performer Lilian owns the stage from the moment she steps on it. She also entered the stage with the perspective of a friend, storyteller, coach, and leader. She recalls instances in which the slides had technical issues. Instead of waiting for the technical staff to wave their magic wand, she is prepared to engage the audience through interactive activities rather than just waiting helplessly. She is a champion who constantly emphasizes internalizing one's speech or narrative. The purpose of the slides is to support and enhance the speech; they shouldn't take center stage. She wants her audience to connect with her and not get distracted by the slides. With confidence and efficiency, she handles every mess on the stage. Gadgets to Connect with the Audience Everybody learns differently, even Lilian, who prefers kinesthetic and experiential learning. She spent years researching, testing, and assessing before developing her unique "Courage Blueprint," which consists of several straightforward frameworks that enable her to interact with her audience and give them the confidence to act. As a gift to her community and those participating in her five-day masterclass and challenge, "Courage to Impact" and "SPEAK! With Courage," Lilian offers two frameworks: "The Victorious Model" and "The 3A Approach.”
  • 14.
  • 15. Relationships in the personal sphere would exhibit more significant levels of intimacy, trust, and authenticity in marriages, parent-child relationships, families, and friendships. The bravery to raise one's voice and participate in challenging discussions may prevent marriages from ending in divorce. To prevent their children from being misled and leading wayward lives, parents should establish a stronger connection with them to direct and guide them to conduct themselves with solid core values. Communities can become more vital and closer when people communicate effectively and align their goals, dreams, and purposes. This will help create a safer society and culture that will benefit all community members and future generations. Communication Connecting Communities As Lilian’s mentor, John Maxwell, said, and she quotes, “Leadership is influence.” Influence is the capacity to motivate and uplift people, inspiring them to take intentional steps that open doors for themselves and others by utilizing effective communication. Beyond methods, effective communication delves deeper into comprehending, relating to, and influencing others. In the professional world, a person can have a transformative effect and produce outcomes that may surpass their expectations if they teach students how to communicate their message with conviction, clarity, and connection. They can also inspire and motivate their team, report to a board of directors or other stakeholders, or work in sales and marketing. I have come to understand that my identity and purpose drive my behaviors. ‘
  • 16. Maintaining a Healthy Mind Lilian knows that her actions are motivated by her identity and purpose. Actions precede clarity, which ignites confidence, and conviction awakens courage, manifested as intentional and committed action. She, therefore, makes sure that as soon as she gets out of bed in the morning, she embraces her identity and reminds herself of her purpose. She developed a framework To tune in to her inner self, her subconscious, and her spirit to establish a connection with God, she would purposefully immerse herself in nature regularly while turning off all outside voices. Memorable Events At the "Building Courageous Women Leaders Conference" in Cambodia in 2023, Lilian was asked to address and known as "Mindset Check-in," which she uses with her coaching clients and community volunteers, such as "HER Courage Biznetwork" and "Women of Courage Asia." Since her company reflects on herself, maintaining a daily "Mindset Check- in" habit keeps her optimistic in her personal and professional life. She also scheduled "Silence and Solitude" time.
  • 17. mentor a group of roughly 150 leaders from various industries. The Learning Gateway is a professional platform that offers chances for professionals and businesses to thrive in a forward- thinking atmosphere, and the SCIA Cambodia - Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy collaborated to organize the half-day event. She didn't anticipate this leadership development program's influence on the younger leaders in attendance that day. After hearing each group's sharing, she recalled how the entire atmosphere in the auditorium changed, and she encouraged everyone, expressing how inspired and overwhelmed she felt. She encouraged them to persevere in pursuing their goals and aspirations to transform Cambodia via brave leadership! Many people approached her after the training to express their gratitude for giving them the courage to speak up and take charge and for inspiring and enabling them with leadership skill sets. This conference stood out because it demonstrated and accomplished her vision and mission! A Dream for Revolution As a public speaker, Lilian wants to see the women who have listened to her speak or participated in her coaching and training programs make the brave decision to act and bring about the change they desire. These women's spheres of influence contain success stories, testimonies, reviews, and reports of them leading courageous lives and making a positive difference. The strength of the volunteer and community leader team supporting her and the expansion of women's communities in terms of quality and quantity are testaments to what success looks like. Advice for Aspiring Speakers Lilian adores the quote by St Francis of Assisi, “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly, you’re doing the impossible.” She was inspired to act by this quote and began empowering herself to become a courageous coach and public speaker. She says, “We don’t know what we don’t know.” Look for a coach or mentor who has been there before, who one can relate to and connect with, and who has the coaching abilities to empower and equip. A person wants to be sure that their vision, mission, and
  • 18. core values are all in line. They also want to be sure that the person they are receiving from is trustworthy and always has their best interests at heart. Lilian always reminds her community, “Courage is the choice to take action in the face of fear, and it takes intentional action to create the change you want to see.” It’s alright to make mistakes; learning is messy, and actions precede clarity. She advises to focus on making progress, not perfection. She believes that a person's life experiences contain their message. She also enjoys hearing about other people's lives. Every event in life has a vast amount of wisdom. One should do introspective reflection to uncover gold in one's life story! Plans for 2024 and Beyond By 2024, Lilian hopes to have opened doors to opportunities beyond her wildest dreams to use her coaching and
  • 19. speaking to have a more profoundly transformative impact. Over the past five years, she has begun to explore and experiment on her home territory in Singapore and a few other Asian countries. She feels empowered to reach out to more Asian women worldwide and advocate for courageous leadership because of the influence and testimonies she has witnessed and received. In terms of personal growth, she sees herself maturing in character and stepping up to the next level of courage and boldness as she grows in her intimacy with God.
  • 20.
  • 21. Give Read it a Subscribe to Succcess Check should be drawn in favor of INSIGHTS SUCCESS MEDIA TECH LLC CONTACT US Feature with us right away! Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754
  • 22. G reat orators have the ability to captivate audiences, convey powerful messages, and empower positive changes. These personalities connect with the people, initiate movements, and shape new ideas. Orators who inspire positive transformations often present a compelling vision for the future. They exhibit a clear and optimistic picture of the world they envision, motivating people and establishments to work towards a shared goal. Their captivating vision serves as a powerful catalyst for positive change, fostering hope and determination. The zeal to work for society drives them to craft a growth environment for organizations and individuals that lead to a brighter, more inclusive future for all. Jonathan Breton, Global Director of BSI (British Standards Institution), is one such individual who has the ability to captivate, motivate, and inspire people towards positive transformations and has been significantly impacting society with his innovative thinking He has over 15 . years of experience in leading Sales, Marketing and business development strategies for his clients in various industries. He remains committed to developing a positive influence by establishing trust through the exchange of ideas and global collaboration with clients. His approach involves implementing a digitally connected, safe and sustainable built environment through trust to contribute to a future-ready sector. It expanded boldly with global recognition, ensuring trust and confidence in businesses and communities on six continents. At BSI, employees have incredible capabilities and expertise. They take great pride in the organization's purpose-led work. Jonathan helps organizations achieve their goals and grow sustainably while balancing the necessity for profit with the planet's and people's needs. Sailing through the Challenges At times, challenges can lead to growth opportunities if approached with a perspective to learn and gain experience. Highlighting this aspect, BSI organizes and participates in events that invite industry professionals from diverse sectors. Jonathan brings together leading thinkers, innovators, and practitioners in speaking events to discuss industry trends and collaborate to create best practice standards and regulatory frameworks. Harnessing Effective Strategies Jonathan notes, "Unforeseen challenges are a natural part of public speaking, and how you respond to these moments can ultimately shape what the audience comes away thinking." Speakers can confidently navigate these moments with preparation and a calm demeanour. By embracing adaptability, maintaining composure, and keeping the audience engaged, speakers can effectively navigate unexpected situations during live speaking engagements. As a public speaker, he uses his subject matter expertise and vision for change management to find solutions to some of society's most pressing issues. This includes driving digital transformation, accelerating progress on sustainability, ensuring clients' health, safety, and well-being during the whole life cycle of construction projects. Making the World a Better Place Under Jonathan's stewardship, BSI works closely with its clients and stakeholders, developing trust and accelerating progress towards a fair society and a sustainable future. BSI promotes confidence in organizations by demonstrating new perspectives on solving substantial issues with effective solutions. The organization aims to improve business, protect consumers, work with governments, and reinvest the profits to benefit society. This attracts other organizations and experts to work with BSI to pursue the greater good. I leverage my subject matter expertise and vision for change management to find solutions to some of society's biggest challenges. “ “ Jonathan Breton Wisdom that Transcends Trust and Impact | March 2024 20
  • 23. Jonathan engages the audience during live events through various delivery modalities such as presentations, webinars, round table talks, and panel discussions. He recommends using tools like Slido to evaluate people's knowledge using an interactive online quiz to spice up the presentation or to assess people's learning entertainingly. The Power of Transparency As an adept orator, Jonathan emphasizes the role of effective communication. He notes, "Clear, open, and empathetic communication creates an environment where people feel understood, valued, and motivated to perform at their best." It can foster trust, provide clarity and direction, enhance motivation, build strong relationships, encourage innovation, provide support, and facilitate personal and professional development. "By prioritizing effective communication, leaders and individuals can create environments that inspire and empower others to achieve their full potential," he adds. Casting an Everlasting Impact on the Audience As a public speaker, Jonathan hopes to inspire, inform, and engage his audience in a meaningful way. Measuring success in his profession involves a combination of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Gathering feedback from audience members via surveys, testimonials, and direct communication is an excellent Jonathan Breton Global Director, Built Environment, BSI (British Standards Institution) Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024 | 21
  • 24. approach to assessing the effectiveness of Jonathan's presentations. Furthermore, tracking audience post- engagement conduct, including adopting the ideas expressed, making changes in their own lives or work based on the insights given, or reaching out for additional collaboration, can provide objective evidence of the impact of his presentations. Assessing the long-term impact of Jonathan's presentations on individuals and organizations, such as tracking changes in behaviour, performance improvements, or adopting new standards influenced by his message, insights into the effectiveness of his presentations in achieving their objectives, meeting audience expectations, and contributing to the event's overall success. Jonathan says, "Being recognized as a thought leader in the industry, receiving invitations for speaking engagements from prestigious organizations, and gaining visibility and influence within relevant professional communities can indicate the impact and resonance of my presentations." He believes monitoring audience reach, engagement metrics, and social media interactions related to his presentations can provide insights into the resonance and get of his message beyond the physical event, indicating a more significant impact on a larger audience. By assessing these varied measures of impact and success, Jonathan can continually refine and enhance speaking engagements to maximize the value he aims to bring to audiences, organizations, and individuals. Ultimately, the ability to inspire, inform, and engage, coupled with tangible evidence of positive influence and change, can be used to evaluate the impact of Jonathan's work as a public speaker. Advice for Aspiring Public Speakers Jonathan has several pieces of advice for individuals aspiring to become public speakers that can help them develop and enhance their skills in this area. Jonathan believes that to become an effective public speaker, one must first understand their reasons. is an essential measure of enduring impact. Soliciting feedback from event organizers, corporate clients, or conference committees can provide As a public speaker, I hope to inspire, inform, and engage my audience in a meaningful way. “ “ 22 | March 2024
  • 25. Choosing themes or issues one is passionate about is important, as this will generate motivation and make the message more captivating and accurate to the audience. Connecting with purpose and emotion is essential for giving an impactful speech. He considers practice as an essential tool for improving public speaking skills. One should grasp every opportunity to speak in public, nerves is crucial. Jonathan advises practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization, to calm the nerves before speaking. Before speaking to the audience, it is vital to grasp who they are, what they care about, and what obstacles they may face. This insight will allow the speakers to adjust their message to their audience's needs and interests. Individuals can develop the skills and confidence required to become successful public speakers by following these tips and staying dedicated to continuous improvement. Jonathan says, "Remember that becoming an effective public speaker is a journey that requires commitment, practice, and a genuine desire to connect with and inspire others through the power of speech." At BSI, Jonathan leverages a unique position to take on society's biggest challenges. In 2024, he aims to influence international thinking and action on important issues so BSI can deliver long-term benefits for people. Jonathan wants to be an agent for positive change and partner with stakeholders to co-create solutions to global challenges like the climate crisis and how AI will be used. These are two areas where Jonathan would like to personally invest and enhance his knowledge eventually. whether in front of a small group of friends, at local events, or in professional settings. He also advises knowing the audience. Before speaking to the audience, it is essential to take the time to understand their needs, concerns and challenges they may face. This understanding will help the speakers narrate content that resonates with their audience's needs and interests. Jonathan believes in providing captivating content. Speakers should carefully craft their messages to ensure they are attractive, educational, and relevant to their audience. Whether sharing a personal story or expertise or delivering a motivating message, providing well-structured and valuable content to the audience is primary. In his words, "Authenticity is key to connecting with your audience. Be genuine to yourself as you speak." It is essential to embrace authenticity. Public speaking can be nerve- wracking, but managing one's We want to be an agent for positive change and partner with our stakeholders to create solutions to global challenges like the climate crisis and how AI will be used. “ “ | 23
  • 26. Examining the Responsibilities and Ethical Considerations for Speakers Public speaking transcends the mere act of sharing information. Speakers hold a powerful position that is capable of swaying beliefs, igniting action and leaving lasting impressions. This influence necessitates a strong ethical grounding. A speaker’s responsibility extends beyond crafting a compelling message. They must ensure accuracy and fairness in their content, avoiding manipulation or deception. Furthermore, ethical public speaking acknowledges the audience’s right to informed perspectives. By presenting balanced viewpoints and respecting differing opinions, speakers foster trust and credibility. Ultimately, ethical public speaking strives to empower, not mislead, fostering positive change and responsible discourse. Join us to explore the multifaceted responsibilities and ethical considerations inherent in public speaking, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing ethics in communication! Understanding the Responsibilities of Speakers Public speakers have a range of responsibilities that extend beyond conveying information effectively. These responsibilities include: 24 | March 2024
  • 28. • Authenticity and Integrity: Speakers have a duty to be authentic and truthful in their presentations. This entails presenting accurate information and representing themselves honestly to their audience. • Respect for Diversity: Speakers should demonstrate respect for diversity in their communication, considering the backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives of their audience members. Avoiding stereotypes and promoting inclusivity is essential. • Clarity and Transparency: Speakers are responsible for ensuring clarity and transparency in their communication. This involves articulating ideas clearly, providing adequate context and being transparent about any biases or conflicts of interest. • Ethical Persuasion: While persuasion is often a goal of public speaking, speakers must use ethical persuasion techniques that respect the autonomy and dignity of their audience. Manipulative or coercive tactics should be avoided. Ethical Considerations in Public Speaking Public speakers must navigate various ethical considerations to ensure responsible and ethical communication: • Truthfulness: Speakers should prioritize truthfulness by presenting accurate and reliable information. Misleading or deceiving the audience undermines trust and credibility. • Respect for Privacy: Speakers must respect the privacy rights of individuals mentioned in their speeches and avoid disclosing sensitive or confidential information without consent. • Avoiding Harm: Speakers should be mindful of the potential impact caught in plagiarism or manipulation faces swift condemnation. Conversely, ethical conduct builds a reputation for reliability and integrity. This bolsters the current presentation and paves the way for future success. Ethical speakers are seen as valuable assets, worthy of respect and trust. Ethics in Different Types of Speaking Engagements The ethical considerations for speakers may vary depending on the context and purpose of the speaking engagement: • Business Presentations: Speakers in business settings must uphold ethical standards by providing accurate information to stakeholders, avoiding conflicts of interest and promoting transparency in corporate communications. • Academic Presentations: Ethical considerations in academic presentations include proper attribution of sources, respect for academic integrity and adherence to ethical guidelines for research. • Political Speeches: Political speakers have a responsibility to engage in ethical discourse, respecting opposing viewpoints and avoiding inflammatory rhetoric or misinformation. Conclusion The responsibilities and ethical considerations for speakers are integral to effective and ethical communication. By prioritizing ethics in public speaking, speakers can uphold authenticity, promote inclusivity and foster trust with their audience. Looking ahead, the future of public speaking will continue to emphasize ethical communication practices, ensuring that speakers play a positive and responsible role in shaping discourse and influencing public opinion. of their words and strive to avoid causing harm or offense to their audience members. • Accountability: Speakers should take accountability for their words and actions, acknowledging mistakes and addressing any unintended consequences of their speech. The Importance of Prioritizing Ethics in Communication Prioritizing ethics in public speaking is essential for building trust, fostering meaningful connections with the audience and upholding professional integrity. Ethical communication promotes respect, fairness and transparency, enhancing the credibility and effectiveness of the speaker. Ethical speakers create the Foundation of Trust. When audiences can depend on factual information, balanced viewpoints and honest intentions, a sense of security is established. This trust allows the message to resonate more deeply, as listeners are receptive and engaged rather than wary or skeptical. Ethical communication fosters a genuine connection, where the speaker is seen as a credible source and a worthy guide. Ethics fosters a space for open dialogue. By respecting diverse opinions and acknowledging opposing viewpoints, ethical speakers create an atmosphere where audience members feel heard and valued. This fosters a two-way street of communication, where the speaker isn’t simply delivering a message but rather sparking a conversation. This collaborative spirit builds stronger connections and fosters a sense of shared purpose. Ethical conduct builds a speaker’s reputation. In today’s information age, audiences are discerning. A speaker 26 | March 2024
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  • 30. Instead of delivering a speech like a lecturer, he weaves stories for his audience to engage them in the conversation. In order to use the power of words to change society, Maxwell inspires his listeners and aspiring public speakers. The Knowledge Review had the privilege of interviewing Maxwell to learn more about BlackMountain Capital and his wisdom and strategies. Below are the excerpts from the interview: Kindly elaborate a brief overview of your journey that led you to become a public speaker. Previously, I was the CEO of a training and coaching business I founded called High-Performing Coach. We expanded to have a team of 23 members and more than 1,000 clients within three years. As part of that business, I was the key person of influence to build the brand and business as a public speaker and training facilitator. Since then, I’ve been speaking on stages and podcasts to make whichever business I’ve been focused on. Can you share the mission and vision of you and your organization? Black Mountain Capital (BMC) aims to unlock the potential and invest in people and enterprises that aim to change the world. Through this purpose, we responsibly generate returns for our investors and partners by funding innovation and supporting entrepreneurs and their start-ups. Promoting Strategies to Unleash the Power of Communication Maxwell Nee ublic speakers are thought leaders who captivate Plisteners with original and thought-provoking content. They inspire people to put significant effort toward realizing their dreams and ambitions, dispelling uncertainty and fear. For their audience, these word wizards are reliable sources of information. These individuals use their skills to educate and inspire audiences on various social issues. Through a combination of spoken word and physical gestures, they captivate their audiences. They carefully analyze the thoughts and emotions of their listeners and then craft a presentation that genuinely resonates with them and addresses their concerns. Maxwell Nee, the Managing Partner of BlackMountain Capital, is an inspiring public speaker who began his career as a teacher, where he gained mastery over public speaking. He is an expert at every tactic to get speaking engagements and become a great public speaker. He is the embodiment of optimism and tenacity, encouraging others to persevere in the face of overwhelming adversity. Maxwell's outstanding communication abilities enable him to engage his audience and convey his intended ideas. He believes the keys to success are addressing one's weaknesses and pursuing one's passion. Many esteemed awards and recognitions have been bestowed upon him due to his devotion, diligence, vision, and strategies. 28 | March 2024
  • 31. The purpose of BlackMountain Capital (BMC) is to unlock the potential and invest in people and enterprises that aim to change the world. Maxwell Nee Managing Partner, BlackMountain Capital | 29
  • 32. At BMC, the relationship between us, the general partners, and the start-up is not purely financial. We often provide advice, recruitment options or ideas, strategic planning, and our network to align the start-up on the road to a successful outcome. Can you share some challenges you've faced as a public speaker? The biggest challenge of any speaker is to win more speaking gigs—ideally, the paid ones. Without doing more, your business won’t build, and you won't grow. It would be best if you kept the momentum going. How did you overcome the challenges? Building up slowly, everything can be accelerated with money and investment into getting more speaking gigs. However, to build a prosperous career, it takes time! I’m a multi-award-winning entrepreneur, bodybuilder, and dancer. As an entrepreneur, I’ve won awards for innovation, disruption, and building a kick-ass high- performing team. Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024 30 | March 2024
  • 33. How do you handle unexpected situations during a live speaking engagement? I might be a little different, but I enjoy unexpected situations in live speaking engagements. I thrive in chaos. Can you share any specific techniques or tools you use to engage your audience during speaking events? Learn coaching if you want to be a better speaker. Coaching teaches you to be highly present and empathetic, the most powerful communication tool. Public speaking is precisely that: communication. How does effective communication inspire and encourage individuals in professional and personal settings? Effective communication is everything because you could have the best ideas and intentions, but they will die within you if you can’t communicate them. The opposite is also true; if you’re a great communicator of a bad idea, you can sway people into thinking that that isn’t necessarily good for them. Can you highlight a memorable speaking engagement that significantly impacted your audience and what made it stand out? Yes, I was speaking at the Hyatt Hotel in Sydney on Alternative Investments, and I sat outside the podium and spoke with stories rather than reading from a PowerPoint. This had a much more significant impact because it was more engaging as storytelling as if the audience were immersed in a movie than listening to a lecture. What advice do you have for individuals aspiring to become a public speaker? My advice would be to jump in the deep end and practice as much as you can. Work with a mentor, free if you need to. What plans are your personal and professional growth plans in 2024 and beyond? I am investing in my coaching and development. I now have one that I identified will help me with my weakness. Be vigorous with working on your weaknesses and going for what you want. | 31
  • 34. The Influence of Technology on Public Speaking Public speaking has long been regarded as a fundamental skill for effective communication, persuasion and leadership. Speakers honed their craft through face-to-face interactions, captivating audiences in a shared physical space. However, the digital age has ushered in a revolution, fundamentally altering this domain. Technology now empowers speakers to reach vast, geographically dispersed audiences through video conferencing, live streaming platforms and social media. These advancements expand reach and introduce new avenues for engagement, with interactive features allowing for real-time feedback and fostering a sense of virtual community. While the core principles of clear communication and captivating delivery remain essential, technology demands new skills from speakers such as proficiency in utilizing online tools and the ability to connect with audiences despite physical separation. This advancing domain presents both exciting opportunities and unique challenges for the modern public speaker. Join in to know more about the responsibilities of speakers in the context of progressing technological influences, emphasizing the importance of incorporating innovation while upholding ethical standards in public discourse! Understanding the Responsibilities of Speakers Public speakers hold the power to inform, inspire and influence. This necessitates ethical delivery ensuring accuracy, fairness and respect for diverse viewpoints. Building trust and fostering connections are paramount for impactful presentations. Effective public speaking comes with a set of inherent responsibilities that speakers must uphold: • Authenticity and Integrity: Speakers have a duty to present 32 | March 2024
  • 36. truthful and accurate information to their audience. Authenticity builds trust and credibility, essential elements of effective communication. • Respect for Diversity: Speakers must demonstrate respect for diverse perspectives, cultures and backgrounds within their audience. Inclusive language and content promote engagement and understanding among all audience members. • Ethical Persuasion: While persuasion is a goal of public speaking, ethical persuasion techniques involve respecting the autonomy and well-being of listeners. Speakers should avoid manipulative tactics and instead focus on presenting compelling and reasoned arguments. The Influence of Technology on Public Speaking The digital age has transformed public speaking. Technology broadens reach via streaming and social media, while interactive features foster virtual connections. Speakers must adapt, mastering online tools and connecting across the physical divide. Advancements in technology have significantly impacted the practice of public speaking: • Enhanced Presentation Tools: Technology has introduced sophisticated presentation tools such as multimedia slides, interactive visuals and virtual reality simulations. These tools enhance engagement and make presentations more dynamic and memorable. • Virtual Communication Platforms: Platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet enable remote presentations and virtual conferences, expanding the reach of speakers beyond physical locations. • Social Media and Digital Storytelling: Social media platforms allow speakers to amplify their message and reach a wider audience. Digital storytelling techniques including videos, podcasts and blogs enable speakers to connect with audiences in innovative ways. Incorporating Innovation in Public Speaking To remain effective and relevant in the digital age, speakers must embrace innovation while adhering to ethical guidelines: • Interactive Presentations: Incorporating interactive elements such as polls, quizzes and live Q&A sessions encourages audience participation and fosters engagement. • Visual Storytelling: Utilizing visuals like infographics, animations and data visualizations helps convey complex information in a compelling and accessible manner. • Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences: VR technology allows speakers to create immersive experiences that transport audiences to different environments or scenarios, enhancing learning and retention. Ethical Considerations in Technology-Driven Public Speaking Technology in public speaking demands ethical awareness. Be mindful of privacy concerns, data security and potential bias in AI tools. Ensure clear attribution of sources and avoid manipulation through deepfakes. Despite the benefits of technology, speakers must navigate ethical considerations: • Data Privacy: Speakers should prioritize data privacy and security when collecting and using audience data for personalized experiences. • Accessibility: Ensuring accessibility for all audience members, including those with disabilities, is crucial when incorporating technology into presentations. Conclusion In conclusion, the responsibilities of speakers are evolving in response to technological advancements reshaping public speaking. Embracing innovation while maintaining ethical standards is essential for effective communication and audience engagement. As technology continues to evolve, the future of public speaking will be characterized by seamless integration of innovative tools and techniques, enhancing the impact and reach of speakers worldwide. Future Aspects Looking ahead, the future of public speaking will witness further integration of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Machine Learning. These advancements will enable speakers to deliver more personalized, immersive and impactful presentations. Additionally, ethical considerations will remain paramount, with speakers adapting to evolving societal expectations and regulatory frameworks to ensure responsible and ethical use of technology in public discourse. By embracing innovation responsibly, speakers can leverage technology to inspire, inform and engage audiences in meaningful ways, shaping the future of public speaking for generations to come. 34 | March 2024
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  • 38. ublic speakers connect with Ptheir audiences by tackling the concerns they encounter in the intricate landscape of the contemporary world. These thought leaders captivate their audience with exciting topics supporting or addressing their problems. With their ability to uplift and inspire, these thought leaders educate and empower people worldwide. Pooja Shivani, Site Reliability Engineer at Oracle and Co-founder at Senya is a radiant personality who inspires thousands of young minds to pursue their passions and succeed. She supports and nurtures young girls, pointing them toward empowerment. She commands the stage and gives passionate performances that showcase her abilities and expertise. She believes in rising with others and mentoring young women to establish careers, that made her a Google Women TechMaker. The Knowledge Review was privileged to interview Pooja to learn more about Senya and her wisdom and strategies. Following are the excerpts from the interview: and support gave me the wings to fly. Through diligent study and determination, I achieved the third position on the merit list of Madhya Pradesh, securing 95per cent of the recognition honored by the chief minister. Unfortunately, destiny had its plans; my father suffered a stroke when it was time to apply for higher studies, which made me emotionally vulnerable. Kindly elaborate on a brief overview of your journey that led you to become a public speaker. "Real success lies in empowering others." Taking the road less traveled does not intimidate me; instead, it brings out the best in me. As the first girl to enroll in the science class at my school in a small town in Madhya Pradesh, I was not expected to excel, but my humble family's strong values 36 | March 2024
  • 39. In light of this, I decided to stay back in my town and pursue my studies at a local college, taking care of my father. Despite my impatience, I viewed it as a pause rather than a complete stop. Nevertheless, I forged ahead without regrets, fuelled by hope and perseverance. Eager to grow and enhance my exposure, I pursued a post-graduate diploma in Big Data Analytics from CDAC, Pune. The program opened doors to my career at Nokia and later Oracle. My journey thus far has instilled the confidence to carve my path and navigate life. It was during this time that I felt a deep desire to bridge the gap for women from small towns who were interested in STEM, which motivated me to start mentoring young women in their careers and be a role model for the girls in my locality, which eventually led me to become a Google Women TechMakers. Can you share the mission and vision of you and your organization? How do you handle unexpected situations during a live speaking engagement? I handle unexpected situations during a live speaking engagement by following a simple rule, being calm and composed, and letting the audience bring it on. I believe in defeating obstacles with wit and intellect. Can you share any specific techniques or tools you use to engage your audience during speaking events? I use Quickfire chat sessions, chit- games, and fun activities to keep the audience interested while giving a speech. Kindly share noteworthy awards or recognitions you have received. A few of my valued achievements are: • Certificate of Appreciation from Manipal University, Jaipur • Core Designer Certificate from Data iku • Oracle Certified Foundations Associate Oracle Cloud Infrastructure • Scrum Alliance CSM Certified • Microsoft Certified Azure Data Fundamentals Can you highlight a memorable speaking engagement that significantly impacted your audience and what made it stand out? I hosted a Tech talk on "Fostering Google Community" at a small college in a Tier-3 city in India. I discussed launching the Google Developer Student Club by sharing the processes and requirements. Students from villages and small towns came to know about this club and were excited and enthusiastic to join it. The smiles and curiosity on their faces fulfilled my mission as a Public Speaker. I handle unexpected situations during a live speaking engagement by following a simple rule, being calm and composed, and letting the audience bring it on. Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024 | 37 Being a Co-founder at Senya is a true enabler of my Indian dream of entrepreneurship, an initiative for college girls feeling lost in their careers and actively seeking support. We support and train girls with basic finance and investment knowledge, providing them with the necessary resources to flourish. As I dedicated myself to uplifting others, I found a sense of fulfillment in these endeavors. My journey taught me that success lies in personal achievements and empowering others. Can you share some challenges you've faced as a public speaker? Usually, People with 10 + years of experience are seen as Public Speaker, but I broke this stereotype and became a Public Speaker. Your knowledge matters, not the years of experience you hold. How did you overcome the challenges? I proved myself on the stage through my skills, knowledge, and abilities. I believe in Just breaking the bias and ruling the world.
  • 40. ental fitness refers to an Mindividual's capacity to uphold psychological flexibility, emotional resilience, and general mental health. It is a term used to characterize an individual's mental state, much like physical fitness describes an individual's physical state. A healthy mind practices positive mental health habits, which are integral to mental wellness. These behaviors include regular exercise, mindfulness training, reaching out for social support, and cultivating an optimistic outlook. Today, it is a heavy yet crucial topic to talk about. YuJin Wong, CEO of Mental Rockstar Academy, is an award- winning keynote speaker who aims to enlighten his clients and gift them sound mental health by strengthening their mental fitness. His professional journey kicked off in the field of law, where he gained valuable experience and knowledge. However, he later transitioned to investment banking, facing several personal challenges that took a toll on his well-being. He experienced a decline in his health and went through a difficult divorce, which plunged him into a state of depression. Despite his struggles, YuJin was determined to get back on track and completely overhaul his life. He prioritized his mental and physical health and focused on self- improvement. This transformational experience ignited his passion for public speaking, where he now shares public speakers. Initially, I covered a broad range of topics, but I soon realized the importance of specializing in creating a memorable identity. Focusing on a specific niche is key to establishing a recognizable brand. How did you overcome the challenges? To elevate my public speaking, I sought guidance from successful speakers and consultants, delving into the nuances of speech delivery and brand positioning. I immersed myself in reading, joined speaking organizations, and actively participated in conferences and training, all aimed at achieving global recognition. How do you handle unexpected situations during a live speaking engagement? As a speaker, maintaining composure is essential, especially during unforeseen challenges. For instance, during a post-COVID event, I had to swiftly adapt my approach when authorities intervened due to audience interaction. Staying calm and responsive is key in such situations. Can you share any specific techniques or tools you use to engage your audience during speaking events? Known for high energy, I engage audiences with dynamic activities like singing, dancing, and interactive exercises. This approach not only energizes the audience but also enhances their receptiveness and learning. his story to inspire others. He wants to inspire others to overcome obstacles and lead happy lives by sharing his tale of perseverance, determination, and self-discovery. The Knowledge Review had the privilege to interview YuJin Wong. Below are the highlights of the interview: Kindly elaborate on a brief overview of your journey that led you to become a public speaker. My journey began in law, transitioning to investment banking, where personal challenges like health decline and a difficult divorce led to depression. This prompted a complete life overhaul, prioritizing mental health, physical fitness, and self-improvement. This transformative experience ignited my passion for public speaking, sharing my story to inspire others. Can you share the mission and vision of you and your organization? My mission centers on promoting 'Mental Fitness,' a proactive approach distinct from the often-stigmatized concept of mental health. Mental Fitness involves systematic self- improvement irrespective of one's current mental state, and I advocate for its integration into organizational culture for overall thriving. Can you share some of the challenges you've faced in your journey as a public speaker? Crafting the right brand is crucial for 38 | March 2024
  • 41. Kindly share noteworthy awards or recognitions you have received over the years. I've been honored with several accolades, including the Global Brands Icon in Wellness and Peak Performance (2016), the McMillan Woods Global Award (2016), Asia's Best Brand Award (2018), and Asia's Innovation Excellence Award (2022), reflecting my impact in the field. What role does effective communication play in inspiring and encouraging individuals in professional and personal settings? Effective communication is a perpetual skill to refine. Even as a seasoned speaker, I continuously work on adapting my style to suit diverse audiences, focusing on their needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Can you highlight a memorable speaking engagement that had a significant impact on your audience and what made it stand out? A standout moment was my engagement in Jakarta for Prudential Insurance, where, as the sole foreign speaker, I addressed 10,000 attendees in a mix of Malay and Bahasa Indonesia. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with a lasting impact on many attendees. As a public speaker, what impact do you hope to leave on your audience, and how do you measure success in your profession? I believe in the power of simplicity. Rather than overwhelming audiences with information, I focus on three key takeaways enriched with stories and interactive activities for a lasting impact. What advice do you have for individuals aspiring to become a public speaker? To aspiring public speakers, I advise pursuing this rewarding career with humility and a continual learning mindset. The journey is as enriching as the destination. What plans do you have for your personal and professional growth in 2024 and beyond? In 2024, my goal is to collaborate more closely with organizations to address the rising mental health issues among employees. By guiding them towards better mental fitness, I aim to contribute to both individual and organizational peak performance. Asia's Most Influential Public Speakers to Watch in 2024