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Department of Mathematics

        Dhaka University
Project Presentation
Efficiency of sorting algorithms
              Course No: 490
           Session: 2001- 2002
         Class Roll No: Jn-262
  Registration No: 3293/1997-1998

Supervised by: Dr. Amal Krishna Halder
What is sorting algorithms

• The word Sort refer to arrange the records
  according order which may be ascending order
  or descending order.

• The word Algorithm refer to technique or
  process of sorting the records.
What we have done
• Review various sorting algorithms with the help of
  Internet, Library books and our project guide.
• Implement the algorithms by a well known programming
  language C/C++ and test it for various data.
• We contribute something new algorithm structure in the
  sorting algorithm literature.
• We analyzed comparatively and try to find efficiency
  among them.
• We try to make a Conclusion about the efficiency of
  sorting algorithms.
Why we choose sorting algorithms
• There are many reasons why sorting algorithms is of
• Computer can perform million/billion time faster
  interest to computer scientists and mathematicians.
  operations than human. As for example, to find a specific
  data among billion of data computer will take few
• seconds.
  Some algorithms are easy to implement, some algorithms
  take advantage of particular computer architectures, and
• some fast computer search a dataclever. Someits very
  How algorithms are particularly depends on are
  efficient in every stage, some are inefficient for a
  processing power. Processing power depends on
  particular size and type of data. to search a specific data
  processing technique. It is easy
  if it has been sorted earlier. So sorting takes very
• important role for searching data. find out the efficiency
  In our project, our main aim is to
  of various types of sorting algorithm.
Type of sorting
• Internal: if the records that it is sorting are in
  main memory. e.g. Bubble, Quick, Shell etc.

• External: if the records that it is sorting are with
  the help of auxiliary storage. e.g. Radix, Merge,
  Tri-merge(newly proposed)
A sort also can classified as:

• Recursive: if recursive function (the function
  which calls itself in the function) is used .
  e.g. Merge, Quick, Tri-merge(newly proposed)

• Non-recursive: if it is not used recursive
  function e.g. Bubble, Insertion, Shell etc.
• After reviewing various sorting algorithm we
  choose some commonly used sorting algorithm
  that will be listed afterwards.

• For each algorithm we try to describe
  derivation and algorithm with the same
  example for clear understand.
Some Common Sorting Algorithms:
       ⇒Bubble Sort
       ⇒Insertion Sort
       ⇒Selection Sort
       ⇒Replacement Sort
       ⇒Shell Sort
       ⇒Heap Sort
       ⇒Radix Sort
       ⇒Quick Sort
       ⇒Merge Sort
A new approach for sorting algorithm
• Reviewing various sorting algorithm our knowledge has
  been enriched. We try to work with ternary tree structure
  for sorting algorithm where as generally used binary tree
• After facing many problem finally we able to construct a
  successful sorting algorithm which probed to be more
  efficient than binary one.
• Since it uses ternary tree structure and merging technique
  we named it Tri-merge Sort.
• As far as our knowledge goes, this ternary tree structure
  has not yet been used for sorting algorithm.
Problem faced
• At first we faced the problem that if data size can be
  expressed as 3 i (i=1,2…k) then it works properly
  because it splits equally and merge without missing

• But if data size is not an exact multiple of 3 then it
  cannot be split equally and cannot merge from three
  files recursively.

• We fixed the problem by ensuring that data will be
  split recursively until 1 or 2 data remain. This last step
  is treated individually without recursive call and will be
  sort among themselves.
Tri-merge Sort
       Tri-merge is a new proposed technique for sorting
data. It uses the attractive features of the sorting methods
as like of merge sorting. Tri-merge uses ternary tree
structure and recursive function.
       The procedure of Tri-merge sort is completed in
two phases:

Phase-1: Split in to 3 parts recursively.
Phase-2: Merge to 1 part from 3 ordered parts recursively.
Phase-1: Split
• In this stage total data of the given list split into
  3 parts.
• Each part consequently split 3 parts recursively
  until 1 or 2 elements remain.
• When two data remain in a part they are sorted
  among themselves.

• The split procedure will be shown afterward by
Phase-2: Merge
• In this phase every 3 split parts become 1 part
  and are sorted among themselves.

• This process continues until all data become
  one part and finally we get completely sorted

• The merge procedure will be shown afterward
  by animation.
Splitting Recursively
            8   5 2 7 1 3 9 2                   6
    Split to 3 parts Recursively until 1 or 2 data remain

    8       5   2         7   1   3         9   2       6

8       5       2     7       1       3     9       2       6
Merging Recursively

8       5           2        7       1        3       9        2       6

    2   5       8                1   3   7            2     6      9

Compare first element from three files and find smallest one
 Which will be merge to final 3 Sorted files tohere..
   Final Merge From list as like describing 1 Sorted            file

                                         This process will be continue
                                           until all data are merged

            1       2    2       3   5    6       7   8   9
                    Now we get sorted list
Tri-mergeSort( a[L,....,R], L, R )
{      n=R-L+1 (number of element calculated from index position)
       IF (n>2) THEN
                m1 = n/3 (First midpoint)
                m2 = 2*m1 (Second midpoint)
               Tri-mergeSort ( a[L,….,m1], L, m1 )
    Algorithm of Tri-merge sort
               Tri-mergeSort ( a[m1+1,….,m2], m1+1, m2 )
               Tri-mergeSort ( a[m2+1,….,R], m2+1, R )
               Tri-merge ( a[L,….,R], L, m1+1, m2+1, R )
       }                       in
       ELSE IF (n = 2) THEN
          Structural PseudoCode
               IF ( a[L] > a[R] )
                         temp = a[L]
                         a[L] = a[R]
                         a[R] = temp
Tri-merge ( a[L,….,R], L, m1, m2, R)
{      part1 = a[L,…,m1-1]; part2 = a[m1,…,m2-1]; part3 = a[m2,…,R]
       TempArray[L,…,R];       n = R-L+1
       IF ( n > 2 )
       {         WHILE( part1, part2 and part3 has elements )
                        Comparing from 3 parts find minimum and set to TempArray.
                 WHILE( part1 and part2 has elements )
                        Comparing from 2 parts find minimum and set to TempArray.
                 WHILE( part2 and part3 has elements )
                        Comparing from 2 parts find minimum and set to TempArray.
                 WHILE( part1 and part3 has elements )
                        Comparing from 2 parts find minimum and set to TempArray.
                 WHILE( part1 has elements )
                        set to TempArray.
                 WHILE( part2 has elements )
                        set to TempArray.
                 WHILE (part3 has elements)
                        set to TempArray.
       RETURN TempArray
void TriMergeSort( int a[], int L, int R, long int asscount[],long int comcount[])
     int noOfEle=R-L+1;
     int m1,m2,part,t;

          m1 = L+part-1;

     Complete program of
          m2 = L+2*part-1;

       Tri-merge Sort
           TriMergeSort(a, m1+1,m2,asscount,comcount);
           TriMergeSort(a, m2+1,R,asscount,comcount);

      else if(noOfEle==2)
Efficiency Analysis
Efficiency of sorting algorithm depends on the
 following criteria:
• How quickly (how much time require) data is sorted.
  CPU time depends on how many operation (assignment
  and compare) count are required for the algorithm
•   How they work for small data
•   How they work for big data
•   How they work for random data
•   How they work for preordered, disordered data and so
To achieve our goal we have try to do the
                 following task
  Since efficiency (time) depends on number of operations
  so we try to find out the total number of assignment and
  compare operations involved.
• Input data is prepared as random order by C/C++
  programming command.
• To get effect on number of operations for small and big
  data we find out total number of operations for 50, 200,
  400, 600, 800 data.
• We had a limitation to work with huge data (e.g. we have
  used earlier version of C/C++ compiler, Limited
  memory size of the computer.)
To achieve our goal we have try to do the
                 following task
  For comparative analysis we arrange total number of
  operation count in different table with different number
  of data (e.g. 50, 200, 400, 600, 800) including 100%, 80%,
  10%, random, totally disordered.
• To compare the result clearly we show them graphically
  so that one can get the picture at a glance.
• Analyzing the obtained data we try to find out an
  approximation function of operation count f(n), where n
  is the number of data. To get the function we use the
  technique of interpolation. This function is also serves
  an indication about the efficiency of the algorithm.
The Table of
Operation Count
For 50 Data total operation count with different ordered
Sort Name     100%     80%        10% Order Random Completely
              Order    Ordered                       Disorder
Bubble            3775       4153       5305    5335        7405
Insertion          245        749       2285    2325        5085
Selection         3975       4010       4071    4095        4445
Replacement       3775       4108       5086    5026        6154
Heap              2899       2773       2532    2479        2145
Shell              582        838       1186    1270        1622
Radix              706        706        706     706          706
Quick             4172       1615       1355    1204        4147
Merge             3163       3195       3205    3209        3145
TriMerge(New)     2078       2441       2560    2596        2443

   For 800 Data total operation count with different ordered
Sort Name     100%     80%       10% Order Random Completely
              Order    Ordered                      Disorder
Bubble         9226764   1063453    1259566 1447693     2756473
Insertion       509393    141399     402883  653719      619815
Selection       964759    964760     965474  966869      967801
Replacement     823641   1005562    1049428 1065151     1076530
Heap             73640     70835      68372   65851       64712
Shell            18494     41607     100366  148267      152850
Radix             9706      9706       9706    9706        9706
Quick            82110     54429      46866   37285       83002
Merge            80945     82205      83143   83455       84013
TriMerge(New)    72984     75943      79611   79993       79732
Approximate Operation count function f(n) with
                 respect to number of data n
Name of sorting algorithm         f(n)=Number of operation count
                                       (n = Number of data)
Bubble                                           2*n2

Insertion                                         n2

Selection                                       1.5*n2

Replacement                                     1.7*n2

Heap                                        28(n * Log n)

Shell                                       39(n * Log n)

Radix                                        5(n * Log n)

Quick                                       14(n * Log n)

Merge                                       36(n * Log n)

Tri-merge(New)                              32(n * Log n)
Graphical Representation
Operation Count Function
Bubble Sort is a very slow way of sorting; its
  main advantage is the simplicity of the
Insertion Sort is much efficient for ordered,
  preordered and small data. For disorder and
  large data its efficiency goes inversely.

Selection sort works nearly same for all types
   (ordered, preordered, random, disordered) of
   data. It is more efficient for small data than
   large one.
Replacement sort is also a slow procedure as
  bubble sort, it is not so efficient one.
Heap sort works well for disordered and data
  than preordered data. It also works well for
  big data.
Shell sort is more efficient for ordered data; it
  also works very well for small data but very
  slow for disordered data.
Radix sort is much more efficient than any
  other sorting algorithm. It works well for all
  types of ordered, disordered and random
  data; basically it gives exactly the same
  number of operations for all of those types.
  In our observation
Quick sort is more efficient for random data. It
  is bad for fully ordered and fully disordered
Merge sort gives nearly same number of
  operation for all types of data. It is more
  efficient for big data.
Tri-merge sort gives much better result than the
  merge sort, i.e. it is more efficient than
Ranking of sorting algorithm:
    It is very difficult to make ranking order of sorting algorithm according to
    their efficiency. Some works very well for small data and some well for big
    data. Similarly some works well for preordered data some works well for
    random data. After all we try to find out a general rank order for average
   Radix sort
   Quick sort
   Heap sort
   Tri-merge (newly proposed)
   Merge sort
   Shell sort
   Insertion sort
   Selection sort
   Replacement sort
   Bubble sort.
                       Bubble     Inser    Selec    Replace                                                    Tri-
                                                                 Heap      Shell   Radix    Quick    Merge
                                   tion    tion      Ment                                                     merge

                                                     Most        Most     Most                       Fairly   Fairly
     Algorithm        Most Easy   Easy     Easy
                                                     Easy        Hard     Hard
                                                                                   Easy     Hard
                                                                                                     Hard     Hard

                                  Fairly                                  Fairly   Very     Very
 For Random Data      Very Bad
                                           Bad     Fairly Bad    Good
                                                                          Good     Good     good
                                                                                                     Good     Good

                      Very Bad    Fairly   Very                           Very     Very     Very     Fairly
 For Ordered Data                 Good     Bad
                                                      Bad         Bad
                                                                          Good     Good     bad      Good

                                  Very                                    Fairly   Very     Very
For Disordered Data   Very Bad
                                           Bad        Bad        Good
                                                                          Good     Good     bad
                                                                                                     Good     Good

                                                                                   Very     Very     Fairly   Fairly
  For Small Data      Very Bad    Good     Bad     Very Bad      Good     Good
                                                                                   Good     Good     Good     Good

                                                                          Fairly   Very
   For Big Data       Very Bad    Bad      Bad     Vary Bad      Good
                                                                           Bad     Good
                                                                                            Good     Good     Good

                                           1.5*                   28*      39*      5*      14*      36*      32*
                              2        2    n2               2   nLog10 n nLog10 n nLog10 n nLog10 n nLog10 n nLog10 n
Obtained Complexity    2* n        n                1.7* n

     Conclusion Table at a glance

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Tri Merge Sorting Algorithm

  • 1. Department of Mathematics Dhaka University
  • 2. Project Presentation On Efficiency of sorting algorithms Course No: 490 Session: 2001- 2002 Class Roll No: Jn-262 Registration No: 3293/1997-1998 Supervised by: Dr. Amal Krishna Halder
  • 3. What is sorting algorithms • The word Sort refer to arrange the records according order which may be ascending order or descending order. • The word Algorithm refer to technique or process of sorting the records.
  • 4. What we have done • Review various sorting algorithms with the help of Internet, Library books and our project guide. • Implement the algorithms by a well known programming language C/C++ and test it for various data. • We contribute something new algorithm structure in the sorting algorithm literature. • We analyzed comparatively and try to find efficiency among them. • We try to make a Conclusion about the efficiency of sorting algorithms.
  • 5. Why we choose sorting algorithms • There are many reasons why sorting algorithms is of • Computer can perform million/billion time faster interest to computer scientists and mathematicians. operations than human. As for example, to find a specific data among billion of data computer will take few • seconds. Some algorithms are easy to implement, some algorithms take advantage of particular computer architectures, and • some fast computer search a dataclever. Someits very How algorithms are particularly depends on are efficient in every stage, some are inefficient for a processing power. Processing power depends on particular size and type of data. to search a specific data processing technique. It is easy if it has been sorted earlier. So sorting takes very • important role for searching data. find out the efficiency In our project, our main aim is to of various types of sorting algorithm.
  • 6. Type of sorting • Internal: if the records that it is sorting are in main memory. e.g. Bubble, Quick, Shell etc. • External: if the records that it is sorting are with the help of auxiliary storage. e.g. Radix, Merge, Tri-merge(newly proposed)
  • 7. A sort also can classified as: • Recursive: if recursive function (the function which calls itself in the function) is used . e.g. Merge, Quick, Tri-merge(newly proposed) etc. • Non-recursive: if it is not used recursive function e.g. Bubble, Insertion, Shell etc.
  • 8. Overview • After reviewing various sorting algorithm we choose some commonly used sorting algorithm that will be listed afterwards. • For each algorithm we try to describe derivation and algorithm with the same example for clear understand.
  • 9. Some Common Sorting Algorithms: ⇒Bubble Sort ⇒Insertion Sort ⇒Selection Sort ⇒Replacement Sort ⇒Shell Sort ⇒Heap Sort ⇒Radix Sort ⇒Quick Sort ⇒Merge Sort
  • 10. A new approach for sorting algorithm literature • Reviewing various sorting algorithm our knowledge has been enriched. We try to work with ternary tree structure for sorting algorithm where as generally used binary tree structure. • After facing many problem finally we able to construct a successful sorting algorithm which probed to be more efficient than binary one. • Since it uses ternary tree structure and merging technique we named it Tri-merge Sort. • As far as our knowledge goes, this ternary tree structure has not yet been used for sorting algorithm.
  • 11. Problem faced • At first we faced the problem that if data size can be expressed as 3 i (i=1,2…k) then it works properly because it splits equally and merge without missing • But if data size is not an exact multiple of 3 then it cannot be split equally and cannot merge from three files recursively. • We fixed the problem by ensuring that data will be split recursively until 1 or 2 data remain. This last step is treated individually without recursive call and will be sort among themselves.
  • 12. Tri-merge Sort Formulation: Tri-merge is a new proposed technique for sorting data. It uses the attractive features of the sorting methods as like of merge sorting. Tri-merge uses ternary tree structure and recursive function. The procedure of Tri-merge sort is completed in two phases: Phase-1: Split in to 3 parts recursively. Phase-2: Merge to 1 part from 3 ordered parts recursively.
  • 13. Phase-1: Split • In this stage total data of the given list split into 3 parts. • Each part consequently split 3 parts recursively until 1 or 2 elements remain. • When two data remain in a part they are sorted among themselves. • The split procedure will be shown afterward by animation.
  • 14. Phase-2: Merge • In this phase every 3 split parts become 1 part and are sorted among themselves. • This process continues until all data become one part and finally we get completely sorted data. • The merge procedure will be shown afterward by animation.
  • 15. Splitting Recursively 8 5 2 7 1 3 9 2 6 Split to 3 parts Recursively until 1 or 2 data remain 8 5 2 7 1 3 9 2 6 8 5 2 7 1 3 9 2 6
  • 16. Merging Recursively 8 5 2 7 1 3 9 2 6 2 5 8 1 3 7 2 6 9 Compare first element from three files and find smallest one Which will be merge to final 3 Sorted files tohere.. Final Merge From list as like describing 1 Sorted file This process will be continue until all data are merged 1 2 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 Now we get sorted list
  • 17. Tri-mergeSort( a[L,....,R], L, R ) { n=R-L+1 (number of element calculated from index position) IF (n>2) THEN { m1 = n/3 (First midpoint) m2 = 2*m1 (Second midpoint) Tri-mergeSort ( a[L,….,m1], L, m1 ) Algorithm of Tri-merge sort Tri-mergeSort ( a[m1+1,….,m2], m1+1, m2 ) Tri-mergeSort ( a[m2+1,….,R], m2+1, R ) Tri-merge ( a[L,….,R], L, m1+1, m2+1, R ) } in ELSE IF (n = 2) THEN { Structural PseudoCode IF ( a[L] > a[R] ) { temp = a[L] a[L] = a[R] a[R] = temp } } }
  • 18. Tri-merge ( a[L,….,R], L, m1, m2, R) { part1 = a[L,…,m1-1]; part2 = a[m1,…,m2-1]; part3 = a[m2,…,R] TempArray[L,…,R]; n = R-L+1 IF ( n > 2 ) { WHILE( part1, part2 and part3 has elements ) Comparing from 3 parts find minimum and set to TempArray. WHILE( part1 and part2 has elements ) Comparing from 2 parts find minimum and set to TempArray. WHILE( part2 and part3 has elements ) Comparing from 2 parts find minimum and set to TempArray. WHILE( part1 and part3 has elements ) Comparing from 2 parts find minimum and set to TempArray. WHILE( part1 has elements ) set to TempArray. WHILE( part2 has elements ) set to TempArray. WHILE (part3 has elements) set to TempArray. } RETURN TempArray }
  • 19. void TriMergeSort( int a[], int L, int R, long int asscount[],long int comcount[]) { int noOfEle=R-L+1; int m1,m2,part,t; comcount[0]++; if(noOfEle>2) { part=(R-L+1)/3; m1 = L+part-1; Complete program of m2 = L+2*part-1; asscount[0]+=3; Tri-merge Sort TriMergeSort(a,L,m1,asscount,comcount); TriMergeSort(a, m1+1,m2,asscount,comcount); TriMergeSort(a, m2+1,R,asscount,comcount); TriMerge(a,L,m1+1,m2+1,R,asscount,comcount); } else if(noOfEle==2) { comcount[0]+=2; if(a[L]>a[R]) { asscount[0]+=3; t=a[L]; a[L]=a[R];
  • 20.
  • 21. Efficiency Analysis Efficiency of sorting algorithm depends on the following criteria: • How quickly (how much time require) data is sorted. CPU time depends on how many operation (assignment and compare) count are required for the algorithm • How they work for small data • How they work for big data • How they work for random data • How they work for preordered, disordered data and so on.
  • 22. To achieve our goal we have try to do the following task Since efficiency (time) depends on number of operations so we try to find out the total number of assignment and compare operations involved. • Input data is prepared as random order by C/C++ programming command. • To get effect on number of operations for small and big data we find out total number of operations for 50, 200, 400, 600, 800 data. • We had a limitation to work with huge data (e.g. we have used earlier version of C/C++ compiler, Limited memory size of the computer.)
  • 23. To achieve our goal we have try to do the following task For comparative analysis we arrange total number of operation count in different table with different number of data (e.g. 50, 200, 400, 600, 800) including 100%, 80%, 10%, random, totally disordered. • To compare the result clearly we show them graphically so that one can get the picture at a glance. • Analyzing the obtained data we try to find out an approximation function of operation count f(n), where n is the number of data. To get the function we use the technique of interpolation. This function is also serves an indication about the efficiency of the algorithm.
  • 25. For 50 Data total operation count with different ordered Sort Name 100% 80% 10% Order Random Completely Order Ordered Disorder Bubble 3775 4153 5305 5335 7405 Insertion 245 749 2285 2325 5085 Selection 3975 4010 4071 4095 4445 Replacement 3775 4108 5086 5026 6154 Heap 2899 2773 2532 2479 2145 Shell 582 838 1186 1270 1622 Radix 706 706 706 706 706 Quick 4172 1615 1355 1204 4147 Merge 3163 3195 3205 3209 3145 TriMerge(New) 2078 2441 2560 2596 2443 For 800 Data total operation count with different ordered Sort Name 100% 80% 10% Order Random Completely Order Ordered Disorder Bubble 9226764 1063453 1259566 1447693 2756473 Insertion 509393 141399 402883 653719 619815 Selection 964759 964760 965474 966869 967801 Replacement 823641 1005562 1049428 1065151 1076530 Heap 73640 70835 68372 65851 64712 Shell 18494 41607 100366 148267 152850 Radix 9706 9706 9706 9706 9706 Quick 82110 54429 46866 37285 83002 Merge 80945 82205 83143 83455 84013 TriMerge(New) 72984 75943 79611 79993 79732
  • 26.
  • 27. Approximate Operation count function f(n) with respect to number of data n Name of sorting algorithm f(n)=Number of operation count (n = Number of data) Bubble 2*n2 Insertion n2 Selection 1.5*n2 Replacement 1.7*n2 Heap 28(n * Log n) Shell 39(n * Log n) Radix 5(n * Log n) Quick 14(n * Log n) Merge 36(n * Log n) Tri-merge(New) 32(n * Log n)
  • 28. Graphical Representation According Operation Count Function
  • 29.
  • 31. Bubble Sort is a very slow way of sorting; its main advantage is the simplicity of the algorithm. Insertion Sort is much efficient for ordered, preordered and small data. For disorder and large data its efficiency goes inversely. Selection sort works nearly same for all types (ordered, preordered, random, disordered) of data. It is more efficient for small data than large one. Replacement sort is also a slow procedure as bubble sort, it is not so efficient one. Heap sort works well for disordered and data than preordered data. It also works well for big data.
  • 32. Shell sort is more efficient for ordered data; it also works very well for small data but very slow for disordered data. Radix sort is much more efficient than any other sorting algorithm. It works well for all types of ordered, disordered and random data; basically it gives exactly the same number of operations for all of those types. In our observation Quick sort is more efficient for random data. It is bad for fully ordered and fully disordered data. Merge sort gives nearly same number of operation for all types of data. It is more efficient for big data. Tri-merge sort gives much better result than the merge sort, i.e. it is more efficient than merge.
  • 33. Ranking of sorting algorithm:   It is very difficult to make ranking order of sorting algorithm according to their efficiency. Some works very well for small data and some well for big data. Similarly some works well for preordered data some works well for random data. After all we try to find out a general rank order for average situation.  Radix sort  Quick sort  Heap sort  Tri-merge (newly proposed)  Merge sort  Shell sort  Insertion sort  Selection sort  Replacement sort  Bubble sort.
  • 34. Sort Bubble Inser Selec Replace Tri- Heap Shell Radix Quick Merge tion tion Ment merge Type Most Most Most Fairly Fairly Algorithm Most Easy Easy Easy Easy Hard Hard Easy Hard Hard Hard Fairly Fairly Very Very For Random Data Very Bad Bad Bad Fairly Bad Good Good Good good Good Good Very Bad Fairly Very Very Very Very Fairly For Ordered Data Good Bad Bad Bad Good Good bad Good Good Very Fairly Very Very For Disordered Data Very Bad Bad Bad Bad Good Good Good bad Good Good Very Very Fairly Fairly For Small Data Very Bad Good Bad Very Bad Good Good Good Good Good Good Fairly Very For Big Data Very Bad Bad Bad Vary Bad Good Bad Good Good Good Good 1.5* 28* 39* 5* 14* 36* 32* 2 2 n2 2 nLog10 n nLog10 n nLog10 n nLog10 n nLog10 n nLog10 n Obtained Complexity 2* n n 1.7* n Conclusion Table at a glance
  • 35. End